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Università degli Studi di Padova
Dipartimento di Matematica
Corso di Laurea in Informatica, A.A. 2014 – 2015
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Object/functional programming language
 Based on Java Virtual Machine
 Full interoperability with Java libraries
 Pure object orientation (no primitive types)
 Every function is a value
 High order functions (lambdas)
 Promoting immutability
 Currying
 Pattern matching
 Statically typed
 Intelligent type system
 Extensible
2Riccardo Cardin
use to
2014: version
2.11 (JVM 8)
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Language main features
 Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) interpreter
 An interactive shell to execute statements "on the fly"
 Variables
 UML syntax -> name : type
 val x: Int = 1 + 1 Immutable
 lazy val x: Int = 1 + 1 Immutable and lazy
 var x: Int = 1 + 1 Mutable
 def x: Int = 1 + 1 Executed every time
 Very smart type inferer val x = 1 x: Int
 No semicolon
 Blocks, blocks everywhere...
3Riccardo Cardin
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Language main features
 Every statement is a "pure" expression
 No return statement needed!
 The if-else statement is a value
 Imperative for statement is not supported
 Use the for-yield statement instead
 Every char can be used to define names (%$#@?...)
 Full integration with every Java library
4Riccardo Cardin
val y = 4
// x has type String
val x = if (y < 3) "minor" else "greater"
// Returns an array of integers between 2 and 101
for (i <- (1 to 100)) yield i + 1
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Everything is an object
5Riccardo Cardin
References (Scala and Java)
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Classes
6Riccardo Cardin
class Person(val name: String, val surname: String,
val birth: Date) {
// Main Ctor body here
// Every secondary Ctor must call the main Ctor as
// first statement (very restrictive)
def this(name: String) = this(name, "", null)
def age(): Int = { /* return the age */ }
// Override intention must be declared
override def toString = s"My name is $name $surname"
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Classes
 Main constructor is declared within Class name
 Ctor body is made of statements in class body
 Accessor methods are build automatically
 val immutable value, getter only
 var  mutable value, getter and setter
 def defines methods (and functions too...)
 Use equal "=" iff the method is a function
 No public class
 You can have more than a class into a .scala file
 No static methods (wait a minute...)
7Riccardo Cardin
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 let’s introduce objects notation!
8Riccardo Cardin
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Object
 Native Singleton pattern implementation
 There can be only one instance of ChuckNorris
 Companion object
 An object called as an existing class
 Companion object’s methods are static method of the class
9Riccardo Cardin
object ChuckNorris extends Person("Chuck Norris") {
// This is a static method
def roundhouseKick = "Roundhouse"
println ChuckNorris.roundhouseKick
class Person(val name: String, val surname: String)
object Person { // Companion object
def someStupidStaticMethod = "This is a static method"
println Person.someStupidStaticMethod
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Object
 Companion objects implement also Factory Method
pattern natively
 Every apply method creates an instance of the class
 Syntactic sugar: Class.apply(...)  Class(...)
 It’s like a class application (...function anyone?)
10Riccardo Cardin
class Person(val name: String,
val surname: String)
object Person {
// Factory method
def apply(n: String, s: String) =
new Person(n, s)
// Application of the class will return a new instance
val ricky = Person("Riccardo", "Cardin") // No new operator
There can be
more than
one apply!!!!
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Object
 Used also to define the entry point of an application
 The Java way
 The Scala way
11Riccardo Cardin
object Hello extends App {
// All the code in the object’s ctor body will be
// executed as our application.
// Arguments are accessible via an ‘args’ variable,
// available in the App trait
println("Hello World!")
object Hello {
// Every object containing a main method could be
// Executed. There are no restriction on file name
def main(args: Array[String]) {
println("Hello World!")
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Abstract classes
 Also defines a main constructor
 It has to be called from the derived classes’ main Ctor
12Riccardo Cardin
abstract class Animal(val species: String) {
def walk // Abstract method
class Person(val name: String,
val surname: String)
// Calling main ctor directly in class
// definition
extends Animal("Human") {
def walk = { /* Do some stuff */ }
val ricky = new Person("Riccardo", "Cardin")
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Traits: interfaces or abstract classes?
 Like interfaces, they have not a constructor
 To implement a single trait, use extends
 Otherwise, use with (mixin)
 But, they can have methods with implementation
and attributes
 Similar (but more powerful) to default methods in Java 8
 Multiple inheritance problem
 Class linearization: use the rightmost type (more or less...)
13Riccardo Cardin
trait A { override def toString = "I’m A" }
trait B { override def toString = "I’m B" }
trait C { override def toString = "I’m C" }
class D extends A with B, C
new D().toString // Prints ‘I’m C’
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Traits
 Like an interface
 Like an abstract class
14Riccardo Cardin
// No implementation at all
trait Sorter {
def sort(list: List[Int]): List[Int]
class QuickSorter extends Sorter {
def sort(list: List[Int]) = { /* Do something */ }
trait AbstractDao { // No Ctor (wtf!)
var pool: Array[Datasource]
def getPool = pool // Implemented method
def save // abstract method
def delete // abstract method
class UserDao extends AbstractDao {
// Has to implement save and delete
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Traits
 Inside a mixin the super refers to the previuos trait
in the linearized-type
 Used to implement the Decorator pattern natively
15Riccardo Cardin
trait Employee {
// ...
def whois(): String
class Engineer(name: String, office: String) extends Employee
trait ProjectManager extends Employee {
abstract override def whois() {
// super refers to the previuos trait on the left
println("and I’am a project manager too!")
new Engineer("Riccardo","Development") with ProjectManager
Statically binded
Decorator pattern
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Traits and Objects
 Using the companion object of a trait, we can
implement the Abstract Factory pattern
16Riccardo Cardin
// Abstract factory
trait AbstractFactory
// Private classes’ scope is limited to the
// definition file
private class ConcreteFactory1 extends AbstractFactory { /* ... */ }
private class ConcreteFactory2 extends AbstractFactory { /* ... */ }
object AbstractFactory{
def apply(kind: String) =
kind match {
case “factory1" => new ConcreteFactory1 ()
case “factory2" => new ConcreteFactory1 () factory 2
val factory = AbstractFactory("factory1")
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Case classes and pattern matching
 Scala has a built in pattern matching mechanism
 Case class: regular class that can be pattern-matched
 Turns all ctor params into val (immutable) constants
 Generates a companion object w/ apply methods
 Generates toString, equals and hashCode methods
17Riccardo Cardin
def matchTest(x: Int): String = x match {
case 1 => "one"
case _ => "many"
println(matchTest(3)) // Prints ‘many’
Case clauses are
evaulated from
top to bottom
trait Term
case class Var(name: String) extends Term
case class Fun(arg: String, body: Term) extends Term
Var("x") == Var("x") // Prints true
Checks the equality
among attributes
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Case classes and pattern matching
 Native implementation of Value Object pattern
 Obviously, case classes can be used in pattern
 The match is done recursively on the structure of the type
18Riccardo Cardin
trait Term
case class Var(name: String) extends Term
case class Fun(arg: String, body: Term) extends Term
def printTerm(term: Term) { term match {
// The clauses uses placeholders for variables.
// If we don’t need the value, we can use Var(_)
case Var(n) =>
print(“We have a variable!”)
case Fun(x, b) =>
print(“We have a function!”)
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Generics: more or less like Java Generics
 Subtyping of generic types is "invariant"
 ...but it can also be used in a variant (+T) o
contravariant (-T) fashion
 There are also upper type bound (T<:A) and lower
type bound (T>:A)
19Riccardo Cardin
class Node[T](elem: T)
val node = new Node(3) // Smart type inference
case class ListNode[+T](h: T, t: ListNode[T]) {
def head: T = h
def tail: ListNode[T] = t
def prepend[U >: T](elem: U): ListNode[U] =
ListNode(elem, this)
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Option[A] type
 A list with zero (None) or one element (Some[A])
 Native implementation of the Null Object Pattern
 No more NullPointerExceptions!!
 Use them with pattern matching: results garanted!
20Riccardo Cardin
trait Option[T] {
def isDefined: Boolean
def get: T // Throws an exception if None
def getOrElse(t: T): T
case class Some[T](elem: T) extends Option[T]
case object None extends Option[Nothing]
def negate(x: Option[Int]) = x match {
case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException
case Some(i) => -i
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Implicit classes
 Used to translate object between similar types
 -i.e, from Java types (int) to Scala type (Int)
 Native implementation of Adapter pattern!
21Riccardo Cardin
trait Log {
def warning(message: String)
def error(message: String)
final class Logger {
def log(level: Level, message: String) { /* ... */ }
implicit class LoggerToLogAdapter(logger: Logger) extends Log {
def warning(message: String) { logger.log(WARNING, message) }
def error(message: String) { logger.log(ERROR, message) }
// The instance of Logger is translated to an instance of Log
val log: Log = new Logger()
The main ctor is used to
resolve the conversion
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Tuples
 Have you ever want a simple couple of value
container, while you were programming in Java?
 Scala has a type, Tuples, that is just a tuple of
 Don’t abuse of it: remember that things called classes?
 Used internally by the compilator to treat function’s
 You can build tuples with «up to 22» values
22Riccardo Cardin
val things = ("a", 1, 3.5) // (java.lang.String, Int, Double)
println(things._1) // Prints ‘a’
println(things._2) // Prints 1
// Create a tuple using the ‘->’ operator
val tuple = 1 -> "a" // (Int, java.lang.String)
Ingegneria del software mod. B
23Riccardo Cardin
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 FP, a "new" programming paradigm
 Not so young, instead
 Main principles
 Functions are high order, first-class citizen
 Refer to it, pass as argument to another function…
 Pure function
 No side effects, immutability (referential transparency)
 Recursion
24Riccardo Cardin
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Functions: first-class citizens
 Functions are compiled into object of an anonymous
class extending a trait FunctionX
 X represents the number of parameters
 abstract def apply(v1: T1, v2: T2, …): R
 Strategy Pattern anyone?
25Riccardo Cardin
def name (parameters-list)[: return-type]
parameters-list := name: type
val max = (x: Int, y: Int) => if (x < y) y else x
// Compiler builds an anonimous class, extending the trait
// FunctionX, where X is the number of parameters
val anonfun2 = new Function2[Int, Int, Int] {
// Application method, as in companion objects
def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Int = if (x < y) y else x
assert(max(0, 1) == anonfun2(0, 1))
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Functions (a.k.a. lambdas)
 Return clause is redundant: last expression of the
function body is the value returned
26Riccardo Cardin
// Complete definition
def hello1(s: String): String = “Hello ” + s
// Inferred return type
def hello2(s: String) = “Hello ” + s
// Using function literal
def hello3 = (s: String) => “Hello ” + s
// Assigning a function to another function, inferred type
def hello4 = hello3 // copy of definition
// ...or assigning a function to a val
val hello5 = hello4 // as val (no difference, unless...)
// Assigning a function to another function, not inferred type
def hello6: String => String = hello1
// For every param it can be use the wildcard ‘_’ if it is used only
// one time in the function body
def hello: String => String = "Hello " + _
Ingegneria del software mod. B
27Riccardo Cardin
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Recursion
 Let’s try to define the factorial function
 Every step depends on the local variable n and on a
recursive call of the function
 Every recursion step allocates a new frame in the stack
 Simple recursion  StackOverflowError
28Riccardo Cardin
// Simple recursion
def factorial(n: Int): Int =
if (n == 0) 1 else n * factorial(n – 1)
n * f(n – 1) n * f(n – 2) n * f(n – 3) n * f(n – 4) ...stack:
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Recursion
 We need to limit the use of the stack: tail recursion
 Every step depends only on the variables stored in
the current stack frame
 Stack frame can be reused!!!
 @tailrec  Tells Scala compiler to optimize the
execution using a while loop
29Riccardo Cardin
// Tail recursion
def factorial(n: Int): Int = {
def factAcc(n: Int, acc: Int): Int =
if (n == 0) acc else fastAcc(n – 1, acc * n)
// Initial call
We need an
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Currying
 f: (A, B) => C, than curry(f) = fc: A => (B => C)
 Used to abstract functions, separating the
“configuration” of a function from its “inputs”
 Can you see the application of the Template Method pattern?
30Riccardo Cardin
Translation of the evaluation of a function that takes multiple arguments into
a sequence of function, each with a single argument (partial application)
// Let’s generalize functions on sequence of integers
def aggregate(id: Int, op: (Int, Int) => Int)(n: Int): Int =
if (n == 0) id
else op(aggregate(neutral, op)(n-1), n)
// Factorial of integers from n to 0
def factorial = aggregate(1, _ * _)_
// Summing integers from n to 0
def sum = aggregate(0, _ + _)_
Do you know
Haskell Curry?
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Call by value / name
 Using the call by value default approach, each
function’s argument is evaluated immediatly
 Scala implements also the call by name approach
 Arguments are evatuated only when needed
 This could lead to multiple evatualtion
31Riccardo Cardin
// Call by value
def firstNonZero(a: Int, b: Int) = if (a != 0) a else b
println(firstNonZero(1, 3)) // Prints 1
def z(): Int = z() // Non terminating function
println(firstNonZero(1, z)) // Non terminating function
// Call by name
def firstNonZeroByName(a: Int, b: => Int) = if (a != 0) a else b
println(firstNonZeroByName(1, z)) // Prints 1
Try to have a look
to streams...
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 First order function and call by name
 What if you want to implement the Command
pattern, saving the commands’ history?
32Riccardo Cardin
object Invoker {
// Sequence of executed commands
private var history: Seq[() => Unit] = Seq.empty
// Using call by name approach, to store the function
// inside history w/out executing it
def invoke(command: => Unit) {
history :+= command _
Invoker.invoke {
println("bar 1")
println("bar 2")
// At this point, history contains to functions
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 And much more...
 Scala has a very good Collection framework
 Immutability and recursion
 foreach, filter, map, flatMap, foldLeft, ...
 Streams: infinite sequence of values
 Natively dependency injection mechanism
 Cake pattern, Implicit parameters, Reader monad
 Actors model
 Monads
 ...
33Riccardo Cardin
Ingegneria del software mod. B
34Riccardo Cardin
Ingegneria del software mod. B
 Functional Programming Principles in Scala (Coursera)
 Scala School!
 Scala for the Impatient, Cay Horstmann, Addison-Wesley
 The Evolution of Scala, Martin Odersky
 Design Patterns in Scala
35Riccardo Cardin

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A (too) Short Introduction to Scala

  • 1. SHORT INTRODUCTION TO SCALA INGEGNERIA DEL SOFTWARE Università degli Studi di Padova Dipartimento di Matematica Corso di Laurea in Informatica, A.A. 2014 – 2015
  • 2. Ingegneria del software mod. B INTRODUCTION  Object/functional programming language  Based on Java Virtual Machine  Full interoperability with Java libraries  Pure object orientation (no primitive types)  Every function is a value  High order functions (lambdas)  Promoting immutability  Currying  Pattern matching  Statically typed  Intelligent type system  Extensible 2Riccardo Cardin 2003: internal use to EPFL 2004: version 1.0 2006: version 2.0 2007: the «growth year» 2014: version 2.11 (JVM 8)
  • 3. Ingegneria del software mod. B INTRODUCTION  Language main features  Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) interpreter  An interactive shell to execute statements "on the fly"  Variables  UML syntax -> name : type  val x: Int = 1 + 1 Immutable  lazy val x: Int = 1 + 1 Immutable and lazy  var x: Int = 1 + 1 Mutable  def x: Int = 1 + 1 Executed every time  Very smart type inferer val x = 1 x: Int  No semicolon  Blocks, blocks everywhere... 3Riccardo Cardin
  • 4. Ingegneria del software mod. B INTRODUCTION  Language main features  Every statement is a "pure" expression  No return statement needed!  The if-else statement is a value  Imperative for statement is not supported  Use the for-yield statement instead  Every char can be used to define names (%$#@?...)  Full integration with every Java library 4Riccardo Cardin val y = 4 // x has type String val x = if (y < 3) "minor" else "greater" // Returns an array of integers between 2 and 101 for (i <- (1 to 100)) yield i + 1
  • 5. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Everything is an object 5Riccardo Cardin Values References (Scala and Java)
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  • 7. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Classes  Main constructor is declared within Class name  Ctor body is made of statements in class body  Accessor methods are build automatically  val immutable value, getter only  var  mutable value, getter and setter  def defines methods (and functions too...)  Use equal "=" iff the method is a function  No public class  You can have more than a class into a .scala file  No static methods (wait a minute...) 7Riccardo Cardin
  • 8. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  let’s introduce objects notation! 8Riccardo Cardin
  • 9. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Object  Native Singleton pattern implementation  There can be only one instance of ChuckNorris  Companion object  An object called as an existing class  Companion object’s methods are static method of the class 9Riccardo Cardin object ChuckNorris extends Person("Chuck Norris") { // This is a static method def roundhouseKick = "Roundhouse" } println ChuckNorris.roundhouseKick class Person(val name: String, val surname: String) object Person { // Companion object def someStupidStaticMethod = "This is a static method" } println Person.someStupidStaticMethod
  • 10. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Object  Companion objects implement also Factory Method pattern natively  Every apply method creates an instance of the class  Syntactic sugar: Class.apply(...)  Class(...)  It’s like a class application (...function anyone?) 10Riccardo Cardin class Person(val name: String, val surname: String) object Person { // Factory method def apply(n: String, s: String) = new Person(n, s) } // Application of the class will return a new instance val ricky = Person("Riccardo", "Cardin") // No new operator There can be more than one apply!!!!
  • 11. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Object  Used also to define the entry point of an application  The Java way  The Scala way 11Riccardo Cardin object Hello extends App { // All the code in the object’s ctor body will be // executed as our application. // Arguments are accessible via an ‘args’ variable, // available in the App trait println("Hello World!") } object Hello { // Every object containing a main method could be // Executed. There are no restriction on file name def main(args: Array[String]) { println("Hello World!") } }
  • 12. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Abstract classes  Also defines a main constructor  It has to be called from the derived classes’ main Ctor 12Riccardo Cardin abstract class Animal(val species: String) { def walk // Abstract method } class Person(val name: String, val surname: String) // Calling main ctor directly in class // definition extends Animal("Human") { def walk = { /* Do some stuff */ } } val ricky = new Person("Riccardo", "Cardin")
  • 13. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Traits: interfaces or abstract classes?  Like interfaces, they have not a constructor  To implement a single trait, use extends  Otherwise, use with (mixin)  But, they can have methods with implementation and attributes  Similar (but more powerful) to default methods in Java 8  Multiple inheritance problem  Class linearization: use the rightmost type (more or less...) 13Riccardo Cardin trait A { override def toString = "I’m A" } trait B { override def toString = "I’m B" } trait C { override def toString = "I’m C" } class D extends A with B, C new D().toString // Prints ‘I’m C’
  • 14. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Traits  Like an interface  Like an abstract class 14Riccardo Cardin // No implementation at all trait Sorter { def sort(list: List[Int]): List[Int] } class QuickSorter extends Sorter { def sort(list: List[Int]) = { /* Do something */ } } trait AbstractDao { // No Ctor (wtf!) var pool: Array[Datasource] def getPool = pool // Implemented method def save // abstract method def delete // abstract method } class UserDao extends AbstractDao { // Has to implement save and delete }
  • 15. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Traits  Inside a mixin the super refers to the previuos trait in the linearized-type  Used to implement the Decorator pattern natively 15Riccardo Cardin trait Employee { // ... def whois(): String } class Engineer(name: String, office: String) extends Employee trait ProjectManager extends Employee { abstract override def whois() { // super refers to the previuos trait on the left super.whois(buffer) println("and I’am a project manager too!") } } new Engineer("Riccardo","Development") with ProjectManager Statically binded Decorator pattern
  • 16. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Traits and Objects  Using the companion object of a trait, we can implement the Abstract Factory pattern 16Riccardo Cardin // Abstract factory trait AbstractFactory // Private classes’ scope is limited to the // definition file private class ConcreteFactory1 extends AbstractFactory { /* ... */ } private class ConcreteFactory2 extends AbstractFactory { /* ... */ } object AbstractFactory{ def apply(kind: String) = kind match { case “factory1" => new ConcreteFactory1 () case “factory2" => new ConcreteFactory1 () factory 2 } } val factory = AbstractFactory("factory1")
  • 17. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Case classes and pattern matching  Scala has a built in pattern matching mechanism  Case class: regular class that can be pattern-matched  Turns all ctor params into val (immutable) constants  Generates a companion object w/ apply methods  Generates toString, equals and hashCode methods properly 17Riccardo Cardin def matchTest(x: Int): String = x match { case 1 => "one" case _ => "many" } println(matchTest(3)) // Prints ‘many’ Case clauses are evaulated from top to bottom trait Term case class Var(name: String) extends Term case class Fun(arg: String, body: Term) extends Term Var("x") == Var("x") // Prints true Checks the equality among attributes
  • 18. Ingegneria del software mod. B OBJECT ORIENTED SCALA  Case classes and pattern matching  Native implementation of Value Object pattern  Obviously, case classes can be used in pattern matching...  The match is done recursively on the structure of the type 18Riccardo Cardin trait Term case class Var(name: String) extends Term case class Fun(arg: String, body: Term) extends Term def printTerm(term: Term) { term match { // The clauses uses placeholders for variables. // If we don’t need the value, we can use Var(_) case Var(n) => print(“We have a variable!”) case Fun(x, b) => print(“We have a function!”) } }
  • 19. Ingegneria del software mod. B MISCELLANEA  Generics: more or less like Java Generics  Subtyping of generic types is "invariant"  ...but it can also be used in a variant (+T) o contravariant (-T) fashion  There are also upper type bound (T<:A) and lower type bound (T>:A) 19Riccardo Cardin class Node[T](elem: T) val node = new Node(3) // Smart type inference case class ListNode[+T](h: T, t: ListNode[T]) { def head: T = h def tail: ListNode[T] = t def prepend[U >: T](elem: U): ListNode[U] = ListNode(elem, this) }
  • 20. Ingegneria del software mod. B MISCELLANEA  Option[A] type  A list with zero (None) or one element (Some[A])  Native implementation of the Null Object Pattern  No more NullPointerExceptions!!  Use them with pattern matching: results garanted! 20Riccardo Cardin trait Option[T] { def isDefined: Boolean def get: T // Throws an exception if None def getOrElse(t: T): T } case class Some[T](elem: T) extends Option[T] case object None extends Option[Nothing] def negate(x: Option[Int]) = x match { case None => throw new IllegalArgumentException case Some(i) => -i }
  • 21. Ingegneria del software mod. B MISCELLANEA  Implicit classes  Used to translate object between similar types  -i.e, from Java types (int) to Scala type (Int)  Native implementation of Adapter pattern! 21Riccardo Cardin trait Log { def warning(message: String) def error(message: String) } final class Logger { def log(level: Level, message: String) { /* ... */ } } implicit class LoggerToLogAdapter(logger: Logger) extends Log { def warning(message: String) { logger.log(WARNING, message) } def error(message: String) { logger.log(ERROR, message) } } // The instance of Logger is translated to an instance of Log val log: Log = new Logger() The main ctor is used to resolve the conversion
  • 22. Ingegneria del software mod. B MISCELLANEA  Tuples  Have you ever want a simple couple of value container, while you were programming in Java?  Scala has a type, Tuples, that is just a tuple of values  Don’t abuse of it: remember that things called classes?  Used internally by the compilator to treat function’s arguments  You can build tuples with «up to 22» values 22Riccardo Cardin val things = ("a", 1, 3.5) // (java.lang.String, Int, Double) println(things._1) // Prints ‘a’ println(things._2) // Prints 1 // Create a tuple using the ‘->’ operator val tuple = 1 -> "a" // (Int, java.lang.String)
  • 23. Ingegneria del software mod. B FUNCTIONAL SCALA 23Riccardo Cardin
  • 24. Ingegneria del software mod. B FUNCTIONAL SCALA  FP, a "new" programming paradigm  Not so young, instead  Main principles  Functions are high order, first-class citizen  Refer to it, pass as argument to another function…  Pure function  No side effects, immutability (referential transparency)  Recursion 24Riccardo Cardin 1930 Lambda calculus 1958 Lisp 1990 Haskell 2003 Scala 2007 Clojure
  • 25. Ingegneria del software mod. B FUNCTIONAL SCALA  Functions: first-class citizens  Functions are compiled into object of an anonymous class extending a trait FunctionX  X represents the number of parameters  abstract def apply(v1: T1, v2: T2, …): R  Strategy Pattern anyone? 25Riccardo Cardin def name (parameters-list)[: return-type] parameters-list := name: type Definizione val max = (x: Int, y: Int) => if (x < y) y else x // Compiler builds an anonimous class, extending the trait // FunctionX, where X is the number of parameters val anonfun2 = new Function2[Int, Int, Int] { // Application method, as in companion objects def apply(x: Int, y: Int): Int = if (x < y) y else x } assert(max(0, 1) == anonfun2(0, 1))
  • 26. Ingegneria del software mod. B FUNCTIONAL SCALA  Functions (a.k.a. lambdas)  Return clause is redundant: last expression of the function body is the value returned 26Riccardo Cardin // Complete definition def hello1(s: String): String = “Hello ” + s // Inferred return type def hello2(s: String) = “Hello ” + s // Using function literal def hello3 = (s: String) => “Hello ” + s // Assigning a function to another function, inferred type def hello4 = hello3 // copy of definition // ...or assigning a function to a val val hello5 = hello4 // as val (no difference, unless...) // Assigning a function to another function, not inferred type def hello6: String => String = hello1 // For every param it can be use the wildcard ‘_’ if it is used only // one time in the function body def hello: String => String = "Hello " + _
  • 27. Ingegneria del software mod. B FUNCTIONAL SCALA 27Riccardo Cardin
  • 28. Ingegneria del software mod. B FUNCTIONAL SCALA  Recursion  Let’s try to define the factorial function  Every step depends on the local variable n and on a recursive call of the function  Every recursion step allocates a new frame in the stack  Simple recursion  StackOverflowError 28Riccardo Cardin // Simple recursion def factorial(n: Int): Int = if (n == 0) 1 else n * factorial(n – 1) n * f(n – 1) n * f(n – 2) n * f(n – 3) n * f(n – 4) ...stack:
  • 29. Ingegneria del software mod. B FUNCTIONAL SCALA  Recursion  We need to limit the use of the stack: tail recursion  Every step depends only on the variables stored in the current stack frame  Stack frame can be reused!!!  @tailrec  Tells Scala compiler to optimize the execution using a while loop 29Riccardo Cardin // Tail recursion def factorial(n: Int): Int = { @tailrec def factAcc(n: Int, acc: Int): Int = if (n == 0) acc else fastAcc(n – 1, acc * n) // Initial call fastAcc(n) } We need an accumulator variable
  • 30. Ingegneria del software mod. B FUNCTIONAL SCALA  Currying  f: (A, B) => C, than curry(f) = fc: A => (B => C)  Used to abstract functions, separating the “configuration” of a function from its “inputs”  Can you see the application of the Template Method pattern? 30Riccardo Cardin Translation of the evaluation of a function that takes multiple arguments into a sequence of function, each with a single argument (partial application) // Let’s generalize functions on sequence of integers def aggregate(id: Int, op: (Int, Int) => Int)(n: Int): Int = if (n == 0) id else op(aggregate(neutral, op)(n-1), n) // Factorial of integers from n to 0 def factorial = aggregate(1, _ * _)_ // Summing integers from n to 0 def sum = aggregate(0, _ + _)_ Do you know Haskell Curry?
  • 31. Ingegneria del software mod. B FUNCTIONAL SCALA  Call by value / name  Using the call by value default approach, each function’s argument is evaluated immediatly  Scala implements also the call by name approach  Arguments are evatuated only when needed  This could lead to multiple evatualtion 31Riccardo Cardin // Call by value def firstNonZero(a: Int, b: Int) = if (a != 0) a else b println(firstNonZero(1, 3)) // Prints 1 def z(): Int = z() // Non terminating function println(firstNonZero(1, z)) // Non terminating function // Call by name def firstNonZeroByName(a: Int, b: => Int) = if (a != 0) a else b println(firstNonZeroByName(1, z)) // Prints 1 Try to have a look to streams...
  • 32. Ingegneria del software mod. B FUNCTIONAL SCALA  First order function and call by name  What if you want to implement the Command pattern, saving the commands’ history? 32Riccardo Cardin object Invoker { // Sequence of executed commands private var history: Seq[() => Unit] = Seq.empty // Using call by name approach, to store the function // inside history w/out executing it def invoke(command: => Unit) { command history :+= command _ } } Invoker.invoke(println("foo")) Invoker.invoke { println("bar 1") println("bar 2") } // At this point, history contains to functions
  • 33. Ingegneria del software mod. B FUNCTIONAL SCALA  And much more...  Scala has a very good Collection framework  Immutability and recursion  foreach, filter, map, flatMap, foldLeft, ...  Streams: infinite sequence of values  Natively dependency injection mechanism  Cake pattern, Implicit parameters, Reader monad  Actors model  Monads  ... 33Riccardo Cardin
  • 34. Ingegneria del software mod. B CONCLUSIONS 34Riccardo Cardin
  • 35. Ingegneria del software mod. B RIFERIMENTI  Functional Programming Principles in Scala (Coursera)  Scala School!  Scala for the Impatient, Cay Horstmann, Addison-Wesley 2012  The Evolution of Scala, Martin Odersky  Design Patterns in Scala patterns-in-scala/ 35Riccardo Cardin