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Scala fundamentals
Alfonso Ruzafa
Alfonso Ruzafa
Senior Software Engineer @ Softonic
About me
Scala Fundamentals
Java and the JVM
Scala Fundamentals
1995 Scala
What is Scala?
Scala Fundamentals
Scala is a programming language for the JVM
• Object oriented paradigm
 Objects, inheritance, polymorphism,
• Functional paradigm
 Immutable state, no side-effects
 Application of functions that transform values
• VERY strongly typed
• Interops with Java
var variable
• Evaluated once
• Reassignable multiple times
• Avoid it
// explicit type
var age: Int = 36
// implicit type
var isValid = true
// reassignment
isValid = false
isValid = !isValid
// error: type mismatch
isValid = “hello”
Inferred type
: Boolean
Defining things – Variable values
Scala Fundamentals
var variable
val value
• Evaluated once
• No reassignable (~ final)
// implicit type
val age = 36
val π = 3.14159
val φ = (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2
// explicit type
val age: Int = 36
// error: reassignment to val
age = 42
// error: reassignment to val
age = “hello”
Defining things – Constant values
Scala Fundamentals
var variable
val value
lazy val value
• Evaluated once, but only when needed
• No reassignable (~ final)
• Adds small overhead
• There is not a lazy var
// not yet evaluated
lazy val expensiveOp = ackermann(5, 5)
// expensiveOp remains unevaluated
val result =
if (false) expensiveOp
else Int.MaxValue
Defining things – Constant values not evaluated until needed
Scala Fundamentals
var variable
val value
lazy val value
def function[(args)]
• Evaluated every time it’s called
• Allows parameters
• A constant, argumentless def ⇆ val
// no args, const, should be a val
def π = 3.14159
// implicit return type
def polar2Cartesian(r: Double, θ: Double) =
(r * math.cos(θ), r * math.sin(θ))
// explicit return type
def area(r: Double): Double =
π * math.pow(r, 2)
val circleA = area(30)
val circleB = area(40)
val circleC = area(30)
Defining things – Functions
Scala Fundamentals
var variable
val value
lazy val value
def function[(args)]
type typealias
• Type aliases
type ItemType = Int
type Point = (Double, Double)
type PointList = List[Point]
val points: PointList = ...
Defining things – Types
Scala Fundamentals
class MyClass
• Public members by default
• Constructor in declaration
class User(name: String) {
def printInfo() =
println(“Hi, I’m ” + name)
val user = new User(“Alfonso”)
user.printInfo() // Hi, I’m Alfonso
Object oriented programming – Class basic definition
Scala Fundamentals
class MyClass
• Public members by default
• Constructor in declaration
• Secondary constructors as this methods
class User(name: String, age: Int) {
// secondary constructor
def this(name: String) = this(name, 0)
def this(age: Int) = this(“Anonymous”, age)
def printInfo() =
println(s“$name is $age years old”)
val fullUser = new User(“Alfonso”, 36)
val anonUser = new User(23)
Object oriented programming – Class constructors
Scala Fundamentals
class MyClass
• Public members by default
• Constructor in declaration
• Secondary constructors as this methods
• Fields declared in primary constructor
// args with a val become fields
class User(val name: String, val age: Int) {
def printInfo() =
println(s“$name is $age years old”)
val user = new User(“Alfonso”, 36)
println( // Alfonso
println(user.age) // 36
Object oriented programming – Class fields
Scala Fundamentals
class MyClass
• Public members by default
• Constructor in declaration
• Secondary constructors as this methods
• Fields declared in primary constructor
• Can contain virtually any Scala code
class User(val name: String, val age: Int) {
def printInfo() =
println(s“$name is $age years old”)
if (age >= 18) println(“Adult user created”)
else println(“Child user created”)
val adult = new User(“Alfonso”, 36)
// Adult user created
val child = new User(“Teresa”, 12)
// Child user created
Object oriented programming – Class body
Scala Fundamentals
class MyClass
• Public members by default
• Constructor in declaration
• Secondary constructors as this methods
• Fields declared in primary constructor
• Can contain virtually any Scala code
• Classes can extend other classes
• Abstract classes are also available
• case class for pattern matching (later)
abstract class Person {
def name: String // abstract
def printInfo() = println(s“Hello $name!”)
case class User(val name: String, val age:Int)
extends Person {
val user = new User(“Alfonso”, 36)
user.printInfo() // Hello Alfonso!
Object oriented programming – Class inheritance
Scala Fundamentals
class MyInteger (value: Int = 0) {
def << (x: Int): Int = value * math.pow(10, x)
val i = new MyInteger(20)
i.<<(3) // Java style
i << 3 // Infix operator
Scala has no operators, they are method invocations
5 + 10 * 6 // Infix notation
5.+(10.*(6)) // What is actually used
Object oriented programming – Calling class methods: infix operators
Scala Fundamentals
class MyClass
object MyObject
• Syntactic sugar to define singletons
object Database {
def connect = { … }
def fetch = { … }
def close = { … }
Database connect
Database fetch
Database close
Object oriented programming – Objects as singletons
Scala Fundamentals
class MyClass
object MyObject
• Syntactic sugar to define singletons
• Used alongwithclasses:companionobjects
class User(val name: String)
object User {
def create(name: String) = new User(name)
def apply(name: String) = create(name)
val user1 = new User(“Alfonso”)
val user2 = User.create(“Tulio”)
val user3 = User(“Miguel”) // calls apply()
Object oriented programming – Objects as a class’ companion
Scala Fundamentals
class MyClass
object MyObject
trait MyTrait
• Like an abstract class allowing multiple
• Like an interface with implemented
• Mixins
abstract class Human {}
trait Engineer(role: String) {
val role: String = “Engineer”
def doWork: String // abstract
class User(val id: Int, val name: String)
extends Human with Engineer {
override val doWork = “Developing...”
val user = new User(1, “Alfonso”)
user doWork
Object oriented programming – Traits
Scala Fundamentals
class MyClass
object MyObject
trait MyTrait
• Like an abstract class allowing multiple
• Like an interface with implemented
• Mixins
• Traits can extend from traits and classes
• Multiple inheritance unleashed
trait Engineer(val role: String) {
def doWork: String
trait ChickenSexer {
def classifySex(c: Chicken): Boolean
class User(id: Int, val name: String)
extends Engineer with ChickenSexer
Object oriented programming – Traits
Scala Fundamentals
Functional programming – Mutability vs. Immutability
Scala Fundamentals
[ ] [ 1 ] [ 1|2 ] [ 1|2|3 ]
1 2 3
Functional programming – Mutability vs. Immutability
Scala Fundamentals
[ ] [ 1 ] [ 1|2 ] [ 1|2|3 ]
1 2 3
[ ] [ 1 ] [ 1|2 ] [ 1|2|3 ]
1 2 3
val age = 36
// age: Int
val point2D = (5, 3)
// point2D: (Int, Int) = (5, 3)
Functional programming – Higher order functions
Scala Fundamentals
Functional programming – Higher order functions
Scala Fundamentals
val age = 36
// age: Int
val point2D = (5, 3)
// point2D: (Int, Int) = (5, 3)
def areEqual(a: Int, b: Int): Boolean = a == b
// areEqual: (Int, Int) => Boolean
Function type generalized: (inType1, inType2…) => (outType1, outType2…)
Functions are first class citizens:
Functions accept functions as parameters
Functions can return other functions
Functional programming – Functions type examples
Scala Fundamentals
def π = 3.14159
// () => Double
def oppositeInverse(x: Int) = (-x, 1.0 / x)
// Int => (Int, Double)
def swap(p: (Int, Int)): (Int, Int) = (p._2, p._1)
// ((Int, Int)) => (Int, Int)
def userInfo(u: User): (Int, String) = (u id, u name)
// User => (Int, String)
def sayHello(name: String) = println(“Hello ” + name)
// String => Unit (Unit ≈ Scala’s void)
Functional programming – Higher order functions
Scala Fundamentals
def magic(x: Int, f: Int => Int): Int = f(x)
// (Int, Int => Int) => Int
// another way to do the same:
type Int2Int = Int => Int
def magic(x: Int, f: Int2Int): Int = f(x)
// (Int, Int2Int) => Int
Functional programming – Higher order functions
Scala Fundamentals
def magic(x: Int, f: Int => Int): Int = f(x)
// (Int, Int => Int) => Int
def double(i: Int) = i * 2
// Int => Int
magic(5, double)
// double(5)
// 10
Functional programming – Anonymous functions
Scala Fundamentals
def double(i: Int) = i * 2
// Int => Int
// explicit parameter types
(i: Int) => i * 2
// Int => Int
// implicit parameter types
i => i * 2
// ? => ?
def concat(a: Int, b: Int) = a * 10 + b
// (Int, Int) => Int
(a: Int, b: Int) => a * 10 + b
// (Int, Int) => Int
(a, b) => a * 10 + b
// (?, ?) => ?
Functional programming – Anonymous functions
Scala Fundamentals
def magic(x: Int, f: Int => Int): Int = f(x)
// (Int, Int => Int) => Int
magic(5, (i: Int) => i * 2)
// 10
magic(5, (b: Boolean) => if (b) 1 else 0)
// type mismatch
magic(5, i => i * 2)
// 10
magic(5, i => i)
// 5
Functional programming – Anonymous functions
Scala Fundamentals
def double(i: Int): Int = i * 2
// Int => Int
(i: Int) => i * 2
// Int => Int
i => i * 2
// ? => ?
_ * 2
// ? => ?
magic(5, _ * 2)
// 10
def concat(a: Int, b: Int) = a * 10 + b
// (Int, Int) => Int
(a: Int, b: Int) => a * 10 + b
// (Int, Int) => Int
(a, b) => a * 10 + b
// (?, ?) => ?
_ * 10 + _
// (?, ?) => ?
Functional programming – Functional thinking
Scala Fundamentals
List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(2, 7, 9, 8, 10);
List<Integer> evenList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int number: list) {
if (number % 2 == 0) {
val list = List(2, 7, 9, 8, 10)
def filterEven(list: List[Int]): List[Int] =
if (list.isEmpty) List()
else if (list.head % 2 == 0)
list.head :: filterEven(list.tail)
else filterEven(list.tail)
val eventList = filterEven(list)
Functional programming – Functional thinking
Scala Fundamentals
List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(2, 7, 9, 8, 10);
List<Integer> evenList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int number: list) {
if (number % 2 == 0) {
val list = List(2, 7, 9, 8, 10)
val evenList = list filter (_ % 2 == 0)
Parameterized types – Type parameters
Scala Fundamentals
def packInts(a: Int, b: Int)) = ((a, b), (b, a))
// (Int, Int) => ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))
def pack[T](a: T, b: T)) = ((a, b), (b, a))
// (T, T) => ((T, T), (T, T))
def packBoolInt(a: Bool, b: Int)) = ((a, b), (b, a))
// (Bool, Int) => ((Bool, Int), (Int, Bool))
def packv2[T1, T2](a: T1, b: T2)) = ((a, b), (b, a))
// (T1, T2) => ((T1, T2), (T2, T1))
Parameterized types – Variance, covariance, contravariance
Scala Fundamentals
abstract class Animal {
def talk: String
class Cat extends Animal {
def talk: String = “meow”
def hugAnimal(a: Animal) =
val nyanCat = new Cat
hugAnimal(nyanCat) // meow
Parameterized types – Variance, covariance, contravariance
Scala Fundamentals
class Zoo[A]
def hugAllAnimals(z: Zoo[Animal]) =
val catZoo: Zoo[Cat] = new Zoo(tom, nyanCat)
hugAllAnimals(catZoo) // ?
Zoo [Animal]
Zoo [Cat]
Parameterized types – Variance, covariance, contravariance
Scala Fundamentals
Zoo [Animal]
Zoo [Cat]
class Zoo[A]
Zoo is invariant
Zoo [Animal]
Zoo [Cat]
class Zoo[+A]
Zoo is covariant
Zoo [Animal]
Zoo [Cat]
class Zoo[-A]
Zoo is contravariant
Pattern matching – Switch on steroids
Scala Fundamentals
def whatIs(object: Any): String = {
object match {
case 0 | “” | false => “empty”
case i: Int if i < 0 => “negative”
case i: Int => “integer”
case 5 => “5 value”
case (_: Int, _: Int) => “ints pair”
case (_, _) => “pair”
case _: Double => “double”
case User(“Xavi”, _) => “It’s Xavi!”
case _ => “unknown”
whatIs(-13) // negative
whatIs(5) // integer
whatIs((“one”, 1)) // pair
whatIs(0) // empty
whatIs(new User(“Xavi”, 32)) // It’s Xavi!
Call by value vs. Call by name – Call by value
Scala Fundamentals
Call by value evaluates all arguments before a function call
def choose(cond: Boolean, output: Integer) =
if (cond) output else Int.MaxValue
choose(false, ackermann(5, 5))
→ choose(false, ackermann(4, ackermann(5, 4))
→ choose(false, ackermann(4, ackermann(4, ackermann(5, 3)))
→ choose(false, ackermann(4, ackermann(4, ackermann(4, ackermann(5, 2)))
→→ if (false) ackermann_value else Int.MaxValue
→ Int.MaxValue // so ackermann() was not necessary after all
Call by value vs. Call by name – Call by name
Scala Fundamentals
Call by name delays the evaluation until it’s needed
def choose(cond: Boolean, output: => Integer) =
if (cond) output
else Int.MaxValue
choose(false, ackermann(5, 5))
→ if (false) ackermann(5, 5)
else Int.MaxValue
→ Int.MaxValue // ackermann was not calculated
It’s a lazy value. Beware if you need side-effects (need to call the function)
Partially applied functions – Some arguments provided
Scala Fundamentals
def sum(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) = a + b + c
val sum5 = sum(5, _: Int, _: Int)
// (Int, Int) => Int
// ≈ def sum5(b: Int, c: Int): Int = 5 + b + c
val sum5Then10 = sum5(10, _: Int)
// Int => Int
// ≈ def sum5Then10(c: Int): Int = 5 + 10 + c
sum(10, 5, 1) // 16
sum5(4, 1) // 10
sum5Then10(-1) // 14
Partial functions – Functions not defined for every possible input value
Scala Fundamentals
val isEvenOrOdd: PartialFunction[Int, String] = {
case x if x % 2 == 0 => “even”
case x if x % 2 == 1 => “odd”
// ≈ def isEvenOrOdd(x: Int): String = { x match … }
isEvenOrOdd(8) // even
isEvenOrOdd(5) // odd
isEvenOrOdd(-3) // ?
isEvenOrOdd.isDefinedAt(8) // true
isEvenOrOdd.isDefinedAt(5) // true
isEvenOrOdd.isDefinedAt(-3) // false
Currying – Arguments groups
Scala Fundamentals
def magic(f: Int => Int, x: Int): Int = f(x)
def magicCurry(f: Int => Int)(x: Int): Int = f(x)
// (Int => Int)(Int) => Int
val doubleFunc = magicCurry(_ * 2) _
// Int => Int
// ≈ def doubleFunc(x: Int): Int = x * 2
magic(_ * 2, 3) // 6
magicCurry(_ * 2)(3) // 6
doubleFunc(3) // 6
Implicits – Automatically provided values
Scala Fundamentals
val list = List(5, 2, 9, 6, 0, 1)
implicit def compare(a: Int, b: Int): Int
def sort(l: List[Int])(implicit comparator: (Int, Int) => Int) = ...
sort(list) // Looks in the scope for an implicit function of type (Int, Int) => Int
Java vs. Scala – Conciseness, verbosity
Scala Fundamentals
public class User {
private String name;
private List<Order> orders;
public User() {
orders = new ArrayList<Order>();
public String getName() {
return name;
public void setName(String name) { = name;
public List<Order> getOrders() {
return orders;
public void setOrders(List<Order> orders) {
this.orders = orders;
class User {
var name: String = _
var orders: List[Order] = Nil
Java vs. Scala
Scala Fundamentals
def ++[B >: A, That](that: TraversableOnce [B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[List [A], B, That]): That
def retry(noTimes: Int)(block: => Future[T]): Future[T] = {
val ns = (1 to noTimes).toList
val attempts: = => () => block)
val failed = Future.failed(new Exception)
val result = attempts.foldRight(() => failed)
((block, a) => () => { block() fallbackTo { a() } })
result ()
Java vs. Scala – The not-so-good news
Scala Fundamentals
• Tough learning curve
 Classic OOP/Imperative/Procedural-minded programmers
 Also, new concepts that are no familiar to many programmers
 Multiple right ways to do the same thing
 Language infix operators abuse (foo ~-~> bar <=> baz())
• Sloooow compilation
• Not backward compatible (major versions)
• IDE support sucks improving
• JVM legacy issues
Scala Fundamentals
Scala fundamentals

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Scala fundamentals

  • 2. Alfonso Ruzafa Senior Software Engineer @ Softonic About me Scala Fundamentals
  • 3. Java and the JVM Scala Fundamentals Java 1995 Scala 2003 Clojure 2007 JRuby 2001 Groovy 2004 Jython 1997 Quercus 1999 JVM OS Hardware
  • 4. What is Scala? Scala Fundamentals Scala is a programming language for the JVM • Object oriented paradigm  Objects, inheritance, polymorphism, overloading… • Functional paradigm  Immutable state, no side-effects  Application of functions that transform values • VERY strongly typed • Interops with Java
  • 5. var variable • Evaluated once • Reassignable multiple times • Avoid it // explicit type var age: Int = 36 // implicit type var isValid = true // reassignment isValid = false isValid = !isValid // error: type mismatch isValid = “hello” Inferred type : Boolean Defining things – Variable values Scala Fundamentals
  • 6. var variable val value • Evaluated once • No reassignable (~ final) // implicit type val age = 36 val π = 3.14159 val φ = (1 + math.sqrt(5)) / 2 // explicit type val age: Int = 36 // error: reassignment to val age = 42 // error: reassignment to val age = “hello” Defining things – Constant values Scala Fundamentals
  • 7. var variable val value lazy val value • Evaluated once, but only when needed • No reassignable (~ final) • Adds small overhead • There is not a lazy var // not yet evaluated lazy val expensiveOp = ackermann(5, 5) // expensiveOp remains unevaluated val result = if (false) expensiveOp else Int.MaxValue Defining things – Constant values not evaluated until needed Scala Fundamentals
  • 8. var variable val value lazy val value def function[(args)] • Evaluated every time it’s called • Allows parameters • A constant, argumentless def ⇆ val // no args, const, should be a val def π = 3.14159 // implicit return type def polar2Cartesian(r: Double, θ: Double) = (r * math.cos(θ), r * math.sin(θ)) // explicit return type def area(r: Double): Double = π * math.pow(r, 2) val circleA = area(30) val circleB = area(40) val circleC = area(30) Defining things – Functions Scala Fundamentals
  • 9. var variable val value lazy val value def function[(args)] type typealias • Type aliases type ItemType = Int type Point = (Double, Double) type PointList = List[Point] val points: PointList = ... Defining things – Types Scala Fundamentals
  • 10. class MyClass • Public members by default • Constructor in declaration class User(name: String) { def printInfo() = println(“Hi, I’m ” + name) } val user = new User(“Alfonso”) user.printInfo() // Hi, I’m Alfonso Object oriented programming – Class basic definition Scala Fundamentals
  • 11. class MyClass • Public members by default • Constructor in declaration • Secondary constructors as this methods class User(name: String, age: Int) { // secondary constructor def this(name: String) = this(name, 0) def this(age: Int) = this(“Anonymous”, age) def printInfo() = println(s“$name is $age years old”) } val fullUser = new User(“Alfonso”, 36) val anonUser = new User(23) Object oriented programming – Class constructors Scala Fundamentals
  • 12. class MyClass • Public members by default • Constructor in declaration • Secondary constructors as this methods • Fields declared in primary constructor // args with a val become fields class User(val name: String, val age: Int) { def printInfo() = println(s“$name is $age years old”) } val user = new User(“Alfonso”, 36) println( // Alfonso println(user.age) // 36 Object oriented programming – Class fields Scala Fundamentals
  • 13. class MyClass • Public members by default • Constructor in declaration • Secondary constructors as this methods • Fields declared in primary constructor • Can contain virtually any Scala code class User(val name: String, val age: Int) { def printInfo() = println(s“$name is $age years old”) if (age >= 18) println(“Adult user created”) else println(“Child user created”) } val adult = new User(“Alfonso”, 36) // Adult user created val child = new User(“Teresa”, 12) // Child user created Object oriented programming – Class body Scala Fundamentals
  • 14. class MyClass • Public members by default • Constructor in declaration • Secondary constructors as this methods • Fields declared in primary constructor • Can contain virtually any Scala code • Classes can extend other classes • Abstract classes are also available • case class for pattern matching (later) abstract class Person { def name: String // abstract def printInfo() = println(s“Hello $name!”) } case class User(val name: String, val age:Int) extends Person { } val user = new User(“Alfonso”, 36) user.printInfo() // Hello Alfonso! Object oriented programming – Class inheritance Scala Fundamentals
  • 15. class MyInteger (value: Int = 0) { def << (x: Int): Int = value * math.pow(10, x) } val i = new MyInteger(20) i.<<(3) // Java style i << 3 // Infix operator Scala has no operators, they are method invocations 5 + 10 * 6 // Infix notation 5.+(10.*(6)) // What is actually used Object oriented programming – Calling class methods: infix operators Scala Fundamentals
  • 16. class MyClass object MyObject • Syntactic sugar to define singletons object Database { def connect = { … } def fetch = { … } def close = { … } } Database connect Database fetch Database close Object oriented programming – Objects as singletons Scala Fundamentals
  • 17. class MyClass object MyObject • Syntactic sugar to define singletons • Used alongwithclasses:companionobjects class User(val name: String) object User { def create(name: String) = new User(name) def apply(name: String) = create(name) } val user1 = new User(“Alfonso”) val user2 = User.create(“Tulio”) val user3 = User(“Miguel”) // calls apply() Object oriented programming – Objects as a class’ companion Scala Fundamentals
  • 18. class MyClass object MyObject trait MyTrait • Like an abstract class allowing multiple inheritance • Like an interface with implemented members • Mixins abstract class Human {} trait Engineer(role: String) { val role: String = “Engineer” def doWork: String // abstract } class User(val id: Int, val name: String) extends Human with Engineer { override val doWork = “Developing...” } val user = new User(1, “Alfonso”) user doWork Object oriented programming – Traits Scala Fundamentals
  • 19. class MyClass object MyObject trait MyTrait • Like an abstract class allowing multiple inheritance • Like an interface with implemented members • Mixins • Traits can extend from traits and classes • Multiple inheritance unleashed trait Engineer(val role: String) { def doWork: String } trait ChickenSexer { def classifySex(c: Chicken): Boolean } class User(id: Int, val name: String) extends Engineer with ChickenSexer Object oriented programming – Traits Scala Fundamentals
  • 20. Functional programming – Mutability vs. Immutability Scala Fundamentals [ ] [ 1 ] [ 1|2 ] [ 1|2|3 ] 1 2 3 time
  • 21. Functional programming – Mutability vs. Immutability Scala Fundamentals [ ] [ 1 ] [ 1|2 ] [ 1|2|3 ] 1 2 3 time [ ] [ 1 ] [ 1|2 ] [ 1|2|3 ] 1 2 3
  • 22. val age = 36 // age: Int val point2D = (5, 3) // point2D: (Int, Int) = (5, 3) Functional programming – Higher order functions Scala Fundamentals
  • 23. Functional programming – Higher order functions Scala Fundamentals val age = 36 // age: Int val point2D = (5, 3) // point2D: (Int, Int) = (5, 3) def areEqual(a: Int, b: Int): Boolean = a == b // areEqual: (Int, Int) => Boolean Function type generalized: (inType1, inType2…) => (outType1, outType2…) Functions are first class citizens: Functions accept functions as parameters Functions can return other functions
  • 24. Functional programming – Functions type examples Scala Fundamentals def π = 3.14159 // () => Double def oppositeInverse(x: Int) = (-x, 1.0 / x) // Int => (Int, Double) def swap(p: (Int, Int)): (Int, Int) = (p._2, p._1) // ((Int, Int)) => (Int, Int) def userInfo(u: User): (Int, String) = (u id, u name) // User => (Int, String) def sayHello(name: String) = println(“Hello ” + name) // String => Unit (Unit ≈ Scala’s void)
  • 25. Functional programming – Higher order functions Scala Fundamentals def magic(x: Int, f: Int => Int): Int = f(x) // (Int, Int => Int) => Int // another way to do the same: type Int2Int = Int => Int def magic(x: Int, f: Int2Int): Int = f(x) // (Int, Int2Int) => Int
  • 26. Functional programming – Higher order functions Scala Fundamentals def magic(x: Int, f: Int => Int): Int = f(x) // (Int, Int => Int) => Int def double(i: Int) = i * 2 // Int => Int magic(5, double) // double(5) // 10
  • 27. Functional programming – Anonymous functions Scala Fundamentals def double(i: Int) = i * 2 // Int => Int // explicit parameter types (i: Int) => i * 2 // Int => Int // implicit parameter types i => i * 2 // ? => ? def concat(a: Int, b: Int) = a * 10 + b // (Int, Int) => Int (a: Int, b: Int) => a * 10 + b // (Int, Int) => Int (a, b) => a * 10 + b // (?, ?) => ?
  • 28. Functional programming – Anonymous functions Scala Fundamentals def magic(x: Int, f: Int => Int): Int = f(x) // (Int, Int => Int) => Int magic(5, (i: Int) => i * 2) // 10 magic(5, (b: Boolean) => if (b) 1 else 0) // type mismatch magic(5, i => i * 2) // 10 magic(5, i => i) // 5
  • 29. Functional programming – Anonymous functions Scala Fundamentals def double(i: Int): Int = i * 2 // Int => Int (i: Int) => i * 2 // Int => Int i => i * 2 // ? => ? _ * 2 // ? => ? magic(5, _ * 2) // 10 def concat(a: Int, b: Int) = a * 10 + b // (Int, Int) => Int (a: Int, b: Int) => a * 10 + b // (Int, Int) => Int (a, b) => a * 10 + b // (?, ?) => ? _ * 10 + _ // (?, ?) => ?
  • 30. Functional programming – Functional thinking Scala Fundamentals List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(2, 7, 9, 8, 10); List<Integer> evenList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int number: list) { if (number % 2 == 0) { evenList.add(number); } } val list = List(2, 7, 9, 8, 10) def filterEven(list: List[Int]): List[Int] = if (list.isEmpty) List() else if (list.head % 2 == 0) list.head :: filterEven(list.tail) else filterEven(list.tail) val eventList = filterEven(list)
  • 31. Functional programming – Functional thinking Scala Fundamentals List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(2, 7, 9, 8, 10); List<Integer> evenList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int number: list) { if (number % 2 == 0) { evenList.add(number); } } val list = List(2, 7, 9, 8, 10) val evenList = list filter (_ % 2 == 0)
  • 32. Parameterized types – Type parameters Scala Fundamentals def packInts(a: Int, b: Int)) = ((a, b), (b, a)) // (Int, Int) => ((Int, Int), (Int, Int)) def pack[T](a: T, b: T)) = ((a, b), (b, a)) // (T, T) => ((T, T), (T, T)) def packBoolInt(a: Bool, b: Int)) = ((a, b), (b, a)) // (Bool, Int) => ((Bool, Int), (Int, Bool)) def packv2[T1, T2](a: T1, b: T2)) = ((a, b), (b, a)) // (T1, T2) => ((T1, T2), (T2, T1))
  • 33. Parameterized types – Variance, covariance, contravariance Scala Fundamentals abstract class Animal { def talk: String } class Cat extends Animal { def talk: String = “meow” } def hugAnimal(a: Animal) = val nyanCat = new Cat hugAnimal(nyanCat) // meow Animal Cat
  • 34. Parameterized types – Variance, covariance, contravariance Scala Fundamentals class Zoo[A] def hugAllAnimals(z: Zoo[Animal]) = z.foreach( val catZoo: Zoo[Cat] = new Zoo(tom, nyanCat) hugAllAnimals(catZoo) // ? Animal Cat Zoo [Animal] Zoo [Cat] ?
  • 35. Parameterized types – Variance, covariance, contravariance Scala Fundamentals Animal Cat Zoo [Animal] Zoo [Cat] class Zoo[A] Zoo is invariant Zoo [Animal] Zoo [Cat] class Zoo[+A] Zoo is covariant Zoo [Animal] Zoo [Cat] class Zoo[-A] Zoo is contravariant
  • 36. Pattern matching – Switch on steroids Scala Fundamentals def whatIs(object: Any): String = { object match { case 0 | “” | false => “empty” case i: Int if i < 0 => “negative” case i: Int => “integer” case 5 => “5 value” case (_: Int, _: Int) => “ints pair” case (_, _) => “pair” case _: Double => “double” case User(“Xavi”, _) => “It’s Xavi!” case _ => “unknown” } } whatIs(-13) // negative whatIs(5) // integer whatIs((“one”, 1)) // pair whatIs(0) // empty whatIs(new User(“Xavi”, 32)) // It’s Xavi!
  • 37. Call by value vs. Call by name – Call by value Scala Fundamentals Call by value evaluates all arguments before a function call def choose(cond: Boolean, output: Integer) = if (cond) output else Int.MaxValue choose(false, ackermann(5, 5)) → choose(false, ackermann(4, ackermann(5, 4)) → choose(false, ackermann(4, ackermann(4, ackermann(5, 3))) → choose(false, ackermann(4, ackermann(4, ackermann(4, ackermann(5, 2))) … →→ if (false) ackermann_value else Int.MaxValue → Int.MaxValue // so ackermann() was not necessary after all
  • 38. Call by value vs. Call by name – Call by name Scala Fundamentals Call by name delays the evaluation until it’s needed def choose(cond: Boolean, output: => Integer) = if (cond) output else Int.MaxValue choose(false, ackermann(5, 5)) → if (false) ackermann(5, 5) else Int.MaxValue → Int.MaxValue // ackermann was not calculated It’s a lazy value. Beware if you need side-effects (need to call the function)
  • 39. Partially applied functions – Some arguments provided Scala Fundamentals def sum(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int) = a + b + c val sum5 = sum(5, _: Int, _: Int) // (Int, Int) => Int // ≈ def sum5(b: Int, c: Int): Int = 5 + b + c val sum5Then10 = sum5(10, _: Int) // Int => Int // ≈ def sum5Then10(c: Int): Int = 5 + 10 + c sum(10, 5, 1) // 16 sum5(4, 1) // 10 sum5Then10(-1) // 14
  • 40. Partial functions – Functions not defined for every possible input value Scala Fundamentals val isEvenOrOdd: PartialFunction[Int, String] = { case x if x % 2 == 0 => “even” case x if x % 2 == 1 => “odd” } // ≈ def isEvenOrOdd(x: Int): String = { x match … } isEvenOrOdd(8) // even isEvenOrOdd(5) // odd isEvenOrOdd(-3) // ? isEvenOrOdd.isDefinedAt(8) // true isEvenOrOdd.isDefinedAt(5) // true isEvenOrOdd.isDefinedAt(-3) // false
  • 41. Currying – Arguments groups Scala Fundamentals def magic(f: Int => Int, x: Int): Int = f(x) def magicCurry(f: Int => Int)(x: Int): Int = f(x) // (Int => Int)(Int) => Int val doubleFunc = magicCurry(_ * 2) _ // Int => Int // ≈ def doubleFunc(x: Int): Int = x * 2 magic(_ * 2, 3) // 6 magicCurry(_ * 2)(3) // 6 doubleFunc(3) // 6
  • 42. Implicits – Automatically provided values Scala Fundamentals val list = List(5, 2, 9, 6, 0, 1) implicit def compare(a: Int, b: Int): Int def sort(l: List[Int])(implicit comparator: (Int, Int) => Int) = ... sort(list)(compare) sort(list) // Looks in the scope for an implicit function of type (Int, Int) => Int
  • 43. Java vs. Scala – Conciseness, verbosity Scala Fundamentals public class User { private String name; private List<Order> orders; public User() { orders = new ArrayList<Order>(); } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public List<Order> getOrders() { return orders; } public void setOrders(List<Order> orders) { this.orders = orders; } } class User { var name: String = _ var orders: List[Order] = Nil }
  • 44. Java vs. Scala Scala Fundamentals def ++[B >: A, That](that: TraversableOnce [B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[List [A], B, That]): That def retry(noTimes: Int)(block: => Future[T]): Future[T] = { val ns = (1 to noTimes).toList val attempts: = => () => block) val failed = Future.failed(new Exception) val result = attempts.foldRight(() => failed) ((block, a) => () => { block() fallbackTo { a() } }) result () }
  • 45. Java vs. Scala – The not-so-good news Scala Fundamentals • Tough learning curve  Classic OOP/Imperative/Procedural-minded programmers  Also, new concepts that are no familiar to many programmers  Multiple right ways to do the same thing  Language infix operators abuse (foo ~-~> bar <=> baz()) • Sloooow compilation • Not backward compatible (major versions) • IDE support sucks improving • JVM legacy issues