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The cultural diversity in the Philippines is showcased in numerous festivals, locally
known as fiestas, which are celebrated in the country. All of the festivals have religious or
cultural significance. For instance, the Silmugi Festival (held in honor of Saint Sebastian),
the Sinulog Festival (held in honor of Santo Nino de Cebu), and the Kuraldal Festival (held
in honor of Saint Lucy). While most festivals are only observed in particular regions or
towns, some are public holidays which are celebrated all over the country.
Mankiller (2009) stated in her article A Celebration of Pacific Culture (CSQ issues
33.1) that indigenous people have the benefit of being regularly reminded of their
responsibilities to the land by stories and ceremonies. They remain close to the land, not
only in the way they live, but in their hearts and in the way they view the world.
Kaamulan Festival, the only authentic festival in the Philippines, had started to be
celebrated since 1974. The value of celebrating the Festival of the ‘Gathering’ is to
promote or strengthen the ties of every tribe in Bukidnon, especially in terms of diversity,
language and culture. Aside from its countryside appeal, Bukidnon has a traditional culture
that is a source of its pride. Among the major tourist attractions are festivals that highlight
Bukidnons’ hospitality, heritage, creativity, and ethnicity.
The word “Kaamulan” comes from the Binukid word “amul” which means
“gathering”. It is a festival celebrated annually by the Bukidnon people. During the festival,
the seven tribes in Bukidnon namely: The Bukidnon, Talaandig, Tigwahanon, Manobo,
Umayamnon, Matigsalog, and Higaonon are gathered to celebrate. Each tribe showcase
their own tribal costumes, dances, and products.
However, there are controversial issues under the Kaamulan Festival, for example
the issue on modernizing some of the events, the Laga ta Bukidnon programme is hereby
some of the contestants are not by blood native.
The Philippine government has passed the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act
(IPRA) of 1997, which affirms Indigenous Peoples’ rights to ancestral domains, self-
governance and empowerment, social justice and human rights, and rights to cultural
Ten years later, in 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations
Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), which provides a framework
for the survival, dignity, well-being and rights of the world’s Indigenous Peoples, and
strengthens their rights to identity, education, health, employment and language, amongst
others. More recently, the United Nations adopted Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable
Development Goals, which also include the rights and well-being of Indigenous Peoples.
He cited that peace and security is among the top three issues tackled in the Indigenous
Peoples Mindanao Conference Committee of holders of Certificate of Ancestral Domain
Titles (CADT) in Mindanao.
The festivals have major impact on the development of cultural tourism to the host
communities. According to Stiernstrand (1996), the economic impact of tourism arises
principally from the consumption of tourism products in a geographical area. According to
McDonnell, Allen and O Toole (1999), tourism related services, which include travel,
accommodation, restaurants, shopping are the major beneficiaries of the event. The social
benefits of festivals are less visible, but they are just as important. Building on Schneider's
observation, it's fair to say that festivals foster community pride, teach people new things,
and strengthen relationships.
The study can also be of a great help to the community. This is the first study,
conducted in connection with cultural promotion with the example KAAMULAN festival
here in bukidnon part of Mindanao, several students will study of related researches about
the perception Kaamulan festival in recent times. This would also tackle the prior
knowledge of the residents in accordance with the cultural presentation that is celebrated
annually or the Kaamulan festival. There is also a chance in developing or strengthening
the foundation of Kaamulan festival that will be benefited to the tribal communities in
terms of cultural promotions, products, languages and tribal based practices.
This study examine the effectiveness of Kaamulan festival in promoting Bukidnon
culture. It will tackle the cultural status of Bukidnon inclined with the 7 tribes since these
tribes are the very foundation in promoting culture.
Theoretical Framework
Edward Tylor, who was a nineteenth-century British anthropologist, originally
proposed a modern technical definition of culture. He explains culture as, “socially
patterned human thought and behaviour” (Tylor in Bodley, 1999:1). According to Bodley
(1999:1) there has been a considerable theoretical debate over what such a technical
concept of culture should comprise of. This has an influence on the focus of research
concerning culture.
Bodley (1999:2) states that culture involves three components: thoughts, behaviour
and products produced by people. “Thus, mental processes, beliefs, knowledge, and values
are parts of culture” Bodley (1999:2). Bandura (in Coursework Info, 2004:1) states that
moral values belong to specific cultures. Each culture’s morals only apply to that specific
culture. Vasduez and Hummel (in Coursework Info, 2004:1) studied moral reasoning with
Conceptual Framework
According to Khan Academy, culture is the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other
characteristics shared by groups of people. Culture could be based on shared ethnicity,
gender, customs, values, or even objects. Some cultures place significant value in things
such as ceremonial artifacts, jewelry, or even clothing. Culture can also demonstrate the
way a group thinks, their practices, or behavioral patterns, or their views of the world.
For our input, the researchers will going to get the basic profile of the respondents;
Name would be optional, Gender, and Age. This will help the study to be more accurate
and specific. This can also identify how long the respondent experiencing the Kaamulan
festival. For the process, street dancing, Laga ta Bukidnon, Demo (ground presentation)
and Floats, this are the dominant activities during the Kaamulan festival and of the
foundations in promoting the Bukidnon culture. Finally, for the output, these are the
Bukidnon literary arts/forms that started the year Kaamulan festival first to celebrate. These
are also the tribal amenities.
Bukidnon Material Culture
a. Bukidnon Sculptures;
b. Bukidnon Paintings;
c. Binukid Language;
d. Bukidnon Poems;
e. Bukidnon tribal songs;
f. Bukidnon tribal song
g. Bukidnon ritual dance;
h. Bukidnon tribal attire; and
i. Bukidnon tribal accessories?
Figure 1. Schema of the Study
Profile of the Respondents
 Address
o From Bukidnon
o Not from
Kaamulan Festival events
 Street Dancing
 Laga ta Bukidnon
 Floats
 Ground Presentation
Respondents General
Assessment during the
Kaamulan Festival 2019.
Statement of the Problem
This study examined the effectiveness of Kaamulan Festival 2019 in promoting the
culture of Bukidnon.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:
1.1 Address;
1.1.1 From Bukidnon
1.1.2 Not from Bukdinon
2. What is the respondents’ overall assessment of the Kaamulan festival 2019?
3. Which of the following Kaamulan Festival 2019 activities is the most effective strategy
in promoting Bukidnon culture?
3.1 Street Dancing;
3.2 Laga ta Bukidnon;
3.3 Floats; and
3.4 Demo (Ground presentation)?
4. How effective are the following promote Bukidnon Material culture of the Kaamulan
festival, namely:
4.1 Bukidnon Sculptures;
4.2 Bukidnon Paintings;
4.3 Binukid Language;
4.4 Bukidnon Poems;
4.5 Bukidnon tribal songs;
4.6 Bukidnon tribal song composers;
4.7 Bukidnon ritual dance;
4.8 Bukidnon tribal attire; and
4.9 Bukidnon tribal accessories?
Significance of the Study
This study is beneficial to the following:
Bukidnon Tribal Communities. The result of this study provides tribal
communities with information with regards to the effectivity of celebrating. Kaamulan
festivals in promoting the culture of the natives in Bukidnon. The study serves as basis for
crafting a more effective program of activities for the nest Kaamulan Festival
Bukidnon Tourism & National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP).
The study tackled the culture on Bukidnon, it’s a great help to Bukidnon tourism
and also for the NCIP. The results of this study can be utilized to further boost the tourism
of the province with the help of the NCIP.
Researchers. The researchers develops their research skills, at the same time ignite
their passion for cultural studies their love for their very own bukidnon culture and their
appreciation of the Kaamulan Festival.
Future Researchers. For the future researchers, it’d be easier for them of look for
any other additional information when it comes to cultures of the Bukidnon, Kaamulan
festival and for does people who comes to visit the Kaamalan festival.
Scope and Limitations of the Study
The study focuses on the culture of Bukinon tribal communities. This tackled the
Kaamulan festival as a means of promoting culture in Bukidnon. The study focuses on the
recent festival which is in 2019. The respondents of the study are randomly selected from
from Bukidnon and outside of Bukidnon.
Definition of Terms
The following terminologies are defined operationally and theoretically.
Bukidnon Ritual. Rituals refer to part of a ceremony. In Bukidnon, examples of
rituals are Lagti, or lagon, is a ritual of thanksgiving for harvest among members of the
Bukidnon tribe where the palagbasuk, or farmer, together with a baylan or shaman, shares
his produce with the community and the spirits. It is part of the cultural practices of
kagbasukan or agriculture.
Bukidnon Language. The Bukidnon people of the southern Philippines speak the
Binukid dialect within the Manobo Language Family. "Bukidnon" is a Bisayan word for
"people of the mountains," first used by Bisayan-speaking settlers of Mindanao's north
coast, on whom its negative connotation for non-Hispanicized (i.e., "non-civilized")
mountain people was not lost.
Bukidnon Cultural Attire & Accessories. This refers to the tribal attire with
accessories worn by natives or indigenous peoples in Bukidnon. Usually, their traditional
attire has red, yellow, blue white and black colors. As to the accessories, beads are
Bukidnon Visual & Graphic Arts. This refers to arts that are visible and appeals
to the eyes. These arts could be made using canvass, oil, paint, soil, etc.
Bukidnon Songs & Music. These refers to the tribal music and songs being
produced, sung and composed by tribal communities in Bukidnon.
Culture. The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement
regarded collectively. Hence in this study, culture focuses on the 7 tribes of Bukidnon.
Effectiveness. The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired
result; success. In this study, effectiveness is defined as the outcome or the result of
celebrating Kaamulan festival in Bukidnon.
Kaamulan Festival. Gathering or to Gather. A day or period of celebration,
typically a religious commemoration. In our study festival is defined as the annual
Kaamulan celebration.
Laga ta Bukidnon. Is a highlight event during the Kaamulan festival in Bukidnon.
In Binukid dialect, it means the “WOMEN OF BUKIDNON.” It is the pageant that every
municipality have to send participants to.
Street dancing. It is a cultural activity. It happens in the street, people who are
involved in the Kaamulan Festival could be having their cultural dance, with a Float that
represents every municipality of Bukidnon.
Demo (ground presentation). It is the event where the participants of the street
dancing present their final presentation.
Floats. It is the representation Traditional amenities from different municipalities
of Bukidnon. This happen during the street dancing.
Internal respondent. Internal respondent are those respondent that are inside the
place where the study is conducted. Hence, in this study, internal respondent are those who
lived inside Bukidnon.
External respondent. External respondents are those respondents that are outside
the place where the study is conducted. Hence, in this study, external respondent are those
who lived outside Bukidnon.
Material Culture. Material culture is the aspect of social reality grounded in the
objects and architecture that surround people. Hence in this study, Material culture is
defined as the Bukidnon products, compositions and artworks.
Survey. A general view, examination, or description of someone or something.
Hence in this study, survey is the type of questionnaire the researcher will use.
This chapter indicate the supporting ideas of the study. It would be collected
literatures that are connected to the study.
Culture and society
According to Phil Musings of their sociology book, functionalists view society as
a system in which all parts work or function together to create society as a whole. In this
way, societies need culture to exist. The cultures function is to assist of support the
operation of society, and cultural values guides in making options. Members of society
work together to attain the needs of society.
According to Sumner (1906), society involves a belief or attitude that one’s own
culture is better than all others. Cultural norms accompany even the smallest nonverbal
signals (DuBois 1951). Binford (1967) and Harris (1968) said, that culture is a system of
socially transmitted behavior patterns of relate human communities to their ecological
settings, namely technologies, and modes of economic, political organization, social
grouping, religious beliefs, practices and so on. The culture concept has come down to
behavior patterns associated with particular groups of people- their customs or their way
Culture is one of the images why there are many tourist or travelers engage in
visiting many other countries. Since they are new to a place, the culture of that certain
country will be new to them, culture shock will be on. Anthropologist Kalervo Oberg
(1960) is credited with first coining the term “culture shock.”
The other two issues are violations of the FPIC and livelihood opportunities. Perino,
a core group member of the committee appealed for both parties to keep the ancestral
domains as zones of peace and for the monitoring of the compliance with the
Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law.
National Department for Culture & Arts (JKKN)- Implementing cultural and arts programs
with community involvement to preserve and conserve the culture and arts for
sustainability as outlined in the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture (2016
– 2020).
According to sociologist Lenski Jr (2015) societies are defined in terms of their
technological sophistication. Societies are often engaged in technological satisfaction, and
will lead to development of foreign cultural features.
In the Philippine society, and culture there had been many changes as per observed,
this is due to the evolving technologies and emerging new cultures and traditions. Going
back to the Philippine history, Philippines had been colonized by several countries. This
shaped the present, Filipinos are more likely to engage in new cultures especially to that of
richer countries which in turn can easily influence Filipino citizens.
Philippine Culture
According to ethnic groups Philippines (2016), the Philippines is the only
predominantly Christian country in all of Asia. The practices taught by the Spanish clergy
have merged well with indigenous ritual practices and carried over to this day. Philippine
festivals are celebrations to express gratitude for a good harvest in honor of the town’s
patron saint. Filipinos, especially those living in provincial areas, go all out to celebrate
these festivities to guarantee comfort in the coming year, believing that the bigger they
spend, the more returns they will obtain.
For many Filipinos, fiestas are important because of the miraculous power of the
saints. It is believed that the saints are responsible for all the good fortune and favor one
receives. More than that, it is also during this time that the locals get to celebrate their
culture and traditions that are passed on to the next generation. Fiestas reflect Filipino
religion and faith, which are the most essential part of society.
Nowadays, however, a distinguishing cultural aspect that is unique to the
community is preferred as a central subject for many celebrations. According to the Ethnic
groups Philippines, Filipinos are mostly religious people, no matter what beliefs they hold
and religious affiliations they have. The church and faith have always been pillars of
strength and were highly regarded by the people for support or guidance. Festivals are
reminders of the past; it gives glimpse of the rich cultural heritage and at the same time
connects people to families and loved ones.
Filipinos have this distinction between the “ethnic majority” and the “ethnic
minority”, which is a result of the Philppines colonial past. The Filipinos who were
assimilated by Spain became the “ethnic majority”. While those who contued the practices
of their ancestors were labeled as “minorities” and “indigenous peoples”. And it’s
saddening that a lot of Filipinos perceive minorities as uneducated, basbaric and ancient.
The kaamulan festival is known in bukidnon, as per observe not all the participant of the
event are by blood related to the tribal people.
In the province, the focus for province is on the festival development,
content gathering of the tribes. Festivals are sent to different provinces, it meant to happen
to value the tradition of the first tribe who live first in the province. Aside from respecting
and valuing the tradition, festivals also offered recreational and socialization for the people
who are involved with this.
The Filipino culture is a very vibrant and alive. It is a blend of many cultures that
have come to the shores and rooted in Filipinos own native culture. Many scholars say that
culture is constantly changing that is why it is very hard to define. While this is true,
sometimes, it is not changing for the better. In some ways, this is happening to Filipino
culture. Filipinos tend to put more importance to foreign culture and things as compared to
their own. Many foreign ideas and ways of thinking is what we, Filipinos believe heartedly
bring the country progress.
Bukidnon Culture
Bukidnon is located at the center of Mindanao Island, southern part of the
Philippines. Bukidnon is rich in culture as it has the living heritage of seven indegenous
tribes the Manobo, the Higaonon, the Talaandig, the Matigsalug, the Tigwahanon, the
Bukidnon and the Umayamnon (Jesuit research).
According to Gaite (2016), the province does not have the typical Philippine islands
and beaches. But, it does have abundance of natural springs. Most of them are converted
into resorts. Bukidnon is also labelled as the highland paradise in the heart of Mindanao.
While it derived its name from the Visayan term “bukid” for “mountain”, it is
predominantly a rolling grassland plateau with an average elevation of 915 meters. The
rolling uplands, deep canyons and valleys alternating with the low plains create a refreshing
vista for dwellers and travellers alike.
The Bukidnon province is an ethnic melting pot with Visayan, Tagalog and Ilocano
migrants. Despite a diversity of cultures, the people have adopted Cebuano as their
language, supplemented by the native dialect called Binukid (Bukidnon).
` The natives are mainly Bukidnons who occupy the lowlands of the plateau while
the Manobos are in higlands. According to this website southeast Asian Studies, Bukidnon
settlements are clusters of households under their own datu. They engage in kaingin
farming, basket-weaving and pottery. The women wear colorful blouses with wide, flared
sleeves, skirts of red and white cloth sewn together, and shawls embroidered in red.
Some of the numerous indigenous tribes derive their name from their place or
origin: the Tigwahanon after the Tigwa watershed, the Umayamnon after the Umayan
River, the Pulangiyon after the Pulangi River and the Matigsalug after the Salug River. The
Ilianon and Langilaon were named after the border areas they occupy. The Tala-anding,
named after a myth, are distinguished by the elaborate fan-like headgear their women wear
during festivals (Province of Bukidnon).
According to Bukidnon online, just like any other provinces, there are also tribes
and natives that live in the land of Bukidnon. The tribe that occupies the mountains is called
manobos and those who inhabit the lowlands are called Bukidnons, all the the different
tribes in Bukidnon have their own culture and traditions. They also have their own
unwritten laws and the local government respects this.
Furthermore, according to Bukidnon online (2012), there is also a common
understanding between the two tribes and this is the reason why there is peace in this place.
When it comes to their language, each tribe has different dialects but still they manage to
figure out what each person is trying to say. Even if one encounter men of other tribes,
there is nothing to worry about because they are not dangerous. There are some who would
prefer to just ignore a tourist, while there are also others who are very hospitable, friendly
and welcoming.
The Spanish, who had referred to all upland peoples simply as monteses, adopted
Higaonnan in the late nineteenth century to distinguish Binukid speakers from the Manobo
living directly to their south. The nonindigenous has occasioned some controversy in recent
years, with Bukidnon influenced by PANAMIN, the Philippine government agency
formerly in charge of tribal peoples, adopting the name "Higaonnan" (derived from the
Binukid gaon for "away from the water") as an alternative. This, however, has not caught
on with most Binukid speakers who, grown used to "Bukidnon," steadfastly continue to
call themselves by this name.
Kaamulan festival
According to Philippines travel hub (2019), the name Kaamulan is a derivative of
the word ‘amul’ and which translates to ‘the act of getting together’. By bringing together
all the seven ethnic groups, the festival achieves its goal of ensuring the continuity of
traditions as well as presenting a period of thanksgiving.
According to Indigenous languages (2019), annual festival celebrating the
establishment of Bukidnon province that runs from mid-February until March 10. It is
primarily an ethnic festival that remembers the provinces past and showcases the unique
indigenous culture and its people; namely, the seven tribal groups that originally inhabited
the Bukidnon region. The rituals of these groups such as that for the inauguration of a new
chieftain, the Panlisig (rite to drive away evil spirits), and the Pamalas (atonement ritual)
are displayed during the festival. These traditional events are complemented by a civic
parade, street dancing competition, garden show, as well as numerous sporting events.
The heritage of the noble ancestry of the Indigenous People of Bukidnon is
symbolized in their art form of beadwork representing their nature consciousness. Their
creations are a story of sophistication and understanding of nature, being unique, local, as
well as universal. Each tribe’s patterns and colors represents the craft and life forms found
in their environment. Each bead is meticulously set one after the other to form a
symmetrical representation of their environment. Triangles are scaled to form the
prestigious mountain ranges of which the tribes of Bukidnon are the custodians. It has been
their life and sense of community when their farming responsibilities of the day are done,
that the women gather around during the afternoon rains and early evenings to create the
stunning artistic beadwork worn during special occasions and rituals (Hineliban farms
There are a lot of ethnic tribes and groups in the Philippines but the seven ethnic
tribes featured in the event are the Talaandig, Manobo, Matigsalug, Tigwahanun, Higaunu,
Umayamnun, and the Bukidnon. The cultural fusion of the ethnic groups makes for a
diverse and enthralling event, the only multi-ethnic festival in the country. It is easy to see
why this is considered the most genuine festival across the Philippines.
Kaamulan festival is a big event in to all of the 7 tribes and give importance of the
traditional ways. These are considered the original inhabitants of Bukidnon. Usually held
in Malaybalay City from February to March, this year's edition was held during the whole
month of August, to coincide with the 100th Founding Anniversary of Bukidnon. The
traditional ways gives memories in the old age since the Kaamulan term that has been
started. Kaamulan is the only authentic ethnic festival celebrated in the whole Philippines
wherein we celebrate the richness of Bukidnon in terms of culture, ethnicity and language.
Kaamulan promotes cultural preservation and recognition for each tribe. Bukidnon is
located in Mindanao. A beautiful and diverse culture inhabits here in the highlands at the
heart of Mindanao.
Kaamulan Festival is held annually in the city’s provincial capital, Malaybalay
City. It usually starts around the second half of February up to March. Celebrating this
festival today usually means and bears different purposes. It can be a thanksgiving festival
during harvest time, a peace pact, a wedding ceremony, a datuship ritual or all these
combined! Indeed, this has been the reason why this long celebration is surely jampacked
of festivities and activities for its people and other tourists who want to visit Bukidnon
(Escape manila).
The celebration’s activities are unchanged even after centuries. It still includes its
authentic rituals such as the Pangampo (general worship), the Tagulambong hu Datu (ritual
for the installation of a Chieftain), the Panlisig (a rite to drive away evil spirits), the
Panumanod (a spiriting ceremony), and the Pamalas (sin atonement ritual). Each activity
reflects the diversity and richness of the Bukidnon culture, and that’s what makes it
meaningful (Escape manila).
According to a traveller Amboscada (2019) who share his experience at the recent
Kaamulan festival in Bukidnon through a series of photos and etc. He stated that the
richness of the diversity of the seven tribes culture and traditions can be gleaned from the
songs dances rituals clothes and nature of its people.
According to Turiano (2019), the present Kaamulan Festival has now highlighted
not only their people but their local products and establishments that abound in the
province. These products are displayed and sold thru food fests, garden shows, Kaamulan
bazaars, agri-fairs, livestock shows, and many more. The town has also incorporated
crowd-drawing events such as Motocross, Rodeo, Amateur Boxing, Basketball
tournaments, adventure races, concerts, off-road competitions, and several other events that
can promote the city.
This is seen as an effective way to recognize and appreciate the Bukidnon’s
unraveled cultural legacy that has been preserved for centuries. It also serves as the best
ground for the people of Bukidnon to gather and become one as a community. Above all,
the celebration not only helps in converging the past and the present, but also aims to
celebrate abundant culture, inspire its people, and shape the region’s brighter future
(Escape manila).
Indeed, Bukidnon has always been as a perfect and soothing destination, both for
its festivities and tourist spots. You get to see colorful costumes, ethnic dances, local
products, and different activities prepared by its people. But beyond that, perhaps the best
wonder of Kaamulan Festival is its unique and rich indigenous culture that lives up to this
day and the days to come (Escape manila).
Therefore, Philippines is rich in culture per se. This signifies that Filipinos are more
creative in accordance with utilizing ancient culture that applies until today’s generation
and one of the best and rich is Malaybalay city were the people can find the Indigenous
people. These people are the very source of a fresh culture and also the people who lives
and strengthen the culture of Filipinos despite the generation.
This chapter discusses the strategies and methods used in the study, particularly,
research design, sampling, instrumentation, scoring procedure and statistical treatment.
Research Design
This study is quantitative in nature since the research question we seek to answer
lead to numerical data. The researcher used descriptive-evaluative research method.
Descriptive-evaluative research is designed to appraise carefully the worthiness of the
current study. In addition, the researchers can collect the data from the respondents and
utilized for the conclusion.
Specifically, the study is descriptive-evaluative as it aims to determine if there is
an effect of the recent Kaamulan festival which was held this year 2019.
According to Arifin, evaluation research is a research that has an aim to provide
information for decision maker (policy maker) related to a power or strength of a program,
seen from its effectiveness, cost, device, etc. For instance are the implementations of
curriculum, an implementation of contextual learning model, etc.
Research Locale. The study is conducted at random places inside the Bukidnon
specifically Barangay Imapalambong, Malaybalay city for internal respondents and outside
the Bukidnon specifically a Barangay of Agusan del sur Cagayan de Oro city for external
Brgy. Impalambong, Brgy. Agusan del sure CdeO
Malaybalay City Buk.
The Respondents
The respondents of the study are randomly selected 15 from Bukidnon and also 15
from outside Bukidnon. The respondents must have joined the recent Kaamulan Festival
held in Malaybalay city Bukidnon. The researcher used snowball and convenience
sampling technique since the researcher select respondents whoever are available and
distributive property.
Data Gathering Procedure
Figure 2 Figure 3
The researcher formulated the survey questionnaire based on the corrected
statement of the problem after the validation, the researchers asked a permission from the
school to conduct the study. The researchers used snowball/convenience sampling
technique. The researchers will then go to Barangay Agusan, Cagayan de Oro city for
external respondents and Barangay Impalambong, Malaybalay city for internal
The researcher consider two codes of ethics in collecting data. Obtaining informed
consent, the researcher ensure that the each of the respondent is informed about the study
and he/she has taken part of it. Protecting anonymity and confidentiality, the researcher
consider that any confidential information gathered shall not be used for any other purposes
but for the specific study only.
The researchers used only one questionnaire to collect data from the selected
respondents. After collecting all the data, these can be quantified and processed in
preparation for the statistical treatment. The result can be interpreted basing on the rate the
respondents give to the designed questionnaire.
Research Instrument
There is only one instrument used in the study, survey questionnaire on the
Effectivity of the recent Kaamulan festival. The survey questionnaire used English
language for generality.
Furthermore, the questions must be constructed by the use of rating from 5 as the
highest to 1 as the lowest rate. The respondents must checked their preferred rating in each
evaluative question. In result, this can help the study to be more specific in calculating the
effectivity cultural promotion of the recent Kaamulan festival (2019).
The questionnaire are also include the basic profile of the respondent; Gender, age,
and ethnicity. Including the general assessment of the recent Kaamulan Festival. The
researchers follow the dominant strategies in promoting Bukidnon culture such as, Street
dancing, Laga ta Bukidnon, Floats and Demo. It can help the respondent to be more specific
in answering the evaluative questions.
Scoring Procedure
Table 1 illustrates the range, scale, descriptive rating used to measure the general
assessment of the Kaamulan festival in promoting Bukidnon culture. The researchers used
excellent as the highest rate, very good, good, and satisfactory and the lowest is poor, it
would be used by the respondent as basis of their ratings.
Table 1
General assessment of the respondent of the Kaamulan festival 2019
Range Scale Description Interpretation
4.33-5.00 5 Excellent The respondent found the Kaamulan
festival 2019 presented well the
Festival and had done its purpose and
focus on promoting Bukidnon culture.
3.66-4.32 4 Very Good The respondent found the Kaamulan
festival 2019 presented the activities
but there are some small rooms for
2.34-3.65 3 Good The respondent found the Kaamulan
festival 2019 that there are some small
problems during the Festival.
1.67-2.33 2 Satisfactory The respondent found the Kaamulan
festival 2019 that there are several
problems during Kaamulan Festival.
1.00-1.66 1 poor The respondent found the Kaamulan
festival 2019 as celebrated just for
entertainment and had lost its purpose
and focus.
Table 2 and 3 illustrates the range, scale, descriptive rating used to measure the
effectivity Kaamulan festival as basis in promoting Bukidnon culture. The researchers used
extremely effective, very effective, moderately effective, slightly effective, and not
effective, it can be used by the respondent as basis of their ratings.
Table 2
Kaamulan Festival 2019 activities most effective strategy in promoting culture and
How effective the following promote Bukidnon Material culture during the
Kaamulan festival.
Range Scale Description Interpretation
4.33-5.00 5 Extremely
The respondent found it really gathered
the 7 tribes of Bukidnon and effectively
promoted Bukidnon culture by
Kaamulan festival strategies and
Bukidnon Material culture.
3.66-4.32 4 Very effective The respondent found it gathered the 7
tribes of Bukidnon and promoted
Bukidnon culture by Kaamulan festival
strategies and Bukidnon Material culture
but there are some small rooms for
2.34-3.65 3 Moderately
The respondent found that the Festival
successfully done but there are small
errors amidst.
1.67-2.33 2 Slightly
The respondent found the Kaamulan
festival strategies and Material culture
are not properly presented.
1.00-1.66 1 Not effective The respondent found out that Kaamulan
festival strategies and Material culture
are not effective and it is not
comprehensible in promoting Bukidnon
For the first part, the researcher can be determined the basic profile of the
respondents, name (optional) and address; from Bukidnon and not from Bukidnon. The
frequency and percentage is computed. For the second part of the questionnaire, the mean
and standard deviation were computed to determine the effective strategies in Kaamulan
festival in promoting Bukidnon culture. For the third part, mean and standard deviation
were computed to determine if the tribal literary art promote Bukidnon culture.
The researcher surveyed same frequency counts of respondents; external and
internal respondents or from Bukidnon and not from Bukidnon. This is to ensure fairness
and to have references from both sides considering that the outside Bukidnon respondents
are those subjects that experienced Kaamulan festival in the same year.
This chapter reviews the results and analysis of the quantitative data, the
compilation of the questionnaire and the results and analysis of the quantitative findings of
the study. The findings are also discussed.
Table 4
Profile of the Respondents according to Address
Address Frequency Percentage
From Bukidnon 15 50%
Not from Bukidnon 15 50%
Total 30 100%
The Table 4 presents the frequency of the respondents of the study. There are 15
respondents from Bukidnon and also 15 who are not from Bukidnon with the total
frequency of 30 respondents with percentage total of 100%.
Table 5
Respondents overall assessment of the recent Kaamulan festival
Item Descriptor Mean Standard
Qualitative Descriptor
What is your
overall assessment
of the Kaamulan
festival 2019?
3.66 0.84 Very good
3.66 0.84
Table 4 shows that among the 30 respondents the overall assessment of the recent
Kaamulan festival with a mean of 3.66 as Very Good with a standard deviation of 0.84.
Respondents overall assessment as Very Good, this is to say that during the
Kaamulan festival what the respondents had seen and observed, that the festival still
present and still focuses on the gathering of tribes and its main purpose.
Considering that it has not reached the excellent level, even the dominant activities;
street dancing, Laga ta Bukidnon, parade of floats and ground presentation were really
from the Bukidnon tribes and supports the showcasing and gathering of tribal cultures and
arts. According to respondent no. 1, that the recent Kaamulan festival, yes indeed and does
promotes the culture of Bukidnon the only conflict is that there are outside cultures that
take place during the festival.
This implies that the Kaamulan festival 2019 there is still room for improvement.
This should be considered that the organizer of the Kaamulan should minimize from
allowing other material culture presentations from utilizing the Kaamulan festival for their
benefits. For example, the Boho look, face paint and food stations using Chopsticks etc.
From respondent no. 2, Kaamulan festival 2019 still represents the gathering of 7
tribes of Bukidnon and does cultivates and shows the culture of Bukidnon, however at
some part of the story, Kaamulan festival is being intruded by outside or unfamiliar culture
from outside Bukidnon places.
Table 6
Mean Distribution on the Effectiveness of Kaamulan Festival Major Activities.
Item Descriptor Mean Qualitative
Street dancing showcases the
different tribal dances of the
Bukidnon tribes.
4.0 Extremely
2 Laga ta Bukidnon emphasizes the
characteristics of the essence and
beauty of a woman from Bukidnon.
3.5 Moderately
The Parade of Floats shows the
colorful and uniqueness of the
Bukidnon culture.
4.0 Extremely
The ground presentation promotes
the diversity of the Bukidnon tribes
through its movements, costumes,
props, music and theme.
4.0 Extremely
Total: 3.91 Extremely
Table 6 presents the four major Kaamulan festival activities, the highest-rated
activity with the mean of 4.0 as extremely effective are street dancing, the parade of floats
and ground presentation. While the lowest is the Laga ta Bukidnon with a mean of 3.5
marked as moderately effective. For the overall, Kaamulan major activities are rated as
very effective with a total mean of 3.91.
The overall mean of the four major Kaamulan festival is 3.91 and is considered to
be as extremely effective with the standard deviation of 0.10. The four major Kaamulan
festival activities indeed had presented its mean focus. Suggested that the organizers must
instill and continue to develop support for the Kaamulan festival major activities.
For the street dancing the mean valued at 4.0 which indicates that street dancing is
extremely effective and has a standard deviation of 0.84. This is due to the fact the street
dancing really showcases and appreciate the culture of Bukidnon. According to respondent
number 5, that street dancing recalls the 7 tribes of Bukidnon and each culture.
The street dancing showcases different tribal dances. These emphasize that the
Lumad people in Bukidnon have each own originality and do not mix with different types
of dancing like modern dances or hip hop. The authenticity of the tribal dance through
street dancing scrutinizes the foundation of culture from different municipalities.
This implies that they need to continue the procedure and how they organize this
type of activity to continue supporting the Bukidnon culture. They have to still present it
during Kaamulan for a greater impact on the promotion of Bukidnon culture.
According to respondent no. 9, many years had passed but the spirit of each tribe is
still alive for years. Through street dancing, many tourists also appreciate the tribal people
on how they are doing good in the dancing of their tribal dances.
For the Parade of floats as the second-highest rate with 4.0 mean with a standard
deviation of 0.94 marked as extremely effective, since the parade of floats does showcase
the colorful and uniqueness of Bukidnon culture. From respondent number 8, the parade
of float does indeed helps to promote the culture of each tribe from Bukidnon through the
Kaamulan Festival.
The parade of floats shows the color and uniqueness of tribal communities. It
emphasizes that the floats of each tribe are made from indigenous material and are not form
outside materials. For the color, the municipalities present their different harvest, for
example, the Valencia city, since it is known as the city of golden harvest or ’humay’ as
the color of their floats.
These simplify that the Parade of floats does must be continued and be supported.
Since it helps the Bukidnon to promote the culture of Bukidnon. According to respondent
no. 10, it means to preserve and present the culture of each tribe from different
The third-highest rated with a mean of 4.0 is the ground presentation with a standard
deviation of 0.94 marked as extremely effective. The ground presentation helps the tribal
people to present their final presentation that is from the stories of the beginning. According
to respondent no. 7, mainly the ground presentation is used for tribes ritual and it is where
the tribes will now portray the different cultures inherited by ancestors.
The ground presentation promotes the diversity of the Bukidnon tribes through its
movements, costumes, props, music, and theme. The movements of the Lumad people of
their ground presentation are scented from their ritual dances which are the foundation of
their originality. Those costumes, props, and music are originally crafted by the Lumad
people, with the use of the tribal material from different municipalities and for the music it
is seen that the Lumad people use the originally crafted drums and sticks utilizing the
indigenous material.
For the Laga ta Bukidnon (Women of Bukidnon) with only 3.5 mean and it
considered moderately effective with a standard deviation of 0.73. Laga ta Bukidnon
presents the beauty of the women of Bukidnon however there had been some issues
concerning this that the pageant is just like an ordinary competition or Laga ta Bukidnon,
half to say is only for entertainment purposes. According to respondent no. 11, the pageant
Laga ta Bukidnon is just like the other pageants.
Laga ta Bukidnon emphasizes the characteristics of the essence and beauty of a
woman from Bukidnon. From the table above it has the lowest-rated major Kaamulan
activities but with the mark of moderately effective. This is to say that Laga ta Bukidnon
indeed presents the beauty of the different women of Bukidnon.
These imply that Laga ta Bukidnon needs an improvement. Highly recommended
that the participant should be a natural-born citizen of Bukidnon. From respondent no. 5,
per observation, the participant is not native by blood, therefore the organizer should
improve or more mechanics that the participant should be native by blood or from
Table 7 presents some of the material cultures of Bukidnon. There is only one with
the lowest rate ‘Tribal accessories’ with a mean of 3.76 and a standard deviation of 0.93 as
very effective. The highest rates are Ritual dance with a standard deviation of 0.82 and
tribal attire with a standard deviation of 0.90 and has a mean of 4.06 as extremely effective.
The overall rating of the material culture of Bukidnon is ‘very effective’ with the total
standard deviation of 0.05 and mean; 3.88.
The overall rating of the Bukidnon material culture is ‘very effective’. The
Bukidnon material culture during the Kaamulan festival shows the beauty and works of the
product of Bukidnon. This indicates that the Bukidnon material culture has its own fashion
that represents the culture of the Bukidnon tribes.
Table 7
Bukidnon Material culture
Item Descriptor Mean Qualitative
The tribal sculptures displays the different
tribal perspectives in life and art.
3.8 Very
2 Tribal paintings showcases the art and beauty
of the Lumad tribes.
3.8 Very
The Binukid language promotes the
uniqueness of the Bukidnon tribal languages.
3.9 Very
Ethnic poems depicts the diversity, stories
and narratives of the native people in
Bukidnon. 3.8
Tribal songs depicts the origin, foundation
and stories of the Bukidnon tribes.
3.83 Very
Tribal song composers focus in telling its
listeners the life, challenges and victories of
the Bukidnon people. 3.9
Ritual dance shows how the Bukidnon people
praise and respect their Magbabaya (God).
4.06 Extremely
Tribal attire represents the color, lines, beads
and uniqueness of the Lumad people.
4.06 Extremely
Tribal accessories emphasizes the beauty of
beadworks by the Bukidnon tribes.
Total: 3.88 Very
The result shows that the organizer of the Kaamulan Festival includes the Bukidnon
material culture in some competition. That every tribe must have a display of their product
so that this can be their signature product to be known.
Item number 7. One of the highest-rated material cultures of Bukidnon is the ritual
dance with a mean of 4.06 as extremely effective with a standard deviation of 0.90. the
ritual dance is the mark or the zeal of the culture and stories of each tribe that has been
practiced for the past. In the statement given by the respondent no. 13, it is where the culture
of each tribe begin, every movement of their body has its meaning that depicts the stories
These imply that ritual dance should never be forgotten and must continue to evolve and
be practiced. Ritual dance should never be forgotten that before the Kaamulan festival start,
the ritual should be celebrated.
This is the way to show the practices and how they live in the daily life of the 7
tribes. It promotes in every culture and knowing each of the practices of the 7 tribes. The
ritual dance shows the originality of love and respect for every culture of the Bukidnon
According to respondent no. 14, as part of the 7 tribes of Bukidnon, the essence of
ritual dance is to connect to nature and to aver evil spirits and most importantly, ritual
dance is where culture has evolved.
Item number 8. As the second-highest-rated material culture of Bukidnon is the
Tribal attire with a mean of 4.06 as extremely effective with a standard deviation of 0.90.
Tribal attire has always been giving the color, lines, beads, and uniqueness of the Lumad
people. From respondent number 14, tribal attire gives the Lumad tribes the essence of
beauty and the heritage of culture.
These imply that tribal attire does promote the beautiful works, colors of each
different tribe that came from the lines of cultures. The tribal communities must continue
and develop the making of attires for strengthening the identity of different tribal people
inside Bukidnon.
According to respondent no. 21, that tribal attire helps the Lumad tribes to be
identified and the appreciation of the beautiful works of the Lumad people.
Item no. 9, tribal accessories have the lowest rate from the table with a mean of 3.76
but have the value of ‘very effective’ with a standard deviation of 0.93. Tribal accessories
were not likely as before, that all the beads, the design are originally crafted and made from
the materials of each tribe but only some part of it. Respondent no.18 opined that tribal
accessories are still present but there are some small parts of the component that are mixed
with different materials that are not from Bukidnon.
According to respondent no. 20, tribal accessories are important for presenting the
beadworks, beauty, and identity of the Lumad people in Bukidnon but it is slowly losing
its originality, per observation that some materials of it or beads are not made from
Bukidnon materials.
Tribal accessories in every tribe show their creativity and hard working to make the
individuals products of the Bukidnon tribes. In able to know their culture, and contribute
to the people inside or outside the Bukidnon. It must be displayed at the public and school
libraries and in the museum so that the tourist can see the works of the Bukidnon.
This chapter contains the summary, conclusion, and recommendations that were
based on results and findings of the study.
The research study is entitled “Survey on the effectiveness of Kaamulan festival
2019 in Promoting Bukidnon culture” was conducted to determine if the Kaamulan festival
activities are effective enough to promote Bukidnon culture.
The chosen respondents for the said study were 15 adult citizens and had joined the
recent Kaamulan from outside Bukidnon and 15 Grade 12 student respondents of San Isidro
College and also joined the recent Kaamulan festival from Bukidnon. Survey
questionnaires were given to every respondent and the data gathered were then tallied and
pooled for interpretation and analysis of results. The following were the findings.
1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of:
1.1 Address;
1.1.1 From Bukidnon
1.1.2 Not from Bukidnon
Thirty respondents were surveyed. It is divided in half, 15 from Bukidnon and 15
outside of Bukidnon.
2. What is the respondents’ overall assessment of the Kaamulan festival 2019?
The respondents overall assessment of the Kaamulan festival 2019 are ‘very good’.
It has a mean of 3.66.
3. Which of the following Kaamulan Festival 2019 activities is the most effective
strategy in promoting Bukidnon culture?
1.1 Street Dancing;
1.2 Laga ta Bukidnon;
1.3 Floats; and
1.4 Demo (Ground presentation)?
Among the four major Kaamulan festival; Street dancing, Floats, and Demo or
ground presentation were likely ‘Extremely effective’ and hence, Laga ta Bukidnon
among the four is most likely in the middle or’ moderately effective’. The highest with
the mean of 4.0 are Street dancing, the parade of float and Ground presentation. The
lowest with the mean of 3.5 is the Laga ta Bukidnon.
4. How effective are the Bukidnon Material Culture promote Bukidnon culture
during the Kaamulan festival, namely:
a. Bukidnon Sculptures;
b. Bukidnon Paintings;
c. Binukid Language;
d. Bukidnon Poems;
e. Bukidnon tribal songs;
f. Bukidnon tribal song composers;
g. Bukidnon ritual dance;
h. Bukidnon tribal attire; and
i. Bukidnon tribal accessories?
For question number 4, the material cultures. The overall mean is 3.88 as very
effective. There is only one lowest with the mean of 3.76 marked as very effective, the
tribal accessories. There are three highest-rated material culture mainly the ritual dance and
tribal attire with the mean of 4.06 and marked as extremely effective.
The overall assessment of the recent Kaamulan festival as perceive by the thirty
respondents is Very good. This means to say that the Kaamulan festival 2019, showcased
well the main purpose; the gathering of the 7 tribes of Bukidnon and the promotion of
Bukidnon culture.
The Kaamulan festival four major activities overall resulted as ‘extremely
effective’. The four major activities; street dancing, ground presentation, Laga ta Bukidnon
and parade of floats as perceived from the respondents that it presented well its functions
for the promotion of Bukidnon culture and the presentation of each and different tribe
culture and different tribal dances, beauty and uniqueness of Bukidnon culture.
For the Bukidnon material culture, the overall result is ‘very effective’. The
material culture basing on the respondents respond, it helps and supports the promotion of
Bukidnon since it is about utilizing the works of Lumad people during the Kaamulan
By all counts and with proven results, it is no wonder that the activities presented
during the Kaamulan festival and the material culture of Bukidnon are very effective in
promoting Bukidnon culture.
Henceforth, this study encourages tribal communities to cultivate and maintain
what is left by the ancestors; the culture. Preserve and this will be a great opportunity that
this is the only thing people can regenerate for over centuries may pass until the culture is
the only thing left.
With the conclusion of this study, the researcher recommends:
Bukidnon Tribal Communities. They must conduct a monthly meeting and cultivate
the concerns of the Lumad people and Kaamulan festival.
Bukidnon Tourism & National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP). Must
create campaign about the promotion of Bukidnon culture and its foundation of cultures
from the tribes of Bukidnon through the Kaamulan Festival.
Future Researchers/ Researchers. Must continue to research/study more concerning
the Culture of Bukidnon for promotion purposes and Kaamulan effectivity on captivating
more tourists in Bukidnon.
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A Survey On The Effectiveness Of Kaamulan Festival 2019 In Promoting Bukidnon Culture

  • 1. 1 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM Introduction The cultural diversity in the Philippines is showcased in numerous festivals, locally known as fiestas, which are celebrated in the country. All of the festivals have religious or cultural significance. For instance, the Silmugi Festival (held in honor of Saint Sebastian), the Sinulog Festival (held in honor of Santo Nino de Cebu), and the Kuraldal Festival (held in honor of Saint Lucy). While most festivals are only observed in particular regions or towns, some are public holidays which are celebrated all over the country. Mankiller (2009) stated in her article A Celebration of Pacific Culture (CSQ issues 33.1) that indigenous people have the benefit of being regularly reminded of their responsibilities to the land by stories and ceremonies. They remain close to the land, not only in the way they live, but in their hearts and in the way they view the world. Kaamulan Festival, the only authentic festival in the Philippines, had started to be celebrated since 1974. The value of celebrating the Festival of the ‘Gathering’ is to promote or strengthen the ties of every tribe in Bukidnon, especially in terms of diversity, language and culture. Aside from its countryside appeal, Bukidnon has a traditional culture that is a source of its pride. Among the major tourist attractions are festivals that highlight Bukidnons’ hospitality, heritage, creativity, and ethnicity. The word “Kaamulan” comes from the Binukid word “amul” which means “gathering”. It is a festival celebrated annually by the Bukidnon people. During the festival, the seven tribes in Bukidnon namely: The Bukidnon, Talaandig, Tigwahanon, Manobo,
  • 2. 2 Umayamnon, Matigsalog, and Higaonon are gathered to celebrate. Each tribe showcase their own tribal costumes, dances, and products. However, there are controversial issues under the Kaamulan Festival, for example the issue on modernizing some of the events, the Laga ta Bukidnon programme is hereby some of the contestants are not by blood native. The Philippine government has passed the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act (IPRA) of 1997, which affirms Indigenous Peoples’ rights to ancestral domains, self- governance and empowerment, social justice and human rights, and rights to cultural identity. Ten years later, in 2007, the UN General Assembly adopted the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP), which provides a framework for the survival, dignity, well-being and rights of the world’s Indigenous Peoples, and strengthens their rights to identity, education, health, employment and language, amongst others. More recently, the United Nations adopted Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals, which also include the rights and well-being of Indigenous Peoples. He cited that peace and security is among the top three issues tackled in the Indigenous Peoples Mindanao Conference Committee of holders of Certificate of Ancestral Domain Titles (CADT) in Mindanao. The festivals have major impact on the development of cultural tourism to the host communities. According to Stiernstrand (1996), the economic impact of tourism arises principally from the consumption of tourism products in a geographical area. According to McDonnell, Allen and O Toole (1999), tourism related services, which include travel, accommodation, restaurants, shopping are the major beneficiaries of the event. The social benefits of festivals are less visible, but they are just as important. Building on Schneider's
  • 3. 3 observation, it's fair to say that festivals foster community pride, teach people new things, and strengthen relationships. The study can also be of a great help to the community. This is the first study, conducted in connection with cultural promotion with the example KAAMULAN festival here in bukidnon part of Mindanao, several students will study of related researches about the perception Kaamulan festival in recent times. This would also tackle the prior knowledge of the residents in accordance with the cultural presentation that is celebrated annually or the Kaamulan festival. There is also a chance in developing or strengthening the foundation of Kaamulan festival that will be benefited to the tribal communities in terms of cultural promotions, products, languages and tribal based practices. This study examine the effectiveness of Kaamulan festival in promoting Bukidnon culture. It will tackle the cultural status of Bukidnon inclined with the 7 tribes since these tribes are the very foundation in promoting culture. Theoretical Framework Edward Tylor, who was a nineteenth-century British anthropologist, originally proposed a modern technical definition of culture. He explains culture as, “socially patterned human thought and behaviour” (Tylor in Bodley, 1999:1). According to Bodley (1999:1) there has been a considerable theoretical debate over what such a technical concept of culture should comprise of. This has an influence on the focus of research concerning culture. Bodley (1999:2) states that culture involves three components: thoughts, behaviour and products produced by people. “Thus, mental processes, beliefs, knowledge, and values
  • 4. 4 are parts of culture” Bodley (1999:2). Bandura (in Coursework Info, 2004:1) states that moral values belong to specific cultures. Each culture’s morals only apply to that specific culture. Vasduez and Hummel (in Coursework Info, 2004:1) studied moral reasoning with Indians. Conceptual Framework According to Khan Academy, culture is the beliefs, behaviors, objects, and other characteristics shared by groups of people. Culture could be based on shared ethnicity, gender, customs, values, or even objects. Some cultures place significant value in things such as ceremonial artifacts, jewelry, or even clothing. Culture can also demonstrate the way a group thinks, their practices, or behavioral patterns, or their views of the world. For our input, the researchers will going to get the basic profile of the respondents; Name would be optional, Gender, and Age. This will help the study to be more accurate and specific. This can also identify how long the respondent experiencing the Kaamulan festival. For the process, street dancing, Laga ta Bukidnon, Demo (ground presentation) and Floats, this are the dominant activities during the Kaamulan festival and of the foundations in promoting the Bukidnon culture. Finally, for the output, these are the Bukidnon literary arts/forms that started the year Kaamulan festival first to celebrate. These are also the tribal amenities.
  • 5. 5 Bukidnon Material Culture a. Bukidnon Sculptures; b. Bukidnon Paintings; c. Binukid Language; d. Bukidnon Poems; e. Bukidnon tribal songs; f. Bukidnon tribal song composers; g. Bukidnon ritual dance; h. Bukidnon tribal attire; and i. Bukidnon tribal accessories? Figure 1. Schema of the Study Profile of the Respondents  Address o From Bukidnon o Not from Bukidnon OUTPUT Kaamulan Festival events  Street Dancing  Laga ta Bukidnon  Floats  Ground Presentation INPUT PROCESS Respondents General Assessment during the Kaamulan Festival 2019.
  • 6. 6 Statement of the Problem This study examined the effectiveness of Kaamulan Festival 2019 in promoting the culture of Bukidnon. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 Address; 1.1.1 From Bukidnon 1.1.2 Not from Bukdinon 2. What is the respondents’ overall assessment of the Kaamulan festival 2019? 3. Which of the following Kaamulan Festival 2019 activities is the most effective strategy in promoting Bukidnon culture? 3.1 Street Dancing; 3.2 Laga ta Bukidnon; 3.3 Floats; and 3.4 Demo (Ground presentation)? 4. How effective are the following promote Bukidnon Material culture of the Kaamulan festival, namely: 4.1 Bukidnon Sculptures; 4.2 Bukidnon Paintings; 4.3 Binukid Language; 4.4 Bukidnon Poems; 4.5 Bukidnon tribal songs;
  • 7. 7 4.6 Bukidnon tribal song composers; 4.7 Bukidnon ritual dance; 4.8 Bukidnon tribal attire; and 4.9 Bukidnon tribal accessories? Significance of the Study This study is beneficial to the following: Bukidnon Tribal Communities. The result of this study provides tribal communities with information with regards to the effectivity of celebrating. Kaamulan festivals in promoting the culture of the natives in Bukidnon. The study serves as basis for crafting a more effective program of activities for the nest Kaamulan Festival Bukidnon Tourism & National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP). The study tackled the culture on Bukidnon, it’s a great help to Bukidnon tourism and also for the NCIP. The results of this study can be utilized to further boost the tourism of the province with the help of the NCIP. Researchers. The researchers develops their research skills, at the same time ignite their passion for cultural studies their love for their very own bukidnon culture and their appreciation of the Kaamulan Festival. Future Researchers. For the future researchers, it’d be easier for them of look for any other additional information when it comes to cultures of the Bukidnon, Kaamulan festival and for does people who comes to visit the Kaamalan festival.
  • 8. 8 Scope and Limitations of the Study The study focuses on the culture of Bukinon tribal communities. This tackled the Kaamulan festival as a means of promoting culture in Bukidnon. The study focuses on the recent festival which is in 2019. The respondents of the study are randomly selected from from Bukidnon and outside of Bukidnon. Definition of Terms The following terminologies are defined operationally and theoretically. Bukidnon Ritual. Rituals refer to part of a ceremony. In Bukidnon, examples of rituals are Lagti, or lagon, is a ritual of thanksgiving for harvest among members of the Bukidnon tribe where the palagbasuk, or farmer, together with a baylan or shaman, shares his produce with the community and the spirits. It is part of the cultural practices of kagbasukan or agriculture. Bukidnon Language. The Bukidnon people of the southern Philippines speak the Binukid dialect within the Manobo Language Family. "Bukidnon" is a Bisayan word for "people of the mountains," first used by Bisayan-speaking settlers of Mindanao's north coast, on whom its negative connotation for non-Hispanicized (i.e., "non-civilized") mountain people was not lost. Bukidnon Cultural Attire & Accessories. This refers to the tribal attire with accessories worn by natives or indigenous peoples in Bukidnon. Usually, their traditional attire has red, yellow, blue white and black colors. As to the accessories, beads are prominent.
  • 9. 9 Bukidnon Visual & Graphic Arts. This refers to arts that are visible and appeals to the eyes. These arts could be made using canvass, oil, paint, soil, etc. Bukidnon Songs & Music. These refers to the tribal music and songs being produced, sung and composed by tribal communities in Bukidnon. Culture. The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively. Hence in this study, culture focuses on the 7 tribes of Bukidnon. Effectiveness. The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result; success. In this study, effectiveness is defined as the outcome or the result of celebrating Kaamulan festival in Bukidnon. Kaamulan Festival. Gathering or to Gather. A day or period of celebration, typically a religious commemoration. In our study festival is defined as the annual Kaamulan celebration. Laga ta Bukidnon. Is a highlight event during the Kaamulan festival in Bukidnon. In Binukid dialect, it means the “WOMEN OF BUKIDNON.” It is the pageant that every municipality have to send participants to. Street dancing. It is a cultural activity. It happens in the street, people who are involved in the Kaamulan Festival could be having their cultural dance, with a Float that represents every municipality of Bukidnon. Demo (ground presentation). It is the event where the participants of the street dancing present their final presentation. Floats. It is the representation Traditional amenities from different municipalities of Bukidnon. This happen during the street dancing.
  • 10. 10 Internal respondent. Internal respondent are those respondent that are inside the place where the study is conducted. Hence, in this study, internal respondent are those who lived inside Bukidnon. External respondent. External respondents are those respondents that are outside the place where the study is conducted. Hence, in this study, external respondent are those who lived outside Bukidnon. Material Culture. Material culture is the aspect of social reality grounded in the objects and architecture that surround people. Hence in this study, Material culture is defined as the Bukidnon products, compositions and artworks. Survey. A general view, examination, or description of someone or something. Hence in this study, survey is the type of questionnaire the researcher will use.
  • 11. 11 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter indicate the supporting ideas of the study. It would be collected literatures that are connected to the study. Culture and society According to Phil Musings of their sociology book, functionalists view society as a system in which all parts work or function together to create society as a whole. In this way, societies need culture to exist. The cultures function is to assist of support the operation of society, and cultural values guides in making options. Members of society work together to attain the needs of society. According to Sumner (1906), society involves a belief or attitude that one’s own culture is better than all others. Cultural norms accompany even the smallest nonverbal signals (DuBois 1951). Binford (1967) and Harris (1968) said, that culture is a system of socially transmitted behavior patterns of relate human communities to their ecological settings, namely technologies, and modes of economic, political organization, social grouping, religious beliefs, practices and so on. The culture concept has come down to behavior patterns associated with particular groups of people- their customs or their way life. Culture is one of the images why there are many tourist or travelers engage in visiting many other countries. Since they are new to a place, the culture of that certain country will be new to them, culture shock will be on. Anthropologist Kalervo Oberg (1960) is credited with first coining the term “culture shock.”
  • 12. 12 The other two issues are violations of the FPIC and livelihood opportunities. Perino, a core group member of the committee appealed for both parties to keep the ancestral domains as zones of peace and for the monitoring of the compliance with the Comprehensive Agreement on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. National Department for Culture & Arts (JKKN)- Implementing cultural and arts programs with community involvement to preserve and conserve the culture and arts for sustainability as outlined in the Strategic Plan of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture (2016 – 2020). According to sociologist Lenski Jr (2015) societies are defined in terms of their technological sophistication. Societies are often engaged in technological satisfaction, and will lead to development of foreign cultural features. In the Philippine society, and culture there had been many changes as per observed, this is due to the evolving technologies and emerging new cultures and traditions. Going back to the Philippine history, Philippines had been colonized by several countries. This shaped the present, Filipinos are more likely to engage in new cultures especially to that of richer countries which in turn can easily influence Filipino citizens. Philippine Culture According to ethnic groups Philippines (2016), the Philippines is the only predominantly Christian country in all of Asia. The practices taught by the Spanish clergy have merged well with indigenous ritual practices and carried over to this day. Philippine festivals are celebrations to express gratitude for a good harvest in honor of the town’s patron saint. Filipinos, especially those living in provincial areas, go all out to celebrate
  • 13. 13 these festivities to guarantee comfort in the coming year, believing that the bigger they spend, the more returns they will obtain. For many Filipinos, fiestas are important because of the miraculous power of the saints. It is believed that the saints are responsible for all the good fortune and favor one receives. More than that, it is also during this time that the locals get to celebrate their culture and traditions that are passed on to the next generation. Fiestas reflect Filipino religion and faith, which are the most essential part of society. Nowadays, however, a distinguishing cultural aspect that is unique to the community is preferred as a central subject for many celebrations. According to the Ethnic groups Philippines, Filipinos are mostly religious people, no matter what beliefs they hold and religious affiliations they have. The church and faith have always been pillars of strength and were highly regarded by the people for support or guidance. Festivals are reminders of the past; it gives glimpse of the rich cultural heritage and at the same time connects people to families and loved ones. Filipinos have this distinction between the “ethnic majority” and the “ethnic minority”, which is a result of the Philppines colonial past. The Filipinos who were assimilated by Spain became the “ethnic majority”. While those who contued the practices of their ancestors were labeled as “minorities” and “indigenous peoples”. And it’s saddening that a lot of Filipinos perceive minorities as uneducated, basbaric and ancient. The kaamulan festival is known in bukidnon, as per observe not all the participant of the event are by blood related to the tribal people. In the province, the focus for province is on the festival development, content gathering of the tribes. Festivals are sent to different provinces, it meant to happen to value the tradition of the first tribe who live first in the province. Aside from respecting
  • 14. 14 and valuing the tradition, festivals also offered recreational and socialization for the people who are involved with this. The Filipino culture is a very vibrant and alive. It is a blend of many cultures that have come to the shores and rooted in Filipinos own native culture. Many scholars say that culture is constantly changing that is why it is very hard to define. While this is true, sometimes, it is not changing for the better. In some ways, this is happening to Filipino culture. Filipinos tend to put more importance to foreign culture and things as compared to their own. Many foreign ideas and ways of thinking is what we, Filipinos believe heartedly bring the country progress. Bukidnon Culture Bukidnon is located at the center of Mindanao Island, southern part of the Philippines. Bukidnon is rich in culture as it has the living heritage of seven indegenous tribes the Manobo, the Higaonon, the Talaandig, the Matigsalug, the Tigwahanon, the Bukidnon and the Umayamnon (Jesuit research). According to Gaite (2016), the province does not have the typical Philippine islands and beaches. But, it does have abundance of natural springs. Most of them are converted into resorts. Bukidnon is also labelled as the highland paradise in the heart of Mindanao. While it derived its name from the Visayan term “bukid” for “mountain”, it is predominantly a rolling grassland plateau with an average elevation of 915 meters. The rolling uplands, deep canyons and valleys alternating with the low plains create a refreshing vista for dwellers and travellers alike.
  • 15. 15 The Bukidnon province is an ethnic melting pot with Visayan, Tagalog and Ilocano migrants. Despite a diversity of cultures, the people have adopted Cebuano as their language, supplemented by the native dialect called Binukid (Bukidnon). ` The natives are mainly Bukidnons who occupy the lowlands of the plateau while the Manobos are in higlands. According to this website southeast Asian Studies, Bukidnon settlements are clusters of households under their own datu. They engage in kaingin farming, basket-weaving and pottery. The women wear colorful blouses with wide, flared sleeves, skirts of red and white cloth sewn together, and shawls embroidered in red. Some of the numerous indigenous tribes derive their name from their place or origin: the Tigwahanon after the Tigwa watershed, the Umayamnon after the Umayan River, the Pulangiyon after the Pulangi River and the Matigsalug after the Salug River. The Ilianon and Langilaon were named after the border areas they occupy. The Tala-anding, named after a myth, are distinguished by the elaborate fan-like headgear their women wear during festivals (Province of Bukidnon). According to Bukidnon online, just like any other provinces, there are also tribes and natives that live in the land of Bukidnon. The tribe that occupies the mountains is called manobos and those who inhabit the lowlands are called Bukidnons, all the the different tribes in Bukidnon have their own culture and traditions. They also have their own unwritten laws and the local government respects this. Furthermore, according to Bukidnon online (2012), there is also a common understanding between the two tribes and this is the reason why there is peace in this place. When it comes to their language, each tribe has different dialects but still they manage to figure out what each person is trying to say. Even if one encounter men of other tribes, there is nothing to worry about because they are not dangerous. There are some who would
  • 16. 16 prefer to just ignore a tourist, while there are also others who are very hospitable, friendly and welcoming. The Spanish, who had referred to all upland peoples simply as monteses, adopted Higaonnan in the late nineteenth century to distinguish Binukid speakers from the Manobo living directly to their south. The nonindigenous has occasioned some controversy in recent years, with Bukidnon influenced by PANAMIN, the Philippine government agency formerly in charge of tribal peoples, adopting the name "Higaonnan" (derived from the Binukid gaon for "away from the water") as an alternative. This, however, has not caught on with most Binukid speakers who, grown used to "Bukidnon," steadfastly continue to call themselves by this name. Kaamulan festival According to Philippines travel hub (2019), the name Kaamulan is a derivative of the word ‘amul’ and which translates to ‘the act of getting together’. By bringing together all the seven ethnic groups, the festival achieves its goal of ensuring the continuity of traditions as well as presenting a period of thanksgiving. According to Indigenous languages (2019), annual festival celebrating the establishment of Bukidnon province that runs from mid-February until March 10. It is primarily an ethnic festival that remembers the provinces past and showcases the unique indigenous culture and its people; namely, the seven tribal groups that originally inhabited the Bukidnon region. The rituals of these groups such as that for the inauguration of a new chieftain, the Panlisig (rite to drive away evil spirits), and the Pamalas (atonement ritual)
  • 17. 17 are displayed during the festival. These traditional events are complemented by a civic parade, street dancing competition, garden show, as well as numerous sporting events. The heritage of the noble ancestry of the Indigenous People of Bukidnon is symbolized in their art form of beadwork representing their nature consciousness. Their creations are a story of sophistication and understanding of nature, being unique, local, as well as universal. Each tribe’s patterns and colors represents the craft and life forms found in their environment. Each bead is meticulously set one after the other to form a symmetrical representation of their environment. Triangles are scaled to form the prestigious mountain ranges of which the tribes of Bukidnon are the custodians. It has been their life and sense of community when their farming responsibilities of the day are done, that the women gather around during the afternoon rains and early evenings to create the stunning artistic beadwork worn during special occasions and rituals (Hineliban farms 2917). There are a lot of ethnic tribes and groups in the Philippines but the seven ethnic tribes featured in the event are the Talaandig, Manobo, Matigsalug, Tigwahanun, Higaunu, Umayamnun, and the Bukidnon. The cultural fusion of the ethnic groups makes for a diverse and enthralling event, the only multi-ethnic festival in the country. It is easy to see why this is considered the most genuine festival across the Philippines. Kaamulan festival is a big event in to all of the 7 tribes and give importance of the traditional ways. These are considered the original inhabitants of Bukidnon. Usually held in Malaybalay City from February to March, this year's edition was held during the whole month of August, to coincide with the 100th Founding Anniversary of Bukidnon. The traditional ways gives memories in the old age since the Kaamulan term that has been started. Kaamulan is the only authentic ethnic festival celebrated in the whole Philippines
  • 18. 18 wherein we celebrate the richness of Bukidnon in terms of culture, ethnicity and language. Kaamulan promotes cultural preservation and recognition for each tribe. Bukidnon is located in Mindanao. A beautiful and diverse culture inhabits here in the highlands at the heart of Mindanao. Kaamulan Festival is held annually in the city’s provincial capital, Malaybalay City. It usually starts around the second half of February up to March. Celebrating this festival today usually means and bears different purposes. It can be a thanksgiving festival during harvest time, a peace pact, a wedding ceremony, a datuship ritual or all these combined! Indeed, this has been the reason why this long celebration is surely jampacked of festivities and activities for its people and other tourists who want to visit Bukidnon (Escape manila). The celebration’s activities are unchanged even after centuries. It still includes its authentic rituals such as the Pangampo (general worship), the Tagulambong hu Datu (ritual for the installation of a Chieftain), the Panlisig (a rite to drive away evil spirits), the Panumanod (a spiriting ceremony), and the Pamalas (sin atonement ritual). Each activity reflects the diversity and richness of the Bukidnon culture, and that’s what makes it meaningful (Escape manila). According to a traveller Amboscada (2019) who share his experience at the recent Kaamulan festival in Bukidnon through a series of photos and etc. He stated that the richness of the diversity of the seven tribes culture and traditions can be gleaned from the songs dances rituals clothes and nature of its people. According to Turiano (2019), the present Kaamulan Festival has now highlighted not only their people but their local products and establishments that abound in the province. These products are displayed and sold thru food fests, garden shows, Kaamulan
  • 19. 19 bazaars, agri-fairs, livestock shows, and many more. The town has also incorporated crowd-drawing events such as Motocross, Rodeo, Amateur Boxing, Basketball tournaments, adventure races, concerts, off-road competitions, and several other events that can promote the city. This is seen as an effective way to recognize and appreciate the Bukidnon’s unraveled cultural legacy that has been preserved for centuries. It also serves as the best ground for the people of Bukidnon to gather and become one as a community. Above all, the celebration not only helps in converging the past and the present, but also aims to celebrate abundant culture, inspire its people, and shape the region’s brighter future (Escape manila). Indeed, Bukidnon has always been as a perfect and soothing destination, both for its festivities and tourist spots. You get to see colorful costumes, ethnic dances, local products, and different activities prepared by its people. But beyond that, perhaps the best wonder of Kaamulan Festival is its unique and rich indigenous culture that lives up to this day and the days to come (Escape manila). Therefore, Philippines is rich in culture per se. This signifies that Filipinos are more creative in accordance with utilizing ancient culture that applies until today’s generation and one of the best and rich is Malaybalay city were the people can find the Indigenous people. These people are the very source of a fresh culture and also the people who lives and strengthen the culture of Filipinos despite the generation.
  • 20. 20 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter discusses the strategies and methods used in the study, particularly, research design, sampling, instrumentation, scoring procedure and statistical treatment. Research Design This study is quantitative in nature since the research question we seek to answer lead to numerical data. The researcher used descriptive-evaluative research method. Descriptive-evaluative research is designed to appraise carefully the worthiness of the current study. In addition, the researchers can collect the data from the respondents and utilized for the conclusion. Specifically, the study is descriptive-evaluative as it aims to determine if there is an effect of the recent Kaamulan festival which was held this year 2019. According to Arifin, evaluation research is a research that has an aim to provide information for decision maker (policy maker) related to a power or strength of a program, seen from its effectiveness, cost, device, etc. For instance are the implementations of curriculum, an implementation of contextual learning model, etc. Research Locale. The study is conducted at random places inside the Bukidnon specifically Barangay Imapalambong, Malaybalay city for internal respondents and outside
  • 21. 21 the Bukidnon specifically a Barangay of Agusan del sur Cagayan de Oro city for external respondents. Brgy. Impalambong, Brgy. Agusan del sure CdeO Malaybalay City Buk. The Respondents The respondents of the study are randomly selected 15 from Bukidnon and also 15 from outside Bukidnon. The respondents must have joined the recent Kaamulan Festival held in Malaybalay city Bukidnon. The researcher used snowball and convenience sampling technique since the researcher select respondents whoever are available and distributive property. Data Gathering Procedure Figure 2 Figure 3
  • 22. 22 The researcher formulated the survey questionnaire based on the corrected statement of the problem after the validation, the researchers asked a permission from the school to conduct the study. The researchers used snowball/convenience sampling technique. The researchers will then go to Barangay Agusan, Cagayan de Oro city for external respondents and Barangay Impalambong, Malaybalay city for internal respondents. The researcher consider two codes of ethics in collecting data. Obtaining informed consent, the researcher ensure that the each of the respondent is informed about the study and he/she has taken part of it. Protecting anonymity and confidentiality, the researcher consider that any confidential information gathered shall not be used for any other purposes but for the specific study only. The researchers used only one questionnaire to collect data from the selected respondents. After collecting all the data, these can be quantified and processed in preparation for the statistical treatment. The result can be interpreted basing on the rate the respondents give to the designed questionnaire. Research Instrument There is only one instrument used in the study, survey questionnaire on the Effectivity of the recent Kaamulan festival. The survey questionnaire used English language for generality. Furthermore, the questions must be constructed by the use of rating from 5 as the highest to 1 as the lowest rate. The respondents must checked their preferred rating in each
  • 23. 23 evaluative question. In result, this can help the study to be more specific in calculating the effectivity cultural promotion of the recent Kaamulan festival (2019). The questionnaire are also include the basic profile of the respondent; Gender, age, and ethnicity. Including the general assessment of the recent Kaamulan Festival. The researchers follow the dominant strategies in promoting Bukidnon culture such as, Street dancing, Laga ta Bukidnon, Floats and Demo. It can help the respondent to be more specific in answering the evaluative questions. Scoring Procedure Table 1 illustrates the range, scale, descriptive rating used to measure the general assessment of the Kaamulan festival in promoting Bukidnon culture. The researchers used excellent as the highest rate, very good, good, and satisfactory and the lowest is poor, it would be used by the respondent as basis of their ratings.
  • 24. 24 Table 1 General assessment of the respondent of the Kaamulan festival 2019 Range Scale Description Interpretation 4.33-5.00 5 Excellent The respondent found the Kaamulan festival 2019 presented well the Festival and had done its purpose and focus on promoting Bukidnon culture. 3.66-4.32 4 Very Good The respondent found the Kaamulan festival 2019 presented the activities but there are some small rooms for improvement. 2.34-3.65 3 Good The respondent found the Kaamulan festival 2019 that there are some small problems during the Festival. 1.67-2.33 2 Satisfactory The respondent found the Kaamulan festival 2019 that there are several problems during Kaamulan Festival. 1.00-1.66 1 poor The respondent found the Kaamulan festival 2019 as celebrated just for entertainment and had lost its purpose and focus. Table 2 and 3 illustrates the range, scale, descriptive rating used to measure the effectivity Kaamulan festival as basis in promoting Bukidnon culture. The researchers used extremely effective, very effective, moderately effective, slightly effective, and not effective, it can be used by the respondent as basis of their ratings.
  • 25. 25 Table 2 Kaamulan Festival 2019 activities most effective strategy in promoting culture and How effective the following promote Bukidnon Material culture during the Kaamulan festival. Range Scale Description Interpretation 4.33-5.00 5 Extremely effective The respondent found it really gathered the 7 tribes of Bukidnon and effectively promoted Bukidnon culture by Kaamulan festival strategies and Bukidnon Material culture. 3.66-4.32 4 Very effective The respondent found it gathered the 7 tribes of Bukidnon and promoted Bukidnon culture by Kaamulan festival strategies and Bukidnon Material culture but there are some small rooms for improvement. 2.34-3.65 3 Moderately effective The respondent found that the Festival successfully done but there are small errors amidst. 1.67-2.33 2 Slightly effective The respondent found the Kaamulan festival strategies and Material culture are not properly presented. 1.00-1.66 1 Not effective The respondent found out that Kaamulan festival strategies and Material culture are not effective and it is not comprehensible in promoting Bukidnon culture.
  • 26. 26 STATISTICAL TREATMENT For the first part, the researcher can be determined the basic profile of the respondents, name (optional) and address; from Bukidnon and not from Bukidnon. The frequency and percentage is computed. For the second part of the questionnaire, the mean and standard deviation were computed to determine the effective strategies in Kaamulan festival in promoting Bukidnon culture. For the third part, mean and standard deviation were computed to determine if the tribal literary art promote Bukidnon culture. The researcher surveyed same frequency counts of respondents; external and internal respondents or from Bukidnon and not from Bukidnon. This is to ensure fairness and to have references from both sides considering that the outside Bukidnon respondents are those subjects that experienced Kaamulan festival in the same year.
  • 27. 27 CHAPTER 4 This chapter reviews the results and analysis of the quantitative data, the compilation of the questionnaire and the results and analysis of the quantitative findings of the study. The findings are also discussed. Table 4 Profile of the Respondents according to Address Address Frequency Percentage From Bukidnon 15 50% Not from Bukidnon 15 50% Total 30 100% The Table 4 presents the frequency of the respondents of the study. There are 15 respondents from Bukidnon and also 15 who are not from Bukidnon with the total frequency of 30 respondents with percentage total of 100%. Table 5 Respondents overall assessment of the recent Kaamulan festival Item Descriptor Mean Standard deviation Qualitative Descriptor 1 What is your overall assessment of the Kaamulan festival 2019? 3.66 0.84 Very good 3.66 0.84
  • 28. 28 Table 4 shows that among the 30 respondents the overall assessment of the recent Kaamulan festival with a mean of 3.66 as Very Good with a standard deviation of 0.84. Respondents overall assessment as Very Good, this is to say that during the Kaamulan festival what the respondents had seen and observed, that the festival still present and still focuses on the gathering of tribes and its main purpose. Considering that it has not reached the excellent level, even the dominant activities; street dancing, Laga ta Bukidnon, parade of floats and ground presentation were really from the Bukidnon tribes and supports the showcasing and gathering of tribal cultures and arts. According to respondent no. 1, that the recent Kaamulan festival, yes indeed and does promotes the culture of Bukidnon the only conflict is that there are outside cultures that take place during the festival. This implies that the Kaamulan festival 2019 there is still room for improvement. This should be considered that the organizer of the Kaamulan should minimize from allowing other material culture presentations from utilizing the Kaamulan festival for their benefits. For example, the Boho look, face paint and food stations using Chopsticks etc. From respondent no. 2, Kaamulan festival 2019 still represents the gathering of 7 tribes of Bukidnon and does cultivates and shows the culture of Bukidnon, however at some part of the story, Kaamulan festival is being intruded by outside or unfamiliar culture from outside Bukidnon places.
  • 29. 29 Table 6 Mean Distribution on the Effectiveness of Kaamulan Festival Major Activities. Item Descriptor Mean Qualitative descriptor Standard deviation 1 Street dancing showcases the different tribal dances of the Bukidnon tribes. 4.0 Extremely Effective 0.84 2 Laga ta Bukidnon emphasizes the characteristics of the essence and beauty of a woman from Bukidnon. 3.5 Moderately Effective 0.73 3 The Parade of Floats shows the colorful and uniqueness of the Bukidnon culture. 4.0 Extremely Effective 0.94 4 The ground presentation promotes the diversity of the Bukidnon tribes through its movements, costumes, props, music and theme. 4.0 Extremely Effective 0.94 Total: 3.91 Extremely effective 0.10 Table 6 presents the four major Kaamulan festival activities, the highest-rated activity with the mean of 4.0 as extremely effective are street dancing, the parade of floats and ground presentation. While the lowest is the Laga ta Bukidnon with a mean of 3.5 marked as moderately effective. For the overall, Kaamulan major activities are rated as very effective with a total mean of 3.91. The overall mean of the four major Kaamulan festival is 3.91 and is considered to be as extremely effective with the standard deviation of 0.10. The four major Kaamulan festival activities indeed had presented its mean focus. Suggested that the organizers must instill and continue to develop support for the Kaamulan festival major activities.
  • 30. 30 For the street dancing the mean valued at 4.0 which indicates that street dancing is extremely effective and has a standard deviation of 0.84. This is due to the fact the street dancing really showcases and appreciate the culture of Bukidnon. According to respondent number 5, that street dancing recalls the 7 tribes of Bukidnon and each culture. The street dancing showcases different tribal dances. These emphasize that the Lumad people in Bukidnon have each own originality and do not mix with different types of dancing like modern dances or hip hop. The authenticity of the tribal dance through street dancing scrutinizes the foundation of culture from different municipalities. This implies that they need to continue the procedure and how they organize this type of activity to continue supporting the Bukidnon culture. They have to still present it during Kaamulan for a greater impact on the promotion of Bukidnon culture. According to respondent no. 9, many years had passed but the spirit of each tribe is still alive for years. Through street dancing, many tourists also appreciate the tribal people on how they are doing good in the dancing of their tribal dances. For the Parade of floats as the second-highest rate with 4.0 mean with a standard deviation of 0.94 marked as extremely effective, since the parade of floats does showcase the colorful and uniqueness of Bukidnon culture. From respondent number 8, the parade of float does indeed helps to promote the culture of each tribe from Bukidnon through the Kaamulan Festival. The parade of floats shows the color and uniqueness of tribal communities. It emphasizes that the floats of each tribe are made from indigenous material and are not form outside materials. For the color, the municipalities present their different harvest, for
  • 31. 31 example, the Valencia city, since it is known as the city of golden harvest or ’humay’ as the color of their floats. These simplify that the Parade of floats does must be continued and be supported. Since it helps the Bukidnon to promote the culture of Bukidnon. According to respondent no. 10, it means to preserve and present the culture of each tribe from different municipalities. The third-highest rated with a mean of 4.0 is the ground presentation with a standard deviation of 0.94 marked as extremely effective. The ground presentation helps the tribal people to present their final presentation that is from the stories of the beginning. According to respondent no. 7, mainly the ground presentation is used for tribes ritual and it is where the tribes will now portray the different cultures inherited by ancestors. The ground presentation promotes the diversity of the Bukidnon tribes through its movements, costumes, props, music, and theme. The movements of the Lumad people of their ground presentation are scented from their ritual dances which are the foundation of their originality. Those costumes, props, and music are originally crafted by the Lumad people, with the use of the tribal material from different municipalities and for the music it is seen that the Lumad people use the originally crafted drums and sticks utilizing the indigenous material. For the Laga ta Bukidnon (Women of Bukidnon) with only 3.5 mean and it considered moderately effective with a standard deviation of 0.73. Laga ta Bukidnon presents the beauty of the women of Bukidnon however there had been some issues concerning this that the pageant is just like an ordinary competition or Laga ta Bukidnon, half to say is only for entertainment purposes. According to respondent no. 11, the pageant Laga ta Bukidnon is just like the other pageants.
  • 32. 32 Laga ta Bukidnon emphasizes the characteristics of the essence and beauty of a woman from Bukidnon. From the table above it has the lowest-rated major Kaamulan activities but with the mark of moderately effective. This is to say that Laga ta Bukidnon indeed presents the beauty of the different women of Bukidnon. These imply that Laga ta Bukidnon needs an improvement. Highly recommended that the participant should be a natural-born citizen of Bukidnon. From respondent no. 5, per observation, the participant is not native by blood, therefore the organizer should improve or more mechanics that the participant should be native by blood or from Bukidnon. Table 7 presents some of the material cultures of Bukidnon. There is only one with the lowest rate ‘Tribal accessories’ with a mean of 3.76 and a standard deviation of 0.93 as very effective. The highest rates are Ritual dance with a standard deviation of 0.82 and tribal attire with a standard deviation of 0.90 and has a mean of 4.06 as extremely effective. The overall rating of the material culture of Bukidnon is ‘very effective’ with the total standard deviation of 0.05 and mean; 3.88. The overall rating of the Bukidnon material culture is ‘very effective’. The Bukidnon material culture during the Kaamulan festival shows the beauty and works of the product of Bukidnon. This indicates that the Bukidnon material culture has its own fashion that represents the culture of the Bukidnon tribes.
  • 33. 33 Table 7 Bukidnon Material culture Item Descriptor Mean Qualitative descriptor Standard deviation 1 The tribal sculptures displays the different tribal perspectives in life and art. 3.8 Very effective 0.86 2 Tribal paintings showcases the art and beauty of the Lumad tribes. 3.8 Very effective 0.80 3 The Binukid language promotes the uniqueness of the Bukidnon tribal languages. 3.9 Very effective 0.99 4 Ethnic poems depicts the diversity, stories and narratives of the native people in Bukidnon. 3.8 Very effective 0.84 5 Tribal songs depicts the origin, foundation and stories of the Bukidnon tribes. 3.83 Very effective 0.87 6 Tribal song composers focus in telling its listeners the life, challenges and victories of the Bukidnon people. 3.9 Moderately effective 0.84 7 Ritual dance shows how the Bukidnon people praise and respect their Magbabaya (God). 4.06 Extremely effective 0.82 8 Tribal attire represents the color, lines, beads and uniqueness of the Lumad people. 4.06 Extremely effective 0.90 9 Tribal accessories emphasizes the beauty of beadworks by the Bukidnon tribes. 3.76 Moderately effective 0.93 Total: 3.88 Very effective 0.05
  • 34. 34 The result shows that the organizer of the Kaamulan Festival includes the Bukidnon material culture in some competition. That every tribe must have a display of their product so that this can be their signature product to be known. Item number 7. One of the highest-rated material cultures of Bukidnon is the ritual dance with a mean of 4.06 as extremely effective with a standard deviation of 0.90. the ritual dance is the mark or the zeal of the culture and stories of each tribe that has been practiced for the past. In the statement given by the respondent no. 13, it is where the culture of each tribe begin, every movement of their body has its meaning that depicts the stories told. These imply that ritual dance should never be forgotten and must continue to evolve and be practiced. Ritual dance should never be forgotten that before the Kaamulan festival start, the ritual should be celebrated. This is the way to show the practices and how they live in the daily life of the 7 tribes. It promotes in every culture and knowing each of the practices of the 7 tribes. The ritual dance shows the originality of love and respect for every culture of the Bukidnon tribes. According to respondent no. 14, as part of the 7 tribes of Bukidnon, the essence of ritual dance is to connect to nature and to aver evil spirits and most importantly, ritual dance is where culture has evolved. Item number 8. As the second-highest-rated material culture of Bukidnon is the Tribal attire with a mean of 4.06 as extremely effective with a standard deviation of 0.90. Tribal attire has always been giving the color, lines, beads, and uniqueness of the Lumad
  • 35. 35 people. From respondent number 14, tribal attire gives the Lumad tribes the essence of beauty and the heritage of culture. These imply that tribal attire does promote the beautiful works, colors of each different tribe that came from the lines of cultures. The tribal communities must continue and develop the making of attires for strengthening the identity of different tribal people inside Bukidnon. According to respondent no. 21, that tribal attire helps the Lumad tribes to be identified and the appreciation of the beautiful works of the Lumad people. Item no. 9, tribal accessories have the lowest rate from the table with a mean of 3.76 but have the value of ‘very effective’ with a standard deviation of 0.93. Tribal accessories were not likely as before, that all the beads, the design are originally crafted and made from the materials of each tribe but only some part of it. Respondent no.18 opined that tribal accessories are still present but there are some small parts of the component that are mixed with different materials that are not from Bukidnon. According to respondent no. 20, tribal accessories are important for presenting the beadworks, beauty, and identity of the Lumad people in Bukidnon but it is slowly losing its originality, per observation that some materials of it or beads are not made from Bukidnon materials. Tribal accessories in every tribe show their creativity and hard working to make the individuals products of the Bukidnon tribes. In able to know their culture, and contribute to the people inside or outside the Bukidnon. It must be displayed at the public and school libraries and in the museum so that the tourist can see the works of the Bukidnon.
  • 36. 36 CHAPTER 5 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter contains the summary, conclusion, and recommendations that were based on results and findings of the study. Summary The research study is entitled “Survey on the effectiveness of Kaamulan festival 2019 in Promoting Bukidnon culture” was conducted to determine if the Kaamulan festival activities are effective enough to promote Bukidnon culture. The chosen respondents for the said study were 15 adult citizens and had joined the recent Kaamulan from outside Bukidnon and 15 Grade 12 student respondents of San Isidro College and also joined the recent Kaamulan festival from Bukidnon. Survey questionnaires were given to every respondent and the data gathered were then tallied and pooled for interpretation and analysis of results. The following were the findings. Findings 1. What is the profile of the respondent in terms of: 1.1 Address; 1.1.1 From Bukidnon 1.1.2 Not from Bukidnon Thirty respondents were surveyed. It is divided in half, 15 from Bukidnon and 15 outside of Bukidnon.
  • 37. 37 2. What is the respondents’ overall assessment of the Kaamulan festival 2019? The respondents overall assessment of the Kaamulan festival 2019 are ‘very good’. It has a mean of 3.66. 3. Which of the following Kaamulan Festival 2019 activities is the most effective strategy in promoting Bukidnon culture? 1.1 Street Dancing; 1.2 Laga ta Bukidnon; 1.3 Floats; and 1.4 Demo (Ground presentation)? Among the four major Kaamulan festival; Street dancing, Floats, and Demo or ground presentation were likely ‘Extremely effective’ and hence, Laga ta Bukidnon among the four is most likely in the middle or’ moderately effective’. The highest with the mean of 4.0 are Street dancing, the parade of float and Ground presentation. The lowest with the mean of 3.5 is the Laga ta Bukidnon. 4. How effective are the Bukidnon Material Culture promote Bukidnon culture during the Kaamulan festival, namely: a. Bukidnon Sculptures; b. Bukidnon Paintings; c. Binukid Language; d. Bukidnon Poems; e. Bukidnon tribal songs; f. Bukidnon tribal song composers; g. Bukidnon ritual dance;
  • 38. 38 h. Bukidnon tribal attire; and i. Bukidnon tribal accessories? For question number 4, the material cultures. The overall mean is 3.88 as very effective. There is only one lowest with the mean of 3.76 marked as very effective, the tribal accessories. There are three highest-rated material culture mainly the ritual dance and tribal attire with the mean of 4.06 and marked as extremely effective. Conclusion The overall assessment of the recent Kaamulan festival as perceive by the thirty respondents is Very good. This means to say that the Kaamulan festival 2019, showcased well the main purpose; the gathering of the 7 tribes of Bukidnon and the promotion of Bukidnon culture. The Kaamulan festival four major activities overall resulted as ‘extremely effective’. The four major activities; street dancing, ground presentation, Laga ta Bukidnon and parade of floats as perceived from the respondents that it presented well its functions for the promotion of Bukidnon culture and the presentation of each and different tribe culture and different tribal dances, beauty and uniqueness of Bukidnon culture. For the Bukidnon material culture, the overall result is ‘very effective’. The material culture basing on the respondents respond, it helps and supports the promotion of Bukidnon since it is about utilizing the works of Lumad people during the Kaamulan Festival. By all counts and with proven results, it is no wonder that the activities presented during the Kaamulan festival and the material culture of Bukidnon are very effective in promoting Bukidnon culture.
  • 39. 39 Henceforth, this study encourages tribal communities to cultivate and maintain what is left by the ancestors; the culture. Preserve and this will be a great opportunity that this is the only thing people can regenerate for over centuries may pass until the culture is the only thing left. Recommendations With the conclusion of this study, the researcher recommends: Bukidnon Tribal Communities. They must conduct a monthly meeting and cultivate the concerns of the Lumad people and Kaamulan festival. Bukidnon Tourism & National Commission on Indigenous People (NCIP). Must create campaign about the promotion of Bukidnon culture and its foundation of cultures from the tribes of Bukidnon through the Kaamulan Festival. Future Researchers/ Researchers. Must continue to research/study more concerning the Culture of Bukidnon for promotion purposes and Kaamulan effectivity on captivating more tourists in Bukidnon.
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