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Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 11(2): April- June, 2020
ISSN 0976-2973 (Print)
2321-581X (Online)
DOI: 10.5958/2321-581X.2020.00008.2
Vol. 11 |Issue-02|
April- June| 2020
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A Study of Cryptography to Protect Data from Cyber-crimes
Abhishek Guru1
, Asha Ambhikar2
Research Scholar, Computer Science Department, Kalinga University, Naya Raipur, Raipur, India.
Professor, Computer Science Depaprtment, Kalinga University, Naya Raipur, Raipur, India.
*Corresponding Author E-mail:,
Cybercrime is defined as a crime in which a computer is the object of the crime or is used as a tool to commit an
offense. Cyber Security is a system of defending information, servers and network from malicious attacks. Now a
day’s every information or data is digitalises which are stored in server, clouds and other resources. The more data
we store the more organized crime is ready to devour it. Now a day’s online lifestyle gives enormous opportunities
to reach anyone from anywhere but this gives chances to cyber-crime. Today to control cyber-crimes we having
lots of techniques, Cryptography is one of them. The Cryptography is an art of hiding data or information from
unauthorized users. The importance of cryptography to securing data or information and some major cyber-crimes
are studied through this research paper.
KEYWORDS: Cyber Security, Digitalization, Cryptography, Cyber-crime, Information.
In today’s modern world, information and communication technologies are omnipresent and digitalization in all areas
is expanding and the world of network today has become a parallel form of life and living. The use of internet is one
of the fastest growing areas of technical infrastructure development. The Cyber security is a state or a process of
protecting information and information system such as data base, computers, networks and data centres and some
applications with appropriate procedural and technological security measure. For data security we having lots of
technologies by which we can able to secure our data from unauthenticated user. Cyber security has appeared as an
erected discipline for infrastructure and computers with a focus on protection of information stored on systems from
those who want to obtain, corrupt, destroy or prohibit access to it. The cryptographic algorithms plays very impotent
role to secure the data over the network. There are many cryptographic algorithms are available to secure the data or
information over the network. In cryptography the original message is converted in the unreadable form which is
called cipher text and the original message is called plaintext.
A. Cryptography:
Cryptography is the art of secret writing which is used since Roman times to hide information secret or keeping the
message. To keep information secret a widely used method is encryption and decryption which are the basic function
of Cryptography. In cryptography the information is converted into unreadable format which is ciphertext or
cyphertext which is cannot be understand by unauthorized user only a person who having a key can able to decode
the information into original format which is called plaintext.
As we know that in the main goal of cyber security is securing the information and data from unauthenticated users.
To secure the information or data we having cryptographic algorithms which are help to encrypt the data.
Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 11(2): April- June, 2020
Figure 1: Cryptography
As we can see the figure in cryptography first the plaintext (original message) is converted into unreadable format by
using encryption algorithm and key and the data is transferred to network in other hand the receiver uses the decryption
algorithm and private key to get the original message.
Classification of Cryptography:
Encryption algorithms can be classified into two categories- Symmetric and Asymmetric key encryption.
i. Symmetric Algorithm
ii. Asymmetric Algorithm
Figure 2: Classification of Cryptography
• Symmetric Algorithm:
In the symmetric key encryption, same key is used for encryption and decryption both. Symmetric key cryptosystems
are faster than the asymmetric key cryptosystems. It is used to provide confidentiality of the messages. There are
hundreds of different symmetric key algorithms available. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the
more common examples are DES, 3DES, AES, IDEA, RC4, and RC5.
1. DES (Data Encryption Standard):
DES was originally developed in 1976. It has been one of the most widely used encryption algorithms. This is partially
due to the fact that it was adopted as the government standard for encryption. The DES algorithm itself is very strong.
The weakness of the original DES standard is that it uses a 56-bit encryption key.
2. 3DES:
It is most commonly known as Triple DES. It applies the DES algorithm three times to each block of data that's why
it's called 3DES. 3DES has overtaken its predecessor, DES, and is currently considered to be the most widely used
standard for secure encryption. The algorithm itself is just as strong as DES and also has the advantage of being able
to use longer key lengths. A key must be specified for each of the 3DES encryption. There is an option of using the
same key for each, the same for two of the iterations, or a different key for each of the iterations. The most secure
implementation is to use a different key for each iteration. If you use the same key for all three iterations, the key
strength is considered to be 56 bits. That's basically the same as DES.
3. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard):
It is also sometimes referred to as the Rijndael algorithm. This is due to the fact that AES actually comes from the
Rijndael algorithm. The Rijndael algorithm was chosen as AES standard by the evaluation of the government. The
AES standard have three different ciphers: AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256. The numbers represent the length of
the encryption key. AES is very fast and very secure. Because of this, its global uptake has been very quick.
4. IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm):
It is the International Data Encryption Algorithm. IDEA was originally a replacement for the DES standard. IDEA
uses a 128-bit encryption key. There are two main factor IDEA is not as widely used. The first is the fact that IDEA
is subject to a range of weak keys. The second reason is that there are currently faster algorithms that produce the
same level of security.
Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 11(2): April- June, 2020
❖ Asymmetric Algorithm:
In the asymmetric cryptography a key can be divided into two parts, a public key and a private key. The public key
can be available for everyone while the private key must be kept secret. Asymmetric cryptography has two major use
cases: confidentiality and authentication. Using asymmetric cryptography, messages signed with a private key, and
then anyone with the public key is able to verify that the message was created by someone possessing the
corresponding private key. This can be combined with a proof of identity system to know what entity (person or group)
actually owns that private key, providing authentication. Encryption with asymmetric cryptography works in different
way from symmetric encryption. Asymmetric key algorithms aren't as widely used as symmetric counterparts. So we'll
go over two of the big ones: Diffie-Hellman and RSA.
1. Diffie-Hellman:
The Diffie-Hellman algorithm was one of the earliest known asymmetric key implementations. The Diffie-Hellman
algorithm is mostly used for key exchange. Although symmetric key algorithms are fast and secure, key exchange is
always a problem. You have to figure out a way to get the private key to all systems. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm
helps with this. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm was used to establish a secure communication channel used by the
systems to exchange a private key. This private key is then used to do symmetric encryption between the two systems.
2. RSA ( Rivest Shamir Adelman algorithm):
RSA was developed in 1978. RSA was the first widely used asymmetric algorithms used for signing and encryption.
It supports key lengths of 768 and 1,024 bits. The RSA algorithm uses a three-part process. The first part is key
generation. The keys used in the RSA algorithm are based on prime numbers. The second part of the process is
encryption. This encryption is done using public key and private key pair. The third part of the process is decryption.
The decryption is done using the private key.
Cyber security is protecting devices from unauthorized access. It is an important matter for the Internet and the systems
built on it. Cyber warfare and cyber-crime have prevalent and potentially devastating effects. The benefits of
collaboration can get through the risk of loss of privacy, wealth, and personal security.
A cyber-attack example is hack where an intruder steals valuable data such as credit card information, or intellectual
property. Another example is a distributed denial-of-service attack where the attacker compromises a target by
flooding it with requests from multiple systems.
Types of Cyber-crime:
Cyber-crimes can be of the following types:
A. Hacking- It is a type of crime in which the personal data is accessed by criminals by using some applications or
codes. Hacking is done to access the personal, confidential and sensitive information from an individual’s computer.
It can also be done to change the passwords of login accounts and use the information against them.
B. Theft- Under this category a person violates or breaks the copyrights of a particular website and download songs,
games, movies and software. There are many websites which allow downloading the data that is copied from other
websites. It is known as pirated data as the quality of data is not up to the mark.
C. Identity theft- In this attack, criminals steal data about person’s bank account number, credit card number, debit
card and other confidential data to transfer money to his account or buy things online by acting as the original person
i.e. the criminal stalks the identity of person and thus it is known as identity theft. This theft can result in huge
economical loss to the victim.
D. Defamation- In this type of crime, the criminal hacks the email account of a person and sends mails using abusive
languages to known person’s mail accounts so as to lower the dignity or fame of that person.
E. Malicious software- These are the software that is used to access the system to steal confidential data of the
organization or can be used to damage the hardware and software of the system.
F. Cyber Stalking- It is a type of attack where online messages and e-mails are bombarded on victim’s system. In
cyber staking, internet is used to harass an individual, group or organization by using defamation, identity theft,
solicitation for sex, false accusations etc.
G. E-mail harassment- In this type of cyber-crime, the victim is harassed by receiving letters, attachments in files
and folders of e-mails.
H. Spoofing- It is a type of situation in which criminal masquerade as another person i.e. the criminal acts as another
person by using his identity and therefore takes advantage of illegally accessing data of the other person.
I. Virus- It is a small program that is loaded on the victim’s computer without his knowledge which causes a large
amount of damage to the system. Viruses attach themselves to files and circulate themselves to other files on the
network which leads to damage of the system.
J. Phishing- It is an attack in which criminal sends genuine looking emails to victim to gather personal and financial
information of the victim which can be used against him.
Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 11(2): April- June, 2020
K. Grooming-Grooming is the process of influencing the youth emotionally for sexual exploitation. In this process,
criminal wins the trust of victim and then attempts to sexualize the relation between them which leads to pornography
or sex trafficking.
Among the various crimes prevailing in today’s society; cybercrime has become very common as well as very
dangerous. The emergence of new technology has increased the number of perpetrators that take advantage of these
resources to use them illegally for their own gain. Online fraud and hacking attacks are just some examples of
computer-related crimes that are committed on a large scale every day. Hence the awareness of cybercrime as well as
cyber security is very much needed for the learners and also for the teachers. There is dearth of such studies which try
to study the level of cybercrime awareness. So, the present investigation visualized a need to study level of cybercrime
awareness among students and this paper elucidates the awareness of students towards cybercrime.
A major contributor to cyber penetrability is that many computer systems and software applications were not designed
with enough attention to security. For instance, the Domain Name System was not designed to be completely secure.
To implementing cyber security the main components are software, hardware, and human. Humans must implement
policies such as using strong passwords and not unfold them; software must be kept up to date with patches that fix
its permeability’s. Antivirus software and firewalls can help prevent unauthorized access to private data.
Cryptography is essential to many models of cyber security. Cryptography applies algorithms to shuffle the bits that
represent data in such a way that only authorized users can unshuffle them to obtain the original data. Cryptographic
algorithms use mathematics to achieve effective shuffling. Most common cryptographic standards are open where the
algorithms are known and published, but the clever mathematics makes it impractical to decode the shuffled bits. Open
standards help ensure cryptography is secure. Symmetric encryption is a method of encryption involving the same key
for both encryption and decryption. Public key encryption, which is not symmetric, is an encryption method that is
widely used because of the enhanced security associated with its use. Certificate authorities issue digital certificates
that validate the ownership of encrypted keys used in secured communication and are based on a trust model.
With the increase in the users of internet, the increase in cyber-crimes can also be seen. Cyber-crime can be done
mainly by using the technique of hacking. Hacking is the method in which the criminals get access to the victim’s
system without their knowledge. All the persons who use internet and especially those make money transactions
through internet must be beware of the cyber criminals. It is the need of today’s world to have knowledge about the
crimes that are associated with the internet. It is the duty of each one of us to be aware of the basic internet security
like changing the passwords regularly, keeping long passwords, avoids disclosing personal information to strangers
on the internet or entering credit card details on unsecured websites to avoid any fraud, etc. Government is also making
efforts to have a control on these cyber-crimes. IT Act 2000 is made to deal with the cyber-crimes.
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Received on 21.05.2020 Accepted on 19.06.2020
©A&V Publications all right reserved
Research J. Engineering and Tech. 2020;11(2):45-48.
DOI: 10.5958/2321-581X.2020.00008.2

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A Study Of Cryptography To Protect Data From Cyber-Crimes

  • 1. Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 11(2): April- June, 2020 45 ISSN 0976-2973 (Print) 2321-581X (Online) DOI: 10.5958/2321-581X.2020.00008.2 Vol. 11 |Issue-02| April- June| 2020 Available online at Research Journal of Engineering and Technology Home page REVIEW ARTICLE A Study of Cryptography to Protect Data from Cyber-crimes Abhishek Guru1 , Asha Ambhikar2 1 Research Scholar, Computer Science Department, Kalinga University, Naya Raipur, Raipur, India. 2 Professor, Computer Science Depaprtment, Kalinga University, Naya Raipur, Raipur, India. *Corresponding Author E-mail:, ABSTRACT: Cybercrime is defined as a crime in which a computer is the object of the crime or is used as a tool to commit an offense. Cyber Security is a system of defending information, servers and network from malicious attacks. Now a day’s every information or data is digitalises which are stored in server, clouds and other resources. The more data we store the more organized crime is ready to devour it. Now a day’s online lifestyle gives enormous opportunities to reach anyone from anywhere but this gives chances to cyber-crime. Today to control cyber-crimes we having lots of techniques, Cryptography is one of them. The Cryptography is an art of hiding data or information from unauthorized users. The importance of cryptography to securing data or information and some major cyber-crimes are studied through this research paper. KEYWORDS: Cyber Security, Digitalization, Cryptography, Cyber-crime, Information. I. INTRODUCTION: In today’s modern world, information and communication technologies are omnipresent and digitalization in all areas is expanding and the world of network today has become a parallel form of life and living. The use of internet is one of the fastest growing areas of technical infrastructure development. The Cyber security is a state or a process of protecting information and information system such as data base, computers, networks and data centres and some applications with appropriate procedural and technological security measure. For data security we having lots of technologies by which we can able to secure our data from unauthenticated user. Cyber security has appeared as an erected discipline for infrastructure and computers with a focus on protection of information stored on systems from those who want to obtain, corrupt, destroy or prohibit access to it. The cryptographic algorithms plays very impotent role to secure the data over the network. There are many cryptographic algorithms are available to secure the data or information over the network. In cryptography the original message is converted in the unreadable form which is called cipher text and the original message is called plaintext. A. Cryptography: Cryptography is the art of secret writing which is used since Roman times to hide information secret or keeping the message. To keep information secret a widely used method is encryption and decryption which are the basic function of Cryptography. In cryptography the information is converted into unreadable format which is ciphertext or cyphertext which is cannot be understand by unauthorized user only a person who having a key can able to decode the information into original format which is called plaintext. As we know that in the main goal of cyber security is securing the information and data from unauthenticated users. To secure the information or data we having cryptographic algorithms which are help to encrypt the data.
  • 2. Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 11(2): April- June, 2020 46 Figure 1: Cryptography As we can see the figure in cryptography first the plaintext (original message) is converted into unreadable format by using encryption algorithm and key and the data is transferred to network in other hand the receiver uses the decryption algorithm and private key to get the original message. Classification of Cryptography: Encryption algorithms can be classified into two categories- Symmetric and Asymmetric key encryption. i. Symmetric Algorithm ii. Asymmetric Algorithm Figure 2: Classification of Cryptography • Symmetric Algorithm: In the symmetric key encryption, same key is used for encryption and decryption both. Symmetric key cryptosystems are faster than the asymmetric key cryptosystems. It is used to provide confidentiality of the messages. There are hundreds of different symmetric key algorithms available. Each has its own strengths and weaknesses. Some of the more common examples are DES, 3DES, AES, IDEA, RC4, and RC5. 1. DES (Data Encryption Standard): DES was originally developed in 1976. It has been one of the most widely used encryption algorithms. This is partially due to the fact that it was adopted as the government standard for encryption. The DES algorithm itself is very strong. The weakness of the original DES standard is that it uses a 56-bit encryption key. 2. 3DES: It is most commonly known as Triple DES. It applies the DES algorithm three times to each block of data that's why it's called 3DES. 3DES has overtaken its predecessor, DES, and is currently considered to be the most widely used standard for secure encryption. The algorithm itself is just as strong as DES and also has the advantage of being able to use longer key lengths. A key must be specified for each of the 3DES encryption. There is an option of using the same key for each, the same for two of the iterations, or a different key for each of the iterations. The most secure implementation is to use a different key for each iteration. If you use the same key for all three iterations, the key strength is considered to be 56 bits. That's basically the same as DES. 3. AES (Advanced Encryption Standard): It is also sometimes referred to as the Rijndael algorithm. This is due to the fact that AES actually comes from the Rijndael algorithm. The Rijndael algorithm was chosen as AES standard by the evaluation of the government. The AES standard have three different ciphers: AES-128, AES-192, and AES-256. The numbers represent the length of the encryption key. AES is very fast and very secure. Because of this, its global uptake has been very quick. 4. IDEA (International Data Encryption Algorithm): It is the International Data Encryption Algorithm. IDEA was originally a replacement for the DES standard. IDEA uses a 128-bit encryption key. There are two main factor IDEA is not as widely used. The first is the fact that IDEA is subject to a range of weak keys. The second reason is that there are currently faster algorithms that produce the same level of security.
  • 3. Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 11(2): April- June, 2020 47 ❖ Asymmetric Algorithm: In the asymmetric cryptography a key can be divided into two parts, a public key and a private key. The public key can be available for everyone while the private key must be kept secret. Asymmetric cryptography has two major use cases: confidentiality and authentication. Using asymmetric cryptography, messages signed with a private key, and then anyone with the public key is able to verify that the message was created by someone possessing the corresponding private key. This can be combined with a proof of identity system to know what entity (person or group) actually owns that private key, providing authentication. Encryption with asymmetric cryptography works in different way from symmetric encryption. Asymmetric key algorithms aren't as widely used as symmetric counterparts. So we'll go over two of the big ones: Diffie-Hellman and RSA. 1. Diffie-Hellman: The Diffie-Hellman algorithm was one of the earliest known asymmetric key implementations. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm is mostly used for key exchange. Although symmetric key algorithms are fast and secure, key exchange is always a problem. You have to figure out a way to get the private key to all systems. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm helps with this. The Diffie-Hellman algorithm was used to establish a secure communication channel used by the systems to exchange a private key. This private key is then used to do symmetric encryption between the two systems. 2. RSA ( Rivest Shamir Adelman algorithm): RSA was developed in 1978. RSA was the first widely used asymmetric algorithms used for signing and encryption. It supports key lengths of 768 and 1,024 bits. The RSA algorithm uses a three-part process. The first part is key generation. The keys used in the RSA algorithm are based on prime numbers. The second part of the process is encryption. This encryption is done using public key and private key pair. The third part of the process is decryption. The decryption is done using the private key. Cyber security is protecting devices from unauthorized access. It is an important matter for the Internet and the systems built on it. Cyber warfare and cyber-crime have prevalent and potentially devastating effects. The benefits of collaboration can get through the risk of loss of privacy, wealth, and personal security. A cyber-attack example is hack where an intruder steals valuable data such as credit card information, or intellectual property. Another example is a distributed denial-of-service attack where the attacker compromises a target by flooding it with requests from multiple systems. Types of Cyber-crime: Cyber-crimes can be of the following types: A. Hacking- It is a type of crime in which the personal data is accessed by criminals by using some applications or codes. Hacking is done to access the personal, confidential and sensitive information from an individual’s computer. It can also be done to change the passwords of login accounts and use the information against them. B. Theft- Under this category a person violates or breaks the copyrights of a particular website and download songs, games, movies and software. There are many websites which allow downloading the data that is copied from other websites. It is known as pirated data as the quality of data is not up to the mark. C. Identity theft- In this attack, criminals steal data about person’s bank account number, credit card number, debit card and other confidential data to transfer money to his account or buy things online by acting as the original person i.e. the criminal stalks the identity of person and thus it is known as identity theft. This theft can result in huge economical loss to the victim. D. Defamation- In this type of crime, the criminal hacks the email account of a person and sends mails using abusive languages to known person’s mail accounts so as to lower the dignity or fame of that person. E. Malicious software- These are the software that is used to access the system to steal confidential data of the organization or can be used to damage the hardware and software of the system. F. Cyber Stalking- It is a type of attack where online messages and e-mails are bombarded on victim’s system. In cyber staking, internet is used to harass an individual, group or organization by using defamation, identity theft, solicitation for sex, false accusations etc. G. E-mail harassment- In this type of cyber-crime, the victim is harassed by receiving letters, attachments in files and folders of e-mails. H. Spoofing- It is a type of situation in which criminal masquerade as another person i.e. the criminal acts as another person by using his identity and therefore takes advantage of illegally accessing data of the other person. I. Virus- It is a small program that is loaded on the victim’s computer without his knowledge which causes a large amount of damage to the system. Viruses attach themselves to files and circulate themselves to other files on the network which leads to damage of the system. J. Phishing- It is an attack in which criminal sends genuine looking emails to victim to gather personal and financial information of the victim which can be used against him.
  • 4. Research Journal of Engineering and Technology. 11(2): April- June, 2020 48 K. Grooming-Grooming is the process of influencing the youth emotionally for sexual exploitation. In this process, criminal wins the trust of victim and then attempts to sexualize the relation between them which leads to pornography or sex trafficking. Among the various crimes prevailing in today’s society; cybercrime has become very common as well as very dangerous. The emergence of new technology has increased the number of perpetrators that take advantage of these resources to use them illegally for their own gain. Online fraud and hacking attacks are just some examples of computer-related crimes that are committed on a large scale every day. Hence the awareness of cybercrime as well as cyber security is very much needed for the learners and also for the teachers. There is dearth of such studies which try to study the level of cybercrime awareness. So, the present investigation visualized a need to study level of cybercrime awareness among students and this paper elucidates the awareness of students towards cybercrime. A major contributor to cyber penetrability is that many computer systems and software applications were not designed with enough attention to security. For instance, the Domain Name System was not designed to be completely secure. To implementing cyber security the main components are software, hardware, and human. Humans must implement policies such as using strong passwords and not unfold them; software must be kept up to date with patches that fix its permeability’s. Antivirus software and firewalls can help prevent unauthorized access to private data. Cryptography is essential to many models of cyber security. Cryptography applies algorithms to shuffle the bits that represent data in such a way that only authorized users can unshuffle them to obtain the original data. Cryptographic algorithms use mathematics to achieve effective shuffling. Most common cryptographic standards are open where the algorithms are known and published, but the clever mathematics makes it impractical to decode the shuffled bits. Open standards help ensure cryptography is secure. Symmetric encryption is a method of encryption involving the same key for both encryption and decryption. Public key encryption, which is not symmetric, is an encryption method that is widely used because of the enhanced security associated with its use. Certificate authorities issue digital certificates that validate the ownership of encrypted keys used in secured communication and are based on a trust model. CONCLUSION: With the increase in the users of internet, the increase in cyber-crimes can also be seen. Cyber-crime can be done mainly by using the technique of hacking. Hacking is the method in which the criminals get access to the victim’s system without their knowledge. All the persons who use internet and especially those make money transactions through internet must be beware of the cyber criminals. It is the need of today’s world to have knowledge about the crimes that are associated with the internet. It is the duty of each one of us to be aware of the basic internet security like changing the passwords regularly, keeping long passwords, avoids disclosing personal information to strangers on the internet or entering credit card details on unsecured websites to avoid any fraud, etc. Government is also making efforts to have a control on these cyber-crimes. IT Act 2000 is made to deal with the cyber-crimes. REFERENCES: 1. A. A. Cardenas, P. K. Manadhata, S. P. Rajan, Big Data Analytics for Security, IEEE Security and Privacy, 11 (6), 2013, pp. 74 -76. 2. Enhancing Cyber security with Big Data: Challenges and Opportunities December 2, 2016 by Emmeline Short. 3. Elisa Bertino, E. (2014). Security with Privacy -Opportunities and Challenges. 4. Accessed on 20 February 2018 5. Omar G. Abood, Shawkat K.Guirguis,(2018), A Survey on Cryptography Algorithm, International Journal of Science and Research Publications, Volume:8, Issue:7, ISSN: 2250-3153. 6. B, Padmavathi, S. Ranjita Kumari, (2013), A Survey on Performance Analysis of DES,AES and RSA Algorithm along with LSB Substitution Technique, International Journal of Science and Research”, Volume:2, Issue:4, ISSN: 2319-7064. 7. Gurpreet Singh, Supriya, (2013), A Study of Encryption Algorithms (RSA,DES,3DES and AES)for Information Security, International Journal of Computer Application, Volume:67, Issue: 19, ISSN: 0975-8887. 8. Z. Spalevic, Cyber security as a global challenge today, Singidunum Journal of Applied Sciences, 2014, pp. 687 -692. 9. Solving Cyber Security Challenges using Big Data, Prajakta Joglekar, Nitin Pise, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975– 8887)Volume 154–No.4, November 2016 Received on 21.05.2020 Accepted on 19.06.2020 ©A&V Publications all right reserved Research J. Engineering and Tech. 2020;11(2):45-48. DOI: 10.5958/2321-581X.2020.00008.2