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ISSN: 2277 – 9043
               International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                              Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

                (RCS) REDUCTION
            R.Radha Krishna, Assoc.Prof, R.Murali Krishna, R.Gopi Krishna, D.Sekhar
ABSTRACT----Radar Cross Section (RCS) depends on the characteristic dimensions of the object compared to the
radar wave length. The Radar Cross Section of the target determines the power density returned to the radar for a
particular power density incident on the target. The cross section is more dependent on the target shape than its
physical size. The radar antenna captures a portion of echo energy incident on it. Radar Cross Section fluctuates as a
function of radar aspect angle and frequency.
          Using the MAT LAB Programming, Prediction of Radar cross section `σ` for simple shapes of targets like
Sphere, Ellipsoid and Circular Flat Plate. The methods of controlling radar cross section and penalties of
implementing these methods are discussed. The four basic techniques for reducing radar cross section (target
shaping, radar absorbing materials, passive cancellation, and active cancellation) are summarized with their
advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords: Active cancellation, Echo energy, Passive cancellation, Radar Cross Section
                1. INTRODUCTION                                          3. RADAR CROSS SECTION (RCS)
   In this Paper, the phenomenon of target
                                                                 3.1. Introduction
scattering and methods of RCS calculation are
examined. Target RCS fluctuations due to aspect                     The term Radar cross section (RCS) is a measure
angle, frequency, and polarization are presented.                of power scattered in a given direction when a
Target scattering matrix is developed. Radar cross               target is illuminated by an incident wave from
section characteristics of some simple and complex               Radar More precisely it is the limit of that ratio as
targets are also introduced.                                     the distance from scatterer to point where the
                                                                 scattered power is measured approaches infinity.
              2. RADAR FUNDAMENTALS                                                                2
                                                                        lim  E scat
                                                                  
   RADAR is a contraction of the words RAdio                           R   E inc
Detection And Ranging.                                                          E scat
                                                                                                        H scat

     RADAR is an Electromagnetic system for the                    4 R 2              2
                                                                                              4 R 2            2
detection and location of objects. Radar operates by                            E inc                   H inc
transmitting a particular type of waveform and
detecting the nature of the signals reflected back
from objects                                                       Where σ is Radar Cross Section in sq. meters
The Radar Range Equation- The radar range
equation relates the range of the radar to the                   E scat is scattered electric field
characteristics of the transmitter, receiver, antenna,
target and the environment.                                      E inc is field incident at the target
                                                                 R is the distance to the target from the Radar

                                                                 -EM scattered field: is the difference between the
                                                                 total field in the presence of an object and the field
                                                                 that would exist if the object were absent.
  Manuscript received June 15, 2012.
                                                                 - EM diffracted field: is the total field in the
   Radha     Krishna    Rapaka,    Assoc.Prof.  in    ECE
Department,Swarnandhra      College      of    Engineering       presence of the object.
                                                                         2 .a
&Technology., (e-mail:
Narsapur,India, 9490346661.                                      -when               1 (the Rayleigh region), the
   Murali Krishna Rapaka, ECE Department,SCET (e-mail:                      ,India, 8790837227.
   Gopi Krishna Rapaka, ECE Department, JITS(e-mail:             scattering from a sphere can be used for modeling,India, 9963438298.
   D.Sekhar,ECE Department, SCET(e-mail:                         raindrops.,India, 9491018701.

                                                All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
              International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                             Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

                                                              Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD), Physical
                                                              Theory of Diffraction (PTD), and Method of
                                                              Equivalent Currents (MEC). Interested readers may
                                                              consult Knott or Ruck (see References) for more
                                                              details on these and other approximate methods.

                                                              3.4. RCS Dependency on Aspect Angle and

                                                                 Radar cross section fluctuates as a function of
                                                              radar aspect angle and frequency. The spacing
                                                              between the two scatterers is 1 meter. The radar
   Fig:3.1(a) Radar cross section of the sphere               aspect angle is then changed from zero to 180
            a= radius, λ = wavelength                         degrees, and the composite RCS of the two
         2 .a
-when           1 the σ approaches the optical              scatterers measured by the radar is computed.
cross section πa2. RCS can be expressed as
Because in the far field either E or H is sufficient to
describe the EM wave.
Radar Cross Section is a function of
     Position of transmitter relative to target
     Position of receiver relative to target
     Target geometry and material composition                  Figure: 3.1(b) RCS dependency on aspect angle.
     Angular orientation of target relative to                (a)    Zero aspect angle, zero electrical spacing.
         transmitter and receiver                                     (b) Aspect angle, electrical spacing.
     Frequency or wavelength
     Transmitter polarization
     Receiver polarization.
Having gone through the introductory part of Radar               Fig.    3.2    shows      the   composite      RCS
Cross Section, let us, now discuss the importance             corresponding to this experiment. This plot can be
of Radar Cross Section for Naval Targets.                     reproduced        using      MATLAB          function
                                                              “rcs_aspect.m”. As indicated by Fig. 3.1(b), RCS
3.2. Importance of Radar Cross-Section Prediction
       for Naval Targets                                      is dependent on the radar aspect angle
      There are five basic reasons for why the RCS
measurements are conducted. They give brief
knowledge of the following. They are
      Acquire understanding of basic scattering
      Acquire diagnostic data
      Verify the system performance
      Build a database
      Satisfy a contractual requirement.
Due to the above reasons Radar Cross Section
measurement has gained a lot of importance.
                                                                Figure: 3.2. Illustration of RCS dependency on
3.3. Methods of RCS prediction                                                    aspect angle.
Two categories of RCS prediction methods are
                                                              MATLAB Function “rcs_aspect.m”
available: exact and approximate.
        Exact methods of RCS prediction are very               Its syntax is as follows:   [rcs] = rcs_aspect
complex even for simple shape objects associated              (scat_spacing, freq)
with the exact RCS prediction, approximate
methods become the viable alternative. The
majority of the approximate methods are valid in
the optical region, approximate methods are
Geometrical Optics (GO), Physical Optics (PO),

                                             All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
              International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                             Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

                                                                  The material in this section covers two
      Next, to demonstrate RCS dependency on               topics. First, a review of polarization fundamentals
                                                           is presented. Second, the concept of target
frequency, consider the experiment shown in Fig:           scattering matrix is introduced.
3.3. Fig: 3.4 and Fig: 3.5 show the composite RCS
                                                                      4. RCS OF SIMPLE OBJECTS
versus frequency for scatterer spacing of 0.1 and          4.1. Introduction
0.7 meters.                                                    This section presents examples of backscattered
                                                           radar cross section for a number of simple shape
                                                           objects. When compared to the optical region
                                                           approximation, is overwhelming. Most formulas
                                                           presented are Physical Optics (PO) approximation
                                                           for the backscattered RCS measured by a far field
                                                           radar in the direction (θ,φ) as illustrated in Fig.4.1.

Figure: 3.3. Experiment setup which demonstrates
RCS dependency on frequency; dist = 0.1, or 0.7 m.

                                                               Figure: 4.1. Direction of antenna receiving
                                                                          backscattered waves.

                                                           4.2. Sphere
  Figure: 3.4. Illustration of RCS dependency on              The PP backscattered waves from a sphere are
                      frequency.                           LCP, while the OP backscattered waves are
                                                           negligible. The normalized exact backscattered
                                                           RCS for a perfectly conducting sphere is a Mie
                                                           series given by

                                                           Where r is the radius of the sphere, k = 2π/λ. λ is
                                                           the wavelength Jn, is the spherical Bessel of the
                                                           first kind of order n, Hn(1)and is the Hankel function
  Figure: 3.5. Illustration of RCS dependency on
                                                           of order n, and is given by

       From those two figures, RCS fluctuation as a
function of frequency is evident. Little frequency
change can cause serious RCS fluctuation when the             In Fig. 3.9, three regions are identified. First is
scatterer spacing is large.
       MATLAB Function “rcs_frequency.m”                   the optical region (corresponds to a large sphere).
        [rcs] = rcs_frequency (scat_spacing, frequ,        In this case,

      RCS Dependency on Polarization

                                          All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
              International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                             Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

Second is the Rayleigh region (small sphere). In
this case,

   The region between the optical and Rayleigh
regions is oscillatory in nature and is called the Mie
or resonance region.

                                                                      Figure 4.3(a) Ellipsoid.
                                                              When, the ellipsoid becomes roll symmetric. Thus,
                                                              the RCS is independent of φ, and Eq. is reduced

                                                              and for the case when a= b= c.

                                                              MATLAB Function “rcs_ellipsoid.m”
Figure : 4.2(a) Normalized backscattered RCS for              [rcs] = rcs_ellipsoid (a, b, c, phi)
          a perfectly conducting sphere.                      Where

Figure: 4.2(b) Normalized backscattered RCS for
a perfectly conducting sphere using semi-log scale.

   The backscattered RCS for a perfectly
conducting sphere is constant in the optical region.
For this reason, radar designers typically use                 Figure: 4.3(b) Ellipsoid backscattered RCS versus
spheres of known cross sections to experimentally.                            aspect angle, φ = 45° .
4.3 Ellipsoid                                                 4.4 Circular Flat Plate
          An ellipsoid centered at (0, 0, 0) is shown            Fig. 4.4(a) shows a circular flat plate of radius,
in Fig. 4.3. It is defined by the following equation:         centered at the origin. Due to the circular
                                                              symmetry, the backscattered RCS of a circular flat
                                                              plate has no dependency on φ. The RCS is only
                                                              aspect angle dependent. For normal incidence (i.e.,
                                                              zero aspect angles) the backscattered RCS for a
                                                              circular flat plate is
One widely accepted approximation for the
ellipsoid backscattered RCS is given by

                                             All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
              International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                             Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

                                                                   This chapter evaluates methods of controlling
                                                               RCS and the penalties in implementing these
                                                               methods. There are four basic techniques for
                                                               reducing radar cross section: (1) target shaping, (2)
                                                               radar absorbing materials, (3) passive cancellation,
                                                               and (4) active cancellation.
                                                               Reduction methods are generally limited to a small
                                                               spatial region. The platform design process must
                                                               address how much RCS reduction is required based
          Figure: 4.4(a) Circular flat plate.
                                                               on the platform’s mission, and the additional cost
   For non-normal incidence, two approximations
                                                               of manufacturing and maintenance.
for the circular flat plate backscattered RCS for any
linearly polarized incident waves are
                                                               5.2 The Four Basic Techniques of RCSR

                                                                   The following sections provide a summary of
                                                               each RCSR technique.
                                                               5.2.1. Shaping
                                                                  Traditionally, shaping is considered the first step
                                                               of RCS control. The Lockheed F-117A (Figure 5.1)
                                             --4.37            is an example of heavily applied surface faceting.
   Where k =2π/λ/, and J1(β) is the first order                Edges are parallel so that the majority of the edge
spherical Bessel function evaluated at β . The RCS             effects are collectively directed away from
corresponding to Eqs. 4.37through4.35 is shown in              important viewing angles. The Northrop B-2 also
Fig.4.4 (b) These plots can be reproduced using                uses some faceting, especially on the trailing edges
MATLAB function “rcs_circ_plate.m” .                           of the wing. In planform (Figure 5.2), the straight
                                                               edges are dominant.
MATLAB Function “rcs_circ_plate.m”                                For more “boxy” structures such as ships and
                                                               ground vehicles, dihedral and trihedral corners, and
     [rcs] = rcs_circ_plate (r, freq)
                                                               “top hats” (right circular cylinders with axes
                                                               perpendicular to a flat plane) are the major RCS
                                                               contributors. The amount of bulkhead tilt is a trade-
                                                               off between RCSR performance and cost.

 Figure: 4.4(b) Backscattered RCS for a circular
                   flat plate.

              (RCSR) TECHNIQUES
5.1 Introduction
      For military RCS reduction is necessary
         because of the following reasons:
      To make ships / objects less detectable by
         the enemy radar
      To increase the effectiveness of Chaff                     Figure: 5.1. Planform of the Lockheed F-117.
         (Counter Measure)
      To make classification of Targets difficult
         to the Radar

                                              All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
              International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                             Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

                                                              is not practical to devise a passive cancellation
                                                              treatment for each of these sources. Note that there
                                                              is a gray area between the technologies of
                                                              absorbing materials and passive cancellation. For
                                                              example, a layer of lossy dielectric coating applied
                                                              to a target could fall into either category.

                                                              5.2.4. Active Cancellation
                                                                  Active cancellation involves the process of
                                                              modifying and retransmitting the received radar
                                                              signal. Obviously, this requires a challenging task
                                                              for the system, as the frequency increases the work
Figure: 5.2: The B-2 Spirit was one of the first              becomes much more difficult
aircraft to successfully become 'invisible' to radar.         There are two levels of cancellation:
                                                              1.Fully active: The cancellation network receives,
                                                              amplifies, and retransmits the threat signal such
                                                              that it is out of phase with the static RCS of the
                                                              target. The transmitted signal amplitude, phase,
                                                              frequency and polarization can be adjusted to
                                                              compensate for changing threat parameters.
                                                              2. Semiactive: No boost in threat signal energy is
                                                              provided by the cancellation network, but passive
                                                              adjustable devices in the network allow the
                                                              reradiated signal to compensate for limited changes
Figure: 5.3. Planform of the Northrop B-2 .                   in the threat signal parameters.
5.2.2. Radar Absorbing Materials                                  The demands for a fully active system are
                                                              almost always so severe as to make it impractical.
   The radar absorbing materials reduce the energy            It requires a transmitter and antennas that cover the
reflected back to the radar by means of absorption.           anticipated threat angles, frequencies, incident
Radar energy is absorbed through one or more of               power densities, and polarization. Knowledge of
several mechanisms, which may involve the                     the threat direction is required, as well as the
dielectric or magnetic properties of the materials. In        target’s own RCS. A semiactive system is not as
summary, the requirements of a RAM for use in                 complicated in terms of hardware, but the use of
RCS reduction are: (1) the absorbing material                 adjustable devices still requires bias lines,
should have adequate frequency response, (2) it               controller units, and a computer with the
should work for two orthogonal polarizations, and             appropriate data bases.
(3) it should work with the specified aspect angle
characteristics [4]. To choose a RAM that
simultaneously satisfies all of these requirements,                     6. THE PENALTIES OF RCSR
and yet is physically realizable is difficult, if not            The first and unavoidable penalty of RCSR is
impossible. Considerations of weight and                      the additional cost. The others are: reduced
environment (e.g., temperature, rain, snow, etc.)             payload, added weight, required high maintenance,
play an important role in deciding the thickness of           and reduced range or other operational limitations.
any RAM coating.                                              The mission of the platform and the severity of the
5.2.3. Passive Cancellation                                   threat environment will determine the required
                                                              RCSR and drive the trade-off study.
    Passive cancellation refers to RCS reduction by              RCSR is just one aspect of the entire platform
introducing a secondary scatterer to cancel with the          design which is affected by other sensors and
reflection of the primary target. This method is also         signatures (infrared, acoustic, visual, etc.). An
known as impedance loading.                                   optimum design must be devised in order to
    The basic concept is to introduce an echo source          maximize the objectives of the platform.
whose amplitude and phase can be adjusted to                     In this paper the four basic RCSR techniques
cancel another echo source. This can be                       were presented. Of the four, the use of shaping and
accomplished for relatively simple objects,                   radar absorbing material design are the most used
provided that a loading point can be identified on            to date.
the body.                                                                        7. RESULTS
    In addition to this, typical weapons platforms
are hundreds of wavelengths in size and have                  MAT LAB Simulated Results
dozens, if not hundreds of echo sources. Clearly, it          1. Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm

                                             All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
             International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                            Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

Frequency is 3GHz ; Scatter spacing is 0.5 m

 Fig:7.1 Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm
                                                           Fig:7.5 Frequency Vs RCS in dBsm
2. Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm
                                                           6. Sphere: Sphere circumference Vs RCS
Frequency is 10GHz ;Scatter spacing is 0.5 m

                                                           Fig: 7.6(a) Sphere circumference Vs RCS
 Fig:7.2 Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm

3. Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm
Frequency is 10GHz ;Scatter spacing is 1.0 m

                                                           Fig: 7.6(b) Sphere circumference Vs RCS
Fig:7.3 Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm

4. Frequency Vs RCS in dBsm                                7. Ellipsoid: RCS versus aspect angle.
Frequency is 1GHz; Scatter spacing is 0.1 m                a =0 .15; b =0.20; c=0.95

Fig:7.4 Frequency Vs RCS in dBsm                                    Fig: 7.6(c) RCS and aspect angle

5. Frequency Vs RCS in dBsm                                8. Ellipsoid: RCS versus aspect angle.
Frequency is 1GHz; Scatter spacing is 1.0 m                         a = 0.20;b =0.50;c=0.90

                                          All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
               International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                              Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

                                                              targets like Sphere, Ellipsoid, Circular Flat Plate
                                                              are obtained.
                                                                 The RCS variation as a function of frequency is
                                                              obtained for two scatters and are presented in
                                                              Figures when the scattering spacing is more, RCS
                                                              is highly oscillatory. While RCS is less oscillatory
                                                              for lower scattering spacing.
                                                                 The RCS fluctuates as a function of frequency is
                                                              evident. The importance of radar cross section
                                                              reduction was discussed, and the major RCSR
           Fig: 7.8 RCS and aspect angle                      techniques summarized.
9. Circular flat plate
RCS of a circular flat plate of radius’ r’
                                                              [1] G.T. Ruck, D.E.Barrick, W.D.Stuart and
  Frequency in X-Band=12GHz;Radius(r ) = 0.5 m
                                                              C.K.Krichbaum” Introduction to Radar Cross-
                                                              Section Measurements”, Proc.IEEE, vol.53.
                                                               [2] H. Ling, R. Chou, and S.W. Lee, “Shooting
                                                              and Bouncing Rays: Calculating the RCS of an
                                                              arbitrarily shaped cavity,” IEEE Trans. Antennas
                                                              Propagation, vol.37, pp.194-205, Feb. 1989.
                                                              [3]      Hans      C.Strifrs     and      Guillermo
                                                              C.Gaunaurd,”Scattering of Electromagnetic Pulses
                                                              by Simple-Shaped Targets with Radar Cross
           Fig:7.9 RCS and aspect angle
                                                              Section Modified by a Dielectric Coating”,IEEE
                                                              Tansactions          on         Antennas         and
10. Circular flat plate
RCS of a circular flat plate of radius’ r’                    [4] Lorant A.Muth, “Calibration Standards and
                                                              Uncertainties     in    Radar      Cross     Section
Frequency = X-Band=12GHz ;Radius(r ) = 0.25 m
                                                              Measurements”, National Institute of Standards and
                                                              Technology, Boulder,CO80303.
                                                              [5]E.F. Knott,”A progression of high-frequency
                                                              RCS prediction
                                                              [6] R.A. Ross,”Radar cross section of rectangular
                                                              flat plates as a function of aspect angle,” IEEE
                                                              trans. Antennas Propagation.,vol.Ap-14,pp.329-
          Fig: 7.10 RCS and aspect angle                      335, May 1996.
                                                               [7] V. H. Weston, “Theory of Absorbers in
                                                              Scattering,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and
11. Truncated Cone (Frustum)                                  Propagation, Vol. AP, No. 4, September 1963.
                                                               [11] J.Rheinstein, “Scattering of Electromagnetic
r1= 2; r2= 4; h= 8; freq= 9.5GHz ; indicator = 0              waves from dielectric coated conducting spheres”,
                                                              IEEE Trans.Antennas Propagation.,vol.12, pp.334-
                                                              340, May1964.
                                                              [12] Prof. G.S.N.Raju,” Radar Engineering and
                                                              Fundamentals        of      Navigational      Aids”,
                                                              I.K.International Publications, New Delhi, 2008.
                                                              [13] Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using
                                                              MATLAB, Bassem R. Mahafza
                                                              [14] MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems
                                                              Design by Bassem R. Mahafza and Atef Z.
          Fig: 7.11 RCS and aspect angle                      Elsherbeni
                                                              [15] Eugene F. Knott, John F. Shaeffer, Michael T.
                 8. CONCLUSIONS                               Tuley, Radar crossection (2nd       Edition), Artech
                                                              House , London, 1992.
   Using the MAT LAB Programming, Prediction                  [16] Merrill I.Skolnik,”Introduction to Radar
of Radar cross section of some simple shapes of               Systems”, Tata Mc Graw-Hill,New Delhi.

                                             All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                               Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

[17]    Ruck,G.T.,Barrick,D.E.Stuart,W.D.,      and                                       R.Gopi Krishna received the B.E. in
                                                                                         electronics   and      Communication
Krichbaum,C.K.”Radar Cross Section Hand                                                  engineering from Andhra University,
Book”,Volume 2.                                                                          India , in 2009.He joined JITS
[18] “Federation of American Scientist Official                                          Engineering college as a faculty in
Website “(, 22 June 2003.                                                    Department    of    Electronics  and
                                                                                         communication Engineering, AP, India
[19] Asoke Bhattacharyya, D.L. Sengupta, “Radar                                          In 2009. Now he is pursuing M.Tech
Cross Section Analysis & Control”, Artech House,                   (Embedded systems) at B.V.C Engineering College, From JNT
1991.                                                              University, AP, India.His research interests include radar,
[20] B. C. Hoskin, A. A. Baker, “Composite                         Microprocessors and Embedded systems.
Materials for Aircraft Structures”, AIAA, 1986.                                           .D.Sekhar received the B.E. and
[21] David C. Jenn, “Radar and Laser Cross                                                M.Tech. degrees in electronics and
Section Engineering”, AIAA, 1995.                                     or’s                Communication       engineering     from
                                                                                          Andhra Universit and JNT University,
                                                                                          India , in 2000 and 2010 respectively. In
                                                                       Photo              2007, he joined Swarnandhra College of
                      BIOGRAPHIES                                                         Engineering and Technology as a
                                                                                          faculty in Department of Electronics
                      R.Radha Krishna received the B.E. and        and communication Engineering, AP, India. His research
                      M.Tech. degrees in electronics and           interests include antennas, radar, optical communication and
                      Communication      engineering   from        electromagnetics. He is a Associate member of Institution of
                      Andhra University, India, in 2003 and        Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE).
                      2009 respectively. In 2004, he joined
                      Swarnandhra College of Engineering
                      and Technology as a faculty in
   or’s               Department    of    Electronics   and
communication Engineering, AP, India. His research interests
include antennas, radar, optical communication and                    Photo
electromagnetics. He has published 3 research papers in
conferences. He is a Associate member of Institution of
Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) He is a
GATE-2007 qualified and UGC NET-Dec.2011 qualified.

                       R.Murali Krishna received the B.Tech.
                      and M.Tech. degrees in electronics and
                      Communication engineering from JNT
                      University, India , in 2007and 2011
                      respectively. In 2007, he joined
                      Swarnandhra College of Engineering
                      and Technology as a faculty in
  or’s                Department     of    Electronics   and
communication Engineering, AP, India. His research interests
include Electronic Devices, radar, VLSI design. He has
published 1 research papers in conferences. He is a Associate
member of Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication
Engineers (IETE).

                                                  All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE

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  • 1. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 RADAR CROSS SECTION PREDICTION FOR DIFFERENT OBJECTS USING MAT LAB AND RADAR CROSS SECTION (RCS) REDUCTION R.Radha Krishna, Assoc.Prof, R.Murali Krishna, R.Gopi Krishna, D.Sekhar _____________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT----Radar Cross Section (RCS) depends on the characteristic dimensions of the object compared to the radar wave length. The Radar Cross Section of the target determines the power density returned to the radar for a particular power density incident on the target. The cross section is more dependent on the target shape than its physical size. The radar antenna captures a portion of echo energy incident on it. Radar Cross Section fluctuates as a function of radar aspect angle and frequency. Using the MAT LAB Programming, Prediction of Radar cross section `σ` for simple shapes of targets like Sphere, Ellipsoid and Circular Flat Plate. The methods of controlling radar cross section and penalties of implementing these methods are discussed. The four basic techniques for reducing radar cross section (target shaping, radar absorbing materials, passive cancellation, and active cancellation) are summarized with their advantages and disadvantages. Keywords: Active cancellation, Echo energy, Passive cancellation, Radar Cross Section 1. INTRODUCTION 3. RADAR CROSS SECTION (RCS) In this Paper, the phenomenon of target 3.1. Introduction scattering and methods of RCS calculation are examined. Target RCS fluctuations due to aspect The term Radar cross section (RCS) is a measure angle, frequency, and polarization are presented. of power scattered in a given direction when a Target scattering matrix is developed. Radar cross target is illuminated by an incident wave from section characteristics of some simple and complex Radar More precisely it is the limit of that ratio as targets are also introduced. the distance from scatterer to point where the scattered power is measured approaches infinity. 2. RADAR FUNDAMENTALS 2 lim E scat   RADAR is a contraction of the words RAdio R   E inc Detection And Ranging. E scat 2 H scat 2 RADAR is an Electromagnetic system for the   4 R 2 2  4 R 2 2 detection and location of objects. Radar operates by E inc H inc transmitting a particular type of waveform and detecting the nature of the signals reflected back from objects Where σ is Radar Cross Section in sq. meters The Radar Range Equation- The radar range equation relates the range of the radar to the E scat is scattered electric field characteristics of the transmitter, receiver, antenna, target and the environment. E inc is field incident at the target R is the distance to the target from the Radar Antenna. -EM scattered field: is the difference between the total field in the presence of an object and the field that would exist if the object were absent. Manuscript received June 15, 2012. - EM diffracted field: is the total field in the Radha Krishna Rapaka, Assoc.Prof. in ECE Department,Swarnandhra College of Engineering presence of the object. 2 .a &Technology., (e-mail: Narsapur,India, 9490346661. -when  1 (the Rayleigh region), the Murali Krishna Rapaka, ECE Department,SCET (e-mail: ,India, 8790837227. Gopi Krishna Rapaka, ECE Department, JITS(e-mail: scattering from a sphere can be used for modeling,India, 9963438298. D.Sekhar,ECE Department, SCET(e-mail: raindrops.,India, 9491018701. 67 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 2. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 Geometrical Theory of Diffraction (GTD), Physical Theory of Diffraction (PTD), and Method of Equivalent Currents (MEC). Interested readers may consult Knott or Ruck (see References) for more details on these and other approximate methods. 3.4. RCS Dependency on Aspect Angle and Frequency Radar cross section fluctuates as a function of radar aspect angle and frequency. The spacing between the two scatterers is 1 meter. The radar Fig:3.1(a) Radar cross section of the sphere aspect angle is then changed from zero to 180 a= radius, λ = wavelength degrees, and the composite RCS of the two 2 .a -when  1 the σ approaches the optical scatterers measured by the radar is computed.  cross section πa2. RCS can be expressed as Because in the far field either E or H is sufficient to describe the EM wave. Radar Cross Section is a function of  Position of transmitter relative to target  Position of receiver relative to target  Target geometry and material composition Figure: 3.1(b) RCS dependency on aspect angle.  Angular orientation of target relative to (a) Zero aspect angle, zero electrical spacing. transmitter and receiver (b) Aspect angle, electrical spacing.  Frequency or wavelength  Transmitter polarization  Receiver polarization. Having gone through the introductory part of Radar Fig. 3.2 shows the composite RCS Cross Section, let us, now discuss the importance corresponding to this experiment. This plot can be of Radar Cross Section for Naval Targets. reproduced using MATLAB function “rcs_aspect.m”. As indicated by Fig. 3.1(b), RCS 3.2. Importance of Radar Cross-Section Prediction for Naval Targets is dependent on the radar aspect angle There are five basic reasons for why the RCS measurements are conducted. They give brief knowledge of the following. They are  Acquire understanding of basic scattering phenomena  Acquire diagnostic data  Verify the system performance  Build a database  Satisfy a contractual requirement. Due to the above reasons Radar Cross Section measurement has gained a lot of importance. Figure: 3.2. Illustration of RCS dependency on 3.3. Methods of RCS prediction aspect angle. Two categories of RCS prediction methods are MATLAB Function “rcs_aspect.m” available: exact and approximate. Exact methods of RCS prediction are very Its syntax is as follows: [rcs] = rcs_aspect complex even for simple shape objects associated (scat_spacing, freq) with the exact RCS prediction, approximate methods become the viable alternative. The majority of the approximate methods are valid in the optical region, approximate methods are Geometrical Optics (GO), Physical Optics (PO), 68 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 3. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 The material in this section covers two Next, to demonstrate RCS dependency on topics. First, a review of polarization fundamentals is presented. Second, the concept of target frequency, consider the experiment shown in Fig: scattering matrix is introduced. 3.3. Fig: 3.4 and Fig: 3.5 show the composite RCS 4. RCS OF SIMPLE OBJECTS versus frequency for scatterer spacing of 0.1 and 4.1. Introduction 0.7 meters. This section presents examples of backscattered radar cross section for a number of simple shape objects. When compared to the optical region approximation, is overwhelming. Most formulas presented are Physical Optics (PO) approximation for the backscattered RCS measured by a far field radar in the direction (θ,φ) as illustrated in Fig.4.1. Figure: 3.3. Experiment setup which demonstrates RCS dependency on frequency; dist = 0.1, or 0.7 m. Figure: 4.1. Direction of antenna receiving backscattered waves. 4.2. Sphere Figure: 3.4. Illustration of RCS dependency on The PP backscattered waves from a sphere are frequency. LCP, while the OP backscattered waves are negligible. The normalized exact backscattered RCS for a perfectly conducting sphere is a Mie series given by Where r is the radius of the sphere, k = 2π/λ. λ is the wavelength Jn, is the spherical Bessel of the first kind of order n, Hn(1)and is the Hankel function Figure: 3.5. Illustration of RCS dependency on of order n, and is given by frequency. From those two figures, RCS fluctuation as a function of frequency is evident. Little frequency change can cause serious RCS fluctuation when the In Fig. 3.9, three regions are identified. First is scatterer spacing is large. MATLAB Function “rcs_frequency.m” the optical region (corresponds to a large sphere). [rcs] = rcs_frequency (scat_spacing, frequ, In this case, freql) RCS Dependency on Polarization 69 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 4. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 Second is the Rayleigh region (small sphere). In this case, The region between the optical and Rayleigh regions is oscillatory in nature and is called the Mie or resonance region. Figure 4.3(a) Ellipsoid. When, the ellipsoid becomes roll symmetric. Thus, the RCS is independent of φ, and Eq. is reduced and for the case when a= b= c. MATLAB Function “rcs_ellipsoid.m” Figure : 4.2(a) Normalized backscattered RCS for [rcs] = rcs_ellipsoid (a, b, c, phi) a perfectly conducting sphere. Where Figure: 4.2(b) Normalized backscattered RCS for a perfectly conducting sphere using semi-log scale. The backscattered RCS for a perfectly conducting sphere is constant in the optical region. For this reason, radar designers typically use Figure: 4.3(b) Ellipsoid backscattered RCS versus spheres of known cross sections to experimentally. aspect angle, φ = 45° . 4.3 Ellipsoid 4.4 Circular Flat Plate An ellipsoid centered at (0, 0, 0) is shown Fig. 4.4(a) shows a circular flat plate of radius, in Fig. 4.3. It is defined by the following equation: centered at the origin. Due to the circular symmetry, the backscattered RCS of a circular flat plate has no dependency on φ. The RCS is only aspect angle dependent. For normal incidence (i.e., zero aspect angles) the backscattered RCS for a circular flat plate is One widely accepted approximation for the ellipsoid backscattered RCS is given by -------4.35 70 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 5. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 This chapter evaluates methods of controlling RCS and the penalties in implementing these methods. There are four basic techniques for reducing radar cross section: (1) target shaping, (2) radar absorbing materials, (3) passive cancellation, and (4) active cancellation. Reduction methods are generally limited to a small spatial region. The platform design process must address how much RCS reduction is required based Figure: 4.4(a) Circular flat plate. on the platform’s mission, and the additional cost For non-normal incidence, two approximations of manufacturing and maintenance. for the circular flat plate backscattered RCS for any linearly polarized incident waves are 5.2 The Four Basic Techniques of RCSR The following sections provide a summary of ----------4.36 each RCSR technique. 5.2.1. Shaping Traditionally, shaping is considered the first step of RCS control. The Lockheed F-117A (Figure 5.1) --4.37 is an example of heavily applied surface faceting. Where k =2π/λ/, and J1(β) is the first order Edges are parallel so that the majority of the edge spherical Bessel function evaluated at β . The RCS effects are collectively directed away from corresponding to Eqs. 4.37through4.35 is shown in important viewing angles. The Northrop B-2 also Fig.4.4 (b) These plots can be reproduced using uses some faceting, especially on the trailing edges MATLAB function “rcs_circ_plate.m” . of the wing. In planform (Figure 5.2), the straight edges are dominant. MATLAB Function “rcs_circ_plate.m” For more “boxy” structures such as ships and ground vehicles, dihedral and trihedral corners, and [rcs] = rcs_circ_plate (r, freq) “top hats” (right circular cylinders with axes perpendicular to a flat plane) are the major RCS contributors. The amount of bulkhead tilt is a trade- off between RCSR performance and cost. Figure: 4.4(b) Backscattered RCS for a circular flat plate. 5. RADAR CROSS SECTION REDUCTION (RCSR) TECHNIQUES 5.1 Introduction  For military RCS reduction is necessary because of the following reasons:  To make ships / objects less detectable by the enemy radar  To increase the effectiveness of Chaff Figure: 5.1. Planform of the Lockheed F-117. (Counter Measure)  To make classification of Targets difficult to the Radar 71 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 6. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 is not practical to devise a passive cancellation treatment for each of these sources. Note that there is a gray area between the technologies of absorbing materials and passive cancellation. For example, a layer of lossy dielectric coating applied to a target could fall into either category. 5.2.4. Active Cancellation Active cancellation involves the process of modifying and retransmitting the received radar signal. Obviously, this requires a challenging task for the system, as the frequency increases the work Figure: 5.2: The B-2 Spirit was one of the first becomes much more difficult aircraft to successfully become 'invisible' to radar. There are two levels of cancellation: 1.Fully active: The cancellation network receives, amplifies, and retransmits the threat signal such that it is out of phase with the static RCS of the target. The transmitted signal amplitude, phase, frequency and polarization can be adjusted to compensate for changing threat parameters. 2. Semiactive: No boost in threat signal energy is provided by the cancellation network, but passive adjustable devices in the network allow the reradiated signal to compensate for limited changes Figure: 5.3. Planform of the Northrop B-2 . in the threat signal parameters. 5.2.2. Radar Absorbing Materials The demands for a fully active system are almost always so severe as to make it impractical. The radar absorbing materials reduce the energy It requires a transmitter and antennas that cover the reflected back to the radar by means of absorption. anticipated threat angles, frequencies, incident Radar energy is absorbed through one or more of power densities, and polarization. Knowledge of several mechanisms, which may involve the the threat direction is required, as well as the dielectric or magnetic properties of the materials. In target’s own RCS. A semiactive system is not as summary, the requirements of a RAM for use in complicated in terms of hardware, but the use of RCS reduction are: (1) the absorbing material adjustable devices still requires bias lines, should have adequate frequency response, (2) it controller units, and a computer with the should work for two orthogonal polarizations, and appropriate data bases. (3) it should work with the specified aspect angle characteristics [4]. To choose a RAM that simultaneously satisfies all of these requirements, 6. THE PENALTIES OF RCSR and yet is physically realizable is difficult, if not The first and unavoidable penalty of RCSR is impossible. Considerations of weight and the additional cost. The others are: reduced environment (e.g., temperature, rain, snow, etc.) payload, added weight, required high maintenance, play an important role in deciding the thickness of and reduced range or other operational limitations. any RAM coating. The mission of the platform and the severity of the 5.2.3. Passive Cancellation threat environment will determine the required RCSR and drive the trade-off study. Passive cancellation refers to RCS reduction by RCSR is just one aspect of the entire platform introducing a secondary scatterer to cancel with the design which is affected by other sensors and reflection of the primary target. This method is also signatures (infrared, acoustic, visual, etc.). An known as impedance loading. optimum design must be devised in order to The basic concept is to introduce an echo source maximize the objectives of the platform. whose amplitude and phase can be adjusted to In this paper the four basic RCSR techniques cancel another echo source. This can be were presented. Of the four, the use of shaping and accomplished for relatively simple objects, radar absorbing material design are the most used provided that a loading point can be identified on to date. the body. 7. RESULTS In addition to this, typical weapons platforms are hundreds of wavelengths in size and have MAT LAB Simulated Results dozens, if not hundreds of echo sources. Clearly, it 1. Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm 72 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 7. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 Frequency is 3GHz ; Scatter spacing is 0.5 m Fig:7.1 Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm Fig:7.5 Frequency Vs RCS in dBsm 2. Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm 6. Sphere: Sphere circumference Vs RCS Frequency is 10GHz ;Scatter spacing is 0.5 m Fig: 7.6(a) Sphere circumference Vs RCS Fig:7.2 Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm 3. Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm Frequency is 10GHz ;Scatter spacing is 1.0 m Fig: 7.6(b) Sphere circumference Vs RCS Fig:7.3 Aspect Angle Vs RCS in dBsm 4. Frequency Vs RCS in dBsm 7. Ellipsoid: RCS versus aspect angle. Frequency is 1GHz; Scatter spacing is 0.1 m a =0 .15; b =0.20; c=0.95 Fig:7.4 Frequency Vs RCS in dBsm Fig: 7.6(c) RCS and aspect angle 5. Frequency Vs RCS in dBsm 8. Ellipsoid: RCS versus aspect angle. Frequency is 1GHz; Scatter spacing is 1.0 m a = 0.20;b =0.50;c=0.90 73 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 8. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 targets like Sphere, Ellipsoid, Circular Flat Plate are obtained. The RCS variation as a function of frequency is obtained for two scatters and are presented in Figures when the scattering spacing is more, RCS is highly oscillatory. While RCS is less oscillatory for lower scattering spacing. The RCS fluctuates as a function of frequency is evident. The importance of radar cross section reduction was discussed, and the major RCSR Fig: 7.8 RCS and aspect angle techniques summarized. . 9. Circular flat plate REFERENCES RCS of a circular flat plate of radius’ r’ [1] G.T. Ruck, D.E.Barrick, W.D.Stuart and Frequency in X-Band=12GHz;Radius(r ) = 0.5 m C.K.Krichbaum” Introduction to Radar Cross- Section Measurements”, Proc.IEEE, vol.53. [2] H. Ling, R. Chou, and S.W. Lee, “Shooting and Bouncing Rays: Calculating the RCS of an arbitrarily shaped cavity,” IEEE Trans. Antennas Propagation, vol.37, pp.194-205, Feb. 1989. [3] Hans C.Strifrs and Guillermo C.Gaunaurd,”Scattering of Electromagnetic Pulses by Simple-Shaped Targets with Radar Cross Fig:7.9 RCS and aspect angle Section Modified by a Dielectric Coating”,IEEE Tansactions on Antennas and 10. Circular flat plate Propagation,Vol.46,No.9. RCS of a circular flat plate of radius’ r’ [4] Lorant A.Muth, “Calibration Standards and Uncertainties in Radar Cross Section Frequency = X-Band=12GHz ;Radius(r ) = 0.25 m Measurements”, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Boulder,CO80303. [5]E.F. Knott,”A progression of high-frequency RCS prediction techniques,”Proc.IEEE,vol.73,pp.252-264,Feb. 1985. [6] R.A. Ross,”Radar cross section of rectangular flat plates as a function of aspect angle,” IEEE trans. Antennas Propagation.,vol.Ap-14,pp.329- Fig: 7.10 RCS and aspect angle 335, May 1996. [7] V. H. Weston, “Theory of Absorbers in Scattering,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and 11. Truncated Cone (Frustum) Propagation, Vol. AP, No. 4, September 1963. [11] J.Rheinstein, “Scattering of Electromagnetic r1= 2; r2= 4; h= 8; freq= 9.5GHz ; indicator = 0 waves from dielectric coated conducting spheres”, IEEE Trans.Antennas Propagation.,vol.12, pp.334- 340, May1964. [12] Prof. G.S.N.Raju,” Radar Engineering and Fundamentals of Navigational Aids”, I.K.International Publications, New Delhi, 2008. [13] Radar Systems Analysis and Design Using MATLAB, Bassem R. Mahafza [14] MATLAB Simulations for Radar Systems Design by Bassem R. Mahafza and Atef Z. Fig: 7.11 RCS and aspect angle Elsherbeni [15] Eugene F. Knott, John F. Shaeffer, Michael T. 8. CONCLUSIONS Tuley, Radar crossection (2nd Edition), Artech House , London, 1992. Using the MAT LAB Programming, Prediction [16] Merrill I.Skolnik,”Introduction to Radar of Radar cross section of some simple shapes of Systems”, Tata Mc Graw-Hill,New Delhi. 74 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
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