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ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                           International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                          Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

                  Data Security and Authentication using
                    Steganography and STS protocol
                                        1                 2                 3
                                            Shaik Riyaz       J. Rajakala       M RamaKrishna

Abstract: Steganography differs from cryptography in the                 For many years Information Hiding has captured the
sense that where cryptography focuses on keeping the contents         imagination of researchers. Digital watermarking and
of a message secret, steganography focuses on keeping the             steganography techniques are used to address digital rights
existence of a message secret. Steganography and                      management, protect information, and conceal secrets.
cryptography are both ways to protect information from                Information hiding techniques provide an interesting
unwanted parties but neither technology alone is perfect and
                                                                      challenge for digital forensic investigations. Information
can be compromised. Once the presence of hidden information
is revealed or even suspected, the purpose of steganography is        can easily traverse through firewalls undetected.
partly defeated. The strength of steganography can thus be
amplified by combining it with cryptography.                             This paper proposes a new approach to public-key
    In this paper, we design a system, which uses features of         steganography based on matching method to hide the secret
both cryptography as well as steganography. We proposed a             information inside 24-bit image file. In the proposed
method which describes two stages for sending the                     method, the stego-key is generated by applying a public
information securely by using the Steganography based on              key exchange protocol which is based on STS protocol.
matching method and to perform key exchange using STS
protocol which guarantees authentication. This is done in                Diffie-Hellman session key agreement is the first key
following steps:                                                      exchange protocol, proposed by Diffie and Hellman.
    1.Encrypt the message using any one of the popular Public-
                                                                      Diffie-Hellman key exchange by itself achieves perfect
Key Encryption Algorithms, so that only authorized parties
can only be able to read the message.                                 forward secrecy because no long-term keying material
    2. Find and share stego-key between the two                       exists at the end of the session to be disclosed. However, it
communication parties over insecure networks by applying              does not provide authentication of the communicating
Station To Station(STS) Protocol.                                     parties; hence it is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle
    3. Sender uses the secret stego-key to select pixels that it      attack.
will be used to hide the message obtained in first step. Each
selected pixel used to hide 8 bits of information.                       In order to fix the security flaw in the Diffie-Hellman
                                                                      protocol, the Station-To-Station (STS) protocol was
Keywords: Public-Key Cryptography, Steganography, Stego-              proposed in [12]. To add authentication, the STS protocol
key, STS protocol.                                                    requires both the parties to have a pair of public keys for
                                                                      signature generation and verification, and to know a
                      1. INTRODUCTION                                 publicly released symmetric key encryption. In contrast,
                                                                      note that the Diffie-Hellman protocol does not have these
   Steganography is the science of hiding selected                    assumptions. These assumptions can be included into the
information from a third party. Therefore, steganography in           protocol by sending public key certificates if the keys are
contrast with cryptography, where the existence of the                not known in advance. In the STS protocol, STS protocol
message is clear, but the meaning is obscured.                        uses signatures to authenticate the communicating parties.
Steganography applications conceal information in other,              It encrypts the signatures with the session key
seemingly innocent media. Steganographic results may                  subsequently to show the knowledge of this session key.
masquerade as other file for data types, be concealed within          However, signatures and certificates cause the messages to
various media, or even hidden in network traffic or disk              increase considerably in size.
space. There are many ways in which information and data
can be exploited to conceal additional information.                      The goal of an authentication protocol is to provide the
                                                                      communicating parties with some assurance that they know
   Manuscript received July 20, 2012.                                 each other’s true identities. In an authenticated key
   Shaik Riyaz     M.Tech Student in CSE dept, A.S.R college of       exchange, there is the additional goal that the two parties
Engineering,,Tetali,Tanuku,West Godavari      end up sharing a common key known only to them. This
(DT),Andhra Pradesh, India.
   J.Rajakala, Asst Prof in CSE dept, A.S.R college of Engineering    secret key can then be used for some time thereafter to, Tetali, Tanuku, West Godavari (DT),Andhra       provide privacy, data integrity, or both. In this paper, we
Pradesh, India                                                        discuss the security of public-key based authentication
   M.Ramakrishna, M.Tech Student in CSE dept, Sana engineering        protocols, with and without an associated key exchange.
college, kodad, Nalgonda(dt),Andhra
                                                                      We restrict our attention to two-party mutual

                                               All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                         International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                        Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

authentication, rather than multi-party and one-way                 Diffie–Hellman key exchange is the most widely used
authentication protocols. We assume that individual              public key distribution system. Diffie–Hellman key
underlying cryptographic mechanisms are not vulnerable,          exchange is a specific method of exchanging cryptographic
and restrict our attention to attacks on protocols themselves.   keys. It is one of the earliest practical examples of key
An enemy (attacker, intruder, adversary) can see all             exchange implemented within the field of cryptography.
exchanged messages, can delete, alter, inject, and redirect      The Diffie–Hellman key exchange method allows two
messages, can initiate communications with another party,        parties that have no prior knowledge of each other to jointly
and can reuse messages from past communications.                 establish a shared secret key over an insecure
                                                                 communications channel. This key can then be used to
   We are concerned with both authentication and key             encrypt subsequent communications using a symmetric key
exchange. It is now well accepted that these topics should       cipher.
be considered jointly rather than separately [Baus89]. A
protocol providing authentication without key exchange is           Diffie-Hellman key agreement is not based on
susceptible to an enemy who waits until the authentication       encryption and decryption, but instead relies on
is complete and then takes over one end of the                   mathematical functions that enable two parties to generate a
communications line. Such an attack is not precluded by a        shared secret key for exchanging information confidentially
key exchange that is independent of authentication. Key          online. Essentially, each party agrees on a public value g
exchange should be linked to authentication so that a party      and a large prime number p . Next, one party chooses a
has assurances that an exchanged key (which might be used        secret value x and the other party chooses a secret value y .
to facilitate privacy or integrity and thus keep authenticity    Both parties use their secret values to derive public values,
alive) is in fact shared with the authenticated party, and not   g x mod p and g y mod p, and they exchange the public
an impostor. For these reasons, it is essential to keep key      values. Each party then uses the other party's public value
exchange in mind in the design and analysis of                   to calculate the shared secret key that is used by both
authentication protocols.                                        parties for confidential communications. A third party
                                                                 cannot derive the shared secret key because they do not
                                                                 know either of the secret values, x or y .
                     2. RELATED WORK

2.1 Public-key cryptography:                                        For example, Alice chooses secret value x and sends the
                                                                 public value gx mod p to Bob. Bob chooses secret value y
   Public-key cryptography refers to a cryptographic system      and sends the public value g y mod p to Alice. Alice uses
requiring two separate keys, one of which is secret and one      the value g xy mod p as her secret key for confidential
of which is public. Although different, the two parts of the     communications with Bob. Bob uses the value g yx mod p
key pair are mathematically linked. One key locks or             as his secret key. Because g xy mod p equals g yx mod p ,
encrypts the plaintext, and the other unlocks or decrypts the    Alice and Bob can use their secret keys with a symmetric
cyphertext. Neither key can perform both functions. One of       key algorithm to conduct confidential online
these keys is published or public and the other is kept          communications. The use of the modulo function ensures
private.                                                         that both parties can calculate the same secret key value,
                                                                 but an eavesdropper cannot. An eavesdropper can intercept
   Public key cryptography uses asymmetric key algorithms        the values of g and p , but because of the extremely
be referred to by the more generic name of "asymmetric           difficult mathematical problem created by the use of a large
key cryptography." The algorithms used for public key            prime number in mod p, the eavesdropper cannot feasibly
cryptography are based on mathematical relationships (the        calculate either secret value x or secret value y . The secret
most notable ones being the integer factorization and            key is known only to each party and is never visible on the
discrete logarithm problems) that have no efficient solution.    network.
Although it is computationally easy for the intended
recipient to generate the public and private keys, to decrypt
the message using the private key, and easy for the sender
to encrypt the message using the public key, it is extremely
difficult for anyone to derive the private key based on their
knowledge of the public key. This is why, unlike symmetric
key algorithms, a public key algorithm does not require a
secure initial exchange of one, or more, secret keys between
the sender and receiver.

   In contrast, symmetric-key algorithms, variations of
which have been used for thousands of years, use a single
secret key — which must be shared and kept private by
both sender and receiver — for both encryption and
decryption. To use a symmetric encryption scheme, the
sender and receiver must securely share a key in advance.
                                                                 Figure 1 Diffie–Hellman key exchange Algorithm

                                           All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                          International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                         Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

                                                                            the exponential gy.
   The main problem with Diffie–Hellman exchange is that,              3)   Bob computes the shared secret key K = (gx)y.
it does not provide authentication of the communicating                4)   Bob concatenates the exponentials (gy, gx) (order is
parties and is thus vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack.               important), signs them using his asymmetric key B,
A person in the middle may establish two distinct Diffie–                   and then encrypts them with K. He sends the cipher
Hellman key exchanges, one with Alice and the other with                    text along with his own exponential gy to Alice.
Bob, effectively masquerading as Alice to Bob, and vice                5)   Alice computes the shared secret key K = (gy)x.
versa, allowing the attacker to decrypt (and read or store)            6)   Alice decrypts and verifies Bob's signature.
then re-encrypt the messages passed between them. The                  7)   Alice concatenates the exponentials (gx, gy) (order
man-in-the-middle attack in cryptography and computer                       is important), signs them using her asymmetric key
security is a form of active eavesdropping in which the                     A, and then encrypts them with K. She sends the
attacker makes independent connections with the victims                     cipher text to Bob.
and relays messages between them, making them believe                  8)   Bob decrypts and verifies Alice's signature.
that they are talking directly to each other over a private
connection, when in fact the entire conversation is                  Alice and Bob are now mutually authenticated and have
controlled by the attacker.                                       a shared secret. This secret, K, can then be used to encrypt
                                                                  further communication. The basic form of the protocol is
   A key exchange protocol enables two parties to share a         formalized in the following three steps:
common key for encrypting a large amount of data.
Authentication is an essential requirement prior to the key            (1) Alice → Bob : gx
exchange process in order to prevent man-in-the-middle                 (2) Alice ← Bob : gy, EK(SB(gy, gx))
attack. The goal of an authentication protocol is to provide           (3) Alice → Bob : EK(SA(gx, gy))
the communicating parties with some assurance that they
know each other’s true identities. In an authenticated key           Full STS setup data can also be incorporated into the
exchange, there is the additional goal that the two parties       protocol itself. Public key certificates may be sent in steps
end up sharing a common key known only to them. This              2 and 3 if the keys are not known in advance.
secret key can then be used for some time thereafter to
provide privacy, data integrity, or both.                              (1) Alice → Bob : gx
                                                                       (2) Alice ← Bob : gy, CertB, EK(SB(gy, gx))
   A method to authenticate the communicating parties to               (3) Alice → Bob : CertA, EK(SA(gx, gy))
each other is generally needed to prevent this type of attack.
Variants of Diffie-Hellman, such as STS, may be used                  If system-wide key establishment parameters are not
instead to avoid these types of attacks.                          used, the initiator and responder may create and send their
                                                                  own parameters. In this case, parameters should be sent
2.2 STS protocol:                                                 with the exponential.
                                                                      1) Alice → Bob : g, p, gx
   The STS protocol consists of Diffie-Hellman key                    They must also be verified by Bob to prevent an active
establishment [Diff76], followed by an exchange of                attacker from inserting weak parameters (and thus a weak
authentication signatures. In public-key cryptography, the        key K). Diffie, van Oorschot & Wiener (1992) recommend
Station-to-Station (STS) protocol is a cryptographic key          against special checks to prevent this and instead suggest
agreement scheme based on classic Diffie-Hellman that             including the group parameters in Alice's certificate. In
provides mutual key and entity authentication.                    STS protocol, for just authentication is as follows.

  The basic idea of STS protocol is as follows. Prior to          1.  Alice generates a random number x sends it to Bob.
execution of the protocol, the two parties Alice and Bob          2.  Bob generates a random number y.
each obtain a public/private key pair and a certificate for the   3.  Bob concatenates the random numbers (y, x) (order is
public key. During the protocol, Alice computes a signature           important) and signs them using his asymmetric key B.
on certain messages, covering the public value ga mod p.              He sends the signature along with his own random
Bob proceeds in a similar way. Even though Carol is still             number to Alice.
able to intercept messages between Alice and Bob, she             4. Alice verifies Bob's signature.
cannot forge signatures without Alice's private key and           5. Alice concatenates the random numbers (x, y) (order is
Bob's private key. Hence, the enhanced protocol defeats the           important) and signs them using her asymmetric key
man-in-the-middle attack.                                             A. She sends the signature to Bob.
                                                                  6. Bob verifies Alice's signature.
   Supposing all setup data has been shared, the STS                Formally:
protocol proceeds as follows. If a step cannot be completed,        (1) Alice → Bob : x
the protocol immediately stops. All exponentials are in the         (2) Alice ← Bob : y, SB(y, x)
group specified by p.                                               (3) Alice → Bob : SA(x, y)
   1) Alice generates a random number x and computes
        and sends the exponential gx to Bob.                      2 .3 Steganography:
   2) Bob generates a random number y and computes
                                            All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                              International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                             Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

   Steganography is the art and science of hiding                     files. If an 8-bit image is viewed as a grid and the grid is
information into covert channels so as to conceal the                 made up of cells, these cells are called pixels. Each pixel
information and prevent the detection of the hidden                   consists of an 8-bit binary number (or a single byte), and
message (refer to figure2). The goal of steganography is to           each 8-bit binary number refers to the color palette (a set of
avoid drawing attention to the transmission of a hidden               colors defined within the image). All color variations for
message. If suspicion is raised, then this goal is defeated.          the pixels are derived from three primary colors: red, green,
Today, steganography refers to hiding information in digital          and blue. Each primary color is represented by 1 byte (= 8
picture files and audio files. Modern steganography refers            bits).
to hiding information in digital picture files and audio files.
It works by replacing bits of unused data in regular digital
files with bits of invisible information. To embed hidden
information into an image requires two files - the cover
image file that will hold the hidden data and the secret
message file. A message may be plain text, cypher text (or
another image). When combined, the cover image and the
hidden message makes a stego image. A stego-key or
password may be used to hide and decode the message.
Special software is needed for steganography. In this
tutorial we will look at two programs that hide text within
images(refer to figure 3).

                                                                      Figure 4:A Graphical Version of the Steganographic System

                                                                        There are many ways to hide information in digital
                                                                      images. We look at the following approaches :
                                                                            1. least significant bit insertion
                                                                            2. masking and filtering
                                                                            3. algorithms and transformations

                                                                      Least significant bit insertion:

                                                                         Many stego tools make use of least significant bit (LSB).
                                                                      For example, 11111111 is an 8-bit binary number. The
Figure 2: Inaccessible information using steganography                rightmost bit is called the LSB because changing it has the
                                                                      least effect on the value of the number. The idea is that the
                                                                      LSB of every byte can be replaced with little change to the
                                                                      overall file. The binary data of the secret message is broken
                                                                      up and then inserted into the LSB of each pixel in the
                                                                      image file.

                                                                      Hiding the data

                                                                         Using the Red, Green, Blue (RGB) model a stegno tool
                                                                      makes a copy of an image palette, say, an 8-bit image. The
                                                                      copy is rearranged so that colors near each other in the
                                                                      RGB model are near each other in the palette. The LSB of
                                                                      each pixels 8-bit binary number is replaced with one bit
Figure 3: A Steganographic system                                     from the hidden message. A new RGB color in the copied
                                                                      palette is found. A new 8-bit binary number of the new
                                                                      RGB color in the original palette is found. The pixel is
   Steganographic messages may first be encrypted and                 changed to the 8-bit binary number of the new RGB color.
then a cover message is modified to contain the encrypted
message, resulting in stegno text. Only those who know the               Recovering the data can be done by using stegno tool,
technique used can recover the message and, if required,              stegno tool finds the 8-bit binary number of each pixels
decrypt it. The message may be a few thousand bits (often             RGB color. The LSB of each pixel's 8-bit binary number is
at 7 or 8 bits per text character) embedded in millions of            one bit of the hidden data file. Each LSB is then written to
other bits. Probably the most typical use is digital images.          an output file.
Digital images are commonly stored in either 24-bit or 8-bit          A simplified example with an 8-bit image
                                                   All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                             International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                            Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

pixel:                                                                    Secret data
                     (00            01         10           11)

                     white          red       green        blue                     Public key encryption
                     (00            00         11           11)           Cipher text                                Image file
                    white          white       blue        blue
                                                                          Convert Ascii                              Pixels to binary
   As can be seen from the example, with an 8-bit image,
                                                                          to binary
the cover image must be carefully selected since LSB
manipulation is not as forgiving because of the color
limitations. To hide information in the LSBs of each byte of
a 24-bit image, it is possible to store 3 bits in each pixel.
A simplified example with a 24-bit image
                                                                                            Encoding using
                                                                                            Matching method and
pixel:                                                                                      stegno key

              (00100111            11101001           11001000)
                                                                                            Binary form to pixel

              (00100111            11101000           11001001)
                                                                                           Stegno image file, sent
                                                                                           to the receiver
              red                    green                 blue

   LSB insertion works well with gray-scale images as well.
It is possible to hide data in the least and second least            Figure 5. Proposed steganography mechanism for sender
significant bits and the human eye would still not be able to
discern it.                                                        B. Receiver Side
                                                                     After reception of Stego image the receiver at the start
                    3. PROPOSED METHOD                            converts the pixels into the binary values. The decoder
                                                                  using Matching method and stegno key then removing the
3.1 Public Steganography in various selected regions of           encrypted data from image pixel values. The encrypted data
an image:                                                         is decrypted using decryption algorithms. This is how, the
A. Sender Side                                                    plain text is recovered from image. Fig. 6 shows the whole
                                                                  process at the receiver side.
   The proposed scheme uses any public key encryption
algorithm to encrypt secret information, encrypted ASCII                                    Stegno image file
value is converted in binary form.

   The pixels in the image at the same time are also
                                                                                           Pixels to binary
converted into binary form. The same image is now used as
a cover to embed the encrypted information. The process
starts as a Encoder using Matching method and stegno key
which replaces the three least significant bits of pixel values                            Decoding using
with the encrypted information bits. The modified picture is                               Matching method and
now termed as Stego image. The whole process is                                            stegno key
explained in Fig. 5.

   As shown below, STS protocol is used to exchange
secret stegno key between two communication parties.                      Convert binary                        Binary to pixels
                                                                          to ASCII
                                                                          Cipher text                           Cover Image
                                                                          message                               file

                    STS Protocol
                                                                          Secret message

                    Receiver                                      Figure 6. Proposed steganography mechanism for receiver
                                              All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                           International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                          Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

   The proposed method describes two steps for hiding the             steganography, our aim is to improve it by removing one of
secret information by using the public steganography based            its problems that is: the ease of extraction. We don't want
on matching method in different regions of an image.                  that a malicious attacker is able to read everything we are
   The First step is converting the Plain text message into
cipher text using Public-key Encryption algorithm.                       We can use the following techniques to achieve our
   The next step is to find the shared stego-key between the
two communication parties (SENDER & RECIPIENT) over                         Encryption of the message, so that who extracts
insecure networks by applying STS protocol (as explained                   it must also decrypt it before it makes sense.
above). At the end the protocol, each side recovers his/her
                                                                            Randomizing the placement of the bits using a
received public key to reach the shared values between
                                                                             cryptographical random function (scattering), so
them, that’s mean SENDER & RECIPIENT have arrived
                                                                             that it's almost impossible to rebuild the message
same sego-key value.                                                         without knowing the seed for the random
   Next the sender uses the secret stego-key to select pixels
that it will be used to hide. Each selected pixel is then used          In this way, the message is protected by two different
to hide 8 bits binary information depending on the matching           keys, acquiring much more confidentiality than before.
method which is summarized in four cases as shown by                  This approach protects also the integrity of the message,
Table 2. Since the 8 bits data will be compared with the              being much more difficult (we could say at least
selected pixel's bytes, red, green & blue values respectively         computationally infeasible) to counterfeit the message.
to produce an array of binary values as 00, 01, 10, and 11.
   SENDER's side, starts comparing to search the equality,               Second, there is a problem with the file size that involves
where, he takes data value and compare it with the value of           the choice of the format. Unusually big files exchanged
the red color (± 7 – decimal value). As shown by Table 2,             between two peers, in fact, are likely to arise suspicion.
case no. 1, if they are equal, then the value zero (00 –              Since we need to have small image file sizes, we should
binary value) is set to the array. Table 2, case no. 2, if the        resort in using 24-bit images, because their size is more
data value and the red value are not equivalent then the              likely to be considered as normal.
value will be compared with the green color, if they are
equals (± 7 – decimal value) then the array is set to be one
(01 - binary value). Table 2, case no. 3, if the data value and
the green value are not equivalent then the value will be
compared with the blue color, if they are equals (± 7 –
decimal value) then the value two (10 – binary value) is set
to the array. Finally (refer to Table 2, case no. 4), If in case
the secret data didn’t equal any of the previous three
conditions then the LSBs method is used to embed the data
inside the selected pixel, and the value three (11 – binary
value) is set to the array. In this case, the data value will be
distributed as follows:                                                   FIGURE 4: THE RESULT OF EMBEDDING THE TEXT WITH S-TOOLS

1. The first three bits of the data are replaced by the three
   least significant bits of the red byte.                                            4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

2. The second three data bits are replaced by the three least            We implemented the public-key steganography based on
   significant bits of the green byte.                                matching method in different selected regions of an image
                                                                      to show the performance of the proposed method.
3. The last two data bits are replaced by the two least
   significant bits of the blue byte.                                    In our implementation, we used 600×400 bitmap image
                                                                      file to hide 5 KB text data. As discussed earlier, both of the
            If 8 bit data ≈ Red      Then Red value =                 two communication parties should find the secret key
 Case 1                                                          00
            (8 bit )                 8 bit data                       (stegokey) first by applying STS protocol to perform high
            If 8 bit data ≈          Then Green value                 level of security.
 Case 2                                                          01      As in Table 2, the 8 bits data will be hidden inside 1
            Green (8 bit )           = 8 bit data
                                                                      pixel, hence the 600x400, 24 bit image file can accept
            If 8 bit data ≈ Blue     Then Blue value =
 Case 3                                                          10   approximately 240000 bytes of data. This is compared with
            (8 bit )                 8 bit data                       well known stego method such as LSBs (Johnson et al.,
 Case 4     Otherwise                Use LSBs Method             11   1998) which needs 3 pixels to hide 1 byte of data. We can
                                                                      also adjust the bit-rate at which we can hide the data in the
 TABLE 2: THE FOUR MAIN CASES IN THE PROPOSED PUBLIC-KEY STEGO        selected region. Nevertheless, the proposed steganographic
                                                                      protocol is more efficient than LSBs, since the algorithm
3.2 Problems and Possible solutions                                   used the matching method to get identical pixel's bytes.
  As we have seen LSB insertion is good for
                                                All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
ISSN: 2277 – 9043
                         International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering
                                                                                        Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012

   However, the proposed method resorts to the LSBs                                  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
method to distribute the secret data in case if the 8 bit of
data is not matched with any of the previous three bytes          I thank all the staff members of A.S.R college of
(red, green, and blue).                                         engineering for their support. I would also like to thank
                                                                my family and friends who encouraged me in doing this
                      CONCLUSION                                work.

   In the present world, the data transfers using internet is                             REFERENCES
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                                                                     pages(5-11)      Volume       7–   No.5,     September     2010.

                                           All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE

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  • 1. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 Data Security and Authentication using Steganography and STS protocol 1 2 3 Shaik Riyaz J. Rajakala M RamaKrishna Abstract: Steganography differs from cryptography in the For many years Information Hiding has captured the sense that where cryptography focuses on keeping the contents imagination of researchers. Digital watermarking and of a message secret, steganography focuses on keeping the steganography techniques are used to address digital rights existence of a message secret. Steganography and management, protect information, and conceal secrets. cryptography are both ways to protect information from Information hiding techniques provide an interesting unwanted parties but neither technology alone is perfect and challenge for digital forensic investigations. Information can be compromised. Once the presence of hidden information is revealed or even suspected, the purpose of steganography is can easily traverse through firewalls undetected. partly defeated. The strength of steganography can thus be amplified by combining it with cryptography. This paper proposes a new approach to public-key In this paper, we design a system, which uses features of steganography based on matching method to hide the secret both cryptography as well as steganography. We proposed a information inside 24-bit image file. In the proposed method which describes two stages for sending the method, the stego-key is generated by applying a public information securely by using the Steganography based on key exchange protocol which is based on STS protocol. matching method and to perform key exchange using STS protocol which guarantees authentication. This is done in Diffie-Hellman session key agreement is the first key following steps: exchange protocol, proposed by Diffie and Hellman. 1.Encrypt the message using any one of the popular Public- Diffie-Hellman key exchange by itself achieves perfect Key Encryption Algorithms, so that only authorized parties can only be able to read the message. forward secrecy because no long-term keying material 2. Find and share stego-key between the two exists at the end of the session to be disclosed. However, it communication parties over insecure networks by applying does not provide authentication of the communicating Station To Station(STS) Protocol. parties; hence it is vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle 3. Sender uses the secret stego-key to select pixels that it attack. will be used to hide the message obtained in first step. Each selected pixel used to hide 8 bits of information. In order to fix the security flaw in the Diffie-Hellman protocol, the Station-To-Station (STS) protocol was Keywords: Public-Key Cryptography, Steganography, Stego- proposed in [12]. To add authentication, the STS protocol key, STS protocol. requires both the parties to have a pair of public keys for signature generation and verification, and to know a 1. INTRODUCTION publicly released symmetric key encryption. In contrast, note that the Diffie-Hellman protocol does not have these Steganography is the science of hiding selected assumptions. These assumptions can be included into the information from a third party. Therefore, steganography in protocol by sending public key certificates if the keys are contrast with cryptography, where the existence of the not known in advance. In the STS protocol, STS protocol message is clear, but the meaning is obscured. uses signatures to authenticate the communicating parties. Steganography applications conceal information in other, It encrypts the signatures with the session key seemingly innocent media. Steganographic results may subsequently to show the knowledge of this session key. masquerade as other file for data types, be concealed within However, signatures and certificates cause the messages to various media, or even hidden in network traffic or disk increase considerably in size. space. There are many ways in which information and data can be exploited to conceal additional information. The goal of an authentication protocol is to provide the communicating parties with some assurance that they know Manuscript received July 20, 2012. each other’s true identities. In an authenticated key Shaik Riyaz M.Tech Student in CSE dept, A.S.R college of exchange, there is the additional goal that the two parties Engineering,,Tetali,Tanuku,West Godavari end up sharing a common key known only to them. This (DT),Andhra Pradesh, India. J.Rajakala, Asst Prof in CSE dept, A.S.R college of Engineering secret key can then be used for some time thereafter to, Tetali, Tanuku, West Godavari (DT),Andhra provide privacy, data integrity, or both. In this paper, we Pradesh, India discuss the security of public-key based authentication M.Ramakrishna, M.Tech Student in CSE dept, Sana engineering protocols, with and without an associated key exchange. college, kodad, Nalgonda(dt),Andhra Pradesh,India We restrict our attention to two-party mutual 114 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 2. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 authentication, rather than multi-party and one-way Diffie–Hellman key exchange is the most widely used authentication protocols. We assume that individual public key distribution system. Diffie–Hellman key underlying cryptographic mechanisms are not vulnerable, exchange is a specific method of exchanging cryptographic and restrict our attention to attacks on protocols themselves. keys. It is one of the earliest practical examples of key An enemy (attacker, intruder, adversary) can see all exchange implemented within the field of cryptography. exchanged messages, can delete, alter, inject, and redirect The Diffie–Hellman key exchange method allows two messages, can initiate communications with another party, parties that have no prior knowledge of each other to jointly and can reuse messages from past communications. establish a shared secret key over an insecure communications channel. This key can then be used to We are concerned with both authentication and key encrypt subsequent communications using a symmetric key exchange. It is now well accepted that these topics should cipher. be considered jointly rather than separately [Baus89]. A protocol providing authentication without key exchange is Diffie-Hellman key agreement is not based on susceptible to an enemy who waits until the authentication encryption and decryption, but instead relies on is complete and then takes over one end of the mathematical functions that enable two parties to generate a communications line. Such an attack is not precluded by a shared secret key for exchanging information confidentially key exchange that is independent of authentication. Key online. Essentially, each party agrees on a public value g exchange should be linked to authentication so that a party and a large prime number p . Next, one party chooses a has assurances that an exchanged key (which might be used secret value x and the other party chooses a secret value y . to facilitate privacy or integrity and thus keep authenticity Both parties use their secret values to derive public values, alive) is in fact shared with the authenticated party, and not g x mod p and g y mod p, and they exchange the public an impostor. For these reasons, it is essential to keep key values. Each party then uses the other party's public value exchange in mind in the design and analysis of to calculate the shared secret key that is used by both authentication protocols. parties for confidential communications. A third party cannot derive the shared secret key because they do not know either of the secret values, x or y . 2. RELATED WORK 2.1 Public-key cryptography: For example, Alice chooses secret value x and sends the public value gx mod p to Bob. Bob chooses secret value y Public-key cryptography refers to a cryptographic system and sends the public value g y mod p to Alice. Alice uses requiring two separate keys, one of which is secret and one the value g xy mod p as her secret key for confidential of which is public. Although different, the two parts of the communications with Bob. Bob uses the value g yx mod p key pair are mathematically linked. One key locks or as his secret key. Because g xy mod p equals g yx mod p , encrypts the plaintext, and the other unlocks or decrypts the Alice and Bob can use their secret keys with a symmetric cyphertext. Neither key can perform both functions. One of key algorithm to conduct confidential online these keys is published or public and the other is kept communications. The use of the modulo function ensures private. that both parties can calculate the same secret key value, but an eavesdropper cannot. An eavesdropper can intercept Public key cryptography uses asymmetric key algorithms the values of g and p , but because of the extremely be referred to by the more generic name of "asymmetric difficult mathematical problem created by the use of a large key cryptography." The algorithms used for public key prime number in mod p, the eavesdropper cannot feasibly cryptography are based on mathematical relationships (the calculate either secret value x or secret value y . The secret most notable ones being the integer factorization and key is known only to each party and is never visible on the discrete logarithm problems) that have no efficient solution. network. Although it is computationally easy for the intended recipient to generate the public and private keys, to decrypt the message using the private key, and easy for the sender to encrypt the message using the public key, it is extremely difficult for anyone to derive the private key based on their knowledge of the public key. This is why, unlike symmetric key algorithms, a public key algorithm does not require a secure initial exchange of one, or more, secret keys between the sender and receiver. In contrast, symmetric-key algorithms, variations of which have been used for thousands of years, use a single secret key — which must be shared and kept private by both sender and receiver — for both encryption and decryption. To use a symmetric encryption scheme, the sender and receiver must securely share a key in advance. Figure 1 Diffie–Hellman key exchange Algorithm 115 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 3. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 the exponential gy. The main problem with Diffie–Hellman exchange is that, 3) Bob computes the shared secret key K = (gx)y. it does not provide authentication of the communicating 4) Bob concatenates the exponentials (gy, gx) (order is parties and is thus vulnerable to a man-in-the-middle attack. important), signs them using his asymmetric key B, A person in the middle may establish two distinct Diffie– and then encrypts them with K. He sends the cipher Hellman key exchanges, one with Alice and the other with text along with his own exponential gy to Alice. Bob, effectively masquerading as Alice to Bob, and vice 5) Alice computes the shared secret key K = (gy)x. versa, allowing the attacker to decrypt (and read or store) 6) Alice decrypts and verifies Bob's signature. then re-encrypt the messages passed between them. The 7) Alice concatenates the exponentials (gx, gy) (order man-in-the-middle attack in cryptography and computer is important), signs them using her asymmetric key security is a form of active eavesdropping in which the A, and then encrypts them with K. She sends the attacker makes independent connections with the victims cipher text to Bob. and relays messages between them, making them believe 8) Bob decrypts and verifies Alice's signature. that they are talking directly to each other over a private connection, when in fact the entire conversation is Alice and Bob are now mutually authenticated and have controlled by the attacker. a shared secret. This secret, K, can then be used to encrypt further communication. The basic form of the protocol is A key exchange protocol enables two parties to share a formalized in the following three steps: common key for encrypting a large amount of data. Authentication is an essential requirement prior to the key (1) Alice → Bob : gx exchange process in order to prevent man-in-the-middle (2) Alice ← Bob : gy, EK(SB(gy, gx)) attack. The goal of an authentication protocol is to provide (3) Alice → Bob : EK(SA(gx, gy)) the communicating parties with some assurance that they know each other’s true identities. In an authenticated key Full STS setup data can also be incorporated into the exchange, there is the additional goal that the two parties protocol itself. Public key certificates may be sent in steps end up sharing a common key known only to them. This 2 and 3 if the keys are not known in advance. secret key can then be used for some time thereafter to provide privacy, data integrity, or both. (1) Alice → Bob : gx (2) Alice ← Bob : gy, CertB, EK(SB(gy, gx)) A method to authenticate the communicating parties to (3) Alice → Bob : CertA, EK(SA(gx, gy)) each other is generally needed to prevent this type of attack. Variants of Diffie-Hellman, such as STS, may be used If system-wide key establishment parameters are not instead to avoid these types of attacks. used, the initiator and responder may create and send their own parameters. In this case, parameters should be sent 2.2 STS protocol: with the exponential. 1) Alice → Bob : g, p, gx The STS protocol consists of Diffie-Hellman key They must also be verified by Bob to prevent an active establishment [Diff76], followed by an exchange of attacker from inserting weak parameters (and thus a weak authentication signatures. In public-key cryptography, the key K). Diffie, van Oorschot & Wiener (1992) recommend Station-to-Station (STS) protocol is a cryptographic key against special checks to prevent this and instead suggest agreement scheme based on classic Diffie-Hellman that including the group parameters in Alice's certificate. In provides mutual key and entity authentication. STS protocol, for just authentication is as follows. The basic idea of STS protocol is as follows. Prior to 1. Alice generates a random number x sends it to Bob. execution of the protocol, the two parties Alice and Bob 2. Bob generates a random number y. each obtain a public/private key pair and a certificate for the 3. Bob concatenates the random numbers (y, x) (order is public key. During the protocol, Alice computes a signature important) and signs them using his asymmetric key B. on certain messages, covering the public value ga mod p. He sends the signature along with his own random Bob proceeds in a similar way. Even though Carol is still number to Alice. able to intercept messages between Alice and Bob, she 4. Alice verifies Bob's signature. cannot forge signatures without Alice's private key and 5. Alice concatenates the random numbers (x, y) (order is Bob's private key. Hence, the enhanced protocol defeats the important) and signs them using her asymmetric key man-in-the-middle attack. A. She sends the signature to Bob. 6. Bob verifies Alice's signature. Supposing all setup data has been shared, the STS Formally: protocol proceeds as follows. If a step cannot be completed, (1) Alice → Bob : x the protocol immediately stops. All exponentials are in the (2) Alice ← Bob : y, SB(y, x) group specified by p. (3) Alice → Bob : SA(x, y) 1) Alice generates a random number x and computes and sends the exponential gx to Bob. 2 .3 Steganography: 2) Bob generates a random number y and computes 116 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 4. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 Steganography is the art and science of hiding files. If an 8-bit image is viewed as a grid and the grid is information into covert channels so as to conceal the made up of cells, these cells are called pixels. Each pixel information and prevent the detection of the hidden consists of an 8-bit binary number (or a single byte), and message (refer to figure2). The goal of steganography is to each 8-bit binary number refers to the color palette (a set of avoid drawing attention to the transmission of a hidden colors defined within the image). All color variations for message. If suspicion is raised, then this goal is defeated. the pixels are derived from three primary colors: red, green, Today, steganography refers to hiding information in digital and blue. Each primary color is represented by 1 byte (= 8 picture files and audio files. Modern steganography refers bits). to hiding information in digital picture files and audio files. It works by replacing bits of unused data in regular digital files with bits of invisible information. To embed hidden information into an image requires two files - the cover image file that will hold the hidden data and the secret message file. A message may be plain text, cypher text (or another image). When combined, the cover image and the hidden message makes a stego image. A stego-key or password may be used to hide and decode the message. Special software is needed for steganography. In this tutorial we will look at two programs that hide text within images(refer to figure 3). Figure 4:A Graphical Version of the Steganographic System There are many ways to hide information in digital images. We look at the following approaches : 1. least significant bit insertion 2. masking and filtering 3. algorithms and transformations Least significant bit insertion: Many stego tools make use of least significant bit (LSB). For example, 11111111 is an 8-bit binary number. The Figure 2: Inaccessible information using steganography rightmost bit is called the LSB because changing it has the least effect on the value of the number. The idea is that the LSB of every byte can be replaced with little change to the overall file. The binary data of the secret message is broken up and then inserted into the LSB of each pixel in the image file. Hiding the data Using the Red, Green, Blue (RGB) model a stegno tool makes a copy of an image palette, say, an 8-bit image. The copy is rearranged so that colors near each other in the RGB model are near each other in the palette. The LSB of each pixels 8-bit binary number is replaced with one bit Figure 3: A Steganographic system from the hidden message. A new RGB color in the copied palette is found. A new 8-bit binary number of the new RGB color in the original palette is found. The pixel is Steganographic messages may first be encrypted and changed to the 8-bit binary number of the new RGB color. then a cover message is modified to contain the encrypted message, resulting in stegno text. Only those who know the Recovering the data can be done by using stegno tool, technique used can recover the message and, if required, stegno tool finds the 8-bit binary number of each pixels decrypt it. The message may be a few thousand bits (often RGB color. The LSB of each pixel's 8-bit binary number is at 7 or 8 bits per text character) embedded in millions of one bit of the hidden data file. Each LSB is then written to other bits. Probably the most typical use is digital images. an output file. Digital images are commonly stored in either 24-bit or 8-bit A simplified example with an 8-bit image 117 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 5. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 pixel: Secret data (00 01 10 11) white red green blue Public key encryption Insert(0011) (00 00 11 11) Cipher text Image file message white white blue blue Convert Ascii Pixels to binary As can be seen from the example, with an 8-bit image, to binary the cover image must be carefully selected since LSB manipulation is not as forgiving because of the color limitations. To hide information in the LSBs of each byte of a 24-bit image, it is possible to store 3 bits in each pixel. A simplified example with a 24-bit image Encoding using Matching method and pixel: stegno key (00100111 11101001 11001000) Binary form to pixel Insert(101) (00100111 11101000 11001001) Stegno image file, sent to the receiver red green blue LSB insertion works well with gray-scale images as well. It is possible to hide data in the least and second least Figure 5. Proposed steganography mechanism for sender significant bits and the human eye would still not be able to discern it. B. Receiver Side After reception of Stego image the receiver at the start 3. PROPOSED METHOD converts the pixels into the binary values. The decoder using Matching method and stegno key then removing the 3.1 Public Steganography in various selected regions of encrypted data from image pixel values. The encrypted data an image: is decrypted using decryption algorithms. This is how, the A. Sender Side plain text is recovered from image. Fig. 6 shows the whole process at the receiver side. The proposed scheme uses any public key encryption algorithm to encrypt secret information, encrypted ASCII Stegno image file value is converted in binary form. The pixels in the image at the same time are also Pixels to binary converted into binary form. The same image is now used as a cover to embed the encrypted information. The process starts as a Encoder using Matching method and stegno key which replaces the three least significant bits of pixel values Decoding using with the encrypted information bits. The modified picture is Matching method and now termed as Stego image. The whole process is stegno key explained in Fig. 5. As shown below, STS protocol is used to exchange secret stegno key between two communication parties. Convert binary Binary to pixels to ASCII Sender Cipher text Cover Image message file STS Protocol Secret message Receiver Figure 6. Proposed steganography mechanism for receiver 118 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 6. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 The proposed method describes two steps for hiding the steganography, our aim is to improve it by removing one of secret information by using the public steganography based its problems that is: the ease of extraction. We don't want on matching method in different regions of an image. that a malicious attacker is able to read everything we are sending. The First step is converting the Plain text message into cipher text using Public-key Encryption algorithm. We can use the following techniques to achieve our goal: The next step is to find the shared stego-key between the two communication parties (SENDER & RECIPIENT) over  Encryption of the message, so that who extracts insecure networks by applying STS protocol (as explained it must also decrypt it before it makes sense. above). At the end the protocol, each side recovers his/her  Randomizing the placement of the bits using a received public key to reach the shared values between cryptographical random function (scattering), so them, that’s mean SENDER & RECIPIENT have arrived that it's almost impossible to rebuild the message same sego-key value. without knowing the seed for the random function. Next the sender uses the secret stego-key to select pixels that it will be used to hide. Each selected pixel is then used In this way, the message is protected by two different to hide 8 bits binary information depending on the matching keys, acquiring much more confidentiality than before. method which is summarized in four cases as shown by This approach protects also the integrity of the message, Table 2. Since the 8 bits data will be compared with the being much more difficult (we could say at least selected pixel's bytes, red, green & blue values respectively computationally infeasible) to counterfeit the message. to produce an array of binary values as 00, 01, 10, and 11. SENDER's side, starts comparing to search the equality, Second, there is a problem with the file size that involves where, he takes data value and compare it with the value of the choice of the format. Unusually big files exchanged the red color (± 7 – decimal value). As shown by Table 2, between two peers, in fact, are likely to arise suspicion. case no. 1, if they are equal, then the value zero (00 – Since we need to have small image file sizes, we should binary value) is set to the array. Table 2, case no. 2, if the resort in using 24-bit images, because their size is more data value and the red value are not equivalent then the likely to be considered as normal. value will be compared with the green color, if they are equals (± 7 – decimal value) then the array is set to be one (01 - binary value). Table 2, case no. 3, if the data value and the green value are not equivalent then the value will be compared with the blue color, if they are equals (± 7 – decimal value) then the value two (10 – binary value) is set to the array. Finally (refer to Table 2, case no. 4), If in case the secret data didn’t equal any of the previous three conditions then the LSBs method is used to embed the data inside the selected pixel, and the value three (11 – binary value) is set to the array. In this case, the data value will be distributed as follows: FIGURE 4: THE RESULT OF EMBEDDING THE TEXT WITH S-TOOLS 1. The first three bits of the data are replaced by the three least significant bits of the red byte. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2. The second three data bits are replaced by the three least We implemented the public-key steganography based on significant bits of the green byte. matching method in different selected regions of an image to show the performance of the proposed method. 3. The last two data bits are replaced by the two least significant bits of the blue byte. In our implementation, we used 600×400 bitmap image file to hide 5 KB text data. As discussed earlier, both of the If 8 bit data ≈ Red Then Red value = two communication parties should find the secret key Case 1 00 (8 bit ) 8 bit data (stegokey) first by applying STS protocol to perform high If 8 bit data ≈ Then Green value level of security. Case 2 01 As in Table 2, the 8 bits data will be hidden inside 1 Green (8 bit ) = 8 bit data pixel, hence the 600x400, 24 bit image file can accept If 8 bit data ≈ Blue Then Blue value = Case 3 10 approximately 240000 bytes of data. This is compared with (8 bit ) 8 bit data well known stego method such as LSBs (Johnson et al., Case 4 Otherwise Use LSBs Method 11 1998) which needs 3 pixels to hide 1 byte of data. We can also adjust the bit-rate at which we can hide the data in the TABLE 2: THE FOUR MAIN CASES IN THE PROPOSED PUBLIC-KEY STEGO selected region. Nevertheless, the proposed steganographic protocol is more efficient than LSBs, since the algorithm 3.2 Problems and Possible solutions used the matching method to get identical pixel's bytes. As we have seen LSB insertion is good for 119 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE
  • 7. ISSN: 2277 – 9043 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering Volume 1, Issue 5, July 2012 However, the proposed method resorts to the LSBs ACKNOWLEDGMENTS method to distribute the secret data in case if the 8 bit of data is not matched with any of the previous three bytes I thank all the staff members of A.S.R college of (red, green, and blue). engineering for their support. I would also like to thank my family and friends who encouraged me in doing this CONCLUSION work. In the present world, the data transfers using internet is REFERENCES rapidly growing because it is so easier as well as faster to [1] Johnson, N.F. & Jajodia, S., ―Exploring Steganography: Seeing the transfer the data to destination. So, many individuals and Unseen‖, Computer Journal, February 1998 business people use to transfer business documents, [2] Ramakrishna Mathe et al, / (IJCSIT) International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Vol. 3 (3) , important information using internet. Security and 2012,4251 – 4255. authentication are an important issue while transferring the [3] Cryptography and Network Security Principles and Practices, 4th data using internet because any unauthorized individual edition by William Stallings. can hack the data and make it useless or obtain information [4] Diffie, W., Van Oorschot, P.C., Wiener, M.J. 1992. Authentication and authenticated key exchanges. Des. Codes Cryptography 2(2), un-intended to him. The proposed approach in this paper 107-125. uses a steganographic approach called image [5] Razieh Mokhtarnameh, Nithiapidary Muthuvelu, Ian Chai , Sin Ban steganography which provides security and STS protocol Ho that provides authentication. In International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) , pages(5-11) Volume 7– No.5, September 2010. 120 All Rights Reserved © 2012 IJARCSEE