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Research Methods
Unit IV
Questionnaire Construction:
❖Questionnaire Design
❖Attitude Measurement,
❖Types of Scales for Attitude Measurement.
Data Collection
Research is entirely based on information that is extracted from data. Data is a
collection of raw & unorganised facts that has no individual meaning. When
raw data is processed, organised & presented in certain structure in such a way,
that it becomes meaning & useful, it is known as information.
For example: during census survey, various demographic data are collected
i.e. name, age, occupation, education, income, gender, religion, etc., that is of
no use till it is analysed & processed to provide some meaningful information
like literacy rate, birth rate, unemployment rate, etc.
Data is known as the foundation of all types of research, therefore, it is
known as Life Blood of Research. Hence data should be of quality.
Data collection starts with;
-identifying the purpose of research,
- the identification of the sources & methods of collection,
- collection of data, and ends with
- analysing the collected data to reach at the conclusion/solution of the research
Types of Data
A researcher uses two types of data, namely, primary data & secondary
data. Primary data – which are collected by researcher for the first time,
while secondary data - which are already collected & statistically
processed for a particular problem.
The Methods for collecting primary & secondary data are different.
Types of Data:
1)Primary Data – directly collected by researcher. These data can be
gathered using techniques such as, interview, observation, mailing, etc.
2)Secondary Data – already collected & readily available. These can be
gathered from the published reports i.e. census reports, annual reports,
journals, news papers, various statements & records about the
performance of a particular organisation and its departments like
accounting records, minutes of meetings, etc.
Precautions in Collection of Data
1) For Primary Data- The genuine & true information is not easy to
collect. For collecting unambiguous (not mixed), unbiased & correct
information from field, following precautions are needed;
a)Friendly Approach – the interviewer should be humble & polite
b)Proper Use of Words – the use of words & sentences should not sound
unfamiliar & causing hurt to the sentiments of the respondents.
c)Transparency to the Respondents – the respondents should not be kept
in dark about the purpose of the field work
d)Avoid Improper Questions – If so required, indirect method should be
e)Confidentiality of Identity of Respondents – sometime, it is required to
keep identity of respondent as confidential
Precautions in Collection of Data (Cont…)
2) For Secondary Data- All the information obtained from secondary
sources are not equally reliable or valid. For evaluating secondary
information, following questions must be answered:
a)Purpose of the Study
b)Individuals or Organisations Responsible for Collecting the Information
c)Context of Collected Information
d)Time of Information
e)Methodology Adopted
Methods of Collecting Primary Data
1) Interview- i.e. Personal Interview, Telephonic Interview, Panel
Interview, etc.
2) Questionnaire-
3) Schedules-
4) Observation- information about a person, organisation, or situation
with making any personal contact, e.g. observation about expenditure
in a marriage ceremony
5) Experimentation-
6) Other Methods- i) Warranty Cards- These are postal size card that
contain various questions regarding the performance of product & to
know the need of costumers. ii) Auditing- is a technique for
assessing the performance & current position of any organisation.
Sometimes, it is also used by for understanding the market & buying
behaviour of customer. iii) Mechanical Devices- Voice recorders,
CCTV etc.
A questionnaire is a method of primary data
collection. It contains set of questions for obtaining
information from respondents. In other words, a set of
questions designed to generate the data necessary for
accomplishing a research project's objectives is
questionnaire. We can administer questionnaires by
mail, telephone, using face-to-face interviews, as
handouts, or electronically (i.e., by e- mail or through
Web-based questionnaires).
Concept of Questionnaire & Schedule
Generally, there are two types of questions in questionnaire., such as; open ended &
close ended questions.
A) Open Ended Questions- In these questions, there is no pre-set options or scale.
The responses to these questions will vary from person to person. These questions
provide meaningful suggestions to the researcher. Examples of types of open ended
questions include:
Completely unstructured - For example, "What is your opinion on questionnaires?"
Word association - Words are presented and the respondent mentions the first word
that comes to mind.
Sentence completion - Respondents complete an incomplete sentence. For example,
"The most important consideration in my decision to buy a new house is . . ."
Story completion - Respondents complete an incomplete story.
B) Close Ended Questions- these are to be answered within limited options,
indicators or scales. The number of choices may be even or odd.
For example; What about your result? a) pass, b) fail
We can classify close ended questions into following sub-categories on next slide;
Types of Questions
a) Leading Questions- When the close ended questions are asked with slightly
similar options such as; ‘good’, ‘great’, ‘best’, ‘excellent’, etc. Such questions
should be avoided in questionnaire.
b) Likert Questions- These questions are based on likert scale. Likert questions
have five or seven levels of expression, which acts as scale, describing the level
of agreement or disagreement over a particular statement or issue E.g. do you
agree that privatization in education should be replaced by public sector, i)
strongly agree, ii) agree, iii) neither agree nor disagree, iv) disagree, v) strongly
c) Dichotomous Questions- Questions where one of the two options is to be
selected such as ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’, ‘A’ or ‘B’, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ etc. These
questions are useful for exact answer e.g. are you mother of Shyam- i) Yes or ii)
No. There is a serious limitation of this question; it can not record the options
that vary between two ultimate options
d) Bipolar Questions- These questions have two extreme responses (bipolar).
The respondent is required to select his/her response between two opposite
choices of the scale. For example- how do you rate Rajesh, i) Excellent, ii)
Good, iii) Average, iv) Poor; (Where ‘excellent’ & ‘poor’ are two opposite
Types of Questions (Cont…)
e) Rating Scale Questions- In this question respondent is required to rate a particular
product, issue, organisation, etc., using scales ranging from poor to good. The rating
points may be even or odd. For example- you are asked to rate the product that you
have purchased online i.e. stars from 1 to 5.
f) Contingency or filter questions – The question that is linked to the answer of the
previous question. In other words, those questions that need to be answered only
when the respondent provides a particular response to a question prior to them are
called contingency questions. Asking these questions effectively avoids asking
people questions that are not applicable to them. For example:
Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
___Yes ___ No
If YES, how many times have you smoked cigarette? __ Once, __2-5 times, __
6-10 times, __more than 10 times
The second question above is what we refer to as a contingency question following
up a closed-ended question.
g) Matrix questions - Identical response categories are assigned to multiple
questions. The questions are placed one under the other, forming a matrix with
response categories along the top and a list of questions down the side. This is an
efficient use of page space and respondents’ time. e.g. educational qualification
Types of Questions (Cont…)
Concept of Questionnaire & Schedule:
As questionnaire is a set of questions,
similarly, schedule is also a set of questions
which is filled in by investigator who is made
responsible to collect information. We can
distinguish these two similar concepts in the
next slide
Types of Questionnaire
Having cleared the concept of questionnaire, we will discuss its
different types;
A questionnaire may be either structured or unstructured, each of them
may be disguised or non-disguised in nature. A questionnaire is structured
when it contains a particular format of asking questions, while in an
unstructured questionnaire, the researcher do not have to follow any pattern
in administering the questionnaire. In a disguised questionnaire, the objective
of the research is kept secret from the respondent, whereas in non-disguised
questionnaire, the purpose of research is disclosed to respondent in advance.
Now we will take these four parts one by one as below;
a) Structured, Non-Disguised Questionnaire- That questionnaire which
contains pre-arranged sets of questions that are asked strictly in given format.
The aim of the research is already explained to respondent in order to make it
interested & free from fear. For example;
A set of questions-
i) Do you have refrigerator? Yes-----, No-----,
ii) If yes, which brand? Samsung…, Videocon….., Whirlpool….., LG…..,
iii) Electricity saver, no star…, 1 star…., 2 star…, 3 star….
iv) What is the best feature of your refrigerator, Elct. Saver…, space….,
Types of Questionnaires (Cont…)
b) Structured, Disguised Questionnaire- In this type of questionnaire, the
researcher does not disclose the purpose of the study but maintains structured
manner of research. For example, “What do you think about the coal
c) Non-Structured, Non-Disguised Questionnaire- This questionnaire
contains open-ended questions where objective of the study is shared with
respondent. For example, how do you feel about ‘Section-377’ of the Indian
Penal Code? Now further questions will depend upon the answers of
respondents. This kind of interview is called ‘depth interview’. The
advantage of this questionnaire is collection of large amount of information
is possible as the researcher is free to change the sequence of questions as
d) Non-Structured, Disguised Questionnaire- It is clear from the terms that
a questionnaire where questions are not pre-arranged and purpose of the
study is not disclosed to respondent in order to get original & unbiased
Types of Questionnaires (Cont…)
Types of Schedule
Now we will discuss different types of schedule;
a) Rating Schedule- It is clear from the term rate, in these schedules, the
value & trend of attitudes, opinions, preferences, etc., is measured.
b) Documents Schedule- In these schedules, the written evidence & case
histories are taken. For example; in the field of criminology, to collect the
data about different types of crimes, their incidence, the nature of earlier
crime and the personal data on the criminals like school leaving age, the age
at the time of employment, the level of economic & social status etc.
c) Institutional Survey Forms of Evaluations Schedules- In these schedules,
the data are collected from the institutions about specialisation. For example,
to study the problems of DBS in different management courses.
d) Observation Schedules- These schedules are used by observer to maintain
records of activities & responses of an individual or a group under specific
conditions. The use of this schedule is to verify some information.
e) Interview Schedule- It is very similar to observation schedule. In this
schedule an interviewer presents the questions of the schedule to the
interviewees and records their responses on the blank spaces.
Types of Schedule (Cont…)
Research Methodology
Unit III
Questionnaire Design and Schedule
❖Concept of Questionnaire & Schedule
❖Principles of Designing Questionnaire and Schedule,
❖Limitations of Questionnaire,
❖Reliability Validity of Questionnaire
Since a questionnaire is a systematic way of collecting primary
data, therefore, we go through following important steps;
1) Determining the Need of Information- This step is related to the
objective of the research. For example; if the researcher’s objective
is to understand the brand image of a management college in order
to get admission, then questions will be around fee structure,
quality of teaching, placement, etc.
2) Decide the Type of Questionnaire to be Used- The researcher
will choose one of the four different types of questionnaires
3) Decide the Types of Questions to be Used-
4) Decide the Wording of the Questions- Questions should be
simple, unambiguous (having clear meaning). The questionnaire
should be prepared keeping in mind some important things i.e.
language, education, research purpose etc.
5) Decide the Sequence of Questions-
Preparation/Design of Questionnaire
6) Decide the Length of Questionnaire-
7) Decide the Layout of the Questionnaire- It is essential for the
researcher to keep in mind that the questionnaire should be well
printed, proper in length & should be easy to understand by the
8) Include Check Questions- Sometimes respondents answer
differently for the same issue that can produce errors in result. This
can be removed by introducing some check questions.
9) Pilot-Testing or Pre-Testing of Questionnaire- Without
‘pilot-testing’ or ‘pre-testing’, it is not possible to design a perfect
questionnaire. In this step questionnaire is tested on a smaller
sample size. With the help of this step, the shortcomings will be
identified & sorted before the actual survey.
10) Final Draft- After pilot-test & incorporating all required
corrections, the final draft will be ready.
Preparation/Design of Questionnaire (Cont..)
1. Questionnaire is a list or set of questions.
2. Questionnaire is prepared by the researcher. It contains questions relating to the
topic of his research.
3. The purpose of each question of the questionnaire is to get specific information
from the respondents.
4. The questionnaire is sent to the respondents & they send their answers back to
the researcher.
5. Only educated & willing respondents can take part in this exercise.
6. In this method there is no direct contact between the researcher & the
respondents. Therefore, there is no danger of any influence of the researcher on
7. This method has a high level of accuracy.
8. This method is time & money saving method.
Features of the Questionnaire
Questionnaires are important because of following reasons;
1) Easy to Design & Interpret- Respondents can easily
understand the questions & give their genuine responses.
2) Accessible to a Large Population-
3) Free from Bias-
4) Sufficient Time for Respondents to Answer-
5) Maintains Secrecy-
6) Ease in Data Compilation & Analysis- The questionnaire
provides information that are easy to compile.
Significance of Questionnaire
We go through following important steps;
1) Study the Different Aspects of the Problem - This step is related
to split the problem of the study into various aspects.
2) Sub-Divide the Problem- Each aspect of step one has again to be
divide into a number of sub-parts.
3) Clear Questions-
4) Sequence of Questions-
5) Testing the Validity of Schedule-
6) Division- There should be adequate number of divisions, e.g.
personal information part, education related part, experience-related
7) Pilot Survey- This is the last stage of schedule designing. When
the schedule is ready, it should be tested on a small sample to find
its shortcomings.
Preparation/Design of Schedule
Schedules are important because of following reasons;
1) Higher Response-
2) Saving of Time-
3) Personal Contact-
4) Human Touch-
5) Deeper Probe- With the help of this method, it is possible to
probe deeper into the personality, living conditions, values, etc., of
the respondents.
6) Defects in Sampling are Detected-
7) Removal of Doubts-
8) Human Element make the study Reliable- The humanity makes
the situation more attractive & interesting that is important to make
interview useful and reliable.
Significance of Schedule
A researcher should take following precaution while designing
1) Proper Arrangement of Questions- The researcher should keep in mind the
proper sequence of questions. He should avoid skip and jump questions.
Mismanaged sequence of questions can lead to confusion among the
2) Numbering of Questions- The questions should be numbered.
3) Avoid Leading Questions- Researcher should avoid leading questions,
because these questions bind the respondent within specific options. E.g. “Do
you own samsung mobile phone?” is a leading question, that can be asked as,
“Which brand of mobile do you have?”
4) Questions should Require Recent & Remembered Data- Those questions
that unnecessarily make the respondent to think too much about the past should
be avoided. E.g. question to the student of MBA, how many student were there
in your class XII.
5) Avoid Double Barrel Questions- The double barrel question, (two in one)
like- “how are you n your friend?”, should be avoided. At the same time, both
will not sick/well.
Principles of Designing Questionnaire & Schedule
6) Avoid Vague Questions- The wording of the questions should not be
ambiguous. For example, “How do you rate your CR?” is a vague question
because your CR can be rated on many features like, appearance,
intelligence, nature, punctuality, etc.
7) Avoid Personal Questions- These questions should be avoided, if
necessary, ask indirectly.
8) Good Transition between Questions- This precaution is very much
related to sequence of questions. The successive questions should have
proper link, so that respondent can understand the questions & can provide
accurate answer.
9) Quality of Questionnaire- The questionnaire should attract the respondent
by proper typing, fond size, paper size, colouring etc.
10) Length of the Questionnaire- The length of the questionnaire should be
rational. It should be easy to handle by the respondent as well as researcher.
Therefore, only limited questions should be provided in the questionnaire to
collect required information
Principles of Designing Questionnaire & Schedule (Cont…)
Questionnaire Schedule
1. Filled in by respondent. 1. Filled in by investigator
2. Less expensive. 2. More expensive.
3. High non-response. 3. Low non-response.
4. Identity of respondent is not clear. 4. Identity of respondent is clear.
5. Process is slow as respondent do not
return questionnaire immediately.
5. Process is fast as the information
collected & filled in by investigator.
6. A useful only where respondent is
co-operated & literate.
6. In schedule information is collected
from illiterate respondent
7. Wide coverage of investigation is
7. Coverage is restricted to visit of
8. Risk of collecting wrong information. 8. More accurate information can be
9. Success of this method relates to quality
of questionnaire
9. Success relates to honesty &
competence of investigator
Distinction between Questionnaire & Schedule
Research Methodology
Unit III
Questionnaire Design and Schedule
❖Concept of Questionnaire & Schedule
❖Principles of Designing Questionnaire and Schedule,
❖Limitations of Questionnaire,
❖Reliability Validity of Questionnaire
Some of important limitations of questionnaire are as follows;
1) Complicated Questions- Sometimes questions become complex in
order to gain specific information from the individuals.
2) Suitability of Respondents-
3) Low Response Rates-
4) Possibility of Invalid Responses-
5) Possibility of Misunderstanding-
6) Requires the Respondent to be Educated-
7) Difference in Contexts- The wording of a questionnaire may have
different meaning in different cultures. A standard form is not always
not possible. For instance, a company doing research in India will
have to make changes for respondents in north & south states of India.
Limitations of Questionnaire
Research Methodology
Unit III
Questionnaire Design and Schedule
❖Concept of Questionnaire & Schedule
❖Principles of Designing Questionnaire and Schedule,
❖Limitations of Questionnaire,
❖Reliability Validity of Questionnaire
Test for Sound Questionnaire
The test of reliability is an important test of sound measurement
The methods to evaluate reliability of scales are;
1) Cronbach’s Alpha-
2) Test-Retest Method-
3) Split-Halves Method-
4) Alternative Forms Method-
Reliability of Questionnaire
1) Face Validity-
2) Content Validity-
3) Criterion Related Validity-
4) Construct Validity-
Validity of Questionnaire

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  • 1. Research Methods Unit IV Questionnaire Construction: ❖Questionnaire Design ❖Attitude Measurement, ❖Types of Scales for Attitude Measurement.
  • 2. Data Collection Introduction Research is entirely based on information that is extracted from data. Data is a collection of raw & unorganised facts that has no individual meaning. When raw data is processed, organised & presented in certain structure in such a way, that it becomes meaning & useful, it is known as information. For example: during census survey, various demographic data are collected i.e. name, age, occupation, education, income, gender, religion, etc., that is of no use till it is analysed & processed to provide some meaningful information like literacy rate, birth rate, unemployment rate, etc. Data is known as the foundation of all types of research, therefore, it is known as Life Blood of Research. Hence data should be of quality. Data collection starts with; -identifying the purpose of research, - the identification of the sources & methods of collection, - collection of data, and ends with - analysing the collected data to reach at the conclusion/solution of the research problem.
  • 3. Types of Data A researcher uses two types of data, namely, primary data & secondary data. Primary data – which are collected by researcher for the first time, while secondary data - which are already collected & statistically processed for a particular problem. The Methods for collecting primary & secondary data are different. Types of Data: 1)Primary Data – directly collected by researcher. These data can be gathered using techniques such as, interview, observation, mailing, etc. 2)Secondary Data – already collected & readily available. These can be gathered from the published reports i.e. census reports, annual reports, journals, news papers, various statements & records about the performance of a particular organisation and its departments like accounting records, minutes of meetings, etc.
  • 4. Precautions in Collection of Data 1) For Primary Data- The genuine & true information is not easy to collect. For collecting unambiguous (not mixed), unbiased & correct information from field, following precautions are needed; a)Friendly Approach – the interviewer should be humble & polite b)Proper Use of Words – the use of words & sentences should not sound unfamiliar & causing hurt to the sentiments of the respondents. c)Transparency to the Respondents – the respondents should not be kept in dark about the purpose of the field work d)Avoid Improper Questions – If so required, indirect method should be used e)Confidentiality of Identity of Respondents – sometime, it is required to keep identity of respondent as confidential
  • 5. Precautions in Collection of Data (Cont…) 2) For Secondary Data- All the information obtained from secondary sources are not equally reliable or valid. For evaluating secondary information, following questions must be answered: a)Purpose of the Study b)Individuals or Organisations Responsible for Collecting the Information c)Context of Collected Information d)Time of Information e)Methodology Adopted f)Consistency
  • 6.
  • 7. Methods of Collecting Primary Data 1) Interview- i.e. Personal Interview, Telephonic Interview, Panel Interview, etc. 2) Questionnaire- 3) Schedules- 4) Observation- information about a person, organisation, or situation with making any personal contact, e.g. observation about expenditure in a marriage ceremony 5) Experimentation- 6) Other Methods- i) Warranty Cards- These are postal size card that contain various questions regarding the performance of product & to know the need of costumers. ii) Auditing- is a technique for assessing the performance & current position of any organisation. Sometimes, it is also used by for understanding the market & buying behaviour of customer. iii) Mechanical Devices- Voice recorders, CCTV etc.
  • 8. Meaning: A questionnaire is a method of primary data collection. It contains set of questions for obtaining information from respondents. In other words, a set of questions designed to generate the data necessary for accomplishing a research project's objectives is questionnaire. We can administer questionnaires by mail, telephone, using face-to-face interviews, as handouts, or electronically (i.e., by e- mail or through Web-based questionnaires). Concept of Questionnaire & Schedule
  • 9. Generally, there are two types of questions in questionnaire., such as; open ended & close ended questions. A) Open Ended Questions- In these questions, there is no pre-set options or scale. The responses to these questions will vary from person to person. These questions provide meaningful suggestions to the researcher. Examples of types of open ended questions include: Completely unstructured - For example, "What is your opinion on questionnaires?" Word association - Words are presented and the respondent mentions the first word that comes to mind. Sentence completion - Respondents complete an incomplete sentence. For example, "The most important consideration in my decision to buy a new house is . . ." Story completion - Respondents complete an incomplete story. B) Close Ended Questions- these are to be answered within limited options, indicators or scales. The number of choices may be even or odd. For example; What about your result? a) pass, b) fail We can classify close ended questions into following sub-categories on next slide; Types of Questions
  • 10. a) Leading Questions- When the close ended questions are asked with slightly similar options such as; ‘good’, ‘great’, ‘best’, ‘excellent’, etc. Such questions should be avoided in questionnaire. b) Likert Questions- These questions are based on likert scale. Likert questions have five or seven levels of expression, which acts as scale, describing the level of agreement or disagreement over a particular statement or issue E.g. do you agree that privatization in education should be replaced by public sector, i) strongly agree, ii) agree, iii) neither agree nor disagree, iv) disagree, v) strongly disagree c) Dichotomous Questions- Questions where one of the two options is to be selected such as ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’, ‘A’ or ‘B’, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ etc. These questions are useful for exact answer e.g. are you mother of Shyam- i) Yes or ii) No. There is a serious limitation of this question; it can not record the options that vary between two ultimate options d) Bipolar Questions- These questions have two extreme responses (bipolar). The respondent is required to select his/her response between two opposite choices of the scale. For example- how do you rate Rajesh, i) Excellent, ii) Good, iii) Average, iv) Poor; (Where ‘excellent’ & ‘poor’ are two opposite terms) Types of Questions (Cont…)
  • 11. e) Rating Scale Questions- In this question respondent is required to rate a particular product, issue, organisation, etc., using scales ranging from poor to good. The rating points may be even or odd. For example- you are asked to rate the product that you have purchased online i.e. stars from 1 to 5. f) Contingency or filter questions – The question that is linked to the answer of the previous question. In other words, those questions that need to be answered only when the respondent provides a particular response to a question prior to them are called contingency questions. Asking these questions effectively avoids asking people questions that are not applicable to them. For example: Have you ever smoked a cigarette? ___Yes ___ No If YES, how many times have you smoked cigarette? __ Once, __2-5 times, __ 6-10 times, __more than 10 times The second question above is what we refer to as a contingency question following up a closed-ended question. g) Matrix questions - Identical response categories are assigned to multiple questions. The questions are placed one under the other, forming a matrix with response categories along the top and a list of questions down the side. This is an efficient use of page space and respondents’ time. e.g. educational qualification Types of Questions (Cont…)
  • 12. Concept of Questionnaire & Schedule: As questionnaire is a set of questions, similarly, schedule is also a set of questions which is filled in by investigator who is made responsible to collect information. We can distinguish these two similar concepts in the next slide
  • 13. Types of Questionnaire Having cleared the concept of questionnaire, we will discuss its different types;
  • 14. A questionnaire may be either structured or unstructured, each of them may be disguised or non-disguised in nature. A questionnaire is structured when it contains a particular format of asking questions, while in an unstructured questionnaire, the researcher do not have to follow any pattern in administering the questionnaire. In a disguised questionnaire, the objective of the research is kept secret from the respondent, whereas in non-disguised questionnaire, the purpose of research is disclosed to respondent in advance. Now we will take these four parts one by one as below; a) Structured, Non-Disguised Questionnaire- That questionnaire which contains pre-arranged sets of questions that are asked strictly in given format. The aim of the research is already explained to respondent in order to make it interested & free from fear. For example; A set of questions- i) Do you have refrigerator? Yes-----, No-----, ii) If yes, which brand? Samsung…, Videocon….., Whirlpool….., LG….., iii) Electricity saver, no star…, 1 star…., 2 star…, 3 star…. iv) What is the best feature of your refrigerator, Elct. Saver…, space…., durable… Types of Questionnaires (Cont…)
  • 15. b) Structured, Disguised Questionnaire- In this type of questionnaire, the researcher does not disclose the purpose of the study but maintains structured manner of research. For example, “What do you think about the coal scandal?” c) Non-Structured, Non-Disguised Questionnaire- This questionnaire contains open-ended questions where objective of the study is shared with respondent. For example, how do you feel about ‘Section-377’ of the Indian Penal Code? Now further questions will depend upon the answers of respondents. This kind of interview is called ‘depth interview’. The advantage of this questionnaire is collection of large amount of information is possible as the researcher is free to change the sequence of questions as needed. d) Non-Structured, Disguised Questionnaire- It is clear from the terms that a questionnaire where questions are not pre-arranged and purpose of the study is not disclosed to respondent in order to get original & unbiased informations. Types of Questionnaires (Cont…)
  • 16. Types of Schedule Now we will discuss different types of schedule;
  • 17. a) Rating Schedule- It is clear from the term rate, in these schedules, the value & trend of attitudes, opinions, preferences, etc., is measured. b) Documents Schedule- In these schedules, the written evidence & case histories are taken. For example; in the field of criminology, to collect the data about different types of crimes, their incidence, the nature of earlier crime and the personal data on the criminals like school leaving age, the age at the time of employment, the level of economic & social status etc. c) Institutional Survey Forms of Evaluations Schedules- In these schedules, the data are collected from the institutions about specialisation. For example, to study the problems of DBS in different management courses. d) Observation Schedules- These schedules are used by observer to maintain records of activities & responses of an individual or a group under specific conditions. The use of this schedule is to verify some information. e) Interview Schedule- It is very similar to observation schedule. In this schedule an interviewer presents the questions of the schedule to the interviewees and records their responses on the blank spaces. Types of Schedule (Cont…)
  • 18. Business Research Methodology Unit III Questionnaire Design and Schedule ❖Concept of Questionnaire & Schedule ❖Principles of Designing Questionnaire and Schedule, ❖Limitations of Questionnaire, ❖Reliability Validity of Questionnaire
  • 19. Since a questionnaire is a systematic way of collecting primary data, therefore, we go through following important steps; 1) Determining the Need of Information- This step is related to the objective of the research. For example; if the researcher’s objective is to understand the brand image of a management college in order to get admission, then questions will be around fee structure, quality of teaching, placement, etc. 2) Decide the Type of Questionnaire to be Used- The researcher will choose one of the four different types of questionnaires 3) Decide the Types of Questions to be Used- 4) Decide the Wording of the Questions- Questions should be simple, unambiguous (having clear meaning). The questionnaire should be prepared keeping in mind some important things i.e. language, education, research purpose etc. 5) Decide the Sequence of Questions- Preparation/Design of Questionnaire
  • 20. 6) Decide the Length of Questionnaire- 7) Decide the Layout of the Questionnaire- It is essential for the researcher to keep in mind that the questionnaire should be well printed, proper in length & should be easy to understand by the respondents. 8) Include Check Questions- Sometimes respondents answer differently for the same issue that can produce errors in result. This can be removed by introducing some check questions. 9) Pilot-Testing or Pre-Testing of Questionnaire- Without ‘pilot-testing’ or ‘pre-testing’, it is not possible to design a perfect questionnaire. In this step questionnaire is tested on a smaller sample size. With the help of this step, the shortcomings will be identified & sorted before the actual survey. 10) Final Draft- After pilot-test & incorporating all required corrections, the final draft will be ready. Preparation/Design of Questionnaire (Cont..)
  • 21. 1. Questionnaire is a list or set of questions. 2. Questionnaire is prepared by the researcher. It contains questions relating to the topic of his research. 3. The purpose of each question of the questionnaire is to get specific information from the respondents. 4. The questionnaire is sent to the respondents & they send their answers back to the researcher. 5. Only educated & willing respondents can take part in this exercise. 6. In this method there is no direct contact between the researcher & the respondents. Therefore, there is no danger of any influence of the researcher on respondent. 7. This method has a high level of accuracy. 8. This method is time & money saving method. Features of the Questionnaire
  • 22. Questionnaires are important because of following reasons; 1) Easy to Design & Interpret- Respondents can easily understand the questions & give their genuine responses. 2) Accessible to a Large Population- 3) Free from Bias- 4) Sufficient Time for Respondents to Answer- 5) Maintains Secrecy- 6) Ease in Data Compilation & Analysis- The questionnaire provides information that are easy to compile. Significance of Questionnaire
  • 23. We go through following important steps; 1) Study the Different Aspects of the Problem - This step is related to split the problem of the study into various aspects. 2) Sub-Divide the Problem- Each aspect of step one has again to be divide into a number of sub-parts. 3) Clear Questions- 4) Sequence of Questions- 5) Testing the Validity of Schedule- 6) Division- There should be adequate number of divisions, e.g. personal information part, education related part, experience-related part. 7) Pilot Survey- This is the last stage of schedule designing. When the schedule is ready, it should be tested on a small sample to find its shortcomings. Preparation/Design of Schedule
  • 24. Schedules are important because of following reasons; 1) Higher Response- 2) Saving of Time- 3) Personal Contact- 4) Human Touch- 5) Deeper Probe- With the help of this method, it is possible to probe deeper into the personality, living conditions, values, etc., of the respondents. 6) Defects in Sampling are Detected- 7) Removal of Doubts- 8) Human Element make the study Reliable- The humanity makes the situation more attractive & interesting that is important to make interview useful and reliable. Significance of Schedule
  • 25. A researcher should take following precaution while designing questionnaire/schedule; 1) Proper Arrangement of Questions- The researcher should keep in mind the proper sequence of questions. He should avoid skip and jump questions. Mismanaged sequence of questions can lead to confusion among the respondents. 2) Numbering of Questions- The questions should be numbered. 3) Avoid Leading Questions- Researcher should avoid leading questions, because these questions bind the respondent within specific options. E.g. “Do you own samsung mobile phone?” is a leading question, that can be asked as, “Which brand of mobile do you have?” 4) Questions should Require Recent & Remembered Data- Those questions that unnecessarily make the respondent to think too much about the past should be avoided. E.g. question to the student of MBA, how many student were there in your class XII. 5) Avoid Double Barrel Questions- The double barrel question, (two in one) like- “how are you n your friend?”, should be avoided. At the same time, both will not sick/well. Principles of Designing Questionnaire & Schedule
  • 26. 6) Avoid Vague Questions- The wording of the questions should not be ambiguous. For example, “How do you rate your CR?” is a vague question because your CR can be rated on many features like, appearance, intelligence, nature, punctuality, etc. 7) Avoid Personal Questions- These questions should be avoided, if necessary, ask indirectly. 8) Good Transition between Questions- This precaution is very much related to sequence of questions. The successive questions should have proper link, so that respondent can understand the questions & can provide accurate answer. 9) Quality of Questionnaire- The questionnaire should attract the respondent by proper typing, fond size, paper size, colouring etc. 10) Length of the Questionnaire- The length of the questionnaire should be rational. It should be easy to handle by the respondent as well as researcher. Therefore, only limited questions should be provided in the questionnaire to collect required information Principles of Designing Questionnaire & Schedule (Cont…)
  • 27. Questionnaire Schedule 1. Filled in by respondent. 1. Filled in by investigator 2. Less expensive. 2. More expensive. 3. High non-response. 3. Low non-response. 4. Identity of respondent is not clear. 4. Identity of respondent is clear. 5. Process is slow as respondent do not return questionnaire immediately. 5. Process is fast as the information collected & filled in by investigator. 6. A useful only where respondent is co-operated & literate. 6. In schedule information is collected from illiterate respondent 7. Wide coverage of investigation is possible. 7. Coverage is restricted to visit of investigator. 8. Risk of collecting wrong information. 8. More accurate information can be collected. 9. Success of this method relates to quality of questionnaire 9. Success relates to honesty & competence of investigator Distinction between Questionnaire & Schedule
  • 28. Business Research Methodology Unit III Questionnaire Design and Schedule ❖Concept of Questionnaire & Schedule ❖Principles of Designing Questionnaire and Schedule, ❖Limitations of Questionnaire, ❖Reliability Validity of Questionnaire
  • 29. Some of important limitations of questionnaire are as follows; 1) Complicated Questions- Sometimes questions become complex in order to gain specific information from the individuals. 2) Suitability of Respondents- 3) Low Response Rates- 4) Possibility of Invalid Responses- 5) Possibility of Misunderstanding- 6) Requires the Respondent to be Educated- 7) Difference in Contexts- The wording of a questionnaire may have different meaning in different cultures. A standard form is not always not possible. For instance, a company doing research in India will have to make changes for respondents in north & south states of India. Limitations of Questionnaire
  • 30. Business Research Methodology Unit III Questionnaire Design and Schedule ❖Concept of Questionnaire & Schedule ❖Principles of Designing Questionnaire and Schedule, ❖Limitations of Questionnaire, ❖Reliability Validity of Questionnaire
  • 31. Test for Sound Questionnaire
  • 32. The test of reliability is an important test of sound measurement The methods to evaluate reliability of scales are; 1) Cronbach’s Alpha- 2) Test-Retest Method- 3) Split-Halves Method- 4) Alternative Forms Method- Reliability of Questionnaire
  • 33. 1) Face Validity- 2) Content Validity- 3) Criterion Related Validity- 4) Construct Validity- Validity of Questionnaire