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Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Review of CHO metabolism
Regulation of blood glucose
State the basic criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes
mellitus, including American Diabetes Association
Outline the procedure for administration of an oral
glucose tolerance test and interpret the results.
Lab tests for monitoring long-term glucose control in
people with diabetes mellitus.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Carbohydrates are widely distributed in plants
and animals, their function is ranging from
energy source to structural components.
According to its structure it classified into:
Monosaccharide: It contain 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7
carbon atom. Named tiroses, tetroses,
pentoses. Hexoses or heptoses.
Disaccharides: Two monosaccharide joined by
glycosidic bond.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Maltose = Glucose – Glucose
Lactose = Glucose – Galactose
Polysaccharides: linkage of multiple
monosaccharide units results in the formation
of polysaccharides.
Starch in plants
Glycogen in animals
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Break down of diet carbohydrates results in
glucose. Which maintained by regulatory
When energy intake exceed the need of the body
it converted to fats which stored in the adipose
tissue and glycogen which stored in the liver &
When the need of energy exceed the intake
endogenous formation of glucose occur.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
The end metabolism of carbohydrates result
1- production of energy.
2- storage as glycogen and fats.
3- conversion to amino acids and proteins.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
CHO digestion:
CHO digestion started
in the mouth by salivary
amylase (occur little
digestion) then the food
mixed with salivary
amylase pass into
stomach where the acid
pH inhibit the amylase
action gradually.
In the duodenum where
the HCO3 & bile salt of
pancreatic juice make
the pH around 7 which
is suitable for the
pancreatic amylase to
continue the salivary
amylase action in the
hydrolysis of starch to a
maltose molecules.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Then the disaccharide molecules are hydrolyzed by
disaccharides enzymes (found in the small intestine)
into monosaccharide.
CHO absorption:
The absorption of the monosaccharide's occurs by an
active transport process which requires energy. They
are transported to the liver by portal vein of the liver.
Glucose is the only carbohydrate to be directly used
for energy or stored as glycogen. Galactose &
fructose must be converted to glucose before they can
be used. After the glucose enters the cell it will be
processed for production of energy.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
CHO catabolism:
Following absorption, they are transported to the
liver. Depending on the body need, the
monosaccharide are converted to glycogen or
metabolized to energy or they are converted to
triglycerides or proteins.
The raised level of glucose after a meal stimulates the
production of insulin from the pancreas. Insulin
reduce the glucose level by facilitates the entrance of
glucose inside the cells of the body except red cells,
hepatic cells and brain cells.
In the cells there are many processes can be take
place Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
1-Glycolysis: metabolism of glucose to
pyruvate or lactate for production of energy.
2-Glycogenesis: Conversion of glucose to
glycogen for storage, occur in the liver and
3-Glycogenolysis: Breakdown of glycogen to
glucose for use as energy.
4-Gluconeogenesis: formation of glucose from
noncarbohydrate substance (fat and protein).
5-Lipogenesis: Conversion of CHO to fatty
6-Lipolysis: Decomposition of fat.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Regulatory hormones
(A) Insulin secreted by β-cells of the pancreas in
form of proinsulin, converted to active insulin after
removal of peptide chain (C-peptide).
It is anabolic hormone tends to lower the blood
glucose concentration by enhancing glycogenesis.
In the pancreas, insulin is synthesized as pre-
proinsulin (inactive).
This form undergoes first cleavage forming pro-
insulin, then a second cleavage follows result in the
formation of insulin (active form) and a free short
peptide called C-peptide.
Both insulin and C-peptide are secreted in circulation.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Brain, RBC, Liver, and Intestines are not insulin-
Muscles are the most important insulin-dependent
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Hormones that regulates Plasma glucose Concentration:
1.released from pancreas (β-cells)
2.convert excess blood glucose into storage forms
–In liver and muscle:
–Stimulates glucose uptake (muscle)
–Stimulates glucose uptake (liver)
–Stimulates FAT synthesis (liver)
–Stimulates glycogen synthesis
–Inhibits glycogen breakdown
–Stimulates glycolysis, acetyl-CoA production
–In Adipose tissues:
–Stimulates triacylglycerol synthesis
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
The action of Insulin
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Counterregulatory hormones
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
2. Glucagon:
Released from α-cells in pancreas;
raises blood glucose level
Mode of action: cAMP-dependent phosphorylations
In the liver: (primary target)
Stimulates glycogen breakdown
Inhibits glycogen synthesis
Inhibits glucose breakdown
Stimulates gluconeogenesis
In adipose tissues:
Stimulates fat mobilization
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc
in Clinical Chemistry
3. Epinephrine:
 A catecholamine secreted by the adrenal
Stimulates glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis)
 Stimulates glucagon secretion
 Inhibits insulin secretion
 Plays a key role in glucose counter regulatory when
glucagon is deficient.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc
in Clinical Chemistry
4. Growth hormone:
A polypeptide hormone secreted by the
anterior pituitary glands
Stimulates gluconeogenesis (During long
Enhances lipolysis.
5. Cortisol:
Slow acting hormone, released from adrenal cortex
Counterbalances insulin effects
Stimulates gluconeogenesis (During long fasting)
Increase breakdown of protein & fat.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc
in Clinical Chemistry
6. Thyroxin : secreted by thyroid gland
Increases glucose levels by increasing glycogenolysis,
gluconeogenesis and intestinal absorption of glucose.
7. Somatostatin:
 Produced by the δ-cells of the islets of Langerhans of
the pancreas.
 Increases plasma glucose levels by the inhibition of
insulin, glucagon, growth hormone and other endocrine
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc
in Clinical Chemistry
Things MUST remember
Normal range of fasting blood glucose: 75-115 mg/dL
Hypoglycemia: in adults: <50 mg/dl, in newborns <40 mg/dl
Serum glucose higher than whole blood glucose by 10-15%
(Plasma glucose = whole blood glucose x 1.15 + 6mg/dL)
Arterial or capillary blood glucose is higher than venous by
2-5 mg/dL
CSF glucose: 70% of FBS
CSF glucose MUST be analyzed immediately
Uncentrifuged whole blood: glucose decreases by 5-7%
each hour
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Carbohydrates metabolism disorders
Carbohydrates metabolism
(A) Hyperglycemia: - is an increase of blood
glucose levels caused by hormones imbalance.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Diabetes Mellitus
A group of metabolic disorders characterized by
hyperglycemia resulting from defect of insulin
secretion, insulin action or both of them.
WHO divides diabetes into:-
Type1 Insulin-dependent-diabetes mellitus (IDDM).
Type2 Noninsulin-dependent-diabetes mellitus
Other types a) Specific types of DM.
b) Gestational DM.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Classification of Diabetes Mellitus
Type 1 Diabetes
This type is also known as Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus
(IDDM). It is characterized as follows:
It occur in young children and young adults (< 35 years of age)
It accounts for 10-20% of all types of diabetes mellitus.
Patients with this disease have deficiency of insulin, and are
dependent on insulin injections.
Insulin deficiency is caused by an autoimmune disorder:
autoantibodies against islet cells, or against insulin itself.
Patients with type of diabetes are commonly prone to
Occurrence of complications in this type of diabetes mellitus,
are more common than that in type 2.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Type 2 Diabetes
This type is also known as Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes
Mellitus (NIDDM).
It is the most common, and occur after age 40 years
More commonly seen in obese individuals
It has an inherited pattern
It accounts for 90% of all cases of diabetes mellitus.
It is characterized by either decreased insulin secretion, or
increased resistance to insulin (decreased response to insulin)
Patients with this type are not prone to Ketoacidosis
Complications are les than that in type 1.
Classification of Diabetes Mellitus
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Classification of Diabetes Mellitus
Gestational Diabetes
Occur during pregnancy: (2-5% cases of pregnancy
Caused by inability of pancreas to secrete sufficient amount of
Women who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy,
mostly develop diabetes mellitus 20 years later.
Diagnosis: meet with two or more of the following criteria
 Fasting plasma glucose >95mg/dL
 A 1-hour plasma glucose>180mg/dL
 A 2-hour plasma glucose>155mg/dL
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Acute complications
1- Diabetic ketoacidosis.
2- Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma.
3- Hypoglycemia.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
In uncontrolled diabetes the low insulin
concentration result in increase lipolysis and
increase plasma free fatty acids which
converted by liver to ketone bodies. Type I
DM has greater tendency to produce ketone
bodies than type II due to Insulin and
Glucagon concentration imbalance.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Hyperosmolal non-ketotic coma
Hyperosmolality is due to hyperglycemia but
no detectable ketones or acidosis. Glycosuria
result in severe water and electrolyte depletion
with hypernatremia and uremia. Coma result
from cerebral cells dehydration.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
It is decrease blood glucose below the fasting
value. In diabetics this is due to over dosage of
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Chronic complications
Microvascular problems: -
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Signs & symptoms
 Polydipsia “excessive thirst”.
 polyphagia “increase food intake”.
 polyuria “ excessive urine production”.
 Weight loss.
 hyperventilation.
 mental confusion.
 loss of consciousness
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Diagnosis of DM
Normal levels
Normal plasma glucose concentration during
fasting ( 55 - 110 ) mg/dl.
And 2 hr post prandial ( 75 - 140) mg/dl.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Positive findings
Any one of the followings is diagnostic:
– Symptoms of diabetes mellitus plus random
plasma glucose concentration >=200 mg / dL)
– FBG >=126 mg / dL
– 2hr post load BG >=200 mg /dl after 75-g glucose
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Some individuals may not meet with the past
findings but have blood glucose level higher
than normal, those : -
either : Impaired fasting glucose
FBG ( 110 - 126) mg/dl.
Or: Impaired glucose tolerance
2hr after 75 grm g ( 140 - 200) mg/dl.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Glucose tolerance test is used to diagnose
GDM or IGT and it is rarely used to
diagnose DM. to perform it : -
I. Patient should take diet rich in
carbohydrates three days before the test.
II. Performed after fasting for 10 to 16 hr.
III. Should not be done in hospital or during
severe illness.
IV. Pt Should not eat or smoke during the test.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Monitoring DM
Glycosylated Haemoglobin
This test refers to the hemoglobin component formed
by interaction with glucose, since half life of RBCs is
approximately 120 days; a single HbA1c determination
can give information about glycemic control in the last
8-12 weeks.
Reference range:4-6%, effective treatment range<7%.
The levels of HBA1C are affected by:
 Hemolytic anemia (falsely decreased)
 HbS: falsely decreased
 B12 or Macrocytic anemia: falsely increased
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Is a compound formed by attachment of glucose to
amino groups of proteins other than hemoglobin.
The concentration of glycated serum albumin reflects
glucose control over a period of 2 to 3 weeks.
It is evidence of both deterioration of control and
improvement with therapy, it is evident earlier than
with GHb.
Reference range:205-285 µmol/L
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
Microalbuminuria (MAU)
Microalbuminuria is defined as excretion of 30 – 300
mg of albumin /24 h.
MAU is the first warning signal to an impending
“Nephropathy”. Microalbumin is present in 25 per
cent of patients with type I disease and 36 per cent
patients with type II disease. Patients with
microalbuminuria have a greater risk for developing
renal failure, vascular damage and risk for
cardiovascular damage.
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in
Clinical Chemistry
The types of investigations:
Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG)
2 hr postprandial Blood Glucose (2 hr PP)
Random Blood Glucose
Glucose Tolerance Test
Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc
in Clinical Chemistry

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  • 1. Carbohydrates Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 2. Objectives Review of CHO metabolism Regulation of blood glucose State the basic criteria for the diagnosis of diabetes mellitus, including American Diabetes Association guidelines. Outline the procedure for administration of an oral glucose tolerance test and interpret the results. Lab tests for monitoring long-term glucose control in people with diabetes mellitus. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 3. Introduction Carbohydrates are widely distributed in plants and animals, their function is ranging from energy source to structural components. According to its structure it classified into: Monosaccharide: It contain 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7 carbon atom. Named tiroses, tetroses, pentoses. Hexoses or heptoses. Disaccharides: Two monosaccharide joined by glycosidic bond. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 4. Maltose = Glucose – Glucose Lactose = Glucose – Galactose Polysaccharides: linkage of multiple monosaccharide units results in the formation of polysaccharides. Starch in plants Glycogen in animals Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 5. Break down of diet carbohydrates results in glucose. Which maintained by regulatory hormones. When energy intake exceed the need of the body it converted to fats which stored in the adipose tissue and glycogen which stored in the liver & muscle. When the need of energy exceed the intake endogenous formation of glucose occur. Metabolism Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 6. Metabolism…con The end metabolism of carbohydrates result in:- 1- production of energy. 2- storage as glycogen and fats. 3- conversion to amino acids and proteins. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 7. CHO digestion: CHO digestion started in the mouth by salivary amylase (occur little digestion) then the food mixed with salivary amylase pass into stomach where the acid pH inhibit the amylase action gradually. In the duodenum where the HCO3 & bile salt of pancreatic juice make the pH around 7 which is suitable for the pancreatic amylase to continue the salivary amylase action in the hydrolysis of starch to a maltose molecules. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 8. Contn.... Then the disaccharide molecules are hydrolyzed by disaccharides enzymes (found in the small intestine) into monosaccharide. CHO absorption: The absorption of the monosaccharide's occurs by an active transport process which requires energy. They are transported to the liver by portal vein of the liver. Glucose is the only carbohydrate to be directly used for energy or stored as glycogen. Galactose & fructose must be converted to glucose before they can be used. After the glucose enters the cell it will be processed for production of energy. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 9. CHO catabolism: Following absorption, they are transported to the liver. Depending on the body need, the monosaccharide are converted to glycogen or metabolized to energy or they are converted to triglycerides or proteins. The raised level of glucose after a meal stimulates the production of insulin from the pancreas. Insulin reduce the glucose level by facilitates the entrance of glucose inside the cells of the body except red cells, hepatic cells and brain cells. In the cells there are many processes can be take place Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 10. 1-Glycolysis: metabolism of glucose to pyruvate or lactate for production of energy. 2-Glycogenesis: Conversion of glucose to glycogen for storage, occur in the liver and muscle. 3-Glycogenolysis: Breakdown of glycogen to glucose for use as energy. 4-Gluconeogenesis: formation of glucose from noncarbohydrate substance (fat and protein). 5-Lipogenesis: Conversion of CHO to fatty acids. 6-Lipolysis: Decomposition of fat. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 11. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 12. Regulatory hormones (A) Insulin secreted by β-cells of the pancreas in form of proinsulin, converted to active insulin after removal of peptide chain (C-peptide). It is anabolic hormone tends to lower the blood glucose concentration by enhancing glycogenesis. In the pancreas, insulin is synthesized as pre- proinsulin (inactive). This form undergoes first cleavage forming pro- insulin, then a second cleavage follows result in the formation of insulin (active form) and a free short peptide called C-peptide. Both insulin and C-peptide are secreted in circulation. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 13. Brain, RBC, Liver, and Intestines are not insulin- dependent Muscles are the most important insulin-dependent tissue. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 14. Hormones that regulates Plasma glucose Concentration: 1-Insulin: 1.released from pancreas (β-cells) 2.convert excess blood glucose into storage forms –In liver and muscle: –Stimulates glucose uptake (muscle) –Stimulates glucose uptake (liver) –Stimulates FAT synthesis (liver) –Stimulates glycogen synthesis –Inhibits glycogen breakdown –Stimulates glycolysis, acetyl-CoA production –In Adipose tissues: –Stimulates triacylglycerol synthesis Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 15. The action of Insulin Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 16. Counterregulatory hormones Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 17. 2. Glucagon: Released from α-cells in pancreas; raises blood glucose level Mode of action: cAMP-dependent phosphorylations In the liver: (primary target) Stimulates glycogen breakdown Inhibits glycogen synthesis Inhibits glucose breakdown Stimulates gluconeogenesis In adipose tissues: Stimulates fat mobilization Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 18. 3. Epinephrine:  A catecholamine secreted by the adrenal medulla Stimulates glycogen breakdown (glycogenolysis)  Stimulates glucagon secretion  Inhibits insulin secretion  Plays a key role in glucose counter regulatory when glucagon is deficient. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 19. 4. Growth hormone: A polypeptide hormone secreted by the anterior pituitary glands Stimulates gluconeogenesis (During long fasting) Enhances lipolysis. 5. Cortisol: Slow acting hormone, released from adrenal cortex Counterbalances insulin effects Stimulates gluconeogenesis (During long fasting) Increase breakdown of protein & fat. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 20. 6. Thyroxin : secreted by thyroid gland Increases glucose levels by increasing glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis and intestinal absorption of glucose. 7. Somatostatin:  Produced by the δ-cells of the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas.  Increases plasma glucose levels by the inhibition of insulin, glucagon, growth hormone and other endocrine hormones. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 21. Things MUST remember Normal range of fasting blood glucose: 75-115 mg/dL Hypoglycemia: in adults: <50 mg/dl, in newborns <40 mg/dl Serum glucose higher than whole blood glucose by 10-15% (Plasma glucose = whole blood glucose x 1.15 + 6mg/dL) Arterial or capillary blood glucose is higher than venous by 2-5 mg/dL CSF glucose: 70% of FBS CSF glucose MUST be analyzed immediately Uncentrifuged whole blood: glucose decreases by 5-7% each hour Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 22. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry Carbohydrates metabolism disorders
  • 23. Carbohydrates metabolism disorders (A) Hyperglycemia: - is an increase of blood glucose levels caused by hormones imbalance. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 24. Diabetes Mellitus A group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from defect of insulin secretion, insulin action or both of them. WHO divides diabetes into:- Type1 Insulin-dependent-diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Type2 Noninsulin-dependent-diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). Other types a) Specific types of DM. b) Gestational DM. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 25. Classification of Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Diabetes This type is also known as Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (IDDM). It is characterized as follows: It occur in young children and young adults (< 35 years of age) It accounts for 10-20% of all types of diabetes mellitus. Patients with this disease have deficiency of insulin, and are dependent on insulin injections. Insulin deficiency is caused by an autoimmune disorder: autoantibodies against islet cells, or against insulin itself. Patients with type of diabetes are commonly prone to Ketoacidosis. Occurrence of complications in this type of diabetes mellitus, are more common than that in type 2. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 26. Type 2 Diabetes This type is also known as Non Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus (NIDDM). It is the most common, and occur after age 40 years More commonly seen in obese individuals It has an inherited pattern It accounts for 90% of all cases of diabetes mellitus. It is characterized by either decreased insulin secretion, or increased resistance to insulin (decreased response to insulin) Patients with this type are not prone to Ketoacidosis Complications are les than that in type 1. Classification of Diabetes Mellitus Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 27. Classification of Diabetes Mellitus Gestational Diabetes Occur during pregnancy: (2-5% cases of pregnancy Caused by inability of pancreas to secrete sufficient amount of insulin Women who develop gestational diabetes during pregnancy, mostly develop diabetes mellitus 20 years later. Diagnosis: meet with two or more of the following criteria  Fasting plasma glucose >95mg/dL  A 1-hour plasma glucose>180mg/dL  A 2-hour plasma glucose>155mg/dL Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 28. Acute complications 1- Diabetic ketoacidosis. 2- Hyperosmolar nonketotic coma. 3- Hypoglycemia. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 29. Ketoacidosis In uncontrolled diabetes the low insulin concentration result in increase lipolysis and increase plasma free fatty acids which converted by liver to ketone bodies. Type I DM has greater tendency to produce ketone bodies than type II due to Insulin and Glucagon concentration imbalance. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 30. Hyperosmolal non-ketotic coma Hyperosmolality is due to hyperglycemia but no detectable ketones or acidosis. Glycosuria result in severe water and electrolyte depletion with hypernatremia and uremia. Coma result from cerebral cells dehydration. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 31. Hypoglycemia It is decrease blood glucose below the fasting value. In diabetics this is due to over dosage of insulin. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 32. Chronic complications Microvascular problems: - Nephropathy Neuropathy Retinopathy Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 33. Signs & symptoms  Polydipsia “excessive thirst”.  polyphagia “increase food intake”.  polyuria “ excessive urine production”.  Weight loss.  hyperventilation.  mental confusion.  loss of consciousness Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 34. Diagnosis of DM Normal levels Normal plasma glucose concentration during fasting ( 55 - 110 ) mg/dl. And 2 hr post prandial ( 75 - 140) mg/dl. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 35. Positive findings Any one of the followings is diagnostic: – Symptoms of diabetes mellitus plus random plasma glucose concentration >=200 mg / dL) ***or – FBG >=126 mg / dL ***or – 2hr post load BG >=200 mg /dl after 75-g glucose load. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 36. Some individuals may not meet with the past findings but have blood glucose level higher than normal, those : - either : Impaired fasting glucose FBG ( 110 - 126) mg/dl. Or: Impaired glucose tolerance 2hr after 75 grm g ( 140 - 200) mg/dl. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 37. GTT Glucose tolerance test is used to diagnose GDM or IGT and it is rarely used to diagnose DM. to perform it : - I. Patient should take diet rich in carbohydrates three days before the test. II. Performed after fasting for 10 to 16 hr. III. Should not be done in hospital or during severe illness. IV. Pt Should not eat or smoke during the test. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 38. Monitoring DM Glycosylated Haemoglobin This test refers to the hemoglobin component formed by interaction with glucose, since half life of RBCs is approximately 120 days; a single HbA1c determination can give information about glycemic control in the last 8-12 weeks. Reference range:4-6%, effective treatment range<7%. The levels of HBA1C are affected by:  Hemolytic anemia (falsely decreased)  HbS: falsely decreased  B12 or Macrocytic anemia: falsely increased Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 39. Fructosamine Is a compound formed by attachment of glucose to amino groups of proteins other than hemoglobin. The concentration of glycated serum albumin reflects glucose control over a period of 2 to 3 weeks. It is evidence of both deterioration of control and improvement with therapy, it is evident earlier than with GHb. Reference range:205-285 µmol/L Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 40. Microalbuminuria (MAU) Microalbuminuria is defined as excretion of 30 – 300 mg of albumin /24 h. MAU is the first warning signal to an impending “Nephropathy”. Microalbumin is present in 25 per cent of patients with type I disease and 36 per cent patients with type II disease. Patients with microalbuminuria have a greater risk for developing renal failure, vascular damage and risk for cardiovascular damage. Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry
  • 41. Diagnosis: The types of investigations: Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) 2 hr postprandial Blood Glucose (2 hr PP) Random Blood Glucose Glucose Tolerance Test Dr Isse A, Mohamed/ BSc , MSc in Clinical Chemistry