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Leah Ellis
Final Fantasy IV
The colour scheme of the game is quite dark, which gives a better view of the dungeon
type settings, and allows the player sprites to be bright to allow the player to view it
simply. This also leads through to the selection bar which, as shown above, is a bright
combination of blue and white, contrasting with the dark of the rest of the screen. This
highlights the fact it is more vital for the player to see and also gives them a clear view
without it blending in.
This game has a very pixelated
image which, at the time, was the
norm for games as in 1991 it was
only very simple designs that could
be produced and viewed through
the technology available. Looking
back at it now, it gives a feel of
nostalgia for many and gives the
impression of an older, more basic
play through. (1)
The player sprites in this game are all
quite bright. This can be shown that
they are the “good guys” that are
there to defeat the evilness of the
ones they are battling against. This
could also be so that the player can
see their characters against the dark
backgrounds that are ever present in
the battle screens.
This is highly contrasted by the darkness of the
villains that you must fight in the game. This
would be using colour symbolism to their
advantage as it allows the player to easily view
who is “good” and who is “bad” at a glance so
that they do not get confused at all. This is
especially useful in a game where there are
some creatures that are used as helping you and
others that are there to fight against you.
The fonts used in this game are all very
simple pixel characters. This is a very
uniform font as it fits with the rest of the
game being made entirely out of singular
pixels on a small area.
It is also on a blue background, which allows
the white to stand out and be able to be
read by everyone. This also allows the
yellow of the selected name to be identified
easily and stand out even more.
The music presented in this game is all quite
blocky that fits in with the aesthetic of the game as
a whole.
The boss music is quite a bit more intense than the
usual sound that you get just walking around. This
is important as it gets the player more motivated
and much more blood pumping, this helps
improve their performance and leaves them able
to defeat it. Where as the normal, calmer music of
the more general areas relaxes the player and lulls
them into a sense of security, where they can just
calmly get on with the game and not have to rush
or destroy anything.
All the playable characters are at one
side of the screen so you can see them
all banded together in a group. It puts
the box around the player that is
selected so that you can see who it is. It
also lines up with the highlighted name
at the bottom of the screen.
The enemy is at the opposite
side of the screen to show it is
the opposite of your character.
Highly contrasting the
brightness of your group.
It shows the name of
the enemy in this box.
This gives you a
constant view of who
it is and helps you to
recognise the
characters more later
in play through.
It shows you all your options here
as to what you can do with your
round. This helps you so that you
can choose which move you wish
to make and shows to you all the
options available.
It gives you the health
of all your characters
on this side as to let
you see who can be hit
and who you must
heal, which may take
an attack round.
It gives you the name of each of your
players. This helps players to know who
they have and what options each one
has to use during battle. It also highlights
the name of the character being used so
that you can see who’s options you are
There is a hand
shaped curser to show
which option you are
selecting. This helps to
show to the player
what it is that they are
trying to do much
more simply, allowing
anyone to understand.
Pokémon Pearl
This game seems to flip between being extremely
pixilated when you are exploring around the world to
much higher quality less pixilated version during
menus and battles. This gives it a mix of approaches as
it allows it to be simple pixel view in the wide views
and then have a much more detailed look so you can
view the full effect of the Pokémon. This way to do it
makes the player have a dual-ended experience with
the pixel art of the general world and the close ups
that are in battle to give a much more immersive
The map is blocky and lacks
curves on routes, this gives it
quite a nice highlight to the
pixel appearance that is used
The playable characters and human NPCs all
have this effect of extremely blocky, small
detail when in the world and then get close ups
of extreme detail that makes it look much
different. This gives it the same effect as the
general world. There are male and female
characters that you can play as or meet in your
journey which shows that they are inclusive
and wish to use the whole spectrum of
possible designs to bulk up the world.
The Pokémon you meet throughout
the game are all presented the same
as the rest of the world in having
small, pixel sprites and their detailed
bigger ones to immerse the player
and make it more recognisable in with
the other games and TV shows.
The font in this game is all blocky and as if they only
had very limited pixels available for each character,
which is most likely how it was when developing seems
as it is designed for a Nintendo DS which has small
screens and a very pixilated nature. This fits in with the
rest of the previous games as well as they are all
primarily for very small, handheld consoles which have
limited area or pixels available. This helps with the
characteristics of the game as it presents the pixilated
view that many players will have become accustomed
to over time.
The game gives the
name, gender and
level of the Pokémon
in the battle in a box
with a little arrow to
let you know which
one it is describing.
This gives the player
an easier way to
recognise and learn to
identify the characters
along with any gender
differences presented
through character
design. These are on
white against a multi-
coloured background
to ensure that they
can be seen.
The game has a detailed, close up image of the
characters fighting on a circular ground plate so
that the player can see in detail how they look
and how their attacks are presented through
the animations that are done. These also stand
out against the gradients background.
There is a health bar
under each of the
fighters names which
shows the player how
close they are to
winning. They also give
the exact health of
your own player
underneath that as it
shows you when you
need switch out or
revive your character.
There is a screen that gives
you all the options available
in bright colours so that
they each stand out against
a generally grey
The fight options are color-coded to help the
player notice and be able to understand which
is which type without having to read it too
much, so it is more innate to select after a
while, once you get experienced. These against
the grey background helps that they then do
not blend in.
The game is a very naturally pixilated game
that uses that to create intricate worlds
with not always too much detail. This helps
it to be presented as an older game which
would always be blocky and not have many
pixels available to use, although it was
released in 2015, it takes advantage of that
original style and makes the game intricate
in ways other than that.
This makes it appealing to many players as
they will be able to appreciate the humour
of such a “simple” game and absorb the
story line more than the character design.
The characters during battle in this game are presented as black
and white versions of themselves which, against the black and
white screen they are on makes it fit in with the design and not
stand out too much, although it is also obvious that they are
presented as there is a mainly black area at the top of the screen
in the area that they reside.
In general, the characters are colourful and pixelated as
the rest of the game. This helps to show a little of their
personality and gives the player a character that they can
recognise and get to know while not making them stand
out too much against the backgrounds. This also helps to
differentiate each of them as they are very different
shapes, and often use a colour to identify what they
do/something important about them. For example, the 2
in primarily purple are the royals of the world.
The title text of the game has a simple, pixilated
font that is iconic of the game after it’s
The general text that you see throughout the
game is a very simple pixel font that uses
minimal space and is used as it is easy to read
and helps the player to not struggle through it
at all.
As the game is full of comedy, there are, of
course, some puns made throughout the
game. Some of these jokes are very font based.
This is shown through 2 of the main characters,
the first of which is called Sans, and his brother
Papyrus. They use these for jokes as they are
both the names of existing fonts. This is shown
through how all of San’s speech is shown
written in comic sans and all of Papyrus’s
speech to be written in Papyrus.
This is a joke that not everyone would
understand, but those that know the different
font options will recognise them.
The battle screen has a very
dark colour scheme, mostly
just using black and white.
This gives the darkness of a
battle that can seriously
injure you. It also then
makes the important parts
stand out a lot more in
In the battle all enemies are stripped
of colour so that they fit the colour
scheme a lot more.
There are the health
components during battle that
use bright colours like the red of
your heart that you move, so
that you can see it among the
white attacks, and the health
bar below in yellow so they the
player can be aware of these
things and make sure that they
pay attention.
Your different options are in
orange at the bottom of the
screen stick out among the
black background. This is so
that the player can see
where the options are and
are able to read them,
along with a small symbol
to help them identify what
each of the options mean.
In the main areas of the game there are various different areas.
These are presented in different colours over where it fits. For
example, in the Snowlands it is all whites and blues. This is so
that the colours shown help the players to identify with it and
use the colours to symbolise the area they are in.
There is the text box here,
that shows how the colours
of them, being black and
white, contrasts the
colourful area of the main
areas. This helps the players
to identify when one pops
up and so they can read it
clearly without it blending
Chrono Trigger
The game has a very dark,
muted theme from what I can
see. It is also extremely
pixelated, which is expected
from a Super Nintendo
Entertainment System game
such as this from 1995.
They seem to have limited
brightness in this game,
through all I have seen by
researching it.
The sprites in this game seem to be
presented as very slightly brighter
colours than the landscapes that they
are seen in. Although, they are still
very muted colours. This would be
because it is much easier for the
players to identify where their
characters are in the area as it stops
them from blending in.
This font uses pixels to exaggerate all the curves and corners of it.
This is what makes it fit in so well with the rest of the graphics as
it unites them all tie together and allow the player to see how
they are paired together.
It is shown as white text on a grey background which makes it
stand out and fit into the dark theme of the game while still being
very visible. They appear to have a slight drop shadow as well of
black and then white, which seems to make it appear slightly
more 3D and more visible over the gradient.
There is a bar across the top is a
gradient of grey to black with the white
text on top to give the player options of
what they may do.
The white, hand shaped pointer helps the
player to know exactly what they have
selected at any point. This is a
recognisable symbol to use as many
different computer programmes use the
same type of symbol, with certain
changes to make it their own.
The muted background
does a good job of not
taking away from the view
of the battle in progress
here. This works as the
characters and selection
bar are both much brighter
and easier to focus on
The character selected has a
box type shape around
them. This is done by only
putting the corner areas on
which allows the user to
view exactly what it is that
they needed to and is
simple. This is because it is
not bright and decorated, it
is simply a white space with
a small black background.
Research Analysis
• The researched products have quite a lot of common
features. One of which is to have the background/base
colours being quite muted in order to have the
playable aspects pop out at the player much more.
Another is that they mostly seem to have a white and
black theme when it comes to using something to
point out who is selected.
• I feel like I will use the selection methods in my own
work as I feel these are very universal and so will not
confuse any players. I also would like to use the very
impressive pixilated fonts in my own as these, I feel,
appear quite classic to the genre.
Interview 1
• What components do you like to see from free-play games and why?
The ability to unlock things without using micro-transactions because they are usually
very expensive compared to many other things. And also free daily rewards which are
given at the start of the day which makes the user come back everyday for there
• In an RPG, what sort of characters would you like to be able to play as and why?
(For example, Mage, Rogue, Soldier.)
Rogue because I prefer using sneak as a way to proceed to the next person which
need to be killed. And also you usually get the better stuff when playing as a rogue
because You are more long range or sneaky character.
• Would you like to be able to connect to other players online and compare scores?
Yes as it is nice to see how good you are compared to many other players around the
world. In certain games you can compare how many kills you have had compared to
you friends and how much you have earned through out the game.
Interview 1
• Observation: This interviewee would like to not pay for
anything in the game and likes to be able to compare
themselves to others in the leader boards.
• What this says about my audience: This says that the
audience will not be completely happy to pay for
anything, although love to be able to compete against
• How will your product appeal to this audience: My
product will appeal to this audience greatly. This is
because I do not intend to have any form of micro-
transactions, and would like an ability to connect to
other players in the form of a leader board.
Interview 2
• What components do you like to see from free-play games and
I would like to see quite a lot of different components in these games
like a big story and good character development but this sadly, isn’t
usually the case.
• In an RPG, what sort of characters would you like to be able to play
as and why? (For example, Mage, Rogue, Soldier.)
I prefer soldier type characters as they often have a balanced play-style
and can be used in most situations effectively.
• Would you like to be able to connect to other players online and
compare scores?
I suppose so as, it would be interesting to see where my friends are at
and being able to tell if I am better than them but, I would rather use it
for co-op compared to just using it for leader boards.
Interview 2
• Observation: My observation is that this
person is a fan of big story and development
that is not presented in free-to-play games as
the one that I am suggesting. They also enjoy
co-op aspects, and balanced characters.
• What this says about my audience: This says
that my audience
• How will your product appeal to this
1. Sedgwick, F. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 28th Nov.)
2. Hickman, J. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 28th Nov.)
3. Sucker Punch Productions (2004) Sly Cooper 2: Band Of Thieves
4. Square, Tose, String Entertainment (1991) Final Fantasy IV
5. Game Freak (2006) Pokémon Pearl
6. Toby Foxx (2015) Undertale
7. Square Enix Holdings, Tose, Square (1995) Chrono Trigger

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3. research

  • 2. Final Fantasy IV The colour scheme of the game is quite dark, which gives a better view of the dungeon type settings, and allows the player sprites to be bright to allow the player to view it simply. This also leads through to the selection bar which, as shown above, is a bright combination of blue and white, contrasting with the dark of the rest of the screen. This highlights the fact it is more vital for the player to see and also gives them a clear view without it blending in. This game has a very pixelated image which, at the time, was the norm for games as in 1991 it was only very simple designs that could be produced and viewed through the technology available. Looking back at it now, it gives a feel of nostalgia for many and gives the impression of an older, more basic play through. (1)
  • 3. The player sprites in this game are all quite bright. This can be shown that they are the “good guys” that are there to defeat the evilness of the ones they are battling against. This could also be so that the player can see their characters against the dark backgrounds that are ever present in the battle screens. This is highly contrasted by the darkness of the villains that you must fight in the game. This would be using colour symbolism to their advantage as it allows the player to easily view who is “good” and who is “bad” at a glance so that they do not get confused at all. This is especially useful in a game where there are some creatures that are used as helping you and others that are there to fight against you.
  • 4. The fonts used in this game are all very simple pixel characters. This is a very uniform font as it fits with the rest of the game being made entirely out of singular pixels on a small area. It is also on a blue background, which allows the white to stand out and be able to be read by everyone. This also allows the yellow of the selected name to be identified easily and stand out even more.
  • 5. The music presented in this game is all quite blocky that fits in with the aesthetic of the game as a whole. The boss music is quite a bit more intense than the usual sound that you get just walking around. This is important as it gets the player more motivated and much more blood pumping, this helps improve their performance and leaves them able to defeat it. Where as the normal, calmer music of the more general areas relaxes the player and lulls them into a sense of security, where they can just calmly get on with the game and not have to rush or destroy anything.
  • 6. All the playable characters are at one side of the screen so you can see them all banded together in a group. It puts the box around the player that is selected so that you can see who it is. It also lines up with the highlighted name at the bottom of the screen. The enemy is at the opposite side of the screen to show it is the opposite of your character. Highly contrasting the brightness of your group. It shows the name of the enemy in this box. This gives you a constant view of who it is and helps you to recognise the characters more later in play through. It shows you all your options here as to what you can do with your round. This helps you so that you can choose which move you wish to make and shows to you all the options available. It gives you the health of all your characters on this side as to let you see who can be hit and who you must heal, which may take an attack round. It gives you the name of each of your players. This helps players to know who they have and what options each one has to use during battle. It also highlights the name of the character being used so that you can see who’s options you are using. There is a hand shaped curser to show which option you are selecting. This helps to show to the player what it is that they are trying to do much more simply, allowing anyone to understand.
  • 7. Pokémon Pearl This game seems to flip between being extremely pixilated when you are exploring around the world to much higher quality less pixilated version during menus and battles. This gives it a mix of approaches as it allows it to be simple pixel view in the wide views and then have a much more detailed look so you can view the full effect of the Pokémon. This way to do it makes the player have a dual-ended experience with the pixel art of the general world and the close ups that are in battle to give a much more immersive appearance. The map is blocky and lacks curves on routes, this gives it quite a nice highlight to the pixel appearance that is used throughout.
  • 8. The playable characters and human NPCs all have this effect of extremely blocky, small detail when in the world and then get close ups of extreme detail that makes it look much different. This gives it the same effect as the general world. There are male and female characters that you can play as or meet in your journey which shows that they are inclusive and wish to use the whole spectrum of possible designs to bulk up the world. The Pokémon you meet throughout the game are all presented the same as the rest of the world in having small, pixel sprites and their detailed bigger ones to immerse the player and make it more recognisable in with the other games and TV shows.
  • 9. The font in this game is all blocky and as if they only had very limited pixels available for each character, which is most likely how it was when developing seems as it is designed for a Nintendo DS which has small screens and a very pixilated nature. This fits in with the rest of the previous games as well as they are all primarily for very small, handheld consoles which have limited area or pixels available. This helps with the characteristics of the game as it presents the pixilated view that many players will have become accustomed to over time.
  • 10. The game gives the name, gender and level of the Pokémon in the battle in a box with a little arrow to let you know which one it is describing. This gives the player an easier way to recognise and learn to identify the characters along with any gender differences presented through character design. These are on white against a multi- coloured background to ensure that they can be seen. The game has a detailed, close up image of the characters fighting on a circular ground plate so that the player can see in detail how they look and how their attacks are presented through the animations that are done. These also stand out against the gradients background. There is a health bar under each of the fighters names which shows the player how close they are to winning. They also give the exact health of your own player underneath that as it shows you when you need switch out or revive your character. There is a screen that gives you all the options available in bright colours so that they each stand out against a generally grey background. The fight options are color-coded to help the player notice and be able to understand which is which type without having to read it too much, so it is more innate to select after a while, once you get experienced. These against the grey background helps that they then do not blend in.
  • 11. Undertale The game is a very naturally pixilated game that uses that to create intricate worlds with not always too much detail. This helps it to be presented as an older game which would always be blocky and not have many pixels available to use, although it was released in 2015, it takes advantage of that original style and makes the game intricate in ways other than that. This makes it appealing to many players as they will be able to appreciate the humour of such a “simple” game and absorb the story line more than the character design.
  • 12. The characters during battle in this game are presented as black and white versions of themselves which, against the black and white screen they are on makes it fit in with the design and not stand out too much, although it is also obvious that they are presented as there is a mainly black area at the top of the screen in the area that they reside. In general, the characters are colourful and pixelated as the rest of the game. This helps to show a little of their personality and gives the player a character that they can recognise and get to know while not making them stand out too much against the backgrounds. This also helps to differentiate each of them as they are very different shapes, and often use a colour to identify what they do/something important about them. For example, the 2 in primarily purple are the royals of the world.
  • 13. The title text of the game has a simple, pixilated font that is iconic of the game after it’s popularity. The general text that you see throughout the game is a very simple pixel font that uses minimal space and is used as it is easy to read and helps the player to not struggle through it at all. As the game is full of comedy, there are, of course, some puns made throughout the game. Some of these jokes are very font based. This is shown through 2 of the main characters, the first of which is called Sans, and his brother Papyrus. They use these for jokes as they are both the names of existing fonts. This is shown through how all of San’s speech is shown written in comic sans and all of Papyrus’s speech to be written in Papyrus. This is a joke that not everyone would understand, but those that know the different font options will recognise them.
  • 14. The battle screen has a very dark colour scheme, mostly just using black and white. This gives the darkness of a battle that can seriously injure you. It also then makes the important parts stand out a lot more in contrast. In the battle all enemies are stripped of colour so that they fit the colour scheme a lot more. There are the health components during battle that use bright colours like the red of your heart that you move, so that you can see it among the white attacks, and the health bar below in yellow so they the player can be aware of these things and make sure that they pay attention. Your different options are in orange at the bottom of the screen stick out among the black background. This is so that the player can see where the options are and are able to read them, along with a small symbol to help them identify what each of the options mean. In the main areas of the game there are various different areas. These are presented in different colours over where it fits. For example, in the Snowlands it is all whites and blues. This is so that the colours shown help the players to identify with it and use the colours to symbolise the area they are in. There is the text box here, that shows how the colours of them, being black and white, contrasts the colourful area of the main areas. This helps the players to identify when one pops up and so they can read it clearly without it blending in.
  • 15. Chrono Trigger The game has a very dark, muted theme from what I can see. It is also extremely pixelated, which is expected from a Super Nintendo Entertainment System game such as this from 1995. They seem to have limited brightness in this game, through all I have seen by researching it.
  • 16. The sprites in this game seem to be presented as very slightly brighter colours than the landscapes that they are seen in. Although, they are still very muted colours. This would be because it is much easier for the players to identify where their characters are in the area as it stops them from blending in.
  • 17. This font uses pixels to exaggerate all the curves and corners of it. This is what makes it fit in so well with the rest of the graphics as it unites them all tie together and allow the player to see how they are paired together. It is shown as white text on a grey background which makes it stand out and fit into the dark theme of the game while still being very visible. They appear to have a slight drop shadow as well of black and then white, which seems to make it appear slightly more 3D and more visible over the gradient.
  • 18. There is a bar across the top is a gradient of grey to black with the white text on top to give the player options of what they may do. The white, hand shaped pointer helps the player to know exactly what they have selected at any point. This is a recognisable symbol to use as many different computer programmes use the same type of symbol, with certain changes to make it their own. The muted background does a good job of not taking away from the view of the battle in progress here. This works as the characters and selection bar are both much brighter and easier to focus on here. The character selected has a box type shape around them. This is done by only putting the corner areas on which allows the user to view exactly what it is that they needed to and is simple. This is because it is not bright and decorated, it is simply a white space with a small black background.
  • 19. Research Analysis • The researched products have quite a lot of common features. One of which is to have the background/base colours being quite muted in order to have the playable aspects pop out at the player much more. Another is that they mostly seem to have a white and black theme when it comes to using something to point out who is selected. • I feel like I will use the selection methods in my own work as I feel these are very universal and so will not confuse any players. I also would like to use the very impressive pixilated fonts in my own as these, I feel, appear quite classic to the genre.
  • 21. Interview 1 • What components do you like to see from free-play games and why? The ability to unlock things without using micro-transactions because they are usually very expensive compared to many other things. And also free daily rewards which are given at the start of the day which makes the user come back everyday for there reward. • In an RPG, what sort of characters would you like to be able to play as and why? (For example, Mage, Rogue, Soldier.) Rogue because I prefer using sneak as a way to proceed to the next person which need to be killed. And also you usually get the better stuff when playing as a rogue because You are more long range or sneaky character. • Would you like to be able to connect to other players online and compare scores? Yes as it is nice to see how good you are compared to many other players around the world. In certain games you can compare how many kills you have had compared to you friends and how much you have earned through out the game.
  • 22. Interview 1 • Observation: This interviewee would like to not pay for anything in the game and likes to be able to compare themselves to others in the leader boards. • What this says about my audience: This says that the audience will not be completely happy to pay for anything, although love to be able to compete against friends. • How will your product appeal to this audience: My product will appeal to this audience greatly. This is because I do not intend to have any form of micro- transactions, and would like an ability to connect to other players in the form of a leader board.
  • 23. Interview 2 • What components do you like to see from free-play games and why? I would like to see quite a lot of different components in these games like a big story and good character development but this sadly, isn’t usually the case. • In an RPG, what sort of characters would you like to be able to play as and why? (For example, Mage, Rogue, Soldier.) I prefer soldier type characters as they often have a balanced play-style and can be used in most situations effectively. • Would you like to be able to connect to other players online and compare scores? I suppose so as, it would be interesting to see where my friends are at and being able to tell if I am better than them but, I would rather use it for co-op compared to just using it for leader boards.
  • 24. Interview 2 • Observation: My observation is that this person is a fan of big story and development that is not presented in free-to-play games as the one that I am suggesting. They also enjoy co-op aspects, and balanced characters. • What this says about my audience: This says that my audience • How will your product appeal to this audience:
  • 26. Bibliography 1. Sedgwick, F. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 28th Nov.) 2. Hickman, J. (2018) Target Audience Interviews (conducted on 28th Nov.) 3. Sucker Punch Productions (2004) Sly Cooper 2: Band Of Thieves 4. Square, Tose, String Entertainment (1991) Final Fantasy IV 5. Game Freak (2006) Pokémon Pearl 6. Toby Foxx (2015) Undertale 7. Square Enix Holdings, Tose, Square (1995) Chrono Trigger

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- screenshot, GIF or gameplay video. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- screenshot, GIF or gameplay video. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- screenshot, GIF or gameplay video. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it- screenshot, GIF or gameplay video. Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Use of sound/ music/ effects Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.