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Unit 2.4 Follow legislation
relating to equality, diversity and
inclusive practice
Starter Activity
In your groups work together to justify
who you are going to save and why !
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
Learning outcomes
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and
procedures inform equality, diversity and
inclusive practice
• Identify legislation, policies and procedures
relating to equality, diversity and inclusive
• Explain the roles and responsibilities of the
early years practitioner in supporting
equality, diversity and inclusive practice
What is the definition of :
1. Equality
2. Diversity
3. Inclusion
4. Discrimination
Use your
match up
Let us consider what is meant by equality, diversity, and inclusive practice.
• Equality – treating children with equality ensure that children have equal opportunities
within the setting. This does not mean treating all children the same, as some children will
need activities adapted to meet their individual needs.
• Diversity – we live in a diverse society and this needs to be represented within the setting.
We are all different and difference should be treated with respect and acceptance.
• Inclusion – everyone has the right to be included. Practitioners will promote an inclusive
environment where every child feels valued and respected.
One of the roles and responsibilities of the early years practitioner is to recognise discriminatory
practice and so it useful to consider the definition of ‘discrimination’ here.
• Discrimination – this can occur for many reasons. People often feel discriminated against by
others because of a difference. Practitioners will promote anti-discriminatory practice and
will challenge children and adults who discriminate against others. Discrimination for any
reason cannot be tolerated within settings or the wider society.
LO1. Understand how legislation and codes of practice inform
equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
Every setting will have a set of policies and procedures to ensure
equality, diversity and inclusive practice including:
• Equal opportunities
• Inclusion
• Medication
• Special educational needs
• Food and drink
• Behaviour
• Anti-discriminatory practice.
Write on the sugar paper how your settings meet these requirements?
Policies and procedures
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1
• Equal opportunities – this will ensure everyone within the
setting is treated equally.
• Inclusion – this will ensure all children are included and able
to access the setting and the activities to the best of their
• Medication – settings will have policies about administering
non-prescription medication and how they will deal with
medication children require due to a condition or long term
Policies and procedures
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
Time: 15
Take part in the selection of activities provided
Discuss how your setting provides equal opportunities.
• Are all areas of the setting accessible to all children?
• Are stereotypical attitudes challenged?
• Do practitioners adapt activities to meet individual needs and
• If your setting has two sessions does the afternoon session appear
as fresh and exciting as the morning session?
• Why is this important?
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
• Special educational needs – this will show how practitioners will meet the
individual needs of any children with special educational needs within the
• Food and drink – this will identify how any special dietary requirements
will be met. Use your paper plate provided to devise a meal to meet the
needs of your given child.
• Behaviour – this will explain the expectations and sanctions for behaviour
within the setting and will include information for children with
behavioural difficulties. What would you do if this happened at nursery?
• Anti-discriminatory – this will clearly state how any act of discrimination
will not be tolerated and how it will be dealt with. Why might people
discriminate against others?
Policies and procedures
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
Learning outcomes
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and
procedures inform equality, diversity and
inclusive practice
• Identify legislation, policies and procedures
relating to equality, diversity and inclusive
• Explain the roles and responsibilities of the
early years practitioner in supporting
equality, diversity and inclusive practice
Unit 2.4 Follow legislation relating to
equality, diversity and inclusive
Computer Session
Starter Activity
Name this Act ?
1. Identify current Legislation and codes of
practice relating to equality diversity and
codes of practice
2. Explain current Legislation and codes of
practice relating to equality diversity and
codes of practice
Legislation and codes of practice are in place to support
practitioners to promote equality, diversity and inclusive
They include:
• Race Relations Act 1976 and 2000
• Children Act 1989 and 2004
• Disability Discrimination Act 1995
• Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001
• Equality Act 2010.
Current legislation and codes of practice
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1
• All legislation and codes of practice will inform practice.
• The legislation and codes of practice give children and families
rights to be treated fairly and with equality.
• Each piece of legislation or code of practice will focus on one
specific area for example disability or race.
• The Equality Act 2010 was created to bring together, simplify
and further strengthen all previous legislation.
Current legislation and codes of practice
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1
Time: 20 mins
You will be given one of the key pieces of legislation or codes of
practice relating to equality and inclusion.
You need to create an information sheet to identify the main
• The purpose of the legislation or code of practice
• How it informs practice.
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 1.2]
Time: 15 mins
Whilst listening to the feedback for each of the pieces of
legislation or code of practice, consider:
• Your thoughts and views
• Your prior knowledge of the legislation or code of practice
• The importance of such legislation or code of practice
• The impact it has on current practice.
• Complete handout
Unit 2.4 Follow legislation
relating to equality, diversity and
inclusive practice
Starter Activity
What do you see?
Describe how to promote an
inclusive environment within a
childcare setting
Explain how practitioners meet
children's dietary requirements
Time: 15 mins
Design a setting in which promotes an inclusive environment.
• Activities
• Equipment
• Displays
• Role play
• Books
• Meeting individual needs.
• Justify how your setting meets the requirements of the inclusive
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
Time: 15 mins
Discuss how individual dietary requirements are met within your
• Allergies and health issues
• Preferences, for example vegetarian
• Cultural requirements
• Roles and responsibilities
• Parents’/carers’ wishes.
Do you feel children with dietary requirements are made to feel
different in your setting or are they fully included?
Complete case study
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
Group activity
In small groups, Research foods from around the world
Produce a recipe book to include a range of regional disses to
encourage parents to try new things with their children at home
you might want to include Caribbean food, Irish stew, Asian
sweets Indian cooking.
Promote a multicultural approach to
food provision
• All practitioners have a responsibility to follow the setting’s
policies and procedures.
• Every setting will have designated people with specific
responsibility within the policies and procedures.
• The head of a setting has overall responsibility and must be
informed about any incidents relating to equality, diversity
and inclusion.
Roles and responsibilities
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
Design an information leaflet to give to new members of staff to describe the roles and
responsibilities of the early years practitioner in supporting equality, diversity and inclusive
practice include:
• What policies and procedures of the setting are and how to work effectively in line with
• What does the practitioner do to value the individual child
• How does the practitioner develop and sustain a child centred approach
• How to engage actively with the family to appreciate the holistic needs of the child
• How to provide an inclusive environment which actively welcomes diversity
• How to be a positive role model in promoting equality, diversity and inclusive practice
• How to recognise discriminatory practice
• To know how, why and when to challenge discrimination
• To engage in effective partnership working to enable the child.
Roles and responsibilities
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
Time: 15 mins
How do policies and procedures and roles and responsibilities
ensure equality and inclusion within the setting?
• Individual’s rights
• Consistent approach
• Legislation and codes of practice.
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
• It is essential that practitioners maintain an inclusive and
diverse environment.
• All children have the right to equality of opportunity and must
not be discriminated against for any reason.
• Practitioners must plan activities and experiences that take
individual needs and preferences in to consideration so that
all children can participate to the best of their ability.
Roles and responsibilities
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
Time: 15 mins
Complete a reflective account stating
How inclusive are you?
Your ability to include all children in everything you do
Your ability to challenge children who are not being inclusive
Your ability to be adaptable and flexible to ensure all children can take part to the best of their ability
Your ability to work with all children equally.
How adaptable and flexible are you when working with children?
• Your ability to change an activity as you go along so that children can achieve to the
best of their ability
• Your ability to provide activities and experiences to support all children’s experiences,
backgrounds and family structures
• Your ability to join in with children’s imaginary or role play regardless of what they are
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.2
Time: 15 mins
Describe how you could involve parents/carers to make the
setting reflect the diversity of the local area.
• Food and drink
• Stories
• Traditions
• Songs and rhymes
• Role play and the home corner.
Complete case studies
LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures
inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
Extension activity
Plan your next Teddy Tots session to promote an awareness of
different cultures you must include:-
• A range of activities to celebrate religious festivals such as
Diwali, Chinese New year Easter.
• Use your cook book to devise a food tasting activity (check for
• Arrange the home corner to include a range of cooking
equipment for example woks, noodles, chopsticks.
Teddy Tots
 Policies and procedures inform day-to-day practice.
 Legislation and codes of practice guide practitioners and inform current
 Inclusive practice is a key element of early years practice.
 Everyone has a role to play in a diverse and inclusive environment.
 The head of the setting has overall responsibility for maintaining a
diverse and inclusive environment.
Summary: plenary activities
1. How will the food and drink policy of the setting ensure an inclusive
2. Describe two elements of a diverse and inclusive environment.
3. Who has overall responsibility for diversity and inclusion within the
4. Identify two forms of discrimination that may occur within the setting.
5. Name three pieces of legislation relating to equality, diversity and
inclusive practice.
Unit 2.4 Follow legislation
relating to equality, diversity and
inclusive practice
Starter Activity
Lets Play
Learning outcomes
LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality,
diversity and inclusion
• Access information, advice and support about
equality, diversity and inclusion
• Reflect on ways information, advice and support
about equality, diversity and inclusion can be used
to inform practice
• Practitioners will follow policies and procedures to ensure the
setting is diverse, inclusive and treats all children equally.
• Practitioners will need to access information, support and
advice to enable them to meet the needs of all children.
• Support will be available from within the setting but
practitioners may need to access additional information and
this can be obtained from a range of sources.
Information, advice and support
LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion [AC 2.1, 2.2]
advice and
and carers
LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion [AC 2.1, 2.2]
Time: 15 mins
Use the books provided to describe how you can use books to find
information about an activity to support diversity.
• Children’s storybooks
• Non-fiction books
• Festivals
• Different lifestyles.
• Can you name any other books that you have seen used in the
LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion [AC 2.1, 2.2]
• Practitioners will work closely with their colleagues and
manager and they can all share knowledge and experience to
support the provision of a diverse and inclusive environment.
• The internet can provide a wealth of information but
reputable sites must be used to seek information, advice and
support about equality, diversity and inclusion.
Information, advice and support
LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
Time: 15 mins
Produce a poster giving detailed information about what, advice and
support is available from specialists that can support equality,
diversity and inclusion within the setting.
• Children with special educational needs
• Children with English as an additional language
• Children with different religious backgrounds
• Children with behavioural difficulties.
Why is it important to access information, advice and support about a
child or children when planning for a diverse and inclusive
LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
Practitioners can access a variety of information, advice and support to
help with planning for a particular event such as Chinese New Year.
They could:
• Involve parents/carers to help with food, music and costumes
• Use children’s books to show the story of the animals crossing the
• Access templates from the internet for masks of the animal of that
• Use a DVD to show a dramatization of the story
• Involve a parent/carer or member of the community to speak to the
children about the traditions and customs around New Year.
Information, advice and support
LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
Time: 15 mins
Discuss how and why accessing information, advice and support
about equality, diversity and inclusion can be used to inform
• Examples from your setting
• Individual needs
• The children within the setting and the wider community
• Practitioners’ own knowledge
• Practitioners’ continuing professional development.
LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
Another example of practitioners accessing information, advice and
support could be to help them plan for a child with a hearing
They could:
• Involve parents/carers to discuss the communication needs of the
• Work with the speech and language therapist to support the child
within the setting
• Work with a communication support worker to identify the best
method of communication for the child
• Work with the local education authority to access relevant training
for all staff.
Information, advice and support
LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
Time: 15 mins
When would you need to access information, advice and support
about equality, diversity and inclusion and how would it inform
your own practice?
• Your own background and experiences
• Your knowledge of identified special needs
• Your knowledge of a range of religious and cultural
• Your knowledge of different family structures.
LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
Time: 15 mins
Describe the importance of accurate information when planning
for a diverse and inclusive environment.
• Individual needs
• Parents’/carers’ wishes
• Respecting and valuing individuals
• The reputation of the setting.
LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion 2.2
 Information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion
is available from a range of sources.
 Information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion
will ensure practitioners can plan to meet the needs of all children
within the setting.
Summary: plenary activities
1. Name three sources for information, advice and support about equality,
diversity and inclusion.
2. Describe three reasons for seeking information, advice and support
about equality, diversity and inclusion.
Unit 2.4 Follow legislation
relating to equality, diversity and
inclusive practice
Learning outcomes
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive
• Access information advice and support about equality, diversity and
• Reflect on ways information, advice and support about equality, diversity
and inclusion can be used to inform practice
• Identify how to interact with children to meet their individual needs
• Analyse the benefits of supporting equality, diversity and inclusive
• Evaluate the impact of own attitudes, values and behaviour when
supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice.
Starter Activity
W h o W a n t s
T o B e A
M i l l i o n a i r e ?
E f f e c t i v e
C a r i n g
E d i t i o n
LO3. Be able to Use information, advice and support to
promote equality, diversity and inclusion.
In most settings there will be an INCO / SENCO whom you can approach for
information or support when working with a child with additional need. It is
important that you get to know the strengths and personal expertise of
individual members in your staff team; you will often find that they can offer
useful support .
Remember that the child’s family can give you further information about
individual child’s
• Disability
• Home language
• Special dietary needs
• Cultural preferences
Have you seen practitioners in your setting work with parents?
In pairs discuss what your settings do
to give advice to parents / carers about
equality, diversity and inclusion
Write a reflective account making links
to the settings equality and diversity
and inclusion policy
LO3. Be able to Use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion.
Do you believe your environment is welcoming to children and
their families?
Do you know how to challenge prejudice?
Do you record prejudice related incidents?
Do you ensure children’s names are spelt and pronounced
Do you offer children a safe environment in which to explore
their own culture and that of their peers?
LO3. Be able to Use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion.
Produce a reflective account detailing ways information, advice
and support about equality, diversity and inclusion can be used
to inform practice.
How would you put this into practice?
LO3. Be able to Use information, advice and support to promote
equality, diversity and inclusion.
• All children are unique.
• All children have individual needs.
• All children deserve to be respected and valued.
Individual needs
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice 4.1
• Practitioners must work with all children in a way that makes
every child feel valued.
• Practitioners will plan activities and experiences to ensure all
individual needs are met and that all children can take part to
the best of their ability.
• Practitioners will treat all children with respect and courtesy
and be positive role models.
• Complete case studies
Individual needs
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice 4.1
• It is important that all practitioners actively listen to children
as this will make them feel valued.
• Children will want to share their news with practitioners and
no matter how busy a practitioner is or how trivial the
information may seem it is important to make time to listen.
• Children will be excited to tell practitioners their news and
this could be anything from finding a worm in the garden to
having a new baby at home.
• How a practitioner responds to a child can affect their sense
of self-worth.
Individual needs
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
Eye contact
Down to
the child’s
Stop what
you are
Respond to
the child
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice 4.1
Time: 15 mins
Reflect on a situation where you have actively listened to a
• What the child was telling you
• How you reacted
• Your use of facial expressions and body language
• The effect this had on the child.
• Was this a positive or negative experience for the child?
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
• Some children will have individual needs that mean they will
need extra support within the setting and practitioners must
interact with them in a way that makes them feel valued.
• They may have learning difficulties and therefore need help
on a day-to-day basis.
• They may have a physical impairment which means they need
support to access all activities and experiences.
• They may have English as an additional language and may
need activities and experiences explained in a different way.
Individual needs
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
Time: 20 mins
Discuss how you have interacted with children that shows that
you value them.
• Individual needs
• Planning of activities and experiences
• Following children’s wishes and ideas
• Involving children in making choices.
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
A practitioner can show they value all children in a variety of
ways including:
• Giving all children time to talk and be listened to
• Respecting children’s work and play and giving all children
praise and encouragement
• Supporting children to achieve to the best of their own ability
• Respecting and accepting difference
• Being a positive role model.
Individual needs
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
Time: 15 mins
Discuss the importance interacting with children in a way that
makes them feel valued.
• Meeting individual needs
• Children’s self-esteem
• Children’s self-confidence
• Children’s holistic development.
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
Time: 20 mins
Describe how practitioners can ensure all children feel valued
when taking part in a group activity.
• Meeting individual needs
• Positive body language
• Listening and responding to all children
• Valuing children’s input and ideas
• Making time for all children.
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
 Practitioners’ interactions with children can help them to feel valued.
 All children will thrive on positive interactions with adults.
 Practitioners need to allow time to interact with all children.
Time: 15 mins
How does it make you feel when people think about you and
include you?
• Being included in plans for a night out
• Being made to feel like a part of the team at your setting
• Being asked your opinion
• Being included in a surprise for someone else.
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
• There are many benefits to supporting equality, diversity and
inclusive practice.
• Everyone should work together and this will go a long way to
supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice.
• When we analyse the benefits we can consider what might
happen if we did not support equality, diversity and inclusive
Analysing benefits
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
• Equality ensures that everyone in the setting is treated
equally and individual needs are taken in to account and
planned for.
• If we did not treat everyone equally then children may feel
left out or isolated. Children’s individual needs could be
overlooked and this could have an impact on their holistic
Analysing benefits
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
Time: 15 mins
How does your setting ensure all children are treated equally?
• Individual needs
• Activities and experiences
• Challenging stereotypes and discrimination
• Not having favourites
• Not treating all children the same.
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
• Diversity should be celebrated, respected and accepted within
the setting.
• The diverse backgrounds of the children and their families
should be reflected throughout the setting.
• If the setting did not reflect the diversity of the children who
use it they may feel as though they do not belong.
• What did you see in the clip to meet the
Watch the clip note down the benefits of ensuring a diverse environment
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
Time: 20 mins
Discuss how your settings make everyone feel welcome by
reflecting the diversity of the children and families.
• Planning activities and experiences
• Involving parents/carers
• Individual needs
• Staff within the setting.
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
can be
seen in…
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
Inclusive practice
• Inclusive practice is more than involving children with
disabilities. Inclusive practice means including everyone.
• Practitioners will have to have an inclusive attitude to ensure
all children feel welcome and included.
• If children do not feel included it can affect their self-esteem
and confidence.
Analysing benefits
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
Time: 15 mins
Discuss the importance of practitioners supporting equality,
diversity and an inclusive environment.
• What may happen if practitioners were not inclusive
• The impact on the children
• The impact on the setting
• The impact on teamwork within the setting.
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
• When considering the benefits of supporting equality,
diversity and inclusive practice it is important to consider the
impact on the children and the setting.
• To analyse the benefits, practitioners need to identify the
benefits and then consider what may happen if they were not
• Practitioners are role models and it is important that they
have a positive impact on all children.
Analysing benefits
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
Time: 20 mins
Describe how practitioners can make parents/carers feel
• Meeting individual needs
• Involving parents/carers within the setting
• Adapting methods of information sharing
• Listening to parents/carers ideas or concerns.
Why is it important for parents/carers to feel included?
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
 When practitioners support equality, diversity and an inclusive
environment they will have a positive impact on children’s holistic
 An environment that is not inclusive can have negative affects on
 Practitioners are role models and must be a positive influence for
Summary: plenary activities
1. Why should all children not be treated the same?
2. Name three things that can reflect a diverse setting.
3. Describe two benefits of an inclusive environment.
Summary: plenary activities
1. Name three elements of active listening.
2. Describe three things a practitioner can do that shows they value a
3. Explain the importance of valuing children’s views and opinions.
Unit 2.4 Follow legislation
relating to equality, diversity and
inclusive practice
Starter Activity
1. Split into two groups organise a debate on the issue of smacking
2. Group A will argue that ‘the law should be changed so physical
punishment of children should never be permitted.’
3. Group B will argue that ‘Parents have the right to use whatever method
of discipline works best for their children.’
As an early years practitioner you must know and understand the basic
requirements of the national legislation relating to children’s rights. You also
need to know and understand how to carry out research on children’s rights
and identify the implications for your setting.
• Evaluate the impact of own attitudes, values and behaviour
when supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice
Learning outcomes
Time: 10 mins
A parent/carer wants you to smack their child if they do
something wrong within the setting.
• How will you explain that this is not acceptable within the
• The use of policies and procedures
• Not imparting your own attitudes and values on the
LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity
and inclusive practice
Watch the clip
Evaluate own values how would you support others to share
your views and opinions?
Why is it important to support equality, diversity and inclusive
Extension activity
Using this website produce an activity plan in which you could
carry out at your next placement covering different faiths or
Remember to evaluate your plan in full adding photographs of
the finished activity
Write a reflective account to evaluate the impact of own
attitudes, values and behaviour when supporting equality,
diversity and inclusive practice.
Include how you show respect for beliefs and religious practices
that differ from your own
How do you demonstrate that you value all faiths and belief
systems equally?
Extension activity
Complete hand out make
links to unit 3

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  • 1. Unit 2.4 Follow legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice
  • 2. Starter Activity In your groups work together to justify who you are going to save and why ! LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 3. Learning outcomes LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice • Identify legislation, policies and procedures relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice • Explain the roles and responsibilities of the early years practitioner in supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice
  • 4. Task What is the definition of : 1. Equality 2. Diversity 3. Inclusion 4. Discrimination Use your laminated cards match up activity
  • 5. Let us consider what is meant by equality, diversity, and inclusive practice. • Equality – treating children with equality ensure that children have equal opportunities within the setting. This does not mean treating all children the same, as some children will need activities adapted to meet their individual needs. • Diversity – we live in a diverse society and this needs to be represented within the setting. We are all different and difference should be treated with respect and acceptance. • Inclusion – everyone has the right to be included. Practitioners will promote an inclusive environment where every child feels valued and respected. One of the roles and responsibilities of the early years practitioner is to recognise discriminatory practice and so it useful to consider the definition of ‘discrimination’ here. • Discrimination – this can occur for many reasons. People often feel discriminated against by others because of a difference. Practitioners will promote anti-discriminatory practice and will challenge children and adults who discriminate against others. Discrimination for any reason cannot be tolerated within settings or the wider society. Definitions LO1. Understand how legislation and codes of practice inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 6. Every setting will have a set of policies and procedures to ensure equality, diversity and inclusive practice including: • Equal opportunities • Inclusion • Medication • Special educational needs • Food and drink • Behaviour • Anti-discriminatory practice. Write on the sugar paper how your settings meet these requirements? Policies and procedures LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1
  • 7. • Equal opportunities – this will ensure everyone within the setting is treated equally. • Inclusion – this will ensure all children are included and able to access the setting and the activities to the best of their ability. • Medication – settings will have policies about administering non-prescription medication and how they will deal with medication children require due to a condition or long term illness. Policies and procedures LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 8. Time: 15 Take part in the selection of activities provided Discuss how your setting provides equal opportunities. Consider: • Are all areas of the setting accessible to all children? • Are stereotypical attitudes challenged? • Do practitioners adapt activities to meet individual needs and abilities? • If your setting has two sessions does the afternoon session appear as fresh and exciting as the morning session? • Why is this important? LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 9. • Special educational needs – this will show how practitioners will meet the individual needs of any children with special educational needs within the setting. • Food and drink – this will identify how any special dietary requirements will be met. Use your paper plate provided to devise a meal to meet the needs of your given child. • Behaviour – this will explain the expectations and sanctions for behaviour within the setting and will include information for children with behavioural difficulties. What would you do if this happened at nursery? • Anti-discriminatory – this will clearly state how any act of discrimination will not be tolerated and how it will be dealt with. Why might people discriminate against others? Policies and procedures LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 10. Learning outcomes LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice • Identify legislation, policies and procedures relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice • Explain the roles and responsibilities of the early years practitioner in supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice
  • 11. Unit 2.4 Follow legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice Computer Session
  • 13. 1. Identify current Legislation and codes of practice relating to equality diversity and codes of practice 2. Explain current Legislation and codes of practice relating to equality diversity and codes of practice
  • 14. Legislation and codes of practice are in place to support practitioners to promote equality, diversity and inclusive practice. They include: • Race Relations Act 1976 and 2000 • Children Act 1989 and 2004 • Disability Discrimination Act 1995 • Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 • Equality Act 2010. Current legislation and codes of practice LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1
  • 15. • All legislation and codes of practice will inform practice. • The legislation and codes of practice give children and families rights to be treated fairly and with equality. • Each piece of legislation or code of practice will focus on one specific area for example disability or race. • The Equality Act 2010 was created to bring together, simplify and further strengthen all previous legislation. Current legislation and codes of practice LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1
  • 16. Time: 20 mins You will be given one of the key pieces of legislation or codes of practice relating to equality and inclusion. You need to create an information sheet to identify the main elements. Consider: • The purpose of the legislation or code of practice • How it informs practice. LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1
  • 17. LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 1.2] Time: 15 mins Whilst listening to the feedback for each of the pieces of legislation or code of practice, consider: • Your thoughts and views • Your prior knowledge of the legislation or code of practice • The importance of such legislation or code of practice • The impact it has on current practice. • Complete handout
  • 18. Unit 2.4 Follow legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice
  • 20. Describe how to promote an inclusive environment within a childcare setting Explain how practitioners meet children's dietary requirements
  • 21. Time: 15 mins environments#video_title_bar Design a setting in which promotes an inclusive environment. Consider: • Activities • Equipment • Displays • Role play • Books • Meeting individual needs. • Justify how your setting meets the requirements of the inclusive environment LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 22. Time: 15 mins Discuss how individual dietary requirements are met within your setting. Consider: • Allergies and health issues • Preferences, for example vegetarian • Cultural requirements • Roles and responsibilities • Parents’/carers’ wishes. Do you feel children with dietary requirements are made to feel different in your setting or are they fully included? Complete case study LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 23. Group activity In small groups, Research foods from around the world Produce a recipe book to include a range of regional disses to encourage parents to try new things with their children at home you might want to include Caribbean food, Irish stew, Asian sweets Indian cooking. Promote a multicultural approach to food provision
  • 24. • All practitioners have a responsibility to follow the setting’s policies and procedures. • Every setting will have designated people with specific responsibility within the policies and procedures. • The head of a setting has overall responsibility and must be informed about any incidents relating to equality, diversity and inclusion. Roles and responsibilities LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 25. Design an information leaflet to give to new members of staff to describe the roles and responsibilities of the early years practitioner in supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice include: • What policies and procedures of the setting are and how to work effectively in line with these • What does the practitioner do to value the individual child • How does the practitioner develop and sustain a child centred approach • How to engage actively with the family to appreciate the holistic needs of the child • How to provide an inclusive environment which actively welcomes diversity • How to be a positive role model in promoting equality, diversity and inclusive practice • How to recognise discriminatory practice • To know how, why and when to challenge discrimination • To engage in effective partnership working to enable the child. Roles and responsibilities LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 26. Time: 15 mins How do policies and procedures and roles and responsibilities ensure equality and inclusion within the setting? Consider: • Individual’s rights • Consistent approach • Legislation and codes of practice. LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 27. • It is essential that practitioners maintain an inclusive and diverse environment. • All children have the right to equality of opportunity and must not be discriminated against for any reason. • Practitioners must plan activities and experiences that take individual needs and preferences in to consideration so that all children can participate to the best of their ability. Roles and responsibilities LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 28. Time: 15 mins Complete a reflective account stating How inclusive are you? Consider: Your ability to include all children in everything you do Your ability to challenge children who are not being inclusive Your ability to be adaptable and flexible to ensure all children can take part to the best of their ability Your ability to work with all children equally. How adaptable and flexible are you when working with children? Consider: • Your ability to change an activity as you go along so that children can achieve to the best of their ability • Your ability to provide activities and experiences to support all children’s experiences, backgrounds and family structures • Your ability to join in with children’s imaginary or role play regardless of what they are doing. LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.2
  • 29. Time: 15 mins Describe how you could involve parents/carers to make the setting reflect the diversity of the local area. Consider: • Food and drink • Stories • Traditions • Songs and rhymes • Role play and the home corner. Complete case studies LO1. Understand how legislation, policies and procedures inform equality, diversity and inclusive practice 1.1, 1.2
  • 30. Extension activity Plan your next Teddy Tots session to promote an awareness of different cultures you must include:- • A range of activities to celebrate religious festivals such as Diwali, Chinese New year Easter. • Use your cook book to devise a food tasting activity (check for allergies) • Arrange the home corner to include a range of cooking equipment for example woks, noodles, chopsticks. Teddy Tots
  • 31. Summary  Policies and procedures inform day-to-day practice.  Legislation and codes of practice guide practitioners and inform current practice.  Inclusive practice is a key element of early years practice.  Everyone has a role to play in a diverse and inclusive environment.  The head of the setting has overall responsibility for maintaining a diverse and inclusive environment.
  • 32. Summary: plenary activities 1. How will the food and drink policy of the setting ensure an inclusive environment? 2. Describe two elements of a diverse and inclusive environment. 3. Who has overall responsibility for diversity and inclusion within the setting? 4. Identify two forms of discrimination that may occur within the setting. 5. Name three pieces of legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice.
  • 33. Unit 2.4 Follow legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice
  • 35. Learning outcomes LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion • Access information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion • Reflect on ways information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion can be used to inform practice
  • 36. • Practitioners will follow policies and procedures to ensure the setting is diverse, inclusive and treats all children equally. • Practitioners will need to access information, support and advice to enable them to meet the needs of all children. • Support will be available from within the setting but practitioners may need to access additional information and this can be obtained from a range of sources. Information, advice and support LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion [AC 2.1, 2.2]
  • 37. Information, advice and support Colleagues Manager EYFS Books Magazines and journals Internet Specialists Parents and carers LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion [AC 2.1, 2.2]
  • 38. Time: 15 mins Use the books provided to describe how you can use books to find information about an activity to support diversity. Consider: • Children’s storybooks • Non-fiction books • Festivals • Different lifestyles. • Can you name any other books that you have seen used in the setting? LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion [AC 2.1, 2.2]
  • 39. • Practitioners will work closely with their colleagues and manager and they can all share knowledge and experience to support the provision of a diverse and inclusive environment. • The internet can provide a wealth of information but reputable sites must be used to seek information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion. Information, advice and support LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
  • 40. Time: 15 mins Produce a poster giving detailed information about what, advice and support is available from specialists that can support equality, diversity and inclusion within the setting. Consider: • Children with special educational needs • Children with English as an additional language • Children with different religious backgrounds • Children with behavioural difficulties. Why is it important to access information, advice and support about a child or children when planning for a diverse and inclusive environment? LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
  • 41. Practitioners can access a variety of information, advice and support to help with planning for a particular event such as Chinese New Year. They could: • Involve parents/carers to help with food, music and costumes • Use children’s books to show the story of the animals crossing the river • Access templates from the internet for masks of the animal of that year • Use a DVD to show a dramatization of the story • Involve a parent/carer or member of the community to speak to the children about the traditions and customs around New Year. Information, advice and support LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
  • 42. Time: 15 mins Discuss how and why accessing information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion can be used to inform practice. Consider: • Examples from your setting • Individual needs • The children within the setting and the wider community • Practitioners’ own knowledge • Practitioners’ continuing professional development. LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
  • 43. Another example of practitioners accessing information, advice and support could be to help them plan for a child with a hearing impairment. They could: • Involve parents/carers to discuss the communication needs of the child • Work with the speech and language therapist to support the child within the setting • Work with a communication support worker to identify the best method of communication for the child • Work with the local education authority to access relevant training for all staff. Information, advice and support LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
  • 44. Time: 15 mins When would you need to access information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion and how would it inform your own practice? Consider: • Your own background and experiences • Your knowledge of identified special needs • Your knowledge of a range of religious and cultural backgrounds • Your knowledge of different family structures. LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion 2.1, 2.2
  • 45. Time: 15 mins Describe the importance of accurate information when planning for a diverse and inclusive environment. Consider: • Individual needs • Parents’/carers’ wishes • Respecting and valuing individuals • The reputation of the setting. LO2. Be able to use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion 2.2
  • 46. Summary  Information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion is available from a range of sources.  Information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion will ensure practitioners can plan to meet the needs of all children within the setting.
  • 47. Summary: plenary activities 1. Name three sources for information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion. 2. Describe three reasons for seeking information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • 48. Unit 2.4 Follow legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice
  • 49. Learning outcomes LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice • Access information advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion • Reflect on ways information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion can be used to inform practice • Identify how to interact with children to meet their individual needs • Analyse the benefits of supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice • Evaluate the impact of own attitudes, values and behaviour when supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice.
  • 50. Starter Activity W h o W a n t s T o B e A M i l l i o n a i r e ? E f f e c t i v e C a r i n g E d i t i o n
  • 51. LO3. Be able to Use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion. In most settings there will be an INCO / SENCO whom you can approach for information or support when working with a child with additional need. It is important that you get to know the strengths and personal expertise of individual members in your staff team; you will often find that they can offer useful support . Remember that the child’s family can give you further information about individual child’s • Disability • Home language • Special dietary needs • Cultural preferences Have you seen practitioners in your setting work with parents?
  • 52. In pairs discuss what your settings do to give advice to parents / carers about equality, diversity and inclusion Write a reflective account making links to the settings equality and diversity and inclusion policy LO3. Be able to Use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • 53. Do you believe your environment is welcoming to children and their families? Do you know how to challenge prejudice? Do you record prejudice related incidents? Do you ensure children’s names are spelt and pronounced correctly? Do you offer children a safe environment in which to explore their own culture and that of their peers? LO3. Be able to Use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • 54. Produce a reflective account detailing ways information, advice and support about equality, diversity and inclusion can be used to inform practice. How would you put this into practice? equality-women-and-pay#video_title_bar LO3. Be able to Use information, advice and support to promote equality, diversity and inclusion.
  • 55. • All children are unique. • All children have individual needs. • All children deserve to be respected and valued. Individual needs LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice 4.1
  • 56. • Practitioners must work with all children in a way that makes every child feel valued. • Practitioners will plan activities and experiences to ensure all individual needs are met and that all children can take part to the best of their ability. • Practitioners will treat all children with respect and courtesy and be positive role models. • Complete case studies Individual needs LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice 4.1
  • 57. • It is important that all practitioners actively listen to children as this will make them feel valued. • Children will want to share their news with practitioners and no matter how busy a practitioner is or how trivial the information may seem it is important to make time to listen. • Children will be excited to tell practitioners their news and this could be anything from finding a worm in the garden to having a new baby at home. • How a practitioner responds to a child can affect their sense of self-worth. Individual needs LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
  • 58. Active listening Eye contact Down to the child’s level Undivided attention Stop what you are doing Respond to the child Positive body language Facial expressions LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice 4.1
  • 59. Time: 15 mins Reflect on a situation where you have actively listened to a child. Consider: • What the child was telling you • How you reacted • Your use of facial expressions and body language • The effect this had on the child. • Was this a positive or negative experience for the child? LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
  • 60. • Some children will have individual needs that mean they will need extra support within the setting and practitioners must interact with them in a way that makes them feel valued. • They may have learning difficulties and therefore need help on a day-to-day basis. • They may have a physical impairment which means they need support to access all activities and experiences. • They may have English as an additional language and may need activities and experiences explained in a different way. Individual needs LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
  • 61. Time: 20 mins Discuss how you have interacted with children that shows that you value them. Consider: • Individual needs • Planning of activities and experiences • Following children’s wishes and ideas • Involving children in making choices. LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
  • 62. A practitioner can show they value all children in a variety of ways including: • Giving all children time to talk and be listened to • Respecting children’s work and play and giving all children praise and encouragement • Supporting children to achieve to the best of their own ability • Respecting and accepting difference • Being a positive role model. Individual needs LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
  • 63. Time: 15 mins Discuss the importance interacting with children in a way that makes them feel valued. Consider: • Meeting individual needs • Children’s self-esteem • Children’s self-confidence • Children’s holistic development. LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
  • 64. Time: 20 mins Describe how practitioners can ensure all children feel valued when taking part in a group activity. Consider: • Meeting individual needs • Positive body language • Listening and responding to all children • Valuing children’s input and ideas • Making time for all children. LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.1]
  • 65. Summary  Practitioners’ interactions with children can help them to feel valued.  All children will thrive on positive interactions with adults.  Practitioners need to allow time to interact with all children.
  • 66. Time: 15 mins How does it make you feel when people think about you and include you? Consider: • Being included in plans for a night out • Being made to feel like a part of the team at your setting • Being asked your opinion • Being included in a surprise for someone else. LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
  • 67. • There are many benefits to supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice. • Everyone should work together and this will go a long way to supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice. • When we analyse the benefits we can consider what might happen if we did not support equality, diversity and inclusive practice. Analysing benefits LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
  • 68. Equality • Equality ensures that everyone in the setting is treated equally and individual needs are taken in to account and planned for. • If we did not treat everyone equally then children may feel left out or isolated. Children’s individual needs could be overlooked and this could have an impact on their holistic development. Analysing benefits LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
  • 69. Time: 15 mins How does your setting ensure all children are treated equally? Consider: • Individual needs • Activities and experiences • Challenging stereotypes and discrimination • Not having favourites • Not treating all children the same. LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
  • 70. • Diversity should be celebrated, respected and accepted within the setting. • The diverse backgrounds of the children and their families should be reflected throughout the setting. • If the setting did not reflect the diversity of the children who use it they may feel as though they do not belong. • What did you see in the clip to meet the Watch the clip note down the benefits of ensuring a diverse environment LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
  • 71. Time: 20 mins Discuss how your settings make everyone feel welcome by reflecting the diversity of the children and families. Consider: • Planning activities and experiences • Involving parents/carers • Individual needs • Staff within the setting. LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
  • 72. Diversity can be seen in… Books Home corner Role play Puzzles DisplaysMusic Food Dolls Staff LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
  • 73. Inclusive practice • Inclusive practice is more than involving children with disabilities. Inclusive practice means including everyone. • Practitioners will have to have an inclusive attitude to ensure all children feel welcome and included. • If children do not feel included it can affect their self-esteem and confidence. Analysing benefits LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
  • 74. Time: 15 mins Discuss the importance of practitioners supporting equality, diversity and an inclusive environment. Consider: • What may happen if practitioners were not inclusive • The impact on the children • The impact on the setting • The impact on teamwork within the setting. LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
  • 75. • When considering the benefits of supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice it is important to consider the impact on the children and the setting. • To analyse the benefits, practitioners need to identify the benefits and then consider what may happen if they were not inclusive. • Practitioners are role models and it is important that they have a positive impact on all children. Analysing benefits LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
  • 76. Time: 20 mins Describe how practitioners can make parents/carers feel included. Consider: • Meeting individual needs • Involving parents/carers within the setting • Adapting methods of information sharing • Listening to parents/carers ideas or concerns. Why is it important for parents/carers to feel included? LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice [AC 4.2]
  • 77. Summary  When practitioners support equality, diversity and an inclusive environment they will have a positive impact on children’s holistic development.  An environment that is not inclusive can have negative affects on children.  Practitioners are role models and must be a positive influence for children.
  • 78. Summary: plenary activities 1. Why should all children not be treated the same? 2. Name three things that can reflect a diverse setting. 3. Describe two benefits of an inclusive environment.
  • 79. Summary: plenary activities 1. Name three elements of active listening. 2. Describe three things a practitioner can do that shows they value a child. 3. Explain the importance of valuing children’s views and opinions.
  • 80. Unit 2.4 Follow legislation relating to equality, diversity and inclusive practice
  • 81. Starter Activity 1. Split into two groups organise a debate on the issue of smacking children 2. Group A will argue that ‘the law should be changed so physical punishment of children should never be permitted.’ 3. Group B will argue that ‘Parents have the right to use whatever method of discipline works best for their children.’ As an early years practitioner you must know and understand the basic requirements of the national legislation relating to children’s rights. You also need to know and understand how to carry out research on children’s rights and identify the implications for your setting.
  • 82. • Evaluate the impact of own attitudes, values and behaviour when supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice Learning outcomes
  • 83. Time: 10 mins A parent/carer wants you to smack their child if they do something wrong within the setting. Consider: • How will you explain that this is not acceptable within the setting? • The use of policies and procedures • Not imparting your own attitudes and values on the parent/carer. LO3. Be able to work in ways which support equality, diversity and inclusive practice
  • 84. Watch the clip Evaluate own values how would you support others to share your views and opinions? Why is it important to support equality, diversity and inclusive practice? Task
  • 85. Extension activity Using this website produce an activity plan in which you could carry out at your next placement covering different faiths or religions. Remember to evaluate your plan in full adding photographs of the finished activity Task
  • 86. Write a reflective account to evaluate the impact of own attitudes, values and behaviour when supporting equality, diversity and inclusive practice. Include how you show respect for beliefs and religious practices that differ from your own How do you demonstrate that you value all faiths and belief systems equally? Task
  • 87. Extension activity Complete hand out make links to unit 3

Editor's Notes

  1. Teacher notes: Learners should compare own experiences and identify areas for development. Activities painting with arm tied behind back, on floor at painting table, Blind folded threading activity. Not allowed in sand digging area as girls go and play in the home corner instead with dolls. Bring back discuss how you felt.
  2. Teacher notes: Each pair to be given one of the following: Race Relations Act 1976 and 2000 Children Act 1989 and 2004 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001 Equality Act 2010. Each pair to feed back in Classroom discussion activity.
  3. Teacher notes: Encourage learners to ask questions and discuss each piece of legislation as they are presented by the pairs.
  4. Teacher notes: Learners should compare provision within their own settings.
  5. Teacher notes: Learners to be encouraged to discuss how these impact on own practice and create an inclusive environment.
  6. Teacher notes: Learners should honestly reflect on their own practice and identify areas for development.
  7. Teacher notes: Learners can use first hand experiences to support this activity.
  8. Teacher notes: Learners should discuss who may be able to support practitioners in specific situations.
  9. Teacher notes: Learners to be encouraged to discuss how this can support an inclusive environment.
  10. Teacher notes: Learners should honestly reflect on their own practice and identify areas for development.
  11. Teacher notes: Learners should consider the impact of incorrect information, for example: Not knowing the story behind particular festivals Getting dietary requirements wrong Inadvertent discrimination.
  12. Teacher notes: Learners should discuss own experiences and identify situations where they may need to develop their practice.
  13. Teacher notes: Each member of the group should describe their own experiences and to discuss differences and similarities in practice.
  14. Teacher notes: Learners should consider a situation where they are working with three or more children at one activity.
  15. Teacher notes: Ensure learners understand that treating children equally does not mean treating them all the same.
  16. Teacher notes: Each group member should describe their own experiences and discuss differences and similarities in practice.