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Joseph Sam Fulton
Existing Product
This is a game magazine and is very similar to the design that I will be
wanting to produce. The style of image represented within the image is in
my opinion really well done. As the background is expertly cinematic and
the rest of that cinematic theme shows throughout. The darkish colour
scheme, like the background, fits really well as it goes well with every
shade of colour they use in this magazine. The effects of the magazine is
really cool as well. It’s a image within an image as you can make out as If
its very important in order to this particular magazine. Noticing as well
that this whole magazine focuses on one game implying that this game
must be important or be new. The use of lighting is really well done in this
magazine as well, as it starts of really light in the top right hand corner
but gradually gets darker passing diagonally to the bottom left. Which
perhaps means some evil and good between the two characters. The
audience would buy and want to see what else is inside this magazine
because of its great cover art and how its conveyed. Not even knowing
the game you could just pick this game up and wan to know about it. Also
by looking closer towards the cover you see more things shown which
makes you want to read into those specific things as well.
Existing Product
This a magazine product made from Xbox , that is what I myself are wanting to
create. I like the magazine idea of this, as it is out there it is bold and really strikes
the eye of the person viewing this particular magazine. The person presented on
the front is obviously connected to the game as the title of the game is connected
to the man, meaning he could be icon of the game? The “MW3” shown is very big
and is the biggest and brightest thing on the page this is to represent the fact that
it is the most important thing about the magazine and I really like how they have
done this, as it looks great. The rest of the magazine also fits in with the main
color of the title of the game. So everything with the magazine follows the theme
of the main game being advertised for the magazine. The main headline for the
magazine is big and bold but is out shunned by the game title which I will be sure
to put into my main magazine. In the right of the magazine you can see a big
green plug that is there to second the main title of the game magazine. Once
you’ve read the main title your eyes go straight towards the plug, as it’s the next
biggest and the next colorful from the main cover art. This like the main cover art
is telling you about a new game that will be featuring in the magazine, but it’s
more factual and isn’t really reviewing the game but telling you about the certain
game comparison to others or just facts about the game. I like the up lighting on
the character and composition of the background featured in this magazine. As it
looks faded, same with the font. The lighting makes the game look very dark but
in theory the magazine is very light due to the luminous green choice of color
presented throughout the magazine. On the left there is a little preview of a game
illuminated in the same font as the rest of magazine. I like this as the language
used is very intriguing and makes you want to read more. It uses a sense of
persuasion within it, using a rhetoric question to wonder the answer of that
question. The main headline of the magazine that being the big Xbox logo. A bit of
it is cut off so you can’t read all of it but that’s what is so interesting about it. As
you don’t need to be able to read it all as you know the companies name and you
know the familiarity of it, so its basically telling its audience the names not
important here is what is.
Existing Product
This is a interview for IGN and is similar to the kind of audio interview I would
go for and want to create. The interview is very professional but remains casual
at the same time. The language used within the interview is very informal,
which targets their audience of 12-25. The interview is mainly visual though as
a interview I will be doing will be mainly audio based and you won’t be able to
see anything whilst the interview. The logo of this programme is good and
contrasts well with the rest of the theme of the whole interview. The
interviewer when interviewing the person does refer to himself via the name of
the show so, this is what intend to do with my interview.
Existing Product
Compared to the newer magazines the old ones are quite similar in
design and follow the same cinematic theme within them which I think
is really cool. The colours of font of this magazine clearly reflect the
characters and the location of those characters as, the place is hot so
the colours are there to resemble that which I think is a cool idea to
broadcast. It makes the audience want to buy it because of its eye
striking appeal and its interesting design it has to it. Its insanely
colourful so it incites the viewer in to look at it closer and read more
features and eventually buy it.
Research Analysis
• What common features do the researched
products have?
• The common features that the researched products have is that they are all very organised and well structured in how they
are presented. They all also include similar colour schemes and dark textures presented throughout. They also all include a
clear idea of what their product is advertising which is good. As with the magazines I have reviewed they all have a clear idea
of what games are on and what is their main game they are advertising and what is connected to what.
• What aspects of the research will you include
within your on work?
• The aspects of the research that I will include within my work is pretty much all of it as I think all of what I have researched is
a great example of what I should be making my magazine like and my interview about as all what was being shown and what
was being said was all really good stuff and if any of my products look like they selected few I have shown I will be happy.
Questionnaire Analysis
Audience research
• Observation:
• My observation of this particular question Is that all my audience that I know of is male.
• What this says about my audience:
• This says that my audience consist of being all male which means I can focus on dedicating my products towards a more male audience.
Meaning more masculine colours and more masculine things overall.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to my audience as I can make my product more masculine so that my audience enjoy my product more.
Audience research
• Observation:
• My observation of this question is that my audience is made up of multiple ages.
• What this says about my audience:
• This says my audience are interested in different things as the age rating changes between a couple of years meaning some may be more mature
than others so they may like a more formal or an informal product instead.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to my audience as I will make sure I Include both formal/informal language and image styles in my products, so that it applies
to all audeinces. I will also ask what kind of content and what kind of genre those particular ages like so I can incorporate that into my products.
Audience research
• Observation:
• My observation of this question is that my audience are 50/50 between two of my options.
• What this says about my audience:
• This says that my audience is interested in two of my options, which is good as I will be able to incorporate both of these things into my
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to my audience as I will include both of these options within my product, which will attract my audience,
Audience research
• Observation:
• My observation of this particular question is that everyone wanted new games to be shown.
• What this says about my audience:
• This says that my audience has no interest in anything else apart from having new games in, so that is what ill do.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to my audience as if I include what they have mentioned and what they have asked of me, then they can’t
Audience research
• Observation:
• My observation of this question is that there was a 50/50 split between what my audience wanted.
• What this says about my audience:
• This says my audience want both things incorporated into my logo.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience by myself including the things my audience are informing myself to include, so I will put the suggested things
into my logo.
Audience research
• Observation:
• This observation shows that my audience have wrote written responses to my question, with helpful feedback.
• What this says about my audience:
• This says that my audience are helpful and are mature, as they have given me serious responses and helpful responses that I will
probably use.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• This will appeal to my audience
Audience research
• Observation:
• My observation of this question is that I have a split decision between two answers
• What this says about my audience:
• This says that my audience is interested in both of what I am showing which is good as I can include both features within my products.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience as I will include both theme style that my audience themselves have revealed for me so that my
audience like what I am showing.
Audience research
• Observation:
• My observation of this question is like previous ones in that it is reasonably even with the readings, its 50/50 once again.
• What this says about my audience:
• This says that my audience likes both things mentioned. Although with this particular question the bottom answer lists all the answer above so I
know that my audience want to see “a bit of both”
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this particular audience as like previous ones I am included what the audience want in my product so that the audience do
like what I am showing.
Audience research
• Observation:
• My observation of this question is that one answer is clearly the favourite amongst the others.
• What this says about my audience:
• This says that my audience is clearly interested in seeing the top question being incorporated in my product rather than any other
option shown.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to this audience as the action/adventure genre of game will be featured within my product
Audience research
• Observation:
• What this says about my audience:
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
Interview 1
• What is you’re favourite video game?
– FIFA 17
• What games would you like to see in a video game magazine?
– Sports, Action and Horror games
• Who is your favourite video game developer?
– EA
• What video game would you like to see remastered?
– Modern Warfare 2
• What is the most important aspect of a game and why?
– Story Line
Interview 1
• Observation:
• My observation of my first interview is that the person is interested in sports games and appreciates the sports franchise, as he has
stated that his favourite game is FIFA 17. You would also get assumptions like this as the person has stated that there favourite game
developer is EA. The creator of FIFA, so by logic the person clearly likes his sport and FIFA games. I can also see that this particular
person likes FPS’s as he has said that he wants a “Call of duty” to be remastered. “Call of duty” being a FPS. You can also tell that he’s
interested in the likes of call of duty as he likes action and sport genres in a magazine. Although he mentions that he would like to see a
horror game featured within and he likes good narration. Which is strange as FIFA doesn’t really have a story, call of duty does but it
isn't a horror. So this particular person like a good mix of games.
• What this says about my audience:
• This says that my audience is interested in the sport, action and horror games. This could imply that my audience likes a good varied list
of games and is interested in seeing the majority of games featured within my product. It also says that my audience is more interested
in seeing sport featured within the magazine and my product. As this person in particular seems to like everything to do with football.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product won’t necessarily appeal to this kind of audience but I will try and adapt to. I could put a FIFA or another sport game
present within my magazine to show that I was listening to my audience. A call of duty would also show that this magazine is for this
particular audience. My product will also try appeal to their audience by including the action genre within this magazine. This could be
any game of that particular genre and that audience would be interested in viewing. Which is a big varied section to choose from.
Interview 2
• What is you’re favourite video game?
– Mass Effect 3
• What games would you like to see in a video game magazine?
– Action, Horror and Sports
• Who is your favourite video game developer?
– Bioware
• What video game would you like to see remastered?
– Mass Effect
• What is the most important aspect of a game and why?
– Narrative because it makes it more cinematic and immersive.
Interview 2
• Observation:
• My observation for this particular interview is that this person in particular is interested in big open world games. As he has stated that
his favourite game developer is Bioware. A game developer that specializes in those kind of games. I can also tell from observing this
particular persons interview that he is very interested in Bioware as a game developers work. I can see this because his has chosen his
favourite game to be that of the mass effect franchise, in particular Mass effect 3. This person, much like the person before has stated
that he is a big fan of action and sport and horror. This is very convenient and fortunate for myself as I don’t need to incorporate any
new things in my magazine as they are both in that of the same genre. Like I mentioned earlier this person likes Bioware and mass
effect so he has chosen to go with that for another one of the questions. This person very predictable has gone for a game needed a
story for it to be a good game, this is because mass effect is built upon its story, so I could have seen that coming before he answered.
• What this says about my audience:
• This says that my audience is very much the same as the one interview before they more or less like the same things. This is fortunate
for me as the people I have interviewed have the same interests as myself. This also says my audience likes multiple different genres
which I am pleased about as I have more of variety of games to include. This also suggests that this particular person is interested in the
role playing genre, like the games he mentions in his interview.
• How will your product appeal to this audience:
• My product will appeal to my audience because I will include the necessarily things that my audience has mentioned into my products.
Much like the previous interview I will try and incorporate all the genres that this particular audience likes. That being the horror, action
and sport. My product will also appeal to my audience because I will can place a mass effect game in my magazine for this particular
audiences benfit.
Audience Profile
Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience
Age Range
The age range of my
products would be 15- 35 as
these are the kind of people
who would be interested
within the games I will be
• My particular audience will be appealed to this product as I will be
included information that will interest the age gap I have chosen.
• It would also appeal to my audience as I can use more
formal/informal language, than I may do with a younger audience.
The gender for my product
would be male and female.
• My particular audience will be best suited for both genders, as
there is nothing offensive to any of the genders in any of my
• This audience would also appeal to this audience because the
game I will be showing are unisex games.
The psychographic of my
product will be in the
mainstream zone as it
seems to fit the category
I’m aiming for.
• My particular audience would appeal to this certain psychographic
as I feel as though my audience fit this the best out of the other
Social Status
The social status of my
product will be for any
social status.
• This will appeal to my audience as it will apply to more audience
members then just if I decided to restrict it to a individual social
Research Evaluation
Research Evaluation
• Give an overview of how you conducted your research.
Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method
– Product Research
– Strengths of product research is that you’re having to do the evaluating of the product yourself only really getting one
opinion and that’s yours. But the strengths are you get a good well expanded response and you know a incited
response about that product.
– Questionnaires
– Strengths of my questionnaire was that I got a few varied responses which helped me a lot as I was able to get
different opinions of my work, which lets me know what is good and what isn’t from different people. Although if I
didn’t agree with feedback of the questionnaire than it might upset me what people are saying.
– Interviews
– Strengths of interviews is that you get a face to face reaction of something that usually is a honest review of what
they are saying. You can also get various more people that questionnaires as you can speak to numerous amount of
people in a small space of time. The disadvantages of interviews is although sometimes they tell the truth they can
easily lie to your face and you wont know if they are or not.
Research Evaluation
– What sort of a response did you get?
– I got a positive yet negative response in when I made my survey as some of my audience were honest some took it as
a bit if a joke. Which wasn’t the most ideal situation I would of liked.
– How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage
• I distributed my survey via asking friends and passing it on. Looking back on that situation it probably wasn’t the best way to
do things as I would of liked more responses that what I did. Although the friends that I did pass it on to all did respond to
my survey which was very helpful.

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2. fmp research(1)(1)

  • 2. Existing Product This is a game magazine and is very similar to the design that I will be wanting to produce. The style of image represented within the image is in my opinion really well done. As the background is expertly cinematic and the rest of that cinematic theme shows throughout. The darkish colour scheme, like the background, fits really well as it goes well with every shade of colour they use in this magazine. The effects of the magazine is really cool as well. It’s a image within an image as you can make out as If its very important in order to this particular magazine. Noticing as well that this whole magazine focuses on one game implying that this game must be important or be new. The use of lighting is really well done in this magazine as well, as it starts of really light in the top right hand corner but gradually gets darker passing diagonally to the bottom left. Which perhaps means some evil and good between the two characters. The audience would buy and want to see what else is inside this magazine because of its great cover art and how its conveyed. Not even knowing the game you could just pick this game up and wan to know about it. Also by looking closer towards the cover you see more things shown which makes you want to read into those specific things as well.
  • 3. Existing Product This a magazine product made from Xbox , that is what I myself are wanting to create. I like the magazine idea of this, as it is out there it is bold and really strikes the eye of the person viewing this particular magazine. The person presented on the front is obviously connected to the game as the title of the game is connected to the man, meaning he could be icon of the game? The “MW3” shown is very big and is the biggest and brightest thing on the page this is to represent the fact that it is the most important thing about the magazine and I really like how they have done this, as it looks great. The rest of the magazine also fits in with the main color of the title of the game. So everything with the magazine follows the theme of the main game being advertised for the magazine. The main headline for the magazine is big and bold but is out shunned by the game title which I will be sure to put into my main magazine. In the right of the magazine you can see a big green plug that is there to second the main title of the game magazine. Once you’ve read the main title your eyes go straight towards the plug, as it’s the next biggest and the next colorful from the main cover art. This like the main cover art is telling you about a new game that will be featuring in the magazine, but it’s more factual and isn’t really reviewing the game but telling you about the certain game comparison to others or just facts about the game. I like the up lighting on the character and composition of the background featured in this magazine. As it looks faded, same with the font. The lighting makes the game look very dark but in theory the magazine is very light due to the luminous green choice of color presented throughout the magazine. On the left there is a little preview of a game illuminated in the same font as the rest of magazine. I like this as the language used is very intriguing and makes you want to read more. It uses a sense of persuasion within it, using a rhetoric question to wonder the answer of that question. The main headline of the magazine that being the big Xbox logo. A bit of it is cut off so you can’t read all of it but that’s what is so interesting about it. As you don’t need to be able to read it all as you know the companies name and you know the familiarity of it, so its basically telling its audience the names not important here is what is.
  • 4. Existing Product z88tlFKdp-k This is a interview for IGN and is similar to the kind of audio interview I would go for and want to create. The interview is very professional but remains casual at the same time. The language used within the interview is very informal, which targets their audience of 12-25. The interview is mainly visual though as a interview I will be doing will be mainly audio based and you won’t be able to see anything whilst the interview. The logo of this programme is good and contrasts well with the rest of the theme of the whole interview. The interviewer when interviewing the person does refer to himself via the name of the show so, this is what intend to do with my interview.
  • 5. Existing Product Compared to the newer magazines the old ones are quite similar in design and follow the same cinematic theme within them which I think is really cool. The colours of font of this magazine clearly reflect the characters and the location of those characters as, the place is hot so the colours are there to resemble that which I think is a cool idea to broadcast. It makes the audience want to buy it because of its eye striking appeal and its interesting design it has to it. Its insanely colourful so it incites the viewer in to look at it closer and read more features and eventually buy it.
  • 6. Research Analysis • What common features do the researched products have? • The common features that the researched products have is that they are all very organised and well structured in how they are presented. They all also include similar colour schemes and dark textures presented throughout. They also all include a clear idea of what their product is advertising which is good. As with the magazines I have reviewed they all have a clear idea of what games are on and what is their main game they are advertising and what is connected to what. • What aspects of the research will you include within your on work? • The aspects of the research that I will include within my work is pretty much all of it as I think all of what I have researched is a great example of what I should be making my magazine like and my interview about as all what was being shown and what was being said was all really good stuff and if any of my products look like they selected few I have shown I will be happy.
  • 8. Audience research • Observation: • My observation of this particular question Is that all my audience that I know of is male. • What this says about my audience: • This says that my audience consist of being all male which means I can focus on dedicating my products towards a more male audience. Meaning more masculine colours and more masculine things overall. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to my audience as I can make my product more masculine so that my audience enjoy my product more.
  • 9. Audience research • Observation: • My observation of this question is that my audience is made up of multiple ages. • What this says about my audience: • This says my audience are interested in different things as the age rating changes between a couple of years meaning some may be more mature than others so they may like a more formal or an informal product instead. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to my audience as I will make sure I Include both formal/informal language and image styles in my products, so that it applies to all audeinces. I will also ask what kind of content and what kind of genre those particular ages like so I can incorporate that into my products.
  • 10. Audience research • Observation: • My observation of this question is that my audience are 50/50 between two of my options. • What this says about my audience: • This says that my audience is interested in two of my options, which is good as I will be able to incorporate both of these things into my work. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to my audience as I will include both of these options within my product, which will attract my audience,
  • 11. Audience research • Observation: • My observation of this particular question is that everyone wanted new games to be shown. • What this says about my audience: • This says that my audience has no interest in anything else apart from having new games in, so that is what ill do. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to my audience as if I include what they have mentioned and what they have asked of me, then they can’t complain.
  • 12. Audience research • Observation: • My observation of this question is that there was a 50/50 split between what my audience wanted. • What this says about my audience: • This says my audience want both things incorporated into my logo. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience by myself including the things my audience are informing myself to include, so I will put the suggested things into my logo.
  • 13. Audience research • Observation: • This observation shows that my audience have wrote written responses to my question, with helpful feedback. • What this says about my audience: • This says that my audience are helpful and are mature, as they have given me serious responses and helpful responses that I will probably use. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • This will appeal to my audience
  • 14. Audience research • Observation: • My observation of this question is that I have a split decision between two answers • What this says about my audience: • This says that my audience is interested in both of what I am showing which is good as I can include both features within my products. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience as I will include both theme style that my audience themselves have revealed for me so that my audience like what I am showing.
  • 15. Audience research • Observation: • My observation of this question is like previous ones in that it is reasonably even with the readings, its 50/50 once again. • What this says about my audience: • This says that my audience likes both things mentioned. Although with this particular question the bottom answer lists all the answer above so I know that my audience want to see “a bit of both” • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this particular audience as like previous ones I am included what the audience want in my product so that the audience do like what I am showing.
  • 16. Audience research • Observation: • My observation of this question is that one answer is clearly the favourite amongst the others. • What this says about my audience: • This says that my audience is clearly interested in seeing the top question being incorporated in my product rather than any other option shown. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to this audience as the action/adventure genre of game will be featured within my product
  • 17. Audience research • Observation: • What this says about my audience: • How will your product appeal to this audience:
  • 19. Interview 1 • What is you’re favourite video game? – FIFA 17 • What games would you like to see in a video game magazine? – Sports, Action and Horror games • Who is your favourite video game developer? – EA • What video game would you like to see remastered? – Modern Warfare 2 • What is the most important aspect of a game and why? – Story Line
  • 20. Interview 1 • Observation: • My observation of my first interview is that the person is interested in sports games and appreciates the sports franchise, as he has stated that his favourite game is FIFA 17. You would also get assumptions like this as the person has stated that there favourite game developer is EA. The creator of FIFA, so by logic the person clearly likes his sport and FIFA games. I can also see that this particular person likes FPS’s as he has said that he wants a “Call of duty” to be remastered. “Call of duty” being a FPS. You can also tell that he’s interested in the likes of call of duty as he likes action and sport genres in a magazine. Although he mentions that he would like to see a horror game featured within and he likes good narration. Which is strange as FIFA doesn’t really have a story, call of duty does but it isn't a horror. So this particular person like a good mix of games. • What this says about my audience: • This says that my audience is interested in the sport, action and horror games. This could imply that my audience likes a good varied list of games and is interested in seeing the majority of games featured within my product. It also says that my audience is more interested in seeing sport featured within the magazine and my product. As this person in particular seems to like everything to do with football. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product won’t necessarily appeal to this kind of audience but I will try and adapt to. I could put a FIFA or another sport game present within my magazine to show that I was listening to my audience. A call of duty would also show that this magazine is for this particular audience. My product will also try appeal to their audience by including the action genre within this magazine. This could be any game of that particular genre and that audience would be interested in viewing. Which is a big varied section to choose from.
  • 21. Interview 2 • What is you’re favourite video game? – Mass Effect 3 • What games would you like to see in a video game magazine? – Action, Horror and Sports • Who is your favourite video game developer? – Bioware • What video game would you like to see remastered? – Mass Effect • What is the most important aspect of a game and why? – Narrative because it makes it more cinematic and immersive.
  • 22. Interview 2 • Observation: • My observation for this particular interview is that this person in particular is interested in big open world games. As he has stated that his favourite game developer is Bioware. A game developer that specializes in those kind of games. I can also tell from observing this particular persons interview that he is very interested in Bioware as a game developers work. I can see this because his has chosen his favourite game to be that of the mass effect franchise, in particular Mass effect 3. This person, much like the person before has stated that he is a big fan of action and sport and horror. This is very convenient and fortunate for myself as I don’t need to incorporate any new things in my magazine as they are both in that of the same genre. Like I mentioned earlier this person likes Bioware and mass effect so he has chosen to go with that for another one of the questions. This person very predictable has gone for a game needed a story for it to be a good game, this is because mass effect is built upon its story, so I could have seen that coming before he answered. • What this says about my audience: • This says that my audience is very much the same as the one interview before they more or less like the same things. This is fortunate for me as the people I have interviewed have the same interests as myself. This also says my audience likes multiple different genres which I am pleased about as I have more of variety of games to include. This also suggests that this particular person is interested in the role playing genre, like the games he mentions in his interview. • How will your product appeal to this audience: • My product will appeal to my audience because I will include the necessarily things that my audience has mentioned into my products. Much like the previous interview I will try and incorporate all the genres that this particular audience likes. That being the horror, action and sport. My product will also appeal to my audience because I will can place a mass effect game in my magazine for this particular audiences benfit.
  • 23. Audience Profile Category Demographic Content to appeal to this audience Age Range The age range of my products would be 15- 35 as these are the kind of people who would be interested within the games I will be reviewing. • My particular audience will be appealed to this product as I will be included information that will interest the age gap I have chosen. • It would also appeal to my audience as I can use more formal/informal language, than I may do with a younger audience. Gender The gender for my product would be male and female. • My particular audience will be best suited for both genders, as there is nothing offensive to any of the genders in any of my products. • This audience would also appeal to this audience because the game I will be showing are unisex games. Psychographic The psychographic of my product will be in the mainstream zone as it seems to fit the category I’m aiming for. • My particular audience would appeal to this certain psychographic as I feel as though my audience fit this the best out of the other psychographics. Social Status The social status of my product will be for any social status. • This will appeal to my audience as it will apply to more audience members then just if I decided to restrict it to a individual social class.
  • 25. Research Evaluation • Give an overview of how you conducted your research. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of each method – Product Research – Strengths of product research is that you’re having to do the evaluating of the product yourself only really getting one opinion and that’s yours. But the strengths are you get a good well expanded response and you know a incited response about that product. – Questionnaires – Strengths of my questionnaire was that I got a few varied responses which helped me a lot as I was able to get different opinions of my work, which lets me know what is good and what isn’t from different people. Although if I didn’t agree with feedback of the questionnaire than it might upset me what people are saying. – Interviews – Strengths of interviews is that you get a face to face reaction of something that usually is a honest review of what they are saying. You can also get various more people that questionnaires as you can speak to numerous amount of people in a small space of time. The disadvantages of interviews is although sometimes they tell the truth they can easily lie to your face and you wont know if they are or not.
  • 26. Research Evaluation – What sort of a response did you get? – I got a positive yet negative response in when I made my survey as some of my audience were honest some took it as a bit if a joke. Which wasn’t the most ideal situation I would of liked. – How did you distribute your survey? Give an advantage and a disadvantage • I distributed my survey via asking friends and passing it on. Looking back on that situation it probably wasn’t the best way to do things as I would of liked more responses that what I did. Although the friends that I did pass it on to all did respond to my survey which was very helpful.

Editor's Notes

  1. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  2. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  3. Choose a recent product similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  4. Choose a historical product (pre-1990) similar to your own and annotate it Type of image- studio/location, angle, effects, post-production Use of lighting/composition/mise en scene/costume/props/location/colours/fonts etc. Audience appeal- how does it make its audience want to buy/watch/play it?
  5. Discuss the existing product research, surveys and interviews
  6. Discuss the responses you got from your survey Discuss distributing your evaluation digitally