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Colleen duManoir
Revised 2017 by
Kari Shipley, RN , BSN
 Cardiac RN competencies
 Charting
 History Taking
 CV Physical Examination
1. Inspection
2. Auscultation
3. Palpation
• BP • Rhythm
• Skin colour
• Diaphoresis • Peripheral
• Peripheral and
• Shortness of
• Edema
• Heart sounds • Lung sounds • O2 Saturation
Performs focused cardiac assessment:
 Ask open-ended questions
Avoid “yes” / “no” questions
 Ask direct questions
Avoid leading questions
Ask “PQRSTA” questions [CP and other
❥P = Provokes / Palliates
❥Q = Quality (Dull, sharp, burning etc.)
❥R = Region / Radiates
❥S = Severity (Scale of 1 to 10)
❥T = Timings (onset, duration, frequency)
❥A = Associated symptoms
 Chest Pain is the most common presenting
complaint for cardiologists
◦ Main concern is to determine whereto the patient is
experiencing stable angina, or ACS (unstable
angina, NSTEMI or STEMI) chest pain classified as
typical for angina, atypical for angina or non cardiac
 Differential Diagnosis: Broad and include
cardiac and non cardiac conditions -> see
next slide
 Aortic Dissection
 Pericarditis
 Peptic Ulcer Disease
 Esophageal spasm
 Biliary Colic
 Costochondral syndrome (inflammation of costal
 PE
 Pneumonia
 Plueritic
 Pneumothorax
 Quantified by NYHA
 Dyspnea : Can be indicative of Heart failure, atrial
fibrillation, ACS or valvular heart disease
 SOB with orthopnea or paroxysm nocturnal
dyspnea is suggestive of heart failure or left
sided Valvular disease
 Associated symptoms such as fatigue and
decreased exciricise tolerance may suggest
cardiac cause
• Dizziness and syncope common CV complaint
• Rhythm disorders (tach and brady), structural heart
disease (AS/MS that limit LV outflow)
• Hypertrophic CM: syncope that occurs during or just
after suggest presence of reduced outflow
• Syncope associated with palpations: suggests
• Syncope with lightheadness and nausea following
diaphoresis suggest neurocardiogenic cause
• Ominous: syncope with abrupt onset without
warning, prolonged unconsciousness, and injury as
a result of syncope (high risk cause - malignant
 Cardiovascular
Head-to-Toe Assessment
 Stand on right side
 Ensure quiet room
 Position patient comfortably on back
 Ensure privacy & quiet
 “Bad form” to listen through clothing – too
much impedance
 If chest hair coarse & dry – wet hair to 
friction under stethoscope
 A multisensory experience that requires
integration of:
 When performed correctly most cardiac
abnormalities can be accurately detected
 Height & weight
 General development & nourishment
 Head, Neck, Eyes, Teeth
 Surgical scars or implanted devices
 Chest wall deformities (eg. Marfans)
 Perfusion (acute vs chronic)
-Skin color, cyanosis, nailbeds
 Peripheral Edema, emboli
 Skin integrity (arterial versus venous insufficiency)
 Non verbal communication (Is the patient
experiencing pain, fear or anxiety?)
 Visually inspect the
head starting with the
 The abnormality seen
here is referred to as
xanthelasma indicative
 corneal arcus can be
normal part of the
aging process but
can also be
predictive of
Sclera edema
related to rapid
fluid resuscitation
and or poor
nutritional status in
chronic illness
 Dental carries and
poor oral hygiene
can be a source of
infection causing
 Inspect the native
teeth but also the
palate of denture
wearing patients
 Have the patient lay supine with HOB raised or
 Apex impulse may be visualized on a
physically fit patient at the 5th ICS medial to
the MCL
 Note any pulsations (outward movement)
other than at the PMI
 Note any retractions (inward movements)
especially if the patient has had trauma
 Paradoxical movement of the left anterior
precordium is suggestive of LV aneurysm (as
apex contracts aneurysm bulges, paradoxical
 Nailbeds
◦ Cyanosis
◦ Capillary refill
Delay > 3 sec
= poor arterial perfusion
 Skin temperature and moisture
Peripheral Central
  flow to extremities (tips of nose, ears, distal
extremities)-acutal arterial oxygen saturation may
be normal
 Exposure to cold,  CO r/t HF or shock
 As Hbg , palms more pale
 If anemia severe, creases in palms more pale
If prolonged,
sign of
(low CO or 
 Decreased arterial oxygen saturation
 Involves trunk and mucus membranes,
tongue, lips
 Causes: Congenital heart disease, CHF,
Valvular heart disease, MI
 Due to chronic hypoxemia
◦ Often Congenital heart disease
 Enlargement terminal phalanges
 Nailbed angle > 180° (N=160°)
 Spongy & floating nailbeds
 May be sign of congenital heart
disease or chronic hemoglobin
 Location
 Extent
 Severity
 Pressure over bony
 Indentation lasting
> 5 minutes
  sacrum for
dependent edema if
not ambulatory
 Na or H2O retention
or Rt. Heart failure
 Anasarca =
generalized edema-
can be multi-system
 Sacral Edema
 Range: 0 to 4+
 4+ severe:
> 1 inch
2 to 5
minutes to
return to
 Allergic edema (angioedema)
 Decreased pulses
 Skin cool, pale, shiny
 Pain in legs and feet
 Ulcerations occur in area around toes and heel
 Foot turns deep red when dependent
 Nails may be thick and ridged.
 Resting limb pain
 Numbness, tingling
 intermittent claudication (pain with excecise)
 Prolonged tissue malnourishment
 Thickened nails
 Hairlessness
 Shiny taut skin
 Skin ulcers
 Pitting edema
 Ulcerations occur around ankle
 Pulses present but difficult to find because of
 Foot may be cyanotic when dependent
 Brownish pigmentation
 From chronic obstruction or incompetent
valves in the veins
 At risk for DVT
 Not suitable
conduits for
bypass grafting
 The jugular venous pressure is an indirect
measurement of right sided heart pressures
 There are no valves entering the heart and the
RIJ is in direct alignment with the RA;
therefore, pressure from the right atrium can
be assessed in the RIJ
 Normal is <3-4 com ASA
1. ↑ HOB (30 degrees)
2. Place small pillow under the neck to relax neck muscles
3. Turn head slightly away
4. Shine light from the side
5. Assess highest point of pulsation (use previous slide to determine jugular
versus carotid pulsation)
6. Extend pen horizontally to connect with ruler sitting on the sternal angler
7. Normal is 3-4 cm ASA
Carotid pulse
 Palpable
 Single wave
 Strong thrust
 Not affected by
 Not affected by
body position
 Clavicular pressure
has no effect
Jugular pulsation
 Not palpable
 Consists of 3 waves
 Undulating or rolling
 Pulsation decreases
with inspiration
 Pulsation changes with
 Clavicular pressure
may increase the
prominence of
6/6/2020 41
 RV failure
 Fluid overload
 Increased CO states
 Pericardial constriction
 Pericardial tamponade
 Tricuspid valve disease
Severe right
sided heart
failure can
Cardiac auscultation is a
fundamental yet
exceedingly difficult-to-
master clinical skill.
Seyal. (2007).JAMA, 297, 217-218.
2. Auscultation
6/6/2020 44
 A modern stethoscope consists of
two earpieces connected by
tubing to a chest piece which
usually has both diaphragm and
bell attachments.
 Earpieces should be angled
forwards to match the direction
of the practitioner's external
auditory meati
 Warm the room and the
 High frequency sounds
 Systolic murmurs
 S 1 & S 2
 Ejection clicks
 Opening snaps
 Low-pitched sounds
 Diastolic murmurs
 S3 & S4
 Bell with applied pressure
behaves like diaphragm
 Cardiac assessment is
best done in the
supine position with
the HOB at 30-45
 Left lateral side lying
position is also good and
easiest for in-house
patients (heart falls
forward and against the
chest wall)
 Abnormal heart sounds
are rarely heard with the
patient in a supine
 Left lateral side lying
❥Ask patient to roll partly on
the left side
 Place the Bell of the
stethoscope lightly on the
apical impulse
 Brings out the easily missed
mitral stenosis murmurs or
the soft S3 or S4
 First step is to identify S1 & S2
 Start at the base and work your way down
with the diaphragm, then reverse and work
your way up using the bell listening at all the
valve auscultatory areas (see next slide)
 Use “inching” technique- moving the
stethoscope a few cm at a time
 Aortic
 2nd ICS RSB (intercostal space right sternal border)
 Pulmonic
 2nd ICS LSB
 Tricuspid
 RV area
 4th ICS left of sternum
 Mitral
 LV area
 Apex
 5th ICS midclavicular line
 Erb’s Point
 3rd ICS at LSB
 Marks the onset of systole
 Best heard in the mitral area or apex
 High pitched and of longer duration
than S2
 Marks the end of systole
 Best heard in the aortic area or base
 S2 is high-pitched and of shorter
duration than S1
 S1  S2
 Marks the onset of systole
 It is the closure of the MV and TV valves
(pathology exists if they are heard
 Best heard in the mitral area or apex
 High pitched and of longer duration than S2
 Marks the end of systole
 Best heard in the aortic area or base
 S2 is high-pitched and of shorter duration
than S1
 Once normal heart sounds have been
identified, work on identifying adventitious
◦ S3 , S4 (diastolic filling sounds)
◦ Murmurs
◦ Rubs
 Classic sign of heart failure (Usually associated with
crackles in the lungs)
 AKA “ventricular gallop”
 Ventricle doesn’t completely empty, new blood
creates a shudder
 Best heard with the bell, at mitral area when the
patient is lying on left side
 An S3 is one of the first clinical signs in cardiac
decompensation such as HF, cor pulmonale, MR,
Sounds like
 Ken-tuc-ky
❥“Ken” = S1
❥“tuc” = S2
❥“ky” = S3
 Sloshing-in
 Reflects the sound of blood from the LA trying to
enter a stiff, non-compliant LV during atrial
 Signals Diastolic Dysfunction
 Associated with the elderly, HTN, AS, HCM,
history of MI (dead tissue is stiff)
 AKA “atrial gallop”
 Heard best over the apex, using the bell of the
 Positioned supine or left side-lying
Sounds like
 Ten-nes-see
"Ten“ = S4
 "nes" = S1
 "see“ = S2
 a-stiff-wall
 Increased blood across a normal valve
(exercise, pregnancy, anemia)
 Flow across a partial obstruction (stenosis or
 Flow across an irregularity without
obstruction (bicuspid aortic valve, leaflet
thickening with age)
 Flow into a dilated vessel (aortic root
 Backward flow across an incompetent valve
or through a VSD
 Timing
◦ Systolic murmur or Diastolic murmur depending on timing
(also pansystolic vs midsystolic)
 Pitch
◦ High, medium or low
 Intensity (grading) *does not necessarily correlate with
severity of disease
◦ Softer versus loud (see grading scale)
 Sound pattern
◦ Blowing, harsh, musical
 Location
◦ Loudest over certain areas
 Radiation
◦ To neck or axillae
 Does the murmur fall between S1 & S2 = Systolic Murmur
sound like "lush-dub"
 Does the murmur fall between S2 & S1 = Diastolic Murmur
sound like "lub-dush"
 Palpate the carotid pulse to help discern the timing
 Observe the cardiac rhythm
Grade Description
I Barely audible murmur
II Audible but quiet and soft
III Moderately loud without a thrust
or thrill
IV Loud with a thrill
V Very loud with a thrust or thrill
VI Loud enough to be heard before
stethoscope comes in contact
with chest
 “High pitched harsh 2/6 holosytolic murmur
best heard at the apex radiating to the axilla”
 “S3 present at apex”
 Have the patient sit up lean forward and exhale
 Listen with diaphragm over 3 ICS on left chest
 Has a scratchy, rubbing quality
How do you differentiate between a pleural rub and a
pericardial rub?
 Listen over Carotid
Arteries for bruit =
 Ask patient to hold
 Bruit MAY be heard- if
totally blocked will not
 Not usually equal on
both sides
 Bruit suggest
atherosclerosis disease
Check pressure in both arms upon admission
Difference of up to 10 mm Hg normal
Take BP on highest side and this is the pressure
> 10 mm Hg may suspect:
 Peripheral vascular disease
 Dissection of the aorta
 Subclavian stenosis
 Some congenital defects
 Acquired arterial conditions
General Population <140/90
Patient with diabetes <130/80
Patients with CKD, CAD 120-130 SBP
 Bruits are areas of turbulent blood flow and
are best heard with the bell of the
 Place the stethoscope over the pulse and do
not push down on the stethoscope
 For patients with large abdominal aprons
and increased adipose tissue in the groin
area it is best to use the diaphragm of the
 Finger tips are best suited for palpation of pulses
 The back of our hands are best for assessing
 The palm of our hand is best suited for assessing
 Apical PMI
 Carotid
 Radial
 Femoral
 Brachial
 Radial & Ulnar
 Posterior
 Dorsalis Pedis
•Assess quality
0 = absent
2+ = normal
3+ = bounding
 Absent
 Weak
 Normal
 Bounding
 Compare left to right
 Palpate the carotid (not simultaneously),
brachial, radial, ulnar, femoral,
popltieal, posterior tibial and dorsalis
 Palpate the radial and the femoral
simultaneously, femoral should be
stronger. If not then there may be some
degree of PVD
 Palpate for LV PMI
 Sitting/standing +/- left lateral decubitus
 Apex of the heart (5th ICS mid-clavicular line)
 May be the size of a quarter 1-2.5 cm
 If >2.5 cm may mean enlargement
 Note heaves or thrills (purring)
 Volume overload: displacement of the to the left,
 Pressure overload: more forceful tapping, sustained
 Heaves: sustained impulses that lift your
fingers, usually due to enlarged right or left
ventricle/atrium or ventricular aneurysm
 Thrills: buzzing or vibratory sensation caused
by underlying turbulent flow. If present ,
listen in the same are for a murmur.
Allen’s test-Assesses collateral flow
If negative, check sat/waveform
DuManoir, C. (2016).Cardiac Assessment. PowerPoint
Hughes-Myers, C. (2009) Review of Anatomy and Physiology of
the Heart. Powerpoint presentation.
Lilly, L. (2016). Pathophysiology of Heart Disease (6th Ed.).
Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
Mclaughlin, M (2014). Cardiovascular Care Made incredibly easy
(3rd Ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.
Morris, S (2016). Cardiac Assessment for Nurses. PowerPoint

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2. cv assessment

  • 1. Colleen duManoir Revised 2017 by Kari Shipley, RN , BSN
  • 2.  Cardiac RN competencies  Charting  History Taking  CV Physical Examination 1. Inspection 2. Auscultation 3. Palpation
  • 3. • BP • Rhythm interpretation • Skin colour • Diaphoresis • Peripheral pulses • JVD • Peripheral and central cyanosis • Shortness of breath • Edema • Heart sounds • Lung sounds • O2 Saturation Performs focused cardiac assessment:
  • 4. 4
  • 5.
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  • 7.
  • 8.  Ask open-ended questions Avoid “yes” / “no” questions  Ask direct questions Avoid leading questions Ask “PQRSTA” questions [CP and other symptoms] ❥P = Provokes / Palliates ❥Q = Quality (Dull, sharp, burning etc.) ❥R = Region / Radiates ❥S = Severity (Scale of 1 to 10) ❥T = Timings (onset, duration, frequency) ❥A = Associated symptoms
  • 9.  Chest Pain is the most common presenting complaint for cardiologists ◦ Main concern is to determine whereto the patient is experiencing stable angina, or ACS (unstable angina, NSTEMI or STEMI) chest pain classified as typical for angina, atypical for angina or non cardiac  Differential Diagnosis: Broad and include cardiac and non cardiac conditions -> see next slide
  • 10.  Aortic Dissection  Pericarditis  GERD  Peptic Ulcer Disease  Esophageal spasm  Biliary Colic  Costochondral syndrome (inflammation of costal cartilage)  PE  Pneumonia  Plueritic  Pneumothorax
  • 11.  Quantified by NYHA  Dyspnea : Can be indicative of Heart failure, atrial fibrillation, ACS or valvular heart disease  SOB with orthopnea or paroxysm nocturnal dyspnea is suggestive of heart failure or left sided Valvular disease  Associated symptoms such as fatigue and decreased exciricise tolerance may suggest cardiac cause 
  • 12. • Dizziness and syncope common CV complaint • Rhythm disorders (tach and brady), structural heart disease (AS/MS that limit LV outflow) • Hypertrophic CM: syncope that occurs during or just after suggest presence of reduced outflow • Syncope associated with palpations: suggests tachyarrhythmia • Syncope with lightheadness and nausea following diaphoresis suggest neurocardiogenic cause (vasovagal) • Ominous: syncope with abrupt onset without warning, prolonged unconsciousness, and injury as a result of syncope (high risk cause - malignant arrhythmia)
  • 14.  Stand on right side  Ensure quiet room  Position patient comfortably on back  Ensure privacy & quiet  “Bad form” to listen through clothing – too much impedance  If chest hair coarse & dry – wet hair to  friction under stethoscope
  • 15.  A multisensory experience that requires integration of: Inspection Auscultation Palpation  When performed correctly most cardiac abnormalities can be accurately detected
  • 16.  Height & weight  General development & nourishment  Head, Neck, Eyes, Teeth  Surgical scars or implanted devices  Chest wall deformities (eg. Marfans)  Perfusion (acute vs chronic) -Skin color, cyanosis, nailbeds  Peripheral Edema, emboli  Skin integrity (arterial versus venous insufficiency)  JVP/JVD  Non verbal communication (Is the patient experiencing pain, fear or anxiety?)
  • 17.  Visually inspect the head starting with the eyes  The abnormality seen here is referred to as xanthelasma indicative of hypercholesterolemia
  • 18.  corneal arcus can be normal part of the aging process but can also be predictive of hypercholesterolemi a
  • 19. Sclera edema related to rapid fluid resuscitation and or poor nutritional status in chronic illness
  • 20.  Dental carries and poor oral hygiene can be a source of infection causing endocarditis.  Inspect the native teeth but also the palate of denture wearing patients
  • 21.  Have the patient lay supine with HOB raised or sitting  Apex impulse may be visualized on a physically fit patient at the 5th ICS medial to the MCL  Note any pulsations (outward movement) other than at the PMI  Note any retractions (inward movements) especially if the patient has had trauma  Paradoxical movement of the left anterior precordium is suggestive of LV aneurysm (as apex contracts aneurysm bulges, paradoxical movement)
  • 22.  Nailbeds ◦ Cyanosis ◦ Capillary refill Delay > 3 sec = poor arterial perfusion  Skin temperature and moisture
  • 24.   flow to extremities (tips of nose, ears, distal extremities)-acutal arterial oxygen saturation may be normal  Exposure to cold,  CO r/t HF or shock  As Hbg , palms more pale  If anemia severe, creases in palms more pale
  • 26.  Decreased arterial oxygen saturation  Involves trunk and mucus membranes, tongue, lips  Causes: Congenital heart disease, CHF, Valvular heart disease, MI
  • 27.  Due to chronic hypoxemia ◦ Often Congenital heart disease  Enlargement terminal phalanges  Nailbed angle > 180° (N=160°)  Spongy & floating nailbeds  May be sign of congenital heart disease or chronic hemoglobin desaturation
  • 30.  Pressure over bony prominence  Indentation lasting > 5 minutes   sacrum for dependent edema if not ambulatory  Na or H2O retention or Rt. Heart failure  Anasarca = generalized edema- can be multi-system  Sacral Edema
  • 31.  Range: 0 to 4+  4+ severe: > 1 inch 2 to 5 minutes to return to baseline
  • 32.  Allergic edema (angioedema)
  • 33.  Decreased pulses  Skin cool, pale, shiny  Pain in legs and feet  Ulcerations occur in area around toes and heel  Foot turns deep red when dependent  Nails may be thick and ridged.  Resting limb pain  Numbness, tingling  intermittent claudication (pain with excecise)  Prolonged tissue malnourishment  Thickened nails  Hairlessness  Shiny taut skin  Skin ulcers
  • 34.  Pitting edema  Ulcerations occur around ankle  Pulses present but difficult to find because of edema  Foot may be cyanotic when dependent  Brownish pigmentation  From chronic obstruction or incompetent valves in the veins
  • 35.
  • 36.  At risk for DVT  Not suitable conduits for bypass grafting
  • 37.  The jugular venous pressure is an indirect measurement of right sided heart pressures  There are no valves entering the heart and the RIJ is in direct alignment with the RA; therefore, pressure from the right atrium can be assessed in the RIJ  Normal is <3-4 com ASA
  • 38. Steps: 1. ↑ HOB (30 degrees) 2. Place small pillow under the neck to relax neck muscles 3. Turn head slightly away 4. Shine light from the side 5. Assess highest point of pulsation (use previous slide to determine jugular versus carotid pulsation) 6. Extend pen horizontally to connect with ruler sitting on the sternal angler 7. Normal is 3-4 cm ASA
  • 39. Carotid pulse  Palpable  Single wave  Strong thrust  Not affected by inspiration  Not affected by body position  Clavicular pressure has no effect Jugular pulsation  Not palpable  Consists of 3 waves  Undulating or rolling  Pulsation decreases with inspiration  Pulsation changes with position  Clavicular pressure may increase the prominence of pulsations
  • 41. 6/6/2020 41  RV failure  Fluid overload  Increased CO states  Pericardial constriction  Pericardial tamponade  Tricuspid valve disease
  • 42. Severe right sided heart failure can cause abdominal ascites
  • 43. Cardiac auscultation is a fundamental yet exceedingly difficult-to- master clinical skill. Seyal. (2007).JAMA, 297, 217-218. 2. Auscultation
  • 45.  A modern stethoscope consists of two earpieces connected by tubing to a chest piece which usually has both diaphragm and bell attachments.  Earpieces should be angled forwards to match the direction of the practitioner's external auditory meati  Warm the room and the stethoscope
  • 46. Diaphragm  High frequency sounds  Systolic murmurs  S 1 & S 2  Ejection clicks  Opening snaps
  • 47. Bell  Low-pitched sounds  Diastolic murmurs  S3 & S4  Bell with applied pressure behaves like diaphragm
  • 48.  Cardiac assessment is best done in the supine position with the HOB at 30-45 degrees  Left lateral side lying position is also good and easiest for in-house patients (heart falls forward and against the chest wall)  Abnormal heart sounds are rarely heard with the patient in a supine position
  • 49.  Left lateral side lying Positioning ❥Ask patient to roll partly on the left side  Place the Bell of the stethoscope lightly on the apical impulse  Brings out the easily missed mitral stenosis murmurs or the soft S3 or S4
  • 50.  First step is to identify S1 & S2  Start at the base and work your way down with the diaphragm, then reverse and work your way up using the bell listening at all the valve auscultatory areas (see next slide)  Use “inching” technique- moving the stethoscope a few cm at a time
  • 51.  Aortic  2nd ICS RSB (intercostal space right sternal border)  Pulmonic  2nd ICS LSB  Tricuspid  RV area  4th ICS left of sternum  Mitral  LV area  Apex  5th ICS midclavicular line  Erb’s Point  3rd ICS at LSB E
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  • 54.  Marks the onset of systole  Best heard in the mitral area or apex  High pitched and of longer duration than S2  Marks the end of systole  Best heard in the aortic area or base  S2 is high-pitched and of shorter duration than S1  S1  S2
  • 55.  Marks the onset of systole  It is the closure of the MV and TV valves (pathology exists if they are heard separately)  Best heard in the mitral area or apex  High pitched and of longer duration than S2 
  • 56.  Marks the end of systole  Best heard in the aortic area or base  S2 is high-pitched and of shorter duration than S1
  • 57.  Once normal heart sounds have been identified, work on identifying adventitious sounds: ◦ S3 , S4 (diastolic filling sounds) ◦ Murmurs ◦ Rubs
  • 58.  Classic sign of heart failure (Usually associated with crackles in the lungs)  AKA “ventricular gallop”  Ventricle doesn’t completely empty, new blood creates a shudder  Best heard with the bell, at mitral area when the patient is lying on left side  An S3 is one of the first clinical signs in cardiac decompensation such as HF, cor pulmonale, MR, AR
  • 59. Sounds like  Ken-tuc-ky ❥“Ken” = S1 ❥“tuc” = S2 ❥“ky” = S3 or  Sloshing-in
  • 60.  Reflects the sound of blood from the LA trying to enter a stiff, non-compliant LV during atrial contraction  Signals Diastolic Dysfunction  Associated with the elderly, HTN, AS, HCM, history of MI (dead tissue is stiff)  AKA “atrial gallop”  Heard best over the apex, using the bell of the stethoscope.  Positioned supine or left side-lying
  • 61. Sounds like  Ten-nes-see "Ten“ = S4  "nes" = S1  "see“ = S2 or  a-stiff-wall
  • 62.  Increased blood across a normal valve (exercise, pregnancy, anemia)  Flow across a partial obstruction (stenosis or hypertension)  Flow across an irregularity without obstruction (bicuspid aortic valve, leaflet thickening with age)  Flow into a dilated vessel (aortic root dilatation)  Backward flow across an incompetent valve or through a VSD
  • 63.  Timing ◦ Systolic murmur or Diastolic murmur depending on timing (also pansystolic vs midsystolic)  Pitch ◦ High, medium or low  Intensity (grading) *does not necessarily correlate with severity of disease ◦ Softer versus loud (see grading scale)  Sound pattern ◦ Blowing, harsh, musical  Location ◦ Loudest over certain areas  Radiation ◦ To neck or axillae
  • 64.  Does the murmur fall between S1 & S2 = Systolic Murmur sound like "lush-dub"  Does the murmur fall between S2 & S1 = Diastolic Murmur sound like "lub-dush"  Palpate the carotid pulse to help discern the timing or  Observe the cardiac rhythm
  • 65. Grade Description I Barely audible murmur II Audible but quiet and soft III Moderately loud without a thrust or thrill IV Loud with a thrill V Very loud with a thrust or thrill VI Loud enough to be heard before stethoscope comes in contact with chest
  • 66.  “High pitched harsh 2/6 holosytolic murmur best heard at the apex radiating to the axilla”  “S3 present at apex”
  • 67.
  • 68.  Have the patient sit up lean forward and exhale  Listen with diaphragm over 3 ICS on left chest  Has a scratchy, rubbing quality How do you differentiate between a pleural rub and a pericardial rub?
  • 70.  Listen over Carotid Arteries for bruit = noise  Ask patient to hold breath  Bruit MAY be heard- if totally blocked will not be  Not usually equal on both sides  Bruit suggest underlying atherosclerosis disease
  • 71.
  • 72. Check pressure in both arms upon admission Difference of up to 10 mm Hg normal Take BP on highest side and this is the pressure treated > 10 mm Hg may suspect:  Peripheral vascular disease  Dissection of the aorta  Subclavian stenosis  Some congenital defects  Acquired arterial conditions
  • 73. Target General Population <140/90 Patient with diabetes <130/80 Patients with CKD, CAD 120-130 SBP
  • 74.  Bruits are areas of turbulent blood flow and are best heard with the bell of the stethoscope  Place the stethoscope over the pulse and do not push down on the stethoscope  For patients with large abdominal aprons and increased adipose tissue in the groin area it is best to use the diaphragm of the stethoscope
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  • 76.
  • 77.  Finger tips are best suited for palpation of pulses  The back of our hands are best for assessing temperature  The palm of our hand is best suited for assessing thrills!!
  • 78.  Apical PMI  Carotid  Radial  Femoral  Brachial  Radial & Ulnar  Posterior Tibialis  Dorsalis Pedis
  • 79. •Assess quality •Regular/Irregular •Grading: 0 = absent 2+ = normal 3+ = bounding  Absent  Weak  Normal  Bounding
  • 80.  Compare left to right  Palpate the carotid (not simultaneously), brachial, radial, ulnar, femoral, popltieal, posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis  Palpate the radial and the femoral simultaneously, femoral should be stronger. If not then there may be some degree of PVD
  • 81.  Palpate for LV PMI  Sitting/standing +/- left lateral decubitus  Apex of the heart (5th ICS mid-clavicular line)  May be the size of a quarter 1-2.5 cm  If >2.5 cm may mean enlargement  Note heaves or thrills (purring)  Volume overload: displacement of the to the left, downward  Pressure overload: more forceful tapping, sustained
  • 82.  Heaves: sustained impulses that lift your fingers, usually due to enlarged right or left ventricle/atrium or ventricular aneurysm  Thrills: buzzing or vibratory sensation caused by underlying turbulent flow. If present , listen in the same are for a murmur.
  • 83. Allen’s test-Assesses collateral flow If negative, check sat/waveform
  • 84. DuManoir, C. (2016).Cardiac Assessment. PowerPoint Presentation. Hughes-Myers, C. (2009) Review of Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart. Powerpoint presentation. Lilly, L. (2016). Pathophysiology of Heart Disease (6th Ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer. Mclaughlin, M (2014). Cardiovascular Care Made incredibly easy (3rd Ed.) Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer. Morris, S (2016). Cardiac Assessment for Nurses. PowerPoint Presentation.