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“Leading the people side of change”- 
an introduction to our services 
Dr. Stefan Fries change factory GmbH | Im Alten Fruchthof | Gotzinger Straße 52b | 81371 München 
Fon +49 (0) 89 / 76 73 66 - 0 | Fax +49 (0) 89 / 76 73 66 - 100 | |
Our approach to change management 
As “changers" we act as the guys with brooms in curling 
Our job: what we do … 
 We analyze the dents and bumps in your road 
to success (pushbacks etc.) and reduce them. 
 We support you with individual measures and 
take over the fine-tuning. 
 We put the right communicative spin on your 
 We give you feedback on the impacts that can 
be valuable input for your next pitch. 
Your job: what you do… 
 You will identify your goals and define your 
 You will initialize the changes (“throw the curl") 
and put your energy into it. 
 You will set a good example by assuming a 
visible and active part in the change process. 
Brochure Change Management 2
Our approach to change management: 
We facilitate the design and implementation of change processes, 
focusing on: 
 Developing a vision 
 Developing a mission 
 Setting objectives 
 Fusion 
 Restructuring 
 Employee and Leadership development structures 
 Wage and incentive-structures 
 Process management and reengineering 
 E-Business 
 Project management 
 Knowledge management 
 Innovations management 
 Quality management (EFQM, CVP, etc.) 
Skills & behavior 
 Team integration & development 
 Leadership development 
 Human resources development 
 Developing Competence profiles 
 Customer/ Service Orientation 
Tools and instruments 
 KPI / Balanced Scorecard 
 Controlling 
 IT-System Roll-out: SAP 
 Customer/ employee survey 
Identity and values 
 Cultural Change 
 Developing corporate principles, leadership principles, 
and employee principles 
 Large group interventions 
 Post Merger Integration 
Brochure Change Management 3
Our approach to change management: 
We can serve as fire fighter, process partner or architect 
As needed support for changes 
 cf as service provider as 
needed; often times last-minute 
management support 
Business transformation 
 cf acts as an architect to 
build with you the business 
transformation of your 
company, in particular the 
people side 
Change management 
as sub-project 
 cf supports or manages 
the sub-project “change 
management“ within a 
larger change project 
Fire Fighters Process Partner Architect 
Brochure Change Management 4
Our approach to change management 
Change management as part of a success formula 
Module 1: Leadership Alignment Module 2: Communication Module 3: Training 
Goal: Commitment of high-level 
 Integration in the change project 
planning process 
 Establishment of a broad leadership 
Goal: Attention on and appreciation of the 
 Across projects 
 Appropriate to the situation 
 Target-group-specific 
Sustainable Change 
Goal: Qualification of those affected 
 Offer trainings for the new roles, 
processes and systems 
 Reflection on the new roles 
= x x Mature content 
Module 5: Monitoring 
Module 4: Mobilization 
Goal: Collaboration of those involved in 
the project 
 Common approach and commitment to 
the overall program 
 Optimal cooperation 
 Mandatory adherence to joint decisions 
Goal: Attitude and behavior of the people 
 Participation of all involved parties 
 Adjusting behavior to the modified 
roles, processes, tasks and systems 
 Fostering the commitment to the 
change process 
Goal: Regular adjustment based on the 
current status 
 Evaluation of change readiness, 
progress and impact 
 Feedback for decision makers 
 Recommendations for adjustments 
Brochure Change Management 5
Our approach to change management 
We start by analyzing the change impact of your project 
Structured interviews for a picture of the 
change seen by the different stakeholders 
(Change Management Assessments - CMA) 
Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring 
Stakeholder Map 
Extrapolation of 
people and groups 
of people who need 
to be involved 
Drivers & Barriers 
Focus on greatest 
barriers and 
supporting factors 
Clarity about 
necessary changes 
in behavior and 
mindset of 
associated people 
Change Management Assessment für _________________________________ 
Thema / Frage Ihre Notizen 
Beschreibung der Zielgruppe 
Anzahl der Mitarbeiter: Priorität (A-C): 
Welche Veränderungen werden durch 
das Projekt ausgelöst? 
(für diese Zielgruppe) 
Was sind kritische Erfolgsfaktoren bei 
der Umsetzung der Veränderungen? 
(für diese Zielgruppe) 
Wurden bereits Veränderungs-maßnahmen 
für diese Zielgruppe 
Wie ist der aktuelle Wissensstand 
dieser Zielgruppe? 
Was könnten geeignete 
für diese Zielgruppe sein? 
Die Blocker 
Die Verbündeten 
Angestellte in Linien-Funktionen 
Die Irritierten Die Freundlichen 
Einsicht und niedrig Initiative zum Veränderungsprogramm hoch 
Einfluss auf andere niedrig hoch 
Hemmende Kräfte / Veränderungsbarrieren 
Was sind hemmende Kräfte für diese Zielgruppe? 
 Festgefügte Verhaltensnormen 
 Überlastung der Mitarbeiter 
 Schlechte Erfahrung mit früheren 
 Angst, Fehler zu machen 
 Mangelndes Vertrauen in das 
 Kaum Erfahrung mit Feedback 
 Welches neue Selbstbild ist für die Zielgruppe 
 Welche Werte und Einstellungen sind 
dafür notwendig? 
 Welche neuen Fähigkeiten soll die Zielgruppe 
 Welches konkrete Verhalten soll in Zukunft 
gezeigt werden? 
 Was werden die Umfeldveränderungen 
für die Zielgruppe sein? 
Treibende Kräfte / Veränderungstreiber 
Was sind die treibenden Kräfte für diese 
 Veränderungsdruck von den Kunden 
 Einbeziehung der Mitarbeiter 
von Anfang an 
 Klare Projektdefinition und eindeutige 
 Breite Akzeptanz der Projektteammitglieder im 
ganzen Unternehmen 
 Erste, symbolträchtige Erfolge in einem Bereich 
Brochure Change Management 6
Our approach to change management 
In particular we assess the necessary soft facts changes 
Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring 
 “Which basic attitude is necessary for a spirited 
and successful strategy & organization?“ 
 "What are the guidelines for our 
cooperation so that the new structure 
can develop effectively?“ 
 "Which skills do we need for the 
successful implementation of 
these new processes?" 
 “How will the new structure 
affect our leadership?“ 
 "Which behavior shall 
characterize our 
Example of a reorganization 
 New strategic alignment using 
a new strategy map 
 New customer segmentation 
 New organization with different 
roles/ responsibilities 
 New processes with interface 
 New IT-systems in 
 New KPIs 
Brochure Change Management 7
Our approach to change management 
The analysis provides a clear picture of the change success factors 
Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring 
coalition & 
Attractive & 
vision of change 
in culture 
Sense of 
in execution 
Brochure Change Management 8
Our approach to change management 
We design a change master plan based on the analysis results 
Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring 
 The analysis tools are used to identify and 
define target-group-specific ideas for change 
measures. All necessary and affordable 
measures are organized chronologically and 
logically in the Change Management Master 
Plan before being synchronized with the 
project plan (if existing). 
 The master plan offers an overview of all 
necessary change management 
interventions. It is also used for the planning 
of the necessary resources and for the 
organization of change measures. 
 It generally differentiates between the 
following working streams: project content, 
leadership alignment, communication & 
mobilization, training and monitoring. 
Oct 11 Nov 11 Dec 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 March 12 Apr 12 
Overall Project 
Mobilization of 
the project team 
Launch date 
Concept Inst. Prod 
product sales 
Custom/Config Documentation Test MultiTrainings 
2 3 2 
debate II 
debate III 
Info event 
for heads of divisions 
Team- 5 4 
Go Live Annoucement 
Roadshow Presentation 
Design 7 
Info on the status in deptartments 
Newsletter or Article in ZD-Info Short Newsletter II 
Change Barometer 1 
Team workshop: 
Article in ZD-Info 
(FAQ, argumenter, 
Update Intranet 
Change Barometer 2 Change Barometer 3 
Success Factors 
Drivers & Barriers 
Brochure Change Management 9
Our approach to change management 
The change master plan 
Example of the introduction of an IT solution Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring 
Oct 11 Nov 11 Dec 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 March 12 Apr 12 
Overall Project 
Mobilization of 
the project team 
Launch date 
Concept Inst. Prod 
product sales 
Custom/Config Documentation Test MultiTrainings 
2 3 2 
debate II 
debate III 
Info event 
for heads of divisions 
Team- 5 4 
Go Live Annoucement 
Roadshow Presentation 
Design 7 
Info on the status in deptartments 
Newsletter or Article in ZD-Info Short Newsletter II 
Change Barometer 1 
Team workshop: 
Article in ZD-Info 
(FAQ, argumenter, 
Update Intranet 
Change Barometer 2 Change Barometer 3 
Brochure Change Management 10
Our approach to change management 
We use different change management activities in implementation 
Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring 
Information Dialogue and Mobilization Support and Enabling 
 Deliver knowledge and provide 
 Reduce uncertainty 
 Meet the needs of the relevant target 
 Create trust and understanding 
 Enable all affected: approach, tools, 
Inform employees via classical media and 
interactive platforms 
Interactive dialogue with the affected 
Train all people affected, in particular the 
managers for effective leadership during 
Information Push Dialogue Events Trainings 
 Newspapers/Billboards/Posters 
 Information brochures, flyers 
 E-Mail newsletters 
 Intranet Site 
 Podcasts, Blogs, Twitter Wall 
 Simpleshow Videos 
 „Guerilla Marketing“ activities 
 Workshop/ conference for executives 
 Roadshows 
 Dialogue forum with employees 
 Large group events 
 Section, department and team 
meetings with employees 
 "Straight Talk-Sessions„ 
 Boot camp or train-the-trainer (TtT) for 
multipliers or other change agents 
 Change trainings for leaders 
 Communication packages, incl. "Talk- 
Sheets" for executives 
 Sparring for decision makers 
 Classical and blended trainings 
Brochure Change Management 11
Our approach to change management 
We monitor in particular the “soft“ aspects of change 
Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring 
Change Readiness Change Progress Change Success 
Can we start with the change process? Where are we in the change process? Is the change process effective? 
Preconditions, for example Examples: Examples: 
 Management Commitment in the 
affected units 
 Maturity of the project concepts 
 Definition of change mgt. activities as 
part of the project concept 
 Enabling of change agents 
 Change status 
 Implementation of CM measures 
 Employees reached by CM measures 
 implementation 
 Results achieved, need for action 
 Implementation of the new processes, 
systems, structures … 
 Identification with the change 
 Cost-benefit ratio 
 Quick Polls/Surveys 
 Interviews 
 Workshop Results 
Interventionsebenen 01/08 02/08 03/08 04/08 05/08 06/08 07/08 08/08 09/08 10/08 11/08 12/08 
Change Management 
Change Monitoring 
Leadership Alignment 
FB über-greifend 
Vorbereitung BK-Klausuren BK Klausuren 
Fachbereich Zielvereinbarung Baukasten Nutzungskonzept Fachbereiche/Produktlinien 
Kick-off Change Team/Projektteam 
ggf. Vorber. BK-Klausuren 
Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Change Management Assessments (CMA) 
Freigabe CM Gesamtkonzept 
Freigabe Change Monitoring 
Update CM-Detailplanung 
Präsentation Change Status in Baukastensteuerkreis 
Konzeption 1. Change Monitor (Basis CMA) Update Change Monitor (Basis MA Befragung) 
Stakeholder (Change Impact Analyse und Change Detailplanung 
Readiness Check: Basis BK-Klausuren) 
OFK Tag "Straight Talk" mit Vorstand 
Statusberichte der Expertenteams in Ex-Kreisen 
BK Freigabe mit OFK 
Zielvereinbarungen Baukasten mit OFK 
Buy-in der Expertenteams als Multiplikatoren (inkl. evtl. Teamentwicklung) 
Konzeption, Enabling Multiplikatorenauftaktkonferenz 
Multipl. Toolkit 
Buy-in ausgew. MFK/AFK als Multiplikatoren 
Change Monitor 
Change Monitor 
Steuerung und Erfahrungsaustausch Multiplikatoren 
Zielvereinbarungsgespräche MFK, AKF, MA 
Set up/ Vernetzung E³-Projekte bzw. E³-Ex-Steuerkreis 
Set up/ Vernetzung Ex-Bereichsentwicklung, ES-13 und PM-32/PM-2 
Set up/ Vernetzung Prozessstellen (Ex-12) 
ggf. Konzeption und Aktualisierung Intranetauftritt 
Entwicklung Kernbotschaften 
Vorstandsbrief "Baukästen und ihre Bedeutung für BMW" 
Plakat: Kernbotschaften Baukästen Artikel BMW-Zeitung 
Flyer "Erfolgsstories" 
Newsletter Baukästen ggf. E³-Projekte gesamthaft 
Forumsveranstaltung E³ Forumsveranstaltung Baukästen 
ggf. Q-Bedarfsanalyse, Q-Planung, Q-Durchführung 
Quest ions on the percept ion of CHANGE within the organizat ion 
In my opinion, the GDSA management supports 
In my opinion, managers in my w orking 
environment support CHANGE. 
There is a suf f icient number of mult ipliers for 
CHANGE (e.g. key user) at GDSA. 
All members of the project team st rongly 
ident ify w ith the targets and contents of 
At GDSA there is an overall commitment to the 
scheduled changes. 
In my opinion, all employees at GDSA are 
suf f icient ly informed about CHANGE. 
Brochure Change Management 12
A project example.
A project example 
The initial situation 
The initial 
The trading subsidiary of a manufacturer of capital goods is planning the introduction of a new pricing tool 
covering a wide range of process changes inculding everything from end customer contact to incoming 
orders. All activities are combined in the project “Pricing“. The go-live is planned for the summer of 2012. 
Currently content concepts are being prepared and a IT tool is being developed. Almost all employees in the 
sales areas of all branches in Germany will be affected. 
Out approach 
and procedure: 
Dec 13, 11 Kickoff-Workshop with the core project team 
 Common understanding of the challenges and the gained experiences 
 Identification of the important persons and groups that are involved/affected (Stakeholder Map) 
 Definition of a strategy for further Change Management Assessments 
 Planning of immediate Change Management activities for the pilot projects 
Jan. 04.-31, 
Change Management Assessments (CMA) 
 24 interviews with selected stakeholders and representatives from affected groups: perceived impact 
of the changes as well as commenting on planned activities 
Feb. 01.-06, 
Evaluation of the CMAs 
 Analysis of the perceived barriers and potential success factors of those affected (sales reps, branch 
managers, back office people, pilot project participants) 
 Proposals for Change Management activities for a large-scale rollout 
Feb 08, 12 Workshop with the project team and key stakeholders 
 Presentation of the results from the Change Management Assessments 
 Evaluation of the change situation 
 Focus on the biggest barriers and success factors 
 Common understanding and clarity on the necessary changes of behavior and mindset of the 
involved parties 
 Discussion/ Selection of Change Management activities 
 Design master plan for rollout (version 1.0) 
Brochure Change Management 14
A project example 
The most important change barriers 
Barriers Possible measures 
Low acceptance by branch managers 
 Run target agreement with each branch leader 
 Conduct central opening events 
 Leverage change agents from pilot projects 
Branch managers are not prepared for a 
new leadership style 
 Offer best practices from pilot projects for the management process 
(evaluating, tracking, monitoring, motivating, ...) 
 Write manual how to utilize the pricing tool in different market situations 
IT projects generally have a negative 
 Show strong willingness and perseverance to change 
 Provide optimal information flow 
 Deliver quick response to questions & problems 
Involved parties are afraid of being 
 Stress that price delivered by pricing tool is not binding 
 Reinforce that tool delivers a price range and sales reps have the last word 
High scepticism regarding the value of 
the tool 
 Tell the truth about the system maturity: data quality not yet at 100% 
 Give many examples to make data processing transparent 
 Secure resources to respond to inquiries and problem reports 
 Provide ongoing information on updates 
Those affected are not yet working much 
with IT 
 Have in some branches a „warm-up project“ w. paperless office and make a 
readiness-check prior to project start 
Brochure Change Management 15
A project example 
A rollout in several waves 
Pilots 1. Wave 2. Wave 3. Wave 
Until end of 01.05. 01.06. 01.07. 
April 2012 
Pilot phase at 
3 branches 
 Testing the system 
 Lessons learned 
 Selection of change 
agents for the first 
1st phase with 
6 further branches 
 Testing the system 
 Lessons learned 
 Selection of change 
agents for the first 
2nd phase 
with an additional 
12 branches 
 Employ change 
agents from the first 
3rd phase with 
holding companies 
 Employ change 
agents from the first 
Gone Live 
3 9 21 24 
Brochure Change Management 16
A project example 
Change management master plan rollout pricing 
Q1/2012 Q2/2012 Q3/2012 
Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep 
CM Planning & 
Mobilzation at 
„Readiness“ check 
Reporting prepared 2nd wave 
R&R defined 
Release of CM 
master plan 
1st wave „Readiness“ check 
Creation of communication 
Workshop Pricing 
Alignment w. board 
1st wave: 6 branches 
2nd wave: Rest of the trade organization (at least 12 branches) 
User support (hotline,..) 
„Readiness“ check 
3rd wave 
Status reports 
Management meetings at 
each branch 1.wave 
2nd wave of 
3thrd wave of 
Basic information on the intranet 
Select change agents for 1st phase 
Central opening event w. 
branch manager 1s.wave 
Target agreement w. branch managers 1.wave 
1. Newsletter 
with simpleshow 
3rd wave: Holding companies 
1st Change 
Best practice 
Department events at 
each branch 1.wave 
1st wave 
Brochure Change Management 17
change factory 
at a glance.
change factory at a glance 
Us in “a nutshell” 
 change factory is the partner-driven company for “leading the people side of change“. 
 We are focused on business areas: 
– leadership development: for all levels, strategically focused, effective over the long-term. 
– change management consulting: from kick-off to change “architecture”, to mobilizing employees, 
communications planning and follow-through, to qualification. 
 Our capabilities are a product of the collective skills and experiences of our team of approximately 30 
international colleagues. We offer pragmatic, implementable solutions, and we accompany the projects through 
the successful completion of the implementation. 
 Our headquarters are in Munich, but our work for our clients takes us all over the world: for companies both large 
and small, within all industries. 
 For every project, we use a wide combination of methodologies to combine the right hard factors (business-driven 
elements and metrics) with the right soft factors (psychological, political, social). Our holistic approach is the basis 
for our mission: 
We ensure that our clients focus on the right changes, and that these are effectively implemented. 
In doing so, we prepare people and organizations for success in the future. 
Brochure Change Management 19
change factory at a glance 
We have broad experience in change projects 
Some examples 
Project Customer Time frame 
Provide support for acceptance management in a company-wide 
IT transformation 
Research Facility 2011 
Provide support for a world-wide reorganization Automotive Supplier 2011 
Provide support for the cultural integration of two merging 
corporate divisions 
Utility 2009 
Provide change support for a world-wide project on the 
introduction of optimized processes and standardized IT 
Technology Group 
Provide change support for the introduction of a competency 
Automotive Supplier 
2007 – 2008 
Provide change support for the introduction of SAP as the basis 
for process harmonization worldwide 
Oil Company 2006 – 2007 
Provide change management support including communication 
for the introduction of a new pricing strategy 
Steel Retail 2012 
Brochure Change Management 20

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141212 brochure change management for hp

  • 1. “Leading the people side of change”- an introduction to our services Dr. Stefan Fries change factory GmbH | Im Alten Fruchthof | Gotzinger Straße 52b | 81371 München Fon +49 (0) 89 / 76 73 66 - 0 | Fax +49 (0) 89 / 76 73 66 - 100 | |
  • 2. Our approach to change management As “changers" we act as the guys with brooms in curling Our job: what we do …  We analyze the dents and bumps in your road to success (pushbacks etc.) and reduce them.  We support you with individual measures and take over the fine-tuning.  We put the right communicative spin on your measures.  We give you feedback on the impacts that can be valuable input for your next pitch. Your job: what you do…  You will identify your goals and define your strategy.  You will initialize the changes (“throw the curl") and put your energy into it.  You will set a good example by assuming a visible and active part in the change process. Brochure Change Management 2
  • 3. Our approach to change management: We facilitate the design and implementation of change processes, focusing on: Strategy:  Developing a vision  Developing a mission  Setting objectives Structure  Fusion  Restructuring  Employee and Leadership development structures  Wage and incentive-structures Processes:  Process management and reengineering  E-Business  Project management  Knowledge management  Innovations management  Quality management (EFQM, CVP, etc.) Skills & behavior  Team integration & development  Leadership development  Human resources development  Developing Competence profiles  Customer/ Service Orientation Tools and instruments  KPI / Balanced Scorecard  Controlling  IT-System Roll-out: SAP  Customer/ employee survey Identity and values  Cultural Change  Developing corporate principles, leadership principles, and employee principles  Large group interventions  Post Merger Integration Brochure Change Management 3
  • 4. Our approach to change management: We can serve as fire fighter, process partner or architect As needed support for changes  cf as service provider as needed; often times last-minute change management support Business transformation  cf acts as an architect to build with you the business transformation of your company, in particular the people side Change management as sub-project  cf supports or manages the sub-project “change management“ within a larger change project Fire Fighters Process Partner Architect Brochure Change Management 4
  • 5. Our approach to change management Change management as part of a success formula Module 1: Leadership Alignment Module 2: Communication Module 3: Training Goal: Commitment of high-level executives  Integration in the change project planning process  Establishment of a broad leadership coalition Successful Program Goal: Attention on and appreciation of the changes  Across projects  Appropriate to the situation  Target-group-specific Sustainable Change Goal: Qualification of those affected  Offer trainings for the new roles, processes and systems  Reflection on the new roles = x x Mature content Management Efficient Program Organization Module 5: Monitoring Module 4: Mobilization Goal: Collaboration of those involved in the project  Common approach and commitment to the overall program  Optimal cooperation  Mandatory adherence to joint decisions Goal: Attitude and behavior of the people affected  Participation of all involved parties  Adjusting behavior to the modified roles, processes, tasks and systems  Fostering the commitment to the change process Goal: Regular adjustment based on the current status  Evaluation of change readiness, progress and impact  Feedback for decision makers  Recommendations for adjustments Brochure Change Management 5
  • 6. Our approach to change management We start by analyzing the change impact of your project Structured interviews for a picture of the change seen by the different stakeholders (Change Management Assessments - CMA) Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring Stakeholder Map Extrapolation of people and groups of people who need to be involved Drivers & Barriers Focus on greatest barriers and supporting factors Change Requirements Clarity about necessary changes in behavior and mindset of associated people Change Management Assessment für _________________________________ Thema / Frage Ihre Notizen Beschreibung der Zielgruppe Anzahl der Mitarbeiter: Priorität (A-C): Welche Veränderungen werden durch das Projekt ausgelöst? (für diese Zielgruppe) Was sind kritische Erfolgsfaktoren bei der Umsetzung der Veränderungen? (für diese Zielgruppe) Wurden bereits Veränderungs-maßnahmen für diese Zielgruppe durchgeführt? Wie ist der aktuelle Wissensstand dieser Zielgruppe? Was könnten geeignete Veränderungsmaßnahmen für diese Zielgruppe sein? Die Blocker Die Verbündeten Linienmanagers 2 Angestellte in Linien-Funktionen Zentrale Recruiting Manager Lokale Recruiting Manager 3 1 Die Irritierten Die Freundlichen Einsicht und niedrig Initiative zum Veränderungsprogramm hoch Einfluss auf andere niedrig hoch Hemmende Kräfte / Veränderungsbarrieren Was sind hemmende Kräfte für diese Zielgruppe?  Festgefügte Verhaltensnormen  Überlastung der Mitarbeiter  Schlechte Erfahrung mit früheren Veränderungsprojekten  Angst, Fehler zu machen  Mangelndes Vertrauen in das Top-Management  Kaum Erfahrung mit Feedback  Welches neue Selbstbild ist für die Zielgruppe notwendig?  Welche Werte und Einstellungen sind dafür notwendig?  Welche neuen Fähigkeiten soll die Zielgruppe besitzen?  Welches konkrete Verhalten soll in Zukunft gezeigt werden?  Was werden die Umfeldveränderungen für die Zielgruppe sein? Treibende Kräfte / Veränderungstreiber Was sind die treibenden Kräfte für diese Zielgruppe?  Veränderungsdruck von den Kunden  Einbeziehung der Mitarbeiter von Anfang an  Klare Projektdefinition und eindeutige Aufgabenzuteilung  Breite Akzeptanz der Projektteammitglieder im ganzen Unternehmen  Erste, symbolträchtige Erfolge in einem Bereich HARD FACTS SOFT FACTS Vision, Ziele, Identität Kulturelle Identität Strategie Werte Werte, Normen, Leitlinien Produkte, Leistungen Einstellungen Fähigkeiten Wissen, Fähig-keiten Struktur, Prozesse, Schnittstellen Verhalten Tools, Systeme, Verhalten Umfeld Messgrößen Brochure Change Management 6
  • 7. Our approach to change management In particular we assess the necessary soft facts changes Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring HARD FACTS SOFT FACTS Identity Values, Beliefs  “Which basic attitude is necessary for a spirited Knowledge, Skills Vision, Goals, Strategy Products, Services Structure, Processes, Interfaces Tools, Systems, Parameters Behavior and successful strategy & organization?“  "What are the guidelines for our cooperation so that the new structure can develop effectively?“  "Which skills do we need for the successful implementation of these new processes?"  “How will the new structure affect our leadership?“  "Which behavior shall characterize our cooperation?" Example of a reorganization  New strategic alignment using a new strategy map  New customer segmentation  New organization with different roles/ responsibilities  New processes with interface agreements  New IT-systems in accounting  New KPIs Brochure Change Management 7
  • 8. Our approach to change management The analysis provides a clear picture of the change success factors Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring Broad, visible leadership coalition & ownership Attractive & comprehensible vision of change Anchoring in culture Empowering for broad-based action Powerful communication "Mature“ contents Sense of urgency Credible short-term wins Perseverance in execution Brochure Change Management 8
  • 9. Our approach to change management We design a change master plan based on the analysis results Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring  The analysis tools are used to identify and define target-group-specific ideas for change measures. All necessary and affordable measures are organized chronologically and logically in the Change Management Master Plan before being synchronized with the project plan (if existing).  The master plan offers an overview of all necessary change management interventions. It is also used for the planning of the necessary resources and for the organization of change measures.  It generally differentiates between the following working streams: project content, leadership alignment, communication & mobilization, training and monitoring. Oct 11 Nov 11 Dec 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 March 12 Apr 12 Requirements Overall Project planning Leadership Alignment Mobilization of the project team Communication Training Change Monitoring Launch date LA Concept Inst. Prod product sales Custom/Config Documentation Test MultiTrainings Trainings Inst./Config. 2 3 2 Moderated debate II Multiplier Workshop 1 One-on-one interviews) Moderated debate III (Lessons Learned) Info event for heads of divisions Team- 5 4 workshop 11 Go Live Annoucement 10 Roadshow Presentation Design 7 Info on the status in deptartments Newsletter or Article in ZD-Info Short Newsletter II Change Barometer 1 14 Team workshop: Lessons Learned 4 9 Article in ZD-Info 9 8 documentation (FAQ, argumenter, articles) 6 8 Update Intranet 13 Trainings 12 Multiplier-TtT Change Barometer 2 Change Barometer 3 Stakeholder Change Success Factors Drivers & Barriers Brochure Change Management 9
  • 10. Our approach to change management The change master plan Example of the introduction of an IT solution Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring Oct 11 Nov 11 Dec 11 Jan 12 Feb 12 March 12 Apr 12 Overall Project planning Leadership Alignment Mobilization of the project team Communication Training Change Monitoring Launch date LA Concept Inst. Prod product sales Custom/Config Documentation Test MultiTrainings Trainings Inst./Config. 2 3 2 Moderated debate II Multiplier Workshop 1 One-on-one interviews) Moderated debate III (Lessons Learned) Info event for heads of divisions Team- 5 4 workshop 11 Go Live Annoucement 10 Roadshow Presentation Design 7 Info on the status in deptartments Newsletter or Article in ZD-Info Short Newsletter II Change Barometer 1 14 Team workshop: Lessons Learned 4 9 Article in ZD-Info 9 8 documentation (FAQ, argumenter, articles) 6 8 Update Intranet 13 Trainings 12 Multiplier-TtT Change Barometer 2 Change Barometer 3 Brochure Change Management 10
  • 11. Our approach to change management We use different change management activities in implementation Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring Information Dialogue and Mobilization Support and Enabling  Deliver knowledge and provide orientation  Reduce uncertainty  Meet the needs of the relevant target groups  Create trust and understanding  Enable all affected: approach, tools, methods Inform employees via classical media and interactive platforms Interactive dialogue with the affected people Train all people affected, in particular the managers for effective leadership during implementation Information Push Dialogue Events Trainings  Newspapers/Billboards/Posters  Information brochures, flyers  E-Mail newsletters  Intranet Site  Podcasts, Blogs, Twitter Wall  Simpleshow Videos  „Guerilla Marketing“ activities  Workshop/ conference for executives  Roadshows  Dialogue forum with employees  Large group events  Section, department and team meetings with employees  "Straight Talk-Sessions„  Boot camp or train-the-trainer (TtT) for multipliers or other change agents  Change trainings for leaders  Communication packages, incl. "Talk- Sheets" for executives  Sparring for decision makers  Classical and blended trainings Brochure Change Management 11
  • 12. Our approach to change management We monitor in particular the “soft“ aspects of change Analysis Planning Implementation Monitoring Change Readiness Change Progress Change Success Can we start with the change process? Where are we in the change process? Is the change process effective? Preconditions, for example Examples: Examples:  Management Commitment in the affected units  Maturity of the project concepts  Definition of change mgt. activities as part of the project concept  Enabling of change agents  Change status  Implementation of CM measures  Employees reached by CM measures  implementation  Results achieved, need for action  Implementation of the new processes, systems, structures …  Identification with the change process/contents  Cost-benefit ratio  Quick Polls/Surveys  Interviews  Workshop Results Interventionsebenen 01/08 02/08 03/08 04/08 05/08 06/08 07/08 08/08 09/08 10/08 11/08 12/08 Projektmeilensteine Change Management Meilensteine Change Monitoring Leadership Alignment Mobilisierung und Partizipation Experten-teams FB über-greifend Kommunikation Qualifizierung Vorbereitung BK-Klausuren BK Klausuren Baukastensteuerkreis Fachbereich Zielvereinbarung Baukasten Nutzungskonzept Fachbereiche/Produktlinien Kick-off Change Team/Projektteam ggf. Vorber. BK-Klausuren Vorbereitung und Durchführung der Change Management Assessments (CMA) Projektstatusbericht Freigabe CM Gesamtkonzept Freigabe Change Monitoring Update CM-Detailplanung Präsentation Change Status in Baukastensteuerkreis Konzeption 1. Change Monitor (Basis CMA) Update Change Monitor (Basis MA Befragung) Stakeholder (Change Impact Analyse und Change Detailplanung Readiness Check: Basis BK-Klausuren) OFK Tag "Straight Talk" mit Vorstand Statusberichte der Expertenteams in Ex-Kreisen BK Freigabe mit OFK Zielvereinbarungen Baukasten mit OFK Buy-in der Expertenteams als Multiplikatoren (inkl. evtl. Teamentwicklung) Konzeption, Enabling Multiplikatorenauftaktkonferenz Multipl. Toolkit Buy-in ausgew. MFK/AFK als Multiplikatoren Update Change Monitor Update Change Monitor Steuerung und Erfahrungsaustausch Multiplikatoren Zielvereinbarungsgespräche MFK, AKF, MA Set up/ Vernetzung E³-Projekte bzw. E³-Ex-Steuerkreis Set up/ Vernetzung Ex-Bereichsentwicklung, ES-13 und PM-32/PM-2 Set up/ Vernetzung Prozessstellen (Ex-12) ggf. Konzeption und Aktualisierung Intranetauftritt Entwicklung Kernbotschaften Vorstandsbrief "Baukästen und ihre Bedeutung für BMW" Plakat: Kernbotschaften Baukästen Artikel BMW-Zeitung Flyer "Erfolgsstories" Newsletter Baukästen ggf. E³-Projekte gesamthaft Forumsveranstaltung E³ Forumsveranstaltung Baukästen ggf. Q-Bedarfsanalyse, Q-Planung, Q-Durchführung Quest ions on the percept ion of CHANGE within the organizat ion 1. In my opinion, the GDSA management supports CHANGE. 2. In my opinion, managers in my w orking environment support CHANGE. 3. There is a suf f icient number of mult ipliers for CHANGE (e.g. key user) at GDSA. 4. All members of the project team st rongly ident ify w ith the targets and contents of CHANGE. 5. At GDSA there is an overall commitment to the scheduled changes. 6. In my opinion, all employees at GDSA are suf f icient ly informed about CHANGE. Brochure Change Management 12
  • 14. A project example The initial situation The initial situation: The trading subsidiary of a manufacturer of capital goods is planning the introduction of a new pricing tool covering a wide range of process changes inculding everything from end customer contact to incoming orders. All activities are combined in the project “Pricing“. The go-live is planned for the summer of 2012. Currently content concepts are being prepared and a IT tool is being developed. Almost all employees in the sales areas of all branches in Germany will be affected. Out approach and procedure: Dec 13, 11 Kickoff-Workshop with the core project team  Common understanding of the challenges and the gained experiences  Identification of the important persons and groups that are involved/affected (Stakeholder Map)  Definition of a strategy for further Change Management Assessments  Planning of immediate Change Management activities for the pilot projects 1 Jan. 04.-31, 12 Change Management Assessments (CMA)  24 interviews with selected stakeholders and representatives from affected groups: perceived impact of the changes as well as commenting on planned activities 2 Feb. 01.-06, 12 Evaluation of the CMAs  Analysis of the perceived barriers and potential success factors of those affected (sales reps, branch managers, back office people, pilot project participants)  Proposals for Change Management activities for a large-scale rollout 3 Feb 08, 12 Workshop with the project team and key stakeholders  Presentation of the results from the Change Management Assessments  Evaluation of the change situation  Focus on the biggest barriers and success factors  Common understanding and clarity on the necessary changes of behavior and mindset of the involved parties  Discussion/ Selection of Change Management activities  Design master plan for rollout (version 1.0) 4 Brochure Change Management 14
  • 15. A project example The most important change barriers Barriers Possible measures Low acceptance by branch managers  Run target agreement with each branch leader  Conduct central opening events  Leverage change agents from pilot projects Branch managers are not prepared for a new leadership style  Offer best practices from pilot projects for the management process (evaluating, tracking, monitoring, motivating, ...)  Write manual how to utilize the pricing tool in different market situations IT projects generally have a negative connotation  Show strong willingness and perseverance to change  Provide optimal information flow  Deliver quick response to questions & problems Involved parties are afraid of being patronized  Stress that price delivered by pricing tool is not binding  Reinforce that tool delivers a price range and sales reps have the last word High scepticism regarding the value of the tool  Tell the truth about the system maturity: data quality not yet at 100%  Give many examples to make data processing transparent  Secure resources to respond to inquiries and problem reports  Provide ongoing information on updates Those affected are not yet working much with IT  Have in some branches a „warm-up project“ w. paperless office and make a readiness-check prior to project start Brochure Change Management 15
  • 16. A project example A rollout in several waves Pilots 1. Wave 2. Wave 3. Wave Time Until end of 01.05. 01.06. 01.07. April 2012 Pilot phase at 3 branches  Testing the system  Lessons learned  Selection of change agents for the first phase 1st phase with 6 further branches  Testing the system  Lessons learned  Selection of change agents for the first phase 2nd phase with an additional 12 branches  Employ change agents from the first phase 3rd phase with holding companies  Employ change agents from the first phase Branches Gone Live 3 9 21 24 Brochure Change Management 16
  • 17. A project example Change management master plan rollout pricing Q1/2012 Q2/2012 Q3/2012 Feb March Apr May June July Aug Sep Project Milestones CM Planning & Management Leader-ship Align-ment Top Manage-ment Product Manage-ment Mobilzation at Branches General Communication „Readiness“ check Reporting prepared 2nd wave R&R defined Release of CM master plan 1st wave „Readiness“ check Creation of communication package Workshop Pricing Strategy Alignment w. board 1st wave: 6 branches 2nd wave: Rest of the trade organization (at least 12 branches) User support (hotline,..) „Readiness“ check 3rd wave Status reports Management meetings at each branch 1.wave 2nd wave of branches 3thrd wave of branches Basic information on the intranet Select change agents for 1st phase Central opening event w. branch manager 1s.wave Target agreement w. branch managers 1.wave 1. Newsletter with simpleshow video FAQ 3rd wave: Holding companies 1st Change Monitor 2nd Newsletter Best practice sharing Department events at each branch 1.wave 1st wave Brochure Change Management 17
  • 18. change factory at a glance.
  • 19. change factory at a glance Us in “a nutshell”  change factory is the partner-driven company for “leading the people side of change“.  We are focused on business areas: – leadership development: for all levels, strategically focused, effective over the long-term. – change management consulting: from kick-off to change “architecture”, to mobilizing employees, communications planning and follow-through, to qualification.  Our capabilities are a product of the collective skills and experiences of our team of approximately 30 international colleagues. We offer pragmatic, implementable solutions, and we accompany the projects through the successful completion of the implementation.  Our headquarters are in Munich, but our work for our clients takes us all over the world: for companies both large and small, within all industries.  For every project, we use a wide combination of methodologies to combine the right hard factors (business-driven elements and metrics) with the right soft factors (psychological, political, social). Our holistic approach is the basis for our mission: We ensure that our clients focus on the right changes, and that these are effectively implemented. In doing so, we prepare people and organizations for success in the future. Brochure Change Management 19
  • 20. change factory at a glance We have broad experience in change projects Some examples Project Customer Time frame Provide support for acceptance management in a company-wide IT transformation Public Research Facility 2011 Provide support for a world-wide reorganization Automotive Supplier 2011 Provide support for the cultural integration of two merging corporate divisions Utility 2009 Provide change support for a world-wide project on the introduction of optimized processes and standardized IT Global Technology Group 2008 Provide change support for the introduction of a competency management Automotive Supplier 2007 – 2008 Provide change support for the introduction of SAP as the basis for process harmonization worldwide Oil Company 2006 – 2007 Provide change management support including communication for the introduction of a new pricing strategy Steel Retail 2012 Brochure Change Management 20