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Presented by : Dr Meghali Diwaker
Guided by : Dr G.K Thapliyal
Various modifications, incisions in
Surgical procedure in which
the fibrofatty contents of the
neck are removed for the
treatment of cervical
lymphatic metastases
Neck dissection
Lymph node levels
Radical ND
radical ND
Selective ND
d ND
Lateral ND
l ND
Radical neck dissection
All lymph nodes in Levels I
- V including spinal
accessory nerve (SAN),
SCM, and IJV
Excision of same lymph
node bearing regions
as RND with
preservation of one or
more nonlymphatic
structures (SAN, SCM,
Modified Radical neck dissection
Preservation of SAN
Preservation of SAN
and IJV
Preservation of SAN,
IJV, and SCM
Selective neck dissection
Any dissection which includes removal of
one or more additional lymph node groups
and/or non-lymphatic structures.
Extended neck dissection
Neck boundaries
• Painting and draping.
• Positioning of the patient.
• Choose appropriate incision according to the surgeon
• Adequate exposure and therefore suitable access to
the complete operative field.
Generic steps for all neck dissections
• The patient typically is in the supine position,
the head and chest elevated to 30°.
• The neck is hyperextended and turned to the
contralateral side.
Patient positioning
• Good exposure of the neck and primary disease
• Ensure viability of the skin flaps. Avoid acute angles
• Protect carotid artery even in the cases of wound infection
• Facilitate reconstruction
• Adapt to the condition of patient esp after radiotherapy
• It should be cosmetically acceptable
Basic needs of an incision are
• Incisions classified into
– Vertical
– Horizontal
Transverse incision Vertical incision
Have cosmetic advantage as
they follow natural skin
folds of the skin
Disadvantages because they
intersect to the natural skin
folds of the skin and the
vascular supply of the neck
Recovery of scar tissue in
these folds are rapid and
They tend to contract along
their long axis – leads to
deformity and restricted
Easy to modify
• Advantages
– Incision provides good exposure to surgical
• Disadvantages
– Flap necrosis is high due to disruption of
vasculature of skin flaps
– Occurrence of flap separation at the
trifurcation site.
• Variations of classical Y incision – gluck,
schobinger, conley, martin incision.
• Other alternatives : utility incision, hockey
incision, apron flap, Mcfee incision
Tri-radiate incision
Apron incision
A horizontal incision from mastoid to
mentum gently curving inferiorly upto upper
border of the thyroid cartilage is used.
• Advantages
– Carotid artery is well protected
– Protects the descending arterial recovery
• Disadvantages
– It will damage the ascending arterial and
venous recovery
– Venous congestion and oedema might
develop at the bottom corner
Half Apron incision
• It has a longitudinal and transverse
• B/L hockey stick incision allows the
deglovement of the whole neck.
It is a paired ‘Y’ incision.
• Here the submandibular
component is met by a vertical
limb which below becomes
continuous with an inverted ‘Y’ in
the suprascapular region.
• This flap most often gets
• Flap necrosis and carotid
exposure is more in this type of
Hayes Martin incision
Schobingerincision Modified Schobinger incision
Vertical limb instead of being straight should be
curved posteriorly
• It avoids a vertical limb.
• Two horizontal incisions are used one in submandibular region and other in the suprascapular region.
McFee incision
Advantages Disadvantages
Excellent cosmetic result Exposure is not good
There is no lessening of
vascularity in
the centre of the flap
It is not suitable for bilateral
simultaneous neck dissection
There is no angle intersection
in incision
Operating period is long
Post operative wound recovery
is rapid
Difficulty may arise while
under the bridge flap
Recovery of flap excellent due
to wide
bipedicled flaps
In short neck it might be
• Incision – blade no.10 through skin down to the
platysma fibers.
• Platysma muscle ensures appropriate blood supply to
the skin flap and also increases the strength of the
wound in the postoperative period.
• Removed only if invaded.
• Rake retractor or double skin hooks used to retract
Generic steps for all neck dissections
• During the dissection of upper
neck, two branches of facial
nerve should be preserved.
– Marginal Mandibular Nerve
– Cervical Branch
• Both nerves curve downwards
below and in front of the angle of
the mandible across the facial
vessels about one finger’s
breadth below the mandible.
Generic steps for all neck dissections
• Easiest way save these
nerves is expose the capsule
of the lower part of the
submandibular gland.
• The fascia can then be
elevated as a flap over the
mandible taking the nerve
with it.
• Then the flap is sutured
Generic steps for all neck dissections
4 areas of special
attention during neck
1. Lower end of IJV
2. Junction of lateral border of
clavicle with lower edge of
3. Upper end of IJV
4. Submandibular triangle
Indications for a classical radical neck dissection
1. Significant operable neck disease with
tumour bulk near to or directly involving spinal accessory
nerve and/or internal jugular vein.
2. Extensive recurrent disease after previous selective
surgery or radiotherapy.
3. Clinical signs of gross extra nodal disease.
Contraindications for a classical radical neck dissection :
1. Untreatable primary tumor or unresectable neck
2. Patient unfit for major surgery.
3. Distant metastases
4. Simultaneous bilateral neck dissection.
• The lower end of the
internal jugular vein is
approached first by
continuing dissection
along the upper border
of the clavicle from
trapezius muscle to the
suprasternal notch.
First area of special attention : the lower end of the IJV
• The supraclavicular nerves and
vessels are divided as well as
the sternocleidomastiod
• The internal jugular vein lies
between the sternal and
clavicular heads of the
sternocleidomastiod muscle
and dividing the muscle fibres
just above the clavicle reveals
the vein.
• This can be done by using
blunt-tipped scissors,
isolating the muscle by
pushing the scissors under
the sternocleidomastiod
muscle and then keeping
the scissors in place to
protect the underlying
vein, the muscle can be
Dharamshila Narayana Hospital
• After dividing the sternocledomastoid
muscle, the blueness of the internal
jugular vein can be seen as
• The vein lies within the carotid sheath.
Dharamshila Narayana Hospital
• The carotid sheath is opened and
the IJV is exposed for at least a few
centimeters in order to allow for
adequate access for ligation.
• The position of the vagus nerve is
verified before ligation of the
internal jugular vein.
• Three ligating sutures, are placed
around the vein, upper end of the
vein and lower end of the vein.
• Tansfixation suture on
lower end is known as
(since, if it fails in the
early hours of the
morning following
surgery, it is the
houseman who knows
about it first)
• The bleeding injured
vessel should be
identified and occluded
temporarily with pressure
or arterial clamps and the
defect repaired using 6.0
Ethilon. Dharamshila Narayana Hospital
When performing a neck
dissection on the left side of the
neck, one should be alert between
the IJV, subclavian vein and the
clavicle because of the thoracic
After ligation of the vein, the
carotid artery and vagus nerve are
carefully retracted medially
allowing for dissection of the IJV
and its associated lymph node.
• Once the IJV has been tied the
dissection extends laterally towards
Chaissaignac’s triangle.
• It’s defined as the triangle between
where the longus colli and scalenus
anterior attach to the tubercle of C6
(Chaissaignac’s or carotid tubercle)
with the subclavian artery as the
• Here are found scalene node which
should be removed.
• Main jugular lymph duct that
terminates here on the left side
with the thoracic duct.
• If the duct damaged, noticeable by
extra clear fluid welling up into the
dissection area, the source should
be found and transfixed.
Second area of special attention: Junction of clavicle and
anterior border of trapezius
• Deeper to the omohyoid, the
transverse cervical artery and vein
are found as they run laterally
across the floor of the posterior
triangle and ligated.
• Both the artery and particularly the
vein have small branches across the
anterior border of trapezius muscle.
• Dissection is then continued
further, either sharp or blunt with a
swab, on to the underlying level of
the prevertebral fascia overlying
the scalene muscle.
• Directly under
prevertebral fascia ,
the phrenic nerve
and the brachical
plexus are seen.
• As long as the
fascia is not
breached, these
structures are
• Once the
dissection has been
completed towards
the anterior border
of trapezius, the
continues in an
upwards direction
to dissect the
posterior triangle.
• The dissection continues
upwards following the
anterior border of the
trapezius muscle to the
uppermost point of the
triangle at the mastoid tip
where the trapezius and
sternocleidomastoid meet.
Dissection of the posterior triangle
• The anterior border of the trapezius muscle represents the lateral border
of the dissection.
• Floor of the posterior triangle is formed by the prevertebral fascia overlying
the deeper muscles of the neck- the splenius capitis (cranially), medial,
anterior and posterior scalenus muscles and the levator scapulae.
• It is important before dissecting the posterior triangle that the SAN is
• There are a number of ways to identify the nerve, based on its anatomical
trajectory and surgical landmarks.
• This is known as Erb's point and
can be identified 1 cm above the
point where the Greater Auricular
Nerve winds around the muscle on
its way to supply the parotid fascia.
• Once identified, the nerve may be
• The dissected tissue now hinges on
the mastoid and skin insertions of
the sternocleidomastoid muscle;
these are dissected as well as the
lower lobe of parotid gland at the
level of the angle of the mandible.
• Divided the upper end of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle in the
third area.
• Retract the posterior belly of
digastric muscle upwards.
• Posterior belly of digastric muscle
as known as resident’s friend – is
cleared and using a Langenback
retractor, it can be retracted
superiorly exposing IJV and
accessory nerve.
Third area of special attention: The upper end of the internal
jugular vein
• Before tying any ligatures, the Vagus and Hypoglossal Nerves should be
identified and preserved.
The Occipital Artery crosses the
Posterior Part of the Internal
Jugular Vein and this should also
be ligated now to prevent
further troublesome bleeding.
• Upper end of the internal
jugular vein identified and
ligation done
• Dissection across the
carotid bifurcation may
cause bradycardia and
changes in blood pressure
due to triggering of the
carotid sinus lying within
the bifurcation.
• Once the IJV has been
ligated and dissected at the
upper end, the surgical
specimen is mobilized.
• Dissection continues
anteriorly along the border
of the mandible.
• The contents of the triangle,
including lymph nodes and fatty
tissue must be removed leaving
behind clean muscles that form
the boundaries.
• Dissection of the submandibular
triangle is usually begun in the
midline, by dividing the fatty
tissue on to the dissection plane
of the anterior belly of the
contralateral digastric muscle.
Fourth area of special attention: the
submandibular triangle
• The anterior part of the
submandibular gland is
identified and is
dissected to the
posterior border of the
mylohyoid muscle.
• The upper border of the
submandibular gland is
freed by tying and
dividing the vessels,
including the facial
artery, that cross the
lower border of the
• The mylohyoid muscle is retracted in a forward direction to reveal the
submandibular duct and, at this point, the lingual nerve is pulled down in a
• The latter is freed by dividing the fascia around the submandibular
• The lingual nerve is identified, and
two artery forceps are placed below it
to divide the branch to the
submandibular ganglion.
• The submandibular duct is tied and
divided and during both of these
procedure, the hypoglossal nerve is
kept under direct vision to avoid any
• Two large drains are placed through the posterior flap and securely
• Drains should never cross the carotid sheath, be cut to the correct
length and kept well away from any microvascular anastomosis.
• Finally, make a check for any chylous leak, any bleeding from the veins
accompanying the hypoglossal nerve .
• The wound is closed in two layers with an absorbable Vicryl stitch to
the platysmal layer and the skin then closed using either interrupted
or continuous sutures of Ethilon.
• Modifications of the classic RND aim to reduce postsurgical neck pain
and shoulder dysfunction encountered when the spinal accessory is
resected without compromising adequate oncologic treatment.
• Sacrifice of the SCM and IJV is less debilitating.
• SCM preservation - improves cosmetic appearance and protects the
carotid artery if adjuvant radiotherapy is employed.
• Preserving the IJV becomes more significant in patients requiring
bilateral neck dissections.
Modified radical neck dissection
If the accessory nerve is to be
preserved , extra care should be
taken when the skin flap of the
posterior triangle is developed, as
the nerve runs at a superficial
level and is therefore close to the
plane of dissection.
Preserving spinal accessory nerve
• Preservation of the sternocleidomastoid muscle requires mobilization
of the deep inserting fascia from the anterior border of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle and dissection of the muscle from the
fascia below allowing for upward retraction of the muscle using loops
or retractors.
• The dissection itself is continued under the sternocleidomastoid
muscle in the same way as one would proceed as in a radical neck
Sparing of the sternocleidomastoid
• Prior to approaching the fascia of
the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the
external jugular vein must be ligated
and divided.
• Usually, three sections of the
external jugular vein are required in
functional and selective neck
• Preservation of the internal jugular vein requires careful dissection
along the surface of the vein.
• As in radical neck dissection, the vein is located preferably first in the
lower neck, after having completed the dissection across the clavicle
from trapezius to suprasternal notch.
• The supraclavicular nerves and vessels (such as the external jugular
vein) are divided as well as the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
• The sternocleidomastoid lies directly over the internal jugular vein.
Sparing of the IJV
• Selective Neck Dissection consists of preservation of one or more
lymph node groups and all three nonlymphatic structures.
Selective Neck
Main Indications
I – III SCC oral cavity
I – IV 1. Skin Ca (SCC,
Melanoma) anterior
to line of tragus.
2. Performed in
Conjunction to
Selective Neck
Main Indications
Lateral II – IV SCC larynx,
Oropharynx and
Posterolateral II – V plus Post.
Skin Ca (SCC, Melanoma)
posterior to line of tragus
Anterior /
VI Differentiated Thyroid
Ca, Subglottic,
Hypopharyngeal SCC
VII Differentiated and
Medullary Thyroid Ca
,Subglottic, Laryngeal,
Hypopharyngeal SCC 3.
Cervical Oesophageal Ca
• SOHND is indicated in patients with primary tumors arising from the oral
cavity without clinical or radiologic evidence of cervical metastasis but who
have a high probability of occult lymphatic disease.
• The oral cavity includes the area between the vermillion border of the lips
and the junction of the hard and soft palate superiorly and the
circumvallate papillae of the tongue inferiorly.
• Bilateral SOHND is indicated in patients who have carcinomas of the
anterior tongue or oral tongue and floor of mouth that approach or cross
the midline.
• SOHND is indicated along with parotidectomy in patients with squamous
cell carcinoma.
• Hemorrhage
• Pneumothorax
• Carotid sinus reflux
• Air embolism
• Nerve damage
• Hematoma
• Wound infection
• Skin flap loss
• Salivary fistula
• Electrolyte disturbances
• Carotid artery rupture
• Treat by opening and elevating the neck flaps to evacuate the hematoma.
• Irrigate the surgical field with isotonic sodium chloride solution, and, if any source of bleeding is found,
ligate, suture, or electrocauterize to achieve hemostasis.
• If the hematoma is recognized and treated early, no adverse consequences ensue.
• However, if found late, airway compromise, infection, or flap necrosis can occur.
• Use suction drains to avoid accumulation of blood under the skin flap and to prevent hematoma
• Sudden bleeding indicates that an untied vessel has opened or that a ligature has slipped from the
• Salivary contamination from the oral cavity is possible, causing
bacterial invasion and wound infection.
• Other factors are malnutrition, chemotherapy, anemia, diabetes
mellitus, and advanced tumor mass.
• If wound infection develops, open the flap, evacuate and culture the pus, and irrigate the
• Administer antibiotics.
• Carefully debride necrotic tissue.
• Local care with frequent dressing changes, salivary fistula control, and wound irrigation is
• Skin flap necrosis causes design errors, elevation, poor handling, or improper
postoperative care.
• Preexisting scars, prior radiation therapy, hematoma, infection, and poor nutrition
can contribute to skin flap loss.
• Carefully and progressively trim necrotic tissue and frequently change wound
• Skin necrosis, infection, and accumulation of pus adjacent to the carotid wall alert
the surgeon to a potential carotid artery rupture.
• Carotid artery rupture is rare after supraomohyoid neck dissection.
• Incidence of this complication ranges from 3-7%. The precipitating factors of carotid artery rupture
are as follows:
• Radiation therapy
• Infection and salivary fistula
• Suction catheters that cause erosion of the vessel wall
• Exposure by dehiscence of the suture line or necrosis of the dermis
• Rupture occurs in patients who underwent neck surgery with exposure of the carotid artery
and one or more of the precipitating factors listed above.
• Initial bleeding indicates that serious complications can be avoided with elective ligation of
the offending artery.
Immediate treatment for carotid artery rupture
includes the following measures:
• Apply direct and firm pressure to the affected area.
• Suctioning, good illumination, and adequate instrumentation are imperative.
• With a large-bore catheter, cannulize a peripheral vein in each arm for immediate administration of
• The airway should be adequate and stable.
• If the patient does not undergo a tracheotomy, orotracheal intubation may be necessary.
• Blood is typed and cross-matched for 4-6 units of blood.
• Move the patient to the operating room.
• If bleeding cannot be controlled with pressure, clamp the common carotid artery as an emergency
Definitive treatment for carotid artery rupture
includes the following measures:
• Ligate the carotid artery.
• Adequate exposure (both proximally and distally) to the source of bleeding and
contaminated or infected areas helps prevent a second rupture.
• Accomplish ligation with 1-0 silk suture. Reinforce this suture, distally and
proximally, with 2-0 silk suture. Then, bury the ligated stump in surrounding
healthy tissue.

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13. neck dissection - Meghali

  • 1. Presented by : Dr Meghali Diwaker Guided by : Dr G.K Thapliyal NECK DISSECTION Various modifications, incisions in RND
  • 2. Surgical procedure in which the fibrofatty contents of the neck are removed for the treatment of cervical lymphatic metastases Neck dissection
  • 4. Neck Dissection Comprehensive ND Radical ND Modified radical ND Selective ND Supraomohyoi d ND Lateral ND Anterolatera l ND Extended ND Classification
  • 5. Radical neck dissection All lymph nodes in Levels I - V including spinal accessory nerve (SAN), SCM, and IJV
  • 6. Excision of same lymph node bearing regions as RND with preservation of one or more nonlymphatic structures (SAN, SCM, IJV) Modified Radical neck dissection
  • 7. MRND Type I Preservation of SAN MRND Type II Preservation of SAN and IJV MRND Type III Preservation of SAN, IJV, and SCM
  • 9. Any dissection which includes removal of one or more additional lymph node groups and/or non-lymphatic structures. Extended neck dissection
  • 11. • Painting and draping. • Positioning of the patient. • Choose appropriate incision according to the surgeon preference. • Adequate exposure and therefore suitable access to the complete operative field. Generic steps for all neck dissections
  • 12. • The patient typically is in the supine position, with the head and chest elevated to 30°. • The neck is hyperextended and turned to the contralateral side. Patient positioning
  • 13. • Good exposure of the neck and primary disease • Ensure viability of the skin flaps. Avoid acute angles • Protect carotid artery even in the cases of wound infection • Facilitate reconstruction • Adapt to the condition of patient esp after radiotherapy • It should be cosmetically acceptable Basic needs of an incision are
  • 14. • Incisions classified into – Vertical – Horizontal Incisions Transverse incision Vertical incision Have cosmetic advantage as they follow natural skin folds of the skin Disadvantages because they intersect to the natural skin folds of the skin and the vascular supply of the neck Recovery of scar tissue in these folds are rapid and successful They tend to contract along their long axis – leads to deformity and restricted action Easy to modify
  • 15. • Advantages – Incision provides good exposure to surgical site. • Disadvantages – Flap necrosis is high due to disruption of vasculature of skin flaps – Occurrence of flap separation at the trifurcation site. • Variations of classical Y incision – gluck, schobinger, conley, martin incision. • Other alternatives : utility incision, hockey incision, apron flap, Mcfee incision Tri-radiate incision
  • 16. Apron incision A horizontal incision from mastoid to mentum gently curving inferiorly upto upper border of the thyroid cartilage is used. • Advantages – Carotid artery is well protected – Protects the descending arterial recovery • Disadvantages – It will damage the ascending arterial and venous recovery – Venous congestion and oedema might develop at the bottom corner
  • 17. Half Apron incision • It has a longitudinal and transverse incision • B/L hockey stick incision allows the deglovement of the whole neck.
  • 18. It is a paired ‘Y’ incision. • Here the submandibular component is met by a vertical limb which below becomes continuous with an inverted ‘Y’ in the suprascapular region. • This flap most often gets cyanosed. • Flap necrosis and carotid exposure is more in this type of incision. Hayes Martin incision
  • 19. Schobingerincision Modified Schobinger incision Vertical limb instead of being straight should be curved posteriorly
  • 20. • It avoids a vertical limb. • Two horizontal incisions are used one in submandibular region and other in the suprascapular region. McFee incision Advantages Disadvantages Excellent cosmetic result Exposure is not good There is no lessening of vascularity in the centre of the flap It is not suitable for bilateral simultaneous neck dissection There is no angle intersection in incision Operating period is long Post operative wound recovery is rapid Difficulty may arise while working under the bridge flap Recovery of flap excellent due to wide bipedicled flaps In short neck it might be difficult
  • 21. • Incision – blade no.10 through skin down to the platysma fibers. • Platysma muscle ensures appropriate blood supply to the skin flap and also increases the strength of the wound in the postoperative period. • Removed only if invaded. • Rake retractor or double skin hooks used to retract platysma. Generic steps for all neck dissections
  • 22. • During the dissection of upper neck, two branches of facial nerve should be preserved. – Marginal Mandibular Nerve – Cervical Branch • Both nerves curve downwards below and in front of the angle of the mandible across the facial vessels about one finger’s breadth below the mandible. Generic steps for all neck dissections
  • 23.
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  • 25. • Easiest way save these nerves is expose the capsule of the lower part of the submandibular gland. • The fascia can then be elevated as a flap over the mandible taking the nerve with it. • Then the flap is sutured superiorly. Generic steps for all neck dissections
  • 26. 4 areas of special attention during neck dissection 1. Lower end of IJV 2. Junction of lateral border of clavicle with lower edge of trapezius 3. Upper end of IJV 4. Submandibular triangle
  • 27. Indications for a classical radical neck dissection 1. Significant operable neck disease with tumour bulk near to or directly involving spinal accessory nerve and/or internal jugular vein. 2. Extensive recurrent disease after previous selective surgery or radiotherapy. 3. Clinical signs of gross extra nodal disease. RADICAL NECK DISSECTION
  • 28. Contraindications for a classical radical neck dissection : 1. Untreatable primary tumor or unresectable neck disease. 2. Patient unfit for major surgery. 3. Distant metastases 4. Simultaneous bilateral neck dissection. RADICAL NECK DISSECTION
  • 29. • The lower end of the internal jugular vein is approached first by continuing dissection along the upper border of the clavicle from trapezius muscle to the suprasternal notch. First area of special attention : the lower end of the IJV
  • 30. • The supraclavicular nerves and vessels are divided as well as the sternocleidomastiod muscle. • The internal jugular vein lies between the sternal and clavicular heads of the sternocleidomastiod muscle and dividing the muscle fibres just above the clavicle reveals the vein.
  • 31. • This can be done by using blunt-tipped scissors, isolating the muscle by pushing the scissors under the sternocleidomastiod muscle and then keeping the scissors in place to protect the underlying vein, the muscle can be cut. Dharamshila Narayana Hospital
  • 32. • After dividing the sternocledomastoid muscle, the blueness of the internal jugular vein can be seen as • The vein lies within the carotid sheath. Dharamshila Narayana Hospital
  • 33. • The carotid sheath is opened and the IJV is exposed for at least a few centimeters in order to allow for adequate access for ligation. • The position of the vagus nerve is verified before ligation of the internal jugular vein. • Three ligating sutures, are placed around the vein, upper end of the vein and lower end of the vein.
  • 34. • Tansfixation suture on lower end is known as HOUSEMAN’s SUTURE (since, if it fails in the early hours of the morning following surgery, it is the houseman who knows about it first) • The bleeding injured vessel should be identified and occluded temporarily with pressure or arterial clamps and the defect repaired using 6.0 Ethilon. Dharamshila Narayana Hospital
  • 35. When performing a neck dissection on the left side of the neck, one should be alert between the IJV, subclavian vein and the clavicle because of the thoracic duct. After ligation of the vein, the carotid artery and vagus nerve are carefully retracted medially allowing for dissection of the IJV and its associated lymph node.
  • 36. • Once the IJV has been tied the dissection extends laterally towards Chaissaignac’s triangle. • It’s defined as the triangle between where the longus colli and scalenus anterior attach to the tubercle of C6 (Chaissaignac’s or carotid tubercle) with the subclavian artery as the base. • Here are found scalene node which should be removed. • Main jugular lymph duct that terminates here on the left side with the thoracic duct. • If the duct damaged, noticeable by extra clear fluid welling up into the dissection area, the source should be found and transfixed.
  • 37. Second area of special attention: Junction of clavicle and anterior border of trapezius
  • 38. • Deeper to the omohyoid, the transverse cervical artery and vein are found as they run laterally across the floor of the posterior triangle and ligated. • Both the artery and particularly the vein have small branches across the anterior border of trapezius muscle. • Dissection is then continued further, either sharp or blunt with a swab, on to the underlying level of the prevertebral fascia overlying the scalene muscle.
  • 39. • Directly under prevertebral fascia , the phrenic nerve and the brachical plexus are seen. • As long as the fascia is not breached, these structures are protected. • Once the supraclavicular dissection has been completed towards the anterior border of trapezius, the operation continues in an upwards direction to dissect the posterior triangle.
  • 40. • The dissection continues upwards following the anterior border of the trapezius muscle to the uppermost point of the triangle at the mastoid tip where the trapezius and sternocleidomastoid meet. Dissection of the posterior triangle
  • 41. • The anterior border of the trapezius muscle represents the lateral border of the dissection. • Floor of the posterior triangle is formed by the prevertebral fascia overlying the deeper muscles of the neck- the splenius capitis (cranially), medial, anterior and posterior scalenus muscles and the levator scapulae. • It is important before dissecting the posterior triangle that the SAN is identified. • There are a number of ways to identify the nerve, based on its anatomical trajectory and surgical landmarks.
  • 42.
  • 43. • This is known as Erb's point and can be identified 1 cm above the point where the Greater Auricular Nerve winds around the muscle on its way to supply the parotid fascia. • Once identified, the nerve may be mobilized. • The dissected tissue now hinges on the mastoid and skin insertions of the sternocleidomastoid muscle; these are dissected as well as the lower lobe of parotid gland at the level of the angle of the mandible.
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  • 46. • Divided the upper end of the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the third area. • Retract the posterior belly of digastric muscle upwards. • Posterior belly of digastric muscle as known as resident’s friend – is cleared and using a Langenback retractor, it can be retracted superiorly exposing IJV and accessory nerve. Third area of special attention: The upper end of the internal jugular vein
  • 47. • Before tying any ligatures, the Vagus and Hypoglossal Nerves should be identified and preserved.
  • 48. The Occipital Artery crosses the Posterior Part of the Internal Jugular Vein and this should also be ligated now to prevent further troublesome bleeding.
  • 49. • Upper end of the internal jugular vein identified and ligation done • Dissection across the carotid bifurcation may cause bradycardia and changes in blood pressure due to triggering of the carotid sinus lying within the bifurcation. • Once the IJV has been ligated and dissected at the upper end, the surgical specimen is mobilized. • Dissection continues anteriorly along the border of the mandible.
  • 50. • The contents of the triangle, including lymph nodes and fatty tissue must be removed leaving behind clean muscles that form the boundaries. • Dissection of the submandibular triangle is usually begun in the midline, by dividing the fatty tissue on to the dissection plane of the anterior belly of the contralateral digastric muscle. Fourth area of special attention: the submandibular triangle
  • 51. • The anterior part of the submandibular gland is identified and is dissected to the posterior border of the mylohyoid muscle. • The upper border of the submandibular gland is freed by tying and dividing the vessels, including the facial artery, that cross the lower border of the mandible
  • 52. • The mylohyoid muscle is retracted in a forward direction to reveal the submandibular duct and, at this point, the lingual nerve is pulled down in a curve. • The latter is freed by dividing the fascia around the submandibular ganglion.
  • 53. • The lingual nerve is identified, and two artery forceps are placed below it to divide the branch to the submandibular ganglion. • The submandibular duct is tied and divided and during both of these procedure, the hypoglossal nerve is kept under direct vision to avoid any damage.
  • 54. • Two large drains are placed through the posterior flap and securely tied. • Drains should never cross the carotid sheath, be cut to the correct length and kept well away from any microvascular anastomosis. • Finally, make a check for any chylous leak, any bleeding from the veins accompanying the hypoglossal nerve . • The wound is closed in two layers with an absorbable Vicryl stitch to the platysmal layer and the skin then closed using either interrupted or continuous sutures of Ethilon. Closure
  • 55. • Modifications of the classic RND aim to reduce postsurgical neck pain and shoulder dysfunction encountered when the spinal accessory is resected without compromising adequate oncologic treatment. • Sacrifice of the SCM and IJV is less debilitating. • SCM preservation - improves cosmetic appearance and protects the carotid artery if adjuvant radiotherapy is employed. • Preserving the IJV becomes more significant in patients requiring bilateral neck dissections. Modified radical neck dissection
  • 56. If the accessory nerve is to be preserved , extra care should be taken when the skin flap of the posterior triangle is developed, as the nerve runs at a superficial level and is therefore close to the plane of dissection. Preserving spinal accessory nerve
  • 57. • Preservation of the sternocleidomastoid muscle requires mobilization of the deep inserting fascia from the anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and dissection of the muscle from the fascia below allowing for upward retraction of the muscle using loops or retractors. • The dissection itself is continued under the sternocleidomastoid muscle in the same way as one would proceed as in a radical neck dissection. Sparing of the sternocleidomastoid muscle
  • 58. • Prior to approaching the fascia of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, the external jugular vein must be ligated and divided. • Usually, three sections of the external jugular vein are required in functional and selective neck dissection.
  • 59. • Preservation of the internal jugular vein requires careful dissection along the surface of the vein. • As in radical neck dissection, the vein is located preferably first in the lower neck, after having completed the dissection across the clavicle from trapezius to suprasternal notch. • The supraclavicular nerves and vessels (such as the external jugular vein) are divided as well as the sternocleidomastoid muscle. • The sternocleidomastoid lies directly over the internal jugular vein. Sparing of the IJV
  • 60. • Selective Neck Dissection consists of preservation of one or more lymph node groups and all three nonlymphatic structures. SELECTIVE NECK DISSECTION Selective Neck Dissection Levels dissected Main Indications Supraomohyoid (SOHND) I – III SCC oral cavity Extended supraomohyoid I – IV 1. Skin Ca (SCC, Melanoma) anterior to line of tragus. 2. Performed in Conjunction to superficial parotidectomy
  • 61. Selective Neck Dissection Levels dissected Main Indications Lateral II – IV SCC larynx, Oropharynx and Hypophaynx Posterolateral II – V plus Post. Auricular Skin Ca (SCC, Melanoma) posterior to line of tragus Anterior / Central VI Differentiated Thyroid Ca, Subglottic, Hypopharyngeal SCC Superior Mediastinal VII Differentiated and Medullary Thyroid Ca ,Subglottic, Laryngeal, Hypopharyngeal SCC 3. Cervical Oesophageal Ca
  • 62. • SOHND is indicated in patients with primary tumors arising from the oral cavity without clinical or radiologic evidence of cervical metastasis but who have a high probability of occult lymphatic disease. • The oral cavity includes the area between the vermillion border of the lips and the junction of the hard and soft palate superiorly and the circumvallate papillae of the tongue inferiorly. • Bilateral SOHND is indicated in patients who have carcinomas of the anterior tongue or oral tongue and floor of mouth that approach or cross the midline. • SOHND is indicated along with parotidectomy in patients with squamous cell carcinoma. INDICATIONS OF SUPRAOMOHYOID TYPE
  • 64. • Hemorrhage • Pneumothorax • Carotid sinus reflux • Air embolism • Nerve damage INTRAOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS
  • 65. • Hematoma • Wound infection • Skin flap loss • Salivary fistula • Electrolyte disturbances • Carotid artery rupture POSTOPERATIVE COMPLICATIONS
  • 66. • Treat by opening and elevating the neck flaps to evacuate the hematoma. • Irrigate the surgical field with isotonic sodium chloride solution, and, if any source of bleeding is found, ligate, suture, or electrocauterize to achieve hemostasis. • If the hematoma is recognized and treated early, no adverse consequences ensue. • However, if found late, airway compromise, infection, or flap necrosis can occur. HEMATOMA • Use suction drains to avoid accumulation of blood under the skin flap and to prevent hematoma formation. • Sudden bleeding indicates that an untied vessel has opened or that a ligature has slipped from the vessel.
  • 67. • Salivary contamination from the oral cavity is possible, causing bacterial invasion and wound infection. • Other factors are malnutrition, chemotherapy, anemia, diabetes mellitus, and advanced tumor mass. WOUND INFECTION • If wound infection develops, open the flap, evacuate and culture the pus, and irrigate the wound. • Administer antibiotics. • Carefully debride necrotic tissue. • Local care with frequent dressing changes, salivary fistula control, and wound irrigation is critical.
  • 68. • Skin flap necrosis causes design errors, elevation, poor handling, or improper postoperative care. • Preexisting scars, prior radiation therapy, hematoma, infection, and poor nutrition can contribute to skin flap loss. • Carefully and progressively trim necrotic tissue and frequently change wound dressings. • Skin necrosis, infection, and accumulation of pus adjacent to the carotid wall alert the surgeon to a potential carotid artery rupture. SKIN FLAP LOSS
  • 69. • Carotid artery rupture is rare after supraomohyoid neck dissection. • Incidence of this complication ranges from 3-7%. The precipitating factors of carotid artery rupture are as follows: • Radiation therapy • Infection and salivary fistula • Suction catheters that cause erosion of the vessel wall • Exposure by dehiscence of the suture line or necrosis of the dermis • Rupture occurs in patients who underwent neck surgery with exposure of the carotid artery and one or more of the precipitating factors listed above. • Initial bleeding indicates that serious complications can be avoided with elective ligation of the offending artery. CAROTID ARTERY RUPTURE
  • 70. Immediate treatment for carotid artery rupture includes the following measures: • Apply direct and firm pressure to the affected area. • Suctioning, good illumination, and adequate instrumentation are imperative. • With a large-bore catheter, cannulize a peripheral vein in each arm for immediate administration of fluids • The airway should be adequate and stable. • If the patient does not undergo a tracheotomy, orotracheal intubation may be necessary. • Blood is typed and cross-matched for 4-6 units of blood. • Move the patient to the operating room. • If bleeding cannot be controlled with pressure, clamp the common carotid artery as an emergency procedure.
  • 71. Definitive treatment for carotid artery rupture includes the following measures: • Ligate the carotid artery. • Adequate exposure (both proximally and distally) to the source of bleeding and contaminated or infected areas helps prevent a second rupture. • Accomplish ligation with 1-0 silk suture. Reinforce this suture, distally and proximally, with 2-0 silk suture. Then, bury the ligated stump in surrounding healthy tissue.
  • 74.