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Management By Objectives
      2nd January 2013
How to coach
                    Clarify performance shortfall
                    and expectations
                    Gain commitment to
                                                      2. Challenging
                    accepting more difficult tasks
                    Provide strategies and            performance
                    techniques for improving                                   Accurately describe problems
                    performance                                                and identify root causes
                    Help the person develop ways                               Encourage the person to
                    to monitor performance and                                 express his or her feelings
                    self-correct in the future                                 Facilitate the development of
                                                                               personal insights
                                                          3. Counselling       Explore behavioural
                                                                               alternatives that could solve
                                                          behaviour            the problem

         1. Tutoring
                                                     4. Mentoring
Help the person develop                                                  Help understand their
technical understanding and                           political savvy/   organisation and gain
competence                                                               political savvy
                                                     gut feel            Sensitise to the likes and
Design effective learning                                                dislikes of senior executives
strategies and increase the                                              Model the goals and values
pace of learning                                                         of the organisation
                                                                         Teach the person how to
Share technical insights                                                 manage her/his own career
Management by Objectives
                 Task                                    Motivation
INDIVIDUAL    assignment                Assertiveness

              Professional                Effective      Influencing
              development               communication       tactics

                                                          Types of

                    Workload                             Feedback
                             Forward      metrics
                Critical                                   Group
              Path/Gannt                 Diagnostics       stages
         Financial levers/                                Handling
   GROUP    Cash flow

              OBJECTIVE                                 SUBJECTIVE

   Why plan and review progress?
  • Depersonalises issues:
      – Data is “out there” and the whole team can look at it
        and critique it

  • Provides focus:
      – “What gets measured gets managed” – especially if it
        is on the team wall
      – BUT you need to make metrics hard to “game”!

  • Simplifies communication
      – Explain stuff once – then come back to the same
        points and see how you are dealing with them

   Different team objectives/situations
                   .XXX           Technical Communications

 Language of
 product           undefined      α    β   1.0   3.0

 Process           experiential             compression

 Source: ARM PhD










                                                                  .XXX Revenue targets



                    .XXX financial levers
                                     Downloads             Actionable?
                            +8%                            No point showing
                # Sales =                                  junior people stuff
                                                    +23%   they cannot do
                                  Conversion rate          anything about – it
                                                           just frustrates

+7%   Revenue = X                                          Timely?
                                                           How often does
                                                           the data change –
                                                           and how efficiently
                                                           can you update it?

            .XX organisation chart
                      management team
                                                           Can you create sub-
                                                           teams that scale up
                                                           more easily?

                          .XXX                             How will your time be
                                                           freed up to manage
                                                           external perceptions –
     Customer                          Product             management and key

Market          Support          Develop         Test/QC
1 FTE                            3 FTE           2 FTE

              .XXX product road map
                   Old .XXX customers

                         Old AAAcustomers
                              New customers

 Product/service   Old tool     Acquired tool             New build tool

                   ???               ???                 ???


          .XXX Gannt/critical path
       Q3’07      Q4’07     Q1’08    Q2’08   Q3’08 … Q3’10 ILLUSTRATIVE

        Develop                                        What is the company year
                                                       end for overall budgets?
                  Release                              What is the release
                                                       schedule? (e.g.first, new
                                                       version, patch)
                                                       Who are the critical
                                                       resources? (e.g. testers
                              Test                     get pulled into live
                                 Release               support)

                                                       What external deadlines
                                             Support   cannot be slipped? (e.g.
                                                       major shows, key

     Tech Comms Balanced Scorecard
        Financial - to succeed financially, how must we appear to our
        shareholders? e.g. reducing internal investment, increasing return by
        selling documentation, reducing after-sales support calls

        Customer - to achieve our vision, how must we appear to our
        customers? e.g. customer survey on technical communications project

        Business process - to satisfy our customers and shareholders, what
        business processes must we excel at? e.g. quarterly customer
        satisfaction/support surveys

        Learning and growth - to achieve our vision, how do we sustain our
        ability to change and improve? e.g. training and related cost savings

Source: Mead (1998) Measuring the value added by Technical Documentation, A
review of research and practice (; Carliner (Physical,
Cognitive, Affective): saulcarliner.home.att. net/id/newmodel.htm

         Tech Comms service levels
                                                                What dimensions do
  Cost            α                   β             1.0         end-users value in
                                                   Live support -media (file, embedded,
                                                   Community online, live,
                                                   Diagnostics community…)
                                                                -richness (entry level,
                                                                power user)
         Experimental          First iteration
         Embedded error        Text/online help                  What breakpoints do
         handling              Quick start guide                 users perceive on
         Power user features                                     these dimensions?

                                                                 What service levels do
                                                                 Communications need
                        Worst point –               Delivered    to deliver to get to each
                        high cost but               service      level?
                        not different
Source: Kodak photo booths (time to develop – customer workshop), Xerox vs Canon
photocopiers (time between failures – miniaturisation capabilities)

    Tech Comms: filling out design
 1. Research      scope                                                 ILLUSTRATIVE
 (2-4 weeks)
                             error text                                 What interim
                2. Design                                               deliverables are
               (2-6 weeks)   topics
                                                                        needed at each
                                                                        stage to scope the
                              Green light                               work and support
                                                                        clean handovers
                             3. Development                             within the Technical
                              (3-12 weeks)                              Communications
                                    4. Writing           full text
                                  (2-10 weeks)           diagnostics    What effort is
                                                                        associated with each
                                            5. Testing
                                                                        interim deliverable
                                            (4 weeks)                   for each service
                                                         Release        level?

                                                         6. Support


    Tech Comms: forward pipeline
        Project   Version   Stage   Start   Days   ETC Author
        1         α         1        25/6     0.5 0.25 Heather

        2         2.4       2        29/6      1    0.5 Kirsty
        3         β         3        20/6     15     5 Kirsty

        4         1.2       4        22/6     40    15 Brian
        5         3.1       4          45     45    40 Kirsty
        6         2.4       2          30     30     5 Heather
        7         α         2        15/7     0.5 0.25 Brian



                                                    When will you need to
                                                    start hiring new people
                                                    – and what will their
                                                    learning curve be to
                                                    take up the workload?

                                                    Are there short term
                                                    blips that might require
                                                    sub-contracting staff or
                                                    borrowing from general

   Q3’07   Q4’07   Q1’08    Q2’08   Q3’08 … Q3’10

            Good task assignment
   • Clean task
      – No “long loop”
      – Representative user

   • Assertive introduction
      – Not aggressive
      – Right degree

   • Shared responsibility

                                Personal development
 Interpersonal &                Results Focus                    Problem-Solving             Knowing our                    Leadership
 Communication                                                                               business

  Persuading others             ACHIEVING RESULTS              ANALYTICAL THINKING         RESOURCE USE                   PEOPLE MANAGEMENT
  internally/ and or            Achieving goals for            Breaking down problems      Responsible use of the         Facilitating the effectiveness
  externally to support and     organisation. These goals      and issues in order to      organization’s resources       of others through providing
  buy into desired courses      may include meeting            resolve them                and awareness of costs         direction and a motivating
  of action                     quality standards,                                         and financial controls         work climate. This
                                achieving targets or                                                                      competency is generally
  COMMUNITY SPIRIT/             working within budget                                                                     needed by those in a
  TEAMWORK                                                                                 CUSTOMER FOCUS
                                                               CONCEPTUAL                                                 position of formal leadership
  Showing respect and                                                                      Delighting customers by
  support for others and                                       THINKING                    pre-empting and
  genuinely valuing their                                      Seeing how ideas and        responding to their needs
                                OWNERSHIP OF
  contribution                                                 issues fit together. It     in a timely and
                                                               includes recognising        appropriate way
                                Taking personal
                                                               patterns and trends and                                    TRAINING AND
  INTERCULTURAL                 responsibility for ones
                                                               the big picture             KNOWING THE                    DEVELOPMENT
  AWARENESS                     actions and
                                                                                           EXTERNAL                       Coaching and developing
  Is appreciating and           demonstrating pride in
                                                                                           ENVIRONMENT                    others to help them achieve
  valuing others from           working for organisation
                                                                                           Understanding the              their full potential
  different backgrounds,                                       INNOVATION                  competitive environment
  cultures and expectations                                    Daring to be different by   and external forces
  (internally and externally)   PLANNING                       suggesting new and          impacting upon organization
                                Establishing the route to      radical ideas and finding
                                achieving defined goals        alternative solutions to
  AWARENESS                                                    those that are              CROSS-COMPANY
  Is an accurate awareness                                     established, tried and      INFORMATION FLOW
  of other people, needs,                                      tested.                     Actively sharing ideas and
  motives and feelings,                                                                    information across the
  adapting behaviour                                                                       organisation This involves
                                The willingness to change
  accordingly                                                                              both seeking out and
                                priorities and act
                                                                                           alerting others to pertinent
                                differently as the situation
                                demands, responding
  RELATIONSHIP                  positively to change
  BUILDING                                                                                 SPECIALIST TECHNICAL
  Building and                                                                             OR PROFESSIONAL
  maintaining                                                                              SKILL AND KNOWLEDGE
  relationships with
  contacts internal and /
  or external to

            Clean task assignment
                            No “long loops”
                            e.g. separating engine design and car chassis
                            design is ineffective because the size of the
                            engine impacts the hood and the weight of the
                            car overall impacts the size of the engine
                            needed. Expensive changes late in design like
                            adopting an aluminium engine result.

     Representative user
     e.g. pick a lead user who will
     give feedback iteratively and
     whose needs are close to a lot
     of the final target audience

                      Being assertive
           “acting appropriately on one’s own behalf while not
           violating the rights or stifling the viewpoints of others”

   1. Act as if you have the right to assert yourself
   2. Volunteer – give them “something to shoot at”
   3. Take the initiative. If nobody seems to understand, get up and draw a
       picture. Offer to follow-up on something where you have a stake.
   4. Make frequent, short contributions. Elaborate on the comments of others.
   5. Use strong verbals. Speak firmly and concisely, without overqualifying.
   6. Use assertive body language – eye contact, lean slightly towards the
       other person, gesture broadly, be animated
   7. Know the limits of your personal and psychological space, and know
       when those limits are being violated.
   8. React when aggressors try to silence you.
   9. Practice saying “No”.
   10. Extinguish verbal aggression through selective inattention. Point out
       offensive words and only respond when those words are not used.
   11. Give assertive feedback on aggressive or offensive behaviour.

     Right degree of assertiveness
                Do it or else
                Do it now
                Do it
                Please do it
                I need you to do it
                I would like you to do it
                I would appreciate it if you did it
                If I’m not imposing, I’d like you to do it
                Would you do it?
                Would please do it?
                Would you mind doing it?
                Do you have time to do it?
                Could I ask you to do it?
                Shall I do it myself?
                Okay, I’ll do it!
                When do you want it done?

   Effective communication - BEST
   Bottom-line         Make it simple, clear,

   Evidence and        Prove it. Show how it
     examples          applies. Make it specific
                       and concrete.

   Summary             Restate key points,
                       themes. Reinforce.

   Time awareness      Keep it short.

                         Ask questions!
NOT                                         … BUT
Rapid-fire, staccato questions that sound   Directional questions e.g. Have you
like an interrogation                       considered selling the technology?

“Prisoner’s Dilemma” questions that trap    Clarifying and probing e.g. what do you
the respondent e.g. “when did you stop      mean by “incendiary”?
wasting the company’s cash on that?”
                                            Encouraging participation e.g. Carl, if this
Multiple questions                          were your call, what would you do?

Questions that respondent cannot know       Facilitating a meeting e.g. Are there any
e.g. “what motivated John?”                 comments on the agenda?

Questions that are statements               Building relationships e.g. how long have
                                            you been collecting stamps?
Why questions (imply disapproval)
                                            Stimulate creativity e.g. what if you
                                            reversed those steps?

     Handling responses/questions
   1. Listen carefully
   2. Summarise the response/question if it is long
      or complex
   3. Reinforce correct answers or positive
   4. Give partial credit where the answer has some
      positive elements
   5. Acknowledge their effort and redirect the
      question when the response is off track
   6. Defer or deflect questions where you don’t
      know the answer

“The inner force that drives individuals to accomplish
         personal and organisational goals”
                                  caused by:
 #1      Interesting work                     #1      Interesting work

 #2      Full appreciation of work done       #2      Good wages

 #3      Feeling of being in on things        #3      Job security

 Source: Kovach (87) “What motivates          Source: Harpaz (90) “The importance
 employees? Workers and supervisors           of work goals: an international
 give different answers”. Business            perspective. Journal of International
 Horizons 30 58-65                            Business Studies 21, 75-93


 … factors are not additive and vary with age and income

     Motivation also varies by role
                         Individual   Team






        Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
                            Self-actualising            “lower level needs
                            -interesting work           have to be satisfied
                                                        before next higher
                                                        level need will
                     -full appreciation of work done
                         -promotions and growth         motivate”
                     -feeling of being “in on things”
                            -tactful discipline

                              -job security

                             -good wages
                        -good working conditions

Source: Maslow (43) “A theory of human motivation” Psychological Review, 370-396

Herzberg motivator and hygiene factors

                                      “If motivators are present,
                                      satisfaction will occur – but
                                      absence will not lead to
                                      If hygienes are absent,
                                      dissatisfaction will occur – but
                                      presence will not lead to

Source: Hertzberg, Mausner, Snydermann(59) “The motivation to work” John Wiley

            Making jobs motivating
   Job enlargement      More activities and more
                        variety of activities
   Job enrichment       Add higher level
                        responsibilities and give
                        compensation if
   Promotion            Change job to one with
                        higher level
                        responsibilities with

                      Influencing tactics
   Positive                                Negative

   Explaining                              Avoiding
       Legitimising - authority                Passive aggressive
       Logical persuading - data
       Appealing to friendship - favours
                                               Describing punishment
       Socialising - disclose yourself         Inflicting punishment
       Consulting - appeal to expertise        Carrying, brandishing or refering to
   Stating - Assert                                a weapon
   Inspiring                               Intimidating
       Appeal to values – tell stories         Using size or power to get your way
       Modeling – give the example
   Exchanging – create win-win
                                               Witholding information
   Alliance Building – build consensus         Lying or disguising your intent

            Different types of people

       Extraversion      E                     I   Introversion

           Sensing       S                     N   Intuiting

           Thinking      T                     F   Feeling

            Judging      J                     P   Perceiving

  Source: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

     Recognising and adapting to types
 Recognise                 How to work with them     Recognise                  How to work with them
 Extravert                 •Team meetings            Intravert                  •Don’t embarrass them
 •Think out loud           •Assign presentations     •Like working alone        •Listen
 •Discuss before writing   •Don’t assign solo work   •Write out ideas first     •Allow them to prepare

 Sensors                   •Give facts               INtuitors                  •Ask them to challenge
 •Factual – proven?        •Outline step-by-step     •Future/big picture        •Don’t give detail
 •Fine tune not invent     •Show how risk reduced    •Restless/energy bursts    •Allow them to daydream

 Thinkers                  •State the principles     Feelers                    •Be responsive
 •Analytical/objective     •Give analysis/graphs     •Concerned for people      •Ask them to evaluate
 •May seem insensitive     •Ask them for review      •Empathic/good listener    impact on people

 Judgers                   •Start and end on time    Perceivers                 •Be flexible/adaptable
 •Want closure             •Be structured/neat       •Dislike tight deadlines   •Avoid tight deadlines
 •Impatient                •Use them to manage       •Process not results       •Ask them to handle last
 •Make to do lists         time and monitor tasks    •Spontaneous               minute changes (but
                                                                                ensure Judgers have
                                                                                time to get product out!)

  Source: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

           Influencing different types
   ST Practical and matter of fact              NT   Logical and ingenious
       Logical persuading – STs are factual          Appeal to values – they like
       and logical. Show your plan/proposal          pioneering, and subordinate human
       is well thought out and evidence              values to abstract patterns and
       based.                                        possibilities
       Legitimising                                  Logical persuading – their logical
       Exchanging (if it seems logical!)             side
                                                     Consulting – they want involvement
   SF Sympathetic and friendly                  NF   Enthusiastic and insighful
       Socialising – SFs are also pracitcal,         Consulting – NFs are interested in
       but approach decisions with                   the complexities of human
       subjectivity and human warmth.                communication
       Appealing to friendship – SFs trust           Alliance building – they are very
       their feelings and are more interested        concerned about the impact on
       in facts about people                         people and want to involve others in
       Consulting                                    planning
                                                     Appeal to friendship
                                                     Appeal to values

                                  Why give feedback?
                                        What I know about me              What I don’t know
                                                                             about me
                                                 Arena                        Blind spot
                   What others know
                      about me

                                       Interpersonal communication Seeing yourself as others see
                                         depends on open and free        you is key to self-
                                      exchange of information. With  understanding. Soliciting
                                             greater disclosure,      feedback is the primary
                                      communication increases and tool for anticipating blind spots
                                         serious conflict decreases

                                                Facade                        Unknown
                  What others don’t
                   know about me

                                          Selective disclosure of        Without feedback, the
                                          hidden feelings, ideas,       unknown stays unknown.
                                        attitudes, goals and values     Feedback generally gives
                                      can build the relationship with     illumination for both
                                        others. With a big façade,               parties
                                       people doubt your intentions.

Source: Johari window, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham

                          Giving feedback
1.       Why
            Before giving feedback, think about your motives and perceptions. Are you
            being genuinely helpful and positive? Are you perceiving the situation

2.       When
            Avoid feedback:
     •      you are angry
     •      you want to put someone down
     •      you have not observed the behaviour yourself
     •      the other person cannot change or control the thing you want to discuss

3.       Be SPECIFIC
     •      Avoid labels, judgements or stereotypes e.g. “unprofessional”
     •      Avoid exaggerating for emphasis e.g. you are ALWAYS this careless
     •      Avoid judgement words like “good”, “better”, “should”

4.       Speak for yourself
            Restrict your comments to what you have seen yourself and how that makes
            you feel. Offer your perceptions as perceptions, not facts

                 Receiving feedback
1.   Be receptive to feedback
        You don’t need to believe everything – but you have to be willing to
        listen! If you are too busy to be responsive, say so and set another

2.   Listen carefully
        Attend to the person, avoid interrupting, and stay focused on the
        message, despite your emotional reactions to it. Confirm your
        understanding by paraphrasing and summarising.

3.   Control your physiological responses
        Breathe deeply, relax the muscles in your face, neck and shoulders. If
        you find your body reacting (e.g. crossing arms, legs), control it.

4.   Avoid the impulse to argue or defend yourself
        Swallow the impulse to argue. Defending yourself closes your mind
        and makes you competitive. You can argue with the facts, but not with
        the perceptions – and that is all feedback is!

                Intervening in groups
                                  Forming the group, setting ground
                                  rules, finding similarities

             Storming             Dealing with issues of power and
                                  control, surfacing differences

                                  Managing conflict, finding group
                                  norms, resurfacing similarities

                                  Functioning as an effective group

                                  Finding closure

 Source: Tuckman model of group development

                   Handling conflict
  • Deflect aggression
      – Focus on the issues
      – Do not defend yourself – ignore insults
  • Defuse emotional issues
      – Step away from the situation and cool off
      – May need to address the relationship problems first
  • Choose to remain centred and objective
  • Know what’s important
  • Use the energy of conflict to probe and problem
  • Conflict is not a contest

               Overt and covert conflict
                     Covert conflict         Overt conflict

               hi        Passive               Assertive

 degree of

          low       Passive-aggressive        Aggressive

                           low                  hi
                        Other’s acknowledgement of conflict

     Handling passive-aggressives
  • Recognise their need for control

  • Avoid power struggles initially             Inform
      – Give on some issues                     Engage
  • Appeal to self-interest
  • Reveal your own frustration                 Declare

  • Use confrontation as a last resort         Confront
  • Enforce agreements by making them public    Enforce

  • Easier than passive-aggressives
  • Will usually co-operate because they
    dislike confrontation
  • However they may later change their mind
    when they no longer feel a threat!

  • Deflect aggression
       – Ignore insults
       – Focus on the issues
  • Know and act on your limits
       – When you reach your limit, calmly and firmly
         tell the aggressor to stop
       – State that you refuse to be treated that way
         and suggest a later meeting when they are

 *”Excessively controlling or threatening, being overly competitive, being insulting or
 intimidating, needing to prove others wrong, winning at others expense, acting
 spitefully or vengefully”. Or physically forcing people to do things!

     Reporting vs. milestones/metrics
      Weekly: Operating Committee
      -Review short-term deadlines and load-balance
      -Share external feedback and priorities
      Need:One pager summaries from sub-team leaders etc

      Monthly: Management team
      -Review progress against milestones
      -Identify causes of slippage and budget variance
      Need:Time reports, quality metrics etc

      Quarterly: Budgeting
      -Account for time

                  Why diagnose?
  • Expose your thinking and explore the real
    alternatives thoroughly

  • Build an “open” logic to the decisions that
    draws your team into participating

  • Identify what you have to manage closely
    and allow experimentation on how to get

              When experiment?
  • Where value at risk is high and the
    winning approach is changing

  • Where costs or risks can be reduced by
    staging commitment through early trials
    (non-scaleable) or pilots (scaleable)

  • Where outcomes from those trials or pilots
    can be observed quickly and resources
    committed accordingly

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13 01-02 management by objectives

  • 1. Management By Objectives coaching 2nd January 2013
  • 2. How to coach Clarify performance shortfall and expectations Gain commitment to 2. Challenging accepting more difficult tasks Provide strategies and performance techniques for improving Accurately describe problems performance and identify root causes Help the person develop ways Encourage the person to to monitor performance and express his or her feelings self-correct in the future Facilitate the development of personal insights 3. Counselling Explore behavioural alternatives that could solve behaviour the problem 1. Tutoring technique 4. Mentoring Help the person develop Help understand their technical understanding and political savvy/ organisation and gain competence political savvy gut feel Sensitise to the likes and Design effective learning dislikes of senior executives strategies and increase the Model the goals and values pace of learning of the organisation Teach the person how to Share technical insights manage her/his own career
  • 3. Management by Objectives Task Motivation INDIVIDUAL assignment Assertiveness Professional Effective Influencing development communication tactics Types of people Workload Feedback Milestones/ Forward metrics pipeline Critical Group Path/Gannt Diagnostics stages Balanced scorecard Financial levers/ Handling GROUP Cash flow Experiments conflict OBJECTIVE SUBJECTIVE
  • 4. GROUP/OBJECTIVE Why plan and review progress? • Depersonalises issues: – Data is “out there” and the whole team can look at it and critique it • Provides focus: – “What gets measured gets managed” – especially if it is on the team wall – BUT you need to make metrics hard to “game”! • Simplifies communication – Explain stuff once – then come back to the same points and see how you are dealing with them
  • 5. GROUP/OBJECTIVE Different team objectives/situations .XXX Technical Communications You Targets Power modular Language of product undefined α β 1.0 3.0 architecture Process experiential compression Source: ARM PhD
  • 6. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 Jun-07 Sep-07 GROUP/OBJECTIVE Dec-07 Mar-08 Jun-08 Sep-08 Dec-08 Mar-09 Jun-09 Sep-09 Dec-09 .XXX Revenue targets Mar-10 Jun-10 ILLUSTRATIVE
  • 7. GROUP/OBJECTIVE .XXX financial levers ILLUSTRATIVE -12% Downloads Actionable? +8% No point showing # Sales = junior people stuff +23% they cannot do Conversion rate anything about – it just frustrates them +7% Revenue = X Timely? How often does the data change – and how efficiently can you update it? -1% Revenue/ sale=
  • 8. GROUP/OBJECTIVE .XX organisation chart management team Can you create sub- teams that scale up more easily? .XXX How will your time be freed up to manage external perceptions – Customer Product management and key clients? Market Support Develop Test/QC 1 FTE 3 FTE 2 FTE
  • 9. GROUP/OBJECTIVE .XXX product road map ILLUSTRATIVE Old .XXX customers Old AAAcustomers Business/market New customers Product/service Old tool Acquired tool New build tool Technology ??? ??? ??? Training:
  • 10. GROUP/OBJECTIVE .XXX Gannt/critical path Q3’07 Q4’07 Q1’08 Q2’08 Q3’08 … Q3’10 ILLUSTRATIVE Develop What is the company year end for overall budgets? Test Release What is the release schedule? (e.g.first, new version, patch) Support Who are the critical Develop resources? (e.g. testers Test get pulled into live Release support) What external deadlines Support cannot be slipped? (e.g. major shows, key clients)C
  • 11. GROUP/OBJECTIVE Tech Comms Balanced Scorecard Financial - to succeed financially, how must we appear to our shareholders? e.g. reducing internal investment, increasing return by selling documentation, reducing after-sales support calls Customer - to achieve our vision, how must we appear to our customers? e.g. customer survey on technical communications project management Business process - to satisfy our customers and shareholders, what business processes must we excel at? e.g. quarterly customer satisfaction/support surveys Learning and growth - to achieve our vision, how do we sustain our ability to change and improve? e.g. training and related cost savings Source: Mead (1998) Measuring the value added by Technical Documentation, A review of research and practice (; Carliner (Physical, Cognitive, Affective): saulcarliner.home.att. net/id/newmodel.htm
  • 12. GROUP/OBJECTIVE Tech Comms service levels What dimensions do Cost α β 1.0 end-users value in Technical Tested Communications: Live support -media (file, embedded, Community online, live, Diagnostics community…) -richness (entry level, power user) Experimental First iteration Embedded error Text/online help What breakpoints do handling Quick start guide users perceive on Power user features these dimensions? What service levels do Technical Communications need Worst point – Delivered to deliver to get to each high cost but service level? not different Source: Kodak photo booths (time to develop – customer workshop), Xerox vs Canon photocopiers (time between failures – miniaturisation capabilities)
  • 13. GROUP/OBJECTIVE Tech Comms: filling out design 1. Research scope ILLUSTRATIVE (2-4 weeks) error text What interim 2. Design deliverables are (2-6 weeks) topics needed at each stage to scope the Green light work and support clean handovers 3. Development within the Technical (3-12 weeks) Communications team? 4. Writing full text (2-10 weeks) diagnostics What effort is associated with each 5. Testing interim deliverable (4 weeks) for each service Release level? 6. Support QC
  • 14. GROUP/OBJECTIVE Tech Comms: forward pipeline ILLUSTRATIVE Project Version Stage Start Days ETC Author 1 α 1 25/6 0.5 0.25 Heather 2 2.4 2 29/6 1 0.5 Kirsty 3 β 3 20/6 15 5 Kirsty 4 1.2 4 22/6 40 15 Brian 5 3.1 4 45 45 40 Kirsty 6 2.4 2 30 30 5 Heather 7 α 2 15/7 0.5 0.25 Brian …
  • 15. GROUP/OBJECTIVE Workload ILLUSTRATIVE When will you need to start hiring new people – and what will their learning curve be to take up the workload? Are there short term blips that might require sub-contracting staff or borrowing from general pool? Q3’07 Q4’07 Q1’08 Q2’08 Q3’08 … Q3’10
  • 16. INDIVIDUAL/OBJECTIVE Good task assignment • Clean task – No “long loop” – Representative user • Assertive introduction – Not aggressive – Right degree • Shared responsibility
  • 17. INDIVIDUAL/OBJECTIVE Personal development Interpersonal & Results Focus Problem-Solving Knowing our Leadership Communication business INFLUENCING Persuading others ACHIEVING RESULTS ANALYTICAL THINKING RESOURCE USE PEOPLE MANAGEMENT internally/ and or Achieving goals for Breaking down problems Responsible use of the Facilitating the effectiveness externally to support and organisation. These goals and issues in order to organization’s resources of others through providing buy into desired courses may include meeting resolve them and awareness of costs direction and a motivating of action quality standards, and financial controls work climate. This achieving targets or competency is generally COMMUNITY SPIRIT/ working within budget needed by those in a TEAMWORK CUSTOMER FOCUS CONCEPTUAL position of formal leadership Showing respect and Delighting customers by support for others and THINKING pre-empting and genuinely valuing their Seeing how ideas and responding to their needs OWNERSHIP OF contribution issues fit together. It in a timely and RESPONSIBILITY includes recognising appropriate way Taking personal patterns and trends and TRAINING AND INTERCULTURAL responsibility for ones the big picture KNOWING THE DEVELOPMENT AWARENESS actions and EXTERNAL Coaching and developing Is appreciating and demonstrating pride in ENVIRONMENT others to help them achieve valuing others from working for organisation Understanding the their full potential different backgrounds, INNOVATION competitive environment cultures and expectations Daring to be different by and external forces (internally and externally) PLANNING suggesting new and impacting upon organization Establishing the route to radical ideas and finding achieving defined goals alternative solutions to INTERPERSONAL AWARENESS those that are CROSS-COMPANY Is an accurate awareness established, tried and INFORMATION FLOW of other people, needs, tested. Actively sharing ideas and ADAPTABILITY/ motives and feelings, information across the FLEXIBILITY adapting behaviour organisation This involves The willingness to change accordingly both seeking out and priorities and act alerting others to pertinent differently as the situation information demands, responding RELATIONSHIP positively to change BUILDING SPECIALIST TECHNICAL Building and OR PROFESSIONAL maintaining SKILL AND KNOWLEDGE relationships with contacts internal and / or external to organisation
  • 18. INDIVIDUAL/OBJECTIVE Clean task assignment No “long loops” e.g. separating engine design and car chassis design is ineffective because the size of the engine impacts the hood and the weight of the car overall impacts the size of the engine needed. Expensive changes late in design like adopting an aluminium engine result. Representative user e.g. pick a lead user who will give feedback iteratively and whose needs are close to a lot of the final target audience
  • 19. INDIVIDUAL/OBJECTIVE Being assertive “acting appropriately on one’s own behalf while not violating the rights or stifling the viewpoints of others” 1. Act as if you have the right to assert yourself 2. Volunteer – give them “something to shoot at” 3. Take the initiative. If nobody seems to understand, get up and draw a picture. Offer to follow-up on something where you have a stake. 4. Make frequent, short contributions. Elaborate on the comments of others. 5. Use strong verbals. Speak firmly and concisely, without overqualifying. 6. Use assertive body language – eye contact, lean slightly towards the other person, gesture broadly, be animated 7. Know the limits of your personal and psychological space, and know when those limits are being violated. 8. React when aggressors try to silence you. 9. Practice saying “No”. 10. Extinguish verbal aggression through selective inattention. Point out offensive words and only respond when those words are not used. 11. Give assertive feedback on aggressive or offensive behaviour.
  • 20. INDIVIDUAL/OBJECTIVE Right degree of assertiveness Do it or else Do it now Do it Please do it I need you to do it I would like you to do it I would appreciate it if you did it If I’m not imposing, I’d like you to do it Would you do it? Would please do it? Would you mind doing it? Do you have time to do it? Could I ask you to do it? Shall I do it myself? Okay, I’ll do it! When do you want it done?
  • 21. INDIVIDUAL/OBJECTIVE Effective communication - BEST Bottom-line Make it simple, clear, concise Evidence and Prove it. Show how it examples applies. Make it specific and concrete. Summary Restate key points, themes. Reinforce. Time awareness Keep it short.
  • 22. INDIVIDUAL/OBJECTIVE Ask questions! NOT … BUT Rapid-fire, staccato questions that sound Directional questions e.g. Have you like an interrogation considered selling the technology? “Prisoner’s Dilemma” questions that trap Clarifying and probing e.g. what do you the respondent e.g. “when did you stop mean by “incendiary”? wasting the company’s cash on that?” Encouraging participation e.g. Carl, if this Multiple questions were your call, what would you do? Questions that respondent cannot know Facilitating a meeting e.g. Are there any e.g. “what motivated John?” comments on the agenda? Questions that are statements Building relationships e.g. how long have you been collecting stamps? Why questions (imply disapproval) Stimulate creativity e.g. what if you reversed those steps?
  • 23. INDIVIDUAL/OBJECTIVE Handling responses/questions 1. Listen carefully 2. Summarise the response/question if it is long or complex 3. Reinforce correct answers or positive contributions 4. Give partial credit where the answer has some positive elements 5. Acknowledge their effort and redirect the question when the response is off track 6. Defer or deflect questions where you don’t know the answer
  • 24. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Motivation “The inner force that drives individuals to accomplish personal and organisational goals” caused by: #1 Interesting work #1 Interesting work #2 Full appreciation of work done #2 Good wages #3 Feeling of being in on things #3 Job security Source: Kovach (87) “What motivates Source: Harpaz (90) “The importance employees? Workers and supervisors of work goals: an international give different answers”. Business perspective. Journal of International Horizons 30 58-65 Business Studies 21, 75-93 but!!!! … factors are not additive and vary with age and income
  • 25. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Motivation also varies by role Individual Team Bob Sales Karen Marketing Jules Development Zac Technical Services Jill
  • 26. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Maslow’s hierarchy of needs Self-actualising “lower level needs -interesting work have to be satisfied before next higher Esteem level need will -full appreciation of work done -promotions and growth motivate” Social -feeling of being “in on things” -tactful discipline Safety -job security Physiological -good wages -good working conditions Source: Maslow (43) “A theory of human motivation” Psychological Review, 370-396
  • 27. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Herzberg motivator and hygiene factors “If motivators are present, satisfaction will occur – but absence will not lead to dissatisfaction. If hygienes are absent, dissatisfaction will occur – but presence will not lead to satisfaction” Source: Hertzberg, Mausner, Snydermann(59) “The motivation to work” John Wiley
  • 28. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Making jobs motivating Job enlargement More activities and more variety of activities Job enrichment Add higher level responsibilities and give compensation if accepted Promotion Change job to one with higher level responsibilities with compensation
  • 29. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Influencing tactics Positive Negative Explaining Avoiding Legitimising - authority Passive aggressive Ignoring Logical persuading - data Delaying Asking Threatening Appealing to friendship - favours Describing punishment Socialising - disclose yourself Inflicting punishment Consulting - appeal to expertise Carrying, brandishing or refering to Stating - Assert a weapon Inspiring Intimidating Appeal to values – tell stories Using size or power to get your way Interrupting Modeling – give the example Manipulating Exchanging – create win-win Witholding information Alliance Building – build consensus Lying or disguising your intent
  • 30. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Different types of people Extraversion E I Introversion Sensing S N Intuiting Thinking T F Feeling Judging J P Perceiving Source: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • 31. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Recognising and adapting to types Recognise How to work with them Recognise How to work with them Extravert •Team meetings Intravert •Don’t embarrass them •Think out loud •Assign presentations •Like working alone •Listen •Discuss before writing •Don’t assign solo work •Write out ideas first •Allow them to prepare Sensors •Give facts INtuitors •Ask them to challenge •Factual – proven? •Outline step-by-step •Future/big picture •Don’t give detail •Fine tune not invent •Show how risk reduced •Restless/energy bursts •Allow them to daydream Thinkers •State the principles Feelers •Be responsive •Analytical/objective •Give analysis/graphs •Concerned for people •Ask them to evaluate •May seem insensitive •Ask them for review •Empathic/good listener impact on people Judgers •Start and end on time Perceivers •Be flexible/adaptable •Want closure •Be structured/neat •Dislike tight deadlines •Avoid tight deadlines •Impatient •Use them to manage •Process not results •Ask them to handle last •Make to do lists time and monitor tasks •Spontaneous minute changes (but ensure Judgers have time to get product out!) Source: Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
  • 32. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Influencing different types ST Practical and matter of fact NT Logical and ingenious Logical persuading – STs are factual Appeal to values – they like and logical. Show your plan/proposal pioneering, and subordinate human is well thought out and evidence values to abstract patterns and based. possibilities Legitimising Logical persuading – their logical Exchanging (if it seems logical!) side Consulting – they want involvement SF Sympathetic and friendly NF Enthusiastic and insighful Socialising – SFs are also pracitcal, Consulting – NFs are interested in but approach decisions with the complexities of human subjectivity and human warmth. communication Appealing to friendship – SFs trust Alliance building – they are very their feelings and are more interested concerned about the impact on in facts about people people and want to involve others in Consulting planning Appeal to friendship Appeal to values
  • 33. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Why give feedback? What I know about me What I don’t know about me Arena Blind spot What others know about me Interpersonal communication Seeing yourself as others see depends on open and free you is key to self- exchange of information. With understanding. Soliciting greater disclosure, feedback is the primary communication increases and tool for anticipating blind spots serious conflict decreases Facade Unknown What others don’t know about me Selective disclosure of Without feedback, the hidden feelings, ideas, unknown stays unknown. attitudes, goals and values Feedback generally gives can build the relationship with illumination for both others. With a big façade, parties people doubt your intentions. Source: Johari window, Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham
  • 34. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Giving feedback 1. Why Before giving feedback, think about your motives and perceptions. Are you being genuinely helpful and positive? Are you perceiving the situation correctly? 2. When Avoid feedback: • you are angry • you want to put someone down • you have not observed the behaviour yourself • the other person cannot change or control the thing you want to discuss 3. Be SPECIFIC • Avoid labels, judgements or stereotypes e.g. “unprofessional” • Avoid exaggerating for emphasis e.g. you are ALWAYS this careless • Avoid judgement words like “good”, “better”, “should” 4. Speak for yourself Restrict your comments to what you have seen yourself and how that makes you feel. Offer your perceptions as perceptions, not facts
  • 35. INDIVIDUAL/SUBJECTIVE Receiving feedback 1. Be receptive to feedback You don’t need to believe everything – but you have to be willing to listen! If you are too busy to be responsive, say so and set another time. 2. Listen carefully Attend to the person, avoid interrupting, and stay focused on the message, despite your emotional reactions to it. Confirm your understanding by paraphrasing and summarising. 3. Control your physiological responses Breathe deeply, relax the muscles in your face, neck and shoulders. If you find your body reacting (e.g. crossing arms, legs), control it. 4. Avoid the impulse to argue or defend yourself Swallow the impulse to argue. Defending yourself closes your mind and makes you competitive. You can argue with the facts, but not with the perceptions – and that is all feedback is!
  • 36. GROUP/SUBJECTIVE Intervening in groups Forming the group, setting ground Forming rules, finding similarities Storming Dealing with issues of power and control, surfacing differences Managing conflict, finding group Norming norms, resurfacing similarities Functioning as an effective group Performing Finding closure Adjourning Source: Tuckman model of group development
  • 37. GROUP/SUBJECTIVE Handling conflict • Deflect aggression – Focus on the issues – Do not defend yourself – ignore insults • Defuse emotional issues – Step away from the situation and cool off – May need to address the relationship problems first • Choose to remain centred and objective • Know what’s important • Use the energy of conflict to probe and problem solve • Conflict is not a contest
  • 38. GROUP/SUBJECTIVE Overt and covert conflict Covert conflict Overt conflict hi Passive Assertive Other’s degree of cooperation low Passive-aggressive Aggressive low hi Other’s acknowledgement of conflict
  • 39. GROUP/SUBJECTIVE Handling passive-aggressives • Recognise their need for control Avoid • Avoid power struggles initially Inform – Give on some issues Engage Disclose Explore Wait • Appeal to self-interest Assert Surface • Reveal your own frustration Declare Specify Persist • Use confrontation as a last resort Confront Surface Declare Specify • Enforce agreements by making them public Enforce
  • 40. GROUP/SUBJECTIVE Passive • Easier than passive-aggressives • Will usually co-operate because they dislike confrontation • However they may later change their mind when they no longer feel a threat!
  • 41. GROUP/SUBJECTIVE Aggressive* • Deflect aggression – Ignore insults – Focus on the issues • Know and act on your limits – When you reach your limit, calmly and firmly tell the aggressor to stop – State that you refuse to be treated that way and suggest a later meeting when they are calmer *”Excessively controlling or threatening, being overly competitive, being insulting or intimidating, needing to prove others wrong, winning at others expense, acting spitefully or vengefully”. Or physically forcing people to do things!
  • 42. GROUP/OBJECTIVE Reporting vs. milestones/metrics Weekly: Operating Committee -Review short-term deadlines and load-balance -Share external feedback and priorities Need:One pager summaries from sub-team leaders etc Monthly: Management team -Review progress against milestones -Identify causes of slippage and budget variance Need:Time reports, quality metrics etc Quarterly: Budgeting -Account for time
  • 43. GROUP/OBJECTIVE Why diagnose? • Expose your thinking and explore the real alternatives thoroughly • Build an “open” logic to the decisions that draws your team into participating • Identify what you have to manage closely and allow experimentation on how to get there
  • 44. GROUP/OBJECTIVE When experiment? • Where value at risk is high and the winning approach is changing • Where costs or risks can be reduced by staging commitment through early trials (non-scaleable) or pilots (scaleable) • Where outcomes from those trials or pilots can be observed quickly and resources committed accordingly

Editor's Notes

  1. We started out by writing out a contract, describing your current situation and what gaps needed to be covered by coaching. For the first couple of months, most of the coaching was Tutoring on specific techniques. This was a good place to start because it helped you get to grips with your new teams. You were producing plans, discussing them in the team and resolving conflicts anyway, and having short tutorials that helped you prepare materials for those team sessions was useful. In the next couple of months we have been doing more Challenging. While we have done some content sessions on areas which were gaps (e.g. how to coach, how to assign tasks), we reviewed quite a lot of progress material that you were producing. This was also useful because it helped you to practice presenting and showing where you were going.
  2. A range of skills are needed to Manage by Objectives. A good place to start is the Group Objective. As we will see these Objectives were quite different in a profit centre (.NET) and in a service unit (Tech Comms). Consequent we did separate sessions for the first few tutorials until you had your business plan/balanced scorecards in place. Objectives need to be assigned to individuals as tasks, and those individuals need to be developing themselves professionally. Individuals also need to make sense of their objectives for their own subjective experience and satisfaction. We discussed how to assert and take feedback, and we did tutorials on motivation, influencing tactics and different types of people. Individuals interact, and the group as a whole can be a positive or a negative experience. We looked at group dynamics and ways to handle conflict. Finally, we closed the loop by looking at Group progress against milestones, diagnosing issues and experimenting with new approaches.
  3. The situations for .NET as a profit centre and Tech Comms as a service unit are very different, so objectives are expressed very differently. .NET is a self-contained unit, so James is mostly trying to influence people who reported to him, while Rachel needs to influence many different leaders of other groups (Development, Testing, Marketing etc) to get Tech Comms to work smoothly. James can rely on authority more than Rachel. .NET is an experimental unit trying to define new products in a market that has not yet formed, while Tech Comms is operating with well-defined market standards for what good help looks like at different stages. This makes it easier for Rachel to communicate using commonly understood terms and define standards. .NET is experientially iterating releases of products to learn about market needs, while Tech Comms is trying to compress the time to get high quality help out for a whole series of products at the same time. Rachel needs to manage a forward pipeline of many products for a set of largely independent “consultants” while James needs to integrate the efforts of a large team around a few core products.
  4. .NET topline revenue targets drive the activity of the whole team
  5. .NET revenue targets require a series of financial levers to work together. The whole team has to pull together to grow revenues by improving Downloads (Marketing getting customers interested), Conversion rate (Sales convincing users to pay) and Revenue per Sale (Development providing a higher value bundle). Drawing together actionable and timely data on these key levers of the business means that .NET is able to identify trends and understand what progress is being made towards critical breakpoints (e.g. $750/product bundle) that need to be reached when to make the revenue plan.
  6. The objectives then relate to sub-teams within the .NET division, giving challenging but autonomous tasks to the people reporting into James.
  7. .NET financial objectives depend on getting new products to market to build a more valuable bundle over time. Understanding what key technologies are needed to make that product road map and when they have to be in place gives the critical path for the development team.
  8. The critical path forward plan lays out the dependencies to make the product road map, and makes clear the impact of not getting resources assigned in time.
  9. By contrast, a service unit Tech Comms needs to balance the cost of providing service levels with customer satisfaction and quality.
  10. Consistently delivering good enough quality to make Red Gate help distinctly better requires a clear understanding of the different service levels needed at different stages in a products life and making sure those are delivered across all products.
  11. Tech Comms need to create interim deliverables that allow Help to be designed into products from the start rather than tacked on as an afterthought.
  12. Tech Comms need to estimate effort and assign responsibilities for a forward pipeline of work from across the whole of Red Gate. Making this forward pipeline visible is difficult but essential.
  13. Once a plan is in place, the team can anticipate how much effort will be needed overall. Changing the timing on tasks or borrowing resources to achieve a smooth growth for the whole team is essential – it takes time to hire and train up new people!
  14. The individuals in the team need to have clean tasks where they can take autonomous decisions and see results, and these tasks need to be introduced to them in an assertive way.
  15. Task assignment needs to take account of the areas where previous reviews have shown that the individual needs to improve. This links tasks clearly to personal progress towards the kind of job that will satisfy the individual. We went through all the key people in the team and identified their development needs using a detailed breakdown of capabilities. We thought about concrete behaviours that they have been doing which illustrate that these are real issues they have to tackle. We thought about specific tasks that they will need to do as part of their individual job and how they can prove they have learnt their lesson.
  16. Assigning clean responsibility for all closely inter-related aspects of a job to one person eliminates the frustration of rework after “long loops”. The most important decision is the representative user who will give feedback to improve the first version of an output. Selecting a user with a good fit to the characteristics of the final audience will reduce the risk of the project.
  17. Manager’s need to assert the importance of the tasks that are critical to progress towards the overall team goals.
  18. Managers need to be flexible to get action, taking into account the real impact of the task not being done.
  19. Clear communication is essential.
  20. Managers should draw on what their colleagues already know by asking questions.
  21. Managers also need to listen to what their expert colleagues say and improve the plan.
  22. Managers need to make jobs motivating
  23. There are clear differences by function (Sales/Service) on what people want to be measured by and how they like to be rewarded
  24. There are two different theories about how people can be motivated. Maslow’s hierarchy says that you have to get a platform of things right before people start to respond to the higher level levers.
  25. Herzberg says that you need to get hygiene factors good enough and then motivators will make people happy.
  26. But in general you need to be moving people towards broader more interesting roles, and giving them compensation if they take on more responsibility
  27. We may not be conscious of the tactics that we use when trying to influence people, but it is worth keeping a diary of our interactions with different key people to see what negative or blind-spot relationships we have and consciously improving them.
  28. People really are different on a number of dimensions
  29. These differences mean that they like different kinds of work, and a wise manager will adapt their style to suit their colleague
  30. Different tactics appeal to different types of people
  31. Feedback is important as work on tasks gets underway, to help colleagues understand how they are perceived.
  32. Making time for good, clear feedback wll pay back longer term
  33. Managers have to listen too!
  34. The overall team/group dynamic will make a big difference to overall performance. Teams normally go through a series of stages and the role of the manager changes as the group matures.
  35. Conflict is a good way to come up with a great solution, and finding positive ways to handle it will make the group effective
  36. Some people are less keen on having direct conflict, and you have to adapt to them.
  37. Passive aggressives who appear to agree but then don’t deliver are particularly hard to handle
  38. Passives are easier
  39. Aggressive colleagues are actually relatively straightforward
  40. The team needs a clear regular view of how progress is going against the plan
  41. Reporting performance into levers or balanced scorecard elements gives a clean overview of how things build up, and allows the team to see how their activities inter-relate. We found that .NET could get more control over downloads by separating out activity by geographical region of the world. This kind of “ad hoc” diagnostic can then get built into the next round of reporting and forms the team vocabulary about what they are trying to achieve.
  42. Having identified problems, the manager needs to give colleagues the autonomy to try to solve them. However she/he can stay in control by setting clear limits to experiments and clear success criteria for further activity.