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FMP - Evaluation
Erin Stephenson
Evaluation Introduction
• Throughout this PowerPoint, I will be evaluating my work completed throughout the pre-
production stages as well as evaluating my production work also. It is important to
consider both these aspects because it will give me the opportunity to also add any
smaller improvements after finalising this evaluation.
• In this evaluation, I will be breaking it down into each section of my work (Proposal/Pre-
Proposal/Contextual Research/Research/Problem
Solving/Experiments/Planning/Production/Daily Reflections) as that way I can easily refer
and also find the work written for each portion.
• Something else I will be including in my evaluation is analysing specific parts of each
piece of work which will be shown through screenshots and annotations. This allows me
to make specific references as well as being able to go into more detail. An example of
this would be annotation a section within my proposal, going over what’s worked well and
what could have possibly been added to improve the work.
Evaluation Introduction - Continued
• Once going through and evaluating the content I have created,
it will give me the opportunity to consider the positives and
negatives of each aspect of my work.
In this screenshot it shows how I have organised my work within my college One Drive folder.
• A method I used to help all my work stay in an order that made sense chronologically is numbering each ‘folder’ from 1-11
starting with my first task ending with the last.
• Another method I used to keep each area of work together was putting each ‘section’ into folders, this was very helpful with
areas such as problem solving and more so production because it meant I could easily find certain pieces of work which I
• Another tool that helped me stay organised throughout my
project was the ‘tags’ feature included in Mac OS for finder.
• This proved to be very helpful when doing multiple areas at
once such as pre-production and problem solving as I had a
slight cross over due to not spacing my time management
out as effectively as I would have wanted.
• What I like about using this tool is it gives me a visual
representation of where I am at with my work in terms of
progress, instead of having to go into each document
checking where I am at I can get an overall view with them
all in one space
Time Management
Pre-Proposal & Proposal Evaluation
• The first aspect of my work that I am going to evaluate is my pre-proposals
and proposals. This is important as my proposals link into my production
due to the questions that I answered within that document outline areas of
my production such as audience, my experience, concept and so on. This
was also helpful as it helped me ensure I was able to put across all the
points and statements I wanted to make regarding my work. Once I had
completed this I was able to get a clearer focus of what I was going to
Pre-Proposal & Proposal - Evaluation
• When completing these documents something I found helpful to give
guidance on where I was at quantity wise is using the word count. When
writing up I have the tendency to ‘babble’ and so paying attention to this
tool and making sure I am not writing an excess amount and instead being
able to express a clear and concise point without too much writing.
Looking back on the word count for both documents, I was able to keep
them both quite short and to the point.
When writing up my pre-proposals at the beginning of
my fmp, something I did which helped me make my
decision was having multiple versions/variations going
into different ideas if what I was possibly going to
This example in the screenshot is from my Campaign Pre-Proposal in
which I describe some of my initial influences (which also helped me when
deciding which practitioners I wanted to do more in depth research for my
contextual research written work. In this section, the main photographer I
discuss is Damon baker who I also used as a source of inspiration for my
factual product.
Here is another example, taken from my jewellery pre-proposal where I outline my
initial influences. This one is slightly different in comparison to my others as instead
of going to detail on one influence, I bullet pointed key notes and features about each
This section of work is from my marketing pre-proposal
discussing tone and style in my project. In this I broke down them
into three sections developing each point of tone/mood/style
establishing a few key things I like and might potentially use in my
project which would be discussed more in my planning. Even
though this was a pre-proposal I feel that the detail put in was
appropriate as it allowed me to expand on my ideas as I got
further along in the planning stages.
In this screenshot, I am discussing the
tone/mood/style of the project which will be
based off the campaign.
Overall analysis of Pre-Proposal
• What do I like about this piece of work:
• Areas for improvement?
• Something I would add to my work if I had more time would
Overall analysis of Proposal
• What do I like about this piece of work:
• Areas for improvement?
• Something I would add to my work if I had more time would
Something that I added to my proposal to make the
intentions of my project more clear is an audience
section, this is a section that has helped me massively in
previous units such as my factual and by outlining my
audience before beginning my research, it can be more
focused and to a point instead of including analytics that
I cant relate to the product I am planning to create.
Contextual Research - Evaluation
• After completing my pre-proposal and proposal work I begun the work on
my contextual research which went into depth on theories, practitioners
and media concepts which will help me in the planning stages for my
• I believe this work was important as I was able to look into specific
theorists, graphic designers, influencers, artists and other practitioner's
which would allow me to get inspiration and help expand the idea of what I
want to create.
Once section of this work that I feel I could
have made improvements on is some of my
practitioners sections, specifically my
research on influencer Niki Demar.
In this screenshot on the right it is the notes I made of the artist Alvana
Cazalet. The reason as to why I looked into her is because the majority of
the practitioners I had looked into prior to her are all mainly photography
based and so including her adds more range and also helps me start
thinking of ideas for what path I will want to go down with my digital art
On the left, I am showing an section of my research on Avedon, a minimalist photographer with a
very specific style associated with him
An area of my contextual research that I believed
worked well as I was able to incorporate into my
production work was my theory research, specifically
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shown in the screenshot
on the left of this slide.
With this theory as well I was able to identify separate
stages (familiar to equilibrium theory) which I could link
into the marketing perspective of my production and
planning; such as using certain colours to attract
attention, certain sizes (like making certain icons bigger),
specific words etc.
Another theory that helped me when creating my product but
more specifically identifying an audience for my proposal and to
then carry out my audience research is using psychographics as
they break down people into different groups (more commonly
described/associated as stereotyping)
One of the varieties that I used when creating my ideal target
audience from this theory research was emulators (achievers)
which describes people who favour branded products – linking
into my production as I frequently used brands such as Nike’s in
my work, appealing to them.
Another group I used as inspiration when looking for my target
audience was Socially Conscious type A as I was wanting my
‘products’ to be sustainable and environmentally friendly,
drawing their attention due to the way in which the products
would be ‘made’. This idea was more established in my planning
where I break down the making of the products, even if they
weren’t made physically for the project, I had all the background
information and research to show I have taken into consideration
what this ‘group of people’ look for when buying a product.
Like a few of my other categories that I went into when looking at audience
theories, I also looked at different lifestyles, which I can use and link in with
my other theories, making my target audience more precise also helping me
when I carried out my audience research (primary and secondary).
When picking a specific lifestyle to focus on, the one that made the most
sense to me was Anti-Authority rebels as they are wanting to stand out and
generally ‘be different from the normal society’ meaning with my bold ideas,
this would appeal to them. But with this lifestyle type, I had to be careful of
what to include because I don’t want to be ‘putting them off the product’.
If I was to identify another group that I could have used when creating my
audience profile for my product it would have been pleasure seekers as they
want to buy into something that excites them which would fit into my product
due to the variety I used.
In terms of which lifestyle type wouldn’t have fit well with my product, the
most likely one would have been Joiners as they can also be associated as
‘sheep’ due to them just following along with trends, which is the complete
opposite idea of what I wanted to make.
Here in this screenshot, there are more examples of different lifestyle types in which I could have applied and
others which would have contrasted what I created in my production.
Overall analysis of Contextual Research
What do I like about this piece of work:
• One thing that I like about this piece of work is that I went into several different theories, it didn’t necessarily
matter if I didn’t use them all, but being able to discuss each one and how they can potentially help me in my
project gave me a massive advantage when it came to my research and proposal especially with the audience
theories I looked into.
• Another thing that I like about my written work for this section is the research I did on practitioners as it gave me
some inspiration on art styles and what messages I can send through my work.
Areas for improvement?
• An area for improvement for this piece of work would be using a wider variety of sources. Even though I used a
mixture of video, web links and also books, I feel that it was mainly web links when I should have tried more
books and physical resources instead of relying on website links
If I had another week to add more, what would that be?
• Something I would add to my work if I had more time would be…
Research - Evaluation
• After completing my pre-proposals/proposals as well as my contextual research work, I
am now considering my research evaluation which will go into more depth as there is
more content to cover in terms of the topic I discuss.
• In my research I have gone into: audience research (including statistics), going back into
audience theory which I have already made points with during my contextual research
focusing on theories, existing products (magazines, photography), industry research such
as environment impact on fashion and so on. Once I’d completed my research, this
helped give me a clearer idea of what I was going to be creating, and helped me prepare
what I needed to plan In preparation for my production.
To help build up my primary research in my
research work, I carried out a variety of methods to
gather information and statistics, one of them
being conducting surveys in which people could
access digitally from the comfort of my home.
On the screenshot on the left, it is showing how I discussed the
advantages and disadvantages of using sites such as survey
monkey to carry out online surveys with the biggest
disadvantage being paid features and the main advantage being
there is a variety of options to make the survey a little more
‘advanced’ rather than simple multiple choice questions.
On the right, is the slide on my research in which I
identify my audience profile/target audience for my
product. It was good for me to establish this as early
on as possible as it helps me put together my
products that will appeal to this specific audience as
well as considering people outside of this ‘box’.
In this screenshot, I am explaining how the
Uses and Gratifications theory
Something I did in my research was magazine
front cover analysis on multiple covers. Out of all
the examples I did, I believe this one is the most
specific as I not only go into detail, but I add more
detail to my points, coming to a conclusion for
each creative decision made from my perspective.
Problem Solving - Evaluation
Production Experiments Evaluation
Pre-Production & Planning - Evaluation
On the screenshot on the left, I am breaking down a rough idea of my project
concept discussing different points of what I want to cover in my production. Even
though my points are brief which could be seen as a disadvantage, this gives me
opportunity to expand on them further and get a clearer idea as my planning moves
further along so by me writing a rough outline before I began more in depth
planning, I see that more as an advantage
Here in this screenshot I am discussing how I plan to create my project through
production, discussing my digital art process through procreate, and also using
software's such as Eb Synth for the ‘animation’ side of my work. I think it was
important to establish how I was going to do this, because it is making my process
clear, linking back to my production and production reflections in which I
specifically discuss the process of each product I've created.
In this slide of my planning I wrote up what I would plan to do as additional
production if I was nearing the end of my production work and wanted to add
more to have a wider variety and showcase more skills. The reason why I chose
to do something on After Effects is because I have previous experience on the
editing software and even though that was mainly video editing and 3D based
work, some of those skills and tools can be used when keyframing and creating
your own text effect to which I did 3 of to use in combination with my animation
For this slide, I discussed how I was planning to reflect back on my work
(specifically the production side) and how I would use these reflections to
evaluate my work as a whole including previous pieces of written work and
PowerPoints and how they all come together for my FMP. I think it is
important to do this as it also allows me to give myself improvements as I go
along as each week of production I broke down what went well/what didn’t
go to plan and so on. This could also link into my time management as my
reflections helped me break down my week to week schedule in
collaboration with my general ones from my proposal and planning which
was altered due to different circumstances so having that breakdown in my
reflections proved to be helpful, linking back to this slide that explains why I
should do them and how I would.
In this screenshot taken from my planning, it shows
my production planning and going into what tasks I
will be carrying out week to ensure I kept organised
and ahead of my deadlines.
For this slide, along with additional ones, I discuss the locations I
planned to use in my production with the most detailed one being York
College for which I carried out the majority of my production and written
work there, acting as my ‘base’ for this project. By looking into location
and discussing what I planned to use it for, this helped me in my
production as I was able to get a clearer idea of what to do when during
my production time. In my location slides, I discussed the distance from
home to each location, different modes of transport as well as how I
planned to use that space so it meant I could tie my schedule to when I
would be in certain locations.
Production - Evaluation
Out of my production work, my line art one differentiates from my
other graphics the most due to me not using an colour and the
‘colour palette’ being monochrome with just the black.
Why have I chosen to use butterflies as a prominent symbol in my work (motif)
One common theme than runs throughout my production work is the use of butterflies, whether that is in my
graphic art work or video work (text effects). The original idea behind this came from when I was mind mapping in
my planning which stemmed from the idea ‘Nature’s calling’. Another reason as to why I chose to include them in
my work was due to them linking to multiple ideas with them also being included in the Y2k theme I had running
with the bright colours, with one example of that being the cow print butterflies in black and pink. Having them
being used across different forms of media with both video and print shows synergy and cross media
One decision that I made
creatively when carrying out
rotoscope art on people was
erasing their facial features
(nose, eyes, mouth)
On the left, I am showing a still keyframe of my photo
booth rotoscope video for which the yellow shoes
In this product example it is using the self love serum graphic which I
rotoscoped on a foam spraying bottle, most commonly used for
packaging in foam cleansers/washers with skincare.
If I was to re-do this product example, the one key thing I
would change is the colour of the pump because even though
it is a similar colour to the graphic, it is slightly off and that
could be something that could push my audience away as
tying in both elements also looks more professional as it is
linking them together design wise.
To have the
Creating a product using websites (
Production Reflection - Evaluation
Peer Feedback
Questions for me to ask:
• Do you believe the colour palette is consistent throughout the graphics (e.g., warm toned focused)?
• Yes, the colours are clear, lots of pastels, possibly slightly more vibrant to make it bold
• Is the movement in the Eb Synth work smooth (e.g., the foot movement)?
• The first one – great but could have added another key frame to stop the slight glitch, second – nice pan out
(like the melting effect), last – preferred last ‘section’.
• Do you believe the line art graphics have enough detail, or is there too much as the theme for that section of
merchandise is simplistic and minimal due to the art style.
• Yes, there is a good balance between lots of detail and not so much, not as heavy
• Are the graphics of the shoes bold? Do they stand out to the audience as a focus piece of my work?
• Very bold– stand out the most in terms of the graphics.
• Is there a clear connection between the animation and the graphics? – Linking back into the shoes
• Very clear, even though the exact shoes are used in both, there is a clear link between the two
• Does the animation of the text effects last long enough? Should it be shorter?
• Possibly a bit longer of the text itself, gives the viewer enough time to read

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(11) evaluation current

  • 2. Evaluation Introduction • Throughout this PowerPoint, I will be evaluating my work completed throughout the pre- production stages as well as evaluating my production work also. It is important to consider both these aspects because it will give me the opportunity to also add any smaller improvements after finalising this evaluation. • In this evaluation, I will be breaking it down into each section of my work (Proposal/Pre- Proposal/Contextual Research/Research/Problem Solving/Experiments/Planning/Production/Daily Reflections) as that way I can easily refer and also find the work written for each portion. • Something else I will be including in my evaluation is analysing specific parts of each piece of work which will be shown through screenshots and annotations. This allows me to make specific references as well as being able to go into more detail. An example of this would be annotation a section within my proposal, going over what’s worked well and what could have possibly been added to improve the work.
  • 3. Evaluation Introduction - Continued • Once going through and evaluating the content I have created, it will give me the opportunity to consider the positives and negatives of each aspect of my work.
  • 4. Organisation In this screenshot it shows how I have organised my work within my college One Drive folder. • A method I used to help all my work stay in an order that made sense chronologically is numbering each ‘folder’ from 1-11 starting with my first task ending with the last. • Another method I used to keep each area of work together was putting each ‘section’ into folders, this was very helpful with areas such as problem solving and more so production because it meant I could easily find certain pieces of work which I needed.
  • 5. Organisation • Another tool that helped me stay organised throughout my project was the ‘tags’ feature included in Mac OS for finder. • This proved to be very helpful when doing multiple areas at once such as pre-production and problem solving as I had a slight cross over due to not spacing my time management out as effectively as I would have wanted. • What I like about using this tool is it gives me a visual representation of where I am at with my work in terms of progress, instead of having to go into each document checking where I am at I can get an overall view with them all in one space
  • 7. Pre-Proposal & Proposal Evaluation • The first aspect of my work that I am going to evaluate is my pre-proposals and proposals. This is important as my proposals link into my production due to the questions that I answered within that document outline areas of my production such as audience, my experience, concept and so on. This was also helpful as it helped me ensure I was able to put across all the points and statements I wanted to make regarding my work. Once I had completed this I was able to get a clearer focus of what I was going to create.
  • 8. Pre-Proposal & Proposal - Evaluation • When completing these documents something I found helpful to give guidance on where I was at quantity wise is using the word count. When writing up I have the tendency to ‘babble’ and so paying attention to this tool and making sure I am not writing an excess amount and instead being able to express a clear and concise point without too much writing. Looking back on the word count for both documents, I was able to keep them both quite short and to the point.
  • 9. When writing up my pre-proposals at the beginning of my fmp, something I did which helped me make my decision was having multiple versions/variations going into different ideas if what I was possibly going to create.
  • 10. This example in the screenshot is from my Campaign Pre-Proposal in which I describe some of my initial influences (which also helped me when deciding which practitioners I wanted to do more in depth research for my contextual research written work. In this section, the main photographer I discuss is Damon baker who I also used as a source of inspiration for my factual product. Here is another example, taken from my jewellery pre-proposal where I outline my initial influences. This one is slightly different in comparison to my others as instead of going to detail on one influence, I bullet pointed key notes and features about each ‘business’
  • 11. This section of work is from my marketing pre-proposal discussing tone and style in my project. In this I broke down them into three sections developing each point of tone/mood/style establishing a few key things I like and might potentially use in my project which would be discussed more in my planning. Even though this was a pre-proposal I feel that the detail put in was appropriate as it allowed me to expand on my ideas as I got further along in the planning stages. In this screenshot, I am discussing the tone/mood/style of the project which will be based off the campaign.
  • 12. Overall analysis of Pre-Proposal • What do I like about this piece of work: • Areas for improvement? • Something I would add to my work if I had more time would be…
  • 13. Overall analysis of Proposal • What do I like about this piece of work: • Areas for improvement? • Something I would add to my work if I had more time would be…
  • 14. Something that I added to my proposal to make the intentions of my project more clear is an audience section, this is a section that has helped me massively in previous units such as my factual and by outlining my audience before beginning my research, it can be more focused and to a point instead of including analytics that I cant relate to the product I am planning to create.
  • 15. Contextual Research - Evaluation • After completing my pre-proposal and proposal work I begun the work on my contextual research which went into depth on theories, practitioners and media concepts which will help me in the planning stages for my production. • I believe this work was important as I was able to look into specific theorists, graphic designers, influencers, artists and other practitioner's which would allow me to get inspiration and help expand the idea of what I want to create.
  • 16. Once section of this work that I feel I could have made improvements on is some of my practitioners sections, specifically my research on influencer Niki Demar.
  • 17. In this screenshot on the right it is the notes I made of the artist Alvana Cazalet. The reason as to why I looked into her is because the majority of the practitioners I had looked into prior to her are all mainly photography based and so including her adds more range and also helps me start thinking of ideas for what path I will want to go down with my digital art On the left, I am showing an section of my research on Avedon, a minimalist photographer with a very specific style associated with him
  • 18. An area of my contextual research that I believed worked well as I was able to incorporate into my production work was my theory research, specifically Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs shown in the screenshot on the left of this slide. With this theory as well I was able to identify separate stages (familiar to equilibrium theory) which I could link into the marketing perspective of my production and planning; such as using certain colours to attract attention, certain sizes (like making certain icons bigger), specific words etc.
  • 19. Another theory that helped me when creating my product but more specifically identifying an audience for my proposal and to then carry out my audience research is using psychographics as they break down people into different groups (more commonly described/associated as stereotyping) One of the varieties that I used when creating my ideal target audience from this theory research was emulators (achievers) which describes people who favour branded products – linking into my production as I frequently used brands such as Nike’s in my work, appealing to them. Another group I used as inspiration when looking for my target audience was Socially Conscious type A as I was wanting my ‘products’ to be sustainable and environmentally friendly, drawing their attention due to the way in which the products would be ‘made’. This idea was more established in my planning where I break down the making of the products, even if they weren’t made physically for the project, I had all the background information and research to show I have taken into consideration what this ‘group of people’ look for when buying a product.
  • 20. Like a few of my other categories that I went into when looking at audience theories, I also looked at different lifestyles, which I can use and link in with my other theories, making my target audience more precise also helping me when I carried out my audience research (primary and secondary). When picking a specific lifestyle to focus on, the one that made the most sense to me was Anti-Authority rebels as they are wanting to stand out and generally ‘be different from the normal society’ meaning with my bold ideas, this would appeal to them. But with this lifestyle type, I had to be careful of what to include because I don’t want to be ‘putting them off the product’. If I was to identify another group that I could have used when creating my audience profile for my product it would have been pleasure seekers as they want to buy into something that excites them which would fit into my product due to the variety I used. In terms of which lifestyle type wouldn’t have fit well with my product, the most likely one would have been Joiners as they can also be associated as ‘sheep’ due to them just following along with trends, which is the complete opposite idea of what I wanted to make.
  • 21. Here in this screenshot, there are more examples of different lifestyle types in which I could have applied and others which would have contrasted what I created in my production.
  • 22. Overall analysis of Contextual Research What do I like about this piece of work: • One thing that I like about this piece of work is that I went into several different theories, it didn’t necessarily matter if I didn’t use them all, but being able to discuss each one and how they can potentially help me in my project gave me a massive advantage when it came to my research and proposal especially with the audience theories I looked into. • Another thing that I like about my written work for this section is the research I did on practitioners as it gave me some inspiration on art styles and what messages I can send through my work. Areas for improvement? • An area for improvement for this piece of work would be using a wider variety of sources. Even though I used a mixture of video, web links and also books, I feel that it was mainly web links when I should have tried more books and physical resources instead of relying on website links If I had another week to add more, what would that be? • Something I would add to my work if I had more time would be…
  • 23. Research - Evaluation • After completing my pre-proposals/proposals as well as my contextual research work, I am now considering my research evaluation which will go into more depth as there is more content to cover in terms of the topic I discuss. • In my research I have gone into: audience research (including statistics), going back into audience theory which I have already made points with during my contextual research focusing on theories, existing products (magazines, photography), industry research such as environment impact on fashion and so on. Once I’d completed my research, this helped give me a clearer idea of what I was going to be creating, and helped me prepare what I needed to plan In preparation for my production.
  • 24. To help build up my primary research in my research work, I carried out a variety of methods to gather information and statistics, one of them being conducting surveys in which people could access digitally from the comfort of my home. On the screenshot on the left, it is showing how I discussed the advantages and disadvantages of using sites such as survey monkey to carry out online surveys with the biggest disadvantage being paid features and the main advantage being there is a variety of options to make the survey a little more ‘advanced’ rather than simple multiple choice questions.
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27. On the right, is the slide on my research in which I identify my audience profile/target audience for my product. It was good for me to establish this as early on as possible as it helps me put together my products that will appeal to this specific audience as well as considering people outside of this ‘box’. In this screenshot, I am explaining how the Uses and Gratifications theory
  • 28. Something I did in my research was magazine front cover analysis on multiple covers. Out of all the examples I did, I believe this one is the most specific as I not only go into detail, but I add more detail to my points, coming to a conclusion for each creative decision made from my perspective.
  • 29.
  • 30. Problem Solving - Evaluation
  • 33. On the screenshot on the left, I am breaking down a rough idea of my project concept discussing different points of what I want to cover in my production. Even though my points are brief which could be seen as a disadvantage, this gives me opportunity to expand on them further and get a clearer idea as my planning moves further along so by me writing a rough outline before I began more in depth planning, I see that more as an advantage Here in this screenshot I am discussing how I plan to create my project through production, discussing my digital art process through procreate, and also using software's such as Eb Synth for the ‘animation’ side of my work. I think it was important to establish how I was going to do this, because it is making my process clear, linking back to my production and production reflections in which I specifically discuss the process of each product I've created. In this slide of my planning I wrote up what I would plan to do as additional production if I was nearing the end of my production work and wanted to add more to have a wider variety and showcase more skills. The reason why I chose to do something on After Effects is because I have previous experience on the editing software and even though that was mainly video editing and 3D based work, some of those skills and tools can be used when keyframing and creating your own text effect to which I did 3 of to use in combination with my animation work.
  • 34. For this slide, I discussed how I was planning to reflect back on my work (specifically the production side) and how I would use these reflections to evaluate my work as a whole including previous pieces of written work and PowerPoints and how they all come together for my FMP. I think it is important to do this as it also allows me to give myself improvements as I go along as each week of production I broke down what went well/what didn’t go to plan and so on. This could also link into my time management as my reflections helped me break down my week to week schedule in collaboration with my general ones from my proposal and planning which was altered due to different circumstances so having that breakdown in my reflections proved to be helpful, linking back to this slide that explains why I should do them and how I would. In this screenshot taken from my planning, it shows my production planning and going into what tasks I will be carrying out week to ensure I kept organised and ahead of my deadlines.
  • 35. For this slide, along with additional ones, I discuss the locations I planned to use in my production with the most detailed one being York College for which I carried out the majority of my production and written work there, acting as my ‘base’ for this project. By looking into location and discussing what I planned to use it for, this helped me in my production as I was able to get a clearer idea of what to do when during my production time. In my location slides, I discussed the distance from home to each location, different modes of transport as well as how I planned to use that space so it meant I could tie my schedule to when I would be in certain locations.
  • 37. Out of my production work, my line art one differentiates from my other graphics the most due to me not using an colour and the ‘colour palette’ being monochrome with just the black.
  • 38. Why have I chosen to use butterflies as a prominent symbol in my work (motif) One common theme than runs throughout my production work is the use of butterflies, whether that is in my graphic art work or video work (text effects). The original idea behind this came from when I was mind mapping in my planning which stemmed from the idea ‘Nature’s calling’. Another reason as to why I chose to include them in my work was due to them linking to multiple ideas with them also being included in the Y2k theme I had running with the bright colours, with one example of that being the cow print butterflies in black and pink. Having them being used across different forms of media with both video and print shows synergy and cross media convergence
  • 39. One decision that I made creatively when carrying out rotoscope art on people was erasing their facial features (nose, eyes, mouth)
  • 40. On the left, I am showing a still keyframe of my photo booth rotoscope video for which the yellow shoes
  • 41. In this product example it is using the self love serum graphic which I rotoscoped on a foam spraying bottle, most commonly used for packaging in foam cleansers/washers with skincare. If I was to re-do this product example, the one key thing I would change is the colour of the pump because even though it is a similar colour to the graphic, it is slightly off and that could be something that could push my audience away as tying in both elements also looks more professional as it is linking them together design wise.
  • 43. Creating a product using websites (
  • 45. Peer Feedback Questions for me to ask: • Do you believe the colour palette is consistent throughout the graphics (e.g., warm toned focused)? • Yes, the colours are clear, lots of pastels, possibly slightly more vibrant to make it bold • Is the movement in the Eb Synth work smooth (e.g., the foot movement)? • The first one – great but could have added another key frame to stop the slight glitch, second – nice pan out (like the melting effect), last – preferred last ‘section’. • Do you believe the line art graphics have enough detail, or is there too much as the theme for that section of merchandise is simplistic and minimal due to the art style. • Yes, there is a good balance between lots of detail and not so much, not as heavy • Are the graphics of the shoes bold? Do they stand out to the audience as a focus piece of my work? • Very bold– stand out the most in terms of the graphics. • Is there a clear connection between the animation and the graphics? – Linking back into the shoes • Very clear, even though the exact shoes are used in both, there is a clear link between the two • Does the animation of the text effects last long enough? Should it be shorter? • Possibly a bit longer of the text itself, gives the viewer enough time to read