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Jude McMichan
Production Process Evaluation
• When conducting my research I looked at existing magazines that contained similar
information to my magazine. I also took primary research from people across the
college so I could find out their opinions on my ideas.
• When taking my research from existing magazines, I looked at the magazines Hype
Beast, PAPER, Thrasher and HighSnobiety. The reason why I decided to research these
magazines is because they each contained the same information as my magazine.
Another reason why I decided to analyse these magazines is because they are the most
popular magazines within the category of information they include, so I was intrigued
to find out why. The research I took included information on what stood out to me the
most when I visualized the magazine for the first time, so images, colours and fonts
were mentioned very frequently throughout.
• After taking a look at existing magazines, I decided to take some primary research
through the use of Survey Monkey. I asked 10 questions which included multi-choice
questions, qualitative and quantitative questions so I got a real insight on how I could
improve my ideas for my magazine. I also added an extra two slides which asked two of
my close friends the same questions, however they went into more detail with there
answers as I turned my multi choice questions into open ended questions, which also
helped me very much. Some of the questions I included on my Survey Monkey asked
their age, gender, favourite genre of magazine and explanations on why they think my
ideas would/wouldn’t work effectively together.
Research – Pros and Cons
• Overall I am very happy with all the research I conducted before creating my magazine.
The reason why I was very happy was because I constantly referred back to my
PowerPoint to ensure that my production work was following what had been suggested
by my target audience. I also used my existing magazines to help ensure that my
images, colours, fonts and text were similar to what were included throughout my
existing products. It also made me feel very comfortable throughout my production as I
knew I could always refer back to my research.
• However there was some weaknesses I experienced throughout my research that I
would like to improve next time. The first improvement I would make is taking more
copies of each existing magazine I analysed to see if the features included were
reoccurring throughout most of their magazines or not. The next improvement I would
make is promoting and advertising my survey to more people so I could reach a more
accurate response from my target audience. Luckily, neither of these effected the
standard of my work but they are two things I will definitely ensure I include next time
to help me even more throughout my production.
Planning – Initial Plans
• I completed lots of planning before starting my production work. My planning can be found in my Initial Plans, experiments
and my Pre-Production. The first form of planning I completed was my Initial Plans.
• The first slide within my Initial Plans was my Initial Reaction, which explained how I felt after looking through what needed
to be completed for my final production. I also went on to explain the first of many ideas that I could use for my final
production. This slide was very important as it helped open up the first of many ideas for my production work and also gave
me a further insight on magazines.​
• After this slide I moved onto my Mind Maps. On these mind maps I included a topic I could potentially use for my final
production and developed it further by applying locations, props and colors that would be used throughout these potential
ideas. The mind maps included football, fashion and skateboarding. These mind maps were very helpful as they enabled me
to refer back to them whilst creating my final product so I knew what needed to be included.
• The final section I completed was my mood boards. The mood boards I designed included color schemes, logos and also
content I will be including. These images helped indicate what ideas I wanted to use in my final production and also helped
me visualize them as they were previously just ideas in my head.
• After reviewing my Initial Plans I noticed several strengths and weaknesses. One of the strengths was my mood boards as I
initially only created one mood board which explained the content my magazine would include. However I later went back
and created another 2 mood boards which indicated what colors and logos I would also consider using. One of the
weaknesses in my Initial Plans was not describing the pros and cons for each mind map. This was due to me being unable to
access some of my existing mind maps I created through Bubbl. However I will resolve this issue by copying my existing
content into a new mind map so I can apply pros and cons also.
Planning – Production Experiments
• After finishing my Initial Plans, the next form of planning I completed was my Production Experiments, which included a range of experiments which
I then reflected on afterwards.
• The first experiment I completed was logos. Overall I created 4 different logos through the use of Photoshop. 3 Of the logos were created through
exporting photos and applying word art. However one of the logos I created was through Pixel Art on a Photoshop document. After I completed my 4
logos I then reflected on them by explaining the process of how they were created. I believe creating these logos was very effective, as it helped me
decide what I would be including in my final product. It also helped me refresh my memory on Photoshop as it has been several months since I have
used Pixel Art properly.
• The next experiment I completed was my images. The images I presented in my Production Experiments were taken in the studio and included a
range of different camera shots. After I had imported several photos I then reflected on them by explaining what camera we used (canon 600d), why
we decided to use these individual images and also what positives I can take away with me. I believe this section was very effective as some of the
photos I included were actually presented in my final production. It was also very helpful because when we went to take some more photos we could
refer back to this slide to see what process we followed.
• The final experiment I completed was my magazine covers. For this slide I completed 2 covers and applied pre-existing images throughout both as
this was strictly NOT my final production. Throughout both covers I applied colors, fonts and layouts that would be similar to my final design, so I
could get an idea about what I’m working with. After I completed both covers I reflected on them by explaining what process I followed and also
what applications I used. I also explained why improvements I would apply to both magazine covers in the future. I believe these slides were very
effective as they helped me visualize how my final production could possibly be presented. It was also very effective as it helped me decide what
features I would/wouldn’t be using in the future, which was explained in my reflection slide.
• Whilst reviewing my Production Experiments, I noticed a range of strengths and weaknesses throughout my work. The first strength I noticed was the
standard of experiments I included. The images I included were used throughout my production work, as were some of the logos I included.
However, a weakness I noticed was the quantity of experiments I included. I would’ve liked to apply more images and magazine covers to my
PowerPoint but unfortunately I consumed too much time creating logos in my first process slide. However if I have some extra time I will go back and
extend both slides. But overall I am very happy with my Production Experiments as they were very important with helping me complete my final
Planning – Pre Production
• The final form of planning I completed was me Pre-Production which was the last PowerPoint before my production. My Pre-Production was very
important as it included lots of content that would help me throughout my final product.
• The first form of planning which was included in my Pre-Production was my style sheets. I included several different style sheets which ranged from
colour schemes to fonts and image styles. For each style sheet I explained which designs I would and wouldn’t be using and why. Also, if I included a
font, colour or image style I would state the names of each so I could refer back to my PowerPoint throughout my production. This slide was very
effective as it almost worked as instructions to help me complete my production work. I could also refer back to this slide if I forgot what font or
image style I wanted to use.
• The next process I took for my planning was my layouts, which were very important, as they indicated to me where I needed to place my images and
text throughout my final magazine. I created 5 different layouts, 1 for my magazine cover and 4 for my two page spreads. Each layout contained
images and text that would relate very similar to my final production so I could review them more accurately. These were very effective as they
helped me save lots of time creating new layouts throughout my production as I just replaced the images and articles that were placed in these
• After my layouts I then moved onto my resources, contingency plan and my heath and safety. When planning your health and safety plan you state a
potential issue and how you would resolve the issue. An example would be if I spilt a drink on the MacBook, in which I responded by stating that I
would ensure no drinks or food are placed next to the MacBook. I then moved onto my resources which simply states what will be included in my
production work. This helps me remember what props will need bringing to college on which dates. After my resources I moved onto my final form of
planning which was my contingency plan. This included a list of potential issues I could face throughout my production, and how it could be resolved.
An example would be what I would do if the MacBook wouldn’t turn on, or if my classmates were unavailable to help me with my production work,
which I answered both very confidently.
• Some of the strengths that I experienced throughout my Pre – Production included my layouts, my Health and Safety and my Contingency Plan. I am
very happy with my layouts I produced as they were used throughout all of my production work and helped save me lots of time, as mentioned
previously. I am also very happy with my Health and Safety as they were both very informative and helped provide me with what I would do any any
potential situation, which really helped comfort me from start to finish. However, some of the weaknesses I suffered included my props list and my
fonts style sheet. The reason why I wasn’t happy with my props list is due to several items I decided to use throughout production were not included
and I also included several items that I eventually didn’t use either. To resolve this issue I will simply go back and edit my PowerPoint as it shouldn’t
consume too much time. I also wasn’t happy with my fonts style sheet as it didn’t include the fonts is presented on the PowerPoint, as when I started
my production I realized I did not like them as much as I initially thought. But overall I am very happy with my Pre-Production PowerPoint as I believe
I included lots of content that helped me throughout my production.
Time Management
• Time management is a major factor within this project as we have a deadline we’re
expected to meet. Thankfully, I realized this before we started our project so this
gave me time to plan my schedule and manage my time effectively.
• Overall I believe I completed all of my work on time. The reason behind this is
because I would set myself a reasonable target that I would like to reach by Friday
afternoon. Almost every week I would ensure that I reached my target, but if I
didn’t I would complete the rest of my work at home over Saturday, Sunday and
Monday through the use of One Drive which helped prevent me from rushing my
work. I also believe that my work has already reached a standard that can’t be
improved from a personal perspective, so by receiving extra time I don’t believe it
would affect my work. I also believe I received enough time because I ensure I
prioritize my production work in college as I can access my PowerPoint’s at home,
as mentioned previously.
• However, if I did have more time to complete my final major project, I believe I
would have experimented with new features throughout Photoshop and InDesign
for my magazine because if I didn’t like them I could always fall back on my initial
idea. But currently I am happy with the work I have produced and I believe I have
had more than enough time to complete my product.
Technical Qualities – Magazine Cover
My Magazine Cover Existing Magazine Covers
Technical Qualities – Magazine Cover
• In the previous slide I included an image of my magazine cover and then applied 4 images of existing magazine covers along
side it. The image of my magazine cover was saved as a PDF through Photoshop and the existing magazine images were
taken from Google Images.
• After looking through the existing magazine covers I included in the previous slide, I notice several different similarities and
differences in comparison to my magazine cover. The first difference I notice is the Master Heads, which is probably the
most important convention of a front cover. The font I included on my magazine was Futura Bold Italic, which is also used in
the Supreme box logo, so it is very recognizable amongst Hype Beasts, however when looking at existing magazines I notice
the kerning is very excessive between each letter on the Master Heads due to them being shorter than mine.
• The second difference I notice is placement of barcodes. When looking at Hype Beast and HighSnobiety, I notice they place
theirs on the left side of the magazine. I believe they did this as it doesn’t occur very often and puts the cherry on top of
their quirkiness. I also notice that PAPER don’t even apply a barcode on their magazine cover, which is very unique. However
I decided to apply mine in the right corner which is where you see the barcode most often. The reason why I decided to do
this is because without my barcode there would have been too much empty space across my magazine.
• I also notice several similarities across both magazines. The first similarity I notice is the layout of each magazine.
Throughout each magazine I notice that there is 1 large image placed in the middle of each cover, a Master Head placed
above the image and small print within the image. The reason why my magazine is very similar to the existing magazines I
included is because I took inspiration from the images I included. However, I didn’t want my magazine to look identical to
existing magazines so I ensured my cover still had enough room to apply a small logo along with some text also, which can
be seen under my image.
• Another similarity I notice across both covers is the colours and shades that have been applied. My magazine cover doesn’t
apply any colours as it is presented in black and white , which can also be seen in the Hype Beast and HighSnobiety
magazine in the previous slide. I believe this effect helps improve the presentation of my magazine because black and white
have great chemistry when applied together and I also believe it symbolizes the content my magazine includes.
• Overall I am very happy with my magazine cover when compared to existing magazines because my intention was for both
to look relatively similar, which I believe I have achieved. This can be seen through the layout and shades used throughout as
mentioned previously.
• To improve my magazine next time I would like to capture an image that has the right dimensions to fit across most of the
page so it looked similar to existing magazines. I would also like to apply a colour that would work together with the shades I
included. This effect can be seen in the PAPER magazine cover I included in the previous slide.
Technical Qualities – InDesign Spread
My Two-Page Spreads
Existing Two-Page Spreads
Technical Qualities – InDesign Spread
• In the previous slide I included 3 images from my two page spreads and 3 images of two page spreads taken from existing
magazines. After creating my spreads on InDesign, I then took several screenshots so that I could place them in this
PowerPoint. Also, the photos I included from existing magazines was conducted from Google Images.
• When looking at both my magazine and existing magazines, I notice several similarities and differences between each two
page spread. The first difference I notice is the effects of images. Whilst creating my spreads I would use Photoshop to edit
my images. This included applying drop shadows, strokes and lighting effects. The reason why I applied these features is
because I believe it helps improve the presentation of my magazine, which is a very important factor, especially for my shop. I
believe many existing magazines decide against using Photoshop as it helps expose the natural aspect of the images and also
makes them look very casual, which is a regular trend amongst these magazines.
• Another difference I recognize is the use of fonts throughout each magazine. Throughout my images we can see that my
headings are bolder and bigger, whilst in comparison existing magazines use fonts that are smoother, crisper and perfectly
sized. I believe the reason behind this Is because existing magazines will have previously bought fonts that fit their magazines
perfectly. However I was restricted as to what fonts I could use throughout my magazine as I was unable to spend any money.
But despite this factor I am still happy with the fonts I included as I believe I couldn’t have received any better within
• However, I also notice several similarities throughout both magazine spreads. The first similarity I notice is the layout of text
and images. A very common feature amongst text within these magazines as placing it across the margin, which can be seen
in both my magazine and existing magazines. The reason I decided to apply this feature is because I took lots of inspiration
from the existing magazines I included in the previous slide as I believe it is very quirky and unique. I also notice that images
are placed in the same position throughout my magazine also. An example of this is shown in the final two images in my
previous slide where they’re placed on top of each other. Many magazines within this category use this layout as it helps you
compare the items you are presenting, so in my situation you will recognize that I show 2 pairs of trainers from two very
similar brands as it helps my audience compare them both.
• Overall I am very happy with the InDesign spreads that I have completed as I believe they give a real insight on how
magazines within this category should be presented, as do the existing magazines I included also. I am also very happy
because I included some very important features that are also included throughout existing magazines, such as the
presentation of images and text as mentioned previously.
• To improve my work in the future I would take more up more planning and consideration as to what fonts I could use
throughout my work because I do have other alternatives to Photoshop for fonts. An example would be Dafont, which
includes hundreds of different styles that could possibly work better throughout my work in comparison to what I am
currently using. But besides this I am very happy with what I have produced as I am very inexperienced with the use of
Technical Qualities – Website
My Website
Existing Websites
Technical Qualities – Website
• In the previous slide I included 4 images showing my website and 3 images showing existing magazines that contain similar
content to mine. I took the screenshots after publishing my website this morning. I also took several different screenshots
from other websites to show how they presented their website too, such as Hype Beast.
• I notice many similarities and differences between both websites as some aspects of it was created through the inspiration I
received from looking at their website but I also decided to take my own route with some of the ideas I applied. The first
difference I notice between both websites is the approach we took with our home page. We can see that in my home page
(first image) that I applied a collage of images with a sign in the middle saying ‘shop now’. But when looking at Hype Beasts
home page it places one large article in the center of the page (very similar to their magazine). The reason I took this
approach was because it looks very similar to art you’d see within existing magazines or websites. I also included a link to my
shop to give my audience an indication of my ideas and thought process as the t-shirts were created by myself. Hopefully
this will then inform them whether it is or isn’t for them.
• However I also notice several similarities between both websites after thoroughly looking through their website. The first
similarity I notice is the way in which both websites present their articles. The approach I took when creating my website
was using blog posts, which can be liked an commented on. They can also tell you how many people have viewed the blog to
help indicate to you how popular it Is. Hype Beast also took the same approach with their website as they also include blog
posts which have the same features as the my website. However, I noticed that Hype Beast include a section what states
what blog post posts are the ‘Hot Topic’ which is a feature I was unable to apply to my website as I was unable to receive the
• Another similarity I noticed the two websites shared is the layout. We can see that both logos are placed in the same
position, alongside the menu bar which is also placed in the same position. The reason behind this is because once I had
applied a menu bar I felt there was too much empty room and it needed filling up, so I then applied a logo that worked with
the rest of my website and ultimately looks very similar to Hype Beast.
• Overall I am very happy with my website as I believe it is presented just how I imagined it would be. I am also very happy
with my website because it includes lots of features I would’ve never anticipated to be even included in my work. This
includes my own blog posts, Google Maps stating where my business was located and even having my own online store!
• However if I was to improve my website the one feature I would change is the quantity of items on my store, which I believe
has been mentioned in a previous slide already. The reason behind this is because other websites I have examined do not
include online stores, so it is a great opportunity to take advantage of this by applying several different items. However the
process of creating something was way too time consuming and unfortunately meant I was able to do so. But I am very
happy with the website I have created overall.
Technical Qualities – Images
Existing Websites
My Images
Technical Qualities - Images
• In the previous slide I have included 3 images from existing websites and 3 images that were taken by
either myself or a friend who are both very inexperienced with the use of camera’s. The images I have
included were accessed through HighSnobiety, Thrasher and Hype Beast.
• The first potential issue that we faced when taking photos was the camera quality. The camera’s we used
were Canon 700d, whilst a photographer more often than not would use something in the range of 500-
400d, which improves the focus and quality of an image by a long range. However after comparing both
images and can’t see a noticeable difference in the quality which overall I am very happy with.
• The next issue which could potentially cause a difference between images is the camera lens. Whilst
skateboarding you will often see the ‘fish eye’ lens which can be seen in the middle existing website
image. These images work perfectly for skateboarding as it helps the camera view every aspect of a stunt
and applies a wider view. But due to not being able to access a fish eye lens I decided to take a still image
of my skateboard so that a fish eye lens didn’t need to be accessed, which can be seen in the middle of my
websites images. However they are relatively similar as both images are trying to focus on several different
aspects that are included.
• However, when looking at my images taken in the studio at college, I notice how it looks very similar to
some of the images placed on HighSnobiety. This can be seen through the images placed on the left side
of my slide. The reason why I decided to use the studio is because I like the contrast between dark colours
against a white background. I also used this effect because as mentioned previously it is used very
frequently through magazines that include the same content as mine.
• Overall I very happy with the images I captured for my magazine. Although they don’t reach the standard
of photos taken in existing magazines, I still believe they look very professional. I also captured a range of
photos in the studio which I am very happy with as they look very similar to photos you’d expect to see in
fashion magazines.
• To improve my images next time I would request to use a camera within the range of 500-00d as in the
second year you gain access to a wider range of cameras. I would also watch YouTube videos which helped
guide you with the settings on the Canon camera so I felt more comfortable and also learnt knew ideas.
Technical Qualities – Fonts
Existing Magazines
My Fonts
Technical Qualities – Fonts
• Once again I added 3 images from existing magazines showing a range of different fonts and then applied
3 images from fonts used throughout my magazine. The fonts I included were HighSnobiety, Thrasher and
• After looking through the Thrasher magazine, it was clear that the fonts we both applied weren’t similar in
the slightest. The reason why I believe they’re so different is because if I tried to use a font that looked
similar to Thrasher through Photoshop, straight away it would look copyrighted as the font is very unique
to the company themselves. Also I believe the Thrasher logo very much symbolizes skateboarding and due
to my magazine only including 1/3 of skateboard content I don’t believe it would be appropriate for my
• However, after looking through PAPER and HighSnobiety I notice that the fonts they each use can relate
very closely to the fonts I decided to use in my magazine. This can be seen through the last two images I
have placed in my magazine. If my magazine caption included a brief amount of text I would line it up very
close together and extend the length of each letter so it was very compact, which is similar to the font
used in the first image featuring Skepta . However, if my caption was 1-2 words, I would make the distance
between each letter further apart and would also extend the width of each letter as captions can often
look very much out of position if they not presented correctly. To adjust my text I simply selected the text
tool so they appeared at the top of my screen. I also downloaded several fonts from Dafont as Photoshop
doesn’t include many fonts that would be appropriate for my magazine.
• Overall I am very happy with the fonts I have included in my magazine as they had the potential to look
very similar to existing magazines and overall I believe they do. I am also very happy with my fonts
because they work perfectly with the rest of my magazine which was a concern throughout planning as I
didn’t know what font I would use as a replacement if it didn’t.
• However an improvement I would to make for next time is to hopefully create a font that is unique for my
website, just like Thrasher as I mentioned previously. But to do so I would need to gain more experience
with Photoshop as I haven’t edited text very often. But besides this I believe my fonts have been a great
Aesthetic Qualities
My Final Production
Aesthetic Qualities
• Overall I am delighted with the production work I have completed. This includes both my magazine
and website. ​
• The first reason why I was happy with the work I produced was because I believe it was very
creative. When starting my production my intention was to take some inspiration from existing
magazines and websites but I also wanted to apply my own trademark onto my work so that it was
very unique and also creative. An example of this would be when I made a collage of photos and
applied it on my websites home page, however most websites within this category will place one –
two large images on their home page. Another example would be when I applied my text directly
across two pages (through the page margin). This can be seen throughout my skateboard article
and also the section on my clothing range. The reason I decided to apply this feature is because it's
very unique I believe it works perfectly from a creativity aspect. ​
• Overall I was also very happy with the visuals presented throughout my magazine and my website.
The most important factor behind this I believe is due to the images I included. Most photos were
taken from a cannon 600d or my iPhone SE so I was very surprised with my outcome. However, I
did access a tripod for several photos and also gained access to the studio room so these will have
played a very important factor on the outcome of my photos. Another visualization that I was very
happy with was the colors that I included throughout both my magazine and my website. Whilst
visualizing the images I placed on my design I realized just how well they worked together as they
mainly include a range of dark shades, which works perfectly with the simplicity of my design
throughout both my website and my magazine. Another reason why I am happy with the colors I
included is because in my Pre-Production I created a style sheet which explained which colors I
would be hoping to use and after looking through my production I believe I have done exactly that.
Aesthetic Qualities – Pros and Cons
• After completing my work I looked for a range of strengths and weaknesses throughout my production work. The
first strength I noticed in my website was the several links I included which either took you to a different section
within my website or a different web link. An example of this would be when I applied a link on my homepage
which took you to my blog post so you could carry on reading my article. Another example would be when I
applied a small map located on my contact page. Once opened, my website would forward you to Google maps
which would show you the Pin I located on my map to help people realize where I set the location. I also noticed
several strengths throughout my magazine once analyzed. An example of this would be when I applied a range of
images that I edited on Photoshop. Whilst editing the photos I included drop shadows, stoke and lens flares. I
believe after applying these features it really helped improve the presentation of my magazine.
• However I believe I faced several weaknesses throughout my production that I would like to improve also. The
first weakness I believe I faced was the quantity of clothing I applied on my website. Although I did apply 4
different t-shirts, I would’ve liked to apply a range of accessories and possibly a further range of clothing but
unfortunately I couldn’t access these items in order to edit them. Another weakness I believe I faced was some
of the fonts I used throughout my magazine. After using several fonts I applied in my Style Sheet I realized they
didn’t work as well as I expected, so I had to consume some of my production time to try and find the
appropriate font for my magazine.
• Overall I am very happy with the work I have produced as it is almost identical to how I imaged it in my head. I
also included everything within my magazine and website that I stated I would throughout planning. Finally, I am
also very happy with the presentation of both my website and magazine as it looks very crisp and professional.
However to improve my work I would use Photoshop to edit a range of items I could apply to my web shop, as I
was previously looking for websites that specialized in editing t-shirts. By doing this it would help extend my
store and give my audience a further range of items to explore. I would also apply a range of fonts onto a
template to help me confirm whether it would be appropriate for my final production. This would help save time
and would also help me find the correct font for my work.
Audience Appeal
• Before I started my production work, I conducted lots of research to define who my audience would be
and also what I would need to include to ensure it appealed to them. Evidence for this can be seen
throughout my Research PowerPoint.
• The first process I conducted to receive an insight on my audience was Researching magazines with a very
similar audience to my magazine. These mostly included the magazines I have been researching
throughout my entire project, which were Thrasher, PAPER, Hype Beast and HighSnobiety. When
researching the magazines , I gathered information on the fonts, images and colors used whilst also
looking at the size and placement of each.
• I also conducted my research for audience appeal through the use of surveys. The survey I created was
through Survey Monkey and it asked 10 questions which would help me gain a further insight on what I
needed to include in my magazine. The first few questions were mainly basic multi-choice questions asking
what their thoughts were on magazines were and also what age and gender they are. These answers
would help me determine who’s advice I should consider taking when answering my open questions
further into my survey. An example of an open question I included was asking if applying a store on my
website was a good idea, and why?
• Overall I am very happy with the research I conducted for my audience appeal as I believe it really helped
me prepare for my production. The first reason why is because after looking through existing magazines, it
helped give me an idea on how I needed to present my magazine. An example of this would be when I
applied a large image on my magazine cover after taking inspiration from Hype Beast. Another example
would be when I applied a blog post on my website. This can often be seen throughout most street wear
magazines, which includes both HighSnobiety and Hype Beast. I also believe that taking a survey really
helped me gain more audience appeal. The reason behind this is because everybody answering my survey
fit the age boundary of my magazine, so my answers were very helpful and reliable. An example of me
using my feedback through Survey Monkey for my final production would be when I applied content on
both fashion, skateboarding and music as most people suggested these 3 work very well together.
• However, if I had to make an improvement which would possibly help my product appeal even more to my
audience, I would apply a range of competitions that could be entered if you have entered the mailing list
as this will benefit both my website and the customers also. But overall I believe I have applied lots of
content that will appeal to my audience.
Feedback 1
• What did you like about the product?
– Like that it has simple design to it because it kept consistent and white the
back ground and that its not to complicate as well so any person at any age
can understand what the magazine is all about.
• What improvements could have been made to the product? I do
like that the magazine is all nice and simple but I feel like the consistent
white kind of makes it not that good, should of added some more colours
on it or something along the lines because I feel like the most important
bit of a magazine will gave to be the front cover and this one isn't as
colourful. Anyway it might be a fashion magazine theme of keeping it
white but that my opinion. I think that’s the next step to pull in more
Randall Otieno
Feedback 2
• What did you like about the product?
– I really liked how both your magazine and website were created using the same ideas, design
and content as it helps indicate that you are a very professional company.
– I also like the images you have included and I believe they have been presented very well
throughout your magazine and website.
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
• I believe an improvement you could make to magazine is included more content because the
little snippets of content you have already included are really interesting and it makes me
want to carry on reading.
• Another improvement I would make is to add more stuff on your website because although it
includes t-shirts I believe if you added jumpers and jackets people would be more intrigued
to visit the shop.
Aaron Johnson
Feedback 3
• What did you like about the product?
– I really liked the content you included in your magazine as it almost seemed very
personal and different to other magazines I have previously read.
– I also liked the layout of both your website and magazine because after previously
reading magazines similar to yours, I can understand what point you’re trying to express
to your audience and hopefully other people will too.
• What improvements could have been made to the product?
• An improvement I would make to your work is adding more content on music as the photo you placed on
the front of your blog almost indicates that it will be a hot topic, however I believe there is only 1 blog post
on music.
• Another improvement I would apply is adding more content on the front of your magazine is it doesn’t
indicate that everything you have applied will actually be included in the magazine. This will possibly
attract a wider audience. But overall I think your work is good and is presented very good also.
Tommy Lister
Peer Feedback Summary
• What do you agree with from your peer
– I agree with Tommy on behalf of his feedback that states my website layout shows indications of
existing products similar to mine.
– I also agree with Aaron when he mentions I should apply more content as I believe this will help
customers buy my magazine in the future also.
– Finally, I also agree with Randall when he mentions that I kept my production work consistent
• What do you disagree with from your peer
• I disagree with Randall when he mentions that the consistent white makes it not that good. The
reason behind this is because if my presentation contrasted from page to page, I believe this would
make it look unprofessional as I like to keep a correlation between each page in my magazine.
• I also disagree with Tommy when he mentions apply more content on the magazine cover. The
reason why I disagree is because I believe adding anymore content would make my magazine look
very unprofessional for the category it fits. I also believe it works well with the rest of my magazine
Peer Feedback Summary
• One adjustment I would like to apply to my work after reviewing my content is applying
more content. The reason why I would like to do this is because some sections within my
magazine look slightly lost and empty. I would also like to apply more content because if
my audience do find my content interesting applying more would not be in issue.
• Another adjustment I would like to apply is a further range of items on my shop. In order
to do this I will have to use Photoshop to edit my products, so if I receive enough time this
will hopefully be included. Items that I would like to apply include hoodies and small
accessories such as socks, headbands, gloves and bracelets.
• The final improvement I would like to apply after reviewing my feedback is applying more
images as Aaron mentioned they looked very professional. These photos can be taken
outside as I have recently received more skate tools and more clothing that can be applied
to my magazine and website.
• Overall I am very happy with the feedback I have received as it has helped me think of new
ideas I can apply to my work to make it even better. I am also very happy because it will
help me going forwards in the future also.

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7. evaluation

  • 3. Research • When conducting my research I looked at existing magazines that contained similar information to my magazine. I also took primary research from people across the college so I could find out their opinions on my ideas. • When taking my research from existing magazines, I looked at the magazines Hype Beast, PAPER, Thrasher and HighSnobiety. The reason why I decided to research these magazines is because they each contained the same information as my magazine. Another reason why I decided to analyse these magazines is because they are the most popular magazines within the category of information they include, so I was intrigued to find out why. The research I took included information on what stood out to me the most when I visualized the magazine for the first time, so images, colours and fonts were mentioned very frequently throughout. • After taking a look at existing magazines, I decided to take some primary research through the use of Survey Monkey. I asked 10 questions which included multi-choice questions, qualitative and quantitative questions so I got a real insight on how I could improve my ideas for my magazine. I also added an extra two slides which asked two of my close friends the same questions, however they went into more detail with there answers as I turned my multi choice questions into open ended questions, which also helped me very much. Some of the questions I included on my Survey Monkey asked their age, gender, favourite genre of magazine and explanations on why they think my ideas would/wouldn’t work effectively together.
  • 4. Research – Pros and Cons • Overall I am very happy with all the research I conducted before creating my magazine. The reason why I was very happy was because I constantly referred back to my PowerPoint to ensure that my production work was following what had been suggested by my target audience. I also used my existing magazines to help ensure that my images, colours, fonts and text were similar to what were included throughout my existing products. It also made me feel very comfortable throughout my production as I knew I could always refer back to my research. • However there was some weaknesses I experienced throughout my research that I would like to improve next time. The first improvement I would make is taking more copies of each existing magazine I analysed to see if the features included were reoccurring throughout most of their magazines or not. The next improvement I would make is promoting and advertising my survey to more people so I could reach a more accurate response from my target audience. Luckily, neither of these effected the standard of my work but they are two things I will definitely ensure I include next time to help me even more throughout my production.
  • 5. Planning – Initial Plans • I completed lots of planning before starting my production work. My planning can be found in my Initial Plans, experiments and my Pre-Production. The first form of planning I completed was my Initial Plans. • The first slide within my Initial Plans was my Initial Reaction, which explained how I felt after looking through what needed to be completed for my final production. I also went on to explain the first of many ideas that I could use for my final production. This slide was very important as it helped open up the first of many ideas for my production work and also gave me a further insight on magazines.​ • After this slide I moved onto my Mind Maps. On these mind maps I included a topic I could potentially use for my final production and developed it further by applying locations, props and colors that would be used throughout these potential ideas. The mind maps included football, fashion and skateboarding. These mind maps were very helpful as they enabled me to refer back to them whilst creating my final product so I knew what needed to be included. • The final section I completed was my mood boards. The mood boards I designed included color schemes, logos and also content I will be including. These images helped indicate what ideas I wanted to use in my final production and also helped me visualize them as they were previously just ideas in my head. • After reviewing my Initial Plans I noticed several strengths and weaknesses. One of the strengths was my mood boards as I initially only created one mood board which explained the content my magazine would include. However I later went back and created another 2 mood boards which indicated what colors and logos I would also consider using. One of the weaknesses in my Initial Plans was not describing the pros and cons for each mind map. This was due to me being unable to access some of my existing mind maps I created through Bubbl. However I will resolve this issue by copying my existing content into a new mind map so I can apply pros and cons also.
  • 6. Planning – Production Experiments • After finishing my Initial Plans, the next form of planning I completed was my Production Experiments, which included a range of experiments which I then reflected on afterwards. • The first experiment I completed was logos. Overall I created 4 different logos through the use of Photoshop. 3 Of the logos were created through exporting photos and applying word art. However one of the logos I created was through Pixel Art on a Photoshop document. After I completed my 4 logos I then reflected on them by explaining the process of how they were created. I believe creating these logos was very effective, as it helped me decide what I would be including in my final product. It also helped me refresh my memory on Photoshop as it has been several months since I have used Pixel Art properly. • The next experiment I completed was my images. The images I presented in my Production Experiments were taken in the studio and included a range of different camera shots. After I had imported several photos I then reflected on them by explaining what camera we used (canon 600d), why we decided to use these individual images and also what positives I can take away with me. I believe this section was very effective as some of the photos I included were actually presented in my final production. It was also very helpful because when we went to take some more photos we could refer back to this slide to see what process we followed. • The final experiment I completed was my magazine covers. For this slide I completed 2 covers and applied pre-existing images throughout both as this was strictly NOT my final production. Throughout both covers I applied colors, fonts and layouts that would be similar to my final design, so I could get an idea about what I’m working with. After I completed both covers I reflected on them by explaining what process I followed and also what applications I used. I also explained why improvements I would apply to both magazine covers in the future. I believe these slides were very effective as they helped me visualize how my final production could possibly be presented. It was also very effective as it helped me decide what features I would/wouldn’t be using in the future, which was explained in my reflection slide. • Whilst reviewing my Production Experiments, I noticed a range of strengths and weaknesses throughout my work. The first strength I noticed was the standard of experiments I included. The images I included were used throughout my production work, as were some of the logos I included. However, a weakness I noticed was the quantity of experiments I included. I would’ve liked to apply more images and magazine covers to my PowerPoint but unfortunately I consumed too much time creating logos in my first process slide. However if I have some extra time I will go back and extend both slides. But overall I am very happy with my Production Experiments as they were very important with helping me complete my final production.
  • 7. Planning – Pre Production • The final form of planning I completed was me Pre-Production which was the last PowerPoint before my production. My Pre-Production was very important as it included lots of content that would help me throughout my final product. • The first form of planning which was included in my Pre-Production was my style sheets. I included several different style sheets which ranged from colour schemes to fonts and image styles. For each style sheet I explained which designs I would and wouldn’t be using and why. Also, if I included a font, colour or image style I would state the names of each so I could refer back to my PowerPoint throughout my production. This slide was very effective as it almost worked as instructions to help me complete my production work. I could also refer back to this slide if I forgot what font or image style I wanted to use. • The next process I took for my planning was my layouts, which were very important, as they indicated to me where I needed to place my images and text throughout my final magazine. I created 5 different layouts, 1 for my magazine cover and 4 for my two page spreads. Each layout contained images and text that would relate very similar to my final production so I could review them more accurately. These were very effective as they helped me save lots of time creating new layouts throughout my production as I just replaced the images and articles that were placed in these designs. • After my layouts I then moved onto my resources, contingency plan and my heath and safety. When planning your health and safety plan you state a potential issue and how you would resolve the issue. An example would be if I spilt a drink on the MacBook, in which I responded by stating that I would ensure no drinks or food are placed next to the MacBook. I then moved onto my resources which simply states what will be included in my production work. This helps me remember what props will need bringing to college on which dates. After my resources I moved onto my final form of planning which was my contingency plan. This included a list of potential issues I could face throughout my production, and how it could be resolved. An example would be what I would do if the MacBook wouldn’t turn on, or if my classmates were unavailable to help me with my production work, which I answered both very confidently. • Some of the strengths that I experienced throughout my Pre – Production included my layouts, my Health and Safety and my Contingency Plan. I am very happy with my layouts I produced as they were used throughout all of my production work and helped save me lots of time, as mentioned previously. I am also very happy with my Health and Safety as they were both very informative and helped provide me with what I would do any any potential situation, which really helped comfort me from start to finish. However, some of the weaknesses I suffered included my props list and my fonts style sheet. The reason why I wasn’t happy with my props list is due to several items I decided to use throughout production were not included and I also included several items that I eventually didn’t use either. To resolve this issue I will simply go back and edit my PowerPoint as it shouldn’t consume too much time. I also wasn’t happy with my fonts style sheet as it didn’t include the fonts is presented on the PowerPoint, as when I started my production I realized I did not like them as much as I initially thought. But overall I am very happy with my Pre-Production PowerPoint as I believe I included lots of content that helped me throughout my production.
  • 8. Time Management • Time management is a major factor within this project as we have a deadline we’re expected to meet. Thankfully, I realized this before we started our project so this gave me time to plan my schedule and manage my time effectively. • Overall I believe I completed all of my work on time. The reason behind this is because I would set myself a reasonable target that I would like to reach by Friday afternoon. Almost every week I would ensure that I reached my target, but if I didn’t I would complete the rest of my work at home over Saturday, Sunday and Monday through the use of One Drive which helped prevent me from rushing my work. I also believe that my work has already reached a standard that can’t be improved from a personal perspective, so by receiving extra time I don’t believe it would affect my work. I also believe I received enough time because I ensure I prioritize my production work in college as I can access my PowerPoint’s at home, as mentioned previously. • However, if I did have more time to complete my final major project, I believe I would have experimented with new features throughout Photoshop and InDesign for my magazine because if I didn’t like them I could always fall back on my initial idea. But currently I am happy with the work I have produced and I believe I have had more than enough time to complete my product.
  • 9. Technical Qualities – Magazine Cover My Magazine Cover Existing Magazine Covers
  • 10. Technical Qualities – Magazine Cover • In the previous slide I included an image of my magazine cover and then applied 4 images of existing magazine covers along side it. The image of my magazine cover was saved as a PDF through Photoshop and the existing magazine images were taken from Google Images. • After looking through the existing magazine covers I included in the previous slide, I notice several different similarities and differences in comparison to my magazine cover. The first difference I notice is the Master Heads, which is probably the most important convention of a front cover. The font I included on my magazine was Futura Bold Italic, which is also used in the Supreme box logo, so it is very recognizable amongst Hype Beasts, however when looking at existing magazines I notice the kerning is very excessive between each letter on the Master Heads due to them being shorter than mine. • The second difference I notice is placement of barcodes. When looking at Hype Beast and HighSnobiety, I notice they place theirs on the left side of the magazine. I believe they did this as it doesn’t occur very often and puts the cherry on top of their quirkiness. I also notice that PAPER don’t even apply a barcode on their magazine cover, which is very unique. However I decided to apply mine in the right corner which is where you see the barcode most often. The reason why I decided to do this is because without my barcode there would have been too much empty space across my magazine. • I also notice several similarities across both magazines. The first similarity I notice is the layout of each magazine. Throughout each magazine I notice that there is 1 large image placed in the middle of each cover, a Master Head placed above the image and small print within the image. The reason why my magazine is very similar to the existing magazines I included is because I took inspiration from the images I included. However, I didn’t want my magazine to look identical to existing magazines so I ensured my cover still had enough room to apply a small logo along with some text also, which can be seen under my image. • Another similarity I notice across both covers is the colours and shades that have been applied. My magazine cover doesn’t apply any colours as it is presented in black and white , which can also be seen in the Hype Beast and HighSnobiety magazine in the previous slide. I believe this effect helps improve the presentation of my magazine because black and white have great chemistry when applied together and I also believe it symbolizes the content my magazine includes. • Overall I am very happy with my magazine cover when compared to existing magazines because my intention was for both to look relatively similar, which I believe I have achieved. This can be seen through the layout and shades used throughout as mentioned previously. • To improve my magazine next time I would like to capture an image that has the right dimensions to fit across most of the page so it looked similar to existing magazines. I would also like to apply a colour that would work together with the shades I included. This effect can be seen in the PAPER magazine cover I included in the previous slide.
  • 11. Technical Qualities – InDesign Spread My Two-Page Spreads Existing Two-Page Spreads
  • 12. Technical Qualities – InDesign Spread • In the previous slide I included 3 images from my two page spreads and 3 images of two page spreads taken from existing magazines. After creating my spreads on InDesign, I then took several screenshots so that I could place them in this PowerPoint. Also, the photos I included from existing magazines was conducted from Google Images. • When looking at both my magazine and existing magazines, I notice several similarities and differences between each two page spread. The first difference I notice is the effects of images. Whilst creating my spreads I would use Photoshop to edit my images. This included applying drop shadows, strokes and lighting effects. The reason why I applied these features is because I believe it helps improve the presentation of my magazine, which is a very important factor, especially for my shop. I believe many existing magazines decide against using Photoshop as it helps expose the natural aspect of the images and also makes them look very casual, which is a regular trend amongst these magazines. • Another difference I recognize is the use of fonts throughout each magazine. Throughout my images we can see that my headings are bolder and bigger, whilst in comparison existing magazines use fonts that are smoother, crisper and perfectly sized. I believe the reason behind this Is because existing magazines will have previously bought fonts that fit their magazines perfectly. However I was restricted as to what fonts I could use throughout my magazine as I was unable to spend any money. But despite this factor I am still happy with the fonts I included as I believe I couldn’t have received any better within Photoshop. • However, I also notice several similarities throughout both magazine spreads. The first similarity I notice is the layout of text and images. A very common feature amongst text within these magazines as placing it across the margin, which can be seen in both my magazine and existing magazines. The reason I decided to apply this feature is because I took lots of inspiration from the existing magazines I included in the previous slide as I believe it is very quirky and unique. I also notice that images are placed in the same position throughout my magazine also. An example of this is shown in the final two images in my previous slide where they’re placed on top of each other. Many magazines within this category use this layout as it helps you compare the items you are presenting, so in my situation you will recognize that I show 2 pairs of trainers from two very similar brands as it helps my audience compare them both. • Overall I am very happy with the InDesign spreads that I have completed as I believe they give a real insight on how magazines within this category should be presented, as do the existing magazines I included also. I am also very happy because I included some very important features that are also included throughout existing magazines, such as the presentation of images and text as mentioned previously. • To improve my work in the future I would take more up more planning and consideration as to what fonts I could use throughout my work because I do have other alternatives to Photoshop for fonts. An example would be Dafont, which includes hundreds of different styles that could possibly work better throughout my work in comparison to what I am currently using. But besides this I am very happy with what I have produced as I am very inexperienced with the use of Photoshop.
  • 13. Technical Qualities – Website My Website Existing Websites
  • 14. Technical Qualities – Website • In the previous slide I included 4 images showing my website and 3 images showing existing magazines that contain similar content to mine. I took the screenshots after publishing my website this morning. I also took several different screenshots from other websites to show how they presented their website too, such as Hype Beast. • I notice many similarities and differences between both websites as some aspects of it was created through the inspiration I received from looking at their website but I also decided to take my own route with some of the ideas I applied. The first difference I notice between both websites is the approach we took with our home page. We can see that in my home page (first image) that I applied a collage of images with a sign in the middle saying ‘shop now’. But when looking at Hype Beasts home page it places one large article in the center of the page (very similar to their magazine). The reason I took this approach was because it looks very similar to art you’d see within existing magazines or websites. I also included a link to my shop to give my audience an indication of my ideas and thought process as the t-shirts were created by myself. Hopefully this will then inform them whether it is or isn’t for them. • However I also notice several similarities between both websites after thoroughly looking through their website. The first similarity I notice is the way in which both websites present their articles. The approach I took when creating my website was using blog posts, which can be liked an commented on. They can also tell you how many people have viewed the blog to help indicate to you how popular it Is. Hype Beast also took the same approach with their website as they also include blog posts which have the same features as the my website. However, I noticed that Hype Beast include a section what states what blog post posts are the ‘Hot Topic’ which is a feature I was unable to apply to my website as I was unable to receive the option • Another similarity I noticed the two websites shared is the layout. We can see that both logos are placed in the same position, alongside the menu bar which is also placed in the same position. The reason behind this is because once I had applied a menu bar I felt there was too much empty room and it needed filling up, so I then applied a logo that worked with the rest of my website and ultimately looks very similar to Hype Beast. • Overall I am very happy with my website as I believe it is presented just how I imagined it would be. I am also very happy with my website because it includes lots of features I would’ve never anticipated to be even included in my work. This includes my own blog posts, Google Maps stating where my business was located and even having my own online store! • However if I was to improve my website the one feature I would change is the quantity of items on my store, which I believe has been mentioned in a previous slide already. The reason behind this is because other websites I have examined do not include online stores, so it is a great opportunity to take advantage of this by applying several different items. However the process of creating something was way too time consuming and unfortunately meant I was able to do so. But I am very happy with the website I have created overall.
  • 15. Technical Qualities – Images Existing Websites My Images
  • 16. Technical Qualities - Images • In the previous slide I have included 3 images from existing websites and 3 images that were taken by either myself or a friend who are both very inexperienced with the use of camera’s. The images I have included were accessed through HighSnobiety, Thrasher and Hype Beast. • The first potential issue that we faced when taking photos was the camera quality. The camera’s we used were Canon 700d, whilst a photographer more often than not would use something in the range of 500- 400d, which improves the focus and quality of an image by a long range. However after comparing both images and can’t see a noticeable difference in the quality which overall I am very happy with. • The next issue which could potentially cause a difference between images is the camera lens. Whilst skateboarding you will often see the ‘fish eye’ lens which can be seen in the middle existing website image. These images work perfectly for skateboarding as it helps the camera view every aspect of a stunt and applies a wider view. But due to not being able to access a fish eye lens I decided to take a still image of my skateboard so that a fish eye lens didn’t need to be accessed, which can be seen in the middle of my websites images. However they are relatively similar as both images are trying to focus on several different aspects that are included. • However, when looking at my images taken in the studio at college, I notice how it looks very similar to some of the images placed on HighSnobiety. This can be seen through the images placed on the left side of my slide. The reason why I decided to use the studio is because I like the contrast between dark colours against a white background. I also used this effect because as mentioned previously it is used very frequently through magazines that include the same content as mine. • Overall I very happy with the images I captured for my magazine. Although they don’t reach the standard of photos taken in existing magazines, I still believe they look very professional. I also captured a range of photos in the studio which I am very happy with as they look very similar to photos you’d expect to see in fashion magazines. • To improve my images next time I would request to use a camera within the range of 500-00d as in the second year you gain access to a wider range of cameras. I would also watch YouTube videos which helped guide you with the settings on the Canon camera so I felt more comfortable and also learnt knew ideas.
  • 17. Technical Qualities – Fonts Existing Magazines My Fonts
  • 18. Technical Qualities – Fonts • Once again I added 3 images from existing magazines showing a range of different fonts and then applied 3 images from fonts used throughout my magazine. The fonts I included were HighSnobiety, Thrasher and PAPER. • After looking through the Thrasher magazine, it was clear that the fonts we both applied weren’t similar in the slightest. The reason why I believe they’re so different is because if I tried to use a font that looked similar to Thrasher through Photoshop, straight away it would look copyrighted as the font is very unique to the company themselves. Also I believe the Thrasher logo very much symbolizes skateboarding and due to my magazine only including 1/3 of skateboard content I don’t believe it would be appropriate for my magazine. • However, after looking through PAPER and HighSnobiety I notice that the fonts they each use can relate very closely to the fonts I decided to use in my magazine. This can be seen through the last two images I have placed in my magazine. If my magazine caption included a brief amount of text I would line it up very close together and extend the length of each letter so it was very compact, which is similar to the font used in the first image featuring Skepta . However, if my caption was 1-2 words, I would make the distance between each letter further apart and would also extend the width of each letter as captions can often look very much out of position if they not presented correctly. To adjust my text I simply selected the text tool so they appeared at the top of my screen. I also downloaded several fonts from Dafont as Photoshop doesn’t include many fonts that would be appropriate for my magazine. • Overall I am very happy with the fonts I have included in my magazine as they had the potential to look very similar to existing magazines and overall I believe they do. I am also very happy with my fonts because they work perfectly with the rest of my magazine which was a concern throughout planning as I didn’t know what font I would use as a replacement if it didn’t. • However an improvement I would to make for next time is to hopefully create a font that is unique for my website, just like Thrasher as I mentioned previously. But to do so I would need to gain more experience with Photoshop as I haven’t edited text very often. But besides this I believe my fonts have been a great success.
  • 20. Aesthetic Qualities • Overall I am delighted with the production work I have completed. This includes both my magazine and website. ​ • The first reason why I was happy with the work I produced was because I believe it was very creative. When starting my production my intention was to take some inspiration from existing magazines and websites but I also wanted to apply my own trademark onto my work so that it was very unique and also creative. An example of this would be when I made a collage of photos and applied it on my websites home page, however most websites within this category will place one – two large images on their home page. Another example would be when I applied my text directly across two pages (through the page margin). This can be seen throughout my skateboard article and also the section on my clothing range. The reason I decided to apply this feature is because it's very unique I believe it works perfectly from a creativity aspect. ​ • Overall I was also very happy with the visuals presented throughout my magazine and my website. The most important factor behind this I believe is due to the images I included. Most photos were taken from a cannon 600d or my iPhone SE so I was very surprised with my outcome. However, I did access a tripod for several photos and also gained access to the studio room so these will have played a very important factor on the outcome of my photos. Another visualization that I was very happy with was the colors that I included throughout both my magazine and my website. Whilst visualizing the images I placed on my design I realized just how well they worked together as they mainly include a range of dark shades, which works perfectly with the simplicity of my design throughout both my website and my magazine. Another reason why I am happy with the colors I included is because in my Pre-Production I created a style sheet which explained which colors I would be hoping to use and after looking through my production I believe I have done exactly that.
  • 21. Aesthetic Qualities – Pros and Cons • After completing my work I looked for a range of strengths and weaknesses throughout my production work. The first strength I noticed in my website was the several links I included which either took you to a different section within my website or a different web link. An example of this would be when I applied a link on my homepage which took you to my blog post so you could carry on reading my article. Another example would be when I applied a small map located on my contact page. Once opened, my website would forward you to Google maps which would show you the Pin I located on my map to help people realize where I set the location. I also noticed several strengths throughout my magazine once analyzed. An example of this would be when I applied a range of images that I edited on Photoshop. Whilst editing the photos I included drop shadows, stoke and lens flares. I believe after applying these features it really helped improve the presentation of my magazine. • However I believe I faced several weaknesses throughout my production that I would like to improve also. The first weakness I believe I faced was the quantity of clothing I applied on my website. Although I did apply 4 different t-shirts, I would’ve liked to apply a range of accessories and possibly a further range of clothing but unfortunately I couldn’t access these items in order to edit them. Another weakness I believe I faced was some of the fonts I used throughout my magazine. After using several fonts I applied in my Style Sheet I realized they didn’t work as well as I expected, so I had to consume some of my production time to try and find the appropriate font for my magazine. • Overall I am very happy with the work I have produced as it is almost identical to how I imaged it in my head. I also included everything within my magazine and website that I stated I would throughout planning. Finally, I am also very happy with the presentation of both my website and magazine as it looks very crisp and professional. However to improve my work I would use Photoshop to edit a range of items I could apply to my web shop, as I was previously looking for websites that specialized in editing t-shirts. By doing this it would help extend my store and give my audience a further range of items to explore. I would also apply a range of fonts onto a template to help me confirm whether it would be appropriate for my final production. This would help save time and would also help me find the correct font for my work.
  • 22. Audience Appeal • Before I started my production work, I conducted lots of research to define who my audience would be and also what I would need to include to ensure it appealed to them. Evidence for this can be seen throughout my Research PowerPoint. • The first process I conducted to receive an insight on my audience was Researching magazines with a very similar audience to my magazine. These mostly included the magazines I have been researching throughout my entire project, which were Thrasher, PAPER, Hype Beast and HighSnobiety. When researching the magazines , I gathered information on the fonts, images and colors used whilst also looking at the size and placement of each. • I also conducted my research for audience appeal through the use of surveys. The survey I created was through Survey Monkey and it asked 10 questions which would help me gain a further insight on what I needed to include in my magazine. The first few questions were mainly basic multi-choice questions asking what their thoughts were on magazines were and also what age and gender they are. These answers would help me determine who’s advice I should consider taking when answering my open questions further into my survey. An example of an open question I included was asking if applying a store on my website was a good idea, and why? • Overall I am very happy with the research I conducted for my audience appeal as I believe it really helped me prepare for my production. The first reason why is because after looking through existing magazines, it helped give me an idea on how I needed to present my magazine. An example of this would be when I applied a large image on my magazine cover after taking inspiration from Hype Beast. Another example would be when I applied a blog post on my website. This can often be seen throughout most street wear magazines, which includes both HighSnobiety and Hype Beast. I also believe that taking a survey really helped me gain more audience appeal. The reason behind this is because everybody answering my survey fit the age boundary of my magazine, so my answers were very helpful and reliable. An example of me using my feedback through Survey Monkey for my final production would be when I applied content on both fashion, skateboarding and music as most people suggested these 3 work very well together. • However, if I had to make an improvement which would possibly help my product appeal even more to my audience, I would apply a range of competitions that could be entered if you have entered the mailing list as this will benefit both my website and the customers also. But overall I believe I have applied lots of content that will appeal to my audience.
  • 24. Feedback 1 • What did you like about the product? – Like that it has simple design to it because it kept consistent and white the back ground and that its not to complicate as well so any person at any age can understand what the magazine is all about. • What improvements could have been made to the product? I do like that the magazine is all nice and simple but I feel like the consistent white kind of makes it not that good, should of added some more colours on it or something along the lines because I feel like the most important bit of a magazine will gave to be the front cover and this one isn't as colourful. Anyway it might be a fashion magazine theme of keeping it white but that my opinion. I think that’s the next step to pull in more readers. Randall Otieno
  • 25. Feedback 2 • What did you like about the product? – I really liked how both your magazine and website were created using the same ideas, design and content as it helps indicate that you are a very professional company. – I also like the images you have included and I believe they have been presented very well throughout your magazine and website. • What improvements could have been made to the product? • I believe an improvement you could make to magazine is included more content because the little snippets of content you have already included are really interesting and it makes me want to carry on reading. • Another improvement I would make is to add more stuff on your website because although it includes t-shirts I believe if you added jumpers and jackets people would be more intrigued to visit the shop. Aaron Johnson
  • 26. Feedback 3 • What did you like about the product? – I really liked the content you included in your magazine as it almost seemed very personal and different to other magazines I have previously read. – I also liked the layout of both your website and magazine because after previously reading magazines similar to yours, I can understand what point you’re trying to express to your audience and hopefully other people will too. • What improvements could have been made to the product? • An improvement I would make to your work is adding more content on music as the photo you placed on the front of your blog almost indicates that it will be a hot topic, however I believe there is only 1 blog post on music. • Another improvement I would apply is adding more content on the front of your magazine is it doesn’t indicate that everything you have applied will actually be included in the magazine. This will possibly attract a wider audience. But overall I think your work is good and is presented very good also. Tommy Lister
  • 27. Peer Feedback Summary • What do you agree with from your peer feedback? – I agree with Tommy on behalf of his feedback that states my website layout shows indications of existing products similar to mine. – I also agree with Aaron when he mentions I should apply more content as I believe this will help customers buy my magazine in the future also. – Finally, I also agree with Randall when he mentions that I kept my production work consistent throughout. • What do you disagree with from your peer feedback? • I disagree with Randall when he mentions that the consistent white makes it not that good. The reason behind this is because if my presentation contrasted from page to page, I believe this would make it look unprofessional as I like to keep a correlation between each page in my magazine. • I also disagree with Tommy when he mentions apply more content on the magazine cover. The reason why I disagree is because I believe adding anymore content would make my magazine look very unprofessional for the category it fits. I also believe it works well with the rest of my magazine too.
  • 28. Peer Feedback Summary • One adjustment I would like to apply to my work after reviewing my content is applying more content. The reason why I would like to do this is because some sections within my magazine look slightly lost and empty. I would also like to apply more content because if my audience do find my content interesting applying more would not be in issue. • Another adjustment I would like to apply is a further range of items on my shop. In order to do this I will have to use Photoshop to edit my products, so if I receive enough time this will hopefully be included. Items that I would like to apply include hoodies and small accessories such as socks, headbands, gloves and bracelets. • The final improvement I would like to apply after reviewing my feedback is applying more images as Aaron mentioned they looked very professional. These photos can be taken outside as I have recently received more skate tools and more clothing that can be applied to my magazine and website. • Overall I am very happy with the feedback I have received as it has helped me think of new ideas I can apply to my work to make it even better. I am also very happy because it will help me going forwards in the future also.

Editor's Notes

  1. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  2. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  3. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page alongside an existing product Use text boxes and arrows
  4. Does your work look good? Was it creative? What aspects of your game’s visuals do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  5. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience. Refer to your findings from your questionnaire. Put your final piece(s) in the centre of a page and analyse them Use text boxes and arrows
  6. What changes would you make to your product based upon your peer feedback and why?