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Initial Plans
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Idea Generation
• Select a song/track that you like [or don’t like!]
• Generate three ideas for music videos employing styles, techniques
and conventions that we have looked at in previous sessions. Explore
how you could interpret the song differently using different methods
• You can add any extra info you think is relevant, images, mind maps,
• For quick mind maps you could use to generate these
Idea 1 For my first idea I was thinking of doing a cartoon music video.
for the cartoon idea I will include the conventions of a typical music video however this will be
animated. One of the conventions being used is telling a little story. To do this I will have to plan
weeks in advance what I am going to do. To do the animation for this idea I will have to either use
Photoshop or possibly some other drawing/editing program. One of the music videos I looked at to
come up with this idea is ’feels like summer’.
For my animation I will use quite bright colors such as
blue and red however these colors depend on the
music video I create as different colors have different
connotations. For the song I have chose which is
‘noticed’ I will most likely chose to include blue over
red. This is because this is quite an upbeat song and
blue has connotations such as loyalty, freedom and
confidence all of which are themes of rap music
which is what genre this song is. This song does also
not mention violence or anything in an aggressive
manor and red has connotations such as violence and
aggression. the colors will also have to link with the
background I chose to construct. By this I mean that I
am not just going to have every color in my music
video as this would not make sense and would look
messy. To make my video look organized and
professional I will include a good looking background
as shown in this song above. I will also include a good
animated character.
The idea for this is going to be either a little animated story kind of video or
possibly an animated lyric video. This has been shown in the video below. If I do
decide to make a lyric video I will include a short story or something happening
and have the text around it. I think that this would be a really good idea. The
font used will be cartoony and most likely urban so font like graffiti. This is
because I will most likely do a rap song for my video. Graffiti and urban settings
are often used and are typically linked to rap music. The background I may
choose to use would be something like an graffiti wall. An idea I had for this was
to have the animated character walking past a graffiti covered wall however the
walls will be covered in the lyrics to the song. A major convention which I will
have to apply to is that the lyrics will have to have some sort of link to the
actual story. This has been used in ’feels like summer’. The setting used in this
idea would be bright and quite colourful. This is because graffiti is usually quite
colourful and also I would include a bright setting as I think that this would
intrigue the audience. This is because it will draw their attention onto the video.
The down side of doing an animated video like this is that it will probably take a lot of dedication
and time. If I chose to do this I will have to complete the other PowerPoints in good time.
Idea two
For idea 2 I plan to make a music video which would
only include one person. This would be something
like one person just lip syncing to the song. The song I
have chose for my ideas is ‘Noticed’. This song is a rap
song. For this idea I plan to video different camera
angles and different shots. This is because it will make
the music video look more like the typical music video
as well as make my one less boring. In my music video
the main things I will have to think about is how to
apply to the conventions of the genre which is rap
and also who is going to be in this video. the
conventions of rap I will include most likely will be
elements such as watches or chains, cars and also
clothes. Some of these conventions can be included.
Another convention of rap music videos which I will
have to apply to and will make mine look professional
is by including a lot of jump shots and long shots. The
long shots are often used to show of the background.
For the background I will have to find somewhere quite
open. This is because then the long shots will look better
than if I was filming and in the background was a road or
something. The background will have to look like
something which would be included in a rap video. The
background will have to include an urban setting for
example an abandoned place or possibly somewhere
where there is graffiti. The background will have to be well
lit , this is so you will be able to see the musician.
For the person in my video they will have to look and act like a rapper.
This will be done by the rapper following the conventions. For example
they may have a watch they can wear and also maybe some clothes that
are linked to rappers. The ultimate element of the person is that they
have to look interested in my video. This is because then the audience
wont get board of it easily. The person In the ideal situation will wave
there arms around as shown in most rap videos and they will look
interested. This will make my video look like a rap video.
To film my music video I plan to follow
the rapper. This will be done by myself
slowly walking backwards and the
rapper walking towards me. I have
chose to film this idea like this because
I feel like this is achievable.
The effects I might use in this idea will be produced in adobe premier
after effects. The effects I want to add is some drawings around the
artist. This allows you to create anything you want around the artist. For
example I could use it to enhance the artist and make him stand out
more. I could also make a small animation for example if the beat drops
you could include an explosion animation or something. In after effects I
may also choose to include some smoke or possibly some fire as these
things are often featured in rap videos.
Idea three
My next Idea is to create a performance type music video.
This will be done by filming a band and making a music
video by strictly using that.
The lighting and the colors used in this video will be fairly
dark. This is because when bands perform it is mainly
dark. If the band is heavily rock related the dark
background will work perfectly. The colors used will be
dark colors. This is only for if I do a rock band though. I
may also choose instead of a band to do a dance video.
This will be quite bright as obviously the audience will
have to be able to see clearly that they are dancing. This
idea will make more sense to do as you don’t get many
rap bands and I plan on doing a rap song. For the song I
have chosen so far which is ’noticed’ it will make more
sense to do a dancing video. The dances in this video will
be fairly average because I do not know any dancers.
For this idea I was also to include a lot of effects after filming this
in after effects. The main effect I will use in this idea is the
animation lines. These are shown on the picture above. These
animation lines will make my video look interesting as well as
make the dance moves look better. I would also most likely include
other effects such as shadows and also some color correction.
To film this video I will just have the artist in one shot this
will most likely be a long shot , this is so you can see the
whole artist. All though filming in one shot may look
boring however I plan to include some effects. The filming
process should be very achievable for this as all I need to
do is find someone willing to dance for a couple of
minutes. This idea will be filmed in possibly the studio or
somewhere with good lighting. The studio however would
be ideal but I do not think that it is big enough. For this
idea I could also possibly use the green screen. This would
be so that I can just place the character on which ever
background I want , for example one which includes a
gradient as shown below.
the clothing for the person dancing will just be fairly casual as this is
not professional dancing and also most of the dances will be basic.
If done with the green screen I will link the background to the
clothing. By this I mean I will chose a background which contrasts
with the clothing color. This will make the video look organized and
also will make the audience focus on one thing.
I will not include
as many effects as
in this video as
that would be too
time consuming
and would most
likely not be
Mind map of ideas
[summary of ideas]
• 5 strengths of your ideas you could use
• One strength of my ideas which I will most likely is using after effects. This is a strength as I personally feel that in a rap
video t makes it look better. These will be done in adobe premier after effects. The effects I will possibly use will be
smoke, animation lines and I plan on making some transitions. Another strength of my ideas is that they are all
achievable. By this I mean that they are all doable. This is a strength as I will then get the production done in time.
Another strength of my ideas is that they can all be adapted and developed. By this I mean that if my plan fails first time I
could change some things and make them easier to complete. This would work for example if the performer in my video
was to not be feeling good on the day I will have to get another person. Another strength of my ideas is that they all apply
to the conventions of that idea. This is a strength as I now know what to include in my main music video. The final
strength of my ideas is that they all can all be used for one song. This is a strength as then if I chose to change my mind on
the video I will produce I wont have to think of a new song.
• 5 weaknesses of you ideas
• One weakness of my ideas is that they all include something which may be very hard to get a hold off, for example I may
need a big studio, cars or massive amounts of money all of these may be hard to find or get. Another weakness of my
ideas is that I will need a find a location which looks good. This is going to be quite challenging as I don’t live anywhere
where there are any really good locations. This may mean that I have to travel somewhere. Another weakness of my ideas
is that they are all very time consuming however are achievable. This is a weakness as I may not have time to fully pursuit
my idea. This may lead to it not looking as good as it should do. To avoid this I will have get all these PowerPoint slides
completed. Another weakness of my ideas is that for my 2 filming ideas I cant really dictate what the performer wears.
This is a weakness as they may not look the part. This will make my video overall look, perhaps less of a rap video. The
final weakness is that in one idea I plan on having a little narrative. This is a weakness as I most likely wont have time to
construct a good one. This will influence my main video as it probably wont make that much sense.
Final idea – artist/title/info
• Name of track / name of artist
• Brief biographical background
• Links to other artists
• Genre info
The name of the track I am going to do is ‘real ties’
by Lil Skies. Lil Skies is a 20 year old rapper from
Pennsylvania who sings hip hop. He has 2 albums
which have come out m ‘life of a dark rose’ and
‘gnar life’. This artist is similar to most other hip hop
artists. These artists are people such as Lil Uzi and
Rich the kid.
Final idea – track summary
• Summary/analysis of track [consider meaning, content, duration,
pace and style of the song]
The track I am doing for my main video is ‘real ties’. This song is about Lil Skies making tribute to his roots,
coming from Wayneborough, Pennsylvania. This song is to signify how important his hometown is to him, and
his earliest supporters. This is just an extra song he felt like releasing, and will not be on his upcoming album.
The song is also about him and his close friends hence the name real ties. This suggests that his friendships are
real and strong. The content in this song is quite mature. This is in the sense that the song may contain a
couple of swear words however this can be edited out. The duration of this song is roughly 2 minutes and a
half. This is quite good as my video has to be about 2 minutes minimum , this should mean I will get through
the whole song easily. The pace of the song is quite fast as it is hip hop. This will mean that it will be slightly
harder to lip sync however the person doing my music video knows the words. The style of the song is upbeat
and is quite entertaining. This is in the sense that there is a good beat and the lyrics are good.
Final idea – your idea
• Your creative concept/video synopsis [describe your interpretation,
use of imagery or narrative, genre conventions, etc]
My idea for my music video is quite straight forward and organized. The concept is to make a professional
looking music video which follows the conventions of music videos and especially those which are of the hip
hop genre. The audience of which I am trying to apply to is 16-24 year olds. One way I will apply to the audience
is by having a good song. I think this song will appeal to my audience as it is very modern and up beat. the plan
for my music video is to have film the musician lip syncing the music and film different shots. I will then merge
them together so that it doesn't’t look boring. The different shots I will hopefully get will be long shots , close
ups and over the shoulder shots. My music video is not going to have a narrative. This is because I feel that this
will be too time consuming and I wouldn't’t get it done in time. For my music video I want to add some after
effects this will be done via adobe after effects. The effects I want to include is the scribble effect which looks
like animation lines. I want to include this effect as I feel that you can be as creative as you want with this
feature. This effect will also be used for main lyrics in the song. Another effect I may choose will be something
like smoke or fire. This is because these effects are often used in hip hop videos. To make my concept happen I
will have t make sure of some important things. These things being firstly the camera being in focus as you cant
change that if it has been filmed. I will also have to make sure I don’t include things like college lanyards and
bottles n the floor. This is because this would make it look unprofessional.
Final idea – techniques and styles
• Video techniques/style/conventions to be used [include how you
intend to implement these]
The techniques and style I will use in my music videos will be quite simple. The conventions I am
going to try to implement in my music video will be to include many close up shots as well as long
shots. This is because in hiphop videos the artists like to be noticed and like to show how famous they
are. This is through the use of money, cars and girls usually. These conventions that show how
famous theh are most likely will not be used , this is because I can't get a hold of any
of them. In my music video I am also going to include a lot of jump shots. This is
because they are a convention of hip hop videos. These are especially used in an
upbeat song like the one I chose. The style of my music video will be quite a basic style
however I do plan to add some effects to it after filming. These effects such as
animation or scribble lines are often used in music videos and especially those created
by Cole Bennet. To include this I will go onto after effects when exporting the finished
video. To make me video include differents shots i will film different shots with the
camera and then link them all together in Adobe premier. The conventions I will use
to show off the artists popularity will be things such as clothes and watches. These will
be brought by the performer. The watches and the clothes are all conventions and
Potential research targets
When doing my research I will look at existing music videos which are similar to the one I want to create
these will be hip hop videos. I will also look at the conventional ideas which are included within these
music videos such as camera angles and also the narrative. I will also look at the effects which have
been used and I may look at how they are implemented in these videos. For my research targets j was
thinking of looking at music videos from Cole Benett. This is because he is well known for making hip
hop music videos. This so give me some idea of what to include in my video. I will also plan to look at
rappers such as lil skies and lil mosey. This is because personally I quite like their music. The music
videos for their songs will show me what they wear and also wh at conventions they are applying to This
overall gives me an idea of what the main conventions are. I may also chose to look at magazine covers
as well as album covers. This is because I will get an idea of what they often wear. The final thing I will
need to find out is how they have applied to their target audience. I reckon this will be by including
things such as money and cars.

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1. initial plans mv 2018 2

  • 2. Idea Generation • Select a song/track that you like [or don’t like!] • Generate three ideas for music videos employing styles, techniques and conventions that we have looked at in previous sessions. Explore how you could interpret the song differently using different methods • You can add any extra info you think is relevant, images, mind maps, etc • For quick mind maps you could use to generate these
  • 4. Idea 1 For my first idea I was thinking of doing a cartoon music video. for the cartoon idea I will include the conventions of a typical music video however this will be animated. One of the conventions being used is telling a little story. To do this I will have to plan weeks in advance what I am going to do. To do the animation for this idea I will have to either use Photoshop or possibly some other drawing/editing program. One of the music videos I looked at to come up with this idea is ’feels like summer’. For my animation I will use quite bright colors such as blue and red however these colors depend on the music video I create as different colors have different connotations. For the song I have chose which is ‘noticed’ I will most likely chose to include blue over red. This is because this is quite an upbeat song and blue has connotations such as loyalty, freedom and confidence all of which are themes of rap music which is what genre this song is. This song does also not mention violence or anything in an aggressive manor and red has connotations such as violence and aggression. the colors will also have to link with the background I chose to construct. By this I mean that I am not just going to have every color in my music video as this would not make sense and would look messy. To make my video look organized and professional I will include a good looking background as shown in this song above. I will also include a good animated character. The idea for this is going to be either a little animated story kind of video or possibly an animated lyric video. This has been shown in the video below. If I do decide to make a lyric video I will include a short story or something happening and have the text around it. I think that this would be a really good idea. The font used will be cartoony and most likely urban so font like graffiti. This is because I will most likely do a rap song for my video. Graffiti and urban settings are often used and are typically linked to rap music. The background I may choose to use would be something like an graffiti wall. An idea I had for this was to have the animated character walking past a graffiti covered wall however the walls will be covered in the lyrics to the song. A major convention which I will have to apply to is that the lyrics will have to have some sort of link to the actual story. This has been used in ’feels like summer’. The setting used in this idea would be bright and quite colourful. This is because graffiti is usually quite colourful and also I would include a bright setting as I think that this would intrigue the audience. This is because it will draw their attention onto the video. The down side of doing an animated video like this is that it will probably take a lot of dedication and time. If I chose to do this I will have to complete the other PowerPoints in good time.
  • 5. Idea two For idea 2 I plan to make a music video which would only include one person. This would be something like one person just lip syncing to the song. The song I have chose for my ideas is ‘Noticed’. This song is a rap song. For this idea I plan to video different camera angles and different shots. This is because it will make the music video look more like the typical music video as well as make my one less boring. In my music video the main things I will have to think about is how to apply to the conventions of the genre which is rap and also who is going to be in this video. the conventions of rap I will include most likely will be elements such as watches or chains, cars and also clothes. Some of these conventions can be included. Another convention of rap music videos which I will have to apply to and will make mine look professional is by including a lot of jump shots and long shots. The long shots are often used to show of the background. For the background I will have to find somewhere quite open. This is because then the long shots will look better than if I was filming and in the background was a road or something. The background will have to look like something which would be included in a rap video. The background will have to include an urban setting for example an abandoned place or possibly somewhere where there is graffiti. The background will have to be well lit , this is so you will be able to see the musician. For the person in my video they will have to look and act like a rapper. This will be done by the rapper following the conventions. For example they may have a watch they can wear and also maybe some clothes that are linked to rappers. The ultimate element of the person is that they have to look interested in my video. This is because then the audience wont get board of it easily. The person In the ideal situation will wave there arms around as shown in most rap videos and they will look interested. This will make my video look like a rap video. To film my music video I plan to follow the rapper. This will be done by myself slowly walking backwards and the rapper walking towards me. I have chose to film this idea like this because I feel like this is achievable. The effects I might use in this idea will be produced in adobe premier after effects. The effects I want to add is some drawings around the artist. This allows you to create anything you want around the artist. For example I could use it to enhance the artist and make him stand out more. I could also make a small animation for example if the beat drops you could include an explosion animation or something. In after effects I may also choose to include some smoke or possibly some fire as these things are often featured in rap videos.
  • 6. Idea three My next Idea is to create a performance type music video. This will be done by filming a band and making a music video by strictly using that. The lighting and the colors used in this video will be fairly dark. This is because when bands perform it is mainly dark. If the band is heavily rock related the dark background will work perfectly. The colors used will be dark colors. This is only for if I do a rock band though. I may also choose instead of a band to do a dance video. This will be quite bright as obviously the audience will have to be able to see clearly that they are dancing. This idea will make more sense to do as you don’t get many rap bands and I plan on doing a rap song. For the song I have chosen so far which is ’noticed’ it will make more sense to do a dancing video. The dances in this video will be fairly average because I do not know any dancers. For this idea I was also to include a lot of effects after filming this in after effects. The main effect I will use in this idea is the animation lines. These are shown on the picture above. These animation lines will make my video look interesting as well as make the dance moves look better. I would also most likely include other effects such as shadows and also some color correction. To film this video I will just have the artist in one shot this will most likely be a long shot , this is so you can see the whole artist. All though filming in one shot may look boring however I plan to include some effects. The filming process should be very achievable for this as all I need to do is find someone willing to dance for a couple of minutes. This idea will be filmed in possibly the studio or somewhere with good lighting. The studio however would be ideal but I do not think that it is big enough. For this idea I could also possibly use the green screen. This would be so that I can just place the character on which ever background I want , for example one which includes a gradient as shown below. the clothing for the person dancing will just be fairly casual as this is not professional dancing and also most of the dances will be basic. If done with the green screen I will link the background to the clothing. By this I mean I will chose a background which contrasts with the clothing color. This will make the video look organized and also will make the audience focus on one thing. I will not include as many effects as in this video as that would be too time consuming and would most likely not be achievable. performance
  • 7. Mind map of ideas [summary of ideas]
  • 8. Summary • 5 strengths of your ideas you could use • One strength of my ideas which I will most likely is using after effects. This is a strength as I personally feel that in a rap video t makes it look better. These will be done in adobe premier after effects. The effects I will possibly use will be smoke, animation lines and I plan on making some transitions. Another strength of my ideas is that they are all achievable. By this I mean that they are all doable. This is a strength as I will then get the production done in time. Another strength of my ideas is that they can all be adapted and developed. By this I mean that if my plan fails first time I could change some things and make them easier to complete. This would work for example if the performer in my video was to not be feeling good on the day I will have to get another person. Another strength of my ideas is that they all apply to the conventions of that idea. This is a strength as I now know what to include in my main music video. The final strength of my ideas is that they all can all be used for one song. This is a strength as then if I chose to change my mind on the video I will produce I wont have to think of a new song. • 5 weaknesses of you ideas • One weakness of my ideas is that they all include something which may be very hard to get a hold off, for example I may need a big studio, cars or massive amounts of money all of these may be hard to find or get. Another weakness of my ideas is that I will need a find a location which looks good. This is going to be quite challenging as I don’t live anywhere where there are any really good locations. This may mean that I have to travel somewhere. Another weakness of my ideas is that they are all very time consuming however are achievable. This is a weakness as I may not have time to fully pursuit my idea. This may lead to it not looking as good as it should do. To avoid this I will have get all these PowerPoint slides completed. Another weakness of my ideas is that for my 2 filming ideas I cant really dictate what the performer wears. This is a weakness as they may not look the part. This will make my video overall look, perhaps less of a rap video. The final weakness is that in one idea I plan on having a little narrative. This is a weakness as I most likely wont have time to construct a good one. This will influence my main video as it probably wont make that much sense.
  • 9. Final idea – artist/title/info • Name of track / name of artist • Brief biographical background • Links to other artists • Genre info The name of the track I am going to do is ‘real ties’ by Lil Skies. Lil Skies is a 20 year old rapper from Pennsylvania who sings hip hop. He has 2 albums which have come out m ‘life of a dark rose’ and ‘gnar life’. This artist is similar to most other hip hop artists. These artists are people such as Lil Uzi and Rich the kid.
  • 10. Final idea – track summary • Summary/analysis of track [consider meaning, content, duration, pace and style of the song] The track I am doing for my main video is ‘real ties’. This song is about Lil Skies making tribute to his roots, coming from Wayneborough, Pennsylvania. This song is to signify how important his hometown is to him, and his earliest supporters. This is just an extra song he felt like releasing, and will not be on his upcoming album. The song is also about him and his close friends hence the name real ties. This suggests that his friendships are real and strong. The content in this song is quite mature. This is in the sense that the song may contain a couple of swear words however this can be edited out. The duration of this song is roughly 2 minutes and a half. This is quite good as my video has to be about 2 minutes minimum , this should mean I will get through the whole song easily. The pace of the song is quite fast as it is hip hop. This will mean that it will be slightly harder to lip sync however the person doing my music video knows the words. The style of the song is upbeat and is quite entertaining. This is in the sense that there is a good beat and the lyrics are good.
  • 11. Final idea – your idea • Your creative concept/video synopsis [describe your interpretation, use of imagery or narrative, genre conventions, etc] My idea for my music video is quite straight forward and organized. The concept is to make a professional looking music video which follows the conventions of music videos and especially those which are of the hip hop genre. The audience of which I am trying to apply to is 16-24 year olds. One way I will apply to the audience is by having a good song. I think this song will appeal to my audience as it is very modern and up beat. the plan for my music video is to have film the musician lip syncing the music and film different shots. I will then merge them together so that it doesn't’t look boring. The different shots I will hopefully get will be long shots , close ups and over the shoulder shots. My music video is not going to have a narrative. This is because I feel that this will be too time consuming and I wouldn't’t get it done in time. For my music video I want to add some after effects this will be done via adobe after effects. The effects I want to include is the scribble effect which looks like animation lines. I want to include this effect as I feel that you can be as creative as you want with this feature. This effect will also be used for main lyrics in the song. Another effect I may choose will be something like smoke or fire. This is because these effects are often used in hip hop videos. To make my concept happen I will have t make sure of some important things. These things being firstly the camera being in focus as you cant change that if it has been filmed. I will also have to make sure I don’t include things like college lanyards and bottles n the floor. This is because this would make it look unprofessional.
  • 12. Final idea – techniques and styles • Video techniques/style/conventions to be used [include how you intend to implement these] The techniques and style I will use in my music videos will be quite simple. The conventions I am going to try to implement in my music video will be to include many close up shots as well as long shots. This is because in hiphop videos the artists like to be noticed and like to show how famous they are. This is through the use of money, cars and girls usually. These conventions that show how famous theh are most likely will not be used , this is because I can't get a hold of any of them. In my music video I am also going to include a lot of jump shots. This is because they are a convention of hip hop videos. These are especially used in an upbeat song like the one I chose. The style of my music video will be quite a basic style however I do plan to add some effects to it after filming. These effects such as animation or scribble lines are often used in music videos and especially those created by Cole Bennet. To include this I will go onto after effects when exporting the finished video. To make me video include differents shots i will film different shots with the camera and then link them all together in Adobe premier. The conventions I will use to show off the artists popularity will be things such as clothes and watches. These will be brought by the performer. The watches and the clothes are all conventions and
  • 13. Potential research targets When doing my research I will look at existing music videos which are similar to the one I want to create these will be hip hop videos. I will also look at the conventional ideas which are included within these music videos such as camera angles and also the narrative. I will also look at the effects which have been used and I may look at how they are implemented in these videos. For my research targets j was thinking of looking at music videos from Cole Benett. This is because he is well known for making hip hop music videos. This so give me some idea of what to include in my video. I will also plan to look at rappers such as lil skies and lil mosey. This is because personally I quite like their music. The music videos for their songs will show me what they wear and also wh at conventions they are applying to This overall gives me an idea of what the main conventions are. I may also chose to look at magazine covers as well as album covers. This is because I will get an idea of what they often wear. The final thing I will need to find out is how they have applied to their target audience. I reckon this will be by including things such as money and cars.

Editor's Notes

  1. What techniques, resources, locations, etc will you need to research?