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Stage 2
Research + Experiments
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Production techniques research
• Research potential production techniques you might want to use or
feel would be most appropriate – these can be related to camera,
editing, story, sound, etc
• You should look at a minimum of 3 related products in your research.
• You should collect clips/still images/how to guides/etc that might
help you. When watching scenes from films, etc you could also ask
potential target audience what they think.
• You may need to add extra slides!
• With each technique you should assess whether you can use it or
how you might employ or why you may want to disregard it
• Always think about your investigations links to your intentions and
Product 1
When looking at this video ‘robbery’ It shows many elements of which I want to
include in my main music video. These elements being the fire and the smoke
included. I am pretty sure that these are special effects which they have used. I
want to include the fire and the smoke in my music video because I feel that It
would make my video look more appealing. This will make the audience want to
look at the video for longer and will hopefully entertain them. Another reason is
that the fire and the smoke are included in most hip hop videos somewhere , this
makes them a characteristic of this genre.
The camera angles included are quite appealing and are those associated with hip
hop. Them camera angles being lots of close ups and also lots of medium/long
shots. The close ups used are used to show the artist, this will make the audience
instantly recognize the artist. The camera angles in this video however are a bit
different. This is because it has not used any low angle shots. These are used
normally to assert their power over the audience. This could imply that this
rapper feels that he is on the same level as them. In my music video I want to
include camera angles such as long shots and close ups all of which will be fairly
central. I do however want to include some high angle or low angle shots of the
performers clothing. The shot in the second picture which is a medium shot
shows the audience and sets the scene for the music video. This gives myself and
the audience an idea that this is a wedding of some sort. By having this setting in
the video it can change the whole interpretation of this song. This is effect as it
interacts with your audience.
The filter which has been used makes the video looks like it was filmed on a
perfect sunny day. This filter also makes the fire seem believable. This is because
it is set in a forest and forest fires do occur fairly often within the summer
months. This makes me want to include something like this , this is because I find
it really cool and interesting. The filter used also makes the background look less
boring. By this I mean that if the background was just of a forest it would look
quite dull and would not be appealing to the audience. His audience which is
teenagers are usually associated with brighter colors, this is how they have
appealed to his audience.
Product 2
This music video also made by Cole bennet really appeals to me and I would like to
include many similar effects within my music video. One of these effects being the
animation lines or scribble effect which have been used. These are the white lines which
swerve around the artists legs. This effect appeals to me as I personally see that they
have included a fairly standard shot of the artists legs and to make it more entertaining
and appealing they have included lines that sort of swim around his legs. The shot has
been used as shoes and footwear are big conventions of hip hop videos. This is because
they represent there wealth as well as their identity. By this I mean that if they are
wearing shoes that no one else has they are seen to be a bold as well as wealthy person.
This is because the shoes are most likely worth some money. This has then been used in
the second picture however the lines are going around the characters. This again makes
the shot look more interesting and entertaining. These lines are used fairly often in rap
videos and are very modern in the way that they have only been introduced in hip hop
videos within a couple of year. In mu music video I want to include these effects in my
music video especially. This is because I feel that my music video will look quite boring
and this will hopefully make it look more interesting. To implement this I will use adobe
after effects.
The camera angle used in the bottom image is a medium shot with a central angle. This
little section also includes lip syncing. This is used fairly often. The lip syncing is used to
show the audience that this is his song and he is the one who has sung it. For my music
video I want to include some lip syncing as this is one of the main conventions of a music
video. I also want to include the lip singing in a similar shot. By this I mean a similar
camera angle. This is because u can clearly see the artist as well as the lips.
Product 3 This music video is different to the other ones in the sense that this has been made and
directed by a different person. From this u can tell that some of the effects will be
different as In the other two I noticed some similar effects. At the start of this music
video they include the name of the song. Although this is a general thing for a music
video to include they have included it in a green urban font. This suggests that his type
of music is hip-hop. This alerts the audience in a subtle way , for example if they just
come across this video they may not know what genre this is. This then subtlety shows
them. The image behind the name is the artist with lots of money. This again is subtly
showing the audience that this is a hip hop video. This also is the artist showing how
rich and famous he is to the audience. In hip hop videos the rappers often show the rich
status. In my music video I will also include the name of the song at the start for the
same reason as this. I will also include it in an urban font
In this music video they have also used a lot of color overlays. This has been used for an
aesthetic reason. I think that this color overlay which Is featured in the music video very
often make the music video look unique as well as pleasing to the eye. The color overlay
has been used in this green color to subtly show that he is rich. This is because green
has connotations such as money and finances. This color overlay will appeal to the
audience as it is unique. If something is unique and also looks good it will appeal to the
In this video the music video has been edited in places to give it a retro look. This has
been done mainly for an aesthetic reason. This makes this music video look pleasing to
the eye as well as different to the typical car park shot. The camera angle used in this is
a low angle shot. This is stereo typically used to show the rappers power and his status.
In my video I want to include some effects however probably not this one.
Genre and artist breakdown
• Think about the conventions of music video and which of these you
feel are the most appropriate for you video and why
• Think about the genre characteristics for your chosen artist – how do
you plan to employ these?
• Which techniques and styles do you think fans of your chosen genre
prefer? What should you expect to see in that type of music video?
• Use the following slides to show your ideas and explain these using
good illustrative examples – this is where your research and
explorations should start. Remember to consider the aspects we
looked at in class [and the academic things from Goodwin, etc].
• One of the conventions of music videos is that music videos usually have a wide variety of shots.
These shots will be from different angles , often in a music video they will be low angle shots. This is
to show their status. The types of shots they often include are close ups , long shots and also maybe
a medium close up. These are done to give the audience another view of the artist. Another
convention of music videos are that they usually include lots of bright colors this is only really in up
beat music. Emo music will include dark backgrounds. The backgrounds included within hip hop
music are often including sunsets or bright colored overlays. This is an effect used often. Another
convention of music videos is that they often include an artist who mimes along to the song. This is
lip-syncing. This type of acting is used often in music videos this is to give the audience an
experience of that artist performing. This is also done as many fans wont be able to go to see the
artist. This could be because of the prices of the tickets. Another conventions of music videos is that
they often include and especially in hip hop videos is the amount of fast pace shots they include.
This is done because the majority of the time hip hop music is very fast pace. The final convention
of music videos is that they often use effects. These effects are sued o apply to their target
audience. This applies to their target audience as by adding effects it makes their video look more
exiting as well as the effects possibly linking to the music.
Genre Chacteristics
The genre characteristics of these music videos are things such as cars , money and also clothes. These
conventions are used because the artists like to show their wealth and their power to the audience. Cars
such as lamboghinis and Ferraris are often included as lots of people aspire to have them cars. Another
convention is clothes. This is used for the same reason really , they will most likely be wearing expensive
clothes and those from designers such as Gucci. Other conventions such as effects are usually used. This is
because they integer the audience and make the video ultimately look less boring. The effects usually
used are those such as colour overlay and also white lines around the artist. These are also done within
after effects. Another element which is usually included within these music videos is the low angle
camera shots. These are usually included to show the status of themselves. This is also used to show that
their audience looks up to then therefore they include a low angle shot. The final element which is usually
included is the amount of jump shots. This is because it then makes the video look more fast pace as well
as make the video look very interesting. The jump shots are done by filming form lots of different angles.
These are used in the majority of music videos which are of the genre of hip hop.
Chosen approach/justification
For my music video I have 2 ideas. The first being to film in a spacious place. This is because don’t want anything
unnecessary to be in my music video. These are things such as filming equipment , cars on the road and also just random
people in the shot. If for some reason we cant find a spacious place I will then most likely use the green screen in college
or if not will have to film it in the college car park or something , this s what I don’t want to do. I will use the green screen
for my plan b because I feel that you can do most things with a green screen. If I chose to use a green screen I will most
likely include a range of backgrounds. One being a simple colour gradient background. This in my opinion looks quite
good and also is used in a lot of music videos. In my music video I plan to have the artist dress in something that looks
good and is quite baggy or oversized. This is because in rap videos the artists are normally dressed in these sort of
clothes. For my music video I intend to film a wide variety of shots. This will be done by setting up the camera in different
positions. These shots will be long shots and close ups. This because they are often used in hip hop videos. Whichever
shot I include it will most likely include the artist. The effects I will include within my music video will be those such as
animated lines and colour overlays. This is because they will make my music video look more professional as well ass
more entertaining. My target audience which is aged 15-21 year olds find these elements entertaining. This is because
these are included in many hip hop videos.
Camera/Editing/Audio Experiments
This is for you to evidence the filming and editing tests we did.
Be prepared to add extra slides.
You can add more experiments as you do them as the project progresses.
Experiment 1 - Process
In this experiment I firstly had to get some footage. This was done by going in to the studio and filming a range of shots.
The first experiment I did goes up to about 8 seconds. this was my first experiment as I added some effects to it. The
first thing I did to this was import it into adobe premier pro. After that I then had to trim down the length of the video.
This was because I felt that 30 seconds of the same effect would be fairly boring for the audience. Especially because it
was all in one shot. This was a simple task. I then looked at several YouTube videos which showed my easy effects
which are often included in hip hop music videos. These effects were easy to do. The effect I chose to do was called
the vhs effect. The idea of this was to make the video look retro and have an old vhs look to it. To do this I simply just
created 3 different layers and then changed the colors. What I did was one layer was 100 percent red. One layer a 100
percent blue and one layer 100 percent yellow. After completing that task I then moved the layers a couple of degrees
to then get that blue and red look around the artist. After completing that I then decided to add some of these wave
lines. These lines were added from the effects bar on adobe premier. The lines were added because they gave the
video more of a vintage vibe and also made the effect look more interesting. This was easy to do.
• What elements of your experiments will you include in your final
• In my main production piece I think I well defiantly include some similar things to my first experiment.
One thing I will defiantly include is the process I followed. This process being that I import the clip into
adobe premier pro and then edit and export in there. In my main production I also plan on using some
of the same tools. These are tools such as the razer tool and the trimming tool. These will be used as
they are very important. This is because they easily allow you to get rid of any part of the clip. the effect
I used within my experiment will most likely be used. This is because personally I thought that It came
out looking quite good. This effect is also and as the video stated is included in many hip hop videos.
This is what I am going to create. The effect also is quick and easy to do so this should not be a problem.
Experiment 2 - Process
For my other experiment I was really just expanding my skills and learning
new effects. The effects I included are all often used in hip hop videos.
This is good because I am trying to create one. The effects I included
were a static effect , a color overlay and a fire/smoke effect. These effects
all had different difficulties for example the static one was the hardest. To
do these effects I watched several YouTube videos on them ,this helped
me. The effects which I had the most difficulty with was the static one. To
do this I fist had to create a mask. This was something I had never done
before. To make a mask I selected the correct tool and outlined the artist. I
then set the mask to follow the artist for like 3 seconds. To fill the mask I
then had to get a static video , this was imported from YouTube. I then
filled the mask with the static video, I did so by importing the video on top
of the masked clip. I then could change the scale. To do the other effects
were much simpler than this. The color overlay one was very simple as all
you do is go to the effects bar and select the color you want. The final
effect which was the fire and the smoke was slightly more difficult. This
was as i had no idea how to do this. To do this I imported a fire which as
on a green screen as well as smoke and got rid of the background. This
was done by myself using the ultra key effect. This makes the fire look like
its floating. I then changed the scale of both elements and the rotation.
This was to where I wanted it to be placed.
• What elements of your experiments will you include in your final
product? What about this process has been notable [positive and
• One element I will include which I did in my experiment will be some of the effects. The effect I will
most likely include is the colour overlay one. This is because it is simple to do and looks quite
entertaining. This is good for music videos as the aim is to entertain the audience. This effect will not
defiantly be an overlay of green however it might be an overlay of something darker or possibly
brighter. This is a cool effect as you can make it how you want it to look. I may also include that static
looking effect. This is because I think that it looks really good. I also think that this effect looks like
something you would see in a rap music video. The final thing I will include is the fire or smoke. If I do
not include this I will include another green screen effect. This will be something like lighting or maybe
even coloured smoke. I will include one of these effects because I feel they are unique and out of the
ordinary. All though they are unique In the way that you would not often see fire at college howwver
their and smoke is often included in these videos.

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2. research mv 2018 2

  • 1. Stage 2 Research + Experiments Your name here
  • 2. Production techniques research • Research potential production techniques you might want to use or feel would be most appropriate – these can be related to camera, editing, story, sound, etc • You should look at a minimum of 3 related products in your research. • You should collect clips/still images/how to guides/etc that might help you. When watching scenes from films, etc you could also ask potential target audience what they think. • You may need to add extra slides! • With each technique you should assess whether you can use it or how you might employ or why you may want to disregard it completely • Always think about your investigations links to your intentions and production!
  • 3. Product 1 When looking at this video ‘robbery’ It shows many elements of which I want to include in my main music video. These elements being the fire and the smoke included. I am pretty sure that these are special effects which they have used. I want to include the fire and the smoke in my music video because I feel that It would make my video look more appealing. This will make the audience want to look at the video for longer and will hopefully entertain them. Another reason is that the fire and the smoke are included in most hip hop videos somewhere , this makes them a characteristic of this genre. The camera angles included are quite appealing and are those associated with hip hop. Them camera angles being lots of close ups and also lots of medium/long shots. The close ups used are used to show the artist, this will make the audience instantly recognize the artist. The camera angles in this video however are a bit different. This is because it has not used any low angle shots. These are used normally to assert their power over the audience. This could imply that this rapper feels that he is on the same level as them. In my music video I want to include camera angles such as long shots and close ups all of which will be fairly central. I do however want to include some high angle or low angle shots of the performers clothing. The shot in the second picture which is a medium shot shows the audience and sets the scene for the music video. This gives myself and the audience an idea that this is a wedding of some sort. By having this setting in the video it can change the whole interpretation of this song. This is effect as it interacts with your audience. The filter which has been used makes the video looks like it was filmed on a perfect sunny day. This filter also makes the fire seem believable. This is because it is set in a forest and forest fires do occur fairly often within the summer months. This makes me want to include something like this , this is because I find it really cool and interesting. The filter used also makes the background look less boring. By this I mean that if the background was just of a forest it would look quite dull and would not be appealing to the audience. His audience which is teenagers are usually associated with brighter colors, this is how they have appealed to his audience.
  • 4. Product 2 This music video also made by Cole bennet really appeals to me and I would like to include many similar effects within my music video. One of these effects being the animation lines or scribble effect which have been used. These are the white lines which swerve around the artists legs. This effect appeals to me as I personally see that they have included a fairly standard shot of the artists legs and to make it more entertaining and appealing they have included lines that sort of swim around his legs. The shot has been used as shoes and footwear are big conventions of hip hop videos. This is because they represent there wealth as well as their identity. By this I mean that if they are wearing shoes that no one else has they are seen to be a bold as well as wealthy person. This is because the shoes are most likely worth some money. This has then been used in the second picture however the lines are going around the characters. This again makes the shot look more interesting and entertaining. These lines are used fairly often in rap videos and are very modern in the way that they have only been introduced in hip hop videos within a couple of year. In mu music video I want to include these effects in my music video especially. This is because I feel that my music video will look quite boring and this will hopefully make it look more interesting. To implement this I will use adobe after effects. The camera angle used in the bottom image is a medium shot with a central angle. This little section also includes lip syncing. This is used fairly often. The lip syncing is used to show the audience that this is his song and he is the one who has sung it. For my music video I want to include some lip syncing as this is one of the main conventions of a music video. I also want to include the lip singing in a similar shot. By this I mean a similar camera angle. This is because u can clearly see the artist as well as the lips.
  • 5. Product 3 This music video is different to the other ones in the sense that this has been made and directed by a different person. From this u can tell that some of the effects will be different as In the other two I noticed some similar effects. At the start of this music video they include the name of the song. Although this is a general thing for a music video to include they have included it in a green urban font. This suggests that his type of music is hip-hop. This alerts the audience in a subtle way , for example if they just come across this video they may not know what genre this is. This then subtlety shows them. The image behind the name is the artist with lots of money. This again is subtly showing the audience that this is a hip hop video. This also is the artist showing how rich and famous he is to the audience. In hip hop videos the rappers often show the rich status. In my music video I will also include the name of the song at the start for the same reason as this. I will also include it in an urban font In this music video they have also used a lot of color overlays. This has been used for an aesthetic reason. I think that this color overlay which Is featured in the music video very often make the music video look unique as well as pleasing to the eye. The color overlay has been used in this green color to subtly show that he is rich. This is because green has connotations such as money and finances. This color overlay will appeal to the audience as it is unique. If something is unique and also looks good it will appeal to the audience. In this video the music video has been edited in places to give it a retro look. This has been done mainly for an aesthetic reason. This makes this music video look pleasing to the eye as well as different to the typical car park shot. The camera angle used in this is a low angle shot. This is stereo typically used to show the rappers power and his status. In my video I want to include some effects however probably not this one.
  • 6. Genre and artist breakdown • Think about the conventions of music video and which of these you feel are the most appropriate for you video and why • Think about the genre characteristics for your chosen artist – how do you plan to employ these? • Which techniques and styles do you think fans of your chosen genre prefer? What should you expect to see in that type of music video? • Use the following slides to show your ideas and explain these using good illustrative examples – this is where your research and explorations should start. Remember to consider the aspects we looked at in class [and the academic things from Goodwin, etc].
  • 7. Conventions • One of the conventions of music videos is that music videos usually have a wide variety of shots. These shots will be from different angles , often in a music video they will be low angle shots. This is to show their status. The types of shots they often include are close ups , long shots and also maybe a medium close up. These are done to give the audience another view of the artist. Another convention of music videos are that they usually include lots of bright colors this is only really in up beat music. Emo music will include dark backgrounds. The backgrounds included within hip hop music are often including sunsets or bright colored overlays. This is an effect used often. Another convention of music videos is that they often include an artist who mimes along to the song. This is lip-syncing. This type of acting is used often in music videos this is to give the audience an experience of that artist performing. This is also done as many fans wont be able to go to see the artist. This could be because of the prices of the tickets. Another conventions of music videos is that they often include and especially in hip hop videos is the amount of fast pace shots they include. This is done because the majority of the time hip hop music is very fast pace. The final convention of music videos is that they often use effects. These effects are sued o apply to their target audience. This applies to their target audience as by adding effects it makes their video look more exiting as well as the effects possibly linking to the music.
  • 8. Genre Chacteristics The genre characteristics of these music videos are things such as cars , money and also clothes. These conventions are used because the artists like to show their wealth and their power to the audience. Cars such as lamboghinis and Ferraris are often included as lots of people aspire to have them cars. Another convention is clothes. This is used for the same reason really , they will most likely be wearing expensive clothes and those from designers such as Gucci. Other conventions such as effects are usually used. This is because they integer the audience and make the video ultimately look less boring. The effects usually used are those such as colour overlay and also white lines around the artist. These are also done within after effects. Another element which is usually included within these music videos is the low angle camera shots. These are usually included to show the status of themselves. This is also used to show that their audience looks up to then therefore they include a low angle shot. The final element which is usually included is the amount of jump shots. This is because it then makes the video look more fast pace as well as make the video look very interesting. The jump shots are done by filming form lots of different angles. These are used in the majority of music videos which are of the genre of hip hop.
  • 9. Chosen approach/justification For my music video I have 2 ideas. The first being to film in a spacious place. This is because don’t want anything unnecessary to be in my music video. These are things such as filming equipment , cars on the road and also just random people in the shot. If for some reason we cant find a spacious place I will then most likely use the green screen in college or if not will have to film it in the college car park or something , this s what I don’t want to do. I will use the green screen for my plan b because I feel that you can do most things with a green screen. If I chose to use a green screen I will most likely include a range of backgrounds. One being a simple colour gradient background. This in my opinion looks quite good and also is used in a lot of music videos. In my music video I plan to have the artist dress in something that looks good and is quite baggy or oversized. This is because in rap videos the artists are normally dressed in these sort of clothes. For my music video I intend to film a wide variety of shots. This will be done by setting up the camera in different positions. These shots will be long shots and close ups. This because they are often used in hip hop videos. Whichever shot I include it will most likely include the artist. The effects I will include within my music video will be those such as animated lines and colour overlays. This is because they will make my music video look more professional as well ass more entertaining. My target audience which is aged 15-21 year olds find these elements entertaining. This is because these are included in many hip hop videos.
  • 10. Experiments Camera/Editing/Audio Experiments This is for you to evidence the filming and editing tests we did. Be prepared to add extra slides. You can add more experiments as you do them as the project progresses.
  • 11. Experiment 1 - Process In this experiment I firstly had to get some footage. This was done by going in to the studio and filming a range of shots. The first experiment I did goes up to about 8 seconds. this was my first experiment as I added some effects to it. The first thing I did to this was import it into adobe premier pro. After that I then had to trim down the length of the video. This was because I felt that 30 seconds of the same effect would be fairly boring for the audience. Especially because it was all in one shot. This was a simple task. I then looked at several YouTube videos which showed my easy effects which are often included in hip hop music videos. These effects were easy to do. The effect I chose to do was called the vhs effect. The idea of this was to make the video look retro and have an old vhs look to it. To do this I simply just created 3 different layers and then changed the colors. What I did was one layer was 100 percent red. One layer a 100 percent blue and one layer 100 percent yellow. After completing that task I then moved the layers a couple of degrees to then get that blue and red look around the artist. After completing that I then decided to add some of these wave lines. These lines were added from the effects bar on adobe premier. The lines were added because they gave the video more of a vintage vibe and also made the effect look more interesting. This was easy to do.
  • 12. Reflection • What elements of your experiments will you include in your final product? • In my main production piece I think I well defiantly include some similar things to my first experiment. One thing I will defiantly include is the process I followed. This process being that I import the clip into adobe premier pro and then edit and export in there. In my main production I also plan on using some of the same tools. These are tools such as the razer tool and the trimming tool. These will be used as they are very important. This is because they easily allow you to get rid of any part of the clip. the effect I used within my experiment will most likely be used. This is because personally I thought that It came out looking quite good. This effect is also and as the video stated is included in many hip hop videos. This is what I am going to create. The effect also is quick and easy to do so this should not be a problem.
  • 13. Experiment 2 - Process For my other experiment I was really just expanding my skills and learning new effects. The effects I included are all often used in hip hop videos. This is good because I am trying to create one. The effects I included were a static effect , a color overlay and a fire/smoke effect. These effects all had different difficulties for example the static one was the hardest. To do these effects I watched several YouTube videos on them ,this helped me. The effects which I had the most difficulty with was the static one. To do this I fist had to create a mask. This was something I had never done before. To make a mask I selected the correct tool and outlined the artist. I then set the mask to follow the artist for like 3 seconds. To fill the mask I then had to get a static video , this was imported from YouTube. I then filled the mask with the static video, I did so by importing the video on top of the masked clip. I then could change the scale. To do the other effects were much simpler than this. The color overlay one was very simple as all you do is go to the effects bar and select the color you want. The final effect which was the fire and the smoke was slightly more difficult. This was as i had no idea how to do this. To do this I imported a fire which as on a green screen as well as smoke and got rid of the background. This was done by myself using the ultra key effect. This makes the fire look like its floating. I then changed the scale of both elements and the rotation. This was to where I wanted it to be placed.
  • 14. Reflection • What elements of your experiments will you include in your final product? What about this process has been notable [positive and negative]? • One element I will include which I did in my experiment will be some of the effects. The effect I will most likely include is the colour overlay one. This is because it is simple to do and looks quite entertaining. This is good for music videos as the aim is to entertain the audience. This effect will not defiantly be an overlay of green however it might be an overlay of something darker or possibly brighter. This is a cool effect as you can make it how you want it to look. I may also include that static looking effect. This is because I think that it looks really good. I also think that this effect looks like something you would see in a rap music video. The final thing I will include is the fire or smoke. If I do not include this I will include another green screen effect. This will be something like lighting or maybe even coloured smoke. I will include one of these effects because I feel they are unique and out of the ordinary. All though they are unique In the way that you would not often see fire at college howwver their and smoke is often included in these videos.