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Initial Plans
Mind Map
• If my research and planning are done well, these will be easy mediums to work in (excluding the title sequence) –
with the pre-title title sequel will only be a very short sequence to capture and the poster will only really be some
photography with some editing to complete it's look as a poster...
• Working in Photoshop's one of my strengths – meaning doing a poster will play into that strength.
• The location won't be hard to get to (as it's in York – It won't be hard to find a backup location,) as well as the
location being used twice – once for the poster and again with the pre-title sequence, meaning this will be
an efficient location.
• Though I may struggle to find available people to use in this, the cast will still be thankfully small, so it shouldn't
be anywhere near as bigger struggle than if I had a hugely required cast for this.
• I already have previous experience in all the chosen mediums – both from the last year's FMP and the last 2 years
of media, whilst still doing enough different to make it interesting – meaning that non of this should be too alien
to me and I should have some level of confidence in.
• A title sequence will need a series of fresh new visuals – in order to keep the audience's attention, rather than
loosing it...
• As well as that, the title sequence will also need a fitting song that's iconic, fits the brief, but isn't known enough
for the audience to pick up on a song they'd recognise and thus associate it more as the theme to this series.
• My pre-title sequence may be difficult in some areas – such as gathering a cast to get together, getting the right
lighting at night (-as for the poster) and creating a convincing stabbing scene – safely and without alarming anyone
near by.
• In doing the title sequence, I'll be needing the studio at college to do – which means I'll have to book it in
advanced as it'll likely be really high in demand around this time. Not to mention that I'll need to find a camera
man and/or star – depending on when roles are sorted out.
• For the pre-title sequence, as I'll be filming without a tripod – as I want a more natural and fluid movement on a
student budget, it'll be hard to prevent the camera from shaking and maintain a steady hand – as found in my
Since last year I've been wanting to re-create the poject I did for last years final major project (FMP) - e.g. a title
sequence, only this time vastly improved from the previous times I did it - by this time including a real set cast,
actual shot sequences – rather than animating six differet scenes to a beat – even though creativly done, it's
very dull and doesn't hold up the same to those in the idustry. Not to mention my photoshop skills were a lot
weaker back then...
The reason for this is because I'd like to see how far I've actaully come an over the past year whilst also being
allowed to fix the mistakes/weaknesses to the products I had previously made – e.g. when making this, I didn't
have the confidence to film bits into this and I worked a lot closer to photoshop; not to mention I used Sony
Vegas on a slow home computer (due to my laptop breaking,) - meaning it could only handle so much...
Where's this year my Photoshop skills have vastly improved, whilst also gaining a lot more confidence in going
out filming/shooting things – whether it be a scene (for my pre-title sequence or just instert to be
greenscreened into the title sequence,) as well as learning how to use premier – which will really help when
coming to editing my title sequence.
My target audience will be me or at least people like me – as I'm making product that I'd like to see and as it'd
be easier to create a demographic around the things I like – e.g. teenagers (16-19 – primary age demographic,
with 24+ being my secondary - as it follows mature and darker themes;) male – as the violence and action will
cater more to them – stereotypically; middle class – as the character will fit more into that category and the
main character's the audience's way into the story – e.g. the more they relate, the more emissive it will be;
with the psychographic fitting into belongers – as it's a TV series – which will require a set dedication to follow
each of the episodes.
This is quite personal to me in the sense that this showing my progress and how I've developed in my skills – I'll
further more be able to look back and hopefully reflect on a product I'd proud of in years to come. Not to
mention how I generally have a creative sense that likes to create products – whether it things like a music
video, an advert, a poster or magazine cover in Photoshop, an Not to mention how I generally have a creative
sense that likes to create products – whether it things like a music video, an advert, a poster or magazine cover
in Photoshop, an 8 bit game concept, ect.. Meaning that creating this will benefit the other qualities – not to
mention how it'd be nice to do a different medium this year...
The tone of this product will be quite dark and gritty, whilst falling very much into the British drama category –
much to the tone of things like BBC's "Luther," "Bodyguard' or ITV's "Broadchurch." A high end of the focus
would be the focus on character and mental conditions – such as depression and anxiety – mainly done
through the development and characterisation of the main character.
The reason for me choosing the medium is because I like the idea of seeing the progression I had from last
year; I really want to do something different this year – whilst also sticking to the visual medium – as that’s
were I aspire to be working when I'm older, writing for my own TV series – making this project a very personal
one to me; and with the poster, this is a medium I find myself to be the strongest at/talented in.
Skills Audit
With my final major project, I’m interested in seeing the progression in both my skill exaction of the three mediums (-the title
sequence and poster for a crime series of choice,) I’d chosen to use again from last year – which will be the way of me monitoring
this progression. Although, as I have an interest in directing, I've chosen to also film (-especially after the music video I’d filmed
previously,) a pre-title sequence to feed into the that interest.
For my project I'll be working in three different mediums, posters – because that’s one of the mediums I did for last year’s final
major project, whilst also being one of my strongest mediums in media (which makes sense to include in this project – as this is
my final grade, e.g. tailor to my strengths not my weaknesses;) a title sequence – as again this is something I did for last year’s
final major project, in which I also had a lot I'd either of like to work on, improve or all together change; and I will also be doing to
do a quick pre-title sequence to lead into the title sequence – e.g. a quick taster clip to be left on a mini cliff hanger – with the
intent of capturing the audience’s intrigue and thus interest to keep them tuned into the episode.
The thing that really interests about this is working on an interesting way to direct the quick scene before the title sequence (-the
pre-title sequence,) working on a colour grade, directing a cast and crew to bring to work my vision to a reality and getting a well
range of shots that create the correct atmosphere for the scene (in this case a dark and gritty one.) Not to mention I want to try
the new style of poster I will be trying for this project – opposed to my usually cut and arranged master piece I'd create in my own
time – for fun. Finally, I’d really like to work on the title sequence visuals so there smooth, bold and interesting – whilst remaining
completely entertaining. After seeing a lot of title sequences, I'd very much like to have a go at one myself (-especially after last
A huge inspiration for this is project (aside from working on improving and seeing how far I’d come-) is my love for crime dramas
and the aspirations of making one myself. Some of my biggest inspiration in things like this is shows like - “Luther” and
“Broadchurch” - along with the people that wrote for them like Chris Chibnall (the writer and creator of - “Broadchurch.”)
However, I also find inspiration from other artists – such as graphic designers Will Brooks or Lee Binding; to directors such as Edgar
Wright (who’s more of comedic director – directing such films as - “Hot Fuzz,” “Scott Pilgrim” and “Baby Driver.”) What I love
about Edgar Wright is the way he puts so much thought into the work he does and always tries to keep each shot as interesting
and as far from bland as possible – as I feel it should be – not to mention his appreciation for efficiency – where he doesn’t like to
ever waste a single shot.
Skills Audit
What Am I Planning To Make?
Pre-Title sequence:
In my pre-title sequence, we're going to be following a girl or woman back from work, on her way home. Being a
crime drama/murder mystery type drama, this woman or girl, will become a victim of being stabbed, as whilst
going through an under-pass a stranger dressed all in black comes out and stabs her (-maybe even using a jump
scare to give the audience the understanding of fear and surprise of the character.) This causes the chracter to
struggle and eventually fall to her knees – so I may have to do some researhc on how to excute all this and do it all
safles – like the costumes, look into a location and likely permition and how I'd film all this without alarming people
walking by.
Title Sequence:
For the title seuquence, I will be using a range of smotthly blended visuals, textures and characters – following the
main character though street imagery; using the colour scheme of mainly dark colours onto light colour – e.g. like
black onto white – I may also include some red, to represent blood, which should also stand out from the rest of
the colours; also, like all title seuqnces, I'll be including cast and crew credits throgh out the video and end upon
the logo being revealed at the end of the product.
My poster will be quite a basic lay out – whilst hopefully pushin across the feeling and tone of the series – more
gritty and realistic, hence it'll stay more photography/scene based. In the centre on the magazine, we'll have the
main character posing in the centre (-to display that this our charcter, whilst also allwoing the cast member to pose
into a postion and help give aross the cahracteristics of there chacter – e.g. quite rugid, deprresed, but also quite
quriky?) Behnind the charcter, I'll be using the same location as the pre title sequence (the under-pass,) as that will
be ideal on timing and alternate location spotting – rather than going out to take pictures and film in two sepearte
locations, it'd be more effectivbe to use the same location. Also, by using this, I can hopefully use the location as a
way to set the tone further – a city based crime drama.
What Research Will I Be Doing?
Before coming to produce any of these projects I will be doing background research on
them – before even planning, to make sure I can create the best product I can.
When coming to my pre-title sequence, I will be looking at other scenes and how they're
created, colour graded and pases – see what I like and dislike and take that into acount –
allowing my feed back to furhter shape/influence my product. On top of this, because
this part of the project seems quite difficult to achieve – from the practical effect, to
things like wether I'd need to get planning permission and how would I capture a murder
scene (-composed by actors,) without allarming anyone or getting anyone hurt – e.g.
safley... As well as all this, I may also have to bare in mind things maybe not be possible,
so alternatives will also have to be thought of and planned.
When coming to my title sequence, it could be difficult planning, thinking of/generating
ideas for my title sequence in this project – meaning that beyond story boarding this, it
could be useful to go looking at either pre-existing products and possibly images – as
point of inspiration. On top of this, when coming to creating my title sequence, I may also
need to look at After Effects or Premier (if possible) tutorials on some blending and
transition effects, along with some other cool effects to help make my title sequence
Mood Board (Costume)
Both of these images being from two sperate crime dramas, which capture
the kind of attire I want my main character to wear – a big coat, a shirt,
black trousers' ect.... - also if I kept the white shirt with a black/dark
trousers, it will start to resemble funeral wear (linking to the murders that
would occur in this drama,) and as they'll be dressed smartly, it'll show that
my character means business.
With my character, I want himto maybe have quite modern
and smart look to him – whilst includig rugid (maybe even
unkempt elements to him,) - like heavy subtle?
This mabe an optional, but I
may experiment with my
character weaering a black tie
with his costume – e.g. a
funeral tie – in respect of the
deceased victims...
Mood Board (Visuals)
For my product I'm hoping to actaully maybe
hoping to shoot/put together a quick scene to
jump us into the title seuqnece – before the title
sequence (a pre-title sequence,) to a mock up
episode. I'll also be using photography from this
scene to make up the poster – however edit
enough to make up a poster, by doing this, I'll be
capturing the sense of the ordanry and real life –
with maybe a darker twist – in the sense, less is
One of the colour grades I think would really suit the
picture in my product, it's that from BBC's Luther, -
where the colors are a lot less saturated and use a slight
increase in the green or blue-er tones – whilst also
fading the image – helping push for that more natural
look to it.
On top of this (though it's nothing to do with the colour
grade, they occualtionlly have a good use of lighting –
that bring out some of the shadows – but agains quite
When it comes to making my product, I will be intending
to keep a natural look to it.
When it comes to making my title
sequence (much into the effect
from Luther's title seuqnece,) I'll
be using loads of thing like ink
transitions, faded/blended
imagery – that'll overall
represent the series and it's
themes, and also make it so that
when my audience wathces the
titles seuqnece, they'll be able to
maybe either see new images
that they hadn't spotted before
or still find it visually pleasing
enough without becoming
Mood Board
Whilst looking on the internet for images of
inspiration of influence, I looked up one of the
artist I follow and went through his protfolio
to find a breakdwon of one of his piece's he'd
done – appearing in simialr kind of stlye I'm
looking to achive – so even though I'm likely
going to be doing a photography based poster
– with quick edits and hidden links to the
series in it – it both provides a back up idea or
inspiration for the small edits I'll make.
For the colourgrade of the product, I want to use a more
down to earth colour pallet – focusing on the greys and the
greyish and blue-ish tones – thanks to the influence of
colour grades like "Luther."
By using more natural tones and colours – it will make the
product possibly come across as more realisitc – helping
pushing the factor of fear in this – from the idea of
something like this being or even, let alone, be part of
something like this.
For my title sequence I want to be using a lot of dark
colours imprinted onto a light backround – with things
textures and diagrams included in to make up and
interesting and animated stills....
Mood Board
Though I want my product to follow throuhg on
quite a run down and rough theme to it, I want
to use quite a clean, readable and proffseional
kind of font – to fit in with the paper work side of
the police force – also meaning that I'll either use
a plain white or blakc text colour – depening on
the tone and colour of the background
Mood Board Analysis
How does your mood board inspire your project?
With my mood board I knew very much the kind of thing I wanted my product to look like – it was
more just finding the images to inturpt and represent what I want my product to look like –
wether it be the charcaters costume; the colour grade – for things such as the pre title sequence
– which may even play into the title sequence, so it doesn’t appear out of place when side by
side; the title sequence or the poster; not to mention the random images in link with the
However, when looking at Lee Bindings work/break down - I found this to be an exception –
seeing the way he cleverly and professionally broke down what he constructed into a poster, I
feel quite compelled to possibly attempt this myself – if not the style of it.
How will your mood board influence your final product?
Prior this project –through out this year (especially in the last week before starting my – final
major project,) I'd already pretty much set up the solid outline for my concept, so I found images
that would sum this up... Although looking at some of Lee Bindings posters and even a couple
others, I found myself to be pushed to attempt to stylise it, whilst still keeping quite plain, simple
and realistic – to bring it more down to earth. Also, whilst looking and thinking further into the
costume for my character, I'd maybe like to make it appear more suitable as funeral wear – such
as the addition of the black tie.
Key Influences
Two massive influences on my work will be the crime dramas – ITV's
"Broadchurch" and BBC's "Luther."
• Luther;
– Title sequence (taken mainly from series 5 – being the most recent series:) I really enjoy
the Luther title sequence – the way it uses imagery to explore the theme's of the main
character (Luther) and London – whilst never using just a single image to use the shot –
but multiple images blended in to set the tone of the series; whilst using ink wash
transitions which makes the audience think of blood with the red colour scheme –
linking the blood of the murder victims and just general colour. Whilst also exploring
mainly the main character – it still uses images of other characters to help introduce the
cast members that play them.)
– The colour grade; through out Luther, they use a more realistic colour grade – sticking
closer the original colour that were originally shot, but also a lightly faded image and
taking out the blues and greens of the image.
– Costume; in Luther, the main character (Luther,) wears a dark overcoat, a white (if not
light) shirt, a tie and black trousers – representing that the character means business,
but also drained enough of the colour – except for the red tie – which fits into the colour
scheme of the show and the blood of the victims – who's killers he tries to catch.
Key Influences
Two massive influences on my work will be the crime dramas – ITV's
"Broadchurch" and BBC's "Luther."
• Influences – from these products;
– With Broadchurch I like the way they have a solvable mystery to solve, although in each
series – unlike Luther, which either chooses to use an episode or a selection of episodes,
focusing more on the mental side of it – with some stronger influence on the main
character's drama (although both are know for their character drama.) In product I want
to have a balance of that kind of murder mystery to follow, whilst still being able to have
a focus on main cast and their drama; as well as the mental sides of the murders
– On top of this, whilst Broadchurch doesn't actually use a title sequence, Luther has –
which I found to be one of the biggest sources for the inspiration for the title sequence –
with it's smooth and ink based transitions; blended and layered imagery of the
character/some side-characters, London and human anatomy diagrams – in link with he
victims bodies.
Key Influences
Looking back at points of influence for my title sequence – on YouTube,
I found a style I really liked – for a title sequence, for the show "True
Detective" on HBO.
• Influence of the product:
– Much like the titles for BBC's "Luther," I feel like the style of the blended imagery
works for a really interesting concept in a title sequence. However – unlike "Luther"
the title sequence here it a lot less crowded and almost benefits more if not equally
in the sense of less is more – not mention that in this, they use a beautifully vast
spectrum of colours and tones – in the example starting from a lighter tones, to
darker ones – parallel to the concept of night and day...
– However, I'm not as bigger fan of how long the sequence is, reaching up to over a
minute – where I'd much prefer it if it were much shorter, as this makes the final
product long winded – especially in the context that this is part of series, meaning
that audience would have to sit through this sequence more than once – no matter
how visually beautiful it is... In my opinion, a title sequence should be a short
sequence of stunning visuals and compelling music to introduce an audience to a
series each week and thus should be as important to entertain the audience, rather
than having them sit through it, wishing to skip it.
Key Influences
When looking at officially released posters - that I found as a source of
influence, I really like the posters Lee Binding created for the - "Fortitude
Publicity Campaign"
• Influence of the product:
– I really like the layout of this product and the simplicty of it – it doesn't go over the
top with it layout and desighn, with a layout that provides enough information ot
intrigue the reader.
– On top of this, I like the stlyised look he gives to the product – whilst keeping the
look of a photograph to it. They make the images very sharp, with lens flares or slight
glares of light – whch is the kind of style I'd like to provide to my poster – for my
product. Although, I'd like to hide links to the series through out the background of
this piece.
Key Words
• Murder
• Serial killer
• Victim
• Corpse
• Suspect
• Tense
• Knife
• Thriller
• Drama
• Action
• Crime
• Mystery
• Gritty
• Realistic
• Dark
• Rugged
• Desaturated
• York - Location
• DCI (Detective Chief
• DSI (Detective Super
Key Terminology
• Psychographic
– A series of characteristics with different psychological characteristics in which we use to
group people for things like marketing and audience appeal...
• Qualitative
– What the quality of something is.
• Quantitative
– What the amount of something is.
• Protagonist
– The main character/star in the narrative of the story.
• Genre
– A category in which a piece of media fits into – such as thriller, horror, action, etc..
• Realism
– When a bit of media tries to make connections with the real world we're in – often to
make the product seem more authentic and genuine to an audience.
• Diegetic sound
– A sound that can be heard from an on screen character's perspective.
Key Terminology
• Point of view shot
– When the camera is used as a way of viewing the world through someone's
perspective – eye sight...
• Establishing shot
– A shot used to establish where something is set or where characters are.
• Tracking shot
– A shot that follows something on screen.
• Close up
– When the camera is close enough to a person or object that it takes up the majority of
the frame.
• Medium shot
– A shot is when the camera says close enough to pick up on the character's body
language and movement.
• Wide shot
– When an entire person or object it shot in a way that all of it/them can be scene.
• Rack focus shot
– When the camera changes its focus from one person or object to another – in order to
change the audience's focus.

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1. initial plans

  • 3. SummaryStrengths • If my research and planning are done well, these will be easy mediums to work in (excluding the title sequence) – with the pre-title title sequel will only be a very short sequence to capture and the poster will only really be some photography with some editing to complete it's look as a poster... • Working in Photoshop's one of my strengths – meaning doing a poster will play into that strength. • The location won't be hard to get to (as it's in York – It won't be hard to find a backup location,) as well as the location being used twice – once for the poster and again with the pre-title sequence, meaning this will be an efficient location. • Though I may struggle to find available people to use in this, the cast will still be thankfully small, so it shouldn't be anywhere near as bigger struggle than if I had a hugely required cast for this. • I already have previous experience in all the chosen mediums – both from the last year's FMP and the last 2 years of media, whilst still doing enough different to make it interesting – meaning that non of this should be too alien to me and I should have some level of confidence in. Weaknesses • A title sequence will need a series of fresh new visuals – in order to keep the audience's attention, rather than loosing it... • As well as that, the title sequence will also need a fitting song that's iconic, fits the brief, but isn't known enough for the audience to pick up on a song they'd recognise and thus associate it more as the theme to this series. • My pre-title sequence may be difficult in some areas – such as gathering a cast to get together, getting the right lighting at night (-as for the poster) and creating a convincing stabbing scene – safely and without alarming anyone near by. • In doing the title sequence, I'll be needing the studio at college to do – which means I'll have to book it in advanced as it'll likely be really high in demand around this time. Not to mention that I'll need to find a camera man and/or star – depending on when roles are sorted out. • For the pre-title sequence, as I'll be filming without a tripod – as I want a more natural and fluid movement on a student budget, it'll be hard to prevent the camera from shaking and maintain a steady hand – as found in my
  • 4. Pre-proposal Since last year I've been wanting to re-create the poject I did for last years final major project (FMP) - e.g. a title sequence, only this time vastly improved from the previous times I did it - by this time including a real set cast, actual shot sequences – rather than animating six differet scenes to a beat – even though creativly done, it's very dull and doesn't hold up the same to those in the idustry. Not to mention my photoshop skills were a lot weaker back then... The reason for this is because I'd like to see how far I've actaully come an over the past year whilst also being allowed to fix the mistakes/weaknesses to the products I had previously made – e.g. when making this, I didn't have the confidence to film bits into this and I worked a lot closer to photoshop; not to mention I used Sony Vegas on a slow home computer (due to my laptop breaking,) - meaning it could only handle so much... Where's this year my Photoshop skills have vastly improved, whilst also gaining a lot more confidence in going out filming/shooting things – whether it be a scene (for my pre-title sequence or just instert to be greenscreened into the title sequence,) as well as learning how to use premier – which will really help when coming to editing my title sequence. My target audience will be me or at least people like me – as I'm making product that I'd like to see and as it'd be easier to create a demographic around the things I like – e.g. teenagers (16-19 – primary age demographic, with 24+ being my secondary - as it follows mature and darker themes;) male – as the violence and action will cater more to them – stereotypically; middle class – as the character will fit more into that category and the main character's the audience's way into the story – e.g. the more they relate, the more emissive it will be; with the psychographic fitting into belongers – as it's a TV series – which will require a set dedication to follow each of the episodes.
  • 5. Pre-proposal This is quite personal to me in the sense that this showing my progress and how I've developed in my skills – I'll further more be able to look back and hopefully reflect on a product I'd proud of in years to come. Not to mention how I generally have a creative sense that likes to create products – whether it things like a music video, an advert, a poster or magazine cover in Photoshop, an Not to mention how I generally have a creative sense that likes to create products – whether it things like a music video, an advert, a poster or magazine cover in Photoshop, an 8 bit game concept, ect.. Meaning that creating this will benefit the other qualities – not to mention how it'd be nice to do a different medium this year... The tone of this product will be quite dark and gritty, whilst falling very much into the British drama category – much to the tone of things like BBC's "Luther," "Bodyguard' or ITV's "Broadchurch." A high end of the focus would be the focus on character and mental conditions – such as depression and anxiety – mainly done through the development and characterisation of the main character. The reason for me choosing the medium is because I like the idea of seeing the progression I had from last year; I really want to do something different this year – whilst also sticking to the visual medium – as that’s were I aspire to be working when I'm older, writing for my own TV series – making this project a very personal one to me; and with the poster, this is a medium I find myself to be the strongest at/talented in.
  • 6. Skills Audit With my final major project, I’m interested in seeing the progression in both my skill exaction of the three mediums (-the title sequence and poster for a crime series of choice,) I’d chosen to use again from last year – which will be the way of me monitoring this progression. Although, as I have an interest in directing, I've chosen to also film (-especially after the music video I’d filmed previously,) a pre-title sequence to feed into the that interest. For my project I'll be working in three different mediums, posters – because that’s one of the mediums I did for last year’s final major project, whilst also being one of my strongest mediums in media (which makes sense to include in this project – as this is my final grade, e.g. tailor to my strengths not my weaknesses;) a title sequence – as again this is something I did for last year’s final major project, in which I also had a lot I'd either of like to work on, improve or all together change; and I will also be doing to do a quick pre-title sequence to lead into the title sequence – e.g. a quick taster clip to be left on a mini cliff hanger – with the intent of capturing the audience’s intrigue and thus interest to keep them tuned into the episode. The thing that really interests about this is working on an interesting way to direct the quick scene before the title sequence (-the pre-title sequence,) working on a colour grade, directing a cast and crew to bring to work my vision to a reality and getting a well range of shots that create the correct atmosphere for the scene (in this case a dark and gritty one.) Not to mention I want to try the new style of poster I will be trying for this project – opposed to my usually cut and arranged master piece I'd create in my own time – for fun. Finally, I’d really like to work on the title sequence visuals so there smooth, bold and interesting – whilst remaining completely entertaining. After seeing a lot of title sequences, I'd very much like to have a go at one myself (-especially after last year...) A huge inspiration for this is project (aside from working on improving and seeing how far I’d come-) is my love for crime dramas and the aspirations of making one myself. Some of my biggest inspiration in things like this is shows like - “Luther” and “Broadchurch” - along with the people that wrote for them like Chris Chibnall (the writer and creator of - “Broadchurch.”) However, I also find inspiration from other artists – such as graphic designers Will Brooks or Lee Binding; to directors such as Edgar Wright (who’s more of comedic director – directing such films as - “Hot Fuzz,” “Scott Pilgrim” and “Baby Driver.”) What I love about Edgar Wright is the way he puts so much thought into the work he does and always tries to keep each shot as interesting and as far from bland as possible – as I feel it should be – not to mention his appreciation for efficiency – where he doesn’t like to ever waste a single shot.
  • 8. What Am I Planning To Make? Pre-Title sequence: In my pre-title sequence, we're going to be following a girl or woman back from work, on her way home. Being a crime drama/murder mystery type drama, this woman or girl, will become a victim of being stabbed, as whilst going through an under-pass a stranger dressed all in black comes out and stabs her (-maybe even using a jump scare to give the audience the understanding of fear and surprise of the character.) This causes the chracter to struggle and eventually fall to her knees – so I may have to do some researhc on how to excute all this and do it all safles – like the costumes, look into a location and likely permition and how I'd film all this without alarming people walking by. Title Sequence: For the title seuquence, I will be using a range of smotthly blended visuals, textures and characters – following the main character though street imagery; using the colour scheme of mainly dark colours onto light colour – e.g. like black onto white – I may also include some red, to represent blood, which should also stand out from the rest of the colours; also, like all title seuqnces, I'll be including cast and crew credits throgh out the video and end upon the logo being revealed at the end of the product. Poster: My poster will be quite a basic lay out – whilst hopefully pushin across the feeling and tone of the series – more gritty and realistic, hence it'll stay more photography/scene based. In the centre on the magazine, we'll have the main character posing in the centre (-to display that this our charcter, whilst also allwoing the cast member to pose into a postion and help give aross the cahracteristics of there chacter – e.g. quite rugid, deprresed, but also quite quriky?) Behnind the charcter, I'll be using the same location as the pre title sequence (the under-pass,) as that will be ideal on timing and alternate location spotting – rather than going out to take pictures and film in two sepearte locations, it'd be more effectivbe to use the same location. Also, by using this, I can hopefully use the location as a way to set the tone further – a city based crime drama.
  • 9. What Research Will I Be Doing? Before coming to produce any of these projects I will be doing background research on them – before even planning, to make sure I can create the best product I can. When coming to my pre-title sequence, I will be looking at other scenes and how they're created, colour graded and pases – see what I like and dislike and take that into acount – allowing my feed back to furhter shape/influence my product. On top of this, because this part of the project seems quite difficult to achieve – from the practical effect, to things like wether I'd need to get planning permission and how would I capture a murder scene (-composed by actors,) without allarming anyone or getting anyone hurt – e.g. safley... As well as all this, I may also have to bare in mind things maybe not be possible, so alternatives will also have to be thought of and planned. When coming to my title sequence, it could be difficult planning, thinking of/generating ideas for my title sequence in this project – meaning that beyond story boarding this, it could be useful to go looking at either pre-existing products and possibly images – as point of inspiration. On top of this, when coming to creating my title sequence, I may also need to look at After Effects or Premier (if possible) tutorials on some blending and transition effects, along with some other cool effects to help make my title sequence interesting.
  • 10. Mood Board (Costume) Both of these images being from two sperate crime dramas, which capture the kind of attire I want my main character to wear – a big coat, a shirt, black trousers' ect.... - also if I kept the white shirt with a black/dark trousers, it will start to resemble funeral wear (linking to the murders that would occur in this drama,) and as they'll be dressed smartly, it'll show that my character means business. With my character, I want himto maybe have quite modern and smart look to him – whilst includig rugid (maybe even unkempt elements to him,) - like heavy subtle? This mabe an optional, but I may experiment with my character weaering a black tie with his costume – e.g. a funeral tie – in respect of the deceased victims...
  • 11. Mood Board (Visuals) For my product I'm hoping to actaully maybe hoping to shoot/put together a quick scene to jump us into the title seuqnece – before the title sequence (a pre-title sequence,) to a mock up episode. I'll also be using photography from this scene to make up the poster – however edit enough to make up a poster, by doing this, I'll be capturing the sense of the ordanry and real life – with maybe a darker twist – in the sense, less is more... One of the colour grades I think would really suit the picture in my product, it's that from BBC's Luther, - where the colors are a lot less saturated and use a slight increase in the green or blue-er tones – whilst also fading the image – helping push for that more natural look to it. On top of this (though it's nothing to do with the colour grade, they occualtionlly have a good use of lighting – that bring out some of the shadows – but agains quite natural. When it comes to making my product, I will be intending to keep a natural look to it. When it comes to making my title sequence (much into the effect from Luther's title seuqnece,) I'll be using loads of thing like ink transitions, faded/blended imagery – that'll overall represent the series and it's themes, and also make it so that when my audience wathces the titles seuqnece, they'll be able to maybe either see new images that they hadn't spotted before or still find it visually pleasing enough without becoming repetitive
  • 12. Mood Board Skills/editing: Whilst looking on the internet for images of inspiration of influence, I looked up one of the artist I follow and went through his protfolio to find a breakdwon of one of his piece's he'd done – appearing in simialr kind of stlye I'm looking to achive – so even though I'm likely going to be doing a photography based poster – with quick edits and hidden links to the series in it – it both provides a back up idea or inspiration for the small edits I'll make. Link:
  • 13. For the colourgrade of the product, I want to use a more down to earth colour pallet – focusing on the greys and the greyish and blue-ish tones – thanks to the influence of colour grades like "Luther." By using more natural tones and colours – it will make the product possibly come across as more realisitc – helping pushing the factor of fear in this – from the idea of something like this being or even, let alone, be part of something like this. For my title sequence I want to be using a lot of dark colours imprinted onto a light backround – with things textures and diagrams included in to make up and interesting and animated stills.... Mood Board Though I want my product to follow throuhg on quite a run down and rough theme to it, I want to use quite a clean, readable and proffseional kind of font – to fit in with the paper work side of the police force – also meaning that I'll either use a plain white or blakc text colour – depening on the tone and colour of the background
  • 14. Mood Board Analysis How does your mood board inspire your project? With my mood board I knew very much the kind of thing I wanted my product to look like – it was more just finding the images to inturpt and represent what I want my product to look like – wether it be the charcaters costume; the colour grade – for things such as the pre title sequence – which may even play into the title sequence, so it doesn’t appear out of place when side by side; the title sequence or the poster; not to mention the random images in link with the products. However, when looking at Lee Bindings work/break down - I found this to be an exception – seeing the way he cleverly and professionally broke down what he constructed into a poster, I feel quite compelled to possibly attempt this myself – if not the style of it. How will your mood board influence your final product? Prior this project –through out this year (especially in the last week before starting my – final major project,) I'd already pretty much set up the solid outline for my concept, so I found images that would sum this up... Although looking at some of Lee Bindings posters and even a couple others, I found myself to be pushed to attempt to stylise it, whilst still keeping quite plain, simple and realistic – to bring it more down to earth. Also, whilst looking and thinking further into the costume for my character, I'd maybe like to make it appear more suitable as funeral wear – such as the addition of the black tie.
  • 15. Key Influences Two massive influences on my work will be the crime dramas – ITV's "Broadchurch" and BBC's "Luther." • Luther; – Title sequence (taken mainly from series 5 – being the most recent series:) I really enjoy the Luther title sequence – the way it uses imagery to explore the theme's of the main character (Luther) and London – whilst never using just a single image to use the shot – but multiple images blended in to set the tone of the series; whilst using ink wash transitions which makes the audience think of blood with the red colour scheme – linking the blood of the murder victims and just general colour. Whilst also exploring mainly the main character – it still uses images of other characters to help introduce the cast members that play them.) – The colour grade; through out Luther, they use a more realistic colour grade – sticking closer the original colour that were originally shot, but also a lightly faded image and taking out the blues and greens of the image. – Costume; in Luther, the main character (Luther,) wears a dark overcoat, a white (if not light) shirt, a tie and black trousers – representing that the character means business, but also drained enough of the colour – except for the red tie – which fits into the colour scheme of the show and the blood of the victims – who's killers he tries to catch.
  • 16. Key Influences Two massive influences on my work will be the crime dramas – ITV's "Broadchurch" and BBC's "Luther." • Influences – from these products; – With Broadchurch I like the way they have a solvable mystery to solve, although in each series – unlike Luther, which either chooses to use an episode or a selection of episodes, focusing more on the mental side of it – with some stronger influence on the main character's drama (although both are know for their character drama.) In product I want to have a balance of that kind of murder mystery to follow, whilst still being able to have a focus on main cast and their drama; as well as the mental sides of the murders themselves. – On top of this, whilst Broadchurch doesn't actually use a title sequence, Luther has – which I found to be one of the biggest sources for the inspiration for the title sequence – with it's smooth and ink based transitions; blended and layered imagery of the character/some side-characters, London and human anatomy diagrams – in link with he victims bodies.
  • 17. Key Influences Looking back at points of influence for my title sequence – on YouTube, I found a style I really liked – for a title sequence, for the show "True Detective" on HBO. • Influence of the product: – Much like the titles for BBC's "Luther," I feel like the style of the blended imagery works for a really interesting concept in a title sequence. However – unlike "Luther" the title sequence here it a lot less crowded and almost benefits more if not equally in the sense of less is more – not mention that in this, they use a beautifully vast spectrum of colours and tones – in the example starting from a lighter tones, to darker ones – parallel to the concept of night and day... – However, I'm not as bigger fan of how long the sequence is, reaching up to over a minute – where I'd much prefer it if it were much shorter, as this makes the final product long winded – especially in the context that this is part of series, meaning that audience would have to sit through this sequence more than once – no matter how visually beautiful it is... In my opinion, a title sequence should be a short sequence of stunning visuals and compelling music to introduce an audience to a series each week and thus should be as important to entertain the audience, rather than having them sit through it, wishing to skip it. (
  • 18. Key Influences When looking at officially released posters - that I found as a source of influence, I really like the posters Lee Binding created for the - "Fortitude Publicity Campaign" • Influence of the product: – I really like the layout of this product and the simplicty of it – it doesn't go over the top with it layout and desighn, with a layout that provides enough information ot intrigue the reader. – On top of this, I like the stlyised look he gives to the product – whilst keeping the look of a photograph to it. They make the images very sharp, with lens flares or slight glares of light – whch is the kind of style I'd like to provide to my poster – for my product. Although, I'd like to hide links to the series through out the background of this piece. (
  • 19. Key Words • Murder • Serial killer • Victim • Corpse • Suspect • Tense • Knife • Thriller • Drama • Action • Crime • Mystery • Gritty • Realistic • Dark • Rugged • Desaturated • York - Location • DCI (Detective Chief Inspector) • DSI (Detective Super Intendent)
  • 20. Key Terminology • Psychographic – A series of characteristics with different psychological characteristics in which we use to group people for things like marketing and audience appeal... • Qualitative – What the quality of something is. • Quantitative – What the amount of something is. • Protagonist – The main character/star in the narrative of the story. • Genre – A category in which a piece of media fits into – such as thriller, horror, action, etc.. • Realism – When a bit of media tries to make connections with the real world we're in – often to make the product seem more authentic and genuine to an audience. • Diegetic sound – A sound that can be heard from an on screen character's perspective.
  • 21. Key Terminology • Point of view shot – When the camera is used as a way of viewing the world through someone's perspective – eye sight... • Establishing shot – A shot used to establish where something is set or where characters are. • Tracking shot – A shot that follows something on screen. • Close up – When the camera is close enough to a person or object that it takes up the majority of the frame. • Medium shot – A shot is when the camera says close enough to pick up on the character's body language and movement. • Wide shot – When an entire person or object it shot in a way that all of it/them can be scene. • Rack focus shot – When the camera changes its focus from one person or object to another – in order to change the audience's focus.
  • 22. Sources Websites/Links/Sources: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Glossary-1.pdf

Editor's Notes

  1. Collection of images related to your product/inspirational/visually interesting At least 15 needed. These should not just be just existing products. Anything and everything that inspires this project should be here. Make the theme obvious – make it clear what you’re trying to get across Use a combination of images sizes – or build around a larger central image Incorporate text Look beyond the internet – use books, your own photos, etc Be a curator – create links between the content, the ‘thread’ will make it easier to understand Make more than one! If you want to examine different themes or cover different aspects of the possible outcomes of your project, create multiple boards to convey you thoughts and intentions
  2. Collection of images related to your product/inspirational/visually interesting At least 15 needed. These should not just be just existing products. Anything and everything that inspires this project should be here. Make the theme obvious – make it clear what you’re trying to get across Use a combination of images sizes – or build around a larger central image Incorporate text Look beyond the internet – use books, your own photos, etc Be a curator – create links between the content, the ‘thread’ will make it easier to understand Make more than one! If you want to examine different themes or cover different aspects of the possible outcomes of your project, create multiple boards to convey you thoughts and intentions
  3. Collection of images related to your product/inspirational/visually interesting At least 15 needed. These should not just be just existing products. Anything and everything that inspires this project should be here. Make the theme obvious – make it clear what you’re trying to get across Use a combination of images sizes – or build around a larger central image Incorporate text Look beyond the internet – use books, your own photos, etc Be a curator – create links between the content, the ‘thread’ will make it easier to understand Make more than one! If you want to examine different themes or cover different aspects of the possible outcomes of your project, create multiple boards to convey you thoughts and intentions
  4. Collection of images related to your product/inspirational/visually interesting At least 15 needed. These should not just be just existing products. Anything and everything that inspires this project should be here. Make the theme obvious – make it clear what you’re trying to get across Use a combination of images sizes – or build around a larger central image Incorporate text Look beyond the internet – use books, your own photos, etc Be a curator – create links between the content, the ‘thread’ will make it easier to understand Make more than one! If you want to examine different themes or cover different aspects of the possible outcomes of your project, create multiple boards to convey you thoughts and intentions
  5. Identify at least 3 key influences and discuss how and why they will influence your project.
  6. Identify at least 3 key influences and discuss how and why they will influence your project.
  7. Identify at least 3 key influences and discuss how and why they will influence your project.
  8. Identify at least 3 key influences and discuss how and why they will influence your project.
  9. Identify at least 3 key influences and discuss how and why they will influence your project.