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Archetypes Of Women In Hamlet Analysis
Written Task 2 | Amaia Del Rio Foces
Prescribed question: "How and why is a social group represented in a particular way?"
Chosen Question: "How and why does Shakespeare present women as marginalized in the play
Title of the text for analysis: Hamlet
Introduce the role of women, Ophelia, and Gertrude, in "Hamlet" and particularly in the Renaissance
Relate to the Elizabethan era– how the women are connected to this and the restrictions they had.
Explain also the archetypes of women (either a virgin or a whore) in both Hamlet and Elizabethan
era and the responsibility and importance of being a queen.
Explain how Gertrude is only used as a political figure in the play.
Body Paragraph 1:
Explain frailty/ ... Show more content on ...
Explain why women have less roles and less lines in the play.
State that Hamlet and Claudius have soliloquies and women do not.
Mention the irony of Ophelia's madness and how it gives her a voice in the play.
quotes/frailty–thy–name–woman–and–incestuous–desire.html Valerie Traub "Desire and
Anxiety", Circulations of Sexuality in Shakespearean Drama (London and New York: Routledge,
199, essay originally published 1988), pp
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Hamlet Critical Analysis Of Hamlet
Often, pieces of literature have been analyzed and made into a motion picture in the hopes of further
developing the themes presented in the work. Though the Shakespearian play, Hamlet, has been
interpreted and converted into a film numerous times by different directors, Kenneth Branagh's
adaptation particularly captured the essence of Hamlet and helped the audience truly understand the
events that transpired in Act Three Scene Two of Hamlet. It is in this act, Hamlet plan to reveal King
Claudius' treachery is played out. Hamlet exposes the king through adding an extra sixteen lines to
the play which depicts him killing Hamlet's father. With the directions Hamlet gave to the actors,
Hamlet is able to make the audience recognize the king's ... Show more content on
Furthermore, the intensity of the scene is further developed with the reactions of other characters
such as King Claudius and Queen Gertrude. After Hamlet answered the kings question, Lucian, one
of the actors in the play, had entered but had been paused on stage. Impatient, and yearning for the
play to continue, as to reveal his uncle misdeed, Hamlet bellows "begin murderer." The play once
again did not give an inkling as to how the King and the Queen should react. However, the
expression of the Queen in the film, perhaps alluded to a new born suspicion she harboured because
she glances at her husband when Hamlet bouts "murderer". Additionally, the King anxiously strokes
his chin, perhaps fearful that others may make the connection between him and the play and
understand his role in his brother's death. Branagh adaptation effectively enhanced the events
transpired in this scene with the use of facial expressions and actions.
Kenneth Branagh strengthened the scene by means of effective screen angles. Prior to the
commencement of the play Hamlet had requested that Horatio observe the reactions of his uncle for
the duration of The Mousetrap, in the hopes that he will exhibit a guilty nature. Throughout the short
clip from the film, Branagh captured the expressions of the King and Queen through the camera
angle of binoculars. Binoculars are designed to magnify the particular image displayed in front it.
Kenneth Branagh use of a binocular view further
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Hamlet And King Hamlet Analysis
The author of this article, Cayla McCollum, explains how taking the characters Gertrude, Prince
Hamlet and King Hamlet and comparing them to mythological characters can give readers a better
understanding. Filmmaker Claude Charbol once stated "I love mirrors, they let one pass through the
surface of things". Stating that whether it is physically or metaphorically, mirrors let people's ideas
and situations be reflected and examined. It provides a view below the surface, meaning it shows
what could be hard to see. McCollum used mirrors to define the characters in the form of myths.
Basically reflecting the characters like fraternal twins. McCollum highlighted the characters flaws as
well as foreshadowing their doom. In this article McCollum will compare Gertrude, Prince Hamlet
and King Hamlet to their Mythological twins, or in other words, doppelgängers. The first reflections
will be the twin of Gertrude. Gertrude, mother of Prince Hamlet and widow of the late King Hamlet,
and now the wife of King Hamlet's brother and Prince Hamlet's brother. Gertrude is compared to,
Niobe because of the storyline they both share in three ways. The first way is because of their good
fortune. "Niobe, queen of Thebes and mother of fourteen children, has great power and much of
which to be proud." (McCollum 114). "They both shared the good fortune of their children. Both
Niobe and Gertrude had unconditional love of their children. Gertrude lives almost only by her son's
looks. The love of their
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Analysis Of Hamlet 's ' Hamlet '
Hamlet personal response
Isolation. An eerie dread, a detachment, an unwelcome independence. A feeling that everyone
expects to feel at some point, yet are never prepared for. Why? Why do we accept that we'll feel
isolated if we aren't going to be prepared when the feeling actually hits us? Maybe because despite it
being a common emotion, it's not one brought about naturally. Hamlet, for example, didn't begin to
feel isolated from those around him until the tragic death of his king. After which, he saw the true
colours of those around him, and began to feel isolated.
I didn't feel isolated until discovering that my parents had omitted important information from me,
the moment I truly began questioning the extent of their 'caring' attitude towards me. I started
wondering: are they really the people I thought they were? Should I put as much trust and
companionship into them as I currently am?
To many people, having a relationship is like going on a hike. Despite a few rocks and bumps here
and there, everything that happens in the relationship is within the strict lines created by the original
trailblazers. What we often fail to see, is that none of our paths are truly finished. Each relationship
unravels differently, therefore the task of creating a perfect and complete path, is virtually
impossible. Mistakes are made when we stumble upon those unfinished parts. We don't make
mistakes in how we deal with others in the relationships, but how we deal with our own emotions.
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Analysis Of Hamlet 's ' Hamlet '
Hamlet's Hamartia Shakespeare 's longest play is Hamlet, which takes place in the Kingdom of
Denmark. Hamlet is a tragic tale about the Prince of Denmark and is a drama about revenge. Prince
Hamlet is visited by his father's ghost who demands he kill his uncle, Claudius, after Claudius killed
Hamlet's father. Yet despite being "... the son of a dear father murdered, prompted to my revenge by
heaven and hell," Hamlet delays enacting vengeance on Claudius (II,2,584–585). This delay
ultimately leads to Ophelia's madness and the death of several other characters, including Hamlet
himself. Hamlet's hamartia, or fatal flaw, which leads him to delay in enacting revenge, can be
characterized by fate, hubris and indecision. This indecisiveness occurs because old Hamlet's
demand puts Hamlet in a difficult situation, where he has to choose between seeking revenge on
behalf of his father, and knowing that this revenge will most likely lead him to hell. He knows that
he must kill his father's murderer, but he has moral and religious issues with this since it is wrong to
kill someone. This play shows Hamlet being forced into a role that is impossible for him to complete
because of his conscience. Hamlet's first fatal flaw is that of fate; Hamlet makes decisions and
critical mistakes which seal his fate. This happens due to his personal character flaws because they
influence his self–destructive decisions. For example, when he says, "Oh cursed spite that ever I was
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Hamlet Soliloquy Analysis
The soliloquy spoken by Hamlet in Act IV, scene IV illustrates a remarkable shift in Hamlet's
personality. Up until this point, Hamlet has been an extremely indecisive and submissive character.
In Act II, Hamlet decides that "the play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king".
However, at the play's conclusion and Claudius' admission of guilt, Hamlet is still uncertain and
cannot decide what action to take against his uncle. When Hamlet comes across Claudius while he is
praying, Hamlet lets him live because he rethinks his plot for revenge and decides that it is best to
postpone it until a more propitious time presents itself. Hamlet continues to demonstrate
submissiveness and inaction when he obeys his father's murderer's instructions to go to England in
Act IV. After Hamlet has embarked on his journey, away from Denmark, he finds Fortinbras leading
a large army to acquire a small piece of land. His soldiers do not care for or fight for wealth, but to
bring honor to their respective countries. Hamlet has an epiphany. He realizes that he has been
extraordinarily passive and hesitant due to his excessive analysis of revenge and lays out a plan of
action. He resolves that his behavior thus far has only led to cowardice.
Hamlet begins the soliloquy while grumbling that everything that has happened in his life, thus far,
pushes him to seek retribution and yet he has not done it. He calls his revenge "dull", but Hamlet
does something very interesting after that, Hamlet compares man to a beast.
McCain 2
"What is a man, / If his chief good and market of his time, / Be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no
more. / Sure, he that made us with such large discourse, / Looking before and after, gave us not /
That capability and god–like reason / To fust in us unused."
Hamlet believes that men who exist solely to eat and sleep is no better than an animal. God did not
give man the ability to reflect on what has happened in the past and what the future holds, just for it
all to go to waste. Hamlet praises human reason, but he warns that if unused it will eventually rot
away. Man was created to think and to seek higher goals then to simply just survive like an animal.
He then quickly does a 180 and compares
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Hamlet and Horatio Best Friends for Life: an Analysis of...
3 November 2009 Hamlet and Horatio Best Friends for Life: an Analysis of Hamlet In Hamlet, two
characters I believe to be important are Hamlet and his friend, Horatio. Horatio is the second most
important character in the play. Horatio is Hamlet's best friend and advisor. Horatio never keeps
anything from Hamlet. In Act one, scene one; Horatio, Bernardo, and Marcellus see the ghost of
king Hamlet who was killed by his brother, Claudius. After the ghost disappears, Horatio tells
Marcellus and Bernardo to reveal to Hamlet what they have seen. "...Let us impart what we have
seen tonight Unto young Hamlet; for upon my life, This spirit, dumb to ... Show more content on ...
O most wicked speed, to post With such dexterity to incestuous sheets!
It is not, nor it cannot come to good.
But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue." ( Act 1, Scene 2). In Act two, Scene one, we see a
hint of Hamlet's love for Ophelia. In Act two, scene two, Hamlet doubts the spirit of his father, and
thinks that his father could be telling the truth or telling a lie. He is not quite sure which is truth and
which is false. We see that Hamlet has many questions as to what he could do to see if the ghost is
telling the truth. He decides to put on a play with a scene that he has added.
In Act three, scene one, we get a peek of how he seems to know everything. "Let the doors be shut
upon him [Polonius], that he may play the fool nowhere but in's own house. Farewell." In this Act,
he says things to Ophelia that I believe he does not mean, such as, "Get thee to a nunnery.'' I believe
he is saying what he says for the benefit of Polonius, Ophelia's father. Polonius believes that Hamlet
is mad, or insane. "Your noble son is mad." Hamlet is abhorrent toward Claudius because Claudius
killed his father. In act three, scene four we see Hamlet's reluctance to kill his uncle, but this time he
is unwilling to kill Claudius because he is praying or that is what it seems like to Hamlet. Let us face
it, who in their right mind
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Hamlet Analysis Essay On Hamlet
Shakespeare's play, "Hamlet", is an intriguing and intricate drama about an individual who wants to
avenge the death of his father. Prince Hamlet's father, King Hamlet, was once king and the throne
was inherited by his evil brother, King Claudius. In addition to inheriting the throne, Claudius has
married Prince Hamlet's mother, Gertrude, which is perceived as weird and unlawful. Interestingly,
Prince Hamlet has cohesive evidence that King Claudius is responsible for the death of his father. As
a result, Prince Hamlet's main goal is to kill Claudius as revenge for killing his father. King Hamlet's
ghost constantly appears in the play, and it encourages Prince Hamlet to commit the murder. While
attempting to kill Claudius, Hamlet portrays ... Show more content on ...
Hamlet feels pressured and startled by the ghost because he knows that he needs to get revenge
without fumbling. In all, the ghost's presence represents memory and death, which contributes to his
overall perceived mad state.
Shakespeare uses Hamlet's clothing to express his grief and sadness towards the death of his father.
Since he is the only one that wears black in the court, Gertrude and Claudius begin to get angry and
believe that his choice of clothing acts as an interruption to their state of happiness. Essentially,
Claudius wants Hamlet to completely forget about his father and move on, which is impossible and
Hamlet gets more irritated. The court only sees Hamlet from an outside perspective, and as a result,
it is tough to judge someone on the inside. Finally, Gertrude gets enough of Hamlet's behavior and
asks him why he cannot get past this tragedy: " 'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, / Nor
customary suits of solemn black, / Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief' " (Shakespeare
I.ii. 80–82). Here, Hamlet explains that it is not fair to judge him solely by his choice of clothing. He
denies that his behavior or clothing represents his emotions on the inside, since they are far from
what is seen on the inside. In reality, Hamlet is in a strong mourning state and his sorrow cannot be
explained. Ultimately, Hamlet's clothing represents the overall sadness towards the death of his
father and signifies
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Hamlet : A Literary Analysis Of Themes From Hamlet
To live or not to live
(A Literary Analysis of themes from Hamlet) To be or not to be, that is the question. That line is
William Shakespeare's most famous lines, and trust me there has been a lot of lines to chose from
when it comes to a genius like Shakespeare. The play is rather boring until you get up to the ending.
This play is known for its soliloquies with Hamlet and how keeps the audience informed on what
exactly he is feeling and about what is going on. Hamlet is going through an immense amount of
confusion, hurt, and anger at the same time, he doesn't know how to channel any of it so he starts to
act out on a word that is, revenge. Hamlet is troubled in more than one way and these themes will
help us understand him as a ... Show more content on ...
He comes up with a plan to hire some actors to come and reenact his father's death, exactly how he
died with the poison being poured into his ear. He thinks that he will somehow get a rise out of the
king so if he does then that means that he actually did murder his dad so he can truly take action and
follow through with killing him. He just needed a little push and a little bit more motivation for this
to happen. To be or not to be, that is the question, this speech is the heart of this play. It literally
cannot be translated because of how many hidden meanings there are. Hamlet is telling us at the
beginning of the speech that there is a choice between either or. He claims that the reasoning behind
our cowardness of people not wanting to take their lives is fear of the unknown; we do not know
what is on the other side of death. He says that we put up with our lives because we don't want to
die. Do you think we are all born with determination? Or is it a choice. We are all born with
somewhat of a taste of what determination is and then we start to think, and then it starts to become
this entire overthinking process that you can't help but doing it. There are thinkers and there are
doers and not all of us are the same when it comes to both. To act or not to act. To think or not to
think. To kill or not to kill. We all have the choice. Clearly Hamlet is going through some sort of
emotional break down because of how loyal he is to his
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Theme Analysis Of Hamlet
Melissa Alvis Alvis 1
Mrs. Crays
English 11/12
5 January 2018
Theme Analysis Hamlet is a complex play which includes lessons to be learned and many themes.
An important and ongoing theme is how even a single drop of evil can ruin, corrupt, or destroy a
moral person. This develops through anger, mourning the loss of a loved one, and the desire of
revenge. As the writer, Shakespeare continues to show how the circumstances in life uncover our
true character. He uses Hamlet's dynamic persona to expose that things are not what they seem. He
may try to hide and show a different side of himself to others, but in the end who he truly is will be
revealed. The character of Hamlet changes and develops throughout the play. For the most part, like
many of us, he is known to be a good person. From the beginning, he has been sad and mourning the
loss of his father. King Hamlet's ghost later arrives and finds Hamlet to talk to him. He begins to
explain how he died and reveals that it was murder. His brother, Claudius, poisoned him in the
middle of the night. "So, while sleeping, I was deprived by a brother's hand all at once of my life,
my crown, and my queen, and cut off when I was full of sin, without the sacrament of communion,
not prepared by confession, not anointed with the last rites" (Act I, Scene v). The ghost also
encourages Hamlet to "Revenge his revolting and most unnatural murder" (Act I, Scene v).
Although he is uncertain and reluctant about killing Claudius, he swears to get revenge to show him
love and obey what he commanded. Alvis 2
This tragedy changes Hamlet and his emotions of grieving have left him acting insane and crazy.
When it comes to whom Hamlet is in love with, Ophelia, he begins acting senseless. Polonius reacts
to his daughter explaining what happened between Hamlet and her by saying, "This is the true
madness of love, whose violent nature destroys itself and leads the mind to desperate projects" (Act
II, Scene i).
"To be, or not to be; that is what really matters" (Act III, Scene i). Hamlet is criticizing the woman
he loved but broke his heart by denying him and being dishonest. This is what led him to act in a
way he does not care anymore. He is
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Hamlet Character Analysis
play known worldwide and was written between 1599 and 1605 by the ingenious author and poet,
William Shakespeare. The play is a drama that includes a love story, betrayal, and a tragic ending.
During the time Hamlet was written, the population of England loved watching the hard ache of
others and they epically loved murder and gore. Luckily for Shakespeare, todays current population
loves watching and reading about the same things which kept most of his work around. The play
Hamlet is the story of a young price that lost his father to a murderer who happens to be his uncle,
Claudius. Claudius then marries Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude making Claudius the new King of
England. Hamlet's deceased father returns as a ghost and tells Hamlet ... Show more content on ...
William Shakespeare riddled his play with small symbols that are meant to be overlooked, yet once
discovered, help the reader understand what is happening and why. The apparition of Hamlet's father
is a major symbol in the play and sets it in to motion, giving hamlet a motive and the audience a
sense of what is to come. The flowers that Ophelia gives to the King and Queen hint a lot about the
royal couple and also give Ophelia a final statement before she dies and finally the last major
symbol is the skull of Yorick, the scull is a symbol that compares Hamlet to a court jester and makes
it clear exactly why Hamlet is acting mad when really he is doing undercover detective work.
Ophelia, being Hamlet's lady friend with benefits is often portrayed as a white, innocent young lady,
which gives her character further meaning, rather than only being recognized as Hamlets relief of
lust. She goes mad upon hearing news of the sudden murder of her father that Hamlet committed. It
is at this point in the peak of her madness when she contributes important and vital symbols to the
play. She hands out a multitude of different flowers to her brother Laertes, the King Claudius, Queen
Gertrude and keeps two for her self. These flowers all represent different meanings, which Debra
Mancoff, scholar and author of Victorian Studies helps uncover. "Ophelia's offered meanings –
rosemary for remembrance, pansies for thought – by matching the other
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Hamlet And Syntax Analysis
Introduction "Late at night sometime in February, Kalle Hasselström and Jon Åslund (that is us, we,
the authors) were sitting with a programming assignment due for demonstration at nine the
following morning. It was assignment number four in our Syntax Analysis course and we were
pretty tired with it. The last assignment, on the other hand, seemed like much more fun, because you
were allowed to do pretty much whatever you wanted as long as it involved lexical and syntactical
analysis. So instead of finishing the fourth assignment, we started making up some great ideas for
the fifth, the kind you only conceive of when you really should be asleep." 2 Program All SPL
programs must begin with a title/description, followed by the character declarations, ... Show more
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● Comments have no value to the program except to provide some initial information about the code
for readers. ● Character declarations are required, and only happen once, before the program starts.
● Parts identify the main components, or Acts, of the program, and its organization. Example The
Infamous Hello World Program. Romeo, a young man with a remarkable patience. Juliet, a likewise
young woman of remarkable grace. Ophelia, a remarkable woman much in dispute with Hamlet.
Hamlet, the flatterer of Andersen Insulting A/S. Act I: Hamlet's insults and flattery. Scene I: The
insulting of Romeo. [Enter Hamlet and Romeo] Hamlet: You lying stupid fatherless big smelly half–
witted coward! You are as stupid as the difference between a handsome rich brave hero and thyself!
Speak your mind! You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty old rotten
codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's day. You are as healthy as the
difference between the sum of the sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! Speak your
mind! (Continued... full 'Hello World' Program in
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Analysis Of Hamlet : The Honourable Nutjob In Hamlet
Hamlet: The Honourable Nutjob
Over the course of the play Hamlet, the young prince of the same name has his honourable
worldview frequently challenged by those around him. His inability to cope with his surrounding
environments constant lack of honour is what ultimately leads to his descent into madness and his
eventual demise. Hamlet is unable to reconcile the fact that the people around him do not live by the
same code of honour as he does. Said code of honour is formed throughout the play, during his
journey from innocence to experience. To put it simply, his honour increases as the play progresses,
culminating in Act 5, where Hamlets level of honour can be considered at its peak. In addition to the
general progression of honour throughout the play, Hamlet's honour–based worldview and his
inability to reconcile the world around him is influenced by numerous other factors. These factors
include: the absence of honour as a social standard, Hamlets upbringing, and the personal losses that
the young prince experiences. All of the aforementioned influence Hamlets honourable worldview
in some way, either for better or for worse.
A story of betrayal and abandonment, the society in which the play Hamlet is set, is one which lacks
honour among the majority of its people. The honourable worldview that is upheld by Hamlet, is not
a maintained standard of the community in which he lives. Within the play, life–long friendships and
noble allegiances are frequently violated in an
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Hamlet Character Analysis
When one reads William Shakespeare's Hamlet, it is easy to overlook the female characters as
powerless and subservient. However, things are not always what they seem at first glance, as a
further analysis of Gertrude and Ophelia suggests. Although the plot centers around Hamlet's quest
for revenge, these two female characters have a profound influence on what transpires. These
women certainly play more significant roles than they seem at first.
In Act I, Gertrude appears to be an unfaithful wife who is detached from her son. Despite her
husband's death, she quickly remarries and feels no qualms doing so. Moreover, while her husband's
death takes a toll on Hamlet, she fails to console him. Instead, she tries to make his death seem ...
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As she dies, she tells Hamlet, "O, my dear Hamlet! The drink, the drink! I am poisoned" (V.ii.340–
341). Instead of following her husband's plan, she makes the ultimate sacrifice to save her son.
Without her heroics, Hamlet would be dead, and Claudius would remain king and be victorious, but
she felt the need for redemption. Besides, not only does she contribute to the storyline but also to the
reader's analysis. She is indeed a complex character and raises numerous questions, such as whether
or not she knew about Claudius killing her husband. Outstanding characters like Gertrude affect the
plot in a significant way and supply the reader with critical thinking questions.
On the other hand, Ophelia appears to be obedient and submissive. In fact, she seems to be
exceedingly deferential, as she obeys everything Laertes and Polonius say. For example, when
Polonius orders her to stay away from Hamlet and ignore his love vows, she replies, "I shall obey,
my lord" (I.iv.124–145). Furthermore, she refers to her father as "my lord," which implies Polonius
has her on a leash (I.iv.145). Perhaps this line also means that she has no free will and thinks in the
interests of her father instead of for herself. It is difficult for a reader to contemplate how a
subordinate like Ophelia could have a critical role later in the play. Nevertheless, another prominent
female character comes off as
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William Shakespeare's Hamlet : Character Analysis Of Hamlet
Parker Beres
Mrs. Hoffman
17 December 2017
Honors English 4
Character Analysis of Hamlet Throughout the play Hamlet changes drastically from the person he
started off as. There were many instances in which Hanket experienced a change in his character.
The first was the death of his father, which ultimately led him to want to find answers regarding the
suspicious death. The second incident that changed Hamlet was witnessing and talking to the ghost
of his father. In fact, this may have been the most important scene in the book as it was revealed to
Hamlet that his uncle killed his father to become the new king and it was now Hamlet's duty to seek
revenge for his father. This drives him to do many unholy tasks like pretending to be insane and
tricking everybody to killing his Uncle. However, this is the tragedy of Hamlet and not a comedy
which is why Hamlet will die too as well as his mother he loved so dearly. One of the many talents
of the playwright William Shakespeare was that he broke the limiting mold of the one–dimensional
character by representing characters in all of their human complexity. Hamlet is a compelling
character because he is extremely complicated. The character of Hamlet is a complex character
because he has many striking qualities such as his cunningness, intellect, and humor.
In the play, Hamlet can often be seen being quite cunning to certain individuals in his life especially
the ones close to him. In Act I scene 5 Hamlet's master plan is revealed
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Character Analysis of Gertrude in 'Hamlet'
Gertrude: Character Analysis Introduction There is no doubt in saying that Hamlet is counted as one
of the famous play of English language (Thompson and Taylor 74). It was written in 1601 by
Shakespeare and was performed at The Globe Theatre. This essay will evaluate role of 'Gertrude',
mother of Prince Hamlet who is the title character of the play. The purpose of this essay is to
analyze "the character of Gertrude and find out if she was really disloyal to her husband late King
Hamlet and responsible for his death"? Gertrude (Character Analysis) Gertrude, the Queen of
Denmark and widow of the late King Hamlet married her husband's brother 'Claudius' only after two
months of her husband's death. Claudius who was also the uncle of Prince Hamlet became the new
King and his new father. Despite the fact that Gertrude has very little role and few lines in the play
still she is central to the action of the play. Prince Hamlet hatred and disgust for her mother as she
marries Claudius, is one of the main important reflections of the play. This is because in times of
Shakespeare, marrying husband's brother after husband's death was considered as a sin and
disloyalty with the husband. Secondly, Prince Hamlet also considered Claudius inferior to his father,
late King Hamlet in all aspects of life. Gertrude deeply loved her son and was very much concerned
about his depression and gloominess (Barrons, 93) but Hamlet hated her. He considered her
responsible for his father's death
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Analysis Of Hamlet And Ophelia In Shakespeare's Hamlet
In the book Hamlet the readers aren't asking the reason behind Hamlet delaying the killing of King
Claudius, they are asking if Hamlet and Ophelia truly loved each other. In many occasions Hamlet
was disrespectful and insulting toward Ophelia who didn't deserve it, but in the end Ophelia always
came back to him. A lot of times you couldn't tell if Hamlet truly loved Ophelia or if he thought of
her more as a "lover," but when it came down to the most important times he proved his loyalty and
love toward her. Hamlet and Ophelia loved each other, it was obvious in the way she came back to
him after everything and how she always seeks for Hamlet to protect her, while this love might have
contributed to her going crazy, it also gave the readers a chance to see how Hamlet really felt when
she died. In the graveyard scene where they bury Ophelia's body Hamlet expresses his love in a way
that went against Laertes. Hamlet declared his love for Ophelia by saying, "I loved Ophelia. Forty
thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum. (5.1)" This quote
expresses Hamlet's love perfectly by saying how much he truly loves her. It also shows the sadness
in his speech by showing how he won't have the love he used to have. Hamlet loves her so much
that he challenges against Laertes love for Ophelia by saying, "Swounds, show me what thou 't do.
Woo't weep, woo't fight, woo't fast, woo't tear thyself, Woo't drink up eisel, eat a crocodile? I'll do 't.
(5.1)" Hamlet speaks of fighting to prove his love for the poor, innocent Ophelia and to show that he
truly loved her. He wanted everyone to know that how he treated Ophelia wasn't how he truly felt
and that he does in fact love her. Hamlet tries to out prove his love by being "buried quick with her.
(5.1)" When saying this he means he would die for her. Hamlet loves Ophelia that he would do
anything for her, even die.
When hamlet decided he would fake going "crazy" he started to treat Ophelia poorly, even though
he treated her like this she, continued to come back to him. Even though Hamlet was so mean to
Ophelia she still treated him with respect and always called him, "my honored lord." (3.1) She was
always coming back to him and doing whatever it
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Hamlet Soliloquies and Their Analysis
HAMLET'S SOLILOQUIES & THEIR ANALYSIS In the course of the play, Hamlet has seven
long soliloquies. The first of these occurs before he has seen the Ghost. In this soliloquy, Hamlet
reveals the grief that has been gnawing at his mind. He wishes that religion did not forbid suicide so
that he could kill himself and be rid of this grief. He feels disillusioned with the world. "How weary,
stale, flat and unprofitable, Seem to me all the uses of this world". He deplores (condemns) the fact
that his mother should have remarried barely two months after the death of her first husband. This
soliloquy shows Hamlet's meditative nature. It also reveals his filial attachment to his dead father
whom he speaks highly, and his scorn of his ... Show more content on ...
His conscience keeps pricking him and urging him to revenge, but a natural deficiency always
obstructs him. His generalizing and universalizing tendency too is seen here once again " What is a
man, If his chief good and market of his time Be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more." The idea
of delay emphasized by the soliloquies. Hamlet's soliloquies are foremost in bringing the idea of his
delay to our notice. The stress on delay shows also Hamlet's preoccupation with his role. His life is
one to be lived under the imposition (burden) of a great task which he seems unable to fulfill.
Excessively speculative, irresolute, scholarly poetic. The soliloquies of Hamlet undoubtedly throw a
flood of light on his character and personality. A soliloquy is a device by which Shakespeare reveals
to us the inner working of a character's mind, the secret thoughts and cogitations (meditations) of a
character's mind, the deepest recess of a character's soul. Hamlet's soliloquies surely serve that
purpose. These soliloquies not only reveal that Hamlet is given to excessive speculations and that he
is therefore unfit to carry out the task assigned to him, but also unable to understand his reasons for
delaying his revenge. Furthermore, these soliloquies show Hamlet's poetic eloquence. Each
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Analysis Of Hamlet And The Ghost In Shakespeare's Hamlet
Katelyn Canei
English 102
7 July 2017
Hamlet and the Ghost
In the play Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, Hamlet is a very interesting character in this
play because he's the prince of Denmark that is a very loving person to a character of rage and going
mad because of his fathers' death.
In the beginning of the play, Hamlet is reacting normally to a fallen member of his family, which is
his father. Once the death of his father happened he starts to become depressed and angry at his
mother, because she got remarried to Claudius too quickly for Hamlet's liking. Throughout the play
Hamlet is always in trouble with himself. At some point in the play there is an appearance of the
ghost who says, "I am thy fathers spirit" (I. V. 14). Hearing this makes Hamlet even more mad
almost making him commit suicide and left him in deep anger. Once Hamlet figured out that it was
his uncle who killed his father, it made Hamlet want to get revenge for his father.
What drove Hamlet to want to seek revenge, was when the ghost's words lead Hamlet into the full
picture of how his father had died. It made Hamlet want to kill Claudius, and avenge his father. "Do
not forget. This visitation is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose" (III. VI. 114–115). This quote
reminds us that Hamlet has one goal in this play, and that is to avenge his father that whom his
Uncle Claudius had killed. Hamlet knew that wasn't going to be easy, but when he had the perfect
opportunity, he ran with it and achieved
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Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay
Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay
Hamlet is a work consisting of many different themes throughout the play. The main theme that
occurs is revenge. King Hamlet's brother, Claudius, marries his widow, Gertrude, shortly after his
death. Prince Hamlet becomes aware that his father's death wasn't really an accident and he was
murdered by his brother, Claudius. After he finds this out, Hamlet plans to seek revenge on his
uncle. Throughout the book, Hamlet attempts to achieve this revenge, which is why revenge is one
of the main themes in the play.
At the beginning of the play, Horatio and Marcellus tell Hamlet about a ghost that they have seen of
King Hamlet after his death. After being told this, Hamlet decides he won't believe that there is a ...
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He realizes "that cannot be, since I am still possessed of those effects for which I did the murder: my
crown, mine own ambition, and my queen (III.iii.57)." Claudius realizes that he will not be able to
have forgiveness until he gives up all the reasons he killed his brother for. He simply isn't ready to
do that, therefore he was not able to successfully pray. During this time, Hamlet walks in on
Claudius as he is kneeling and thinks about killing Claudius right there. Hamlet realizes that doing
so will "do this same villain send to heaven (III.iii.82)." Killing Claudius when he is praying and
freeing himself of sin, will allow Claudius's soul to go to heaven. He knows that he needs to kill him
before he is able to make a last confession, which won't allow his soul to go to heaven. This is the
first time Hamlet had the opportunity to kill Claudius, but he procrastinates doing it. That shows that
Hamlet wants to try and keep his morals during this process. He wants to make sure Claudius
receives the full revenge he deserves, so Hamlet wouldn't have killed a man for no reason. This part
of the play always shows that Hamlet is becoming more enraged in how he wishes to seek his
revenge and he wants Claudius to receive the
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Critical Analysis Of Hamlet
Throughout my research process, I was only able to find a select pool of articles critiquing Svend
Gade and Heinz Schall's 1921 film, Hamlet. I believe the lack of critiques on the film stems from a
variety of factors including but not limited to the films age and the fact that the film was made in a
different country, which makes me think that there may be a larger pool of critiques written in
German that have not been translated. Luckily, the critique I was able to locate, "Expressionist
Shakespeare" by J. Lawrence Guntner, provides an in–depth and thoughtful analysis of the lesser–
known Hamlet. This critique presents the reader with a multi–faceted look Hamlet, which, above all,
gave me an understanding and background of early German film and the film's unsung backbone,
Asta Nielsen. Throughout the article, Guntner provides a complete analysis not only of the
adaptation of Hamlet, but also the history of German films post–WWI and how Gade and Nielsen
attempted to "restore [the German film industry] ... to its pre–war level of artistic expression" (91).
According to Guntner, even before WWI left the German film industry in tatters, prior to WWI,
"German film was still considered a poor relative of theater" (90). Additionally, many German
actors only starred in films as a way to "supplement their salaries" (91). Asta Nielsen, who was
passionate about filmmaking saw Post–WWI as an opportunity to popularize the media that she felt
such a strong passion for. Paired with Gade,
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Literary Analysis Of ' Hamlet '
Kelsey Deven Sect. 4
Professor Roberts
April 21, 2015
Literary Analysis
Psychological State of the Characters in Hamlet
The English Play writer, William Shakespeare had written many well–known pieces of work
including Hamlet. Hamlet is known to be one of his most popular works. Hamlet was written in the
late 16th Century about the Prince of Denmark. The original title of the work was The Tragedy of
Hamlet, now it is referred to as just Hamlet. In Hamlet, William Shakespeare uses the mental state
of his characters to prove that not all characters in books have to be one dimensional. Shakespeare's
writing shows that humans are complex, and can have different mental states. Characters throughout
the story such as, Hamlet, Gertrude, and Ophelia show their not so stable mental state. First we will
analyze Hamlet and talk about Ernest Jones' Psycho–analytic study of Hamlet. Then we will talk
about Ophelia and how the events that happened leading up to her death or suicide played a role into
her mental state. Finally we will analyze Gertrude, the Queen's role in Hamlet, and how she is a
mentally weak woman and relies on the men in her life.
According to Ernest Jones, Hamlet has the "Oedipus–Complex" while others might just call him a
momma's boy. The "Oedipus–Complex" from Freud is expressed through Diderot statement of, "If
we were left to ourselves and if our bodily strength only came up to that of our phantasy we would
wring our fathers' neck and sleep with our mothers." In
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Hamlet : Character Analysis Of Shakespeare's Hamlet
William Shakespeare's Hamlet is different from other Elizabethan revenge plays in the sense that the
playwright did put much effort in depicting the psychological make–up of his hero Hamlet. The way
Shakespeare portrays the psychological complexities of Hamlet, the play has become a lucrative text
to the critics to see through the psychoanalytic lens. Analysis of Hamlet using psychoanalytic
criticism reveals the inward states of Hamlet's mind. Among the various aspects of Hamlet's
character, the thing that instantly draws our attention is his relation with his mother Getrude. It is
here the psychoanalytic ckritics opine that Hamlet has an Oedipus Complex to his mother. Freud
developed the theory of Oedipus complex, whereby, says Freud, the male infant conceives the desire
of eliminate the father and become the sexual partner of the mother. Hamlet, too, has several
symptoms to suffer from Oedipus Complex. Hamlet's Oedipus Complex: A fundamental basis for all
of Freudian psychology resides in the Oedipal feelings which Freud believed are common to all
male children. The major psychological distinction between one person and another was said to
come from the way the person handled those feelings and the way that handling was represented in
everyday life( how the hell do you write such nonsense sentences?). Freud is categorical about the
existence of the Oedipal impulse "It is the fate of all of us, perhaps, to direct our first sexual impulse
towards our mother and our first
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Analysis of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet'
Character analysis of Hamlet, Ghost, Horatio: Act 1, Scenes 1–5
The story of Hamlet is so famous, it is easy to forget that at the beginning of the play, Hamlet is
unaware of the fact that his father was murdered by his uncle. Hamlet begins the play a depressed,
angry young man who is barely able to conceal the fact that he despises his new stepfather for
marrying his mother so soon after his beloved father's demise. However, he has no proof that his
uncle did anything wrong at first. In fact, the main problem seems to be Hamlet's attitude: he is
wearing black and is entirely removed from the merriment of the rest of the court. He barely
acknowledges Claudius and makes an effort to go back to Wittenberg so he can study, but his mother
begs him to stay. When he says: "I shall in all my best obey you, madam," he excludes Claudius
from his reply, even though Gertrude begs him on behalf of 'us' (I.2).
Thus Hamlet is a young man who is determined to reveal the truth he sees from the very first speech
he makes and who has a strong sense of moral propriety, at least regarding the sexual conduct of his
mother. "But I have that within which passeth show; / These but the trappings and the suits of woe,"
he says, stressing that the mourning clothing he is wearing are inadequate to fully indicate his
feelings for his dead father. Even before he learns of the crime that caused his father's death, Hamlet
clearly sees himself as a truth–teller. He refuses to forget the ugliness of the
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Hamlet Character Analysis
When one reads Hamlet, it is easy to overlook the female characters as powerless and subservient.
However, things are not always what they seem at first glance, as a further analysis of Gertrude and
Ophelia suggests. Although the plot centers around Hamlet's quest for revenge, these two female
characters have a profound influence on what transpires. In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Gertrude and
Ophelia appear weak at first, but their roles develop and have a massive impact on the story.
In Act I, Gertrude appears to be an unfaithful wife who is detached from her son. Despite her
husband's death, she quickly remarries, which leads one to believe she feels no qualms doing so.
Moreover, while her husband's death takes a toll on Hamlet, she fails to console him. Instead, she
tries to make his death seem insignificant by saying, "Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must
die" (I.ii.74). If she truly cared about her late husband, she would certainly feel some level of
misery. Perhaps she is trying to stay strong in front of Hamlet, but the way the scene unfolds that
idea seems unlikely. What's more, she quietly stands as Claudius berates Hamlet for his "unmanly
grief" and "impious stubbornness" (I.ii.90–121). One can infer her allegiance sides more with her
brother–in–law more than with her son otherwise she would have defended her son. With this in
mind and the reasons for her and Claudius's rapid marriage unknown, she fails to convince the
reader that her relationship with Hamlet and his father mean anything to her. A mother is always
supposed to be their for her children and put their needs before anything else, but Gertrude puts
Hamlet's needs aside.
Despite her initial shortcomings, Gertrude turns things around as the story continues. For example,
she admits to Hamlet that she has been sinful by saying, "Thou turn'st my eyes into my very soul,
and there I see such black and grained spots as will not leave their tinct" (III.iv.100–102). Rather
than make excuses, she recognizes her faults and how they will forever be attached to her.
Furthermore, she pities the situation Hamlet has fallen into by saying, "Alas, how is't with you, that
you do bend your eye on vacancy and with th' incorporal air do hold discourse?"
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Hamlet Soliloquies Analysis
Inner Thoughts
( A critical analysis of the messages in Hamlet's soliloquies, Acts 1–3 )
"To be, or not to be, that is the question:" ( Shakespeare 142 Act 3 scene 1 line 63). This line is one
of the most famous and recognizable lines from any of Shakespeare's plays; also, comes from one of
Hamlet's famous soliloquies. Hamlet by William Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest play of
all time. This play is very famous for its intricacy and pure genius of the use of the human mind to
trick others into pure belief. Likewise, if you were to walk down the street of any major city in the
United States and state this exact line most individuals would know exactly what play you are
referencing. Hamlet is about a young prince named Hamlet who is forever stuck, emotionally,
spiritually and existentially. Prince Hamlet is stuck for many reasons, a few examples are his mother
remarried after his father's passing, married his treacherous uncle Claudius, and Hamlet has to
tolerate him for his mother's sake. Also, Prince Hamlet can't love his girlfriend Ophelia, for her
father will not permit it. Hamlet is suffering from immense depression, although his spirituality will
not allow him to end it by self slaughter. After his father, the late King Hamlet passed away his
ghost returned and visited prince Hamlet. The King informed Prince Hamlet that he was murdered
by Claudius, he was not bitten by a snake. From then on Hamlet embarks on a quest to assassinate
his treasonous uncle
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Character Analysis Of Hamlet
William Shakespeare's Hamlet tells the story of Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, who attempts to
avenge his late father. Prince Hamlet designs several elaborate schemes, such as pretending to be
crazy, to help him achieve his goal. Over the course of the play, two distinct "Hamlets" emerge:
"crazy" Hamlet and "sane" Hamlet. The two personas eventually overlap, creating the illusion that
Hamlet has actually become insane; thus, resulting in a change in his character. However, upon
closer analysis of Hamlet's character, it is evident that he does not change over the course the play.
In the beginning of the play, Shakespeare emphasizes two central aspects of Hamlet: his reluctance
to take action and his fascination with Gertrude, his mother, and sex. Those characteristics
contribute to his individuality and are key components of his character. While Hamlet's character
can seem underdeveloped and even inconsistent, those two attributes crucial to the reader's
understanding of him remain present––indicating that he has not changed and ultimately prompting
the reader to question if people can truly change.
At the start of the play, Hamlet puts off his plan to murder Claudius and only becomes aware of this
when he sees a group of actors who demonstrate intensity in their performances. Hamlet remarks
that the players "could force [their souls] so to [their] own conceit" (2.2.580) even though their
performances are "all for nothing" (2.2.584). The players, who were portraying events that had no
significance, were able to put on such a passionate show. The phrase "force [their souls]" creates the
sense that the performances consisted of more than mere gestures and speeches; they attempted to
internally connect with their performance, which causes the depictions to seem more realistic. In
contrast, Hamlet, who actually has motives and justification for killing Claudius, is reluctant to act.
He criticizes himself and claims to be "pigeon–livered" (2.2.604) for being a coward and not doing
his duty. Hamlet resolves to immediately carry out the execution after he has verified that Claudius
is indeed guilty, but ultimately delays action. Much later in the play, a similar scene occurs in which
Hamlet becomes cognizant of his
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Analysis Of Hamlet And Ophelia In Hamlet
1.) Hamlet and Ophelia are by far the most complex characters in the play, and I believe the reason
for their demise their fathers. Claudius, Polonius, and Hamlet senior are all the blame for Hamlet
and Ophelia's mental breakdown. This is because he came back as a ghost and test are soft hearted
hero to murder his uncle, Hamlet was grieving and peace up until the point is ghost daddy arrived
and told him the truth about his untimely death. Its suggested by Amanda Mabillard, "Hamlet was
more or less insane from the time at which the ghost appeared to him", and i totally agree. Claudius
is to blame for more obvious reasons, I guess you can start the list with the fact that he killed
Hamlet's dad, he stole the kingdom from him, he took his ... Show more content on
I feel hamlet senior is to blame as well; he never taught his son how to handle/ talk two women. I
also feel like he didn't teach Hamlet how to control his emotions, this led to Hamlet being a
complete mess when Gertrude was forced to break up with him.
2.) I feel like religion drives a lot of the characters' action and the plot itself. The major 'in your face'
example is the whole concept of King Hamlet's Ghost. Is it a tortured spirit in limbo, or a demon
from hell causing mischief? This idea is brought up by Hamlet when he first encounters the ghost in
Act II Scene IV Lines 43– 47, "Angels and ministers of grace, defend us! Be thou a spirit of health
or goblin damned, Bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell, Be thy intents wicked or
charitable...". Hamlet sates he doesn't quite know if it's a good or bad spirit, but is willing to talk to
it either way. On the lines of religion and spirits/ghosts, this is the reason Hamlet does not kill
Claudius when he has the perfect opportunity. Due to the fact he was praying, Hamlet decided not to
kill him because of the chance he may go to heaven. Another example would be how Hamlet feels
about his life. In his soliloquy in Act "To be, or not to be." he ponders the idea of death and weighs
his options, live a dreary life, or have a sinful death. I mean like what if Hamlet was an atheist? The
entire play wouldn't have happened. The ghost would have come, Hamlet would have been like
"cool dude", and
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Hamlet Literary Analysis
Hamlet is a well known novel by author, William Shakespeare. The novel
contains many literary techniques. There are a few key literary elements that stand
out more than others in Shakespeare's Hamlet. This paper will evaluate three
different literary elements found in the novel. Three key elements include; simile,
dramatic irony and climax. These techniques make up the novel and relate to it.
This is the literary analysis of hamlet.
The first literary element is the climax. The climax is the most intense,
exciting, or important point of the story. There are a few different places in the
story where climax was shown. The climax is usually in the middle part of the
story, also the part of the story that everyone is looking for. There ... Show more content on ...
During an interview with Hamlet in
Act 1, Scene 5 The Ghost said, "Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their
spheres". This is a simile because is comparing thy two eyes to stars using like.
Lastly simile was shown in Hamlet's soliloquy, in Act two, Scene two. "Must like a
whore unpack my heart with words, And fall cursing like a drab". This is a simile
because it is comparing using like. The literary element, Simile is used many times
throughout the novel Hamlet. Simile is a key element in the novel. Without
showing similes in the novel there wouldn't be a better way to compare things.
Simile was used over and over to compare the different things that went on in the
My last literary element is dramatic irony. This literary element was used
many times in the novel hamlet. The definition of dramatic irony is the expression
of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically
for humorous or emphatic effect. Dramatic irony comes in play in Act 5 Scene 2,
when Gertrude is mistakenly murdered. King Claudius, pretending to be alongside
Hamlet, presents a cup of what appears to be an alcoholic beverage to Hamlet
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Critical Analysis Of Hamlet
Revenge,Philosophical,Psychoanalytic, archetypal and formalist approaches can all help readers
view Hamlet through different literary explaining and viewpoints to better comprehend different
approaches to the play. Revenge tragedies are when the plot of the play, skit or show has a quest of
vengeance. Hamlet has one of the biggest vengeful acts of that time period.hamlet is full of vengeful
ghosts, battles, murders, and gory scenes. Hamlet, one of the main character's, learns about his
father's murder by his uncle and goes through a mad rage to try and avenge his father's death by
seeking revenge towards his uncle. This revenge fuels in "Hamlet" is after Hamlet mistakenly kills
polonius making Laertes,the son of Polonius,outraged and seeking revenge by killing Hamlet all
playing more into the revenge tragedy found throughout the play. Philosophical approach is based
off of morals and being able to distinguish between right and wrong and how people act toward
different situations or conflicts they are put into."Hamlet" is full of many different moral conflicts
with many of the characters being involved. Hamlet finds out about his father's murder and decides
to act on it as "an eye for an eye" and wants to kill the murderer, his uncle. Laertes also goes against
the law and teams up with Claudius to try and murder Hamlet after he killed Polonius. There is also
the broken moral of Gertrude marrying Claudius because it's viewed in the eyes of many as wrong
to marry your
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Hamlet Act1 Summary and Analysis
Hamlet Summary
Summary for Act I, Scene 1 and 2
Two 1 and 2 guards of king's castle discovered there is a mysterious object that is extremely look
like just deceased King Hamlet that appears every night in the castle. Horatio, prince Hamlet's best
friend suspects the emergence of the ghost and afraid it is someone's camouflage. Horatio tries to
communicate with the ghost when it is appeared. The ghost refuses to speak with Horatio however.
Horatio believes prince Hamlet will be the best person to make the ghost talks if it is really old King
Prince Hamlet mourns about his father's sudden death. He also is vitriolic toward his mother,
Gertrude's remarriage with his uncle, now King Claudius. Hamlet re–understands his mother's love
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Give thy thoughts no tongue, |anyone. |
|Nor any unproportioned thought his act. |Don't act on unproprotional thoughts. |
|Be thou familiar, but by no means | |
|valgar . | |
|Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, |Be friend with nice and loyal people. |
|Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; | |
|But do not dull thy palm with entertainment |Leave alone your friends whose only playing, eating,
and |
|Of each new– hatch'd , unfledged comrade. |drinking with you. |
|Beware |Avoid quarrel, otherwise people will know your personality. |
|Of entrance to a quarrel, but being in,
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Hamlet Delay Analysis
In a nation on the brink of war a young prince must avenge his late father, but in doing so it will
cause him to lose more than he bargained for. In an attempt to right the wrong done to by his father
the prince will be pushed to the brink of insanity. William Shakespeare's tragedy entitled Hamlet
recounts the story of a depressed cynic and his continuous delay in seeking revenge against his uncle
for killing his father; unbeknownst to the reader however is the apparent cause behind Hamlet's
delay. The first speculation behind Hamlet's delay is his cowardice behavior. Hamlet is a coward due
to his lack of action in killing Claudius. In Act 2 scene 2 Hamlet devises a plan in which he will use
the players to perform an extended version of the Murder of Gonzago. In this version of the play the
actors perform a scene created by Hamlet that depicts his uncle killing his father. Unfortunately, he
is overcome with a wave of emotions after seeing the actors perform a different play. In the midst of
his anger he states, "Unpregnant for my cause, And can say nothing–no, not for a king Upon whose
property and most dear life A damned defeat was made. Am I a coward?" (ii.ii.596–598). Hamlet
feels guilty for not having as much passion for killing his father as the post actor has for a fictional
death. Because of his hesitation Hamlet believes that he must be a coward. Finally, Hamlet is given
a clear opportunity to kill Claudius. After Claudius is exposed during the play he flees and is shortly
followed by Hamlet. Hamlet discovers Claudius defenseless, on his knees praying, and with his
back towards him. Hamlet states, "Now might I do it pat, now he is a–praying, And now I'll do it"
(iii.iii.78–77). Instead of taking advantage and killing Claudius he hesitates out of fear. He states
that the real reason why he didn't kill Claudius is because if he did Claudius would go to heaven. In
reality his fear stems from the uncertainty of whether or not he is doing the right thing. Hamlet's
constant hesitation could come from the fact that he is depressed. His depression causes him to take
a lot of inaction. Shortly after Claudius becomes king he encourages Hamlet to think of him as his
new father. This causes Hamlet to sink
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Character Analysis Of Hamlet In Hamlet
Hamlet is a character of melancholy because he is a very sad individual finding out that his very
own uncle has killed his father. He is wanting to commit suicide but he's contemplating it because it
is a sin. He is not to fond of Claudius considering he was the one that had killed his father in the first
place. "O most wicked speed, to post/ With such dexterity to incestuous sheets!/ It is not nor it
cannot come to good/ But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue" This quote is showing how he
is bitter towards the thoughts of his mother marrying his uncle. He finds that incest but if you look
deeper this was not her brother it was his father's brother. Hamlet is cynical from the way he says,
"From the table of my memory/ I'll wipe ... Show more content on ...
I mean yes it's ok to love your sister, but you do NOT have to tell the priest to go to hell and fight
Hamlet over her. They are both similar because they are basically one in the same. What I mean by
this is that they act the same. Hamlet is very upset and wants revenge against the person who has
committed the crime of murder against his father. Same thing with Laertes. He's upset the Polonius
has been killed by Hamlet. Laertes is wanting to kill Hamlet, which he succeeds in, but then again
people can argue that Laertes has killed himself instead of saying Hamlet killed him because Laertes
is the one that had poisoned the tip of the sword and was going to cut Hamlet with it. So Hamlet got
the sword that was found on the ground that had been poisoned and killed Laertes with it. Hamlet is
envious just like Laertes because not only did Claudius kill Old Hamlet which is Hamlet's father he
had also "accidentally" poisoned Gertrude. If Claudius did not want Gertrude to drink the drink that
had the poison in it what was the point of letting her drink it? I think he would've stopped her if he
was so worried about it, right? But. Hamlet did not stop wanting revenge until he got his hands on
Claudius which he did. His mother never believed him when he was telling her that Claudius had
killed her ex husband and his father. In conclusion Hamlet and Laertes are the most similar and the
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Hamlet Analysis : Hamlet
Analysis Paper Two: Hamlet
A. Polonius wants to know the reason behind Hamlets behavior.
B. Polonius tells the queen to meet with Hamlet and confront him about his behavior.
A. Polonius tells the queen to meet with Hamlet and confront him about his behavior
B. Polonius hides behind the arras as the queen meets with Hamlet
A. Polonius hides behind the arras as the queen meets with Hamlet
B. Gertrude says that Hamlet has offended the king. (Claudius)
A. Gertrude says that Hamlet has offended the king. (Claudius)
B. Hamlet says that she has offended his father (the dead King)
A. Hamlet says that she has offended his father (the dead King)
B. Gertrude fearing for her life cries for help
A. Gertrude fearing for her life cries for help
B. Polonius cries for help from behind the arras
A. Polonius cries for help from behind the arras
B. Hamlet realizes someone's behind the curtain and stabs his sword at the arras thinking it was the
A. Hamlet realizes someone's behind the arras and stabs his sword at the arras thinking that it was
the King
B. Hamlet kills Polonius
A. Hamlet killed Polonius
B. The queen asks what has he done
A. The queen asks what has he done
B. Hamlet pulls back the arras and realizes that it was Polonius instead
A. Hamlet pulls back the arras and realizes that it was Polonius instead
B. In Act I the ghost said not to act against his mother
A. Hamlet acts against his mother
B. The Ghost appears
A. The ghost appears
B. The ghost reminds Hamlet
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Hamlet Character Analysis
William Shakespeare's most intricate play, Hamlet, includes many dynamic characters, including
Hamlet himself. Hamlet is a very complicated character with many controversial aspects embedded
within his thoughts and dialogues. One of the most essential questions one could ask about Hamlet
is to question his sanity and the justification of his actions. My personal take on this subject is that
Hamlet's actions were not justified due to his split decisiveness and moral acknowledgements.
The spark that ignites the play occurs in the first act when Hamlet is introduced to his father's spirit,
which was "Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night ....Till the foul crimes done in [his] days of
nature [were] burnt and purged away" (Hams. 1.5.10–14) . Grief– stricken Hamlet was appalled
upon this sight and was further shocked when the spirit confessed the fact that King Hamlet was
murdered by none other than Claudius, his brother. Hamlet is absolutely stunned by this news but
the climax of this news arrives when the spirit commands Hamlet to exact revenge for his father's
murder. It is from this point that Hamlet must consult his conscious and morals to take the life of
King Claudius, the murderer of his father, and also where all of his actions end up spiraling
downwards. [Maybe talk about how Protestant England didn't believe in Purgatory, and therefore
how the Ghost may not have been real to the audience?]
Analyzing this scene can go many ways. First off, Hamlet is introduced to a new situation where he
is required to act upon what information he was enlightened with. A possible reason for the motive
behind his intentions doesn't necessarily have to be the fact that he is avenging his father's death but
fighting to maintain his honor. From the text, Hamlet wasn't outraged upon finding out that his
father was murdered, he was very surprised but not to the extent of murder. It was almost as if he
was "being prompted to [ take ] revenge, not by anarchic hatred, but by fidelity to a code of honor "
(Skulsky 79) .These honor codes were customs of the Elizabethan era, during which Shakespeare
wrote his play. Shakespeare used " promise " as portraying the concept of honor itself. This is
evident through when Hamlet
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Analysis Of Hamlet 's ' Hamlet '
Hailey Furlong
Ms. Zysk
April 25, 2016
How far would a man, who is a still a child at heart, go to avenge the death of his father? Hamlet,
who is the son of the recently deceased King, engages in a quest to avenge his father, who was
murder by the man who is now in his place, and married to the queen. Hamlet tries to develop a plan
to kill King Claudius, but only time is stopping him. Time inevitably leads toward expiration of a
human life. Hamlet shows a great concern for time and its effects, which was brought upon a death
that contributed to his insanity. He is unable to recognize that the past and future do not exist,
therefore, causes him suffering; he needs his ego to help keep the past of his father alive because
without it, who is he? Once Hamlet has his first encounter with the ghost of his father, it was up to
his own ego to determine between the hidden appearance and reality. His unconscious thoughts and
feeling towards his Uncle became conscious and real due to the fact that his ego was taking over.
When in complete awe over the truth to his father's death, he says to his mother Gertude, whom he
blames for committing incest; 'Seems, ' madam? Nay it is. I know not 'seems. ' 'Tis not alone my
inky cloak, good mother,
Nor customary suits of solemn black,
Nor windy suspiration of forced breath,
No, nor the fruitful river in the eye,
Nor the dejected 'havior of the visage,
Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief,
That can denote me truly. These
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Hamlet Analysis : ' Hamlet '
Timothy Sharps
D.E. English
December 7, 2015
Hamlet Analysis
Prince Hamlet is a man who enjoys contemplating difficult philosophical questions. When his father
the king of Denmark, was killed by his uncle. when Hamlet returns he sees his ghost after he returns
home to find evidence of his father's death. The Ghost of Hamlet tells Prince Hamlet that his uncle
Claudius his uncle was the one who killed his father with poison of the ear. Throughout the rest of
the story with him, Hamlet seeks to prove his uncle Claudius and guilt him into telling before he
takes action against him. But, Hamlet is pensive ad extremum, at times even brooding; he constantly
overuses his intellect while ignoring his emotions and ignoring what he thinks "feels right." His
sense of logic causes him to delay his revenge against Claudius until the end of hamlet story where
he kills Claudius and proves that he has progressed into a truly mad character.
At the beginning of the story, Hamlet acts out of pure intellect and processed logic. He suppresses
his emotions and trusts only in the power of his mind. When Hamlet encounters his father 's ghost,
he does not believe it is his father, but then his emotions reaction upon seeing his father and then
Hamlet says "Let me not burst in ignorance; but tell / Why thy canoniz 'd bones, hearsed in death, /
Have burst their cerements . . Say, why is this? wherefore? what should we do?" (I.iv.46–48,57).
Hamlet is so baffled and confused by the sight of his
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Hamlet Analysis Essay
Jon Andrade
Mr Polseno
Topics In Literature
31 May 2017
Hamlet Analysis Essay
The play Hamlet is one of William Shakespeare's most well–known plays of all time. Written in the
early 1600s, Hamlet includes a series of the protagonist character's soliloquies that to this day have
been referenced in many other works. In this play the protagonist, Hamlet goes through a major
change from the beginning of the play to the end. Hamlet's transformation from a helpless man in
despair into a determined, confident man is revealed in the soliloquies which are reflections of his
experiences of self–realization. There is a drastic change from the first soliloquy to the sixth
soliloquy by Hamlet's character. His growth is seen best through the soliloquies being that is the
only time that Hamlet is able to truly open up and let out his inner thoughts and feelings. ... Show
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This action of Gertrude's added to the melancholy suffering consuming Hamlet, worsening his
depression and sparking his anger further. In this soliloquy Hamlet states, "O God, a beast that wants
discourse of reason would have mourn'd longer" (1.2.150–151), Hamlet is claiming that a beast
would mourn a death like this for more time than his mother did; saying that what she did is worse
than what even a beast would do. This shows that Hamlet's depression is not just because of his
father's death but also because he feels betrayed by his mother's disloyalty to his father. This affects
Hamlet intensely showing the reader how much Hamlet loves and cares for his father, and how loyal
he is to
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Hamlet Prequel To Hamlet Analysis
I thoroughly enjoyed Shakespeare's Hamlet when our class first read the book in Mr. Allegretti's
class.The interactions and the emotions of the characters were very interesting to me. That's why
when Mr. Simonds recommended Gertrude And Claudius to the class, I became interested in the
book when he said it was an unofficial prequel to Hamlet made by a different author. Gertrude And
Claudius serves as a prequel to Hamlet and is centered around Princess Gertrude's point of view.
This prequel works on fleshing out characters that weren't previously explored in the original
Hamlet, which allows for the creation of different opinions regarding the characters. This story is
split up into three parts, with each part having different spellings of ... Show more content on ...
With Gertrude And Claudius acting as a prequel (albeit non–canon) it makes sense as to why Hamlet
isn't close to his mother. Part Two elaborates on King Hamlet's character as he voices his suspicions
about Hamlet, Claudius, and the royal advisor Polonius, and later describes the relationship between
Polonius' daughter Ophelia and Gertrude, reveals Gertrude's adulterous relationship with Claudius,
and ends with the death of King Hamlet. It was definitely a surprising twist to see that Gertrude and
Claudius got together before King Hamlet's death and even more so that King Hamlet knew about
the affair before his death. It's nice to have a little more insight into King Hamlet's character and to
learn his thoughts on Hamlet, Claudius, and Polonius not shown in Hamlet. King Hamlet shows the
same worries about Hamlet as his brother does in Act 3, wondering why his son chooses to stay
away from Elsinore rather than return home. King Hamlet believes that Ophelia is rather deft and
not suited for his son and disagrees with most of Gertrude's sentiments. Had King Hamlet been alive
in Hamlet he most likely would have disapproved of Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia tried to
keep his son away from her, perhaps damaging his relationship with his son in the process if
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Archetypes Of Women In Hamlet Analysis

  • 1. Archetypes Of Women In Hamlet Analysis Written Task 2 | Amaia Del Rio Foces Outline Prescribed question: "How and why is a social group represented in a particular way?" Chosen Question: "How and why does Shakespeare present women as marginalized in the play "Hamlet"?" Title of the text for analysis: Hamlet Introduction: Introduce the role of women, Ophelia, and Gertrude, in "Hamlet" and particularly in the Renaissance age. Relate to the Elizabethan era– how the women are connected to this and the restrictions they had. Explain also the archetypes of women (either a virgin or a whore) in both Hamlet and Elizabethan era and the responsibility and importance of being a queen. Explain how Gertrude is only used as a political figure in the play. Body Paragraph 1: Explain frailty/ ... Show more content on ... Explain why women have less roles and less lines in the play. State that Hamlet and Claudius have soliloquies and women do not. Mention the irony of Ophelia's madness and how it gives her a voice in the play. Bibliography:–blog/entry/essay–on–shakespeare–s–marginalization–of– women.html–shakespeares–women/–quotes.html–help/quot– frailty–thy–name–woman–quot–what–does–this–13299– quotes/frailty–thy–name–woman–and–incestuous–desire.html Valerie Traub "Desire and Anxiety", Circulations of Sexuality in Shakespearean Drama (London and New York: Routledge, 199, essay originally published 1988), pp ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Hamlet Critical Analysis Of Hamlet Often, pieces of literature have been analyzed and made into a motion picture in the hopes of further developing the themes presented in the work. Though the Shakespearian play, Hamlet, has been interpreted and converted into a film numerous times by different directors, Kenneth Branagh's adaptation particularly captured the essence of Hamlet and helped the audience truly understand the events that transpired in Act Three Scene Two of Hamlet. It is in this act, Hamlet plan to reveal King Claudius' treachery is played out. Hamlet exposes the king through adding an extra sixteen lines to the play which depicts him killing Hamlet's father. With the directions Hamlet gave to the actors, Hamlet is able to make the audience recognize the king's ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, the intensity of the scene is further developed with the reactions of other characters such as King Claudius and Queen Gertrude. After Hamlet answered the kings question, Lucian, one of the actors in the play, had entered but had been paused on stage. Impatient, and yearning for the play to continue, as to reveal his uncle misdeed, Hamlet bellows "begin murderer." The play once again did not give an inkling as to how the King and the Queen should react. However, the expression of the Queen in the film, perhaps alluded to a new born suspicion she harboured because she glances at her husband when Hamlet bouts "murderer". Additionally, the King anxiously strokes his chin, perhaps fearful that others may make the connection between him and the play and understand his role in his brother's death. Branagh adaptation effectively enhanced the events transpired in this scene with the use of facial expressions and actions. Kenneth Branagh strengthened the scene by means of effective screen angles. Prior to the commencement of the play Hamlet had requested that Horatio observe the reactions of his uncle for the duration of The Mousetrap, in the hopes that he will exhibit a guilty nature. Throughout the short clip from the film, Branagh captured the expressions of the King and Queen through the camera angle of binoculars. Binoculars are designed to magnify the particular image displayed in front it. Kenneth Branagh use of a binocular view further ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Hamlet And King Hamlet Analysis The author of this article, Cayla McCollum, explains how taking the characters Gertrude, Prince Hamlet and King Hamlet and comparing them to mythological characters can give readers a better understanding. Filmmaker Claude Charbol once stated "I love mirrors, they let one pass through the surface of things". Stating that whether it is physically or metaphorically, mirrors let people's ideas and situations be reflected and examined. It provides a view below the surface, meaning it shows what could be hard to see. McCollum used mirrors to define the characters in the form of myths. Basically reflecting the characters like fraternal twins. McCollum highlighted the characters flaws as well as foreshadowing their doom. In this article McCollum will compare Gertrude, Prince Hamlet and King Hamlet to their Mythological twins, or in other words, doppelgängers. The first reflections will be the twin of Gertrude. Gertrude, mother of Prince Hamlet and widow of the late King Hamlet, and now the wife of King Hamlet's brother and Prince Hamlet's brother. Gertrude is compared to, Niobe because of the storyline they both share in three ways. The first way is because of their good fortune. "Niobe, queen of Thebes and mother of fourteen children, has great power and much of which to be proud." (McCollum 114). "They both shared the good fortune of their children. Both Niobe and Gertrude had unconditional love of their children. Gertrude lives almost only by her son's looks. The love of their ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Analysis Of Hamlet 's ' Hamlet ' Hamlet personal response Isolation. An eerie dread, a detachment, an unwelcome independence. A feeling that everyone expects to feel at some point, yet are never prepared for. Why? Why do we accept that we'll feel isolated if we aren't going to be prepared when the feeling actually hits us? Maybe because despite it being a common emotion, it's not one brought about naturally. Hamlet, for example, didn't begin to feel isolated from those around him until the tragic death of his king. After which, he saw the true colours of those around him, and began to feel isolated. I didn't feel isolated until discovering that my parents had omitted important information from me, the moment I truly began questioning the extent of their 'caring' attitude towards me. I started wondering: are they really the people I thought they were? Should I put as much trust and companionship into them as I currently am? To many people, having a relationship is like going on a hike. Despite a few rocks and bumps here and there, everything that happens in the relationship is within the strict lines created by the original trailblazers. What we often fail to see, is that none of our paths are truly finished. Each relationship unravels differently, therefore the task of creating a perfect and complete path, is virtually impossible. Mistakes are made when we stumble upon those unfinished parts. We don't make mistakes in how we deal with others in the relationships, but how we deal with our own emotions. ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Analysis Of Hamlet 's ' Hamlet ' Hamlet's Hamartia Shakespeare 's longest play is Hamlet, which takes place in the Kingdom of Denmark. Hamlet is a tragic tale about the Prince of Denmark and is a drama about revenge. Prince Hamlet is visited by his father's ghost who demands he kill his uncle, Claudius, after Claudius killed Hamlet's father. Yet despite being "... the son of a dear father murdered, prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell," Hamlet delays enacting vengeance on Claudius (II,2,584–585). This delay ultimately leads to Ophelia's madness and the death of several other characters, including Hamlet himself. Hamlet's hamartia, or fatal flaw, which leads him to delay in enacting revenge, can be characterized by fate, hubris and indecision. This indecisiveness occurs because old Hamlet's demand puts Hamlet in a difficult situation, where he has to choose between seeking revenge on behalf of his father, and knowing that this revenge will most likely lead him to hell. He knows that he must kill his father's murderer, but he has moral and religious issues with this since it is wrong to kill someone. This play shows Hamlet being forced into a role that is impossible for him to complete because of his conscience. Hamlet's first fatal flaw is that of fate; Hamlet makes decisions and critical mistakes which seal his fate. This happens due to his personal character flaws because they influence his self–destructive decisions. For example, when he says, "Oh cursed spite that ever I was born ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Hamlet Soliloquy Analysis The soliloquy spoken by Hamlet in Act IV, scene IV illustrates a remarkable shift in Hamlet's personality. Up until this point, Hamlet has been an extremely indecisive and submissive character. In Act II, Hamlet decides that "the play's the thing wherein I'll catch the conscience of the king". However, at the play's conclusion and Claudius' admission of guilt, Hamlet is still uncertain and cannot decide what action to take against his uncle. When Hamlet comes across Claudius while he is praying, Hamlet lets him live because he rethinks his plot for revenge and decides that it is best to postpone it until a more propitious time presents itself. Hamlet continues to demonstrate submissiveness and inaction when he obeys his father's murderer's instructions to go to England in Act IV. After Hamlet has embarked on his journey, away from Denmark, he finds Fortinbras leading a large army to acquire a small piece of land. His soldiers do not care for or fight for wealth, but to bring honor to their respective countries. Hamlet has an epiphany. He realizes that he has been extraordinarily passive and hesitant due to his excessive analysis of revenge and lays out a plan of action. He resolves that his behavior thus far has only led to cowardice. Hamlet begins the soliloquy while grumbling that everything that has happened in his life, thus far, pushes him to seek retribution and yet he has not done it. He calls his revenge "dull", but Hamlet does something very interesting after that, Hamlet compares man to a beast. McCain 2 "What is a man, / If his chief good and market of his time, / Be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more. / Sure, he that made us with such large discourse, / Looking before and after, gave us not / That capability and god–like reason / To fust in us unused." Hamlet believes that men who exist solely to eat and sleep is no better than an animal. God did not give man the ability to reflect on what has happened in the past and what the future holds, just for it all to go to waste. Hamlet praises human reason, but he warns that if unused it will eventually rot away. Man was created to think and to seek higher goals then to simply just survive like an animal. He then quickly does a 180 and compares ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Hamlet and Horatio Best Friends for Life: an Analysis of... 3 November 2009 Hamlet and Horatio Best Friends for Life: an Analysis of Hamlet In Hamlet, two characters I believe to be important are Hamlet and his friend, Horatio. Horatio is the second most important character in the play. Horatio is Hamlet's best friend and advisor. Horatio never keeps anything from Hamlet. In Act one, scene one; Horatio, Bernardo, and Marcellus see the ghost of king Hamlet who was killed by his brother, Claudius. After the ghost disappears, Horatio tells Marcellus and Bernardo to reveal to Hamlet what they have seen. "...Let us impart what we have seen tonight Unto young Hamlet; for upon my life, This spirit, dumb to ... Show more content on ... O most wicked speed, to post With such dexterity to incestuous sheets! It is not, nor it cannot come to good. But break, my heart, for I must hold my tongue." ( Act 1, Scene 2). In Act two, Scene one, we see a hint of Hamlet's love for Ophelia. In Act two, scene two, Hamlet doubts the spirit of his father, and thinks that his father could be telling the truth or telling a lie. He is not quite sure which is truth and which is false. We see that Hamlet has many questions as to what he could do to see if the ghost is telling the truth. He decides to put on a play with a scene that he has added. In Act three, scene one, we get a peek of how he seems to know everything. "Let the doors be shut upon him [Polonius], that he may play the fool nowhere but in's own house. Farewell." In this Act, he says things to Ophelia that I believe he does not mean, such as, "Get thee to a nunnery.'' I believe he is saying what he says for the benefit of Polonius, Ophelia's father. Polonius believes that Hamlet is mad, or insane. "Your noble son is mad." Hamlet is abhorrent toward Claudius because Claudius killed his father. In act three, scene four we see Hamlet's reluctance to kill his uncle, but this time he is unwilling to kill Claudius because he is praying or that is what it seems like to Hamlet. Let us face it, who in their right mind ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Hamlet Analysis Essay On Hamlet Shakespeare's play, "Hamlet", is an intriguing and intricate drama about an individual who wants to avenge the death of his father. Prince Hamlet's father, King Hamlet, was once king and the throne was inherited by his evil brother, King Claudius. In addition to inheriting the throne, Claudius has married Prince Hamlet's mother, Gertrude, which is perceived as weird and unlawful. Interestingly, Prince Hamlet has cohesive evidence that King Claudius is responsible for the death of his father. As a result, Prince Hamlet's main goal is to kill Claudius as revenge for killing his father. King Hamlet's ghost constantly appears in the play, and it encourages Prince Hamlet to commit the murder. While attempting to kill Claudius, Hamlet portrays ... Show more content on ... Hamlet feels pressured and startled by the ghost because he knows that he needs to get revenge without fumbling. In all, the ghost's presence represents memory and death, which contributes to his overall perceived mad state. Shakespeare uses Hamlet's clothing to express his grief and sadness towards the death of his father. Since he is the only one that wears black in the court, Gertrude and Claudius begin to get angry and believe that his choice of clothing acts as an interruption to their state of happiness. Essentially, Claudius wants Hamlet to completely forget about his father and move on, which is impossible and Hamlet gets more irritated. The court only sees Hamlet from an outside perspective, and as a result, it is tough to judge someone on the inside. Finally, Gertrude gets enough of Hamlet's behavior and asks him why he cannot get past this tragedy: " 'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, / Nor customary suits of solemn black, / Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief' " (Shakespeare I.ii. 80–82). Here, Hamlet explains that it is not fair to judge him solely by his choice of clothing. He denies that his behavior or clothing represents his emotions on the inside, since they are far from what is seen on the inside. In reality, Hamlet is in a strong mourning state and his sorrow cannot be explained. Ultimately, Hamlet's clothing represents the overall sadness towards the death of his father and signifies ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Hamlet : A Literary Analysis Of Themes From Hamlet To live or not to live (A Literary Analysis of themes from Hamlet) To be or not to be, that is the question. That line is William Shakespeare's most famous lines, and trust me there has been a lot of lines to chose from when it comes to a genius like Shakespeare. The play is rather boring until you get up to the ending. This play is known for its soliloquies with Hamlet and how keeps the audience informed on what exactly he is feeling and about what is going on. Hamlet is going through an immense amount of confusion, hurt, and anger at the same time, he doesn't know how to channel any of it so he starts to act out on a word that is, revenge. Hamlet is troubled in more than one way and these themes will help us understand him as a ... Show more content on ... He comes up with a plan to hire some actors to come and reenact his father's death, exactly how he died with the poison being poured into his ear. He thinks that he will somehow get a rise out of the king so if he does then that means that he actually did murder his dad so he can truly take action and follow through with killing him. He just needed a little push and a little bit more motivation for this to happen. To be or not to be, that is the question, this speech is the heart of this play. It literally cannot be translated because of how many hidden meanings there are. Hamlet is telling us at the beginning of the speech that there is a choice between either or. He claims that the reasoning behind our cowardness of people not wanting to take their lives is fear of the unknown; we do not know what is on the other side of death. He says that we put up with our lives because we don't want to die. Do you think we are all born with determination? Or is it a choice. We are all born with somewhat of a taste of what determination is and then we start to think, and then it starts to become this entire overthinking process that you can't help but doing it. There are thinkers and there are doers and not all of us are the same when it comes to both. To act or not to act. To think or not to think. To kill or not to kill. We all have the choice. Clearly Hamlet is going through some sort of emotional break down because of how loyal he is to his ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. Theme Analysis Of Hamlet Melissa Alvis Alvis 1 Mrs. Crays English 11/12 5 January 2018 Theme Analysis Hamlet is a complex play which includes lessons to be learned and many themes. An important and ongoing theme is how even a single drop of evil can ruin, corrupt, or destroy a moral person. This develops through anger, mourning the loss of a loved one, and the desire of revenge. As the writer, Shakespeare continues to show how the circumstances in life uncover our true character. He uses Hamlet's dynamic persona to expose that things are not what they seem. He may try to hide and show a different side of himself to others, but in the end who he truly is will be revealed. The character of Hamlet changes and develops throughout the play. For the most part, like many of us, he is known to be a good person. From the beginning, he has been sad and mourning the loss of his father. King Hamlet's ghost later arrives and finds Hamlet to talk to him. He begins to explain how he died and reveals that it was murder. His brother, Claudius, poisoned him in the middle of the night. "So, while sleeping, I was deprived by a brother's hand all at once of my life, my crown, and my queen, and cut off when I was full of sin, without the sacrament of communion, not prepared by confession, not anointed with the last rites" (Act I, Scene v). The ghost also encourages Hamlet to "Revenge his revolting and most unnatural murder" (Act I, Scene v). Although he is uncertain and reluctant about killing Claudius, he swears to get revenge to show him love and obey what he commanded. Alvis 2 This tragedy changes Hamlet and his emotions of grieving have left him acting insane and crazy. When it comes to whom Hamlet is in love with, Ophelia, he begins acting senseless. Polonius reacts to his daughter explaining what happened between Hamlet and her by saying, "This is the true madness of love, whose violent nature destroys itself and leads the mind to desperate projects" (Act II, Scene i). "To be, or not to be; that is what really matters" (Act III, Scene i). Hamlet is criticizing the woman he loved but broke his heart by denying him and being dishonest. This is what led him to act in a way he does not care anymore. He is ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Hamlet Character Analysis play known worldwide and was written between 1599 and 1605 by the ingenious author and poet, William Shakespeare. The play is a drama that includes a love story, betrayal, and a tragic ending. During the time Hamlet was written, the population of England loved watching the hard ache of others and they epically loved murder and gore. Luckily for Shakespeare, todays current population loves watching and reading about the same things which kept most of his work around. The play Hamlet is the story of a young price that lost his father to a murderer who happens to be his uncle, Claudius. Claudius then marries Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude making Claudius the new King of England. Hamlet's deceased father returns as a ghost and tells Hamlet ... Show more content on ... William Shakespeare riddled his play with small symbols that are meant to be overlooked, yet once discovered, help the reader understand what is happening and why. The apparition of Hamlet's father is a major symbol in the play and sets it in to motion, giving hamlet a motive and the audience a sense of what is to come. The flowers that Ophelia gives to the King and Queen hint a lot about the royal couple and also give Ophelia a final statement before she dies and finally the last major symbol is the skull of Yorick, the scull is a symbol that compares Hamlet to a court jester and makes it clear exactly why Hamlet is acting mad when really he is doing undercover detective work. Ophelia, being Hamlet's lady friend with benefits is often portrayed as a white, innocent young lady, which gives her character further meaning, rather than only being recognized as Hamlets relief of lust. She goes mad upon hearing news of the sudden murder of her father that Hamlet committed. It is at this point in the peak of her madness when she contributes important and vital symbols to the play. She hands out a multitude of different flowers to her brother Laertes, the King Claudius, Queen Gertrude and keeps two for her self. These flowers all represent different meanings, which Debra Mancoff, scholar and author of Victorian Studies helps uncover. "Ophelia's offered meanings – rosemary for remembrance, pansies for thought – by matching the other ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Hamlet And Syntax Analysis Introduction "Late at night sometime in February, Kalle Hasselström and Jon Åslund (that is us, we, the authors) were sitting with a programming assignment due for demonstration at nine the following morning. It was assignment number four in our Syntax Analysis course and we were pretty tired with it. The last assignment, on the other hand, seemed like much more fun, because you were allowed to do pretty much whatever you wanted as long as it involved lexical and syntactical analysis. So instead of finishing the fourth assignment, we started making up some great ideas for the fifth, the kind you only conceive of when you really should be asleep." 2 Program All SPL programs must begin with a title/description, followed by the character declarations, ... Show more content on ... ● Comments have no value to the program except to provide some initial information about the code for readers. ● Character declarations are required, and only happen once, before the program starts. ● Parts identify the main components, or Acts, of the program, and its organization. Example The Infamous Hello World Program. Romeo, a young man with a remarkable patience. Juliet, a likewise young woman of remarkable grace. Ophelia, a remarkable woman much in dispute with Hamlet. Hamlet, the flatterer of Andersen Insulting A/S. Act I: Hamlet's insults and flattery. Scene I: The insulting of Romeo. [Enter Hamlet and Romeo] Hamlet: You lying stupid fatherless big smelly half– witted coward! You are as stupid as the difference between a handsome rich brave hero and thyself! Speak your mind! You are as brave as the sum of your fat little stuffed misused dusty old rotten codpiece and a beautiful fair warm peaceful sunny summer's day. You are as healthy as the difference between the sum of the sweetest reddest rose and my father and yourself! Speak your mind! (Continued... full 'Hello World' Program in ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Analysis Of Hamlet : The Honourable Nutjob In Hamlet Hamlet: The Honourable Nutjob Over the course of the play Hamlet, the young prince of the same name has his honourable worldview frequently challenged by those around him. His inability to cope with his surrounding environments constant lack of honour is what ultimately leads to his descent into madness and his eventual demise. Hamlet is unable to reconcile the fact that the people around him do not live by the same code of honour as he does. Said code of honour is formed throughout the play, during his journey from innocence to experience. To put it simply, his honour increases as the play progresses, culminating in Act 5, where Hamlets level of honour can be considered at its peak. In addition to the general progression of honour throughout the play, Hamlet's honour–based worldview and his inability to reconcile the world around him is influenced by numerous other factors. These factors include: the absence of honour as a social standard, Hamlets upbringing, and the personal losses that the young prince experiences. All of the aforementioned influence Hamlets honourable worldview in some way, either for better or for worse. A story of betrayal and abandonment, the society in which the play Hamlet is set, is one which lacks honour among the majority of its people. The honourable worldview that is upheld by Hamlet, is not a maintained standard of the community in which he lives. Within the play, life–long friendships and noble allegiances are frequently violated in an ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Hamlet Character Analysis When one reads William Shakespeare's Hamlet, it is easy to overlook the female characters as powerless and subservient. However, things are not always what they seem at first glance, as a further analysis of Gertrude and Ophelia suggests. Although the plot centers around Hamlet's quest for revenge, these two female characters have a profound influence on what transpires. These women certainly play more significant roles than they seem at first. In Act I, Gertrude appears to be an unfaithful wife who is detached from her son. Despite her husband's death, she quickly remarries and feels no qualms doing so. Moreover, while her husband's death takes a toll on Hamlet, she fails to console him. Instead, she tries to make his death seem ... Show more content on ... As she dies, she tells Hamlet, "O, my dear Hamlet! The drink, the drink! I am poisoned" (V.ii.340– 341). Instead of following her husband's plan, she makes the ultimate sacrifice to save her son. Without her heroics, Hamlet would be dead, and Claudius would remain king and be victorious, but she felt the need for redemption. Besides, not only does she contribute to the storyline but also to the reader's analysis. She is indeed a complex character and raises numerous questions, such as whether or not she knew about Claudius killing her husband. Outstanding characters like Gertrude affect the plot in a significant way and supply the reader with critical thinking questions. On the other hand, Ophelia appears to be obedient and submissive. In fact, she seems to be exceedingly deferential, as she obeys everything Laertes and Polonius say. For example, when Polonius orders her to stay away from Hamlet and ignore his love vows, she replies, "I shall obey, my lord" (I.iv.124–145). Furthermore, she refers to her father as "my lord," which implies Polonius has her on a leash (I.iv.145). Perhaps this line also means that she has no free will and thinks in the interests of her father instead of for herself. It is difficult for a reader to contemplate how a subordinate like Ophelia could have a critical role later in the play. Nevertheless, another prominent female character comes off as ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. William Shakespeare's Hamlet : Character Analysis Of Hamlet Parker Beres Mrs. Hoffman 17 December 2017 Honors English 4 Character Analysis of Hamlet Throughout the play Hamlet changes drastically from the person he started off as. There were many instances in which Hanket experienced a change in his character. The first was the death of his father, which ultimately led him to want to find answers regarding the suspicious death. The second incident that changed Hamlet was witnessing and talking to the ghost of his father. In fact, this may have been the most important scene in the book as it was revealed to Hamlet that his uncle killed his father to become the new king and it was now Hamlet's duty to seek revenge for his father. This drives him to do many unholy tasks like pretending to be insane and tricking everybody to killing his Uncle. However, this is the tragedy of Hamlet and not a comedy which is why Hamlet will die too as well as his mother he loved so dearly. One of the many talents of the playwright William Shakespeare was that he broke the limiting mold of the one–dimensional character by representing characters in all of their human complexity. Hamlet is a compelling character because he is extremely complicated. The character of Hamlet is a complex character because he has many striking qualities such as his cunningness, intellect, and humor. In the play, Hamlet can often be seen being quite cunning to certain individuals in his life especially the ones close to him. In Act I scene 5 Hamlet's master plan is revealed ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Character Analysis of Gertrude in 'Hamlet' Gertrude: Character Analysis Introduction There is no doubt in saying that Hamlet is counted as one of the famous play of English language (Thompson and Taylor 74). It was written in 1601 by Shakespeare and was performed at The Globe Theatre. This essay will evaluate role of 'Gertrude', mother of Prince Hamlet who is the title character of the play. The purpose of this essay is to analyze "the character of Gertrude and find out if she was really disloyal to her husband late King Hamlet and responsible for his death"? Gertrude (Character Analysis) Gertrude, the Queen of Denmark and widow of the late King Hamlet married her husband's brother 'Claudius' only after two months of her husband's death. Claudius who was also the uncle of Prince Hamlet became the new King and his new father. Despite the fact that Gertrude has very little role and few lines in the play still she is central to the action of the play. Prince Hamlet hatred and disgust for her mother as she marries Claudius, is one of the main important reflections of the play. This is because in times of Shakespeare, marrying husband's brother after husband's death was considered as a sin and disloyalty with the husband. Secondly, Prince Hamlet also considered Claudius inferior to his father, late King Hamlet in all aspects of life. Gertrude deeply loved her son and was very much concerned about his depression and gloominess (Barrons, 93) but Hamlet hated her. He considered her responsible for his father's death ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Analysis Of Hamlet And Ophelia In Shakespeare's Hamlet In the book Hamlet the readers aren't asking the reason behind Hamlet delaying the killing of King Claudius, they are asking if Hamlet and Ophelia truly loved each other. In many occasions Hamlet was disrespectful and insulting toward Ophelia who didn't deserve it, but in the end Ophelia always came back to him. A lot of times you couldn't tell if Hamlet truly loved Ophelia or if he thought of her more as a "lover," but when it came down to the most important times he proved his loyalty and love toward her. Hamlet and Ophelia loved each other, it was obvious in the way she came back to him after everything and how she always seeks for Hamlet to protect her, while this love might have contributed to her going crazy, it also gave the readers a chance to see how Hamlet really felt when she died. In the graveyard scene where they bury Ophelia's body Hamlet expresses his love in a way that went against Laertes. Hamlet declared his love for Ophelia by saying, "I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers could not with all their quantity of love make up my sum. (5.1)" This quote expresses Hamlet's love perfectly by saying how much he truly loves her. It also shows the sadness in his speech by showing how he won't have the love he used to have. Hamlet loves her so much that he challenges against Laertes love for Ophelia by saying, "Swounds, show me what thou 't do. Woo't weep, woo't fight, woo't fast, woo't tear thyself, Woo't drink up eisel, eat a crocodile? I'll do 't. (5.1)" Hamlet speaks of fighting to prove his love for the poor, innocent Ophelia and to show that he truly loved her. He wanted everyone to know that how he treated Ophelia wasn't how he truly felt and that he does in fact love her. Hamlet tries to out prove his love by being "buried quick with her. (5.1)" When saying this he means he would die for her. Hamlet loves Ophelia that he would do anything for her, even die. When hamlet decided he would fake going "crazy" he started to treat Ophelia poorly, even though he treated her like this she, continued to come back to him. Even though Hamlet was so mean to Ophelia she still treated him with respect and always called him, "my honored lord." (3.1) She was always coming back to him and doing whatever it ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Hamlet Soliloquies and Their Analysis HAMLET'S SOLILOQUIES & THEIR ANALYSIS In the course of the play, Hamlet has seven long soliloquies. The first of these occurs before he has seen the Ghost. In this soliloquy, Hamlet reveals the grief that has been gnawing at his mind. He wishes that religion did not forbid suicide so that he could kill himself and be rid of this grief. He feels disillusioned with the world. "How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable, Seem to me all the uses of this world". He deplores (condemns) the fact that his mother should have remarried barely two months after the death of her first husband. This soliloquy shows Hamlet's meditative nature. It also reveals his filial attachment to his dead father whom he speaks highly, and his scorn of his ... Show more content on ... His conscience keeps pricking him and urging him to revenge, but a natural deficiency always obstructs him. His generalizing and universalizing tendency too is seen here once again " What is a man, If his chief good and market of his time Be but to sleep and feed? a beast, no more." The idea of delay emphasized by the soliloquies. Hamlet's soliloquies are foremost in bringing the idea of his delay to our notice. The stress on delay shows also Hamlet's preoccupation with his role. His life is one to be lived under the imposition (burden) of a great task which he seems unable to fulfill. Excessively speculative, irresolute, scholarly poetic. The soliloquies of Hamlet undoubtedly throw a flood of light on his character and personality. A soliloquy is a device by which Shakespeare reveals to us the inner working of a character's mind, the secret thoughts and cogitations (meditations) of a character's mind, the deepest recess of a character's soul. Hamlet's soliloquies surely serve that purpose. These soliloquies not only reveal that Hamlet is given to excessive speculations and that he is therefore unfit to carry out the task assigned to him, but also unable to understand his reasons for delaying his revenge. Furthermore, these soliloquies show Hamlet's poetic eloquence. Each ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Analysis Of Hamlet And The Ghost In Shakespeare's Hamlet Katelyn Canei English 102 7 July 2017 Hamlet and the Ghost In the play Hamlet, written by William Shakespeare, Hamlet is a very interesting character in this play because he's the prince of Denmark that is a very loving person to a character of rage and going mad because of his fathers' death. In the beginning of the play, Hamlet is reacting normally to a fallen member of his family, which is his father. Once the death of his father happened he starts to become depressed and angry at his mother, because she got remarried to Claudius too quickly for Hamlet's liking. Throughout the play Hamlet is always in trouble with himself. At some point in the play there is an appearance of the ghost who says, "I am thy fathers spirit" (I. V. 14). Hearing this makes Hamlet even more mad almost making him commit suicide and left him in deep anger. Once Hamlet figured out that it was his uncle who killed his father, it made Hamlet want to get revenge for his father. What drove Hamlet to want to seek revenge, was when the ghost's words lead Hamlet into the full picture of how his father had died. It made Hamlet want to kill Claudius, and avenge his father. "Do not forget. This visitation is but to whet thy almost blunted purpose" (III. VI. 114–115). This quote reminds us that Hamlet has one goal in this play, and that is to avenge his father that whom his Uncle Claudius had killed. Hamlet knew that wasn't going to be easy, but when he had the perfect opportunity, he ran with it and achieved ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay Hamlet Literary Analysis Essay Hamlet is a work consisting of many different themes throughout the play. The main theme that occurs is revenge. King Hamlet's brother, Claudius, marries his widow, Gertrude, shortly after his death. Prince Hamlet becomes aware that his father's death wasn't really an accident and he was murdered by his brother, Claudius. After he finds this out, Hamlet plans to seek revenge on his uncle. Throughout the book, Hamlet attempts to achieve this revenge, which is why revenge is one of the main themes in the play. At the beginning of the play, Horatio and Marcellus tell Hamlet about a ghost that they have seen of King Hamlet after his death. After being told this, Hamlet decides he won't believe that there is a ... Show more content on ... He realizes "that cannot be, since I am still possessed of those effects for which I did the murder: my crown, mine own ambition, and my queen (III.iii.57)." Claudius realizes that he will not be able to have forgiveness until he gives up all the reasons he killed his brother for. He simply isn't ready to do that, therefore he was not able to successfully pray. During this time, Hamlet walks in on Claudius as he is kneeling and thinks about killing Claudius right there. Hamlet realizes that doing so will "do this same villain send to heaven (III.iii.82)." Killing Claudius when he is praying and freeing himself of sin, will allow Claudius's soul to go to heaven. He knows that he needs to kill him before he is able to make a last confession, which won't allow his soul to go to heaven. This is the first time Hamlet had the opportunity to kill Claudius, but he procrastinates doing it. That shows that Hamlet wants to try and keep his morals during this process. He wants to make sure Claudius receives the full revenge he deserves, so Hamlet wouldn't have killed a man for no reason. This part of the play always shows that Hamlet is becoming more enraged in how he wishes to seek his revenge and he wants Claudius to receive the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Critical Analysis Of Hamlet Throughout my research process, I was only able to find a select pool of articles critiquing Svend Gade and Heinz Schall's 1921 film, Hamlet. I believe the lack of critiques on the film stems from a variety of factors including but not limited to the films age and the fact that the film was made in a different country, which makes me think that there may be a larger pool of critiques written in German that have not been translated. Luckily, the critique I was able to locate, "Expressionist Shakespeare" by J. Lawrence Guntner, provides an in–depth and thoughtful analysis of the lesser– known Hamlet. This critique presents the reader with a multi–faceted look Hamlet, which, above all, gave me an understanding and background of early German film and the film's unsung backbone, Asta Nielsen. Throughout the article, Guntner provides a complete analysis not only of the adaptation of Hamlet, but also the history of German films post–WWI and how Gade and Nielsen attempted to "restore [the German film industry] ... to its pre–war level of artistic expression" (91). According to Guntner, even before WWI left the German film industry in tatters, prior to WWI, "German film was still considered a poor relative of theater" (90). Additionally, many German actors only starred in films as a way to "supplement their salaries" (91). Asta Nielsen, who was passionate about filmmaking saw Post–WWI as an opportunity to popularize the media that she felt such a strong passion for. Paired with Gade, ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Literary Analysis Of ' Hamlet ' Kelsey Deven Sect. 4 Professor Roberts April 21, 2015 Literary Analysis Psychological State of the Characters in Hamlet The English Play writer, William Shakespeare had written many well–known pieces of work including Hamlet. Hamlet is known to be one of his most popular works. Hamlet was written in the late 16th Century about the Prince of Denmark. The original title of the work was The Tragedy of Hamlet, now it is referred to as just Hamlet. In Hamlet, William Shakespeare uses the mental state of his characters to prove that not all characters in books have to be one dimensional. Shakespeare's writing shows that humans are complex, and can have different mental states. Characters throughout the story such as, Hamlet, Gertrude, and Ophelia show their not so stable mental state. First we will analyze Hamlet and talk about Ernest Jones' Psycho–analytic study of Hamlet. Then we will talk about Ophelia and how the events that happened leading up to her death or suicide played a role into her mental state. Finally we will analyze Gertrude, the Queen's role in Hamlet, and how she is a mentally weak woman and relies on the men in her life. According to Ernest Jones, Hamlet has the "Oedipus–Complex" while others might just call him a momma's boy. The "Oedipus–Complex" from Freud is expressed through Diderot statement of, "If we were left to ourselves and if our bodily strength only came up to that of our phantasy we would wring our fathers' neck and sleep with our mothers." In ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Hamlet : Character Analysis Of Shakespeare's Hamlet William Shakespeare's Hamlet is different from other Elizabethan revenge plays in the sense that the playwright did put much effort in depicting the psychological make–up of his hero Hamlet. The way Shakespeare portrays the psychological complexities of Hamlet, the play has become a lucrative text to the critics to see through the psychoanalytic lens. Analysis of Hamlet using psychoanalytic criticism reveals the inward states of Hamlet's mind. Among the various aspects of Hamlet's character, the thing that instantly draws our attention is his relation with his mother Getrude. It is here the psychoanalytic ckritics opine that Hamlet has an Oedipus Complex to his mother. Freud developed the theory of Oedipus complex, whereby, says Freud, the male infant conceives the desire of eliminate the father and become the sexual partner of the mother. Hamlet, too, has several symptoms to suffer from Oedipus Complex. Hamlet's Oedipus Complex: A fundamental basis for all of Freudian psychology resides in the Oedipal feelings which Freud believed are common to all male children. The major psychological distinction between one person and another was said to come from the way the person handled those feelings and the way that handling was represented in everyday life( how the hell do you write such nonsense sentences?). Freud is categorical about the existence of the Oedipal impulse "It is the fate of all of us, perhaps, to direct our first sexual impulse towards our mother and our first ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Analysis of Shakespeare's 'Hamlet' Character analysis of Hamlet, Ghost, Horatio: Act 1, Scenes 1–5 The story of Hamlet is so famous, it is easy to forget that at the beginning of the play, Hamlet is unaware of the fact that his father was murdered by his uncle. Hamlet begins the play a depressed, angry young man who is barely able to conceal the fact that he despises his new stepfather for marrying his mother so soon after his beloved father's demise. However, he has no proof that his uncle did anything wrong at first. In fact, the main problem seems to be Hamlet's attitude: he is wearing black and is entirely removed from the merriment of the rest of the court. He barely acknowledges Claudius and makes an effort to go back to Wittenberg so he can study, but his mother begs him to stay. When he says: "I shall in all my best obey you, madam," he excludes Claudius from his reply, even though Gertrude begs him on behalf of 'us' (I.2). Thus Hamlet is a young man who is determined to reveal the truth he sees from the very first speech he makes and who has a strong sense of moral propriety, at least regarding the sexual conduct of his mother. "But I have that within which passeth show; / These but the trappings and the suits of woe," he says, stressing that the mourning clothing he is wearing are inadequate to fully indicate his feelings for his dead father. Even before he learns of the crime that caused his father's death, Hamlet clearly sees himself as a truth–teller. He refuses to forget the ugliness of the ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Hamlet Character Analysis When one reads Hamlet, it is easy to overlook the female characters as powerless and subservient. However, things are not always what they seem at first glance, as a further analysis of Gertrude and Ophelia suggests. Although the plot centers around Hamlet's quest for revenge, these two female characters have a profound influence on what transpires. In Shakespeare's Hamlet, Gertrude and Ophelia appear weak at first, but their roles develop and have a massive impact on the story. In Act I, Gertrude appears to be an unfaithful wife who is detached from her son. Despite her husband's death, she quickly remarries, which leads one to believe she feels no qualms doing so. Moreover, while her husband's death takes a toll on Hamlet, she fails to console him. Instead, she tries to make his death seem insignificant by saying, "Thou know'st 'tis common; all that lives must die" (I.ii.74). If she truly cared about her late husband, she would certainly feel some level of misery. Perhaps she is trying to stay strong in front of Hamlet, but the way the scene unfolds that idea seems unlikely. What's more, she quietly stands as Claudius berates Hamlet for his "unmanly grief" and "impious stubbornness" (I.ii.90–121). One can infer her allegiance sides more with her brother–in–law more than with her son otherwise she would have defended her son. With this in mind and the reasons for her and Claudius's rapid marriage unknown, she fails to convince the reader that her relationship with Hamlet and his father mean anything to her. A mother is always supposed to be their for her children and put their needs before anything else, but Gertrude puts Hamlet's needs aside. Despite her initial shortcomings, Gertrude turns things around as the story continues. For example, she admits to Hamlet that she has been sinful by saying, "Thou turn'st my eyes into my very soul, and there I see such black and grained spots as will not leave their tinct" (III.iv.100–102). Rather than make excuses, she recognizes her faults and how they will forever be attached to her. Furthermore, she pities the situation Hamlet has fallen into by saying, "Alas, how is't with you, that you do bend your eye on vacancy and with th' incorporal air do hold discourse?" ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Hamlet Soliloquies Analysis Inner Thoughts ( A critical analysis of the messages in Hamlet's soliloquies, Acts 1–3 ) "To be, or not to be, that is the question:" ( Shakespeare 142 Act 3 scene 1 line 63). This line is one of the most famous and recognizable lines from any of Shakespeare's plays; also, comes from one of Hamlet's famous soliloquies. Hamlet by William Shakespeare is considered to be the greatest play of all time. This play is very famous for its intricacy and pure genius of the use of the human mind to trick others into pure belief. Likewise, if you were to walk down the street of any major city in the United States and state this exact line most individuals would know exactly what play you are referencing. Hamlet is about a young prince named Hamlet who is forever stuck, emotionally, spiritually and existentially. Prince Hamlet is stuck for many reasons, a few examples are his mother remarried after his father's passing, married his treacherous uncle Claudius, and Hamlet has to tolerate him for his mother's sake. Also, Prince Hamlet can't love his girlfriend Ophelia, for her father will not permit it. Hamlet is suffering from immense depression, although his spirituality will not allow him to end it by self slaughter. After his father, the late King Hamlet passed away his ghost returned and visited prince Hamlet. The King informed Prince Hamlet that he was murdered by Claudius, he was not bitten by a snake. From then on Hamlet embarks on a quest to assassinate his treasonous uncle ... Get more on ...
  • 52.
  • 53. Character Analysis Of Hamlet William Shakespeare's Hamlet tells the story of Hamlet, the prince of Denmark, who attempts to avenge his late father. Prince Hamlet designs several elaborate schemes, such as pretending to be crazy, to help him achieve his goal. Over the course of the play, two distinct "Hamlets" emerge: "crazy" Hamlet and "sane" Hamlet. The two personas eventually overlap, creating the illusion that Hamlet has actually become insane; thus, resulting in a change in his character. However, upon closer analysis of Hamlet's character, it is evident that he does not change over the course the play. In the beginning of the play, Shakespeare emphasizes two central aspects of Hamlet: his reluctance to take action and his fascination with Gertrude, his mother, and sex. Those characteristics contribute to his individuality and are key components of his character. While Hamlet's character can seem underdeveloped and even inconsistent, those two attributes crucial to the reader's understanding of him remain present––indicating that he has not changed and ultimately prompting the reader to question if people can truly change. At the start of the play, Hamlet puts off his plan to murder Claudius and only becomes aware of this when he sees a group of actors who demonstrate intensity in their performances. Hamlet remarks that the players "could force [their souls] so to [their] own conceit" (2.2.580) even though their performances are "all for nothing" (2.2.584). The players, who were portraying events that had no significance, were able to put on such a passionate show. The phrase "force [their souls]" creates the sense that the performances consisted of more than mere gestures and speeches; they attempted to internally connect with their performance, which causes the depictions to seem more realistic. In contrast, Hamlet, who actually has motives and justification for killing Claudius, is reluctant to act. He criticizes himself and claims to be "pigeon–livered" (2.2.604) for being a coward and not doing his duty. Hamlet resolves to immediately carry out the execution after he has verified that Claudius is indeed guilty, but ultimately delays action. Much later in the play, a similar scene occurs in which Hamlet becomes cognizant of his ... Get more on ...
  • 54.
  • 55. Analysis Of Hamlet And Ophelia In Hamlet 1.) Hamlet and Ophelia are by far the most complex characters in the play, and I believe the reason for their demise their fathers. Claudius, Polonius, and Hamlet senior are all the blame for Hamlet and Ophelia's mental breakdown. This is because he came back as a ghost and test are soft hearted hero to murder his uncle, Hamlet was grieving and peace up until the point is ghost daddy arrived and told him the truth about his untimely death. Its suggested by Amanda Mabillard, "Hamlet was more or less insane from the time at which the ghost appeared to him", and i totally agree. Claudius is to blame for more obvious reasons, I guess you can start the list with the fact that he killed Hamlet's dad, he stole the kingdom from him, he took his ... Show more content on ... I feel hamlet senior is to blame as well; he never taught his son how to handle/ talk two women. I also feel like he didn't teach Hamlet how to control his emotions, this led to Hamlet being a complete mess when Gertrude was forced to break up with him. 2.) I feel like religion drives a lot of the characters' action and the plot itself. The major 'in your face' example is the whole concept of King Hamlet's Ghost. Is it a tortured spirit in limbo, or a demon from hell causing mischief? This idea is brought up by Hamlet when he first encounters the ghost in Act II Scene IV Lines 43– 47, "Angels and ministers of grace, defend us! Be thou a spirit of health or goblin damned, Bring with thee airs from heaven or blasts from hell, Be thy intents wicked or charitable...". Hamlet sates he doesn't quite know if it's a good or bad spirit, but is willing to talk to it either way. On the lines of religion and spirits/ghosts, this is the reason Hamlet does not kill Claudius when he has the perfect opportunity. Due to the fact he was praying, Hamlet decided not to kill him because of the chance he may go to heaven. Another example would be how Hamlet feels about his life. In his soliloquy in Act "To be, or not to be." he ponders the idea of death and weighs his options, live a dreary life, or have a sinful death. I mean like what if Hamlet was an atheist? The entire play wouldn't have happened. The ghost would have come, Hamlet would have been like "cool dude", and ... Get more on ...
  • 56.
  • 57. Hamlet Literary Analysis Hamlet is a well known novel by author, William Shakespeare. The novel contains many literary techniques. There are a few key literary elements that stand out more than others in Shakespeare's Hamlet. This paper will evaluate three different literary elements found in the novel. Three key elements include; simile, dramatic irony and climax. These techniques make up the novel and relate to it. This is the literary analysis of hamlet. The first literary element is the climax. The climax is the most intense, exciting, or important point of the story. There are a few different places in the story where climax was shown. The climax is usually in the middle part of the story, also the part of the story that everyone is looking for. There ... Show more content on ... During an interview with Hamlet in Act 1, Scene 5 The Ghost said, "Make thy two eyes, like stars, start from their spheres". This is a simile because is comparing thy two eyes to stars using like. Lastly simile was shown in Hamlet's soliloquy, in Act two, Scene two. "Must like a whore unpack my heart with words, And fall cursing like a drab". This is a simile because it is comparing using like. The literary element, Simile is used many times throughout the novel Hamlet. Simile is a key element in the novel. Without showing similes in the novel there wouldn't be a better way to compare things.
  • 58. Simile was used over and over to compare the different things that went on in the My last literary element is dramatic irony. This literary element was used many times in the novel hamlet. The definition of dramatic irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. Dramatic irony comes in play in Act 5 Scene 2, when Gertrude is mistakenly murdered. King Claudius, pretending to be alongside Hamlet, presents a cup of what appears to be an alcoholic beverage to Hamlet ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. Critical Analysis Of Hamlet Revenge,Philosophical,Psychoanalytic, archetypal and formalist approaches can all help readers view Hamlet through different literary explaining and viewpoints to better comprehend different approaches to the play. Revenge tragedies are when the plot of the play, skit or show has a quest of vengeance. Hamlet has one of the biggest vengeful acts of that time period.hamlet is full of vengeful ghosts, battles, murders, and gory scenes. Hamlet, one of the main character's, learns about his father's murder by his uncle and goes through a mad rage to try and avenge his father's death by seeking revenge towards his uncle. This revenge fuels in "Hamlet" is after Hamlet mistakenly kills polonius making Laertes,the son of Polonius,outraged and seeking revenge by killing Hamlet all playing more into the revenge tragedy found throughout the play. Philosophical approach is based off of morals and being able to distinguish between right and wrong and how people act toward different situations or conflicts they are put into."Hamlet" is full of many different moral conflicts with many of the characters being involved. Hamlet finds out about his father's murder and decides to act on it as "an eye for an eye" and wants to kill the murderer, his uncle. Laertes also goes against the law and teams up with Claudius to try and murder Hamlet after he killed Polonius. There is also the broken moral of Gertrude marrying Claudius because it's viewed in the eyes of many as wrong to marry your ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. Hamlet Act1 Summary and Analysis Hamlet Summary Summary for Act I, Scene 1 and 2 Two 1 and 2 guards of king's castle discovered there is a mysterious object that is extremely look like just deceased King Hamlet that appears every night in the castle. Horatio, prince Hamlet's best friend suspects the emergence of the ghost and afraid it is someone's camouflage. Horatio tries to communicate with the ghost when it is appeared. The ghost refuses to speak with Horatio however. Horatio believes prince Hamlet will be the best person to make the ghost talks if it is really old King Hamlet. Prince Hamlet mourns about his father's sudden death. He also is vitriolic toward his mother, Gertrude's remarriage with his uncle, now King Claudius. Hamlet re–understands his mother's love ... Show more content on ... Give thy thoughts no tongue, |anyone. | |Nor any unproportioned thought his act. |Don't act on unproprotional thoughts. | |Be thou familiar, but by no means | | |valgar . | | |Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, |Be friend with nice and loyal people. | |Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; | | |But do not dull thy palm with entertainment |Leave alone your friends whose only playing, eating, and | |Of each new– hatch'd , unfledged comrade. |drinking with you. | |Beware |Avoid quarrel, otherwise people will know your personality. | |Of entrance to a quarrel, but being in, ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Hamlet Delay Analysis In a nation on the brink of war a young prince must avenge his late father, but in doing so it will cause him to lose more than he bargained for. In an attempt to right the wrong done to by his father the prince will be pushed to the brink of insanity. William Shakespeare's tragedy entitled Hamlet recounts the story of a depressed cynic and his continuous delay in seeking revenge against his uncle for killing his father; unbeknownst to the reader however is the apparent cause behind Hamlet's delay. The first speculation behind Hamlet's delay is his cowardice behavior. Hamlet is a coward due to his lack of action in killing Claudius. In Act 2 scene 2 Hamlet devises a plan in which he will use the players to perform an extended version of the Murder of Gonzago. In this version of the play the actors perform a scene created by Hamlet that depicts his uncle killing his father. Unfortunately, he is overcome with a wave of emotions after seeing the actors perform a different play. In the midst of his anger he states, "Unpregnant for my cause, And can say nothing–no, not for a king Upon whose property and most dear life A damned defeat was made. Am I a coward?" (ii.ii.596–598). Hamlet feels guilty for not having as much passion for killing his father as the post actor has for a fictional death. Because of his hesitation Hamlet believes that he must be a coward. Finally, Hamlet is given a clear opportunity to kill Claudius. After Claudius is exposed during the play he flees and is shortly followed by Hamlet. Hamlet discovers Claudius defenseless, on his knees praying, and with his back towards him. Hamlet states, "Now might I do it pat, now he is a–praying, And now I'll do it" (iii.iii.78–77). Instead of taking advantage and killing Claudius he hesitates out of fear. He states that the real reason why he didn't kill Claudius is because if he did Claudius would go to heaven. In reality his fear stems from the uncertainty of whether or not he is doing the right thing. Hamlet's constant hesitation could come from the fact that he is depressed. His depression causes him to take a lot of inaction. Shortly after Claudius becomes king he encourages Hamlet to think of him as his new father. This causes Hamlet to sink ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. Character Analysis Of Hamlet In Hamlet Hamlet is a character of melancholy because he is a very sad individual finding out that his very own uncle has killed his father. He is wanting to commit suicide but he's contemplating it because it is a sin. He is not to fond of Claudius considering he was the one that had killed his father in the first place. "O most wicked speed, to post/ With such dexterity to incestuous sheets!/ It is not nor it cannot come to good/ But break my heart, for I must hold my tongue" This quote is showing how he is bitter towards the thoughts of his mother marrying his uncle. He finds that incest but if you look deeper this was not her brother it was his father's brother. Hamlet is cynical from the way he says, "From the table of my memory/ I'll wipe ... Show more content on ... I mean yes it's ok to love your sister, but you do NOT have to tell the priest to go to hell and fight Hamlet over her. They are both similar because they are basically one in the same. What I mean by this is that they act the same. Hamlet is very upset and wants revenge against the person who has committed the crime of murder against his father. Same thing with Laertes. He's upset the Polonius has been killed by Hamlet. Laertes is wanting to kill Hamlet, which he succeeds in, but then again people can argue that Laertes has killed himself instead of saying Hamlet killed him because Laertes is the one that had poisoned the tip of the sword and was going to cut Hamlet with it. So Hamlet got the sword that was found on the ground that had been poisoned and killed Laertes with it. Hamlet is envious just like Laertes because not only did Claudius kill Old Hamlet which is Hamlet's father he had also "accidentally" poisoned Gertrude. If Claudius did not want Gertrude to drink the drink that had the poison in it what was the point of letting her drink it? I think he would've stopped her if he was so worried about it, right? But. Hamlet did not stop wanting revenge until he got his hands on Claudius which he did. His mother never believed him when he was telling her that Claudius had killed her ex husband and his father. In conclusion Hamlet and Laertes are the most similar and the most ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Hamlet Analysis : Hamlet Analysis Paper Two: Hamlet PART I– PLOT A. Polonius wants to know the reason behind Hamlets behavior. B. Polonius tells the queen to meet with Hamlet and confront him about his behavior. A. Polonius tells the queen to meet with Hamlet and confront him about his behavior B. Polonius hides behind the arras as the queen meets with Hamlet A. Polonius hides behind the arras as the queen meets with Hamlet B. Gertrude says that Hamlet has offended the king. (Claudius) A. Gertrude says that Hamlet has offended the king. (Claudius) B. Hamlet says that she has offended his father (the dead King) A. Hamlet says that she has offended his father (the dead King) B. Gertrude fearing for her life cries for help A. Gertrude fearing for her life cries for help B. Polonius cries for help from behind the arras A. Polonius cries for help from behind the arras B. Hamlet realizes someone's behind the curtain and stabs his sword at the arras thinking it was the King A. Hamlet realizes someone's behind the arras and stabs his sword at the arras thinking that it was the King B. Hamlet kills Polonius A. Hamlet killed Polonius B. The queen asks what has he done A. The queen asks what has he done B. Hamlet pulls back the arras and realizes that it was Polonius instead A. Hamlet pulls back the arras and realizes that it was Polonius instead B. In Act I the ghost said not to act against his mother A. Hamlet acts against his mother B. The Ghost appears A. The ghost appears B. The ghost reminds Hamlet ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Hamlet Character Analysis William Shakespeare's most intricate play, Hamlet, includes many dynamic characters, including Hamlet himself. Hamlet is a very complicated character with many controversial aspects embedded within his thoughts and dialogues. One of the most essential questions one could ask about Hamlet is to question his sanity and the justification of his actions. My personal take on this subject is that Hamlet's actions were not justified due to his split decisiveness and moral acknowledgements. The spark that ignites the play occurs in the first act when Hamlet is introduced to his father's spirit, which was "Doom'd for a certain term to walk the night ....Till the foul crimes done in [his] days of nature [were] burnt and purged away" (Hams. 1.5.10–14) . Grief– stricken Hamlet was appalled upon this sight and was further shocked when the spirit confessed the fact that King Hamlet was murdered by none other than Claudius, his brother. Hamlet is absolutely stunned by this news but the climax of this news arrives when the spirit commands Hamlet to exact revenge for his father's murder. It is from this point that Hamlet must consult his conscious and morals to take the life of King Claudius, the murderer of his father, and also where all of his actions end up spiraling downwards. [Maybe talk about how Protestant England didn't believe in Purgatory, and therefore how the Ghost may not have been real to the audience?] Analyzing this scene can go many ways. First off, Hamlet is introduced to a new situation where he is required to act upon what information he was enlightened with. A possible reason for the motive behind his intentions doesn't necessarily have to be the fact that he is avenging his father's death but fighting to maintain his honor. From the text, Hamlet wasn't outraged upon finding out that his father was murdered, he was very surprised but not to the extent of murder. It was almost as if he was "being prompted to [ take ] revenge, not by anarchic hatred, but by fidelity to a code of honor " (Skulsky 79) .These honor codes were customs of the Elizabethan era, during which Shakespeare wrote his play. Shakespeare used " promise " as portraying the concept of honor itself. This is evident through when Hamlet ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. Analysis Of Hamlet 's ' Hamlet ' Hailey Furlong Ms. Zysk ENG4U1 April 25, 2016 How far would a man, who is a still a child at heart, go to avenge the death of his father? Hamlet, who is the son of the recently deceased King, engages in a quest to avenge his father, who was murder by the man who is now in his place, and married to the queen. Hamlet tries to develop a plan to kill King Claudius, but only time is stopping him. Time inevitably leads toward expiration of a human life. Hamlet shows a great concern for time and its effects, which was brought upon a death that contributed to his insanity. He is unable to recognize that the past and future do not exist, therefore, causes him suffering; he needs his ego to help keep the past of his father alive because without it, who is he? Once Hamlet has his first encounter with the ghost of his father, it was up to his own ego to determine between the hidden appearance and reality. His unconscious thoughts and feeling towards his Uncle became conscious and real due to the fact that his ego was taking over. When in complete awe over the truth to his father's death, he says to his mother Gertude, whom he blames for committing incest; 'Seems, ' madam? Nay it is. I know not 'seems. ' 'Tis not alone my inky cloak, good mother, Nor customary suits of solemn black, Nor windy suspiration of forced breath, No, nor the fruitful river in the eye, Nor the dejected 'havior of the visage, Together with all forms, moods, shapes of grief, That can denote me truly. These ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Hamlet Analysis : ' Hamlet ' Timothy Sharps D.E. English December 7, 2015 Hamlet Analysis Prince Hamlet is a man who enjoys contemplating difficult philosophical questions. When his father the king of Denmark, was killed by his uncle. when Hamlet returns he sees his ghost after he returns home to find evidence of his father's death. The Ghost of Hamlet tells Prince Hamlet that his uncle Claudius his uncle was the one who killed his father with poison of the ear. Throughout the rest of the story with him, Hamlet seeks to prove his uncle Claudius and guilt him into telling before he takes action against him. But, Hamlet is pensive ad extremum, at times even brooding; he constantly overuses his intellect while ignoring his emotions and ignoring what he thinks "feels right." His sense of logic causes him to delay his revenge against Claudius until the end of hamlet story where he kills Claudius and proves that he has progressed into a truly mad character. At the beginning of the story, Hamlet acts out of pure intellect and processed logic. He suppresses his emotions and trusts only in the power of his mind. When Hamlet encounters his father 's ghost, he does not believe it is his father, but then his emotions reaction upon seeing his father and then Hamlet says "Let me not burst in ignorance; but tell / Why thy canoniz 'd bones, hearsed in death, / Have burst their cerements . . Say, why is this? wherefore? what should we do?" (I.iv.46–48,57). Hamlet is so baffled and confused by the sight of his ... Get more on ...
  • 75.
  • 76. Hamlet Analysis Essay Jon Andrade Mr Polseno Topics In Literature 31 May 2017 Hamlet Analysis Essay The play Hamlet is one of William Shakespeare's most well–known plays of all time. Written in the early 1600s, Hamlet includes a series of the protagonist character's soliloquies that to this day have been referenced in many other works. In this play the protagonist, Hamlet goes through a major change from the beginning of the play to the end. Hamlet's transformation from a helpless man in despair into a determined, confident man is revealed in the soliloquies which are reflections of his experiences of self–realization. There is a drastic change from the first soliloquy to the sixth soliloquy by Hamlet's character. His growth is seen best through the soliloquies being that is the only time that Hamlet is able to truly open up and let out his inner thoughts and feelings. ... Show more content on ... This action of Gertrude's added to the melancholy suffering consuming Hamlet, worsening his depression and sparking his anger further. In this soliloquy Hamlet states, "O God, a beast that wants discourse of reason would have mourn'd longer" (1.2.150–151), Hamlet is claiming that a beast would mourn a death like this for more time than his mother did; saying that what she did is worse than what even a beast would do. This shows that Hamlet's depression is not just because of his father's death but also because he feels betrayed by his mother's disloyalty to his father. This affects Hamlet intensely showing the reader how much Hamlet loves and cares for his father, and how loyal he is to ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Hamlet Prequel To Hamlet Analysis I thoroughly enjoyed Shakespeare's Hamlet when our class first read the book in Mr. Allegretti's class.The interactions and the emotions of the characters were very interesting to me. That's why when Mr. Simonds recommended Gertrude And Claudius to the class, I became interested in the book when he said it was an unofficial prequel to Hamlet made by a different author. Gertrude And Claudius serves as a prequel to Hamlet and is centered around Princess Gertrude's point of view. This prequel works on fleshing out characters that weren't previously explored in the original Hamlet, which allows for the creation of different opinions regarding the characters. This story is split up into three parts, with each part having different spellings of ... Show more content on ... With Gertrude And Claudius acting as a prequel (albeit non–canon) it makes sense as to why Hamlet isn't close to his mother. Part Two elaborates on King Hamlet's character as he voices his suspicions about Hamlet, Claudius, and the royal advisor Polonius, and later describes the relationship between Polonius' daughter Ophelia and Gertrude, reveals Gertrude's adulterous relationship with Claudius, and ends with the death of King Hamlet. It was definitely a surprising twist to see that Gertrude and Claudius got together before King Hamlet's death and even more so that King Hamlet knew about the affair before his death. It's nice to have a little more insight into King Hamlet's character and to learn his thoughts on Hamlet, Claudius, and Polonius not shown in Hamlet. King Hamlet shows the same worries about Hamlet as his brother does in Act 3, wondering why his son chooses to stay away from Elsinore rather than return home. King Hamlet believes that Ophelia is rather deft and not suited for his son and disagrees with most of Gertrude's sentiments. Had King Hamlet been alive in Hamlet he most likely would have disapproved of Hamlet's relationship with Ophelia tried to keep his son away from her, perhaps damaging his relationship with his son in the process if Hamlet's ... Get more on ...