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Shadi Albarqouni, M.Sc.
Graduate Research Assistant | PhD Candidate
Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI)
Winter Semester 15/16
BioMedical Computing (BMC) Master Program
Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
1 Introduction
2 Parametric, cost-based clustering
1. K-Means
2. K-Medoids
3. Kernel K-Means
4. Spectral Clustering
5. Extensions
6. Comparison
3 Parametric, model-based clustering
1. Mixture Models
4 Non-parametric, model-based clustering
1. Mean-shift
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
What is clustering?
Definition (Clustering)
Given n unlabelled data points, separate them into K clusters.
Dilemma! [6]
• What is a Cluster?
(Compact vs. Connected)
• How many K clusters?
(Parametric vs. Non-parametric)
• Soft vs. Hard clustering.
(Model vs. Cost based)
• Data representation.
(Vector vs. Similarities)
• Classification vs. Clustering.
• Stability [7].
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
• Image Retrieval
• Image Compression
• Image Segmentation
• Pattern Recognition
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
• D = {x1, x2, ..., xn} ∈ Rm×n is the data set.
• m is the feature dimension of xi .
• n is the number of instances.
• K is the number of clusters.
• = {C1, C2, ...., CK }, where Ck is a partition of D.
• c(xi ) is the label/cluster of instance xi .
• rnk where n is the index of instance and k is the index of cluster.
Find the clusters minimizing the cost function L( ).
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
Parametric, cost-based clustering
Parametric: K is defined.
Cost-based: It is hard-clustering based on the cost function.
Selected Algorithms:
• K-Means [8].
• K-Medoids [11].
• Kernel K-Means [12].
• Spectral Clustering [10].
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
• K-Means algorithm:
1. Initialize: Pick K random samples from the dataset D as the cluster
centroids µk = {µ1, µ2, ..., µK }.
2. Assign Points to the clusters: Partition data points D into K
clusters = {C1, C2, ..., CK } based on the Euclidean distance
between the points and centroids (searching for the closest centroid).
3. Centroid update: Based on the points assigned to each cluster, a
new centroid is computed µk .
4. Repeat: Do step 2 and 3 until convergence.
5. Convergence: if the cluster centroids barley change, or we have
compact and/or isolated clusters. Mathematically, when the cost
(distortion) function L( ) =
k=1 i∈Ck
xi − µk
is minimum.
• Practical issues:
a) The initialization. b) Pre-processing.
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
K-Means – Algorithm
input : Data points D = {x1, x2, ..., xn}, number of clusters K
output: Clusters, = {C1, C2, ...., CK }
Pick K random samples as the cluster centroids µk.
for i = 1 to n do
c(xi ) = mink∈K xi − µk
2 %Assign points to clusters
for k = 1 to K do
µk = 1
|Ck | i∈Ck
xi %Update the cluster centroid
until convergence;
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K-Medoids (1)
• K-Medoids algorithm:
1. Initialize: Pick K random samples from the dataset D as the medoids
µk = {µ1, µ2, ..., µK }.
2. Assign Points to the clusters: Partition data points D into K
clusters = {C1, C2, ..., CK } based on the dissimilarity (Manhattan)
distance between the points and medoids (searching for the min.
3. Medoids update: Based on the points assigned to each cluster, swap
the medoid with a new data point and compute the cost. (undo the
swap if the cost is getting increased).
4. Repeat: Do step 2 and 3 until convergence.
5. Convergence: if the cluster medoids barley change. Mathematically,
when the cost (distortion) function L( ) =
k=1 i∈Ck
xi − µk is
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K-Medoids (2)
Figure : K-Means vs. K-Medoids
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Kernel K-Means (1)
It is a generalization of the
standard K-Means algorithm.
• What happens if the clusters
are not linearly separable?
• Euclidean distance vs. Geodesic
Figure : Spiral and Jain datasets
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Kernel K-Means (2)
• K-Means can not be applied right away.
• Map the data points xi ∈ D to a high dimensional feature space
M using a nonlinear function φ(xi ).
• Assume the clusters in the high dimensional feature space (RKHS)
is linearly separable, hence K-Means can be applied.
• The cost function would be
LK( ) =
k=1 i∈Ck
φ(xi ) − φ(µk) 2
φ(xi ) − φ(µk) 2
= φ(xi )T ·φ(xi )−2φ(xi )T ·φ(µk)+φ(µk)T ·φ(µk).
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Kernel K-Means (3)
• Using the kernel trick, Kij = φ(xi )T · φ(xj), the Euclidean distance
in LK( ) can be computed easily using any kernel function Kij
without explicitly knowing the nonlinear transformation φ(xi ).
• Examples of kernel functions (positive semidefinite)
1. Hom. Polynomial kernel: Kij = (xT
i xj )δ
2. Inho. Polynomial kernel: Kij = (xT
i xj + γ)δ
3. Gaussian kernel: Kij = e
− xi −xj
4. Laplacian kernel Kij = e
− xi −xj
5. Sigmoid kernel: Kij = tanh(γ(xT
i xj ) + θ)
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
Kernel K-Means – Algorithm
input : Data points D = {x1, x2, ..., xn}, Kernel matrix Kij, number
of clusters K
output: Clusters, = {C1, C2, ...., CK }
Pick K random samples as the cluster centroids µk.
for i = 1 to n do
for k = 1 to K do
Compute φ(xi ) − φ(µk) 2
using Kij
c(xi ) = mink∈K φ(xi ) − φ(µk) 2
for k = 1 to K do
µk = 1
|Ck | i∈Ck
until convergence;
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
Spectral Clustering
Graph - Overview
• Fully connected, undirected, and wighted graph with N vertices
• The graph is represented by G = {ν, ε, ω}, where ν is a set of
vertices N, ε is a set of edges, and ω is a set of weights are
assigned using a heat kernel as follows to build the Adjacency
matrix W
Wij =
xi −xj
σ2 eij ∈ ε
0 else
• The degree matrix D, where its diagonal elements Dij = j Wij
• Compute the Normalized graph Laplacian Matrix
˜L = I − D−1/2
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
Spectral Clustering – Algorithm
input : Normalized Laplacian Matrix ˜L, number of clusters K
output: Clusters, = {C1, C2, ...., CK }
Compute the firsts K eigenvectors U = {u1, u2, ..., uK } ∈ Rn×K of ˜L.
Compute ˜U by normalising the rows to norm 1.
Do K-Means on ˜U ∈ Rn×K such that your data points are the rows
vectors which have K-dimensions or simply: D ← ˜UT .
Pick K random samples as the cluster centroids µk.
for i = 1 to n do
c(xi ) = mink∈K xi − µk
2 %Assign points to clusters
for k = 1 to K do
µk = 1
|Ck | i∈Ck
xi %Update the cluster centroid
until convergence;
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
Extensions (1)
• Alternative cost (distortion) function:
xi − xj
k=1 i,j∈Ck
xi − xj
Intracluster distance
k=1 i∈Ck j /∈Ck
xi − xj
Intercluster distance
1. Intracluster distance:
L( ) =
k=1 i,j∈Ck
xi − xj
+ constant
2. Interclsuter distance:
L( ) = −
k=1 i∈Ck l /∈Ck
xi − xj
+ constant
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
Extensions (2)
3. K-Median:
L( ) =
k=1 i∈Ck
xi − µk
• Alternative Initialization:
1. K-Means++ [1]
2. Global Kernel K-Means [13]
• On selecting K 1:
1. Rule of thumb: K = n/2
2. Elbow Method
3. Silhouette
• Soft clustering: Fuzzy C-Means [2]
• Variant: Spectral Clustering [14]
• Hierarchical Clustering
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
Algorithm Data Rep. Comp. Out. Cent.
K-Means Vectors Low No /∈ D
K-Medians Vectors High No /∈ D
K-Medoids Similarity High Yes ∈ D
Kernel K-Means Kernel High N/A /∈ D
Spectral Clustering Similarity High N/A /∈ D
Data Rep: Data Representation, Comp.: Computational cost, Out.:
Handling outliers, Cent.: Centroids.
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
Parametric, model-based clustering
Parametric: K and the density function are defined (i.e. Gaussian)
Model-based: It is soft-clustering based on the mixture density f (x).
f (x) =
πkfk(x), s.t. πk ≥ 0,
πk = 1,
where fk(x) is the component of mixture. f (x) is a Gaussian Mixture
Model (GMM) when fk(x) ∼ N(x; µk, σ2
Degree of Membership:
γki = P[xi ∈ Ck] =
πkfk(xi )
f (xi )
GMM Parameter: θ = {π1:K , µ1:K , σ1:K }.
Selected Algorithm to estimate the parameter:
• EM-Algorithm [5].
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Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithm
• Given data points D sampled
i.i.d from an unknown
distribution f
• We need to model the
distribution using Maximum
Likelihood (ML) principle
l(θ) = ln fθ(D) =
ln fθ(xi )
l(θ) =
πkfk(xi )
The objective: θML = argmaxθl(θ)
Figure : GMM Clustering
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
EM – Algorithm
input : data points D, number of clusters K
output: Parameters, θML = {π1:K , µ1:K , σ1:K }
Initialize the parameters θ at random.
for i = 1 to n do
for k = 1 to K do
γik = πk fk (xi )
f (xi ) %E-Step
for k = 1 to K do
πk = 1
i=1 γik %M-Step
µk = 1
i=1 γik xi
σk = 1
i=1 γik (xi − µk )(xi − µk )T
until convergence;
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
Non-parametric, model-based clustering
Idea: group the points by the peak of data density
Parameter: shape and number of clusters K are defined by the
algorithm, however, you should define:
1. smoothness of density estimate (h)3
2. what is a peak
Selected Algorithm:
• Mean-shift [4].
Rule of thumb: h = (4ˆσ
, where ˆσ is the standard deviation of the samples.
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
Mean-shift Algorithm
• Given data points D sampled
i.i.d from an unknown density f
• We need to define the shape of
the density using Kernel Density
Estimation (KDE) principle:
fh(x) =
x − xi
where K(·) is a kernel function,
must be positive, symmetric
and differentiable, i.e. Gaussian
kernel K(z) = 1
(2π)m/2 e−
z 2
• The objective: find the peaks of
fh(x) by equating fh(x) = 0
• That results in
x =
i=1 xi K(x−xi
h )
i=1 K(x−xi
h )
Figure : Mean-shift Clustering
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
This tutorial is done with the help of
• Bishop’s book [3],
• Meila’s slides in MLSS 2011 [9], and
• Lichao’s slides form pervious semester (SS15)
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
References (1)
David Arthur and Sergei Vassilvitskii.
k-means++: The advantages of careful seeding.
In Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms, pages 1027–1035.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2007.
James C Bezdek.
Pattern recognition with fuzzy objective function algorithms.
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013.
Christopher M Bishop.
Pattern recognition and machine learning.
springer, 2006.
Yizong Cheng.
Mean shift, mode seeking, and clustering.
Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, 17(8):790–799, 1995.
Arthur P Dempster, Nan M Laird, and Donald B Rubin.
Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the em algorithm.
Journal of the royal statistical society. Series B (methodological), pages 1–38, 1977.
Anil K Jain and Martin HC Law.
Data clustering: A user’s dilemma.
In Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, pages 1–10. Springer, 2005.
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Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM)
References (2)
Tilman Lange, Volker Roth, Mikio L Braun, and Joachim M Buhmann.
Stability-based validation of clustering solutions.
Neural computation, 16(6):1299–1323, 2004.
S. Lloyd.
Least squares quantization in pcm.
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on, 28(2):129–137, Mar 1982.
Marina Meila.
Classic and modern data clustering.
Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS), 2011.
Andrew Y Ng, Michael I Jordan, Yair Weiss, et al.
On spectral clustering: Analysis and an algorithm.
Advances in neural information processing systems, 2:849–856, 2002.
Hae-Sang Park and Chi-Hyuck Jun.
A simple and fast algorithm for k-medoids clustering.
Expert Systems with Applications, 36(2):3336–3341, 2009.
Bernhard Schölkopf, Alexander Smola, and Klaus-Robert Müller.
Nonlinear component analysis as a kernel eigenvalue problem.
Neural computation, 10(5):1299–1319, 1998.
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References (3)
Grigorios F Tzortzis and Aristidis C Likas.
The global kernel-means algorithm for clustering in feature space.
Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 20(7):1181–1194, 2009.
Ulrike Von Luxburg.
A tutorial on spectral clustering.
Statistics and computing, 17(4):395–416, 2007.
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Clustering lect

  • 1. Clustering Shadi Albarqouni, M.Sc. Graduate Research Assistant | PhD Candidate Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Machine Learning in Medical Imaging (MLMI) Winter Semester 15/16 BioMedical Computing (BMC) Master Program
  • 2. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Outline 1 Introduction 2 Parametric, cost-based clustering 1. K-Means 2. K-Medoids 3. Kernel K-Means 4. Spectral Clustering 5. Extensions 6. Comparison 3 Parametric, model-based clustering 1. Mixture Models 4 Non-parametric, model-based clustering 1. Mean-shift 2 / 29
  • 3. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) What is clustering? Definition (Clustering) Given n unlabelled data points, separate them into K clusters. Dilemma! [6] • What is a Cluster? (Compact vs. Connected) • How many K clusters? (Parametric vs. Non-parametric) • Soft vs. Hard clustering. (Model vs. Cost based) • Data representation. (Vector vs. Similarities) • Classification vs. Clustering. • Stability [7]. 3 / 29
  • 4. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Applications • Image Retrieval • Image Compression • Image Segmentation • Pattern Recognition 4 / 29
  • 5. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Notation • D = {x1, x2, ..., xn} ∈ Rm×n is the data set. • m is the feature dimension of xi . • n is the number of instances. • K is the number of clusters. • = {C1, C2, ...., CK }, where Ck is a partition of D. • c(xi ) is the label/cluster of instance xi . • rnk where n is the index of instance and k is the index of cluster. Objective Find the clusters minimizing the cost function L( ). 5 / 29
  • 6. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Parametric, cost-based clustering Parametric: K is defined. Cost-based: It is hard-clustering based on the cost function. Selected Algorithms: • K-Means [8]. • K-Medoids [11]. • Kernel K-Means [12]. • Spectral Clustering [10]. 6 / 29
  • 7. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) K-Means • K-Means algorithm: 1. Initialize: Pick K random samples from the dataset D as the cluster centroids µk = {µ1, µ2, ..., µK }. 2. Assign Points to the clusters: Partition data points D into K clusters = {C1, C2, ..., CK } based on the Euclidean distance between the points and centroids (searching for the closest centroid). 3. Centroid update: Based on the points assigned to each cluster, a new centroid is computed µk . 4. Repeat: Do step 2 and 3 until convergence. 5. Convergence: if the cluster centroids barley change, or we have compact and/or isolated clusters. Mathematically, when the cost (distortion) function L( ) = K k=1 i∈Ck xi − µk 2 is minimum. • Practical issues: a) The initialization. b) Pre-processing. 7 / 29
  • 8. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) K-Means – Algorithm input : Data points D = {x1, x2, ..., xn}, number of clusters K output: Clusters, = {C1, C2, ...., CK } Pick K random samples as the cluster centroids µk. repeat for i = 1 to n do c(xi ) = mink∈K xi − µk 2 2 %Assign points to clusters end for k = 1 to K do µk = 1 |Ck | i∈Ck xi %Update the cluster centroid end until convergence; 8 / 29
  • 9. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) K-Medoids (1) • K-Medoids algorithm: 1. Initialize: Pick K random samples from the dataset D as the medoids µk = {µ1, µ2, ..., µK }. 2. Assign Points to the clusters: Partition data points D into K clusters = {C1, C2, ..., CK } based on the dissimilarity (Manhattan) distance between the points and medoids (searching for the min. dissimilarity). 3. Medoids update: Based on the points assigned to each cluster, swap the medoid with a new data point and compute the cost. (undo the swap if the cost is getting increased). 4. Repeat: Do step 2 and 3 until convergence. 5. Convergence: if the cluster medoids barley change. Mathematically, when the cost (distortion) function L( ) = K k=1 i∈Ck xi − µk is minimum. 9 / 29
  • 10. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) K-Medoids (2) Figure : K-Means vs. K-Medoids 10 / 29
  • 11. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Kernel K-Means (1) Definition It is a generalization of the standard K-Means algorithm. • What happens if the clusters are not linearly separable? • Euclidean distance vs. Geodesic distance. Figure : Spiral and Jain datasets 11 / 29
  • 12. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Kernel K-Means (2) • K-Means can not be applied right away. • Map the data points xi ∈ D to a high dimensional feature space M using a nonlinear function φ(xi ). • Assume the clusters in the high dimensional feature space (RKHS) is linearly separable, hence K-Means can be applied. • The cost function would be LK( ) = K k=1 i∈Ck φ(xi ) − φ(µk) 2 , where φ(xi ) − φ(µk) 2 = φ(xi )T ·φ(xi )−2φ(xi )T ·φ(µk)+φ(µk)T ·φ(µk). 12 / 29
  • 13. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Kernel K-Means (3) • Using the kernel trick, Kij = φ(xi )T · φ(xj), the Euclidean distance in LK( ) can be computed easily using any kernel function Kij without explicitly knowing the nonlinear transformation φ(xi ). • Examples of kernel functions (positive semidefinite) 1. Hom. Polynomial kernel: Kij = (xT i xj )δ 2. Inho. Polynomial kernel: Kij = (xT i xj + γ)δ 3. Gaussian kernel: Kij = e − xi −xj 2 2σ2 4. Laplacian kernel Kij = e − xi −xj σ 5. Sigmoid kernel: Kij = tanh(γ(xT i xj ) + θ) 13 / 29
  • 14. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Kernel K-Means – Algorithm input : Data points D = {x1, x2, ..., xn}, Kernel matrix Kij, number of clusters K output: Clusters, = {C1, C2, ...., CK } Pick K random samples as the cluster centroids µk. repeat for i = 1 to n do for k = 1 to K do Compute φ(xi ) − φ(µk) 2 using Kij end c(xi ) = mink∈K φ(xi ) − φ(µk) 2 end for k = 1 to K do µk = 1 |Ck | i∈Ck xi end until convergence; 14 / 29
  • 15. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Spectral Clustering Graph - Overview • Fully connected, undirected, and wighted graph with N vertices • The graph is represented by G = {ν, ε, ω}, where ν is a set of vertices N, ε is a set of edges, and ω is a set of weights are assigned using a heat kernel as follows to build the Adjacency matrix W Wij =    e− xi −xj 2 2 σ2 eij ∈ ε 0 else • The degree matrix D, where its diagonal elements Dij = j Wij • Compute the Normalized graph Laplacian Matrix ˜L = I − D−1/2 WD−1/2 15 / 29
  • 16. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Spectral Clustering – Algorithm input : Normalized Laplacian Matrix ˜L, number of clusters K output: Clusters, = {C1, C2, ...., CK } Compute the firsts K eigenvectors U = {u1, u2, ..., uK } ∈ Rn×K of ˜L. Compute ˜U by normalising the rows to norm 1. Do K-Means on ˜U ∈ Rn×K such that your data points are the rows vectors which have K-dimensions or simply: D ← ˜UT . Pick K random samples as the cluster centroids µk. repeat for i = 1 to n do c(xi ) = mink∈K xi − µk 2 2 %Assign points to clusters end for k = 1 to K do µk = 1 |Ck | i∈Ck xi %Update the cluster centroid end until convergence; 16 / 29
  • 17. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Extensions (1) • Alternative cost (distortion) function: n i=1 n j=1 xi − xj 2 = K k=1 i,j∈Ck xi − xj 2 Intracluster distance + K k=1 i∈Ck j /∈Ck xi − xj 2 Intercluster distance 1. Intracluster distance: L( ) = K k=1 i,j∈Ck xi − xj 2 + constant 2. Interclsuter distance: L( ) = − K k=1 i∈Ck l /∈Ck xi − xj 2 + constant 17 / 29
  • 18. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Extensions (2) 3. K-Median: L( ) = K k=1 i∈Ck xi − µk • Alternative Initialization: 1. K-Means++ [1] 2. Global Kernel K-Means [13] • On selecting K 1: 1. Rule of thumb: K = n/2 2. Elbow Method 3. Silhouette • Soft clustering: Fuzzy C-Means [2] • Variant: Spectral Clustering [14] • Hierarchical Clustering 1 clusters_in_a_data_set 18 / 29
  • 19. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Comparison Algorithm Data Rep. Comp. Out. Cent. K-Means Vectors Low No /∈ D K-Medians Vectors High No /∈ D K-Medoids Similarity High Yes ∈ D Kernel K-Means Kernel High N/A /∈ D Spectral Clustering Similarity High N/A /∈ D 2 2 Data Rep: Data Representation, Comp.: Computational cost, Out.: Handling outliers, Cent.: Centroids. 19 / 29
  • 20. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Parametric, model-based clustering Parametric: K and the density function are defined (i.e. Gaussian) Model-based: It is soft-clustering based on the mixture density f (x). f (x) = K k=1 πkfk(x), s.t. πk ≥ 0, K πk = 1, where fk(x) is the component of mixture. f (x) is a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) when fk(x) ∼ N(x; µk, σ2 k). Degree of Membership: γki = P[xi ∈ Ck] = πkfk(xi ) f (xi ) GMM Parameter: θ = {π1:K , µ1:K , σ1:K }. Selected Algorithm to estimate the parameter: • EM-Algorithm [5]. 20 / 29
  • 21. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Expectation-Maximization (EM) Algorithm • Given data points D sampled i.i.d from an unknown distribution f • We need to model the distribution using Maximum Likelihood (ML) principle (log-likelihood): l(θ) = ln fθ(D) = n i=1 ln fθ(xi ) l(θ) = n i=1 ln K k=1 πkfk(xi ) The objective: θML = argmaxθl(θ) Figure : GMM Clustering 21 / 29
  • 22. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) EM – Algorithm input : data points D, number of clusters K output: Parameters, θML = {π1:K , µ1:K , σ1:K } Initialize the parameters θ at random. repeat for i = 1 to n do for k = 1 to K do γik = πk fk (xi ) f (xi ) %E-Step end end for k = 1 to K do πk = 1 n n i=1 γik %M-Step µk = 1 nπk n i=1 γik xi σk = 1 nπk n i=1 γik (xi − µk )(xi − µk )T end until convergence; 22 / 29
  • 23. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Non-parametric, model-based clustering Idea: group the points by the peak of data density Parameter: shape and number of clusters K are defined by the algorithm, however, you should define: 1. smoothness of density estimate (h)3 2. what is a peak Selected Algorithm: • Mean-shift [4]. 3 Rule of thumb: h = (4ˆσ 3n )1/5 , where ˆσ is the standard deviation of the samples. 23 / 29
  • 24. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Mean-shift Algorithm • Given data points D sampled i.i.d from an unknown density f • We need to define the shape of the density using Kernel Density Estimation (KDE) principle: fh(x) = 1 nhm n i=1 K( x − xi h ), where K(·) is a kernel function, must be positive, symmetric and differentiable, i.e. Gaussian kernel K(z) = 1 (2π)m/2 e− z 2 2 • The objective: find the peaks of fh(x) by equating fh(x) = 0 • That results in x = n i=1 xi K(x−xi h ) n i=1 K(x−xi h ) mean−shift Figure : Mean-shift Clustering 24 / 29
  • 25. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Summary 25 / 29
  • 26. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) Acknowledgment This tutorial is done with the help of • Bishop’s book [3], • Meila’s slides in MLSS 2011 [9], and • Lichao’s slides form pervious semester (SS15) 26 / 29
  • 27. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) References (1) David Arthur and Sergei Vassilvitskii. k-means++: The advantages of careful seeding. In Proceedings of the eighteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms, pages 1027–1035. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2007. James C Bezdek. Pattern recognition with fuzzy objective function algorithms. Springer Science & Business Media, 2013. Christopher M Bishop. Pattern recognition and machine learning. springer, 2006. Yizong Cheng. Mean shift, mode seeking, and clustering. Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, IEEE Transactions on, 17(8):790–799, 1995. Arthur P Dempster, Nan M Laird, and Donald B Rubin. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the em algorithm. Journal of the royal statistical society. Series B (methodological), pages 1–38, 1977. Anil K Jain and Martin HC Law. Data clustering: A user’s dilemma. In Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence, pages 1–10. Springer, 2005. 27 / 29
  • 28. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) References (2) Tilman Lange, Volker Roth, Mikio L Braun, and Joachim M Buhmann. Stability-based validation of clustering solutions. Neural computation, 16(6):1299–1323, 2004. S. Lloyd. Least squares quantization in pcm. Information Theory, IEEE Transactions on, 28(2):129–137, Mar 1982. Marina Meila. Classic and modern data clustering. Machine Learning Summer School (MLSS), 2011. Andrew Y Ng, Michael I Jordan, Yair Weiss, et al. On spectral clustering: Analysis and an algorithm. Advances in neural information processing systems, 2:849–856, 2002. Hae-Sang Park and Chi-Hyuck Jun. A simple and fast algorithm for k-medoids clustering. Expert Systems with Applications, 36(2):3336–3341, 2009. Bernhard Schölkopf, Alexander Smola, and Klaus-Robert Müller. Nonlinear component analysis as a kernel eigenvalue problem. Neural computation, 10(5):1299–1319, 1998. 28 / 29
  • 29. Computer Aided Medical Procedures (CAMP) | TU München (TUM) References (3) Grigorios F Tzortzis and Aristidis C Likas. The global kernel-means algorithm for clustering in feature space. Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on, 20(7):1181–1194, 2009. Ulrike Von Luxburg. A tutorial on spectral clustering. Statistics and computing, 17(4):395–416, 2007. 29 / 29