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Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial
InstituciónEducativa: I.C.E.B.L.E.
Sala/Grado/Año-sección:Salade 5 años-
Cantidadde alumnos:25
Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Principiantes
Tipode Planificación:Clase
Unidadtemática:Partesdel cuerpo
Clase Nº : 1
Hora: 14 hs
Duraciónde laclase:40’
Fechade primeraentrega:20/03/18
 Teaching points:BodyParts ( Head, shoulders,knees,toes,mouth,eyes,nose,ears)
 Aims: Duringthislesson,learnerswillbe able to..
- Identifyandname differentbodyparts
- Developtheirlisteningskillsbylisteningtoasong and followinginstructions.
- Developtheirfinemotorskillsby drawingtheirownbody.
 Language focus
Lexis Function Structure Pronunciation
Revision Commands
Colours: blue,
red, brown,
Let’smake a
New BodyParts
parts of the
It’sa (nose)
It’sa ( red
They are
toes /əʊ/
 Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,and organized
throughthe PPPprocedure (Harmer,2010)
 Materialsand resources:apuppet(Woody), acomputertoshow a videosong, sheets
of paper and colorpencils(?) tomake a drawing, bigflashcards of bodyparts made of
cardboard to playa memory game.
 Pedagogical use of ICT inclass: In thislesson,asong will be usedtointroduce the
parts of the bodyand to expose studentstothe teachingpoint.
 Seatingarrangement: Studentswill be sittinginacircle onthe floorin orderto
facilitate visualcontactandinteractionwithinthe group.Atsome pointsinthe lesson,
theywill standup to performa songand playa game.
 Cooperative work:learnersof thisage are inthe parallel playstage,whichmeansthey
can playtogether,butstill finditdifficulttocarryout cooperative orgroupwork
 Potential problemsstudentmay have with the language: learnersmaynot
understandsome vocabularyorinstructionsso I’ll use gestures,mimeandexemplify
activities. Theymayalsofind the productionof /əʊ/diphthongsound difficult,soI’ll
pronounce itwithmore prominence sothattheycan getit.
 Assessment: what will be assessedand how: Inthe warm-upsession,I’ll assess
students’previousknowledge aboutcolorsandnumbers.Then, I’ll checkthatstudents
comprehend myinstructions andthattheycan identify andname differentpartsof
theirbodyby observing themtouch the partnamed.
I’ll getintothe classroomand greetstudents:“Hello!How are youtoday?”EA: “Hello!”
I’ll invite studentstositdownonthe floorand we’ll singthe usual welcome song:
T: “Let’s take our handsand make a circle!Now,sitdown!”“Are youready?Let’ssing
the Hellosong!”(I’ll playthe songonmy computer)
“Hello,hello,hello.Howare you?
Hello,hello,hello.Howare you?
I’m good!,I’mgreat!,I’mwonderful!
I’mgood!,I’mgreat!,I’m wonderful!”
Transition: “ Great! Now, let’smeetsomeone….”
Warm-up 5’:
Purpose:to revise colors/numbers and to introduce the topic
I’ll take frommy bag the character of “Toy Story”, “Woody” .
“Look!,Who ishe? EA:“Woody!.T: “yes!He’sWoody! Let’ssay hellotoWoody!”
EA: “HelloWoody!”( If theydon’tremember,Isay Woody)
T: “ What’sthis?(pointingtohisbody)”EA: el cuerpo!(theymayanswerinSpanish,so
I’ll recastinEnglish) T: “Hisbody,yes!,now,Lookat hiseyes!What colourare they?
(pointingtothe eyes)”EA:Brown!Verygood! Theyare brown!
T: And lookat hisfingers,canyou countthem?”(takingone fingerata time) The
studentscountuntil ten.
T: “You are veryintelligent! Now,lookathisbody! He movesall hisbody!(pointingto
hisbodyand movingitsparts)”
Transition: “Ok!Now,it’stime to watcha video!Let’smake asemi-circle!”
Purpose:to introduce the parts of the body.
I’ll playthe song“Head,shoulders,knees andtoes”twotimes.The firsttime we’ll watch
the videosothat studentscanobserve the movementsandlistentothe song. Then,I’ll
showstudentsaflashcardof toesto make itclear andtheydo not getconfusedwith
T: “Did youlike the song?”EA Yes!. T: “ Fantastic!So let’sdance andsing!
We`ll dance togetherandI’ll encourage studentstosingthe songbytellingthem:“I
can’t hearyou (pointingtomyear). (until second0: 50)
“Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
knees and toes.
Eyes, ears , mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
knees and toes.
Eyes, ears , mouth and nose
Head, shoulders, knees and toes
knees and toes.”
T: Beautiful!Youdance verywell! Didyoulike it?(Pointingto mythumbup)
Afterperformingthe song,the childrenmaybe a bitexcited andrestless soI’ll say:
“1,2,3 everybodyfreeze!”
Afterthispart of the presentation,I’llasksome questionstocheckcomprehension.
T: “Now,Look! What’sthis(pointingtomyhead)”.EA:“head”!
T: “Yes! It’sa head.Repeat!(pointingtomymouth ) And what’sthis?(pointingtomy
knees)”EA:Knees!T:Ok,theyare knees!. (I’ll encouragethemtorepeat it)
Purpose:this and the nextactivitiesare aimed at promoting contextualized practice of
the teachingpoints and check understandingby givingcommands.
 Activity 1- 5’:
We will play“Simonsays”but using“Woodysays”. I’ll take the puppetandI’ll say:
“Woodysays touch your head!Excellent!
Woodysays move yourshoulders!Verygood!
Woodysays touchyour knees!Perfect!
Woodysays pointtoyour toes!Great!
Woodysays touchyour eyes!Fantastic!
Woodysays pointtoyour ears! Well done!
Woodysays pointtoyour mouth!Verygood!
Woodysays touchyour nose!Great!
Transition: “Excellentkids!You diditverywell!Now,let’ssitonacircle for the next
 Activity 2- 10’:
We will playamemorygame withthe parts of the body withbigflashcards. I’ll
put themface downwithinthe circle.Studentswill playinpairs,soone child
turns upone card andnames the picture andthenhis/herpartnerturnsup
anothercard and namesthe bodypart. If theymatch it,theywill keepthe cards,
if not, they’ll leave themface down.
T:“ We`ll playa memorygame.Ok? Look!You turn uptwo cards. (Turningup
twoflashcards) Oh,theyare differentpictures. It’saheadand a nose!. If they
are different,youface downthe picturesagain(doingthe action) .If theyare
the same, you’ll keep them(gesturingthatI’ll take twopictures).Now,it’syour
turn Mica and Fede.Show ustwopictures! Good!You matchedit“(I’ll encourage
studentstoproduce a chunkof language).T:“What’sthis?”Mica : “It’s a
mouth”Great! It’sa redmouth!Repeat!.Now,it’syourturnSole andCami.
Turn overtwo pictures. Whatare they?Shoulders!.Yes,theyare shoulders!
(emphasizingthe sound /əʊ/)andwhatelse,Cami? “Greeneyes”T:excellent!
Theyare shouldersandgreeneyes. Theyare different!
Transition: “Excellent!Now,sitonyourbenches!It’stime todraw!”
Closure 7’:
Listenand draw
Students will sitontheirbenches ingroups of five (I’ll arrange themindifferent
benches) andI’ll provide themwhite sheetsof paper and colors . Then, I’ll give them
instructions todrawsome parts of the body.
“Now, listentome : I’ll tell yousome partsof the bodyand you have todraw it.(I’ll
provide studentswithandexample) Foe example:Draw twobrowneyes.(I’ll draw two
browneyesonthe board).You have to draw iton your paper.Ok?”
Now,drawone head. Ready?
Draw three blue eyes.Ok?
Now,drawone pinknose.Great!
Draw twored mouths.Ok?
(I’ll continue withthe restof the bodyparts) Afterfinishingtheirdrawings,we will stick
themon the wall.
Transition: “What beautiful drawings!Let’sstickthemonthe wall!”
“Oh, no!Lookat the time”(pointingtothe clockonthe wall) It’stime tosaygoodbye!
Let’ssingthe good bye song!
“Thisis the way we saygood bye,saygood bye, saygoodbye.
This isthe way we say goodbye,toyou,toyou,and you”
Homework: The teacherwill sendanote to the familieswiththe linkof the videosothat
theycan watch itwiththeirchildren.
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Visual organization X
Coherence and
Variety of resources
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x
Teaching strategies X
Language accuracy x
Observations Minimumscore:18 / 30
Score:_20___ /30
Querida familia:
En la hora de inglésestuvimosaprendiendolaspartesdel cuerpo.
Les dejoel linkdel videoparaque canten,bailenydisfrutenen
Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial
Sala/Grado/Año-sección:Salade 5 años- TT
Cantidadde alumnos:25
Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Principiantes
Tipode Planificación:Clase
Unidadtemática:Partesdel cuerpo
Clase Nº : 2
Hora: 14 hs
Duraciónde laclase:40’
Fechade primeraentrega:24/03/18
 Teaching points:BodyParts
 Aims: Duringthislesson,learnerswillbe able to..
- Identifyandname newpartsof the body
- Developtheirlisteningskillsbyfollowing instructions.
- Use the structure:He/she hasgot (fourfingers)
 Language focus
Lexis Function Structure Pronunciation
Revision Numbers
Colours: red,
brown, white,
parts of the
It’s( red)
It’sa (nose)
New Body Parts
Arm- leg- hand
parts of the
He/she hasgot
(fourfingers) Hand /æ/
 Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,andorganized
throughthe PPPprocedure .
 Materialsand resources:flashcards, a computertoshow a videosong, pictures
(bodypartsof Mrs. Potato) made of cardboard for a matchingactivity, worksheets to
 Pedagogical use of ICT inclass: In thislesson,asongwill be usedto review partsof the
bodyin the warm-up.Atthe closure stage,studentswillwatchavideosong for
 Seatingarrangement: Studentswill be seatedinasemi-circleinthe presentation
stage and fistactivity.Then,they’ll sitontheirbenchesingroupsof five.
 Cooperative work: Studentswill workasa groupwhile interactingwiththe teacher.
 Assessment:Whatwill be assessedand how: I’ll check that students’comprehend
and identifypartsof the body by askingsome questionssothattheycan produce
some chunksof language.(Presentationandactivity1).I’ll alsocheckunderstandingby
I’ll getintothe classroomand greetstudents:“Hello!How are youtoday?”EA: “Hello!”
I’ll invite studentstositdownonthe floorand we’ll singthe welcome song:
T: “Let’s make a circle and sitdown!” Let’ssingthe Hellosong.
“Hello,hello,hello.Howare you?
Hello,hello,hello.Howare you?
I’m good!,I’mgreat!,I’mwonderful!
I’mgood!,I’mgreat!,I’m wonderful!”
Transition: “ Nice!Nowstandup! It’stime to move ourbodies”!
Warm-up 5’:
I’ll askstudentstostand upin a circle,makinggestureswithmyhandtoaid
comprehension.I’llplaythe song“Head,shoulders,kneesandtoes”toreview body
T: “ Do yourememberthe songfrom lastclass? “(pointing tomyhead,shoulders,knees
and toesand namingthe parts.) Great!Let’ssingand move our bodies!”
Transition: “You move verywell!. Now,sitdowninasemi-circle andlet’ssee whois
here again...”
Presentation 10’:
I`ll continue workingwith“Woody”andI`ll introduce more charactersfromthe storyusing
T: “Look! Who ishe?EA: “Woody!” “Yes! It’sWoody!Lookat hishand!He iswavingto us!Say
hellotoWoodywithyourhand!”(raisingmyhand) Great! Look here! What’sthis?(Pointingto
hishat) EA:Es unsombrero!(TheymayanswerinL1) T: “Yes!It’s a hat! Andwhatcolor ishis
hat? EA: It’sbrown! “ Yes, like hisboots!(pointingto hisboots)”
“Oh! Lookhere, Woodyinvitedsome friends!Whoare they? Let’ssee…..”
I’ll showthemthe followingpictures.
T: “Who is she?”
Studentsmayanswer“Jessie” or“la vaquera”,if not,I’ll tell hername. WoodyandJessie are
friendsandtheyare happy(Pointingtotheirmouth).Andlookthere are some blocksonthe
floor. Where are Woodyand Jessie? Canyouguess?(Pointingtothe room)
EA: “En la piezade Andy!(Theymaysayin L1). If studentsdonot answer,I’ll say:Theyare in
Now, look at Jessie!What’sthis?(pointingtoherhat) EA: hat! T: Yes! She hasgot a hat,like
Woody! (Pointingtobothhats) Andwhat colorisher hat? EA: Red!T: Yes! It’s red. Look at her
hair,she has got redhair. Andlookherarms (Pointingtothem) She hasgottwo arms.And,
howmany legsdoesshe have?One,two? (gesturingwithmyfingers) EA:two!T: Excellent!
She has got twolegs.(I’ll encourage studentstorepeatafterme) Look at herfeet!.Whatcolor
are they?EA:brown!T: great!Theyare brown.Repeatafterme:“Theyare brown”
But wait…Here it is anotherfriend!
Some childrenmaysayinL1: “ El señorpapa!” T: “ Verygood!He is Mr. Potato. Ok. Lookat
hisface.What’s this?( Pointingtohisears) EA: Ears!. T: Correct!He has got bigears (gesturing
withmyhands the wordbig).AndWhat colorare hisears?” EA: Pink!T: “ Verygood! He has
got pinkears(I’ll encourage studentstorepeat the chunk). And What’sthis?(Pointingtohis
mouth)” EA: “It’sa mouth!”T: “ Great! What color isit? EA: It’sred! T: Perfect!Lookat their
arms , What colorare they?” EA: White!T: Theyare white armslike hishands.(Emphasizing
the word hand to notice the sound/ æ/)And , lookat hisfingers,How many fingersdoeshe
have?(Pointingtohis fingers) EA:one,two,three…..Four!T: Excellent!Repeat:He has got
Transition: “ Fantastic! Oh! What happenedhere!There issomebodywhoneedshelp…!”
Development 17’:
Activity 1- 7’:
I’ll displayonthe board some missing partsof Mrs. Potato’sface andI’ ll ask students some
questions aboutthe face sothat theycan name some parts,use the new vocabularyandrevise
colorsand numbers.Iwill alsoinvite some studentstocome tothe board and stickthe
missingpartsonthe face.
Look ! Who isshe?Can youguess…?
Childrenmayrespond: “laseñorapapa!O el señorpapa!”T: “Ok,let’ssee…Helpme to
complete the face
. I’ll take a picture,forexample,the eyesandI’ll askstudents:
T: “What are they?
EA: eyes!
T: “Excellent!.Repeatafterme,theyare eyes” Andhow manyeyesdoesshe have?(Pointing
to each eye)
EA: Two!
T: “Good!, She has gottwo eyes. Repeatafterme :“She has got two eyes”.(Studentswill
repeatthe phrase).Great! Now,whowantsto stickthe eyes? Ok,youAye,come here and
stickthe eyes.”Ok,verygood!.
T: Look!. What’sthis?
EA: Nose!
T: Yes! It’s a bignose. Perfect!Come here Pedro!Stickthe nose,please!Well done!Now,
here itis the mouth.What coloris the mouth?
EA: it’sred!
T: Good! Cata, come here and stickthe mouth,please.Ok,Whatare they?
EA: Arms
T: Ok. Let’sput herarms. Great! Look! How many feetdoesshe have?
EA: two
T: Yes!.She has got two feet(I’llencourage studentstorepeat).
Transition: “Great!You workedverywell! Now it’stime tocolor! So,sitat your
(I’ll organize students intheirbenches, makinggroupsof five children butthey’llwork
Activity 2 -10’:
I´ll give students aworksheetof Jessiecharacter tocolor herbody partsfollowingmy
T: “Now,children,listentome (pointingtomyear) , youhave to color the bodyparts (showing
the worksheetandpointingtothe bodyparts) .AndI’ll tell youthe colors.Ok?”
“She has got redhair” Colorthe hair red!Ok?
“She has got browneyes”Let’scolorthe browneyes!
-Ok?Now, she has gotyellowarms.
I`ll continue withthe restof the bodyparts( legs,feet,hands)
Listenand color Jessie
Transition:” Oh! Your picturesare beautiful!Now,let’ssitdown inasemi-circle,we will watch
a video.”
Closure 5’:
I’ll invite students to sit on the floor and we’ll watch a video song. The first time
students listen and watch the video. As they really like the song, we’ll listen to it for a
second time and we will do the actions. (until minute 2:13)
The Hokey Pokey shake
Hey, everybody. It's time to do the Hokey Pokey!
Make a big circle. Here we go.
You put one hand in. You put one hand out.
You put one hand in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and turn around.
Everybody turn around.
You put two hands in.
You put two hands out.
You put two hands in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and clap your hands.
Everybody clap your hands.
You put one foot in.
You put one foot out.
You put one foot in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and sit down.
Everybody please sit down.
You put two feet in.
You put two feet out.
You put two feet in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and stand up.
Everybody please stand up.
You put your head in.
You put your head out.
You put your head in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and sing a song.
La, la, la, la, la, la!
You put your backside in.
You put your backside out.
You put your backside in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and be quiet.
Everybody please be quiet. Shh!
You put your whole self in.
You put your whole self out.
You put your whole self in.
And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake.
You do the Hokey Pokey and take a bow.
Everybody take a bow.
T: “Oh! Look at the clock! It’s time to say goodbye!”
“Thisis the way we saygood bye,saygood bye,saygoodbye.
This isthe way we say goodbye,toyou,toyou,and you”
Lesson plan
Very Good
Below Standard
Visual organization x
Coherence and
Variety of resources
– Learning styles
Stages and activities x
Teaching strategies x
Language accuracy x
Observations Minimumscore:18 / 30
Score:_24___ /30
It`s a great start! Well done!
Take the commentsintoaccountfor future lessonplans.

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Varesio tpd-mock-lesson-plan - passed

  • 1. I.F.D.C. LENGUAS VIVAS TALLER DE PRACTICA DOCENTE ALUMNOPRACTICANTE: NataliaVaresio Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial InstituciónEducativa: I.C.E.B.L.E. Dirección:Av.Koessler1820 Sala/Grado/Año-sección:Salade 5 años- Cantidadde alumnos:25 Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Principiantes Tipode Planificación:Clase Unidadtemática:Partesdel cuerpo Clase Nº : 1 Fecha:23/03/18 Hora: 14 hs Duraciónde laclase:40’ Fechade primeraentrega:20/03/18  Teaching points:BodyParts ( Head, shoulders,knees,toes,mouth,eyes,nose,ears)  Aims: Duringthislesson,learnerswillbe able to.. - Identifyandname differentbodyparts - Developtheirlisteningskillsbylisteningtoasong and followinginstructions. - Developtheirfinemotorskillsby drawingtheirownbody.
  • 2.  Language focus Lexis Function Structure Pronunciation Revision Commands Numbers Colours: blue, red, brown, yellow,pink Following instructions Identifying colors Let’smake a circle. It’s(blue) New BodyParts Head, shoulders, knees,toes, mouth,ears, nose,eyes Identifyingand namingthe parts of the body What’sthis? It’sa (nose) It’sa ( red mouth) They are (shoulders) toes /əʊ/ shoulders  Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,and organized throughthe PPPprocedure (Harmer,2010)  Materialsand resources:apuppet(Woody), acomputertoshow a videosong, sheets of paper and colorpencils(?) tomake a drawing, bigflashcards of bodyparts made of cardboard to playa memory game.  Pedagogical use of ICT inclass: In thislesson,asong will be usedtointroduce the parts of the bodyand to expose studentstothe teachingpoint.  Seatingarrangement: Studentswill be sittinginacircle onthe floorin orderto facilitate visualcontactandinteractionwithinthe group.Atsome pointsinthe lesson, theywill standup to performa songand playa game.  Cooperative work:learnersof thisage are inthe parallel playstage,whichmeansthey can playtogether,butstill finditdifficulttocarryout cooperative orgroupwork activities.  Potential problemsstudentmay have with the language: learnersmaynot understandsome vocabularyorinstructionsso I’ll use gestures,mimeandexemplify activities. Theymayalsofind the productionof /əʊ/diphthongsound difficult,soI’ll pronounce itwithmore prominence sothattheycan getit.  Assessment: what will be assessedand how: Inthe warm-upsession,I’ll assess students’previousknowledge aboutcolorsandnumbers.Then, I’ll checkthatstudents comprehend myinstructions andthattheycan identify andname differentpartsof theirbodyby observing themtouch the partnamed.
  • 3. Routine:5’ I’ll getintothe classroomand greetstudents:“Hello!How are youtoday?”EA: “Hello!” I’ll invite studentstositdownonthe floorand we’ll singthe usual welcome song: T: “Let’s take our handsand make a circle!Now,sitdown!”“Are youready?Let’ssing the Hellosong!”(I’ll playthe songonmy computer) “Hello,hello,hello.Howare you? Hello,hello,hello.Howare you? I’m good!,I’mgreat!,I’mwonderful! I’mgood!,I’mgreat!,I’m wonderful!” Transition: “ Great! Now, let’smeetsomeone….” Warm-up 5’: Purpose:to revise colors/numbers and to introduce the topic I’ll take frommy bag the character of “Toy Story”, “Woody” . “Look!,Who ishe? EA:“Woody!.T: “yes!He’sWoody! Let’ssay hellotoWoody!” EA: “HelloWoody!”( If theydon’tremember,Isay Woody) T: “ What’sthis?(pointingtohisbody)”EA: el cuerpo!(theymayanswerinSpanish,so I’ll recastinEnglish) T: “Hisbody,yes!,now,Lookat hiseyes!What colourare they? (pointingtothe eyes)”EA:Brown!Verygood! Theyare brown! T: And lookat hisfingers,canyou countthem?”(takingone fingerata time) The studentscountuntil ten. T: “You are veryintelligent! Now,lookathisbody! He movesall hisbody!(pointingto hisbodyand movingitsparts)” Transition: “Ok!Now,it’stime to watcha video!Let’smake asemi-circle!” Presentation8’:
  • 4. Purpose:to introduce the parts of the body. I’ll playthe song“Head,shoulders,knees andtoes”twotimes.The firsttime we’ll watch the videosothat studentscanobserve the movementsandlistentothe song. Then,I’ll showstudentsaflashcardof toesto make itclear andtheydo not getconfusedwith “feet”. T: “Did youlike the song?”EA Yes!. T: “ Fantastic!So let’sdance andsing! We`ll dance togetherandI’ll encourage studentstosingthe songbytellingthem:“I can’t hearyou (pointingtomyear). (until second0: 50) Transcript: “Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Eyes, ears , mouth and nose Head, shoulders, knees and toes knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. Eyes, ears , mouth and nose Head, shoulders, knees and toes knees and toes.” T: Beautiful!Youdance verywell! Didyoulike it?(Pointingto mythumbup) Afterperformingthe song,the childrenmaybe a bitexcited andrestless soI’ll say: “1,2,3 everybodyfreeze!” Afterthispart of the presentation,I’llasksome questionstocheckcomprehension. T: “Now,Look! What’sthis(pointingtomyhead)”.EA:“head”! T: “Yes! It’sa head.Repeat!(pointingtomymouth ) And what’sthis?(pointingtomy knees)”EA:Knees!T:Ok,theyare knees!. (I’ll encouragethemtorepeat it) Transition:Nice!Ohlook,Woodywantstoplaywithus! Development:15’
  • 5. Purpose:this and the nextactivitiesare aimed at promoting contextualized practice of the teachingpoints and check understandingby givingcommands.  Activity 1- 5’: We will play“Simonsays”but using“Woodysays”. I’ll take the puppetandI’ll say: “Woodysays touch your head!Excellent! Woodysays move yourshoulders!Verygood! Woodysays touchyour knees!Perfect! Woodysays pointtoyour toes!Great! Woodysays touchyour eyes!Fantastic! Woodysays pointtoyour ears! Well done! Woodysays pointtoyour mouth!Verygood! Woodysays touchyour nose!Great! Transition: “Excellentkids!You diditverywell!Now,let’ssitonacircle for the next game!”  Activity 2- 10’: We will playamemorygame withthe parts of the body withbigflashcards. I’ll put themface downwithinthe circle.Studentswill playinpairs,soone child turns upone card andnames the picture andthenhis/herpartnerturnsup anothercard and namesthe bodypart. If theymatch it,theywill keepthe cards, if not, they’ll leave themface down. T:“ We`ll playa memorygame.Ok? Look!You turn uptwo cards. (Turningup twoflashcards) Oh,theyare differentpictures. It’saheadand a nose!. If they are different,youface downthe picturesagain(doingthe action) .If theyare the same, you’ll keep them(gesturingthatI’ll take twopictures).Now,it’syour turn Mica and Fede.Show ustwopictures! Good!You matchedit“(I’ll encourage studentstoproduce a chunkof language).T:“What’sthis?”Mica : “It’s a mouth”Great! It’sa redmouth!Repeat!.Now,it’syourturnSole andCami. Turn overtwo pictures. Whatare they?Shoulders!.Yes,theyare shoulders! (emphasizingthe sound /əʊ/)andwhatelse,Cami? “Greeneyes”T:excellent! Theyare shouldersandgreeneyes. Theyare different!
  • 6. Transition: “Excellent!Now,sitonyourbenches!It’stime todraw!” Closure 7’: Listenand draw Students will sitontheirbenches ingroups of five (I’ll arrange themindifferent benches) andI’ll provide themwhite sheetsof paper and colors . Then, I’ll give them instructions todrawsome parts of the body. “Now, listentome : I’ll tell yousome partsof the bodyand you have todraw it.(I’ll provide studentswithandexample) Foe example:Draw twobrowneyes.(I’ll draw two browneyesonthe board).You have to draw iton your paper.Ok?” Now,drawone head. Ready? Draw three blue eyes.Ok? Now,drawone pinknose.Great! Draw twored mouths.Ok? (I’ll continue withthe restof the bodyparts) Afterfinishingtheirdrawings,we will stick themon the wall.
  • 7. Transition: “What beautiful drawings!Let’sstickthemonthe wall!” “Oh, no!Lookat the time”(pointingtothe clockonthe wall) It’stime tosaygoodbye! Let’ssingthe good bye song! “Thisis the way we saygood bye,saygood bye, saygoodbye. This isthe way we say goodbye,toyou,toyou,and you” Homework: The teacherwill sendanote to the familieswiththe linkof the videosothat theycan watch itwiththeirchildren. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization X Coherence and sequencing X Variety of resources – Learning styles X Stages and activities x Teaching strategies X Language accuracy x Observations Minimumscore:18 / 30 Score:_20___ /30 Querida familia: En la hora de inglésestuvimosaprendiendolaspartesdel cuerpo. Les dejoel linkdel videoparaque canten,bailenydisfrutenen familia. Head,shoulders,kneesandtoessong MissNatalia
  • 8. ALUMNOPRACTICANTE: NataliaVaresio Períodode Práctica: Nivel Inicial InstituciónEducativa:I.C.E.B.L.E. Dirección:Av.Koessler1820 Sala/Grado/Año-sección:Salade 5 años- TT Cantidadde alumnos:25 Nivel lingüísticodel curso:Principiantes Tipode Planificación:Clase Unidadtemática:Partesdel cuerpo Clase Nº : 2 Fecha:27/03/18 Hora: 14 hs Duraciónde laclase:40’ Fechade primeraentrega:24/03/18  Teaching points:BodyParts  Aims: Duringthislesson,learnerswillbe able to.. - Identifyandname newpartsof the body - Developtheirlisteningskillsbyfollowing instructions. - Use the structure:He/she hasgot (fourfingers)  Language focus Lexis Function Structure Pronunciation Revision Numbers Colours: red, brown, white, pink,yellow. Bodyparts: head ,shoulders, knees,toes, mouth,nose, Identifying colors Identifying parts of the body It’s( red) It’sa (nose) Theyare (eyes)
  • 9. ears,eyes. New Body Parts Arm- leg- hand fingers-feet- hair -hat Identifyingand namingnew parts of the body He/she hasgot (fourfingers) Hand /æ/  Teaching approach: The lessonisbasedonthe Natural Approach,andorganized throughthe PPPprocedure .  Materialsand resources:flashcards, a computertoshow a videosong, pictures (bodypartsof Mrs. Potato) made of cardboard for a matchingactivity, worksheets to listenandcolor.  Pedagogical use of ICT inclass: In thislesson,asongwill be usedto review partsof the bodyin the warm-up.Atthe closure stage,studentswillwatchavideosong for pleasure.  Seatingarrangement: Studentswill be seatedinasemi-circleinthe presentation stage and fistactivity.Then,they’ll sitontheirbenchesingroupsof five.  Cooperative work: Studentswill workasa groupwhile interactingwiththe teacher.  Assessment:Whatwill be assessedand how: I’ll check that students’comprehend and identifypartsof the body by askingsome questionssothattheycan produce some chunksof language.(Presentationandactivity1).I’ll alsocheckunderstandingby givinginstructions(Listenandcolor). Routine:3’ I’ll getintothe classroomand greetstudents:“Hello!How are youtoday?”EA: “Hello!” I’ll invite studentstositdownonthe floorand we’ll singthe welcome song: T: “Let’s make a circle and sitdown!” Let’ssingthe Hellosong. “Hello,hello,hello.Howare you? Hello,hello,hello.Howare you? I’m good!,I’mgreat!,I’mwonderful! I’mgood!,I’mgreat!,I’m wonderful!” Transition: “ Nice!Nowstandup! It’stime to move ourbodies”!
  • 10. Warm-up 5’: I’ll askstudentstostand upin a circle,makinggestureswithmyhandtoaid comprehension.I’llplaythe song“Head,shoulders,kneesandtoes”toreview body parts. T: “ Do yourememberthe songfrom lastclass? “(pointing tomyhead,shoulders,knees and toesand namingthe parts.) Great!Let’ssingand move our bodies!” Transition: “You move verywell!. Now,sitdowninasemi-circle andlet’ssee whois here again...” Presentation 10’: I`ll continue workingwith“Woody”andI`ll introduce more charactersfromthe storyusing differentflashcards. T: “Look! Who ishe?EA: “Woody!” “Yes! It’sWoody!Lookat hishand!He iswavingto us!Say hellotoWoodywithyourhand!”(raisingmyhand) Great! Look here! What’sthis?(Pointingto hishat) EA:Es unsombrero!(TheymayanswerinL1) T: “Yes!It’s a hat! Andwhatcolor ishis hat? EA: It’sbrown! “ Yes, like hisboots!(pointingto hisboots)” “Oh! Lookhere, Woodyinvitedsome friends!Whoare they? Let’ssee…..” I’ll showthemthe followingpictures.
  • 11. T: “Who is she?” Studentsmayanswer“Jessie” or“la vaquera”,if not,I’ll tell hername. WoodyandJessie are friendsandtheyare happy(Pointingtotheirmouth).Andlookthere are some blocksonthe floor. Where are Woodyand Jessie? Canyouguess?(Pointingtothe room) EA: “En la piezade Andy!(Theymaysayin L1). If studentsdonot answer,I’ll say:Theyare in Andy’sbedroom. Now, look at Jessie!What’sthis?(pointingtoherhat) EA: hat! T: Yes! She hasgot a hat,like Woody! (Pointingtobothhats) Andwhat colorisher hat? EA: Red!T: Yes! It’s red. Look at her hair,she has got redhair. Andlookherarms (Pointingtothem) She hasgottwo arms.And, howmany legsdoesshe have?One,two? (gesturingwithmyfingers) EA:two!T: Excellent! She has got twolegs.(I’ll encourage studentstorepeatafterme) Look at herfeet!.Whatcolor are they?EA:brown!T: great!Theyare brown.Repeatafterme:“Theyare brown” But wait…Here it is anotherfriend!
  • 12. Some childrenmaysayinL1: “ El señorpapa!” T: “ Verygood!He is Mr. Potato. Ok. Lookat hisface.What’s this?( Pointingtohisears) EA: Ears!. T: Correct!He has got bigears (gesturing withmyhands the wordbig).AndWhat colorare hisears?” EA: Pink!T: “ Verygood! He has got pinkears(I’ll encourage studentstorepeat the chunk). And What’sthis?(Pointingtohis mouth)” EA: “It’sa mouth!”T: “ Great! What color isit? EA: It’sred! T: Perfect!Lookat their arms , What colorare they?” EA: White!T: Theyare white armslike hishands.(Emphasizing the word hand to notice the sound/ æ/)And , lookat hisfingers,How many fingersdoeshe have?(Pointingtohis fingers) EA:one,two,three…..Four!T: Excellent!Repeat:He has got fourfingers. Transition: “ Fantastic! Oh! What happenedhere!There issomebodywhoneedshelp…!” Development 17’: Activity 1- 7’: I’ll displayonthe board some missing partsof Mrs. Potato’sface andI’ ll ask students some questions aboutthe face sothat theycan name some parts,use the new vocabularyandrevise colorsand numbers.Iwill alsoinvite some studentstocome tothe board and stickthe missingpartsonthe face. Look ! Who isshe?Can youguess…? Childrenmayrespond: “laseñorapapa!O el señorpapa!”T: “Ok,let’ssee…Helpme to complete the face . I’ll take a picture,forexample,the eyesandI’ll askstudents: T: “What are they? EA: eyes! T: “Excellent!.Repeatafterme,theyare eyes” Andhow manyeyesdoesshe have?(Pointing to each eye) EA: Two! T: “Good!, She has gottwo eyes. Repeatafterme :“She has got two eyes”.(Studentswill repeatthe phrase).Great! Now,whowantsto stickthe eyes? Ok,youAye,come here and stickthe eyes.”Ok,verygood!.
  • 13. T: Look!. What’sthis? EA: Nose! T: Yes! It’s a bignose. Perfect!Come here Pedro!Stickthe nose,please!Well done!Now, here itis the mouth.What coloris the mouth? EA: it’sred! T: Good! Cata, come here and stickthe mouth,please.Ok,Whatare they? EA: Arms T: Ok. Let’sput herarms. Great! Look! How many feetdoesshe have? EA: two T: Yes!.She has got two feet(I’llencourage studentstorepeat). Transition: “Great!You workedverywell! Now it’stime tocolor! So,sitat your benches.”
  • 14. (I’ll organize students intheirbenches, makinggroupsof five children butthey’llwork individually) Activity 2 -10’: I´ll give students aworksheetof Jessiecharacter tocolor herbody partsfollowingmy instructions.(Listenanddo) T: “Now,children,listentome (pointingtomyear) , youhave to color the bodyparts (showing the worksheetandpointingtothe bodyparts) .AndI’ll tell youthe colors.Ok?” “She has got redhair” Colorthe hair red!Ok? “She has got browneyes”Let’scolorthe browneyes! -Ok?Now, she has gotyellowarms. I`ll continue withthe restof the bodyparts( legs,feet,hands) Listenand color Jessie
  • 15. Transition:” Oh! Your picturesare beautiful!Now,let’ssitdown inasemi-circle,we will watch a video.” Closure 5’: I’ll invite students to sit on the floor and we’ll watch a video song. The first time students listen and watch the video. As they really like the song, we’ll listen to it for a second time and we will do the actions. (until minute 2:13) Tapescript: The Hokey Pokey shake Hey, everybody. It's time to do the Hokey Pokey! Make a big circle. Here we go. You put one hand in. You put one hand out. You put one hand in. And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. You do the Hokey Pokey and turn around. Everybody turn around. You put two hands in. You put two hands out. You put two hands in. And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. You do the Hokey Pokey and clap your hands. Everybody clap your hands. You put one foot in. You put one foot out. You put one foot in. And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. You do the Hokey Pokey and sit down. Everybody please sit down.
  • 16. You put two feet in. You put two feet out. You put two feet in. And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. You do the Hokey Pokey and stand up. Everybody please stand up. You put your head in. You put your head out. You put your head in. And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. You do the Hokey Pokey and sing a song. La, la, la, la, la, la! You put your backside in. You put your backside out. You put your backside in. And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. You do the Hokey Pokey and be quiet. Everybody please be quiet. Shh! You put your whole self in. You put your whole self out. You put your whole self in. And you shake, shake, shake, shake, shake. You do the Hokey Pokey and take a bow. Everybody take a bow. T: “Oh! Look at the clock! It’s time to say goodbye!” “Thisis the way we saygood bye,saygood bye,saygoodbye. This isthe way we say goodbye,toyou,toyou,and you”
  • 17. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Language accuracy x Observations Minimumscore:18 / 30 Score:_24___ /30 It`s a great start! Well done! Take the commentsintoaccountfor future lessonplans.