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ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Ailén Moller Poulsen
Período de Práctica: Nivel Inicial
Institución Educativa: Colegio Woodville
Dirección: Avda. Los Pioneros km. 2,900 - S.C. de Bariloche, Río Negro
Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 5 años
Cantidad de alumnos: 21
Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes
Tipo de Planificación: Clase
Unidad Temática: Comida
Clase Nº: 2
Fecha: 22/05/2017
Hora: 14:00 a 16:00hs (menos 30 minutos de recreo)
Duración de la clase: 90 minutos
Fecha de entrega: 17/05/2017 – 19/05/2017
 Aims or goals:
During this lesson, learners will be able to:
- follow commands
- improve their listening skills by listening to a song
- identify and name food objects
- improve pronunciation of certain sounds through practice
-recognize healthy/unhealthy food
 Teaching points:
-What is this? This is a...(carrot, apple, cake...)
 Language Focus:
Functions Lexis Structure Pronunciation
Revision -Naming some
food objects
-Naming the
weather and
days of the week
Apple, Orange,
Banana, Potato,
Tomato, Lemon,
Kiwi, Carrot,
Broccoli, Grapes
-What’s the
weather like? Is
it...? No it isn’t
/Yes it is
What is this? This
is a... (tomato,
Do you like...?
Yes, I like.../No, I
don`t like...
/ ə/ sound, as in
‘tomato’, etc.
New -Naming new
food objects
Cake, Chocolate,
Cookies, Ice-
cream, , Chips,
Pudding, Candy,
-... is healthy/
/k/ as in ‘cake’
 Teaching approach or combination of methods / approaches:
The PPP model will be use in this lesson.
 Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how?
Listening and speaking skills will be integrated in this class by the use of a song and games.
 Materials and resources:
Flashcards, recorder, poster, pictures, bingo board
 Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home:
In this lesson, the use of audio material will be used to engage learners in the class and support
the presentation of the new topic. This will help in the learning and acquisition of language.
 Seating arrangement:
Standing up for the hello and goodbye songs. Sitting in a semi circle for revision and the
introduction of new vocabulary. Sitting around the tables to perform some of the activities.
 Assessment: what will be assessed and how
I will check students’ comprehension and understanding of the new lexis by asking them to pick
up/point out at the different objects.
 ROUTINE (5-10’)
Purpose: to get students organised and ready to start the class
Interaction Patterns: T-S
I'll get into the classroom and greet students: "Hello children! How are you today?"
SS: Hello
I'll put the recording and a new "Hello song" for children to learn (the teacher told me that the
children love to learn new songs, that is why I decided to use a different one to the ones they are
use to).
T: Ok, are you ready to learn a new ‘hello song’? Let's stand up and get ready for it. Are you ready?
SS: Yes!
Comentario [A1]: According to the
lesson plan, they won´t be actually
encouraged to produce these chunks of
Comentario [A2]: You should do it
twice, don´t you think?
♫ Hello, hello. [Wave one hand, then the other hand.]
Can you clap your hands? [Clap.]
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Can you stretch up high? [Stretch towards the ceiling.]
Can you touch your toes? [Bend down and touch your toes.]
Can you turn around? [Turn around.]
Can you say, "Hello"? [Wave, then say, "Hello" to as many people as you can!]
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet? [Stamp your feet.]
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet?
Can you stretch up high?
Can you touch your toes?
Can you turn around?
Can you say, "Hello"?
Hello, hello.
Can you clap your hands?
Hello, hello.
Can you stamp your feet? ♫
Transition: T: Very good!! Let’s sit down on the floor in a semicircle, one boy one girl.
NOTE: Before we start with the lesson, we will do two short activities (checking weather and days
of the week; these are routine activities for them)
Activity 1: (5’)
Purpose: to revise the weather
Students are sitting on the floor in a semi circle.
T: Let’s see through the window and see what the weather is like today. OK, I’ll need Maximilian
and Eloise. Who would like to go to the window? OK, Eloise you go. Would you like to wear the
weather hat?
S: Yes.
T: OK, here you have. Maximilian, you’ll go the weather wheel. Are you ready kids?
SS: Yeees!
T and SS singing the weather song:
What’s the weather,
What’s the weather,
Like today, like today?
Is it sunny, is it sunny? (This depends on what picture the wheel ended)
Is it sunny Eloise?
S: No, it isn’t.
What’s the weather,
What’s the weather,
Like today, like today?
Is it cloudy, is it cloudy?
Is it cloudy Eloise?
S: yes, it is.
Transition: OK, good job! Now, which day of the week is it today? Can anyone tell?
Interaction Patterns:
Activity 2: (5’)
Purpose: to revise days of the week
T: Lara, would you like to come to the front?
T and SS sing the song about the days of the week.
SONG: Days of the Week
Days of the week (clap,clap)
Days of the week (clap,clap)
Days of the week, Days of the week, Days of the week (clap,clap)
There’s Sunday and there’s Monday and there’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday,
There’s Thursday and there’s Friday and there is Saturday.
Days of the week (clap,clap)
Days of the week (clap,clap)
Days of the week, Days of the week, Days of the week (clap,clap)
T: Good, is Monday. And which number is it today?
SS: Twenty-two
T: Good! Twenty-second. And what should we draw? A sun, a cloud?
SS: A cloud.
T: Lara could you draw a cloud, please? Thank you.
Transition: Well done!
Interaction Patterns:
 WARM-UP (5-10’)
Purpose: to revise vocabulary
Interaction Patterns: T/S
While the children sit down, I will take some flashcards with pictures of fruits and vegetables.
Sample of flashcards:
T: What is this? Do you remember how it is called?
SS: Broccoli!
T: Good! It’s a broccoli. Do you like broccoli?
SS: Yes/No
T: You do/don’t... And what is this?
SS: Carrot.
T: Carrot, well done! Now, who wants to come to the front and pick up a picture?
SS: Me, me, me!
T: OK, Dante. Come up to the front. (Dante takes a flashcard and T helps formulate the question).
Dante: What is this?
SS: Kiwi
T: Good job! Now, Eloise come and pick up a flashcard.
Eloise: What is this?
SS: Onion.
T: Well done!
Transition: Great job! Now, stand up please. Will sing ‘Head and Shoulders’, are you ready?
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
And eyes, and ears, and mouth,
And nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
The, they will sing it again, but this time, boys will sing ‘head and shoulder’, girls ‘knees and toes’,
and then all, ‘eyes and ears, and mouth and nose’.
NOTE: the teacher told me is a good idea for children to sing a song of or play a short game
between activities for them to distract a little and then be able to focus on the next activity.
Purpose: to introduce vocabulary
Activity 1: (10’)
Children will be sitting on the floor.
The teacher will introduce the new lexis by the use of flashcards.
T: Tell me, do you like to eat cake? (while showing a picture of a cake)
SS: Yes!
T: Yes, I do
SS: Yes, I do
T: Great! And do you like eating chips? (while showing a picture of chips)
SS: Yes, I do/No, I don’t
T: Do you like chip cake? (while showing a picture of a chip cake)*
SS: No! Yucky!
This will be repeated with the rest of the vocabulary.
The teacher will check student’s comprehension by asking them to tell her how the food objects
are called. For example: “Who can tell what this is?”
*This is related to a song they heard the first day they started with ‘food’ and I realized they
remember it, so I thought it would be a good idea to use the song’s idea here. Here is the link:
Transition: Well done! Now, who’s ready for a song?
Comentario [A3]: It is, indeed. I would
always try to include songs/chants/games
which are connected with the topic of the
Comentario [A4]: You can have the
fruit and vegetables cards on the board,
and draw a line to differentiate them from
this new category – sweets.
Comentario [A5]: You must include
them in the lesson plan.
Comentario [A6]: Or eating?
Comentario [A7]: To do it more game-
like style, you can play a memo game, for
instance. You ask ss to close their eyes,
take a flashcard out, and ask them what is
missing. Just an idea…
Interaction Patterns: T-S
Activity 2: (15’)
Purpose: to practise the new vocabulary
SONG: I Love Sweets Lyrics (01:42)
Sweets, sweets.
I love sweets.
Donuts, ice cream.
Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake.
What's your favourite sweet?
Sweets, sweets.
I love sweets.
Donuts, ice cream.
Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake.
What's your favourite sweet?
Donuts, donuts.
Ice cream, ice cream.
Chocolate, chocolate.
Candy, candy.
Pudding, pudding.
Cake, cake.
I love sweets.
Sweets, sweets.
I love sweets.
Donuts, ice cream.
Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake.
What's your favourite sweet?
Sweets, sweets.
I love sweets.
Donuts, ice cream.
Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake.
What's your favourite sweet?
What's your favourite sweet?
Wow, great!
The teacher will put on the song and pause it (and then put play again) to ask children what was
said (ice-cream, chocolate, donuts, etc).
T: What did he saidsay?
SS: Donuts
T: Good! (puts clicks on play)
T: Did you like the song?
SS: Yes! (at least does that`s what I hope)
The T will ask children what happens when they it too much candy, cake...
If they cannot answer, she will show a flashcard of a kid feeling sick.
T: What will happen if you eat too much candy?
SS: You’ll feel sick
T: Right, you’ll have a stomach/tummy ache. And what happens if you eat fruits and vegetables?
SS: ...
T: You’ll get strong.
If children want to, the song will be played again.
Transition: Well done! Now, will play a short game, ‘Simon says’.
T: Does everyone remember how to play?
SS: Yes/No (if not, the teacher will explain the game)
T: I’ll do it first and then you, ok?
SS: Yes.
T: Simon says touch your nose (children touch their nose). Good! Now, Dimas you say something.
Dimas: Simon says...
NOTE: Perhaps replace ‘Simon says’ and have brake break time.
Comentario [A8]: Make use of the
flashcards to elicit vocabulary.
Comentario [A9]: You should ask them
what their favourite sweet is, as the song
asks. Prompt their answers.
Interaction Patterns: T-S
Activity 3: (15-20’)
Purpose: to identify healthy and unhealthy food
T: Now, we are going to play game.
The T will paste two teeth on the board, a happy one and a sad one; and put on the floor images of
healthy and unhealthy food. And then, she will say:
T: OK kids, what can you see? (while pointing to the teeth)
SS: Teeth! (they have already study the human body)
T: Good, and how does these teeth look like? Are they happy?
SS: Yes!/No!/Only one...
T: Good job! We have a happy tooth and a sad tooth. And why do you think this tooth is sad?
(while pointing out to the sad tooth) Do you think it eats lots of fruits and vegetables?
SS: Mmm... No!
T: Good! It eats a lot of chocolate and candy, right?
SS: Yes
T: Good! It’s eating a lot of unhealthy food. Now, what we are going to do is put these pictures
(food images) on the teeth it belongsthey belong to (mimic miming will be used here). For
example, where do you think the candy should go? On the happy tooth or the sad tooth?
SS: On the sad tooth.
T: Correct! Has everyone understood?
SS: Yes/No (if not, the teacher will explain again)
Children will pass to the front and paste the pictures.
T: Felix, come and pick up a picture.
T: Show the picture to the class. What is it?
SS: Ice-cream
T: Good! And where shall we put it? Here or here?
SS: There (while pointing the sad tooth)
This will be repeated until every picture has been placed. The teacher will help children formulate
the question to the class in order to find out what food objects they have chosen.
Comentario [A10]: And demonstrate.
You can use thumbs up/down gesture as
Comentario [A11]: To make it more
challenging, you can ask ss to pick a certain
picture. For example, “X, pick up the
Comentario [A12]: ?
Transition: Excellent work!
Interaction Patterns: T-S / S-S
Activity 4: (15’)
Purpose: to practise the new and already known vocabulary
T: We will play Bingo! Who wants to play?
SS: We!
T: I’ll need you to sit by the tables.
The T will give each student a Bingo board and will say: “Ok, leave the cards on the middle.
Everyone will have to pick up a card and say what they have, but you’ll do it in turns. For example,
Camilo will pick up a card and say: ‘tomato’; anyone who has a tomato will put one of these
(fichas) on top of the image. Then, Felipe will pick another card and say.... Once someone has
every picture, you shout: ‘Bingo!’ (mimic mimingwill be used here)
The teacher will walk around checking that children are using English and will help when needed.
Interaction Patterns: S-S
 CLOSURE (5’)
Purpose: to let children know it’s time to go home
Comentario [A13]: Make sure you
include food items they are acquainted
with in L2.
Comentario [A14]: Coins? What will
you use? You can have coins in the shape
of little teeth.
Comentario [A15]: Have they done
this before? If they haven´t, I think you
should be the one in charge of
naming/showing the pictures (you can
elicit the words from ss) and monitor they
are following the game.
T: OK kids, it’s time to go home. Will We´ll sing the goodbye song and then you’ll go and fetch your
T and SS sing the goodbye song.
Bye bye. Goodbye.
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.
I can clap my hands.
I can stamp my feet.
I can clap my hands.
I can stamp my feet.
Bye bye. Goodbye.
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.
Bye bye. Goodbye.
Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye.
T: Boys, go and fetch your things.
Boys get their things.
T: Girls, now go and fetch your things.
We will wait until their parents enter the class to take them home.
Interaction Patterns:
Lesson plan
Very Good
Coherence and
Variety of
resources –
Learning styles
Stages and
Observations You have included several resources. Well done! Make sure you use L2 as much as
Enjoy the lesson!

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Moller Poulsen - Kindergarten Lesson Plan 2

  • 1. TALLER PRÁCTICA DOCENTE 2017 ALUMNO RESIDENTE: Ailén Moller Poulsen Período de Práctica: Nivel Inicial Institución Educativa: Colegio Woodville Dirección: Avda. Los Pioneros km. 2,900 - S.C. de Bariloche, Río Negro Sala / Grado / Año - sección: Sala de 5 años Cantidad de alumnos: 21 Nivel lingüístico del curso: Principiantes Tipo de Planificación: Clase Unidad Temática: Comida Clase Nº: 2 Fecha: 22/05/2017 Hora: 14:00 a 16:00hs (menos 30 minutos de recreo) Duración de la clase: 90 minutos Fecha de entrega: 17/05/2017 – 19/05/2017 LESSON PLAN  Aims or goals: During this lesson, learners will be able to: - follow commands - improve their listening skills by listening to a song - identify and name food objects - improve pronunciation of certain sounds through practice -recognize healthy/unhealthy food  Teaching points: -What is this? This is a...(carrot, apple, cake...)  Language Focus: Functions Lexis Structure Pronunciation Revision -Naming some food objects -Naming the weather and days of the week Apple, Orange, Banana, Potato, Tomato, Lemon, Strawberry, Kiwi, Carrot, Broccoli, Grapes -What’s the weather like? Is it...? No it isn’t /Yes it is What is this? This is a... (tomato, apple...) Do you like...? Yes, I like.../No, I don`t like... / ə/ sound, as in ‘banana’, ‘tomato’, etc.
  • 2. New -Naming new food objects Cake, Chocolate, Cookies, Ice- cream, , Chips, Pudding, Candy, Donuts -... is healthy/ unhealthy /k/ as in ‘cake’  Teaching approach or combination of methods / approaches: The PPP model will be use in this lesson.  Integration of skills: What skills will be integrated and how? Listening and speaking skills will be integrated in this class by the use of a song and games.  Materials and resources: Flashcards, recorder, poster, pictures, bingo board  Pedagogical use of ICT in class or at home: In this lesson, the use of audio material will be used to engage learners in the class and support the presentation of the new topic. This will help in the learning and acquisition of language.  Seating arrangement: Standing up for the hello and goodbye songs. Sitting in a semi circle for revision and the introduction of new vocabulary. Sitting around the tables to perform some of the activities.  Assessment: what will be assessed and how I will check students’ comprehension and understanding of the new lexis by asking them to pick up/point out at the different objects. STAGES OF THE LESSON PLAN  ROUTINE (5-10’) Purpose: to get students organised and ready to start the class Interaction Patterns: T-S I'll get into the classroom and greet students: "Hello children! How are you today?" SS: Hello I'll put the recording and a new "Hello song" for children to learn (the teacher told me that the children love to learn new songs, that is why I decided to use a different one to the ones they are use to). T: Ok, are you ready to learn a new ‘hello song’? Let's stand up and get ready for it. Are you ready? SS: Yes! Comentario [A1]: According to the lesson plan, they won´t be actually encouraged to produce these chunks of language. Comentario [A2]: You should do it twice, don´t you think?
  • 3. ♫ Hello, hello. [Wave one hand, then the other hand.] Can you clap your hands? [Clap.] Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Can you stretch up high? [Stretch towards the ceiling.] Can you touch your toes? [Bend down and touch your toes.] Can you turn around? [Turn around.] Can you say, "Hello"? [Wave, then say, "Hello" to as many people as you can!] Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? [Stamp your feet.] Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? Can you stretch up high? Can you touch your toes? Can you turn around? Can you say, "Hello"? Hello, hello. Can you clap your hands? Hello, hello. Can you stamp your feet? ♫ Transition: T: Very good!! Let’s sit down on the floor in a semicircle, one boy one girl. NOTE: Before we start with the lesson, we will do two short activities (checking weather and days of the week; these are routine activities for them) Activity 1: (5’) Purpose: to revise the weather Students are sitting on the floor in a semi circle. T: Let’s see through the window and see what the weather is like today. OK, I’ll need Maximilian and Eloise. Who would like to go to the window? OK, Eloise you go. Would you like to wear the weather hat? S: Yes. T: OK, here you have. Maximilian, you’ll go the weather wheel. Are you ready kids? SS: Yeees!
  • 4. T and SS singing the weather song: What’s the weather, What’s the weather, Like today, like today? Is it sunny, is it sunny? (This depends on what picture the wheel ended) Is it sunny Eloise? S: No, it isn’t. What’s the weather, What’s the weather, Like today, like today? Is it cloudy, is it cloudy? Is it cloudy Eloise? S: yes, it is. Transition: OK, good job! Now, which day of the week is it today? Can anyone tell? Interaction Patterns: Activity 2: (5’) Purpose: to revise days of the week T: Lara, would you like to come to the front? T and SS sing the song about the days of the week. SONG: Days of the Week Days of the week (clap,clap) Days of the week (clap,clap) Days of the week, Days of the week, Days of the week (clap,clap) There’s Sunday and there’s Monday and there’s Tuesday and there’s Wednesday, There’s Thursday and there’s Friday and there is Saturday. Days of the week (clap,clap) Days of the week (clap,clap) Days of the week, Days of the week, Days of the week (clap,clap) T: Good, is Monday. And which number is it today? SS: Twenty-two
  • 5. T: Good! Twenty-second. And what should we draw? A sun, a cloud? SS: A cloud. T: Lara could you draw a cloud, please? Thank you. Transition: Well done! Interaction Patterns:  WARM-UP (5-10’) Purpose: to revise vocabulary Interaction Patterns: T/S While the children sit down, I will take some flashcards with pictures of fruits and vegetables. Sample of flashcards: T: What is this? Do you remember how it is called? SS: Broccoli! T: Good! It’s a broccoli. Do you like broccoli? SS: Yes/No T: You do/don’t... And what is this? SS: Carrot. T: Carrot, well done! Now, who wants to come to the front and pick up a picture? SS: Me, me, me! T: OK, Dante. Come up to the front. (Dante takes a flashcard and T helps formulate the question). Dante: What is this? SS: Kiwi T: Good job! Now, Eloise come and pick up a flashcard. Eloise: What is this? SS: Onion. T: Well done! Transition: Great job! Now, stand up please. Will sing ‘Head and Shoulders’, are you ready?
  • 6. SONG: Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. And eyes, and ears, and mouth, And nose. Head, shoulders, knees and toes, Knees and toes. The, they will sing it again, but this time, boys will sing ‘head and shoulder’, girls ‘knees and toes’, and then all, ‘eyes and ears, and mouth and nose’. NOTE: the teacher told me is a good idea for children to sing a song of or play a short game between activities for them to distract a little and then be able to focus on the next activity.  PRESENTATION Purpose: to introduce vocabulary Activity 1: (10’) Children will be sitting on the floor. The teacher will introduce the new lexis by the use of flashcards. T: Tell me, do you like to eat cake? (while showing a picture of a cake) SS: Yes! T: Yes, I do SS: Yes, I do T: Great! And do you like eating chips? (while showing a picture of chips) SS: Yes, I do/No, I don’t T: Do you like chip cake? (while showing a picture of a chip cake)* SS: No! Yucky! This will be repeated with the rest of the vocabulary. The teacher will check student’s comprehension by asking them to tell her how the food objects are called. For example: “Who can tell what this is?” *This is related to a song they heard the first day they started with ‘food’ and I realized they remember it, so I thought it would be a good idea to use the song’s idea here. Here is the link: Transition: Well done! Now, who’s ready for a song? Comentario [A3]: It is, indeed. I would always try to include songs/chants/games which are connected with the topic of the lesson. Comentario [A4]: You can have the fruit and vegetables cards on the board, and draw a line to differentiate them from this new category – sweets. Comentario [A5]: You must include them in the lesson plan. Comentario [A6]: Or eating? Comentario [A7]: To do it more game- like style, you can play a memo game, for instance. You ask ss to close their eyes, take a flashcard out, and ask them what is missing. Just an idea…
  • 7. Interaction Patterns: T-S  DEVELOPMENT Activity 2: (15’) Purpose: to practise the new vocabulary SONG: I Love Sweets Lyrics (01:42) Sweets, sweets. I love sweets. Donuts, ice cream. Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake. What's your favourite sweet? Sweets, sweets. I love sweets. Donuts, ice cream. Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake. What's your favourite sweet? Donuts, donuts. Ice cream, ice cream. Chocolate, chocolate. Candy, candy. Pudding, pudding. Cake, cake. I love sweets. Yummy! Sweets, sweets. I love sweets. Donuts, ice cream. Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake. What's your favourite sweet? Sweets, sweets. I love sweets. Donuts, ice cream. Chocolate, candy, pudding, cake. What's your favourite sweet?
  • 8. What's your favourite sweet? Wow, great! The teacher will put on the song and pause it (and then put play again) to ask children what was said (ice-cream, chocolate, donuts, etc). T: What did he saidsay? SS: Donuts T: Good! (puts clicks on play) ... T: Did you like the song? SS: Yes! (at least does that`s what I hope) The T will ask children what happens when they it too much candy, cake... If they cannot answer, she will show a flashcard of a kid feeling sick. Sample: T: What will happen if you eat too much candy? SS: You’ll feel sick T: Right, you’ll have a stomach/tummy ache. And what happens if you eat fruits and vegetables? SS: ... T: You’ll get strong. If children want to, the song will be played again. Transition: Well done! Now, will play a short game, ‘Simon says’. T: Does everyone remember how to play? SS: Yes/No (if not, the teacher will explain the game) T: I’ll do it first and then you, ok? SS: Yes. T: Simon says touch your nose (children touch their nose). Good! Now, Dimas you say something. Dimas: Simon says... NOTE: Perhaps replace ‘Simon says’ and have brake break time. Comentario [A8]: Make use of the flashcards to elicit vocabulary. Comentario [A9]: You should ask them what their favourite sweet is, as the song asks. Prompt their answers.
  • 9. Interaction Patterns: T-S Activity 3: (15-20’) Purpose: to identify healthy and unhealthy food T: Now, we are going to play game. The T will paste two teeth on the board, a happy one and a sad one; and put on the floor images of healthy and unhealthy food. And then, she will say: T: OK kids, what can you see? (while pointing to the teeth) SS: Teeth! (they have already study the human body) T: Good, and how does these teeth look like? Are they happy? SS: Yes!/No!/Only one... T: Good job! We have a happy tooth and a sad tooth. And why do you think this tooth is sad? (while pointing out to the sad tooth) Do you think it eats lots of fruits and vegetables? SS: Mmm... No! T: Good! It eats a lot of chocolate and candy, right? SS: Yes T: Good! It’s eating a lot of unhealthy food. Now, what we are going to do is put these pictures (food images) on the teeth it belongsthey belong to (mimic miming will be used here). For example, where do you think the candy should go? On the happy tooth or the sad tooth? SS: On the sad tooth. T: Correct! Has everyone understood? SS: Yes/No (if not, the teacher will explain again) Children will pass to the front and paste the pictures. T: Felix, come and pick up a picture. ... T: Show the picture to the class. What is it? SS: Ice-cream T: Good! And where shall we put it? Here or here? SS: There (while pointing the sad tooth) This will be repeated until every picture has been placed. The teacher will help children formulate the question to the class in order to find out what food objects they have chosen. Sample: Comentario [A10]: And demonstrate. You can use thumbs up/down gesture as well. Comentario [A11]: To make it more challenging, you can ask ss to pick a certain picture. For example, “X, pick up the pineapple”. Comentario [A12]: ?
  • 10. Transition: Excellent work! Interaction Patterns: T-S / S-S Activity 4: (15’) Purpose: to practise the new and already known vocabulary T: We will play Bingo! Who wants to play? SS: We! T: I’ll need you to sit by the tables. The T will give each student a Bingo board and will say: “Ok, leave the cards on the middle. Everyone will have to pick up a card and say what they have, but you’ll do it in turns. For example, Camilo will pick up a card and say: ‘tomato’; anyone who has a tomato will put one of these (fichas) on top of the image. Then, Felipe will pick another card and say.... Once someone has every picture, you shout: ‘Bingo!’ (mimic mimingwill be used here) The teacher will walk around checking that children are using English and will help when needed. SAMPLE: Transition: Interaction Patterns: S-S  CLOSURE (5’) Purpose: to let children know it’s time to go home Comentario [A13]: Make sure you include food items they are acquainted with in L2. Comentario [A14]: Coins? What will you use? You can have coins in the shape of little teeth. Comentario [A15]: Have they done this before? If they haven´t, I think you should be the one in charge of naming/showing the pictures (you can elicit the words from ss) and monitor they are following the game.
  • 11. T: OK kids, it’s time to go home. Will We´ll sing the goodbye song and then you’ll go and fetch your things. T and SS sing the goodbye song. SONG: Bye bye. Goodbye. Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye. I can clap my hands. I can stamp my feet. I can clap my hands. I can stamp my feet. Bye bye. Goodbye. Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye. Bye bye. Goodbye. Bye, bye, bye, bye. Goodbye. GOODBYE! T: Boys, go and fetch your things. Boys get their things. T: Girls, now go and fetch your things. We will wait until their parents enter the class to take them home. Transition: Interaction Patterns:  HOMEWORK
  • 12. Lesson plan component Excellent 5 Very Good 4 Good 3 Acceptable 2 Below Standard 1 Visual organization x Coherence and sequencing x Variety of resources – Learning styles x Stages and activities x Teaching strategies x Language accuracy x Observations You have included several resources. Well done! Make sure you use L2 as much as possible. Enjoy the lesson! Aure