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Benjamin Franklin, the Father of Foreign Diplomacy Essay
Some people will argue that the true birth of United States of America started with George
Washington leading the Continental Army against Great Britain's royal army in pursuit of freedom
from foreign dictatorship; seizing the opportunity to create and control their own government in the
manner in which they sought fit. One of the major forces in this battle for freedom was the
diplomatic travels of Benjamin Franklin. His travels to England and France set the foundation for
the dealings in foreign diplomacy that are still in effect today. Without Benjamin Franklin's wisdom,
knowledge and courage to address Kings and Parliament on the behalf of the colonies, the American
government, as we know it would not exist.
Benjamin was born ... Show more content on ...
Upon his return to the colonies he was elected as the unofficial ambassador to England, and this
became a duty that he carried out for many years to come.
Over the next decade, hostilities grew between the colonies and England. Benjamin Franklin spent
his time as a delegate between the two lands and argued many of the colonies grievances toward
Britain's mistreatment. In 1765 at the age of 59, Franklin addressed Parliament regarding the
Quartering Bill, which allowed forceful housing of British soldiers in the homes of the Americans.
He argued on behalf of the colonies and Parliament amended the bill making the act illegal. During
this same year, Parliament passed the Stamp Act as a way of acquiring more money from the
colonies. This is where many of Benjamin Franklin's diplomatic duties began.
Franklin was called to testify in front of Parliment,
A questioner asked: "Considering the resolutions of Parliament as to the right, do you think, if the
stamp–act is repealed, that the North Americans will be satisfied?"
Franklin responded: "I think the resolutions of right will gibe them very little concern, if they are
never attempted to be carried into practice."
A adversary asked: "If the stamp–act should be repealed, would it induce the assemblies of America
to acknowledge the rights of Parliament to tax them, and would they erase their resolutions [of
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Nathie Marbury: The Western Pennsylvania School For The Deaf
Nathie Marbury was born January 20, 1944 in Grenada, MS but grew up in Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of Lezera and Rosetta Marbury. Nathie had many siblings; she
was the 16th of 17th children. Her parents for some reason did not believe in education, but Nathie
as a child who was born deaf enabled her to better her education.
She attended Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, and graduated in 1962. An interesting fact
about The Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf was founded in 1869, and is a non–profit,
tuition–free school. It provides academic and extracurricular activities to deaf and hard of hearing
children from birth up to twelfth grade. They use American Sign Language, sign supported English
and Spoken English ... Show more content on ...
At the school she attended, her white friends tried to rub off her blackness. That one sentences when
I read it, I was in shock! How could they do that to her? I continued reading and read she tried out
for the football team. Eventually, as she grew older, and the years went by, she became a mother of
two children named Alberta Stewart and Norma Holt, and a grandmother of five grandchildren
Crystal, Alyssa, Michael, and Drew Stewart, and Sabrina Holt. Even though she had children and
grandchildren's, she felt her identity, as a Black Deaf woman was not defined, it was not until later
in life where she found her
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Settling The Northern Colonies : Big Picture Themes
Chapter #3: Settling the Northern Colonies – Big Picture Themes
1. Plymouth, MA was founded with the initial goal of allowing Pilgrims, and later Puritans, to
worship independent of the Church of England. Their society, ironically, was very intolerant itself
and any dissenters were pushed out of the colony.
2. Other New England colonies sprouted up, due to (a) religious dissent from Plymouth and
Massachusetts as with Rhode Island, (b) the constant search for more farmland as in Connecticut,
and (c) just due to natural growth as in Maine.
3. The Middle Colonies emerged as the literal crossroads of the north and south. They held the
stereotypical qualities of both regions: agricultural and industrial. And they were unique in that (a)
New York was born of Dutch heritage rather than English, and (b) Pennsylvania thrived more than
any other colony due to its freedoms and tolerance.
IDENTIFICATIONS: Chapter #3: Settling the Northern Colonies (pages 43 – 65)
Anne Hutchinson– Puritan spiritual leader who following a religious disagreement was banished for
the Mass. Bay Colony and later died in the Dutch colony of New Netherland
Roger Williams– Puritan leader who was exiled from Massachusetts and eventually went on to
merge multiple colonies to create the colony of Rhode Island.
William Bradford– Governor of the Plymouth colony following the exodus of the Pilgrims to what
would become Massachusetts.
William Penn– The colony of Pennsylvania named after him (Established as a quaker
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A History Of The Gilpin Family
A history of the Gilpin Family in America From 1685 to 1810 (Change title) The Gilpin family, have
been an integral part of American History since their arrival in 1695. The family, who arrived, as
part of an initial large wave of Quakers in America, carved out a place in American, more
specifically Quaker History. Coming to America, at the invitation of William Penn, and deeply
embroiled in significant events in American History, the Gilpin 's were early founders of
Pennsylvania. Their Quaker background proved to be of primary importance in precisely how the
family participated in important events, like the American Revolution. From their peaceful relations
with Indians to their involvement in the American Revolution, their pacifist belief system influenced
their action. However, not all members of the Gilpin family remained pacifists. While one member
Thomas Gilpin held fast to his Quaker beliefs during the American Revolution, another, Colonel
George Gilpin, Became a close confidant of George Washington eventually serving as Pallbearer at
Washington 's funeral. . The Quakers were different from many of the settlers of other early
American colonies. The Quakers, also known as the Society of Friends, were built upon ideals of
pacifism and benevolence. They did not come here as traders or merchants. The Quakers came here
for religious freedom, as did many others. However, Quakers, who had experienced persecution in
other colonies like
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R. Ga And Adelburger Defense Of Eastern Ohio And Western...
R GA and Adelburger defense of eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania had finally fallen by the
17th of November. By this point, with the Underground continuing their push from the west, the
FYC–YCHS alliance continuing their push from the south, in addition to the Union and the other
factions following in the wake of the advance, this has resulted in the Union having the opportunity
to launch a series of subversion and swaying of RGA and Adelburger control of the other school
systems on the surface, along with surgical strikes on Adelburger Castles and other assets beneath
and its presence in the otherworld. Luftgeschwader dogfights with the Union had also become
increasingly fierce, with the Underground beginning to field their own ... Show more content on ...
But when the school day ended, he knew it was time for him to inspect the defenders behind one of
the most decisive events within the sphere of Brotzmanskrieg. The school bell rang, and the students
around him began to get out of their desks, taking with them their textbooks and knapsacks, and
getting themselves ready for the upcoming weekend. In November, the winter uniform was being
worn by the boys attending Archbishop Kurtz. The winter uniform consisted of a dark violet or gray
long sleeved V–neck sweater (with school insignia on left breast), underneath a white dress shirt
featuring a Saint Tropez style collar and dark violet dress tie, a pair of pleated black dress pants and
a black or brown belt around the waist, along with matching black socks and oxford dress shoes.
Aside from the sweaters, the uniform dress code also allowed for a cardigan, which was to have a
dark violet color, along with school insignia on left breast. During the spring and late summer parts
of the school year, however, a summer uniform had the dress shirt replaced with a violet golf shirt.
Wearing the dress shirt was acceptable, but it had to be worn alongside a dark violet V–neck sweater
and tie. Much like most Catholic primary and secondary schools within the Greater American
Catholic School System, particularly those who ever had Catholic School Nobility members within
its ranks, the Catholic school noblemen and noblewomen were encouraged to not wear their
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Philadelphia Descriptive Writing
After a long boring plane trip with my mom, dad, and grandma, we arrived at Philadelphia. We
found a nice hotel and stayed in a small town nearby. Philadelphia is the sight of hundreds of
historical sights and is the second largest city on the east coast. The hustle and bustle of Philadelphia
affected my mom but when we found Pat's King of Steaks we had a delicious lunch, and dinner was
eaten at a Phillies game, downtown. The next day we drove around all the historical sights like
Independence Hall, and I finally got to see the Liberty Bell! However, others don't like Philadelphia
because of the traffic and crowds. Leaving Philadelphia was sad but the next part was supposed to
be more fun. The area around Philadelphia is supposed to be beautiful, and it was. We drove through
Lancaster and spent a night in York. In conclusion, the historical sights and locations were the
highlights of Philadelphia and the country around Philadelphia was beautiful as well. ... Show more
content on ...
Gettysburg was the sight of the bloodiest battle in the western hemisphere. When we arrived, we
lodged in a hotel that sat on the location of the climax of the battle of Gettysburg, Pickett's Charge.
We then wandered around the sites of battle like Little Round Top, Culp's Hill, Cemetery Ridge and
the Peach Orchard learning a lot about the battle. The shops and museums around the city have a lot
of cool things in them. The museums were the best part, but my mom thought it was the shops. One
museum had the largest military diorama in the Unites States, and one shop had the most military
items I've ever seen. All in all, Gettysburg had much history and great shops and
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Analysis Of ' Acres Of Diamonds '
Isaac Newton's third law states that "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction." Not
only can this statement be applied to the sciences, but also to how we behave on a daily basis.
Russel Conwell's claim in his speech "Acres of Diamonds" that poor people make themselves poor
and rich people make themselves rich defends the belief that we are responsible for our own
success. This means that even if you come from an impoverished background you can change your
situation for the better and fulfill your potential by leading a "rich" life. I agree with Conwell's
proposition that you are in charge of your own destiny. When you look at his speech and Temple
current six commitments upheld by Richard M. Englert, the university's president, you can find
many connections. But along with these similarities, there are also points that have changed and
evolved to suit the needs of the current student. As we break down the six commitments, it is clear
that the founder's initial desires and the present day goals of the university are brought together to
create Temple's mission statement. The first commitment made by the university is its devotion to its
students in serving their financial needs. Every graduate of a university has to struggle with dealing
with debt and paying off student loans. The fear of being in debt and the intimidation of the sticker
price of higher education stops many people from seeking out a degree. This problem affects
students today but was also
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The American Of Native Americans
cautious what we receive for truth, unless spoken by wise and good men. If any thing disagreeable
should ever fall out between us, the twelve United colonies, and you, the Six Nations, to wound our
peace, let us immediately seek measures for healing the breach.
It is possible to imagine that such a letter, while having good intentions, could have caused
discourse in the minds of Native Americans. The Continental Congress was promoting peace
between the colonists and the tribes. On the other hand, the Native Americans were guarded on
account of the actions perpetrated against them. The past is not easily forgotten and asking these
people to keep peace may have been indignation. It was essentially as if they were telling the Native
Americans not to fight back in the event of an attack which surely made them feel powerless. The
previous correspondence would imply that the Continental Congress pursued Native American
welfare only when it did not hinder their strategy with Britain, but the concern for their potential
allies grew as their resources dwindled. The colonists that yearned for a new place in the world
realized they could not accommodate the needs of Native Americans and took the advice of Colonel
Daniel Broadhead, an officer in the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment, and requested their presence. It
would have been easier to brush the Native Americans aside during this time, especially with the
impending Revolution weighing so heavily on the minds of the Continental
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Nt1310 Unit 2 Assignment 1
Assignment Two
Butler County is a predominately Caucasian county, located north of Pittsburgh, in Western
Pennsylvania. The culture of Butler County is shaped by the limited diversity of the area. Much of
the population residing in Butler County are also somewhere between the ages of 18 and 65 (Census
Bureau 2015). "The social conflict approach is a framework for building theory that sees society as
an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change" (Macionis). Even though society is
becoming more diverse and accepting towards other races and nationalities, Butler County, like
everywhere else, still has trouble with race issues. Comparing Butler County to Allegheny County,
Butler is composed of 96.3 percent white individuals, ... Show more content on ...
The varying ages have different interpretations of symbols. Acknowledging the broad age range of
18 to 65, one would realize that there would be different interests of a young college student
compared to a professor getting close to retirement. The "Symbolic–Interaction Approach is a
framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of
individuals" (Macionis 18). Every human has symbols which they often associate with other certain
objects or place. One example of symbolic interaction is social media. Most adolescents use social
media to be cool, adults use it to keep in touch with acquaintances, and the elderly think that social
media is a waste of time. Another example could be going to Alameda Park. Alameda is a park
located in Butler Pennsylvania. Children go to Alameda park for thrill and excitement, parents go to
see the happiness their children experience, while elderly people may reconcile the memories they
had as a child. Since a society is defined as a "people who live in a defined territory and share a way
of life", different age groups could potentially be a part of separate societies (Macionis 3).
Eventually, the older generation will have disappeared in Butler County and more liberal views will
be installed upon. With the baby–boomer population becoming
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Social Media And Its Impact On Society
I have constantly thought about intimacy amongst couples as a private and a special thing between
them, and considered it as a cherished moment to be experienced concerning the two without the
interruptions of others. Yet, nowadays, every notion of privacy is becoming blurred with the use of
technology, and peoples' interpretations of what is private and what is public has evolved over time
with these new technological developments. The smartphone plays a significant role in changing
peoples' views on their privacy, and having these devices in hand at all times, with unlimited access
to the internet, alongside countless applications and free social media platforms available to share
their content has made it even easier to forget about the concept of privacy.
People share their daily activities and encounters on social media platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, and Snapchat with many other. Some share it with close family, relative and friends,
however, others share them with complete strangers that they have never met in person in their
whole lives. The content they share could be about any event in their lives, an outing with a few
friends, a family gathering, or an intimate time spent with loved ones. Intimacy between couples is
no longer considered as a private instant, but as an exposed moment that is being shared and
mediated. The idea of intimacy, with social media platforms, have lost its sense of being an intimate
moment practiced between two people, yet,
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Whiskey Rebellion Essay
In a time when the British won a war against the Native Americans and the French, to the first
political parties, the Federalists and Democratic–Republicans, there were rebellions. It is in this
context that changes can be found between the March of the Paxton Boys, Shays' Rebellion, and the
Whiskey Rebellion. Violent protest in America from 1763 to 1791 changed significantly in terms of
reasons behind the desire for violent protest and the result that occurred because of the rebellion.
Admittedly, one significant continuity was the continued rebellion of the common people against the
elite. In all three rebellions, the people who were rebelling were the poor and common people of the
United States, rebelling against something the wealthy ... Show more content on ...
Nearly 500 farmers attacked the house of General John Neville who was a tax inspector.
Pennsylvanian Farmers also attacked tax collectors and other officials in order to avoid paying the
tax which was imposed by the United States government. The March of the Paxton Boys, Shays'
Rebellion, and the Whiskey rebellion were all common people against the elite because each
rebellion had the poor angry with the government. The United States government, on the state and
national level, was run by the elite, such as the northern wealthy citizens and southern gentry. On the
other hand, one significant change was the reason behind the desire for the rebellions. After the
attack on the Conestoga people by the Paxton Boys, the Pennsylvania government put the remaining
16 Conestoga Indians in protective custody, but the Paxton Boys broke in and killed 6 adults and 8
children. The March of the Paxton Boys, as previously mentioned, occurred because of the group
wanting the law to help the farmers as well. The Paxton Boys, who were led by Reverend John
Elder attacked the Conestoga because of anger towards natives because of Pontiac's Rebellion.
Pontiac's Rebellion was when a group of natives who were led by different leaders, but most
prominently Pontiac, attacked British Forts and settlements because of their anger towards British
policies after
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Large Events Of Philadelphia
Liabilities of Large Events
Philadelphia consistently ranks among one of the most popular cities in the United States, both in
terms of visitation and in terms of global recognition. This ranking is driven by prominent events in
the past, and 2016 will be no different. Events such as the papal visit and the democratic nomination
convention will inevitably influence Philadelphia's economy, and it has long been an accepted
notion that these events cause a positive impact. However, recent studies have begun to erode this
misconception. The disastrous papal visit proved the economic harm of large–scale events, and in
events such as the upcoming Democratic national convention, Philadelphia shouldn't expect any
significant economic windfall. The large influx of tourists coming to city for large events repels
local citizens who consume from local businesses, resulting in local businesses being forced to fall
behind schedule.
The Papal visit was projected to generate 400 million dollars for the city, but instead exemplifies the
way in which super events can go awry (Debree 2). Pope Francis visited the city of Philadelphia
from September 26th through the 27th, and predictably paranoia ensued. Hundreds of thousands of
people flooded the city for the opportunity to watch the pope speak. The damage was assessed
weeks later. City controller Alan Butkovitz published an analysis in October of 2015 detailing the
Papal visit's economic impact and his conclusions were undeniably grim.
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The United States Essay
1. The Commonwealth They Served
The weather was seasonally cold in Pennsylvania's Capitol late in 1914. On Sunday morning,
December 27, the temperature was 1 degree Fahrenheit. This reading was the lowest ever registered
in the last month of the year during the almost three–decade history of the Harrisburg weather
station. Nevertheless, the cold did not dim the spirit of the holiday season as the Harrisburg Evening
Telegraph newspaper cheerfully proclaimed, "Perfect Christmas Makes City Happy."
During that week, Governor John K. Tener, in the last month of his term, released a legislatively
mandated report that made history. The Report of the Economy and Efficiency Commission, for one
of the very few times in Pennsylvania's Chronicle, provided the public with a roster of all 5,152 state
employees. The release of this document was a key milestone in the Commonwealth's early 20th–
century effort to improve its personnel management practices.
By listing names, this document provides an opportunity to recognize the often–unheralded
contributions of selected state employees assigned to organizations under the general supervision of
the Governor. The register also affords an invaluable chance to appreciate how the offices, bureaus,
and divisions make Pennsylvania work. Researching their efforts brought to light a collective
commitment to assist the public. This attribute is a common virtue among Pennsylvania state
employees, both past and present. It is the one thing
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Hydro Fracking In The Delaware River Basin
The Delaware River creates a natural boundary between western New Jersey and Eastern
Pennsylvania. The river serves as a recreation attraction and a major source of drinking water for
many areas in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. In the upper part of the Delaware River
Watershed, oil and gas companies are attempting to drill for natural gas by method of hydraulic
fracturing (hydrofracking). Many residents in New Jersey have protested the proposition of hydro
fracking and have gone to the internet to raise awareness and money to prevent hydrofracking in the
Delaware River Watershed with the websites,,, and The Delaware River Basin plays
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The True Meaning Of Beauty
Redefined Beauty I wake up, brush and straighten my hair, I use that expensive extensive coverage
foundation to disguise my flaws, I contour my face to make it appear slimmer like that of the actress
Angelina Jolie. I overline my lips so I get those Kylie Jenner lips everyone seems to talk about.
Looking at my altered face in the mirror, I'm satisfied. However, after watching just one T.V
commercial, I'm immediately reminded that it's not enough. Do you ever feel this way? Like me,
many others feel as though they are not enough. Not skinny enough, not sexy enough and most
importantly, not beautiful enough. This is due to the impossible beauty standards made by the media
we are excessively exposed to. In the article "Pop Culture Is destroying True Beauty" the author
Rachel Drevno explains how beauty standards being made by the media are causing the true
meaning of beauty to be destroyed and the issues arising from it. I strongly believe this is true and
it's a growing issue. I believe beauty standards made by pop culture are not only destroying the
meaning of beauty, but also it's causing us to feel vulnerable, insecure and unsatisfied with the way
we look. For what once was just a form of entertainment, the media is now a way for companies to
profit off individuals by using their insecurities. Advertisements in between programs show us
products that we "need" to get in order to look beautiful. In the article by Rachel Drvno she says
these ads are "frequently playing on the general public's vulnerability about their bodies"(Drevno
69). Therefore, at a young age we are exposed to these products and are conditioned to believe that
they are what you need in order obtain their so–called 'beauty'. These advertisements make us feel
absolutely vulnerable. As someone who has personally fallen victim to these ads, I began wearing
makeup at an early age, hoping to meet the standards of beauty I saw on screen. The more I tried,
the more vulnerable I felt, because the kind of beauty they presented was superficial. These false
portrayals of beauty by pop culture also cause for us to feel insecure with the way that we naturally
look. Being from Pakistan and not looking anything like the light skinned and silky haired
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The United States Constitution And The Declaration Of...
Pennsylvania was the one out of the original 13 colonies that was founded by William Penn. As the
founder Penn used Pennsylvania as a haven for his fellow Quakers. As the capital of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia was the locality of the first and second Continental Congress of 1774 and 1775.
Eventually, this led to the creation of the Declaration of Independence and prompt the American
Revolution War. After the American Revolution War, Pennsylvania became the second state to ratify
the United States Constitution. The United States Constitution is a document that consist of the
fundamental laws and principles by which the United States is governed.
A state's constitution is defined as a set of fundamental policies or organic laws according to ...
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As of 1968 to the Present, the current Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are laws
and foundation for the United States Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Even though the last revision
of the Constitution was 48 years ago it is still considered fairly new. Not much had changed from
the previous 1874 revision to the present constitution. Thirty Amendments had been adopted
between 1968 and January 2005.
Pennsylvania's Constitution is that it is composed of six types of local governments which are the
county, town, township, city, borough, and finally school district. As of 2005, Pennsylvania had
sixty seven counties, one thousand eighteen municipal governments, five hundred one public school
districts, and one thousand eight hundred eighty five special districts. Since 2002, there has been one
thousand five hundred forty six townships. Pennsylvania's local municipalities are governed by
statues. They are passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly based on the type and class of
municipality. The type and class of municipality are under a home rule municipality or by an
optional form of government.
A municipality under home–rule laws can pick to plan and revise their own charter. Pennsylvania
counties are accountable for the process of state election, judicial administration, and most
importantly for state law enforcement. However, Pennsylvania counties are also
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Personal Narrative: Western Pennsylvania Friday Night Lights
Western Pennsylvania Friday Night Lights A Fond Farewell I watched my husband, Mike, take the
field during the Freeport High School Football alumni night as part of the farewell season for Swartz
Field. The school district for the tiny town along the Allegheny River recently voted to construct a
new facility since the renovation of the 93–year–old stadium would be too costly. This is not my
hometown mind you. But on this Friday night, I felt a sincere sense of loss. Maybe not as deep and
personal as the Freeport residents, but a sadness for the passing of an era and tradition. Maybe I was
caught up in the perfect September evening complete with a sun–filled, cloudless blue sky that gave
way to a pink and purple sunset and a fall chill in the air–perfect football weather. The stadium sits
in the heart of this old blue collar, hardworking, melting pot town. My husband can still rattle off
any last ... Show more content on ...
Surrounding these gridiron veterans were the next generation of players, cheerleaders, flag barriers
and majorettes and, on this night as part of the anniversary remembrance for 9–11, the local military
color guard. The stadium sits tucked deep within the valley framed by the homes and the wooded
hills of western Pennsylvania. It's not hard to recognize a Norman Rockwell moment when you see
it. The stands were filled with the same mix of generations whose sons, fathers, grandfathers and
great, grandfathers played in this humble stadium for this unapologetically proud town. And the
people know their football. They live for their football. The rules of the game are just as simple as
the rules they live their lives by–work hard, treat others with respect, be accountable and don't forget
where you came
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Pittsburgh : A Football City : Pittsburgh, A Football City
Pittsburgh, a Football City
Pittsburgh is a city with a rich history of football, we have professional, collegiate, and high school
teams. Who have all accomplished many great things and are known nationally. Our teams have
won nationally and many good players and people have came from this city. September 3, 1895 the
first professional game was played. The game was between the Latrobe Athletic Association and the
Jeannette Athletic Club. Back into 1897 the Latrobe Athletic Association paid all of its players. Then
becoming the first fully professional football team. "Early professional football teams from western
Pennsylvania include; the McKeesport Olympics, Oil City Athletic Club, Pitcairn Quakers and
Glassport Odds."
Football at the collegiate level began in 1889 at the University of Pittsburgh, then known as the
Western University of Pennsylvania. The first official collegiate game in Western Pennsylvania was
played on October 11, 1890. Washington & Jefferson was also competitive with some of the top
teams in the nation. In 1913, the Presidents, led by Bob Folwell, team posted a 10–0–1 record and
were the highest scoring team in the nation.
The first Pittsburgh football team you think of is the Steelers, Created in 1933. The team was
founded by Arthur J. Rooney. The Rooney family has owned and been in charge of the club for its
entire history. They are the seventh–oldest club in the National Football League. Originally called
the pirates, the name was changed in
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The Whiskey Rebellion
The end of the Revolution was not the end of political turmoil in the United States. In the years
following the Revolution, political parties were forming and disbanding which then led to rebellions
starting. The future of what the country looked like was seen differently by each political faction.
All of the conflicting views of American politics began to manifest into governmental affairs
because of the imposed tax on distilled spirits made by the federal government to pay off the
nation's debts from the American Revolution. This tax was only to be paid in cash, which was
particularly hard on the small frontier farmers because of the fact that they bartered and did not have
access to currency. Protests ran by frontiersmen occurred because ... Show more content on ...
The tax took away much of the farmers' income in western Pennsylvania. They relied on whiskey to
make most of their money and that was taken away from them. In today's society, The Affordable
Care Act relates to the Whiskey Rebellion in a way that it benefits a few but hurts the majority. This
act is meant to grant free health care to those who cannot afford it, and although it helps those who
have lost their jobs it gives free health care to some people who have decided to make bad choices
in life and not work for it like others. By forming this act, it has raised taxes over all for people in
America. These relate because the Whiskey Rebellion was formed as a result of the government
taxing whiskey and making people pay this tax in cash. It was hard on farmers because they did not
have access to currency. The Affordable Care Act is taxing everyone to support those people who
have done nothing to benefit their lives and help make them successful in life. Although both of
these points pose as challenges, they did benefit some of the people in the world. The government's
power was tested and they had to see if they would be able to pursue further and move on from the
controversy and they were able to in the
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Philadelphi The United States
Philadelphia is the largest city in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the fifth–most–populous city
in the United States, and the core of the sixth–largest metropolitan area in the country. Located in
the Northeastern United States at the confluence of the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers, Philadelphia
is the economic and cultural center of the Delaware Valley. Popular nicknames for Philadelphia are
Philly and The City of Brotherly Love. The city is the center of economic activity in Pennsylvania,
and is home to the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and
several Fortune 500 companies.
Philadelphia is a city rich in history. In 1682, William Penn founded the city to serve as capital of
Pennsylvania Colony. By the 1750s, Philadelphia had surpassed Boston to become the largest city
and busiest port in British America, and second in the British Empire, behind London. During the
American Revolution, Philadelphia played an instrumental role as a meeting place for the Founding
Fathers of the United States, who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the
Constitution in 1787. Philadelphia was one of the nation 's capitals during the Revolutionary War,
and the city served as the temporary U.S. capital while Washington, D.C. was under construction. It
is home to such icons as Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed, and
the famous Liberty Bell. A visit to the Independence Visitor Center, Independence National
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Milton Hershey And The Hershey Company
The Hershey Company, also known as Hershey's, is a company that sells candy and treats to people
all over the world. A man named Milton Hershey had a dream to establish a candy company. His
first two candy companies had failed, but he never gave up. He started the Hershey Company in
1894 and is located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Since then, it has spread all over the world and
became one of the biggest manufacturers of candies in the world.
Milton Hershey, the founder of The Hershey Company, was born September 13, 1857, and his
parents were Henry Hershey and Fanny Snavely Hershey. At the age of 14, Milton became an
apprentice for a candy maker. Soon, he realised he had a natural talent for candy making. Milton
wasn't the most successful ... Show more content on ...
No wonder it was an immediate sensation" ("Milton S. Hershey," n.d.). His chocolate was and will
always be a huge hit.
Milton basically created his own town. He industrialised his little town into a well known city. He
created a trolley system to bring the needed ingredients to the factory, which was an inexpensive
way to travel. Also, he built houses for his employees and named the streets after places cocoa was
grown at. He built a place called the Cocoa House, and it was just like a mini city. The article says,
" served as the town center and included a store, bank, post office, boarding rooms and
lunchroom"("Milton S. Hershey," n.d.). Milton did not want his town to be just an ordinary factory
town. He constructed it with more than just the necessities. Milton wanted a fun place in town, so he
built an amusement park. The park was called the Hershey Park, and it had roller coasters, a zoo, a
bowling alley, a swimming pool, and much more. Across the street from the Cocoa House was the
community center. The article states, "it contained an indoor swimming pool, a gymnasium, a
library, a hospital, game rooms, a cafeteria and a world–class theater" ("Milton S. Hershey," n.d.). In
addition to everything, Milton built a majestic hotel for the tourists visiting the town, and created a
sports arena to house his town 's hockey team. ("Milton S.
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The Light In the Forest Essay
It is the fall of 1764, and the relations between white settlers of western Pennsylvania and Indians of
the Ohio area are strained. Nevertheless, the ambitious white Colonel Bouquet and his troop of
1,500 men march into Indian country and demand the return of whites who have been kidnapped by
the Delaware Indians. True Son, a fifteen–year–old white boy who has been raised by Indians since
the age of four, is one of the white prisoners who is going to be returned. True Son loves his Indian
way of life and considers himself to be Indian; he has been raised to view whites as enemies and
cannot imagine living with them. But although the Indians love their adopted white relatives, they
agree to give them back so that they will be able to keep ... Show more content on ...
To True Son, white civilization seems like a prison compared to the free and natural world of the
Indians. Del, however, sees the stone houses and fences as symbols of the superior white culture.
When True Son is introduced to his white father, Harry Butler, he is repulsed by him and states that
the man is not his father. In order to help translate for the Butlers and protect them from the
potentially violent True Son, Del stays with the Butlers for a little while after True Son's return.
True Son, Del, and Harry Butler travel back to Paxton township where True Son meets more of his
family: his mother, Myra, who is sickly; his younger brother, Gordie; and his Aunt Kate. Myra tries
to get True Son to communicate with her and say his real name, John Cameron Butler, but True Son
is stubborn and refuses to acknowledge that the Butlers are his real family. The only person who
does not see True Son's Indian ways as strange and upsetting is Gordie, and a relationship begins to
form between the two boys. True Son cannot sleep the night of his return because he remembers the
story his Indian father told him about the "Paxton boys," a group of white settlers who
brutally murdered some peaceful Conestoga Indians. The next day True Son meets more of his
relatives, including his Uncle Wilse, who was a leader of the Paxton boys.
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Film Analysis Of The Film Groundhog Day
Title: Groundhog Day Film analysis
The film Groundhog Day is about a local weather man Phil, that travels to Punxsutawney,
Pennsylvania for a news coverage of the holiday Groundhog Day. Phil finds himself in a time warp
reliving the events of groundhog over and over. In the beginning Phil spends each day focused on
sex and money as the movie progress Phil finds himself spending every waking moment trying to
impress his producer Rita. When that ends in failure Phil starts to care for the people around town
doing anything possible to make their lives better, from saving lives to changing tires. In the end
Rita falls in love with the true Phil Connor and the time warp ends. Throughout the film Phil comes
to terms to who is he really is. He finds Authenticity and no longer struggles with self–identity.
Phil no longer had responsibilities in life he learned early on that no one would remember anything
but him, that no matter what he did he would still wake up on February 2nd at 6:00am. This lead
Phil to do outrages this suck as steal money and drive on railroad trucks not caring about his life and
who he was. Jean–Paul Sartre said, "Life has no meaning the moment you lose the illusion of being
eternal." Life had no meaning to Phil once he knew he would be stuck living the same day. When
Phil didn't live for himself life becomes dull, boring and lonely, he had to deal with the
consequences of this inauthenticity. Phil came to realization that if he could not change his life today
maybe he could change other's.
In the beginning Phil lived life inauthentically, he lived for society and followed what society
thought had power. Phil did not change in a second even his first few days experiencing Groundhog
Day over and over he still lived for society. Phil went out of his way to flaunt his money and make
advances to sleep with women, two things in society's view men must have to be liked or have
power. When Phil begins to realize this, he becomes lonely and commits suicide everyday knowing
he still must relive Groundhog Day, instead of living a miserable life Phil decides to do good deeds
from changing tires to saving lives. He began to have good faith, he became authentic. He lived for
himself not society he began
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The Whiskey Rebellion: Frontier Epilogue to the American...
Professor Thomas Slaughter has provided a most thorough overview of the Whiskey Rebellion,
which he asserts had by the time this book was conceived nearly two centuries after the episode
transpired, had become a largely forgotten chapter of our nation's history since the time of the Civil
War. He cites as direct evidence of this fact the almost complete absence of any mention of the event
in many contemporary textbooks of the conservative era of the 1980's, which this reviewer can attest
to as well, having been a high school student in the late 1970's, who never heard of the Whiskey
Rebellion until years later. Building off of his own dissertation on the topic, the author convincingly
shows that the Whiskey Rebellion was in fact an event ... Show more content on ...
Chief among these were questions of taxation, especially excise taxes, as well as contention over
land between Native Americans, frontier settlers, and eastern politicians and land speculators, who
the author shows were frequently one in the same. In particular he looks at the personal interests
held in western land speculation by that most revered of all the founders, George Washington
himself, who he clearly paints as having a substantial personal stake and by inflection Slaughter
concludes the "father of our country" very much acted upon his own self–interest, veiled as it was
under a curtain of national interests. He takes serious issue as well with other leaders of the early
republic's political establishment, especially Alexander Hamilton and John Neville, the latter of
which he seems to set out as the true instigator of the riots. The tone of bias in favor of the
frontiersmen is firmly set in this opening section and carries forward in the rest of the volume.
Part two of the book sets the chronology of events regarding the excise tax on distilled spirits, which
was to be an intricate part of Hamilton's financial planning aimed at righting the fiscal ship of the
new nation. It is made up of five
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William Penn And A New Society
What did William Penn envision for his society, and what kept his society from developing into
what he wanted and being successful long–term?
William Penn and A New Society
Nearly a century before the original 13 colonies were declared as independent, William Penn
initiated the colony Pennsylvania that bore its own independence based on individual and religious
freedom. He is recognized as one of the seventeenth century 's most devoted advocates of liberty of
conscience. Although establishing a form of government that promoted freedom of religion and also
the use of religion to enhance citizenship, J. William frost argued, Penn effectively created a "non–
coercive Quaker establishment." 1 These laws clearly favored and protected Quaker ... Show more
content on ...
The king agreed and signed the charter for 29–acres of land in March 1681, making him the largest
landlord in the British Empire. Penn deemed himself governor and proprietor of the land named the
admiral, Pennsylvania, and seized the opportunity to create a community based on religious
Four months later, Penn had constructed his general layout for colonization. To the purchasers of
sites within the province, Penn made his first mention of a large city, Philadelphia. "Penn did not
want Philadelphia to be a duplicate of London. Instead, he desired the appearance of an orderly, yet
rural, English town." 3 He built the foundations of the town in a new way to match the new
principles Penn wanted Pennsylvania to be ruled by. Penn idealized Pennsylvania as the political
solution to economic prosperity. "The free practice of different faiths, except for Roman
Catholicism, was necessary to a successful economy. Political participation by various religious
groups was also a condition for a productive society." 2 Nearly 20 years after commencing
construction, Penn drafted and structured a "Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges," for the citizens of
the territory to be governed by.
Penn planned on using his ideals to grow a successful and prosperous society, and had radical
beliefs that government can act
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Cons And Disadvantages Of Social Media
Social Media Social media are technologies or networks that allow people, nowadays, to share
informations and connect with each other. There are different types of social media, but the most
used are Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, Yahoo, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. With the advancement in
technology, today these social media are an everyday part of life in most part of the world. They are
used for different reason and the outcome is always different. Because everything has both
advantages and disadvantages or inconveniences, social media too affect the user in both positives
and negatives ways. Like it is stated above, social media can be used for communication. The new
technologies have made it easier to connect the world in just a glimpse. With a network like
WhatsApp or Facebook, a person here in the United States is able to talk and see at the same time
his friends and family members who are in different part of the world. Social media are another way
to make friends too. For instance, if a person is too shy or just too quiet to speak, social media can
help that person have friends and communicate with them. In other words, technology and social
media work together to link the world. Other than connecting people, social media can also be used
for advertising. Today, about all businesses market their products through advertisements. If not for
the advertisements, nearly every businesses would not be able to sell their latest products. People
learn about their country or other countries in the world through news, which are given through
social media like YouTube channel. They also can learn about new products or weather conditions in
their areas; they are able now to learn about everything that is happening either where they live or in
other places. Social media are sources of publicity of new products; they help people stay informed
about everything. Just as they have advantages, social media also have disadvantages such as being
addictive. They evolves together with new technologies and renders people, especially young
people, lazy and sometimes lonely. Dr. Stephen Ilardi says, "As smartphones have become
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Why Are Good Business Practice? Essay
Assume you are in a leadership position in the organization. How could you impress upon
employees the importance of answering customer messages in a timely manner? How could you
make this easier for employees?
Good business practice suggests you answer emails within 24 hours, however, if you answer within
10 to 30 minutes, your clients will be impressed. Even if the response only lets them know that you
are aware of the issue and that, you will be getting back to them during normal business hours. This
is called exceeding expectations and a way to make our clients, our partners. Your customers do not
want to wait days or even hours for responses to their questions or help with their problems and, in
many cases, if you force them to wait they will take their business elsewhere. Being available and
responsive to customers is a precondition to giving A–plus information. I can make it easier for the
employees by providing all the resources to the employees. I will allot a time slot in which the
employees all will do is to answer customer messages. I will organize seminars or webinars for the
employees to realize the importance of answering customer messages in a timely manner. I will
make a company policy that answering customer messages turn around time should be within 24
hours. I can create an app or software to keep a track of customer messages and their period of
Develop a plan to audit the communication effectiveness of your company. How would you go
about this?
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Essay on Multicultural Matrix
University of Phoenix Material
Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet
Part I: Select and identify six groups in the left–hand column. Complete the matrix.
Part II: Write a summary.
Part III: Format references consistent with APA guidelines.
Part I: Matrix What is the group's history in the United States? What is the group's population in the
United States? What are some attitudes and customs people of this group may practice? What is
something you admire about this group's people, lifestyle, or society?
1. The German Americans are the largest singles source of ancestry of individuals that are in the
United States today. The German Americans settled in the United States in the late 1700's, they
came ... Show more content on ...
This is what motivated the Irish to move to a free land in North America, which is complete
opposite of Ireland. The Irish Americans population goes back to the 1600's and it reflects diversity
based on the time of entry, their settlement area, and their religion. The arrivals of immigrant Irish is
relatively slight, it is only accounting for 1,000 legal arrives. Some of the Irish Americans still enjoy
the symbolic ethnicity of food, dance, and music. The Gaelic language is very limited and only
offered to a fewer than 30 colleges. They as well as everyone in America still enjoy celebrating St.
Patrick's Day celebration, which is when everyone seems to be Irish. What I admire about them is
that they still take joy of celebrating a holiday that is fun and exciting. It brings everyone together
for one day and having them think that they are Irish for the day.
3. The Italian Americans created their very own social history but not the typical of every nationality
but instead it offers an insight into the White ethnic experience. The Italians immigrated during the
colonial period, they came from highly differentiated land because the Italian states did not unify as
one nation, so that is why they escaped foreign domination until 1848. The mass immigration of the
Italians started in the 1880's and peaking in the first 20 years of the
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Steele City Research Paper
The location of my starting destination is 127 Greenwood Drive. The absolute Location:
40˚19'58.215" N, 80˚7'28.919" W. It is located in Pennsylvania, specifically the middle Atlantic
region of the United States. It's bordered by the states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware,
Maryland, West Virginia and Ohio, and by Lake Erie and the Delaware River. Additionally, it is
south of the Alleghany Mountains. I noticed that the city has humid climate that is slightly modified
by its relative proximity to the Atlantic Seaboard and The Great Lakes. The area experiences
extremes of all four seasons, with temperatures ranging from zero to 90° F depending on the month.
The city experiences a significant amount of rain most of the year and a slight bit of snow during the
winter time. ... Show more content on ...
It is the second most populated city in Pennsylvania, after Philadelphia, and the metropolis of the
western part of the state. The beautiful city goes by two common nicknames, "the City of Bridges,"
and "the Steele City." It is called the "City of Bridges" because it is home to the more bridges than
any American region. It even has more bridges then Italy! The Steele city got its name because it
was once the largest Steele producer in the world. When it comes to culture, Pittsburgh is multi–
cultural. As I would walk through the streets I would see people from many different ethnicities and
races. This includes people from all around the world, whether they are residents or tourists. The
city itself is easy to navigate and it already felt like home since the moment I got there. Something
that wasn't easy to miss was the theatre, art, music and film culture. They have a Broadway
production organization called "Pittsburgh Cultural
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Essay on Colonization of Pennsylvanis by William Penn
Religious tolerance, freedom, fame, and fortune. These advantages and many others are what
awaited anyone who boarded a ship and sailed across the Atlantic to America. For many rich and
clergy men it was easy. They could be on their way with no questions asked. The first ship to
America did not even have one woman. Nevertheless, once they got a taste of the western world,
there was no stopping. In 1493 Spain led the popular discovery of America when Columbus first
settled in the New World. While England's first colony was Jamestown, established over 100 years
later in 1607. After the settlement of Plymouth, in 1620 America's eastern sea board soon became
over crowded. Establishing the first thirteen colonies was no easy task. In Foner's ... Show more
content on ...
Penn had hoped that Pennsylvania would be a profitable venture for himself and his family. Penn
marketed the colony throughout Europe in various languages and, as a result, settlers flocked to
Pennsylvania. Despite Pennsylvania's rapid growth and diversity, the colony never turned a profit
for Penn or his family. In fact, Penn would later be imprisoned in England for debt and, at the time
of his death in 1718, he was penniless. From 1682 to 1684 Penn was, himself, in the Province of
Pennsylvania. After the building plans for Philadelphia had been completed, and Penn's political
ideas had been put into a workable form, Penn explored the interior. He befriended the local Indians,
and ensured that they were paid fairly for their lands. Penn even learned several different Indian
dialects in order to communicate in negotiations without interpreters. The freedom of religion in
Pennsylvania brought not only freedom to English, Welsh, German and Dutch Quakers to the
colony, but also Huguenots, Mennonites, Amish, and Lutherans from Catholic German states. In
1677, a group of prominent Quakers, among them Penn, received the colonial province of West New
Jersey. That same year, two hundred settlers from the towns of Chorleywood and Rickmansworth in
Hertfordshire and other towns in nearby Buckinghamshire arrived, and founded the town of
Burlington. Penn, who was involved in the project but himself remained in England, drafted a
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Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Essay
Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
" The Big Little City," also commonly know as the city of Pittsburgh, is one of the largest cites in
the state of Pennsylvania. With over 144 square kilometers of land area, and approximately seven
square kilometers of surface water (Pittsburgh Pennsylvania), the city of Pittsburgh is large by
anyone's standard. The city, which is located in western Pennsylvania, has a very diverse geography
which sets it apart from many other cities in the United States. Pittsburgh and its suburbs are known
for steep hillsides covered with buildings, streets which have steps for sidewalks, and sidewalks
which are named streets. From the highest point in Allegheny County, 1,401 feet at River Hill in
Forward Township, to the 710 ... Show more content on ...
Shortly after the revolutionary war, the small town of Pittsborough, then renamed Pittsburgh began
to develop into a very important center, specializing in trading and industry. The convenience of
natural resources and technological advancement has ranked Pittsburgh as one of the leading
industrial cities in the United States in the past. Historically, the city of Pittsburgh has created
numerous manufacturing plants responsible for producing steel, iron, and other products for the U.S.
economy that still exist today. The Encyclopedia Britannica explains Pittsburgh's economic might
during this period:
" Pittsburgh's strategic location and wealth of natural resources spurred its commercial and industrial
growth in the 19th century. A blast furnace, erected by George Anschutz in 1792, was the forerunner
of the iron and steel industry that for more than a century was the city's economic mainstay; by 1850
it was known as the "Iron City." The Pennsylvania Canal and the Portage Railroad, both completed
in 1834, opened vital markets for trade and shipping. After the American Civil War, great numbers
of European immigrants swelled Pittsburgh's population, and industrial magnates such as Andrew
Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick, and Thomas Mellon built their steel empires there. The city became the
focus of historic friction between labor and management, and the American Federation of Labor was
born there in 1881."
Pittsburgh's industrial past has
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Social Media And Its Effect On Society Essay
Change is a topic that everyone worries about. One of the biggest changes that our society has seen
since the turn of the century has been the advancements in technology. It has brought us to a time
where we can access any form of news from almost anywhere through smartphones and tablets. The
access our society has to technology has impacted present day teens more than any other age group,
causing an addiction to the resources available. Major social media corporations that have become
available since the start of the twenty–first century have become the main cause of this addiction.
Sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are some of the most popular programs that have
lured teens to a virtual life. In a recent study done on teens' internet usage, it was shown that ninety
four percent of teens have Facebook accounts, and the numbers continue to grow for Instagram and
Twitter (Kaiser). Teens have become chronic users of social media because of the comfort that is
found. They feel more comfortable in the virtual environments because they can diminish their
feelings of loneliness and have more interpersonal contact (Parks). However, this comfort has
surpassed the safe limits, affecting teen's mental states. Many teens turn to social networks for
positive reasons, though there are many that use social media negatively. Just as it is an easier place
for lonely teens to vent, it is also an easier place for harassment due to the belief that it is much
harder to endure
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How Did An Early City Develop
Early city planning around the world was mainly driven by the need of social order, the regulation
and distribution of public spaces, the stimulation of economic activities, as well as a way to control
and address unsanitary environmental conditions.
In 1682, William Penn–an English real estate entrepreneur and devoted of the Quaker religion–had
additional reasons that drove to the establishment of the Pennsylvania colony. One of the reasons
was the need of a place where individuals could enjoy the freedom of religion. Another reason, it
appears to have been influenced by the need of rebuilding a city that Penn highly admired and which
he witnessed being burnt down, London (Reps, p.163). The latest had encouraged him to plan and
develop a new community, Philadelphia, known as the first planned, ... Show more content on ...
Other inferior buildings included inexpensive lodgings, a single floor of three–story structures,
boarding houses, etc.
Similar to modern city planning, residential areas were, at that time, determined by socioeconomic
status. For instance, wealthy citizens, merchants, etc. erected their business and houses in the
Delaware River section of the city. The Market Street was also a popular area for commerce
structures. While Lower–class workers concentrated mostly up north, west and south areas of the
There is no doubt that Penn's grid system revolutionized the colonial Philadelphia city and its
neighbor's American emerging cities. It had also set the standard for future urban planning,
contributing to social order, development and growth of many present day Middle Western cities.
On the negative side, city planning and more recent zoning restrictions have also negatively
impacted and contributed to a broader segregation of the different socioeconomic
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John Taylor Research Paper
Born on October 6, 1836, in Hamilton Square, N.J., John Taylor was the son of James F. Taylor, a
brick manufacturer, and Rebecca Borden Taylor. Working at his father's brick yard at an early age,
he was but fourteen years old when his father died, at which time he took a job as a clerk in the
grocery store owned by Anthony R. Rainear, and two years later he gained an interest in the
In 1856, he became associated with James Ronan under the firm of Ronan and Taylor, and, after
Ronan's retirement in 1860, he associated himself with Daniel P. Forst under the firm of Forst and
Taylor, both of which were wholesale grocers. When the latter firm was dissolved in 1870, he
organized Taylor and Company (it was incorporated as Taylor Provision Company in 1889 and
reincorporated as Taylor Provisions Company in 1939) and engaged in pork packing and livestock
dealing. ... Show more content on ...
"The meats cured in this establishment are distributed throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania,"
notes the firm's business profile in the atlas, "and a considerable portion of them find their way to
Europe, both on direct orders and through New York exporters. The cattle are received from
Chicago and other western points, and a market–day is made once a week, at which time the
butchers of the city and surrounding country procure their supplies."
Far and away his most–liked product was the spicy, sugar–cured, and hickory–smoked "Taylor
Ham" which, in response to the labeling requirements of the Food and Drug Act of 1906, was
renamed "Taylor Pork Roll." This product continues to be manufactured and is as popular today as it
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The Student Housing Market Is A Mainstream Investment...
HU Housing
HU Student housing report
Authored by: DHAVAL
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 2
Introduction 3
Body 4
Conclusion and Recommendations 5
Bibliography 6
Executive Summary
Over the past decade, the student housing market has started to emerge as a mainstream investment
category, attracting significant interest from investor developers and private operators. So as on
market HU also decided to give student accommodation at list for first and second year students.
Demand and supply features:
HU have many students from near states such as New Jersey and Maryland. They all need a place to
stay during collage periods. So HU partners with Brickbox Enterprises, Ltd. to provide high–quality,
affordable ... Show more content on ...
The sector has become an important component of a balanced investment portfolio in recent times.
As we all know, now a day's providing accommodation to students is much more important as
giving right education. And if university have their own housing facilities; which gives more
preference by any parents to enrolled their child in that kind of universities. HU gives very good
opportunity to get experience of living in downtown area on graduation period. Even, HU provides
high–end apartment for their students. This all give higher ratio of interest towards HU.
As per the market, the fragmented nature of the student housing sector in mature markets such as US
offers an opportunity for consolidation.
As per student view: In downtown, there are many places where student can apply for hand on
experience. Like subways, pizza and many more. This increase confidence of student towards life
and learned some basic need on the starting phase of their life.
Purpose of Report:
This report might help to take a look over the entire housing facility of HU, and gives which area
needs improvement and identify issues for housing department.
Last year (2014) HU Division of housing recorded 1.6% vacancy rate during the first quarter; which
is not high numbers whereas higher vacancy rate is around 5%. HU planned to increase more
buildings in future for deliver house to each new students as well as second year students.
In past two decades, the global
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Andrew Carnegie: A Big Business Man
Andrew Carnegie "Andrew Carnegie was born on November 25th, 1835 in Dunfermline, Scotland."(
Even though he had little formal education, Carnegie grew up in a family that believed in the
importance of books and learning. The son of a handloom weaver, Andrew Carnegie ended up being
one of the wealthiest businessmen in America. At the age 13, Carnegie and his family moved to
America. They settled in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Carnegie went to work in a factory, earning
$1.20 a week. A year later, he started working as a telegraph messenger. After two years of being a
messenger, Carnegie moved up to a telegraph operator position. Another three years later, he was
promoted to superintendent. This work gave Carnegie a background on business and ... Show more
content on ...
At the age of 16, Ford left home to take on an apprenticeship as a machinist in Detroit. Here, he
worked with steam engines and studied bookkeeping. Three years laters, Ford married Clara Bryant
and returned to work on his family's farm. Ford still operated steam engines and sometimes worked
at Detroit facilities. In 1891, he was hired as an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company, and
soon after accepting the job, he was promoted to chief engineer. In 1896, Ford constructed his first
model for a horseless carriage, the Ford Quadricycle. After attending a meeting with executives and
proposing automobile ideas, Thomas Edison encouraged to build another model. Seven years later,
after continuing to strive for improvement, Ford established the Ford Motor Company and his first
car was assembled. Back then, only two or three cars were produced in one day, and it took the
effort of groups of men. Ford wanted a more efficient production assembly, and that was when the
Model T was born. Ford created the system of paying workers a steady wage to guarantee their
loyalty, and moving assembly lines for mass production, which included interchangeable parts. This
idea of efficiency revolutionized the American
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Andrew Mellon Research Paper
Andrew William Mellon was born on March 24, 1855. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
U.S.A. His father was Thomas Mellon and his mother was Sarah Jane Negley Mellon. His wife's
name was Nora Mary McMullen. He had two children named Ailsa and Paul.
He had a lot of jobs in his lifetime. He came from a wealthy family. His father was a successful
banker and lawyer in Pittsburgh. He was the fourth out of five. Andrew was an art collector,
industrialist, politician, philanthropist, businessman, and an American banker. He made a big
business empire before going into politics. He founded the National Gallery of Art.
In 1921, Andrew went to Washington to serve as the secretary of treasury. While he was secretary of
treasury, he decided that Washington should have a national art museum. He gave the people The
National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. Andrew W. Mellon was an art collector. He
communicated with President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He offered to give his art collection for The
National Gallery of Art. He would even use his own money to make a building. The president
supported Andrew. Congress established The National Gallery of Art in March 1937. Construction
began in 1937. His ... Show more content on ...
Treasury by President Warren G. Harding. World War I expenses were about $26 million. During
conferences about how to reduce the national debt, Andrew helped reduce the national to
$17,604,000,000 by June 30, 1928. "As chairman ex officio of the World War I foreign debt
commission, Andrew also played an important part in coming up with the U.S. policy concerning
the funding of war debts owed to the United States by foreign governments. " (
Throughout the years, he continued to be the head the Treasury under the presidents Calvin
Coolidge and Herbert Hoover. After the Great Depression in 1929 Andrew's popularity began to
decline. He resigned as treasurer to serve as a U.S. ambassador to England for one year in
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Michael F Doyle Essay
Michael F. Doyle is currently serving his twelfth term in congress representing the 18th district of
Pennsylvania from 1995–2003 then the 14th district from 2003–the present. He's currently the most
senior congressman from Pennsylvania. Doyle is from Swissvale, Pennsylvania and born to Irish
and Italian parents. He's married to Susan Doyle and has four kids. Doyle attended to Swissvale
Area High School in 1971 and enrolled at Pennsylvania State University and got a Bachelor of
Science degree in Community Development in 1975. Prior to serving in Congress Doyle worked as
a small business owner. His first job in politics was in 1979 when he started working as Chief of
Staff for Pennsylvania State Senator Frank Pecora ("Biography Mike Doyle," ... Show more content
on ...
The poverty status in the last 12 months for all families, White alone is 8.3%, Black alone is 30.4%,
American Indian and Alaska Native alone is 37.8%, Asian alone is 16.5%, Native Hawaiian and
Other Pacific Islander alone is 30.8%, some other race alone is 35.9%, and two or more races alone
is 32.0% (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017). (ADD NEW STUFF FROM CQ ALMANAC FOR VOTING
Looking at the demographics of his constituency, it noticeable it contains the concentration of
components of the Democratic Party. There is a large university presence in the Pittsburgh area and
the majority of his constituency is 18–44 years old (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017) and according to
(cite) education and youth usually equals democrat. According to (cite) the older generation is
usually more conservative. It is studied that people vote based on political party because of political
socialization and much of this area has been politically socialized for the democrat party as seen by
previous elections in the Pittsburgh area where (cite and add fec previous elections or almanac.)
99% of his population lives in urban areas, and according to (cite) people in urban areas are
typically more liberal,
... Get more on ...
Milton Hershey And The Hershey Company
The Hershey Company is a candy company that makes hundreds of candies. They are one of the
biggest manufacturers of candy in the world. It was started by a man named Milton Hershey in
1894. The company is located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and has spread all over the world.
Hershey chocolate is a mouthwatering milk chocolate that is affordable for all.
Milton Hershey, the founder of The Hershey Company, was born September 13, 1857, and his
parents were Henry Hershey and Fanny Snavely. At the age of 14, Milton became an apprentice for
a candy maker. Soon he realised he had a natural talent for candy making. Milton wasn't the most
successful person before he started Hershey's. When Milton was 18, he started his first candy
company, and it was located in Philadelphia. After six years of hard work, the business failed.
Milton tried again in New York but it failed again.
Almost broke, Milton started a new caramel company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. After four years,
Milton became "one of the leading manufacturers of chocolate of caramels in the United States"
("Lancaster Caramel Company." n.d.). Milton changed the company's name from Lancaster Caramel
Company to the
Hershey Company. He started to sell milk chocolate, but it took him many years of trial and error to
create his recipe of milk chocolate. An author writing about Milton states, "Milton Hershey was the
first American to develop a formula for manufacturing milk chocolate...It was affordable, tasted
good, and remained
... Get more on ...

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Benjamin Franklin, The Father Of Foreign Diplomacy Essay

  • 1. Benjamin Franklin, the Father of Foreign Diplomacy Essay Some people will argue that the true birth of United States of America started with George Washington leading the Continental Army against Great Britain's royal army in pursuit of freedom from foreign dictatorship; seizing the opportunity to create and control their own government in the manner in which they sought fit. One of the major forces in this battle for freedom was the diplomatic travels of Benjamin Franklin. His travels to England and France set the foundation for the dealings in foreign diplomacy that are still in effect today. Without Benjamin Franklin's wisdom, knowledge and courage to address Kings and Parliament on the behalf of the colonies, the American government, as we know it would not exist. Benjamin was born ... Show more content on ... Upon his return to the colonies he was elected as the unofficial ambassador to England, and this became a duty that he carried out for many years to come. Over the next decade, hostilities grew between the colonies and England. Benjamin Franklin spent his time as a delegate between the two lands and argued many of the colonies grievances toward Britain's mistreatment. In 1765 at the age of 59, Franklin addressed Parliament regarding the Quartering Bill, which allowed forceful housing of British soldiers in the homes of the Americans. He argued on behalf of the colonies and Parliament amended the bill making the act illegal. During this same year, Parliament passed the Stamp Act as a way of acquiring more money from the colonies. This is where many of Benjamin Franklin's diplomatic duties began. Franklin was called to testify in front of Parliment, A questioner asked: "Considering the resolutions of Parliament as to the right, do you think, if the stamp–act is repealed, that the North Americans will be satisfied?" Franklin responded: "I think the resolutions of right will gibe them very little concern, if they are never attempted to be carried into practice." A adversary asked: "If the stamp–act should be repealed, would it induce the assemblies of America to acknowledge the rights of Parliament to tax them, and would they erase their resolutions [of ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. Nathie Marbury: The Western Pennsylvania School For The Deaf Nathie Marbury was born January 20, 1944 in Grenada, MS but grew up in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She was the daughter of Lezera and Rosetta Marbury. Nathie had many siblings; she was the 16th of 17th children. Her parents for some reason did not believe in education, but Nathie as a child who was born deaf enabled her to better her education. She attended Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, and graduated in 1962. An interesting fact about The Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf was founded in 1869, and is a non–profit, tuition–free school. It provides academic and extracurricular activities to deaf and hard of hearing children from birth up to twelfth grade. They use American Sign Language, sign supported English and Spoken English ... Show more content on ... At the school she attended, her white friends tried to rub off her blackness. That one sentences when I read it, I was in shock! How could they do that to her? I continued reading and read she tried out for the football team. Eventually, as she grew older, and the years went by, she became a mother of two children named Alberta Stewart and Norma Holt, and a grandmother of five grandchildren Crystal, Alyssa, Michael, and Drew Stewart, and Sabrina Holt. Even though she had children and grandchildren's, she felt her identity, as a Black Deaf woman was not defined, it was not until later in life where she found her ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Settling The Northern Colonies : Big Picture Themes Chapter #3: Settling the Northern Colonies – Big Picture Themes 1. Plymouth, MA was founded with the initial goal of allowing Pilgrims, and later Puritans, to worship independent of the Church of England. Their society, ironically, was very intolerant itself and any dissenters were pushed out of the colony. 2. Other New England colonies sprouted up, due to (a) religious dissent from Plymouth and Massachusetts as with Rhode Island, (b) the constant search for more farmland as in Connecticut, and (c) just due to natural growth as in Maine. 3. The Middle Colonies emerged as the literal crossroads of the north and south. They held the stereotypical qualities of both regions: agricultural and industrial. And they were unique in that (a) New York was born of Dutch heritage rather than English, and (b) Pennsylvania thrived more than any other colony due to its freedoms and tolerance. IDENTIFICATIONS: Chapter #3: Settling the Northern Colonies (pages 43 – 65) Anne Hutchinson– Puritan spiritual leader who following a religious disagreement was banished for the Mass. Bay Colony and later died in the Dutch colony of New Netherland Roger Williams– Puritan leader who was exiled from Massachusetts and eventually went on to merge multiple colonies to create the colony of Rhode Island. William Bradford– Governor of the Plymouth colony following the exodus of the Pilgrims to what would become Massachusetts. William Penn– The colony of Pennsylvania named after him (Established as a quaker ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. A History Of The Gilpin Family A history of the Gilpin Family in America From 1685 to 1810 (Change title) The Gilpin family, have been an integral part of American History since their arrival in 1695. The family, who arrived, as part of an initial large wave of Quakers in America, carved out a place in American, more specifically Quaker History. Coming to America, at the invitation of William Penn, and deeply embroiled in significant events in American History, the Gilpin 's were early founders of Pennsylvania. Their Quaker background proved to be of primary importance in precisely how the family participated in important events, like the American Revolution. From their peaceful relations with Indians to their involvement in the American Revolution, their pacifist belief system influenced their action. However, not all members of the Gilpin family remained pacifists. While one member Thomas Gilpin held fast to his Quaker beliefs during the American Revolution, another, Colonel George Gilpin, Became a close confidant of George Washington eventually serving as Pallbearer at Washington 's funeral. . The Quakers were different from many of the settlers of other early American colonies. The Quakers, also known as the Society of Friends, were built upon ideals of pacifism and benevolence. They did not come here as traders or merchants. The Quakers came here for religious freedom, as did many others. However, Quakers, who had experienced persecution in other colonies like ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. R. Ga And Adelburger Defense Of Eastern Ohio And Western... R GA and Adelburger defense of eastern Ohio and Western Pennsylvania had finally fallen by the 17th of November. By this point, with the Underground continuing their push from the west, the FYC–YCHS alliance continuing their push from the south, in addition to the Union and the other factions following in the wake of the advance, this has resulted in the Union having the opportunity to launch a series of subversion and swaying of RGA and Adelburger control of the other school systems on the surface, along with surgical strikes on Adelburger Castles and other assets beneath and its presence in the otherworld. Luftgeschwader dogfights with the Union had also become increasingly fierce, with the Underground beginning to field their own ... Show more content on ... But when the school day ended, he knew it was time for him to inspect the defenders behind one of the most decisive events within the sphere of Brotzmanskrieg. The school bell rang, and the students around him began to get out of their desks, taking with them their textbooks and knapsacks, and getting themselves ready for the upcoming weekend. In November, the winter uniform was being worn by the boys attending Archbishop Kurtz. The winter uniform consisted of a dark violet or gray long sleeved V–neck sweater (with school insignia on left breast), underneath a white dress shirt featuring a Saint Tropez style collar and dark violet dress tie, a pair of pleated black dress pants and a black or brown belt around the waist, along with matching black socks and oxford dress shoes. Aside from the sweaters, the uniform dress code also allowed for a cardigan, which was to have a dark violet color, along with school insignia on left breast. During the spring and late summer parts of the school year, however, a summer uniform had the dress shirt replaced with a violet golf shirt. Wearing the dress shirt was acceptable, but it had to be worn alongside a dark violet V–neck sweater and tie. Much like most Catholic primary and secondary schools within the Greater American Catholic School System, particularly those who ever had Catholic School Nobility members within its ranks, the Catholic school noblemen and noblewomen were encouraged to not wear their resplendent ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Philadelphia Descriptive Writing After a long boring plane trip with my mom, dad, and grandma, we arrived at Philadelphia. We found a nice hotel and stayed in a small town nearby. Philadelphia is the sight of hundreds of historical sights and is the second largest city on the east coast. The hustle and bustle of Philadelphia affected my mom but when we found Pat's King of Steaks we had a delicious lunch, and dinner was eaten at a Phillies game, downtown. The next day we drove around all the historical sights like Independence Hall, and I finally got to see the Liberty Bell! However, others don't like Philadelphia because of the traffic and crowds. Leaving Philadelphia was sad but the next part was supposed to be more fun. The area around Philadelphia is supposed to be beautiful, and it was. We drove through Lancaster and spent a night in York. In conclusion, the historical sights and locations were the highlights of Philadelphia and the country around Philadelphia was beautiful as well. ... Show more content on ... Gettysburg was the sight of the bloodiest battle in the western hemisphere. When we arrived, we lodged in a hotel that sat on the location of the climax of the battle of Gettysburg, Pickett's Charge. We then wandered around the sites of battle like Little Round Top, Culp's Hill, Cemetery Ridge and the Peach Orchard learning a lot about the battle. The shops and museums around the city have a lot of cool things in them. The museums were the best part, but my mom thought it was the shops. One museum had the largest military diorama in the Unites States, and one shop had the most military items I've ever seen. All in all, Gettysburg had much history and great shops and ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Analysis Of ' Acres Of Diamonds ' Isaac Newton's third law states that "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction." Not only can this statement be applied to the sciences, but also to how we behave on a daily basis. Russel Conwell's claim in his speech "Acres of Diamonds" that poor people make themselves poor and rich people make themselves rich defends the belief that we are responsible for our own success. This means that even if you come from an impoverished background you can change your situation for the better and fulfill your potential by leading a "rich" life. I agree with Conwell's proposition that you are in charge of your own destiny. When you look at his speech and Temple current six commitments upheld by Richard M. Englert, the university's president, you can find many connections. But along with these similarities, there are also points that have changed and evolved to suit the needs of the current student. As we break down the six commitments, it is clear that the founder's initial desires and the present day goals of the university are brought together to create Temple's mission statement. The first commitment made by the university is its devotion to its students in serving their financial needs. Every graduate of a university has to struggle with dealing with debt and paying off student loans. The fear of being in debt and the intimidation of the sticker price of higher education stops many people from seeking out a degree. This problem affects students today but was also ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The American Of Native Americans cautious what we receive for truth, unless spoken by wise and good men. If any thing disagreeable should ever fall out between us, the twelve United colonies, and you, the Six Nations, to wound our peace, let us immediately seek measures for healing the breach. It is possible to imagine that such a letter, while having good intentions, could have caused discourse in the minds of Native Americans. The Continental Congress was promoting peace between the colonists and the tribes. On the other hand, the Native Americans were guarded on account of the actions perpetrated against them. The past is not easily forgotten and asking these people to keep peace may have been indignation. It was essentially as if they were telling the Native Americans not to fight back in the event of an attack which surely made them feel powerless. The previous correspondence would imply that the Continental Congress pursued Native American welfare only when it did not hinder their strategy with Britain, but the concern for their potential allies grew as their resources dwindled. The colonists that yearned for a new place in the world realized they could not accommodate the needs of Native Americans and took the advice of Colonel Daniel Broadhead, an officer in the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment, and requested their presence. It would have been easier to brush the Native Americans aside during this time, especially with the impending Revolution weighing so heavily on the minds of the Continental ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Nt1310 Unit 2 Assignment 1 Assignment Two Butler County is a predominately Caucasian county, located north of Pittsburgh, in Western Pennsylvania. The culture of Butler County is shaped by the limited diversity of the area. Much of the population residing in Butler County are also somewhere between the ages of 18 and 65 (Census Bureau 2015). "The social conflict approach is a framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of inequality that generates conflict and change" (Macionis). Even though society is becoming more diverse and accepting towards other races and nationalities, Butler County, like everywhere else, still has trouble with race issues. Comparing Butler County to Allegheny County, Butler is composed of 96.3 percent white individuals, ... Show more content on ... The varying ages have different interpretations of symbols. Acknowledging the broad age range of 18 to 65, one would realize that there would be different interests of a young college student compared to a professor getting close to retirement. The "Symbolic–Interaction Approach is a framework for building theory that sees society as the product of the everyday interactions of individuals" (Macionis 18). Every human has symbols which they often associate with other certain objects or place. One example of symbolic interaction is social media. Most adolescents use social media to be cool, adults use it to keep in touch with acquaintances, and the elderly think that social media is a waste of time. Another example could be going to Alameda Park. Alameda is a park located in Butler Pennsylvania. Children go to Alameda park for thrill and excitement, parents go to see the happiness their children experience, while elderly people may reconcile the memories they had as a child. Since a society is defined as a "people who live in a defined territory and share a way of life", different age groups could potentially be a part of separate societies (Macionis 3). Eventually, the older generation will have disappeared in Butler County and more liberal views will be installed upon. With the baby–boomer population becoming ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Social Media And Its Impact On Society I have constantly thought about intimacy amongst couples as a private and a special thing between them, and considered it as a cherished moment to be experienced concerning the two without the interruptions of others. Yet, nowadays, every notion of privacy is becoming blurred with the use of technology, and peoples' interpretations of what is private and what is public has evolved over time with these new technological developments. The smartphone plays a significant role in changing peoples' views on their privacy, and having these devices in hand at all times, with unlimited access to the internet, alongside countless applications and free social media platforms available to share their content has made it even easier to forget about the concept of privacy. People share their daily activities and encounters on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat with many other. Some share it with close family, relative and friends, however, others share them with complete strangers that they have never met in person in their whole lives. The content they share could be about any event in their lives, an outing with a few friends, a family gathering, or an intimate time spent with loved ones. Intimacy between couples is no longer considered as a private instant, but as an exposed moment that is being shared and mediated. The idea of intimacy, with social media platforms, have lost its sense of being an intimate moment practiced between two people, yet, ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Whiskey Rebellion Essay In a time when the British won a war against the Native Americans and the French, to the first political parties, the Federalists and Democratic–Republicans, there were rebellions. It is in this context that changes can be found between the March of the Paxton Boys, Shays' Rebellion, and the Whiskey Rebellion. Violent protest in America from 1763 to 1791 changed significantly in terms of reasons behind the desire for violent protest and the result that occurred because of the rebellion. Admittedly, one significant continuity was the continued rebellion of the common people against the elite. In all three rebellions, the people who were rebelling were the poor and common people of the United States, rebelling against something the wealthy ... Show more content on ... Nearly 500 farmers attacked the house of General John Neville who was a tax inspector. Pennsylvanian Farmers also attacked tax collectors and other officials in order to avoid paying the tax which was imposed by the United States government. The March of the Paxton Boys, Shays' Rebellion, and the Whiskey rebellion were all common people against the elite because each rebellion had the poor angry with the government. The United States government, on the state and national level, was run by the elite, such as the northern wealthy citizens and southern gentry. On the other hand, one significant change was the reason behind the desire for the rebellions. After the attack on the Conestoga people by the Paxton Boys, the Pennsylvania government put the remaining 16 Conestoga Indians in protective custody, but the Paxton Boys broke in and killed 6 adults and 8 children. The March of the Paxton Boys, as previously mentioned, occurred because of the group wanting the law to help the farmers as well. The Paxton Boys, who were led by Reverend John Elder attacked the Conestoga because of anger towards natives because of Pontiac's Rebellion. Pontiac's Rebellion was when a group of natives who were led by different leaders, but most prominently Pontiac, attacked British Forts and settlements because of their anger towards British policies after ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Large Events Of Philadelphia Liabilities of Large Events Philadelphia consistently ranks among one of the most popular cities in the United States, both in terms of visitation and in terms of global recognition. This ranking is driven by prominent events in the past, and 2016 will be no different. Events such as the papal visit and the democratic nomination convention will inevitably influence Philadelphia's economy, and it has long been an accepted notion that these events cause a positive impact. However, recent studies have begun to erode this misconception. The disastrous papal visit proved the economic harm of large–scale events, and in events such as the upcoming Democratic national convention, Philadelphia shouldn't expect any significant economic windfall. The large influx of tourists coming to city for large events repels local citizens who consume from local businesses, resulting in local businesses being forced to fall behind schedule. The Papal visit was projected to generate 400 million dollars for the city, but instead exemplifies the way in which super events can go awry (Debree 2). Pope Francis visited the city of Philadelphia from September 26th through the 27th, and predictably paranoia ensued. Hundreds of thousands of people flooded the city for the opportunity to watch the pope speak. The damage was assessed weeks later. City controller Alan Butkovitz published an analysis in October of 2015 detailing the Papal visit's economic impact and his conclusions were undeniably grim. ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. The United States Essay 1. The Commonwealth They Served The weather was seasonally cold in Pennsylvania's Capitol late in 1914. On Sunday morning, December 27, the temperature was 1 degree Fahrenheit. This reading was the lowest ever registered in the last month of the year during the almost three–decade history of the Harrisburg weather station. Nevertheless, the cold did not dim the spirit of the holiday season as the Harrisburg Evening Telegraph newspaper cheerfully proclaimed, "Perfect Christmas Makes City Happy." During that week, Governor John K. Tener, in the last month of his term, released a legislatively mandated report that made history. The Report of the Economy and Efficiency Commission, for one of the very few times in Pennsylvania's Chronicle, provided the public with a roster of all 5,152 state employees. The release of this document was a key milestone in the Commonwealth's early 20th– century effort to improve its personnel management practices. By listing names, this document provides an opportunity to recognize the often–unheralded contributions of selected state employees assigned to organizations under the general supervision of the Governor. The register also affords an invaluable chance to appreciate how the offices, bureaus, and divisions make Pennsylvania work. Researching their efforts brought to light a collective commitment to assist the public. This attribute is a common virtue among Pennsylvania state employees, both past and present. It is the one thing ... Get more on ...
  • 26.
  • 27. Hydro Fracking In The Delaware River Basin The Delaware River creates a natural boundary between western New Jersey and Eastern Pennsylvania. The river serves as a recreation attraction and a major source of drinking water for many areas in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. In the upper part of the Delaware River Watershed, oil and gas companies are attempting to drill for natural gas by method of hydraulic fracturing (hydrofracking). Many residents in New Jersey have protested the proposition of hydro fracking and have gone to the internet to raise awareness and money to prevent hydrofracking in the Delaware River Watershed with the websites,,, and The Delaware River Basin plays ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. The True Meaning Of Beauty Redefined Beauty I wake up, brush and straighten my hair, I use that expensive extensive coverage foundation to disguise my flaws, I contour my face to make it appear slimmer like that of the actress Angelina Jolie. I overline my lips so I get those Kylie Jenner lips everyone seems to talk about. Looking at my altered face in the mirror, I'm satisfied. However, after watching just one T.V commercial, I'm immediately reminded that it's not enough. Do you ever feel this way? Like me, many others feel as though they are not enough. Not skinny enough, not sexy enough and most importantly, not beautiful enough. This is due to the impossible beauty standards made by the media we are excessively exposed to. In the article "Pop Culture Is destroying True Beauty" the author Rachel Drevno explains how beauty standards being made by the media are causing the true meaning of beauty to be destroyed and the issues arising from it. I strongly believe this is true and it's a growing issue. I believe beauty standards made by pop culture are not only destroying the meaning of beauty, but also it's causing us to feel vulnerable, insecure and unsatisfied with the way we look. For what once was just a form of entertainment, the media is now a way for companies to profit off individuals by using their insecurities. Advertisements in between programs show us products that we "need" to get in order to look beautiful. In the article by Rachel Drvno she says these ads are "frequently playing on the general public's vulnerability about their bodies"(Drevno 69). Therefore, at a young age we are exposed to these products and are conditioned to believe that they are what you need in order obtain their so–called 'beauty'. These advertisements make us feel absolutely vulnerable. As someone who has personally fallen victim to these ads, I began wearing makeup at an early age, hoping to meet the standards of beauty I saw on screen. The more I tried, the more vulnerable I felt, because the kind of beauty they presented was superficial. These false portrayals of beauty by pop culture also cause for us to feel insecure with the way that we naturally look. Being from Pakistan and not looking anything like the light skinned and silky haired ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The United States Constitution And The Declaration Of... Pennsylvania was the one out of the original 13 colonies that was founded by William Penn. As the founder Penn used Pennsylvania as a haven for his fellow Quakers. As the capital of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia was the locality of the first and second Continental Congress of 1774 and 1775. Eventually, this led to the creation of the Declaration of Independence and prompt the American Revolution War. After the American Revolution War, Pennsylvania became the second state to ratify the United States Constitution. The United States Constitution is a document that consist of the fundamental laws and principles by which the United States is governed. A state's constitution is defined as a set of fundamental policies or organic laws according to ... Show more content on ... As of 1968 to the Present, the current Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania are laws and foundation for the United States Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Even though the last revision of the Constitution was 48 years ago it is still considered fairly new. Not much had changed from the previous 1874 revision to the present constitution. Thirty Amendments had been adopted between 1968 and January 2005. Pennsylvania's Constitution is that it is composed of six types of local governments which are the county, town, township, city, borough, and finally school district. As of 2005, Pennsylvania had sixty seven counties, one thousand eighteen municipal governments, five hundred one public school districts, and one thousand eight hundred eighty five special districts. Since 2002, there has been one thousand five hundred forty six townships. Pennsylvania's local municipalities are governed by statues. They are passed by the Pennsylvania General Assembly based on the type and class of municipality. The type and class of municipality are under a home rule municipality or by an optional form of government. A municipality under home–rule laws can pick to plan and revise their own charter. Pennsylvania counties are accountable for the process of state election, judicial administration, and most importantly for state law enforcement. However, Pennsylvania counties are also ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Personal Narrative: Western Pennsylvania Friday Night Lights Western Pennsylvania Friday Night Lights A Fond Farewell I watched my husband, Mike, take the field during the Freeport High School Football alumni night as part of the farewell season for Swartz Field. The school district for the tiny town along the Allegheny River recently voted to construct a new facility since the renovation of the 93–year–old stadium would be too costly. This is not my hometown mind you. But on this Friday night, I felt a sincere sense of loss. Maybe not as deep and personal as the Freeport residents, but a sadness for the passing of an era and tradition. Maybe I was caught up in the perfect September evening complete with a sun–filled, cloudless blue sky that gave way to a pink and purple sunset and a fall chill in the air–perfect football weather. The stadium sits in the heart of this old blue collar, hardworking, melting pot town. My husband can still rattle off any last ... Show more content on ... Surrounding these gridiron veterans were the next generation of players, cheerleaders, flag barriers and majorettes and, on this night as part of the anniversary remembrance for 9–11, the local military color guard. The stadium sits tucked deep within the valley framed by the homes and the wooded hills of western Pennsylvania. It's not hard to recognize a Norman Rockwell moment when you see it. The stands were filled with the same mix of generations whose sons, fathers, grandfathers and great, grandfathers played in this humble stadium for this unapologetically proud town. And the people know their football. They live for their football. The rules of the game are just as simple as the rules they live their lives by–work hard, treat others with respect, be accountable and don't forget where you came ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Pittsburgh : A Football City : Pittsburgh, A Football City Pittsburgh, a Football City Pittsburgh is a city with a rich history of football, we have professional, collegiate, and high school teams. Who have all accomplished many great things and are known nationally. Our teams have won nationally and many good players and people have came from this city. September 3, 1895 the first professional game was played. The game was between the Latrobe Athletic Association and the Jeannette Athletic Club. Back into 1897 the Latrobe Athletic Association paid all of its players. Then becoming the first fully professional football team. "Early professional football teams from western Pennsylvania include; the McKeesport Olympics, Oil City Athletic Club, Pitcairn Quakers and Glassport Odds." Football at the collegiate level began in 1889 at the University of Pittsburgh, then known as the Western University of Pennsylvania. The first official collegiate game in Western Pennsylvania was played on October 11, 1890. Washington & Jefferson was also competitive with some of the top teams in the nation. In 1913, the Presidents, led by Bob Folwell, team posted a 10–0–1 record and were the highest scoring team in the nation. The first Pittsburgh football team you think of is the Steelers, Created in 1933. The team was founded by Arthur J. Rooney. The Rooney family has owned and been in charge of the club for its entire history. They are the seventh–oldest club in the National Football League. Originally called the pirates, the name was changed in ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Whiskey Rebellion The end of the Revolution was not the end of political turmoil in the United States. In the years following the Revolution, political parties were forming and disbanding which then led to rebellions starting. The future of what the country looked like was seen differently by each political faction. All of the conflicting views of American politics began to manifest into governmental affairs because of the imposed tax on distilled spirits made by the federal government to pay off the nation's debts from the American Revolution. This tax was only to be paid in cash, which was particularly hard on the small frontier farmers because of the fact that they bartered and did not have access to currency. Protests ran by frontiersmen occurred because ... Show more content on ... The tax took away much of the farmers' income in western Pennsylvania. They relied on whiskey to make most of their money and that was taken away from them. In today's society, The Affordable Care Act relates to the Whiskey Rebellion in a way that it benefits a few but hurts the majority. This act is meant to grant free health care to those who cannot afford it, and although it helps those who have lost their jobs it gives free health care to some people who have decided to make bad choices in life and not work for it like others. By forming this act, it has raised taxes over all for people in America. These relate because the Whiskey Rebellion was formed as a result of the government taxing whiskey and making people pay this tax in cash. It was hard on farmers because they did not have access to currency. The Affordable Care Act is taxing everyone to support those people who have done nothing to benefit their lives and help make them successful in life. Although both of these points pose as challenges, they did benefit some of the people in the world. The government's power was tested and they had to see if they would be able to pursue further and move on from the controversy and they were able to in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Philadelphi The United States Philadelphia is the largest city in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the fifth–most–populous city in the United States, and the core of the sixth–largest metropolitan area in the country. Located in the Northeastern United States at the confluence of the Delaware and Schuylkill rivers, Philadelphia is the economic and cultural center of the Delaware Valley. Popular nicknames for Philadelphia are Philly and The City of Brotherly Love. The city is the center of economic activity in Pennsylvania, and is home to the Philadelphia Stock Exchange, the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia and several Fortune 500 companies. Philadelphia is a city rich in history. In 1682, William Penn founded the city to serve as capital of Pennsylvania Colony. By the 1750s, Philadelphia had surpassed Boston to become the largest city and busiest port in British America, and second in the British Empire, behind London. During the American Revolution, Philadelphia played an instrumental role as a meeting place for the Founding Fathers of the United States, who signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the Constitution in 1787. Philadelphia was one of the nation 's capitals during the Revolutionary War, and the city served as the temporary U.S. capital while Washington, D.C. was under construction. It is home to such icons as Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence was signed, and the famous Liberty Bell. A visit to the Independence Visitor Center, Independence National ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Milton Hershey And The Hershey Company The Hershey Company, also known as Hershey's, is a company that sells candy and treats to people all over the world. A man named Milton Hershey had a dream to establish a candy company. His first two candy companies had failed, but he never gave up. He started the Hershey Company in 1894 and is located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Since then, it has spread all over the world and became one of the biggest manufacturers of candies in the world. Milton Hershey, the founder of The Hershey Company, was born September 13, 1857, and his parents were Henry Hershey and Fanny Snavely Hershey. At the age of 14, Milton became an apprentice for a candy maker. Soon, he realised he had a natural talent for candy making. Milton wasn't the most successful ... Show more content on ... No wonder it was an immediate sensation" ("Milton S. Hershey," n.d.). His chocolate was and will always be a huge hit. Milton basically created his own town. He industrialised his little town into a well known city. He created a trolley system to bring the needed ingredients to the factory, which was an inexpensive way to travel. Also, he built houses for his employees and named the streets after places cocoa was grown at. He built a place called the Cocoa House, and it was just like a mini city. The article says, " served as the town center and included a store, bank, post office, boarding rooms and lunchroom"("Milton S. Hershey," n.d.). Milton did not want his town to be just an ordinary factory town. He constructed it with more than just the necessities. Milton wanted a fun place in town, so he built an amusement park. The park was called the Hershey Park, and it had roller coasters, a zoo, a bowling alley, a swimming pool, and much more. Across the street from the Cocoa House was the community center. The article states, "it contained an indoor swimming pool, a gymnasium, a library, a hospital, game rooms, a cafeteria and a world–class theater" ("Milton S. Hershey," n.d.). In addition to everything, Milton built a majestic hotel for the tourists visiting the town, and created a sports arena to house his town 's hockey team. ("Milton S. ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Light In the Forest Essay It is the fall of 1764, and the relations between white settlers of western Pennsylvania and Indians of the Ohio area are strained. Nevertheless, the ambitious white Colonel Bouquet and his troop of 1,500 men march into Indian country and demand the return of whites who have been kidnapped by the Delaware Indians. True Son, a fifteen–year–old white boy who has been raised by Indians since the age of four, is one of the white prisoners who is going to be returned. True Son loves his Indian way of life and considers himself to be Indian; he has been raised to view whites as enemies and cannot imagine living with them. But although the Indians love their adopted white relatives, they agree to give them back so that they will be able to keep ... Show more content on ... To True Son, white civilization seems like a prison compared to the free and natural world of the Indians. Del, however, sees the stone houses and fences as symbols of the superior white culture. When True Son is introduced to his white father, Harry Butler, he is repulsed by him and states that the man is not his father. In order to help translate for the Butlers and protect them from the potentially violent True Son, Del stays with the Butlers for a little while after True Son's return. True Son, Del, and Harry Butler travel back to Paxton township where True Son meets more of his family: his mother, Myra, who is sickly; his younger brother, Gordie; and his Aunt Kate. Myra tries to get True Son to communicate with her and say his real name, John Cameron Butler, but True Son is stubborn and refuses to acknowledge that the Butlers are his real family. The only person who does not see True Son's Indian ways as strange and upsetting is Gordie, and a relationship begins to form between the two boys. True Son cannot sleep the night of his return because he remembers the story his Indian father told him about the "Paxton boys," a group of white settlers who brutally murdered some peaceful Conestoga Indians. The next day True Son meets more of his relatives, including his Uncle Wilse, who was a leader of the Paxton boys. ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Film Analysis Of The Film Groundhog Day Title: Groundhog Day Film analysis The film Groundhog Day is about a local weather man Phil, that travels to Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania for a news coverage of the holiday Groundhog Day. Phil finds himself in a time warp reliving the events of groundhog over and over. In the beginning Phil spends each day focused on sex and money as the movie progress Phil finds himself spending every waking moment trying to impress his producer Rita. When that ends in failure Phil starts to care for the people around town doing anything possible to make their lives better, from saving lives to changing tires. In the end Rita falls in love with the true Phil Connor and the time warp ends. Throughout the film Phil comes to terms to who is he really is. He finds Authenticity and no longer struggles with self–identity. Phil no longer had responsibilities in life he learned early on that no one would remember anything but him, that no matter what he did he would still wake up on February 2nd at 6:00am. This lead Phil to do outrages this suck as steal money and drive on railroad trucks not caring about his life and who he was. Jean–Paul Sartre said, "Life has no meaning the moment you lose the illusion of being eternal." Life had no meaning to Phil once he knew he would be stuck living the same day. When Phil didn't live for himself life becomes dull, boring and lonely, he had to deal with the consequences of this inauthenticity. Phil came to realization that if he could not change his life today maybe he could change other's. In the beginning Phil lived life inauthentically, he lived for society and followed what society thought had power. Phil did not change in a second even his first few days experiencing Groundhog Day over and over he still lived for society. Phil went out of his way to flaunt his money and make advances to sleep with women, two things in society's view men must have to be liked or have power. When Phil begins to realize this, he becomes lonely and commits suicide everyday knowing he still must relive Groundhog Day, instead of living a miserable life Phil decides to do good deeds from changing tires to saving lives. He began to have good faith, he became authentic. He lived for himself not society he began ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Whiskey Rebellion: Frontier Epilogue to the American... Professor Thomas Slaughter has provided a most thorough overview of the Whiskey Rebellion, which he asserts had by the time this book was conceived nearly two centuries after the episode transpired, had become a largely forgotten chapter of our nation's history since the time of the Civil War. He cites as direct evidence of this fact the almost complete absence of any mention of the event in many contemporary textbooks of the conservative era of the 1980's, which this reviewer can attest to as well, having been a high school student in the late 1970's, who never heard of the Whiskey Rebellion until years later. Building off of his own dissertation on the topic, the author convincingly shows that the Whiskey Rebellion was in fact an event ... Show more content on ... Chief among these were questions of taxation, especially excise taxes, as well as contention over land between Native Americans, frontier settlers, and eastern politicians and land speculators, who the author shows were frequently one in the same. In particular he looks at the personal interests held in western land speculation by that most revered of all the founders, George Washington himself, who he clearly paints as having a substantial personal stake and by inflection Slaughter concludes the "father of our country" very much acted upon his own self–interest, veiled as it was under a curtain of national interests. He takes serious issue as well with other leaders of the early republic's political establishment, especially Alexander Hamilton and John Neville, the latter of which he seems to set out as the true instigator of the riots. The tone of bias in favor of the frontiersmen is firmly set in this opening section and carries forward in the rest of the volume. Part two of the book sets the chronology of events regarding the excise tax on distilled spirits, which was to be an intricate part of Hamilton's financial planning aimed at righting the fiscal ship of the new nation. It is made up of five ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. William Penn And A New Society What did William Penn envision for his society, and what kept his society from developing into what he wanted and being successful long–term? William Penn and A New Society Nearly a century before the original 13 colonies were declared as independent, William Penn initiated the colony Pennsylvania that bore its own independence based on individual and religious freedom. He is recognized as one of the seventeenth century 's most devoted advocates of liberty of conscience. Although establishing a form of government that promoted freedom of religion and also the use of religion to enhance citizenship, J. William frost argued, Penn effectively created a "non– coercive Quaker establishment." 1 These laws clearly favored and protected Quaker ... Show more content on ... The king agreed and signed the charter for 29–acres of land in March 1681, making him the largest landlord in the British Empire. Penn deemed himself governor and proprietor of the land named the admiral, Pennsylvania, and seized the opportunity to create a community based on religious tolerance. Four months later, Penn had constructed his general layout for colonization. To the purchasers of sites within the province, Penn made his first mention of a large city, Philadelphia. "Penn did not want Philadelphia to be a duplicate of London. Instead, he desired the appearance of an orderly, yet rural, English town." 3 He built the foundations of the town in a new way to match the new principles Penn wanted Pennsylvania to be ruled by. Penn idealized Pennsylvania as the political solution to economic prosperity. "The free practice of different faiths, except for Roman Catholicism, was necessary to a successful economy. Political participation by various religious groups was also a condition for a productive society." 2 Nearly 20 years after commencing construction, Penn drafted and structured a "Pennsylvania Charter of Privileges," for the citizens of the territory to be governed by. Penn planned on using his ideals to grow a successful and prosperous society, and had radical beliefs that government can act ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Cons And Disadvantages Of Social Media Social Media Social media are technologies or networks that allow people, nowadays, to share informations and connect with each other. There are different types of social media, but the most used are Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, Yahoo, Twitter, WhatsApp, etc. With the advancement in technology, today these social media are an everyday part of life in most part of the world. They are used for different reason and the outcome is always different. Because everything has both advantages and disadvantages or inconveniences, social media too affect the user in both positives and negatives ways. Like it is stated above, social media can be used for communication. The new technologies have made it easier to connect the world in just a glimpse. With a network like WhatsApp or Facebook, a person here in the United States is able to talk and see at the same time his friends and family members who are in different part of the world. Social media are another way to make friends too. For instance, if a person is too shy or just too quiet to speak, social media can help that person have friends and communicate with them. In other words, technology and social media work together to link the world. Other than connecting people, social media can also be used for advertising. Today, about all businesses market their products through advertisements. If not for the advertisements, nearly every businesses would not be able to sell their latest products. People learn about their country or other countries in the world through news, which are given through social media like YouTube channel. They also can learn about new products or weather conditions in their areas; they are able now to learn about everything that is happening either where they live or in other places. Social media are sources of publicity of new products; they help people stay informed about everything. Just as they have advantages, social media also have disadvantages such as being addictive. They evolves together with new technologies and renders people, especially young people, lazy and sometimes lonely. Dr. Stephen Ilardi says, "As smartphones have become ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Why Are Good Business Practice? Essay Assume you are in a leadership position in the organization. How could you impress upon employees the importance of answering customer messages in a timely manner? How could you make this easier for employees? Good business practice suggests you answer emails within 24 hours, however, if you answer within 10 to 30 minutes, your clients will be impressed. Even if the response only lets them know that you are aware of the issue and that, you will be getting back to them during normal business hours. This is called exceeding expectations and a way to make our clients, our partners. Your customers do not want to wait days or even hours for responses to their questions or help with their problems and, in many cases, if you force them to wait they will take their business elsewhere. Being available and responsive to customers is a precondition to giving A–plus information. I can make it easier for the employees by providing all the resources to the employees. I will allot a time slot in which the employees all will do is to answer customer messages. I will organize seminars or webinars for the employees to realize the importance of answering customer messages in a timely manner. I will make a company policy that answering customer messages turn around time should be within 24 hours. I can create an app or software to keep a track of customer messages and their period of response. Develop a plan to audit the communication effectiveness of your company. How would you go about this? ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Essay on Multicultural Matrix University of Phoenix Material Multicultural Matrix and Analysis Worksheet Instructions: Part I: Select and identify six groups in the left–hand column. Complete the matrix. Part II: Write a summary. Part III: Format references consistent with APA guidelines. Part I: Matrix What is the group's history in the United States? What is the group's population in the United States? What are some attitudes and customs people of this group may practice? What is something you admire about this group's people, lifestyle, or society? 1. The German Americans are the largest singles source of ancestry of individuals that are in the United States today. The German Americans settled in the United States in the late 1700's, they came ... Show more content on ... This is what motivated the Irish to move to a free land in North America, which is complete opposite of Ireland. The Irish Americans population goes back to the 1600's and it reflects diversity based on the time of entry, their settlement area, and their religion. The arrivals of immigrant Irish is relatively slight, it is only accounting for 1,000 legal arrives. Some of the Irish Americans still enjoy the symbolic ethnicity of food, dance, and music. The Gaelic language is very limited and only offered to a fewer than 30 colleges. They as well as everyone in America still enjoy celebrating St. Patrick's Day celebration, which is when everyone seems to be Irish. What I admire about them is that they still take joy of celebrating a holiday that is fun and exciting. It brings everyone together for one day and having them think that they are Irish for the day. 3. The Italian Americans created their very own social history but not the typical of every nationality but instead it offers an insight into the White ethnic experience. The Italians immigrated during the colonial period, they came from highly differentiated land because the Italian states did not unify as one nation, so that is why they escaped foreign domination until 1848. The mass immigration of the Italians started in the 1880's and peaking in the first 20 years of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Steele City Research Paper The location of my starting destination is 127 Greenwood Drive. The absolute Location: 40˚19'58.215" N, 80˚7'28.919" W. It is located in Pennsylvania, specifically the middle Atlantic region of the United States. It's bordered by the states of New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, West Virginia and Ohio, and by Lake Erie and the Delaware River. Additionally, it is south of the Alleghany Mountains. I noticed that the city has humid climate that is slightly modified by its relative proximity to the Atlantic Seaboard and The Great Lakes. The area experiences extremes of all four seasons, with temperatures ranging from zero to 90° F depending on the month. The city experiences a significant amount of rain most of the year and a slight bit of snow during the winter time. ... Show more content on ... It is the second most populated city in Pennsylvania, after Philadelphia, and the metropolis of the western part of the state. The beautiful city goes by two common nicknames, "the City of Bridges," and "the Steele City." It is called the "City of Bridges" because it is home to the more bridges than any American region. It even has more bridges then Italy! The Steele city got its name because it was once the largest Steele producer in the world. When it comes to culture, Pittsburgh is multi– cultural. As I would walk through the streets I would see people from many different ethnicities and races. This includes people from all around the world, whether they are residents or tourists. The city itself is easy to navigate and it already felt like home since the moment I got there. Something that wasn't easy to miss was the theatre, art, music and film culture. They have a Broadway production organization called "Pittsburgh Cultural ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Essay on Colonization of Pennsylvanis by William Penn Religious tolerance, freedom, fame, and fortune. These advantages and many others are what awaited anyone who boarded a ship and sailed across the Atlantic to America. For many rich and clergy men it was easy. They could be on their way with no questions asked. The first ship to America did not even have one woman. Nevertheless, once they got a taste of the western world, there was no stopping. In 1493 Spain led the popular discovery of America when Columbus first settled in the New World. While England's first colony was Jamestown, established over 100 years later in 1607. After the settlement of Plymouth, in 1620 America's eastern sea board soon became over crowded. Establishing the first thirteen colonies was no easy task. In Foner's ... Show more content on ... Penn had hoped that Pennsylvania would be a profitable venture for himself and his family. Penn marketed the colony throughout Europe in various languages and, as a result, settlers flocked to Pennsylvania. Despite Pennsylvania's rapid growth and diversity, the colony never turned a profit for Penn or his family. In fact, Penn would later be imprisoned in England for debt and, at the time of his death in 1718, he was penniless. From 1682 to 1684 Penn was, himself, in the Province of Pennsylvania. After the building plans for Philadelphia had been completed, and Penn's political ideas had been put into a workable form, Penn explored the interior. He befriended the local Indians, and ensured that they were paid fairly for their lands. Penn even learned several different Indian dialects in order to communicate in negotiations without interpreters. The freedom of religion in Pennsylvania brought not only freedom to English, Welsh, German and Dutch Quakers to the colony, but also Huguenots, Mennonites, Amish, and Lutherans from Catholic German states. In 1677, a group of prominent Quakers, among them Penn, received the colonial province of West New Jersey. That same year, two hundred settlers from the towns of Chorleywood and Rickmansworth in Hertfordshire and other towns in nearby Buckinghamshire arrived, and founded the town of Burlington. Penn, who was involved in the project but himself remained in England, drafted a ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Essay Pittsburgh Pennsylvania " The Big Little City," also commonly know as the city of Pittsburgh, is one of the largest cites in the state of Pennsylvania. With over 144 square kilometers of land area, and approximately seven square kilometers of surface water (Pittsburgh Pennsylvania), the city of Pittsburgh is large by anyone's standard. The city, which is located in western Pennsylvania, has a very diverse geography which sets it apart from many other cities in the United States. Pittsburgh and its suburbs are known for steep hillsides covered with buildings, streets which have steps for sidewalks, and sidewalks which are named streets. From the highest point in Allegheny County, 1,401 feet at River Hill in Forward Township, to the 710 ... Show more content on ... Shortly after the revolutionary war, the small town of Pittsborough, then renamed Pittsburgh began to develop into a very important center, specializing in trading and industry. The convenience of natural resources and technological advancement has ranked Pittsburgh as one of the leading industrial cities in the United States in the past. Historically, the city of Pittsburgh has created numerous manufacturing plants responsible for producing steel, iron, and other products for the U.S. economy that still exist today. The Encyclopedia Britannica explains Pittsburgh's economic might during this period: " Pittsburgh's strategic location and wealth of natural resources spurred its commercial and industrial growth in the 19th century. A blast furnace, erected by George Anschutz in 1792, was the forerunner of the iron and steel industry that for more than a century was the city's economic mainstay; by 1850 it was known as the "Iron City." The Pennsylvania Canal and the Portage Railroad, both completed in 1834, opened vital markets for trade and shipping. After the American Civil War, great numbers of European immigrants swelled Pittsburgh's population, and industrial magnates such as Andrew Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick, and Thomas Mellon built their steel empires there. The city became the focus of historic friction between labor and management, and the American Federation of Labor was born there in 1881." Pittsburgh's industrial past has ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Social Media And Its Effect On Society Essay Change is a topic that everyone worries about. One of the biggest changes that our society has seen since the turn of the century has been the advancements in technology. It has brought us to a time where we can access any form of news from almost anywhere through smartphones and tablets. The access our society has to technology has impacted present day teens more than any other age group, causing an addiction to the resources available. Major social media corporations that have become available since the start of the twenty–first century have become the main cause of this addiction. Sites such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are some of the most popular programs that have lured teens to a virtual life. In a recent study done on teens' internet usage, it was shown that ninety four percent of teens have Facebook accounts, and the numbers continue to grow for Instagram and Twitter (Kaiser). Teens have become chronic users of social media because of the comfort that is found. They feel more comfortable in the virtual environments because they can diminish their feelings of loneliness and have more interpersonal contact (Parks). However, this comfort has surpassed the safe limits, affecting teen's mental states. Many teens turn to social networks for positive reasons, though there are many that use social media negatively. Just as it is an easier place for lonely teens to vent, it is also an easier place for harassment due to the belief that it is much harder to endure ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. How Did An Early City Develop Early city planning around the world was mainly driven by the need of social order, the regulation and distribution of public spaces, the stimulation of economic activities, as well as a way to control and address unsanitary environmental conditions. In 1682, William Penn–an English real estate entrepreneur and devoted of the Quaker religion–had additional reasons that drove to the establishment of the Pennsylvania colony. One of the reasons was the need of a place where individuals could enjoy the freedom of religion. Another reason, it appears to have been influenced by the need of rebuilding a city that Penn highly admired and which he witnessed being burnt down, London (Reps, p.163). The latest had encouraged him to plan and develop a new community, Philadelphia, known as the first planned, ... Show more content on ... Other inferior buildings included inexpensive lodgings, a single floor of three–story structures, boarding houses, etc. Similar to modern city planning, residential areas were, at that time, determined by socioeconomic status. For instance, wealthy citizens, merchants, etc. erected their business and houses in the Delaware River section of the city. The Market Street was also a popular area for commerce structures. While Lower–class workers concentrated mostly up north, west and south areas of the city. There is no doubt that Penn's grid system revolutionized the colonial Philadelphia city and its neighbor's American emerging cities. It had also set the standard for future urban planning, contributing to social order, development and growth of many present day Middle Western cities. On the negative side, city planning and more recent zoning restrictions have also negatively impacted and contributed to a broader segregation of the different socioeconomic ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. John Taylor Research Paper Born on October 6, 1836, in Hamilton Square, N.J., John Taylor was the son of James F. Taylor, a brick manufacturer, and Rebecca Borden Taylor. Working at his father's brick yard at an early age, he was but fourteen years old when his father died, at which time he took a job as a clerk in the grocery store owned by Anthony R. Rainear, and two years later he gained an interest in the business. In 1856, he became associated with James Ronan under the firm of Ronan and Taylor, and, after Ronan's retirement in 1860, he associated himself with Daniel P. Forst under the firm of Forst and Taylor, both of which were wholesale grocers. When the latter firm was dissolved in 1870, he organized Taylor and Company (it was incorporated as Taylor Provision Company in 1889 and reincorporated as Taylor Provisions Company in 1939) and engaged in pork packing and livestock dealing. ... Show more content on ... "The meats cured in this establishment are distributed throughout New Jersey and Pennsylvania," notes the firm's business profile in the atlas, "and a considerable portion of them find their way to Europe, both on direct orders and through New York exporters. The cattle are received from Chicago and other western points, and a market–day is made once a week, at which time the butchers of the city and surrounding country procure their supplies." Far and away his most–liked product was the spicy, sugar–cured, and hickory–smoked "Taylor Ham" which, in response to the labeling requirements of the Food and Drug Act of 1906, was renamed "Taylor Pork Roll." This product continues to be manufactured and is as popular today as it was ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. The Student Housing Market Is A Mainstream Investment... 5/18/2015 HU Housing HU Student housing report Authored by: DHAVAL Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 Introduction 3 Body 4 Conclusion and Recommendations 5 Bibliography 6 Executive Summary Over the past decade, the student housing market has started to emerge as a mainstream investment category, attracting significant interest from investor developers and private operators. So as on market HU also decided to give student accommodation at list for first and second year students. Demand and supply features: HU have many students from near states such as New Jersey and Maryland. They all need a place to stay during collage periods. So HU partners with Brickbox Enterprises, Ltd. to provide high–quality, affordable ... Show more content on ... The sector has become an important component of a balanced investment portfolio in recent times. As we all know, now a day's providing accommodation to students is much more important as giving right education. And if university have their own housing facilities; which gives more preference by any parents to enrolled their child in that kind of universities. HU gives very good opportunity to get experience of living in downtown area on graduation period. Even, HU provides high–end apartment for their students. This all give higher ratio of interest towards HU. Opportunities: As per the market, the fragmented nature of the student housing sector in mature markets such as US offers an opportunity for consolidation. As per student view: In downtown, there are many places where student can apply for hand on experience. Like subways, pizza and many more. This increase confidence of student towards life and learned some basic need on the starting phase of their life. Purpose of Report: This report might help to take a look over the entire housing facility of HU, and gives which area
  • 70. needs improvement and identify issues for housing department. Last year (2014) HU Division of housing recorded 1.6% vacancy rate during the first quarter; which is not high numbers whereas higher vacancy rate is around 5%. HU planned to increase more buildings in future for deliver house to each new students as well as second year students. Introduction In past two decades, the global ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Andrew Carnegie: A Big Business Man Andrew Carnegie "Andrew Carnegie was born on November 25th, 1835 in Dunfermline, Scotland."( Even though he had little formal education, Carnegie grew up in a family that believed in the importance of books and learning. The son of a handloom weaver, Andrew Carnegie ended up being one of the wealthiest businessmen in America. At the age 13, Carnegie and his family moved to America. They settled in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. Carnegie went to work in a factory, earning $1.20 a week. A year later, he started working as a telegraph messenger. After two years of being a messenger, Carnegie moved up to a telegraph operator position. Another three years later, he was promoted to superintendent. This work gave Carnegie a background on business and ... Show more content on ... At the age of 16, Ford left home to take on an apprenticeship as a machinist in Detroit. Here, he worked with steam engines and studied bookkeeping. Three years laters, Ford married Clara Bryant and returned to work on his family's farm. Ford still operated steam engines and sometimes worked at Detroit facilities. In 1891, he was hired as an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company, and soon after accepting the job, he was promoted to chief engineer. In 1896, Ford constructed his first model for a horseless carriage, the Ford Quadricycle. After attending a meeting with executives and proposing automobile ideas, Thomas Edison encouraged to build another model. Seven years later, after continuing to strive for improvement, Ford established the Ford Motor Company and his first car was assembled. Back then, only two or three cars were produced in one day, and it took the effort of groups of men. Ford wanted a more efficient production assembly, and that was when the Model T was born. Ford created the system of paying workers a steady wage to guarantee their loyalty, and moving assembly lines for mass production, which included interchangeable parts. This idea of efficiency revolutionized the American ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Andrew Mellon Research Paper Andrew William Mellon was born on March 24, 1855. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. His father was Thomas Mellon and his mother was Sarah Jane Negley Mellon. His wife's name was Nora Mary McMullen. He had two children named Ailsa and Paul. He had a lot of jobs in his lifetime. He came from a wealthy family. His father was a successful banker and lawyer in Pittsburgh. He was the fourth out of five. Andrew was an art collector, industrialist, politician, philanthropist, businessman, and an American banker. He made a big business empire before going into politics. He founded the National Gallery of Art. In 1921, Andrew went to Washington to serve as the secretary of treasury. While he was secretary of treasury, he decided that Washington should have a national art museum. He gave the people The National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. Andrew W. Mellon was an art collector. He communicated with President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He offered to give his art collection for The National Gallery of Art. He would even use his own money to make a building. The president supported Andrew. Congress established The National Gallery of Art in March 1937. Construction began in 1937. His ... Show more content on ... Treasury by President Warren G. Harding. World War I expenses were about $26 million. During conferences about how to reduce the national debt, Andrew helped reduce the national to $17,604,000,000 by June 30, 1928. "As chairman ex officio of the World War I foreign debt commission, Andrew also played an important part in coming up with the U.S. policy concerning the funding of war debts owed to the United States by foreign governments. " ( Throughout the years, he continued to be the head the Treasury under the presidents Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover. After the Great Depression in 1929 Andrew's popularity began to decline. He resigned as treasurer to serve as a U.S. ambassador to England for one year in ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Michael F Doyle Essay Michael F. Doyle is currently serving his twelfth term in congress representing the 18th district of Pennsylvania from 1995–2003 then the 14th district from 2003–the present. He's currently the most senior congressman from Pennsylvania. Doyle is from Swissvale, Pennsylvania and born to Irish and Italian parents. He's married to Susan Doyle and has four kids. Doyle attended to Swissvale Area High School in 1971 and enrolled at Pennsylvania State University and got a Bachelor of Science degree in Community Development in 1975. Prior to serving in Congress Doyle worked as a small business owner. His first job in politics was in 1979 when he started working as Chief of Staff for Pennsylvania State Senator Frank Pecora ("Biography Mike Doyle," ... Show more content on ... The poverty status in the last 12 months for all families, White alone is 8.3%, Black alone is 30.4%, American Indian and Alaska Native alone is 37.8%, Asian alone is 16.5%, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander alone is 30.8%, some other race alone is 35.9%, and two or more races alone is 32.0% (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017). (ADD NEW STUFF FROM CQ ALMANAC FOR VOTING AND CONSTIUENTS) Looking at the demographics of his constituency, it noticeable it contains the concentration of components of the Democratic Party. There is a large university presence in the Pittsburgh area and the majority of his constituency is 18–44 years old (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017) and according to (cite) education and youth usually equals democrat. According to (cite) the older generation is usually more conservative. It is studied that people vote based on political party because of political socialization and much of this area has been politically socialized for the democrat party as seen by previous elections in the Pittsburgh area where (cite and add fec previous elections or almanac.) 99% of his population lives in urban areas, and according to (cite) people in urban areas are typically more liberal, ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Milton Hershey And The Hershey Company The Hershey Company is a candy company that makes hundreds of candies. They are one of the biggest manufacturers of candy in the world. It was started by a man named Milton Hershey in 1894. The company is located in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and has spread all over the world. Hershey chocolate is a mouthwatering milk chocolate that is affordable for all. Milton Hershey, the founder of The Hershey Company, was born September 13, 1857, and his parents were Henry Hershey and Fanny Snavely. At the age of 14, Milton became an apprentice for a candy maker. Soon he realised he had a natural talent for candy making. Milton wasn't the most successful person before he started Hershey's. When Milton was 18, he started his first candy company, and it was located in Philadelphia. After six years of hard work, the business failed. Milton tried again in New York but it failed again. Almost broke, Milton started a new caramel company in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. After four years, Milton became "one of the leading manufacturers of chocolate of caramels in the United States" ("Lancaster Caramel Company." n.d.). Milton changed the company's name from Lancaster Caramel Company to the Hershey Company. He started to sell milk chocolate, but it took him many years of trial and error to create his recipe of milk chocolate. An author writing about Milton states, "Milton Hershey was the first American to develop a formula for manufacturing milk chocolate...It was affordable, tasted good, and remained ... Get more on ...