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Angola and Portuguese Colonization
Angola is one of the many African countries which suffered from the Portuguese colonisation in earlier years. The colonisation these African countries
suffered from (specifically Angola), began in the mid eighteenth century (Santos, 2010), where European countries identified the many resources that
these countries were rich in, and found an opportunity to possess them through migrating to these countries and taking over the governance in these
countries, changing the system in a way that was best suitable for them.
During the late twentieth century in the late 1960s, Marcum (1976) states that the Portuguese territory in Angola slowly began to fail in its governance
and its days were numbered. This was due to the many aspects experienced by the country, these aspects being the incompetency of the Portugal
military in Angola, the rapid decline in the economy of the country which resulted in the unfavourable conditions of inflation and the emigration of
many citizens in Angola who went to other countries to seek for jobs, as there was no progress in the Angolan economy and country as a whole.
In the mid–1970s, the Portuguese colony lost its power in running the country of Angola; hence independency was gained (Marcum, 1976). This then
meant that the citizens of the country were able to run their country as a unity through the governance system of democracy, enabling all citizens to
have some sort of involvement in activities that are implemented in their country,
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Why Angola Needs Assistance Case Study
Why Angola Needs Assistance
Back in 1975 the people of Angola split into two sides and a ragging civil war took place from then up until 2002. During this period of twenty–seven
years it had come to happen that many cities were leveled by bombs, roads too were destroyed in this way, and even the power had been taken out in
many areas. The country was in shambles and its people were struggling then suddenly the war ended. In the same year in which this happened the
country had also began producing mass amounts of oil, making the country one of the richest in Africa seemingly overnight. It was expected the huge
amount of funds now available would be used to assist in the rebuilding of the country after the grueling war. While it is true that ... Show more content
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What happens when dad steps down?" is introducing the fact that the president's daughter heads the national oil company. The severity of this
information is in the fact that the country's oil production is where ninety–five percent of their economy derives from. With this position held by his
daughter Mr. dos Santos has direct influence over not only the executive branch but also the economy. Although Isabel has benefited the most she
is far from being the only beneficiary of her father. "The president's son, is also heavily involved in Angola's economic life. He serves as chair of
the country's $5 billion sovereign wealth fund; he has been active in the banking sector since at least 2008; and he recently acquired 49% of
Standard Bank Angola" (Engebretsen 7). Not only does the president's family own the source of the economy but also almost fifty percent of the
banks as well. With these just being a few examples of the countless people in official positions who will be inclined to act on influence of JosГ©
Eduardo dos Santos's, it is safe to say that he will play an active hand in the lives of the Angola people even after stepping down as president.
The people who have been cared for by JosГ© Eduardo dos Santos will most likely remain loyal to him even after his resignation. This loyalty could
range from a multitude of different actions which the president has participated in. One such group which may have a biased affection
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The Angolan Government
The Corruption of the Angolan Government
Imagine if you, living in the United States, lacked basic healthcare, and a basic education. Though this may sound absurd to many, it is a reality for
most of Angolan citizens. Angola is an African nation located on the South–west coast of Africa. Angola is North of Namibia, West of Zambia, and
South of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Angola's government type is a unitary state. In a unitary government, the power is held by one central
authority, but in a federal government, such as: the United States, Canada and Australia, the power is divided between national (federal) and local
(state) governments. The president of Angola, Jose Dos Santos, has not focused on the healthcare or education of his country's citizens throughout his
36 years in power. Dos Santos has lead Angola through a brutal civil war that ended in 2002. It does not take much work to make sure that money is
going to where it is truly needed. Many say "It doesn't take new discoveries to cure easily preventable illnesses such as malaria and malnutrition." ...
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The Angolan government has lowered the health–budget over–and–over again. With the government relying solely on its oil production, once the oil
"runs out" the income of Angola will decrease rapidly. It truly does not take a large amount of new discoveries or money to prevent, easily curable,
diseases such as: malaria, typhoid fever, or malnutrition. Nurses that work in any hospital of Angola should be trained, correctly. Many children are
dying due to a small group of officials abusing their power to keep the money for themselves. Though there are still many technicalities, if all nations
step up as one, in order to eliminate poverty and prevent deaths from curable diseases. If those with power continue to make poor decisions, the end
result will not be positive. What can you do to help this
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Personal Narrative: A Day At Angola High School
In the crowded hallways of Angola High school I waited for her, Kylie, by my locker until I heard the ding of the bell and slowly shut my locker door
in disappointment. This wasn't the first time she would do something like this, and it certainly wasn't the last. I remember distinctly one day when she
invited me over to hang out at her house.
"Hello Mrs.Bowen" I greeted her mother as I walked into their mansion of a home.
"Nice to see you Colten" Her mom would always say as I entered their home. Her mom always like me, sometimes I would think more than they liked
her. "Kylie's in her room, go on in"
"Thanks" I responded cheerfully, my cheer would soon leave for as I walked into her room she sat there watching Netflix, never even looked at me let
alone said anything to me. Even when her mom went to take me home she wouldn't even say goodbye to me. ... Show more content on
So of course I said yes, things got better from there. Well, until it wasn't and of course she broke up with me a week before the trip. Things don't
always go the way that the Queen of Hell wants though. Her parents still took me and was polite even though she was very rude still. What
happened on the trip doesn't matter, it was one of the most boring trips I've ever taken. For awhile during and after the trip I thought that we might
be able to fix things. Sometimes the way that she looked at me was just like she used to, but it would never last that long. Soon after the look it
would be replaced by a frown and silence. Like she realized what she was
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Cuba Helping Out Angola Case Study
January 26, 1975, Cuba tries to help Angola out. US did not want to help out Angola so Cuba tries to help out Angola become a country again. Cuba
sends a list of needs they think angola needs to slowly become a country again. For example, cuba lists that they want to send weapons and means of
transportation for the Brigada de intervencion that we are planning to organize, as well as light weapons for some infantry battalions. AlsoCuba wants
to/ assist Angola financially in a phase of establishing and organizing ourselves. In addition to helping out angola Cubs provides more information to
help out Angola. Cuba says that they are providing assistance in training trade union leaders, and cooperation in the organization of schools for the
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Essay on Africa
Africa's Resistance to the Portuguese
The African history has been affected tremendously due to the influence of some European countries. Portugal, who probably had the greatest impact
on the continent, was not shy in invading what they thought to be profitable circumstances. One of these areas that they profited from was the
kingdom of Kongo. Kongo was a major Bantu–speaking kingdom astride the Congo River in west–central Africa, probably founded in the 14th century.
It was governed by a king, the manikongo, whose economic power was based upon trade in ivory, hides, slaves, and a shell currency of western Africa.
Within a few years after the Portuguese first encountered the kingdom in 1484, the sixth manikongo, Nzinga Mbemba, later ... Show more content on ...
By 1570 the power of the Kongo kingdom had begun to decline, and severe internal tensions had developed. Alfonso I knowing what was going on
wrote a series of papers to King Joao III of Portugal. In these papers, Alfonso I pleaded with the king to take away all the corrupt Portuguese from his
kingdom. With false assurance from the king of Portugal, he asked to have sent those people of religious and medical backgrounds to help modernize
his kingdom. With the corruptness still noticeable in the Kongo, Alfonso I was forced to pass a law stating that "...any white man living in our
Kingdoms and wanting to purchase goods in any way should first inform three of our noblemen and officials of our court whom we rely upon in this
matter..." (57). These futile attempts of writing letters to the king were not making any significance. The king of Portugal was money hungry along
with the majority of all his servants who worked for him down in Africa.
Some of the areas of Africa knew that letters to the king would not work alone. They were forced to use action against the Portuguese. People known
as Zimba did the military launches. Most of the attacks were economically motivated. They were being used for the trade circuit. Zimba attacks were
successful against the Portuguese but they did not succeed in reestablishing the traditional market for their ivory.
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John's Migration To Angola
By the age of 18, John had to join the military service. He was gone for one year, but he and Mary would send letters to each other every week. It
was hard for him to be away from his family and Mary, but John learned that maybe his dreams were not big enough. He started dreaming about
more than just being a farmer and live in his hometown for the rest of his life. After serving his country for a year, John came back home, but his
dreams were bigger than ever. Another two years went by and John saved as much money as he could. When John was 22, he was planning to move
to Angola, a Portuguese colony at the time. Angola was a flourishing country and it was a good place to start a new life. John said goodbye to hisfamily
and Mary and left, with
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Angola Research Paper
Angola is the seventh largest country in the continent of Africa with much diversity in its culture throughout its areas. Angola is located in the south
western part of Africa, along the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean. With over 21 million people, Angola many norms and values that are not seen in the
United States' culture. Angola is diverse by the people who live in the country. If one asked someone of Angola who they are, they may say they are
Angolan, but most of the people will say there are from a certain tribe. There are all kinds of ethnicities in Angola, the main one being the Ovimbundu,
with 37% of the population being this ethnicity. The other two main ethnicities are Kimbundu with 25% of the population and Bakongo with 15% of ...
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One of these factors is the arts that are in the Angolans lives. Literacy is a huge art that is respected all throughout the country. Many Angolans
like to use poetry to express their criticism of the political system and to worship their ancestors. Another factor would be the sports that the
Angolans play. Like most countries, the people do play soccer and basketball, but they do have a traditional sport called capoeira. Capoeira is a lot
like our sport zumba, in which they use dance moves and martial arts to express themselves. Also, a factor would be some traditional holidays that
they celebrate every year. Nganja is a celebration where families go out to corn fields to bring in for themselves to eat over a fire. Many kids will
play a game where they will steal corn from others, and if you are not quick, you will not get any corn at all. Another celebration is Okambondondo.
In this, children will gather together at one's house and play games, tell stories, most importantly, have a feast that is cooked by the older girls. Also,
there is a nationwide carnival that takes place over the three days before Ash Wednesday. People wearing costumes and colorful headgear will ride on
floats and perform dances like the semba. At the end of the carnival, prizes are handed to the best costumes and
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Angola Child Mortality
Despite major health care advances and increased food production, child mortality and hunger still exist. Child mortality applies to children five years
old and younger. Almost all of the countries with the highest rates of child mortality are in Africa. The two countries with the highest rates of child
mortality are India and Nigeria (Gladstone). Angola, a country in Africa, is ranked number one in the world for the rate at which children are dying
before the age of five (Kristof, "Deadliest"). In Angola, women are responsible for taking care of their children. Because there is no access to
medicine, it is hard to ensure one's child will receive the correct diagnosis or treatment for their condition. Women are having multiple children, ... Show
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These include insufficient nutrition, complications during pregnancy, labor and delivery, pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria. Nutrition should not be a
problem. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization the world produces double the amount of food than what the population needs
(Gladstone). One mother, when interviewed, had already lost two of her four children. She was also unaware that mosquitoes cause malaria. One
of her two remaining children was sick. She took him to a clinic when he became ill, but the clinic did not do malaria tests or have medicine. The
mother was told if her son survived he would have trouble walking and speaking again. This is because he had already suffered neurological damage.
However, he was seen as a lucky person. According to Dr. Samson Agbo, a Unicef pediatrics expert, "Only about 40 percent to 50 percent of Angola's
population has access to the health care system" (Kristof, "Deadliest Country").
Why does a country rich with diamonds and oil have such a high child mortality rate? Corruption has taken over. Many villagers do not even know
there is wealth in their country. They do not know their healthcare is bad because they simply do not know much about what is occurring throughout
the world. Women are not informed of how terrible the healthcare they are given actually
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Nigeria And Angol African Countries Plagued By The...
Nigeria and Angola are both West African countries plagued by the resource curse. The countries are teeming with oil, ranking Nigeria as Africa's
largest oil producer and Angola as the second largest oil producer. In 2014, it was reported that Nigeria was responsible for producing 2.4 million
barrels of oil per day and Angola produced 1.8 million barrels of oil per day. While these numbers have fluctuated greatly in the past, both countries
still remain at the top as Africa's oil producers (Carpenter; Ajayi). The production of oil in Nigeria and Angola has brought in a great deal of profit to
both countries, however, it has also come along with a number of complications. As Ajayi writes, "fuel abundance in less developed countries tends to
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Neither country has strong state institutions so political progress and economic development become difficult. A lack of state institutions lowers
the standard of living and impedes civil rights. Corruption is also a "symptom of missing institutions" (McMillan 156). Corruption is a major
obstacle in Nigeria and Angola which is influenced by oil money. In both cases there is a "bloc of corrupt powerful elites ... while a large
percentage of the population [continues] to live below poverty lines" (Ajayi 1). The money that is generated from oil falls into the hands of elites
which directly impacts the country 's ability to democratize. In Nigeria, "oil revenues have been the primary lubricant in making democracy 'work'"
(O'Neil, Fields, and Share 760). Politicians have rigged elections by promising money and positions of power to citizens to guarantee votes. This is
problematic because Nigerians are not having their voices heard. They are being bribed with money and power to vote for a politician, which is
enticing in a country where the citizens live below the poverty line. This not only hinders democracy, but is a breeding ground for violence (O'Neil,
Fields, and Share). In Angola, the government aims to keep corruption and other abuses of power a secret from Angolans. The state owns most
newspapers and the only television station, so they tend to show government propaganda in favor of the state only. Any journalists
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Kongo Culture
Three sticks, heavy twine, a sturdy nail and a dried chili pepper are not used to make a slingshot. These ingredients are well known within the
voodoo culture. This is not a new age fad, this is a spiritual experience that runs deep in history. Kongo, now known as Angola, was one of the five
African colonies discussed in Robert Farris Thompson's "Flash of the Spirit: African and Afro–American Art and Philosophy." Kongo is located in the
west central area of Africa near other colonies such as the Belgian Congo and the People's Republic of Congo–Brazzaville. To distinguish themselves
these non–Kongo people, the Kongo and Bakongo individuals spelled their name with a K instead of a C. The Kongo civilization was a very artistic
group of individuals ... Show more content on ...
One particular area where artists who make similar objects can be found is in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. In Thompson's novel, he
discusses the charm creations of Robert Bryant. Bryant designed a charm which he referred to as the love charm. One would ask for this charm if
they desired to force a person to love them or be attracted to them and only them. Unlike the Kongo nkisi, this charm was made from a strip of
flannel. Bryant would retrieve a foot long piece of flannel that was three inches wide and nine new needles. Bryant stated that he would fold the
cloth, on one end, toward himself. As he folded the cloth, he would say '"Come (fold) on (fold) home (fold)." He would then proceed to repeat this
step on the untouched end of the cloth. Only this time, instead of repeating that same line, he would say, '"Papa (fold) wants (fold) you (fold)."'
Approaching the end of the process, Bryant would insert each of the nine needles into the cloth in the shape of a cross. As each one was inserted, one
would stick it through the fabric three times while making a statement along the lines of "Ma (stick)ry (stick) Smith (stick). Won't (stick) you (stick)
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Rehabilitation In Angola
Both films showed what living the Georgian prison Angola was like and how it differed from other prisons when it comes to rehabilitation. Unlike
most prisons in America Angola allows prisoners to have more of a rehabilitative experience. From the new prisoners farm hands who work the fields
to the most trusted prisoners who have jobs outside of the prison walls while being under guard but more freedom of movement. It takes about four
years for a prisoner to go from new comer to trust prisoner and any signs of not being a trusted prisoner you go back to being treated as a new comer.
However, not all prisoners in Angola have the same experiences while in there. In the film The Farm the prisoner Vincent Simmons talks about his
story and how he was convicted for a crime that he did not commit. How he was arrested and treated like a criminal even though he says that he didn't
raped those two sisters. In The Farm Vincent is up for parole and his parole hearing is very different from Ashanti Witherspoon's in the second video.
During Vincent's parole the victims the two sisters came in beforehand and made their case to the parole board on why he shouldn't be granted parole
without Vincent present. How they relive the rape every night even though it has been ... Show more content on ...
Unlike Vincent's hearing Ashanti had no victims orfamily of the victims come in to give there peace on why he shouldn't be granted parole. Unlike
Vincent, Ashanti had family his daughter show up to his hearing. He had the warden put in a good word for him to the parole board on how he was
one of the best prisoners he had. More importantly he showed remorse for the crime he committed and how he bettered himself while in prison by
helping other prisoners and speaking to at risk kids. He didn't have to leave the room while the parole board made their decision and he was granted
parole because unlike Vincent he showed that he was worthy for
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Africa Angola Research Paper
Africa is a continent rich with natural and mineral resources such as coal, gold, diamonds, timber, cocoa, Colton, iron, natural gas, zinc, coal, crude oil
and many more, yet most of its countries are impoverished as people fight to survive.
The quality of life for the less privilege in some countries is less than a penny a week and people wonder why a great continent suffer immensely from
Africa is a continent that attracted European countries decades ago, who colonized various countries in Africa in search of gold, iron, zinc, diamond
and especially crude oil. It is sad that most of these countries with natural resources still suffer immensely from lack of basic things such as clean
water, light, cooking gas, good schools, roads, good health care etc. ... Show more content on ...
Angola was suffering as a result from a war that lasted 14 years which cost the economy to crumble. Angola became independent from Portugal after
four decades resulting to a huge collapse of its economy. After decades of war, the country lacked an educational background and thus its leaders were
uneducated that they ruled the country locally and could not manage funds.
In recent times, a lot of countries in Africa practice a federal system of government where a mandated person is elected and in power for four years,
but will not leave power because of corruption and oppression, making it difficult to create a room for a change. Most presidents will remain in power
for decade's threatening its people, oppressing and creating division amongst its citizens, thus democracy is abused. Most times, the president of 80%
of countries in Africa, divert funds for its state and country into their own personal accounts, leaving people to die of
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Angola Millennium Goals Report 2010 Essay
3.2.a. United Nations – Millennium Development Goals Project.......................................4
4.2.b. Angola .........................................................................................4
5.The first goal .........................................................................................5
6.3.a What is the goal ? .............................................................................5
7.3.b. Angola`s targets .............................................................................5
8.3.c.Angola`s challenges ..........................................................................5
9.3.d. Will Angola complete the goal ............................................................6
10.4.The sixth goal ............................................................................................6
11.4.a.What is the goal ? .............................................................................6
12.4.b.1. Angola`s target ... Show more content on ...
The second one is to combat HIV–AIDS and other diseases (Angola Millennium Goals Report Summary 2005, p. 20). What these goals are , the
progress ,challenges and will Angola achieve these goals by 2015 (United Nation 2010 ).
2.a. United Nations – Millennium Development Goals Project World leaders came together in 2000 and made a commitment to assessable progress (The
Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.3). They committed to reduce poverty in under developed counties by 2015 (The Millennium
Development Goals report 2008, p.3).The Millennium Declaration was a statement of commitment in humanity (United Nation 2010). These are eight
goals, which are measurable and have a timetable. The goals address the reduction of poverty, education, gender equality, reduction of child mortality,
maternal health, combat HIV–AIDS and other diseases, sustainability of the environment, and development of a global partnership (United Nation
2010). Along with the eight goals, 20 specific targets are set out for achieving the MDGs (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.4).
Monitoring is based on 60 indicators formulated to measure the 20 targets (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.4). MDGs are
essential to all nations of the world, for we live to improve the quality of life (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.4).
2.b. Angola The Angola`s area is 1.246.700sq km (CIA 2010), along the south Atlantic in
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Effects Of Corruption In Angola
Corruption in Angola Angola is a nation in Southern Africa which is rich in oil and diamonds, however, the people are not benefitting from the wealth
that has come from the country's natural resources as they should be. In Angola, the elite of the country, such as the president, government officials,
and their families are rolling in money. Meanwhile, every other citizen in Angola is dying frommalnutrition and disease. Angola's president, JoГЈo
Lourenço, is indirectly killing the citizens of Angola by using the country's riches opposed to putting it back into the country to help it grow. The
nation of Angola has the full potential to be a wealthy country that could prosper. It is overflowing with oil and diamonds as well as fertile land in
which people could grow crops. Angola is also in a well–located place geographically. There are valleys and savannahs along with, no droughts.
Despite all these factors that should lead to a rich nation, Angola is struggling to keep its children alive. Greed is ruining Angola, all the revenue that
the country makes go into making the lives of the top government officials luxurious, instead of going into fixing many of Angola's issues. People in
Angola are dying and the government is doing nothing to prevent it. "This is a country where a half–million people are staring starvation in the face
and a child dies every three minutes from preventable causes" (Oil and Corruption). The two top leading causes of death in Angola are
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Essay about Angola
In past centuries, Angola was among the areas most–devastated by the slave trade. In recent decades, it has been afflicted with wars. However, in both
eras, much of the violence was driven by powerful external forces. This is because Angola, with an abundance of oil and other resources, could
develop into a very prosperous country if led and controlled by the right power. In 1975 Angola was released from colonialism by Portugal. This
pivotal event in history sparked the beginning of a massive conflict between many of the key players in world power. These key players included the
United States, Cuba, China, and the Soviet Union.
After reading three separate accounts of the crisis in Angola (U.S. Senate ... Show more content on ...
Hyland, the director of the State Department's Bureau of
Intelligence and Research, told me that a $300,000 program of
covert support for the veteran Angolan liberation fighter, Holden
Roberto, had been approved that past January by the Forty
Committee... (Davis, 110).
Kissinger also noted this $300,000, which was given to Holden Roberto, was the first U.S. aid to Angola.
...We did not feel that our national interest was sufficiently
involved in the struggle within Angola...therefore, we only
made a grant of $300,000 which, at most, will get bicycles,
office equipment, and aid political efforts of the FNLA... (Angola, 26).
This contradiction is most–likely due to the differences in position between the three men. Stockwell was an important CIA official and had access to
more classified information at an earlier time.
The second inconsistency I found dealt with the U.S. military support in Angola. Stockwell insisted throughout his book that the U.S. was spending
millions of dollars on arms for the conflict.
...8 million, released on July 27, was allocated primarily for
the shipload of arms
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Essay about Fertile Ground and Difficult Lifestyle in Angola
The total population of Angola is around 20.82 million in the land area of 1 246 700 km2. Life expectancy in Angola is 51.06 years (recorded in
2011), the religion in Angola is a majority Christian country. The capital city of Angola is Luanda with other major cities such as; N'dalatando, Hu
ambo, Lobito, Benguela, Kuito, Lubango, Malanje, Namibe, Soyo. The gross domestic product per capita is around 5 484. 83 USD (recorded in
2012). Angola's level of urbanisation 3.97% annual rate of change (2010–15 east) with poverty rate of 38% of population has no access to water, 30%
have access to health facilities and 58% of children who enrolled in primary education completed. The Climate in Angola is cool and dry in May–
October seasons, hot ... Show more content on ...
Angola's one strength is its agricultural import tariffs and its 8 challenges are corruption, Eiu women's economic opportunity index, agricultural
infrastructure, gross domestic product per capita(PPP), Angola's protein quality on agriculture R&D, EIU Democracy and proportion under global
poverty line. Most of the challenges of Angola comes under the topic of availability. The
agriculture undertaken by Angola is mainly extensive, with the lack of modern technical and practical knowledge of farming means that most of the
chores or by hand or by animals with the absence of machinery, which increases the probability of low production. With the use of poly–culture,
enables the production of a verity of products and types of crops that meet the nutritional needs for the family or the group. http:/
As a result of the fertile soils, hard labour and plentiful water Angola is now going from being a major receiver of global food assistance to a country
in which most donors are closing their support for food aid programs. Despite this impressive agriculture recovery, most of Angola's farmers are still
producing at a subsistence level of agriculture. The potential to transform Angola from subsistence farming into commercial entrepreneurs is enormous.
In fact Angola has
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How Did The Transatlantic Slave Trade Affect Angola
Dating back to the 15th century, The Transatlantic Slave Trade began. Beginning in West Africa, the Transatlantic Slave Trade, controlled by the
Portuguese, started off small but quickly grew and expanded throughout Africa, inevitably reaching Angola. Angola soon became the largest slave
trading region in Africa, leading to many positive and negative effects in Angola The transatlantic slave trade affected Angola's daily life, both
economically and politically.
Economically, in Angola, the method of selling goods promoted a growth in trade during this time period, causing mostly negative and few positive
effects. The slave trade was a huge business for the Portuguese, and lots of money was to be made. As quoted in a primary source, "The ... Show more
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Socially people are torn apart from their homes and families with little out of the ordinary during this time. "Vast numbers of people, especially
women, were torn from their social settings, and earlier divisions based on kin came to matter less than new relationships between patron and
client, protector and protected." They are taken from social settings and are put onto slave ships with everyone else with not much of an outcome.
Lots of women were taken, so it was not uncommon and "A large percentage of the people taken captive were women in their childbearing years
and young men who normally would have been starting families". Not all of the children survive on ships and most of the women are forced to
have more children when purchased. Economics, causing mostly negative and few positive effects, were much more significant along with politics
then socially. As quoted, "Millions of money and multitudes of lives have been and in return for all, we have only the afflicting convi slave trade is
as far as ever from being suppressed." Lots of Angolan resources were lost due to the slave trade just to get let into others
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Poverty In Angola
In my situation, I am very fortunate to be brought up in the environment I'm in. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, clean clothes on my back,
fresh water to drink, and another day to live. In Angola, children die every day from malnutrition and diseases like malaria. They don't receive the
proper treatment needed because families don't have enough money. So many of us are so fortunate to live the lives we have, but we don't give a
second to realize that children all over the world are dying everyday from being neglected. In Angola, the country is rich in oil. There are cities that
flourish in wealth that you wouldn't even think that poverty exists. However, the outside doesn't always match the inside. The government has neglected
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Colonialism In Nigeria
Nigeria is one of the most densely populated countries in all of Africa. However, according to Freedom House, Nigeria is only partly free. This is for
several reasons. Firstly, from a historical point of view, colonialism had a very bad effect on Africa. Many will argue that colonialism left Africa with
only one practical skill and that is education. Other than education, colonialism left Africa with no other practical skills because it left them
independent on others for survival. They had no opportunity to advance because they never had the tools. According to Walter Rodney, the author of
How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, European capitalists failed to create a working class and to spread industrial skills throughout Africa (Rodney,
1997). European colonists failed to teach practical skills to Africans to keep them subservient. This is evident when Walter Rodney states, "the vast
majority of Africans went into colonialism with a hoe and came out with a hoe" (Rodney, 1997, p. 591). Nigeria also has a few social factors that are an
impediment to their political progress. In the recent decades, the rise of terrorism has been threatening their way of life. The dominant terrorist group
in Nigeria is Boko Haram. Boko Haram has been an ongoing threat to the government and people they believe should be persecuted. According to
Freedom House, they are trying to implement Sharia law and an anti–western ideology throughout the country (Freedom House, 2015). This law
restricts women's
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Bantu Migrations Essay
The Bantu migrations had a vast influence on the development of Africa. The Bantu peoples passed on many concepts to the rest of Sub–Saharan
Africa. Originating from Nigeria in the Niger River Valley, the Bantu migrated south and then spread to both the east and west. The Bantu laid the
foundation for Sub–Saharan African societies. They spread agriculture, animal domestication, iron metallurgy, and cultural development throughout
southern Africa. Various forms of government have developed as a result of the Bantu migrations. They also contributed to the start of many societies,
including the Swahili city states. The adaptations the Bantu people learned, especially the making of iron, helped them to expand and spread their
discoveries. As ... Show more content on ...
Along with iron, bananas helped the Bantu expand into areas not possible before, allowing for these amazing spreading of the Bantus' discoveries.
Once iron and bananas were well established within Bantu tribes, about 1000 CE, their population sizes grew to about twenty two million!
The Bantu stopped migrating during the first century CE and started to form complex government for the settled villages they already had. Stateless
societies are forms of government that are not run by a hierarchy, but rather through family or kinship groups. The start of these family based
government systems influenced the development of villages, districts, city–states, and small and large kingdoms. The Swahili tribe originating off of
the eastern cost of Sub–Saharan Africa was a prime example of Bantu government. Being Bantu themselves, the Swahili show how the Bantu spread
not only government, but also societies as a whole. Just as the Bantus' influence on developing Africa, kinship groups, or family based governing
systems, started out small and eventually grew into massive kingdoms ruling and influencing entire regions. As in many other places throughout the
world, kingdoms brought a need for protection from neighboring regions. The Bantu seeded the beginnings of African societies, along with starting
military development and growth throughout southern Africa.
One huge aspect of the Bantu tribes' migrations was the amount of religion and rituals they spread throughout Sub–Saharan
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Research Paper On Angola
Christopher Miscia
Prof. Wallis
African Independence
Throughout the duration of the 20th Century a vast majority of African colonies fought to secure their sovereignty. Nearly all African nations were
colonized by European empires, some dating back in excess of 500 years. They were exploited for their natural resources and labor forces, typically
slaves or indentured servants. In many cases legislation was even passed that built apartheid into the citizens of the nations. Making it law that settlers
were above the indigenous people, in terms of value of life. This eventually sparked mass revolution and liberation movements across the continent,
Angola was no different.
Angola is a nation that lies on the South West coast of the African continent. Portugeese settlers originally visited the region in 1484 and soon after
began trade and colonization of the ... Show more content on ...
A band of officers within the Portuguese military plotted together to end the colonists regime in Africa in which would later be known as the Carnation
revolution. They staged a military coup against the government against the war in Africa and had a tremendous amount of support from the Portuguese
and the uprising ended with nearly no violence or bloodshed.
What makes the independence of Angola particularly interesting is the extensive involvement from foreign nations. The outside world was largely in
favor of its independence, however the prevailing revolutionary factions was up great conflict. Angola was considered a satellite state during the Cold
War. For the people of Angola to be successful in their independence they needed support from foreign nation, this is where the pandering
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Yellow Fever In Angola
Yellow Fever, a contagious virus known all around the world. As it is to be known to be located in Western and Central Africa, yet it is starting to
become a problem in the country of Angola ("Yellow"1) . In African countries, yellow fever is breaking out in various areas, mainly in Angola; many
people in Africa get very sick and may die, and there are few vaccines for it. The yellow fever virus started in 3000 B.C.E and it was brought upon in
the 1600's by a ship of imported slaves traveling from Africa ("Yellow"6). The first and not the last epidemic of Yellow Fever was in 1730 in Spain. A
total of 2,200 deaths happened during that epidemic ("Major"). Since the first epidemic, it was spread to America, in the cities of New Orleans,... Show
more content on ...
A person must get the Yellow Fevervaccine in their country they live in (ВЁYellowВЁ8). According to Mr. Herbert he says ВЁWhen I was in the
U.S. Air Force, I had to get many vaccinations and one of those vaccinations included the Yellow Fever vaccine (ВЁYellowВЁ4).ВЁ So if you live in
the United States and want to join the Airforce you have to get the vaccine. A person must have a valid certification to know they took the vaccination
and know you are protected from getting Yellow Fever. The World Health Organization does not recommend a person to travel or trade to Angola
Yellow Fever does come from an infected mosquito and in general being bitten by a mosquito is very annoying. There are ways to prevent being
bitten by a mosquito, so a person does not have to itch a lot or just try not to get Yellow Fever if a person happened to be in Africa. Ways to prevent
include to cover a person's skin with a long sleeve shirt and pants wear insect repellent (off is an example), stay and sleep in an air–conditioned or
screened room, and if a person happened to be sleeping outdoors sleep with a bed net
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Injustice In Angola Prison
In Angola prison on death row waiting to be executed was an innocent man convicted of murdering twenty cult members. As he waited out the final
hours of his life, he furiously scribbled away on the wall with a sharpened toothbrush.
I leave this message here so the few that read it know that I was innocent of all the crimes I have been convicted of. I know that no one believes me,
but I feel that there should be documentation of my side of the story somewhere. As I wait for the state to murder me I have reflected on what has
happened and have come to the conclusion that I was royally screwed from the beginning. First by the incompetent legal aid lawyer, secondly by the
so called witnesses of my crimes, and finally by the twelve peers who were
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New Guinea Singing Dog Research Paper
1.New Guinea singing dog. The New Guinea singing dog has a life expectancy of about 15–20 years. However, this dog breed is not recommended to
become a house pet as it is more associated with the wild. It lives and thrives better if it is placed in its own habitat. If properly socialized though,
it can be domesticated and tamed to tolerate human companionship and may even become attached to its owners. It is called as a singing dog
because of the unique characteristic of its howl. It can alter the pitches of its howl making it more like it is singing than howling. 2.Chihuahua. A
Chihuahua is one of the longest living dog ever because it can live between 10 to 18 years. With proper care, the Chihuahua will be a healthy house
companion and will devote to you its time and affection. However, it needs exercise and training to be able to unleash its high level of energy. It is
also easy to housetrain making... Show more content on ...
Pomeranian. The Pomeranian has a life span of 12 to 16 years making it one of the dogs that live the longest. A pom loves to meet other people
and gets perfectly well with other animals. However, it is important that you watch it carefully especially if there are other bigger dogs around
because it can challenge dogs bigger than it is. It also makes an excellent watchdog because it will bark if it sees something out of the ordinary. A
Pomeranian can bark all day long, thus, it is important to teach them how to shut up on command. 6.Pug. A pug has a life span of 12 to 15 years.
If you want a dog who will accompany uou most of teh time, then pug is the best choice. It needs constant human companion and is one of the
clingy dogs. Expect a pug to follow you wherever you go around the house and it even wants to sleep in the bed with you. However, no matter how
cute and adorable a pug may be, it can be a difficult breed to train because it is stubborn. It is also important to take care of your pug's eyes because it
is so prominent that makes it prone to eye
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Angola Regulatory System and Infrastructure
Angola's ordinary corporate tax is 35 percent, with a reduced rate of 20 percent for agricultural and forestry enterprises. The government offers a variety
of corporate tax exemptions, reductions, and exemptions from real estate taxes on land and buildings as investment incentives. Income tax for
individual's ranges from 1–40 percent for employees, and 3–60 percent for self employed professionals. Inheritance and gift taxes are also added along
with a payroll tax for social security. The main indirect tax is manufacture's sales tax with rates ranging from 5 percent to 50 percent on listed product
Companies carrying out industrial and commercial activities in Angola are ... Show more content on ...
Tariff: Import tariffs are based on the cost, insurance, and freight value of goods at the point of entry. Here is a look at Angola's tariffs for textiles,
apparel, footwear, and travel goods.
Tariff Rate Range (%)
|–silk |2 |
|–wool |2 |
|–cotton |2 |
|–other vegetable fiber |2 |
|–man–made fiber |2 |
|–silk |5 |
|–wool |5 |
|–cotton |5 |
|–other vegetable fiber |5 |
|–man–made fiber |5 |
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Horrors In Angola
Most of the time, when you think of kids, you think of miniature people with no cares in the world. You think of innocent children who haven't
experienced the adversity of life. However, in Angola, that is almost never true. When I used to think of kids, I would think of carefree people
with no responsibility. Now, I realize that's not always the case. When I saw this video, I was absolutely horrified. I saw little kids, half my age, facing
horrors that I couldn't even imagine. As a kid living in America, I never really have to think about stuff like water, food, or even medical facilities. If I
break my arm, I can go to a hospital which is less than 15 minutes away from my house and get a cast. I go for yearly checkups and I never really
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Personal Narrative About Family: Angola
LUANDA, Angola "My son" is the first words that I heard from her as soon as she approached me and embraced me with an emotional hug.
Speaking of emotions I did not know how to feel at that moment. At the moment all I knew was that 1) I was exhausted after spending 16 hours on
the airplane and 2) It was going to be an interesting two weeks. Two weeks of my life that I have been looking forward to my entire life. My
parents knew who I was but I on the other hand only knew of them and could not remember a whole lot from my childhood. The plan was to visit
my parents years ago but plans do not always work out the way that one can expect it to. Things change, life happens. Prior to this past Summer I
did not have the opportunity to see my biological parents since I left Africa at the age of 6. The day I left was a big blur to me all I remember that
day was that I was unrattled to what was going on.... Show more content on ...
My childhood was fun I spent my mornings in the classroom, I started going school at the young age of 4, my afternoons were spent playing and
hanging around my friends, and my evenings with my siblings and cousins. A couple of my cousins lived with us for a while during that time. My
mom was the one caring for them since their parents were not around. When my aunt and uncle returned to claim their kids that is when my entire life
would change forever. They came for their kids and were filing paperwork to move the United State of
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Politics And Economic Development Of Angola
Politics play a crucial role in the success of any economy. The field of political economy is, thus, crucial in demonstrating the manner politics, law and
institutions alter the course a country's economic development. Politics is an integral part of an economy since it is used to allocate scarce resources
within a state. Ideally, political economy refers to a mixture of sociology, politics, economics, history and philosophy, which integrates adequate
evidence to examine how individuals exist within societies. Although the partnership between China and Angola dates back to 1960s and 1970s, over
the recent past, Africa, particularly Angola, has increasingly become an attractive site for Chinese investments. This report reveals that China has been
at the forefront in spearheading investments and economic development of Angola, particularly on its agricultural and oil sectors.
The face of China's contribution towards economic growth in Angola A number of sources have reveals that China has apparently become a key
economic partner to Angola. The country has been described as being one of the key recipients of Chinese investments on the continent. Angolan and
Chinese political and economic ties expanded during the late 1980 after the signing of the first trade agreement between the two countries in 1984.
Since then, the bilateral trade between Angola and China has considerably expanded exceeding $ 120 billion by 2010. In spite of the poor relationship
between the MPLA and the
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The Relationship Between The Kongolese And The Portuguese...
Introduction The Portuguese first made contact with the Kongolese in the 1400s sparking a long and varied relationship between the two kingdoms. In
order to better understand how this relationship played a part in the trade, colonization, and warfare of this region of Africa, the following paper will
discuss the relationship between the Kongolese and the Portuguese up until the Battle of Mbwila, what occurred at the Battle of Mbwila, and how this
battle effectively destroyed the Kingdom of Kongo in the latter part of the 17th century.
The Kongo Kingdom & Portuguese Angola The predecessors of many Angolans moved from different parts of Africa much sooner than the arrival of
the first Portuguese in the late 1400s. By the time of the Portuguese's landing in Africa, the Kongo Kingdom was already founded in the northwestern
part of modern day Angola. The first Portuguese to explore the Congo River had many intentions. They planned to bring religion, to promote European
ideas of civilization, to find and use resources, and eventually to build up the slave trade. By the mid–1400s, the Kongo Kingdom was the most
influential of the states located along Africa 's Atlantic coastline. The kingdom had been founded in the late 1300s by a party of Bakongo, which is the
plural for Kongolese individuals. These Bakongo had ventured south of the Congo River into northwestern Angola. The Bakongo then defeated the
local population and built the capital city of Mbanza Kongo, which translates as
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The Farm: Life Inside Angola Prison
The film The Farm: Life Inside Angola Prison give intell on how the maximum–security prison in Louisiana was ran. The two directors Liz Garbus and
Jonathan Stack explore the old plantation farm that was turned into a prison. Most of the inmates in this facility were of an African American
descendants. This film gives a broad overview of how this facility is ran and the programs that it offers its inmates. In the film the prison looks like a
first generation facility. In Louisiana sentencing is very harsh and that is shown in the documentary. This facility houses over 5,000 inmates. Many of
these inmates are there on drug related crimes. This can be associated with the war on drugs. 64% of inmates in Louisiana are incarcerated on drug
charges ... Show more content on ...
This is part of evidence based practices. Inmates working field duty get paid 4Вў an hour the highest paying job this program offers is 20Вў an hour. It
helps inmates build struct and stay focused instead of fighting and causing havoc inside the prison which can only lead to added time on their
sentence. One of the inmates interviewed in the film said that working the field was the first job he's ever had. Inmates are gaining skills in the
prison that they can use upon their release to obtain jobs and help them reintegrate back into society. The prison also offers a CPR program in
which the inmates travel around the state and teach CPR classes. The purpose of these programs are to reduce recidivism rates once inmates are
released. The farm that the inmates work in is part of a multi million enterprise. This helps feed inmates and maintain the prison. The deputy chief of
the prison talks about how to feed all the inmates it takes $10,000 a day. In a year that comes out to $3,650,000, just to feed the inmates. That's not all
the prison is responsible for. They also have to provide adequate living arrangements and medical care for the
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Angola Research Paper
Angola is a large country, not quite than twice the size of Texas, located in Southwestern Africa. The country is bordered by the South Atlantic Coast,
with four major ports, as well as by several other African countries including but not limited to Namibia and The Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Angola has many different types of terrains and landscapes, full of rivers and mountains, as well as climates, from damp and tropical to dry and
desert–like. The country is full of rich natural resources and is promising for a variety of types of agriculture therefore making it a hot commodity
during the "Scramble for Africa" after The Berlin Conference. During the "Scramble for Africa" the Portuguese were looking for land that was similar
to where they had settled in Brazil as well searching for a place that would provide them wealth, through minerals, particularly the silver mines, trade
and slavery. The first expedition for the Portuguese to conquer Angola was sent in 1520, eventually becoming a colony of the Portuguese in 1570. The
wars of conquest began in 1575 and nearly fifty years later, the Portuguese had ... Show more content on ...
Portugal sent in troops causing many Angolans to flee or be killed. Guerilla groups, the MPLA , UNITA , and the FNLA rose to fight against the
Portuguese but eventually began to fight each other. When Angola finally gained its independence from the Portuguese in 1975, civil war broke out
after the MPLA took power, after gaining control over the capital city. Over the next twenty–seven years, there would be civil war and power struggle
amongst the Angolan people and the guerilla groups. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost by March 2001, when the MPLA gained control over
most of the government. Post civil war, Angola has many issues today, as a result of the million of landmines that still reside in Angola and the civil
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Angola Conflict, Social And Political Conflict In The...
The Angola conflict was a civil war that was located in the South African state of Angola. This 27 year long civil war, that killed an estimated
800,000 people and displace 4 million people, broke out on 11 November 1975, right after the Portuguese colonial rule, and ended in 2002. Similar to
many other post colonial states, Angola suffered both social and economical struggles which lead to a power struggle between three predominant
liberation movements. It is important for us to study this civil war as we can learn many lessons from this major event in history, and make use of the
information gathered from this to help us understand how these similar conflicts have started off and have developed to this state. Hence I would be
analysing ... Show more content on ...
Angola state had many different ethnic groups varying in their economic status, size and the amount of focus on the politics entities. With the three
major ethnic groups: With Ovimbundu being the largest in dominating the area, it constitutes to about 37% of the Angola population. Second being the
Kimbundu, making up about 25% of the Angola population and third being Bakongo, making up 13% of the Angola population. ( Malaquais, N.D) To
liberalise Angola, the three movements formed. The three movements are: Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) which started in 1956 to
lead against the colonialism, it consisted mostly of Mbundu. National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA) restricting to the the Bacongo and
National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (Unita) consisting mostly Ovimbundu. (BBC,1999) These three movements which were suppose
to help improve the lives of the Angola people, not only did not make their lives better, but resulted to a greater distinct between the three major
ethnicity. The groups were more clearly separated, with the formation of the movements. Thus making it even harder for the Ethnic groups to bond,
and improve their relation ship. Although there were many other factors that could have cause the division between the ethnic groups, I think that
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Angola Essay
Angola, formerly Portuguese West Africa, is the seventh largest country in Africa. The country can be divided into three major regions: the coastal
plain, a transition zone, and the vast inland plateau. Angola has a tropical climate with its vegetation including tropical rain forests, savannas,
grasslands, palm trees and even deserts. A great variety of animal life ranging from elephants, rhinoceros, giraffes, and even crocodiles can also be
found in this African country (Microsoft 1). Very little is known about the early regions ofAngola. "The original inhabitants of present–day Angola
were hunters and gatherers. Their descendants, called Bushman by the Europeans, still inhabit portions of southern Africa" (Collelo ... Show more
content on ...
This difference of interest soon created conflict between Afonso and the Portuguese. "The slave trade, greedily aided by local chiefs, gradually
undermined the authority of the king, and twenty–five years after Afonso's death the state succumbed to the onslaught of the Jaga, a belligerent horde
of nomads from the east" (Microsoft 4). "With Portuguese help, the invaders were finally ousted, but by this time the life had gone out of the ravaged
kingdom" (July 155). "Clearly, turmoil, victimization, and disappointment are themes that have pervaded Angola's history, especially since the arrival
of the Europeans in the fifteenth century" (Collelo xxi). "In 1576, in effective control of the countryside and facing no organized Kongo opposition,
the Portuguese founded the town of Luanda, in effect establishing the colony of Angola" (Bender 24). After the Portuguese began reaching the
interior, they soon appointed royal governors who tried to impose their ideas and beliefs upon the people (Halladay 82). Many African leaders resisted
this foreign rule and the Europeans only managed to "establish insecure footholds along the coast" (Collelo 9). Kings Alvaro I and II both brought
some stability to the falling kingdom by expanding their territory and at the same time keeping the Portuguese at bay. But after the death of Alvaro II,
conflicts between the
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Policy Plan For Eradicate Yellow Fever Essay
Policy Development to Eradicate Yellow Fever in Angola On July 4th , 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) (2016) reported the Republic of
Angola experienced 3,552 suspected cases (875 laboratory confirmed and 355 deaths) of Yellow Fever (YF) in all 18 of its provinces. On the global
health risk front, new cases of YF in people travelling from Angola were reported in China (11 cases), Democratic Republic of Congo (59 cases),
Kenya (2 cases), Mauritania (1 case), and Namibia (1 case), despite International Health Regulations (IHR). WHO classified the outbreak as grade two
emergencies and provided extensive support for disease surveillance, mass vaccination campaigns, social mobilization, and vaccination of travelers to
control the outbreaks and prevent the global spread of the disease. This policy proposal will examine the vulnerable population, the issues of concern,
evaluate existing policies, risk assessment for change, stakeholders involved, recommendations for change, and cost analysis or benefits for the
proposed action plan.
Population and Geographic Area
Angola is located in Southern Africa, bordered by Namibia in the South, Democratic Republic of Congo to the North, Zamibia to the East, and the
Atlantic Ocean to the West. Angola's narrow coastal plain rises abruptly to high internal plateau, with rainforests in the north and dry savanna desert in
the south (Ministry of Health (MoH),2016). Luanda, the capital lies on the Atlantic coast along the northwest of the
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Logistics Plus And Its Impact On The Nation Of Angola
Introduction As Logistics Plus considers entering the growing African nation of Angola, our team looks more closely at the country's geography,
government, economic history and current economic situation, and relevant key current events.
We have been asked to focus on the fact that Logistics Plus is closely tied to GE's business and that they are known to piggy–back onto where GE
establishes business around the world. Logistics Plus also tries to get involved in the same industries that GE is involved in because it makes it easier
for them to establish a promising business that way.
Key Industries The key industries we have been asked to research are mining, petroleum and infrastructural development projects underway in the area.
GE ... Show more content on ...
The county spans across 481,353 square miles of land with a coastline reaching just under 1,000 miles. As of 2011, 47.3% of the land is used for
agriculture, 46.8% is forest, and 5.9% is used for other purposes. Angola's natural resources include petroleum, diamonds, iron ore, phosphates, copper,
feldspar, gold, bauxite, and uranium. The country is facing some environmental issues including pasture overuse and subsequent soil erosion leading to
population pressure, desertification, tropical rainforest deforestation, water pollution due to soil erosion, and inadequate supplies of potable water. To
combat these issues, Angola is party to some environment international agreements.
Even though Angola is one of Africa's major oil producers, it is also one of the poorest countries in the world. After a 27 year civil war ending in
2002, it was hard for them to bounce back to stability. They are currently rebuilding under the guidance of their president JosГ© Eduardo dos Santos
who has held the position since 1979 and was guaranteed the last five–year term because of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola
(MPLA). MPLA was founded in 1956 and merged two nationalist organizations. Dos Santos is credited with leading the country to recovery after the
end of the civil war in 2002. Others believe Dos Santos could be doing more for the country and spreading the profits from the oil more widely.
Economic History
Additionally, the civil war destroyed much of
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Angola is located in south western Africa. Bordered by Zamibia, Nambia, The Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Atlantic Ocean, it is
Africa's seventh largest country with a total area of 1,246,700km2. Angola has a rich history full of hardships and grandeur. Its largest and most
important city is the capital, Luanda. Angola contains a rich culture made up of diverse urban and tribal peoples. It is a unitary presidential republic
and has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The Portuguese reached Angola in 1484, but the region had previously been occupied by
the Bantu peoples, who set up many kingdoms and trade routes, such as the Kingdom of Kongo. They arrived around 500 AD and traded with other,
West African civilizations.... Show more content on ...
This creates a rich cultural aspect of Angola. The tribes that reside in Angola consist of the Khoisan, Ovimbundu, Mbundu, Bakongo, Lunda–Chokwe,
and the Nganguela. The people of the Khoisan tribe (often called bushmen) are believed to be the oldest inhabitants in all of humanity. They
communicate through a series of clicking noses, which is believed to be the oldest current language in the world. This group is currently at risk for
extinction, but about 5,000 of them live in southern Angola. While they used to be hunter–gatherers, they have recently been forced to alter their
lifestyle to become herdsmen and farmers. There is a cave located near Virei, Angola that contains cave paintings dating back to the Stone
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Aids And The American Healthcare Industry
Every culture has its own way of dealing with sickness and illness. Growing up both in Angola and the United States, a person is able to reflect on
cultures and their own myths as well as beliefs. These cultures are very different from one another in respect to their outlook on illness and
hospitalization. Being Angolan in the American healthcare industry, they experience many different attitudes about how to best treat medical illness.
During the time of sick or for curing disease in Angola, the people would rather see their traditional healer than a doctor for such things as; fever,
stomachache, bad dreams, pain, or mental disorders. They don't have access to the same kind of healthcare services as the Americans do. Only a few
people can afford good medical care and unfortunately many have a life expectancy that is below fifty years of age mostly related to poverty related
diseases such as; tuberculosis, malaria, and measles. The main language of Angola is Portuguese. Many are bilingual, speaking Portuguese and one
of the several African languages. About 40% of Angolan speaks Bantu as their first language and many as a second language (Oyebade, 2007, pg
33). The majority of the people are either Christian (Roman Catholic) or follow native beliefs, such as ancestor worship (Oyebade, 2007, pg 33). The
traditional Angola believes in a close communication with the spirit of the dead ancestors. They believe that ancestors are part of the lives of the
living people and will
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The Impact Of Colonialization In Angola
1.1.1 Angola
Angola is located in the southern part of Africa, neighboring to Namibia, Zambia and Congo. Estimated of 24.3 million populations today, Angola
arose as the upper middle income countries in 2011 due to steady GNI per capita growth. Inherits abundant natural resources mainly oil and diamonds,
Angola stands as second largest oil exporter and third biggest economy of Sub Saharan Africa (World Bank Global Economic Prospects June 2015). Oil
sector holds the largest share in Angola's GDP. Angola real GDP was 4.5% in 2014 (African Economic Outlook 2015).
Dating back on Angolan colonialization decades, almost five centuries, this former Portuguese colony (since 16th century until independence in 1975)
served Portugal with agriculture stuffs, oil, diamond, iron ore, gold, fisheries and laborers (Birminghim 1965, Bender 1978 and Santana 2009). In
due course, colonial phase was an evident of Angola's underdevelopment and dependency. Resources were drained in the way of extracting surplus to
Portugal and not for the benefits of local development (Tvedten 1997). One of the event proving the impact of dependency on Portugal was in 1950s,
Angola stands as a ... Show more content on ...
These credit lines underpin by the "Angola Model" introduced by China which comprises the "loan for oil" strategy. The model is an outcome of both
parties' needy situation, China's on Angola's oil and Angola's on development loans. Under Angola model, China disbursed considerable volume of
credit lines in Angola for infrastructure development, telecommunications, energy sector, education and health. Angola repays the loan at a lower
interest rate and through oil sale to China. The oil backed loan is a common agenda imposed by China in many countries such as Brazil, Cambodia and
Sudan. In return China obtains long term access to oil supply and enables China to market their products, especially construction items in Angola (Alves
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Angola And Portuguese Colonization

  • 1. Angola and Portuguese Colonization Background Angola is one of the many African countries which suffered from the Portuguese colonisation in earlier years. The colonisation these African countries suffered from (specifically Angola), began in the mid eighteenth century (Santos, 2010), where European countries identified the many resources that these countries were rich in, and found an opportunity to possess them through migrating to these countries and taking over the governance in these countries, changing the system in a way that was best suitable for them. During the late twentieth century in the late 1960s, Marcum (1976) states that the Portuguese territory in Angola slowly began to fail in its governance and its days were numbered. This was due to the many aspects experienced by the country, these aspects being the incompetency of the Portugal military in Angola, the rapid decline in the economy of the country which resulted in the unfavourable conditions of inflation and the emigration of many citizens in Angola who went to other countries to seek for jobs, as there was no progress in the Angolan economy and country as a whole. In the mid–1970s, the Portuguese colony lost its power in running the country of Angola; hence independency was gained (Marcum, 1976). This then meant that the citizens of the country were able to run their country as a unity through the governance system of democracy, enabling all citizens to have some sort of involvement in activities that are implemented in their country, ... Get more on ...
  • 2. Why Angola Needs Assistance Case Study Why Angola Needs Assistance Back in 1975 the people of Angola split into two sides and a ragging civil war took place from then up until 2002. During this period of twenty–seven years it had come to happen that many cities were leveled by bombs, roads too were destroyed in this way, and even the power had been taken out in many areas. The country was in shambles and its people were struggling then suddenly the war ended. In the same year in which this happened the country had also began producing mass amounts of oil, making the country one of the richest in Africa seemingly overnight. It was expected the huge amount of funds now available would be used to assist in the rebuilding of the country after the grueling war. While it is true that ... Show more content on ... What happens when dad steps down?" is introducing the fact that the president's daughter heads the national oil company. The severity of this information is in the fact that the country's oil production is where ninety–five percent of their economy derives from. With this position held by his daughter Mr. dos Santos has direct influence over not only the executive branch but also the economy. Although Isabel has benefited the most she is far from being the only beneficiary of her father. "The president's son, is also heavily involved in Angola's economic life. He serves as chair of the country's $5 billion sovereign wealth fund; he has been active in the banking sector since at least 2008; and he recently acquired 49% of Standard Bank Angola" (Engebretsen 7). Not only does the president's family own the source of the economy but also almost fifty percent of the banks as well. With these just being a few examples of the countless people in official positions who will be inclined to act on influence of JosГ© Eduardo dos Santos's, it is safe to say that he will play an active hand in the lives of the Angola people even after stepping down as president. The people who have been cared for by JosГ© Eduardo dos Santos will most likely remain loyal to him even after his resignation. This loyalty could range from a multitude of different actions which the president has participated in. One such group which may have a biased affection ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Angolan Government The Corruption of the Angolan Government Imagine if you, living in the United States, lacked basic healthcare, and a basic education. Though this may sound absurd to many, it is a reality for most of Angolan citizens. Angola is an African nation located on the South–west coast of Africa. Angola is North of Namibia, West of Zambia, and South of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Angola's government type is a unitary state. In a unitary government, the power is held by one central authority, but in a federal government, such as: the United States, Canada and Australia, the power is divided between national (federal) and local (state) governments. The president of Angola, Jose Dos Santos, has not focused on the healthcare or education of his country's citizens throughout his 36 years in power. Dos Santos has lead Angola through a brutal civil war that ended in 2002. It does not take much work to make sure that money is going to where it is truly needed. Many say "It doesn't take new discoveries to cure easily preventable illnesses such as malaria and malnutrition." ... Show more content on ... The Angolan government has lowered the health–budget over–and–over again. With the government relying solely on its oil production, once the oil "runs out" the income of Angola will decrease rapidly. It truly does not take a large amount of new discoveries or money to prevent, easily curable, diseases such as: malaria, typhoid fever, or malnutrition. Nurses that work in any hospital of Angola should be trained, correctly. Many children are dying due to a small group of officials abusing their power to keep the money for themselves. Though there are still many technicalities, if all nations step up as one, in order to eliminate poverty and prevent deaths from curable diseases. If those with power continue to make poor decisions, the end result will not be positive. What can you do to help this ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Personal Narrative: A Day At Angola High School In the crowded hallways of Angola High school I waited for her, Kylie, by my locker until I heard the ding of the bell and slowly shut my locker door in disappointment. This wasn't the first time she would do something like this, and it certainly wasn't the last. I remember distinctly one day when she invited me over to hang out at her house. "Hello Mrs.Bowen" I greeted her mother as I walked into their mansion of a home. "Nice to see you Colten" Her mom would always say as I entered their home. Her mom always like me, sometimes I would think more than they liked her. "Kylie's in her room, go on in" "Thanks" I responded cheerfully, my cheer would soon leave for as I walked into her room she sat there watching Netflix, never even looked at me let alone said anything to me. Even when her mom went to take me home she wouldn't even say goodbye to me. ... Show more content on ... So of course I said yes, things got better from there. Well, until it wasn't and of course she broke up with me a week before the trip. Things don't always go the way that the Queen of Hell wants though. Her parents still took me and was polite even though she was very rude still. What happened on the trip doesn't matter, it was one of the most boring trips I've ever taken. For awhile during and after the trip I thought that we might be able to fix things. Sometimes the way that she looked at me was just like she used to, but it would never last that long. Soon after the look it would be replaced by a frown and silence. Like she realized what she was ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Cuba Helping Out Angola Case Study January 26, 1975, Cuba tries to help Angola out. US did not want to help out Angola so Cuba tries to help out Angola become a country again. Cuba sends a list of needs they think angola needs to slowly become a country again. For example, cuba lists that they want to send weapons and means of transportation for the Brigada de intervencion that we are planning to organize, as well as light weapons for some infantry battalions. AlsoCuba wants to/ assist Angola financially in a phase of establishing and organizing ourselves. In addition to helping out angola Cubs provides more information to help out Angola. Cuba says that they are providing assistance in training trade union leaders, and cooperation in the organization of schools for the teaching ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Essay on Africa Africa's Resistance to the Portuguese The African history has been affected tremendously due to the influence of some European countries. Portugal, who probably had the greatest impact on the continent, was not shy in invading what they thought to be profitable circumstances. One of these areas that they profited from was the kingdom of Kongo. Kongo was a major Bantu–speaking kingdom astride the Congo River in west–central Africa, probably founded in the 14th century. It was governed by a king, the manikongo, whose economic power was based upon trade in ivory, hides, slaves, and a shell currency of western Africa. Within a few years after the Portuguese first encountered the kingdom in 1484, the sixth manikongo, Nzinga Mbemba, later ... Show more content on ... By 1570 the power of the Kongo kingdom had begun to decline, and severe internal tensions had developed. Alfonso I knowing what was going on wrote a series of papers to King Joao III of Portugal. In these papers, Alfonso I pleaded with the king to take away all the corrupt Portuguese from his kingdom. With false assurance from the king of Portugal, he asked to have sent those people of religious and medical backgrounds to help modernize his kingdom. With the corruptness still noticeable in the Kongo, Alfonso I was forced to pass a law stating that "...any white man living in our Kingdoms and wanting to purchase goods in any way should first inform three of our noblemen and officials of our court whom we rely upon in this matter..." (57). These futile attempts of writing letters to the king were not making any significance. The king of Portugal was money hungry along with the majority of all his servants who worked for him down in Africa. Some of the areas of Africa knew that letters to the king would not work alone. They were forced to use action against the Portuguese. People known as Zimba did the military launches. Most of the attacks were economically motivated. They were being used for the trade circuit. Zimba attacks were successful against the Portuguese but they did not succeed in reestablishing the traditional market for their ivory. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. John's Migration To Angola By the age of 18, John had to join the military service. He was gone for one year, but he and Mary would send letters to each other every week. It was hard for him to be away from his family and Mary, but John learned that maybe his dreams were not big enough. He started dreaming about more than just being a farmer and live in his hometown for the rest of his life. After serving his country for a year, John came back home, but his dreams were bigger than ever. Another two years went by and John saved as much money as he could. When John was 22, he was planning to move to Angola, a Portuguese colony at the time. Angola was a flourishing country and it was a good place to start a new life. John said goodbye to hisfamily and Mary and left, with ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Angola Research Paper Angola is the seventh largest country in the continent of Africa with much diversity in its culture throughout its areas. Angola is located in the south western part of Africa, along the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean. With over 21 million people, Angola many norms and values that are not seen in the United States' culture. Angola is diverse by the people who live in the country. If one asked someone of Angola who they are, they may say they are Angolan, but most of the people will say there are from a certain tribe. There are all kinds of ethnicities in Angola, the main one being the Ovimbundu, with 37% of the population being this ethnicity. The other two main ethnicities are Kimbundu with 25% of the population and Bakongo with 15% of ... Show more content on ... One of these factors is the arts that are in the Angolans lives. Literacy is a huge art that is respected all throughout the country. Many Angolans like to use poetry to express their criticism of the political system and to worship their ancestors. Another factor would be the sports that the Angolans play. Like most countries, the people do play soccer and basketball, but they do have a traditional sport called capoeira. Capoeira is a lot like our sport zumba, in which they use dance moves and martial arts to express themselves. Also, a factor would be some traditional holidays that they celebrate every year. Nganja is a celebration where families go out to corn fields to bring in for themselves to eat over a fire. Many kids will play a game where they will steal corn from others, and if you are not quick, you will not get any corn at all. Another celebration is Okambondondo. In this, children will gather together at one's house and play games, tell stories, most importantly, have a feast that is cooked by the older girls. Also, there is a nationwide carnival that takes place over the three days before Ash Wednesday. People wearing costumes and colorful headgear will ride on floats and perform dances like the semba. At the end of the carnival, prizes are handed to the best costumes and ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Angola Child Mortality Despite major health care advances and increased food production, child mortality and hunger still exist. Child mortality applies to children five years old and younger. Almost all of the countries with the highest rates of child mortality are in Africa. The two countries with the highest rates of child mortality are India and Nigeria (Gladstone). Angola, a country in Africa, is ranked number one in the world for the rate at which children are dying before the age of five (Kristof, "Deadliest"). In Angola, women are responsible for taking care of their children. Because there is no access to medicine, it is hard to ensure one's child will receive the correct diagnosis or treatment for their condition. Women are having multiple children, ... Show more content on ... These include insufficient nutrition, complications during pregnancy, labor and delivery, pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria. Nutrition should not be a problem. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization the world produces double the amount of food than what the population needs (Gladstone). One mother, when interviewed, had already lost two of her four children. She was also unaware that mosquitoes cause malaria. One of her two remaining children was sick. She took him to a clinic when he became ill, but the clinic did not do malaria tests or have medicine. The mother was told if her son survived he would have trouble walking and speaking again. This is because he had already suffered neurological damage. However, he was seen as a lucky person. According to Dr. Samson Agbo, a Unicef pediatrics expert, "Only about 40 percent to 50 percent of Angola's population has access to the health care system" (Kristof, "Deadliest Country"). Why does a country rich with diamonds and oil have such a high child mortality rate? Corruption has taken over. Many villagers do not even know there is wealth in their country. They do not know their healthcare is bad because they simply do not know much about what is occurring throughout the world. Women are not informed of how terrible the healthcare they are given actually ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Nigeria And Angol African Countries Plagued By The... Nigeria and Angola are both West African countries plagued by the resource curse. The countries are teeming with oil, ranking Nigeria as Africa's largest oil producer and Angola as the second largest oil producer. In 2014, it was reported that Nigeria was responsible for producing 2.4 million barrels of oil per day and Angola produced 1.8 million barrels of oil per day. While these numbers have fluctuated greatly in the past, both countries still remain at the top as Africa's oil producers (Carpenter; Ajayi). The production of oil in Nigeria and Angola has brought in a great deal of profit to both countries, however, it has also come along with a number of complications. As Ajayi writes, "fuel abundance in less developed countries tends to ... Show more content on ... Neither country has strong state institutions so political progress and economic development become difficult. A lack of state institutions lowers the standard of living and impedes civil rights. Corruption is also a "symptom of missing institutions" (McMillan 156). Corruption is a major obstacle in Nigeria and Angola which is influenced by oil money. In both cases there is a "bloc of corrupt powerful elites ... while a large percentage of the population [continues] to live below poverty lines" (Ajayi 1). The money that is generated from oil falls into the hands of elites which directly impacts the country 's ability to democratize. In Nigeria, "oil revenues have been the primary lubricant in making democracy 'work'" (O'Neil, Fields, and Share 760). Politicians have rigged elections by promising money and positions of power to citizens to guarantee votes. This is problematic because Nigerians are not having their voices heard. They are being bribed with money and power to vote for a politician, which is enticing in a country where the citizens live below the poverty line. This not only hinders democracy, but is a breeding ground for violence (O'Neil, Fields, and Share). In Angola, the government aims to keep corruption and other abuses of power a secret from Angolans. The state owns most newspapers and the only television station, so they tend to show government propaganda in favor of the state only. Any journalists ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Kongo Culture Three sticks, heavy twine, a sturdy nail and a dried chili pepper are not used to make a slingshot. These ingredients are well known within the voodoo culture. This is not a new age fad, this is a spiritual experience that runs deep in history. Kongo, now known as Angola, was one of the five African colonies discussed in Robert Farris Thompson's "Flash of the Spirit: African and Afro–American Art and Philosophy." Kongo is located in the west central area of Africa near other colonies such as the Belgian Congo and the People's Republic of Congo–Brazzaville. To distinguish themselves these non–Kongo people, the Kongo and Bakongo individuals spelled their name with a K instead of a C. The Kongo civilization was a very artistic group of individuals ... Show more content on ... One particular area where artists who make similar objects can be found is in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. In Thompson's novel, he discusses the charm creations of Robert Bryant. Bryant designed a charm which he referred to as the love charm. One would ask for this charm if they desired to force a person to love them or be attracted to them and only them. Unlike the Kongo nkisi, this charm was made from a strip of flannel. Bryant would retrieve a foot long piece of flannel that was three inches wide and nine new needles. Bryant stated that he would fold the cloth, on one end, toward himself. As he folded the cloth, he would say '"Come (fold) on (fold) home (fold)." He would then proceed to repeat this step on the untouched end of the cloth. Only this time, instead of repeating that same line, he would say, '"Papa (fold) wants (fold) you (fold)."' Approaching the end of the process, Bryant would insert each of the nine needles into the cloth in the shape of a cross. As each one was inserted, one would stick it through the fabric three times while making a statement along the lines of "Ma (stick)ry (stick) Smith (stick). Won't (stick) you (stick) come? ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Rehabilitation In Angola Both films showed what living the Georgian prison Angola was like and how it differed from other prisons when it comes to rehabilitation. Unlike most prisons in America Angola allows prisoners to have more of a rehabilitative experience. From the new prisoners farm hands who work the fields to the most trusted prisoners who have jobs outside of the prison walls while being under guard but more freedom of movement. It takes about four years for a prisoner to go from new comer to trust prisoner and any signs of not being a trusted prisoner you go back to being treated as a new comer. However, not all prisoners in Angola have the same experiences while in there. In the film The Farm the prisoner Vincent Simmons talks about his story and how he was convicted for a crime that he did not commit. How he was arrested and treated like a criminal even though he says that he didn't raped those two sisters. In The Farm Vincent is up for parole and his parole hearing is very different from Ashanti Witherspoon's in the second video. During Vincent's parole the victims the two sisters came in beforehand and made their case to the parole board on why he shouldn't be granted parole without Vincent present. How they relive the rape every night even though it has been ... Show more content on ... Unlike Vincent's hearing Ashanti had no victims orfamily of the victims come in to give there peace on why he shouldn't be granted parole. Unlike Vincent, Ashanti had family his daughter show up to his hearing. He had the warden put in a good word for him to the parole board on how he was one of the best prisoners he had. More importantly he showed remorse for the crime he committed and how he bettered himself while in prison by helping other prisoners and speaking to at risk kids. He didn't have to leave the room while the parole board made their decision and he was granted parole because unlike Vincent he showed that he was worthy for ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Africa Angola Research Paper Africa is a continent rich with natural and mineral resources such as coal, gold, diamonds, timber, cocoa, Colton, iron, natural gas, zinc, coal, crude oil and many more, yet most of its countries are impoverished as people fight to survive. The quality of life for the less privilege in some countries is less than a penny a week and people wonder why a great continent suffer immensely from hardship. Africa is a continent that attracted European countries decades ago, who colonized various countries in Africa in search of gold, iron, zinc, diamond and especially crude oil. It is sad that most of these countries with natural resources still suffer immensely from lack of basic things such as clean water, light, cooking gas, good schools, roads, good health care etc. ... Show more content on ... Angola was suffering as a result from a war that lasted 14 years which cost the economy to crumble. Angola became independent from Portugal after four decades resulting to a huge collapse of its economy. After decades of war, the country lacked an educational background and thus its leaders were uneducated that they ruled the country locally and could not manage funds. In recent times, a lot of countries in Africa practice a federal system of government where a mandated person is elected and in power for four years, but will not leave power because of corruption and oppression, making it difficult to create a room for a change. Most presidents will remain in power for decade's threatening its people, oppressing and creating division amongst its citizens, thus democracy is abused. Most times, the president of 80% of countries in Africa, divert funds for its state and country into their own personal accounts, leaving people to die of ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Angola Millennium Goals Report 2010 Essay CONTENT 1.Abstract................................................................................................3 2.Introduction...........................................................................................4 3.2.a. United Nations – Millennium Development Goals Project.......................................4 4.2.b. Angola .........................................................................................4 5.The first goal .........................................................................................5 6.3.a What is the goal ? .............................................................................5 7.3.b. Angola`s targets .............................................................................5 8.3.c.Angola`s challenges ..........................................................................5 9.3.d. Will Angola complete the goal ............................................................6 10.4.The sixth goal ............................................................................................6 11.4.a.What is the goal ? .............................................................................6 12.4.b.1. Angola`s target ... Show more content on ... The second one is to combat HIV–AIDS and other diseases (Angola Millennium Goals Report Summary 2005, p. 20). What these goals are , the progress ,challenges and will Angola achieve these goals by 2015 (United Nation 2010 ). 2.Introduction 2.a. United Nations – Millennium Development Goals Project World leaders came together in 2000 and made a commitment to assessable progress (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.3). They committed to reduce poverty in under developed counties by 2015 (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.3).The Millennium Declaration was a statement of commitment in humanity (United Nation 2010). These are eight goals, which are measurable and have a timetable. The goals address the reduction of poverty, education, gender equality, reduction of child mortality, maternal health, combat HIV–AIDS and other diseases, sustainability of the environment, and development of a global partnership (United Nation 2010). Along with the eight goals, 20 specific targets are set out for achieving the MDGs (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.4). Monitoring is based on 60 indicators formulated to measure the 20 targets (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.4). MDGs are essential to all nations of the world, for we live to improve the quality of life (The Millennium Development Goals report 2008, p.4). 2.b. Angola The Angola`s area is 1.246.700sq km (CIA 2010), along the south Atlantic in
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  • 16. Effects Of Corruption In Angola Corruption in Angola Angola is a nation in Southern Africa which is rich in oil and diamonds, however, the people are not benefitting from the wealth that has come from the country's natural resources as they should be. In Angola, the elite of the country, such as the president, government officials, and their families are rolling in money. Meanwhile, every other citizen in Angola is dying frommalnutrition and disease. Angola's president, JoГЈo LourenГ§o, is indirectly killing the citizens of Angola by using the country's riches opposed to putting it back into the country to help it grow. The nation of Angola has the full potential to be a wealthy country that could prosper. It is overflowing with oil and diamonds as well as fertile land in which people could grow crops. Angola is also in a well–located place geographically. There are valleys and savannahs along with, no droughts. Despite all these factors that should lead to a rich nation, Angola is struggling to keep its children alive. Greed is ruining Angola, all the revenue that the country makes go into making the lives of the top government officials luxurious, instead of going into fixing many of Angola's issues. People in Angola are dying and the government is doing nothing to prevent it. "This is a country where a half–million people are staring starvation in the face and a child dies every three minutes from preventable causes" (Oil and Corruption). The two top leading causes of death in Angola are ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Essay about Angola In past centuries, Angola was among the areas most–devastated by the slave trade. In recent decades, it has been afflicted with wars. However, in both eras, much of the violence was driven by powerful external forces. This is because Angola, with an abundance of oil and other resources, could develop into a very prosperous country if led and controlled by the right power. In 1975 Angola was released from colonialism by Portugal. This pivotal event in history sparked the beginning of a massive conflict between many of the key players in world power. These key players included the United States, Cuba, China, and the Soviet Union. After reading three separate accounts of the crisis in Angola (U.S. Senate ... Show more content on ... Hyland, the director of the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research, told me that a $300,000 program of covert support for the veteran Angolan liberation fighter, Holden Roberto, had been approved that past January by the Forty Committee... (Davis, 110). Kissinger also noted this $300,000, which was given to Holden Roberto, was the first U.S. aid to Angola. ...We did not feel that our national interest was sufficiently involved in the struggle within Angola...therefore, we only made a grant of $300,000 which, at most, will get bicycles, office equipment, and aid political efforts of the FNLA... (Angola, 26).
  • 18. This contradiction is most–likely due to the differences in position between the three men. Stockwell was an important CIA official and had access to more classified information at an earlier time. The second inconsistency I found dealt with the U.S. military support in Angola. Stockwell insisted throughout his book that the U.S. was spending millions of dollars on arms for the conflict. ...8 million, released on July 27, was allocated primarily for the shipload of arms ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Essay about Fertile Ground and Difficult Lifestyle in Angola The total population of Angola is around 20.82 million in the land area of 1 246 700 km2. Life expectancy in Angola is 51.06 years (recorded in 2011), the religion in Angola is a majority Christian country. The capital city of Angola is Luanda with other major cities such as; N'dalatando, Hu ambo, Lobito, Benguela, Kuito, Lubango, Malanje, Namibe, Soyo. The gross domestic product per capita is around 5 484. 83 USD (recorded in 2012). Angola's level of urbanisation 3.97% annual rate of change (2010–15 east) with poverty rate of 38% of population has no access to water, 30% have access to health facilities and 58% of children who enrolled in primary education completed. The Climate in Angola is cool and dry in May– October seasons, hot ... Show more content on ... Angola's one strength is its agricultural import tariffs and its 8 challenges are corruption, Eiu women's economic opportunity index, agricultural infrastructure, gross domestic product per capita(PPP), Angola's protein quality on agriculture R&D, EIU Democracy and proportion under global poverty line. Most of the challenges of Angola comes under the topic of availability. The agriculture undertaken by Angola is mainly extensive, with the lack of modern technical and practical knowledge of farming means that most of the chores or by hand or by animals with the absence of machinery, which increases the probability of low production. With the use of poly–culture, enables the production of a verity of products and types of crops that meet the nutritional needs for the family or the group. http:/ / As a result of the fertile soils, hard labour and plentiful water Angola is now going from being a major receiver of global food assistance to a country in which most donors are closing their support for food aid programs. Despite this impressive agriculture recovery, most of Angola's farmers are still producing at a subsistence level of agriculture. The potential to transform Angola from subsistence farming into commercial entrepreneurs is enormous. In fact Angola has ... Get more on ...
  • 20. How Did The Transatlantic Slave Trade Affect Angola Dating back to the 15th century, The Transatlantic Slave Trade began. Beginning in West Africa, the Transatlantic Slave Trade, controlled by the Portuguese, started off small but quickly grew and expanded throughout Africa, inevitably reaching Angola. Angola soon became the largest slave trading region in Africa, leading to many positive and negative effects in Angola The transatlantic slave trade affected Angola's daily life, both economically and politically. Economically, in Angola, the method of selling goods promoted a growth in trade during this time period, causing mostly negative and few positive effects. The slave trade was a huge business for the Portuguese, and lots of money was to be made. As quoted in a primary source, "The ... Show more content on ... Socially people are torn apart from their homes and families with little out of the ordinary during this time. "Vast numbers of people, especially women, were torn from their social settings, and earlier divisions based on kin came to matter less than new relationships between patron and client, protector and protected." They are taken from social settings and are put onto slave ships with everyone else with not much of an outcome. Lots of women were taken, so it was not uncommon and "A large percentage of the people taken captive were women in their childbearing years and young men who normally would have been starting families". Not all of the children survive on ships and most of the women are forced to have more children when purchased. Economics, causing mostly negative and few positive effects, were much more significant along with politics then socially. As quoted, "Millions of money and multitudes of lives have been and in return for all, we have only the afflicting convi slave trade is as far as ever from being suppressed." Lots of Angolan resources were lost due to the slave trade just to get let into others ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Poverty In Angola In my situation, I am very fortunate to be brought up in the environment I'm in. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, clean clothes on my back, fresh water to drink, and another day to live. In Angola, children die every day from malnutrition and diseases like malaria. They don't receive the proper treatment needed because families don't have enough money. So many of us are so fortunate to live the lives we have, but we don't give a second to realize that children all over the world are dying everyday from being neglected. In Angola, the country is rich in oil. There are cities that flourish in wealth that you wouldn't even think that poverty exists. However, the outside doesn't always match the inside. The government has neglected them ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Colonialism In Nigeria Nigeria is one of the most densely populated countries in all of Africa. However, according to Freedom House, Nigeria is only partly free. This is for several reasons. Firstly, from a historical point of view, colonialism had a very bad effect on Africa. Many will argue that colonialism left Africa with only one practical skill and that is education. Other than education, colonialism left Africa with no other practical skills because it left them independent on others for survival. They had no opportunity to advance because they never had the tools. According to Walter Rodney, the author of How Europe Underdeveloped Africa, European capitalists failed to create a working class and to spread industrial skills throughout Africa (Rodney, 1997). European colonists failed to teach practical skills to Africans to keep them subservient. This is evident when Walter Rodney states, "the vast majority of Africans went into colonialism with a hoe and came out with a hoe" (Rodney, 1997, p. 591). Nigeria also has a few social factors that are an impediment to their political progress. In the recent decades, the rise of terrorism has been threatening their way of life. The dominant terrorist group in Nigeria is Boko Haram. Boko Haram has been an ongoing threat to the government and people they believe should be persecuted. According to Freedom House, they are trying to implement Sharia law and an anti–western ideology throughout the country (Freedom House, 2015). This law restricts women's ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Bantu Migrations Essay The Bantu migrations had a vast influence on the development of Africa. The Bantu peoples passed on many concepts to the rest of Sub–Saharan Africa. Originating from Nigeria in the Niger River Valley, the Bantu migrated south and then spread to both the east and west. The Bantu laid the foundation for Sub–Saharan African societies. They spread agriculture, animal domestication, iron metallurgy, and cultural development throughout southern Africa. Various forms of government have developed as a result of the Bantu migrations. They also contributed to the start of many societies, including the Swahili city states. The adaptations the Bantu people learned, especially the making of iron, helped them to expand and spread their discoveries. As ... Show more content on ... Along with iron, bananas helped the Bantu expand into areas not possible before, allowing for these amazing spreading of the Bantus' discoveries. Once iron and bananas were well established within Bantu tribes, about 1000 CE, their population sizes grew to about twenty two million! The Bantu stopped migrating during the first century CE and started to form complex government for the settled villages they already had. Stateless societies are forms of government that are not run by a hierarchy, but rather through family or kinship groups. The start of these family based government systems influenced the development of villages, districts, city–states, and small and large kingdoms. The Swahili tribe originating off of the eastern cost of Sub–Saharan Africa was a prime example of Bantu government. Being Bantu themselves, the Swahili show how the Bantu spread not only government, but also societies as a whole. Just as the Bantus' influence on developing Africa, kinship groups, or family based governing systems, started out small and eventually grew into massive kingdoms ruling and influencing entire regions. As in many other places throughout the world, kingdoms brought a need for protection from neighboring regions. The Bantu seeded the beginnings of African societies, along with starting military development and growth throughout southern Africa. One huge aspect of the Bantu tribes' migrations was the amount of religion and rituals they spread throughout Sub–Saharan ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Research Paper On Angola Christopher Miscia Prof. Wallis African Independence 10/17/2016 Angola Throughout the duration of the 20th Century a vast majority of African colonies fought to secure their sovereignty. Nearly all African nations were colonized by European empires, some dating back in excess of 500 years. They were exploited for their natural resources and labor forces, typically slaves or indentured servants. In many cases legislation was even passed that built apartheid into the citizens of the nations. Making it law that settlers were above the indigenous people, in terms of value of life. This eventually sparked mass revolution and liberation movements across the continent, Angola was no different. Angola is a nation that lies on the South West coast of the African continent. Portugeese settlers originally visited the region in 1484 and soon after began trade and colonization of the ... Show more content on ... A band of officers within the Portuguese military plotted together to end the colonists regime in Africa in which would later be known as the Carnation revolution. They staged a military coup against the government against the war in Africa and had a tremendous amount of support from the Portuguese and the uprising ended with nearly no violence or bloodshed. What makes the independence of Angola particularly interesting is the extensive involvement from foreign nations. The outside world was largely in favor of its independence, however the prevailing revolutionary factions was up great conflict. Angola was considered a satellite state during the Cold War. For the people of Angola to be successful in their independence they needed support from foreign nation, this is where the pandering ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Yellow Fever In Angola Yellow Fever, a contagious virus known all around the world. As it is to be known to be located in Western and Central Africa, yet it is starting to become a problem in the country of Angola ("Yellow"1) . In African countries, yellow fever is breaking out in various areas, mainly in Angola; many people in Africa get very sick and may die, and there are few vaccines for it. The yellow fever virus started in 3000 B.C.E and it was brought upon in the 1600's by a ship of imported slaves traveling from Africa ("Yellow"6). The first and not the last epidemic of Yellow Fever was in 1730 in Spain. A total of 2,200 deaths happened during that epidemic ("Major"). Since the first epidemic, it was spread to America, in the cities of New Orleans,... Show more content on ... A person must get the Yellow Fevervaccine in their country they live in (ВЁYellowВЁ8). According to Mr. Herbert he says ВЁWhen I was in the U.S. Air Force, I had to get many vaccinations and one of those vaccinations included the Yellow Fever vaccine (ВЁYellowВЁ4).ВЁ So if you live in the United States and want to join the Airforce you have to get the vaccine. A person must have a valid certification to know they took the vaccination and know you are protected from getting Yellow Fever. The World Health Organization does not recommend a person to travel or trade to Angola (ВЁYellowВЁ8). Yellow Fever does come from an infected mosquito and in general being bitten by a mosquito is very annoying. There are ways to prevent being bitten by a mosquito, so a person does not have to itch a lot or just try not to get Yellow Fever if a person happened to be in Africa. Ways to prevent include to cover a person's skin with a long sleeve shirt and pants wear insect repellent (off is an example), stay and sleep in an air–conditioned or screened room, and if a person happened to be sleeping outdoors sleep with a bed net ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Injustice In Angola Prison In Angola prison on death row waiting to be executed was an innocent man convicted of murdering twenty cult members. As he waited out the final hours of his life, he furiously scribbled away on the wall with a sharpened toothbrush. I leave this message here so the few that read it know that I was innocent of all the crimes I have been convicted of. I know that no one believes me, but I feel that there should be documentation of my side of the story somewhere. As I wait for the state to murder me I have reflected on what has happened and have come to the conclusion that I was royally screwed from the beginning. First by the incompetent legal aid lawyer, secondly by the so called witnesses of my crimes, and finally by the twelve peers who were ... Get more on ...
  • 27. New Guinea Singing Dog Research Paper 1.New Guinea singing dog. The New Guinea singing dog has a life expectancy of about 15–20 years. However, this dog breed is not recommended to become a house pet as it is more associated with the wild. It lives and thrives better if it is placed in its own habitat. If properly socialized though, it can be domesticated and tamed to tolerate human companionship and may even become attached to its owners. It is called as a singing dog because of the unique characteristic of its howl. It can alter the pitches of its howl making it more like it is singing than howling. 2.Chihuahua. A Chihuahua is one of the longest living dog ever because it can live between 10 to 18 years. With proper care, the Chihuahua will be a healthy house companion and will devote to you its time and affection. However, it needs exercise and training to be able to unleash its high level of energy. It is also easy to housetrain making... Show more content on ... Pomeranian. The Pomeranian has a life span of 12 to 16 years making it one of the dogs that live the longest. A pom loves to meet other people and gets perfectly well with other animals. However, it is important that you watch it carefully especially if there are other bigger dogs around because it can challenge dogs bigger than it is. It also makes an excellent watchdog because it will bark if it sees something out of the ordinary. A Pomeranian can bark all day long, thus, it is important to teach them how to shut up on command. 6.Pug. A pug has a life span of 12 to 15 years. If you want a dog who will accompany uou most of teh time, then pug is the best choice. It needs constant human companion and is one of the clingy dogs. Expect a pug to follow you wherever you go around the house and it even wants to sleep in the bed with you. However, no matter how cute and adorable a pug may be, it can be a difficult breed to train because it is stubborn. It is also important to take care of your pug's eyes because it is so prominent that makes it prone to eye ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Angola Regulatory System and Infrastructure Regulatory Angola's ordinary corporate tax is 35 percent, with a reduced rate of 20 percent for agricultural and forestry enterprises. The government offers a variety of corporate tax exemptions, reductions, and exemptions from real estate taxes on land and buildings as investment incentives. Income tax for individual's ranges from 1–40 percent for employees, and 3–60 percent for self employed professionals. Inheritance and gift taxes are also added along with a payroll tax for social security. The main indirect tax is manufacture's sales tax with rates ranging from 5 percent to 50 percent on listed product ( Taxation: Companies carrying out industrial and commercial activities in Angola are ... Show more content on ... Tariff: Import tariffs are based on the cost, insurance, and freight value of goods at the point of entry. Here is a look at Angola's tariffs for textiles, apparel, footwear, and travel goods. Tariff Rate Range (%) |–silk |2 | |–wool |2 | |–cotton |2 | |–other vegetable fiber |2 | |–man–made fiber |2 | |–silk |5 | |–wool |5 | |–cotton |5 | |–other vegetable fiber |5 | |–man–made fiber |5 |
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  • 30. Horrors In Angola Most of the time, when you think of kids, you think of miniature people with no cares in the world. You think of innocent children who haven't experienced the adversity of life. However, in Angola, that is almost never true. When I used to think of kids, I would think of carefree people with no responsibility. Now, I realize that's not always the case. When I saw this video, I was absolutely horrified. I saw little kids, half my age, facing horrors that I couldn't even imagine. As a kid living in America, I never really have to think about stuff like water, food, or even medical facilities. If I break my arm, I can go to a hospital which is less than 15 minutes away from my house and get a cast. I go for yearly checkups and I never really ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Personal Narrative About Family: Angola LUANDA, Angola "My son" is the first words that I heard from her as soon as she approached me and embraced me with an emotional hug. Speaking of emotions I did not know how to feel at that moment. At the moment all I knew was that 1) I was exhausted after spending 16 hours on the airplane and 2) It was going to be an interesting two weeks. Two weeks of my life that I have been looking forward to my entire life. My parents knew who I was but I on the other hand only knew of them and could not remember a whole lot from my childhood. The plan was to visit my parents years ago but plans do not always work out the way that one can expect it to. Things change, life happens. Prior to this past Summer I did not have the opportunity to see my biological parents since I left Africa at the age of 6. The day I left was a big blur to me all I remember that day was that I was unrattled to what was going on.... Show more content on ... My childhood was fun I spent my mornings in the classroom, I started going school at the young age of 4, my afternoons were spent playing and hanging around my friends, and my evenings with my siblings and cousins. A couple of my cousins lived with us for a while during that time. My mom was the one caring for them since their parents were not around. When my aunt and uncle returned to claim their kids that is when my entire life would change forever. They came for their kids and were filing paperwork to move the United State of ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Politics And Economic Development Of Angola Politics play a crucial role in the success of any economy. The field of political economy is, thus, crucial in demonstrating the manner politics, law and institutions alter the course a country's economic development. Politics is an integral part of an economy since it is used to allocate scarce resources within a state. Ideally, political economy refers to a mixture of sociology, politics, economics, history and philosophy, which integrates adequate evidence to examine how individuals exist within societies. Although the partnership between China and Angola dates back to 1960s and 1970s, over the recent past, Africa, particularly Angola, has increasingly become an attractive site for Chinese investments. This report reveals that China has been at the forefront in spearheading investments and economic development of Angola, particularly on its agricultural and oil sectors. The face of China's contribution towards economic growth in Angola A number of sources have reveals that China has apparently become a key economic partner to Angola. The country has been described as being one of the key recipients of Chinese investments on the continent. Angolan and Chinese political and economic ties expanded during the late 1980 after the signing of the first trade agreement between the two countries in 1984. Since then, the bilateral trade between Angola and China has considerably expanded exceeding $ 120 billion by 2010. In spite of the poor relationship between the MPLA and the ... Get more on ...
  • 33. The Relationship Between The Kongolese And The Portuguese... Introduction The Portuguese first made contact with the Kongolese in the 1400s sparking a long and varied relationship between the two kingdoms. In order to better understand how this relationship played a part in the trade, colonization, and warfare of this region of Africa, the following paper will discuss the relationship between the Kongolese and the Portuguese up until the Battle of Mbwila, what occurred at the Battle of Mbwila, and how this battle effectively destroyed the Kingdom of Kongo in the latter part of the 17th century. The Kongo Kingdom & Portuguese Angola The predecessors of many Angolans moved from different parts of Africa much sooner than the arrival of the first Portuguese in the late 1400s. By the time of the Portuguese's landing in Africa, the Kongo Kingdom was already founded in the northwestern part of modern day Angola. The first Portuguese to explore the Congo River had many intentions. They planned to bring religion, to promote European ideas of civilization, to find and use resources, and eventually to build up the slave trade. By the mid–1400s, the Kongo Kingdom was the most influential of the states located along Africa 's Atlantic coastline. The kingdom had been founded in the late 1300s by a party of Bakongo, which is the plural for Kongolese individuals. These Bakongo had ventured south of the Congo River into northwestern Angola. The Bakongo then defeated the local population and built the capital city of Mbanza Kongo, which translates as ... Get more on ...
  • 34. The Farm: Life Inside Angola Prison The film The Farm: Life Inside Angola Prison give intell on how the maximum–security prison in Louisiana was ran. The two directors Liz Garbus and Jonathan Stack explore the old plantation farm that was turned into a prison. Most of the inmates in this facility were of an African American descendants. This film gives a broad overview of how this facility is ran and the programs that it offers its inmates. In the film the prison looks like a first generation facility. In Louisiana sentencing is very harsh and that is shown in the documentary. This facility houses over 5,000 inmates. Many of these inmates are there on drug related crimes. This can be associated with the war on drugs. 64% of inmates in Louisiana are incarcerated on drug charges ... Show more content on ... This is part of evidence based practices. Inmates working field duty get paid 4Вў an hour the highest paying job this program offers is 20Вў an hour. It helps inmates build struct and stay focused instead of fighting and causing havoc inside the prison which can only lead to added time on their sentence. One of the inmates interviewed in the film said that working the field was the first job he's ever had. Inmates are gaining skills in the prison that they can use upon their release to obtain jobs and help them reintegrate back into society. The prison also offers a CPR program in which the inmates travel around the state and teach CPR classes. The purpose of these programs are to reduce recidivism rates once inmates are released. The farm that the inmates work in is part of a multi million enterprise. This helps feed inmates and maintain the prison. The deputy chief of the prison talks about how to feed all the inmates it takes $10,000 a day. In a year that comes out to $3,650,000, just to feed the inmates. That's not all the prison is responsible for. They also have to provide adequate living arrangements and medical care for the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Angola Research Paper Angola is a large country, not quite than twice the size of Texas, located in Southwestern Africa. The country is bordered by the South Atlantic Coast, with four major ports, as well as by several other African countries including but not limited to Namibia and The Democratic Republic of the Congo. Angola has many different types of terrains and landscapes, full of rivers and mountains, as well as climates, from damp and tropical to dry and desert–like. The country is full of rich natural resources and is promising for a variety of types of agriculture therefore making it a hot commodity during the "Scramble for Africa" after The Berlin Conference. During the "Scramble for Africa" the Portuguese were looking for land that was similar to where they had settled in Brazil as well searching for a place that would provide them wealth, through minerals, particularly the silver mines, trade and slavery. The first expedition for the Portuguese to conquer Angola was sent in 1520, eventually becoming a colony of the Portuguese in 1570. The wars of conquest began in 1575 and nearly fifty years later, the Portuguese had ... Show more content on ... Portugal sent in troops causing many Angolans to flee or be killed. Guerilla groups, the MPLA , UNITA , and the FNLA rose to fight against the Portuguese but eventually began to fight each other. When Angola finally gained its independence from the Portuguese in 1975, civil war broke out after the MPLA took power, after gaining control over the capital city. Over the next twenty–seven years, there would be civil war and power struggle amongst the Angolan people and the guerilla groups. Hundreds of thousands of lives were lost by March 2001, when the MPLA gained control over most of the government. Post civil war, Angola has many issues today, as a result of the million of landmines that still reside in Angola and the civil ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Angola Conflict, Social And Political Conflict In The... The Angola conflict was a civil war that was located in the South African state of Angola. This 27 year long civil war, that killed an estimated 800,000 people and displace 4 million people, broke out on 11 November 1975, right after the Portuguese colonial rule, and ended in 2002. Similar to many other post colonial states, Angola suffered both social and economical struggles which lead to a power struggle between three predominant liberation movements. It is important for us to study this civil war as we can learn many lessons from this major event in history, and make use of the information gathered from this to help us understand how these similar conflicts have started off and have developed to this state. Hence I would be analysing ... Show more content on ... Angola state had many different ethnic groups varying in their economic status, size and the amount of focus on the politics entities. With the three major ethnic groups: With Ovimbundu being the largest in dominating the area, it constitutes to about 37% of the Angola population. Second being the Kimbundu, making up about 25% of the Angola population and third being Bakongo, making up 13% of the Angola population. ( Malaquais, N.D) To liberalise Angola, the three movements formed. The three movements are: Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA) which started in 1956 to lead against the colonialism, it consisted mostly of Mbundu. National Front for the Liberation of Angola (FNLA) restricting to the the Bacongo and National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (Unita) consisting mostly Ovimbundu. (BBC,1999) These three movements which were suppose to help improve the lives of the Angola people, not only did not make their lives better, but resulted to a greater distinct between the three major ethnicity. The groups were more clearly separated, with the formation of the movements. Thus making it even harder for the Ethnic groups to bond, and improve their relation ship. Although there were many other factors that could have cause the division between the ethnic groups, I think that ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Angola Essay Angola Angola, formerly Portuguese West Africa, is the seventh largest country in Africa. The country can be divided into three major regions: the coastal plain, a transition zone, and the vast inland plateau. Angola has a tropical climate with its vegetation including tropical rain forests, savannas, grasslands, palm trees and even deserts. A great variety of animal life ranging from elephants, rhinoceros, giraffes, and even crocodiles can also be found in this African country (Microsoft 1). Very little is known about the early regions ofAngola. "The original inhabitants of present–day Angola were hunters and gatherers. Their descendants, called Bushman by the Europeans, still inhabit portions of southern Africa" (Collelo ... Show more content on ... This difference of interest soon created conflict between Afonso and the Portuguese. "The slave trade, greedily aided by local chiefs, gradually undermined the authority of the king, and twenty–five years after Afonso's death the state succumbed to the onslaught of the Jaga, a belligerent horde of nomads from the east" (Microsoft 4). "With Portuguese help, the invaders were finally ousted, but by this time the life had gone out of the ravaged kingdom" (July 155). "Clearly, turmoil, victimization, and disappointment are themes that have pervaded Angola's history, especially since the arrival of the Europeans in the fifteenth century" (Collelo xxi). "In 1576, in effective control of the countryside and facing no organized Kongo opposition, the Portuguese founded the town of Luanda, in effect establishing the colony of Angola" (Bender 24). After the Portuguese began reaching the interior, they soon appointed royal governors who tried to impose their ideas and beliefs upon the people (Halladay 82). Many African leaders resisted this foreign rule and the Europeans only managed to "establish insecure footholds along the coast" (Collelo 9). Kings Alvaro I and II both brought some stability to the falling kingdom by expanding their territory and at the same time keeping the Portuguese at bay. But after the death of Alvaro II, conflicts between the ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Policy Plan For Eradicate Yellow Fever Essay Policy Development to Eradicate Yellow Fever in Angola On July 4th , 2016, the World Health Organization (WHO) (2016) reported the Republic of Angola experienced 3,552 suspected cases (875 laboratory confirmed and 355 deaths) of Yellow Fever (YF) in all 18 of its provinces. On the global health risk front, new cases of YF in people travelling from Angola were reported in China (11 cases), Democratic Republic of Congo (59 cases), Kenya (2 cases), Mauritania (1 case), and Namibia (1 case), despite International Health Regulations (IHR). WHO classified the outbreak as grade two emergencies and provided extensive support for disease surveillance, mass vaccination campaigns, social mobilization, and vaccination of travelers to control the outbreaks and prevent the global spread of the disease. This policy proposal will examine the vulnerable population, the issues of concern, evaluate existing policies, risk assessment for change, stakeholders involved, recommendations for change, and cost analysis or benefits for the proposed action plan. Population and Geographic Area Angola is located in Southern Africa, bordered by Namibia in the South, Democratic Republic of Congo to the North, Zamibia to the East, and the Atlantic Ocean to the West. Angola's narrow coastal plain rises abruptly to high internal plateau, with rainforests in the north and dry savanna desert in the south (Ministry of Health (MoH),2016). Luanda, the capital lies on the Atlantic coast along the northwest of the ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Logistics Plus And Its Impact On The Nation Of Angola Introduction As Logistics Plus considers entering the growing African nation of Angola, our team looks more closely at the country's geography, government, economic history and current economic situation, and relevant key current events. We have been asked to focus on the fact that Logistics Plus is closely tied to GE's business and that they are known to piggy–back onto where GE establishes business around the world. Logistics Plus also tries to get involved in the same industries that GE is involved in because it makes it easier for them to establish a promising business that way. Key Industries The key industries we have been asked to research are mining, petroleum and infrastructural development projects underway in the area. GE ... Show more content on ... The county spans across 481,353 square miles of land with a coastline reaching just under 1,000 miles. As of 2011, 47.3% of the land is used for agriculture, 46.8% is forest, and 5.9% is used for other purposes. Angola's natural resources include petroleum, diamonds, iron ore, phosphates, copper, feldspar, gold, bauxite, and uranium. The country is facing some environmental issues including pasture overuse and subsequent soil erosion leading to population pressure, desertification, tropical rainforest deforestation, water pollution due to soil erosion, and inadequate supplies of potable water. To combat these issues, Angola is party to some environment international agreements. Government Even though Angola is one of Africa's major oil producers, it is also one of the poorest countries in the world. After a 27 year civil war ending in 2002, it was hard for them to bounce back to stability. They are currently rebuilding under the guidance of their president JosГ© Eduardo dos Santos who has held the position since 1979 and was guaranteed the last five–year term because of the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola (MPLA). MPLA was founded in 1956 and merged two nationalist organizations. Dos Santos is credited with leading the country to recovery after the end of the civil war in 2002. Others believe Dos Santos could be doing more for the country and spreading the profits from the oil more widely. Economic History Additionally, the civil war destroyed much of ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Angola Angola is located in south western Africa. Bordered by Zamibia, Nambia, The Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Atlantic Ocean, it is Africa's seventh largest country with a total area of 1,246,700km2. Angola has a rich history full of hardships and grandeur. Its largest and most important city is the capital, Luanda. Angola contains a rich culture made up of diverse urban and tribal peoples. It is a unitary presidential republic and has one of the fastest growing economies in the world. The Portuguese reached Angola in 1484, but the region had previously been occupied by the Bantu peoples, who set up many kingdoms and trade routes, such as the Kingdom of Kongo. They arrived around 500 AD and traded with other, West African civilizations.... Show more content on ... This creates a rich cultural aspect of Angola. The tribes that reside in Angola consist of the Khoisan, Ovimbundu, Mbundu, Bakongo, Lunda–Chokwe, and the Nganguela. The people of the Khoisan tribe (often called bushmen) are believed to be the oldest inhabitants in all of humanity. They communicate through a series of clicking noses, which is believed to be the oldest current language in the world. This group is currently at risk for extinction, but about 5,000 of them live in southern Angola. While they used to be hunter–gatherers, they have recently been forced to alter their lifestyle to become herdsmen and farmers. There is a cave located near Virei, Angola that contains cave paintings dating back to the Stone ... Get more on ...
  • 41. Aids And The American Healthcare Industry Every culture has its own way of dealing with sickness and illness. Growing up both in Angola and the United States, a person is able to reflect on cultures and their own myths as well as beliefs. These cultures are very different from one another in respect to their outlook on illness and hospitalization. Being Angolan in the American healthcare industry, they experience many different attitudes about how to best treat medical illness. During the time of sick or for curing disease in Angola, the people would rather see their traditional healer than a doctor for such things as; fever, stomachache, bad dreams, pain, or mental disorders. They don't have access to the same kind of healthcare services as the Americans do. Only a few people can afford good medical care and unfortunately many have a life expectancy that is below fifty years of age mostly related to poverty related diseases such as; tuberculosis, malaria, and measles. The main language of Angola is Portuguese. Many are bilingual, speaking Portuguese and one of the several African languages. About 40% of Angolan speaks Bantu as their first language and many as a second language (Oyebade, 2007, pg 33). The majority of the people are either Christian (Roman Catholic) or follow native beliefs, such as ancestor worship (Oyebade, 2007, pg 33). The traditional Angola believes in a close communication with the spirit of the dead ancestors. They believe that ancestors are part of the lives of the living people and will ... Get more on ...
  • 42. The Impact Of Colonialization In Angola 1.1.1 Angola Angola is located in the southern part of Africa, neighboring to Namibia, Zambia and Congo. Estimated of 24.3 million populations today, Angola arose as the upper middle income countries in 2011 due to steady GNI per capita growth. Inherits abundant natural resources mainly oil and diamonds, Angola stands as second largest oil exporter and third biggest economy of Sub Saharan Africa (World Bank Global Economic Prospects June 2015). Oil sector holds the largest share in Angola's GDP. Angola real GDP was 4.5% in 2014 (African Economic Outlook 2015). Dating back on Angolan colonialization decades, almost five centuries, this former Portuguese colony (since 16th century until independence in 1975) served Portugal with agriculture stuffs, oil, diamond, iron ore, gold, fisheries and laborers (Birminghim 1965, Bender 1978 and Santana 2009). In due course, colonial phase was an evident of Angola's underdevelopment and dependency. Resources were drained in the way of extracting surplus to Portugal and not for the benefits of local development (Tvedten 1997). One of the event proving the impact of dependency on Portugal was in 1950s, Angola stands as a ... Show more content on ... These credit lines underpin by the "Angola Model" introduced by China which comprises the "loan for oil" strategy. The model is an outcome of both parties' needy situation, China's on Angola's oil and Angola's on development loans. Under Angola model, China disbursed considerable volume of credit lines in Angola for infrastructure development, telecommunications, energy sector, education and health. Angola repays the loan at a lower interest rate and through oil sale to China. The oil backed loan is a common agenda imposed by China in many countries such as Brazil, Cambodia and Sudan. In return China obtains long term access to oil supply and enables China to market their products, especially construction items in Angola (Alves ... Get more on ...