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Informative Speech About Uganda
Hello fellow United Nations members, it is an honour to be here. While the MDG's can be
considered a global success as they have enhanced the lives of many people within developing
nations, it is still important to note that there are still glaring factors in developing countries that are
holding them back. Therefore, it is important that we take note of these factors and try to work on
them in order to improve the lives of everyone within these countries. A country that I strongly
believe needs to be focused on is Uganda. Hence, in this speech, I will analyse the characteristics
that have inhibited development in line with the United Nations MDG's and address the progress of
Uganda. By the end of the speech, the recommended appropriate strategies to achieve the
goals/improve on them will be provided. It is hypothesised that although corruption and Civil War
have held Uganda back, social influences along with poverty has stopped Uganda from reaching all
their goals.
Uganda faces many problems that inhibit their development such as Civil War. As stated by Global
Security "conflict and violence have plagued much of Uganda since independence" (Global
Security, N.D). This is largely due to the Civil War and corruption the country faces daily. Civil War
has played a long part in Uganda's history dating back to 1962 with 14 insurgencies occurring within
the country since 1971. The Civil War dramatically worsened when Joseph Kony, leader of the
Lord's resistance army (LRA)
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Kony's Killing In Uganda Essay
Kony was a master at recruiting his soldiers and workers. To keep his people under his control, he
would convince them that he is the Holy Spirit. That was one of his best tactics for recruitment.
Also, in 2006, it was recorded that between the years of 1986–2005, Kony has abducted 66,000
children. The LRA does a crazy thing to spread fear into the eyes of civilians. They will hack away
their ears, lips, hands and feet with michetties every time they strike a village. He also requires his
slaves to kill their own parents so they have no one and nowhere to return if they ever escape. So in
other words, they are forced to kill in this army no matter what and they will not be able to escape
from the army because Kony gives them a "special potion" that tracks their every move. It is crazy
to think that someone is so die hearted to do something so cruel like this. As stated before, Kony has
many tactics for getting soldiers to work for him. One of the things he told his army ... Show more
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Many US citizens came up with a group called invisible children which basically uncovered the
truths of what was really going on in Kony's army. At first, the US government didn't want to get
involved because it didn't seem like it was a big enough issue. However, the US citizens did not give
up on their fight to help Uganda. The Invisible Children and other people basically forced the US
government to send help for them. Finally, on October 14th, 2011, President Barack Obama sent 100
troops to Africa to help try and stop Kony. Still today Kony is abducting children. We don't know
when he will be caught and international support may be removed at any time. Just recently on
October 11th, 2015, it was recorded that 12 LRA members ambushed 4 travelers. So it goes to show
that the war is not over and Kony is still out there somewhere in Central
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Amin In Uganda Research Paper
Idi Amin rose to power in 1971 through a violent military coup. Amin and his army successfully
overthrew Uganda's former president Milton Obote with the foreign aid from both the British and
Israeli Government. From the British Amin received aid through large amounts of money being sent
to his personal bank account and from the Israelis he received arms. Amin's success at gaining and
holding power was largely based on foreign assistance. "Amin's regime survived as long as it did in
part because it always found one or another imperialist power to patronise it" (Fall of Idi Amin 1).
Alone, Amin would never of had enough resources or internal support to retain power because of
both external and internal resistance. This resistance came from the ... Show more content on ...
The economic embargo that was instituted as well as the negative perception around Amin caused
Uganda to fail economically and to have no foreign powers want to help because they did not want
to be seen as supporting a cruel leader. Amin's brutal regime caused countries to look down at
Uganda as a place that was uncivilized and that was not worth any ones time. Through all Amin's
missteps and failures his inability to run a successful country without foreign support was his
biggest weakness. He was not able to have good relations with countries either because of rash
decisions which offended those countries or because of bad public image led to a country to weak to
sustain itself. Amin's final attack on Tanzania was a failure and he was forced to leave Uganda and
seek refuge in Saudi Arabia for the rest of his life. "In the span of eight years, Amin had devastated
Uganda. The economy was in ruins, foreign trade had dried up, and the country had fallen into a
state of lawlessness and brutality" (Idi Amin 1). The rule of Idi Amin was characterized by brutality
and instability which caused foreign disputes eventually leading to his
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Uganda Research Paper
UGANDA Uganda is a country located in Africa that is surrounded by Kenya and the Republic of
Congo. Uganda's capital is Kampala and some other major cities would be Gulu, Lira, Mbarara,
Jinja, Bwizibwera, Mbale, Mukono, Kasese and Masaka. The coordinates are 1 00 N, 32 00 E and
the total area of Uganda is two hundred forty one thirty eight thousand. The land is one hundred
ninety seven hundred thousand square kilometers and the water being forty three nine hundred thirty
eight thousand square kilometers. When you are comparatively speaking about Uganda it is just
slightly smaller than the state of Oregon.
The population of Uganda is three forty–seven thousand fifty–eight hundred. There is one thousand
four hundred Gross Domestic Product per capita. The life expectancy for males is fifty–three years
old and the female lives to about fifty–five. The currency is equal to about two thousand six hundred
four and six cents in the United States of America. The literacy rate for males is seventy–seven
percent and the females are fifty–eight percent.
At first Uganda was controlled by the British and was called Baganda and was ruled by a king. The
British East Africa Company claimed the territory in 1888. The British did not have as much control
as they liked and this led to fighting amongst the different religious groups. Then a little later the
British broadened the power they had and established Uganda as a protectorate. A treaty between
"Baganda" and the British that
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The Lango and Akoli People of Uganda Essay
Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa. Uganda's capital city is Kampala. Uganda is
bordered on the east by Kenya, on the north by South Sudan, on the west by the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, and on south by Tanzania. The official language is English and Luganda is a
central language, which is widely spoken across the country, and multiple other languages are also
spoken including Swahili. Uganda's Natural Resources are copper, cobalt , hydropower , limestone ,
salt and gold . The current president of Uganda is Yoweri Kaguta Museveni .
THE LANGO PEOPLE . The langi people live in the Northern Central Uganda .The langi tribe
symbol is a rhino .They speak Lutuka language .The lango are the agro– pastoralists ... Show more
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Idi amin ordered all the langi and acholi soilders to surrender thier weapons because the langi and
the Acholi supported Milton Obote and also that Milton was a langi and he killed all the Acholi
soilders because he saw threat in his rule .Idi Amin had all strong and most of the langi and Acholi
soldiers arrested and killed not only that but he also killed the highly educated and wise people from
the langi and Acholi tribe .
Idi Amin had several thousands of people murdered and had thier dead bodies thrown in the Lakes
and Rivers of Uganda . However , it didnt stop ,Milton Obote and Idi Amin created so much chaos
and caused economic decline and human right violence to the country .In addition , Idi Amin
expelled all Asians out of Uganda with thin one week .
Amin arrested all the people that complained about him and those people were arrested , taken into
the fields and have them slaughtered . On July 1971, the langi and the Acholi soldiers were
murdered in the jinja and mbarara barracks , some 5,000 Acholi and Langi soldiers dissappered and
some civilaians throught Idi Amins Army . Amin had establised three three units :southern sudan ,
Nubains and members of his own tribe , kakwa and these regions established all teror all over
Uganda and the this was to show that "Any opposition would be met by death ." Idi Amin
established a secret police to torture thousands of people before having them killed violently with
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Child Soldiers In Uganda
Child Soldiers in Uganda
Americans often take for granted the various liberties afforded to citizens of this country. In America
some believe they are oppressed, and while no society is perfect, the excellent conditions in this
country do not even compare to that of many other countries worldwide. Citizens of this wonderful
country will never fully understand how fortunate they are unless they change their perspective and
educate themselves about the realities of those in other countries, like Uganda for example. Children
in Uganda endure an extreme amount of physical and mental suffering every day. The use of child
soldiers in Uganda is one of the greatest examples of oppression of children to date; the actions that
have been taken by the Ugandan government, United Nations, European Union, and the United
States have done little to solve the issue, therefore government reforms and the defeat of LRA leader
Joseph Conley would be of benefit to Uganda and contribute to solving the issue of child soldiers in
their country.
The use of child soldiers in Uganda is a result of the war that began in 1986 between the Lord's
Resistance Army, a group of rebels, and the Ugandan government. First, the leader of the LRA
decided to utilize children to fight the war; "Kony used ever more brutal methods to avoid defeat by
Museveni's army. He kidnapped children to act as slaves and trained them to fight" (History: The
Lord's...). The Lord's Resistance Army, or the LRA, began to lose support
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Essay about Primary Education in Uganda
Primary Education in Uganda – A Policy Analysis
Over the past five years, Uganda's education system has proved both effective and successful.
Although in the process of further development, it has nonetheless served as a model for many
developing African countries. The Ugandan government, with President Yoweri Museveni at its
forefront, has determined primary education to be one of the major channels toward poverty
eradication and as a vital resource for economic and social development. The Ugandan government
has made a national commitment to eradicate illiteracy and educate its citizens through the 1997
initiative, Universal Primary Education (UPE). All levels of government, the private sector, grass–
root organizations, local and ... Show more content on ...
As a consequence, policy was adopted that would better Uganda's financial position, which led to an
emphasis of secondary and higher education in order to fill the demand for "high–level" manpower.
(Bell, p. 4) The emphasis soon changed as it was realized by the Commission of Education in
Uganda in 1965 that the content and structure of primary school education should also be geared
toward meeting the economic needs of the country. P. Beghin wrote in Recent Trends in Primary
Education Policy in Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, "primary education is no longer regarded as a mere
preparation to secondary and higher education. Primary school is, in the view of the Syllabus, a
terminal education for a part of the pupils, which at present is actually the majority of them." (1968,
pg. 6) From this time, documented Ugandan education policy on issues such as instructional
language, examinations, and scientific literacy was expanded and reformed to include primary
During the political turmoil of the 1970s and 1980s when leadership changed hands, the education
system suffered, yet functionally operated by relying on local and regional–based administrators and
nation–wide standardization. (Upenn Sas) As the political situation settled in Uganda, education
became the new hot topic and was regarded as an issue of international development. President
Yoweri Museveni and the National Resistance Movement Government, initiated a review of
education policy and
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Amazima Ministries
People are suffering all around the world and are desperate for the help of those who can provide it.
We as Americans can't even begin to comprehend the problems that people of Uganda experience in
their daily lives. The struggles that they face derive from the fact that "51% of the Ugandan
population lives on less than $1 a day" (Katie Davis Speaks). Many of the people in Uganda are
uneducated and therefore unable to obtain jobs, resulting in a massive unemployment rate in
Uganda. Without a job, it's nearly impossible for them to get the money they need to support
themselves, much less an entire family. Most do not have easy access to some of the most basic
necessities, such as food, water, and shelter. With poor living conditions and health ... Show more
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She decided to give up the life she had in the United States to travel to Uganda, only relying on
funds from her family and friends back home to help support her and her efforts. This eventually led
to the development of Amazima Ministries, whose "mission was to provide food, medical care,
education, and work to those in need in Uganda" (Katie Davis Speaks). Today, Davis's ministry
provides for nearly 1,600 children, some who would not even be alive today without it. One of the
first children Davis's ministry provided for was a young girl named Agnes, only nine when Davis
found her. Her parents had both died from HIV, and she was left to care for her two younger sisters.
She had no money and little access to food and water. Davis took Agnes under her wing and gave
her the care that she so desperately needed. Agnes and her sisters are now healthy, and Agnes is a
caregiver for Amazima (Davis 154). Amazima has had a huge impact on a multitude of children, and
Agnes's story is a reflection of that impact. The ministry has had the ability to completely turn
children's lives around, providing them with opportunities that they have only ever dreamed about.
Davis, now twenty–one, is a mom to thirteen young Ugandan girls who do not have families that
can support or provide for them. Davis admits she could never have imagined this was where her
journey in Uganda would lead her, but she has kept the mindset that "one [child] is enough" (Davis
204). She did everything she could to help every child that crossed her path, regardless of the
circumstances. This mindset is what has driven Amazima Ministries to become what it is now and
what will continue to drive it to become something even greater in the
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A Brief Note On Uganda And Uganda Are Neighbours
Kenya and Uganda are neighbours. They are all within East Africa together with Tanzania, Rwanda,
Burundi and South Sudan. Even though they are within the same region; their development status in
agriculture, industrialization, democracy, health, and education economies differ greatly.
Uganda has considerably natural resources. These include fertile soils, regular rainfall, small
deposits of copper, gold, and other minerals, and recently they discovered oil. Agriculture seems to
be the most important sector of the economy, employing almost one third of the work force within
the nation. Coffee also accounts for the major export revenues. The economy in Uganda is
dominated by agriculture and some small industrial sector that depends on imported inputs. The
overall production is hindered by constrains in supply. These include underinvestment in an
agricultural sector that continues to rely on the limited and basic technology. Industrial
developments and growth are delayed or hindered by high costs which are caused by poor facilities,
low levels of private investments, and the depreciation of the Ugandan shilling.
Since the year 1986, the Ugandan government with the help of foreign donors and agencies – has
been on the pathway to rehabilitate and stabilize their economic growth by undertaking currency
reforms. The Ugandan government has also raised the production prices on exportation of crops,
increasing prices on petroleum products and trying
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Nile Perch : What Does It Look Like?
Nile Perch
What does it look like? :
Where is it from? :
– This creature has originated from the Congo River, and any other surrounding fresh water
reserves. It was also known to be a special site, if you were passing by the Ethiopian region, Eastern
How did they enter the place? :
– It is unclear why the Nile perch entered Lake Victoria, but there are some local theories. The local
people around Lake Victoria were saying that the fish was purposely put into the lake, by the
government. This was said because the fish inside the lake were growing too rapidly and the
government wanted to get rid of the over populating fish.
What is it doing to the environment? :
– The ... Show more content on ...
– Last but not least, the Nile Perch also caused a lot of deforestation in the habitat around it. You
might be wondering what a water creature has to do with deforestation. Well, this is because a lot of
wood is required to soak the Nile Perch. Since there were a lot of these fish at the lake, it was the
most common meal, for the local people. In order to prepare this fish properly you need large
amounts of wood. These led to massive amounts of vegetation loss, and this also harmed the
biodiversity of the ecosystem.
What is being done to prevent further destruction? :
– Firstly, the local people of Uganda are trying to over fish in this particular species, and that too
mostly the females. This is because the females give birth to the off springs, and if they are all gone,
there will be no more off springs, lowering the amount of fish.
– The local people think that the fish its self are also trying to wipe themselves out. This might seem
weird, but the truth is that these fish are cannibals. All the older fish, eat the young fish which wipes
out an entire generation of fish.
The Small Asian Mongoose
What does it look like?
Where is it from? – The Small Asian mongoose can be found in India where they originate from.
However the mongoose has been able to spread and can be found on the southern mainland of Asia
between Iraq and China as well as the island of Java Been. The mongoose is able to spread and
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Year Of No Rain Quotes
In the book Year of No Rain by Alice Mead, Stephen and Wol have different points of view on how
they feel about their education.On Page 50 Wol states, " I don't know, maybe we should go to
Kenya. Where is Kenya? You tell us Stephen. You got a hundred in geography." From this quote I
am inferring that Wol is not very confident in himself and his education. But, on page 41 Stephen
says " Wait a minute. I want to take my pencil with me. Where did it go? Naiomi help me look.
Please?" In this quote I am visualizing Stephen being frantic and speaking in a panicking tone. I can
grab from this quote that Stephen, unlike Wol, is passionate and feels confident in his future because
of the education he currently has. In the midway chapters of the book A Year of no Rain by Alice
Mead, Wol changes the way he feel s towards Naomi. On page 19 he said, " Stephen, do you think
Naiomi likes me?" This clearly makes Wol sound like he is "in love" with her. Then, when Naomi
goes missing he is more focused on whether or not she is alive. On page 47 and 48 there is an
argument between Wolf and stephen. Wol said, " Your mother should have let naiomi come with us.
They kidnap girls, I heard." Now, he is more grown up. The event of death, stabbing, and torture are
now in play and he has realized his world is no longer happy and perfect. He has now realized that
loving Naomi is not the ... Show more content on ...
Many kids in south sudan struggle daily in a hard labor intense day. This book has very emotional
content that makes us think that we all have a much better life then a lot of the world, so we should
never take things for granted. The book has young kids living in constant struggle to find a meal and
shelter. We must not take daily things for granted like school, a pencil, and even water. So, never
take simple things for granted because you never know what other kids are struggling
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Uganda Research Paper
I would like to tell you about Uganda. Uganda is country that seem real cool to visit if you going on
a vacation. Uganda have a lot of animals but I only picked a couple such as, lions, elephants and
more I only choose those to talk about for now. The population of Uganda is big they have 41.49
million people who live there. Uganda have mountains such as Rwenzori and lakes such as victoria
that's why you should visit Uganda one day.
Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa. It is bordered to the east by Kenya, to the north by
South Sudan, to the west by the Democratic Republic of The Congo. The Congo to the south west
by Rwanda and to the south by Tanzania. The southern part of the country includes a substantial
portion of lake victoria, shared with Kenya and Tanzania. Uganda is in the Africa great lakes region.
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Elephants in Uganda are 5,000 in populated elephants population cover more slowly than any other
animals. Some birds survive more than other birds. There are various assumptions made in
estimating survival rates of understory Birds. You can find buffalo in the forest areas, live in large
areas of Savannah, Uganda and smaller herds in the forest, female Buffalo kick out the male
Economy of Uganda has great potential, and it appeared poised for rapid Economic growth and
development. Economic management since self–rule has produce a record of persisent economic
decline. That has left Uganda among the worlds poorest and least developed countries. Uganda has
been receiving foreign assistance. Uganda economy grew at an average of 6.7% during the period
Modern day problems in Uganda is Ugandans are completely reliant on natural resources to survive.
Uganda forests provides fuel – wood. Uganda loses about 6,000 hectares of forest every 30 days. 28
districts have lost their entire forest ecosystem while another 19 districts have forest
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The Non Citizen Asian Population Of Uganda
Imagine being given only 90 days to pick up your life and leave a place you call home. The Non–
Citizen Asian population of Uganda was given only three months, ninety days to be precise, to leave
the country. Later Asians who were Ugandan citizens were also expelled. Idi Amin's reasoning for
expelling 60,000 Asians from Uganda is still unclear. There are many theories put forth, but they
remain mere speculation. As a result of Idi Amin's erratic behavior, jingoism, and ruthlessness,
Uganda's economic ultimately suffered to this day from this act. In 1971, President Idi Amin
demanded a review of Uganda's Asian community citizenship. In August of 1972, he decreed that all
Punjab Asians residing in Uganda must leave. The deadline to leave ... Show more content on ...
Eventually, this resulted in the Asians dominating the entire economy in post–colonial Uganda;
ultimately creating tensions with the Africans. They had always been the target of resentment in
Uganda; once Amin came into power, he acted upon this tension. Many erratic announcements in
the span of a few days targeted various groups. The first proclaimed, "All Asians holding Indian,
Pakistan, and Bangladesh passports must leave." Few took this announcement seriously until Amin
signed the decreed. Many were astonished by this and did not want to believe it. This is because
when Amin came to power, he made the working conditions better and many of the Asians who
were in the business industry. Another announcement followed, adding, "All non–citizen Asians,
even those holding Kenyan, and Tanzanian passports must leave. Again, many could not believe
what was occurring. These announcements were life shattering, especially when it was apparent to
both the Africans and Asian that Amin was serious. Next, came an announcement exempting
professional Asians from explosion, this was received with trepidation. This last announcement
drove a wedge between the Professional and non–professional Asian communities. The
professionals opted to leave voluntarily. Yet another announcement proclaimed that no matter Asian
persuasion one claimed, he or she had to leave. All the back and forth announcements added to the
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Charles Martin in Uganda Case Study
Charles Martin in Uganda
Charles Martin, a 29–year–old American who had worked for Hydro Generation (HG) for 2 years
before embarking on the Ugandan damn project. Martins' educational experience, a degree in
African Studies from the University of Wisconsin as well as a MBA from the University of
Maryland coupled with his experience working through the Peace Corps made Martin uniquely
qualified to work for HG in their new venture in Africa, a hydro–electric damn in Uganda. During
Martins tenure in Uganda , his assignments were to, gain support from local authorities, set up
offices and insure the smooth operation of the office, overseeing operations including hiring,
keeping inventory and keeping accounting records as well as logistical ... Show more content on ...
Although successful Martin did take risks when utilizing a polycentric approach to his work, at any
point his participation in various activities such as tribal rituals could have back fired due to
increased pressure from an unstable government and corrupt officials talking advantage of their
increased leverage to exact higher and higher prices for continued cooperation. These problems
coupled with the possibility of certain actions being illegal in HGs home country directly conflicts
with corporate policy. Despite these increased perils, if Martin had not undertaken this approach to
business in Uganda increased delays, would certainly have occurred, local collaboration would have
been decreased, expensed would have been increased due to either longer wait periods or the
eventual abandonment of the project due to lack of progress.
In the next phase of the project running the power plant–should HG employ someone whose main
function is that of a liaison between its corporate culture and the culture of its host country? If so, is
Martin the right person for the job?
In the next phase of this project, the running of the power plant HG should employ someone whose
main function is to be a liaison between the corporate culture and the
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Uganda In The 1960's
The Republic of Uganda has gone through an economical transformation after its independence
from Britain in 1962. Although independence brought change, Uganda struggles as it tries to find its
place on the long list of countries with a successful economy. The everyday life of Uganda show its
centuries old traditions and history. Culture is much like a log cabin, individual logs put together
make the cabin complete. The individual pieces alone are important but when they are together, they
create something unique. The individual details in culture include the languages spoken, the daily
customs, the multiple religions, the type of government, social classes if existent, history of the
country, and geographical location. While each ... Show more content on ...
Before their independence from the British in 1962, the Ugandan Army trained to higher standards
than practiced today. The Ugandan Army earned international admiration during World War I and
World War II. The decline in standards came amid political and economical struggles during the
1960's. After Uganda gained its independence, the military took another turn for the worst. The
morale in all military forces plummeted because British officers retained most command positions.
In 1986 the countries leader vowed to improve the education standards for military recruits, improve
the standards of discipline, and override regional loyalties that slowed the pace of military
improvement. By 1990, there was very little progress made towards those goals. The most recent
notable accomplishment of the military was in 2012 when they were able to capture Caesar Acellam,
a top military leader in the Lord's Resistance Army. The notable Joseph Kony belongs to the Lord's
Resistance Army. The recruitment process is very similar to that of the United States. The Ugandan
military has always been an all–volunteer force, both before and after their independence. In the
recent years, women have been able to enlist, but not hold positions of command. The minimum age
for enlistment is seventeen and the maximum age allowed is twenty–five. All military recruits must
have an education level equivalent to that of a seventh grader. During the 1970's, there was a brief
period where enlistment became mandatory along with the educational requirement suspended. The
contractual requirement is either five or nine years, although this is normally ignored allowing
service members to get out early. According to Flood, "After independence, life for the common
soldier became desperate, and increasingly so in the 1970's and 1980's". (213) Soldiers in today's
Ugandan Army sometimes rely on theft, bribery, and extortion
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The reaction to this tremendously huge request is...
The reaction to this tremendously huge request is two–fold. First, they are poor in light of the way
that they are subject to one or a more stupendous measure of the variables delineated underneath, a
robust part of them in a component where one variable prompts, or blends, a substitute. poverty in
these extremes is gigantically inciting to oneself – it is an unending circle, or trap. Because the state
has no money, it can't provide for its nationals key medicinal administrations, guideline, hotel, and
security, which further confines their ability to climb above subsistence living to start associations,
win wages, extra, help, and pay charges. The cycle then repeats, for periods and times. Most of the
countries in which the poorest ... Show more content on ...
This is discriminating to review when examining the ampleness of instruments planned to empower
advancement around the poorest billion. It is extraordinarily troublesome to say with any conviction
what is a purpose behind poverty, what is a result, and what is a spreading, animating or jumbling
Topography is occasionally an arresting subject of any issue or territory examined in the World
Savvy Monitor, and there is some truth to the adage that geography is decision ahead of time. Ldcs
are often genuinely haggled by their territory in an expansive number of ways. Many are seen in
brutal environments portrayed by low quality soil and clashing precipitation (which causes dry
seasons and surges), and defenselessness to tropical diseases and bugs. This routines green potential
is obliged. Without clearing watering framework, sustenance era is needing and people and creatures
encounter the sick impacts of awfulness and starvation. Lack of clean water sickens and homicides;
gatherings are crushed by trademark disasters; young and old fall prey to diseases, for instance,
wilderness fever; continuing segregating budgetary belonging, for instance, goats and bovines alive
is a test. Subsistence living is wonderfully troublesome, and store stores and hypothesis are
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African Region-Uganda Essay examples
Africa, being the second largest continent in the world, has a total population of about 700 million
people. The main trading ports go through South Africa making it the powerhouse of the region
(Africa–An Overview). Africa has a very diverse climate and there are a total of three different
climate regions. Madagascar is home of the tropical rain forest climate, and have a year full of hot
weather and heavy rain fall because they are the closest to the equator. The northern and southern
regions of Africa are referred to as the tropical savanna climate with high temperatures and
moderate rain fall. The outskirts of the north and south have a Mediterranean climate with rain fall
in the fall.
Africa has a low crop production according to ... Show more content on ...
This country consists of many different languages, such as Swahili, being the official language,
English, and Luganda. Uganda is located in East Africa and connected to Kenya, Sudan, Congo,
Rwanda, and Tanzania (Charity Navigator). It is about 236,000 square kilometers in size and
consists of 3 major groups of people: the Batwa, the Benet, and the Karamojong. Uganda can be a
mountainous country making is cold in some areas.
There are a variety of different weather conditions throughout the country. The temperature in most
areas stays between 70 and 77 degrees because of its closeness to the equator. Heavy rains come
across the country between the months of March and May and October and November (Columbus
Travel Media). The Ugandan economy has developed greatly since the 1980s when they declared
power as a country. These upgrades have been because of their new adopted policies and even
though war has destroyed a lot they have succeed in redeveloping (US Department of State).
Farming is the most important part of the economy in Uganda with over 80 percent of the people
employed by farmers. Coffee is Uganda's main export and is the source of their incomes. Cotton,
tea, tobacco, and sugar are also significant cash crops for Uganda (Africa: Uganda). They make
most of their money from exports and these different crops are their most valuable ones. Although
Uganda has these imports cash
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The Landlocked Country Of Bolivia
Bolivia is a landlocked country consisting of a large number of indigenous people. It is the most
isolated nation in the South America. The country achieved its independence from the Spanish in
1825.Bolivia has natural gas reserves which have caused tensions due to their overexploitation and
exportation. It is one of the largest cocoa producers in the world ("Bolivia country profile – BBC
News", 2017). Many Bolivian farmers depend on coca as their source of income. Coca is a raw
material used in the production of cocaine. The country has faced various problems that have
affected the economy of the country such as illegal drug production, high rates of poverty and social
unrest. President Evo Morales won the elections held in 2005 under the Movement Toward
Socialism who was later re–elected in 2009 and 2014 ("Bolivia country profile – BBC News",
Uganda is a lack locked country that gained its independence from Britain in 1962. It is located in
east–central Africa, west of Kenya and east of the democratic republic of Congo and is headed by
the President Yoweri Museveni ("The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency", 2017). The
country has encountered several challenges such as the military coup and brutal military
dictatorship. The country is highly praised for its fight against HIV/AIDS. However, it is also well
known for its strict stance against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community (LGBT)
("The World Factbook – Central Intelligence
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To What Extent Were The Social Policies Of The Idi Amin...
To what extent were the social policies of the Idi Amin administration a detrimental response to
Uganda's colonial past? This is the question that this essay endeavors to answer as it scrutinizes the
social policies issued by Idi Amin Dada's administration throughout his eight year long reign over
Uganda. This essay will analyze the events of Idi Amin's rule from 1971 to 1979 as a response to the
decade prior to Uganda's independence in 1962 and the interim period between them from 1962 to
1971. It is made apparent that Idi Amin's response to the issues within his society were by in large
fueled by the lingering distaste he had for the effects that British involvement in Ugandan affairs
had left on the nation. The British introduced ... Show more content on ...
These origins stemmed from the late 19th century to the early 20th century when the British first
began to colonize Uganda with the help of Asians but didn't intensify until the fifties when classism
and racism became a growing issue. These concerns would grow potentially destructive in the
sixties when Britain worked alongside Idi Amin to overthrow Milton Obote and then a reality in the
70's when these issues were addressed with severity. Links between Idi Amin's ruthless social
policies and Uganda's colonial past became apparently negative which posed the query, to what
extent were these social policies a detrimental response? The focus of this piece is to illustrate the
extent to which Idi Amin's social policies, issued in varying degree from 1971 to 1979, served as an
overwhelmingly detrimental and negative response to a time when Britain ceased greater control
and influence over Uganda. It is noteworthy because it provides an answer and origin to a nation
that endured a dictatorship with a lack of ethical and substantial social reform for nearly a decade.
Instead a subservient military overtook the Ugandan parliament in an attempt to force a self–
interested agenda upon its diverse population. The question to investigate then becomes, "to what
extent were the social policies of the Idi Amin administration a detrimental response to Uganda's
colonial past?"
Asian Expulsion of 1972:
In August 1972, self–appointed life president
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The National Bird Of Uganda
Uganda is in east–central Africa. Its capital is Kampala. The flag of Uganda is very different from
ours in America but the flag consists of six equal horizontal strips, black, yellow, red repeating from
the top to bottom. At the center is a white circle that has a crested crane which is the national bird of
Uganda. They even have a anthem which goes like this, "O Uganda! May God Uphold Thee". Some
important holidays in Uganda are New Year's Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Christmas Day,
Boxing Day, Easter Day, and more. It's very short and simple if you ask me. But any who, their
currency is Ugandan Shilling which is $776.68 Uganda shilling equivalent to $1 U.S dollar.
Uganda has a total are of 236,040 sq km where some parts are inland ... Show more content on ...
They also have dances in Uganda which are important parts to ceremonies and special occasions.
They have different people that make up different dances, so the creativity of the dances is great to
see in different traditions. The most popular, recognizable dance would be the Kiganda, where the
performers move only their lower bodies to the drum beat. The dance is a pretty trick dance but
many people catch on and turns it into whatever they would like to make it. The dance has many
different faces but the known one is performed for the Baganda King. The dances tie into the
religion of the people who live in Uganda. Over four–fifths of Ugandans are Christians, either
Protestant or Catholic. They are strong in their faith and traditional beliefs. Other than praying to
God, Christians and Muslims, people also consult a local oracle/healer. Around 10% are Muslims, a
legacy of the Arab traders who traveled to Uganda in the 19th century. Many Ugandans prayed and
praised if they need food or clothes.
Uganda is a presidential republic which means that whoever is president of Uganda is head of state
and head of government. The head of government (President) is HE Mr Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
He controls what happens and what rules are enforced. He does not control the people's every move
but he does monitor just like any government would. There is a constitution as well that provides for
a unitary republic and the President appoints a cabinet as
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Short Story : A Large Flowing Black Gown
In a large flowing black gown embellished with ornaments of her accomplishments, the young girl
walks up to the center of the stage. Standing in the middle of the large auditorium, she embraces the
firm handshake in front of her as she is given a document that would grant her access to the next
phase of her life. Turning toward the applauding crowd, she sees her friends, loved ones, and
boyfriend smiling and cheering in approval. Upon exiting the spotlight, she makes her way back to
her seat among her peers and examines the diploma in her hand. Glancing at the text on the page,
she fantasizes about what the future holds for her. She sees herself independent from her parents,
living with one of her best friends in a beautifully decorated dorm room in the college she has
always dreamed of attending. Growing into a successful young woman and achieving the life she
had always envisioned for herself, she would claim her spot in the nursing program and marry her
boyfriend. Together they would buy their own house and begin a family. Katie Davis had always
thought this was the course her life would take. However, she soon comes to realize that God has a
different plan for her. Instead, she will find herself 7,750 miles away from her home in Tennessee,
and separated from everyone she cares about–her family, friends, and her boyfriend. At the age of
twenty–two she will find herself as a single mother of fourteen young children and in permanent
residence in Uganda, a country marked by
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Uganda Research Paper
Uganda is a third world country, dealing with extreme poverty, it is a landlocked country located in
East Central Africa, west of Kenya and east of the democratic Republic of Congo. The absolute
location of Uganda is 1.0667◦N, 31.8833◦E. The climate conditions in Uganda is tropical, generally
wet, with two dry season December to February and June to August. Uganda is a under developed
country with land condition mostly of plateau with a rim of mountains.
Location of Uganda in the world. Map of Uganda
The history of Uganda goes back to about 500 BC, where it is recorded that Batu– speaking people
migrated to Uganda for its access to water. In the 14th century, Uganda was made up of three
kingdoms, Buganta, Bunyoro and Akole. ... Show more content on ...
Currently more than 23% of the population is malnourish and 28.3% of the population is under
height for their age. This is mainly due to the fact that 30% of the people live below the poverty line
therefore they do not have adequate access to food. The malnutrition and under height epidemic
could also be attributed to the AIDS epidemic which is destroying the people of Uganda.
While Uganda has a few lakes, it access to clean water is limited, 38% of the population of Uganda
still do not have access to safe water and 32 million don't have access to adequate sanitation in
Uganda. Without the access to safe water, Uganda's many farmers struggle to grow crops or earn a
living. The lack of clean water and safe sanitation trap people in regional parts of Uganda in poverty.
Over 8,000 children die every year from diarrhea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation in
Uganda. The reason for Uganda lack of safe water, is it under development of areas and
communities, with a poor plumbing structure for accessing clean water and disposing of waste.
Majority of the population of Uganda live in Thatched huts, made of mud walls and dry vegetation
roofing, in urban areas housing is made of bricks and corrugated iron. Many still live in
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A Hero In My M My Vision Of A Hero
"You're stronger than you think you are." This line, spoken by the well–known super hero batman,
shows the importance of going beyond what we know and using the extra strength we have. In the
movies we see people considered super heroes and from this, our view of a hero has been shaped to
believe you must have a power or special object everyone else does not have to be a hero. My vision
of a hero is someone who is selfless, someone who goes out of their way to help others and someone
who strives for the betterment of another's life. I believe that there are many heroes in this world and
becoming one occurs on accident. I will be telling you about my uncle Paul who is a hero in my
eyes and I will share his incredible story of how he accidentally became a hero. From this person I
have come to see that going out of the norm can have great benefits for you and anyone you help.
When my aunt and uncle got married, there next few years were completely out of the norm for that
time. The normal would have been to follow the "American Dream." This dream was simple,
graduate college, get married, get a job, buy a house, and start a family. This is a lifestyle that
domesticates you right away and forces the act of settling in.
The journey of my aunt and uncle does not even remotely follow the "American Dream." Paul and
his wife got married young after a few years of him working, trying out college, and exploring the
country. Because they both worked hard before marriage,
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Africa Is A Poor Third World Country
When people think of the content of Africa they envision what they see on TV or see on the internet.
They never get a chance to see true Africa because they 're brain washed by the media or what they
see in movies. Sure, Africa is a poor third world country but its people have of rich history and are
currently struggling to rebuild their image in the eyes of the world. You will be culture shocked and
witness some harsh encounter which are expected in this type of country, but the people are friendly
and ready to assist you in learning about their country. So, ignore what you've heard or seen on TV
and enjoy this country and all it offers, for this will be an experience you will never forget. Most of
all enjoy Uganda where you ... Show more content on ...
They acquired independence on October of 1962 when Britain signed treaty releasing them. It was
great being Independent but still they were not happy they wanted to be identified as a country with
a voice so on October of 1963 to become a republic. In being established as a republic they went on
to change their name The Republic of Uganda which give them a voice and let other countries they
overcome the obstacles in their way. Their independence also gave them the freedom they desired
since they would not have to answer to Britain anymore, which began in new chapter for this
If you were to look on the map of Africa and try to find Uganda, you might have trouble finding it
because it 's smaller in size when compared to surrounding countries. Uganda is like a little giant
when matched to some of the other countries surrounding it. Although, the country is small its
population is what makes it big. It was predicted that Uganda's population would reach 47 million
by the year 2025 which says a lot for a country its size. Now, if you ever visit a city in Uganda, like
the Kampala which is the capitol, you would see that the streets are congested with people and since
the cities are so congested scores of people are relocating to other countries where the streets are
less congested and jobs are available. The reason people are flocking to the cities is because it
increases their chances of getting a job so they can support their
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Uganda's Ips: A Legacy Of War
In Matthew Stein's, Uganda's IDPs a Legacy of War,
(–idps–a–legacy–of–war) the issue of
Joseph Kony's reign is brought to attention. The Lord's Resistance Army has been a continuous
threat to Uganda, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and the Central
African Republic (CAR) for the past several years. While attempted efforts of rebellion have been
taken place, their destruction has had a lasting negative impact. Measures have been taken to protect
the people in Uganda where the threats have been the greatest.
Uganda has one of the largest populations of children in the world. This is important to note not only
because innocent children are being abducted, but that
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Essay on Uganda Case
Module 2 assignment
1. Describe Ugandan cultural attributes that might affect the operations of a foreign company doing
business there.
Uganda is located in the center of Africa, having a population of 25 million people. The official
language is English, but many of the people speak Bantu or Nilotic languages. Two thirds of the
population is Christians, split about evenly between Roman Catholics and
Anglicans, with a large number of Muslims and other various animistic religions. Some cultural
attributes that could get in the way is the language. Having foreigners come into the country to work
can prove difficult in communication since not everyone speaks the same language.
Ugandans have different multiple ... Show more content on ...
72) and Geocentrism "which integrates company and host–country practices as well as some entirely
new ones."(Daniel & Radenbaugh, pg. 74) Geocentrism requires companies to balance informed
knowledge of their own organizational cultures with home and host. I would say that
Green is ethnocentric and Martin is polycentric. Green is ethnocentric due to the fact that he knows
his company is driven by the philosophy and values of founder and current CEO,
Lawrence Lovell. He is a devoted Christian and believes strongly that business activities should
embody Christian values. Green is concerned that Martins lifestyle is inconsistent with HG's culture.
He is also concerned that even though Martin's ways are normal and legal in Uganda, they are not
the practices of the U.S. based company and are considered unethical.. Green is also concerned with
the impact of Martin's handing out of tips will become public knowledge in the International World
and possibly the hiring of close relatives to the government could cause more extortion. Martin is
polycentric due to he has always been fascinated with Africa and its culture and studied this country
in college. Martin believes in not drawing attention to oneself and has learned to respect their
culture. He has always shown interest in working in Africa when he was hired and even when HG
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Trip To Uganda Research Paper
I am interested in traveling to Uganda because I believe that the trip will give me the opportunity to
learn, give, teach, grow, and look at the world in a completely different light. Being around those
who are less fortunate than I am will enable me to learn how different people live in different ways,
because here, in Vernon Hills, we take basic necessities for granted, like food, water, shelter, and
education. By exposing myself to a world without some of these things, I hope to learn no longer
take anything for granted. By giving them my time and exposing them to my education, I hope to
expand their horizons, as well as my own, and encourage them to be the best, brightest, and most
successful that they can be, despite the circumstances ... Show more content on ...
Ever since I took computer science honors over the summer and am in AP computer science now, I
have developed a liking in computer science and what can be done with it. I believe that this can
help us to the best of our advantage to try to help these people: I could make a website with stories,
pictures, and videos that could help convey to an audience about how impacting my trip was, and
with that, I could raise awareness and start a charity that would donate money to the people of
Africa, which they could utilize to buy basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter, and
possibly further their education. The website would be publicized through my social media
accounts, and also event programs, which brings me to my other idea. I am part of the computer
science club at school and am currently planning a coding event for younger children at our public
library, and if it goes well, we will have more events like that. I was thinking that we could could
have a charity fundraiser at this computer science event, where all the funds would go directly to our
sister school in Africa. Also at the event, I could have a slideshow and talk about my experiences so
that the people will know why they should donate and where specifically their donations will be
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Our prosecution team is charging the President of Uganda,...
Our prosecution team is charging the President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, with human rights
abuses, corruption and war crimes. The actions of Yoweri Museveni have had a vast negative effect
on Uganda and its neighboring nations. Countless numbers of Ugandans have already suffered under
Museveni's leadership. By the 1980's Museveni's government began to directly affect the population
by being unable to fund some of the basic utilities that are a necessity to the people of Uganda such
as roads, railways, and power plants. Uganda has the economic potential with its thriving
agriculture, however because of political instability, Uganda is the most destitute and least
developed African country. Museveni has not only been hurting Uganda's ... Show more content on ...
Policymic wrote an article where they bring light to the situation by saying "Uganda Veterans
Development Limited (UVDL) was involved in this scandal and procured employment where
women were raped, beaten, and tortured by their employers." (Chan). The service companies like
the UVDL are continuing to abuse their employees because Museveni has given them no fear of
repercussion from the Ugandan government. If human rights into Uganda is going to improve,
purging these companies from Uganda is going to need to be the first step. Uganda has also illegally
entered the Congo on the hunt for natural resources. Uganda invaded into the Congo and was
responsible for killing hundreds of people and the extraction of wealth and resources from the
Congo, and therefore, the Congolese people. Numerous human rights groups have noted that
Ugandan forces "have blatantly exploited Congolese wealth for their own benefit and that of their
superiors at home."(Nampewo). The conflict in Uganda has begun to spread to neighboring
countries, such as the Congo creating more conflict just to be able to economically support itself.
The more Museveni causes Uganda to suffer, the more he tries to take from. In the near future,
Uganda will be extremely unstable financially and politically. Several countries, such as Denmark,
Norway, and the Netherlands, have been imposing trade embargos with Uganda because of its
corruption, and other
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Lord's Resistance Army Essay
The Lord's Resistance Army is one of the longest running and most violent armed groups in Africa.
The US State Department reports that it has been active since 1986, it was formed in northern
Uganda to fight Uganda's government. It has a sordid and violent history including the forcible
recruitment of over 66,000 children for both sex slaves and child soldiers. The longevity and
continued activity of the Lord's Resistance Army can be attributed to its leader, Joseph Kony.
The Lord's Resistance Army was created due in part to the Holy Spirit Movement which was
founded in the 1980's to represent the Acholi people of northern Uganda. Kony founded the L.R.A
in order to combat Uganda's government headed by President Yoweri Museveni.
The Lord's Resistance Army has never been a popular movement, it has never had the support of the
citizenry in the countries in which it operates. Although it was created in Uganda, it has operated in
the Central African Republic, Southern Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The
supposed mandate of the L.R.A when it was conceived was to create a theocratic style state in
Uganda based on the 10 commandments of the Bible.
The armed status of the L.R.A has been reduced to an almost insignificant amount, the Guardian
reported after being chased across the Nile in 2005 the L.R.A has maybe around a few hundred
fighters. ... Show more content on ...
Kony to this day states that he is a medium of spirits and is able to communicate with them. A report
by Lt. Col. Richard W. Skow detailed the spiritual beliefs of the L.R.A and the elaborate methods
that Kony went through in order to maintain his aura of control and mysticism over his troops.
Reported Skow: "To start the possession Kony would dip his fingers into a clear glass of water.
Multiple spirits would pass through Kony in a single session. On average at least three spirits would
talk in a
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Uganda's Anti-gay Laws Essay
There has been an increase of gays all over the world in the last few generations. Some countries
have become accepting to it, but others are not having any of it and Uganda, a country in East
Africa, is one of them. Uganda has passed severe laws for an anti–gay country. Some laws as severe
as life in prison or death sentence. The U.S. should step in and act as an International police force
before things get too out of hand because nobody should be put to death or spend lifetime in prison
for being who they are. Uganda began to see gay rights as a problem. Yoweri Museveni, the
president of Uganda, is disgusted with the outbreak of homosexuality in his country and he wants
LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) extinguished. ... Show more content on
Without the involvement of the American Evangelicals things maybe could've been different. Roger
Ross Williams said, "The Anti–Homosexuality Bill would never have come about without the
involvement of the American Fundamental Evangelicals" (Walker 30). Ever since the Anti–
Homosexuality Bill was on the agenda, Ugandan LGBT have been "living in constant fear of
discovery and prosecution" ("Persecuted" 4). A man named David Kato was a gay living in Uganda.
He was beaten with a hammer and died because he was gay. He was also involved in a Rolling
Stones Magazine article. There was a picture of Kato and two other gay man with a banner on top
that said, "Hang Them," which was use as a statement to hang ALL the gays of Uganda. David Kato
believed there were two different ways to react to being gay. One way was to be as secretive about it
as possible. Or the other way was to be not ashamed of it. Kato was proud to be gay even though it
was risky, especially in the country of Uganda with all the new Anti–Homosexuality Bills. Kato
"televised a press conference to start the push for gay rights in his own country" ("Gay" 96). After
Kato had tried to push for gay rights he had been suffered beatings by police and people of Uganda
and has been arrested at least three times. Some Christian pastors that toured around Uganda's towns
said Kato "was a dog, a pig, possessed by the devils" ("Gay" 96). At
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Forgotten. Isolated. Alone. The people of Uganda live in constant fear of one man who has torn their
lives apart. Joseph Kony is the leader of a rebel group called the Lord's Resistance Army. The LRA
began in 1986 under the rule of Alice Lakwena and was called the Holy Spirit Movement. Lakwena
was an Acholi and claimed to be a mystic fighting for the rights of her people ("Kony, Joseph"). She
led a violent rebellion against the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and when she was exiled,
Joseph Kony took over her movement. Kony formed a new group, with Lakwena's followers, called
the Lord's Resistance Army (Johnson). His goal was to create a new government based on the Ten
Commandments and to purify the Acholi people. In order to achieve his ... Show more content on ...
It's as if we don't exist. The government says the LRA are no longer a problem, but I know that's not
true. I beg of you, please talk to others about what has happened to us," said an eighty year old chief
struck by grief after the LRA killed his son. The LRA has committed many atrocities throughout
their existence, but one in particular stands out among the rest. On December 14, 2009 the LRA
entered the Haut Uele district of the Makombo area in the Democratic Republic of Congo ready to
kill. Over the course of four days, they attacked ten villages, killing 321 civilians and abducting over
250 people. At least eighty of the people abducted were children. Those who died were mostly adult
men, and they were found tied to trees where they had been hacked to death by machetes. Those
who lived, were tied up in chains and forced to carry the LRA's pillaged goods as they marched off
to attack more villages. People who did not comply with the LRA, tried to run away, or walked to
slow, were killed. Families were separated and many people had to watch as their loved ones were
killed. The attack on Makombo was one of the largest massacres committed by the LRA, but it was
not the only attack. Dozens of attacks have been reported in villages near Bangadi and Ngilima and
many more have taken place at other locations ("Trail of
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Child Soldiers And Its Effects On Children
The former President of the Uganda People 's Congress, Olara Otunnu, viewed the extensive use of
child soldiers as "compelled to become instruments of war, to kill and be killed, child soldiers are
forced to give violent expression to the hatreds of adults," ("Olara Otunnu, Advocate for Children 's
Rights"). Otunnu elaborates how children are unable to show fear or any other emotion that defines
them as human, because they are forced to follow what their capturers tell them to do. Children in
armed conflicts are captured to be manipulated and brainwashed into doing inhumane actions and
are used as objects rather than being children. The most well–known country to adapt the idea of
child soldiers is Uganda in South Africa. Child soldiers are individuals under the age of eighteen
that are in armed forces and held captive as soldiers or any other useful jobs. Both boys and girls
play a role in the use of child soldiers, as girls are commonly used as sex slaves, while most boys are
used as soldiers. The use of child soldiers violates human rights, such as Article four, five, twelve
and twenty–five from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The violations of human rights
demonstrate how children are used as objects rather than human beings. Children are forced to
become soldiers or slaves and once captured, they have no right to defend themselves and escape.
A rebel group in Uganda, known as the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), currently convicts these
violations. This action
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Charles Martin in Uganda: What to Do When a Manager Goes...
In several countries, we're seeing mere evidence of the emergence of sub cultural power and
influence. Why? Basic factors include immigration and the rise of religious fundamentalism.
Equally important seems to be the growing desire among ethnic groups for independence from the
groups that dominate the nations in which they find themselves. In recent years, for example, the
cultural identity is effective in mobilizing people in defense of national identity. Typically, such
effects promote the "national culture" by reinforcing language and religion, subsidizing nationalistic
programs and activities, and propagandizing against foreign influences in the national culture.
James ... Show more content on ...
Thus to forestall adverse publicity and, more importantly, activity that could lead to costly work
stoppages, HG needed as many local allies as it could get. Getting (and keeping) them, was another
key facet of Martin's job. Martin, though still young by most standards, was well suited to the
Ugandan project. After high school, he entered the University of Wisconsin, where he became
fascinated with Africa through a course in its pre–colonial history. Graduating with a major in
African studies, he served with the Peace Corps in Kenya, where he worked with small business
start–ups and took side trips to Ethiopia and Tanzania. Although he loved working in Kenya, Martin
developed a disdain for the Western managers and workers who isolated themselves in expatriate
ghettos and congregated in the capitals first class hotels. His creed became "Don't draw attention to
yourself and, above all, learn and respect the culture." At the end of his Peace Corps stint, Martin
was determined to return to and work somewhere in Africa. After earning an M.B.A. at the
University of Maryland, he took a job with HG, where he worked for two years en project bidding
and budgeting. Both when he was hired and when HG became involved in the Ugandan project,
Martin made sure his superiors knew he wanted the African assignment.
A land–locked nation in East Africa, Uganda embraces a significant portion of Lake Victoria, the
largest lake on the
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Essay about Uganda
1. Historical background The country known as Uganda was once a British colony just like the
majority of its neighbors in East Africa. It was initially intruded into by the Arab traders led by
Speke and the British explorers led by Stanley in 1862 and 1875 respectively. They both paid
homage to Mutesa who was the King (kabaka) of the Buganda. Uganda remained predominantly
under the colony of the British until 1962 when they were granted internal self government by
Britain (History World, 2011).
Uganda is a country that covers 7,108 sq mi in area and a host of 33.3 million people found in East
Africa. It is bordered by Congo on the West, Kenya on the East, Tanzania and Rwanda on the south
and Sudan on the North. It ... Show more content on ...
Malaria is another disease that is predominant as well as the water borne diseases. Some of the most
emerging and re–emerging agents of the waterborne diseases are; Cholera which is caused by the
ingestion of water that is infected by Vibrio Cholerae. This is a painless form of diarrhea
characterized by watery stool. Dysentery which is caused by Escherichia Coli. Typhoid that is
caused by Salmonella typhi which is usually accompanied by fever is yet another disease.
Gastroenteritis diseases caused by Giardia and Cryptosporodia and some species of hepatitis are also
known to be caused by water (CDC, 2011). These disease causing agents find their way into the
human body through infected water that people from the poorer communities in Uganda use and
have no option of cleaner water. Some of the measures that the government has encouraged to help
curb the problem is boiling of water. This is the cheapest option since the government cannot afford
offering iodine tablets and the water filters. The Uganda Red Cross Society has also done its best
during every outbreak of cholera like the severe 2006 incidence where more than 300,000 people
within the capital city of Kampala were affected directly by the cholera pandemic (Disaster Relief
Emergency Fund, 2008). However, this is treatment and not a preventive measure. Even so, this
cheapest option
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Essay The Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda and South Sudan
Introduction In the African countries of Uganda and South Sudan, thousands of men, women and
children are being brutally murdered and mutilated in their own villages. Children are being
kidnapped by the thousands. Women are being brutally raped. Shockingly, the assailants in these
heinous crimes are children, armed under the leadership of a military madman named Joseph Kony.
Calling themselves the Lord's Resistance Army, they are considered one of the most vicious terrorist
groups in the world.
Beginning of the LRA The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) was originally founded in 1986 by Alice
Lakwena in northern Uganda under the name the Holy Spirit Movement Forces. Subsequently, the
group was taken over in 1987 by Joseph Kony after the ... Show more content on ...
State Department as a terrorist group since 2001. Likewise, the group's leader Joseph Kony has also
been listed as global terrorist by the State Department since 2008. Subsequently, the LRA was
officially listed as a terrorist organization by the African Union in 2011.
Kony Under the leadership of Joseph Kony, the LRA has become increasingly violent, often towards
the Acholi people, who they claim to protect. Kony uses scriptures taken from the Pentateuch to
convince his followers that they are doing the will of God by murdering and mutilating innocent
people. Moreover, while declaring he follows both Christianity and Islam, he also maintains that he
receives guidance from the spirits of the dead through black magic rituals. A warrant was issued for
Kony along with four of his commanders by the International Criminal Court in 2005, for crimes
against humanity and related war crimes. According to the U.S. State Department, two of the
commanders are assumed dead, while the whereabouts of Kony and the two others remain unknown.
Currently, the United States has offered a reward of five million dollars for information leading to
Kony's arrest and capture. In 2006, the government of Uganda arranged for peace talks with Kony
and the LRA. However, although Kony originally agreed to the negotiations, he repeatedly refused
to come out of hiding to sign the agreements. It has been reported that in 2007, he murdered his
second–in–command Vincent Otti during
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Conflict Between Northern Uganda And The Civil War Essay
When I think about conflict in Northern Uganda, I vividly recall the distant look and aloofness that
my childhood neighbor and friend, Grace, always donned. My primary school was entirely a
boarding school affair. We left the comfort of our parents' homes to move to an entirely new
community, living with other children my age, 7 years, sharing, caring and looking out for each
other. Yet, deep down, each of us had their untold story. Grace's story, which she told, piece by
piece, a little unsure whether she could trust me, was different. She talked about one of the biggest
and longest conflicts was in Northern Uganda, a civil war by the Lord's Resistance Army led by
Kony .They carried out widespread abduction, mutilation and kidnapping of children who became
child soldiers, sex slaves and child mothers. Some were civilians with fresh bullet wounds who had
been caught in a rebel ambush; others were land mine victims. Her mother was a nurse at Gulu
Regional Referral Hospital, so she spent most of her childhood at the medical quarters. Each time
the ambulance arrived at the hospital; local residents would rush to the hospital gate to observe in
sorrow as dying victims were rolled into the surgery ward. Watching this daily routine was the
beginning of her distrust in humanity and social withdrawal. I had no help to offer besides a
listening ear.
The more she talked about her ordeal, the more she opened up. There was always a glimmer of hope
in her eyes after telling her story.
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Lords Resistance Army and Conflict and Peace Building in...
For more than 25 years, an army of mostly child soldiers, some barely able to hold guns, led by a
man named Joseph Kony have been massacring and kidnapping civilians throughout Uganda. This
conflict has since spread out of Uganda to the north and west into other regions such as the
Democratic Republic of Congo and areas of southern Sudan. The conflict also affects other key
areas of central Africa as Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army has killed thousands and displacing
millions of Africa natives. Despite several attempts at meetings in addition to arrest warrants from
the International Criminal Court against Kony and his troops, Kony has refused to cooperate and
this war still rages on as one of the longest–running conflicts in African ... Show more content on ...
Museveni was a former member of the UPC, in the south. In 1985, a northern Acholi General Tito
Okello overthrew Milton Obote, hen second–term president and ethnic Langi,in a fight between
Acholi and Langi soldiers in Kampala, central Uganda. (S3 371) This again characterizes the power
struggle and conflict between two opposite actors once again over power. After the fight, the Acholi
retreated and regrouped in the north. After taking Kampala, Ugandans and Acholi's established Tito
Okello as the new President. Okello then was pressured by the people into entering negotiations
with southern rebel groups, namely the National Resistance Army (NRA) led by UPM leader Yoweri
Museveni. After a failed cease–fire and attempt to establish control over his troops, Milton Obote
was overthrown in early 1986 by Yoweri Museveni. (S3 371) Museveni's army, the National
Resistance Army (NRA) immediately began conducting revenge attacks and massacres against the
Acholi's, causing many to flee to Sudan. (S1 142) The attacks from Museveni, a southern Ugandan,
in mid–1986, forced many northern Ugandans to have heightened concern that Museveni's forces
would attempt possible retaliation against Obote during a time when an insurgency against
Museveni's army began in some of the traditional Acholi areas of northern Uganda. The retaliation
against Obote was believed to be against his brutality during his reign. (S2) Acholi
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Uganda Research Paper
Uganda has a diverse culture with extreme health and conflict obstacles that must be overcome in
order for the country to be successful in future endeavors. The capital of Uganda is Kampala, and
the country is located in East Africa along the equator. Uganda is bordered on the west by the
Congo, on the north by Sudan, on the south by Rwanda and Tanzania, and on the east by Kenya. The
national flag is made up of six stripes and a circle in the center with a bird inside of it. The stripes
are yellow, red, and black; each color represents a different aspect of Uganda. The yellow embodies
the sunshine, black signifies the people, and the red characterizes the brotherhood, symbolizing the
blood that connects the people. The bird in the ... Show more content on ...
(Esherick) Other trades of artistry include painting, wood carving, and batiks. To produce these
crafts, the craftsmen use local materials including wood, papyrus reeds, clay, and banana leaves.
Dancing is the most prevalent art form expressed in Uganda. The main dance displayed in Uganda is
the Kiganda, in which performers move their lower body to the beat of a drum. One version of this
dance is performed in honor of the Buganda King. The Tamenhalbunga is a dance done by the
Basoga tribe members to commemorate love and friendship. The Alur people residing along the
West Nile perform the traditional Agwal dance. (Habeeb) Dance is a major part of most ceremonies
and special occasions in Uganda. The Introduction or Giveaway Ceremony is a widespread tradition
for the people of Uganda. This ritual is held prior to the wedding and signifies the groom being
presented to the bride's father and in turn the father giving permission to give the bride to her groom.
(Kurian) The nationwide holidays in Uganda include National Heroes Day on June 9th, NRM Day
on January 26th, Labor Day on May 1st, and Independence Day on October 9th. NRM Day
celebrates the National Resistance Movement, which is the national political party of Uganda, and
Independence Day is dedicated to Uganda's freedom from Great Britain. (Harrison) Religion is an
influential part of daily life in Uganda. The majority of
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The Course of Political Development in Uganda and its...
The Course of Political Development in Uganda and its Effect on Economic Development
Development has recently become a new buzz word in international relations. Through an
exploration of political, social and economic development around the globe, scholars are trying to
understand which policies are most beneficial, and why certain policies are effective and why some
fail. The connection between different types of development is often an important part of this
research as well. The connection between political and economic development is of specific interest
since the end of the Cold War and the failure of most communist–based systems. The emergence of
capitalism as the dominant world economic system at the conclusion of the Cold ... Show more
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Political and economic development in Uganda based on these terms provides a strong case for the
relationship between the two. The lack of political development in Uganda since independence from
Britain in 1962 has hindered economic development and it was not until recent political stability that
Uganda has been able to experience any sort of economic development.
To understand the political development in Uganda, it is important to start shortly before 1962 to
examine the political atmosphere of independence. Under the colonial system, Uganda was a
protectorate, meaning that land rights of Africans were respected, despite the commonplace of
forced labor and high taxes. In 1961 Uganda was granted self–rule before gaining full independence
in 1962. With the granting of self–rule, three major political parties formed, the Uganda People's
Congress (UPC), the Democratic Party (DP) and the Kabaka Yekka (KY). The main platform of the
UPC was nationalist and the party strived to unite all Ugandans despite ethnic differences. The KY
was mainly an ethnic party consisting of the Baganda people who were the most favored under
British rule. An alliance between the UPC and KY gave them more collective strength than the DP
and increased the political power of Milton Obote.
At independence in 1962, Obote, of the UPC, was appointed Prime
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Informative Speech About Uganda

  • 1. Informative Speech About Uganda Uganda Hello fellow United Nations members, it is an honour to be here. While the MDG's can be considered a global success as they have enhanced the lives of many people within developing nations, it is still important to note that there are still glaring factors in developing countries that are holding them back. Therefore, it is important that we take note of these factors and try to work on them in order to improve the lives of everyone within these countries. A country that I strongly believe needs to be focused on is Uganda. Hence, in this speech, I will analyse the characteristics that have inhibited development in line with the United Nations MDG's and address the progress of Uganda. By the end of the speech, the recommended appropriate strategies to achieve the goals/improve on them will be provided. It is hypothesised that although corruption and Civil War have held Uganda back, social influences along with poverty has stopped Uganda from reaching all their goals. Uganda faces many problems that inhibit their development such as Civil War. As stated by Global Security "conflict and violence have plagued much of Uganda since independence" (Global Security, N.D). This is largely due to the Civil War and corruption the country faces daily. Civil War has played a long part in Uganda's history dating back to 1962 with 14 insurgencies occurring within the country since 1971. The Civil War dramatically worsened when Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord's resistance army (LRA) ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Kony's Killing In Uganda Essay Kony was a master at recruiting his soldiers and workers. To keep his people under his control, he would convince them that he is the Holy Spirit. That was one of his best tactics for recruitment. Also, in 2006, it was recorded that between the years of 1986–2005, Kony has abducted 66,000 children. The LRA does a crazy thing to spread fear into the eyes of civilians. They will hack away their ears, lips, hands and feet with michetties every time they strike a village. He also requires his slaves to kill their own parents so they have no one and nowhere to return if they ever escape. So in other words, they are forced to kill in this army no matter what and they will not be able to escape from the army because Kony gives them a "special potion" that tracks their every move. It is crazy to think that someone is so die hearted to do something so cruel like this. As stated before, Kony has many tactics for getting soldiers to work for him. One of the things he told his army ... Show more content on ... Many US citizens came up with a group called invisible children which basically uncovered the truths of what was really going on in Kony's army. At first, the US government didn't want to get involved because it didn't seem like it was a big enough issue. However, the US citizens did not give up on their fight to help Uganda. The Invisible Children and other people basically forced the US government to send help for them. Finally, on October 14th, 2011, President Barack Obama sent 100 troops to Africa to help try and stop Kony. Still today Kony is abducting children. We don't know when he will be caught and international support may be removed at any time. Just recently on October 11th, 2015, it was recorded that 12 LRA members ambushed 4 travelers. So it goes to show that the war is not over and Kony is still out there somewhere in Central ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Amin In Uganda Research Paper Idi Amin rose to power in 1971 through a violent military coup. Amin and his army successfully overthrew Uganda's former president Milton Obote with the foreign aid from both the British and Israeli Government. From the British Amin received aid through large amounts of money being sent to his personal bank account and from the Israelis he received arms. Amin's success at gaining and holding power was largely based on foreign assistance. "Amin's regime survived as long as it did in part because it always found one or another imperialist power to patronise it" (Fall of Idi Amin 1). Alone, Amin would never of had enough resources or internal support to retain power because of both external and internal resistance. This resistance came from the ... Show more content on ... The economic embargo that was instituted as well as the negative perception around Amin caused Uganda to fail economically and to have no foreign powers want to help because they did not want to be seen as supporting a cruel leader. Amin's brutal regime caused countries to look down at Uganda as a place that was uncivilized and that was not worth any ones time. Through all Amin's missteps and failures his inability to run a successful country without foreign support was his biggest weakness. He was not able to have good relations with countries either because of rash decisions which offended those countries or because of bad public image led to a country to weak to sustain itself. Amin's final attack on Tanzania was a failure and he was forced to leave Uganda and seek refuge in Saudi Arabia for the rest of his life. "In the span of eight years, Amin had devastated Uganda. The economy was in ruins, foreign trade had dried up, and the country had fallen into a state of lawlessness and brutality" (Idi Amin 1). The rule of Idi Amin was characterized by brutality and instability which caused foreign disputes eventually leading to his ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Uganda Research Paper UGANDA Uganda is a country located in Africa that is surrounded by Kenya and the Republic of Congo. Uganda's capital is Kampala and some other major cities would be Gulu, Lira, Mbarara, Jinja, Bwizibwera, Mbale, Mukono, Kasese and Masaka. The coordinates are 1 00 N, 32 00 E and the total area of Uganda is two hundred forty one thirty eight thousand. The land is one hundred ninety seven hundred thousand square kilometers and the water being forty three nine hundred thirty eight thousand square kilometers. When you are comparatively speaking about Uganda it is just slightly smaller than the state of Oregon. The population of Uganda is three forty–seven thousand fifty–eight hundred. There is one thousand four hundred Gross Domestic Product per capita. The life expectancy for males is fifty–three years old and the female lives to about fifty–five. The currency is equal to about two thousand six hundred four and six cents in the United States of America. The literacy rate for males is seventy–seven percent and the females are fifty–eight percent. At first Uganda was controlled by the British and was called Baganda and was ruled by a king. The British East Africa Company claimed the territory in 1888. The British did not have as much control as they liked and this led to fighting amongst the different religious groups. Then a little later the British broadened the power they had and established Uganda as a protectorate. A treaty between "Baganda" and the British that ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Lango and Akoli People of Uganda Essay UGANDA. Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa. Uganda's capital city is Kampala. Uganda is bordered on the east by Kenya, on the north by South Sudan, on the west by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and on south by Tanzania. The official language is English and Luganda is a central language, which is widely spoken across the country, and multiple other languages are also spoken including Swahili. Uganda's Natural Resources are copper, cobalt , hydropower , limestone , salt and gold . The current president of Uganda is Yoweri Kaguta Museveni . THE LANGO PEOPLE . The langi people live in the Northern Central Uganda .The langi tribe symbol is a rhino .They speak Lutuka language .The lango are the agro– pastoralists ... Show more content on ... Idi amin ordered all the langi and acholi soilders to surrender thier weapons because the langi and the Acholi supported Milton Obote and also that Milton was a langi and he killed all the Acholi soilders because he saw threat in his rule .Idi Amin had all strong and most of the langi and Acholi soldiers arrested and killed not only that but he also killed the highly educated and wise people from the langi and Acholi tribe . Idi Amin had several thousands of people murdered and had thier dead bodies thrown in the Lakes and Rivers of Uganda . However , it didnt stop ,Milton Obote and Idi Amin created so much chaos and caused economic decline and human right violence to the country .In addition , Idi Amin expelled all Asians out of Uganda with thin one week . Amin arrested all the people that complained about him and those people were arrested , taken into the fields and have them slaughtered . On July 1971, the langi and the Acholi soldiers were murdered in the jinja and mbarara barracks , some 5,000 Acholi and Langi soldiers dissappered and some civilaians throught Idi Amins Army . Amin had establised three three units :southern sudan , Nubains and members of his own tribe , kakwa and these regions established all teror all over Uganda and the this was to show that "Any opposition would be met by death ." Idi Amin established a secret police to torture thousands of people before having them killed violently with ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Child Soldiers In Uganda Child Soldiers in Uganda Americans often take for granted the various liberties afforded to citizens of this country. In America some believe they are oppressed, and while no society is perfect, the excellent conditions in this country do not even compare to that of many other countries worldwide. Citizens of this wonderful country will never fully understand how fortunate they are unless they change their perspective and educate themselves about the realities of those in other countries, like Uganda for example. Children in Uganda endure an extreme amount of physical and mental suffering every day. The use of child soldiers in Uganda is one of the greatest examples of oppression of children to date; the actions that have been taken by the Ugandan government, United Nations, European Union, and the United States have done little to solve the issue, therefore government reforms and the defeat of LRA leader Joseph Conley would be of benefit to Uganda and contribute to solving the issue of child soldiers in their country. The use of child soldiers in Uganda is a result of the war that began in 1986 between the Lord's Resistance Army, a group of rebels, and the Ugandan government. First, the leader of the LRA decided to utilize children to fight the war; "Kony used ever more brutal methods to avoid defeat by Museveni's army. He kidnapped children to act as slaves and trained them to fight" (History: The Lord's...). The Lord's Resistance Army, or the LRA, began to lose support ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Essay about Primary Education in Uganda Primary Education in Uganda – A Policy Analysis Over the past five years, Uganda's education system has proved both effective and successful. Although in the process of further development, it has nonetheless served as a model for many developing African countries. The Ugandan government, with President Yoweri Museveni at its forefront, has determined primary education to be one of the major channels toward poverty eradication and as a vital resource for economic and social development. The Ugandan government has made a national commitment to eradicate illiteracy and educate its citizens through the 1997 initiative, Universal Primary Education (UPE). All levels of government, the private sector, grass– root organizations, local and ... Show more content on ... As a consequence, policy was adopted that would better Uganda's financial position, which led to an emphasis of secondary and higher education in order to fill the demand for "high–level" manpower. (Bell, p. 4) The emphasis soon changed as it was realized by the Commission of Education in Uganda in 1965 that the content and structure of primary school education should also be geared toward meeting the economic needs of the country. P. Beghin wrote in Recent Trends in Primary Education Policy in Uganda, Tanzania, Ghana, "primary education is no longer regarded as a mere preparation to secondary and higher education. Primary school is, in the view of the Syllabus, a terminal education for a part of the pupils, which at present is actually the majority of them." (1968, pg. 6) From this time, documented Ugandan education policy on issues such as instructional language, examinations, and scientific literacy was expanded and reformed to include primary education. During the political turmoil of the 1970s and 1980s when leadership changed hands, the education system suffered, yet functionally operated by relying on local and regional–based administrators and nation–wide standardization. (Upenn Sas) As the political situation settled in Uganda, education became the new hot topic and was regarded as an issue of international development. President Yoweri Museveni and the National Resistance Movement Government, initiated a review of education policy and ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Amazima Ministries People are suffering all around the world and are desperate for the help of those who can provide it. We as Americans can't even begin to comprehend the problems that people of Uganda experience in their daily lives. The struggles that they face derive from the fact that "51% of the Ugandan population lives on less than $1 a day" (Katie Davis Speaks). Many of the people in Uganda are uneducated and therefore unable to obtain jobs, resulting in a massive unemployment rate in Uganda. Without a job, it's nearly impossible for them to get the money they need to support themselves, much less an entire family. Most do not have easy access to some of the most basic necessities, such as food, water, and shelter. With poor living conditions and health ... Show more content on ... She decided to give up the life she had in the United States to travel to Uganda, only relying on funds from her family and friends back home to help support her and her efforts. This eventually led to the development of Amazima Ministries, whose "mission was to provide food, medical care, education, and work to those in need in Uganda" (Katie Davis Speaks). Today, Davis's ministry provides for nearly 1,600 children, some who would not even be alive today without it. One of the first children Davis's ministry provided for was a young girl named Agnes, only nine when Davis found her. Her parents had both died from HIV, and she was left to care for her two younger sisters. She had no money and little access to food and water. Davis took Agnes under her wing and gave her the care that she so desperately needed. Agnes and her sisters are now healthy, and Agnes is a caregiver for Amazima (Davis 154). Amazima has had a huge impact on a multitude of children, and Agnes's story is a reflection of that impact. The ministry has had the ability to completely turn children's lives around, providing them with opportunities that they have only ever dreamed about. Davis, now twenty–one, is a mom to thirteen young Ugandan girls who do not have families that can support or provide for them. Davis admits she could never have imagined this was where her journey in Uganda would lead her, but she has kept the mindset that "one [child] is enough" (Davis 204). She did everything she could to help every child that crossed her path, regardless of the circumstances. This mindset is what has driven Amazima Ministries to become what it is now and what will continue to drive it to become something even greater in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. A Brief Note On Uganda And Uganda Are Neighbours Introduction: Kenya and Uganda are neighbours. They are all within East Africa together with Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan. Even though they are within the same region; their development status in agriculture, industrialization, democracy, health, and education economies differ greatly. Discussion: Uganda: Uganda has considerably natural resources. These include fertile soils, regular rainfall, small deposits of copper, gold, and other minerals, and recently they discovered oil. Agriculture seems to be the most important sector of the economy, employing almost one third of the work force within the nation. Coffee also accounts for the major export revenues. The economy in Uganda is dominated by agriculture and some small industrial sector that depends on imported inputs. The overall production is hindered by constrains in supply. These include underinvestment in an agricultural sector that continues to rely on the limited and basic technology. Industrial developments and growth are delayed or hindered by high costs which are caused by poor facilities, low levels of private investments, and the depreciation of the Ugandan shilling. Since the year 1986, the Ugandan government with the help of foreign donors and agencies – has been on the pathway to rehabilitate and stabilize their economic growth by undertaking currency reforms. The Ugandan government has also raised the production prices on exportation of crops, increasing prices on petroleum products and trying ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Nile Perch : What Does It Look Like? Nile Perch What does it look like? : Where is it from? : – This creature has originated from the Congo River, and any other surrounding fresh water reserves. It was also known to be a special site, if you were passing by the Ethiopian region, Eastern Africa. How did they enter the place? : – It is unclear why the Nile perch entered Lake Victoria, but there are some local theories. The local people around Lake Victoria were saying that the fish was purposely put into the lake, by the government. This was said because the fish inside the lake were growing too rapidly and the government wanted to get rid of the over populating fish. What is it doing to the environment? : – The ... Show more content on ... – Last but not least, the Nile Perch also caused a lot of deforestation in the habitat around it. You might be wondering what a water creature has to do with deforestation. Well, this is because a lot of wood is required to soak the Nile Perch. Since there were a lot of these fish at the lake, it was the most common meal, for the local people. In order to prepare this fish properly you need large amounts of wood. These led to massive amounts of vegetation loss, and this also harmed the biodiversity of the ecosystem. What is being done to prevent further destruction? : – Firstly, the local people of Uganda are trying to over fish in this particular species, and that too mostly the females. This is because the females give birth to the off springs, and if they are all gone, there will be no more off springs, lowering the amount of fish. – The local people think that the fish its self are also trying to wipe themselves out. This might seem weird, but the truth is that these fish are cannibals. All the older fish, eat the young fish which wipes out an entire generation of fish. The Small Asian Mongoose What does it look like?
  • 38. Where is it from? – The Small Asian mongoose can be found in India where they originate from. However the mongoose has been able to spread and can be found on the southern mainland of Asia between Iraq and China as well as the island of Java Been. The mongoose is able to spread and ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Year Of No Rain Quotes In the book Year of No Rain by Alice Mead, Stephen and Wol have different points of view on how they feel about their education.On Page 50 Wol states, " I don't know, maybe we should go to Kenya. Where is Kenya? You tell us Stephen. You got a hundred in geography." From this quote I am inferring that Wol is not very confident in himself and his education. But, on page 41 Stephen says " Wait a minute. I want to take my pencil with me. Where did it go? Naiomi help me look. Please?" In this quote I am visualizing Stephen being frantic and speaking in a panicking tone. I can grab from this quote that Stephen, unlike Wol, is passionate and feels confident in his future because of the education he currently has. In the midway chapters of the book A Year of no Rain by Alice Mead, Wol changes the way he feel s towards Naomi. On page 19 he said, " Stephen, do you think Naiomi likes me?" This clearly makes Wol sound like he is "in love" with her. Then, when Naomi goes missing he is more focused on whether or not she is alive. On page 47 and 48 there is an argument between Wolf and stephen. Wol said, " Your mother should have let naiomi come with us. They kidnap girls, I heard." Now, he is more grown up. The event of death, stabbing, and torture are now in play and he has realized his world is no longer happy and perfect. He has now realized that loving Naomi is not the ... Show more content on ... Many kids in south sudan struggle daily in a hard labor intense day. This book has very emotional content that makes us think that we all have a much better life then a lot of the world, so we should never take things for granted. The book has young kids living in constant struggle to find a meal and shelter. We must not take daily things for granted like school, a pencil, and even water. So, never take simple things for granted because you never know what other kids are struggling ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Uganda Research Paper I would like to tell you about Uganda. Uganda is country that seem real cool to visit if you going on a vacation. Uganda have a lot of animals but I only picked a couple such as, lions, elephants and more I only choose those to talk about for now. The population of Uganda is big they have 41.49 million people who live there. Uganda have mountains such as Rwenzori and lakes such as victoria that's why you should visit Uganda one day. Uganda is a landlocked country in East Africa. It is bordered to the east by Kenya, to the north by South Sudan, to the west by the Democratic Republic of The Congo. The Congo to the south west by Rwanda and to the south by Tanzania. The southern part of the country includes a substantial portion of lake victoria, shared with Kenya and Tanzania. Uganda is in the Africa great lakes region. ... Show more content on ... Elephants in Uganda are 5,000 in populated elephants population cover more slowly than any other animals. Some birds survive more than other birds. There are various assumptions made in estimating survival rates of understory Birds. You can find buffalo in the forest areas, live in large areas of Savannah, Uganda and smaller herds in the forest, female Buffalo kick out the male Buffalo. Economy of Uganda has great potential, and it appeared poised for rapid Economic growth and development. Economic management since self–rule has produce a record of persisent economic decline. That has left Uganda among the worlds poorest and least developed countries. Uganda has been receiving foreign assistance. Uganda economy grew at an average of 6.7% during the period 1990–2015. Modern day problems in Uganda is Ugandans are completely reliant on natural resources to survive. Uganda forests provides fuel – wood. Uganda loses about 6,000 hectares of forest every 30 days. 28 districts have lost their entire forest ecosystem while another 19 districts have forest ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. The Non Citizen Asian Population Of Uganda Imagine being given only 90 days to pick up your life and leave a place you call home. The Non– Citizen Asian population of Uganda was given only three months, ninety days to be precise, to leave the country. Later Asians who were Ugandan citizens were also expelled. Idi Amin's reasoning for expelling 60,000 Asians from Uganda is still unclear. There are many theories put forth, but they remain mere speculation. As a result of Idi Amin's erratic behavior, jingoism, and ruthlessness, Uganda's economic ultimately suffered to this day from this act. In 1971, President Idi Amin demanded a review of Uganda's Asian community citizenship. In August of 1972, he decreed that all Punjab Asians residing in Uganda must leave. The deadline to leave ... Show more content on ... Eventually, this resulted in the Asians dominating the entire economy in post–colonial Uganda; ultimately creating tensions with the Africans. They had always been the target of resentment in Uganda; once Amin came into power, he acted upon this tension. Many erratic announcements in the span of a few days targeted various groups. The first proclaimed, "All Asians holding Indian, Pakistan, and Bangladesh passports must leave." Few took this announcement seriously until Amin signed the decreed. Many were astonished by this and did not want to believe it. This is because when Amin came to power, he made the working conditions better and many of the Asians who were in the business industry. Another announcement followed, adding, "All non–citizen Asians, even those holding Kenyan, and Tanzanian passports must leave. Again, many could not believe what was occurring. These announcements were life shattering, especially when it was apparent to both the Africans and Asian that Amin was serious. Next, came an announcement exempting professional Asians from explosion, this was received with trepidation. This last announcement drove a wedge between the Professional and non–professional Asian communities. The professionals opted to leave voluntarily. Yet another announcement proclaimed that no matter Asian persuasion one claimed, he or she had to leave. All the back and forth announcements added to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Charles Martin in Uganda Case Study Charles Martin in Uganda Charles Martin, a 29–year–old American who had worked for Hydro Generation (HG) for 2 years before embarking on the Ugandan damn project. Martins' educational experience, a degree in African Studies from the University of Wisconsin as well as a MBA from the University of Maryland coupled with his experience working through the Peace Corps made Martin uniquely qualified to work for HG in their new venture in Africa, a hydro–electric damn in Uganda. During Martins tenure in Uganda , his assignments were to, gain support from local authorities, set up offices and insure the smooth operation of the office, overseeing operations including hiring, keeping inventory and keeping accounting records as well as logistical ... Show more content on ... Although successful Martin did take risks when utilizing a polycentric approach to his work, at any point his participation in various activities such as tribal rituals could have back fired due to increased pressure from an unstable government and corrupt officials talking advantage of their increased leverage to exact higher and higher prices for continued cooperation. These problems coupled with the possibility of certain actions being illegal in HGs home country directly conflicts with corporate policy. Despite these increased perils, if Martin had not undertaken this approach to business in Uganda increased delays, would certainly have occurred, local collaboration would have been decreased, expensed would have been increased due to either longer wait periods or the eventual abandonment of the project due to lack of progress. In the next phase of the project running the power plant–should HG employ someone whose main function is that of a liaison between its corporate culture and the culture of its host country? If so, is Martin the right person for the job? In the next phase of this project, the running of the power plant HG should employ someone whose main function is to be a liaison between the corporate culture and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. Uganda In The 1960's The Republic of Uganda has gone through an economical transformation after its independence from Britain in 1962. Although independence brought change, Uganda struggles as it tries to find its place on the long list of countries with a successful economy. The everyday life of Uganda show its centuries old traditions and history. Culture is much like a log cabin, individual logs put together make the cabin complete. The individual pieces alone are important but when they are together, they create something unique. The individual details in culture include the languages spoken, the daily customs, the multiple religions, the type of government, social classes if existent, history of the country, and geographical location. While each ... Show more content on ... Before their independence from the British in 1962, the Ugandan Army trained to higher standards than practiced today. The Ugandan Army earned international admiration during World War I and World War II. The decline in standards came amid political and economical struggles during the 1960's. After Uganda gained its independence, the military took another turn for the worst. The morale in all military forces plummeted because British officers retained most command positions. In 1986 the countries leader vowed to improve the education standards for military recruits, improve the standards of discipline, and override regional loyalties that slowed the pace of military improvement. By 1990, there was very little progress made towards those goals. The most recent notable accomplishment of the military was in 2012 when they were able to capture Caesar Acellam, a top military leader in the Lord's Resistance Army. The notable Joseph Kony belongs to the Lord's Resistance Army. The recruitment process is very similar to that of the United States. The Ugandan military has always been an all–volunteer force, both before and after their independence. In the recent years, women have been able to enlist, but not hold positions of command. The minimum age for enlistment is seventeen and the maximum age allowed is twenty–five. All military recruits must have an education level equivalent to that of a seventh grader. During the 1970's, there was a brief period where enlistment became mandatory along with the educational requirement suspended. The contractual requirement is either five or nine years, although this is normally ignored allowing service members to get out early. According to Flood, "After independence, life for the common soldier became desperate, and increasingly so in the 1970's and 1980's". (213) Soldiers in today's Ugandan Army sometimes rely on theft, bribery, and extortion ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The reaction to this tremendously huge request is... The reaction to this tremendously huge request is two–fold. First, they are poor in light of the way that they are subject to one or a more stupendous measure of the variables delineated underneath, a robust part of them in a component where one variable prompts, or blends, a substitute. poverty in these extremes is gigantically inciting to oneself – it is an unending circle, or trap. Because the state has no money, it can't provide for its nationals key medicinal administrations, guideline, hotel, and security, which further confines their ability to climb above subsistence living to start associations, win wages, extra, help, and pay charges. The cycle then repeats, for periods and times. Most of the countries in which the poorest ... Show more content on ... This is discriminating to review when examining the ampleness of instruments planned to empower advancement around the poorest billion. It is extraordinarily troublesome to say with any conviction what is a purpose behind poverty, what is a result, and what is a spreading, animating or jumbling variable. Topography is occasionally an arresting subject of any issue or territory examined in the World Savvy Monitor, and there is some truth to the adage that geography is decision ahead of time. Ldcs are often genuinely haggled by their territory in an expansive number of ways. Many are seen in brutal environments portrayed by low quality soil and clashing precipitation (which causes dry seasons and surges), and defenselessness to tropical diseases and bugs. This routines green potential is obliged. Without clearing watering framework, sustenance era is needing and people and creatures encounter the sick impacts of awfulness and starvation. Lack of clean water sickens and homicides; gatherings are crushed by trademark disasters; young and old fall prey to diseases, for instance, wilderness fever; continuing segregating budgetary belonging, for instance, goats and bovines alive is a test. Subsistence living is wonderfully troublesome, and store stores and hypothesis are ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. African Region-Uganda Essay examples Africa, being the second largest continent in the world, has a total population of about 700 million people. The main trading ports go through South Africa making it the powerhouse of the region (Africa–An Overview). Africa has a very diverse climate and there are a total of three different climate regions. Madagascar is home of the tropical rain forest climate, and have a year full of hot weather and heavy rain fall because they are the closest to the equator. The northern and southern regions of Africa are referred to as the tropical savanna climate with high temperatures and moderate rain fall. The outskirts of the north and south have a Mediterranean climate with rain fall in the fall. Africa has a low crop production according to ... Show more content on ... This country consists of many different languages, such as Swahili, being the official language, English, and Luganda. Uganda is located in East Africa and connected to Kenya, Sudan, Congo, Rwanda, and Tanzania (Charity Navigator). It is about 236,000 square kilometers in size and consists of 3 major groups of people: the Batwa, the Benet, and the Karamojong. Uganda can be a mountainous country making is cold in some areas. There are a variety of different weather conditions throughout the country. The temperature in most areas stays between 70 and 77 degrees because of its closeness to the equator. Heavy rains come across the country between the months of March and May and October and November (Columbus Travel Media). The Ugandan economy has developed greatly since the 1980s when they declared power as a country. These upgrades have been because of their new adopted policies and even though war has destroyed a lot they have succeed in redeveloping (US Department of State). Farming is the most important part of the economy in Uganda with over 80 percent of the people employed by farmers. Coffee is Uganda's main export and is the source of their incomes. Cotton, tea, tobacco, and sugar are also significant cash crops for Uganda (Africa: Uganda). They make most of their money from exports and these different crops are their most valuable ones. Although Uganda has these imports cash ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Landlocked Country Of Bolivia Bolivia is a landlocked country consisting of a large number of indigenous people. It is the most isolated nation in the South America. The country achieved its independence from the Spanish in 1825.Bolivia has natural gas reserves which have caused tensions due to their overexploitation and exportation. It is one of the largest cocoa producers in the world ("Bolivia country profile – BBC News", 2017). Many Bolivian farmers depend on coca as their source of income. Coca is a raw material used in the production of cocaine. The country has faced various problems that have affected the economy of the country such as illegal drug production, high rates of poverty and social unrest. President Evo Morales won the elections held in 2005 under the Movement Toward Socialism who was later re–elected in 2009 and 2014 ("Bolivia country profile – BBC News", 2017). Uganda Uganda is a lack locked country that gained its independence from Britain in 1962. It is located in east–central Africa, west of Kenya and east of the democratic republic of Congo and is headed by the President Yoweri Museveni ("The World Factbook – Central Intelligence Agency", 2017). The country has encountered several challenges such as the military coup and brutal military dictatorship. The country is highly praised for its fight against HIV/AIDS. However, it is also well known for its strict stance against the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community (LGBT) ("The World Factbook – Central Intelligence ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. To What Extent Were The Social Policies Of The Idi Amin... To what extent were the social policies of the Idi Amin administration a detrimental response to Uganda's colonial past? This is the question that this essay endeavors to answer as it scrutinizes the social policies issued by Idi Amin Dada's administration throughout his eight year long reign over Uganda. This essay will analyze the events of Idi Amin's rule from 1971 to 1979 as a response to the decade prior to Uganda's independence in 1962 and the interim period between them from 1962 to 1971. It is made apparent that Idi Amin's response to the issues within his society were by in large fueled by the lingering distaste he had for the effects that British involvement in Ugandan affairs had left on the nation. The British introduced ... Show more content on ... These origins stemmed from the late 19th century to the early 20th century when the British first began to colonize Uganda with the help of Asians but didn't intensify until the fifties when classism and racism became a growing issue. These concerns would grow potentially destructive in the sixties when Britain worked alongside Idi Amin to overthrow Milton Obote and then a reality in the 70's when these issues were addressed with severity. Links between Idi Amin's ruthless social policies and Uganda's colonial past became apparently negative which posed the query, to what extent were these social policies a detrimental response? The focus of this piece is to illustrate the extent to which Idi Amin's social policies, issued in varying degree from 1971 to 1979, served as an overwhelmingly detrimental and negative response to a time when Britain ceased greater control and influence over Uganda. It is noteworthy because it provides an answer and origin to a nation that endured a dictatorship with a lack of ethical and substantial social reform for nearly a decade. Instead a subservient military overtook the Ugandan parliament in an attempt to force a self– interested agenda upon its diverse population. The question to investigate then becomes, "to what extent were the social policies of the Idi Amin administration a detrimental response to Uganda's colonial past?" Asian Expulsion of 1972: In August 1972, self–appointed life president ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The National Bird Of Uganda Uganda is in east–central Africa. Its capital is Kampala. The flag of Uganda is very different from ours in America but the flag consists of six equal horizontal strips, black, yellow, red repeating from the top to bottom. At the center is a white circle that has a crested crane which is the national bird of Uganda. They even have a anthem which goes like this, "O Uganda! May God Uphold Thee". Some important holidays in Uganda are New Year's Day, Labor Day, Independence Day, Christmas Day, Boxing Day, Easter Day, and more. It's very short and simple if you ask me. But any who, their currency is Ugandan Shilling which is $776.68 Uganda shilling equivalent to $1 U.S dollar. Uganda has a total are of 236,040 sq km where some parts are inland ... Show more content on ... They also have dances in Uganda which are important parts to ceremonies and special occasions. They have different people that make up different dances, so the creativity of the dances is great to see in different traditions. The most popular, recognizable dance would be the Kiganda, where the performers move only their lower bodies to the drum beat. The dance is a pretty trick dance but many people catch on and turns it into whatever they would like to make it. The dance has many different faces but the known one is performed for the Baganda King. The dances tie into the religion of the people who live in Uganda. Over four–fifths of Ugandans are Christians, either Protestant or Catholic. They are strong in their faith and traditional beliefs. Other than praying to God, Christians and Muslims, people also consult a local oracle/healer. Around 10% are Muslims, a legacy of the Arab traders who traveled to Uganda in the 19th century. Many Ugandans prayed and praised if they need food or clothes. Uganda is a presidential republic which means that whoever is president of Uganda is head of state and head of government. The head of government (President) is HE Mr Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. He controls what happens and what rules are enforced. He does not control the people's every move but he does monitor just like any government would. There is a constitution as well that provides for a unitary republic and the President appoints a cabinet as ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. Short Story : A Large Flowing Black Gown In a large flowing black gown embellished with ornaments of her accomplishments, the young girl walks up to the center of the stage. Standing in the middle of the large auditorium, she embraces the firm handshake in front of her as she is given a document that would grant her access to the next phase of her life. Turning toward the applauding crowd, she sees her friends, loved ones, and boyfriend smiling and cheering in approval. Upon exiting the spotlight, she makes her way back to her seat among her peers and examines the diploma in her hand. Glancing at the text on the page, she fantasizes about what the future holds for her. She sees herself independent from her parents, living with one of her best friends in a beautifully decorated dorm room in the college she has always dreamed of attending. Growing into a successful young woman and achieving the life she had always envisioned for herself, she would claim her spot in the nursing program and marry her boyfriend. Together they would buy their own house and begin a family. Katie Davis had always thought this was the course her life would take. However, she soon comes to realize that God has a different plan for her. Instead, she will find herself 7,750 miles away from her home in Tennessee, and separated from everyone she cares about–her family, friends, and her boyfriend. At the age of twenty–two she will find herself as a single mother of fourteen young children and in permanent residence in Uganda, a country marked by ... Get more on ...
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  • 86. Uganda Research Paper Description Uganda is a third world country, dealing with extreme poverty, it is a landlocked country located in East Central Africa, west of Kenya and east of the democratic Republic of Congo. The absolute location of Uganda is 1.0667◦N, 31.8833◦E. The climate conditions in Uganda is tropical, generally wet, with two dry season December to February and June to August. Uganda is a under developed country with land condition mostly of plateau with a rim of mountains. Location of Uganda in the world. Map of Uganda History The history of Uganda goes back to about 500 BC, where it is recorded that Batu– speaking people migrated to Uganda for its access to water. In the 14th century, Uganda was made up of three kingdoms, Buganta, Bunyoro and Akole. ... Show more content on ... Currently more than 23% of the population is malnourish and 28.3% of the population is under height for their age. This is mainly due to the fact that 30% of the people live below the poverty line therefore they do not have adequate access to food. The malnutrition and under height epidemic could also be attributed to the AIDS epidemic which is destroying the people of Uganda. Water While Uganda has a few lakes, it access to clean water is limited, 38% of the population of Uganda still do not have access to safe water and 32 million don't have access to adequate sanitation in Uganda. Without the access to safe water, Uganda's many farmers struggle to grow crops or earn a living. The lack of clean water and safe sanitation trap people in regional parts of Uganda in poverty. Over 8,000 children die every year from diarrhea caused by unsafe water and poor sanitation in Uganda. The reason for Uganda lack of safe water, is it under development of areas and communities, with a poor plumbing structure for accessing clean water and disposing of waste. Shelter Majority of the population of Uganda live in Thatched huts, made of mud walls and dry vegetation roofing, in urban areas housing is made of bricks and corrugated iron. Many still live in ... Get more on ...
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  • 90. A Hero In My M My Vision Of A Hero "You're stronger than you think you are." This line, spoken by the well–known super hero batman, shows the importance of going beyond what we know and using the extra strength we have. In the movies we see people considered super heroes and from this, our view of a hero has been shaped to believe you must have a power or special object everyone else does not have to be a hero. My vision of a hero is someone who is selfless, someone who goes out of their way to help others and someone who strives for the betterment of another's life. I believe that there are many heroes in this world and becoming one occurs on accident. I will be telling you about my uncle Paul who is a hero in my eyes and I will share his incredible story of how he accidentally became a hero. From this person I have come to see that going out of the norm can have great benefits for you and anyone you help. When my aunt and uncle got married, there next few years were completely out of the norm for that time. The normal would have been to follow the "American Dream." This dream was simple, graduate college, get married, get a job, buy a house, and start a family. This is a lifestyle that domesticates you right away and forces the act of settling in. The journey of my aunt and uncle does not even remotely follow the "American Dream." Paul and his wife got married young after a few years of him working, trying out college, and exploring the country. Because they both worked hard before marriage, ... Get more on ...
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  • 94. Africa Is A Poor Third World Country INTRODUCTION When people think of the content of Africa they envision what they see on TV or see on the internet. They never get a chance to see true Africa because they 're brain washed by the media or what they see in movies. Sure, Africa is a poor third world country but its people have of rich history and are currently struggling to rebuild their image in the eyes of the world. You will be culture shocked and witness some harsh encounter which are expected in this type of country, but the people are friendly and ready to assist you in learning about their country. So, ignore what you've heard or seen on TV and enjoy this country and all it offers, for this will be an experience you will never forget. Most of all enjoy Uganda where you ... Show more content on ... They acquired independence on October of 1962 when Britain signed treaty releasing them. It was great being Independent but still they were not happy they wanted to be identified as a country with a voice so on October of 1963 to become a republic. In being established as a republic they went on to change their name The Republic of Uganda which give them a voice and let other countries they overcome the obstacles in their way. Their independence also gave them the freedom they desired since they would not have to answer to Britain anymore, which began in new chapter for this country. SIZE If you were to look on the map of Africa and try to find Uganda, you might have trouble finding it because it 's smaller in size when compared to surrounding countries. Uganda is like a little giant when matched to some of the other countries surrounding it. Although, the country is small its population is what makes it big. It was predicted that Uganda's population would reach 47 million by the year 2025 which says a lot for a country its size. Now, if you ever visit a city in Uganda, like the Kampala which is the capitol, you would see that the streets are congested with people and since the cities are so congested scores of people are relocating to other countries where the streets are less congested and jobs are available. The reason people are flocking to the cities is because it increases their chances of getting a job so they can support their ... Get more on ...
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  • 98. Uganda's Ips: A Legacy Of War In Matthew Stein's, Uganda's IDPs a Legacy of War, (–idps–a–legacy–of–war) the issue of Joseph Kony's reign is brought to attention. The Lord's Resistance Army has been a continuous threat to Uganda, South Sudan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and the Central African Republic (CAR) for the past several years. While attempted efforts of rebellion have been taken place, their destruction has had a lasting negative impact. Measures have been taken to protect the people in Uganda where the threats have been the greatest. Uganda has one of the largest populations of children in the world. This is important to note not only because innocent children are being abducted, but that ... Get more on ...
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  • 102. Essay on Uganda Case Module 2 assignment 1. Describe Ugandan cultural attributes that might affect the operations of a foreign company doing business there. Uganda is located in the center of Africa, having a population of 25 million people. The official language is English, but many of the people speak Bantu or Nilotic languages. Two thirds of the population is Christians, split about evenly between Roman Catholics and Anglicans, with a large number of Muslims and other various animistic religions. Some cultural attributes that could get in the way is the language. Having foreigners come into the country to work can prove difficult in communication since not everyone speaks the same language. Ugandans have different multiple ... Show more content on ... 72) and Geocentrism "which integrates company and host–country practices as well as some entirely new ones."(Daniel & Radenbaugh, pg. 74) Geocentrism requires companies to balance informed knowledge of their own organizational cultures with home and host. I would say that Green is ethnocentric and Martin is polycentric. Green is ethnocentric due to the fact that he knows his company is driven by the philosophy and values of founder and current CEO, Lawrence Lovell. He is a devoted Christian and believes strongly that business activities should embody Christian values. Green is concerned that Martins lifestyle is inconsistent with HG's culture. He is also concerned that even though Martin's ways are normal and legal in Uganda, they are not the practices of the U.S. based company and are considered unethical.. Green is also concerned with the impact of Martin's handing out of tips will become public knowledge in the International World and possibly the hiring of close relatives to the government could cause more extortion. Martin is polycentric due to he has always been fascinated with Africa and its culture and studied this country in college. Martin believes in not drawing attention to oneself and has learned to respect their culture. He has always shown interest in working in Africa when he was hired and even when HG ... Get more on ...
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  • 106. Trip To Uganda Research Paper I am interested in traveling to Uganda because I believe that the trip will give me the opportunity to learn, give, teach, grow, and look at the world in a completely different light. Being around those who are less fortunate than I am will enable me to learn how different people live in different ways, because here, in Vernon Hills, we take basic necessities for granted, like food, water, shelter, and education. By exposing myself to a world without some of these things, I hope to learn no longer take anything for granted. By giving them my time and exposing them to my education, I hope to expand their horizons, as well as my own, and encourage them to be the best, brightest, and most successful that they can be, despite the circumstances ... Show more content on ... Ever since I took computer science honors over the summer and am in AP computer science now, I have developed a liking in computer science and what can be done with it. I believe that this can help us to the best of our advantage to try to help these people: I could make a website with stories, pictures, and videos that could help convey to an audience about how impacting my trip was, and with that, I could raise awareness and start a charity that would donate money to the people of Africa, which they could utilize to buy basic necessities such as food, water, and shelter, and possibly further their education. The website would be publicized through my social media accounts, and also event programs, which brings me to my other idea. I am part of the computer science club at school and am currently planning a coding event for younger children at our public library, and if it goes well, we will have more events like that. I was thinking that we could could have a charity fundraiser at this computer science event, where all the funds would go directly to our sister school in Africa. Also at the event, I could have a slideshow and talk about my experiences so that the people will know why they should donate and where specifically their donations will be ... Get more on ...
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  • 110. Our prosecution team is charging the President of Uganda,... Our prosecution team is charging the President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, with human rights abuses, corruption and war crimes. The actions of Yoweri Museveni have had a vast negative effect on Uganda and its neighboring nations. Countless numbers of Ugandans have already suffered under Museveni's leadership. By the 1980's Museveni's government began to directly affect the population by being unable to fund some of the basic utilities that are a necessity to the people of Uganda such as roads, railways, and power plants. Uganda has the economic potential with its thriving agriculture, however because of political instability, Uganda is the most destitute and least developed African country. Museveni has not only been hurting Uganda's ... Show more content on ... Policymic wrote an article where they bring light to the situation by saying "Uganda Veterans Development Limited (UVDL) was involved in this scandal and procured employment where women were raped, beaten, and tortured by their employers." (Chan). The service companies like the UVDL are continuing to abuse their employees because Museveni has given them no fear of repercussion from the Ugandan government. If human rights into Uganda is going to improve, purging these companies from Uganda is going to need to be the first step. Uganda has also illegally entered the Congo on the hunt for natural resources. Uganda invaded into the Congo and was responsible for killing hundreds of people and the extraction of wealth and resources from the Congo, and therefore, the Congolese people. Numerous human rights groups have noted that Ugandan forces "have blatantly exploited Congolese wealth for their own benefit and that of their superiors at home."(Nampewo). The conflict in Uganda has begun to spread to neighboring countries, such as the Congo creating more conflict just to be able to economically support itself. The more Museveni causes Uganda to suffer, the more he tries to take from. In the near future, Uganda will be extremely unstable financially and politically. Several countries, such as Denmark, Norway, and the Netherlands, have been imposing trade embargos with Uganda because of its corruption, and other ... Get more on ...
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  • 114. Lord's Resistance Army Essay The Lord's Resistance Army is one of the longest running and most violent armed groups in Africa. The US State Department reports that it has been active since 1986, it was formed in northern Uganda to fight Uganda's government. It has a sordid and violent history including the forcible recruitment of over 66,000 children for both sex slaves and child soldiers. The longevity and continued activity of the Lord's Resistance Army can be attributed to its leader, Joseph Kony. The Lord's Resistance Army was created due in part to the Holy Spirit Movement which was founded in the 1980's to represent the Acholi people of northern Uganda. Kony founded the L.R.A in order to combat Uganda's government headed by President Yoweri Museveni. The Lord's Resistance Army has never been a popular movement, it has never had the support of the citizenry in the countries in which it operates. Although it was created in Uganda, it has operated in the Central African Republic, Southern Sudan, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The supposed mandate of the L.R.A when it was conceived was to create a theocratic style state in Uganda based on the 10 commandments of the Bible. The armed status of the L.R.A has been reduced to an almost insignificant amount, the Guardian reported after being chased across the Nile in 2005 the L.R.A has maybe around a few hundred fighters. ... Show more content on ... Kony to this day states that he is a medium of spirits and is able to communicate with them. A report by Lt. Col. Richard W. Skow detailed the spiritual beliefs of the L.R.A and the elaborate methods that Kony went through in order to maintain his aura of control and mysticism over his troops. Reported Skow: "To start the possession Kony would dip his fingers into a clear glass of water. Multiple spirits would pass through Kony in a single session. On average at least three spirits would talk in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 118. Uganda's Anti-gay Laws Essay There has been an increase of gays all over the world in the last few generations. Some countries have become accepting to it, but others are not having any of it and Uganda, a country in East Africa, is one of them. Uganda has passed severe laws for an anti–gay country. Some laws as severe as life in prison or death sentence. The U.S. should step in and act as an International police force before things get too out of hand because nobody should be put to death or spend lifetime in prison for being who they are. Uganda began to see gay rights as a problem. Yoweri Museveni, the president of Uganda, is disgusted with the outbreak of homosexuality in his country and he wants LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) extinguished. ... Show more content on ... Without the involvement of the American Evangelicals things maybe could've been different. Roger Ross Williams said, "The Anti–Homosexuality Bill would never have come about without the involvement of the American Fundamental Evangelicals" (Walker 30). Ever since the Anti– Homosexuality Bill was on the agenda, Ugandan LGBT have been "living in constant fear of discovery and prosecution" ("Persecuted" 4). A man named David Kato was a gay living in Uganda. He was beaten with a hammer and died because he was gay. He was also involved in a Rolling Stones Magazine article. There was a picture of Kato and two other gay man with a banner on top that said, "Hang Them," which was use as a statement to hang ALL the gays of Uganda. David Kato believed there were two different ways to react to being gay. One way was to be as secretive about it as possible. Or the other way was to be not ashamed of it. Kato was proud to be gay even though it was risky, especially in the country of Uganda with all the new Anti–Homosexuality Bills. Kato "televised a press conference to start the push for gay rights in his own country" ("Gay" 96). After Kato had tried to push for gay rights he had been suffered beatings by police and people of Uganda and has been arrested at least three times. Some Christian pastors that toured around Uganda's towns said Kato "was a dog, a pig, possessed by the devils" ("Gay" 96). At ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. Uganda Forgotten. Isolated. Alone. The people of Uganda live in constant fear of one man who has torn their lives apart. Joseph Kony is the leader of a rebel group called the Lord's Resistance Army. The LRA began in 1986 under the rule of Alice Lakwena and was called the Holy Spirit Movement. Lakwena was an Acholi and claimed to be a mystic fighting for the rights of her people ("Kony, Joseph"). She led a violent rebellion against the Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni and when she was exiled, Joseph Kony took over her movement. Kony formed a new group, with Lakwena's followers, called the Lord's Resistance Army (Johnson). His goal was to create a new government based on the Ten Commandments and to purify the Acholi people. In order to achieve his ... Show more content on ... It's as if we don't exist. The government says the LRA are no longer a problem, but I know that's not true. I beg of you, please talk to others about what has happened to us," said an eighty year old chief struck by grief after the LRA killed his son. The LRA has committed many atrocities throughout their existence, but one in particular stands out among the rest. On December 14, 2009 the LRA entered the Haut Uele district of the Makombo area in the Democratic Republic of Congo ready to kill. Over the course of four days, they attacked ten villages, killing 321 civilians and abducting over 250 people. At least eighty of the people abducted were children. Those who died were mostly adult men, and they were found tied to trees where they had been hacked to death by machetes. Those who lived, were tied up in chains and forced to carry the LRA's pillaged goods as they marched off to attack more villages. People who did not comply with the LRA, tried to run away, or walked to slow, were killed. Families were separated and many people had to watch as their loved ones were killed. The attack on Makombo was one of the largest massacres committed by the LRA, but it was not the only attack. Dozens of attacks have been reported in villages near Bangadi and Ngilima and many more have taken place at other locations ("Trail of ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Child Soldiers And Its Effects On Children The former President of the Uganda People 's Congress, Olara Otunnu, viewed the extensive use of child soldiers as "compelled to become instruments of war, to kill and be killed, child soldiers are forced to give violent expression to the hatreds of adults," ("Olara Otunnu, Advocate for Children 's Rights"). Otunnu elaborates how children are unable to show fear or any other emotion that defines them as human, because they are forced to follow what their capturers tell them to do. Children in armed conflicts are captured to be manipulated and brainwashed into doing inhumane actions and are used as objects rather than being children. The most well–known country to adapt the idea of child soldiers is Uganda in South Africa. Child soldiers are individuals under the age of eighteen that are in armed forces and held captive as soldiers or any other useful jobs. Both boys and girls play a role in the use of child soldiers, as girls are commonly used as sex slaves, while most boys are used as soldiers. The use of child soldiers violates human rights, such as Article four, five, twelve and twenty–five from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The violations of human rights demonstrate how children are used as objects rather than human beings. Children are forced to become soldiers or slaves and once captured, they have no right to defend themselves and escape. A rebel group in Uganda, known as the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), currently convicts these violations. This action ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. Charles Martin in Uganda: What to Do When a Manager Goes... In several countries, we're seeing mere evidence of the emergence of sub cultural power and influence. Why? Basic factors include immigration and the rise of religious fundamentalism. Equally important seems to be the growing desire among ethnic groups for independence from the groups that dominate the nations in which they find themselves. In recent years, for example, the cultural identity is effective in mobilizing people in defense of national identity. Typically, such effects promote the "national culture" by reinforcing language and religion, subsidizing nationalistic programs and activities, and propagandizing against foreign influences in the national culture. CHARLES MARTIN IN UGANDA: WHAT TO DO WHEN A MANAGER GOES NATIVE James ... Show more content on ... Thus to forestall adverse publicity and, more importantly, activity that could lead to costly work stoppages, HG needed as many local allies as it could get. Getting (and keeping) them, was another key facet of Martin's job. Martin, though still young by most standards, was well suited to the Ugandan project. After high school, he entered the University of Wisconsin, where he became fascinated with Africa through a course in its pre–colonial history. Graduating with a major in African studies, he served with the Peace Corps in Kenya, where he worked with small business start–ups and took side trips to Ethiopia and Tanzania. Although he loved working in Kenya, Martin developed a disdain for the Western managers and workers who isolated themselves in expatriate ghettos and congregated in the capitals first class hotels. His creed became "Don't draw attention to yourself and, above all, learn and respect the culture." At the end of his Peace Corps stint, Martin was determined to return to and work somewhere in Africa. After earning an M.B.A. at the University of Maryland, he took a job with HG, where he worked for two years en project bidding and budgeting. Both when he was hired and when HG became involved in the Ugandan project, Martin made sure his superiors knew he wanted the African assignment. A land–locked nation in East Africa, Uganda embraces a significant portion of Lake Victoria, the largest lake on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Essay about Uganda Uganda 1. Historical background The country known as Uganda was once a British colony just like the majority of its neighbors in East Africa. It was initially intruded into by the Arab traders led by Speke and the British explorers led by Stanley in 1862 and 1875 respectively. They both paid homage to Mutesa who was the King (kabaka) of the Buganda. Uganda remained predominantly under the colony of the British until 1962 when they were granted internal self government by Britain (History World, 2011). Uganda is a country that covers 7,108 sq mi in area and a host of 33.3 million people found in East Africa. It is bordered by Congo on the West, Kenya on the East, Tanzania and Rwanda on the south and Sudan on the North. It ... Show more content on ... Malaria is another disease that is predominant as well as the water borne diseases. Some of the most emerging and re–emerging agents of the waterborne diseases are; Cholera which is caused by the ingestion of water that is infected by Vibrio Cholerae. This is a painless form of diarrhea characterized by watery stool. Dysentery which is caused by Escherichia Coli. Typhoid that is caused by Salmonella typhi which is usually accompanied by fever is yet another disease. Gastroenteritis diseases caused by Giardia and Cryptosporodia and some species of hepatitis are also known to be caused by water (CDC, 2011). These disease causing agents find their way into the human body through infected water that people from the poorer communities in Uganda use and have no option of cleaner water. Some of the measures that the government has encouraged to help curb the problem is boiling of water. This is the cheapest option since the government cannot afford offering iodine tablets and the water filters. The Uganda Red Cross Society has also done its best during every outbreak of cholera like the severe 2006 incidence where more than 300,000 people within the capital city of Kampala were affected directly by the cholera pandemic (Disaster Relief Emergency Fund, 2008). However, this is treatment and not a preventive measure. Even so, this cheapest option ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Essay The Lord’s Resistance Army in Uganda and South Sudan Introduction In the African countries of Uganda and South Sudan, thousands of men, women and children are being brutally murdered and mutilated in their own villages. Children are being kidnapped by the thousands. Women are being brutally raped. Shockingly, the assailants in these heinous crimes are children, armed under the leadership of a military madman named Joseph Kony. Calling themselves the Lord's Resistance Army, they are considered one of the most vicious terrorist groups in the world. Beginning of the LRA The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) was originally founded in 1986 by Alice Lakwena in northern Uganda under the name the Holy Spirit Movement Forces. Subsequently, the group was taken over in 1987 by Joseph Kony after the ... Show more content on ... State Department as a terrorist group since 2001. Likewise, the group's leader Joseph Kony has also been listed as global terrorist by the State Department since 2008. Subsequently, the LRA was officially listed as a terrorist organization by the African Union in 2011. Kony Under the leadership of Joseph Kony, the LRA has become increasingly violent, often towards the Acholi people, who they claim to protect. Kony uses scriptures taken from the Pentateuch to convince his followers that they are doing the will of God by murdering and mutilating innocent people. Moreover, while declaring he follows both Christianity and Islam, he also maintains that he receives guidance from the spirits of the dead through black magic rituals. A warrant was issued for Kony along with four of his commanders by the International Criminal Court in 2005, for crimes against humanity and related war crimes. According to the U.S. State Department, two of the commanders are assumed dead, while the whereabouts of Kony and the two others remain unknown. Currently, the United States has offered a reward of five million dollars for information leading to Kony's arrest and capture. In 2006, the government of Uganda arranged for peace talks with Kony and the LRA. However, although Kony originally agreed to the negotiations, he repeatedly refused to come out of hiding to sign the agreements. It has been reported that in 2007, he murdered his second–in–command Vincent Otti during ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Conflict Between Northern Uganda And The Civil War Essay When I think about conflict in Northern Uganda, I vividly recall the distant look and aloofness that my childhood neighbor and friend, Grace, always donned. My primary school was entirely a boarding school affair. We left the comfort of our parents' homes to move to an entirely new community, living with other children my age, 7 years, sharing, caring and looking out for each other. Yet, deep down, each of us had their untold story. Grace's story, which she told, piece by piece, a little unsure whether she could trust me, was different. She talked about one of the biggest and longest conflicts was in Northern Uganda, a civil war by the Lord's Resistance Army led by Kony .They carried out widespread abduction, mutilation and kidnapping of children who became child soldiers, sex slaves and child mothers. Some were civilians with fresh bullet wounds who had been caught in a rebel ambush; others were land mine victims. Her mother was a nurse at Gulu Regional Referral Hospital, so she spent most of her childhood at the medical quarters. Each time the ambulance arrived at the hospital; local residents would rush to the hospital gate to observe in sorrow as dying victims were rolled into the surgery ward. Watching this daily routine was the beginning of her distrust in humanity and social withdrawal. I had no help to offer besides a listening ear. The more she talked about her ordeal, the more she opened up. There was always a glimmer of hope in her eyes after telling her story. ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Lords Resistance Army and Conflict and Peace Building in... For more than 25 years, an army of mostly child soldiers, some barely able to hold guns, led by a man named Joseph Kony have been massacring and kidnapping civilians throughout Uganda. This conflict has since spread out of Uganda to the north and west into other regions such as the Democratic Republic of Congo and areas of southern Sudan. The conflict also affects other key areas of central Africa as Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army has killed thousands and displacing millions of Africa natives. Despite several attempts at meetings in addition to arrest warrants from the International Criminal Court against Kony and his troops, Kony has refused to cooperate and this war still rages on as one of the longest–running conflicts in African ... Show more content on ... Museveni was a former member of the UPC, in the south. In 1985, a northern Acholi General Tito Okello overthrew Milton Obote, hen second–term president and ethnic Langi,in a fight between Acholi and Langi soldiers in Kampala, central Uganda. (S3 371) This again characterizes the power struggle and conflict between two opposite actors once again over power. After the fight, the Acholi retreated and regrouped in the north. After taking Kampala, Ugandans and Acholi's established Tito Okello as the new President. Okello then was pressured by the people into entering negotiations with southern rebel groups, namely the National Resistance Army (NRA) led by UPM leader Yoweri Museveni. After a failed cease–fire and attempt to establish control over his troops, Milton Obote was overthrown in early 1986 by Yoweri Museveni. (S3 371) Museveni's army, the National Resistance Army (NRA) immediately began conducting revenge attacks and massacres against the Acholi's, causing many to flee to Sudan. (S1 142) The attacks from Museveni, a southern Ugandan, in mid–1986, forced many northern Ugandans to have heightened concern that Museveni's forces would attempt possible retaliation against Obote during a time when an insurgency against Museveni's army began in some of the traditional Acholi areas of northern Uganda. The retaliation against Obote was believed to be against his brutality during his reign. (S2) Acholi ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Uganda Research Paper Uganda has a diverse culture with extreme health and conflict obstacles that must be overcome in order for the country to be successful in future endeavors. The capital of Uganda is Kampala, and the country is located in East Africa along the equator. Uganda is bordered on the west by the Congo, on the north by Sudan, on the south by Rwanda and Tanzania, and on the east by Kenya. The national flag is made up of six stripes and a circle in the center with a bird inside of it. The stripes are yellow, red, and black; each color represents a different aspect of Uganda. The yellow embodies the sunshine, black signifies the people, and the red characterizes the brotherhood, symbolizing the blood that connects the people. The bird in the ... Show more content on ... (Esherick) Other trades of artistry include painting, wood carving, and batiks. To produce these crafts, the craftsmen use local materials including wood, papyrus reeds, clay, and banana leaves. Dancing is the most prevalent art form expressed in Uganda. The main dance displayed in Uganda is the Kiganda, in which performers move their lower body to the beat of a drum. One version of this dance is performed in honor of the Buganda King. The Tamenhalbunga is a dance done by the Basoga tribe members to commemorate love and friendship. The Alur people residing along the West Nile perform the traditional Agwal dance. (Habeeb) Dance is a major part of most ceremonies and special occasions in Uganda. The Introduction or Giveaway Ceremony is a widespread tradition for the people of Uganda. This ritual is held prior to the wedding and signifies the groom being presented to the bride's father and in turn the father giving permission to give the bride to her groom. (Kurian) The nationwide holidays in Uganda include National Heroes Day on June 9th, NRM Day on January 26th, Labor Day on May 1st, and Independence Day on October 9th. NRM Day celebrates the National Resistance Movement, which is the national political party of Uganda, and Independence Day is dedicated to Uganda's freedom from Great Britain. (Harrison) Religion is an influential part of daily life in Uganda. The majority of ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. The Course of Political Development in Uganda and its... The Course of Political Development in Uganda and its Effect on Economic Development Development has recently become a new buzz word in international relations. Through an exploration of political, social and economic development around the globe, scholars are trying to understand which policies are most beneficial, and why certain policies are effective and why some fail. The connection between different types of development is often an important part of this research as well. The connection between political and economic development is of specific interest since the end of the Cold War and the failure of most communist–based systems. The emergence of capitalism as the dominant world economic system at the conclusion of the Cold ... Show more content on ... Political and economic development in Uganda based on these terms provides a strong case for the relationship between the two. The lack of political development in Uganda since independence from Britain in 1962 has hindered economic development and it was not until recent political stability that Uganda has been able to experience any sort of economic development. To understand the political development in Uganda, it is important to start shortly before 1962 to examine the political atmosphere of independence. Under the colonial system, Uganda was a protectorate, meaning that land rights of Africans were respected, despite the commonplace of forced labor and high taxes. In 1961 Uganda was granted self–rule before gaining full independence in 1962. With the granting of self–rule, three major political parties formed, the Uganda People's Congress (UPC), the Democratic Party (DP) and the Kabaka Yekka (KY). The main platform of the UPC was nationalist and the party strived to unite all Ugandans despite ethnic differences. The KY was mainly an ethnic party consisting of the Baganda people who were the most favored under British rule. An alliance between the UPC and KY gave them more collective strength than the DP and increased the political power of Milton Obote. At independence in 1962, Obote, of the UPC, was appointed Prime ... Get more on ...