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Business Continuity Plan as a Part of Risk Management
STRESZCZENIE .........................................................4 ABSTRACT ..................................................................6 INTRODUCTION
........................................................7 CHAPTER 1
RISK MANAGEMENT ............................................................8
1.1 The Definition of Risk ............................................................... 8 1.2 Risk in Business Activity......................................................... 10
1.2.1 Types of Risk ..................................................................................... 10 1.2.2 Methods of Risk Evaluation...............................................................
11 Quantitative Risk ... Show more content on ...
RozdziaЕ‚ pierwszy zawiera ogГіlne wprowadzenie do zagadnienia zarzД…dzania ryzykiem. Przedstawia on definicjД™ ryzyka w sensie, w jakim
jest ono rozumiane w niniejszej pracy. Ponadto, znajduje siД™ w nim opis wielorakich zagroЕњeЕ„, ktГіre sД… zwiД…zane z funkcjonowaniem
przedsiД™biorstwa, a takЕњe lista metod sЕ‚uЕњД…cych do pomiaru ryzyka oraz opis przykЕ‚adowych postaw, jakie sД… przybierane wobec
zagroЕњeЕ„. W rozdziale drugim zaprezentowano pojД™cie ZarzД…dzania CiД…gЕ‚oЕ›ciД…
Funkcjonowania PrzedsiД™biorstwa. Znajduje siД™ tu charakterystyka ewolucji tego zagadnienia oraz wyjaЕ›nienie, dlaczego Plan CiД…gЕ‚oЕ›ci
PrzedsiД™biorstwa jest dokumentem o ogromnym znaczeniu dla firmy i jej interesariuszy. Ponadto, w rozdziale tym poddano dyskusji pewne szeroko
rozpowszechnione mity dotyczД…ce ZarzД…dzania CiД…gЕ‚oЕ›ciД… Fukncjonowania
PrzedsiД™biorstwa. Ta czД™Е›Д‡ pracy koЕ„czy siД™ opisem Analizy WpЕ‚ywu na Przedsiebiorstwo jako gЕ‚Гіwnego narzedzia, ktГіrym
posЕ‚uguje siД™ opisywany typ zarzД…dzania. W rozdziale trzecim przedstawiono rezultaty dokonanej przez autorkД™ analizy rГіЕњnych PlanГіw
CiД…gЕ‚oЕ›ci Funkcjonowania PrzedsiД™biorstwa i ich szablonГіw. To studium byЕ‚o podstawД… do zaprezentowania przykЕ‚adowej struktury
Planu oraz opisu najczД™Е›ciej spotykanych w nim bЕ‚Д™dГіw. Ostatni rozdziaЕ‚ zawiera
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Looking for Richard Transcript
Looking For Richard Script – Dialogue Transcript Voila! Finally, the Looking For Richard script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Al
Pacino movie about the making of Richard III. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of
Looking For Richard. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel
free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest. Swing on back to Drew's Script–O–Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts! Looking
For Richard Script Our revels now are ended. These our actors, as I foretold you... ... were all spirits and are melted into air... ... into thin... Show more
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– Yeah. We'd heard stuff from the Bible... ...but my first time as a kid, I was hearing... ...great words having great meaning. What brings us to
Montreal? To Paris? To London? What takes us into dungeons, to parapets...– To Japan next. – To Japan, maybe, is a quest. It has always been a dream
of mine... ... to communicate how I feel about Shakespeare to other people. So I asked my friend Frederic Kimball, who is an actor and a writer... ...
and also our colleagues Michael Hadge... ... and James Bulleit, to join me. And by taking this one play, Richard III... ... analyzing it, approaching it from
different angles... ... putting on costumes, playing out scenes... ... we could communicate both our passiГіn for it... ... our understanding that we've
come to... ... and in doing that... ... communicate a Shakespeare that is about how we feel... ... and how we think today. That's the effort we're gonna
give it here. We've done Richard three times. Twice. You did it at the Studio, we've done it in Boston and on Broadway. At least, the head start is that
I've done it. You've done it.– But the problem, Frederic... The audience hasn't done it. – They haven't done it. – It's a difficult play. If someone were to
ask you about Richard III... ...what would you remember about it? To be honest, I really don't remember that much, if anything at all. Did you know
that Richard III had a deformed arm and a deformed
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Walker And Foer
Walker and Foer present grief is a normal, natural and inevitable response to loss and can affect thoughts, feelings, behaviours, beliefs and relationships
with others. Grief is also, what unites us as humanity, giving us reason to reach out of ourselves and help others find their own peace. The theme ofgrief
can be seen throughout the texts, The Colour Purple by Alice Walker and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. A variety of
literary devices to explore the confusion of grief, the emphasis of grief, the characters' inability to handle grief and the character's interpretation of
their own grief. Foer and Walker both offer the reader a chance to navigate the complexities of the characters' grief through a variety of... Show more
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Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close employs an array of tones, as Foer alternates between dual narrators. Oskar's inquisitive, intellectual, naГЇve
characterisation contributes to the prevailing grieving tone. This is specifically evidenced through Foer's diction, hyperbole, and presentation of
Oskar's actions. Contrarily, the grandfather's tone is distinctly remorseful, to justify his prior actions. Similarly, the grandmother's tone is explanative
and emotional. Each varying tone illustrates the notion that there is not distinctly effectively way to handle grief. The tone of the book is ultimately
cathartic. Contrarily, Walker's confessional, and uninhibited tone is effectively shown through Celie's private letters to God. Walker uses the novel's
letter–writing form to emphasize the grief that controls her characters. Celie writes letters to God, and Nettie writes letters to Celie. This evidences the
strength these sister's gain through letter writing, however their recovery is initiated only by their responses. Letter writing hence enables
self–expression and confession, although requires a willing audience. Celie's first stage of grief is depicted through directing her feelings of
sadness on herself and blaming herself based on her insecurities about her looks. Throughout the novel, the appearance of brighter colours indicates
the liberation various characters experience. Walker uses colour to symbolise renewals and rebirths. When Kate takes Celie shopping for a new
dress, the only colour options are dreary ones: brown, maroon, and dark blue; symbolising her deep stage of grieving. Later, Celie and Sofia use
bright yellow fabric from Shug's dress to make a quilt showing how Celie has coped with her grief. When Celie describes her religious awakening,
she marvels how she never noticed the wonders that God has made, such as "the colour
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The Role Of Marketing And Management Of Csr Projects Essay
Relevant Work Experience
Business Support Assistant 2009 – Present
Interconnector (UK) LtdEA responsibilities: Arranging travel, accommodation and itineraries; producing documents, briefing papers, reports and
presentations; organising and maintaining diaries, board papers; scheduling meetings and booking conferences.
Marketing and social media: Supporting the marketing strategy for the business through researching channels to market, competitors, growth areas, and
social media opportunities; updating the company website.
Events management: Design and implementation of internal, client and CSR events; managing the events budget, and ensuring health and safety
obligations are adhered to.
CSR: Development and management of CSR projects to engage colleagues with community issues, improve team performance and promote leadership.
Ad hoc research and quantitative data analysis.
Acting records manager and system coordinator: Storing, indexing and classifying records; management of retention and disposal schedules, and
ensuring compliance with legislation.
Accounts support.
Customer services and client relations: Communicating courteously with customers and vendors by telephone, email, letter and in person.
Project management: Experience in planning, researching and managing resources to achieve goals and meet specific success criteria.
Examples of projects at and related to Interconnector (UK) Ltd
Marketing, Social Media, and Internal Social
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Tale of Two Cities
s Tale of Two Cities– Study Guide Questions 2008 Use these over the course of your reading. They are very helpful if you use them!! Book I:
"Recalled to Life" Book I, Chapter 1: "The Period" 1. What is the chronological setting of this opening chapter? What clues enable us to determine
"The Period"? 2. How does Dickens indicate the severity of social conditions in both France and England? 3. Who is the "king with a large jaw and
a queen with a plain face"? 4. How does Dickens satirize the superstitious nature of the English? 5. What oblique reference does Dickens make to the
American Revolution? 6. How in this chapter does Dickens reveal his advocating social reforms, as well as his hatred of social... Show more content on ...
Book I, Chapter 6: "The Shoemaker" 1. How do we know that nothing really misses the eyes and ears of Madame Defarge? 2. Why did Dr. Manette
give his name as "One Hundred and Five, North Tower" (p. 44)? 3. Why is Manette's voice "pitiable and dreadful"? 4. Where apparently does
Manette believe himself to be? 5. What connection between Lucy and his own past does Dr. Manette make? 6. How does Defarge's part in getting
Mr. Lorry and the Manettes out of Paris indicate his knowledge of the workings of the acienne regime? 7. How is the conclusion of the first book both
pathetic and comic? Book II: "The Golden Thread" (For Discussion) Since there are twenty–four chapters in this section of the novel, we cannot study
these in the same detail as we did the highly–significant, first six expository chapters. Please continue to read the notes in the back of the book, such
as that on Temple Bar (p. 452). In "The Golden Thread," which opens in London five years after Dr. Manette's escape from France, Dickens satirizes
English justice (which Temple Bar indicates was not nearly so enlightened as Dickens's Middle Class readers liked to imagine), lawyers, and courts of
law, all of which Dickens knew from his father's imprisonment for debt in 1824 at Marshalsea (notoriously depicted in Little Dorrit, 1855–7), from his
own employment at the age of 15 as a lawyer's clerk, and from his stint as a shorthand reporter in the Courts of Doctors (of Law) Commons.
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Bansky Research Paper
Europe brags the best exhibition halls in the world. Consider yourself as artistic? There is some staggering art galleries to check if you're going
wandering its urban areas. So, make sure to look at the best works of art, galleries, contemporary art and also street art gallery on your excursion. One
of the famous street artist of Europe is Bansky.Banksy was the first grafitti artist of UK to effectively straddle the difference between compelling
artwork and roads. He at first achieved his notoriety on a progression of prominent public stunts, for example, introducing his own artistic creation into
the Tate Museum. Banksy has turned into an overall wonder and the pioneer of the street art development. His messages along with wit and humour...
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The piece was strangely, later expelled and put for bidding with a soliciting cost from $500,000 to $700,000. Tourist Information Banksy's Tourist
Information is drawn inside a dim walkway off Hackney Road close Tower Hamlets, London. The hooded figure is seen standing against the
divider. His position is suspect directly beneath the words, "Tourist Information." The piece proposes a trap for sightseers, driving them to risky
territories. Crayola Shooter Crayola Shooter was one of the many works of Bansky that went up in Los Angeles paving the way to the Academy
Awards. The work was put in favor of a Urban Outfitters close to the UCLA grounds. The piece was made as editorial against kid troopers.
Encompassing the subject are birds and flowers drawn in crayon colours. This persuades Banksy was intimating the loss of youth in a world loaded
with war. ATM Girl, Banksy's ATM Girl showed up in 2007. The work, which shows up on a bricked
–up window, demonstrates a stenciled ATM
machine. The hook got a handle on young lady, bit of the piece is referencing the hold the banks had on the residents of
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Images of Victorian Women by the Pre-Raphaelite...
The Victorian Era was one of great changes in England. Revolutionary movements, such as the Chartist demonstration and the fall of the Second
Empire in France, paved the way for new ideologies. The Pre–Raphaelites were inspired by the changing atmosphere of the times and through their art
attempted to introduce emotion, realism and originality back into British painting. The members of the Pre–Raphaelite Brotherhood were John Everett
Millais, William Holman Hunt, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, F.G. Stephens, Thomas Woolner, James Collinson, and William Michael Rossetti. These seven
men chose to reject the Italian Renaissance, in particular Raphael's influence, which was the style favoured by the British Royal Academy. Part of the...
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In Waterhouse's painting, the Lady drifts down the river towards Camelot, her agonized face betraying feelings of loneliness and despair. The Lady of
Shalott would eventually die abandoned by her own love, Sir Lancelot. The concept of feminine weakness was common during the Victorian period,
with a woman being dominated by her husband. Yet at this time, all were in fact ruled by a woman, Queen Victoria I. Her reign marked the beginning
of Britain's journey towards gender equality and saw the rise of the suffragette movement, which was led by women who actively campaigned to get the
vote. Though the Pre–Raphaelites were painting at a time when great strides were being made towards gender equality, they still chose to depict
women as the "weaker sex."
Another common theme in Pre–Raphaelite art is the "fallen woman." This type is exemplified by Holman Hunt's The Awakening Conscience which
deals with the problem of prostitution. A prostitute, as evidenced by her state of undress, her freed tresses, and the lack of a ring on a certain finger,
was sitting with her lover, when she was struck by guilt and seeing the error of her ways, tried to stand up. The man, oblivious to what has happened,
kept on playing the piano. However the title of the painting, The Awakening Conscience, gives hope that the woman eventually may return to the path
of righteousness,
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Analysis and Comparison of Hsbc and Barclays Bank
Analysis And Comparison Of Hsbc And Barclays Bank Finance Essay
This report compares financial performance of two major banks of UK i.e. HSBC Bank Plc and Barclays Bank Plc on the basis of their Balance sheets
and profit and loss accounts for the year 2009. This report also provides SWOT analysis of both banks i.e. HSBC and Barclays Bank Plc and provides an
insight into their Banking Strategies.
The key financial indicators for evaluating financial performance of any bank are Profit Before Tax, Capital Ratio, Adjusted Gross Leverage, Loan
Funding Ratio, Net income, Assets and Liabilities, Equity and Share Holders return.
Barclays reported net profit of ВЈ 10,289 milllion in 2009, an increase of 96% as compared to 2008.Although Barclays Bank ... Show more content on ...
Although the parent company HSBC holdings was established in 1990,when "The HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation" Purchased Midland
Bank of UK, and its headquarter moved to London from HongKong as a condition in the takeover deal in 1993.
HSBCs stock is traded on London, NewYork, HongKong, Paris and Bermuda stock exchange.
HSBC is one of the Largest Banking and Financial Services organisations in the world, shares in HSBC holdings plc are held by over 220,000 share
holders in 121 countries. HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services to more than 100 million customers through four customers an
global businesses: Personal Financial Services; Commercial banking: Global banking and Markets: private banking.
HSBC UK retail banking comprises two customer groups , personal Financial services ('PFS') and commercial banking('CMB'). UK personal
Financial Services provides current account, savings , personal loans , mortgages , cards, financial planning, as well as life and general insurance to
UK personal customers through a variety of distribution channels under various HSBC brands, including First direct, Marks and Spencer money and
partnership card.
As at 31 December 2009 , the bank had 1,369 branches in the United Kingdom.
Financial Performance and Interpretative Analysis
Barclays Bank PLC
Barclays delivered net profit for the year of ВЈ10,289m in 2009, an increase of
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Critical Analysis: J.Alfred Prufrock
At the beginning of T. S. Eliot' s poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, there stands an epigraph from Dante's Inferno, Canto 27. This epigraph
unifies the text and brings, through its imagery and context, a deeper understanding of Eliot's poem. Prufrock represents both of the characters in this
section of the Inferno, corresponding to Dante in the first section and Guido da Montefeltro in the second and third.
Dante represents the antithesis of Prufrock as well as the ideal that Prufrock strives for. The flame–bound Guido da Montefeltro represents through his
words and condition, the isolated and wasteful state that Prufrock has condemned himself to inhabit. In this manner, the epigraph brings the poem full
circle, allowing the reader ... Show more content on ...
However, the epigraph also makes a social comment about how modern life can isolate and destroy individual self–worth. Prufrock does not ask "the
overwhelming question" because he fears judgment and rejection. His self–consciousness, produced by the society around him, brutalizes him from
within. He says, "With a bald spot in the middle of my hair / (they will say: 'how his hair is growing thin!')" and "My necktie rich and modest, but
asserted by a simple pin / (They will say: 'how his arms and legs are thin!')" Prufrock has been filled with painful insecurity because he has been
"formulated, sprawling on a pin" by the people around him. Therefore, to "return alive from this pit" as Guido says, would mean to rise above the
constrictions and cruel judgementalism of modern life: a truly heroic act.
Prufrock, crushed under the pressures of modern life, crumbles from within. He shuts himself off from society and the woman that he loves: all
because of his deep self–loathing and fear. This internal catastrophe describes the isolating and lonely nature of modern existence, where cultural
norms become internalized and people watch themselves, as from the guard tower of a prison, hoping to catch themselves in the act of individualizing
before becoming a deviant in the eyes of society.
The poem's epigraph fuses all of these concepts and figures together into a summation that brings the reader a deeper and richer understanding of the
poem, and another powerful
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Ap Bac Failure
The Milwaukee Journal, contrary to the reports from General Harkins, reported the battle over the strategic hamlet of Ap Bac a resounding failure.
According to the reports from the ground, a significant paratrooper error was a great cause of distress among the United States advisors. A battalion
of paratroopers made the costly error of dropping on the incorrect side of the village, costing valuable time and dozens of lives. Adding this to the
lack of solid leadership reported from General Cao, a Vietnamese general who refused to advance his troops, the Milwaukee Journal were quick to
echo the sentiments of the advisors. The headline wrote "Yank Advisors Blast Vietnamese for Defeat".
While the American advisors played a decisive role in the weaponry used against the Vietcong, the ARVN were intrinsically connected to allwar
efforts. The weapon that produced the most amount of devastation to the landscape, to humans, and to villages was a chemical weapon called
"Napalm". Napalm was invented by Frederick Fieser during the second World War.... Show more content on ...
The use of napalm certainly played a role in the distrust and dislike of the South Vietnamese army. Many villages were under siege by the Vietcong
and the prescribed methodology to protect them was for the ARVN to fight back with chemical weapons. Countless villages, like the Trang Bang
Village, were recipients of the firepower released by the ARVN. Though the true threat may have been the Vietcong, to the villages under attack, they
only saw the destruction caused by the ARVN's chemical weapons. Specifically in the bombing from the ARVN during the battle at Trang Bang, some
civilians were hit due to the inability of the ARVN to successfully evacuate the village in time. Stories such as these fueled the recruitment to the
Vietcong as villagers were no longer content with the ineffectiveness displayed by the South Vietnamese
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The Reign Of Queen Elizabeth I And The Elizabethan Era
The Elizabethan Era also known as the golden age in English history is associated with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and the Elizabethan Theater.
Although life was not easy during the Elizabethan era it was one of the most progressive times in history and marked the beginning of the Elizabethan
theatre which still to this day influences theatre and the way theatre is presented .
The Elizabethan Era began in 1588 and ended in 1603 during Queen Elizabeth I reign England 's capital and largest city, London grew to about two
hundred thousand people. London 's population was divided into three main sections a small but powerful population of wealthy nobles, a prospering
middle class, and a large and impoverished lower class living in ... Show more content on ...
Only about one–fifth of the population could sign their own names at the beginning of the era but by Elizabeth 's death about one–third of the
population was literate.
Majority of the Elizabethan population were very poor roughly 3 percent of the population consisted of wealthy nobles. Nobles were the elite men
and women of society much like the upper class in today's society. Elizabethan Women were obedient to men and dependent on their male relatives
to support them and since there were no school for women they were tutored at home and weren't allowed to enter university. Women also couldn't be
heirs to their fathers titles, vote , join the military ,or become doctors and lawyers .Along with all this woman had to preserve there virginity until
marriage or they would be looked down upon or belittled however if they were raped they were punished instead of the rapist because during this time
men could do whatever they desired to do in life.
The Elizabethan Era is known for the intricate outfits that men and women wore to court and elite social functions. The wealthy wore furs and jewels,
and the cloth of their garments featured extravagant embroidery. The poor and even the middle classes dressed less extravagant and instead more
simply. Elizabethan theatres such as the globe theatre were popular amongst the rich and the poor the poor were called groundlings or penny knaves
and would pay a penny to stand in front of
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Oskar Schell Inventions
At some point in every person's life, one must find healing and peace after a tragic event. However, the path to healing is unclear. There is no "right
way" to heal, so everyone must utilize the tools that work for them. Oskar Schell, age nine, seeks healing in his own ways throughout the book
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Oskar lost his father, Thomas Schell, during the unfortunate events of September 11th, 2001. The reader is
provided access to Oskar's thoughts, which are mostly comprised of inventions. These inventions reveal to the reader what keeps Oskar from healing,
and even the doubts he has about his father's death. These doubts lead Oskar to embark on a seemingly disappointing journey to find the corresponding
lock to... Show more content on ...
Oskar's habit of inventing enables him to organize and analyze his pessimistic thoughts, leading to gradual healing. Most of the book is written in
Oskar's perspective, sharing his innermost, everyday thoughts with the reader. Much of Oskar's time alone with himself is spent envisioning
inventions. The first invention shared with the reader is a teakettle with features that would allow Oskar to fall asleep. Oskar imagines, "What about
a teakettle? What if the spout opened and closed when the steam came out, or it would become a mouth, and it could whistle pretty melodies, or do
Shakespeare, or just crack up with me? I could invent a teakettle that reads in Dad's voice, so I could fall asleep..." (Foer 1). Originally, Oskar's
teakettle is simply an entertaining, everyday product. However, Oskar reveals his true intentions once he mentions his dad. The act of inventing
enables both Oskar and the reader to understand what is truly on his mind. In this case, Oskar realizes he cannot sleep because he is lonely and misses
his dad. By recognizing
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SAT Top 30 Essay Evidence
P age |1 Top 30 Examples to Use as SAT Essay Evidence An exclusive special report from By Christian Heath P age |2 Table of
Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Adventurers and Explorers: Amelia
Earhart (Female Aviation Pioneer) ................................................................................................ 5 Christopher Columbus ("Discoverer" of the New
World?)........................................................................ 7 Sacajawea (Mysterious Native American Guide)... Show more content on ...
57 Jane Goodall (She lived with wild chimpanzees!) .................................................................................... 59 Marie Curie (Famous female scientist)
..................................................................................................... 61 Stephen Hawking (Paralyzed but brilliant astrophysicist)
........................................................................ 63 P age |4 Introduction Congratulations, and thank you for purchasing Top 30 Examples to Use as SAT
Essay Evidence, an exclusive special report from! This special report will help enormously in preparing you to write the SAT
Essay. In the pages that follow, you will find 30 examples of evidence that work for the vast majority of SAT essay prompts. The examples are drawn
from all fields of human endeavor, and there is bound to be evidence that appeals to you, no matter what your interests are. As a professional SAT tutor,
and perfect–12–scoring SAT essay writer, I've researched these examples from the point of view of someone about to write the SAT essay. I've
identified useful themes, inspirational lessons, and relevant facts – there's no wasted words; every detail could come in handy when it's time to write
your SAT essay! In other words, this special report was written specifically to address the
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International Management
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International Management
Culture, Strategy, and Behavior
Eighth Edition
Fred Luthans University of Nebraska–Lincoln Jonathan P. Doh Villanova University
–Hill, a business unit
of The McGraw–Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw
–Hill Companies, Inc.
All rights reserved. Previous editions © 2009, 2006, and 2003. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any
means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw–Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited ...
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The advent of social networking and other media has transformed the way citizens interact and how businesses market, promote, and distribute their
products globally. The same can be said for mass collaboration efforts occurring through digital, online technology for the development of new and
innovative systems, products, and ideas. Both social networking and mass collaboration bring new power and influence to individuals across borders
and transform the nature of their relationships with global organizations. As in the past, these developments underscore and reinforce the importance of
understanding different cultures, national systems, and corporate management practices around the world. Students and managers now recognize that
all business is global and that the world is now interconnected not only geographically but also electronically and psychologically; it is hard to imagine
any business or nonbusiness organization that is not directly affected by globalization. Yet, as cultural, political, and economic differences persist,
savvy international managers must be able to develop a global mindset in order to effectively adjust, adapt, and navigate the changing landscape they
face on a day–to–day basis. In this new eighth edition of International Management, we have taken care to retain the
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The Sound Of St. Mary-Le-Bow Bells
The Sound of St. Mary–le–Bow Bells: The Decline of the Cockney Accent
The Cockney accent is a British dialect possessing a longstanding and rich history. Famous for its use of rhyming slang and unique linguistics, the
Cockney accent, and the history associated with it, is a source of pride to many living in London's East End. The traditional definition of a cockney is
one who was born within the sound of St. Mary–le–Bow Church bells, though, an accent typical of working class Londoner suffices as well (Mott 71).
Despite the accent's century–long history being tied to the working class of London's East End, there is now a large shift in the region's dialect. A
large influx of immigration has occurred in the East End, and the result is the slow emergence of a new accent. Sociolinguistics Dr. Sue Fox refers to
it as Multicultural London English, and describes the accent as one of "Jamaican, Indian–subcontinent and West–African English" (Hayes). With the
emergence of the new accent, the notorious rhyming slang is disappearing, and certain traditional Cockney inflections are becoming less frequent.
While the accent is not completely lost due to native speakers carrying it with them as they migrate from the East End, the research as it currently
stands, suggests the accent's future is one of continued decline.
The Cockney accent is characterized by several different features, one of its most notable being, rhyming slang. Cockney rhyming slang functions by
substituting a word for
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British National Identity Through the Lens of British...
Within a few minutes after the ambulance had pulled up to the scene, the paparazzi photographers descended and began to shoot pictures for so–called
exclusives to be published in the following day's edition of their respective tabloids. One way or another, other journalists and their cameramen found
their ways to the tunnel underpass in Paris on August 31, 1997, and the UK as well as the rest of the world received the breaking news that Diana,
Princess of Wales, had died that night in a car crash.
What was astonishing was not the rapidity of the news– that is, after all, the beauty of modern broadcasting technology– but the effect that the news
had on the public. In the following weeks and months, story after story demonstrated the ... Show more content on ...
And how does the issue of increasing immigration fit in, now that "the sun has set on the British Empire" (Foa, par.2)?
Nowadays, when we think of what is relevantly British, we think of such icons such as the Queen and the royal family, bangers and mash, Blackadder,
the Union Jack, the BBC, beer, double–decker buses, the class system, football/soccer– the list goes on. The reason why these symbols are chosen
above other is that they are recognizable all over the United Kingdom as part of some national identity. Every item on that list has a particularity to
British culture and therefore to a uniting sense of identity. The media has been instrumental in spreading the popularity of said products, exporting
them internationally (the BBC, for instance, and its link into American television with BBC America) as well as promoting them domestically.
The British media has contributed to spreading elements of national identity but how has national identity influenced the British media? When it
comes to the BBC, it has been closely defined in regards to servicing the British population as a whole, and this common link that everyone is
supposed to be able to enjoy serves as yet another facet of national identity. Because of its founding principles of public service broadcasting, the
BBC's identity was grounded in the idea
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Critical Analysis: J.Alfred Prufrock
At the beginning of T. S. Eliot' s poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, there stands an epigraph from Dante's Inferno, Canto 27. This epigraph
unifies the text and brings, through its imagery and context, a deeper understanding of Eliot's poem. Prufrock represents both of the characters in this
section of the Inferno, corresponding to Dante in the first section and Guido da Montefeltro in the second and third.
Dante represents the antithesis of Prufrock as well as the ideal that Prufrock strives for. The flame–bound Guido da Montefeltro represents through his
words and condition, the isolated and wasteful state that Prufrock has condemned himself to inhabit. In this manner, the epigraph brings the poem full
circle, allowing the reader ... Show more content on ...
However, the epigraph also makes a social comment about how modern life can isolate and destroy individual self–worth. Prufrock does not ask "the
overwhelming question" because he fears judgment and rejection. His self–consciousness, produced by the society around him, brutalizes him from
within. He says, "With a bald spot in the middle of my hair / (they will say: 'how his hair is growing thin!')" and "My necktie rich and modest, but
asserted by a simple pin / (They will say: 'how his arms and legs are thin!')" Prufrock has been filled with painful insecurity because he has been
"formulated, sprawling on a pin" by the people around him. Therefore, to "return alive from this pit" as Guido says, would mean to rise above the
constrictions and cruel judgementalism of modern life: a truly heroic act.
Prufrock, crushed under the pressures of modern life, crumbles from within. He shuts himself off from society and the woman that he loves: all
because of his deep self–loathing and fear. This internal catastrophe describes the isolating and lonely nature of modern existence, where cultural
norms become internalized and people watch themselves, as from the guard tower of a prison, hoping to catch themselves in the act of individualizing
before becoming a deviant in the eyes of society.
The poem's epigraph fuses all of these concepts and figures together into a summation that brings the reader a deeper and richer understanding of the
poem, and another powerful
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The Character Of Shoreditch
A dynamic and creating kaleidoscope of ability and innovativeness, it's practically difficult to discover a spot that matches the character of Shoreditch.
Arranged in the East End of London toward the north of the City of London, this internal city locale is genuinely the epicentre of workmanship,
creative energy and yes, hipsterism.
Creative History
Quite a long time ago characterized as "forlorn and unpleasant", Shoreditch has developed a wide margin in the course of recent years. Prior to the
1990s, it had excessively numerous distribution centres and not very many individuals. This was the point at which any semblance of artists such as
Alexander McQueen, Tracey Emin and Gary Hume kicked pulled in and off working here. With various occasions and displays occurring, the range
further pulled in designers, movie producers and others. Before long, this ruined and purge region got changed into a masterful society with ... Show
more content on ...
The previous is open six days in a week while the last works just on Sundays. You can discover garments, watches, calfskin things and toys at some
inconceivable costs, gave you are great you're haggling aptitudes.
Staying Here
Regardless of the spread of fortune and success, the snappy Shoreditch keeps up its creativity and restless vibe. There is an interesting and
comprehensive scope of selective lofts offering a cool atmosphere with all the aesthetic elements. From a studio condo accessible here at 100 Pounds
for each night to a three room flat at 220 Pounds for every night, Shoreditch offers both taste and pocket inviting alternatives such as M hotel Shoreditch
London tech city. It is very much associated with different parts of London. Shoreditch High Street and Liverpool Street are the nearest underground
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Correct Answer
Current Location .HARH1000 160813 ART APPRECIATION WP Lessons Week Eleven
– November 1 through November 7 Review Test Submission:
Self Assessment 11 .
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Question 1 .0 out of 1 points Vincent van Gogh committed suicide by bleeding to death after slicing off his left ear.
Selected Answer: True
Correct ... Show more content on ...
Question 18 .0 out of 1 points Tintoretto's Last Supper has a very similar symmetrical composition to Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the same subject.
Selected Answer: True
Correct Answer: False . Question 19 .0 out of 1 points Bernini depicts his David at exactly the same moment in the story as the versions by his
predecessors Donatello and Michelangelo.
Selected Answer: True
Correct Answer: False . Question 20 .1 out of 1 points Edgar Degas was fascinated by observing ballet dancers, both in practice and during
Selected Answer: True
Correct Answer: True . Question 21 .1 out of 1 points Peter Paul Rubens worked with many assistants in his studio.
Selected Answer: True
Correct Answer: True . Question 22 .1 out of 1 points Goya painted a slightly unflattering portrait of the Spanish royal family because he strongly
disliked them and wanted to insult the King.
Selected Answer: False
Correct Answer: False . Question 23 .0 out of 1 points Frederic Edwin Church captured the natural wonder and power of Niagara Falls in his painting
by using grand scale.
Selected Answer: False
Correct Answer: True . Question 24 .1 out of 1 points Paul Gauguin liked to paint subjects from modern, industrial cities.
Selected Answer: False
Correct Answer: False . Question 25 .1 out of 1 points When
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Five Flight's Up Compare And Contrast
Humans are given the night to rest their eyes and become one with silence, with peace, with themselves. During these few hours, reality blurs into
dreams as dreams almost become a reality; flying becomes no feat and yesterday seems hardly stressful. That is the beauty of a reset: it marks a new
beginning. While some people never want to awaken from this alternate dimension, others forwardly decide to undertake the great adventures of
tomorrow. William Stafford's narrative poem "Five A.M." and Elizabeth Bishop's lyrical poem "Five Flights Up" both seem interpret the identical
thought of early mornings as one speaker strolls on the street before sunrise while the other outlines the beginning of a new day; however, beneath the
surface, through... Show more content on ...
Air. It can be a rejuvenation or a suffocation, gentle or bashing, light or dense, just as a view towards nature can be two opposites as established by the
punctuation sprinkled throughout both poems. The two poems, consisting of free verse, sculpt out the flowing freedom that permeates morning time;
however, Bishop's poem is heavily punctuated, upholding a disharmonious and choppy connection with the natural world. The first line that echoes in
both poems denotes an early time before sunrise. In Stafford's poem, "still dark" is offset by a comma followed by a revitalizing qualifier that justifies
the darkness: "the early morning breathes". Simultaneously, Stafford assigns the morning a significance by personifying its actions. Bishop, however,
ends the first line brusquely with a period, undoubtedly justifying that there is no anticipation of a new day or nature's actions. As the poem progresses,
Stafford employs more linking punctuation such as semicolons and commas to signify a fluidity and evolution from night to morning. "Lawns, a
hedge; I pass...the yard with the little dog; my feet pad and grit...flicker past streetlights; my arms
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An Employers Guide Inclusive Workplace
An employer's guide to creating an inclusive workplace
Contents Page
Section 1: Introduction 1
Section 2: What does an inclusive workplace look like? 2
Section 3: What are the benefits of an inclusive workplace? 3
Section 4: How can I create an inclusive workplace? 4
4.1 Consider what you want to achieve 5
4.2 Undertake an inclusion review 6
4.3 Create an action plan 10
4.4 Communicate and implement the action plan38
4.5 Review policies, practices and informal working culture on a regular basis 43
Section 5: How will I know if I'm successful? 44
Section 6: Practical ideas for ... Show more content on ...
More employers are coming up with solutions to create and promote an inclusive workplace in order to maximise productivity, attract new talent and
increase employee commitment. Organisations' action on equality and human rights issues can have a significant impact upon their brand reputation, so
inclusion makes good business sense.
Attract new talent
Working teams that are diverse in their make–up are able to come up with a wider range of solutions to business problems. Inclusive workplaces that
openly communicate their values and strategies on equality, human rights and inclusion are capitalising on this as they are able to attract a wider pool
of applicants and talent. Candidates from minority groups may be put off applying for positions in organisations that do not make their commitment to
inclusion known.
Retain productive and committed staff
Inclusive workplaces that understand the needs of their employees and make staff feel valued and respected also have greater success in retaining
staff. Having a range of policies and facilities in place to ensure that all employees are able to balance work with other aspects of their lives has a
positive impact on job satisfaction, productivity and commitment. In contrast, in organisations where stereotypes persist and some groups of employees
face barriers to success, these employees experience negative consequences on performance, health and wellbeing.
Create wider customer appeal and access to untapped
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Top 1 Cause for Project Failure
Anish Mathai Mathew [PMP|MBA]
Temenos T24 PROGRAM MANAGER at Union National Bank
Featured discussion
In your experience, what is the TOP #1 cause for Project failure?
From experience, the following are the TOP10 causes of Project failure that Mathew can think of (they are not in any kind of order):
#1. Lacking Sponsor 's Involvement/Ownership
#2. Halo Effect (Wrong Man for the Job)
#3. Poor HR Management
#4. Poor/Inadequate Project Communications
#5. Ignoring Project Stakeholders
#6. Absence of Risk Management
#7. Scope Creep/Unrealistic Expectations ( scope creep: Frequent and uncontrolled changes in the scope or requirements of a project)
#8. Lack of Monitoring of Plan
#9. Absence of a Project Management Methodology ... Show more content on ...
For me this question shows the real reason for faillure. Most projects focus on producing a rocket (only focus on delivery). Successful projects
however look further: why do we create a rocket? Because we want to go to the moon. If NASA would have only focussed on delivering rockets,
they would never have reached the moon and probably had produced a great number of disasters while delivering or using those rockets. A Business
Case focus, rather than only a delivery focus!
(By the way & off topic: this delivery approach for me also caused the current financial crisis. Only focussing on the deal, not on the long term effects.)
All reasons summed up in the question above are in my view symptoms and results of the delivery–only approach rather than reasons.
3. 4. [pic]
Alexandro Zencovich
Senior Project Manager at ZTE Canada
I would say #7. Scope Creep/Unrealistic Expectations. All the others reasons are certainly strong source for failure but somehow most of them point to
have a bad road map document.
This is why a Project Manager is so useful in any organization to make sure that we get the right project management plan, which include a concise and
accurate project scope statement and "realistic" project expectations.
5. [pic]
Beth Barrett
Beth Barrett Consulting, LLC
Based on over 20 years of project management experience, I would say item #1 to
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Emperor of all maladies Essay
Praise for
The Emperor of All Maladies
"A compulsively readable, surprisingly uplifting, and vivid tale. thrilling ."
–o, t he oprah maga z in e
"[An] essential piece of medical journalism." –T im e
"A meticulously researched, panoramic history . . . What makes
Mukherjee's narrative so remarkable is that he imbues decades of painstaking laboratory investigation with the suspense of a mystery novel and
urgency of a thriller."–The Boston Globe
and powerful ."
–San Fr a n c isco C hr on ic le
"remarkable . . . The reader devours this fascinating book . . .
Mukherjee is a clear and determined writer. . . . An unusually humble, insightful book." –Los An ge le s T im e s
"extraordinary . . . So often ... Show more content on ...
In some nations, cancer will surpass heart disease to become the most common cause of death.
Mukherjee_Emperor_i–588_PTR.indd 15
6/22/11 12:59 PM
Author's Note
This book is a history of cancer. It is a chronicle of an ancient disease– once a clandestine, "whispered–about" illness–that has metamorphosed into a
lethal shape–shifting entity imbued with such penetrating metaphorical, medical, scientific, and political potency that cancer is often described as the
defining plague of our generation. This book is a "biography" in the truest sense of the word–an attempt to enter the mind of this immortal illness, to
understand its personality, to demystify its behavior.
But my ultimate aim is to raise a question beyond biography: Is cancer's end conceivable in the future? Is it possible to eradicate this disease from our
bodies and societies forever?
Cancer is not one disease but many diseases. We call them all В cancer"
because they share a fundamental feature: the abnormal growth of cells.
And beyond the biological commonality, there are deep cultural and political themes that run through the various incarnations of cancer to justify a
unifying narrative. It is not possible to consider the stories of every variant of cancer, but I have attempted to highlight the large themes that run
through this 4,000–year history.
The project, evidently vast,
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Day's Last Cattle Drive Essay
Day's Last Cattle Drive First published in 1977, Robert Day's The Last Cattle Drive was an instant bestseller and Book of the Month Club
selection. Currently, the novel is a Western classic. This rough and boisterous novel of a cattle drive by two older cowboys, seeking to relive a
bygone era and prove themselves superior to the trucking industry, backed by Opal, the wife of Spangler, and a green horn school teacher in the
modern age of the planes, trains, and trucks revived the genre of the cowboy. Moreover, the novel added its own special twists of relationships
between the characters and the people along the way which captured the imagination of its audience, especially the author of this paper. The novel is
full of relatable rural small... Show more content on ...
The weather of Kansas was much harsher on Kansas ranchers than the southern farmers and ranchers of Texas and Oklahoma. The weather of
Kansas also had violent and unpredictable tornadoes such as the one encountered on the trail drive. Spangler's tension with animals such as
livestock or the stray cat, later named Rabies, at the Hays bar defined Spangler as a comedic cursing cowboy while sober, dealing with livestock,
but, while drunk at the Hays bar, Spangler was quite patient with the stray cat that bit him to the bone and clawed up his arm. He was even
concerned that he may have to behead the cat and send it to a lab for rabies testing so he kept Rabies as a pet so that he could monitor the cat's
health. Inanimate objects seem to bring out the worst in Spangler. The family lawn mower, needing repair, required Spangler's attention so that Harold
could mow the yard during his next visit home from Kansas University. The mower, being an inanimate object and not cooperating with Spangler, was
executed with a shotgun. Opal, understanding her husband, tried to talk him out of shooting the lawn mower but failing to do so, told Leo to drag off
the mower as instructed. Spangler is a much more tolerant person when his has a boilermaker, Green Gable scotch and
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Social Class And Social Inequality
I will draw upon different evidence linking social class to where people live. Firstly, I will look at two approaches to determining social class,
together with how class and social inequality are linked. Secondly, by reference to several key studies I will demonstrate that where people live is
representative of their social class, and outline how disconnections are formed as a consequence. Finally, I will discuss how sporting opportunities are
constrained to a person's social class and place of residence.
In the Nineteenth century Karl Marx a famous theorist, linked class inequalities to a person's place of work or their position in the economy. He
argued that a capitalist society was divided into two groups; the working class, who sell their labour, and the capitalist class, who employ the
working class (Taylor, 2014, p. 13). Each class was dependant on the other in order to keep the economy going. More recently the BBC lab
(Savage et al., cited in Woodward, 2014, p. 189) developed a class survey based on Bourdieu's (1984) approach to social and cultural capital. In the
study respondents were asked about their economic, cultural, and social capital. The survey which is essentially based on consumption identified
seven classes, from elite to precariat (BBC science cited Woodward, p190, 2014). Many factors can determine a person's class and where they
consider they belong in society. A person's background and upbringing can affect what is of importance, how they live and
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Summer Olymoics
2012 Summer Olympics From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search "2012 Olympics" redirects here. For the Winter Youth
Olympics, see 2012 Winter Youth Olympics. For the Paralympic Games, see 2012 Summer Paralympics. "London 2012" redirects here. For the
video game, see London 2012 (video game). Games of the XXX Olympiad| This is the clear version of the official logo. There are four official base
colours, and another version for the 2012 Summer Paralympics. For more details, see section "Logo" below.| Host city| London, United Kingdom|
Motto| Inspire a Generation| Nations participating| 204| Athletes participating| 10,820| Events| 302 in 26 sports| Opening ceremony| 27 July|... Show
more content on ...
The Paris bid suffered two setbacks during the IOC inspection visit: a number of strikes and demonstrations coinciding with the visits, and a report
that a key member of the bid team, Guy Drut, would face charges over alleged corrupt party political finances.[25] Lord Coe – the head of the London
2012 bid Throughout the process, Paris was widely seen as the favourite, particularly as this was its third bid in recent years.
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Hamlet's 'Candide': A Short Story
Below the yellowed circular orb amongst the stars, the only source of light that night, stood two peculiar looking men. One going by the name of
Candide and the other by Hamlet. The two men looked upon one another with the same face of bewilderment. Ten minutes passed with the two men
staring at one another both with dumbfounded expressions fixed upon their faces. It wasn't until the metal between the bell tower met the bell forcing a
harsh "clang" signifying that it was now midnight. The two jumped out of their hypnotic trance, with a light scream almost exiting the mouth of
Candide. Hamlet was the first to break the silence, "Well obviously you must be the one to perform this task", he said with a sly look fixed upon his
face, "You are far greater than I, for you have only merely fainted... Show more content on ...
They noticed the mildew stench that currested the blood stained bricks, or was it the stench of what was to come. Hamlet was analyzing the situation
either to escape or face the the choice they were forced to make. Candide was also searching for answers from Hamlet, from the orb, from the
pounding in his heart. Candide began to sway, light headedly he stuttered, " I would... I would.." the pressure began to build in his head; Candide
fainted to avert himself from the all too stressful request of the infamous tasks.
Hamlet looked upon the frail boyish body of Candide and tried to force a laugh, but couldn't, the decision started to weigh upon his shoulders and
slowly then all at once Hamlet began to feel as though he could not handle this task at hand. "I must do this", Hamlet thought to himself, "it's the only,
it's the only way", the world began to turn sideways in the eyes of Hamlet, or was it that Hamlet was sideways himself. "I shall not let some fool like
this Candide be accepted rather than I.... i must do this", Hamlet finished this last sentence right before falling alongside Candide in the jagged
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Essay on Sound and Image in Motion Pictures
Sound and Image in Motion Pictures
Motion pictures and television are audio–visual mediums and so of course engage both our visual and aural senses. The meaning and emotion of a
piece is commonly thought to come from the image and that the sound at best just duplicates the meanings from the image. For example Aaron Copland
has said that a composer can do no more than" make potent through music the film's dramatic and emotional value." (
Sound does however perform much more important, intricate and complex functions than commonly accepted. Sound combines with moving pictures in
various ways to create meaning but is diverse and has numerous other uses. ... Show more content on ...
In Indiana Jones the motif of Jones indicates he is going to save the day and in The Good The Bad and The Ugly the films motif, through repetition of
being played as the same type of action unfolds, goes on to indicates a shoot–out is about to happen
The tone of music can be used to create meaning and generate mood in a scene or in a production as a whole. In The Empire Strikes Back the rebels
attempt to flee from the empire. During this sequence Darth Vader's and the rebels leitmotif is heard. Vader's motif is played at an increased tempo
and higher pitch to normal. The function of this change is to show the imminent danger of the empire and Vader's likely success in capturing the rebels.
The rebels leitmotif is played but does not contain the opening and perhaps most identifiable phase. The tone is slightly deeper, the pace slightly slower
and is mixed up in and slightly drown out by other sound effects. The function of this use of sound is to put the out come of the situation in doubt and
make the rebels attempt at escaping unlikely. When the rebels do escape the distinctive opening to their motif is played at normal pitch and tempo and
without the distraction of other sounds. This functions to signal their success but also the finality of the scene. The leitmotifs and the tone of the motifs
are used to guide the spectator through narrative change.
Sound effects have a few main functions. Sound effects simulate reality, create illusions and help
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Green Spaces And The City Of London
London, full with people and skyscrapers. There is concrete everywhere you look. People would have gone crazy with concrete madness if there
were not green spaces. Green spaces are essential for the city and humans living in the city. Without it, people in the city would have been serious ill
or even dead because of the smog. So, it is very important that London cares for it 's green spaces. London is too big to be maintained by itself, that is
why there are boroughs. Each borough maintains it own space. Of course, each of the boroughs has it 's own strategy. Two of the boroughs were
particularly interesting, because of the biodiversity and the strategy of the borough to maintain and enhance green space.
The first borough is the City of London (as you can see above). There are many (somewhat tiny) green spaces in the City of London, that are
scattered and divided by streets and tall buildings. The historic value of these green spaces is magnificent. Here were the first settlements of London
around the Roman era. Some of the pieces of the City wall of the Roman Londonium still stand today. The City of London does not want to destroy
such value, that is why the green spaces of the City of London are around those objects with historic value. Many offices and companies are located
in the City of London, as well as restaurants and bars. The green spaces are mainly used by workers to rest after work or to relax and eat something in
the break. Although, the non–humans are
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Social Observation And Social Investivation
This assignment will discuss the main observations in Whitechapel. How well Whitechapel taken care off, poor housing and public transport. if a
community is well taken care then the people in the community will be encouraged to go out more, which will help them to have social inclusion
and a form of unity within the area. I also believe that not only will it help people socialise but it will also encourage individuals to go out and
exercise more which will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improve health in general. Public transport also relates to the determinants of
health as it reduces pollution and increases the health and wellbeing of individuals and poor housing comes with many other environmental health
factors which also supports the theory of social health determinants. People who live in overcrowded environment have a higher risk of falling ill
which will be discussed further on in more depth. (Marmot et al, 2003)
One reoccurring aspect we realised is that there were a lot of bin bags left lying around, streets were not as cleaned and also a lot of walls including
vehicles were vandalised. This not only looks unclean but also leaves a bad odour which leads to preventing individuals from walking in that particular
area. The broken window theory also supports this reaction, a study made that demonstrated a broken house is more of an open target for crime and
vandals. It empathizes the importance of maintaining environments to prevent crimes. (Wilson et
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Bhopal Gas Disaster
Executive Summary On December 3, 1984, toxic poisonous methyl isocyanate gas leaked from Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL 's) pesticide
plant in Bhopal. The gas leak triggered a disaster that is now widely recognized as the world worst industrial catastrophe. Thousands of people were
killed instantly and more than 25,000 people have died of gas–related illnesses, several thousands more maimed for life since. Union Carbide
negotiated a settlement with the Indian Government in 1989 for $470 million – a total of only $370 to $533 per victim – a sum too small to pay for
most medical bills. In 1996, t elve years after the disaster, Union Carbide became part of the Dow Chemical w Corporation, which flatly refused to
assume any liabilities in... Show more content on ...
However, few denizens had not only fraudulently got the names of their kin included in the compensation list, they also managed to obtain the
compensation more than once for the same individual. Amazingly, the compensation was allegedly sanctioned by the same deputy commissioner
twice without noticing the irregularity. A woman Naznee Siddiqui allegedly got the name of her daughter Faiza Siddiqui included in the
beneficiaries ' list despite the girl being born three years after the gas tragedy. The alleged fraud did not end here, as the woman claimed the
compensation twice in the name of her daughter. Interestingly, the woman in an affidavit claimed that her daughter was present at the time of gas
leakage but the mark sheet of the girl stated her date of birth as September 30, 1987. Both the claims were sanctioned in 1999 by the same deputy
commissioner, RK Bhave, wherein the girl was made eligible for compensation of Rs 25,000 each. The claim numbers of the girl were 138071 and
139067. Apart from the girl, the mother and her son also obtained compensation of Rs 70,000 and Rs 25,000 in the year 1994 and 1999, respectively.
The claims clearly contained the name of the girl, her parents ' name, residence and age. Despite this, they were sanctioned twice in four months. The
girl was also directed to remain present in the claims court on March 18 and July 19, 1999, to receive compensation as per the claimed letters. Bhartiya
Jan Morcha district president
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Urban Regeneration in the London Docklands Essay
Urban Regeneration in the London Docklands
The London Docklands Development Corporation is located along the River Thames Estuary
2.a) The London Docklands had to close for many reasons. The main reason was the Second World War. The area suffered substantial bomb damage
in the Second World War, which lead to the need for a substantial rebuilding programme. In the first 20 years after the Second World War, many
buildings came to the end of their usefulness. A number of factors contributed to the decline in the importance of the Docklands. London was no longer
the centre of world trade and so much of the dock space and warehousing was no longer needed. Some manufacturing activities were ... Show more
content on ...
These responsibilities included the reclamation of land, the provision of transport infrastructure, environmental improvement and the attraction of
private–sector investment. The LDDC acquired land and promoted transport development in the form of the Docklands Light Railway and London City
Airport to attract development and fill up the Isle of Dogs. The LDDC had four aims that they wanted to achieve in the Docklands. They were
basically to improve the economic, social and physical aspects of the area. To improve the economic aspect of the area, they had to create jobs for
the unemployed who were living in the Docklands. To do this, they had to bring in major companies. The LDDC decided to provide a good
infrastructure to the area. They provided the gas, electric and roads. Transport was a main problem, so ВЈ600 million was spent on transport, and
another ВЈ300 million on just the Docklands Railway.
3. a) Many office buildings were built, including Canary Wharf. Large newspaper companies were attracted to the Docklands, away from Fleet Street
because of the new Canary Wharf building. This is one of the tallest buildings in England, at 800ft high and boasting 50 stories. Companies were
attracted to Canary Wharf because of the quality of it with air conditioning, deep floors, and open office space. Building space in London was short
and expensive.
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  • 2. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Looking for Richard Transcript Looking For Richard Script – Dialogue Transcript Voila! Finally, the Looking For Richard script is here for all you quotes spouting fans of the Al Pacino movie about the making of Richard III. This script is a transcript that was painstakingly transcribed using the screenplay and/or viewings of Looking For Richard. I know, I know, I still need to get the cast names in there and I'll be eternally tweaking it, so if you have any corrections, feel free to drop me a line. You won't hurt my feelings. Honest. Swing on back to Drew's Script–O–Rama afterwards for more free movie scripts! Looking For Richard Script Our revels now are ended. These our actors, as I foretold you... ... were all spirits and are melted into air... ... into thin... Show more content on ... – Yeah. We'd heard stuff from the Bible... ...but my first time as a kid, I was hearing... ...great words having great meaning. What brings us to Montreal? To Paris? To London? What takes us into dungeons, to parapets...– To Japan next. – To Japan, maybe, is a quest. It has always been a dream of mine... ... to communicate how I feel about Shakespeare to other people. So I asked my friend Frederic Kimball, who is an actor and a writer... ... and also our colleagues Michael Hadge... ... and James Bulleit, to join me. And by taking this one play, Richard III... ... analyzing it, approaching it from different angles... ... putting on costumes, playing out scenes... ... we could communicate both our passiГіn for it... ... our understanding that we've come to... ... and in doing that... ... communicate a Shakespeare that is about how we feel... ... and how we think today. That's the effort we're gonna give it here. We've done Richard three times. Twice. You did it at the Studio, we've done it in Boston and on Broadway. At least, the head start is that I've done it. You've done it.– But the problem, Frederic... The audience hasn't done it. – They haven't done it. – It's a difficult play. If someone were to ask you about Richard III... ...what would you remember about it? To be honest, I really don't remember that much, if anything at all. Did you know that Richard III had a deformed arm and a deformed ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Walker And Foer Walker and Foer present grief is a normal, natural and inevitable response to loss and can affect thoughts, feelings, behaviours, beliefs and relationships with others. Grief is also, what unites us as humanity, giving us reason to reach out of ourselves and help others find their own peace. The theme ofgrief can be seen throughout the texts, The Colour Purple by Alice Walker and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. A variety of literary devices to explore the confusion of grief, the emphasis of grief, the characters' inability to handle grief and the character's interpretation of their own grief. Foer and Walker both offer the reader a chance to navigate the complexities of the characters' grief through a variety of... Show more content on ... Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close employs an array of tones, as Foer alternates between dual narrators. Oskar's inquisitive, intellectual, naГЇve characterisation contributes to the prevailing grieving tone. This is specifically evidenced through Foer's diction, hyperbole, and presentation of Oskar's actions. Contrarily, the grandfather's tone is distinctly remorseful, to justify his prior actions. Similarly, the grandmother's tone is explanative and emotional. Each varying tone illustrates the notion that there is not distinctly effectively way to handle grief. The tone of the book is ultimately cathartic. Contrarily, Walker's confessional, and uninhibited tone is effectively shown through Celie's private letters to God. Walker uses the novel's letter–writing form to emphasize the grief that controls her characters. Celie writes letters to God, and Nettie writes letters to Celie. This evidences the strength these sister's gain through letter writing, however their recovery is initiated only by their responses. Letter writing hence enables self–expression and confession, although requires a willing audience. Celie's first stage of grief is depicted through directing her feelings of sadness on herself and blaming herself based on her insecurities about her looks. Throughout the novel, the appearance of brighter colours indicates the liberation various characters experience. Walker uses colour to symbolise renewals and rebirths. When Kate takes Celie shopping for a new dress, the only colour options are dreary ones: brown, maroon, and dark blue; symbolising her deep stage of grieving. Later, Celie and Sofia use bright yellow fabric from Shug's dress to make a quilt showing how Celie has coped with her grief. When Celie describes her religious awakening, she marvels how she never noticed the wonders that God has made, such as "the colour ... Get more on ...
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  • 6. Tale of Two Cities s Tale of Two Cities– Study Guide Questions 2008 Use these over the course of your reading. They are very helpful if you use them!! Book I: "Recalled to Life" Book I, Chapter 1: "The Period" 1. What is the chronological setting of this opening chapter? What clues enable us to determine "The Period"? 2. How does Dickens indicate the severity of social conditions in both France and England? 3. Who is the "king with a large jaw and a queen with a plain face"? 4. How does Dickens satirize the superstitious nature of the English? 5. What oblique reference does Dickens make to the American Revolution? 6. How in this chapter does Dickens reveal his advocating social reforms, as well as his hatred of social... Show more content on ... Book I, Chapter 6: "The Shoemaker" 1. How do we know that nothing really misses the eyes and ears of Madame Defarge? 2. Why did Dr. Manette give his name as "One Hundred and Five, North Tower" (p. 44)? 3. Why is Manette's voice "pitiable and dreadful"? 4. Where apparently does Manette believe himself to be? 5. What connection between Lucy and his own past does Dr. Manette make? 6. How does Defarge's part in getting Mr. Lorry and the Manettes out of Paris indicate his knowledge of the workings of the acienne regime? 7. How is the conclusion of the first book both pathetic and comic? Book II: "The Golden Thread" (For Discussion) Since there are twenty–four chapters in this section of the novel, we cannot study these in the same detail as we did the highly–significant, first six expository chapters. Please continue to read the notes in the back of the book, such as that on Temple Bar (p. 452). In "The Golden Thread," which opens in London five years after Dr. Manette's escape from France, Dickens satirizes English justice (which Temple Bar indicates was not nearly so enlightened as Dickens's Middle Class readers liked to imagine), lawyers, and courts of law, all of which Dickens knew from his father's imprisonment for debt in 1824 at Marshalsea (notoriously depicted in Little Dorrit, 1855–7), from his own employment at the age of 15 as a lawyer's clerk, and from his stint as a shorthand reporter in the Courts of Doctors (of Law) Commons. ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Bansky Research Paper Europe brags the best exhibition halls in the world. Consider yourself as artistic? There is some staggering art galleries to check if you're going wandering its urban areas. So, make sure to look at the best works of art, galleries, contemporary art and also street art gallery on your excursion. One of the famous street artist of Europe is Bansky.Banksy was the first grafitti artist of UK to effectively straddle the difference between compelling artwork and roads. He at first achieved his notoriety on a progression of prominent public stunts, for example, introducing his own artistic creation into the Tate Museum. Banksy has turned into an overall wonder and the pioneer of the street art development. His messages along with wit and humour... Show more content on ... The piece was strangely, later expelled and put for bidding with a soliciting cost from $500,000 to $700,000. Tourist Information Banksy's Tourist Information is drawn inside a dim walkway off Hackney Road close Tower Hamlets, London. The hooded figure is seen standing against the divider. His position is suspect directly beneath the words, "Tourist Information." The piece proposes a trap for sightseers, driving them to risky territories. Crayola Shooter Crayola Shooter was one of the many works of Bansky that went up in Los Angeles paving the way to the Academy Awards. The work was put in favor of a Urban Outfitters close to the UCLA grounds. The piece was made as editorial against kid troopers. Encompassing the subject are birds and flowers drawn in crayon colours. This persuades Banksy was intimating the loss of youth in a world loaded with war. ATM Girl, Banksy's ATM Girl showed up in 2007. The work, which shows up on a bricked –up window, demonstrates a stenciled ATM machine. The hook got a handle on young lady, bit of the piece is referencing the hold the banks had on the residents of ... Get more on ...
  • 8. Images of Victorian Women by the Pre-Raphaelite... The Victorian Era was one of great changes in England. Revolutionary movements, such as the Chartist demonstration and the fall of the Second Empire in France, paved the way for new ideologies. The Pre–Raphaelites were inspired by the changing atmosphere of the times and through their art attempted to introduce emotion, realism and originality back into British painting. The members of the Pre–Raphaelite Brotherhood were John Everett Millais, William Holman Hunt, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, F.G. Stephens, Thomas Woolner, James Collinson, and William Michael Rossetti. These seven men chose to reject the Italian Renaissance, in particular Raphael's influence, which was the style favoured by the British Royal Academy. Part of the... Show more content on ... In Waterhouse's painting, the Lady drifts down the river towards Camelot, her agonized face betraying feelings of loneliness and despair. The Lady of Shalott would eventually die abandoned by her own love, Sir Lancelot. The concept of feminine weakness was common during the Victorian period, with a woman being dominated by her husband. Yet at this time, all were in fact ruled by a woman, Queen Victoria I. Her reign marked the beginning of Britain's journey towards gender equality and saw the rise of the suffragette movement, which was led by women who actively campaigned to get the vote. Though the Pre–Raphaelites were painting at a time when great strides were being made towards gender equality, they still chose to depict women as the "weaker sex." Another common theme in Pre–Raphaelite art is the "fallen woman." This type is exemplified by Holman Hunt's The Awakening Conscience which deals with the problem of prostitution. A prostitute, as evidenced by her state of undress, her freed tresses, and the lack of a ring on a certain finger, was sitting with her lover, when she was struck by guilt and seeing the error of her ways, tried to stand up. The man, oblivious to what has happened, kept on playing the piano. However the title of the painting, The Awakening Conscience, gives hope that the woman eventually may return to the path of righteousness, ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Analysis and Comparison of Hsbc and Barclays Bank Analysis And Comparison Of Hsbc And Barclays Bank Finance Essay This report compares financial performance of two major banks of UK i.e. HSBC Bank Plc and Barclays Bank Plc on the basis of their Balance sheets and profit and loss accounts for the year 2009. This report also provides SWOT analysis of both banks i.e. HSBC and Barclays Bank Plc and provides an insight into their Banking Strategies. The key financial indicators for evaluating financial performance of any bank are Profit Before Tax, Capital Ratio, Adjusted Gross Leverage, Loan Funding Ratio, Net income, Assets and Liabilities, Equity and Share Holders return. Barclays reported net profit of ВЈ 10,289 milllion in 2009, an increase of 96% as compared to 2008.Although Barclays Bank ... Show more content on ... Although the parent company HSBC holdings was established in 1990,when "The HongKong and Shanghai Banking Corporation" Purchased Midland Bank of UK, and its headquarter moved to London from HongKong as a condition in the takeover deal in 1993. HSBCs stock is traded on London, NewYork, HongKong, Paris and Bermuda stock exchange. HSBC is one of the Largest Banking and Financial Services organisations in the world, shares in HSBC holdings plc are held by over 220,000 share holders in 121 countries. HSBC provides a comprehensive range of financial services to more than 100 million customers through four customers an global businesses: Personal Financial Services; Commercial banking: Global banking and Markets: private banking. HSBC UK retail banking comprises two customer groups , personal Financial services ('PFS') and commercial banking('CMB'). UK personal Financial Services provides current account, savings , personal loans , mortgages , cards, financial planning, as well as life and general insurance to UK personal customers through a variety of distribution channels under various HSBC brands, including First direct, Marks and Spencer money and partnership card. As at 31 December 2009 , the bank had 1,369 branches in the United Kingdom. Financial Performance and Interpretative Analysis Barclays Bank PLC Barclays delivered net profit for the year of ВЈ10,289m in 2009, an increase of ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Critical Analysis: J.Alfred Prufrock At the beginning of T. S. Eliot' s poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, there stands an epigraph from Dante's Inferno, Canto 27. This epigraph unifies the text and brings, through its imagery and context, a deeper understanding of Eliot's poem. Prufrock represents both of the characters in this section of the Inferno, corresponding to Dante in the first section and Guido da Montefeltro in the second and third. Dante represents the antithesis of Prufrock as well as the ideal that Prufrock strives for. The flame–bound Guido da Montefeltro represents through his words and condition, the isolated and wasteful state that Prufrock has condemned himself to inhabit. In this manner, the epigraph brings the poem full circle, allowing the reader ... Show more content on ... However, the epigraph also makes a social comment about how modern life can isolate and destroy individual self–worth. Prufrock does not ask "the overwhelming question" because he fears judgment and rejection. His self–consciousness, produced by the society around him, brutalizes him from within. He says, "With a bald spot in the middle of my hair / (they will say: 'how his hair is growing thin!')" and "My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin / (They will say: 'how his arms and legs are thin!')" Prufrock has been filled with painful insecurity because he has been "formulated, sprawling on a pin" by the people around him. Therefore, to "return alive from this pit" as Guido says, would mean to rise above the constrictions and cruel judgementalism of modern life: a truly heroic act. Prufrock, crushed under the pressures of modern life, crumbles from within. He shuts himself off from society and the woman that he loves: all because of his deep self–loathing and fear. This internal catastrophe describes the isolating and lonely nature of modern existence, where cultural norms become internalized and people watch themselves, as from the guard tower of a prison, hoping to catch themselves in the act of individualizing before becoming a deviant in the eyes of society. The poem's epigraph fuses all of these concepts and figures together into a summation that brings the reader a deeper and richer understanding of the poem, and another powerful ... Get more on ...
  • 11. Ap Bac Failure The Milwaukee Journal, contrary to the reports from General Harkins, reported the battle over the strategic hamlet of Ap Bac a resounding failure. According to the reports from the ground, a significant paratrooper error was a great cause of distress among the United States advisors. A battalion of paratroopers made the costly error of dropping on the incorrect side of the village, costing valuable time and dozens of lives. Adding this to the lack of solid leadership reported from General Cao, a Vietnamese general who refused to advance his troops, the Milwaukee Journal were quick to echo the sentiments of the advisors. The headline wrote "Yank Advisors Blast Vietnamese for Defeat". While the American advisors played a decisive role in the weaponry used against the Vietcong, the ARVN were intrinsically connected to allwar efforts. The weapon that produced the most amount of devastation to the landscape, to humans, and to villages was a chemical weapon called "Napalm". Napalm was invented by Frederick Fieser during the second World War.... Show more content on ... The use of napalm certainly played a role in the distrust and dislike of the South Vietnamese army. Many villages were under siege by the Vietcong and the prescribed methodology to protect them was for the ARVN to fight back with chemical weapons. Countless villages, like the Trang Bang Village, were recipients of the firepower released by the ARVN. Though the true threat may have been the Vietcong, to the villages under attack, they only saw the destruction caused by the ARVN's chemical weapons. Specifically in the bombing from the ARVN during the battle at Trang Bang, some civilians were hit due to the inability of the ARVN to successfully evacuate the village in time. Stories such as these fueled the recruitment to the Vietcong as villagers were no longer content with the ineffectiveness displayed by the South Vietnamese ... Get more on ...
  • 12. The Reign Of Queen Elizabeth I And The Elizabethan Era The Elizabethan Era also known as the golden age in English history is associated with the reign of Queen Elizabeth I and the Elizabethan Theater. Although life was not easy during the Elizabethan era it was one of the most progressive times in history and marked the beginning of the Elizabethan theatre which still to this day influences theatre and the way theatre is presented . The Elizabethan Era began in 1588 and ended in 1603 during Queen Elizabeth I reign England 's capital and largest city, London grew to about two hundred thousand people. London 's population was divided into three main sections a small but powerful population of wealthy nobles, a prospering middle class, and a large and impoverished lower class living in ... Show more content on ... Only about one–fifth of the population could sign their own names at the beginning of the era but by Elizabeth 's death about one–third of the population was literate. Majority of the Elizabethan population were very poor roughly 3 percent of the population consisted of wealthy nobles. Nobles were the elite men and women of society much like the upper class in today's society. Elizabethan Women were obedient to men and dependent on their male relatives to support them and since there were no school for women they were tutored at home and weren't allowed to enter university. Women also couldn't be heirs to their fathers titles, vote , join the military ,or become doctors and lawyers .Along with all this woman had to preserve there virginity until marriage or they would be looked down upon or belittled however if they were raped they were punished instead of the rapist because during this time men could do whatever they desired to do in life. The Elizabethan Era is known for the intricate outfits that men and women wore to court and elite social functions. The wealthy wore furs and jewels, and the cloth of their garments featured extravagant embroidery. The poor and even the middle classes dressed less extravagant and instead more simply. Elizabethan theatres such as the globe theatre were popular amongst the rich and the poor the poor were called groundlings or penny knaves and would pay a penny to stand in front of ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Oskar Schell Inventions At some point in every person's life, one must find healing and peace after a tragic event. However, the path to healing is unclear. There is no "right way" to heal, so everyone must utilize the tools that work for them. Oskar Schell, age nine, seeks healing in his own ways throughout the book Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Oskar lost his father, Thomas Schell, during the unfortunate events of September 11th, 2001. The reader is provided access to Oskar's thoughts, which are mostly comprised of inventions. These inventions reveal to the reader what keeps Oskar from healing, and even the doubts he has about his father's death. These doubts lead Oskar to embark on a seemingly disappointing journey to find the corresponding lock to... Show more content on ... Oskar's habit of inventing enables him to organize and analyze his pessimistic thoughts, leading to gradual healing. Most of the book is written in Oskar's perspective, sharing his innermost, everyday thoughts with the reader. Much of Oskar's time alone with himself is spent envisioning inventions. The first invention shared with the reader is a teakettle with features that would allow Oskar to fall asleep. Oskar imagines, "What about a teakettle? What if the spout opened and closed when the steam came out, or it would become a mouth, and it could whistle pretty melodies, or do Shakespeare, or just crack up with me? I could invent a teakettle that reads in Dad's voice, so I could fall asleep..." (Foer 1). Originally, Oskar's teakettle is simply an entertaining, everyday product. However, Oskar reveals his true intentions once he mentions his dad. The act of inventing enables both Oskar and the reader to understand what is truly on his mind. In this case, Oskar realizes he cannot sleep because he is lonely and misses his dad. By recognizing ... Get more on ...
  • 14. SAT Top 30 Essay Evidence P age |1 Top 30 Examples to Use as SAT Essay Evidence An exclusive special report from By Christian Heath P age |2 Table of Contents Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 4 Adventurers and Explorers: Amelia Earhart (Female Aviation Pioneer) ................................................................................................ 5 Christopher Columbus ("Discoverer" of the New World?)........................................................................ 7 Sacajawea (Mysterious Native American Guide)... Show more content on ... 57 Jane Goodall (She lived with wild chimpanzees!) .................................................................................... 59 Marie Curie (Famous female scientist) ..................................................................................................... 61 Stephen Hawking (Paralyzed but brilliant astrophysicist) ........................................................................ 63 P age |4 Introduction Congratulations, and thank you for purchasing Top 30 Examples to Use as SAT Essay Evidence, an exclusive special report from! This special report will help enormously in preparing you to write the SAT Essay. In the pages that follow, you will find 30 examples of evidence that work for the vast majority of SAT essay prompts. The examples are drawn from all fields of human endeavor, and there is bound to be evidence that appeals to you, no matter what your interests are. As a professional SAT tutor, and perfect–12–scoring SAT essay writer, I've researched these examples from the point of view of someone about to write the SAT essay. I've identified useful themes, inspirational lessons, and relevant facts – there's no wasted words; every detail could come in handy when it's time to write your SAT essay! In other words, this special report was written specifically to address the ... Get more on ...
  • 15. International Management This page intentionally left blank International Management Culture, Strategy, and Behavior Eighth Edition Fred Luthans University of Nebraska–Lincoln Jonathan P. Doh Villanova University INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT: CULTURE, STRATEGY, AND BEHAVIOR, EIGHTH EDITION Published by McGraw –Hill, a business unit of The McGraw–Hill Companies, Inc., 1221 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020. Copyright © 2012 by The McGraw –Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Previous editions © 2009, 2006, and 2003. No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of The McGraw–Hill Companies, Inc., including, but not limited ... Show more content on ... The advent of social networking and other media has transformed the way citizens interact and how businesses market, promote, and distribute their products globally. The same can be said for mass collaboration efforts occurring through digital, online technology for the development of new and innovative systems, products, and ideas. Both social networking and mass collaboration bring new power and influence to individuals across borders and transform the nature of their relationships with global organizations. As in the past, these developments underscore and reinforce the importance of understanding different cultures, national systems, and corporate management practices around the world. Students and managers now recognize that all business is global and that the world is now interconnected not only geographically but also electronically and psychologically; it is hard to imagine any business or nonbusiness organization that is not directly affected by globalization. Yet, as cultural, political, and economic differences persist, savvy international managers must be able to develop a global mindset in order to effectively adjust, adapt, and navigate the changing landscape they face on a day–to–day basis. In this new eighth edition of International Management, we have taken care to retain the ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Sound Of St. Mary-Le-Bow Bells The Sound of St. Mary–le–Bow Bells: The Decline of the Cockney Accent The Cockney accent is a British dialect possessing a longstanding and rich history. Famous for its use of rhyming slang and unique linguistics, the Cockney accent, and the history associated with it, is a source of pride to many living in London's East End. The traditional definition of a cockney is one who was born within the sound of St. Mary–le–Bow Church bells, though, an accent typical of working class Londoner suffices as well (Mott 71). Despite the accent's century–long history being tied to the working class of London's East End, there is now a large shift in the region's dialect. A large influx of immigration has occurred in the East End, and the result is the slow emergence of a new accent. Sociolinguistics Dr. Sue Fox refers to it as Multicultural London English, and describes the accent as one of "Jamaican, Indian–subcontinent and West–African English" (Hayes). With the emergence of the new accent, the notorious rhyming slang is disappearing, and certain traditional Cockney inflections are becoming less frequent. While the accent is not completely lost due to native speakers carrying it with them as they migrate from the East End, the research as it currently stands, suggests the accent's future is one of continued decline. The Cockney accent is characterized by several different features, one of its most notable being, rhyming slang. Cockney rhyming slang functions by substituting a word for ... Get more on ...
  • 17. British National Identity Through the Lens of British... Within a few minutes after the ambulance had pulled up to the scene, the paparazzi photographers descended and began to shoot pictures for so–called exclusives to be published in the following day's edition of their respective tabloids. One way or another, other journalists and their cameramen found their ways to the tunnel underpass in Paris on August 31, 1997, and the UK as well as the rest of the world received the breaking news that Diana, Princess of Wales, had died that night in a car crash. What was astonishing was not the rapidity of the news– that is, after all, the beauty of modern broadcasting technology– but the effect that the news had on the public. In the following weeks and months, story after story demonstrated the ... Show more content on ... And how does the issue of increasing immigration fit in, now that "the sun has set on the British Empire" (Foa, par.2)? Nowadays, when we think of what is relevantly British, we think of such icons such as the Queen and the royal family, bangers and mash, Blackadder, the Union Jack, the BBC, beer, double–decker buses, the class system, football/soccer– the list goes on. The reason why these symbols are chosen above other is that they are recognizable all over the United Kingdom as part of some national identity. Every item on that list has a particularity to British culture and therefore to a uniting sense of identity. The media has been instrumental in spreading the popularity of said products, exporting them internationally (the BBC, for instance, and its link into American television with BBC America) as well as promoting them domestically. The British media has contributed to spreading elements of national identity but how has national identity influenced the British media? When it comes to the BBC, it has been closely defined in regards to servicing the British population as a whole, and this common link that everyone is supposed to be able to enjoy serves as yet another facet of national identity. Because of its founding principles of public service broadcasting, the BBC's identity was grounded in the idea ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Critical Analysis: J.Alfred Prufrock At the beginning of T. S. Eliot' s poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, there stands an epigraph from Dante's Inferno, Canto 27. This epigraph unifies the text and brings, through its imagery and context, a deeper understanding of Eliot's poem. Prufrock represents both of the characters in this section of the Inferno, corresponding to Dante in the first section and Guido da Montefeltro in the second and third. Dante represents the antithesis of Prufrock as well as the ideal that Prufrock strives for. The flame–bound Guido da Montefeltro represents through his words and condition, the isolated and wasteful state that Prufrock has condemned himself to inhabit. In this manner, the epigraph brings the poem full circle, allowing the reader ... Show more content on ... However, the epigraph also makes a social comment about how modern life can isolate and destroy individual self–worth. Prufrock does not ask "the overwhelming question" because he fears judgment and rejection. His self–consciousness, produced by the society around him, brutalizes him from within. He says, "With a bald spot in the middle of my hair / (they will say: 'how his hair is growing thin!')" and "My necktie rich and modest, but asserted by a simple pin / (They will say: 'how his arms and legs are thin!')" Prufrock has been filled with painful insecurity because he has been "formulated, sprawling on a pin" by the people around him. Therefore, to "return alive from this pit" as Guido says, would mean to rise above the constrictions and cruel judgementalism of modern life: a truly heroic act. Prufrock, crushed under the pressures of modern life, crumbles from within. He shuts himself off from society and the woman that he loves: all because of his deep self–loathing and fear. This internal catastrophe describes the isolating and lonely nature of modern existence, where cultural norms become internalized and people watch themselves, as from the guard tower of a prison, hoping to catch themselves in the act of individualizing before becoming a deviant in the eyes of society. The poem's epigraph fuses all of these concepts and figures together into a summation that brings the reader a deeper and richer understanding of the poem, and another powerful ... Get more on ...
  • 19. The Character Of Shoreditch A dynamic and creating kaleidoscope of ability and innovativeness, it's practically difficult to discover a spot that matches the character of Shoreditch. Arranged in the East End of London toward the north of the City of London, this internal city locale is genuinely the epicentre of workmanship, creative energy and yes, hipsterism. Creative History Quite a long time ago characterized as "forlorn and unpleasant", Shoreditch has developed a wide margin in the course of recent years. Prior to the 1990s, it had excessively numerous distribution centres and not very many individuals. This was the point at which any semblance of artists such as Alexander McQueen, Tracey Emin and Gary Hume kicked pulled in and off working here. With various occasions and displays occurring, the range further pulled in designers, movie producers and others. Before long, this ruined and purge region got changed into a masterful society with ... Show more content on ... The previous is open six days in a week while the last works just on Sundays. You can discover garments, watches, calfskin things and toys at some inconceivable costs, gave you are great you're haggling aptitudes. Staying Here Regardless of the spread of fortune and success, the snappy Shoreditch keeps up its creativity and restless vibe. There is an interesting and comprehensive scope of selective lofts offering a cool atmosphere with all the aesthetic elements. From a studio condo accessible here at 100 Pounds for each night to a three room flat at 220 Pounds for every night, Shoreditch offers both taste and pocket inviting alternatives such as M hotel Shoreditch London tech city. It is very much associated with different parts of London. Shoreditch High Street and Liverpool Street are the nearest underground stations. Why ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Correct Answer Current Location .HARH1000 160813 ART APPRECIATION WP Lessons Week Eleven – November 1 through November 7 Review Test Submission: Self Assessment 11 . . Menu Management Options Expand AllCollapse All ..Course Menu:ARH1000 160813 ART APPRECIATION WP H Syllabus . –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– . Lessons . –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– . Course Mail . My Grades . –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– . Instructions Question 1 .0 out of 1 points Vincent van Gogh committed suicide by bleeding to death after slicing off his left ear. Answer Selected Answer: True Correct ... Show more content on ... Question 18 .0 out of 1 points Tintoretto's Last Supper has a very similar symmetrical composition to Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the same subject. Answer
  • 21. Selected Answer: True Correct Answer: False . Question 19 .0 out of 1 points Bernini depicts his David at exactly the same moment in the story as the versions by his predecessors Donatello and Michelangelo. Answer Selected Answer: True Correct Answer: False . Question 20 .1 out of 1 points Edgar Degas was fascinated by observing ballet dancers, both in practice and during performances. Answer Selected Answer: True Correct Answer: True . Question 21 .1 out of 1 points Peter Paul Rubens worked with many assistants in his studio. Answer Selected Answer: True Correct Answer: True . Question 22 .1 out of 1 points Goya painted a slightly unflattering portrait of the Spanish royal family because he strongly disliked them and wanted to insult the King. Answer Selected Answer: False Correct Answer: False . Question 23 .0 out of 1 points Frederic Edwin Church captured the natural wonder and power of Niagara Falls in his painting by using grand scale. Answer Selected Answer: False Correct Answer: True . Question 24 .1 out of 1 points Paul Gauguin liked to paint subjects from modern, industrial cities. Answer Selected Answer: False Correct Answer: False . Question 25 .1 out of 1 points When ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Five Flight's Up Compare And Contrast Humans are given the night to rest their eyes and become one with silence, with peace, with themselves. During these few hours, reality blurs into dreams as dreams almost become a reality; flying becomes no feat and yesterday seems hardly stressful. That is the beauty of a reset: it marks a new beginning. While some people never want to awaken from this alternate dimension, others forwardly decide to undertake the great adventures of tomorrow. William Stafford's narrative poem "Five A.M." and Elizabeth Bishop's lyrical poem "Five Flights Up" both seem interpret the identical thought of early mornings as one speaker strolls on the street before sunrise while the other outlines the beginning of a new day; however, beneath the surface, through... Show more content on ... Air. It can be a rejuvenation or a suffocation, gentle or bashing, light or dense, just as a view towards nature can be two opposites as established by the punctuation sprinkled throughout both poems. The two poems, consisting of free verse, sculpt out the flowing freedom that permeates morning time; however, Bishop's poem is heavily punctuated, upholding a disharmonious and choppy connection with the natural world. The first line that echoes in both poems denotes an early time before sunrise. In Stafford's poem, "still dark" is offset by a comma followed by a revitalizing qualifier that justifies the darkness: "the early morning breathes". Simultaneously, Stafford assigns the morning a significance by personifying its actions. Bishop, however, ends the first line brusquely with a period, undoubtedly justifying that there is no anticipation of a new day or nature's actions. As the poem progresses, Stafford employs more linking punctuation such as semicolons and commas to signify a fluidity and evolution from night to morning. "Lawns, a hedge; I pass...the yard with the little dog; my feet pad and grit...flicker past streetlights; my arms ... Get more on ...
  • 23. An Employers Guide Inclusive Workplace An employer's guide to creating an inclusive workplace Contents Page Section 1: Introduction 1 Section 2: What does an inclusive workplace look like? 2 Section 3: What are the benefits of an inclusive workplace? 3 Section 4: How can I create an inclusive workplace? 4 4.1 Consider what you want to achieve 5 4.2 Undertake an inclusion review 6 4.3 Create an action plan 10 4.4 Communicate and implement the action plan38 4.5 Review policies, practices and informal working culture on a regular basis 43 Section 5: How will I know if I'm successful? 44 Section 6: Practical ideas for ... Show more content on ... More employers are coming up with solutions to create and promote an inclusive workplace in order to maximise productivity, attract new talent and increase employee commitment. Organisations' action on equality and human rights issues can have a significant impact upon their brand reputation, so
  • 24. inclusion makes good business sense. Attract new talent Working teams that are diverse in their make–up are able to come up with a wider range of solutions to business problems. Inclusive workplaces that openly communicate their values and strategies on equality, human rights and inclusion are capitalising on this as they are able to attract a wider pool of applicants and talent. Candidates from minority groups may be put off applying for positions in organisations that do not make their commitment to inclusion known. Retain productive and committed staff Inclusive workplaces that understand the needs of their employees and make staff feel valued and respected also have greater success in retaining staff. Having a range of policies and facilities in place to ensure that all employees are able to balance work with other aspects of their lives has a positive impact on job satisfaction, productivity and commitment. In contrast, in organisations where stereotypes persist and some groups of employees face barriers to success, these employees experience negative consequences on performance, health and wellbeing. Create wider customer appeal and access to untapped ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Top 1 Cause for Project Failure Anish Mathai Mathew [PMP|MBA] Temenos T24 PROGRAM MANAGER at Union National Bank Featured discussion In your experience, what is the TOP #1 cause for Project failure? From experience, the following are the TOP10 causes of Project failure that Mathew can think of (they are not in any kind of order): #1. Lacking Sponsor 's Involvement/Ownership #2. Halo Effect (Wrong Man for the Job) #3. Poor HR Management #4. Poor/Inadequate Project Communications #5. Ignoring Project Stakeholders #6. Absence of Risk Management #7. Scope Creep/Unrealistic Expectations ( scope creep: Frequent and uncontrolled changes in the scope or requirements of a project) #8. Lack of Monitoring of Plan #9. Absence of a Project Management Methodology ... Show more content on ... For me this question shows the real reason for faillure. Most projects focus on producing a rocket (only focus on delivery). Successful projects however look further: why do we create a rocket? Because we want to go to the moon. If NASA would have only focussed on delivering rockets, they would never have reached the moon and probably had produced a great number of disasters while delivering or using those rockets. A Business Case focus, rather than only a delivery focus! (By the way & off topic: this delivery approach for me also caused the current financial crisis. Only focussing on the deal, not on the long term effects.) All reasons summed up in the question above are in my view symptoms and results of the delivery–only approach rather than reasons. 3. 4. [pic]
  • 26. Alexandro Zencovich Senior Project Manager at ZTE Canada I would say #7. Scope Creep/Unrealistic Expectations. All the others reasons are certainly strong source for failure but somehow most of them point to have a bad road map document. This is why a Project Manager is so useful in any organization to make sure that we get the right project management plan, which include a concise and accurate project scope statement and "realistic" project expectations. 5. [pic] Beth Barrett Beth Barrett Consulting, LLC Based on over 20 years of project management experience, I would say item #1 to ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Emperor of all maladies Essay Praise for The Emperor of All Maladies "A compulsively readable, surprisingly uplifting, and vivid tale. thrilling ." –o, t he oprah maga z in e "[An] essential piece of medical journalism." –T im e "A meticulously researched, panoramic history . . . What makes Mukherjee's narrative so remarkable is that he imbues decades of painstaking laboratory investigation with the suspense of a mystery novel and urgency of a thriller."–The Boston Globe "riveting and powerful ." –San Fr a n c isco C hr on ic le "remarkable . . . The reader devours this fascinating book . . . Mukherjee is a clear and determined writer. . . . An unusually humble, insightful book." –Los An ge le s T im e s "extraordinary . . . So often ... Show more content on ... In some nations, cancer will surpass heart disease to become the most common cause of death. Mukherjee_Emperor_i–588_PTR.indd 15 6/22/11 12:59 PM Author's Note
  • 28. This book is a history of cancer. It is a chronicle of an ancient disease– once a clandestine, "whispered–about" illness–that has metamorphosed into a lethal shape–shifting entity imbued with such penetrating metaphorical, medical, scientific, and political potency that cancer is often described as the defining plague of our generation. This book is a "biography" in the truest sense of the word–an attempt to enter the mind of this immortal illness, to understand its personality, to demystify its behavior. But my ultimate aim is to raise a question beyond biography: Is cancer's end conceivable in the future? Is it possible to eradicate this disease from our bodies and societies forever? Cancer is not one disease but many diseases. We call them all В cancer" " because they share a fundamental feature: the abnormal growth of cells. And beyond the biological commonality, there are deep cultural and political themes that run through the various incarnations of cancer to justify a unifying narrative. It is not possible to consider the stories of every variant of cancer, but I have attempted to highlight the large themes that run through this 4,000–year history. The project, evidently vast, ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Day's Last Cattle Drive Essay Day's Last Cattle Drive First published in 1977, Robert Day's The Last Cattle Drive was an instant bestseller and Book of the Month Club selection. Currently, the novel is a Western classic. This rough and boisterous novel of a cattle drive by two older cowboys, seeking to relive a bygone era and prove themselves superior to the trucking industry, backed by Opal, the wife of Spangler, and a green horn school teacher in the modern age of the planes, trains, and trucks revived the genre of the cowboy. Moreover, the novel added its own special twists of relationships between the characters and the people along the way which captured the imagination of its audience, especially the author of this paper. The novel is full of relatable rural small... Show more content on ... The weather of Kansas was much harsher on Kansas ranchers than the southern farmers and ranchers of Texas and Oklahoma. The weather of Kansas also had violent and unpredictable tornadoes such as the one encountered on the trail drive. Spangler's tension with animals such as livestock or the stray cat, later named Rabies, at the Hays bar defined Spangler as a comedic cursing cowboy while sober, dealing with livestock, but, while drunk at the Hays bar, Spangler was quite patient with the stray cat that bit him to the bone and clawed up his arm. He was even concerned that he may have to behead the cat and send it to a lab for rabies testing so he kept Rabies as a pet so that he could monitor the cat's health. Inanimate objects seem to bring out the worst in Spangler. The family lawn mower, needing repair, required Spangler's attention so that Harold could mow the yard during his next visit home from Kansas University. The mower, being an inanimate object and not cooperating with Spangler, was executed with a shotgun. Opal, understanding her husband, tried to talk him out of shooting the lawn mower but failing to do so, told Leo to drag off the mower as instructed. Spangler is a much more tolerant person when his has a boilermaker, Green Gable scotch and ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Social Class And Social Inequality I will draw upon different evidence linking social class to where people live. Firstly, I will look at two approaches to determining social class, together with how class and social inequality are linked. Secondly, by reference to several key studies I will demonstrate that where people live is representative of their social class, and outline how disconnections are formed as a consequence. Finally, I will discuss how sporting opportunities are constrained to a person's social class and place of residence. In the Nineteenth century Karl Marx a famous theorist, linked class inequalities to a person's place of work or their position in the economy. He argued that a capitalist society was divided into two groups; the working class, who sell their labour, and the capitalist class, who employ the working class (Taylor, 2014, p. 13). Each class was dependant on the other in order to keep the economy going. More recently the BBC lab (Savage et al., cited in Woodward, 2014, p. 189) developed a class survey based on Bourdieu's (1984) approach to social and cultural capital. In the study respondents were asked about their economic, cultural, and social capital. The survey which is essentially based on consumption identified seven classes, from elite to precariat (BBC science cited Woodward, p190, 2014). Many factors can determine a person's class and where they consider they belong in society. A person's background and upbringing can affect what is of importance, how they live and ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Summer Olymoics 2012 Summer Olympics From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search "2012 Olympics" redirects here. For the Winter Youth Olympics, see 2012 Winter Youth Olympics. For the Paralympic Games, see 2012 Summer Paralympics. "London 2012" redirects here. For the video game, see London 2012 (video game). Games of the XXX Olympiad| This is the clear version of the official logo. There are four official base colours, and another version for the 2012 Summer Paralympics. For more details, see section "Logo" below.| Host city| London, United Kingdom| Motto| Inspire a Generation| Nations participating| 204| Athletes participating| 10,820| Events| 302 in 26 sports| Opening ceremony| 27 July|... Show more content on ... The Paris bid suffered two setbacks during the IOC inspection visit: a number of strikes and demonstrations coinciding with the visits, and a report that a key member of the bid team, Guy Drut, would face charges over alleged corrupt party political finances.[25] Lord Coe – the head of the London 2012 bid Throughout the process, Paris was widely seen as the favourite, particularly as this was its third bid in recent years. ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Hamlet's 'Candide': A Short Story Below the yellowed circular orb amongst the stars, the only source of light that night, stood two peculiar looking men. One going by the name of Candide and the other by Hamlet. The two men looked upon one another with the same face of bewilderment. Ten minutes passed with the two men staring at one another both with dumbfounded expressions fixed upon their faces. It wasn't until the metal between the bell tower met the bell forcing a harsh "clang" signifying that it was now midnight. The two jumped out of their hypnotic trance, with a light scream almost exiting the mouth of Candide. Hamlet was the first to break the silence, "Well obviously you must be the one to perform this task", he said with a sly look fixed upon his face, "You are far greater than I, for you have only merely fainted... Show more content on ... They noticed the mildew stench that currested the blood stained bricks, or was it the stench of what was to come. Hamlet was analyzing the situation either to escape or face the the choice they were forced to make. Candide was also searching for answers from Hamlet, from the orb, from the pounding in his heart. Candide began to sway, light headedly he stuttered, " I would... I would.." the pressure began to build in his head; Candide fainted to avert himself from the all too stressful request of the infamous tasks. Hamlet looked upon the frail boyish body of Candide and tried to force a laugh, but couldn't, the decision started to weigh upon his shoulders and slowly then all at once Hamlet began to feel as though he could not handle this task at hand. "I must do this", Hamlet thought to himself, "it's the only, it's the only way", the world began to turn sideways in the eyes of Hamlet, or was it that Hamlet was sideways himself. "I shall not let some fool like this Candide be accepted rather than I.... i must do this", Hamlet finished this last sentence right before falling alongside Candide in the jagged ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Essay on Sound and Image in Motion Pictures Sound and Image in Motion Pictures Motion pictures and television are audio–visual mediums and so of course engage both our visual and aural senses. The meaning and emotion of a piece is commonly thought to come from the image and that the sound at best just duplicates the meanings from the image. For example Aaron Copland has said that a composer can do no more than" make potent through music the film's dramatic and emotional value." ( /20041210081146/ Sound does however perform much more important, intricate and complex functions than commonly accepted. Sound combines with moving pictures in various ways to create meaning but is diverse and has numerous other uses. ... Show more content on ... In Indiana Jones the motif of Jones indicates he is going to save the day and in The Good The Bad and The Ugly the films motif, through repetition of being played as the same type of action unfolds, goes on to indicates a shoot–out is about to happen The tone of music can be used to create meaning and generate mood in a scene or in a production as a whole. In The Empire Strikes Back the rebels attempt to flee from the empire. During this sequence Darth Vader's and the rebels leitmotif is heard. Vader's motif is played at an increased tempo and higher pitch to normal. The function of this change is to show the imminent danger of the empire and Vader's likely success in capturing the rebels. The rebels leitmotif is played but does not contain the opening and perhaps most identifiable phase. The tone is slightly deeper, the pace slightly slower and is mixed up in and slightly drown out by other sound effects. The function of this use of sound is to put the out come of the situation in doubt and make the rebels attempt at escaping unlikely. When the rebels do escape the distinctive opening to their motif is played at normal pitch and tempo and without the distraction of other sounds. This functions to signal their success but also the finality of the scene. The leitmotifs and the tone of the motifs are used to guide the spectator through narrative change. Sound effects have a few main functions. Sound effects simulate reality, create illusions and help ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Green Spaces And The City Of London London, full with people and skyscrapers. There is concrete everywhere you look. People would have gone crazy with concrete madness if there were not green spaces. Green spaces are essential for the city and humans living in the city. Without it, people in the city would have been serious ill or even dead because of the smog. So, it is very important that London cares for it 's green spaces. London is too big to be maintained by itself, that is why there are boroughs. Each borough maintains it own space. Of course, each of the boroughs has it 's own strategy. Two of the boroughs were particularly interesting, because of the biodiversity and the strategy of the borough to maintain and enhance green space. The first borough is the City of London (as you can see above). There are many (somewhat tiny) green spaces in the City of London, that are scattered and divided by streets and tall buildings. The historic value of these green spaces is magnificent. Here were the first settlements of London around the Roman era. Some of the pieces of the City wall of the Roman Londonium still stand today. The City of London does not want to destroy such value, that is why the green spaces of the City of London are around those objects with historic value. Many offices and companies are located in the City of London, as well as restaurants and bars. The green spaces are mainly used by workers to rest after work or to relax and eat something in the break. Although, the non–humans are ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Social Observation And Social Investivation This assignment will discuss the main observations in Whitechapel. How well Whitechapel taken care off, poor housing and public transport. if a community is well taken care then the people in the community will be encouraged to go out more, which will help them to have social inclusion and a form of unity within the area. I also believe that not only will it help people socialise but it will also encourage individuals to go out and exercise more which will reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and improve health in general. Public transport also relates to the determinants of health as it reduces pollution and increases the health and wellbeing of individuals and poor housing comes with many other environmental health factors which also supports the theory of social health determinants. People who live in overcrowded environment have a higher risk of falling ill which will be discussed further on in more depth. (Marmot et al, 2003) One reoccurring aspect we realised is that there were a lot of bin bags left lying around, streets were not as cleaned and also a lot of walls including vehicles were vandalised. This not only looks unclean but also leaves a bad odour which leads to preventing individuals from walking in that particular area. The broken window theory also supports this reaction, a study made that demonstrated a broken house is more of an open target for crime and vandals. It empathizes the importance of maintaining environments to prevent crimes. (Wilson et ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Bhopal Gas Disaster Executive Summary On December 3, 1984, toxic poisonous methyl isocyanate gas leaked from Union Carbide India Limited (UCIL 's) pesticide plant in Bhopal. The gas leak triggered a disaster that is now widely recognized as the world worst industrial catastrophe. Thousands of people were killed instantly and more than 25,000 people have died of gas–related illnesses, several thousands more maimed for life since. Union Carbide negotiated a settlement with the Indian Government in 1989 for $470 million – a total of only $370 to $533 per victim – a sum too small to pay for most medical bills. In 1996, t elve years after the disaster, Union Carbide became part of the Dow Chemical w Corporation, which flatly refused to assume any liabilities in... Show more content on ... However, few denizens had not only fraudulently got the names of their kin included in the compensation list, they also managed to obtain the compensation more than once for the same individual. Amazingly, the compensation was allegedly sanctioned by the same deputy commissioner twice without noticing the irregularity. A woman Naznee Siddiqui allegedly got the name of her daughter Faiza Siddiqui included in the beneficiaries ' list despite the girl being born three years after the gas tragedy. The alleged fraud did not end here, as the woman claimed the compensation twice in the name of her daughter. Interestingly, the woman in an affidavit claimed that her daughter was present at the time of gas leakage but the mark sheet of the girl stated her date of birth as September 30, 1987. Both the claims were sanctioned in 1999 by the same deputy commissioner, RK Bhave, wherein the girl was made eligible for compensation of Rs 25,000 each. The claim numbers of the girl were 138071 and 139067. Apart from the girl, the mother and her son also obtained compensation of Rs 70,000 and Rs 25,000 in the year 1994 and 1999, respectively. The claims clearly contained the name of the girl, her parents ' name, residence and age. Despite this, they were sanctioned twice in four months. The girl was also directed to remain present in the claims court on March 18 and July 19, 1999, to receive compensation as per the claimed letters. Bhartiya Jan Morcha district president ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Urban Regeneration in the London Docklands Essay Urban Regeneration in the London Docklands The London Docklands Development Corporation is located along the River Thames Estuary 2.a) The London Docklands had to close for many reasons. The main reason was the Second World War. The area suffered substantial bomb damage in the Second World War, which lead to the need for a substantial rebuilding programme. In the first 20 years after the Second World War, many buildings came to the end of their usefulness. A number of factors contributed to the decline in the importance of the Docklands. London was no longer the centre of world trade and so much of the dock space and warehousing was no longer needed. Some manufacturing activities were ... Show more content on ... These responsibilities included the reclamation of land, the provision of transport infrastructure, environmental improvement and the attraction of private–sector investment. The LDDC acquired land and promoted transport development in the form of the Docklands Light Railway and London City Airport to attract development and fill up the Isle of Dogs. The LDDC had four aims that they wanted to achieve in the Docklands. They were basically to improve the economic, social and physical aspects of the area. To improve the economic aspect of the area, they had to create jobs for the unemployed who were living in the Docklands. To do this, they had to bring in major companies. The LDDC decided to provide a good infrastructure to the area. They provided the gas, electric and roads. Transport was a main problem, so ВЈ600 million was spent on transport, and another ВЈ300 million on just the Docklands Railway. 3. a) Many office buildings were built, including Canary Wharf. Large newspaper companies were attracted to the Docklands, away from Fleet Street because of the new Canary Wharf building. This is one of the tallest buildings in England, at 800ft high and boasting 50 stories. Companies were attracted to Canary Wharf because of the quality of it with air conditioning, deep floors, and open office space. Building space in London was short and expensive. ... Get more on ...