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BioPerl Update 2010:
Towards a Modern BioPerl
Chris Fields (UIUC)
BOSC 7-10-10
Present Day BioPerl

✤   Addressing new bioinformatics problems

✤   Collaborations in Open Bioinformatics Foundation

✤   Google Summer of Code
Towards a Modern BioPerl

✤   Lowering the barrier for new users to become involved

✤   Using Modern Perl language features

✤   Dealing with the BioPerl monolith
BioPerl 2.0?

✤   BioPerl and Modern Perl OOP (Moose)

✤   BioPerl and Perl 6

✤   Started in 1996, many contributors over the years
    ✤   Jason Stajich (UCR)               ✤   Ian Korf (Wash U)

    ✤   Hilmar Lapp (NESCent)             ✤   Chris Mungall (NCBO)

    ✤   Heikki Lehväslaiho (KAUST)        ✤   Brian Osborne (BioTeam)

    ✤   Georg Fuellen (Bielefeld)         ✤   Steve Trutane (Stanford)

    ✤   Ewan Birney (Sanger, EBI)         ✤   Sendu Bala (Sanger)

    ✤   Aaron Mackey (Univ. Virginia)     ✤   Dave Messina (Sonnhammer Lab)

    ✤   Chris Dagdigian (BioTeam)         ✤   Mark Jensen (TCGA)

    ✤   Steven Brenner (UC-Berkeley)      ✤   Rob Buels (SGN)

    ✤   Lincoln Stein (OICR, CSHL)        ✤   Many, many more!

✤   Open source: ‘Released under the same license as Perl itself’ i.e.


✤   Core developers - make releases, drive the project, set vision

✤   Regular contributors - have direct commit access
BioPerl Distributions

✤   BioPerl Core - the main distribution (aka ‘bioperl-live’ if using dev

✤   BioPerl-Run - Perl ‘wrappers’ for common bioinformatics tools

✤   BioPerl-DB - BioSQL ORM to BioPerl classes
Biological Sequences
✤   Bio::Seq - sequence record class
         #!/bin/perl -w

         use Modern::Perl;
         use Bio::Seq;

         my $seq_obj = Bio::Seq->new(-seq             =>   "aaaatgggggggggggccccgtt",
                                     -display_id      =>   "ABC12345",
                                     -desc            =>   "example 1",
                                     -alphabet        =>   "dna");

         say $seq_obj->display_id;   # ABC12345
         say $seq_obj->desc;         # example 1
         say $seq_obj->seq;          # aaaatgggggggggggccccgtt

         my $revcom = $seq_obj->revcom; # new Bio::Seq, but revcom
         say $revcom->seq;          # aacggggcccccccccccatttt
Sequence I/O
✤   Bio::SeqIO - sequence I/O stream classes (pluggable)
                 #!/usr/bin/perl -w

                 use Modern::Perl;
                 use Bio::SeqIO;

                 my ($infile, $outfile) = @ARGV;

                 my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $infile,
                                          -format => 'genbank');
                 my $out = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => ">$outfile",
                                          -format => 'fasta');

                 while (my $seq_obj = $in->next_seq) {
                     say $seq_obj->display_id;
Sequence Features

✤   Bio::SeqFeature::Generic - generic SF implementation
                                                   GenBank File
use Modern::Perl;                                               source            1..2629
use Bio::SeqIO;                                                                   /organism="Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF"
                                                                                  /mol_type="genomic DNA"
my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => shift,                                          /strain="OG1RF"
                         -format => 'genbank');                                   /db_xref="taxon:474186"
                                                                gene              25..>2629
while (my $seq_obj = $in->next_seq) {                                             /gene="pyr operon"
    for my $feat_obj ($seq_obj->get_SeqFeatures) {                                /note="pyrimidine biosynthetic operon"
        say "Primary tag: ".$feat_obj->primary_tag;
        say "Location: ".$feat_obj->location->to_FTstring;               Primary tag: source
        for my $tag ($feat_obj->get_all_tags) {                          Location: 1..2629
            say " tag: $tag";                                              tag: db_xref
            for my $value ($feat_obj->get_tag_values($tag)) {                value: taxon:474186
                say "    value: $value";                                   tag: mol_type
            }                                                                value: genomic DNA
        }                                                                  tag: organism
    }                                                                        value: Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF
}                                                                          tag: strain
                                                                             value: OG1RF
Sequence Features

✤   Bio::SeqFeature::Generic - generic SF implementation
                                                   GenBank File
use Modern::Perl;                                               source            1..2629
use Bio::SeqIO;                                                                   /organism="Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF"
                                                                                  /mol_type="genomic DNA"
my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => shift,                                          /strain="OG1RF"
                         -format => 'genbank');                                   /db_xref="taxon:474186"
                                                                gene              25..>2629
while (my $seq_obj = $in->next_seq) {                                             /gene="pyr operon"
    for my $feat_obj ($seq_obj->get_SeqFeatures) {                                /note="pyrimidine biosynthetic operon"
        say "Primary tag: ".$feat_obj->primary_tag;
        say "Location: ".$feat_obj->location->to_FTstring;               Primary tag: source
        for my $tag ($feat_obj->get_all_tags) {                          Location: 1..2629
            say " tag: $tag";                                              tag: db_xref
            for my $value ($feat_obj->get_tag_values($tag)) {                value: taxon:474186
                say "    value: $value";                                   tag: mol_type
            }                                                                value: genomic DNA
        }                                                                  tag: organism
    }                                                                        value: Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF
}                                                                          tag: strain
                                                                             value: OG1RF
Sequence Features

✤   Bio::SeqFeature::Generic - generic SF implementation
                                                   GenBank File
use Modern::Perl;                                               source            1..2629
use Bio::SeqIO;                                                                   /organism="Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF"
                                                                                  /mol_type="genomic DNA"
my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => shift,                                          /strain="OG1RF"
                         -format => 'genbank');                                   /db_xref="taxon:474186"
                                                                gene              25..>2629
while (my $seq_obj = $in->next_seq) {                                             /gene="pyr operon"
    for my $feat_obj ($seq_obj->get_SeqFeatures) {                                /note="pyrimidine biosynthetic operon"
        say "Primary tag: ".$feat_obj->primary_tag;
        say "Location: ".$feat_obj->location->to_FTstring;               Primary tag: source
        for my $tag ($feat_obj->get_all_tags) {                          Location: 1..2629
            say " tag: $tag";                                              tag: db_xref
            for my $value ($feat_obj->get_tag_values($tag)) {                value: taxon:474186
                say "    value: $value";                                   tag: mol_type
            }                                                                value: genomic DNA
        }                                                                  tag: organism
    }                                                                        value: Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF
}                                                                          tag: strain
                                                                             value: OG1RF
Report Parsing
     Query= gi|1786183|gb|AAC73113.1| (AE000111) aspartokinase I,
     homoserine dehydrogenase I [Escherichia coli]
              (820 letters)

     Database: ecoli.aa
                4289 sequences; 1,358,990 total letters


                                                                            Score       E
     Sequences producing significant alignments:                            (bits)    Value

     gb|AAC73113.1|   (AE000111)   aspartokinase I, homoserine dehydrogen...   1567   0.0
     gb|AAC76922.1|   (AE000468)   aspartokinase II and homoserine dehydr...    332   1e-91
     gb|AAC76994.1|   (AE000475)   aspartokinase III, lysine sensitive [E...    184   3e-47
     gb|AAC73282.1|   (AE000126)   uridylate kinase [Escherichia coli]           42   3e-04

     >gb|AAC73113.1| (AE000111) aspartokinase I, homoserine dehydrogenase I [Escherichia
               Length = 820

      Score = 1567 bits (4058), Expect = 0.0
      Identities = 806/820 (98%), Positives = 806/820 (98%)

Report Parsing
✤   Bio::SearchIO                                        Hit=gb|AAC73113.1|
#!/usr/bin/perl -w                                       Length=820
use Modern::Perl;
use Bio::SearchIO;
my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast',
                            -file   => 'ecoli.bls');
while( my $result = $in->next_result ) {                 Percent_id=29.5980511571255
  while( my $hit = $result->next_hit ) {
    while( my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp ) {                 Query=gi|1786183|gb|AAC73113.1|
      say "Query=".$result->query_name;
      say " Hit=".$hit->name;
      say " Length=".$hsp->length('total');
      say " Percent_id=".$hsp->percent_identity."n";    Percent_id=30.1486199575372
  }                                                     Query=gi|1786183|gb|AAC73113.1|
}                                                        Hit=gb|AAC73282.1|
Local/Remote Database Interfaces

✤   Bio::DB::GenBank

              #!/bin/perl -w

              use Modern::Perl;
              use Bio::DB::GenBank;

              my $db_obj = Bio::DB::GenBank->new;    # query NCBI nuc db

              my $seq_obj = $db_obj->get_Seq_by_acc('A00002');

              say $seq_obj->display_id;   # A00002
              say $seq_obj->length();     # 194

✤   Also EntrezGene, GenPept, RefSeq, UniProt, EBI, etc.
And Lots More!

✤   Bio::Align/IO            ✤   Bio::Map/IO

✤   Bio::Assembly/IO         ✤   Bio::Restriction/IO

✤   Bio::Tree/IO             ✤   Bio::Structure/IO

✤   Local flatfile databases   ✤   Bio::Factory

✤   Bio::Graphics            ✤   Bio::Tools::Run (catch-all namespace)

✤   SeqFeature databases     ✤   Bio::Factory (create objects)

✤   Bio::Pedigree/IO         ✤   Bio::Range/Location

✤   Bio::Coordinate/IO
Current Development
Next-Gen Sequence

✤   Second-generation/next-generation sequencing

    ✤   This is Lincoln Stein

    ✤   There is a reason he is smiling...
Next-Gen Sequence

✤   Bio-SamTools - support for SAM and BAM data (via SamTools)

✤   Bio-BigFile - support for BigWig/BigBed (via Jim Kent’s UCSC tools)

    ✤   Separate CPAN distributions

✤   GBrowse (Lincoln’s talk this afternoon), BioPerl

    ✤   Via SeqFeatures (high-level API for both modules)

    ✤   Via Bio::Assembly and BioPerl-Run (using the above modules)
Data Courtesy R. Khetani, M. Hudson, G. Robinson
New Tools/Wrappers

✤   BowTie            ✤   Infernal v.1.0
✤   BWA               ✤   NCBI eUtils (SOAP, CGI-based)
✤   MAQ               ✤   TopHat/CuffLinks (upcoming)
✤   BEDTools (beta)   ✤   The Cloud - bioperl-max
✤   SAMTools
                        Mark Jensen,
✤   HMMER3            Thomas Sharpton,
                       Dave Messina,
✤   BLAST+
                         Kai Blin,
✤   PAML               Dan Kortschak

  Published online 16 December 2009                               Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, Vol. 38, No. 6 1767–1771

  The Sanger FASTQ file format for sequences
  with quality scores, and the Solexa/Illumina
  FASTQ variants
  Peter J. A. Cock1,*, Christopher J. Fields2, Naohisa Goto3, Michael L. Heuer4 and
  Peter M. Rice5
   Plant Pathology, SCRI, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, UK, 2Institute for Genomic Biology, 1206 W. Gregory
  Drive, M/C 195, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, USA, 3Genome Information Research
  Center, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University, 3-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871,
  Japan, 4Harbinger Partners, Inc., 855 Village Center Drive, Suite 356, St. Paul, MN 55127, USA and 5EMBL
  Outstation - Hinxton, European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton,
  Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK

  Received October 13, 2009; Revised November 13, 2009; Accepted November 17, 2009

  ABSTRACT                                                         of an explicit standard some parsers will fail to cope with
                                                                   very long ‘>’ title lines or very long sequences without
  FASTQ has emerged as a common file format for                    line wrapping. There is also no standardization for
The Google Summer of Code

✤   O|B|F was accepted this year for the first time

✤   Headed by Rob Buels (SGN), with some help from Hilmar Lapp and

✤   Six projects, covering BioPerl, BioJava, Biopython, BioRuby
The Google Summer of Code

✤   BioPerl has actually been part of the Google Summer of Code for the
    last three years (as have many other Bio*):

    ✤   NESCent - admin: H. Lapp:

        ✤   2008 - PhyloXML parsing (student: Mira Han)

        ✤   2009 - NeXML parsing (student: Chase Miller)

    ✤   O|B|F - admin: R. Buels:

        ✤   2010 - Alignment subsystem refactoring (student: Jun Yin)
GSoC - Alignment Subsystem

✤   Clean up current code

✤   Include capability of dealing with large datasets

✤   Target next-gen data, very large alignments?

    ✤   Abstract the backend (DB, memory, etc.)

    ✤   SAM/BAM may work (via Bio::DB::SAM)

    ✤   ...but what about protein sequences?
Towards a Modern BioPerl
Towards a Modern BioPerl

✤   BioPerl will be turning 15 soon

✤   What can we improve?

✤   What can we do with the current code?

✤   Maybe some that we can use in a BioPerl 2.0?

✤   Or a BioPerl 6?
What We Can Do Now

✤   Lower the barrier

✤   Use Modern Perl

✤   Deal with the monolith
Lower the Barrier

✤   We have already started on this - May 2010

✤   Migrate source code repository to git and GitHub

✤   Original BioPerl developers are added as collaborators on GitHub...

    ✤   ...but now anyone can now ‘fork’ BioPerl, make changes, submit
        ‘pull requests’, etc.

✤   Since May, have had many forks, pull requests with code reviews (so
    a decent success)
Using Modern Perl

✤   Minimal version of Perl required for BioPerl is v5.6.1

✤   Even v5.8.1 is considered quite old

✤   Both the 5.6.x and 5.8.x releases are EOL (as of Dec. 2008)
Using Modern Perl

✤   Minimal version of Perl required for BioPerl is v5.6.1

✤   Even v5.8.1 is considered quite old

✤   Both the 5.6.x and 5.8.x releases are EOL (as of Dec. 2008)
Using Modern Perl

say                                        defined-or

print "I like newlinesn";                 # work only if false && defined
                                           $foo ||= 'default';
say "I like newlines";
                                           if (!defined($foo)) {
                                               $foo = 'default'
yada yada                                  }

                                           $foo //= 'default';
sub implement_me {

sub implement_me { ... }     # yada yada
Using Modern Perl

Smart Match                          given/when

if ($key ~~ %hash) { # like exists
                                     given ($foo) {
    # do something
                                         when (%lookup) { ... }
                                         when (/^(d+)/) { ... }
                                         when (/^[A-Za-z]+/) { ... }
if ($foo ~~ /d+/ ) { # like =~
                                         default { ... }
    # do something
Dealing with the Monolith

✤   Release manager nightmares:

    ✤   Remote databases disappear (XEMBL)

    ✤   Others change service or URLs (SeqHound)

    ✤   Services become obsolete (Pise)

    ✤   Developers move on, disappear, modules bit-rot (not saying :)

✤   How do we solve this problem?
Dealing with the Monolith

                      Classes        Tests (Files)
                        874          23146 (341)
    bioperl-run        123*           2468 (80)

    bioperl-db          72             113 (16)

  bioperl-network        9             327 (9)

 * Had 285 more prior to Pise module removal!
Dealing with the Monolith

✤   Maybe we shouldn’t be friendly to the monolith

✤   Maybe we should ‘blow it up’

✤   (Of course, that means make the code modular)

✤   It was originally designed with that somewhat in mind (interfaces)
Dealing with the Monolith

✤   Separate distributions make it easier to submit fixes as needed

    ✤   However, separate distributions make developing a little trickier

✤   Can we create a distribution that resembles BioPerl as users know it?

✤   Is this something we should worry about?

    ✤   YES

    ✤   Don’t alienate end-users!
Towards BioPerl 2.0?

✤   Biome: BioPerl with Moose

✤   BioPerl6: self-explanatory

✤   BioPerl classes implemented in Moose

✤   GitHub:

✤   Implemented: Ranges, Locations, simple PrimarySeq, Annotation,
    SeqFeatures, prototype SeqIO

✤   Interfaces converted to Moose Roles

✤   ‘Type’-checking used for data types
package Biome::Role::Range;
use Biome::Role;
use Biome::Types qw(SequenceStrand);

requires 'to_string';                  Class
                                       package Biome::Range;
has strand    =>   (
    isa       =>   SequenceStrand,
                                       use Biome;
    is        =>   'rw',
    default   =>   0,
                                       with 'Biome::Role::Range';
    coerce    =>   1
                                       sub to_string {
                                           my ($self) = @_;
has start     => (
                                           return sprintf("(%s, %s) strand=%s",
    is        => 'rw',
    isa       => 'Int',
has end       => (
    is        => 'rw',
    isa       => 'Int'

sub length {
    $_[0]->end - $_[0]->start + 1;
BioPerl 6

✤   BioPerl6:

✤   Little has been done beyond simple implementations

✤   Code is open to anyone for experimentation

✤   Ex: Philip Mabon donated a FASTA grammar:
Grammar (FASTA)                     Actions (FASTA)
grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta {
     token TOP {
        ^<fasta>+ $

    token fasta {
        <description_line> <sequence>

    token description_line    {
        ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n
    token id           {
        | <identifier>
        | <generic_id>
    token identifier   {
    token generic_id {

    token description   {
    token sequence      {
Grammar (FASTA)                                    Actions (FASTA)
grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta {              class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta {
     token TOP {                               method TOP($/){
        ^<fasta>+ $                                my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m {
                                                       take $m.ast;
    }                                              };
    token fasta {
        <description_line> <sequence>              make @matches;
    }                                          }
                                               method fasta($/){
    token description_line    {                    my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>;
        ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n           my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>;
    }                                              my $obj =
    token id           {                               display_id => $id,
        | <identifier>                                 description => $desc,
        | <generic_id>                                 seq         => $/<sequence>.ast);
    }                                              make $obj;
    token identifier   {                       }
        S+                                    method description_line($/){
    }                                              make $/;
    token generic_id {                         }
        S+                                    method id($/) {
    }                                              make $/;
    token description   {                      method description($/){
        N+                                        make $/;
    }                                          }
    token sequence      {                      method sequence($/){
        <-[>]>+                                    make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g);
    }                                          }
}                                          }
Grammar (FASTA)                                    Actions (FASTA)
grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta {              class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta {
     token TOP {                               method TOP($/){
        ^<fasta>+ $                                my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m {
                                                       take $m.ast;
    }                                              };
    token fasta {
        <description_line> <sequence>              make @matches;
    }                                          }
                                               method fasta($/){
    token description_line    {                    my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>;
        ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n           my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>;
    }                                              my $obj =
    token id           {                               display_id => $id,
        | <identifier>                                 description => $desc,
        | <generic_id>                                 seq         => $/<sequence>.ast);
    }                                              make $obj;
    token identifier   {                       }
        S+                                    method description_line($/){
    }                                              make $/;
    token generic_id {                         }
        S+                                    method id($/) {
    }                                              make $/;
    token description   {                      method description($/){
        N+                                        make $/;
    }                                          }
    token sequence      {                      method sequence($/){
        <-[>]>+                                    make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g);
    }                                          }
}                                          }
Grammar (FASTA)                                    Actions (FASTA)
grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta {              class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta {
     token TOP {                               method TOP($/){
        ^<fasta>+ $                                my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m {
                                                       take $m.ast;
    }                                              };
    token fasta {
        <description_line> <sequence>              make @matches;
    }                                          }
                                               method fasta($/){
    token description_line    {                    my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>;
        ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n           my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>;
    }                                              my $obj =
    token id           {                               display_id => $id,
        | <identifier>                                 description => $desc,
        | <generic_id>                                 seq         => $/<sequence>.ast);
    }                                              make $obj;
    token identifier   {                       }
        S+                                    method description_line($/){
    }                                              make $/;
    token generic_id {                         }
        S+                                    method id($/) {
    }                                              make $/;
    token description   {                      method description($/){
        N+                                        make $/;
    }                                          }
    token sequence      {                      method sequence($/){
        <-[>]>+                                    make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g);
    }                                          }
}                                          }
Grammar (FASTA)                                    Actions (FASTA)
grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta {              class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta {
     token TOP {                               method TOP($/){
        ^<fasta>+ $                                my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m {
                                                       take $m.ast;
    }                                              };
    token fasta {
        <description_line> <sequence>              make @matches;
    }                                          }
                                               method fasta($/){
    token description_line    {                    my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>;
        ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n           my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>;
    }                                              my $obj =
    token id           {                               display_id => $id,
        | <identifier>                                 description => $desc,
        | <generic_id>                                 seq         => $/<sequence>.ast);
    }                                              make $obj;
    token identifier   {                       }
        S+                                    method description_line($/){
    }                                              make $/;
    token generic_id {                         }
        S+                                    method id($/) {
    }                                              make $/;
    token description   {                      method description($/){
        N+                                        make $/;
    }                                          }
    token sequence      {                      method sequence($/){
        <-[>]>+                                    make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g);
    }                                          }
}                                          }
Grammar (FASTA)                                    Actions (FASTA)
grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta {              class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta {
     token TOP {                               method TOP($/){
        ^<fasta>+ $                                my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m {
                                                       take $m.ast;
    }                                              };
    token fasta {
        <description_line> <sequence>              make @matches;
    }                                          }
                                               method fasta($/){
    token description_line    {                    my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>;
        ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n           my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>;
    }                                              my $obj =
    token id           {                               display_id => $id,
        | <identifier>                                 description => $desc,
        | <generic_id>                                 seq         => $/<sequence>.ast);
    }                                              make $obj;
    token identifier   {                       }
        S+                                    method description_line($/){
    }                                              make $/;
    token generic_id {                         }
        S+                                    method id($/) {
    }                                              make $/;
    token description   {                      method description($/){
        N+                                        make $/;
    }                                          }
    token sequence      {                      method sequence($/){
        <-[>]>+                                    make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g);
    }                                          }
}                                          }
Grammar (FASTA)                                    Actions (FASTA)
grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta {              class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta {
     token TOP {                               method TOP($/){
        ^<fasta>+ $                                my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m {
                                                       take $m.ast;
    }                                              };
    token fasta {
        <description_line> <sequence>              make @matches;
    }                                          }
                                               method fasta($/){
    token description_line    {                    my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>;
        ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n           my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>;
    }                                              my $obj =
    token id           {                               display_id => $id,
        | <identifier>                                 description => $desc,
        | <generic_id>                                 seq         => $/<sequence>.ast);
    }                                              make $obj;
    token identifier   {                       }
        S+                                    method description_line($/){
    }                                              make $/;
    token generic_id {                         }
        S+                                    method id($/) {
    }                                              make $/;
    token description   {                      method description($/){
        N+                                        make $/;
    }                                          }
    token sequence      {                      method sequence($/){
        <-[>]>+                                    make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g);
    }                                          }
}                                          }
Grammar (FASTA)                                    Actions (FASTA)
grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta {              class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta {
     token TOP {                               method TOP($/){
        ^<fasta>+ $                                my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m {
                                                       take $m.ast;
    }                                              };
    token fasta {
        <description_line> <sequence>              make @matches;
    }                                          }
                                               method fasta($/){
    token description_line    {                    my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>;
        ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n           my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>;
    }                                              my $obj =
    token id           {                               display_id => $id,
        | <identifier>                                 description => $desc,
        | <generic_id>                                 seq         => $/<sequence>.ast);
    }                                              make $obj;
    token identifier   {                       }
        S+                                    method description_line($/){
    }                                              make $/;
    token generic_id {                         }
        S+                                    method id($/) {
    }                                              make $/;
    token description   {                      method description($/){
        N+                                        make $/;
    }                                          }
    token sequence      {                      method sequence($/){
        <-[>]>+                                    make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g);
    }                                          }
}                                          }

✤   All BioPerl developers

✤   Chris Dagdigian and Mauricio Herrera Cuadra (O|B|F gurus)

✤   Cross-Collaborative work: Peter Cock (Biopython), Pjotr Prins
    (BioLib, BioRuby), Naohisa Goto (BioRuby), Michael Heuer and
    Andreas Prlic (BioJava), Peter Rice (EMBOSS)

✤   Questions? Do we even have time?

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Fields bosc2010 bio_perl

  • 1. BioPerl Update 2010: Towards a Modern BioPerl Chris Fields (UIUC) BOSC 7-10-10
  • 2. Present Day BioPerl ✤ Addressing new bioinformatics problems ✤ Collaborations in Open Bioinformatics Foundation ✤ Google Summer of Code
  • 3. Towards a Modern BioPerl ✤ Lowering the barrier for new users to become involved ✤ Using Modern Perl language features ✤ Dealing with the BioPerl monolith
  • 4. BioPerl 2.0? ✤ BioPerl and Modern Perl OOP (Moose) ✤ BioPerl and Perl 6
  • 5. Background ✤ Started in 1996, many contributors over the years ✤ Jason Stajich (UCR) ✤ Ian Korf (Wash U) ✤ Hilmar Lapp (NESCent) ✤ Chris Mungall (NCBO) ✤ Heikki Lehväslaiho (KAUST) ✤ Brian Osborne (BioTeam) ✤ Georg Fuellen (Bielefeld) ✤ Steve Trutane (Stanford) ✤ Ewan Birney (Sanger, EBI) ✤ Sendu Bala (Sanger) ✤ Aaron Mackey (Univ. Virginia) ✤ Dave Messina (Sonnhammer Lab) ✤ Chris Dagdigian (BioTeam) ✤ Mark Jensen (TCGA) ✤ Steven Brenner (UC-Berkeley) ✤ Rob Buels (SGN) ✤ Lincoln Stein (OICR, CSHL) ✤ Many, many more!
  • 6. Background ✤ Open source: ‘Released under the same license as Perl itself’ i.e. Artistic ✤ ✤ Core developers - make releases, drive the project, set vision ✤ Regular contributors - have direct commit access
  • 7. BioPerl Distributions ✤ BioPerl Core - the main distribution (aka ‘bioperl-live’ if using dev version) ✤ BioPerl-Run - Perl ‘wrappers’ for common bioinformatics tools ✤ BioPerl-DB - BioSQL ORM to BioPerl classes
  • 8. Biological Sequences ✤ Bio::Seq - sequence record class #!/bin/perl -w use Modern::Perl; use Bio::Seq; my $seq_obj = Bio::Seq->new(-seq => "aaaatgggggggggggccccgtt", -display_id => "ABC12345", -desc => "example 1", -alphabet => "dna"); say $seq_obj->display_id; # ABC12345 say $seq_obj->desc; # example 1 say $seq_obj->seq; # aaaatgggggggggggccccgtt my $revcom = $seq_obj->revcom; # new Bio::Seq, but revcom say $revcom->seq; # aacggggcccccccccccatttt
  • 9. Sequence I/O ✤ Bio::SeqIO - sequence I/O stream classes (pluggable) #!/usr/bin/perl -w use Modern::Perl; use Bio::SeqIO; my ($infile, $outfile) = @ARGV; my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => $infile, -format => 'genbank'); my $out = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => ">$outfile", -format => 'fasta'); while (my $seq_obj = $in->next_seq) { say $seq_obj->display_id; $out->write_seq($seq_obj); }
  • 10. Sequence Features ✤ Bio::SeqFeature::Generic - generic SF implementation GenBank File use Modern::Perl; source 1..2629 use Bio::SeqIO; /organism="Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF" /mol_type="genomic DNA" my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => shift, /strain="OG1RF" -format => 'genbank'); /db_xref="taxon:474186" gene 25..>2629 while (my $seq_obj = $in->next_seq) { /gene="pyr operon" for my $feat_obj ($seq_obj->get_SeqFeatures) { /note="pyrimidine biosynthetic operon" say "Primary tag: ".$feat_obj->primary_tag; say "Location: ".$feat_obj->location->to_FTstring; Primary tag: source for my $tag ($feat_obj->get_all_tags) { Location: 1..2629 say " tag: $tag"; tag: db_xref for my $value ($feat_obj->get_tag_values($tag)) { value: taxon:474186 say " value: $value"; tag: mol_type } value: genomic DNA } tag: organism } value: Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF } tag: strain value: OG1RF
  • 11. Sequence Features ✤ Bio::SeqFeature::Generic - generic SF implementation GenBank File use Modern::Perl; source 1..2629 use Bio::SeqIO; /organism="Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF" /mol_type="genomic DNA" my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => shift, /strain="OG1RF" -format => 'genbank'); /db_xref="taxon:474186" gene 25..>2629 while (my $seq_obj = $in->next_seq) { /gene="pyr operon" for my $feat_obj ($seq_obj->get_SeqFeatures) { /note="pyrimidine biosynthetic operon" say "Primary tag: ".$feat_obj->primary_tag; say "Location: ".$feat_obj->location->to_FTstring; Primary tag: source for my $tag ($feat_obj->get_all_tags) { Location: 1..2629 say " tag: $tag"; tag: db_xref for my $value ($feat_obj->get_tag_values($tag)) { value: taxon:474186 say " value: $value"; tag: mol_type } value: genomic DNA } tag: organism } value: Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF } tag: strain value: OG1RF
  • 12. Sequence Features ✤ Bio::SeqFeature::Generic - generic SF implementation GenBank File use Modern::Perl; source 1..2629 use Bio::SeqIO; /organism="Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF" /mol_type="genomic DNA" my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new(-file => shift, /strain="OG1RF" -format => 'genbank'); /db_xref="taxon:474186" gene 25..>2629 while (my $seq_obj = $in->next_seq) { /gene="pyr operon" for my $feat_obj ($seq_obj->get_SeqFeatures) { /note="pyrimidine biosynthetic operon" say "Primary tag: ".$feat_obj->primary_tag; say "Location: ".$feat_obj->location->to_FTstring; Primary tag: source for my $tag ($feat_obj->get_all_tags) { Location: 1..2629 say " tag: $tag"; tag: db_xref for my $value ($feat_obj->get_tag_values($tag)) { value: taxon:474186 say " value: $value"; tag: mol_type } value: genomic DNA } tag: organism } value: Enterococcus faecalis OG1RF } tag: strain value: OG1RF
  • 13. Report Parsing Query= gi|1786183|gb|AAC73113.1| (AE000111) aspartokinase I, homoserine dehydrogenase I [Escherichia coli] (820 letters) Database: ecoli.aa 4289 sequences; 1,358,990 total letters Searching..................................................done Score E Sequences producing significant alignments: (bits) Value gb|AAC73113.1| (AE000111) aspartokinase I, homoserine dehydrogen... 1567 0.0 gb|AAC76922.1| (AE000468) aspartokinase II and homoserine dehydr... 332 1e-91 gb|AAC76994.1| (AE000475) aspartokinase III, lysine sensitive [E... 184 3e-47 gb|AAC73282.1| (AE000126) uridylate kinase [Escherichia coli] 42 3e-04 >gb|AAC73113.1| (AE000111) aspartokinase I, homoserine dehydrogenase I [Escherichia coli] Length = 820 Score = 1567 bits (4058), Expect = 0.0 Identities = 806/820 (98%), Positives = 806/820 (98%) Query: 1 MRVLKFGGTSVANAERFLRVADILESNARQGQVATVLSAPAKITNHLVAMIEKTISGQDA 60 MRVLKFGGTSVANAERFLRVADILESNARQGQVATVLSAPAKITNHLVAMIEKTISGQDA Sbjct: 1 MRVLKFGGTSVANAERFLRVADILESNARQGQVATVLSAPAKITNHLVAMIEKTISGQDA 60
  • 14. Report Parsing Query=gi|1786183|gb|AAC73113.1| ✤ Bio::SearchIO Hit=gb|AAC73113.1| #!/usr/bin/perl -w Length=820 Percent_id=98.2926829268293 use Modern::Perl; use Bio::SearchIO; Query=gi|1786183|gb|AAC73113.1| my $in = Bio::SearchIO->new(-format => 'blast', -file => 'ecoli.bls'); Hit=gb|AAC76922.1| Length=821 while( my $result = $in->next_result ) { Percent_id=29.5980511571255 while( my $hit = $result->next_hit ) { while( my $hsp = $hit->next_hsp ) { Query=gi|1786183|gb|AAC73113.1| say "Query=".$result->query_name; Hit=gb|AAC76994.1| say " Hit=".$hit->name; Length=471 say " Length=".$hsp->length('total'); say " Percent_id=".$hsp->percent_identity."n"; Percent_id=30.1486199575372 } } Query=gi|1786183|gb|AAC73113.1| } Hit=gb|AAC73282.1| Length=97 Percent_id=28.8659793814433
  • 15. Local/Remote Database Interfaces ✤ Bio::DB::GenBank #!/bin/perl -w use Modern::Perl; use Bio::DB::GenBank; my $db_obj = Bio::DB::GenBank->new; # query NCBI nuc db my $seq_obj = $db_obj->get_Seq_by_acc('A00002'); say $seq_obj->display_id; # A00002 say $seq_obj->length(); # 194 ✤ Also EntrezGene, GenPept, RefSeq, UniProt, EBI, etc.
  • 16. And Lots More! ✤ Bio::Align/IO ✤ Bio::Map/IO ✤ Bio::Assembly/IO ✤ Bio::Restriction/IO ✤ Bio::Tree/IO ✤ Bio::Structure/IO ✤ Local flatfile databases ✤ Bio::Factory ✤ Bio::Graphics ✤ Bio::Tools::Run (catch-all namespace) ✤ SeqFeature databases ✤ Bio::Factory (create objects) ✤ Bio::Pedigree/IO ✤ Bio::Range/Location ✤ Bio::Coordinate/IO
  • 18. Next-Gen Sequence ✤ Second-generation/next-generation sequencing ✤ This is Lincoln Stein ✤ There is a reason he is smiling...
  • 19. Next-Gen Sequence ✤ Bio-SamTools - support for SAM and BAM data (via SamTools) ✤ Bio-BigFile - support for BigWig/BigBed (via Jim Kent’s UCSC tools) ✤ Separate CPAN distributions ✤ GBrowse (Lincoln’s talk this afternoon), BioPerl ✤ Via SeqFeatures (high-level API for both modules) ✤ Via Bio::Assembly and BioPerl-Run (using the above modules)
  • 20. Data Courtesy R. Khetani, M. Hudson, G. Robinson
  • 21. New Tools/Wrappers ✤ BowTie ✤ Infernal v.1.0 ✤ BWA ✤ NCBI eUtils (SOAP, CGI-based) ✤ MAQ ✤ TopHat/CuffLinks (upcoming) ✤ BEDTools (beta) ✤ The Cloud - bioperl-max ✤ SAMTools Mark Jensen, ✤ HMMER3 Thomas Sharpton, Dave Messina, ✤ BLAST+ Kai Blin, ✤ PAML Dan Kortschak
  • 22. Collaborations Published online 16 December 2009 Nucleic Acids Research, 2010, Vol. 38, No. 6 1767–1771 doi:10.1093/nar/gkp1137 SURVEY AND SUMMARY The Sanger FASTQ file format for sequences with quality scores, and the Solexa/Illumina FASTQ variants Peter J. A. Cock1,*, Christopher J. Fields2, Naohisa Goto3, Michael L. Heuer4 and Peter M. Rice5 1 Plant Pathology, SCRI, Invergowrie, Dundee DD2 5DA, UK, 2Institute for Genomic Biology, 1206 W. Gregory Drive, M/C 195, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, USA, 3Genome Information Research Center, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University, 3-1 Yamadaoka, Suita, Osaka 565-0871, Japan, 4Harbinger Partners, Inc., 855 Village Center Drive, Suite 356, St. Paul, MN 55127, USA and 5EMBL Outstation - Hinxton, European Bioinformatics Institute, Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge CB10 1SD, UK Received October 13, 2009; Revised November 13, 2009; Accepted November 17, 2009 ABSTRACT of an explicit standard some parsers will fail to cope with very long ‘>’ title lines or very long sequences without FASTQ has emerged as a common file format for line wrapping. There is also no standardization for
  • 23. The Google Summer of Code ✤ O|B|F was accepted this year for the first time ✤ Headed by Rob Buels (SGN), with some help from Hilmar Lapp and myself ✤ Six projects, covering BioPerl, BioJava, Biopython, BioRuby
  • 24. The Google Summer of Code ✤ BioPerl has actually been part of the Google Summer of Code for the last three years (as have many other Bio*): ✤ NESCent - admin: H. Lapp: ✤ 2008 - PhyloXML parsing (student: Mira Han) ✤ 2009 - NeXML parsing (student: Chase Miller) ✤ O|B|F - admin: R. Buels: ✤ 2010 - Alignment subsystem refactoring (student: Jun Yin)
  • 25. GSoC - Alignment Subsystem ✤ Clean up current code ✤ Include capability of dealing with large datasets ✤ Target next-gen data, very large alignments? ✤ Abstract the backend (DB, memory, etc.) ✤ SAM/BAM may work (via Bio::DB::SAM) ✤ ...but what about protein sequences?
  • 26. Towards a Modern BioPerl
  • 27. Towards a Modern BioPerl ✤ BioPerl will be turning 15 soon ✤ What can we improve? ✤ What can we do with the current code? ✤ Maybe some that we can use in a BioPerl 2.0? ✤ Or a BioPerl 6?
  • 28. What We Can Do Now ✤ Lower the barrier ✤ Use Modern Perl ✤ Deal with the monolith
  • 29. Lower the Barrier ✤ We have already started on this - May 2010 ✤ Migrate source code repository to git and GitHub ✤ Original BioPerl developers are added as collaborators on GitHub... ✤ ...but now anyone can now ‘fork’ BioPerl, make changes, submit ‘pull requests’, etc. ✤ Since May, have had many forks, pull requests with code reviews (so a decent success)
  • 30. Using Modern Perl ✤ Minimal version of Perl required for BioPerl is v5.6.1 ✤ Even v5.8.1 is considered quite old ✤ Both the 5.6.x and 5.8.x releases are EOL (as of Dec. 2008)
  • 31. Using Modern Perl ✤ Minimal version of Perl required for BioPerl is v5.6.1 ✤ Even v5.8.1 is considered quite old ✤ Both the 5.6.x and 5.8.x releases are EOL (as of Dec. 2008)
  • 32. Using Modern Perl say defined-or print "I like newlinesn"; # work only if false && defined $foo ||= 'default'; say "I like newlines"; if (!defined($foo)) { $foo = 'default' yada yada } $foo //= 'default'; sub implement_me { shift->throw_not_implemented } sub implement_me { ... } # yada yada
  • 33. Using Modern Perl Smart Match given/when if ($key ~~ %hash) { # like exists given ($foo) { # do something when (%lookup) { ... } } when (/^(d+)/) { ... } when (/^[A-Za-z]+/) { ... } if ($foo ~~ /d+/ ) { # like =~ default { ... } # do something } }
  • 34. Dealing with the Monolith ✤ Release manager nightmares: ✤ Remote databases disappear (XEMBL) ✤ Others change service or URLs (SeqHound) ✤ Services become obsolete (Pise) ✤ Developers move on, disappear, modules bit-rot (not saying :) ✤ How do we solve this problem?
  • 35. Dealing with the Monolith Classes Tests (Files) bioperl-live 874 23146 (341) (Core) bioperl-run 123* 2468 (80) bioperl-db 72 113 (16) bioperl-network 9 327 (9) * Had 285 more prior to Pise module removal!
  • 36. Dealing with the Monolith ✤ Maybe we shouldn’t be friendly to the monolith ✤ Maybe we should ‘blow it up’ ✤ (Of course, that means make the code modular) ✤ It was originally designed with that somewhat in mind (interfaces)
  • 37. Dealing with the Monolith ✤ Separate distributions make it easier to submit fixes as needed ✤ However, separate distributions make developing a little trickier ✤ Can we create a distribution that resembles BioPerl as users know it? ✤ Is this something we should worry about? ✤ YES ✤ Don’t alienate end-users!
  • 38. Towards BioPerl 2.0? ✤ Biome: BioPerl with Moose ✤ BioPerl6: self-explanatory
  • 39. Biome ✤ BioPerl classes implemented in Moose ✤ GitHub: ✤ Implemented: Ranges, Locations, simple PrimarySeq, Annotation, SeqFeatures, prototype SeqIO ✤ Interfaces converted to Moose Roles ✤ ‘Type’-checking used for data types
  • 40. Role package Biome::Role::Range; Attributes use Biome::Role; use Biome::Types qw(SequenceStrand); requires 'to_string'; Class package Biome::Range; has strand => ( isa => SequenceStrand, use Biome; is => 'rw', default => 0, with 'Biome::Role::Range'; coerce => 1 ); sub to_string { my ($self) = @_; has start => ( return sprintf("(%s, %s) strand=%s", is => 'rw', $self->start, isa => 'Int', $self->end, ); $self->strand); } has end => ( is => 'rw', isa => 'Int' ); sub length { $_[0]->end - $_[0]->start + 1; }
  • 41. BioPerl 6 ✤ BioPerl6: ✤ Little has been done beyond simple implementations ✤ Code is open to anyone for experimentation ✤ Ex: Philip Mabon donated a FASTA grammar:
  • 42. Grammar (FASTA) Actions (FASTA) grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta { token TOP { ^<fasta>+ $ } token fasta { <description_line> <sequence> } token description_line { ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n } token id { | <identifier> | <generic_id> } token identifier { S+ } token generic_id { S+ } token description { N+ } token sequence { <-[>]>+ } }
  • 43. Grammar (FASTA) Actions (FASTA) grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta { class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta { token TOP { method TOP($/){ ^<fasta>+ $ my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m { take $m.ast; } }; token fasta { <description_line> <sequence> make @matches; } } method fasta($/){ token description_line { my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>; ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>; } my $obj = token id { display_id => $id, | <identifier> description => $desc, | <generic_id> seq => $/<sequence>.ast); } make $obj; token identifier { } S+ method description_line($/){ } make $/; token generic_id { } S+ method id($/) { } make $/; } token description { method description($/){ N+ make $/; } } token sequence { method sequence($/){ <-[>]>+ make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g); } } } }
  • 44. Grammar (FASTA) Actions (FASTA) grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta { class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta { token TOP { method TOP($/){ ^<fasta>+ $ my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m { take $m.ast; } }; token fasta { <description_line> <sequence> make @matches; } } method fasta($/){ token description_line { my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>; ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>; } my $obj = token id { display_id => $id, | <identifier> description => $desc, | <generic_id> seq => $/<sequence>.ast); } make $obj; token identifier { } S+ method description_line($/){ } make $/; token generic_id { } S+ method id($/) { } make $/; } token description { method description($/){ N+ make $/; } } token sequence { method sequence($/){ <-[>]>+ make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g); } } } }
  • 45. Grammar (FASTA) Actions (FASTA) grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta { class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta { token TOP { method TOP($/){ ^<fasta>+ $ my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m { take $m.ast; } }; token fasta { <description_line> <sequence> make @matches; } } method fasta($/){ token description_line { my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>; ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>; } my $obj = token id { display_id => $id, | <identifier> description => $desc, | <generic_id> seq => $/<sequence>.ast); } make $obj; token identifier { } S+ method description_line($/){ } make $/; token generic_id { } S+ method id($/) { } make $/; } token description { method description($/){ N+ make $/; } } token sequence { method sequence($/){ <-[>]>+ make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g); } } } }
  • 46. Grammar (FASTA) Actions (FASTA) grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta { class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta { token TOP { method TOP($/){ ^<fasta>+ $ my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m { take $m.ast; } }; token fasta { <description_line> <sequence> make @matches; } } method fasta($/){ token description_line { my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>; ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>; } my $obj = token id { display_id => $id, | <identifier> description => $desc, | <generic_id> seq => $/<sequence>.ast); } make $obj; token identifier { } S+ method description_line($/){ } make $/; token generic_id { } S+ method id($/) { } make $/; } token description { method description($/){ N+ make $/; } } token sequence { method sequence($/){ <-[>]>+ make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g); } } } }
  • 47. Grammar (FASTA) Actions (FASTA) grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta { class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta { token TOP { method TOP($/){ ^<fasta>+ $ my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m { take $m.ast; } }; token fasta { <description_line> <sequence> make @matches; } } method fasta($/){ token description_line { my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>; ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>; } my $obj = token id { display_id => $id, | <identifier> description => $desc, | <generic_id> seq => $/<sequence>.ast); } make $obj; token identifier { } S+ method description_line($/){ } make $/; token generic_id { } S+ method id($/) { } make $/; } token description { method description($/){ N+ make $/; } } token sequence { method sequence($/){ <-[>]>+ make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g); } } } }
  • 48. Grammar (FASTA) Actions (FASTA) grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta { class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta { token TOP { method TOP($/){ ^<fasta>+ $ my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m { take $m.ast; } }; token fasta { <description_line> <sequence> make @matches; } } method fasta($/){ token description_line { my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>; ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>; } my $obj = token id { display_id => $id, | <identifier> description => $desc, | <generic_id> seq => $/<sequence>.ast); } make $obj; token identifier { } S+ method description_line($/){ } make $/; token generic_id { } S+ method id($/) { } make $/; } token description { method description($/){ N+ make $/; } } token sequence { method sequence($/){ <-[>]>+ make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g); } } } }
  • 49. Grammar (FASTA) Actions (FASTA) grammar Bio::Grammar::Fasta { class Bio::Grammar::Actions::Fasta { token TOP { method TOP($/){ ^<fasta>+ $ my @matches = gather for $/<fasta> -> $m { take $m.ast; } }; token fasta { <description_line> <sequence> make @matches; } } method fasta($/){ token description_line { my $id =$/<description_line>.ast<id>; ^^> <id> <.ws> <description> n my $desc = $/<description_line>.ast<description>; } my $obj = token id { display_id => $id, | <identifier> description => $desc, | <generic_id> seq => $/<sequence>.ast); } make $obj; token identifier { } S+ method description_line($/){ } make $/; token generic_id { } S+ method id($/) { } make $/; } token description { method description($/){ N+ make $/; } } token sequence { method sequence($/){ <-[>]>+ make (~$/).subst("n", '', :g); } } } }
  • 50. Acknowledgements ✤ All BioPerl developers ✤ Chris Dagdigian and Mauricio Herrera Cuadra (O|B|F gurus) ✤ Cross-Collaborative work: Peter Cock (Biopython), Pjotr Prins (BioLib, BioRuby), Naohisa Goto (BioRuby), Michael Heuer and Andreas Prlic (BioJava), Peter Rice (EMBOSS) ✤ Questions? Do we even have time?