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Next-generation sequencing
        and SNPs
               Jan Aerts
    Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
To identify the SNP that causes disease,
  – Find them all, so you don’t miss it (false
  – Not find too many, so it’s useful (false
General principle
Map reads to reference sequence
Convert from read-based to base-based
 (i.e. pileup)
Look at differences
This presentation
Factors in finding real SNPs
   – Sequencing technology
   – Mapping algorithms and initial calling
   – Post-mapping tweaking
   – Calling
   – Filtering

Based on experiences in exome resequencing;
  “experiment 5” on last slide Thomas
1. Sequencing
• Provides raw data
• Different technologies
  Different accuracy (critical!)
  Different types of errors
Base quality drops
 along read
 > SOLiD
 > Illumina
 > 454
 > Helicos
Base calling errors
Main source of error for Illumina, less in
  SOLiD & 454
Homopolymer runs
• Especially 454
  39% of errors are homopolymers
    • A5 motifs: 3.3% error rate
    • A8 motifs: 50% error rate!
    Reason: use signal intensity as a measure for
      homopolymer length
Is it 4? Is it 5? Is it 4?
Consensus accuracy
Increase accuracy for SNP calling by
  increasing coverage
  – Illumina: 20X
  – SOLiD: 12X
  – 454: 7.4X
  – Sanger: 3X

Factors: raw accuracy + read length
2. Mapping: fastq => bam
• Maq and bwa: only 1 mapping
  If multiple: mapQ = 0
  <=> mosaik & mrFAST: alternatives
• Maq and bwa: use paired-end
  information => might prefer correct
  distance over correct alignment
3. Post-mapping tweaking
Improve quality of mapped data:
  –   duplicate removal
  –   baseQ recalibration
  –   read clipping
  –   local realignment around indels

Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK)
Duplicate removal
PCR amplification bias
 multiple reads with same start/stop =>
 keep only one (with highest mapping Q)
java -Xmx2048m 
  -jar /path_to_picardtools/MarkDuplicates.jar 



                        samtools rmdup input.bam output.bam
baseQ recalibration
• Why?
  – correct for variation in quality with machine
    cycle, sequence context, lane, baseQ…
• Steps:
  – Identify what to correct for (create plots)
  – Calculate covariates
  – Apply covariates
  – Check (create plots)
java -Xmx4g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar 
  -l INFO 
  -R resources/Homo_sapiens_assembly18.fasta 
  --DBSNP resources/dbsnp_129_hg18.rod 
  -I my_reads.bam 
  -T CountCovariates 
  -cov ReadGroupCovariate 
  -cov QualityScoreCovariate 
  -cov DinucCovariate 
  -recalFile my_reads.recal_data.csv
java -Xmx4g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar 
  -l INFO 
  -R resources/Homo_sapiens_assembly18.fasta 
  -I my_reads.bam 
  -T TableRecalibration 
   -outputBam my_reads.recal.bam 
   -recalFile my_reads.recal_data.csv
Read clipping
 – low quality strings of bases
 – sections of reads
 – reads containing user-provided sequences
Local realignment near indels
Local realignment near indels
java   -Xmx1g -jar /path/to/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar 
  -T   RealignerTargetCreator 
  -R   /path/to/reference.fasta 
  -o   /path/to/output.intervals

java -Xmx4g 
  -jar /path/to/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar 
  -I input.bam 
  -R ref.fasta 
  -T IndelRealigner 
  -targetIntervals /path/to/output.intervals 
  -o realignedBam.bam
4. SNP calling
• Different callers:
  – samtools
  – GATK UnifiedGenotyper
  – SOAPsnp
• Read-based => base-based

1   272   T   24   ,.$.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..^+.   <<<+;<<<<<<<<<<<=<;<;7<&
1   273   T   23   ,.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..A       <<<;<<<<<<<<<3<=<<<;<<+
1   274   T   23   ,.$....,,.,.,...,,,.,...      7<7;<;<<<<<<<<<=<;<;<<6
1   275   A   23   ,$....,,.,.,...,,,.,...^l.    <+;9*<<<<<<<<<=<<:;<<<<
1   276   G   22   ...T,,.,.,...,,,.,....        33;+<<7=7<<7<&<<1;<<6<
1   277   T   22   ..CCggC,C,.C.,,CC,..g.        +7<;<<<<<<<&<=<<:;<<&<
1   278   G   23   ....,,.,.,...,,,.,....^k.     %38*<<;<7<<7<=<<<;<<<<<
1   279   C   23   A..T,,.,.,...,,,.,.....       ;75&<<<<<<<<<=<<<9<<:<<

1   272   T   24   ,.$.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..^+.   <<<+;<<<<<<<<<<<=<;<;7<&
1   273   T   23   ,.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..A       <<<;<<<<<<<<<3<=<<<;<<+
1   274   T   23   ,.$....,,.,.,...,,,.,...      7<7;<;<<<<<<<<<=<;<;<<6
1   275   A   23   ,$....,,.,.,...,,,.,...^l.    <+;9*<<<<<<<<<=<<:;<<<<
1   276   G   22   ...T,,.,.,...,,,.,....        33;+<<7=7<<7<&<<1;<<6<
1   277   T   22   ..CCggC,C,.C.,,CC,..g.        +7<;<<<<<<<&<=<<:;<<&<
1   278   G   23   ....,,.,.,...,,,.,....^k.     %38*<<;<7<<7<=<<<;<<<<<
1   279   C   23   A..T,,.,.,...,,,.,.....       ;75&<<<<<<<<<=<<<9<<:<<
  -jar /path_to/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar 
  -l INFO 
  -R human_b36_plus.fasta 
  -I input.bam 
  -T UnifiedGenotyper 
  --heterozygosity 0.001 
  -pl Solexa 
  -varout output.vcf 
  -vf VCF 
  -mbq 20 
  -mmq 10 
  -stand_call_conf 30.0 
  --DBSNP dbsnp_129_b36_plus.rod

samtools pileup 
  -r 0.001 
  -l CCDS.txt 
  -f human_b36_plus.fasta 

VCF file
##FILTER=DP,"DP < 3 || DP > 1200"
##FILTER=SnpCluster,"SNPs found in clusters"
##FORMAT=DP,1,Integer,"Read Depth"
##FORMAT=GQ,1,Integer,"Genotype Quality"
##INFO=AB,1,Float,"Allele Balance for hets (ref/(ref+alt))"
##INFO=DB,0,Flag,"dbSNP Membership"
##INFO=DP,1,Integer,"Total Depth"
##INFO=HRun,1,Integer,"Largest Contiguous Homopolymer Run of Variant Allele In Either Direction"
##INFO=HaplotypeScore,1,Float,"Consistency of the site with two (and only two) segregating haplotypes"
##INFO=LowMQ,3,Integer,"3-tuple: <fraction of reads with MQ=0>,<fraction of reads with MQ<=10>,<total nubmer of reads>"
##INFO=MQ,1,Float,"RMS Mapping Quality"
##INFO=MQ0,1,Integer,"Total Mapping Quality Zero Reads"
##INFO=QD,1,Float,"Variant Confidence/Quality by Depth"
1 856182 rs9988021 G A 36.00 0;TARGET DB;DP=3;HRun=0;MQ=60.00;MQ0=0;QD=12.00;OnTarget=FALSE GT:DP:GQ 1/1:3:36.00
1 866362 rs4372192 A G 45.00 0;TARGET DB;DP=6;HRun=6;MQ=60.00;MQ0=0;QD=7.50;OnTarget=FALSE          GT:DP:GQ 1/1:6:45.00
. . .
VCF file
##FILTER=DP,"DP < 3 || DP > 1200"
##FILTER=QUAL,"QUAL < 25.0"                                                      header
##FILTER=SnpCluster,"SNPs found in clusters"
##FORMAT=DP,1,Integer,"Read Depth"
##FORMAT=GQ,1,Integer,"Genotype Quality"
##INFO=AB,1,Float,"Allele Balance for hets (ref/(ref+alt))"
##INFO=DB,0,Flag,"dbSNP Membership"
##INFO=DP,1,Integer,"Total Depth"
##INFO=HRun,1,Integer,"Largest Contiguous Homopolymer Run of Variant Allele In Either Direction"
##INFO=HaplotypeScore,1,Float,"Consistency of the site with two (and only two) segregating haplotypes"
##INFO=LowMQ,3,Integer,"3-tuple: <fraction of reads with MQ=0>,<fraction of reads with MQ<=10>,<total nubmer of reads>"
##INFO=MQ,1,Float,"RMS Mapping Quality"
##INFO=MQ0,1,Integer,"Total Mapping Quality Zero Reads"
##INFO=QD,1,Float,"Variant Confidence/Quality by Depth"
1 856182 rs9988021 G A 36.00 0;TARGET DB;DP=3;HRun=0;MQ=60.00;MQ0=0;QD=12.00;OnTarget=FALSE GT:DP:GQ 1/1:3:36.00
1 866362 rs4372192 A G 45.00 0;TARGET DB;DP=6;HRun=6;MQ=60.00;MQ0=0;QD=7.50;OnTarget=FALSE          GT:DP:GQ 1/1:6:45.00
. . .

                  column header                                         data
VCF file


FORMAT     a_a:bwa057_b:picard.bam
GT:DP:GQ   1/1:3:36.00
GT:DP:GQ   1/1:6:45.00
Pileup => VCF
Custom scripts, then annotate
             java -Xmx10g 
               -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar 
                -T VariantAnnotator 
               --assume_single_sample_reads sample 
               -R human_b36_plus.fasta 
               -D dbsnp_129_b36_plus.rod 
               -I input.bam 
               -B variant,VCF,unannotated.vcf 
               -o annotated.vcf 
               -A AlleleBalance 
               -A MappingQualityZero 
               -A LowMQ 
               -A RMSMappingQuality 
               -A HaplotypeScore 
               -A QualByDepth 
               -A DepthOfCoverage 
               -A HomopolymerRun
5. Filtering
• Aim: to reduce number of false positives
• Options:
  – Depth of coverage
  – Mapping quality
  – SNP clusters
  – Allelic balance
  – Number of reads with mq0
  -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar 
  -T VariantFiltration 
  -R human_b36_plus.fasta 
  -o output.vcf 
  -B variant,VCF,input.vcf 
  --clusterWindowSize 10 
  --filterExpression 'DP < 3 || DP > 1200' 
  --filterName 'DP' 
  --filterExpression 'QUAL < #{qual_cutoff}' 
  --filterName 'QUAL' 
  --filterExpression 'AB > 0.75 && DP > 40' 
  --filterName 'AB'
Filtering - QC metrics (1)
Transition/transversion ratio
                                Random: Ti/Tv = 0.5

                                Whole genome: 2.0-2.1
                                Exome: 3-3.5
Filtering - QC metrics (2)
Number of novel SNPs
  total 20k - 25k;
  novel 1-3k
Combining discovery pipelines
• Mapper: MAQ/bwa/stampy/…
• BaseQ recalibration? Local
• SNP caller: GATK/samtools/SOAPsnp
• Priors for SNP calling: heterozygosity
  (whole genome, exome, dbSNP)
• Filtering
Combining discovery pipelines

      true positives


                       false positives
Combining discovery pipelines


Still more tricky than SNPs
  – samtools/dindel/GATK
  – Sample of 10 individuals: on average per
     • 2 novel functional high-quality SNPs
     • 18 novel functional high-quality indels

               “I trust manual interpretation of the reads more
               than the basic quality parameters we use”
4 snp_1    STOP_GAINED
1 snp_2    STOP_LOST
1 snp_3    STOP_GAINED
2 snp_6    STOP_GAINED
2 snp_7    STOP_GAINED
1 snp_8    STOP_GAINED
1 snp_9    STOP_GAINED
1 snp_10   STOP_GAINED
1 snp_11   STOP_GAINED
1 snp_12   STOP_GAINED
1 snp_13   STOP_LOST
1 snp_14   STOP_GAINED
4 snp_1         STOP_GAINED
1 snp_2         STOP_LOST
1 snp_3         STOP_GAINED
2 snp_6         STOP_GAINED
2 snp_7         STOP_GAINED
1 snp_8         STOP_GAINED
1 snp_9         STOP_GAINED
1 snp_10        STOP_GAINED
1 snp_11        STOP_GAINED
1 snp_12        STOP_GAINED
1 snp_13        STOP_LOST
1 snp_14        STOP_GAINED

           178 indels    FRAMESHIFT_CODING
Different tools exist and are created
Best to combine (intersect) the results from
  different pipelines
Genome Analysis ToolKit (GATK) provides
  useful bam-file processing tools:
  – Realignment around indels
  – Base quality recalibration
Use in resequencing
•   Identify SNPs/indels
•   Consequences (loss-of-function?)
•   Prevalence in cases/controls
•   Model:
    – Dominant: any het
    – Recessive: homnonref or compound het
• Chan E. In: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms,
  Methods in Molecular Biology 578 (2009)
• McKenna et al. Genome Res 20:1297-1303 (2010)
• Li H & Durbin R. Bioinformatics 25:1754-1760 (2009)
• Li H et al. Bioinformatics 25:2078-2079 (2009)
• Li H et al. Genome Res 18:1851-1858 (2008)

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ECCB10 talk - Nextgen sequencing and SNPs

  • 1. Next-generation sequencing and SNPs Jan Aerts Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
  • 2. Aim To identify the SNP that causes disease, phenotype – Find them all, so you don’t miss it (false negatives) – Not find too many, so it’s useful (false positives)
  • 3. General principle Map reads to reference sequence Convert from read-based to base-based (i.e. pileup) Look at differences
  • 4. This presentation Factors in finding real SNPs – Sequencing technology – Mapping algorithms and initial calling – Post-mapping tweaking – Calling – Filtering Based on experiences in exome resequencing; “experiment 5” on last slide Thomas
  • 5. 1. Sequencing • Provides raw data • Different technologies Different accuracy (critical!) Different types of errors
  • 6. Accuracy Base quality drops along read Sanger > SOLiD > Illumina > 454 > Helicos
  • 7. Base calling errors Main source of error for Illumina, less in SOLiD & 454
  • 8. Homopolymer runs • Especially 454 39% of errors are homopolymers • A5 motifs: 3.3% error rate • A8 motifs: 50% error rate! Reason: use signal intensity as a measure for homopolymer length
  • 9.
  • 10. Is it 4? Is it 5? Is it 4?
  • 11. Consensus accuracy Increase accuracy for SNP calling by increasing coverage – Illumina: 20X – SOLiD: 12X – 454: 7.4X – Sanger: 3X Factors: raw accuracy + read length
  • 12. 2. Mapping: fastq => bam • Maq and bwa: only 1 mapping If multiple: mapQ = 0 <=> mosaik & mrFAST: alternatives • Maq and bwa: use paired-end information => might prefer correct distance over correct alignment
  • 13. 3. Post-mapping tweaking Improve quality of mapped data: – duplicate removal – baseQ recalibration – read clipping – local realignment around indels Genome Analysis Toolkit (GATK)
  • 14. Duplicate removal PCR amplification bias multiple reads with same start/stop => keep only one (with highest mapping Q)
  • 15. java -Xmx2048m -jar /path_to_picardtools/MarkDuplicates.jar INPUT=input.bam OUTPUT=output.bam METRICS_FILE=output.metrics VALIDATION_STRINGENCY=LENIENT Picard samtools samtools rmdup input.bam output.bam
  • 16. baseQ recalibration • Why? – correct for variation in quality with machine cycle, sequence context, lane, baseQ… • Steps: – Identify what to correct for (create plots) – Calculate covariates – Apply covariates – Check (create plots)
  • 17.
  • 18. java -Xmx4g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -l INFO -R resources/Homo_sapiens_assembly18.fasta --DBSNP resources/dbsnp_129_hg18.rod -I my_reads.bam -T CountCovariates -cov ReadGroupCovariate -cov QualityScoreCovariate -cov DinucCovariate -recalFile my_reads.recal_data.csv
  • 19. java -Xmx4g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -l INFO -R resources/Homo_sapiens_assembly18.fasta -I my_reads.bam -T TableRecalibration -outputBam my_reads.recal.bam -recalFile my_reads.recal_data.csv
  • 20. Read clipping Remove: – low quality strings of bases – sections of reads – reads containing user-provided sequences
  • 23. java -Xmx1g -jar /path/to/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T RealignerTargetCreator -R /path/to/reference.fasta -o /path/to/output.intervals java -Xmx4g -jar /path/to/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -I input.bam -R ref.fasta -T IndelRealigner -targetIntervals /path/to/output.intervals -o realignedBam.bam
  • 24. 4. SNP calling • Different callers: – samtools – GATK UnifiedGenotyper – SOAPsnp –… • Read-based => base-based
  • 25. pileup 1 272 T 24 ,.$.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..^+. <<<+;<<<<<<<<<<<=<;<;7<& 1 273 T 23 ,.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..A <<<;<<<<<<<<<3<=<<<;<<+ 1 274 T 23 ,.$....,,.,.,...,,,.,... 7<7;<;<<<<<<<<<=<;<;<<6 1 275 A 23 ,$....,,.,.,...,,,.,...^l. <+;9*<<<<<<<<<=<<:;<<<< 1 276 G 22 ...T,,.,.,...,,,.,.... 33;+<<7=7<<7<&<<1;<<6< 1 277 T 22 ..CCggC,C,.C.,,CC,..g. +7<;<<<<<<<&<=<<:;<<&< 1 278 G 23 ....,,.,.,...,,,.,....^k. %38*<<;<7<<7<=<<<;<<<<< 1 279 C 23 A..T,,.,.,...,,,.,..... ;75&<<<<<<<<<=<<<9<<:<<
  • 26. pileup 1 272 T 24 ,.$.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..^+. <<<+;<<<<<<<<<<<=<;<;7<& 1 273 T 23 ,.....,,.,.,...,,,.,..A <<<;<<<<<<<<<3<=<<<;<<+ 1 274 T 23 ,.$....,,.,.,...,,,.,... 7<7;<;<<<<<<<<<=<;<;<<6 1 275 A 23 ,$....,,.,.,...,,,.,...^l. <+;9*<<<<<<<<<=<<:;<<<< 1 276 G 22 ...T,,.,.,...,,,.,.... 33;+<<7=7<<7<&<<1;<<6< 1 277 T 22 ..CCggC,C,.C.,,CC,..g. +7<;<<<<<<<&<=<<:;<<&< 1 278 G 23 ....,,.,.,...,,,.,....^k. %38*<<;<7<<7<=<<<;<<<<< 1 279 C 23 A..T,,.,.,...,,,.,..... ;75&<<<<<<<<<=<<<9<<:<<
  • 27. java -Xmx6g -jar /path_to/GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -l INFO -R human_b36_plus.fasta -I input.bam -T UnifiedGenotyper --heterozygosity 0.001 -pl Solexa -varout output.vcf -vf VCF -mbq 20 -mmq 10 -stand_call_conf 30.0 --DBSNP dbsnp_129_b36_plus.rod GATK
  • 28. samtools pileup -vcs -r 0.001 -l CCDS.txt -f human_b36_plus.fasta input.bam output.pileup samtools
  • 29. VCF file ##fileformat=VCFv3.3 ##FILTER=DP,"DP < 3 || DP > 1200" ##FILTER=QUAL,"QUAL < 25.0" ##FILTER=SnpCluster,"SNPs found in clusters" ##FORMAT=DP,1,Integer,"Read Depth" ##FORMAT=GQ,1,Integer,"Genotype Quality" ##FORMAT=GT,1,String,"Genotype" ##INFO=AB,1,Float,"Allele Balance for hets (ref/(ref+alt))" ##INFO=DB,0,Flag,"dbSNP Membership" ##INFO=DP,1,Integer,"Total Depth" ##INFO=HRun,1,Integer,"Largest Contiguous Homopolymer Run of Variant Allele In Either Direction" ##INFO=HaplotypeScore,1,Float,"Consistency of the site with two (and only two) segregating haplotypes" ##INFO=LowMQ,3,Integer,"3-tuple: <fraction of reads with MQ=0>,<fraction of reads with MQ<=10>,<total nubmer of reads>" ##INFO=MQ,1,Float,"RMS Mapping Quality" ##INFO=MQ0,1,Integer,"Total Mapping Quality Zero Reads" ##INFO=QD,1,Float,"Variant Confidence/Quality by Depth" ##annotatorReference=human_b36_plus.fasta ##reference=human_b36_plus.fasta ##source=VariantAnnotator ##source=VariantFiltration #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT a_a:bwa057_b:picard.bam 1 856182 rs9988021 G A 36.00 0;TARGET DB;DP=3;HRun=0;MQ=60.00;MQ0=0;QD=12.00;OnTarget=FALSE GT:DP:GQ 1/1:3:36.00 1 866362 rs4372192 A G 45.00 0;TARGET DB;DP=6;HRun=6;MQ=60.00;MQ0=0;QD=7.50;OnTarget=FALSE GT:DP:GQ 1/1:6:45.00 . . .
  • 30. VCF file ##fileformat=VCFv3.3 ##FILTER=DP,"DP < 3 || DP > 1200" ##FILTER=QUAL,"QUAL < 25.0" header ##FILTER=SnpCluster,"SNPs found in clusters" ##FORMAT=DP,1,Integer,"Read Depth" ##FORMAT=GQ,1,Integer,"Genotype Quality" ##FORMAT=GT,1,String,"Genotype" ##INFO=AB,1,Float,"Allele Balance for hets (ref/(ref+alt))" ##INFO=DB,0,Flag,"dbSNP Membership" ##INFO=DP,1,Integer,"Total Depth" ##INFO=HRun,1,Integer,"Largest Contiguous Homopolymer Run of Variant Allele In Either Direction" ##INFO=HaplotypeScore,1,Float,"Consistency of the site with two (and only two) segregating haplotypes" ##INFO=LowMQ,3,Integer,"3-tuple: <fraction of reads with MQ=0>,<fraction of reads with MQ<=10>,<total nubmer of reads>" ##INFO=MQ,1,Float,"RMS Mapping Quality" ##INFO=MQ0,1,Integer,"Total Mapping Quality Zero Reads" ##INFO=QD,1,Float,"Variant Confidence/Quality by Depth" ##annotatorReference=human_b36_plus.fasta ##reference=human_b36_plus.fasta ##source=VariantAnnotator ##source=VariantFiltration #CHROM POS ID REF ALT QUAL FILTER INFO FORMAT a_a:bwa057_b:picard.bam 1 856182 rs9988021 G A 36.00 0;TARGET DB;DP=3;HRun=0;MQ=60.00;MQ0=0;QD=12.00;OnTarget=FALSE GT:DP:GQ 1/1:3:36.00 1 866362 rs4372192 A G 45.00 0;TARGET DB;DP=6;HRun=6;MQ=60.00;MQ0=0;QD=7.50;OnTarget=FALSE GT:DP:GQ 1/1:6:45.00 . . . column header data
  • 32. Pileup => VCF Custom scripts, then annotate java -Xmx10g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T VariantAnnotator --assume_single_sample_reads sample -R human_b36_plus.fasta -D dbsnp_129_b36_plus.rod -I input.bam -B variant,VCF,unannotated.vcf -o annotated.vcf -A AlleleBalance -A MappingQualityZero -A LowMQ -A RMSMappingQuality -A HaplotypeScore -A QualByDepth -A DepthOfCoverage -A HomopolymerRun
  • 33. 5. Filtering • Aim: to reduce number of false positives • Options: – Depth of coverage – Mapping quality – SNP clusters – Allelic balance – Number of reads with mq0
  • 34. java -Xmx4g -jar GenomeAnalysisTK.jar -T VariantFiltration -R human_b36_plus.fasta -o output.vcf -B variant,VCF,input.vcf --clusterWindowSize 10 --filterExpression 'DP < 3 || DP > 1200' --filterName 'DP' --filterExpression 'QUAL < #{qual_cutoff}' --filterName 'QUAL' --filterExpression 'AB > 0.75 && DP > 40' --filterName 'AB'
  • 35. Filtering - QC metrics (1) Transition/transversion ratio Random: Ti/Tv = 0.5 Whole genome: 2.0-2.1 Exome: 3-3.5
  • 36. Filtering - QC metrics (2) Number of novel SNPs Exome: total 20k - 25k; novel 1-3k
  • 37.
  • 38. Combining discovery pipelines • Mapper: MAQ/bwa/stampy/… • BaseQ recalibration? Local realignment? • SNP caller: GATK/samtools/SOAPsnp • Priors for SNP calling: heterozygosity (whole genome, exome, dbSNP) • Filtering
  • 39. Combining discovery pipelines true positives ROC false positives
  • 40. Combining discovery pipelines combinations single better
  • 41. Indels Still more tricky than SNPs – samtools/dindel/GATK – Sample of 10 individuals: on average per individual: • 2 novel functional high-quality SNPs • 18 novel functional high-quality indels “I trust manual interpretation of the reads more than the basic quality parameters we use”
  • 44. Conclusions Different tools exist and are created Best to combine (intersect) the results from different pipelines Genome Analysis ToolKit (GATK) provides useful bam-file processing tools: – Realignment around indels – Base quality recalibration
  • 45. Use in resequencing • Identify SNPs/indels • Consequences (loss-of-function?) • Prevalence in cases/controls • Model: – Dominant: any het – Recessive: homnonref or compound het
  • 46. References • Chan E. In: Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, Methods in Molecular Biology 578 (2009) • McKenna et al. Genome Res 20:1297-1303 (2010) • Li H & Durbin R. Bioinformatics 25:1754-1760 (2009) • Li H et al. Bioinformatics 25:2078-2079 (2009) • Li H et al. Genome Res 18:1851-1858 (2008)