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         Binawati / Endang Retnowati


• Infeksi Herpes simplex disebabkan oleh
  herpes simplex virus (HSV)
• HSV ada dua tipe :
  1. HSV-1  herpes labialis
  2. HSV-2  herpes genitalis


• Infeksi HSV menjadi masalah karena:
  1. transmisi virus dapat terjadi dari
      penderita yang asimtomatik,
  2. pengaruhnya terhadap kehamilan dan
      bayi / janin dalam kandungan,
  3. pengaruh pada penderita
  4. dampak kejiwaan,
  5. serta kemungkinan timbulnya resistensi
HSV (1)

• HSV merupakan virus DNA anggota dari
  famili Herpesviridae
• HSV  ds (double stranded) DNA
  enveloped viruses
• Virion terdiri dari empat struktur yaitu
  envelope, tegumen, nucleocapsid dan DNA
  yang berisi inti (core)
• Genom virus terbentuk dari protein

HSV (2)

Structure of Herpes Simplex Virus
HSV (3)

• Struktur genom dari kedua subtipe sama
  dan derajad homologinya 50-70%
• HSV-1 dan HSV-2 masing-masing memiliki
  region spesifik yang digunakan untuk
  membedakan kedua tipe HSV
• Perbedaan kedua tipe terletak pada
  komposisi molekuler genomnya dan
  terefleksi pada struktur glikoprotein dari


• Permukaan mukosa atau bagian kulit yang
  mengalami abrasi :
  - tempat masuknya virus HSV
  - tempat multiplikasi virus
• infeksi primer : infeksi pada seseorang
  yang sebelumnya belum pernah terinfeksi
  dengan HSV-1 atau HSV-2 (seronegatif)
• Respon humoral pada tahap awal meliputi
  Ig M yang bersifat sementara dan Ig G
  yang bersifat menetap

• Setelah virus masuk  replikasi (sel
  epidermis dan dermis) fusi, nucleocapsid
  masuk  virus dilepaskan dari virion 
  DNA virus yang tereplikasi tersebut,
  selanjutnya dipaket dalam capsid yang
  diberi envelope pada membran dalam dari
  inti sel inang  ditransportasi melalui
  aparatus golgi ke bagian ekstraselular
• Dari sel epitel HSV dapat menginfeksi
  syaraf sensoris atau otonomik regional,
  dan menyebar melalui axon syaraf menuju
  ke neuron

• Keadaan laten : genom virus terpelihara
  dalam keadaan represi oleh sel normal
  dan tidak menimbulkan efek pada neuron
• Reaktivasi : virus yang keluar dari neuron
  ke sel epitel menyebabkan replikasi virus
  dan penampakan kembali virus pada
  permukaan mukosa
• Kedua mekanisme infeksi laten dan
  reaktivasi HSV belum diketahui secara

Gambar 1 : Establishment dan reaktivasi infeksi laten virus herpes
(diambil dari animal viruses)                                   10

• Beberapa pencetus yang memicu
  terjadinya reaktivasi :
  1. stress fisik atau stress psikis,
  2. infeksi pneumokokus,
  3. infeksi meningokokus,
  4. panas,
  5. irradiasi, termasuk sinar matahari,
  6. menstruasi.
• Infeksi HSV pada otak terutama melalui
  transmisi neuronal yang berasal dari
  syaraf trigeminal atau olfaktorius


• Daerah otak yang paling sering terinfeksi
  HSV adalah lobus temporalis media dan
  lobus frontalis inferior
• Kerusakan jaringan syaraf otak
  disebabkan destruksi langsung oleh virus
  atau tidak langsung melalui mekanisme


• Ada tiga episode herpes :
  1. episode primer / infeksi primer
  2. infeksi reaktivasi
  3. episode pertama infeksi non primer
• Infeksi pada satu daerah tidak dapat
  mencegah daerah lain terhadap infeksi
• Infeksi berulang biasanya berlokasi pada
  atau dekat infeksi primer

        Tabel 1 : Keadaan klinis infeksi HSV-1 dan HSV-2

HSV-1                                Cold Sores / Oral Herpes
                                     Neonatal HSV
                                     Genital Herpes
                                     Herpes Keratitis
                                     Herpes Encefalitis
                                     Herpes Dermatitis
                                     Herpetic Whitlow
HSV-2                                Neonatal HSV
                                     Genital Herpes
                                     Herpes Dermatitis
                                     Herpetic Whitlow           14

• HSV ensefalitis  gejala serebral umum
  dan fokal
• HSV oral-fasial  panas, malaise, mialgia,
  malas makan, irritabilitas, dan adenopati
• HSV genital (lokal)  nyeri, itching,
  disuria, urethral dan vaginal discharge
  ,limfadenopati inguinal
• HSV neonatal 
  1. Infeksi lokal pada kulit, mata dan mulut
  2. Infeksi lokal SSP
  3. Infeksi diseminata

Tabel 2 : Manifestasi klinis Herpes genitalis (diambil dari The
Herpes Monitor)


Gambar 2 : Perjalanan klinis infeksi herpes genital primer
(diambil dari pathophysiology)

Gambar 3 : Perjalanan petanda serologi pada infeksi herpes
(diambil dari DiaphroMed)

      Gambar 4 : Alur diagnosis infeksi HSV
• Gold standard deteksi antibodi terhadap HSV 
  western blot (WB)
• Indikasi pemeriksaan imuoasai HSV :
  1. konfirmasi adanya infeksi primer
  2. kasus dicurigai ensefalitis karena HSV
  3. penderita immunosuppressed dan unknown
      febris lama dengan penyebab belum diketahui
  4. bayi dengan kelainan kongenital yang tidak
      diketahui penyebabnya
  5. skrining kesehatan (penderita routine sexual)
  6. ibu hamil atau suaminya dicurigai menderita
      HSV genital


Gambar 6 : Alur pemeriksaan HSV-1 dan HSV-2 pada wanita
hamil dan pasangannya                                  21

Gambar 5 : Alur pemeriksaan HSV-2 pada wanita hamil

• IgM spesifik HSV tidak membantu
  diagnosis infeksi primer karena IgM HSV
  dapat ditemukan pada reaktivasi
• Pada infeksi virus, pemeriksaan IgG
  avidity spesifik  untuk mengetahui
  infeksi primer atau infeksi lampau
• Hasil IgG avidity spesifik :
  - rendah  infeksi primer
 - tinggi  infeksi lampau atau rekuren


• Prinsip dasar dari EIA : ELISA tidak
  langsung (indirect)
• Keuntungan : sensitif, praktis dan cepat
• Kerugian : dibutuhkan pengalamanan
  yang cukup untuk mengkonstruksi ELISA
• Uji ELISA tidak spesifik kecuali dipakai
  glikoprotein G1 (gG1) dan gG2 sebagai


• Prinsip dasar : SDM domba yang
  disensitisasi antigen HSV bila direaksikan
  dengan serum penderita (mengandung
  antibodi terhadap HSV)  aglutinasi
• Keunggulan IHA :
  - hasil diperoleh dalam satu hari
  - dapat melacak antibodi yang baru
  diproduksi pada infeksi primer maupun
  antibodi stabil pada infeksi laten, dan

• Prinsip dasar:didasarkan kemampuan
  antigen homolog menghambat antibodi
  secara lengkap dan antigen yang
  heterolog hanya memberikan hambatan
• Kekemahan : baik antigen IHA maupun
  SDM domba yang disensitisasi harus
  diproduksi secara lokal

Penentuan tipe HSV antisera dengan uji hambatan IHA :

                      IHA dengan sel yang           IHA dengan sel yang
 Tipe Ab HSV            tersensitisasi HSV-1          tersensitisasi HSV-2
                       setelah absorbsi serum        setelah absorbsi serum
                               dengan                        dengan
                   HSV-1     HSV-2     Kontrol   HSV-1     HSV-2    Kontrol

       1            O          +          +         O        O         +
       2            O          O          +         +        O         +
    1 dan 2         O          +          +         +        O         +

Tipe tidak tentu    O          O          +         O        O         +
 + = aglutinasi (penurunan titer kurang dari 4 kali dibandingkan kontrol)
 O = hambatan (penurunan titer lebih dari 4 kali dibandingkan kontrol)

• Kasus dicurigai infeksi primer 
  konfirmasinya diperiksa interval 10 hari-3
• Imunoasai antibodi HSV tidak banyak
  berguna pada infeksi berulang
• Kasus dicurigai ensefalitis HSV  antibodi
  dalam CSF 6% diatas kadarnya dalam
  darah, berarti amat besar kemungkinan
  adanya produksi lokal antibodi dan infeksi
  SSP yang baru terjadi
• Bayi dengan kelainan kongenital belum
  jelas penyebabnya  penentuan IgM anti-
  HSV, mengkonfirmasi atau menyingkirkan
  HSV sebagai penyebabnya
• Risiko penularan pada bayi amat besar
  dari ibu hamil (sero-HSV yang negatif) 
  kenaikan titer IgG 4 kali dengan interval
  10-21 hari, perlu tindakan


• Hasil IgG dan IgM positif dengan aviditas
  IgG yang rendah, menunjukkan bahwa
  adanya infeksi terjadi kurang dari empat
• Hasil IgG dan IgM positif dengan aviditas
  IgG yang tinggi menunjukkan infeksi
  terjadi lebih dari empat bulan

Tabel 5 : Klasifikasi infeksi HSV genital berdasar klinis, virologi dan serologi

                               Detection of HSV antibodies
 Clinical    Type of virus   Acute phase serum   Convalescent phase    Classification of
   designa      isolation                           serum                   infection
  First         HSV-2              None                 HSV-2          Primary HSV-2
  episode       HSV-1              None                 HSV-1          Primary HSV-1
                HSV-2             HSV-1            HSV-1 and HSV-2    Nonprimary HSV-2
                HSV-1             HSV-2            HSV-1 and HSV-2    Nonprimary HSV-1
                HSV-2          HSV-2 with or        HSV-2 with or     First symptoms of
                                without HSV-1        without HSV-1          prior HSV-2
                                                                             infection ;
                                                                          recurrent HSV-
                HSV-2          HSV-2 with or        HSV-2 with or      recurrent HSV-2
                                without HSV-1        without HSV-1
                HSV-1          HSV-1 with or        HSV-1 with or      recurrent HSV-1
                                without HSV-2        without HSV-2


• Tanda dan gejala klinis  hari ke 3-14,
  meliputi panas, malaise, mialgia, malas
  makan, irritabilitas, dan adenopati servikal
• Sebelum terjadi lesi  peningkatan
  sensitivitas, kesemutan dan rasa terbakar
• Reaktivasi HSV  ganglia trigeminal
• 50-70% penderita seropositif mengalami
  dekompresi trigeminal nerve root dan 10-
  15% penderita terinfeksi setelah kira-kira
  3 hari post ekstraksi gigi                33

• Herpes genital primer episode pertama
  ditandai dengan panas, pusing, dan
• gejala lokal yang menonjol : nyeri,
  itching, disuria, urethral dan vaginal
  discharge serta limfadenopati inguinal
• Tingkatan lesi dapat bervariasi, meliputi
  vesikel, pustula, atau ulkus eritema yang
  sangat nyeri

• HSV ensefalitis yang khas  penyakit akut
  dengan gejala serebral umum dan fokal
• Gejala prodromal : malaise, demam dan
• Gejala ensefalopati : letargi, kebingungan
  dan delirium
• Kejang  kejang umum atau kejang fokal
• HSV ensefalitis harus dibedakan dengan
  meningitis aseptik herpes simplex, yang
  terjadi bersamaan dengan infeksi genital

• Metode paling sensitif dan non invasif
  untuk diagnosis dini HSV ensefalitis 
  pemeriksaan HSV DNA pada cairan
  serebrospinal dengan PCR
• Adanya HSV antibodi dalam CSF dan HSV
  DNA yang persisten dalam CSF dapat
  membantu menegakkan diagnosis

• Populasi yang terinfeksi HSV  neonatus
  (bayi <6 bulan) mempunyai frekuensi
  kejadian infeksi pada viseral dan / atau
  CNS paling tinggi
• Angka kematian herpes neonatal 65%,
  <10% neonatus dengan infeksi CNS
  berkembang normal
• Manifestasi dibagi :
  1. Infeksi lokal pada kulit, mata dan mulut
  2. Infeksi lokal SSP
  3. Infeksi diseminata                     37
Tabel 3 : Faktor risiko kejadian morbiditas dan mortalitas
pada     infeksi HSV neonatus


Tabel 4 : Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan risiko
penularan secara vertikal


• Risiko terkena herpes neonatal pada :
      - wanita HSV-1 seropositif (awal hamil)
       1/3800
      - wanita HSV-2 seropositif  1/4600
  karena ibu HSV-2 seropositif mengimunisasi
  janinnya secara transplasenta dengan IgG anti
  HSV-2 dan bayi dilahirkan cara operasi caesar
   diperlukan pendekatan preventif dengan
  pemeriksaan serologi selama kehamilan

Testing with symptoms: viral culture

If symptoms of herpes appear, they can vary widely from
person to person. If a person does experience signs of
infection, we recommend obtaining a culture test (a swab
from the symptom) within the first 48 hours after a lesion
appears. Results are usually available in about a week's
The major advantage of the culture is its accuracy in giving
a positive result. A culture can also be “typed” to determine
whether the infection is caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2. If you
test positive by viral culture, you can be sure you have the

The major disadvantage of the culture is its high rate of
false negatives. Because a culture works by requiring virus
that is active, if a lesion is very small, or is already
beginning to heal, there may not be enough virus present
for an accurate culture. Beyond 48 hours of the symptoms
appearing, there is a risk of receiving a false negative test
result. Viral culture is even less accurate during recurrences
(positive in only about 30% of recurrent outbreaks).
• When an individual contracts herpes, the
  immune system responds by developing
  antibodies to fight the virus: IgG and IgM.
  Blood tests can look for and detect these
  antibodies, as the virus itself is not in
  blood. IgG appears soon after infection
  and stays in the blood for life. IgM is
  actually the first antibody that appears
  after infection, but it may disappear

IgM tests are not recommended because of three
  serious problems:

1. Many assume that if a test discovers IgM, they have
   recently acquired herpes. However, research shows that
   IgM can reappear in blood tests in up to a third of people
   during recurrences, while it will be negative in up to half of
   persons who recently acquired herpes but have culture-
   document first episodes. Therefore, IgM tests can lead to
   deceptive test results, as well as false assumptions about
   how and when a person actually acquired HSV.
2. 2. In addition, IgM tests cannot accurately distinguish
   between HSV-1 and HSV-2 antibodies, and thus very easily
   provide a false positive result for HSV-2. This is important
   in that most of the adult population in the U.S. already has
   antibodies to HSV-1, the primary cause of oral herpes. A
   person who only has HSV-1 may receive a false positive for
3. 3. IgM tests sometimes cross-react with other viruses in
   the same family, such as varicella zoster virus (VZV) which
   causes chickenpox or cytomegalovirus (CMV) which causes
   mono, meaning that positive results may be misleading.
DIA- HSV 1/2-IgG and DIA- HSV 2-IgG
         1/2-        DIA-     2-

DIA- HSV 1/2-IgG and DIA- HSV 2-IgG
         1/2-        DIA-     2-
• Principle of the method: two stage ELISA based on «IgM-
  cupture» principle
• Clinical materials: human serum or plasma
• DIA-HSV ½-IgM: Detection of specific IgM antibodies to
  herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 types
  DIA-HSV 2-IgM: Detection of specific IgM antibodies to
  herpes simplex virus 2 type
• Immunosorbent – monoclonal antibodies to human IgM
• Conjugate:
  DIA-HSV ½-IgM: specific purified recombinant antigens
  gG1 HSV1 and gG2 HSV2 conjugated with horseradish
  DIA-HSV 2-IgM: specific purified recombinant antigen of
  herpes simplex virus 2 (gG2) conjugated with horseradish
• Packing configuration: strip (lockwell) microplate
                         TMB chromogen
                         96 tests
• Incubation time: 2 hours
• Shelf life: 12 months
DIA- HSV 1/2-IgG and DIA- HSV 2-IgG
         1/2-        DIA-     2-

Assay principle
• wells coated with antigens of herpes
  simplex virus 1 and 2
• adding of sera and controls
• incubation for 60 minutes, 37°С
• adding of conjugate
• incubation for 30 minutes, 37°С
• adding of chromogen
• incubation for 30 minutes, 18-25°С
• reaction termination
• result reading

DIA-HSV 1/2-IgМ and DIA-HSV 2-IgM
        1/2-        DIA-    2-

 DIA-HSV 1/2-IgМ and DIA-HSV 2-IgM
         1/2-        DIA-    2-

• Principle of the method: two stage ELISA
  procedure based on «IgM-capture» principle
• Clinical materials: human serum or plasma
• Detection of specific to Rubella virus IgM
• Immunosorbent – monoclonal antibodies to
  human IgM
• Conjugate – purified antigen of Rubella virus
  conjugated with horseradish peroxidase
• Packing configuration: strip (lockwell) microplate
                       TMB chromogen
                       96 tests
• Incubation time: 1,5 hours
• Shelf life: 12 months                             50
 DIA-HSV 1/2-IgМ and DIA-HSV 2-IgM
         1/2-        DIA-    2-

• Assay principle
• wells coated with monoclonal antibodies to
  human IgM
• adding of sera incubation for 60 minutes,
• adding of conjugate
• incubation for 30 minutes, 37°С
• adding of chromogen
• incubation for 30 minutes, 18-25 °С
• reaction termination
• result reading

In the past, cytology was also used as a diagnostic
tool for genital herpes.
Cellular changes caused by HSV can be recognized in
cervical scrapings after Papanicolaou stain, and in
lesion scrapings in Tzanck preparations.

However, using these changes to diagnose HSV is not
appropriate as they do not differentiate between HSV-
1and HSV-2, or between HSV and other viral
infections. Furthermore, the cytological techniques are
only 30%-80% as sensitive as cultures for HSV, and
have a low but significant false positive rate.


Belum jelas, ada kemungkinan :

- Infeksi primer akibat transmisi virus secara
      langsung melalui jalur neuronal dari
      perifer ke otak melalui saraf Trigeminus
      atau Offactorius. Faktor precipitasi
      adalah penurunan sistim imun host.
- Reaktivitas infeksi herpes virus laten dalam
- Pada neonatus penyebab terbanyak adalah
      HSV-2 yang merupakan infeksi
      daapatan dari secret genital yang
      terinfeksi pada saat persalinan.

Laboratorium :
• Analisis CSS : Pada minggu pertama dapat
  normal, pleositosis mononuclear, peningkatan
  ringan protein, kadar glucose normal/menurun
  ringan, jumlah sel normal.
• Kultur CSS dapat dapat positif pada neonatus
• PCR : sensitive dan spesifik.
Radiologi : MRI : pilihan utama : lesi bermakna
  pada lobus temporalis bagian medial dan
  bagian inferior lobus frontalius.
EEG : cukup sensitive tapi tidak spesifik
Biopsi otak : pemeriksaan definitive untuk
  menegakkan diagnosis

Recurrences and triggers

• Following active infection, herpes viruses
  establish a latent infection in sensory and
  autonomic ganglia of the nervous system.
  The double-stranded DNA of the virus is
  incorporated into the cell physiology by
  infection of the nucleus of a nerve's cell
  body. HSV latency is static—no virus is
  produced—and is controlled by a number
  of viral genes, including Latency
  Associated Transcript (LAT).
Alzheimer's disease

• Scientists discovered a link between Herpes
  Simplex Type I and Alzheimer’s disease in 1979.
  In the presence of a certain gene variation
  (APOE-epsilon4 allele carriers), HSV type 1
  appears to be particularly damaging to the
  nervous system and increases one’s risk of
  developing Alzheimer’s disease. The virus
  interacts with the components and receptors of
  lipoproteins, which may lead to the development
  of Alzheimer's disease. This research identifies
  HSVs as the pathogen most clearly linked to the
  establishment of Alzheimer’s.
• Without the presence of the gene allele, HSV type
  1 does not appear to cause any neurological
  damage and thus increase the risk of Alzheimer’s.
Bell's palsy
• A type of facial paralysis called Bell's palsy has
  been linked to the presence and reactivation of
  latent HSV-1 inside the sensory nerves of the
  face (geniculate ganglia), particularly in a mouse
  model. This is supported by findings that show
  the presence of HSV-1 DNA in saliva at a higher
  frequency in patients with Bell's palsy relative to
  those without the condition.
• However, since HSV can also be detected in these
  ganglia in large numbers of individuals that have
  never experienced facial paralysis, and high titers
  of antibodies for HSV are not found in HSV-
  infected individuals with Bell's palsy relative to
  those without, this theory has been
  contested.[36] Other studies, which fail to detect
  HSV-1 DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid of Bell's
  palsy sufferers, also question whether HSV-1 is
  the causative agent in this type of facial          59

• Diagnosis is based on the physical examination
  and patient history. Helpful (but nondiagnostic)
  measures include laboratory data showing
  increased antibody titers, smears of genital
  lesions showing atypical cells, and cytologic
  preparations (Tzanck test) that reveal giant cells.
  confirmed by demonstration of the herpes
  simplex virus in vesicular fluid, using tissue
  culture techniques, or by antigen tests that
  identify specific antigens.

Limitations of Type-Specific Serology
• Tests vary in their reliability and reproducibility.
• A positive test merely implies that the person has
  been infected with one or both of these viruses at
  some time in the past.
• Positive tests provide information about previous
  exposure to one or both of these viruses, but do
  not provide specific information about whether
  particular genital symptoms are due to herpes.
• A positive test does not imply that the person is
  infectious, although evidence suggests that the
  majority of individuals who have antibodies to
  one or the other of these viruses may shed the
  virus asymptomatically or from unrecognised
  lesions from time to time.
• Some patients appear to lose HSV-2 antibodies
  with time using the current ELISAs
• PCR sensitivity rates vary from 75% to
• The use of serology in the diagnosis of
  neonatal HSV infection is hampered by
  several factors. First, transplacental IgG
  antibodies cannot be differentiated from
  IgG produced by the infant. Second, the
  ability of some severely affected infants to
  make antibody is impaired. Third, the
  commercially available assays for HSV IgM
  antibodies have variable and limited
Direct Testing
• Direct Testing (DFA and Viral Culture) is indicated
  in active infections, but requires accurate
  collection of specimens from lesions and so
  cannot be used for asymptomatic genital herpes
• Specimens:
  DFA: Collect infected cells from the base of the
  vesicle or ulcer using an HSV DFA collection kit.
  Viral Culture: collect infectec cells and vesicle
  fluid using a viral transport swab
• Request: 'HSV DFA' and/or 'HSV culture'
  Note: if DFA is positive, no further testing is
  required; if DFA is negative and a viral transport
  swab has been collected, viral culture will be
• Anti-HSV IgG is usually detectable 2-4 weeks
  after primary infection. Specific IgM is detectable
  in primary infections, but may also ocurr in
  reactivation and so is not diagnostically helpful.
  Serology is not recommended for the diagnosis of
  acute HSV infections.
• However type specific HSV IgG serology for
  immune status may be useful for:
• Epidemiology and couselling for 'in contact' or
  'at-risk' patients.
• classification of HSV immune status in patients
  with gential blisters or ulcers which are culture
• prognosis (eg HSV-1 genital infectoin is not as
  likely to recur as HSV-2 infection)
HSV Virology

• The HSV type 1 and 2 (HSV-1 or HSV-2) is a
  large, double-stranded DNA virus with an
  icosahedral nucleocapsid. The herpes virus
  belongs to the Herpesviridae family, the
  Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily, and the
  Simplexvirus genera. The genomes of HSV-1 and
  HSV-2 exhibit great homology, but the HSV-2
  genome has an inherently higher mutation rate
  than HSV-1. Important viral glycoproteins
  include1: (1) gD, which is a potent inducer of
  neutralizing antibody and is important in viral
  attachment and entry into cells; (2) gB, which is
  required for infectivity; (3) gH through gL, which
  are important in viral attachment and entry into
  cells; and (4) gG, which provides antigenic
  specificity, allowing serologic differentiation of
  HSV-1 from HSV-2 (gG-1 and gG-2,
  respectively).                                     68
HSV Virology

• After initial infection, HSV virions spread
  by retrograde axonal flow to sensory
  ganglia, where the virions establish
  latency.1 The neurovirulence of HSV is
  attributable to the thymidine kinase
  gene.1 Reactivation of the virus occurs
  periodically in response to stressors (eg,
  illness, fatigue, ultraviolet light, tissue
  damage1) despite host humoral and
  cellular immunity.
Several alternative cell types have been
suggested as origins of HSV excreted in
the oral cavity. Oral epithelium and, more
specifically, gingival sulcular epithelium
and ocular and salivary tissues have all
been proposed as sites of HSV replication.
Extra-oral persistence of HSV DNA in non-
neuronal tissues has been demonstrated
in skin, blood, and ocular tissue.


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  • 2. PENDAHULUAN (1) • Infeksi Herpes simplex disebabkan oleh herpes simplex virus (HSV) • HSV ada dua tipe : 1. HSV-1  herpes labialis 2. HSV-2  herpes genitalis 2
  • 3. PENDAHULUAN (2) • Infeksi HSV menjadi masalah karena: 1. transmisi virus dapat terjadi dari penderita yang asimtomatik, 2. pengaruhnya terhadap kehamilan dan bayi / janin dalam kandungan, 3. pengaruh pada penderita imunokompromais, 4. dampak kejiwaan, 5. serta kemungkinan timbulnya resistensi virus 3
  • 4. HSV (1) • HSV merupakan virus DNA anggota dari famili Herpesviridae • HSV  ds (double stranded) DNA enveloped viruses • Virion terdiri dari empat struktur yaitu envelope, tegumen, nucleocapsid dan DNA yang berisi inti (core) • Genom virus terbentuk dari protein ikosahedral 4
  • 5. HSV (2) Structure of Herpes Simplex Virus 5
  • 6. HSV (3) • Struktur genom dari kedua subtipe sama dan derajad homologinya 50-70% • HSV-1 dan HSV-2 masing-masing memiliki region spesifik yang digunakan untuk membedakan kedua tipe HSV • Perbedaan kedua tipe terletak pada komposisi molekuler genomnya dan terefleksi pada struktur glikoprotein dari peptidanya. 6
  • 7. PATOGENESIS (1) • Permukaan mukosa atau bagian kulit yang mengalami abrasi : - tempat masuknya virus HSV - tempat multiplikasi virus • infeksi primer : infeksi pada seseorang yang sebelumnya belum pernah terinfeksi dengan HSV-1 atau HSV-2 (seronegatif) • Respon humoral pada tahap awal meliputi Ig M yang bersifat sementara dan Ig G yang bersifat menetap 7
  • 8. PATOGENESIS (2) • Setelah virus masuk  replikasi (sel epidermis dan dermis) fusi, nucleocapsid masuk  virus dilepaskan dari virion  DNA virus yang tereplikasi tersebut, selanjutnya dipaket dalam capsid yang diberi envelope pada membran dalam dari inti sel inang  ditransportasi melalui aparatus golgi ke bagian ekstraselular • Dari sel epitel HSV dapat menginfeksi syaraf sensoris atau otonomik regional, dan menyebar melalui axon syaraf menuju ke neuron 8
  • 9. PATOGENESIS (3) • Keadaan laten : genom virus terpelihara dalam keadaan represi oleh sel normal dan tidak menimbulkan efek pada neuron inang • Reaktivasi : virus yang keluar dari neuron ke sel epitel menyebabkan replikasi virus dan penampakan kembali virus pada permukaan mukosa • Kedua mekanisme infeksi laten dan reaktivasi HSV belum diketahui secara jelas 9
  • 10. PATOGENESIS (4) Gambar 1 : Establishment dan reaktivasi infeksi laten virus herpes (diambil dari animal viruses) 10
  • 11. PATOGENESIS (5) • Beberapa pencetus yang memicu terjadinya reaktivasi : 1. stress fisik atau stress psikis, 2. infeksi pneumokokus, 3. infeksi meningokokus, 4. panas, 5. irradiasi, termasuk sinar matahari, 6. menstruasi. • Infeksi HSV pada otak terutama melalui transmisi neuronal yang berasal dari syaraf trigeminal atau olfaktorius 11
  • 12. PATOGENESIS (6) • Daerah otak yang paling sering terinfeksi HSV adalah lobus temporalis media dan lobus frontalis inferior • Kerusakan jaringan syaraf otak disebabkan destruksi langsung oleh virus atau tidak langsung melalui mekanisme imunologis 12
  • 13. MANIFESTASI KLINIS (1) • Ada tiga episode herpes : 1. episode primer / infeksi primer 2. infeksi reaktivasi 3. episode pertama infeksi non primer • Infeksi pada satu daerah tidak dapat mencegah daerah lain terhadap infeksi berikutnya • Infeksi berulang biasanya berlokasi pada atau dekat infeksi primer 13
  • 14. MANIFESTASI KLINIS (2) Tabel 1 : Keadaan klinis infeksi HSV-1 dan HSV-2 CONDITION VIRUS HSV-1 Cold Sores / Oral Herpes Neonatal HSV Genital Herpes Herpes Keratitis Herpes Encefalitis Herpes Dermatitis Herpetic Whitlow HSV-2 Neonatal HSV Genital Herpes Herpes Dermatitis Herpetic Whitlow 14
  • 15. MANIFESTASI KLINIS (3) • HSV ensefalitis  gejala serebral umum dan fokal • HSV oral-fasial  panas, malaise, mialgia, malas makan, irritabilitas, dan adenopati servikal • HSV genital (lokal)  nyeri, itching, disuria, urethral dan vaginal discharge ,limfadenopati inguinal • HSV neonatal  1. Infeksi lokal pada kulit, mata dan mulut 2. Infeksi lokal SSP 3. Infeksi diseminata 15
  • 16. MANIFESTASI KLINIS (4) Tabel 2 : Manifestasi klinis Herpes genitalis (diambil dari The Herpes Monitor) 16
  • 17. MANIFESTASI KLINIS (5) Gambar 2 : Perjalanan klinis infeksi herpes genital primer (diambil dari pathophysiology) 17
  • 18. MANIFESTASI KLINIS (6) Gambar 3 : Perjalanan petanda serologi pada infeksi herpes (diambil dari DiaphroMed) 18
  • 19. PEMERIKSAAN SEROLOGI HSV (1) Gambar 4 : Alur diagnosis infeksi HSV 19
  • 20. PEMERIKSAAN SEROLOGI HSV (2) • Gold standard deteksi antibodi terhadap HSV  western blot (WB) • Indikasi pemeriksaan imuoasai HSV : 1. konfirmasi adanya infeksi primer 2. kasus dicurigai ensefalitis karena HSV 3. penderita immunosuppressed dan unknown febris lama dengan penyebab belum diketahui 4. bayi dengan kelainan kongenital yang tidak diketahui penyebabnya 5. skrining kesehatan (penderita routine sexual) 6. ibu hamil atau suaminya dicurigai menderita HSV genital 20
  • 21. PEMERIKSAAN SEROLOGI HSV (3) Gambar 6 : Alur pemeriksaan HSV-1 dan HSV-2 pada wanita hamil dan pasangannya 21
  • 22. PEMERIKSAAN SEROLOGI HSV (4) Gambar 5 : Alur pemeriksaan HSV-2 pada wanita hamil 22
  • 23. PEMERIKSAAN SEROLOGI HSV (5) • IgM spesifik HSV tidak membantu diagnosis infeksi primer karena IgM HSV dapat ditemukan pada reaktivasi • Pada infeksi virus, pemeriksaan IgG avidity spesifik  untuk mengetahui infeksi primer atau infeksi lampau • Hasil IgG avidity spesifik : - rendah  infeksi primer - tinggi  infeksi lampau atau rekuren 23
  • 24. PEMERIKSAAN SEROLOGI HSV (6) IMUNOASAI ENZIM (EIA) • Prinsip dasar dari EIA : ELISA tidak langsung (indirect) • Keuntungan : sensitif, praktis dan cepat • Kerugian : dibutuhkan pengalamanan yang cukup untuk mengkonstruksi ELISA • Uji ELISA tidak spesifik kecuali dipakai glikoprotein G1 (gG1) dan gG2 sebagai antigen 24
  • 25. PEMERIKSAAN SEROLOGI HSV (7) UJI HEMAGLUTINASI TAK LANGSUNG (IHA) • Prinsip dasar : SDM domba yang disensitisasi antigen HSV bila direaksikan dengan serum penderita (mengandung antibodi terhadap HSV)  aglutinasi • Keunggulan IHA : - hasil diperoleh dalam satu hari - dapat melacak antibodi yang baru diproduksi pada infeksi primer maupun antibodi stabil pada infeksi laten, dan menahun 25
  • 26. PEMERIKSAAN SEROLOGI HSV (8) UJI HAMBATAN HEMAGGLUTINASI (IHA INHIBITION) • Prinsip dasar:didasarkan kemampuan antigen homolog menghambat antibodi secara lengkap dan antigen yang heterolog hanya memberikan hambatan parsial • Kekemahan : baik antigen IHA maupun SDM domba yang disensitisasi harus diproduksi secara lokal 26
  • 27. PEMERIKSAAN SEROLOGI HSV (9) Penentuan tipe HSV antisera dengan uji hambatan IHA : IHA dengan sel yang IHA dengan sel yang Tipe Ab HSV tersensitisasi HSV-1 tersensitisasi HSV-2 setelah absorbsi serum setelah absorbsi serum dengan dengan HSV-1 HSV-2 Kontrol HSV-1 HSV-2 Kontrol 1 O + + O O + 2 O O + + O + 1 dan 2 O + + + O + Tipe tidak tentu O O + O O + + = aglutinasi (penurunan titer kurang dari 4 kali dibandingkan kontrol) O = hambatan (penurunan titer lebih dari 4 kali dibandingkan kontrol) 27
  • 28. INTERPRETASI HASIL (1) • Kasus dicurigai infeksi primer  konfirmasinya diperiksa interval 10 hari-3 minggu • Imunoasai antibodi HSV tidak banyak berguna pada infeksi berulang • Kasus dicurigai ensefalitis HSV  antibodi dalam CSF 6% diatas kadarnya dalam darah, berarti amat besar kemungkinan adanya produksi lokal antibodi dan infeksi SSP yang baru terjadi 28
  • 29. INTERPRETASI HASIL (2) • Bayi dengan kelainan kongenital belum jelas penyebabnya  penentuan IgM anti- HSV, mengkonfirmasi atau menyingkirkan HSV sebagai penyebabnya • Risiko penularan pada bayi amat besar dari ibu hamil (sero-HSV yang negatif)  kenaikan titer IgG 4 kali dengan interval 10-21 hari, perlu tindakan 29
  • 30. INTERPRETASI HASIL (3) • Hasil IgG dan IgM positif dengan aviditas IgG yang rendah, menunjukkan bahwa adanya infeksi terjadi kurang dari empat bulan • Hasil IgG dan IgM positif dengan aviditas IgG yang tinggi menunjukkan infeksi terjadi lebih dari empat bulan 30
  • 31. INTERPRETASI HASIL (4) Tabel 5 : Klasifikasi infeksi HSV genital berdasar klinis, virologi dan serologi Detection of HSV antibodies Clinical Type of virus Acute phase serum Convalescent phase Classification of designa isolation serum infection tion First HSV-2 None HSV-2 Primary HSV-2 episode HSV-1 None HSV-1 Primary HSV-1 HSV-2 HSV-1 HSV-1 and HSV-2 Nonprimary HSV-2 HSV-1 HSV-2 HSV-1 and HSV-2 Nonprimary HSV-1 HSV-2 HSV-2 with or HSV-2 with or First symptoms of without HSV-1 without HSV-1 prior HSV-2 infection ; recurrent HSV- 2 HSV-2 HSV-2 with or HSV-2 with or recurrent HSV-2 without HSV-1 without HSV-1 HSV-1 HSV-1 with or HSV-1 with or recurrent HSV-1 without HSV-2 without HSV-2 31
  • 33. MANIFESTASI KLINIS INFEKSI ORAL-FASIAL • Tanda dan gejala klinis  hari ke 3-14, meliputi panas, malaise, mialgia, malas makan, irritabilitas, dan adenopati servikal • Sebelum terjadi lesi  peningkatan sensitivitas, kesemutan dan rasa terbakar ringan • Reaktivasi HSV  ganglia trigeminal • 50-70% penderita seropositif mengalami dekompresi trigeminal nerve root dan 10- 15% penderita terinfeksi setelah kira-kira 3 hari post ekstraksi gigi 33
  • 34. MANIFESTASI KLINIS INFEKSI GENITAL • Herpes genital primer episode pertama ditandai dengan panas, pusing, dan mialgia • gejala lokal yang menonjol : nyeri, itching, disuria, urethral dan vaginal discharge serta limfadenopati inguinal • Tingkatan lesi dapat bervariasi, meliputi vesikel, pustula, atau ulkus eritema yang sangat nyeri 34
  • 35. MANIFESTASI KLINIS INFEKSI SSP DAN PERIFER • HSV ensefalitis yang khas  penyakit akut dengan gejala serebral umum dan fokal • Gejala prodromal : malaise, demam dan mual • Gejala ensefalopati : letargi, kebingungan dan delirium • Kejang  kejang umum atau kejang fokal • HSV ensefalitis harus dibedakan dengan meningitis aseptik herpes simplex, yang terjadi bersamaan dengan infeksi genital HSV-2 35
  • 36. MANIFESTASI KLINIS • Metode paling sensitif dan non invasif untuk diagnosis dini HSV ensefalitis  pemeriksaan HSV DNA pada cairan serebrospinal dengan PCR • Adanya HSV antibodi dalam CSF dan HSV DNA yang persisten dalam CSF dapat membantu menegakkan diagnosis 36
  • 37. MANIFESTASI KLINIS INFEKSI HSV NEONATAL • Populasi yang terinfeksi HSV  neonatus (bayi <6 bulan) mempunyai frekuensi kejadian infeksi pada viseral dan / atau CNS paling tinggi • Angka kematian herpes neonatal 65%, <10% neonatus dengan infeksi CNS berkembang normal • Manifestasi dibagi : 1. Infeksi lokal pada kulit, mata dan mulut 2. Infeksi lokal SSP 3. Infeksi diseminata 37
  • 38. MANIFESTASI KLINIS Tabel 3 : Faktor risiko kejadian morbiditas dan mortalitas pada infeksi HSV neonatus 38
  • 39. MANIFESTASI KLINIS Tabel 4 : Faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan risiko penularan secara vertikal 39
  • 40. MANIFESTASI KLINIS • Risiko terkena herpes neonatal pada : - wanita HSV-1 seropositif (awal hamil)  1/3800 - wanita HSV-2 seropositif  1/4600 karena ibu HSV-2 seropositif mengimunisasi janinnya secara transplasenta dengan IgG anti HSV-2 dan bayi dilahirkan cara operasi caesar  diperlukan pendekatan preventif dengan pemeriksaan serologi selama kehamilan 40
  • 41. 41
  • 42. 42
  • 43. Testing with symptoms: viral culture If symptoms of herpes appear, they can vary widely from person to person. If a person does experience signs of infection, we recommend obtaining a culture test (a swab from the symptom) within the first 48 hours after a lesion appears. Results are usually available in about a week's time. The major advantage of the culture is its accuracy in giving a positive result. A culture can also be “typed” to determine whether the infection is caused by HSV-1 or HSV-2. If you test positive by viral culture, you can be sure you have the virus. The major disadvantage of the culture is its high rate of false negatives. Because a culture works by requiring virus that is active, if a lesion is very small, or is already beginning to heal, there may not be enough virus present for an accurate culture. Beyond 48 hours of the symptoms appearing, there is a risk of receiving a false negative test result. Viral culture is even less accurate during recurrences (positive in only about 30% of recurrent outbreaks). 43
  • 44. • When an individual contracts herpes, the immune system responds by developing antibodies to fight the virus: IgG and IgM. Blood tests can look for and detect these antibodies, as the virus itself is not in blood. IgG appears soon after infection and stays in the blood for life. IgM is actually the first antibody that appears after infection, but it may disappear thereafter. 44
  • 45. IgM tests are not recommended because of three serious problems: 1. Many assume that if a test discovers IgM, they have recently acquired herpes. However, research shows that IgM can reappear in blood tests in up to a third of people during recurrences, while it will be negative in up to half of persons who recently acquired herpes but have culture- document first episodes. Therefore, IgM tests can lead to deceptive test results, as well as false assumptions about how and when a person actually acquired HSV. 2. 2. In addition, IgM tests cannot accurately distinguish between HSV-1 and HSV-2 antibodies, and thus very easily provide a false positive result for HSV-2. This is important in that most of the adult population in the U.S. already has antibodies to HSV-1, the primary cause of oral herpes. A person who only has HSV-1 may receive a false positive for HSV-2. 3. 3. IgM tests sometimes cross-react with other viruses in the same family, such as varicella zoster virus (VZV) which causes chickenpox or cytomegalovirus (CMV) which causes mono, meaning that positive results may be misleading. 45
  • 46. DIA- DIA- HSV 1/2-IgG and DIA- HSV 2-IgG 1/2- DIA- 2- 46
  • 47. DIA- DIA- HSV 1/2-IgG and DIA- HSV 2-IgG 1/2- DIA- 2- • Principle of the method: two stage ELISA based on «IgM- cupture» principle • Clinical materials: human serum or plasma • DIA-HSV ½-IgM: Detection of specific IgM antibodies to herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 types DIA-HSV 2-IgM: Detection of specific IgM antibodies to herpes simplex virus 2 type • Immunosorbent – monoclonal antibodies to human IgM • Conjugate: DIA-HSV ½-IgM: specific purified recombinant antigens gG1 HSV1 and gG2 HSV2 conjugated with horseradish peroxidase; DIA-HSV 2-IgM: specific purified recombinant antigen of herpes simplex virus 2 (gG2) conjugated with horseradish peroxidase • Packing configuration: strip (lockwell) microplate TMB chromogen 96 tests • Incubation time: 2 hours • Shelf life: 12 months 47
  • 48. DIA- DIA- HSV 1/2-IgG and DIA- HSV 2-IgG 1/2- DIA- 2- Assay principle • wells coated with antigens of herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 • adding of sera and controls • incubation for 60 minutes, 37°С • adding of conjugate • incubation for 30 minutes, 37°С • adding of chromogen • incubation for 30 minutes, 18-25°С • reaction termination • result reading 48
  • 49. DIA- DIA-HSV 1/2-IgМ and DIA-HSV 2-IgM 1/2- DIA- 2- 49
  • 50. DIA- DIA-HSV 1/2-IgМ and DIA-HSV 2-IgM 1/2- DIA- 2- • Principle of the method: two stage ELISA procedure based on «IgM-capture» principle • Clinical materials: human serum or plasma • Detection of specific to Rubella virus IgM antibodies • Immunosorbent – monoclonal antibodies to human IgM • Conjugate – purified antigen of Rubella virus conjugated with horseradish peroxidase • Packing configuration: strip (lockwell) microplate TMB chromogen 96 tests • Incubation time: 1,5 hours • Shelf life: 12 months 50
  • 51. DIA- DIA-HSV 1/2-IgМ and DIA-HSV 2-IgM 1/2- DIA- 2- • Assay principle • wells coated with monoclonal antibodies to human IgM • adding of sera incubation for 60 minutes, 37°С • adding of conjugate • incubation for 30 minutes, 37°С • adding of chromogen • incubation for 30 minutes, 18-25 °С • reaction termination • result reading 51
  • 52. CYTOLOGY TESTS In the past, cytology was also used as a diagnostic tool for genital herpes. Cellular changes caused by HSV can be recognized in cervical scrapings after Papanicolaou stain, and in lesion scrapings in Tzanck preparations. However, using these changes to diagnose HSV is not appropriate as they do not differentiate between HSV- 1and HSV-2, or between HSV and other viral infections. Furthermore, the cytological techniques are only 30%-80% as sensitive as cultures for HSV, and have a low but significant false positive rate. 52
  • 53. EHS Belum jelas, ada kemungkinan : - Infeksi primer akibat transmisi virus secara langsung melalui jalur neuronal dari perifer ke otak melalui saraf Trigeminus atau Offactorius. Faktor precipitasi adalah penurunan sistim imun host. - Reaktivitas infeksi herpes virus laten dalam otak. - Pada neonatus penyebab terbanyak adalah HSV- HSV-2 yang merupakan infeksi daapatan dari secret genital yang terinfeksi pada saat persalinan. 53
  • 54. EHS Laboratorium : • Analisis CSS : Pada minggu pertama dapat normal, pleositosis mononuclear, peningkatan ringan protein, kadar glucose normal/menurun ringan, jumlah sel normal. • Kultur CSS dapat dapat positif pada neonatus • PCR : sensitive dan spesifik. Radiologi : MRI : pilihan utama : lesi bermakna pada lobus temporalis bagian medial dan bagian inferior lobus frontalius. EEG : cukup sensitive tapi tidak spesifik Biopsi otak : pemeriksaan definitive untuk menegakkan diagnosis 54
  • 55. 55
  • 56. 56
  • 57. Recurrences and triggers • Following active infection, herpes viruses establish a latent infection in sensory and autonomic ganglia of the nervous system. The double-stranded DNA of the virus is incorporated into the cell physiology by infection of the nucleus of a nerve's cell body. HSV latency is static—no virus is produced—and is controlled by a number of viral genes, including Latency Associated Transcript (LAT). 57
  • 58. Alzheimer's disease • Scientists discovered a link between Herpes Simplex Type I and Alzheimer’s disease in 1979. In the presence of a certain gene variation (APOE-epsilon4 allele carriers), HSV type 1 appears to be particularly damaging to the nervous system and increases one’s risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. The virus interacts with the components and receptors of lipoproteins, which may lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease. This research identifies HSVs as the pathogen most clearly linked to the establishment of Alzheimer’s. • Without the presence of the gene allele, HSV type 1 does not appear to cause any neurological damage and thus increase the risk of Alzheimer’s. 58
  • 59. Bell's palsy • A type of facial paralysis called Bell's palsy has been linked to the presence and reactivation of latent HSV-1 inside the sensory nerves of the face (geniculate ganglia), particularly in a mouse model. This is supported by findings that show the presence of HSV-1 DNA in saliva at a higher frequency in patients with Bell's palsy relative to those without the condition. • However, since HSV can also be detected in these ganglia in large numbers of individuals that have never experienced facial paralysis, and high titers of antibodies for HSV are not found in HSV- infected individuals with Bell's palsy relative to those without, this theory has been contested.[36] Other studies, which fail to detect HSV-1 DNA in the cerebrospinal fluid of Bell's palsy sufferers, also question whether HSV-1 is the causative agent in this type of facial 59 paralysis.
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  • 63. Diagnosis • Diagnosis is based on the physical examination and patient history. Helpful (but nondiagnostic) measures include laboratory data showing increased antibody titers, smears of genital lesions showing atypical cells, and cytologic preparations (Tzanck test) that reveal giant cells. • CONFIRMING DIAGNOSIS Diagnosis can be confirmed by demonstration of the herpes simplex virus in vesicular fluid, using tissue culture techniques, or by antigen tests that identify specific antigens. 63
  • 64. Limitations of Type-Specific Serology Type- • Tests vary in their reliability and reproducibility. • A positive test merely implies that the person has been infected with one or both of these viruses at some time in the past. • Positive tests provide information about previous exposure to one or both of these viruses, but do not provide specific information about whether particular genital symptoms are due to herpes. • A positive test does not imply that the person is infectious, although evidence suggests that the majority of individuals who have antibodies to one or the other of these viruses may shed the virus asymptomatically or from unrecognised lesions from time to time. • Some patients appear to lose HSV-2 antibodies with time using the current ELISAs 64
  • 65. • PCR sensitivity rates vary from 75% to 100% • The use of serology in the diagnosis of neonatal HSV infection is hampered by several factors. First, transplacental IgG antibodies cannot be differentiated from IgG produced by the infant. Second, the ability of some severely affected infants to make antibody is impaired. Third, the commercially available assays for HSV IgM antibodies have variable and limited reliability. 65
  • 66. Direct Testing • Direct Testing (DFA and Viral Culture) is indicated in active infections, but requires accurate collection of specimens from lesions and so cannot be used for asymptomatic genital herpes infections. • Specimens: DFA: Collect infected cells from the base of the vesicle or ulcer using an HSV DFA collection kit. Viral Culture: collect infectec cells and vesicle fluid using a viral transport swab • Request: 'HSV DFA' and/or 'HSV culture' Note: if DFA is positive, no further testing is required; if DFA is negative and a viral transport swab has been collected, viral culture will be performed. 66
  • 67. Serology • Anti-HSV IgG is usually detectable 2-4 weeks after primary infection. Specific IgM is detectable in primary infections, but may also ocurr in reactivation and so is not diagnostically helpful. Serology is not recommended for the diagnosis of acute HSV infections. • However type specific HSV IgG serology for immune status may be useful for: • Epidemiology and couselling for 'in contact' or 'at-risk' patients. • classification of HSV immune status in patients with gential blisters or ulcers which are culture negative • prognosis (eg HSV-1 genital infectoin is not as likely to recur as HSV-2 infection) 67
  • 68. HSV Virology • The HSV type 1 and 2 (HSV-1 or HSV-2) is a large, double-stranded DNA virus with an icosahedral nucleocapsid. The herpes virus belongs to the Herpesviridae family, the Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily, and the Simplexvirus genera. The genomes of HSV-1 and HSV-2 exhibit great homology, but the HSV-2 genome has an inherently higher mutation rate than HSV-1. Important viral glycoproteins include1: (1) gD, which is a potent inducer of neutralizing antibody and is important in viral attachment and entry into cells; (2) gB, which is required for infectivity; (3) gH through gL, which are important in viral attachment and entry into cells; and (4) gG, which provides antigenic specificity, allowing serologic differentiation of HSV-1 from HSV-2 (gG-1 and gG-2, respectively). 68
  • 69. HSV Virology • After initial infection, HSV virions spread by retrograde axonal flow to sensory ganglia, where the virions establish latency.1 The neurovirulence of HSV is attributable to the thymidine kinase gene.1 Reactivation of the virus occurs periodically in response to stressors (eg, illness, fatigue, ultraviolet light, tissue damage1) despite host humoral and cellular immunity. 69
  • 70. Several alternative cell types have been suggested as origins of HSV excreted in the oral cavity. Oral epithelium and, more specifically, gingival sulcular epithelium and ocular and salivary tissues have all been proposed as sites of HSV replication. Extra-oral persistence of HSV DNA in non- neuronal tissues has been demonstrated in skin, blood, and ocular tissue. 70