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9/19/21 1
Managerial Effectiveness
A workshop for team productivity in an increasingly digitalized IT
Praveen Kumar Kambhampati
Senior Business Consultant and Promoter
Thought Leaders Consulting
9/19/21 2
Understanding the Context
• Organization Level
• Management Level
• Team level - The Mindset of High achievers - 10 Min (O)
9/19/21 3
Organizational Level
Ecosystem Needs
Market Agility
Individual Global
Sync up
Ecosystem Context
Global Trends Context
Organisation Context
9/19/21 4
Ground Rules
To appreciate
Speak out loud
Ask questions and Trigger discussion
Laugh out loud
Open up and interact with the colleagues
9/19/21 5
Creating a new Business model
• The tendency towards mainstreaming of "demand aggregation" where aggregation is
no longer driven by supply. In new models, demand is first aggregated by giving things
away and then demand is exploited.
Knowledge Worker Productivity
• The critical issue to being able to leverage your organisation's core competencies in real
time. If you want to optimise your enterprise start here. Peel away everything
and allow your knowledge workers to do what they do best, more of the time.
9/19/21 6
Creating a new Business model
Network perspective
• Enlist the opinions of others. By understanding the viewpoints of those who see the
company’s strengths and weaknesses from different angles, you gain greater
perspective. Networking for opinions can be a one-on-one casual exercise or it can take
place during regular staff meetings. As the manager’s perspective grows, so will his
confidence in making the right decisions.
• Layers and layers of technological complexity have created, layers and layers of all
forms of complexity. A simple gas pump talks to our car while we refuel and the data is
downloaded to a database that triggers service, marketing and additional complex
transactions ‒ never before imagined.
9/19/21 7
Creating a new Business model
• Everything we do will be recorded, catalogued and "served-up" from everything to our
toaster, automobile, children's progress in school to real time appliances that work in
the background to make decisions for us. We will be constantly in contact with anyone and
everyone, even those we choose not to be in contact with.
• Value will direct everything! People will jump brands, organisations and friends for
higher value in their lives. Reducing risk will be a moniker of perceived value.
9/19/21 8
Creating a new Business model
• We used to rely on organisations to provide leadership to the masses and since the
organizational structure has now become fluid and ubiquitous through
connectedness, self-leadership will pervade all growth and adaptability, in fact it will
become living leadership.
• Kind of tongue-in-cheek here, but a learning competency will far exceed our ability to
know, as one requires investment and the other requires ability.
9/19/21 9
Creating a new Business model
Achieving and Maintaining Speed – the Key to Success
In the new economy where everything is moving faster and it's only going to get
faster, the new mantra is, "Do it more with less and do it faster.” In order to get real
speed decisions at virtually every level must be made in minutes, not days or
weeks. Decisions also have to be made "face-to-face, not memo-to-memo. This
means that people have to think on their feet, and that the forests of meaningless
paper trails and approvals – so common in large organizations – must be
Fast Thinking
Spotting Trends
Letting Best Ideas Win
Fast Decision-making
Setting Rules and Guiding Principles
Reassessing Constantly Past Decisions
Getting Rid of the Bureaucracy
Success Story: Charles Schwab
Fast to Market
Launching a Crusade
Owning Your Competitive Advantage
Institutionalizing Innovation
Rapid Experimentation
9/19/21 10
Creating a new Business model
Personal Customisation
• It follows with our ability to change the environment through all of those connectivity
issues, it is clear that we literally will customise every experience for the person
involved, right before their eyes. Customised marketing, service delivery and
communications will all be controlled by ERM (Enterprise Relationship Management)
Systems and inter-developmental databases. – Elon Musk Against all odds – 7 Min (O)
9/19/21 11
Spotting new trends – Take Advantage of change
• Be the First
– While you cannot predict the future, you can get a handle on trends, which is a way to take
advantage of change and convert risks into opportunities. The ability to spot trends before others
is vital if you want to think faster and thus be ahead of your competition.
• Surprise To Win: 3 Strategies. à Excite your employees à Amaze your customers and à
Astonish your competitors
• 3Ss of Winning in Business
• "Predicting the Future"
– There is a big difference between "predicting the future" and "taking a chance" on the future. "No
one can predict the future with any degree of certainty; nor should marketing plans try. But
the closer you can get to the consumer, the more likely you are to succeed," says Al Ries
"The future belong to those who see it first, or most clearly." ~ John Kay
9/19/21 12
Spotting new trends – Take Advantage of change
Jack Welch’s 3S’s for winning in Business
• Self Confidence
• The root cause of many bureaucratic ills is insecurity
• Self Confident people are open to new ideas and are willing to share them.
• Self confident people are comfortable being simple
• Simplicity
• Simplicity can help leaders create and project a clear vision
• Simple messages travel faster
• Simple designs reach the market faster
• Speed
• Elimination of the clutter allows faster decision making
• Speed increases as control decreases
• Delayering speeds communications and helps to get products to market more quickly
9/19/21 13
Value Creation / Innovation
The value innovation concept provides a relevant support for questioning product/market
strategies as well as underlying assumptions. You must examine radically what
constitutes real value for customers by asking fundamental questions: what value
offering need to be introduced or increased to meet customer needs? what value
offerings can be reduced or eliminated, because they do not constitute real value for
customers? – Jeff Bezos, on his approach to work and life - 10 Min (O)
9/19/21 14
Value Innovation in the Digital Economy
How and where companies should compete is rapidly changing in an eEconomy that has
compelled organizations worldwide to re-think how best to deliver value to customers.
Evolving, innovative value propositions and customer engagement strategies can drive
growth and create distinct competitive advantages – positions of cost
leadership, differentiation, or both.
9/19/21 15
Blue ocean strategy vs Red Ocean Strategy
Red Ocean Strategy
• In the red ocean (Head-To-Head competition area), differentiation costs because
firms compete with the same best-practice principle. Here, the strategic choices for
firms are to pursue either differentiation or low cost.
• The focus is on rivals within an industry, competitive position within a strategic group;
better serving the buyer group, maximizing the value of product or service
offerings within the bounds of its industry, and adapting to external trends as they
9/19/21 16
Blue ocean strategy vs Red Ocean Strategy
Blue Ocean Strategy
• In case of revolutionary value innovation (radical innovation), the strategic aim is to
create new best-practice rules by breaking the existing value-cost trade-off and thereby
creating blue ocean.
• To define a blue ocean strategy, you should look across alternative industries, look
across strategic group within industry, redefine the industry buyer group, look across to
complementary product and service offerings, and participate in shaping external
trends over time. You need to stand apart in the marketplace. So, your strategy must
deviate from me-too-ism, and your value curve must diverge from industry standards.
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Venture Strategies and Blue Ocean Strategy
• “Blue Ocean Strategy” has a lot in common with the well-known term “Venture
Strategy.” Venture strategies have been being practiced by many market leaders for
decades. There are some difference between “Venture Strategies” and “Blue Ocean
Strategies”. Venture strategies deal specifically with technology innovation that must be
brought to the market very fast.
• "Blue Ocean Strategy" talks about value innovation in general; speed-to-market is not
"We don’t have a traditional strategy process, planning process like you’d find in traditional technical companies. It
allows Google to innovate very, very quickly, which I think is a real strength of the company." ~ Eric Schmidt
9/19/21 18
Management Level
Ecosystem Needs
9/19/21 19
Manager vs Leader - The Law of
Attraction explained - 7:27 Min (M)
9/19/21 20
People Power
• People as your most important asset. Your technologies, products and structures can be
copied by competitors.
• No one, however, can match your highly charged, motivated people who care. People are
your firm's repository of knowledge and they are central to your company’s competitive
• EMPOWER people around you. Well educated, coached, and highly motivated people are
critical to the development and execution of strategies, especially in today's faster-paced,
more perplexing world, where top management alone can no longer assure your
"One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man." ~ Elber Hubbard
9/19/21 21
Empowering the employees
• Help your team members to get rid of “employee” mentality
• Treat all your employees as owners
• Empathize, share their feelings
• Listen to your people
• Implement their ideas
• Coach and Nurture to honour commitments - Beyond empowerment – 15:35 Min
9/19/21 22
Empowering the employees
• Inspire, challenge their imagination
• Encourage, energize, coach
• Delegate authority
• Provide resources
• Provide incentives and growth opportunities – The Dunning Kruger effect – Why Stupid people
think they are smart - 8:40 Min (M)
9/19/21 23
Why Employee Empowerment?
• Employee empowerment creates great benefits for your organization, its teams and
• People are your firm's most underutilized resource. In the new knowledge economy,
independent entrepreneurship and initiative is needed throughout the ranks of your
organization. Involvement in an organization is no longer a one-way street. In today's
corporate environment a manager must work towards engaging organization forcefully
enough to achieve its objectives.
• New knowledge-based enterprises are characterized by flat hierarchical structures and
multi-skilled workforce. Managers assume more leadership and coaching tasks and
work hard to provide employees with resources and working conditions they need to
accomplish the goals they've agreed to. In brief, managers work for their staff, and not
the reverse
9/19/21 24
Why Employee Empowerment?
• Empowerment facilitates the exercise of learning. Talented and empowered
human capital is becoming the prime ingredient of organizational success.
• A critical feature of successful teams, especially in knowledge-driven enterprises,
is that they are invested with a significant degree of empowerment, or decision-
making authority.
• Equally important, employee empowerment changes the managers' mind-set
and leaves them with more time to engage in broad-based thinking, visioning,
nurturing, and working on the business.
• This intelligent and productive division of duties between entrepreneurial
leaders, focusing on emerging opportunities, and empowered employees,
running the business unit day to day (with oversight on the leader's part)
provides for a well-managed enterprise with strong growth potential. – Take the Risk - 3:20 Min (M)
9/19/21 25
Team Level
Ecosystem Needs
Innovative Solutions
Common Goals
Two Way Communication
Change Readiness
Agile at Work
Creative Approach to Manage
Team Upgrades
Alignment with Org Vision
Task Focus
9/19/21 26
Empowering employees
• Superleadership is leadership that inspires organizational success by
showing followers how to lead themselves.
– When a good leader's work is done, his aim fulfilled, The people say, 'We did it ourselves.’
• SuperLeadership is a new form of empowering leadership for the era
of knowledge-based enterprises distinguished by flat organizational
structures and Employee Empowerment.
• A super-leader is one who leads others to lead themselves through designing and
implementing the system that allows and teaches employees to be SELF-
9/19/21 27
Individual Contributor to Team Delivery
• The skills that made you a great IC are clearly less important at a leadership level.
• A rock star IC is the vocal expert in the room. A great manager is a supportive listener.
• An IC shines by exceeding expectations. A manager shines by helping others exceed their own.
• A super star IC crushes their targets and goals. An incredible manager spends time ensuring their
team members achieve theirs. – Retraining your mind - 5 Min (M)
9/19/21 28
Scaling up on effective feedback
• Check your motives. Before giving a feedback, remind yourself why you are doing it.
Practice Giving Directives
• After a few exercises prepare to make informed decisions and issue directives without
coming across without being insecure. If you are a team of managers, the best place to
practice giving directives is in regular managerial meetings. Here, each new manager
can learn from observing others and can receive feedback from seasoned managers
while practicing to give directives. If you are the only in the team manager, practice it
on the team. Encourage reporting managers to make quick decisions that empower
employees without making them feel micro-managed.
9/19/21 29
Delegation Excellence
• Delegate selectively. First, you have to consider whether a particular task even needs to
be done at all.
• Check in as often as necessary, but not more often. No one likes a micromanager and
when you check in too often, you’re viewed as a micromanager/control freak.
• Remember that you own the responsibility even when you have delegated the
task. This is a key principle that poor delegators do not understand.
• Delegate progressively; avoid delegating too much too fast. You will never regret having
started small but will almost assuredly regret having delegated too much too early.
• Delegate, don’t abdicate. Delegation is NOT dumping tasks or responsibilities on
someone else. Delegation is a transaction. - Learn to DELEGATE, SCALE Your BUSINESS!”, Bill Gates 14:38 Min
9/19/21 30
One on One Sync up
• “My one suggestion applies to both supervisors and employees — LISTEN. Listen to what the
other person is saying and let them get their complete thought spoken before you start crafting
a response in your head to what they are saying. We all want to be heard. We have all been
talking to someone who looks past us, or says “uh huh” during our talk, and it is obvious they
are waiting for a break in the conversation so they can speak. It doesn’t feel good or make us
feel valuable to be on the receiving end of that treatment.”
• When we engage with someone who is giving us the gift of listening, we are building a stronger
bond. Whether your workplace is a brick-and-mortar building or a remote office, strong bonds
cannot be overlooked as those bonds feed into employee engagement, company morale and
• Communicate (Exercise 1, the Parallel Communication lines) – Basics of One on Ones 4:35 Min
9/19/21 31
Coaching for improved performance
• Show confidence in the employee's ability and willingness to solve the problem. Ask him or her
for help in solving the problem or improving their performance. Ask the employee to join in with
you with the goal of increasing the employees' effectiveness as a contributor to your
• Describe the performance problem to the employee. Focus on the problem or behavior that
needs improvement, not on the person. Use descriptions of the behavior with examples so
that you and the employee share meaning.
• Determine whether issues exist that limit the employee's ability to perform the task or
accomplish the objectives.
• Discuss potential solutions to the problem or improvement actions to take.
• Agree on a written action plan that lists what the employee, the manager, and possibly, the HR
professional, will do to correct the problem or improve the situation.
• Set a date and time for follow-up. – Dealing with insubordination 4 :00 Min
9/19/21 32
Traits of an effective Manager
• Communicate ( Exercise 1 – The Chinese Whisper )
• Team building
• Reflective
• Problem Solver
• Resilience
• Adaptability
• Restorative
9/19/21 33
Why SuperLeadership?
As an impactful superleader, you must know how to successfully influence the way people
influence and coach themselves. If you are successful in empowering, inspiring, providing strategic
alignment, energizing and coaching people, they develop followers who are productive, work
independently, and need only minimal attention from the superleader.
An important measure of a leader's own success is the success of his or her followers.
• The Tao of Leadership
The strength of a leader is measured by the ability to facilitate the self-leadership of others. The
first critical step towards this goal is to master self-leadership. If leaders want to lead somebody,
they must first lead themselves.
"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." ~ Ralph Nader – Admiral McRaven, If you want to change the world,
start off by making your bed – 6:00 Min (T)
9/19/21 34
Evaluate Worker Ability
Having a good idea of an employee’s ability and capacity for improvement
lets your manager make successful decisions that will increase employee
trust and respect. In a small company, the manager can assess each
employee’s abilities individually. In a larger company, it may be simpler to
evaluate the abilities of team leaders and supervisors. Knowing how
employees are likely to respond to challenges increases the manager’s
confidence in making workplace decisions.
9/19/21 35
Learning Methods
• Visual – Audio Visual
• Solitary – Self learner
• Verbal – Spoken
• Physical – Walk and Jog, seeing others’ growth and achievements
• Social – Etiquette / group learning
• Logical – Analytical
• Auditory – Listening – Bill Gates , 10 great rules for success – 12:52 Min (T)
9/19/21 36
Measure The Manager’s Success
• Managers should also evaluate their own abilities and develop a plan for dealing with situations that fall
within a "weak" area. Preparation is the key to confidence. If the manager feels unsure when addressing a
specific issue, such as the termination of an employee, the best plan is to follow predetermined
guidelines or delegate the duty to another person.
– Employee Engagement Survey
– 360 degree Survey
• Metrics often analyzed to measure manager’s effectiveness
– Metric #1: Engagement score (Based on employee survey)
– Metric #2: High performer resignation rate
– Metric #3: Promotions actioned
– Metric #4: Direct compensation variance from plan
– Metric #5: Absence days per full-time equivalent (FTE)
– Metric #6: Their team’s overall performance – Dealing with Difficult People - 9:46 Min (M)
9/19/21 37
Manager effectiveness Indicators
• Honesty – Openness, Transparency, Leading by Example, Inspiring.
• Communication Skills – Communicates what needs to be done and priorities to each
member of the team. All of them are responsible for different tasks. Manager needs to
be communicating verbally but the best are those who are good at written words just
as effective.
• Decisiveness – The average person makes 35000 different decisions each day.
Managers probably make atleast a few more. An indecisive manager can slow down the
organization. Improve Decision Making.
– Despite the best preparation, managerial errors will occasionally happen. Use positive analysis
exercises to develop confidence instead of destroying it. Discourage self-deprecating comments like,
“I screwed that up” or “I’m a failure.” Instead, the manager should ask self what went right, and what
could be do differently in the future if faced with a similar situation. Focus on learning from mistakes
and finding ways to improve to keep confidence high. – Start changing an unhealthy work environment 8:32 Min (M)
9/19/21 38
Manager effectiveness Indicators
• Responsibility – Great managers understand that they are the cues in charge meaning
they are responsible for everyone’s performance, their successes and failures to this
end. They keep tabs on all of their employees top see what they can do to help them
become better workers and develop Professionally.
– 2019 employee engagement survey report indicates that more than half of employees said their
promotion and career path were not clear to them. That figure leave a lot to be desired because many
workers place a high value on professional development.
• Empathy – People quit their bosses. When managers don’t listen to their employees
and understand where they are coming from, bad things can happen. – How to deal with Negative People 19:33 Min
9/19/21 39
Manager effectiveness Indicators
• Focus – For Businesses to succeed, managers can’t loose sight of something because
they are too busy dealing with something else.
– Managerial candidates should demonstrate that they are able to wear many hats at once. Great
managers have the track record of successfully seeing projects through from conception to closure.
• Creativity – Manager should be capable of thinking outside the box and coming up with
amazing ideas. Decisions are not always in black and white. Sometimes creative
solutions are required to solve the problems.
• Optimism – It’s easy to get frustrated at work. When managers openly express their
disgust about something when everyone is struggling, it can bring the team down even
more. Efficient managers understand this and remain optimistic at all times.
9/19/21 40
Manager effectiveness Indicators
• Commitment – Managers who view their role merely as stepping stone to other, more
lucrative positions probably wont do much to boost their team’s morale when they take
another gig in 18 months. Efficient Managers tend to stick around. They are in it for the
long haul.
• Confidence - Confidence comes from a manager’s ability to trust their own decision-
making instincts. Will Corrente, director of Corrente Consulting International
recommends boosting confidence in a new manager by prompting her to analyze a
work situation and propose a course of action before you offer a solution. Even if you
end up making the call, your manager will benefit from going through the analysis and
decision-making process.
9/19/21 41
Examination - Affirmations
• Empowering the Employees - Delegate responsibility. Take Risk
• Measuring the Success – Manager’s Metrics
• Honesty – Transparent and Open, Inspiring
• Communication effectiveness – Practice good communication
• Decisiveness - Get used to taking decisions. Go with the gut feeling
• Confidence – Spend time to develop in depth insight. Demonstrate confidence
• Responsibility – Own your team members. Mentor them
• Empathy – Understand your team members and be with them on their concerns
• Creativity – Thinking inside out and outside in, rather than circling typical solution
• Optimism – Staying hopeful and expect the best output from the team
• Commitment – Plan long haul. Own up commitments on team productivity
9/19/21 42
A New Bunch of Skilled Managers is Ready….
….Well Almost
Good to interact with a bunch of intellectuals and future Leaders !!
Thank you
Praveen Kumar Kambhampati
Thought Leaders Management Consulting

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  • 1. 9/19/21 1 Managerial Effectiveness A workshop for team productivity in an increasingly digitalized IT domain by Praveen Kumar Kambhampati Senior Business Consultant and Promoter Thought Leaders Consulting
  • 2. 9/19/21 2 Understanding the Context • Organization Level • Management Level • Team level - The Mindset of High achievers - 10 Min (O)
  • 3. 9/19/21 3 Organizational Level Ecosystem Needs Market Agility Individual Global Sync up Ecosystem Context Global Trends Context Organisation Context
  • 4. 9/19/21 4 Ground Rules To appreciate Speak out loud Ask questions and Trigger discussion Laugh out loud Open up and interact with the colleagues
  • 5. 9/19/21 5 Creating a new Business model Aggregation • The tendency towards mainstreaming of "demand aggregation" where aggregation is no longer driven by supply. In new models, demand is first aggregated by giving things away and then demand is exploited. Knowledge Worker Productivity • The critical issue to being able to leverage your organisation's core competencies in real time. If you want to optimise your enterprise start here. Peel away everything and allow your knowledge workers to do what they do best, more of the time.
  • 6. 9/19/21 6 Creating a new Business model Network perspective • Enlist the opinions of others. By understanding the viewpoints of those who see the company’s strengths and weaknesses from different angles, you gain greater perspective. Networking for opinions can be a one-on-one casual exercise or it can take place during regular staff meetings. As the manager’s perspective grows, so will his confidence in making the right decisions. Complexity • Layers and layers of technological complexity have created, layers and layers of all forms of complexity. A simple gas pump talks to our car while we refuel and the data is downloaded to a database that triggers service, marketing and additional complex transactions ‒ never before imagined.
  • 7. 9/19/21 7 Creating a new Business model Connectivity • Everything we do will be recorded, catalogued and "served-up" from everything to our toaster, automobile, children's progress in school to real time appliances that work in the background to make decisions for us. We will be constantly in contact with anyone and everyone, even those we choose not to be in contact with. Value • Value will direct everything! People will jump brands, organisations and friends for higher value in their lives. Reducing risk will be a moniker of perceived value.
  • 8. 9/19/21 8 Creating a new Business model Self-Leadership • We used to rely on organisations to provide leadership to the masses and since the organizational structure has now become fluid and ubiquitous through connectedness, self-leadership will pervade all growth and adaptability, in fact it will become living leadership. Learning • Kind of tongue-in-cheek here, but a learning competency will far exceed our ability to know, as one requires investment and the other requires ability.
  • 9. 9/19/21 9 Creating a new Business model Achieving and Maintaining Speed – the Key to Success In the new economy where everything is moving faster and it's only going to get faster, the new mantra is, "Do it more with less and do it faster.” In order to get real speed decisions at virtually every level must be made in minutes, not days or weeks. Decisions also have to be made "face-to-face, not memo-to-memo. This means that people have to think on their feet, and that the forests of meaningless paper trails and approvals – so common in large organizations – must be eliminated. Fast Thinking Road-mapping Anticipating Spotting Trends Letting Best Ideas Win Fast Decision-making Setting Rules and Guiding Principles Reassessing Constantly Past Decisions Getting Rid of the Bureaucracy Success Story: Charles Schwab Fast to Market Launching a Crusade Owning Your Competitive Advantage Institutionalizing Innovation Rapid Experimentation
  • 10. 9/19/21 10 Creating a new Business model Personal Customisation • It follows with our ability to change the environment through all of those connectivity issues, it is clear that we literally will customise every experience for the person involved, right before their eyes. Customised marketing, service delivery and communications will all be controlled by ERM (Enterprise Relationship Management) Systems and inter-developmental databases. – Elon Musk Against all odds – 7 Min (O)
  • 11. 9/19/21 11 Spotting new trends – Take Advantage of change • Be the First – While you cannot predict the future, you can get a handle on trends, which is a way to take advantage of change and convert risks into opportunities. The ability to spot trends before others is vital if you want to think faster and thus be ahead of your competition. • Surprise To Win: 3 Strategies. à Excite your employees à Amaze your customers and à Astonish your competitors • 3Ss of Winning in Business • "Predicting the Future" – There is a big difference between "predicting the future" and "taking a chance" on the future. "No one can predict the future with any degree of certainty; nor should marketing plans try. But the closer you can get to the consumer, the more likely you are to succeed," says Al Ries "The future belong to those who see it first, or most clearly." ~ John Kay
  • 12. 9/19/21 12 Spotting new trends – Take Advantage of change Jack Welch’s 3S’s for winning in Business • Self Confidence • The root cause of many bureaucratic ills is insecurity • Self Confident people are open to new ideas and are willing to share them. • Self confident people are comfortable being simple • Simplicity • Simplicity can help leaders create and project a clear vision • Simple messages travel faster • Simple designs reach the market faster • Speed • Elimination of the clutter allows faster decision making • Speed increases as control decreases • Delayering speeds communications and helps to get products to market more quickly
  • 13. 9/19/21 13 Value Creation / Innovation The value innovation concept provides a relevant support for questioning product/market strategies as well as underlying assumptions. You must examine radically what constitutes real value for customers by asking fundamental questions: what value offering need to be introduced or increased to meet customer needs? what value offerings can be reduced or eliminated, because they do not constitute real value for customers? – Jeff Bezos, on his approach to work and life - 10 Min (O)
  • 14. 9/19/21 14 Value Innovation in the Digital Economy How and where companies should compete is rapidly changing in an eEconomy that has compelled organizations worldwide to re-think how best to deliver value to customers. Evolving, innovative value propositions and customer engagement strategies can drive growth and create distinct competitive advantages – positions of cost leadership, differentiation, or both.
  • 15. 9/19/21 15 Blue ocean strategy vs Red Ocean Strategy Red Ocean Strategy • In the red ocean (Head-To-Head competition area), differentiation costs because firms compete with the same best-practice principle. Here, the strategic choices for firms are to pursue either differentiation or low cost. • The focus is on rivals within an industry, competitive position within a strategic group; better serving the buyer group, maximizing the value of product or service offerings within the bounds of its industry, and adapting to external trends as they occur.
  • 16. 9/19/21 16 Blue ocean strategy vs Red Ocean Strategy Blue Ocean Strategy • In case of revolutionary value innovation (radical innovation), the strategic aim is to create new best-practice rules by breaking the existing value-cost trade-off and thereby creating blue ocean. • To define a blue ocean strategy, you should look across alternative industries, look across strategic group within industry, redefine the industry buyer group, look across to complementary product and service offerings, and participate in shaping external trends over time. You need to stand apart in the marketplace. So, your strategy must deviate from me-too-ism, and your value curve must diverge from industry standards.
  • 17. 9/19/21 17 Venture Strategies and Blue Ocean Strategy • “Blue Ocean Strategy” has a lot in common with the well-known term “Venture Strategy.” Venture strategies have been being practiced by many market leaders for decades. There are some difference between “Venture Strategies” and “Blue Ocean Strategies”. Venture strategies deal specifically with technology innovation that must be brought to the market very fast. • "Blue Ocean Strategy" talks about value innovation in general; speed-to-market is not emphasized. "We don’t have a traditional strategy process, planning process like you’d find in traditional technical companies. It allows Google to innovate very, very quickly, which I think is a real strength of the company." ~ Eric Schmidt
  • 19. 9/19/21 19 Manager vs Leader - The Law of Attraction explained - 7:27 Min (M)
  • 20. 9/19/21 20 People Power • People as your most important asset. Your technologies, products and structures can be copied by competitors. • No one, however, can match your highly charged, motivated people who care. People are your firm's repository of knowledge and they are central to your company’s competitive advantage. • EMPOWER people around you. Well educated, coached, and highly motivated people are critical to the development and execution of strategies, especially in today's faster-paced, more perplexing world, where top management alone can no longer assure your firm's COMPETITIVENESS. "One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man." ~ Elber Hubbard
  • 21. 9/19/21 21 Empowering the employees • Help your team members to get rid of “employee” mentality • Treat all your employees as owners • Empathize, share their feelings • Listen to your people • Implement their ideas • Coach and Nurture to honour commitments - Beyond empowerment – 15:35 Min
  • 22. 9/19/21 22 Empowering the employees • Inspire, challenge their imagination • Encourage, energize, coach • Delegate authority • Provide resources • Provide incentives and growth opportunities – The Dunning Kruger effect – Why Stupid people think they are smart - 8:40 Min (M)
  • 23. 9/19/21 23 Why Employee Empowerment? • Employee empowerment creates great benefits for your organization, its teams and employees. • People are your firm's most underutilized resource. In the new knowledge economy, independent entrepreneurship and initiative is needed throughout the ranks of your organization. Involvement in an organization is no longer a one-way street. In today's corporate environment a manager must work towards engaging organization forcefully enough to achieve its objectives. • New knowledge-based enterprises are characterized by flat hierarchical structures and multi-skilled workforce. Managers assume more leadership and coaching tasks and work hard to provide employees with resources and working conditions they need to accomplish the goals they've agreed to. In brief, managers work for their staff, and not the reverse
  • 24. 9/19/21 24 Why Employee Empowerment? • Empowerment facilitates the exercise of learning. Talented and empowered human capital is becoming the prime ingredient of organizational success. • A critical feature of successful teams, especially in knowledge-driven enterprises, is that they are invested with a significant degree of empowerment, or decision- making authority. • Equally important, employee empowerment changes the managers' mind-set and leaves them with more time to engage in broad-based thinking, visioning, nurturing, and working on the business. • This intelligent and productive division of duties between entrepreneurial leaders, focusing on emerging opportunities, and empowered employees, running the business unit day to day (with oversight on the leader's part) provides for a well-managed enterprise with strong growth potential. – Take the Risk - 3:20 Min (M)
  • 25. 9/19/21 25 Team Level Ecosystem Needs Innovative Solutions Processes Policies Common Goals Two Way Communication Measurement Change Readiness Agile at Work Creative Approach to Manage Automation Team Upgrades Alignment with Org Vision Task Focus Plan Coordination
  • 26. 9/19/21 26 Empowering employees • Superleadership is leadership that inspires organizational success by showing followers how to lead themselves. – When a good leader's work is done, his aim fulfilled, The people say, 'We did it ourselves.’ • SuperLeadership is a new form of empowering leadership for the era of knowledge-based enterprises distinguished by flat organizational structures and Employee Empowerment. • A super-leader is one who leads others to lead themselves through designing and implementing the system that allows and teaches employees to be SELF- LEADERS.
  • 27. 9/19/21 27 Individual Contributor to Team Delivery • The skills that made you a great IC are clearly less important at a leadership level. • A rock star IC is the vocal expert in the room. A great manager is a supportive listener. • An IC shines by exceeding expectations. A manager shines by helping others exceed their own. • A super star IC crushes their targets and goals. An incredible manager spends time ensuring their team members achieve theirs. – Retraining your mind - 5 Min (M)
  • 28. 9/19/21 28 Scaling up on effective feedback • Check your motives. Before giving a feedback, remind yourself why you are doing it. Practice Giving Directives • After a few exercises prepare to make informed decisions and issue directives without coming across without being insecure. If you are a team of managers, the best place to practice giving directives is in regular managerial meetings. Here, each new manager can learn from observing others and can receive feedback from seasoned managers while practicing to give directives. If you are the only in the team manager, practice it on the team. Encourage reporting managers to make quick decisions that empower employees without making them feel micro-managed.
  • 29. 9/19/21 29 Delegation Excellence • Delegate selectively. First, you have to consider whether a particular task even needs to be done at all. • Check in as often as necessary, but not more often. No one likes a micromanager and when you check in too often, you’re viewed as a micromanager/control freak. • Remember that you own the responsibility even when you have delegated the task. This is a key principle that poor delegators do not understand. • Delegate progressively; avoid delegating too much too fast. You will never regret having started small but will almost assuredly regret having delegated too much too early. • Delegate, don’t abdicate. Delegation is NOT dumping tasks or responsibilities on someone else. Delegation is a transaction. - Learn to DELEGATE, SCALE Your BUSINESS!”, Bill Gates 14:38 Min
  • 30. 9/19/21 30 One on One Sync up • “My one suggestion applies to both supervisors and employees — LISTEN. Listen to what the other person is saying and let them get their complete thought spoken before you start crafting a response in your head to what they are saying. We all want to be heard. We have all been talking to someone who looks past us, or says “uh huh” during our talk, and it is obvious they are waiting for a break in the conversation so they can speak. It doesn’t feel good or make us feel valuable to be on the receiving end of that treatment.” • When we engage with someone who is giving us the gift of listening, we are building a stronger bond. Whether your workplace is a brick-and-mortar building or a remote office, strong bonds cannot be overlooked as those bonds feed into employee engagement, company morale and loyalty.” • Communicate (Exercise 1, the Parallel Communication lines) – Basics of One on Ones 4:35 Min
  • 31. 9/19/21 31 Coaching for improved performance • Show confidence in the employee's ability and willingness to solve the problem. Ask him or her for help in solving the problem or improving their performance. Ask the employee to join in with you with the goal of increasing the employees' effectiveness as a contributor to your organization. • Describe the performance problem to the employee. Focus on the problem or behavior that needs improvement, not on the person. Use descriptions of the behavior with examples so that you and the employee share meaning. • Determine whether issues exist that limit the employee's ability to perform the task or accomplish the objectives. • Discuss potential solutions to the problem or improvement actions to take. • Agree on a written action plan that lists what the employee, the manager, and possibly, the HR professional, will do to correct the problem or improve the situation. • Set a date and time for follow-up. – Dealing with insubordination 4 :00 Min
  • 32. 9/19/21 32 Traits of an effective Manager • Communicate ( Exercise 1 – The Chinese Whisper ) • Team building • Reflective • Problem Solver • Resilience • Adaptability • Restorative
  • 33. 9/19/21 33 Why SuperLeadership? As an impactful superleader, you must know how to successfully influence the way people influence and coach themselves. If you are successful in empowering, inspiring, providing strategic alignment, energizing and coaching people, they develop followers who are productive, work independently, and need only minimal attention from the superleader. An important measure of a leader's own success is the success of his or her followers. • The Tao of Leadership The strength of a leader is measured by the ability to facilitate the self-leadership of others. The first critical step towards this goal is to master self-leadership. If leaders want to lead somebody, they must first lead themselves. "The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers." ~ Ralph Nader – Admiral McRaven, If you want to change the world, start off by making your bed – 6:00 Min (T)
  • 34. 9/19/21 34 Evaluate Worker Ability Having a good idea of an employee’s ability and capacity for improvement lets your manager make successful decisions that will increase employee trust and respect. In a small company, the manager can assess each employee’s abilities individually. In a larger company, it may be simpler to evaluate the abilities of team leaders and supervisors. Knowing how employees are likely to respond to challenges increases the manager’s confidence in making workplace decisions.
  • 35. 9/19/21 35 Learning Methods • Visual – Audio Visual • Solitary – Self learner • Verbal – Spoken • Physical – Walk and Jog, seeing others’ growth and achievements • Social – Etiquette / group learning • Logical – Analytical • Auditory – Listening – Bill Gates , 10 great rules for success – 12:52 Min (T)
  • 36. 9/19/21 36 Measure The Manager’s Success • Managers should also evaluate their own abilities and develop a plan for dealing with situations that fall within a "weak" area. Preparation is the key to confidence. If the manager feels unsure when addressing a specific issue, such as the termination of an employee, the best plan is to follow predetermined guidelines or delegate the duty to another person. – Employee Engagement Survey – 360 degree Survey • Metrics often analyzed to measure manager’s effectiveness – Metric #1: Engagement score (Based on employee survey) – Metric #2: High performer resignation rate – Metric #3: Promotions actioned – Metric #4: Direct compensation variance from plan – Metric #5: Absence days per full-time equivalent (FTE) – Metric #6: Their team’s overall performance – Dealing with Difficult People - 9:46 Min (M)
  • 37. 9/19/21 37 Manager effectiveness Indicators • Honesty – Openness, Transparency, Leading by Example, Inspiring. • Communication Skills – Communicates what needs to be done and priorities to each member of the team. All of them are responsible for different tasks. Manager needs to be communicating verbally but the best are those who are good at written words just as effective. • Decisiveness – The average person makes 35000 different decisions each day. Managers probably make atleast a few more. An indecisive manager can slow down the organization. Improve Decision Making. – Despite the best preparation, managerial errors will occasionally happen. Use positive analysis exercises to develop confidence instead of destroying it. Discourage self-deprecating comments like, “I screwed that up” or “I’m a failure.” Instead, the manager should ask self what went right, and what could be do differently in the future if faced with a similar situation. Focus on learning from mistakes and finding ways to improve to keep confidence high. – Start changing an unhealthy work environment 8:32 Min (M)
  • 38. 9/19/21 38 Manager effectiveness Indicators • Responsibility – Great managers understand that they are the cues in charge meaning they are responsible for everyone’s performance, their successes and failures to this end. They keep tabs on all of their employees top see what they can do to help them become better workers and develop Professionally. – 2019 employee engagement survey report indicates that more than half of employees said their promotion and career path were not clear to them. That figure leave a lot to be desired because many workers place a high value on professional development. • Empathy – People quit their bosses. When managers don’t listen to their employees and understand where they are coming from, bad things can happen. – How to deal with Negative People 19:33 Min
  • 39. 9/19/21 39 Manager effectiveness Indicators • Focus – For Businesses to succeed, managers can’t loose sight of something because they are too busy dealing with something else. – Managerial candidates should demonstrate that they are able to wear many hats at once. Great managers have the track record of successfully seeing projects through from conception to closure. • Creativity – Manager should be capable of thinking outside the box and coming up with amazing ideas. Decisions are not always in black and white. Sometimes creative solutions are required to solve the problems. • Optimism – It’s easy to get frustrated at work. When managers openly express their disgust about something when everyone is struggling, it can bring the team down even more. Efficient managers understand this and remain optimistic at all times.
  • 40. 9/19/21 40 Manager effectiveness Indicators • Commitment – Managers who view their role merely as stepping stone to other, more lucrative positions probably wont do much to boost their team’s morale when they take another gig in 18 months. Efficient Managers tend to stick around. They are in it for the long haul. • Confidence - Confidence comes from a manager’s ability to trust their own decision- making instincts. Will Corrente, director of Corrente Consulting International recommends boosting confidence in a new manager by prompting her to analyze a work situation and propose a course of action before you offer a solution. Even if you end up making the call, your manager will benefit from going through the analysis and decision-making process.
  • 41. 9/19/21 41 Examination - Affirmations • Empowering the Employees - Delegate responsibility. Take Risk • Measuring the Success – Manager’s Metrics • Honesty – Transparent and Open, Inspiring • Communication effectiveness – Practice good communication • Decisiveness - Get used to taking decisions. Go with the gut feeling • Confidence – Spend time to develop in depth insight. Demonstrate confidence • Responsibility – Own your team members. Mentor them • Empathy – Understand your team members and be with them on their concerns • Creativity – Thinking inside out and outside in, rather than circling typical solution • Optimism – Staying hopeful and expect the best output from the team • Commitment – Plan long haul. Own up commitments on team productivity
  • 42. 9/19/21 42 A New Bunch of Skilled Managers is Ready…. ….Well Almost Good to interact with a bunch of intellectuals and future Leaders !! Thank you Praveen Kumar Kambhampati Thought Leaders Management Consulting Hyderabad India