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 AIM : To Understand that Safe Construction Practices is Necessary
 TIME DURATION: 12 MAY 2015 – 3 JUNE 2015 ( 32 Days )
 An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the
earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface
where they slip is called the fault or fault plane.
 The location below the earth’s surface where the
earthquake starts is called the hypocenter, and the
location directly above it on the surface of the earth
is called the epicenter.
 Sometimes an earthquake has foreshocks. These are
smaller earthquakes that happen in the same place as
the larger earthquake that follows.
 Scientists can’t tell that an earthquake is a foreshock
until the larger earthquake happens.
 The largest, main earthquake is called the main shock.
 Main shocks always have aftershocks that follow.
These are smaller earthquakes that occur afterwards
in the same place as the main shock.
 Depending on the size of the main shock, aftershocks
can continue for weeks, months, and even years after
the main shock!
 Although probably the most important, direct shaking effects are not the only
hazard associated with earthquakes,
 Shaking and ground rupture
 Landslides and avalanches
 Fires
 Soil liquefaction
 Tsunami
 Floods
have also played important part in destruction produced by earthquakes.
 Most earthquake-related deaths are
caused by the collapse of structures
and the construction practices play a
tremendous role in the death toll of
an earthquake.
 Taller buildings also tend to shake longer than short buildings, which can make
them relatively more susceptible to damage. Fortunately many tall buildings
are constructed to withstand strong winds and some precautions have been
taken to reduce their tendency to shake. And they can be made resistant to
earthquake vibrations.
 Designing and building large structures is always a
challenge, and that challenge is compounded when they are
built in earthquake-prone areas.
 As earth scientists learn more about ground motion during
earthquakes and structural engineers use this information
to design stronger buildings, such loss of life and property
can be reduced.
 To design structures that can withstand earthquakes,
engineers must understand the stresses caused by
 To this end, scientists and engineers place instruments in
structures and nearby on the ground to measure how the
structures respond during an earthquake to the motion of
the ground beneath.
 Every time a strong earthquake occurs, the new
information gathered enables engineers to refine and
improve structural designs and building codes.
 The majority of deaths and injuries from
earthquakes are caused by the damage or collapse
of buildings and other structures.
 These losses can be reduced through documenting
and understanding how structures respond to
 Gaining such knowledge requires a long-term
commitment because large devastating
earthquakes occur at irregular and often long
 Recording instruments must be in place and
waiting, ready to capture the response to the next
temblor whenever it occurs.
 The new information acquired by these
instruments can then be used to better design
earthquake-resistant structures.
 In this way, earth scientists and engineers help
reduce loss of life and property in future
 The 9.1 magnitude earthquake off the coast of
Sumatra was estimated to occur at a depth of
30 km.
 The fault zone that caused the tsunami was
roughly 1300 km long, vertically displacing the
sea floor by several meters along that length.
 The ensuing tsunami was as tall as 50 m,
reaching 5 km inland near Meubolah, Sumatra.
 This tsunami is also the most widely recorded,
with nearly one thousand combined tide gauge
and eyewitness measurements from around the
world reporting a rise in wave height, including
places in the US, the UK and Antarctica.
 An estimated US$10b of damages is
attributed to the disaster, with around
230,000 people reported dead.
Sumatra, Indonesia
26 December 2004
Damage on Buildings
 Most well designed and well constructed buildings and industrial facilities that
had withstood the earthquake shaking also withstood the tsunami waves and
suffered only minor damage.
 For example, the La Farge Cement Plant well designed and well constructed
steel-frame series of industrial structures about 20 kilometers southwest of
Banda Aceh, did not experience structural damage from the strong shaking
and was not damaged by the tsunami waves.
 Several one- and two-story administrative buildings and machine shops were
smashed by waves carrying nearly empty large oil-storage tanks. The impact of
the waves caused non-structural damage to some of the buildings. For example,
metal siding was stripped from the steel-frame buildings up to the height of
the waves .
 Residential neighborhoods and fishing villages in
coastal areas were entirely devastated, and
houses were swept inland or out to sea.
 The traditional construction that had resisted
shaking damage could not resist the tsunami
forces and most were obliterated.
 Mostly the concrete floor slabs was left of most
houses. The tsunami waves left extensive piles
of timber and the remains of buildings.
 Tsunamis also known as a seismic sea wave, is a series
of waves in a water body caused by the displacement
of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or
a large lake.
 Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater
explosions (including detonations of underwater nuclear
devices), landslides, glacier calving, meteorite impacts
and other disturbances above or below water all have
the potential to generate a tsunami.
 Unlike normal ocean waves which are generated by
wind or tides which are generated by the gravitational
pull of the Moon and Sun, a tsunami is generated by the
displacement of water.
 Tsunami waves do not resemble normal sea waves,
because their wavelength is far longer.
 Rather than appearing as a breaking wave, a tsunami
may instead initially resemble a rapidly rising tide, and
for this reason they are often referred to as tidal
waves, although this usage is not favored by the
scientific community because tsunamis are not tidal in
 When a building stands in the path of the wave, the
wall facing it tends to block the water, and the
pressure here increases. It can overload walls,
window, doors, columns or bracing systems, or push
buildings completely over. Later on the water will
swirl out again, loading the other side of the building.
 There is a twist in the wave attack. As the water
tries to escape from the dam, it rushes around the
edges of the building, creating a series of small
vortexes. Which have intense suction at the tip. They
tear away at the walls around every discontinuity.
 The debris from damaged buildings becomes weapons
which attack other buildings, and are dangerous
hazards to any one in the water. Hits from floating
bits of building are a major cause of death and injury.
As the water races around buildings it can erode the
soil, particularly if it is loose sand, and the buildings
can fall into the holes. It is a feature of many
beaches that there is sandy soil.
 All the fragile shacks built at ground level were
simply washed away.
 Multi-storey buildings that were weakly built with
no side-sway resistance were badly damaged.
 Some multi-storey buildings had their lower wall
pushed in on one side, and out on the other as the
wave went through, but otherwise, survived.
 Some buildings were pushed along where they were
not fixed firmly to firm ground. But well-built
buildings survived in the middle of areas that were
otherwise completely devastated.
 To avoid wave surges, the building should be built
out of the projected water path; and this may mean
building it on legs with a suspended lower floor
 Even if the elevation of such a floor is modest, the
forces from rushing water will be much less if the
water can go under the building as well as round it.
 The buildings should be on a narrow front, with gaps
between them, and preferably not at right angles to
the Beach. Foundations may need to be deeper than
usual and braced right down to the footings without
counting on the soil around them for strength or
 REID steel buildings, with columns, main beams,
closely space steel joists, all bolted continuously
together; and with the concrete poured on steel
decking in such a way that it is trapped by the steel
and cannot be dislodged: provide the best building
method. Tsunami prone buildings are usually in
Seismic areas anyway; and Beach-side developments
are often in Cyclone or Hurricane areas too. The
same REID steel construction methods are the best
solution to all three problems. There is no guarantee
that any building could survive a Tsunami; but REID
steel Tsunami resisting buildings will give the best
chance possible, and would save many lives.
2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami
 On March 11, 2011 at 2:46 p.m., a 9.0
magnitude earthquake takes place 231 miles
northeast of Tokyo at a depth of 15.2 miles.
 The earthquake caused a tsunami with 30-foot
waves that damage several nuclear reactors in
the area.
 It is the fourth-largest earthquake on record
(since 1900) and the largest to hit Japan.
 The confirmed death toll is 15,893 as of
October 9, 2015.
 Material damage from the earthquake and
tsunami is estimated at about 25 trillion yen
($300 billion) .
 The tsunami caused a cooling system failure at
the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant,
which resulted in a level-7 nuclear meltdown
and release of radioactive materials
 The earthquake shifted Earth on its axis of
rotation by redistributing mass, like putting a
dent in a spinning top. The temblor also
shortened the length of a day by about a
 Almost all of the damaged buildings were
designed in accordance with the old building code
and damaged due to lack of seismic strength,
short column shear failure due to the source wall
and the breast wall, or the eccentricity of
structural elements.
 Buildings with appropriate seismic reinforcement
/retrofit were mostly free of damage, indicating
that the seismic reinforcement/retrofit of
buildings was effective. Even so, clear structural
damage occurred due to the ground motion
 The 8- and 9-story buildings at Aobayama campus
of Tohoku University were damaged due to
ground motion amplification in the site. Many pile
foundation buildings were damaged during the
 With regard to the damage of non-structural
elements, a tremendous number of ceiling board
collapsed during the main shock and the major
aftershock. In some cases, this resulted in the
loss of human life.
Damage on Buildings
 A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land
which is usually dry. Flooding may occur as an overflow
of water from water bodies, such as a river or lake, in
which the water overtops or breaks levees, resulting in
some of that water escaping its usual boundaries, or it
may occur due to an accumulation of rainwater on
saturated ground in an areal flood.
 While the size of a lake or other body of water will
vary with seasonal changes in precipitation and snow
melt, these changes in size are unlikely to be considered
significant unless they flood property or
drown domestic animals.
 Floods can also occur in rivers when the flow rate
exceeds the capacity of the river channel, particularly
at bends or meanders in the waterway. Floods often
cause damage to homes and businesses if they are in
the natural flood plains of rivers.
 Floods can happen on flat or low-lying areas when water
is supplied by rainfall or snowmelt more rapidly than it
can either infiltrate or run off. The excess accumulates
in place, sometimes to hazardous depths.
 Houses are washed away due to the impact of the
water under high stream velocity. The houses are
commonly destroyed or dislocated so severely that
their reconstruction is not feasible.
 Houses constructed out of light weight materials like
wood float when they are not anchored properly.
 Damage caused by inundation of house. The house
may remain intact on its foundation, but damage to
materials may be severe. Repair is often feasible but
may require special procedures to dry out properly.
 Undercutting of houses. The velocity of the water
may scour and erode the foundation of the house or
the earth under the foundation. This may result in
the collapse of the house or require substantial
 Damage caused by debris. Massive floating objects
like trees, electric poles, etc. May damage the
standing houses
 At the most basic level, the best defense against
floods is to seek higher ground for high-value uses
while balancing the foreseeable risks with the
benefits of occupying flood hazard zones.
 Critical community-safety facilities, such as
hospitals, emergency-operations centers, and police,
fire, and rescue services, should be built in areas
least at risk of flooding.
 Structures, such as bridges, that must unavoidably
be in flood hazard areas should be designed to
withstand flooding.
 Areas most at risk for flooding could be put to
valuable uses that could be abandoned temporarily
as people retreat to safer areas when a flood is
 Make each member of your family aware of your
emergency plan and emergency kit, and where they
are located. Arrange where you would meet or how
to contact each other if you were separated in an
 Prepare an Emergency Flood Kit.
Increasing structural resilience is imperative when
building in flood prone areas.
You should…
 Elevate homes, schools and public buildings above
flood level.
 Use water-resistant building materials in areas
where frequent flooding is a risk, such as concrete
or ceramic.
 Ensure important appliances, such as heating and
electrical systems are raised above flood level.
 Install watertight flood shields or barriers for
basement windows, doors and other openings.
 Flooding can cause sewage to back up into houses
through drain pipes, creating a health
hazard. Install sewer backflow valves to prevent
this risk!
 Obtain flood insurance for further protection.
 The type of flooding condition needs to be
considered in order to choose an elevation
technique that will withstand the expected
water depths, velocities, debris impacts, and
scour (as well as other hazards).
 Flood damage from coastal flooding is
generally more severe than that from riverine
flooding owing to the energy contained in
coastal waves striking buildings.
 Values of flood actions for use in design must
be established that are appropriate for the
type of structure or structural element, its
intended use and exposure to flood action.
 The flood actions must include, but not limited
to, the following as appropriate: hydrostatic
actions, hydrodynamic actions, debris actions,
wave actions, erosion and scour.
 The most appropriate elevation method for frame
houses is to elevate on extended foundation walls or
open foundations, depending on the location.
 For masonry houses, abandonment of lowest floor
would be the most appropriate, where feasible, or else
extending foundation walls. Houses with basements
usually have furnaces and other utilities in the
basement that need to be elevated or relocated.
 Where substantial damage has occurred to a building
during flooding, or substantial improvements are to be
made to a building in a flood-prone area, the NFIP
limits the choice of technique that may be used. In
other cases, the NFIP is less prescriptive, but local
laws, codes and ordinances may limit the owner’s
choice of option.
 In all cases where flood mitigation measures are being
considered, the assistance of the local planning and
building department officials, as well as relevant
professionals such as architects, surveyors and
engineers should be sought well beforehand.
 The 2015 South Indian floods resulted from heavy
rainfall of annual northeast monsoon in November–
December 2015.
 They affected the Coromandel Coast region of the
South Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra
Pradesh, and the union territory of Puducherry, with
Tamil Nadu and the city of Chennai particularly hard-
hit. More than 400 people were killed and over 18 lakh
people were displaced.
 With estimates of damages and losses ranging
from ₹50000 crore (US$7 billion) to₹100000 crore
(US$15 billion),the floods are the costliest to have
occurred in 2015, and are among the costliest natural
disasters of the year. The flooding has been
attributed to the El Niño phenomenon.
 While officials at the India Meteorological
Department have said the exceptionally strong El
Niño, along with a rare “coincidence of various
factors”, has resulted in the heavy rain, there’s no
denying that Chennai has failed in maintaining an
effective storm water drainage system.
With Chennai seeing its
worst rainfall in 100 years
Chennai floods: Decoding
the city’s worst rains in
100 years
 The floods have caused severe damage to more than
50,000 homes of people belonging to low income groups.
 Structural damage to at least 57,000 homes have been
reported across the city.
 In times when the city, and its suburbs, is being pounded
with rainfall exceeding normal limits by over three times,
a drainage system that isn’t functional, creeks and
culverts that are blocked due to excessive dumping of
garbage as well as the administration’s failure to ensure
timely desilting.
 During the previous monsoon, several buildings collapsed,
killing pedestrians and motorists on the streets.
Measures taken to avoid damage caused by
 The Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board will be conducting
a safety audit of its
multi-storey apartment complexes, home to several thousand urban poor families
in the city.
 The Tamil Nadu Housing Board too will carry out a similar inspection of its buildings
constructed on rental schemes for both government staff and the general public.
Hurricanes are large tropical storms with heavy winds.
By definition, they contain winds in excess of 74 miles
per hour (119 km per hour) and large areas of rainfall.
In addition, they have the potential to spawn dangerous
tornadoes. The strong winds and excessive rainfall also
produce abnormal rises in sea levels and flooding.
A hurricane has a peaceful center called the eye, that
is often distinctive in satellite images. The eye
stretches from 10 to 30 miles wide and often contains
calm winds, warm temperatures and clear skies.
Around this tropical bliss is a frenzy of winds gusting
at speeds up to 186 miles per hour.
When the force of a hurricane bears down on residential structures,
homes can be ripped apart by the storm's powerful winds. Storm
surge and inland flooding can also cause catastrophic damage.
Overland surge and flooding may cause a building or other structure
to collapse due to the hydrodynamic forces caused by the moving
water, particularly when waves are present. When waves propagate
and strike a building or other structure, the oscillatory currents
produced can generate very strong wave loads, which are often
sufficient to destroy the wall and/or foundation of a building/
structure. Extended pounding by frequent waves can demolish any
structure not specifically designed to withstand such forces.
With proper design and construction, hurricane wind and flood damage to
residential structures can be greatly reduced or eliminated. The scientific
study of hurricane on impacts on buildings and the environment has seen
major advances over the years.
 Hurricane proof houses like pedestal, stilt and piling homes for
beachfront and coastal areas should be both elevated and multi-sided
in design, storm and hurricane winds flow around, over and under them
with far less damage-causing wind resistance than with conventional
designed houses
 Hurricane proof houses should
have reinforcing gabled roofs,
secondary water barriers in
roofs, hurricane straps and
clips to ensure a roof stays in
place despite high winds.
When Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in USA early in the morning
on Monday, August 29, it had already been raining heavily for hours. When
the storm surge (as high as 9 meters in some places) arrived, it
overwhelmed many of the city’s unstable levees and drainage canals. Water
seeped through the soil underneath some levees and swept others away
altogether. By 9 a.m., low-lying places like St. Bernard Parish and the Ninth
Ward were under so much water that people had to scramble to attics and
rooftops for safety. Eventually, nearly 80 percent of the city was under
some quantity of water.
This made it the costliest natural disaster in the world
• Katrina damaged more than a million
housing units in the Gulf Coast region.
About half of these damaged units were
located in Louisiana. In New Orleans
alone, 134,000 housing units — 70% of all
occupied units — suffered damage from
Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent
• Rebuilding natural protection
A plan was made to divert Mississippi River freshwater, nutrients
and sediment to rebuild and sustain wetlands. The region will
benefit from these improvements, should a major hurricane strike
in the future.
• Engineering a new levee system
Engineers have increased levee height and replaced many of the
old levee system's concrete I-shaped walls with T- and L-shaped
walls, which consist of steel support beams
• Preventing complacency
With the passing of the 2006 Post-Katrina Emergency
Management Reform Act, Congress hoped to improve
communication and reduce loss of life in the event of another
Katrina-like storm.
• Building measures
Major government programs have been launched in recent years
to promote widespread retrofits to protect existing homes
against hurricanes. Through the My Safe Florida Home program,
tens of thousands of Floridians received free home wind
inspections to determine what steps could be taken to
strengthen homes against hurricanes and earn insurance premium
discounts. A similar program was launched in South Carolina and
other hurricane prone states are now considering similar
 Key retrofits supported by the My Safe Florida Home
program include:
 Improving the strength of a roof deck attachment.
 Creating a secondary water barrier to prevent water intrusion.
 Improving the survivability of a roof covering.
 Bracing gable-end walls.
 Reinforcing roof-to-wall connections.
 Enhancing window and door protection
A landslide occurs when part of a natural slope
is unstable and unable to support its own
weight. If a slippery material is present below
soil then soil can become heavy with rainwater
and prone to landslide. It is a downward or
outward movement of soil, rock or vegetation
due to gravitational force. This movement can
be fall, flow, slide, spread or topple. Landslides
occur usually at steep slopes but these may
occur in areas with low slope gradient
 Landslides cause property damage, injury and death and
adversely affect a variety of resources. For example, water
supplies, fisheries, sewage disposal systems, forests, dams
and roadways can be affected for years after a slide event.
 The negative economic effects of landslides include the
cost to repair structures, loss of property value, disruption
of transportation routes, medical costs in the event of
injury, and indirect costs such as lost timber and lost fish
stocks. Water availability, quantity and quality can be
affected by landslides. Geotechnical studies and engineering
projects to assess and stabilize potentially dangerous sites
can be costly.
 Listen to weather forecast on the radio, TV etc. about heavy rains.
During nights residents should remain awake of heavy continuous rain
and be ready to move immediately to a safer location. Abnormal sounds
of soil and rock movement or breaking of trees may be followed by
landslides hence, these should be listen attentively and consider
seriously. To observe cracks on the slope one should not move closure to
slope. If residents have to evacuate place it should be done immediately
without wasting time to
 Collect belongings. While evacuating, efforts should be made to avoid
possible landslide paths because landslide can occur suddenly. If rocks
are falling one should immediately seek cover behind trees and other
solid objects. Efforts should be made to stay together and support each
other as far as it is possible and useful. Special attention should be
paid for very small children, very old people and sick or disabled people.
Precautionary measures to be followed in
landslide prone areas:
Gansu landslide
The 2010 Gansu mudslide was a deadly mudslide in Zhouqu
County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture China that
occurred at 12 midnight on 8 August 2010. It was caused by
heavy rainfall and flooding in Gansu Province. It was the most
deadly individual disaster among the 2010 China floods as of
19 August 2010. The mudslides killed more than 1,471 people as
of 21 August 2010, while 1,243 others have been rescued and
294 remain missing The missing were presumed dead as
officials ordered locals to stop searching for survivors or
bodies to prevent the spread of disease. Over 1,700 people
evacuated have been living in schools.
Buildings should be located away from high-risk areas such as steep slopes, rivers
and streams, and fans at the mouth of mountain channels.
Consult a certified or licensed engineering geologist (CEG or LEG,
registered/licensed geologist (RG) or a professional geotechnical engineer (PE) if
you plan on building on a location that is a high-risk area.
Signs to watch for leading up to major landslides (slides, rockfalls, slumps,
earth flows, debris/mud flows)
 Springs, seeps, or saturated ground in areas that have not typically been wet
 New cracks or unusual bulges in the ground, street pavements or sidewalks
 Broken water lines and other underground utilities
 Leaning telephone poles, trees, retaining walls or fences
 Offset fence lines
 Sunken or down-dropped road beds
 Sudden decrease in creek water levels though rain is still falling or just recently
 Sticking doors and windows, and visible open spaces indicating frames out of
Vegetation cover protects land from landslides and soil erosion.
Therefore, efforts should be made to maintain greenery
particularly on slopes. Provisions should be made at community level
to prevent people from excavating, removing materials from the soil
or cutting trees. Trees should be planted on slopes and slope base to
prevent erosion. Records of erosion, landslide masses and falling
rocks should be maintained. Before building house information
should be gathered about site and history of landslides in the area.
During constructing a building on a slope designs that suits the
natural slope should be adopted. Vegetation and large trees should
not be removed while constructing. Natural streams or drainage
paths should not be obstructed during construction. Surface water
should be diverted towards the natural galley enabling water to
quickly drain away from the slope.
Measures to reduce the chance of
 A wildfire or wildland fire is an uncontrolled fire in an area of
combustible vegetation that occurs in the countryside area.[1] Other
names such as brush fire, bush fire, forest fire, desert fire, grass
fire, hill fire, peat fire, vegetation fire, and veldfire may be used to
describe the same phenomenon depending on the type of vegetation
being burned.
 A wildfire differs from other fires by its extensive size, the speed
at which it can spread out from its original source, its potential to
change direction unexpectedly, and its ability to jump gaps such as
roads, rivers and fire breaks.[2] Wildfires are characterized in terms
of the cause of ignition, their physical properties such as speed of
propagation, the combustible material present, and the effect of
weather on the fire.
As many as 90 percent of wildland fires are caused by humans.
Some human-caused fires result from campfires left unattended,
the burning of debris, negligently discarded cigarettes and
intentional acts of arson. The remaining 10 percent are started by
lightning or lava.
Perhaps the most overlooked aspect of fighting forest fires
is communication. It is vital that the proper authorities be
notified as soon as possible when a fire occurs. Once a fire
has been detected, the fire fighters must be transported
to the fire and then apply suppression methods.
One difficulty in fighting forest fires is transporting the firefighters
to the fire. Obviously, wildland fires often occur in rather rugged
terrain, so fire fighters often have to be transported in by air and then
walk with their equipment overland. Once crews are to the fire, the
suppression method they use depends on the type of fire.
 Ground fires are often best controlled by digging trenches in the soil
 Portable water backpacks and firebreaks are often the most
effective methods at controlling surface fires.
 Lastly, if a fire escalates to a crown fire, aerial support is used to
suppress the fire with fire retardant chemicals and/or water.
However, these fires are often very dangerous and human life always
comes first in fire fighting; sometimes these fires are just allowed to
burn until they run out of dry fuel.
Because of the behavior of wildland fires, how a building is designed and
constructed is the most important factor in providing fire safety for a home or
other structure.
The roof is the most vulnerable part of a building during a fire-
especially one in chaparral or oak areas. Because of its horizontal
component, a roof can catch and hold the flying firebrands. So houses in
forest should be built using firesafe roofing materials.
Another Achilles' heel to the attack of homes by windborne firebrands
is an unprotected attic or under floor vent. To remove this hazard, vents
can be screened to prevent the entrance of flammable materials and
firebrands but still allow the passage of air.
Other main factors like glass, siding and external sprinklers should be
takes care.
Georgia and Florida, 2007. On April 16, 2007,
high winds blew through Okefenokee National
Wildlife Refuge — “one of the oldest and
most well preserved freshwater areas in
America” — causing a tree to fall on a power
line, showering sparks on the drought-ridden
land. By mid-May, this fast-moving wildfire
quickly became not only Georgia’s largest fire
in recorded history, but Florida’s as well.
 Since damage caused due to the destruction of
buildings is a major cause of death and injury,
safe construction practices can help to minimize
loss of life to a huge extent.
 Hence architects must make use of certain basic
measures to ensure that these buildings provide
better resistance in case of such a disaster.
1. Proper infrastructure
2. Revised evacuation plans
3. Educating the people
4. Creating awareness
5. Taking quick, correct
and necessary actions
 If proper and safe construction Practices would have been opted then
there wouldn’t have been a massive damage and collapsing of buildings
 If certain steps for prevention and damage could have been taken
before hand then the damage caused could have been less and even the
no. of deaths could have declined.
 We can no longer afford to ignore the forces of nature and it should
serve as a wakeup call to us to rebalance our relationship with our
(Hurricanes & Cyclones)
 The rebuilding effort after the advent of a hurricane will have to
address the three principle disaster function simultaneously: wind, rain
and flood. It should be a straightforward matter to integrate the
individual disaster functions.
 Design and build using the following approaches:
 keep them from blowing away;
 keep the rain out;
 elevate the structures;
 build with materials that can get wet;
 design assemblies to easily dry when they get wet.
 These approaches apply to all structures wherever they are built.
 Proper preventive steps have to be taken by both the government and
the people to reduce damage caused towards structures by Hurricanes.
It is obvious that landslides have become a very serious problem, and
although landslides can occur as a result of natural processes, many of
these landslides can be avoided with proper planning and the
implementation of different timber harvest techniques. Many communities
that have come to depend upon timber harvesting as their primary
economic function have begun to lobby for alternative methods in which
the harvesting is carried out to not only insure future yields, but also to
prevent more occurrences of environmental hazards in their areas. One
main method that logging companies have begun to adopt is old growth
selective felling, which allows most of old growth trees to remain. This
method has proven to be very successful in preventing landslides yet
has also allowed timber companies to maintain production.
(Forest Fires)
Forest fires have become very common and serious problem. Many of these
fires can be prevented with proper planning , it also depends on how careful we
handle ourselves with fire related objects. People in forest areas should be
more careful and aware about fires and should act accordingly.
(Forest Fires)
(Hurricanes & Cyclones)
Thank You this was
presented to you by
Nishanthini N. K.
Safe Construction Practices - Eco project

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Safe Construction Practices - Eco project

  • 1. ECO PRESENTATION SAFE CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES  AIM : To Understand that Safe Construction Practices is Necessary  TIME DURATION: 12 MAY 2015 – 3 JUNE 2015 ( 32 Days )
  • 2.
  • 3. WHAT ARE EARTHQUAKES?  An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where they slip is called the fault or fault plane.  The location below the earth’s surface where the earthquake starts is called the hypocenter, and the location directly above it on the surface of the earth is called the epicenter.  Sometimes an earthquake has foreshocks. These are smaller earthquakes that happen in the same place as the larger earthquake that follows.  Scientists can’t tell that an earthquake is a foreshock until the larger earthquake happens.  The largest, main earthquake is called the main shock.  Main shocks always have aftershocks that follow. These are smaller earthquakes that occur afterwards in the same place as the main shock.  Depending on the size of the main shock, aftershocks can continue for weeks, months, and even years after the main shock!
  • 4. EFFECTS OF EARTHQUAKES ON BUILDINGS  Although probably the most important, direct shaking effects are not the only hazard associated with earthquakes,  Shaking and ground rupture  Landslides and avalanches  Fires  Soil liquefaction  Tsunami  Floods have also played important part in destruction produced by earthquakes.  Most earthquake-related deaths are caused by the collapse of structures and the construction practices play a tremendous role in the death toll of an earthquake.  Taller buildings also tend to shake longer than short buildings, which can make them relatively more susceptible to damage. Fortunately many tall buildings are constructed to withstand strong winds and some precautions have been taken to reduce their tendency to shake. And they can be made resistant to earthquake vibrations.
  • 5. SAFE CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES IN EARTHQUAKES PRONE AREAS  Designing and building large structures is always a challenge, and that challenge is compounded when they are built in earthquake-prone areas.  As earth scientists learn more about ground motion during earthquakes and structural engineers use this information to design stronger buildings, such loss of life and property can be reduced.  To design structures that can withstand earthquakes, engineers must understand the stresses caused by shaking.  To this end, scientists and engineers place instruments in structures and nearby on the ground to measure how the structures respond during an earthquake to the motion of the ground beneath.  Every time a strong earthquake occurs, the new information gathered enables engineers to refine and improve structural designs and building codes.
  • 6. SAFE CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES IN EARTHQUAKES PRONE AREAS  The majority of deaths and injuries from earthquakes are caused by the damage or collapse of buildings and other structures.  These losses can be reduced through documenting and understanding how structures respond to earthquakes.  Gaining such knowledge requires a long-term commitment because large devastating earthquakes occur at irregular and often long intervals.  Recording instruments must be in place and waiting, ready to capture the response to the next temblor whenever it occurs.  The new information acquired by these instruments can then be used to better design earthquake-resistant structures.  In this way, earth scientists and engineers help reduce loss of life and property in future earthquakes.
  • 7.  The 9.1 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Sumatra was estimated to occur at a depth of 30 km.  The fault zone that caused the tsunami was roughly 1300 km long, vertically displacing the sea floor by several meters along that length.  The ensuing tsunami was as tall as 50 m, reaching 5 km inland near Meubolah, Sumatra.  This tsunami is also the most widely recorded, with nearly one thousand combined tide gauge and eyewitness measurements from around the world reporting a rise in wave height, including places in the US, the UK and Antarctica.  An estimated US$10b of damages is attributed to the disaster, with around 230,000 people reported dead. Sumatra, Indonesia 26 December 2004
  • 8. Damage on Buildings  Most well designed and well constructed buildings and industrial facilities that had withstood the earthquake shaking also withstood the tsunami waves and suffered only minor damage.  For example, the La Farge Cement Plant well designed and well constructed steel-frame series of industrial structures about 20 kilometers southwest of Banda Aceh, did not experience structural damage from the strong shaking and was not damaged by the tsunami waves.  Several one- and two-story administrative buildings and machine shops were smashed by waves carrying nearly empty large oil-storage tanks. The impact of the waves caused non-structural damage to some of the buildings. For example, metal siding was stripped from the steel-frame buildings up to the height of the waves .  Residential neighborhoods and fishing villages in coastal areas were entirely devastated, and houses were swept inland or out to sea.  The traditional construction that had resisted shaking damage could not resist the tsunami forces and most were obliterated.  Mostly the concrete floor slabs was left of most houses. The tsunami waves left extensive piles of timber and the remains of buildings.
  • 10. WHAT ARE TSUNAMIS?  Tsunamis also known as a seismic sea wave, is a series of waves in a water body caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, generally in an ocean or a large lake.  Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and other underwater explosions (including detonations of underwater nuclear devices), landslides, glacier calving, meteorite impacts and other disturbances above or below water all have the potential to generate a tsunami.  Unlike normal ocean waves which are generated by wind or tides which are generated by the gravitational pull of the Moon and Sun, a tsunami is generated by the displacement of water.  Tsunami waves do not resemble normal sea waves, because their wavelength is far longer.  Rather than appearing as a breaking wave, a tsunami may instead initially resemble a rapidly rising tide, and for this reason they are often referred to as tidal waves, although this usage is not favored by the scientific community because tsunamis are not tidal in nature.
  • 11. WHY DO BUILDINGS FALL IN TSUNAMIS?  When a building stands in the path of the wave, the wall facing it tends to block the water, and the pressure here increases. It can overload walls, window, doors, columns or bracing systems, or push buildings completely over. Later on the water will swirl out again, loading the other side of the building.  There is a twist in the wave attack. As the water tries to escape from the dam, it rushes around the edges of the building, creating a series of small vortexes. Which have intense suction at the tip. They tear away at the walls around every discontinuity.  The debris from damaged buildings becomes weapons which attack other buildings, and are dangerous hazards to any one in the water. Hits from floating bits of building are a major cause of death and injury. As the water races around buildings it can erode the soil, particularly if it is loose sand, and the buildings can fall into the holes. It is a feature of many beaches that there is sandy soil.
  • 12. SAFE CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES IN TSUNAMI PRONE AREAS  All the fragile shacks built at ground level were simply washed away.  Multi-storey buildings that were weakly built with no side-sway resistance were badly damaged.  Some multi-storey buildings had their lower wall pushed in on one side, and out on the other as the wave went through, but otherwise, survived.  Some buildings were pushed along where they were not fixed firmly to firm ground. But well-built buildings survived in the middle of areas that were otherwise completely devastated.  To avoid wave surges, the building should be built out of the projected water path; and this may mean building it on legs with a suspended lower floor level.  Even if the elevation of such a floor is modest, the forces from rushing water will be much less if the water can go under the building as well as round it.
  • 13. SAFE CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES IN TSUNAMI PRONE AREAS  The buildings should be on a narrow front, with gaps between them, and preferably not at right angles to the Beach. Foundations may need to be deeper than usual and braced right down to the footings without counting on the soil around them for strength or stability.  REID steel buildings, with columns, main beams, closely space steel joists, all bolted continuously together; and with the concrete poured on steel decking in such a way that it is trapped by the steel and cannot be dislodged: provide the best building method. Tsunami prone buildings are usually in Seismic areas anyway; and Beach-side developments are often in Cyclone or Hurricane areas too. The same REID steel construction methods are the best solution to all three problems. There is no guarantee that any building could survive a Tsunami; but REID steel Tsunami resisting buildings will give the best chance possible, and would save many lives.
  • 14. 2011 Tōhoku Earthquake and Tsunami  On March 11, 2011 at 2:46 p.m., a 9.0 magnitude earthquake takes place 231 miles northeast of Tokyo at a depth of 15.2 miles.  The earthquake caused a tsunami with 30-foot waves that damage several nuclear reactors in the area.  It is the fourth-largest earthquake on record (since 1900) and the largest to hit Japan.  The confirmed death toll is 15,893 as of October 9, 2015.  Material damage from the earthquake and tsunami is estimated at about 25 trillion yen ($300 billion) .  The tsunami caused a cooling system failure at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, which resulted in a level-7 nuclear meltdown and release of radioactive materials  The earthquake shifted Earth on its axis of rotation by redistributing mass, like putting a dent in a spinning top. The temblor also shortened the length of a day by about a microsecond.
  • 15.  Almost all of the damaged buildings were designed in accordance with the old building code and damaged due to lack of seismic strength, short column shear failure due to the source wall and the breast wall, or the eccentricity of structural elements.  Buildings with appropriate seismic reinforcement /retrofit were mostly free of damage, indicating that the seismic reinforcement/retrofit of buildings was effective. Even so, clear structural damage occurred due to the ground motion amplification.  The 8- and 9-story buildings at Aobayama campus of Tohoku University were damaged due to ground motion amplification in the site. Many pile foundation buildings were damaged during the earthquake.  With regard to the damage of non-structural elements, a tremendous number of ceiling board collapsed during the main shock and the major aftershock. In some cases, this resulted in the loss of human life. Damage on Buildings
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  • 17. WHAT ARE FLOODS?  A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land which is usually dry. Flooding may occur as an overflow of water from water bodies, such as a river or lake, in which the water overtops or breaks levees, resulting in some of that water escaping its usual boundaries, or it may occur due to an accumulation of rainwater on saturated ground in an areal flood.  While the size of a lake or other body of water will vary with seasonal changes in precipitation and snow melt, these changes in size are unlikely to be considered significant unless they flood property or drown domestic animals.  Floods can also occur in rivers when the flow rate exceeds the capacity of the river channel, particularly at bends or meanders in the waterway. Floods often cause damage to homes and businesses if they are in the natural flood plains of rivers.  Floods can happen on flat or low-lying areas when water is supplied by rainfall or snowmelt more rapidly than it can either infiltrate or run off. The excess accumulates in place, sometimes to hazardous depths.
  • 18. EFFECTS OF FLOODS ON BUILDINGS  Houses are washed away due to the impact of the water under high stream velocity. The houses are commonly destroyed or dislocated so severely that their reconstruction is not feasible.  Houses constructed out of light weight materials like wood float when they are not anchored properly.  Damage caused by inundation of house. The house may remain intact on its foundation, but damage to materials may be severe. Repair is often feasible but may require special procedures to dry out properly.  Undercutting of houses. The velocity of the water may scour and erode the foundation of the house or the earth under the foundation. This may result in the collapse of the house or require substantial repair.  Damage caused by debris. Massive floating objects like trees, electric poles, etc. May damage the standing houses
  • 19. FLOOD SAFETY PLANNING  At the most basic level, the best defense against floods is to seek higher ground for high-value uses while balancing the foreseeable risks with the benefits of occupying flood hazard zones.  Critical community-safety facilities, such as hospitals, emergency-operations centers, and police, fire, and rescue services, should be built in areas least at risk of flooding.  Structures, such as bridges, that must unavoidably be in flood hazard areas should be designed to withstand flooding.  Areas most at risk for flooding could be put to valuable uses that could be abandoned temporarily as people retreat to safer areas when a flood is imminent.  Make each member of your family aware of your emergency plan and emergency kit, and where they are located. Arrange where you would meet or how to contact each other if you were separated in an emergency.  Prepare an Emergency Flood Kit.
  • 20. BUILDING IN FLOOD PRONE AREAS Increasing structural resilience is imperative when building in flood prone areas. You should…  Elevate homes, schools and public buildings above flood level.  Use water-resistant building materials in areas where frequent flooding is a risk, such as concrete or ceramic.  Ensure important appliances, such as heating and electrical systems are raised above flood level.  Install watertight flood shields or barriers for basement windows, doors and other openings.  Flooding can cause sewage to back up into houses through drain pipes, creating a health hazard. Install sewer backflow valves to prevent this risk!  Obtain flood insurance for further protection.
  • 21. SAFE CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES IN FLOOD PRONE AREAS  The type of flooding condition needs to be considered in order to choose an elevation technique that will withstand the expected water depths, velocities, debris impacts, and scour (as well as other hazards).  Flood damage from coastal flooding is generally more severe than that from riverine flooding owing to the energy contained in coastal waves striking buildings.  Values of flood actions for use in design must be established that are appropriate for the type of structure or structural element, its intended use and exposure to flood action.  The flood actions must include, but not limited to, the following as appropriate: hydrostatic actions, hydrodynamic actions, debris actions, wave actions, erosion and scour.
  • 22. SAFE CONSTRUCTION PRACTICES IN FLOOD PRONE AREAS  The most appropriate elevation method for frame houses is to elevate on extended foundation walls or open foundations, depending on the location.  For masonry houses, abandonment of lowest floor would be the most appropriate, where feasible, or else extending foundation walls. Houses with basements usually have furnaces and other utilities in the basement that need to be elevated or relocated.  Where substantial damage has occurred to a building during flooding, or substantial improvements are to be made to a building in a flood-prone area, the NFIP limits the choice of technique that may be used. In other cases, the NFIP is less prescriptive, but local laws, codes and ordinances may limit the owner’s choice of option.  In all cases where flood mitigation measures are being considered, the assistance of the local planning and building department officials, as well as relevant professionals such as architects, surveyors and engineers should be sought well beforehand.
  • 23. CHENNAI FLOODS OF 2015  The 2015 South Indian floods resulted from heavy rainfall of annual northeast monsoon in November– December 2015.  They affected the Coromandel Coast region of the South Indian states of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, and the union territory of Puducherry, with Tamil Nadu and the city of Chennai particularly hard- hit. More than 400 people were killed and over 18 lakh people were displaced.  With estimates of damages and losses ranging from ₹50000 crore (US$7 billion) to₹100000 crore (US$15 billion),the floods are the costliest to have occurred in 2015, and are among the costliest natural disasters of the year. The flooding has been attributed to the El Niño phenomenon.  While officials at the India Meteorological Department have said the exceptionally strong El Niño, along with a rare “coincidence of various factors”, has resulted in the heavy rain, there’s no denying that Chennai has failed in maintaining an effective storm water drainage system. With Chennai seeing its worst rainfall in 100 years Chennai floods: Decoding the city’s worst rains in 100 years
  • 24. DAMAGE ON BUILDINGS  The floods have caused severe damage to more than 50,000 homes of people belonging to low income groups.  Structural damage to at least 57,000 homes have been reported across the city.  In times when the city, and its suburbs, is being pounded with rainfall exceeding normal limits by over three times, a drainage system that isn’t functional, creeks and culverts that are blocked due to excessive dumping of garbage as well as the administration’s failure to ensure timely desilting.  During the previous monsoon, several buildings collapsed, killing pedestrians and motorists on the streets. Measures taken to avoid damage caused by  The Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board will be conducting a safety audit of its multi-storey apartment complexes, home to several thousand urban poor families in the city.  The Tamil Nadu Housing Board too will carry out a similar inspection of its buildings constructed on rental schemes for both government staff and the general public.
  • 25.
  • 26. Hurricanes are large tropical storms with heavy winds. By definition, they contain winds in excess of 74 miles per hour (119 km per hour) and large areas of rainfall. In addition, they have the potential to spawn dangerous tornadoes. The strong winds and excessive rainfall also produce abnormal rises in sea levels and flooding. A hurricane has a peaceful center called the eye, that is often distinctive in satellite images. The eye stretches from 10 to 30 miles wide and often contains calm winds, warm temperatures and clear skies. Around this tropical bliss is a frenzy of winds gusting at speeds up to 186 miles per hour.
  • 27. When the force of a hurricane bears down on residential structures, homes can be ripped apart by the storm's powerful winds. Storm surge and inland flooding can also cause catastrophic damage. Overland surge and flooding may cause a building or other structure to collapse due to the hydrodynamic forces caused by the moving water, particularly when waves are present. When waves propagate and strike a building or other structure, the oscillatory currents produced can generate very strong wave loads, which are often sufficient to destroy the wall and/or foundation of a building/ structure. Extended pounding by frequent waves can demolish any structure not specifically designed to withstand such forces.
  • 28. With proper design and construction, hurricane wind and flood damage to residential structures can be greatly reduced or eliminated. The scientific study of hurricane on impacts on buildings and the environment has seen major advances over the years.  Hurricane proof houses like pedestal, stilt and piling homes for beachfront and coastal areas should be both elevated and multi-sided in design, storm and hurricane winds flow around, over and under them with far less damage-causing wind resistance than with conventional designed houses  Hurricane proof houses should have reinforcing gabled roofs, secondary water barriers in roofs, hurricane straps and clips to ensure a roof stays in place despite high winds. SAFE CONSTRUCTION PRACTISES IN HURRICANE PRONE AREAS
  • 29. When Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans in USA early in the morning on Monday, August 29, it had already been raining heavily for hours. When the storm surge (as high as 9 meters in some places) arrived, it overwhelmed many of the city’s unstable levees and drainage canals. Water seeped through the soil underneath some levees and swept others away altogether. By 9 a.m., low-lying places like St. Bernard Parish and the Ninth Ward were under so much water that people had to scramble to attics and rooftops for safety. Eventually, nearly 80 percent of the city was under some quantity of water. This made it the costliest natural disaster in the world • Katrina damaged more than a million housing units in the Gulf Coast region. About half of these damaged units were located in Louisiana. In New Orleans alone, 134,000 housing units — 70% of all occupied units — suffered damage from Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flooding.
  • 30. • Rebuilding natural protection A plan was made to divert Mississippi River freshwater, nutrients and sediment to rebuild and sustain wetlands. The region will benefit from these improvements, should a major hurricane strike in the future. • Engineering a new levee system Engineers have increased levee height and replaced many of the old levee system's concrete I-shaped walls with T- and L-shaped walls, which consist of steel support beams • Preventing complacency With the passing of the 2006 Post-Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act, Congress hoped to improve communication and reduce loss of life in the event of another Katrina-like storm.
  • 31. • Building measures Major government programs have been launched in recent years to promote widespread retrofits to protect existing homes against hurricanes. Through the My Safe Florida Home program, tens of thousands of Floridians received free home wind inspections to determine what steps could be taken to strengthen homes against hurricanes and earn insurance premium discounts. A similar program was launched in South Carolina and other hurricane prone states are now considering similar initiatives.  Key retrofits supported by the My Safe Florida Home program include:  Improving the strength of a roof deck attachment.  Creating a secondary water barrier to prevent water intrusion.  Improving the survivability of a roof covering.  Bracing gable-end walls.  Reinforcing roof-to-wall connections.  Enhancing window and door protection
  • 33. A landslide occurs when part of a natural slope is unstable and unable to support its own weight. If a slippery material is present below soil then soil can become heavy with rainwater and prone to landslide. It is a downward or outward movement of soil, rock or vegetation due to gravitational force. This movement can be fall, flow, slide, spread or topple. Landslides occur usually at steep slopes but these may occur in areas with low slope gradient
  • 34.  Landslides cause property damage, injury and death and adversely affect a variety of resources. For example, water supplies, fisheries, sewage disposal systems, forests, dams and roadways can be affected for years after a slide event.  The negative economic effects of landslides include the cost to repair structures, loss of property value, disruption of transportation routes, medical costs in the event of injury, and indirect costs such as lost timber and lost fish stocks. Water availability, quantity and quality can be affected by landslides. Geotechnical studies and engineering projects to assess and stabilize potentially dangerous sites can be costly. HOW DOES LANDSLIDES EFFECT US ?
  • 35.  Listen to weather forecast on the radio, TV etc. about heavy rains. During nights residents should remain awake of heavy continuous rain and be ready to move immediately to a safer location. Abnormal sounds of soil and rock movement or breaking of trees may be followed by landslides hence, these should be listen attentively and consider seriously. To observe cracks on the slope one should not move closure to slope. If residents have to evacuate place it should be done immediately without wasting time to  Collect belongings. While evacuating, efforts should be made to avoid possible landslide paths because landslide can occur suddenly. If rocks are falling one should immediately seek cover behind trees and other solid objects. Efforts should be made to stay together and support each other as far as it is possible and useful. Special attention should be paid for very small children, very old people and sick or disabled people. Precautionary measures to be followed in landslide prone areas:
  • 36. Gansu landslide The 2010 Gansu mudslide was a deadly mudslide in Zhouqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture China that occurred at 12 midnight on 8 August 2010. It was caused by heavy rainfall and flooding in Gansu Province. It was the most deadly individual disaster among the 2010 China floods as of 19 August 2010. The mudslides killed more than 1,471 people as of 21 August 2010, while 1,243 others have been rescued and 294 remain missing The missing were presumed dead as officials ordered locals to stop searching for survivors or bodies to prevent the spread of disease. Over 1,700 people evacuated have been living in schools.
  • 37. BUILDING IN LANDSLIDE PRONE AREAS Buildings should be located away from high-risk areas such as steep slopes, rivers and streams, and fans at the mouth of mountain channels. Consult a certified or licensed engineering geologist (CEG or LEG, registered/licensed geologist (RG) or a professional geotechnical engineer (PE) if you plan on building on a location that is a high-risk area. Signs to watch for leading up to major landslides (slides, rockfalls, slumps, earth flows, debris/mud flows)  Springs, seeps, or saturated ground in areas that have not typically been wet before  New cracks or unusual bulges in the ground, street pavements or sidewalks  Broken water lines and other underground utilities  Leaning telephone poles, trees, retaining walls or fences  Offset fence lines  Sunken or down-dropped road beds  Sudden decrease in creek water levels though rain is still falling or just recently stopped.  Sticking doors and windows, and visible open spaces indicating frames out of plumb
  • 38. Vegetation cover protects land from landslides and soil erosion. Therefore, efforts should be made to maintain greenery particularly on slopes. Provisions should be made at community level to prevent people from excavating, removing materials from the soil or cutting trees. Trees should be planted on slopes and slope base to prevent erosion. Records of erosion, landslide masses and falling rocks should be maintained. Before building house information should be gathered about site and history of landslides in the area. During constructing a building on a slope designs that suits the natural slope should be adopted. Vegetation and large trees should not be removed while constructing. Natural streams or drainage paths should not be obstructed during construction. Surface water should be diverted towards the natural galley enabling water to quickly drain away from the slope. Measures to reduce the chance of landslides:
  • 39.
  • 40.  A wildfire or wildland fire is an uncontrolled fire in an area of combustible vegetation that occurs in the countryside area.[1] Other names such as brush fire, bush fire, forest fire, desert fire, grass fire, hill fire, peat fire, vegetation fire, and veldfire may be used to describe the same phenomenon depending on the type of vegetation being burned.  A wildfire differs from other fires by its extensive size, the speed at which it can spread out from its original source, its potential to change direction unexpectedly, and its ability to jump gaps such as roads, rivers and fire breaks.[2] Wildfires are characterized in terms of the cause of ignition, their physical properties such as speed of propagation, the combustible material present, and the effect of weather on the fire.
  • 41. As many as 90 percent of wildland fires are caused by humans. Some human-caused fires result from campfires left unattended, the burning of debris, negligently discarded cigarettes and intentional acts of arson. The remaining 10 percent are started by lightning or lava. Perhaps the most overlooked aspect of fighting forest fires is communication. It is vital that the proper authorities be notified as soon as possible when a fire occurs. Once a fire has been detected, the fire fighters must be transported to the fire and then apply suppression methods.
  • 42. One difficulty in fighting forest fires is transporting the firefighters to the fire. Obviously, wildland fires often occur in rather rugged terrain, so fire fighters often have to be transported in by air and then walk with their equipment overland. Once crews are to the fire, the suppression method they use depends on the type of fire.  Ground fires are often best controlled by digging trenches in the soil layer.  Portable water backpacks and firebreaks are often the most effective methods at controlling surface fires.  Lastly, if a fire escalates to a crown fire, aerial support is used to suppress the fire with fire retardant chemicals and/or water. However, these fires are often very dangerous and human life always comes first in fire fighting; sometimes these fires are just allowed to burn until they run out of dry fuel.
  • 43. STRUCTURAL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTING Because of the behavior of wildland fires, how a building is designed and constructed is the most important factor in providing fire safety for a home or other structure. ROOFING The roof is the most vulnerable part of a building during a fire- especially one in chaparral or oak areas. Because of its horizontal component, a roof can catch and hold the flying firebrands. So houses in forest should be built using firesafe roofing materials. VENTS Another Achilles' heel to the attack of homes by windborne firebrands is an unprotected attic or under floor vent. To remove this hazard, vents can be screened to prevent the entrance of flammable materials and firebrands but still allow the passage of air. Other main factors like glass, siding and external sprinklers should be takes care.
  • 44. Georgia and Florida, 2007. On April 16, 2007, high winds blew through Okefenokee National Wildlife Refuge — “one of the oldest and most well preserved freshwater areas in America” — causing a tree to fall on a power line, showering sparks on the drought-ridden land. By mid-May, this fast-moving wildfire quickly became not only Georgia’s largest fire in recorded history, but Florida’s as well.
  • 45. CONCLUSION (Tsunamis)  Since damage caused due to the destruction of buildings is a major cause of death and injury, safe construction practices can help to minimize loss of life to a huge extent.  Hence architects must make use of certain basic measures to ensure that these buildings provide better resistance in case of such a disaster. (Earthquake) 1. Proper infrastructure 2. Revised evacuation plans 3. Educating the people 4. Creating awareness 5. Taking quick, correct and necessary actions (Floods)  If proper and safe construction Practices would have been opted then there wouldn’t have been a massive damage and collapsing of buildings  If certain steps for prevention and damage could have been taken before hand then the damage caused could have been less and even the no. of deaths could have declined.  We can no longer afford to ignore the forces of nature and it should serve as a wakeup call to us to rebalance our relationship with our environment.
  • 46. (Hurricanes & Cyclones)  The rebuilding effort after the advent of a hurricane will have to address the three principle disaster function simultaneously: wind, rain and flood. It should be a straightforward matter to integrate the individual disaster functions.  Design and build using the following approaches:  keep them from blowing away;  keep the rain out;  elevate the structures;  build with materials that can get wet;  design assemblies to easily dry when they get wet.  These approaches apply to all structures wherever they are built.  Proper preventive steps have to be taken by both the government and the people to reduce damage caused towards structures by Hurricanes.
  • 47. (Landslides) It is obvious that landslides have become a very serious problem, and although landslides can occur as a result of natural processes, many of these landslides can be avoided with proper planning and the implementation of different timber harvest techniques. Many communities that have come to depend upon timber harvesting as their primary economic function have begun to lobby for alternative methods in which the harvesting is carried out to not only insure future yields, but also to prevent more occurrences of environmental hazards in their areas. One main method that logging companies have begun to adopt is old growth selective felling, which allows most of old growth trees to remain. This method has proven to be very successful in preventing landslides yet has also allowed timber companies to maintain production. (Forest Fires) Forest fires have become very common and serious problem. Many of these fires can be prevented with proper planning , it also depends on how careful we handle ourselves with fire related objects. People in forest areas should be more careful and aware about fires and should act accordingly.
  • 48. (Earthquake) • • • earthquake.html • resistant-buildings1.htm • (Tsunamis) • • • nami (Forest Fires) • • •
  • 49. (Hurricanes & Cyclones) • • • (Floods) • rains-jayalalithaa-imd-reasons-rescue-news- updates/#sthash.uUQAxs4u.dpuf • • oodsafe_plan.jsp • pdf • income-group-damaged/article7959676.ece • • flooding.html
  • 50. Thank You this was presented to you by Nishanthini N. K.