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Ictus e fibrillazione atriale: un
legame pericoloso
«I fattori di rischio noti per l’ictus -
spiega Mauro Silvestrini,
Responsabile della Stroke Unit
dell’Azienda Ospedaliero
Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti di
Ancona e presidente di regione
Marche di A.L.I.Ce. Italia Onlus-
sono diversi. Ai più conosciuti come
l’ipertensione, l’obesità, il fumo,
l’ipercolesterolemia, il diabete e
molto altro, la fibrillazione atriale
rappresenta ne rappresenta uno dei
10 million:
European community
Prevalenza della Fibrillazione Atriale
That’s 2.0% of the
european population
Epidemiology of atrial fibrillation:
European perspective
Prevalence of atrial fibrillation in
European countries.
• Prevalence of AF in the
general adult population
of Europe is more than
double that reported just
one decade earlier,
ranging from 1.9% in Italy,
Iceland, and England to
2.3% in Germany and
2.9% in Sweden
• Incidence 0.23–0.41 per
1,000 person/years
Zoni-Berisso M et al Clinical Epidemiology 2014:6 213–220
Risk for Atrial Fibrillation according to age and
risk factor burden
Staerk L et al, BMJ 2018;360:k1453
Il rischio di FA cresce con l’età indipendentemente dai fattori di rischio
Naccarelli GV et al. Am J Cardiol. 2009;104(11):1534-9
MarketScan research databases from Thomson Reuters
Of the 21,648,681 patients in the databases, 242,903 (1.12%)
had nontransient AF and/or AFL
Cumulative risk (%) for atrial fibrillation according to
risk factor burden (optimal, borderline, or elevated)
at index age 55 years. the Framingham Heart Study
Epidemiology of atrial fibrillation
• Projected
number of
adults with atrial
fibrillation in the
European Union
between 2000
and 2060.
• From Krijthe BP et al.
Eur Heart J
Questo andamento può essere spiegato con l’aumento dell’età nella popolazione
generale, la crescente prevalenza di obesità, la maggiore sopravvivenza dopo un
primo evento cardiovascolare e la disponibilità di una tecnologia sempre più
efficiente nel riconoscere la FA.
Odutayo A et al. BMJ 2016;354:i4482
Association between AF and all cause mortality and CV renal disease. Systematic review and
meta-analysis. 104 eligible cohort studies involving 9.686.513 participants (587.867 with AF)
Atrial fibrillation as Risk factor
Fibrillazione atriale
75 – 94 anni
There was a significant AF-sex interaction: AF diminished the
female advantage in survival.
We examined the mortality of subjects 55 to 94 years of age who
developed AF during 40 years of follow-up of the original
Framingham Heart Study cohort.
By pooled logistic regression, after adjustment for age,
hypertension, smoking, diabetes, left ventricular hypertrophy,
myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, valvular heart
disease, and stroke or transient ischemic attack, AF was associated
with an OR for death of 1.5 (95% CI, 1.2 to 1.8) in men and 1.9
(95% CI, 1.5 to 2.2) in women.
55 – 74 anni
Benjamin EJ, Circulation 1998; 98: 946
Atrial fibrillation and the risk for myocardial infarction, all-cause
mortality and heart failure:
A systematic review and meta-analysis
Forest plots for the risk of
all-cause mortality
associated with atrial
ES (95% CI): risk ratio (95% confidence
HR 1.95 (1.50- 2.54)
Ruddox V et al Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017 Sep;24(14):1555-1566.
First author
(95% CI)
Il tasso di mortalità
attribuibile a FA,
corretto per l’età, è
4 (3.9-4.2)/100.000.
In 10 anni, ha subito
un incremento del
2.6%, mentre quello
per altre patologie
ha registrato una
Patterns della Fibrillazione Atriale e rischio di Mortalità
Lubitz SA et al. J Am Heart Assoc. 2013
Oct; 2(5): e000126
Risk of death stratified by type of AF
Siontis K, Gersh B, Killian Jea. Heart Rhythm.
Survival stratified by AF presentation
Atipical/asymptomatic at presentation had an
increased risk for
CV death (HR, 3.12; 95% CI 1.50–6.45)
All-cause mortality (HR, 2.96; 95% CI, 1.89–4.64)
• recurrent AF HR 2.04 P=0.003)
• sustained AF HR 2.36, P=0.003)
(Framingham Heart Study)
Causes of Death in Patients With AF
2-Year Outcome Data From GARFIELD-AF
Bassand P et al. European Heart Journal (2016) 37, 2882–2889
40,47 %
35,81 %
Relationship of Sudden Cardiac Death to New-Onset Atrial
Okin PM et al. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2013;6:243-251
8831 hypertensive patients with ecgraphic LV hypertrophy with no history of AF
Risk of SCD
multivariate HR 3.13
• During 4.7±1.1 years mean follow-
up, new-onset AF occurred in 701
patients (7.9%) and SCD in 151
patients (1.7%).
• New-onset AF was associated with a
>4-fold higher risk of SCD (HR 4.69;
95% CI, 2.96–7.45; P<0.001).
• In multivariate Cox analyses, new-
onset AF remained associated with a
>3-fold increased risk of SCD (HR
3.13; 95% CI, 1.87–5.24; P<0.001).
Fattori indipendenti che predicono la Morte
Improvvisa ina pazienti con Fibrillazione atriale
Sintesi Fibrillazione atriale e Mortalità
• Nei pazienti con fibrillazione atriale la mortalità per tutte le cause
è circa doppia rispetto ai soggetti senza FA, anche dopo correzione
per l’età.
• L’aumento di mortalità in soggetti con FA è crescente a livello
globale, mentre l’incidenza relativa di decessi per le principali
malattie CV è in riduzione.
• Nel 40% è dovuta a cause CV, e fra queste una quota non
trascurabile (circa 20%) è costituita da morte improvvisa o
• È più frequente nelle forme asintomatiche o con sintomi atipici e
nella FA sostenuta o ricorrente.
Fibrillazione atriale
Scompenso Cardiaco
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
Potenziali meccanismi dello scompenso nella FA
“AF is more often a risk factor for HF than the reverse”
Staerk L, et al Circ Res. 2017;120:1501–17.
Anter E et al. Circulation. 2009;119:2516-2525
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
Kaplan–Meier event-free survival curves for the composite endpoint of
death or hospitalization for heart failure from the SOLVD trial based on
presence/absence of atrial fibrillation (AF).
• In SOLVD, patients with LVEF 35%
and symptomatic or asymptomatic
CHF were randomized to enalapril
treatment or placebo.
• In retrospective analyses of this
trial, survival free of heart failure
hospitalization or death was
compared for the 419 patients with
AF at baseline versus the 6,098
patients without baseline AF.
Dries DL et al J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998 Sep;32(3):695-703
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
Atrial fibrillation and the risk for myocardial infarction, all-cause
mortality and heart failure:
A systematic review and meta-analysis
Forest plots for the risk of
Heart Failure associated
with atrial fibrillation.
ES (95% CI): risk ratio (95% confidence
HR 4.62 (3.13- 6.83)
Ruddox V et al Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
First author
(95% CI
Nei pazienti con FA la forma più frequente di scompenso
è quella a FE normale
no AF previous AF current AF future AF
Temporal association of AF and HF
Santhanakrishnan R et al. Circulation. 2016; 133(5): 484–492
EF reduced EF missing
Pandley A et al. JACC Heart Fail.
2017 Jan;5(1):44-52.
ORBIT-AF registry
236 participants (3.6%) over the
2-year follow-up period;
Framingham Heart Study
Prevalent AF was more strongly associated with incident HFpEF (HR
2.34, ([1.48–3.70) vs HFrEF (HR 1.32, 95%CI 0.83–2.10), with a trend
toward difference between HF subtypes (P =0.06).
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
History of Atrial Fibrillation as a Risk Factor in Patients
With HFpEF
• Patients with HFpEF in the Irbesartan in Heart Failure with Preserved
Ejection Fraction Trial (I-PRESERVE) were analyzed in relation to AFib.
• At baseline, 1209 (29.3%) had a history of AFib.
Oluleye et al Atrial Fibrillation in I-PRESERVE. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7:960-966.)
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
Atrial Fibrillation and Mortality in Heart Failure
Chamberlain AM et al Circ Heart Fail. 2011;4:740-746
Of 1664 individuals with HF diagnosed between 1983 and 2006 (mean age, 76.2 years; 45.6%
men), 553 had a history of AF and 384 developed AF after HF diagnosis.
• 450 deaths occurred among persons
with prior AF, 314 among those with
AF after HF, and 572 among patients
without AF.
• HR for death in individuals with AF
compared with those without AF:
• prior AF 1.48 (95% CI, 1.31–1.68)
• AF after HF 2.35 (95% CI, 2.04-2.71)
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
553 384
Ablazione della Atriale Fibrillazione.
Effetti sullo scompenso cardiaco
Gentlesk PJ, et al . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2007; 18:9 –14. Marrouche NF et al N Engl J Med 2018;378:417-27
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
Sintesi Fibrillazione atriale e Scompenso
• Il rischio di SC è quadruplo nei pazienti con FA rispetto ai soggetti in
ritmo sinusale ed è particolarmente rilevante nelle forme
• La relazione tra FA e scompenso cardiaco è bidirezionale: la
fibrillazione atriale può precedere lo scompenso o verificarsi in
conseguenza di questo.
• La forma di scompenso che si manifesta più frequentemente nei
pazienti con FA è quella a FE conservata e in questi casi la prognosi
è peggiore.
• L’ablazione transcatetere della FA ha effetti favorevoli sullo SC.
Fibrillazione atriale
Stroke Ischemico
Fattori patogenetici potenziali dello stroke nella FA
• La tromboembolia può avere origine da altre
sedi (trombosi ventricolare, placche carotidee
e aortiche).
• La coesistenza nei pz con FA di numerosi FR di
rischio comuni alle due condizioni rende
complessa la comprensione del meccanismo
• Il Tromboembolismo per trombosi dell’auricola sinistra
è il meccanismo più accreditato.
Prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) and strokes
attributable to AF: findings from the Framingham Study.
Wolf P.A., Abbott R.D., Kannel W.B., "Atrial fibrillation as an independent risk factor for stroke - the Framingham Study",
Stroke, (1991), : 22, 983-988
age-adjusted relative risk of stroke for
men (open bars) and women (filled bars)
with AF compared with those without AF
in presence of cardiac failure or coronary
heart disease. **p
572 initial strokes, 122 of which were TIA.
• 256 atherothrombotic brain infarction
• 114 stroke from cerebral embolism
• 27 intracerebral hemorrhage
• 39 subarachnoid hemorrhage
• 14 strokes due to miscellaneous causes
I dati del FHS sono importanti perché sono stati per molto tempo i valori di riferimento.
Generalmente si è attribuito alla FA un Rischio Relativo per stroke di 5, valore
soprastimato per aver incluso tutte le forme di ictus e per non avere considerato il
rischio dovuto alle malattie coesistenti.
Nella metanalisi di Odutayo (2016) il rischio di stroke ischemico è
2.33 (1.84 -2.94)
Risk of Stroke and Death in Untreated Screen-Detected AF
5555 patients with asymptomatic clinical AF detected
incidentally in general practice. 1.5 years of follow-up
FU 1.5 years adjusted stroke
1460 untreated
AF patients
4% 7%
without AF
1% 2.5%
Martinez C, et al. Thromb Haemost. 2014;112:276–286.
Incidence Rate per 1000/pts/yr
• AF cohort 19.4 (17.1-21.9)
• No AF cohort 8.4 ( 7.7 - 9.1)
Relazione temporale tra FA subclinica e stroke in pazienti con
devices impiantati
Time trend of risk of stroke
for AF in 60 days before
nonsignificant increases for AF >21 days
before stroke
Turakhia MP, et al Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2015;8:1040–1047.
(Circ J 2015; 79: 432–438)
Medscape's Atrial Fibrillation CHADS2 Score for Stroke Risk calculator.
Score CHA2DS2-VASc Risk Criteria
1 point Congestive heart failure
1 point Hypertension
2 points Age ≥75 years
1 point Diabetes mellitus
2 points Stroke/Transient Ischemic
Attack/Thromboembolic event
1 point Vascular disease (prior MI, PAD, or
aortic plaque)
1 point Age 65 to 74 years
1 point Sex category (ie, female sex)
CHA2DS2-VASc Score Adjusted Stroke
Risk(% per year)
0 0
1 1.3
2 2.2
3 3.2
4 4.0
5 6.7
6 9.8
7 9.6
8 6.7
9 15.2
• Annual risk of ischemic stroke in AF patients
with CHA2 DS2 -VASc score of 1 is 1.61%
with substantial uncertainty remaining (95%
CI 0%–3.23%).
• Additionally, the summary annual risk was
• 0.68% for CHA2 DS2 -VASc score of 0
• 2.49% for CHA2 DS2 -VASc score of 2.
• A limitation of meta-analysis was the
heterogeneity between studies.
Ischemic Stroke Risk in Patients With
Atrial Fibrillation and CHA2DS2-VASc Score of 1
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Joundi RA et al. Stroke. 2016;47:1364-1367
Summary measure of 7 studies
CAABL-AF (California Study of Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation)
Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2018;11:e005739.
• L’ablazione riduce il Rischio di stroke ischemico (30gg-5 anni) del 32 % (HR 0.68, p<0.035)
Results comparing Ablation vs no-Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation
Ablazione della Atriale Fibrillazione.
Effetti sullo Stroke
Korsholm K et al EuroIntervention 2017;12:2075-2082
Transcatheter left atrial appendage occlusion in patients with atrial fibrillation and a
high bleeding risk using aspirin alone for post-implant antithrombotic therapy
• 110 pz
• Motivo dell’impianto: Rischio
• Device: AMPLATZER (ACP) o Amulet
Figure 2. Predicted and observed rates of
stroke and major bleeding.
Effectiveness of LAAO in reducing the risk of
stroke and bleeding among 107 high-risk AF
ASA was used as monotherapy for post-implant
antithrombotic therapy. Both periprocedural
and follow-up events were included.
Sintesi Fibrillazione atriale e Stroke
• La FA aumenta il rischio di stroke ischemico di 2-3 volte (HR 2.3).
• Nei pazienti con CHA2 DS2 -VASc-score 1 non c’è eccesso di
• Il Rapporto di Rischio è più alto se la FA è presente nei 10 giorni
precedenti lo stroke (HR >15); dopo si stabilizza a 3-4.
• La relazione patogenetica diretta fra FA e stroke (tromboembolia
da formazioni dell’auricola sinistra) è dimostrata dai rilievi
ecocardiografici e dal rischio connesso alla cardioversione della
FA, ma non è generalizzabile.
• In alcuni studi iniziali, le procedure interventistiche (ablazione e
chiusura dell’auricola) hanno ridotto l’incidenza di stroke.
Fibrillazione atriale
Infarto Miocardico
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
Fibrillazione atriale e rischio di infarto miocardico
Soliman, EZ et al. JAMA Intern
Med. 2014 Jan;174(1):107-14.
• FA e IMA hanno fattori di rischio simili.
• La cardiopatia ischemica subclinica è associata
ad alta prevalenza di FA ed elevato rischio di
• Livelli elevati di markers infiammatori sono
associati ad aumentato rischio sia di FA sia di IMA
• Il tromboembolismo coronarico può essere
un’altra potenziale causa.
• Alcuni pazienti con FA presentano elevata
risposta ventricolare, causando un IMA «da
domanda» (IM tipo 2).
Possibili Meccanismi
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
Atrial fibrillation and the risk for myocardial infarction, all-cause mortality
and heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Forest plots for the risk of
Myocardial Infarction
associated with atrial
ES (95% CI): risk ratio (95% confidence interval).
HR 1.54 (1.28-1.85)
Ruddox V et al Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017 Sep;24(14):1555-1566.
First author
(95% CI
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
Atrial fibrillation and the risk of
Miocaridal infarction
JAMA Internal Medicine Published online November 4, 2013
• A prospective cohort of 23 928 participants residing in the continental United States and without
CAD at baseline were enrolled from the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke
(REGARDS) cohort between 2003 and 2007, with follow-up through December 2009.
• The risk of MI associated with AF was significantly higher in women (HR, 2.16 [95%CI, 1.41-3.31])
than in men (HR, 1.39 [95% CI, 0.91-2.10]) and in blacks (HR, 2.53 [95% CI, 1.67-3.86]) than in
whites (HR, 1.26 [95% CI, 0.83-1.93]).
Soliman, EZ et al. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Jan;174(1):107-14.
Age-adjusted incidence rate of MI
without AF 6.0
°/°° person-years
with AF 12.0 °/°°
(P < .001)
Sex-Race Stratified Age-Adjusted
Incidence Rates of MI by AF Status
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
Atrial fibrillation and the risk of myocardial infarction: a
nationwide propensity-matched study
Lee HY et al. Sci Rep. 2017 Oct 5;7(1):12716
Association between AF
and incident MI in 497,366
adults from the Korean
National Health Insurance
Service database.
AF was associated with 3-
fold increased risk of MI
(HR, 3.1; 95% CI, 2.23–
4.36) in both men (HR,
2.88; 95% CI 1.89–4.39)
and women (HR, 3.65; 95%
CI 2.09–6.38).
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
Risk of Myocardial
Infarction in
Patients With
Atrial Fibrillation
• 31,739 Patients with
atrial fibrillation
were identified using
Danish health care
registers and
stratified by initial
oral anticoagulant
Standardized 1-year risk of MI
• VKA 1.6% (1.3 to 1.8)
• apixaban 1.2% (0.9 to 1.4)
• dabigatran 1.2% (1.0 to
• rivaroxaban 1.1% (0.8 to
The risk differences for DOACs versus
VKA were all significant
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
• La relazione tra FA e IMA è bidirezionale: l’infarto può precedere o
complicare il decorso clinico della fibrillazione atriale.
• La FA è comune nel periodo postinfartuale e si verifica nel 6-21% dei
pazienti , abitualmente nelle prime 72 ore. Lo sviluppo di FA
comporta un aumento dlela mortalità a 30 giorni e a lungo termine.
• Il rischio di IMA in pazienti con FA è circa doppio rispetto a quelli
senza FA (dopo correzione per età e fattori di rischio) ed è maggiore
nelle donne e nei soggetti di colore.
• L’insorgenza di IM in pazienti con FA comporta difficoltà nel
trattamento dei pazienti per la complessa gestione delle terapie
antitrombotiche, specie in relazione agli interventi percutanei.
Sintesi Fibrillazione atriale e Infarto Miocardico
Fibrillazione atriale
Different mechanisms through which atrial fibrillation may
contribute to cognitive impairment (dementia)
Potential interventions
are shown in red.
Some of the reported
brain morphometric
changes include:
atrophy, white matter
hyperintensities, and
frontal medial lobe
N. Dagres et al. Europace (2018) 0, 1–23
CO, cardiac output; CRP, C-reactive protein; DM, diabetes mellitus; HF, heart
failure; HTN, hypertension; IL, interleukin; OSA, obstructive sleep apnoea.
AF is associated with a higher risk for cognitive impairment and
dementia, with or without a history of clinical stroke.
N. Dagres et al. Europace (2018) 0, 1–23
• Two meta-analyses that included both cross-sectional and
prospective studies specifically examined the incidence of dementia
in patients with AF and strokes.
• These meta-analyses found similar estimates of the RR of cognitive
impairment or dementia of 2.43 and 2.70.
La FA si associa in modo significativo a
 declino della funzione cognitiva globale β = -0,24 (-0,31 a -0,16)
 demenza per ogni causa HR 1.40 (1,11-1,77)
 demenza per cause vasc. e mista HR 1,88 (1,09-3,23)
 malattia di Alzheimer HR 1,33 (0,92-1,94)
L’uso di anticoagulanti orali si associa a
 rischio di demenza HR 0,40 (0,18-0,92)
Atrial fibrillation, antithrombotic treatment, and cognitive aging.
A population-based study
• 2.685 partecipanti dello studio SNAC-K, anziani ≥60 anni non affetti da demenza.
• Al basale, i pazienti con FA erano 243 (9,1%); durante i 9 anni di follow-up, 279
partecipanti (11,4%) hanno sviluppato FA e 399 (14,9%) hanno sviluppato demenza.
Ding M, Fratiglioni L, et al. Neurology 2018;91:e1732-e1740.
Qual’è la reale incidenza della Fibrillazione Atriale ?
< 30 sec
<6 min
• La fibrillazione atriale è una malattia progressiva e clinicamente molto
• Ha importanti conseguenze emodinamiche e miocardiche e comporta
significativi aumenti di mortalità e morbilità CV.
• Il peso epidemiologico e prognostico delle forme clinicamente silenti o
riscontrate con monitoraggio prolungato non è ancora ben noto.
• Le strategie di intervento devono includere, oltre all’anticoagulazione,
misure per ridurre il rischio delle malattie epidemiologicamente associate.
• Le procedure interventistiche di ablazione e chiusura dell’auricola
sembrano avere un potenziale beneficio, ma richiedono ulteriori verifiche.
• Grazie per l’attenzione
Grazie per
Atrial Fibrillation and Mortality in Heart Failure
Chamberlain AM et al Circ Heart Fail. 2011;4:740-746
Of 1664 individuals with HF diagnosed between 1983 and 2006 (mean age, 76.2 years; 45.6%
men), 553 had a history of AF and 384 developed AF after HF diagnosis.
• 450 deaths occurred among persons
with prior AF, 314 among those with
AF after HF, and 572 among patients
without AF.
• HR for death in individuals with AF
compared with those without AF:
• prior AF 1.48 (95% CI, 1.31–1.68)
• AF after HF 2.35 (95% CI, 2.04–
FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
New ESC Guidelines on
Atrial Fibrillation 2016
morbidity and
mortality associated
with AF
ESC Congress Rome 2016
Different mechanisms through which atrial fibrillation may
contribute to cognitive impairment (dementia)
N. Dagres et al. Europace (2018) 0, 1–23
• Evidence suggests that AF is associated with a higher risk for
cognitive impairment and dementia, with or without a history of
clinical stroke.
• Two meta-analyses that included both cross-sectional and
prospective studies specifically examined the incidence of dementia
in patients with AF and strokes.24,25
• These meta-analyses found similar estimates of the RR of cognitive
impairment or dementia of 2.43 and 2.70 (Table 6).

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1 fibrillazione atriale non solo stroke

  • 2. Ictus e fibrillazione atriale: un legame pericoloso «I fattori di rischio noti per l’ictus - spiega Mauro Silvestrini, Responsabile della Stroke Unit dell’Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Ospedali Riuniti di Ancona e presidente di regione Marche di A.L.I.Ce. Italia Onlus- sono diversi. Ai più conosciuti come l’ipertensione, l’obesità, il fumo, l’ipercolesterolemia, il diabete e molto altro, la fibrillazione atriale rappresenta ne rappresenta uno dei principali».
  • 3. 10 million: European community FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Epidemiologia Prevalenza della Fibrillazione Atriale That’s 2.0% of the european population
  • 4. Epidemiology of atrial fibrillation: European perspective Prevalence of atrial fibrillation in European countries. • Prevalence of AF in the general adult population of Europe is more than double that reported just one decade earlier, ranging from 1.9% in Italy, Iceland, and England to 2.3% in Germany and 2.9% in Sweden • Incidence 0.23–0.41 per 1,000 person/years Zoni-Berisso M et al Clinical Epidemiology 2014:6 213–220 FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Epidemiologia
  • 5. Risk for Atrial Fibrillation according to age and risk factor burden Staerk L et al, BMJ 2018;360:k1453 Il rischio di FA cresce con l’età indipendentemente dai fattori di rischio Naccarelli GV et al. Am J Cardiol. 2009;104(11):1534-9 MarketScan research databases from Thomson Reuters Of the 21,648,681 patients in the databases, 242,903 (1.12%) had nontransient AF and/or AFL Cumulative risk (%) for atrial fibrillation according to risk factor burden (optimal, borderline, or elevated) at index age 55 years. the Framingham Heart Study FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Epidemiologia
  • 6. Epidemiology of atrial fibrillation • Projected number of adults with atrial fibrillation in the European Union between 2000 and 2060. • From Krijthe BP et al. Eur Heart J 2013;34:2746–2751. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Epidemiologia Questo andamento può essere spiegato con l’aumento dell’età nella popolazione generale, la crescente prevalenza di obesità, la maggiore sopravvivenza dopo un primo evento cardiovascolare e la disponibilità di una tecnologia sempre più efficiente nel riconoscere la FA.
  • 7. Odutayo A et al. BMJ 2016;354:i4482 Association between AF and all cause mortality and CV renal disease. Systematic review and meta-analysis. 104 eligible cohort studies involving 9.686.513 participants (587.867 with AF) FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE I rischi della FA Atrial fibrillation as Risk factor
  • 8. Fibrillazione atriale e Mortalità FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Mortalità
  • 9. 75 – 94 anni There was a significant AF-sex interaction: AF diminished the female advantage in survival. We examined the mortality of subjects 55 to 94 years of age who developed AF during 40 years of follow-up of the original Framingham Heart Study cohort. By pooled logistic regression, after adjustment for age, hypertension, smoking, diabetes, left ventricular hypertrophy, myocardial infarction, congestive heart failure, valvular heart disease, and stroke or transient ischemic attack, AF was associated with an OR for death of 1.5 (95% CI, 1.2 to 1.8) in men and 1.9 (95% CI, 1.5 to 2.2) in women. 55 – 74 anni Benjamin EJ, Circulation 1998; 98: 946 ORfordeath 1.5(95%CI,1.2to1.8)inmen 1.9(95%CI,1.5to2.2)inwomen
  • 10. Atrial fibrillation and the risk for myocardial infarction, all-cause mortality and heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis Forest plots for the risk of all-cause mortality associated with atrial fibrillation. ES (95% CI): risk ratio (95% confidence interval). OVERALL HR 1.95 (1.50- 2.54) Ruddox V et al Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017 Sep;24(14):1555-1566. First author % Weight ES (95% CI) Mortalità
  • 11. Il tasso di mortalità attribuibile a FA, corretto per l’età, è 4 (3.9-4.2)/100.000. In 10 anni, ha subito un incremento del 2.6%, mentre quello per altre patologie ha registrato una riduzione. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Mortalità
  • 12. Patterns della Fibrillazione Atriale e rischio di Mortalità Lubitz SA et al. J Am Heart Assoc. 2013 Oct; 2(5): e000126 Risk of death stratified by type of AF FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Mortalità Siontis K, Gersh B, Killian Jea. Heart Rhythm. 2016;13:1418–1424. Survival stratified by AF presentation Atipical/asymptomatic at presentation had an increased risk for CV death (HR, 3.12; 95% CI 1.50–6.45) All-cause mortality (HR, 2.96; 95% CI, 1.89–4.64) • recurrent AF HR 2.04 P=0.003) • sustained AF HR 2.36, P=0.003) (Framingham Heart Study)
  • 13. Causes of Death in Patients With AF 2-Year Outcome Data From GARFIELD-AF Bassand P et al. European Heart Journal (2016) 37, 2882–2889 40,47 % 35,81 %
  • 14. Relationship of Sudden Cardiac Death to New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation Okin PM et al. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2013;6:243-251 8831 hypertensive patients with ecgraphic LV hypertrophy with no history of AF Risk of SCD multivariate HR 3.13 (1.87–5.24;P<0.001). • During 4.7±1.1 years mean follow- up, new-onset AF occurred in 701 patients (7.9%) and SCD in 151 patients (1.7%). • New-onset AF was associated with a >4-fold higher risk of SCD (HR 4.69; 95% CI, 2.96–7.45; P<0.001). • In multivariate Cox analyses, new- onset AF remained associated with a >3-fold increased risk of SCD (HR 3.13; 95% CI, 1.87–5.24; P<0.001).
  • 15. Fattori indipendenti che predicono la Morte Improvvisa ina pazienti con Fibrillazione atriale RE-LY Trial ENGAGE AF-TIMI-48 Trial
  • 16. Sintesi Fibrillazione atriale e Mortalità • Nei pazienti con fibrillazione atriale la mortalità per tutte le cause è circa doppia rispetto ai soggetti senza FA, anche dopo correzione per l’età. • L’aumento di mortalità in soggetti con FA è crescente a livello globale, mentre l’incidenza relativa di decessi per le principali malattie CV è in riduzione. • Nel 40% è dovuta a cause CV, e fra queste una quota non trascurabile (circa 20%) è costituita da morte improvvisa o aritmica. • È più frequente nelle forme asintomatiche o con sintomi atipici e nella FA sostenuta o ricorrente.
  • 17. Fibrillazione atriale e Scompenso Cardiaco FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
  • 18. Potenziali meccanismi dello scompenso nella FA • “AF is more often a risk factor for HF than the reverse” Staerk L, et al Circ Res. 2017;120:1501–17. Anter E et al. Circulation. 2009;119:2516-2525 FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
  • 19. Kaplan–Meier event-free survival curves for the composite endpoint of death or hospitalization for heart failure from the SOLVD trial based on presence/absence of atrial fibrillation (AF). • In SOLVD, patients with LVEF 35% and symptomatic or asymptomatic CHF were randomized to enalapril treatment or placebo. • In retrospective analyses of this trial, survival free of heart failure hospitalization or death was compared for the 419 patients with AF at baseline versus the 6,098 patients without baseline AF. Dries DL et al J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998 Sep;32(3):695-703 FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
  • 20. Atrial fibrillation and the risk for myocardial infarction, all-cause mortality and heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis Forest plots for the risk of Heart Failure associated with atrial fibrillation. ES (95% CI): risk ratio (95% confidence interval). OVERALL HR 4.62 (3.13- 6.83) Ruddox V et al Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017 Sep;24(14):1555-1566. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco First author % Weight ES (95% CI
  • 21. Nei pazienti con FA la forma più frequente di scompenso è quella a FE normale 38 32 18 12 45.34883721 23.4496124 18.21705426 12.98449612 no AF previous AF current AF future AF Temporal association of AF and HF subtypes HFpEF HFrEF Santhanakrishnan R et al. Circulation. 2016; 133(5): 484–492 64 13.5 22.5 EF preserved EF reduced EF missing % Pandley A et al. JACC Heart Fail. 2017 Jan;5(1):44-52. ORBIT-AF registry 236 participants (3.6%) over the 2-year follow-up period; Framingham Heart Study Prevalent AF was more strongly associated with incident HFpEF (HR 2.34, ([1.48–3.70) vs HFrEF (HR 1.32, 95%CI 0.83–2.10), with a trend toward difference between HF subtypes (P =0.06). PERCENTAGE FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
  • 22. History of Atrial Fibrillation as a Risk Factor in Patients With HFpEF • Patients with HFpEF in the Irbesartan in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction Trial (I-PRESERVE) were analyzed in relation to AFib. • At baseline, 1209 (29.3%) had a history of AFib. Oluleye et al Atrial Fibrillation in I-PRESERVE. Circ Heart Fail. 2014;7:960-966.) FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
  • 23. Atrial Fibrillation and Mortality in Heart Failure Chamberlain AM et al Circ Heart Fail. 2011;4:740-746 Of 1664 individuals with HF diagnosed between 1983 and 2006 (mean age, 76.2 years; 45.6% men), 553 had a history of AF and 384 developed AF after HF diagnosis. • 450 deaths occurred among persons with prior AF, 314 among those with AF after HF, and 572 among patients without AF. • HR for death in individuals with AF compared with those without AF: • prior AF 1.48 (95% CI, 1.31–1.68) • AF after HF 2.35 (95% CI, 2.04-2.71) FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco 553 384
  • 24. Ablazione della Atriale Fibrillazione. Effetti sullo scompenso cardiaco Gentlesk PJ, et al . J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol. 2007; 18:9 –14. Marrouche NF et al N Engl J Med 2018;378:417-27 FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco CASTLE-AF
  • 25. Sintesi Fibrillazione atriale e Scompenso • Il rischio di SC è quadruplo nei pazienti con FA rispetto ai soggetti in ritmo sinusale ed è particolarmente rilevante nelle forme ricorrenti. • La relazione tra FA e scompenso cardiaco è bidirezionale: la fibrillazione atriale può precedere lo scompenso o verificarsi in conseguenza di questo. • La forma di scompenso che si manifesta più frequentemente nei pazienti con FA è quella a FE conservata e in questi casi la prognosi è peggiore. • L’ablazione transcatetere della FA ha effetti favorevoli sullo SC.
  • 26. Fibrillazione atriale e Stroke Ischemico FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Stroke
  • 27. Fattori patogenetici potenziali dello stroke nella FA • La tromboembolia può avere origine da altre sedi (trombosi ventricolare, placche carotidee e aortiche). • La coesistenza nei pz con FA di numerosi FR di rischio comuni alle due condizioni rende complessa la comprensione del meccanismo patogenetico. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Stroke • Il Tromboembolismo per trombosi dell’auricola sinistra è il meccanismo più accreditato.
  • 28. Prevalence of atrial fibrillation (AF) and strokes attributable to AF: findings from the Framingham Study. Wolf P.A., Abbott R.D., Kannel W.B., "Atrial fibrillation as an independent risk factor for stroke - the Framingham Study", Stroke, (1991), : 22, 983-988 age-adjusted relative risk of stroke for men (open bars) and women (filled bars) with AF compared with those without AF in presence of cardiac failure or coronary heart disease. **p 1,5 23,5 572 initial strokes, 122 of which were TIA. • 256 atherothrombotic brain infarction • 114 stroke from cerebral embolism • 27 intracerebral hemorrhage • 39 subarachnoid hemorrhage • 14 strokes due to miscellaneous causes FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Stroke I dati del FHS sono importanti perché sono stati per molto tempo i valori di riferimento. Generalmente si è attribuito alla FA un Rischio Relativo per stroke di 5, valore soprastimato per aver incluso tutte le forme di ictus e per non avere considerato il rischio dovuto alle malattie coesistenti. Nella metanalisi di Odutayo (2016) il rischio di stroke ischemico è 2.33 (1.84 -2.94)
  • 29. Risk of Stroke and Death in Untreated Screen-Detected AF 5555 patients with asymptomatic clinical AF detected incidentally in general practice. 1.5 years of follow-up FU 1.5 years adjusted stroke rate all-cause mortality 1460 untreated AF patients 4% 7% controls without AF 1% 2.5% Martinez C, et al. Thromb Haemost. 2014;112:276–286. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Stroke Incidence Rate per 1000/pts/yr • AF cohort 19.4 (17.1-21.9) • No AF cohort 8.4 ( 7.7 - 9.1) HR=2.3
  • 30. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Stroke Relazione temporale tra FA subclinica e stroke in pazienti con devices impiantati Time trend of risk of stroke for AF in 60 days before stroke. nonsignificant increases for AF >21 days before stroke Turakhia MP, et al Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2015;8:1040–1047. Studio ASSERT
  • 31. (Circ J 2015; 79: 432–438) FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Stroke
  • 32. Medscape's Atrial Fibrillation CHADS2 Score for Stroke Risk calculator. Score CHA2DS2-VASc Risk Criteria 1 point Congestive heart failure 1 point Hypertension 2 points Age ≥75 years 1 point Diabetes mellitus 2 points Stroke/Transient Ischemic Attack/Thromboembolic event 1 point Vascular disease (prior MI, PAD, or aortic plaque) 1 point Age 65 to 74 years 1 point Sex category (ie, female sex) CHA2DS2-VASc Score Adjusted Stroke Risk(% per year) 0 0 1 1.3 2 2.2 3 3.2 4 4.0 5 6.7 6 9.8 7 9.6 8 6.7 9 15.2 FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Stroke
  • 33. • Annual risk of ischemic stroke in AF patients with CHA2 DS2 -VASc score of 1 is 1.61% with substantial uncertainty remaining (95% CI 0%–3.23%). • Additionally, the summary annual risk was • 0.68% for CHA2 DS2 -VASc score of 0 • 2.49% for CHA2 DS2 -VASc score of 2. • A limitation of meta-analysis was the heterogeneity between studies. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Stroke Ischemic Stroke Risk in Patients With Atrial Fibrillation and CHA2DS2-VASc Score of 1 Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis Joundi RA et al. Stroke. 2016;47:1364-1367 Summary measure of 7 studies
  • 34. CAABL-AF (California Study of Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation) Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2018;11:e005739. • L’ablazione riduce il Rischio di stroke ischemico (30gg-5 anni) del 32 % (HR 0.68, p<0.035) Results comparing Ablation vs no-Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Stroke Ablazione della Atriale Fibrillazione. Effetti sullo Stroke
  • 35. Korsholm K et al EuroIntervention 2017;12:2075-2082 Transcatheter left atrial appendage occlusion in patients with atrial fibrillation and a high bleeding risk using aspirin alone for post-implant antithrombotic therapy LAAC • 110 pz • Motivo dell’impianto: Rischio emorragico • Device: AMPLATZER (ACP) o Amulet Figure 2. Predicted and observed rates of stroke and major bleeding. Effectiveness of LAAO in reducing the risk of stroke and bleeding among 107 high-risk AF patients. ASA was used as monotherapy for post-implant antithrombotic therapy. Both periprocedural and follow-up events were included. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Stroke
  • 36. Sintesi Fibrillazione atriale e Stroke • La FA aumenta il rischio di stroke ischemico di 2-3 volte (HR 2.3). • Nei pazienti con CHA2 DS2 -VASc-score 1 non c’è eccesso di stroke. • Il Rapporto di Rischio è più alto se la FA è presente nei 10 giorni precedenti lo stroke (HR >15); dopo si stabilizza a 3-4. • La relazione patogenetica diretta fra FA e stroke (tromboembolia da formazioni dell’auricola sinistra) è dimostrata dai rilievi ecocardiografici e dal rischio connesso alla cardioversione della FA, ma non è generalizzabile. • In alcuni studi iniziali, le procedure interventistiche (ablazione e chiusura dell’auricola) hanno ridotto l’incidenza di stroke.
  • 37. Fibrillazione atriale e Infarto Miocardico FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
  • 38. Fibrillazione atriale e rischio di infarto miocardico Soliman, EZ et al. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Jan;174(1):107-14. • FA e IMA hanno fattori di rischio simili. • La cardiopatia ischemica subclinica è associata ad alta prevalenza di FA ed elevato rischio di IMA. • Livelli elevati di markers infiammatori sono associati ad aumentato rischio sia di FA sia di IMA • Il tromboembolismo coronarico può essere un’altra potenziale causa. • Alcuni pazienti con FA presentano elevata risposta ventricolare, causando un IMA «da domanda» (IM tipo 2). Possibili Meccanismi FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
  • 39. Atrial fibrillation and the risk for myocardial infarction, all-cause mortality and heart failure: A systematic review and meta-analysis Forest plots for the risk of Myocardial Infarction associated with atrial fibrillation. ES (95% CI): risk ratio (95% confidence interval). OVERALL HR 1.54 (1.28-1.85) Ruddox V et al Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2017 Sep;24(14):1555-1566. First author % Weight ES (95% CI FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
  • 40. Atrial fibrillation and the risk of Miocaridal infarction JAMA Internal Medicine Published online November 4, 2013 • A prospective cohort of 23 928 participants residing in the continental United States and without CAD at baseline were enrolled from the Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) cohort between 2003 and 2007, with follow-up through December 2009. • The risk of MI associated with AF was significantly higher in women (HR, 2.16 [95%CI, 1.41-3.31]) than in men (HR, 1.39 [95% CI, 0.91-2.10]) and in blacks (HR, 2.53 [95% CI, 1.67-3.86]) than in whites (HR, 1.26 [95% CI, 0.83-1.93]). Soliman, EZ et al. JAMA Intern Med. 2014 Jan;174(1):107-14. Age-adjusted incidence rate of MI without AF 6.0 °/°° person-years with AF 12.0 °/°° person-years (P < .001) Sex-Race Stratified Age-Adjusted Incidence Rates of MI by AF Status FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
  • 41. Atrial fibrillation and the risk of myocardial infarction: a nationwide propensity-matched study Lee HY et al. Sci Rep. 2017 Oct 5;7(1):12716 Association between AF and incident MI in 497,366 adults from the Korean National Health Insurance Service database. AF was associated with 3- fold increased risk of MI (HR, 3.1; 95% CI, 2.23– 4.36) in both men (HR, 2.88; 95% CI 1.89–4.39) and women (HR, 3.65; 95% CI 2.09–6.38). FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
  • 42. Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Anticoagulated Patients With Atrial Fibrillation • 31,739 Patients with atrial fibrillation were identified using Danish health care registers and stratified by initial oral anticoagulant treatment. Standardized 1-year risk of MI • VKA 1.6% (1.3 to 1.8) • apixaban 1.2% (0.9 to 1.4) • dabigatran 1.2% (1.0 to 1.5) • rivaroxaban 1.1% (0.8 to 1.3) The risk differences for DOACs versus VKA were all significant FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Infarto Miocardico Acuto
  • 43. • La relazione tra FA e IMA è bidirezionale: l’infarto può precedere o complicare il decorso clinico della fibrillazione atriale. • La FA è comune nel periodo postinfartuale e si verifica nel 6-21% dei pazienti , abitualmente nelle prime 72 ore. Lo sviluppo di FA comporta un aumento dlela mortalità a 30 giorni e a lungo termine. • Il rischio di IMA in pazienti con FA è circa doppio rispetto a quelli senza FA (dopo correzione per età e fattori di rischio) ed è maggiore nelle donne e nei soggetti di colore. • L’insorgenza di IM in pazienti con FA comporta difficoltà nel trattamento dei pazienti per la complessa gestione delle terapie antitrombotiche, specie in relazione agli interventi percutanei. Sintesi Fibrillazione atriale e Infarto Miocardico
  • 44. Fibrillazione atriale e Demenza FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Stroke
  • 45. Different mechanisms through which atrial fibrillation may contribute to cognitive impairment (dementia) Potential interventions are shown in red. Some of the reported brain morphometric changes include: hippocampus atrophy, white matter hyperintensities, and frontal medial lobe atrophy. N. Dagres et al. Europace (2018) 0, 1–23 FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Demenza CO, cardiac output; CRP, C-reactive protein; DM, diabetes mellitus; HF, heart failure; HTN, hypertension; IL, interleukin; OSA, obstructive sleep apnoea.
  • 46. AF is associated with a higher risk for cognitive impairment and dementia, with or without a history of clinical stroke. N. Dagres et al. Europace (2018) 0, 1–23 • Two meta-analyses that included both cross-sectional and prospective studies specifically examined the incidence of dementia in patients with AF and strokes. • These meta-analyses found similar estimates of the RR of cognitive impairment or dementia of 2.43 and 2.70. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Demenza
  • 47. La FA si associa in modo significativo a  declino della funzione cognitiva globale β = -0,24 (-0,31 a -0,16)  demenza per ogni causa HR 1.40 (1,11-1,77)  demenza per cause vasc. e mista HR 1,88 (1,09-3,23)  malattia di Alzheimer HR 1,33 (0,92-1,94) L’uso di anticoagulanti orali si associa a  rischio di demenza HR 0,40 (0,18-0,92) Atrial fibrillation, antithrombotic treatment, and cognitive aging. A population-based study • 2.685 partecipanti dello studio SNAC-K, anziani ≥60 anni non affetti da demenza. • Al basale, i pazienti con FA erano 243 (9,1%); durante i 9 anni di follow-up, 279 partecipanti (11,4%) hanno sviluppato FA e 399 (14,9%) hanno sviluppato demenza. Ding M, Fratiglioni L, et al. Neurology 2018;91:e1732-e1740. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Demenza
  • 48. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE SUBCLINICA Qual’è la reale incidenza della Fibrillazione Atriale ? < 30 sec SCAF AHRE <6 min AF BURDEN
  • 49. OVERVIEW • La fibrillazione atriale è una malattia progressiva e clinicamente molto complessa. • Ha importanti conseguenze emodinamiche e miocardiche e comporta significativi aumenti di mortalità e morbilità CV. • Il peso epidemiologico e prognostico delle forme clinicamente silenti o riscontrate con monitoraggio prolungato non è ancora ben noto. • Le strategie di intervento devono includere, oltre all’anticoagulazione, misure per ridurre il rischio delle malattie epidemiologicamente associate. • Le procedure interventistiche di ablazione e chiusura dell’auricola sembrano avere un potenziale beneficio, ma richiedono ulteriori verifiche. FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE
  • 50. • Grazie per l’attenzione Grazie per l’attenzione
  • 51. Atrial Fibrillation and Mortality in Heart Failure Chamberlain AM et al Circ Heart Fail. 2011;4:740-746 Of 1664 individuals with HF diagnosed between 1983 and 2006 (mean age, 76.2 years; 45.6% men), 553 had a history of AF and 384 developed AF after HF diagnosis. • 450 deaths occurred among persons with prior AF, 314 among those with AF after HF, and 572 among patients without AF. • HR for death in individuals with AF compared with those without AF: • prior AF 1.48 (95% CI, 1.31–1.68) • AF after HF 2.35 (95% CI, 2.04– 2.71), FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Scompenso Cardiaco
  • 52. New ESC Guidelines on Atrial Fibrillation 2016 Cardiovascular morbidity and mortality associated with AF FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE I rischi della FA ESC Congress Rome 2016
  • 53. Different mechanisms through which atrial fibrillation may contribute to cognitive impairment (dementia) N. Dagres et al. Europace (2018) 0, 1–23 • Evidence suggests that AF is associated with a higher risk for cognitive impairment and dementia, with or without a history of clinical stroke. • Two meta-analyses that included both cross-sectional and prospective studies specifically examined the incidence of dementia in patients with AF and strokes.24,25 • These meta-analyses found similar estimates of the RR of cognitive impairment or dementia of 2.43 and 2.70 (Table 6). FIBRILLAZIONE ATRIALE: NON SOLO STROKE Patologie associate: Demenza

Editor's Notes

  1. Epidemiology of atrial fibrillation: European perspective
  2. DA Lifetime risk of atrial fibrillation Framingham Heart Study - collegamento
  3. Da Epidemiology of atrial fibrillation 2018 – collegamento Questo andamento può essere spiegato con l’aumento dell’età nella popolazione generale, la crescente prevaleenza di obesità, la maggiore sopravvivenza dopo un primo evento cardiovascolare e la disponibilità di una tecnologia sempre più efficiente nel riconoscere la FA.
  4. Staerk L et al. Circ Res. 2017 April 28; 120(9): 1501–1517 Da Atrial Fibrillation Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Clinical outcome 2017 - collegamento (2)
  5. Da Atrial fibrillation and risks of cardiovascular disease
  6. Da Atrial fibrillation and risks of cardiovascular disease
  7. Da Atrial fibrillation and risks of cardiovascular disease
  8. Tze-Fan Chao et al. Lifetime Risks, Projected Numbers, and Adverse Outcomes in Asian Patients With Atrial Fibrillation, Chest (2017). Chest. 2018 Feb;153(2):453-466 Send to Chest. 2018 Feb;153(2):453-466. doi: 10.1016/j.chest.2017.10.001. Epub 2017 Oct 7. Lifetime Risks, Projected Numbers, and Adverse Outcomes in Asian Patients With AtrialFibrillation: A Report From the Taiwan Nationwide AF Cohort Study. Chao TF1, Liu CJ2, Tuan TC1, Chen TJ3, Hsieh MH4, Lip GYH5, Chen SA1. Author information Abstract BACKGROUND: Most data on the clinical epidemiology of atrial fibrillation (AF) come from Western populations, and data for Asians are limited. We investigated the lifetime risk and projected number of AF among Asians. The annual risks of adverse events among patients with AF, time trends, and the risks compared with patients without AF were analyzed. METHODS: Between 2000 and 2011, 289,559 patients aged ≥ 20 years experienced new-onset AF in Taiwan. The incidence, prevalence, and lifetime risk of AF were calculated. The risk of adverse events among patients with AF were analyzed and compared with that of age- and sex-matched patients without AF. RESULTS: The incidence of AF in year 2011 was 1.51 per 1,000 person-years, with a lifetime risk of AF being appropriately 1 in 7 for subjects aged > 20 years. The prevalence of AF is estimated to be 4.01% in 2050. Compared with patients without AF, AF was associated with an increased risk of mortality (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR], 2.61), heart failure (aHR, 3.31), ischemic stroke (aHR, 3.34), dementia (aHR, 1.56), sudden cardiac death (aHR, 1.83), and myocardial infarction (aHR, 1.62); all P < .01. The risks of ischemic stroke, heart failure, and mortality were especially higher compared with patients without AF in the initial period (approximately 6 months) after AF was first diagnosed. CONCLUSIONS: The burden of AF among Asian patients is increasing, with a lifetime risk of AF being 1 in 7. Optimized management of any associated comorbidities should be part of the holistic management approach for AF.
  9. Dati del framingham
  10. J Am Heart Assoc. 2013 Oct; 2(5): e000126. Published online 2013 Oct 25. doi:  10.1161/JAHA.113.000126 PMCID: PMC3835216 Atrial Fibrillation Patterns and Risks of Subsequent Stroke, Heart Failure, or Death in the Community Steven A. Lubitz, MD, MPH, Carlee Moser, PhD, Lisa Sullivan, PhD, Michiel Rienstra, MD, PhD, João D. Fontes, MD,Mark L. Villalon, MD, Manju Pai, MD, David D. McManus, MD, ScM, Renate B. Schnabel, MD, MSc, Jared W. Magnani, MD, MSc, Xiaoyan Yin, PhD, Daniel Levy, MD, Michael J. Pencina, PhD, Martin G. Larson, ScD, Patrick T. Ellinor, MD, PhD, and Emelia J. Benjamin, MD, ScM
  11. 10,7 25,3 7,5 17,7 7,9 18,7 5,1 12,1 11,1 26,2 Cv 40,47 % Non CV 35,81 % Non detemianta 23,7
  12. Da Sudden Cardiac Death and Afibr In multivariate Cox analyses adjusting for age, sex, race, diabetes mellitus, history of heart failure, myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, stroke, smoking, serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, creatinine, glucose, and urine albumin/creatinine ratio as standard risk factors, and for incident myocardial infarction, in-treatment use of digoxin, systolic and diastolic pressure, heart rate, QRS duration, Cornell voltage-duration product, and Sokolow-Lyon voltage left ventricular hypertrophy treated as time-varying covariates, new-onset AF remained associated with a >3-fold increased risk of SCD (hazard ratio, 3.13; 95% confidence interval, 1.87–5.24; P<0.001).
  13. Heart failure occurs in up to one third of patients with AF (Santhanakrishnan et al., 2016), which may be as a direct result of rapid ventricular rates in AF [known as a tachycardiainduced cardiomyopathy (Fujino et al., 2007)] or the association of risk factors common to both conditions such as hypertension (Benjamin et al., 1994; Levy et al., 1996). I
  14. American College of Cardiology 1998; 32:695–703. J Am Coll Cardiol. 1998 Sep;32(3):695-703
  15. J Am Heart Assoc. 2013 Oct; 2(5): e000126. Published online 2013 Oct 25. doi:  10.1161/JAHA.113.000126 PMCID: PMC3835216 Atrial Fibrillation Patterns and Risks of Subsequent Stroke, Heart Failure, or Death in the Community Steven A. Lubitz, MD, MPH, Carlee Moser, PhD, Lisa Sullivan, PhD, Michiel Rienstra, MD, PhD, João D. Fontes, MD,Mark L. Villalon, MD, Manju Pai, MD, David D. McManus, MD, ScM, Renate B. Schnabel, MD, MSc, Jared W. Magnani, MD, MSc, Xiaoyan Yin, PhD, Daniel Levy, MD, Michael J. Pencina, PhD, Martin G. Larson, ScD, Patrick T. Ellinor, MD, PhD, and Emelia J. Benjamin, MD, ScM
  16. Methods and Results—We studied Framingham Heart Study participants with new-onset AF and/or HF between 1980–2012. Among 1737 individuals with new AF, (mean-age 75±12, 48% women) more than one third (37%) had HF. Conversely among 1166 individuals with new HF (mean-age 79±11, 53% women), more than half (57%) had AF. Prevalent AF was more strongly associated with incident HFpEF (multivariable-adjusted hazard ratio [HR] 2.34, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.48–3.70, no AF as referent) vs HFrEF (HR 1.32, 95%CI 0.83–2.10), with a trend toward difference between HF subtypes (P for difference 0.06). Prevalent HF was associated with incident AF (HR 2.18, 95%CI 1.26–3.76, no HF as referent). The presence of both AF and HF portended greater mortality risk compared with those without either condition, particularly among individuals with new HFrEF and prevalent AF (HR 2.72, 95%CI 2.12–3.48) compared with new HFpEF and prevalent AF (HR 1.83, 95%CI 1.41–2.37, P for difference 0.02).
  17. Da Atrial Fibrillation and Mortality in Heart Failure
  18. Bar graph of estimated age-adjusted relative risk of stroke for men (open bars) and women (filled bars) with atrial fibrillation compared with those without atrial fibrillation in presence of cardiac failure or coronary heart disease. **p
  19. Da 2017 Freedman Screening for Atrial Fibrillation Circ – collegamento In 5555 patients with asymptomatic clinical AF detected incidentally in general practice, the adjusted stroke rate in the 1460 untreated patients was 4% and all-cause mortality 7% over 1.5 years of follow-up compared with 1% and 2.5%, respectively, in matched controls without AF.22,23 22 Martinez C, Katholing A, Freedman SB. Adverse prognosis of incidentally detected ambulatory atrial fibrillation: a cohort study. Thromb Haemost. 2014;112:276–286. doi: 10.1160/TH4-04-0383. Non parla di scompenso 23. Freedman B, Martinez C, Katholing A, Rietbrock S. Residual risk of stroke and death in anticoagulant-treated patients with atrial fibrillation. JAMA Cardiol. 2016;1:366–368. doi: 10.1001/jamacardio.
  20. Da 2017 Freedman Screening for Atrial Fibrillation Circ – collegamento Odds ratio for nonoverlapping 5-day epochs of AF burden in implanted devices ≥5.5 hours in 1 day during the 5-day epoch, from 1 to 5 days before stroke (left-hand point), through 56 to 60 days before stroke (right-hand point). Each stroke case epoch is matched to six 5-day control epochs between 91 and 120 days before stroke. There is a progressive fall in odds ratio of stroke from 17.4 for AF occurring 1 to 5 days before stroke to nonsignificant increases for AF >21 days before stroke. AF indicates atrial fibrillation. Reprinted from Turakhia et al 41 with permission of the American Heart Association, Inc. Copyright © 2015, American Heart Association, Inc. Turakhia MP, Ziegler PD, Schmitt SK, Chang Y, Fan J, Than CT, Keung EK, Singer DE. Atrial fibrillation burden and short-term risk of stroke: case-crossover analysis of continuously recorded heart rhythm from cardiac electronic implanted devices. Circ Arrhythm Electrophysiol. 2015;8:1040–1047.
  21. Da Incidence of Ischemic Stroke in Japanese Patients
  22. Ischemic Stroke Risk in Patients With Our estimated annual risk of ischemic stroke in AF patients with CHA2 DS2 -VASc score of 1 based on the summary measure of 7 studies is 1.61% with substantial uncertainty remaining (95% CI 0%–3.23%). Additionally, the summary annual risk was 0.68% for CHA2 DS2 -VASc score of 0 and 2.49% for CHA2 DS2 -VASc score of 2. To our knowledge, this is the first meta-analysis specifically addressing the annual ischemic stroke rate by CHA2 DS2 -VASc, and it provides an improved estimate for the risk of ischemic stroke to guide clinical decision-making.
  23. Da CAABL-AF ablation dopo ablazione riduzione della mortalità superiore alla ricorrenza di stroke . Esistono meccanismi nocivi oltre lo stroke CASTLE-AF trial: l'ablazione con catetere della fibrillazione atriale in pazienti con insufficienza cardiaca è stata associata ad una significativa riduzione di morte per qualsiasi causa o ospedalizzazione
  24. Da CAABL-AF ablation dopo ablazione riduzione della mortalità superiore alla ricorrenza di stroke . Esistono meccanismi nocivi oltre lo stroke CASTLE-AF trial: l'ablazione con catetere della fibrillazione atriale in pazienti con insufficienza cardiaca è stata associata ad una significativa riduzione di morte per qualsiasi causa o ospedalizzazione
  25. Transcatheter left atrial appendage occlusion in patients with atrial fibrillation and a high bleeding risk using aspirin alone for post-implant antithrombotic therapy . Kasper Korsholm1 et al EuroIntervention 2017;12:2075-2082 LAAO with the AMPLATZER Cardiac Plug (ACP) or Amulet using aspirin alone (ASA) as post-implantation antithrombotic treatment
  26. Da atrial fib e rischio di IMA Ascertainment of AF Details of ascertainment of AF have been published elsewhere.20 Briefly, AF was identified at baseline from 2 sources: (1) a study-scheduled ECG recorded during the inhome visit that was centrally read by electrocardiographers blinded to clinical data; and (2) a history of physician diagnosis of AF reported by the participants during the computer assisted telephone surveys assessing medical history and health status. These 2 AF ascertainment methods have been equally predictive of stroke in the REGARDS study.20 Vermond RR. Does myocardial infarction beget atrial fibrillation and atrial fibrillation beget myocardial infarction?. Circulation (New York, N.Y.). 2015-05;131:1824-1826.
  27. Da atrial fib e rischio di IMA Ascertainment of AF Details of ascertainment of AF have been published elsewhere.20 Briefly, AF was identified at baseline from 2 sources: (1) a study-scheduled ECG recorded during the inhome visit that was centrally read by electrocardiographers blinded to clinical data; and (2) a history of physician diagnosis of AF reported by the participants during the computer assisted telephone surveys assessing medical history and health status. These 2 AF ascertainment methods have been equally predictive of stroke in the REGARDS study.20
  28. Da Atrial fibrillation and the risk of MI 2017 Lee HY et al. Sci Rep. 2017 Oct 5;7(1):12716
  29. Da Atrial fibrillation and the risk of MI 2017 Lee HY et al. Sci Rep. 2017 Oct 5;7(1):12716
  30. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018 Jul 3;72(1):17-26. doi: 10.1016/j.jacc.2018.04.036. Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Anticoagulated Patients With Atrial Fibrillation. Lee CJ1, Gerds TA2, Carlson N3, Bonde AN4, Gislason GH5, Lamberts M6, Olesen JB4, Pallisgaard JL4, Hansen ML4, Torp-Pedersen C7. Author information Abstract BACKGROUND: Evidence is conflicting as to the efficacy of direct oral anticoagulation (DOAC) and vitamin K antagonist (VKA) for prevention of myocardial infarction (MI). OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to investigate the risk of MI associated with the use of apixaban, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, and VKA in patients with atrial fibrillation. METHODS: Patients with atrial fibrillation were identified using Danish health care registers and stratified by initial oral anticoagulant treatment. Standardized absolute 1-year risks were estimated based on Cox regression for hazard rates of MI hospitalizations and mortality. Reported were absolute risks separately for the oral anticoagulation treatments and standardized to the characteristics of the study population. RESULTS: Of the 31,739 patients included (median age, 74 years; 47% females), the standardized 1-year risk of MI for VKA was 1.6% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.3 to 1.8), apixaban was 1.2% (95% CI: 0.9 to 1.4), dabigatran was 1.2% (95% CI: 1.0 to 1.5), and rivaroxaban was 1.1% (95% CI: 0.8 to 1.3). No significant risk differences were observed in the standardized 1-year risks of MI among the DOACs: dabigatran versus apixaban (0.04%; 95% CI: -0.3 to 0.4), rivaroxaban versus apixaban (0.1%; 95% CI: -0.4 to 0.3), and rivaroxaban versus dabigatran (-0.1%; 95% CI: -0.5 to 0.2). The risk differences for DOACs versus VKA were all significant: -0.4% (95% CI: -0.7 to -0.1) for apixaban, -0.4% (95% CI: -0.7 to -0.03) for dabigatran, and -0.5% (95% CI: -0.8 to -0.2) for rivaroxaban. CONCLUSIONS: No significant risk differences of MI were found in the direct comparisons of DOACs, and DOACs were all associated with a significant risk reduction of MI compared with VKA.
  31. Da arrhythmias and Cognition EHRAHRS Consensus 2018 Reproduced with modification after permission from Ref.64
  32. Da arrhythmias and Cognition EHRAHRS Consensus 2018 Reproduced with modification after permission from Ref.64
  33. Da Gli anticoagulanti orali riducono il rischio di demenza negli anziani con fibrillazione atriale _ Univadis Ding M, Fratiglioni L, et al. Atrial fibrillation, antithrombotic treatment, and cognitive aging: A population-based study. Neurology 2018;91:e1732- e1740.
  34. SCAF subclinical AF AHRE Atrial high-rate episodes