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Unit 3: Freud and Consciousness
By Timothy Bradley
Lesson 1: Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud
Lesson 1: Sigmund Freud
• Sigmund Freud
• Conscious
• Preconscious
• Unconscious
• Id
• Ego
• Superego
EQ: How were Freud’s theories shaped by his life?
According to Freud, how does the interaction between
ID/Ego/Superego determine behavioral outcomes?
Read with a Purpose: Timeline
• Considering Freud was born in 1856 and died in 1939, use
the article entitled Sigmund Freud: Investigator of the
Unconscious to identify an additional eight (8) key life
events. Complete this assignment using the Read with a
Purpose technique of Peer Reading. Be sure to underline
this information in the reading.
• After completing the assignment, organize the information
onto the timeline provided. Use specific dates when
Timeline: Freud’s Life
Year(s) Event
1856 Born
Moved to Vienna, Austria. Faced anti-Semitism
c. 1886 Freud studied medicine and focused on the mind. Worked with a
doctor who used hypnosis. Co-published a book that first coined the
phrase psychoanalysis.
1896 Father died. He studied his own dreams as a result.
1899 (1900) Published The Interpretation of Dreams
c. 1900 Gathered a circle of followers that eventually broke with him. His views
dominated psychology for many years.
1909 Delivered a speech in Worcester, Mass. This brought his ideas to the
c. 1920 Developed his ideas about id, ego, and superego.
1938 Nazis seize Austria. He and his family are put under house arrest. Later
1939 Died in United Kingdom.
Lesson 2: Freudian Personality Theory
Sigmund Freud
Lesson 2: Freudian Personality Theory
• Conscious
• Preconscious
• Unconscious
• Id
• Ego
• Superego
1) How were Freud’s theories shaped by his life?
2) According to Freud, how does the interaction
between ID/Ego/Superego determine behavioral
Assignment:Freudian Personality
• We can use a piece of writing to obtain different types of
• Using the article entitled Sigmund Freud: Investigator of
the Unconscious to identify eight (8) of his theoretical
ideas. Highlight this information in the reading.
• Complete this assignment using the Read with a Purpose
technique of Peer Reading.
Lesson 2: Sigmund Freud
• Sigmund Freud
• Conscious
• Preconscious
• Unconscious
• Id
• Ego
• Superego
EQ: How were Freud’s theories shaped by his life?
According to Freud, how does the interaction between
ID/Ego/Superego determine behavioral outcomes?
Freud’s Personality Concept
• Id (Latin “it”)
• Basic biological drives (hunger,
thirst, sex, etc.…)
• Present at birth
• Pleasure Principles
• Eros and Thanitos
• Ego (Latin “I”)
• Consciousness
• Develops at age 2
• Reality Principles
• Superego (Latin “over the self”)
• Internalized sense of right/wrong
and societal expectation
• Fully Develops around age 11
• Morality Principles
Freudian Role Play
• Create two role plays. (>1 minute each)
• One role play will demonstrate the id or superego being satisfied at the
expense of the other and the consequences of such an action.
• The second role play will demonstrate a successful mediation between all
three parts.
• The role plays must demonstrate an understanding of the interaction
between the Id, ego, and superego.
• Everyone in the group must have a meaningful role in the skit
Freudian Role Play Rubric
Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Limited (2) Inadequate (1)
with Group
Always willing and
focused during
assigned tasks.
Usually willing and
focused during
assigned tasks.
willing and
focused during
assigned tasks.
Rarely willing and
focused during
assigned tasks.
Presentation of
communication of
understanding of
the interaction
between the id,
ego, superego.
communication of
understanding of
the interaction
between the id,
ego, superego.
of understanding
of the
between the id,
ego, superego.
of understanding
of the interaction
between the id,
ego, superego.
Use of Non-
Verbal Cues
(voice, gestures,
eye contact,
props, costumes)
An impressive
variety of non-
verbal cues were
used in an
exemplary way.
Good variety (3 or
more) verbal cues
were used in a
competent way.
A Limited variety
of non-verbal
cues were used
in an adequate
variety of non-
verbal cues were
used in a
developing way.
Time > 1:15 minute 1. minute >45 seconds < 45 seconds
Lesson: Defense Mechanisms
What do you know about denial and repression?
Lesson: Defense Mechanisms
• Defense Mechanisms
• Identification w/ aggressor
• Regression
• Denial
• Rationalization
• Projection
• Repression
• Sublimation
EQ: How do defense mechanisms affect behavior?
Assignment 1: Defense Mechanisms
•In pairs, students use text to discuss
and enter definition/examples into
the graphic organizer.
•Discuss and record an example of
each defense mechanism.
• Preventing painful or
dangerous thoughts
from entering
• Example: Individual abused as a child represses
feelings and memories, so that feelings and
memories no longer remain in the conscious
memory. The abuse continues to affect the
individual’s behavior in relationships.
• Reverting to coping
at an earlier stage of
• Example: Adult throwing a temper tantrum
• Refusal to accept
reality, external facts,
events, implications
because nature of
the reality threatens
• Example: Alcoholic who refuses to believe his
drinking makes an impact on his job performance
or family life
• Convincing oneself no
wrong was done or all
is or was all right
through faulty/false
• Example: You are turned down by someone
you are interested in, and rationalize that you
were not that attracted to them. Protects self-
• Attributing one’s own
thoughts and emotions
to another.
• Example: Assuming that someone you
extremely dislike extremely dislikes you. Severe
prejudice, severe jealousy, hyper vigilance to
external danger, and “injustice collecting”.
Reaction Formation
• Behavior completely
opposite of what one
really wants or feels;
taking opposite belief
because true belief
causes anxiety.
• Example: A manager treats employee whom
they extremely dislike ultra kindly, making
many special efforts to cater to that person and
thus hide true feelings of dislike.
• Focusing on only
intellectual parts of a
situation to create
distance from
relevant anxiety
provoking emotions.
• Example: After learning they have a terminal
illness, an individual begins spending all time
studying about the illness to avoid thinking about
the direct effect in their own life.
Identification (w/ Aggressor)
• The unconscious
modeling of one’s
self upon another
person’s character
and behavior.
• Example: Mimicking another’s dress, or
Redirecting ‘wrong’
urges into socially
acceptable actions.
• Example: Individual redirects
aggressive impulses and becomes a
football player.
Assignment 2: Defense Mechanisms
•Read A Short Story in your packet.
•Underline and identify examples of
defense mechanisms in use within the
Assignment 2: Paragraph 2
I remember one time when a relationship ended and I
was completely devastated. I cried for days and refused
to leave my house. I was looking for someone, anyone,
to come and have pity on me. By the time I emerged
from my depression, I was convinced that the break-up
was for the best. My girlfriend really had unappreciated
me and everything I tried to do for her. I figured that
there had to be a woman out there somewhere who
was meant for me, I just had to find her.
Assignment 2: Paragraph 3
When I finally got over the break-up, I really threw
myself into my work. I was determined to be the
best that I could be. I worked long hours and even
my boss began to notice what a great job I was
doing. Soon, the whole nasty break-up was behind
me, and I rarely thought about my ex-girlfriend. It
seemed as if the whole thing had happened years
ago, and I was finally happy again.
Assignment 2: Paragraph 4
However, as with all things happiness is only appreciated when
you’re unhappy. One day, from out of the blue, I received a call
from my old girlfriend. She was inviting me to her wedding next
month. I tried the best I could to sound happy, but inside I was
totally crushed. All along I had imagined that she was home
feeling sorry for having dumped me and wishing she had me back.
I had taken great comfort in thinking that she felt the same way
that I did and might someday regret the break-up. When we
finally said good-bye to each other, I was so angry that I threw the
phone across the room and watched it shatter into a million
pieces. She couldn’t be getting married; not so soon. I refused to
believe that it would happen. She would come to her senses and
come back to me. She couldn’t marry some bozo who didn’t love
her the way that I did.
Assignment 2: Paragraph 5
I stormed from the house, jumped into my car,
and began driving. I didn’t know where I was
going, and I didn’t really care. All I cared about
was going as fast as I could. While I drove I
imagined that it was me getting married next
month and living happily ever after. Soon, I was
lost in my imagination, which could take me
farther than my car ever could.
Lesson: Psychosexual Development
• Erogenous Zone
• Fixations
• Gratification
• Oedipus Complex
• Castration Anxiety
• Electra Complex
• Penis Envy
EQ: According to Freud, how do individuals
psychosexually develop?
Oral Stage
• Age: Birth-2
• Erogenous Zone: Mouth
• Primary Conflict: Weaning
• If a child is weaned too early or too late that can result in
either too much or insufficient gratification of the id.
This can result in an oral fixation.
• Oral Fixations:
Anal Stage
• Age: 2
• Erogenous Zone: Bowel/Bladder
• Primary Conflict: Potty Training
• If a child is trained too leniently or harshly this can result
in insufficient or excessive control of the ego over the id.
• Fixations:
• Anal Retentive: individual is stringent, orderly, rigid and
• Anal Expulsive: individual has a messy, wasteful or
destructive personality
Oedipus Rex
Oedipus Rex
• Oedipus’ birth father and mother are the king
and queen of Thebes.
• They are told by a prophet that their son will kill his father.
• They leave infant Oedipus to die in the mountains
• Oedipus is found and raised in Corinth (He does not know he
is adopted)
• As a young man in Corinth he receive a prophecy that he
would kill his father and sleep with his mother. He leaves
Corinth to avoid this.
• He has a fight and kills a man while traveling the road. (later
revealed it is his birth father)
• He arrives in Thebes, defeats the Sphinx, and awarded the
queens hand in marriage. (It is his birth mother)
• He later finds out and gouges out his eyes.
Phallic Stage
• Age: 3-6
• Erogenous Zone: Genitals
• Conflict: Children begin to view same-sex parent as a rival for
opposite sex parent’s affection.
Oedipus complex: feelings of wanting to possess the mother
and the desire to replace the father. However, the boy also
fears that he will be punished by the father for these feelings,
a fear Freud termed castration anxiety.
Electra complex: Female version of the Oedipus Complex.
Females desire this because they have penis envy.
Latency Stage
• Age: 7-11
• Erogenous Zone: None
• Primary Conflict: None
• Through the use of defense
mechanisms the child deals
with the id impulses
• Defense Mechanisms:
• Identification (w/ Aggressor)
• Repression
Genital Stage
• Age: 12-Older
• Erogenous Zone: Genitals
• Conflict: Sexual impulse that is linked to the Oedipus and
Electra Complex conflicts with the super-ego’s acceptance of
incest taboo.
• Resolution
• Males: Displace their feeling for their mother on to another
• Females: Displace their feeling for their father on to another
man. They give birth to a child which psychologically fulfills
their penis envy.
Stages of Psychosexual
Summarizer: Psychosexual
3 Psychosexual Stages Discussed
2 Complexes
1 Fixation
Lesson: Sleep
• Consciousness
• Biological Clocks
• Circadian Rhythms
EQ: How does sleep impact behavior?
• How have periods of deprived sleep impacted your behavior?
• What is your best story involving sleep?
Biological Clocks
• 1 year
• Seasonal Depression
• 28 days
• Menstrual Cycle
• Hormones (Men & Women)
• 24/25 hrs. (Circadian Rhythm)
• Sleep (See Next Slide)
• 90 min
• Attention
• Hunger
Circadian Rhythm
Sunlight: Biochemical Effects
Lesson: Sleep
• Amplitude
• Frequency
• Beta waves
• Delta waves
EQ: How does sleep impact behavior?
• Slow Wave Sleep
• Sleep Spindles
Typical Night of Sleep
Sleep Disorders
• Insomnia
• Sleep Apnea
• Narcolepsy
• Nightmares
• Night Terrors
• Sleep Walking
• Restless Leg Syndrome
• an inability to
fall asleep or to stay
asleep as long as
Sleep Apnea
• Pauses in breathing or instances
of abnormally low breathing,
during sleep.
• Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder caused by the brain's
inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally.
An unpleasant dream that can cause a
strong negative emotional response
from the mind
Night Terrors
an emotional sleep disturbance that may
involve anxiety, panic, or screaming.
Unlike nightmares, these episodes occur
in NREM sleep. The individual is not fully
conscious and typically does not
remember the episode in the morning.
A condition that is characterized
by an irresistible urge to move
one's body to stop
uncomfortable or odd sensations.
It most commonly affects the
legs, but can also affect other
parts of the body
Activation-Synthesis Theory
• Our cerebral cortex is
trying to interpret
random electrical
activity we have
while sleeping.
• That is why dreams
sometimes make no
• Biological theory.
Information-Processing Theory
• Dreams are a way to deal
with the stresses of
everyday life.
• We tend to dream more
when we are more
Lesson: Dreaming
• Latent Content
• Manifest Content
• Censor
EQ: EQ. How does psychology address the topic of
• Displacement
• Condensation
• Free Association
Activator: What do you believe Freud meant
when he called dreams “the royal road to
the unconscious?”
Freud on Dreams
• In pairs, read the article Freud on Dreams, and identify
(highlight/underline) all aspects that relate to his theory
on dreams.
• Discuss each point paragraph by paragraph.
• Summarize your understanding of his dream theory using
the vocabulary and have it checked by me. (Refer to unit
map for vocabulary)
• Complete Freud on Dreams question form.
• Latent Content
• Manifest Content
• Censor
• Displacement
• Condensation
• Free Association
Compose a summary that explains Freudian
dream theory using the terms below.
Lesson: Dreaming
• Latent Content
• Manifest Content
• Censor
EQ: EQ. How does psychology address the topic of
• Displacement
• Condensation
• Free Association
Activator: Identify and explain one Freudian
dream concept that most interested/confused
you from yesterday.
Freudian Dream Model
Latent Content
(Original Meaning)
Manifest Content
(Symbolic Remembered Dream)
Dream Analysis
Free Association
Freudian Letters Activity
• Preview A Method for Interpreting Dreams in
• As an individual, read Miss Field’s letter and
identify the key objects, real life events, and
key emotions.
• As a group, analyze the letter written by Miss
Field using Freudian dream analysis
• Finalize your analysis in written form.
• Compare your response to Freud’s
Lesson: Projective Tests
• Projective Tests
• Free Association
EQ: EQ. How are projective tests viewed in
contemporary psychology?
• Rorschach Inkblot
• TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)
Rorschach Inkblots
10 Inkblots (5 Black and White/5 Color and White)
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
• 20 black and white pictures
• Asked to tell a story about
the person(s)
• Story is examined looking for
revealing statements
Projective Tests
• Based on the defense mechanism
• Can be used for personality but most
commonly used to uncover problems
in personality
• Problems
• Subjective
• Low Reliability
• Different scores when given to
same person
• Low Validity
• No standard grading scale to
ensure its measuring what it is
intended to measure
Study for the
Freud and Consciousness
Lesson Activator
Any questions prior to the Individual within
Society Exam?

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Unit 3 Freud and Consciousness Power Point

  • 1. Psychology Unit 3: Freud and Consciousness By Timothy Bradley
  • 2. Lesson 1: Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud ACTIVATOR:
  • 3. Lesson 1: Sigmund Freud • Sigmund Freud • Conscious • Preconscious • Unconscious • Id • Ego • Superego EQ: How were Freud’s theories shaped by his life? According to Freud, how does the interaction between ID/Ego/Superego determine behavioral outcomes? Vocabulary
  • 4. Read with a Purpose: Timeline • Considering Freud was born in 1856 and died in 1939, use the article entitled Sigmund Freud: Investigator of the Unconscious to identify an additional eight (8) key life events. Complete this assignment using the Read with a Purpose technique of Peer Reading. Be sure to underline this information in the reading. • After completing the assignment, organize the information onto the timeline provided. Use specific dates when possible
  • 5. Timeline: Freud’s Life Year(s) Event 1856 Born Moved to Vienna, Austria. Faced anti-Semitism c. 1886 Freud studied medicine and focused on the mind. Worked with a doctor who used hypnosis. Co-published a book that first coined the phrase psychoanalysis. 1896 Father died. He studied his own dreams as a result. 1899 (1900) Published The Interpretation of Dreams c. 1900 Gathered a circle of followers that eventually broke with him. His views dominated psychology for many years. 1909 Delivered a speech in Worcester, Mass. This brought his ideas to the U.S. c. 1920 Developed his ideas about id, ego, and superego. 1938 Nazis seize Austria. He and his family are put under house arrest. Later released. 1939 Died in United Kingdom.
  • 6. Lesson 2: Freudian Personality Theory Sigmund Freud ACTIVATOR:
  • 7. Lesson 2: Freudian Personality Theory • Conscious • Preconscious • Unconscious • Id • Ego • Superego EQ: 1) How were Freud’s theories shaped by his life? 2) According to Freud, how does the interaction between ID/Ego/Superego determine behavioral outcomes? Vocabulary
  • 8. Assignment:Freudian Personality Theory • We can use a piece of writing to obtain different types of information. • Using the article entitled Sigmund Freud: Investigator of the Unconscious to identify eight (8) of his theoretical ideas. Highlight this information in the reading. • Complete this assignment using the Read with a Purpose technique of Peer Reading.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. Lesson 2: Sigmund Freud • Sigmund Freud • Conscious • Preconscious • Unconscious • Id • Ego • Superego EQ: How were Freud’s theories shaped by his life? According to Freud, how does the interaction between ID/Ego/Superego determine behavioral outcomes? Vocabulary
  • 13. Freud’s Personality Concept • Id (Latin “it”) • Basic biological drives (hunger, thirst, sex, etc.…) • Present at birth • Pleasure Principles • Eros and Thanitos • Ego (Latin “I”) • Consciousness • Develops at age 2 • Reality Principles • Superego (Latin “over the self”) • Internalized sense of right/wrong and societal expectation • Fully Develops around age 11 • Morality Principles
  • 14. Freudian Role Play • Create two role plays. (>1 minute each) • One role play will demonstrate the id or superego being satisfied at the expense of the other and the consequences of such an action. • The second role play will demonstrate a successful mediation between all three parts. • The role plays must demonstrate an understanding of the interaction between the Id, ego, and superego. • Everyone in the group must have a meaningful role in the skit
  • 15. Freudian Role Play Rubric Criteria Excellent (4) Good (3) Limited (2) Inadequate (1) Works Cooperatively with Group Always willing and focused during assigned tasks. Usually willing and focused during assigned tasks. Sometimes willing and focused during assigned tasks. Rarely willing and focused during assigned tasks. Presentation of Perspective Convincing communication of understanding of the interaction between the id, ego, superego. Competent communication of understanding of the interaction between the id, ego, superego. Limited communication of understanding of the interaction between the id, ego, superego. Inadequate communication of understanding of the interaction between the id, ego, superego. Use of Non- Verbal Cues (voice, gestures, eye contact, props, costumes) An impressive variety of non- verbal cues were used in an exemplary way. Good variety (3 or more) verbal cues were used in a competent way. A Limited variety of non-verbal cues were used in an adequate way. Inadequate variety of non- verbal cues were used in a developing way. Time > 1:15 minute 1. minute >45 seconds < 45 seconds Rubric
  • 16. Lesson: Defense Mechanisms ACTIVATOR: What do you know about denial and repression?
  • 17. Lesson: Defense Mechanisms • Defense Mechanisms • Identification w/ aggressor • Regression • Denial • Rationalization • Projection • Repression • Sublimation EQ: How do defense mechanisms affect behavior? Vocabulary
  • 18.
  • 19. Assignment 1: Defense Mechanisms •In pairs, students use text to discuss and enter definition/examples into the graphic organizer. •Discuss and record an example of each defense mechanism.
  • 20. Repression • Preventing painful or dangerous thoughts from entering consciousness • Example: Individual abused as a child represses feelings and memories, so that feelings and memories no longer remain in the conscious memory. The abuse continues to affect the individual’s behavior in relationships.
  • 21. Regression • Reverting to coping at an earlier stage of development. • Example: Adult throwing a temper tantrum
  • 22. Denial • Refusal to accept reality, external facts, events, implications because nature of the reality threatens individual. • Example: Alcoholic who refuses to believe his drinking makes an impact on his job performance or family life
  • 23. Rationalization • Convincing oneself no wrong was done or all is or was all right through faulty/false reasoning. • Example: You are turned down by someone you are interested in, and rationalize that you were not that attracted to them. Protects self- esteem.
  • 24. Projection • Attributing one’s own unacknowledged unacceptable/unwanted thoughts and emotions to another. • Example: Assuming that someone you extremely dislike extremely dislikes you. Severe prejudice, severe jealousy, hyper vigilance to external danger, and “injustice collecting”.
  • 25. Reaction Formation • Behavior completely opposite of what one really wants or feels; taking opposite belief because true belief causes anxiety. • Example: A manager treats employee whom they extremely dislike ultra kindly, making many special efforts to cater to that person and thus hide true feelings of dislike.
  • 26. Intellectualization • Focusing on only intellectual parts of a situation to create distance from relevant anxiety provoking emotions. • Example: After learning they have a terminal illness, an individual begins spending all time studying about the illness to avoid thinking about the direct effect in their own life.
  • 27. Identification (w/ Aggressor) • The unconscious modeling of one’s self upon another person’s character and behavior. • Example: Mimicking another’s dress, or mannerisms.
  • 28. Sublimation Redirecting ‘wrong’ urges into socially acceptable actions. • Example: Individual redirects aggressive impulses and becomes a football player.
  • 29.
  • 30. Assignment 2: Defense Mechanisms •Read A Short Story in your packet. •Underline and identify examples of defense mechanisms in use within the story.
  • 31. Assignment 2: Paragraph 2 I remember one time when a relationship ended and I was completely devastated. I cried for days and refused to leave my house. I was looking for someone, anyone, to come and have pity on me. By the time I emerged from my depression, I was convinced that the break-up was for the best. My girlfriend really had unappreciated me and everything I tried to do for her. I figured that there had to be a woman out there somewhere who was meant for me, I just had to find her.
  • 32. Assignment 2: Paragraph 3 When I finally got over the break-up, I really threw myself into my work. I was determined to be the best that I could be. I worked long hours and even my boss began to notice what a great job I was doing. Soon, the whole nasty break-up was behind me, and I rarely thought about my ex-girlfriend. It seemed as if the whole thing had happened years ago, and I was finally happy again.
  • 33. Assignment 2: Paragraph 4 However, as with all things happiness is only appreciated when you’re unhappy. One day, from out of the blue, I received a call from my old girlfriend. She was inviting me to her wedding next month. I tried the best I could to sound happy, but inside I was totally crushed. All along I had imagined that she was home feeling sorry for having dumped me and wishing she had me back. I had taken great comfort in thinking that she felt the same way that I did and might someday regret the break-up. When we finally said good-bye to each other, I was so angry that I threw the phone across the room and watched it shatter into a million pieces. She couldn’t be getting married; not so soon. I refused to believe that it would happen. She would come to her senses and come back to me. She couldn’t marry some bozo who didn’t love her the way that I did.
  • 34. Assignment 2: Paragraph 5 I stormed from the house, jumped into my car, and began driving. I didn’t know where I was going, and I didn’t really care. All I cared about was going as fast as I could. While I drove I imagined that it was me getting married next month and living happily ever after. Soon, I was lost in my imagination, which could take me farther than my car ever could.
  • 35. Lesson: Psychosexual Development • Erogenous Zone • Fixations • Gratification • Oedipus Complex • Castration Anxiety • Electra Complex • Penis Envy EQ: According to Freud, how do individuals psychosexually develop? Vocabulary
  • 36. Oral Stage • Age: Birth-2 • Erogenous Zone: Mouth • Primary Conflict: Weaning • If a child is weaned too early or too late that can result in either too much or insufficient gratification of the id. This can result in an oral fixation. • Oral Fixations:
  • 37. Anal Stage • Age: 2 • Erogenous Zone: Bowel/Bladder • Primary Conflict: Potty Training • If a child is trained too leniently or harshly this can result in insufficient or excessive control of the ego over the id. • Fixations: • Anal Retentive: individual is stringent, orderly, rigid and obsessive • Anal Expulsive: individual has a messy, wasteful or destructive personality
  • 39. Oedipus Rex • Oedipus’ birth father and mother are the king and queen of Thebes. • They are told by a prophet that their son will kill his father. • They leave infant Oedipus to die in the mountains • Oedipus is found and raised in Corinth (He does not know he is adopted) • As a young man in Corinth he receive a prophecy that he would kill his father and sleep with his mother. He leaves Corinth to avoid this. • He has a fight and kills a man while traveling the road. (later revealed it is his birth father) • He arrives in Thebes, defeats the Sphinx, and awarded the queens hand in marriage. (It is his birth mother) • He later finds out and gouges out his eyes.
  • 40. Phallic Stage • Age: 3-6 • Erogenous Zone: Genitals • Conflict: Children begin to view same-sex parent as a rival for opposite sex parent’s affection. Oedipus complex: feelings of wanting to possess the mother and the desire to replace the father. However, the boy also fears that he will be punished by the father for these feelings, a fear Freud termed castration anxiety. Electra complex: Female version of the Oedipus Complex. Females desire this because they have penis envy.
  • 41. Latency Stage • Age: 7-11 • Erogenous Zone: None • Primary Conflict: None • Through the use of defense mechanisms the child deals with the id impulses • Defense Mechanisms: • Identification (w/ Aggressor) • Repression
  • 42. Genital Stage • Age: 12-Older • Erogenous Zone: Genitals • Conflict: Sexual impulse that is linked to the Oedipus and Electra Complex conflicts with the super-ego’s acceptance of incest taboo. • Resolution • Males: Displace their feeling for their mother on to another women. • Females: Displace their feeling for their father on to another man. They give birth to a child which psychologically fulfills their penis envy.
  • 44. Summarizer: Psychosexual Development 3 Psychosexual Stages Discussed 2 Complexes 1 Fixation :
  • 45. Lesson: Sleep • Consciousness • Biological Clocks • Circadian Rhythms EQ: How does sleep impact behavior? Vocabulary
  • 46. Activator • How have periods of deprived sleep impacted your behavior? • What is your best story involving sleep?
  • 47.
  • 48. Biological Clocks • 1 year • Seasonal Depression • 28 days • Menstrual Cycle • Hormones (Men & Women) • 24/25 hrs. (Circadian Rhythm) • Sleep (See Next Slide) • 90 min • Attention • Hunger
  • 51. Lesson: Sleep • Amplitude • Frequency • Beta waves • Delta waves EQ: How does sleep impact behavior? Vocabulary • Slow Wave Sleep • EEG • Sleep Spindles
  • 53.
  • 54. Sleep Disorders • Insomnia • Sleep Apnea • Narcolepsy • Nightmares • Night Terrors • Sleep Walking • Restless Leg Syndrome
  • 55. Insomnia • an inability to fall asleep or to stay asleep as long as desired
  • 56. Sleep Apnea • Pauses in breathing or instances of abnormally low breathing, during sleep.
  • 57. Narcolepsy • Narcolepsy is a neurological disorder caused by the brain's inability to regulate sleep-wake cycles normally.
  • 58. Nightmares An unpleasant dream that can cause a strong negative emotional response from the mind Night Terrors an emotional sleep disturbance that may involve anxiety, panic, or screaming. Unlike nightmares, these episodes occur in NREM sleep. The individual is not fully conscious and typically does not remember the episode in the morning.
  • 59. Restless Leg Syndrome A condition that is characterized by an irresistible urge to move one's body to stop uncomfortable or odd sensations. It most commonly affects the legs, but can also affect other parts of the body
  • 60. Activation-Synthesis Theory • Our cerebral cortex is trying to interpret random electrical activity we have while sleeping. • That is why dreams sometimes make no sense. • Biological theory.
  • 61. Information-Processing Theory • Dreams are a way to deal with the stresses of everyday life. • We tend to dream more when we are more stressed.
  • 62. Lesson: Dreaming • Latent Content • Manifest Content • Censor EQ: EQ. How does psychology address the topic of dreaming? Vocabulary • Displacement • Condensation • Free Association
  • 63. Activator: What do you believe Freud meant when he called dreams “the royal road to the unconscious?”
  • 64. Freud on Dreams • In pairs, read the article Freud on Dreams, and identify (highlight/underline) all aspects that relate to his theory on dreams. • Discuss each point paragraph by paragraph. • Summarize your understanding of his dream theory using the vocabulary and have it checked by me. (Refer to unit map for vocabulary) • Complete Freud on Dreams question form.
  • 65. Summary • Latent Content • Manifest Content • Censor • Displacement • Condensation • Free Association Compose a summary that explains Freudian dream theory using the terms below.
  • 66. Lesson: Dreaming • Latent Content • Manifest Content • Censor EQ: EQ. How does psychology address the topic of dreaming? Vocabulary • Displacement • Condensation • Free Association
  • 67. Activator: Identify and explain one Freudian dream concept that most interested/confused you from yesterday.
  • 68. Freudian Dream Model Latent Content (Original Meaning) Censor Manifest Content (Symbolic Remembered Dream) Dream Analysis and Free Association -Condensation -Displacement
  • 69. Freudian Letters Activity • Preview A Method for Interpreting Dreams in Groups. • As an individual, read Miss Field’s letter and identify the key objects, real life events, and key emotions. • As a group, analyze the letter written by Miss Field using Freudian dream analysis techniques. • Finalize your analysis in written form. • Compare your response to Freud’s
  • 70. Lesson: Projective Tests • Projective Tests • Free Association EQ: EQ. How are projective tests viewed in contemporary psychology? Vocabulary • Rorschach Inkblot • TAT (Thematic Apperception Test)
  • 71. Rorschach Inkblots 10 Inkblots (5 Black and White/5 Color and White)
  • 72. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) • 20 black and white pictures • Asked to tell a story about the person(s) • Story is examined looking for revealing statements
  • 73. Projective Tests • Based on the defense mechanism “projection” • Can be used for personality but most commonly used to uncover problems in personality • Problems • Subjective • Low Reliability • Different scores when given to same person • Low Validity • No standard grading scale to ensure its measuring what it is intended to measure
  • 74. Study for the Freud and Consciousness Exam
  • 75. Lesson Activator Any questions prior to the Individual within Society Exam?