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complete guide to LDR 531 organizational leadership final
LDR 531 - Week 1 - DQ 1:
Based on your current experiences, how do you currently
collaborate with others who do not have the same work ethic or
same strengths? How well has your strategy worked?
LDR 531 - Week 1 - DQ 1:
1.According to Blake and Mouton, effective leaders are most
likely to facilitate subordinate growth and development by
1. a high concern for the task and a moderate concern for
2. a moderate concern for the task and a high concern for
3. a high concern for both the task and relationships
4. a moderate concern for both the task and relationships
2.Which of the following is most likely to be a drawback of
highly conscientious people according to the Big Five Model?
1. They focus on learning instead of performing a job
2. They do not adapt well to changing contexts
3. They emphasize excessively on being creative
4. They are unlikely to engage in numerous risky behaviors
such as smoking and drinking
3.________ is an extrinsic means of motivation.
1. Recognition
2. Flexibility
3. Responsibility
4. Salary
4.Which of the following personality traits indicates the degree
to which a person is unemotional and pragmatic and believes
that ends can justify means?
1. Extraversion
2. Narcissism
3. Machiavellianism
4. Agreeableness
1. The _____ is a personality assessment model that taps basic
dimensions which encompass most of the significant
variation in human personality, namely extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and
openness to experience.
1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
2. Big Five Model
3. Keirsey Temperament Sorter
4. Birkman Method
6. The ________ pay plan has long been popular as a means of
compensating production workers by paying a fixed sum for
each unit of production completed.
1. gainsharing
2. piece-rate
3. competency-based
4. profit sharing
7. With reference to John Holland’s personality-job fit theory,
people belonging to the investigative type prefer
1. activities that involve helping and developing others
2. ambiguous and imaginative activities that allow creative
3. physical activities that require skill, strength, and
4. activities that involve thinking, organizing, and
8. Milton Rokeach created the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS)
which consisted of two sets of values, namely ________ values
and ________ values.
1. fluid; stable
2. instrumental; terminal
3. flexible; essential
4. flexible; enduring
9. Supportive leadership is most likely to result in what outcome
for subordinates?
1. Stronger satisfaction with the leader
2. Better performance by subordinates
3. Stronger organizational commitment
4. Better coordination among subordinates
10. With reference to the job characteristics model, which of the
following defines skill variety?
1. The degree to which a job requires a variety of different
activities tapping different abilities
2. The degree to which a job requires completion of a whole
and identifiable piece of work
3. The degree to which work activities generate direct and
clear information about performance
1. The degree to which a job provides the worker freedom in
scheduling and procedure
11. Which of the following is the least desirable approach for
developing subordinates?
1. Provide constructive feedback about effective and
ineffective behavior
2. Provide detailed instructions on how to carry out each
3. Ask specific questions to help the person analyze his or her
4. Provide opportunities to learn from experience
12. Which dimension of the Big Five Model is a measure of
1. Extroversion
2. Conscientiousness
3. Emotional stability
4. Agreeableness
13. Which of the following statements is true regarding a merit-
based pay plan?
1. A typical merit-based pay plan provides no base salary and
pays the employee only for what he or she produces.
2. Unions typically resist merit-based pay plans.
3. It is also called competency-based pay plan.
4. It bases pay levels on how many skills employees have or
how many jobs they can do.
14. Those with a ________ personality identify opportunities,
show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful
change occurs, compared to others who passively react to
1. proactive
2. high self-monitoring
3. type A
4. high Mach
15. Which of the following is an instrumental value according to
the Rokeach value survey?
1. Social recognition
2. Economic success
3. Personal discipline
4. Meaning in life
16. With reference to the Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing
Cultures, ________ emphasizes a tight social framework in
which people expect others in groups of which they are a part to
look after them and protect them.
1. long-term orientation
2. masculinity
3. collectivism
4. uncertainty avoidance
17. Which of the following guidelines for recognizing an
employee’s performance was recommended?
1. Provide recognition only for outstanding performance
2. Provide more recognition to people in essential, high-
visibility jobs
3. Actively look for effective behavior or contributions to
4. Give praise in private to avoid embarrassing the recipient
18. Which of the following terms describes basic convictions
that “a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is
personally or socially preferable to an opposite mode of
1. Emotions
2. Attitudes
3. Values
4. Feelings
19. Which of the following is Theory X consistent with?
1. The use of recognition and achievements to motivate
2. The principles of participative management
3. The vertical enhancement of jobs to enhance autonomy
4. The autocratic style of managing people
20. Alex was sent to Beijing to help local managers solve the
problem of growing worker dissatisfaction at their
manufacturing facility located in the city. As part of his visit, he
decided to have a town hall meeting with the workers to
understand the problems that they were facing and the reasons
for their discontent. The turnout at the meeting was substantial;
however, when asked for their opinions and suggestions, the
crowd fell silent. As a result, Alex was unable to determine the
reason for employee dissatisfaction. Which of the following, if
true, best explains this situation?
1. The employees are genuinely concerned about improving
their lot.
2. A small portion of the workers at the facility belong to the
Baby Boomers generation.
3. Alex was sent to Beijing as he was one of the few
employees conversant in the local language.
4. There is an unequal distribution of power in the company.
21. Adam Sears is an assembly-line employee with Swenson
Motors. Though Adam is popular among his supervisors and
colleagues, Adam experiences low morale and lack of
motivation. He feels frustrated that his job is restricted to fixing
nuts and bolts on the car parts. He fears that he has no chances
of advancing in his career as he cannot completely assemble a
car. Which of the following is true with regard to Adam?
1. Adam’s job has high task complexity.
2. Adam’s job has low role definition.
3. Adam’s job has a high span of control.
4. Adam’s job has low task identity.
22. .Which of the following refers to the tendency to be
arrogant, have a grandiose sense of self-importance, require
excessive admiration, and have a sense of entitlement?
1. Asceticism
2. Cynicism
3. Narcissism
4. Stoicism
23. Which of the following refers to bottom-line conclusions
individuals have about their capabilities, competence, and worth
as a person?
1. Authoritarianism
2. Machiavellianism
3. Self-monitoring
4. Core self-evaluation
LDR 531 - Week1 – Complete:
DQ1.Based on your current experiences, how do you currently
collaboratewith others who do not have the same work ethic
or same strengths? How well has your strategy worked?
Individual Week 1 Quiz
Complete the Week 1 Quiz.
LDR 531 - Week 2 - DQ 1:
In your opinion,what are some indicatorsof a good leader?
Why are these indicatorsimportant to you?
LDR 531 - Week 2 - DQ 2:
Create a mission and vision statement of your dream
organization.What strategies would you use to communicate
this statement to your employees?
LDR 531 - Week 2 – Quiz:
1. Which of the followingis a characteristic of a positive
1. Information is restricted
2. Devotionto ideologynot personal identification
3. Centralized decision making by the leader
4. Dependency on the leader
2. Most leadershiptheories emphasize
1. both leader and follower characteristics
2. follower characteristics
3. leader characteristics
4. characteristics of the leadershipsituation
3. CEOs who exhibit charismatic characteristics were noted to
1. increase company profitability
2. generate more sales
3. make company ads
4. negotiate higher compensationpackages
4. A leadershipcontingency theory that stresses the intelligence
and experience of the leader is
1. situational leadershiptheory
2. leadershipsubstitutes theory
3. normative decision theory
4. cognitive resource theory
5. Which statement about transformational and charismatic
leadershipis most accurate?
1. Charismatic leaders are more effective in business
2. Both types of leadershipinvolvethe same underlying
3. Charisma is a necessary ingredient in transformational
4. Both types of leadershipare effective in any situation
6. A contingency theory of leadership that depends on specific
procedures for leader behaviorsand has strong support is
1. normative decision theory
2. cognitive resource theory
3. LPC contingency model
4. multiple-linkagemodel theory
7. The leadership process that describes how a group operates
in an open system with other groups is called
1. organizationalprocess
2. group process
3. intra-individual process
4. inter-active process
8. The concept that some people are natural (born) leaders is
an attribute of which leadershipapproach?
1. Behaviorapproach
2. Trait approach
3. Power-influence approach
4. Situationapproach
9. Which statement comparing transformationaland
charismatic leadership is most accurate?
1. There are no important differences between the two types
of leadership.
2. Personal identification ismore important in
3. Leader articulationof an appealingvision is important in
both theories.
4. Situationalvariablesare less importantfor charismatic
10. Which characteristic of negative charismatic leadership is
more likelyto lead to failure?
1. Tendency to make risky decisions
2. Centralized decision making
3. Identificationto the organization
4. Focus on personal power
11. A theory that emphasizes leader traits and skillsas
determinantsof leadershipbehavioris best categorized at what
1. Organizational
2. Group
3. Individual
4. Dyadic
12. Most of the leadership theory and research explainingthe
actionsof leadersand why those actionsoccurred has
1. prescriptive leadership
2. descriptive leadership
3. universal leadership
4. ethical leadership
13. A theory that explainsthe most effective pattern of
leadershipbehaviorin a specified situationis best classified as
1. descriptive
2. universal
3. prescriptive
4. contingency
14. A contingency theory that containsmediatingvariables is
1. cognitive resource theory
2. leadershipsubstitutes theory
3. situationalleadershiptheory
4. multiple-linkagemodel
15. Distant charismatics are often described in terms of their
effect on follower
1. politicalattitudes
2. identificationwith the leader
3. task behavior
4. motivation
16. Charismatic leaders add followers by
1. appealingto emotionsand articulatinga vision
2. considering other solutions
3. possessing specific expertise
4. sharing the decision making
17. Transformationalbehaviorcan include
1. inspirational motivation
2. passive management by exception
3. active management by exception
4. contingent rewards
18. One uniquecharacteristic of followers in leadershiptheory
1. task commitment and effort
2. confidence and optimism
3. skills and expertise
4. traits
19. Contingencytheories may be difficult to implement because
1. of the rapid pace of business
2. managers have time to evaluatesituations
3. there is alwaysa single best solution
4. situationalchanges happen infrequently
20. Ideologicalleaderswill developwhen the leader
1. appealsto emotion
2. appealsto shared values
3. makes a rationalappeal to followers
4. has particularexpertise
21. What level of leadership process is emphasized in most
theories of effective leadership?
1. Group
2. Organizational
3. Intra-individual
4. Dyadic
22. Effective transformationalleaders
1. delegate most decisionsto individualsor self-managed
2. use a combinationof transformationaland transactional
3. challenge strongly held values of followersto get their
4. select subordinateswho will be loyal and uncritical
LDR 531 - Week 2 - Mentorship Agreement Form:
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Agreement Form
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Mentorship
Agreement Form.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
LDR 531 - Week 2 - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet:
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 2
Meeting Worksheet.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 - Week 2 - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet:
Individual Assignment - Professional Development Plan
Assume you are the manager of your learning team and need to
develop a plan that will address the characteristics of your group
and yourself as the leader. This plan can be used to determine
the needs of the learning team and is a tool for members to
assess their skills, strengths, areas needing improvement, and the
resources needed to help them reach their career goals.
Use each Learning Team member’s DISC assessment results
completed in Week One.
Develop a combined DISC chart of your Learning Team
members for use in developing this paper. Based on the
individual assessments, what are the characteristics of your
Create a professional development plan to address the
characteristics of the Learning Team members both individually
and as a group and your ability to lead them:
Required Elements:
• No more than 1400 words
• Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
• Evaluate the individuals, including yourself, and the group
based on
the DISC assessment.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 - Week 2 - Professional Development Plan:
Individual Assignment - Professional Development Plan
Assume you are the manager of your learning team and need to
develop a plan that will address the characteristics of your group
and yourself as the leader. This plan can be used to determine
the needs of the learning team and is a tool for members to
assess their skills, strengths, areas needing improvement, and the
resources needed to help them reach their career goals.
Use each Learning Team member’s DISC assessment results
completed in Week One.
Develop a combined DISC chart of your Learning Team
members for use in developing this paper. Based on the
individual assessments, what are the characteristics of your
Create a professional development plan to address the
characteristics of the Learning Team members both individually
and as a group and your ability to lead them:
Required Elements:
• No more than 1400 words
• Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
• Evaluate the individuals, including yourself, and the group
based on
the DISC assessment.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 - Week2 - Team Weekly Reflection:
Learning Team Assignment - Team Weekly Reflection
Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Your discussion
should include the topics you feel comfortable with, any topics
you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to
application in your field.
Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of
your discussion.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 - Week 2 – Complete:
DQ1.In your opinion, what are some indicators of a good
leader? Why are these indicators important to you?
DQ2.Create a mission and vision statement of your dream
organization. What strategies would you use to communicate
this statement to your employees?
Individual Week 2 Quiz
Complete the Week 2 Quiz.
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Agreement Form
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Mentorship
Agreement Form.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 2
Meeting Worksheet.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Individual Assignment - Professional Development Plan
Assume you are the manager of your learning team and need to
develop a plan that will address the characteristics of your group
and yourself as the leader. This plan can be used to determine
the needs of the learning team and is a tool for members to
assess their skills, strengths, areas needing improvement, and the
resources needed to help them reach their career goals.
Use each Learning Team member’s DISC assessment results
completed in Week One.
Develop a combined DISC chart of your Learning Team
members for use in developing this paper. Based on the
individual assessments, what are the characteristics of your
Create a professional development plan to address the
characteristics of the Learning Team members both individually
and as a group and your ability to lead them:
Required Elements:
• No more than 1400 words
• Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
• Evaluate the individuals, including yourself, and the group
based on
the DISC assessment.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Learning Team Assignment - Team Weekly Reflection
Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Your discussion
should include the topics you feel comfortable with, any topics
you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to
application in your field.
Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of
your discussion.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 - Week 3 - DQ 1:
How do you handle conflict in your professional life? How do
you respond when someone is challenging your viewpoint?
What are some of your best practices for handling conflict?
LDR 531 - Week 3 – Quiz:
The two general approaches to negotiation are ________
bargaining and ________ bargaining.
1. formal; informal
2. affective; reflective
3. emotional; rational
4. distributive; integrative
2. When ________ is of importance in decision making, group
decisions are preferred to individual decisions.
1. efficiency
2. acceptance of solution
3. clear responsibility
4. speed
3. As a consequence of the information circulated by the
grapevine in an organization, employees experience
1. increased member satisfaction
2. increased anxiety
3. increased power
4. increased certainty
4. Genepa Corporation manufactures home appliances and other
electronic products. Genepa is planning to introduce a new
refrigerator model. The marketing manager at Genepa has
developed a marketing plan for this new product and wants to
communicate this plan to all the employees in the marketing
department. Which of the following is most likely to be the best
form of communication for communicating this plan?
1. Oral communication
2. Grapevine communication
3. Written communication
4. Nonverbal communication
5. The ________ view of conflict focuses on productive
resolution of conflicts.
1. transactional
2. managed
3. interactionist
4. rational
6. The informal communication network in an organization is
1. determined by organization
2. based on clear and factual information
3. characterized by ambiguity
4. rooted in issues of minimal importance to employees
7. Bonnie Patterson has been a manager for seven years at
Wayne and Watson, a legal consultancy firm. A good part of her
workday involves holding meetings and she likes to do work on
a time-bound schedule. For this reason, members of her team
receive the agenda at the beginning of the meeting, followed by
some time to contemplate over the issue at hand individually.
Subsequently, the team members present their ideas one after the
other, the group discusses them together, and lastly, a ranking is
done to choose the most favored idea. This represents the
________ approach of group decision making.
1. interacting
2. brainstorming
3. reference group
4. nominal group
8. When one person seeks to satisfy his or her own interests
regardless of the impact on the other parties to the conflict, that
person is using the conflict-handling intention of
1. avoiding
2. competing
3. compromising
4. accommodating
9. Jordan is a sales officer who has been underperforming over
the last three months. At the last monthly operations cycle
meeting, he was given a warning. As the time for the next
meeting draws close, Jordan fears his boss reprimanding him.
Two days before the meeting, Jordan informs his manager that
he has confirmed six deals in the last few days, one of which
involves multiple orders for their machines. He, however, skips
the detail that these are the only six orders he has been able to
obtain in the whole month. Which one of the barriers to effective
communication is depicted here?
1. Information overload
2. Language
3. Grapevine
4. Filtering
10. Shirley Shands is a hard worker but Debra, her manager, is
irritated with her. While Debra concedes that Shirley’s work
gives her no cause for complaint, Debra is tired of the
interruptions in her work because of Shirley asking for repeated
clarifications over what exactly she has to say in e-mails or
phone calls. She often requests Debra to proofread her e-mails
before sending them, and Debra feels she sends too many e-
mails instead of just speaking to the person concerned. From the
scenario, we can conclude that ________.
1. Shirley uses filtering when communicating with Debra
2. Shirley and Debra come from a high-context culture
3. Shirley suffers from communication apprehension
4. Debra is engaging in social loafing
11. ________ teams are defined as groups of employees who
perform highly related or interdependent jobs and take on many
of the responsibilities of their former supervisors.
1. Independent
2. Self-managed work
3. Cross-functional
4. Problem-solving
12. Which of the following forms of communication is
characterized by the use of only body movements, intonations,
facial expressions, and physical distance to communicate?
1. Lateral communication
2. Nonverbal communication
3. Downward communication
4. Written communication
13. Which of the following is a unique advantage of lateral
1. Lateral communication facilitates emotional expression,
enhances motivation, and helps the organization control its
employees effectively.
2. Lateral communication occurring with management’s
knowledge and support can be beneficial even if it does not
follow the formal vertical structure.
3. Lateral communication facilitates coordination at the
intradepartmental level.
4. Lateral communication helps in the transmission of ideas
and information.
14. Peter is working on a project. He feels that the parameters
need to be changed to meet client specifications. First, he must
talk to his immediate supervisor, who will then discuss the issue
with her department director before any change can be
implemented. Peter is most likely to be a part of the ________
type of small-group communication networks.
1. mesh network
2. all-channel network
3. star network
4. chain network
15. Which of the following statements is true regarding
1. Diversity of goals among groups is a major source of
2. The less specialized the activities of the group, the greater
the likelihood of conflict.
3. The smaller the group, the greater the likelihood of conflict.
4. People low in the personality traits of disagreeableness,
neuroticism, or self-monitoring are more likely to engage in
a conflict.
16. When ________, the result is role conflict.
1. compliance with the group is marked by a tendency to
notice and emphasize those aspects of the group that are
2. compliance with one role requirement may make it difficult
to comply with another
3. compliance with one role aids our performance in another
4. compliance with the group is an attempt to understand who
we are and how we fit into the world
17. ________ is defined as a phenomenon in which the norm for
consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of alternative courses
of action.
1. Social loafing
2. Groupthink
3. Cyberloafing
4. In-group favoritism
18. Most people assume that a police officer should behave in a
lawful manner, refrain from demonstrating favoritism to any
particular group, and do his or her best to uphold the law. Which
of the following terms best represents these beliefs?
1. Diversity
2. Similarity
3. Dispersion of responsibility
4. Role expectation
19. To retain its edge in the organic health food market, Natura
has established a high-priority team comprised of senior
executives from the company’s production, marketing, and
research divisions. These employees work together closely to
study consumer attitudes about organic health foods and come
up with a closely monitored development and marketing strategy
for new products. This ensures that each division is informed of
the specific needs, timelines, and expected outcomes of the
strategy. It also makes Natura a company that adapts to changes
in market trends swiftly. The team Natura uses here is of the
________ type.
1. self-managed work
2. traditional
3. cross-functional
4. problem-solving
20. Which of the following terms best describes the process that
occurs when two or more parties decide how to allocate scarce
1. Integration
2. Differentiation
3. Association
4. Negotiation
21. Matt works as a sales representative at Tandem Industries
which manufactures and sells bicycles. He is the best
salesperson on the floor, but he also receives the highest number
of customer complaints for late deliveries. Which of the
following, if true, best explains this situation?
1. The company’s manufacturing facility is functioning at
optimum capacity.
2. The company uses enterprise solutions to manage
3. The company keeps inventory levels low in order to reduce
4. The company’s sales and logistics functions are tightly
22. Which of the following is desirable when a crucial project is
delegated to a virtual team?
1. Engaging in close monitoring of the work being done by
the team throughout the project
2. Avoiding publicity of the team’s progress and success in
the organization
3. Promoting a sense of independence over group spirit to
encourage competition
4. Discouraging the sharing of unique information as it
benefits some employees unfairly
23. Synergy Inc. has recently assigned some of its best
employees to form a cross-functional team and complete a
project from a new client. Many of the employees on this team
are apprehensive about the structure and dynamics of how they
will function as a group and accomplish this goal. To energize
the employees, their immediate manager is holding a meeting
with them next week where he will provide them some
additional training in strategies and methods that may work well
for the team. The manager’s initiative to hold this meeting
fulfills the ________ function of communication
1. information
2. control
3. filtering
4. emotional expression
24. With reference to the team effectiveness model, which of the
following is one of the key components of an effective team,
included under the category of contextual factors?
1. Social loafing
2. Common purpose
3. Climate of trust
4. Team efficacy
25. A collectivist Chinese manager is most likely to use which of
the following techniques for conflict management?
1. Avoiding
2. Authoritative command
3. Pressurizing
4. Direct confrontation
26. Janice Cooper has recently joined a hospital as a part of the
internship program prescribed by the nursing school she attends.
Janice, who was inspired to take up this profession by the story
of Florence Nightingale, had very strong ideals about how she
should behave as a nurse. She felt that as a nurse, she must be
gentle, pleasant, and caring at all times so she could serve her
patients well, and she often went to great lengths as an intern by
putting in extra hours at the hospital and so on. The scenario
reflects Janice’s
1. role conflict
2. role ambiguity
3. role fuzziness
4. role perception
27. The time attendance system in the production division at
MM, an automobile manufacturing company, was
malfunctioning. Consequently, Greg Hill, one of the front-level
managers sent it for repair. In the meantime, he placed a register
where all workers of the production division had to provide their
time of entry and exit from the office. At the end of the week,
when looking through the time logs, he had certain concerns
about a group of employees. In the next week, he personally
tracked the time this group of employees spent working and
realized that they were reporting a greater number of working
hours than they actually worked. This group engaged in a barrier
to communication called
1. communication apprehension
2. filtering
3. silence
4. lying
LDR 531 - Week 3 - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet:
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 3
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
LDR 531 - Week 3 - Leadership Style:
Individual Assignment - Leadership Style
Select and describe a leader you admire. Your selected leader
may be either a real-life individual or a fictional character from
television, the movies, or a book. Using leadership theories,
analyze your selected leader to identify characteristics and
provide specific examples of leadership qualities you think
contributed to that person's success.
Evaluate your own leadership style and work with your mentor
to identify your own leadership characteristics.
Write a paper in which you explain your leadership style and
your ideas and plans for improving your effectiveness as a
leader based on your comparison with an admired leader and
your work with your mentor.
Required Elements:
• No more than 1050 words
• Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
• Evaluate your chosen leader and yourself, based on the
• Summarize the discussion with your mentor
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 - Week 3 - Weekly Reflection:
Learning Team - Weekly Reflection
Discuss and choose, as a Learning Team, the most important
barrier that you think creates a communication challenge within
groups and teams, as highlighted in the “Barriers to Effective
Communication” section in Ch. 11 of Organizational Behavior.
Why did your team choose this particular barrier and how does
it create a communication challenge? Provide real-life examples
you may have experienced regarding this particular barrier.
Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of
your discussion.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
LDR 531 - Week 3 – Complete:
DQ1.How do you handle conflict in your professional life? How
do you respond when someone is challenging your viewpoint?
What are some of your best practices for handling conflict?
Individual Assignment - Quiz
Complete the Week 3 Quiz.
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 3
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
Individual Assignment - Leadership Style
Select and describe a leader you admire. Your selected leader
may be either a real-life individual or a fictional character from
television, the movies, or a book. Using leadership theories,
analyze your selected leader to identify characteristics and
provide specific examples of leadership qualities you think
contributed to that person's success.
Evaluate your own leadership style and work with your mentor
to identify your own leadership characteristics.
Write a paper in which you explain your leadership style and
your ideas and plans for improving your effectiveness as a
leader based on your comparison with an admired leader and
your work with your mentor.
Required Elements:
• No more than 1050 words
• Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines
• Evaluate your chosen leader and yourself, based on the
• Summarize the discussion with your mentor
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Learning Team - Weekly Reflection
Discuss and choose, as a Learning Team, the most important
barrier that you think creates a communication challenge within
groups and teams, as highlighted in the “Barriers to Effective
Communication” section in Ch. 11 of Organizational Behavior.
Why did your team choose this particular barrier and how does
it create a communication challenge? Provide real-life examples
you may have experienced regarding this particular barrier.
Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of
your discussion.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
LDR 531 - Week 4 - DQ 1:
As a leader, what factors do you think would influence
your team’s attitudes and job satisfaction? Which factor
would be most important? Why? Provide an example.
LDR 531 - Week 4 - DQ 2:
How might fear affect innovation and productivity in
organizations? Describe a situation when fear had an effect on
you in your workplace. What ccould you have done to overcome
the fear?
LDR 531 - Week 4 – Quiz:
1. Which of the followingstatements is true regarding
1. Displayinga negative emotion at a negotiationcan never
be effective.
2. Angry negotiators who have less power than opponents
have better outcomes.
3. Individualswho do poorly in a negotiationdevelop positive
perceptionsof their counterpart.
4. Feeling bad about your performance during a negotiation
tends to impairfuture negotiations.
2. Which of the followingdoes cognitive dissonanceindicate
between two or more attitudes or between behaviorand
1. Consistency
2. Consistency
3. Incompatibility
4. Tenacity
3. If Alberta is a categorized as a Theory X manager, which of
the following behaviorsis she most likely to exhibit?
1. She will let her employees choose their own goals.
2. he will strictly control all the detailsof any project she is
3. She will delegate authority extensively to juniormanagers.
4. She will trust her employees to use their discretion in most
4. MBO provides individualemployees with
1. clear-cut growth paths
2. generalized feedback
3. predefined targets
4. personal performance objectives
5. ________ are caused by a specific event, are very brief, and
accompaniedby distinct facial expressions.
1. Moods
2. Emotions
3. Attitudes
4. Reactions
6. Why is Maslow’s theory criticized?
1. Its terminology tends to alienatethose to whom it is
2. There is little evidence that needs are structured or
operate in the way it describes.
3. Its terminology tends to alienatethose to whom it is
4. The concept of self-actualizationwas unfounded.
7. ________ refers to evaluativestatements or judgments
concerning objects, people, or events.
1. Appearance
2. Behavior
3. Attitude
4. Demeanor
8. Employees with positive core self-evaluationsbelieve in their
inner worth and basic competence, and are more satisfied with
their jobs than those with negative core self-evaluations.The
concept of positive core self-evaluationsindicatesthat
1. pay always has a direct correlationwith job satisfaction
2. job conditionshave a direct influence on job satisfaction
3. promotionsand growth opportunitiesinfluence job
4. personalityplays a role in job satisfaction
9. Which of the followingstatements is true regarding the
effects of moods and emotions on decision making?
1. Positive emotionstend to diminishproblem-solving skills
and analyticalskills.
2. People with positive emotions are slower at processing
informationas compared to depressed people.
3. Depressed people tend to weigh all possible optionsrather
than the most likely ones.
4. Moodsand emotions have no direct influence on decision
10. Emotionssuch as relaxation,serenity, and calmness
comprise the ________ mood dimension.
1. neutral affect
2. low negative affect
3. low positive affect
4. detached affect
11. Susan Danielsworks for an event management company
and is discontent with her job because she was passed over for
a promotion. She has now composed a list of concerns and
plansto discuss the issue with her supervisor. Daniels’ response
to the problem is referred to as
1. neglect
2. voice
3. acceptance
4. loyalty
12. Which of the following statements represents the cognitive
component of attitude?
1. It is disappointingto know that I did not get a good
2. This job is not giving me an opportunityto explore my
3. I intend to work during the weekend to meet the month’s
4. I have decided to inform my supervisor that I will be
quitting my job.
13. Which of the following statements is true regarding goal-
setting theory?
1. Externally generated feedback is more powerful than self-
generated feedback.
2. People do better when they get feedback on how well
they are progressing toward their goals.
3. Goal commitment is more likely when individualshave an
external locus of control.
4. Assigned goals generate greater goal commitment in low
rather than high power-distance cultures.
14. Self-determinationtheory proposes that in additionto
being driven by a need for autonomy, peopleseek ways to
1. power and control
2. recognition and status
3. high rewards
4. competence and positive connections
15. The church you go to every Sunday is made up of people
who have very different lifestyles and are at different stages in
their life. Joannais a 23-year-old, single parent who works for
minimum wage and shifts from motel to motel for
accommodation.Josephineis a single, 45-year-old woman who
earns a decent salary and has few interests and friends outside
her office. Jonathanis 60 years old, extremely wealthy, has a
loving family, and enjoys his work. You have decided to apply
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to determine what motivateseach
of these individuals.
Which of the followingneeds would most likely motivate
1. Social
2. Esteem
3. Physiological
4. Safety
16. Charles, Anna, Elle, and Adam are college friends and work
in New York City. Comfortable living in New York occurs at
about $40,000 a year. Charles makes $24,000 a year, Anna
makes $30,000 a year, Elle makes $50,000 a year, and Adam
makes $75,000 a year. Which of the following is most likelyto
be true with reference to correlation between pay and job
1. Anna is more satisfied with the job than Adam.
2. Elle and Adam are most likely to have a similarlevel of job
3. Charles and Anna have the same levelsof job satisfaction
in relationto their pay.
4. Charles is more satisfied with his job in comparison with
17. Which of the following is an example of deviant workplace
1. Requesting a two-day leave during Christmas
2. Sabotaging one’s organization’scomputers
3. Disagreeing with others in a problem-solving meeting
4. Taking blame for not achievinga deadline
18. Tiffany Crowe works as a showroom executive at a clothing
boutiquein London.Today, she is in a positive mood and
instantly greets and smiles at a customer who walks into the
store. The customer feels welcomed by her response. While
browsing the store, Crowe helps the customer with products
and passes on her positive mood to the customer. The
customer leaves the store feeling content with a smile on her
face. Which of the followingbest describes this situation?
1. Positivity offset
2. Emotionalcontagion
3. Halo effect
4. Framing effect
19. Gerard Yoder believes that every time he picks up his
daughter, Penny, from school, it brings him good luck. The last
time he picked her up from school, he won a lottery ticket.
Today, after he received her from school, he reached his office
and found out that he has been promoted. Which of the
following concepts best describes Yoder’s belief?
1. Bandwagoneffect
2. Positive bias
3. Affect intensity
4. Illusory correlation
LDR 531 - Week 4 - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet:
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
Complete the University of PhoenixMaterial:Week 4
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
LDR 531 - Week 4 - Conflict Resolution:
Learning Team - ConflictResolution
As you continue to develop in your career, you will find that
your responsibilitiesas a leader will increase. You will be tasked
with many different jobs, such as managing conflict, handling
communicationchallenges among your team members, or
addressing organizational communication needs.As you know,
no employee likes to speak up only to have his or her ideas not
taken seriously, or to confront others about their working
styles, or to face uncomfortablegossip among coworkers.
View the LDR/531 Storybooks.
Develop a summary of no more than 1,050 words that includes
multipleways to handlethe three situationsshown in the
Discuss communicationstyles and barriers and the conflict and
negotiationprocess involvedin handlingthe three situations.
For each storybook, describe the strategy or strategies you
would apply in these situations.
Consider the following as you complete the assignment:
Storybook #1:
• How would you react when a team member is being vague
and trying to spin bad news to sound more positive, thereby
making it harder for the team to actuallyapproach and resolve
the issue?
• How could you encourage someone to continueto voice his
or her opinionor to share an idea when you know she is
hesitant to do so?
Storybook #2:
• As a manager, how would you relay an important negative
message with as little impact on your team as possible? Why
would you choose this method?
• What is the best way to handlegossip before it spreads?
• How might you handleyour team's feelingsafter a negative
situationhas occurred that does not directly affect your team
but affects others around them?
Storybook #3:
• What strategies would you use to help your team alleviate
stress caused by deadlinesbefore any conflict arises?
General question for all three storybooks:
• Think about a personal situationfrom your work experience
that is similarto each storybook scenario. How would you
approachthe situation differently based on the principlesyou
learned in the storybooks? How might the results change?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
LDR 531 - Week 4 – Complete:
DQ1.As a leader, what factors do you thinkwould influence
your team’s attitudes and job satisfaction? Which factor
would be most important. Why? Provide an example.
DQ2.How might fear affect innovation and productivity in
organizations? Describe a situation when fear had an effect
on you in your workplace. What ccould you have done to
overcome the fear?
Individual Assignment - Quiz
Complete the Week 4 Quiz.
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 4
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
Learning Team - Conflict Resolution
As you continue to develop in your career, you will find that
your responsibilities as a leader will increase. You will be
tasked with many different jobs, such as managing conflict,
handling communication challenges among your team
members, or addressing organizational communication
needs. As you know, no employee likes to speak up only to
have his or her ideas not taken seriously, or to confront
others about their working styles, or to face uncomfortable
gossip among coworkers.
View the LDR/531 Storybooks.
Develop a summary of no more than 1,050 words that
includes multiple ways to handle the three situations shown
in the Storybooks.
Discuss communication styles and barriers and the conflict
and negotiation process involved in handling the three
situations. For each storybook, describe the strategy or
strategies you would apply in these situations.
Consider the following as you complete the assignment:
Storybook #1:
• How would you react when a team member is being vague
and trying to spin bad news to sound more positive, thereby
making it harder for the team to actually approach and
resolve the issue?
• How could you encourage someone to continue to voice his
or her opinion or to share an idea when you know she is
hesitant to do so?
Storybook #2:
• As a manager, how would you relay an important negative
message with as little impact on your team as possible? Why
would you choose this method?
• What is the best way to handle gossip before it spreads?
• How might you handle your team's feelings after a
negative situation has occurred that does not directly affect
your team but affects others around them?
Storybook #3:
• What strategies would you use to help your team alleviate
stress caused by deadlines before any conflict arises?
General question for all three storybooks:
• Think about a personal situation from your work experience
that is similar to each storybook scenario. How would you
approach the situation differently based on the principles you
learned in the storybooks? How might the results change?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
LDR 531 - Week 5 - DQ 1:
How could you create a culture in your department that would
foster a positive working experience, even though there would
be different personalities, viewpoints,work ethics, and so
LDR 531 - Week 5 - DQ 2:
In which type of organizationalstructure do you think your
leadershipstyle would be most effective? In what kind of
structure would it be least effective? Compare and contrast the
LDR 531 - Week 5 – Quiz:
1. Which of the following is typically a characteristic of the
mechanistic model of organization?
1. Low formalization
2. Decentralized management
3. Wide span of controls
4. Rigid departmentalization
2. Which of the following actions can extinguish risk taking and
1. Using organic organizational structures
2. Rewarding for the absence of failures rather than for the
presence of success
3. Long tenure in management
4. Encouraging experimentation
3. Culture is most likely to be a liability when
1. the organization’s management is highly efficient
2. the organization scores low on the degree of formalization
3. the organization’s environment is dynamic
4. the organization is highly centralized
4. Strategy of differentiation consists of which of the following?
1. Price, support, design
2. Cost leadership, differentiation, cost focus
3. Upstream business strategy, midstream business strategy,
downstream business strategy
4. Sourcing strategies, processing strategies, delivering
5. Decision making within which one of the following
organizational structures follows a strict chain of command?
1. Boundaryless
2. Bureaucracy
3. Virtual
4. Matrix
6. Which of the following factors is least likely to have an
impact on organizational structure?
1. Location
2. Technology
3. Size
4. Strategy
7. The deemphasizing of hierarchical authority and control in
organizational development is referred to as
1. trust and support
2. vertical blending
3. horizontal integration
4. power equalization
8. Which of the following statements is true regarding the
functions of culture in an organization?
1. It hinders the generation of commitment to something
larger than individual self-interest among employees.
2. It reduces the stability of the organizational system.
3. It does not affect employees’ attitudes and behavior.
4. It conveys a sense of identity for organization members.
9. Which of the following is the first step in Kotter’s eight-step
plan for implementing change?
1. Create a new vision to direct the change and strategies for
achieving the vision.
2. Establish a sense of urgency by creating a compelling
reason for why change is needed.
3. Form a coalition with enough power to lead change.
4. Plan for, create, and reward short-term “wins” that move
the organization toward the new vision.
10. Which of the following is least likely to lend to a simple
organizational structure?
1. Centralized authority
2. Formalized rules and regulations
3. Little departmentalization
4. Wide span of control
11. Confusion in who reports to whom is a weakness of which
one of the following organizational structures?
1. Boundaryless
2. Virtual
3. Matrix
4. Bureaucracy
12. Which of the following is least likely to realize a competitive
advantage for an organization?
1. Superior strategy
2. Superior resources
3. Superior skills
4. Superior position
13. Which of the following is the last step in Kotter’s eight-step
plan for implementing change?
1. Consolidate improvements, reassess changes, and make
necessary adjustments in the new programs.
2. Establish a sense of urgency by creating a compelling
reason for why change is needed.
3. Communicate the vision throughout the organization.
4. Reinforce the changes by demonstrating the relationship
between new behaviors and organizational success.
14. Idea champions display characteristics associated with
_________ leadership.
1. laissez-faire
2. transformational
3. narcissistic
4. autocratic
15. Entering into various types of business ventures outside of
the realm of an organization’s usual type of business is an
example of a ________ strategy.
1. chain integration
2. customizing
3. diversification
4. undifferentiating
16. A(n) ________ organization is an organization that takes on
a life of its own, apart from its founders and members, and is
valued for itself and not for the goods or services it produces.
1. matrix
2. virtual
3. institutionalized
4. centralized
17. It is easiest for management to deal with resistance when it
1. implicit
2. deferred
3. passive
4. overt
18. Which of the following statements is true regarding
1. Innovation is nurtured when there is an abundance of
2. Innovative organizations reward both successes and
3. Organic structures negatively influence innovation.
4. Interunit communication is low in innovative organizations.
19. Which of the following resistances to change is implicit?
1. Strike
2. Resignation
3. Increased error
4. Complaint
20. A(n) __________ strategy emphasizes the introduction of
major new products and services.
1. mechanistic
2. cost-minimization
3. innovation
4. organic
21. The focus of a single segmentation within a scope strategy is
known as a _______ strategy.
1. niche
2. customizing
3. segmentation
4. unsegmentation
22. Sometimes, businesses find it necessary to reconceive their
core business. Which of the following would be the least
effective strategy for doing so?
1. Core relocation
2. Business customization
3. Business recombination
4. Business redefinition
23. ________ are persons who act as catalysts and assume the
responsibility for managing refinement activities.
1. Change agents
2. Free riders
3. Whistle-blowers
4. Laggards
24. ________ is a collection of change methods that seek to
improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being.
1. Organizational restructuring
2. Operant conditioning
3. Organizational polarization
4. Organizational development
25. Which of the following is an example of an individual
source of resistance to change?
1. Structural inertia
2. Fear of the unknown
3. Product orientation
4. Employee orientation
LDR 531 - Week5 - MentorshipMeeting Worksheet:
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 5
Meeting Worksheet.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
LDR 531 - Week5 - MotivationPlan:
Individual Assignment - Motivation Plan
Use the DISC assessment results from your Learning Team
members. Interview your mentor to gather information about
your mentor’s organization, the department your mentor works
in, and his or her job description.
Write a plan that may be applied to your mentor's department
and that would increase your Learning Team members'
motivation, satisfaction, and performance based on their
personal profiles, as if they were employees of that department.
Required Elements:
• No more than 1400 words
• Analyze specific differences in attitudes, emotions,
personalities, and values among your Learning Team members,
and address how each difference might be used to positively
influence behavior.
• Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Learning Team Assignment - Team Weekly Reflection
Complete the 360 assessment.
Discuss the benefits of using this assessment as a tool.
Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of the
360 assessment.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
LDR 531 - Week5 - Team WeeklyReflection:
Complete the 360 assessment.
Discuss the benefits of using this assessment as a tool.
Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of the
Clickthe Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
LDR 531 - Week 5 – Complete:
Q1.How could you create a culture in your department that
would foster a positive working experience, even though there
would be different personalities, viewpoints, work ethics, and so
DQ2.In which type of organizational structure do you think your
leadership style would be most effective? In what kind of
structure would it be least effective? Compare and contrast the
Individual Assignment - Quiz
Complete the Week 5 Quiz.
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 5
Meeting Worksheet.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
Individual Assignment - Motivation Plan
Use the DISC assessment results from your Learning Team
members. Interview your mentor to gather information about
your mentor’s organization, the department your mentor works
in, and his or her job description.
Write a plan that may be applied to your mentor's department
and that would increase your Learning Team members'
motivation, satisfaction, and performance based on their
personal profiles, as if they were employees of that department.
Required Elements:
• No more than 1400 words
• Analyze specific differences in attitudes, emotions,
personalities, and values among your Learning Team members,
and address how each difference might be used to positively
influence behavior.
• Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Learning Team Assignment - Team Weekly Reflection
Complete the 360 assessment.
Discuss the benefits of using this assessment as a tool.
Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of the
360 assessment.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
Learning Team Assignment - Week 5 Team Weekly
Complete the 360 assessment.
Discuss the benefits of using this assessment as a tool.
Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of the
Clickthe Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
LDR 531 - Week 6 - DQ 1:
How does organizational culture influence organizational
change? Provide specific examples.
LDR 531 - Week 6 - DQ 2:
How will you prepare yourself and your team to welcome
LDR 531 - Week 6 – Quiz:
1. The validity of a strategy for organizational change lies in its
1. speed of implementation
2. adaptability
3. clarity of vision
4. simplicity
2. Hard power tactics best influence those with which following
1. Action oriented
2. High self-esteem
3. Reflective orientation
4. Intrinsically motivated
3. Surveys of seasoned managers reveal they believe politics in
the workplace is
1. a major part of organizational life
2. part of some job requirements
3. always unethical
4. ineffective
4. During organizational change, employee–management
interfaces such as workshops and retreats
1. distract the participants from the real issues
2. initiate
3. help employees overcome downsizing issues
4. solve communication problems relatively short-term
periods of high-energy action
5. With downward influence, power tactics preferred by U.S.
managers include
1. inspirational appeals
2. influence
3. personal appeals
4. coalitions
6. Periods of convergence are those in which an organization
1. is in turmoil
2. must downsize to conserve resources
3. seeks to improve its situation with relatively minor changes
4. employs new strategies to advance the organization
7. Transformational change in an organization
1. has no defined formula
2. is best delivered by a bottom-up plan
3. is always necessary to some degree
4. is best delivered by a top-down plan
8. Political behavior in the workplace
1. works only in an upward or lateral influence direction
2. attempts to influence decision making
3. is unlikely in a well-run organization
4. works only in a lateral influence direction
9. Organizational change relies on a balance of change and
1. continuity
2. vision
3. planning
4. strategy
10. Buck passing and scapegoating when politics is seen as a
threat are forms of
1. defensive behaviors
2. offensive behaviors
3. suppression
4. aggression
11. To keep a strategy in focus, effective managers employ
1. rigid implementation
2. central themes
3. simple goals
4. piecemeal implementation
12. The formulation and implementation of a strategy
1. must be completely defined before action is taken
2. are ongoing events within an organization
3. follow strict, unalterable guidelines
4. are separate and sequential processes
13. A person likely to participate in political behavior
1. is insensitive to social cues
2. believes he or she has little influence
3. has a desire for power
4. is a social nonconformist
14. Politicking is less likely in organizations that have
1. adeclining resources
2. high role ambiguity
3. clear performance appraisal systems
4. democratic decision making
15. Central to managing a successful organizational strategy
implementation are/is
1. coalition management
2. formal models of implementation
3. competitive teams
4. tracking progress
16. In convergent periods, the role of executive management is
1. develop new strategies for the problems at hand
2. challenge middle managers to reinvent their departments
3. shift middle managers to promote new views
4. reemphasize the mission and core values
17. An influence tactic that relies on rank and enforcement of
group goals is
1. coalitions
2. legitimacy
3. pressure
4. personal appeals
18. A primary goal of politics in the workplace is to
1. form alliances
2. exclude undesirable peers
3. secure limited resources
4. promote organizational goals
19. Impression management sends _____ messages that may be
_____ under other circumstances.
1. true, false
2. convincing, unconvincing
3. false, true
4. ethical, unethical
20. Organizational momentum relates to
1. patterns of behavior, norms, and values
2. growth in sales, profits, and so forth
3. willingness to move beyond incremental change
4. the rate of change to make improvements
LDR 531 - Week 6 - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet:
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 6
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 - Week 6 - FailureAnalysis Change Strategy:
Learning Team Assignment - FailureAnalysis/Change
While there is no blueprint or checklist that one can follow to
guarantee the success of a business, much can be learned from
analyzing those that have failed and those that have flourished
during the same time period and under similar circumstances.
Write a paper of no more than 2,000 words.
Part 1: Business Failure Analysis
Select a business that failed and one that succeeded within the
last 5 years.
Identify each organization’s objectives, vision, and mission.
Determine the indicators of the business failure and success
from research. These may include aspects of the leadership style,
communication, structure, and so forth.
Describe how specific organizational behavior theories could
have predicted or explained the company’s failure or success.
Describe the role of leadership, management, organizational
structure, and the culture of the organization and its departments
in the failure and success of the businesses.
Part 2: Leading Organizational Change Imagine that you are the
CEO of the failed organization before the business failure took
place. You now have the opportunity to lead the organization in
a change process to prevent the impending failure.
Identify the most vital areas for change.
Identify the potential barriers you will face during the change
Evaluate the power and political issues within the organization
and describe how you will address these issues.
Describe the steps you will follow to implement the
organizational change based on John Kotter’s 8-step plan for
implementing change.
Include at least two peer-reviewed articles from the University
of Phoenix Library.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
LDR 531 - Week 6 – Complete:
DQ1.How does organizational culture influence organizational
change? Provide specific examples.
DQ2.How will you prepare yourself and your team to welcome
Individual Assignment - Quiz
Complete the Week 6 Quiz.
Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet
Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 6
Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Learning Team Assignment - FailureAnalysis/Change
While there is no blueprint or checklist that one can follow to
guarantee the success of a business, much can be learned from
analyzing those that have failed and those that have flourished
during the same time period and under similar circumstances.
Write a paper of no more than 2,000 words.
Part 1: Business Failure Analysis
Select a business that failed and one that succeeded within the
last 5 years.
Identify each organization’s objectives, vision, and mission.
Determine the indicators of the business failure and success
from research. These may include aspects of the leadership style,
communication, structure, and so forth.
Describe how specific organizational behavior theories could
have predicted or explained the company’s failure or success.
Describe the role of leadership, management, organizational
structure, and the culture of the organization and its departments
in the failure and success of the businesses.
Part 2: Leading Organizational Change Imagine that you are the
CEO of the failed organization before the business failure took
place. You now have the opportunity to lead the organization in
a change process to prevent the impending failure.
Identify the most vital areas for change.
Identify the potential barriers you will face during the change
Evaluate the power and political issues within the organization
and describe how you will address these issues.
Describe the steps you will follow to implement the
organizational change based on John Kotter’s 8-step plan for
implementing change.
Include at least two peer-reviewed articles from the University
of Phoenix Library.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
Individual Assignment - Final Examination
Complete the Final Examination. You are allowed one attempt to
complete the examination, which is timed and must be
completed in 3 hours. Results are auto-graded and sent to your
ECO 372 Final Exam
FIN 571 Final Exam
LAW 575 Final Exam
LDR 300 Final Exam
MKT 571 Final Exam
MKT 578 Final Exam
OPS 571 Final Exam
LDR 531 FINAL EXAM - LDR 531 FINAL EXAM Questions and Answers | Studentwhiz
LDR 531 FINAL EXAM - LDR 531 FINAL EXAM Questions and Answers | Studentwhiz

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LDR 531 FINAL EXAM - LDR 531 FINAL EXAM Questions and Answers | Studentwhiz

  • 1. LDR 531 FINAL EXAM We provide LDR students with the information they need to be successful after graduation. You get here best a student's guide to learn about LDR 531 final exam questions and answers. Your complete guide to LDR 531 organizational leadership final exam. WEEK-1 LDR 531 - Week 1 - DQ 1: Based on your current experiences, how do you currently collaborate with others who do not have the same work ethic or same strengths? How well has your strategy worked? LDR 531 - Week 1 - DQ 1: 1.According to Blake and Mouton, effective leaders are most likely to facilitate subordinate growth and development by having 1. a high concern for the task and a moderate concern for relationships 2. a moderate concern for the task and a high concern for relationships 3. a high concern for both the task and relationships 4. a moderate concern for both the task and relationships
  • 2. 2.Which of the following is most likely to be a drawback of highly conscientious people according to the Big Five Model? 1. They focus on learning instead of performing a job 2. They do not adapt well to changing contexts 3. They emphasize excessively on being creative 4. They are unlikely to engage in numerous risky behaviors such as smoking and drinking 3.________ is an extrinsic means of motivation. 1. Recognition 2. Flexibility 3. Responsibility 4. Salary 4.Which of the following personality traits indicates the degree to which a person is unemotional and pragmatic and believes that ends can justify means? 1. Extraversion 2. Narcissism 3. Machiavellianism 4. Agreeableness 1. The _____ is a personality assessment model that taps basic dimensions which encompass most of the significant variation in human personality, namely extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience. 1. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator 2. Big Five Model 3. Keirsey Temperament Sorter
  • 3. 4. Birkman Method 6. The ________ pay plan has long been popular as a means of compensating production workers by paying a fixed sum for each unit of production completed. 1. gainsharing 2. piece-rate 3. competency-based 4. profit sharing 7. With reference to John Holland’s personality-job fit theory, people belonging to the investigative type prefer 1. activities that involve helping and developing others 2. ambiguous and imaginative activities that allow creative expression 3. physical activities that require skill, strength, and coordination 4. activities that involve thinking, organizing, and understanding 8. Milton Rokeach created the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) which consisted of two sets of values, namely ________ values and ________ values. 1. fluid; stable 2. instrumental; terminal 3. flexible; essential 4. flexible; enduring 9. Supportive leadership is most likely to result in what outcome for subordinates?
  • 4. 1. Stronger satisfaction with the leader 2. Better performance by subordinates 3. Stronger organizational commitment 4. Better coordination among subordinates 10. With reference to the job characteristics model, which of the following defines skill variety? 1. The degree to which a job requires a variety of different activities tapping different abilities 2. The degree to which a job requires completion of a whole and identifiable piece of work 3. The degree to which work activities generate direct and clear information about performance 1. The degree to which a job provides the worker freedom in scheduling and procedure 11. Which of the following is the least desirable approach for developing subordinates? 1. Provide constructive feedback about effective and ineffective behavior 2. Provide detailed instructions on how to carry out each assignment 3. Ask specific questions to help the person analyze his or her performance 4. Provide opportunities to learn from experience 12. Which dimension of the Big Five Model is a measure of reliability? 1. Extroversion 2. Conscientiousness
  • 5. 3. Emotional stability 4. Agreeableness 13. Which of the following statements is true regarding a merit- based pay plan? 1. A typical merit-based pay plan provides no base salary and pays the employee only for what he or she produces. 2. Unions typically resist merit-based pay plans. 3. It is also called competency-based pay plan. 4. It bases pay levels on how many skills employees have or how many jobs they can do. 14. Those with a ________ personality identify opportunities, show initiative, take action, and persevere until meaningful change occurs, compared to others who passively react to situations. 1. proactive 2. high self-monitoring 3. type A 4. high Mach 15. Which of the following is an instrumental value according to the Rokeach value survey? 1. Social recognition 2. Economic success 3. Personal discipline 4. Meaning in life 16. With reference to the Hofstede’s Framework for Assessing Cultures, ________ emphasizes a tight social framework in
  • 6. which people expect others in groups of which they are a part to look after them and protect them. 1. long-term orientation 2. masculinity 3. collectivism 4. uncertainty avoidance 17. Which of the following guidelines for recognizing an employee’s performance was recommended? 1. Provide recognition only for outstanding performance 2. Provide more recognition to people in essential, high- visibility jobs 3. Actively look for effective behavior or contributions to recognize 4. Give praise in private to avoid embarrassing the recipient 18. Which of the following terms describes basic convictions that “a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite mode of conduct”? 1. Emotions 2. Attitudes 3. Values 4. Feelings 19. Which of the following is Theory X consistent with? 1. The use of recognition and achievements to motivate employees 2. The principles of participative management 3. The vertical enhancement of jobs to enhance autonomy 4. The autocratic style of managing people
  • 7. 20. Alex was sent to Beijing to help local managers solve the problem of growing worker dissatisfaction at their manufacturing facility located in the city. As part of his visit, he decided to have a town hall meeting with the workers to understand the problems that they were facing and the reasons for their discontent. The turnout at the meeting was substantial; however, when asked for their opinions and suggestions, the crowd fell silent. As a result, Alex was unable to determine the reason for employee dissatisfaction. Which of the following, if true, best explains this situation? 1. The employees are genuinely concerned about improving their lot. 2. A small portion of the workers at the facility belong to the Baby Boomers generation. 3. Alex was sent to Beijing as he was one of the few employees conversant in the local language. 4. There is an unequal distribution of power in the company. 21. Adam Sears is an assembly-line employee with Swenson Motors. Though Adam is popular among his supervisors and colleagues, Adam experiences low morale and lack of motivation. He feels frustrated that his job is restricted to fixing nuts and bolts on the car parts. He fears that he has no chances of advancing in his career as he cannot completely assemble a car. Which of the following is true with regard to Adam? 1. Adam’s job has high task complexity. 2. Adam’s job has low role definition. 3. Adam’s job has a high span of control. 4. Adam’s job has low task identity.
  • 8. 22. .Which of the following refers to the tendency to be arrogant, have a grandiose sense of self-importance, require excessive admiration, and have a sense of entitlement? 1. Asceticism 2. Cynicism 3. Narcissism 4. Stoicism 23. Which of the following refers to bottom-line conclusions individuals have about their capabilities, competence, and worth as a person? 1. Authoritarianism 2. Machiavellianism 3. Self-monitoring 4. Core self-evaluation LDR 531 - Week1 – Complete: DQ1.Based on your current experiences, how do you currently collaboratewith others who do not have the same work ethic or same strengths? How well has your strategy worked? Individual Week 1 Quiz Complete the Week 1 Quiz.
  • 9. WEEK-2 LDR 531 - Week 2 - DQ 1: In your opinion,what are some indicatorsof a good leader? Why are these indicatorsimportant to you? LDR 531 - Week 2 - DQ 2: Create a mission and vision statement of your dream organization.What strategies would you use to communicate this statement to your employees? LDR 531 - Week 2 – Quiz:
  • 10. 1. Which of the followingis a characteristic of a positive charismatic? 1. Information is restricted 2. Devotionto ideologynot personal identification 3. Centralized decision making by the leader 4. Dependency on the leader 2. Most leadershiptheories emphasize 1. both leader and follower characteristics 2. follower characteristics 3. leader characteristics 4. characteristics of the leadershipsituation 3. CEOs who exhibit charismatic characteristics were noted to 1. increase company profitability 2. generate more sales 3. make company ads 4. negotiate higher compensationpackages 4. A leadershipcontingency theory that stresses the intelligence and experience of the leader is
  • 11. 1. situational leadershiptheory 2. leadershipsubstitutes theory 3. normative decision theory 4. cognitive resource theory 5. Which statement about transformational and charismatic leadershipis most accurate? 1. Charismatic leaders are more effective in business organizations 2. Both types of leadershipinvolvethe same underlying processes 3. Charisma is a necessary ingredient in transformational leadership 4. Both types of leadershipare effective in any situation 6. A contingency theory of leadership that depends on specific procedures for leader behaviorsand has strong support is 1. normative decision theory 2. cognitive resource theory 3. LPC contingency model 4. multiple-linkagemodel theory
  • 12. 7. The leadership process that describes how a group operates in an open system with other groups is called 1. organizationalprocess 2. group process 3. intra-individual process 4. inter-active process 8. The concept that some people are natural (born) leaders is an attribute of which leadershipapproach? 1. Behaviorapproach 2. Trait approach 3. Power-influence approach 4. Situationapproach 9. Which statement comparing transformationaland charismatic leadership is most accurate? 1. There are no important differences between the two types of leadership. 2. Personal identification ismore important in transformationalleadership. 3. Leader articulationof an appealingvision is important in both theories.
  • 13. 4. Situationalvariablesare less importantfor charismatic leadership. 10. Which characteristic of negative charismatic leadership is more likelyto lead to failure? 1. Tendency to make risky decisions 2. Centralized decision making 3. Identificationto the organization 4. Focus on personal power 11. A theory that emphasizes leader traits and skillsas determinantsof leadershipbehavioris best categorized at what level? 1. Organizational 2. Group 3. Individual 4. Dyadic 12. Most of the leadership theory and research explainingthe actionsof leadersand why those actionsoccurred has described 1. prescriptive leadership
  • 14. 2. descriptive leadership 3. universal leadership 4. ethical leadership 13. A theory that explainsthe most effective pattern of leadershipbehaviorin a specified situationis best classified as 1. descriptive 2. universal 3. prescriptive 4. contingency 14. A contingency theory that containsmediatingvariables is 1. cognitive resource theory 2. leadershipsubstitutes theory 3. situationalleadershiptheory 4. multiple-linkagemodel 15. Distant charismatics are often described in terms of their effect on follower 1. politicalattitudes 2. identificationwith the leader
  • 15. 3. task behavior 4. motivation 16. Charismatic leaders add followers by 1. appealingto emotionsand articulatinga vision 2. considering other solutions 3. possessing specific expertise 4. sharing the decision making 17. Transformationalbehaviorcan include 1. inspirational motivation 2. passive management by exception 3. active management by exception 4. contingent rewards 18. One uniquecharacteristic of followers in leadershiptheory is 1. task commitment and effort 2. confidence and optimism 3. skills and expertise
  • 16. 4. traits 19. Contingencytheories may be difficult to implement because 1. of the rapid pace of business 2. managers have time to evaluatesituations 3. there is alwaysa single best solution 4. situationalchanges happen infrequently 20. Ideologicalleaderswill developwhen the leader 1. appealsto emotion 2. appealsto shared values 3. makes a rationalappeal to followers 4. has particularexpertise 21. What level of leadership process is emphasized in most theories of effective leadership? 1. Group 2. Organizational 3. Intra-individual 4. Dyadic
  • 17. 22. Effective transformationalleaders 1. delegate most decisionsto individualsor self-managed teams 2. use a combinationof transformationaland transactional behaviors 3. challenge strongly held values of followersto get their attention 4. select subordinateswho will be loyal and uncritical LDR 531 - Week 2 - Mentorship Agreement Form: Individual Assignment - Mentorship Agreement Form Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Mentorship Agreement Form. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment LDR 531 - Week 2 - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet: Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 2 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. LDR 531 - Week 2 - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet:
  • 18. Individual Assignment - Professional Development Plan Assume you are the manager of your learning team and need to develop a plan that will address the characteristics of your group and yourself as the leader. This plan can be used to determine the needs of the learning team and is a tool for members to assess their skills, strengths, areas needing improvement, and the resources needed to help them reach their career goals. Use each Learning Team member’s DISC assessment results completed in Week One. Develop a combined DISC chart of your Learning Team members for use in developing this paper. Based on the individual assessments, what are the characteristics of your team? Create a professional development plan to address the characteristics of the Learning Team members both individually and as a group and your ability to lead them: Required Elements: • No more than 1400 words • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines • Evaluate the individuals, including yourself, and the group based on the DISC assessment. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. LDR 531 - Week 2 - Professional Development Plan: Individual Assignment - Professional Development Plan
  • 19. Assume you are the manager of your learning team and need to develop a plan that will address the characteristics of your group and yourself as the leader. This plan can be used to determine the needs of the learning team and is a tool for members to assess their skills, strengths, areas needing improvement, and the resources needed to help them reach their career goals. Use each Learning Team member’s DISC assessment results completed in Week One. Develop a combined DISC chart of your Learning Team members for use in developing this paper. Based on the individual assessments, what are the characteristics of your team? Create a professional development plan to address the characteristics of the Learning Team members both individually and as a group and your ability to lead them: Required Elements: • No more than 1400 words • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines • Evaluate the individuals, including yourself, and the group based on the DISC assessment. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. LDR 531 - Week2 - Team Weekly Reflection: Learning Team Assignment - Team Weekly Reflection Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Your discussion should include the topics you feel comfortable with, any topics
  • 20. you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. LDR 531 - Week 2 – Complete: DQ1.In your opinion, what are some indicators of a good leader? Why are these indicators important to you? DQ2.Create a mission and vision statement of your dream organization. What strategies would you use to communicate this statement to your employees? Individual Week 2 Quiz Complete the Week 2 Quiz. Individual Assignment - Mentorship Agreement Form Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Mentorship Agreement Form. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 2 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.
  • 21. Individual Assignment - Professional Development Plan Assume you are the manager of your learning team and need to develop a plan that will address the characteristics of your group and yourself as the leader. This plan can be used to determine the needs of the learning team and is a tool for members to assess their skills, strengths, areas needing improvement, and the resources needed to help them reach their career goals. Use each Learning Team member’s DISC assessment results completed in Week One. Develop a combined DISC chart of your Learning Team members for use in developing this paper. Based on the individual assessments, what are the characteristics of your team? Create a professional development plan to address the characteristics of the Learning Team members both individually and as a group and your ability to lead them: Required Elements: • No more than 1400 words • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines • Evaluate the individuals, including yourself, and the group based on the DISC assessment. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Learning Team Assignment - Team Weekly Reflection Discuss this week’s objectives with your team. Your discussion should include the topics you feel comfortable with, any topics you struggled with, and how the weekly topics relate to application in your field. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion.
  • 22. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. WEEK-3 LDR 531 - Week 3 - DQ 1: How do you handle conflict in your professional life? How do you respond when someone is challenging your viewpoint? What are some of your best practices for handling conflict? LDR 531 - Week 3 – Quiz: The two general approaches to negotiation are ________ bargaining and ________ bargaining. 1. formal; informal 2. affective; reflective 3. emotional; rational 4. distributive; integrative 2. When ________ is of importance in decision making, group decisions are preferred to individual decisions. 1. efficiency 2. acceptance of solution 3. clear responsibility
  • 23. 4. speed 3. As a consequence of the information circulated by the grapevine in an organization, employees experience 1. increased member satisfaction 2. increased anxiety 3. increased power 4. increased certainty 4. Genepa Corporation manufactures home appliances and other electronic products. Genepa is planning to introduce a new refrigerator model. The marketing manager at Genepa has developed a marketing plan for this new product and wants to communicate this plan to all the employees in the marketing department. Which of the following is most likely to be the best form of communication for communicating this plan? 1. Oral communication 2. Grapevine communication 3. Written communication 4. Nonverbal communication 5. The ________ view of conflict focuses on productive resolution of conflicts. 1. transactional 2. managed 3. interactionist 4. rational 6. The informal communication network in an organization is 1. determined by organization 2. based on clear and factual information
  • 24. 3. characterized by ambiguity 4. rooted in issues of minimal importance to employees 7. Bonnie Patterson has been a manager for seven years at Wayne and Watson, a legal consultancy firm. A good part of her workday involves holding meetings and she likes to do work on a time-bound schedule. For this reason, members of her team receive the agenda at the beginning of the meeting, followed by some time to contemplate over the issue at hand individually. Subsequently, the team members present their ideas one after the other, the group discusses them together, and lastly, a ranking is done to choose the most favored idea. This represents the ________ approach of group decision making. 1. interacting 2. brainstorming 3. reference group 4. nominal group 8. When one person seeks to satisfy his or her own interests regardless of the impact on the other parties to the conflict, that person is using the conflict-handling intention of 1. avoiding 2. competing 3. compromising 4. accommodating 9. Jordan is a sales officer who has been underperforming over the last three months. At the last monthly operations cycle meeting, he was given a warning. As the time for the next meeting draws close, Jordan fears his boss reprimanding him. Two days before the meeting, Jordan informs his manager that
  • 25. he has confirmed six deals in the last few days, one of which involves multiple orders for their machines. He, however, skips the detail that these are the only six orders he has been able to obtain in the whole month. Which one of the barriers to effective communication is depicted here? 1. Information overload 2. Language 3. Grapevine 4. Filtering 10. Shirley Shands is a hard worker but Debra, her manager, is irritated with her. While Debra concedes that Shirley’s work gives her no cause for complaint, Debra is tired of the interruptions in her work because of Shirley asking for repeated clarifications over what exactly she has to say in e-mails or phone calls. She often requests Debra to proofread her e-mails before sending them, and Debra feels she sends too many e- mails instead of just speaking to the person concerned. From the scenario, we can conclude that ________. 1. Shirley uses filtering when communicating with Debra 2. Shirley and Debra come from a high-context culture 3. Shirley suffers from communication apprehension 4. Debra is engaging in social loafing 11. ________ teams are defined as groups of employees who perform highly related or interdependent jobs and take on many of the responsibilities of their former supervisors. 1. Independent 2. Self-managed work 3. Cross-functional 4. Problem-solving
  • 26. 12. Which of the following forms of communication is characterized by the use of only body movements, intonations, facial expressions, and physical distance to communicate? 1. Lateral communication 2. Nonverbal communication 3. Downward communication 4. Written communication 13. Which of the following is a unique advantage of lateral communication? 1. Lateral communication facilitates emotional expression, enhances motivation, and helps the organization control its employees effectively. 2. Lateral communication occurring with management’s knowledge and support can be beneficial even if it does not follow the formal vertical structure. 3. Lateral communication facilitates coordination at the intradepartmental level. 4. Lateral communication helps in the transmission of ideas and information. 14. Peter is working on a project. He feels that the parameters need to be changed to meet client specifications. First, he must talk to his immediate supervisor, who will then discuss the issue with her department director before any change can be implemented. Peter is most likely to be a part of the ________ type of small-group communication networks. 1. mesh network 2. all-channel network 3. star network
  • 27. 4. chain network 15. Which of the following statements is true regarding conflict? 1. Diversity of goals among groups is a major source of conflict. 2. The less specialized the activities of the group, the greater the likelihood of conflict. 3. The smaller the group, the greater the likelihood of conflict. 4. People low in the personality traits of disagreeableness, neuroticism, or self-monitoring are more likely to engage in a conflict. 16. When ________, the result is role conflict. 1. compliance with the group is marked by a tendency to notice and emphasize those aspects of the group that are distinctive 2. compliance with one role requirement may make it difficult to comply with another 3. compliance with one role aids our performance in another role 4. compliance with the group is an attempt to understand who we are and how we fit into the world 17. ________ is defined as a phenomenon in which the norm for consensus overrides the realistic appraisal of alternative courses of action. 1. Social loafing 2. Groupthink 3. Cyberloafing 4. In-group favoritism
  • 28. 18. Most people assume that a police officer should behave in a lawful manner, refrain from demonstrating favoritism to any particular group, and do his or her best to uphold the law. Which of the following terms best represents these beliefs? 1. Diversity 2. Similarity 3. Dispersion of responsibility 4. Role expectation 19. To retain its edge in the organic health food market, Natura has established a high-priority team comprised of senior executives from the company’s production, marketing, and research divisions. These employees work together closely to study consumer attitudes about organic health foods and come up with a closely monitored development and marketing strategy for new products. This ensures that each division is informed of the specific needs, timelines, and expected outcomes of the strategy. It also makes Natura a company that adapts to changes in market trends swiftly. The team Natura uses here is of the ________ type. 1. self-managed work 2. traditional 3. cross-functional 4. problem-solving 20. Which of the following terms best describes the process that occurs when two or more parties decide how to allocate scarce resources? 1. Integration 2. Differentiation
  • 29. 3. Association 4. Negotiation 21. Matt works as a sales representative at Tandem Industries which manufactures and sells bicycles. He is the best salesperson on the floor, but he also receives the highest number of customer complaints for late deliveries. Which of the following, if true, best explains this situation? 1. The company’s manufacturing facility is functioning at optimum capacity. 2. The company uses enterprise solutions to manage inventory. 3. The company keeps inventory levels low in order to reduce costs. 4. The company’s sales and logistics functions are tightly integrated. 22. Which of the following is desirable when a crucial project is delegated to a virtual team? 1. Engaging in close monitoring of the work being done by the team throughout the project 2. Avoiding publicity of the team’s progress and success in the organization 3. Promoting a sense of independence over group spirit to encourage competition 4. Discouraging the sharing of unique information as it benefits some employees unfairly 23. Synergy Inc. has recently assigned some of its best employees to form a cross-functional team and complete a project from a new client. Many of the employees on this team
  • 30. are apprehensive about the structure and dynamics of how they will function as a group and accomplish this goal. To energize the employees, their immediate manager is holding a meeting with them next week where he will provide them some additional training in strategies and methods that may work well for the team. The manager’s initiative to hold this meeting fulfills the ________ function of communication 1. information 2. control 3. filtering 4. emotional expression 24. With reference to the team effectiveness model, which of the following is one of the key components of an effective team, included under the category of contextual factors? 1. Social loafing 2. Common purpose 3. Climate of trust 4. Team efficacy 25. A collectivist Chinese manager is most likely to use which of the following techniques for conflict management? 1. Avoiding 2. Authoritative command 3. Pressurizing 4. Direct confrontation 26. Janice Cooper has recently joined a hospital as a part of the internship program prescribed by the nursing school she attends. Janice, who was inspired to take up this profession by the story of Florence Nightingale, had very strong ideals about how she
  • 31. should behave as a nurse. She felt that as a nurse, she must be gentle, pleasant, and caring at all times so she could serve her patients well, and she often went to great lengths as an intern by putting in extra hours at the hospital and so on. The scenario reflects Janice’s 1. role conflict 2. role ambiguity 3. role fuzziness 4. role perception 27. The time attendance system in the production division at MM, an automobile manufacturing company, was malfunctioning. Consequently, Greg Hill, one of the front-level managers sent it for repair. In the meantime, he placed a register where all workers of the production division had to provide their time of entry and exit from the office. At the end of the week, when looking through the time logs, he had certain concerns about a group of employees. In the next week, he personally tracked the time this group of employees spent working and realized that they were reporting a greater number of working hours than they actually worked. This group engaged in a barrier to communication called 1. communication apprehension 2. filtering 3. silence 4. lying LDR 531 - Week 3 - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet:
  • 32. Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 3 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment LDR 531 - Week 3 - Leadership Style: Individual Assignment - Leadership Style Select and describe a leader you admire. Your selected leader may be either a real-life individual or a fictional character from television, the movies, or a book. Using leadership theories, analyze your selected leader to identify characteristics and provide specific examples of leadership qualities you think contributed to that person's success. Evaluate your own leadership style and work with your mentor to identify your own leadership characteristics. Write a paper in which you explain your leadership style and your ideas and plans for improving your effectiveness as a leader based on your comparison with an admired leader and your work with your mentor. Required Elements: • No more than 1050 words • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines • Evaluate your chosen leader and yourself, based on the leadership theories. • Summarize the discussion with your mentor
  • 33. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. LDR 531 - Week 3 - Weekly Reflection: Learning Team - Weekly Reflection Discuss and choose, as a Learning Team, the most important barrier that you think creates a communication challenge within groups and teams, as highlighted in the “Barriers to Effective Communication” section in Ch. 11 of Organizational Behavior. Why did your team choose this particular barrier and how does it create a communication challenge? Provide real-life examples you may have experienced regarding this particular barrier. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment LDR 531 - Week 3 – Complete: DQ1.How do you handle conflict in your professional life? How do you respond when someone is challenging your viewpoint? What are some of your best practices for handling conflict? Individual Assignment - Quiz Complete the Week 3 Quiz. Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 3 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet.
  • 34. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment Individual Assignment - Leadership Style Select and describe a leader you admire. Your selected leader may be either a real-life individual or a fictional character from television, the movies, or a book. Using leadership theories, analyze your selected leader to identify characteristics and provide specific examples of leadership qualities you think contributed to that person's success. Evaluate your own leadership style and work with your mentor to identify your own leadership characteristics. Write a paper in which you explain your leadership style and your ideas and plans for improving your effectiveness as a leader based on your comparison with an admired leader and your work with your mentor. Required Elements: • No more than 1050 words • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines • Evaluate your chosen leader and yourself, based on the leadership theories. • Summarize the discussion with your mentor Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Learning Team - Weekly Reflection Discuss and choose, as a Learning Team, the most important barrier that you think creates a communication challenge within groups and teams, as highlighted in the “Barriers to Effective Communication” section in Ch. 11 of Organizational Behavior.
  • 35. Why did your team choose this particular barrier and how does it create a communication challenge? Provide real-life examples you may have experienced regarding this particular barrier. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of your discussion. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment WEEK-4 LDR 531 - Week 4 - DQ 1: As a leader, what factors do you think would influence your team’s attitudes and job satisfaction? Which factor would be most important? Why? Provide an example. LDR 531 - Week 4 - DQ 2: How might fear affect innovation and productivity in organizations? Describe a situation when fear had an effect on you in your workplace. What ccould you have done to overcome the fear? LDR 531 - Week 4 – Quiz:
  • 36. 1. Which of the followingstatements is true regarding negotiation? 1. Displayinga negative emotion at a negotiationcan never be effective. 2. Angry negotiators who have less power than opponents have better outcomes. 3. Individualswho do poorly in a negotiationdevelop positive perceptionsof their counterpart. 4. Feeling bad about your performance during a negotiation tends to impairfuture negotiations. 2. Which of the followingdoes cognitive dissonanceindicate between two or more attitudes or between behaviorand attitudes? 1. Consistency 2. Consistency 3. Incompatibility 4. Tenacity 3. If Alberta is a categorized as a Theory X manager, which of the following behaviorsis she most likely to exhibit?
  • 37. 1. She will let her employees choose their own goals. 2. he will strictly control all the detailsof any project she is managing. 3. She will delegate authority extensively to juniormanagers. 4. She will trust her employees to use their discretion in most matters. 4. MBO provides individualemployees with 1. clear-cut growth paths 2. generalized feedback 3. predefined targets 4. personal performance objectives 5. ________ are caused by a specific event, are very brief, and accompaniedby distinct facial expressions. 1. Moods 2. Emotions 3. Attitudes 4. Reactions 6. Why is Maslow’s theory criticized?
  • 38. 1. Its terminology tends to alienatethose to whom it is applied. 2. There is little evidence that needs are structured or operate in the way it describes. 3. Its terminology tends to alienatethose to whom it is applied. 4. The concept of self-actualizationwas unfounded. 7. ________ refers to evaluativestatements or judgments concerning objects, people, or events. 1. Appearance 2. Behavior 3. Attitude 4. Demeanor 8. Employees with positive core self-evaluationsbelieve in their inner worth and basic competence, and are more satisfied with their jobs than those with negative core self-evaluations.The concept of positive core self-evaluationsindicatesthat 1. pay always has a direct correlationwith job satisfaction 2. job conditionshave a direct influence on job satisfaction
  • 39. 3. promotionsand growth opportunitiesinfluence job satisfaction 4. personalityplays a role in job satisfaction 9. Which of the followingstatements is true regarding the effects of moods and emotions on decision making? 1. Positive emotionstend to diminishproblem-solving skills and analyticalskills. 2. People with positive emotions are slower at processing informationas compared to depressed people. 3. Depressed people tend to weigh all possible optionsrather than the most likely ones. 4. Moodsand emotions have no direct influence on decision making. 10. Emotionssuch as relaxation,serenity, and calmness comprise the ________ mood dimension. 1. neutral affect 2. low negative affect 3. low positive affect 4. detached affect
  • 40. 11. Susan Danielsworks for an event management company and is discontent with her job because she was passed over for a promotion. She has now composed a list of concerns and plansto discuss the issue with her supervisor. Daniels’ response to the problem is referred to as 1. neglect 2. voice 3. acceptance 4. loyalty 12. Which of the following statements represents the cognitive component of attitude? 1. It is disappointingto know that I did not get a good evaluation. 2. This job is not giving me an opportunityto explore my skills. 3. I intend to work during the weekend to meet the month’s deadline. 4. I have decided to inform my supervisor that I will be quitting my job. 13. Which of the following statements is true regarding goal- setting theory?
  • 41. 1. Externally generated feedback is more powerful than self- generated feedback. 2. People do better when they get feedback on how well they are progressing toward their goals. 3. Goal commitment is more likely when individualshave an external locus of control. 4. Assigned goals generate greater goal commitment in low rather than high power-distance cultures. 14. Self-determinationtheory proposes that in additionto being driven by a need for autonomy, peopleseek ways to achieve 1. power and control 2. recognition and status 3. high rewards 4. competence and positive connections 15. The church you go to every Sunday is made up of people who have very different lifestyles and are at different stages in their life. Joannais a 23-year-old, single parent who works for minimum wage and shifts from motel to motel for accommodation.Josephineis a single, 45-year-old woman who earns a decent salary and has few interests and friends outside
  • 42. her office. Jonathanis 60 years old, extremely wealthy, has a loving family, and enjoys his work. You have decided to apply Maslow’s hierarchy of needs to determine what motivateseach of these individuals. Which of the followingneeds would most likely motivate Joanna? 1. Social 2. Esteem 3. Physiological 4. Safety 16. Charles, Anna, Elle, and Adam are college friends and work in New York City. Comfortable living in New York occurs at about $40,000 a year. Charles makes $24,000 a year, Anna makes $30,000 a year, Elle makes $50,000 a year, and Adam makes $75,000 a year. Which of the following is most likelyto be true with reference to correlation between pay and job satisfaction? 1. Anna is more satisfied with the job than Adam. 2. Elle and Adam are most likely to have a similarlevel of job satisfaction. 3. Charles and Anna have the same levelsof job satisfaction in relationto their pay.
  • 43. 4. Charles is more satisfied with his job in comparison with Anna. 17. Which of the following is an example of deviant workplace behavior? 1. Requesting a two-day leave during Christmas 2. Sabotaging one’s organization’scomputers 3. Disagreeing with others in a problem-solving meeting 4. Taking blame for not achievinga deadline 18. Tiffany Crowe works as a showroom executive at a clothing boutiquein London.Today, she is in a positive mood and instantly greets and smiles at a customer who walks into the store. The customer feels welcomed by her response. While browsing the store, Crowe helps the customer with products and passes on her positive mood to the customer. The customer leaves the store feeling content with a smile on her face. Which of the followingbest describes this situation? 1. Positivity offset 2. Emotionalcontagion 3. Halo effect 4. Framing effect
  • 44. 19. Gerard Yoder believes that every time he picks up his daughter, Penny, from school, it brings him good luck. The last time he picked her up from school, he won a lottery ticket. Today, after he received her from school, he reached his office and found out that he has been promoted. Which of the following concepts best describes Yoder’s belief? 1. Bandwagoneffect 2. Positive bias 3. Affect intensity 4. Illusory correlation LDR 531 - Week 4 - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet: Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Complete the University of PhoenixMaterial:Week 4 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment LDR 531 - Week 4 - Conflict Resolution: Learning Team - ConflictResolution
  • 45. As you continue to develop in your career, you will find that your responsibilitiesas a leader will increase. You will be tasked with many different jobs, such as managing conflict, handling communicationchallenges among your team members, or addressing organizational communication needs.As you know, no employee likes to speak up only to have his or her ideas not taken seriously, or to confront others about their working styles, or to face uncomfortablegossip among coworkers. View the LDR/531 Storybooks. Develop a summary of no more than 1,050 words that includes multipleways to handlethe three situationsshown in the Storybooks. Discuss communicationstyles and barriers and the conflict and negotiationprocess involvedin handlingthe three situations. For each storybook, describe the strategy or strategies you would apply in these situations. Consider the following as you complete the assignment: Storybook #1: • How would you react when a team member is being vague and trying to spin bad news to sound more positive, thereby making it harder for the team to actuallyapproach and resolve the issue? • How could you encourage someone to continueto voice his or her opinionor to share an idea when you know she is hesitant to do so?
  • 46. Storybook #2: • As a manager, how would you relay an important negative message with as little impact on your team as possible? Why would you choose this method? • What is the best way to handlegossip before it spreads? • How might you handleyour team's feelingsafter a negative situationhas occurred that does not directly affect your team but affects others around them? Storybook #3: • What strategies would you use to help your team alleviate stress caused by deadlinesbefore any conflict arises? General question for all three storybooks: • Think about a personal situationfrom your work experience that is similarto each storybook scenario. How would you approachthe situation differently based on the principlesyou learned in the storybooks? How might the results change? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment LDR 531 - Week 4 – Complete:
  • 47. DQ1.As a leader, what factors do you thinkwould influence your team’s attitudes and job satisfaction? Which factor would be most important. Why? Provide an example. DQ2.How might fear affect innovation and productivity in organizations? Describe a situation when fear had an effect on you in your workplace. What ccould you have done to overcome the fear? Individual Assignment - Quiz Complete the Week 4 Quiz. Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 4 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment Learning Team - Conflict Resolution As you continue to develop in your career, you will find that your responsibilities as a leader will increase. You will be tasked with many different jobs, such as managing conflict, handling communication challenges among your team members, or addressing organizational communication needs. As you know, no employee likes to speak up only to have his or her ideas not taken seriously, or to confront others about their working styles, or to face uncomfortable gossip among coworkers. View the LDR/531 Storybooks. Develop a summary of no more than 1,050 words that includes multiple ways to handle the three situations shown in the Storybooks.
  • 48. Discuss communication styles and barriers and the conflict and negotiation process involved in handling the three situations. For each storybook, describe the strategy or strategies you would apply in these situations. Consider the following as you complete the assignment: Storybook #1: • How would you react when a team member is being vague and trying to spin bad news to sound more positive, thereby making it harder for the team to actually approach and resolve the issue? • How could you encourage someone to continue to voice his or her opinion or to share an idea when you know she is hesitant to do so? Storybook #2: • As a manager, how would you relay an important negative message with as little impact on your team as possible? Why would you choose this method? • What is the best way to handle gossip before it spreads? • How might you handle your team's feelings after a negative situation has occurred that does not directly affect your team but affects others around them? Storybook #3: • What strategies would you use to help your team alleviate stress caused by deadlines before any conflict arises? General question for all three storybooks: • Think about a personal situation from your work experience that is similar to each storybook scenario. How would you approach the situation differently based on the principles you learned in the storybooks? How might the results change? Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
  • 49. WEEK-5 LDR 531 - Week 5 - DQ 1: How could you create a culture in your department that would foster a positive working experience, even though there would be different personalities, viewpoints,work ethics, and so forth? LDR 531 - Week 5 - DQ 2: In which type of organizationalstructure do you think your leadershipstyle would be most effective? In what kind of structure would it be least effective? Compare and contrast the structures. LDR 531 - Week 5 – Quiz: 1. Which of the following is typically a characteristic of the mechanistic model of organization? 1. Low formalization 2. Decentralized management 3. Wide span of controls 4. Rigid departmentalization
  • 50. 2. Which of the following actions can extinguish risk taking and innovation? 1. Using organic organizational structures 2. Rewarding for the absence of failures rather than for the presence of success 3. Long tenure in management 4. Encouraging experimentation 3. Culture is most likely to be a liability when 1. the organization’s management is highly efficient 2. the organization scores low on the degree of formalization 3. the organization’s environment is dynamic 4. the organization is highly centralized 4. Strategy of differentiation consists of which of the following? 1. Price, support, design 2. Cost leadership, differentiation, cost focus 3. Upstream business strategy, midstream business strategy, downstream business strategy 4. Sourcing strategies, processing strategies, delivering strategies 5. Decision making within which one of the following organizational structures follows a strict chain of command? 1. Boundaryless 2. Bureaucracy 3. Virtual 4. Matrix 6. Which of the following factors is least likely to have an impact on organizational structure?
  • 51. 1. Location 2. Technology 3. Size 4. Strategy 7. The deemphasizing of hierarchical authority and control in organizational development is referred to as 1. trust and support 2. vertical blending 3. horizontal integration 4. power equalization 8. Which of the following statements is true regarding the functions of culture in an organization? 1. It hinders the generation of commitment to something larger than individual self-interest among employees. 2. It reduces the stability of the organizational system. 3. It does not affect employees’ attitudes and behavior. 4. It conveys a sense of identity for organization members. 9. Which of the following is the first step in Kotter’s eight-step plan for implementing change? 1. Create a new vision to direct the change and strategies for achieving the vision. 2. Establish a sense of urgency by creating a compelling reason for why change is needed. 3. Form a coalition with enough power to lead change. 4. Plan for, create, and reward short-term “wins” that move the organization toward the new vision.
  • 52. 10. Which of the following is least likely to lend to a simple organizational structure? 1. Centralized authority 2. Formalized rules and regulations 3. Little departmentalization 4. Wide span of control 11. Confusion in who reports to whom is a weakness of which one of the following organizational structures? 1. Boundaryless 2. Virtual 3. Matrix 4. Bureaucracy 12. Which of the following is least likely to realize a competitive advantage for an organization? 1. Superior strategy 2. Superior resources 3. Superior skills 4. Superior position 13. Which of the following is the last step in Kotter’s eight-step plan for implementing change? 1. Consolidate improvements, reassess changes, and make necessary adjustments in the new programs. 2. Establish a sense of urgency by creating a compelling reason for why change is needed. 3. Communicate the vision throughout the organization. 4. Reinforce the changes by demonstrating the relationship between new behaviors and organizational success.
  • 53. 14. Idea champions display characteristics associated with _________ leadership. 1. laissez-faire 2. transformational 3. narcissistic 4. autocratic 15. Entering into various types of business ventures outside of the realm of an organization’s usual type of business is an example of a ________ strategy. 1. chain integration 2. customizing 3. diversification 4. undifferentiating 16. A(n) ________ organization is an organization that takes on a life of its own, apart from its founders and members, and is valued for itself and not for the goods or services it produces. 1. matrix 2. virtual 3. institutionalized 4. centralized 17. It is easiest for management to deal with resistance when it is 1. implicit 2. deferred 3. passive 4. overt
  • 54. 18. Which of the following statements is true regarding innovation? 1. Innovation is nurtured when there is an abundance of resources. 2. Innovative organizations reward both successes and failures. 3. Organic structures negatively influence innovation. 4. Interunit communication is low in innovative organizations. 19. Which of the following resistances to change is implicit? 1. Strike 2. Resignation 3. Increased error 4. Complaint 20. A(n) __________ strategy emphasizes the introduction of major new products and services. 1. mechanistic 2. cost-minimization 3. innovation 4. organic 21. The focus of a single segmentation within a scope strategy is known as a _______ strategy. 1. niche 2. customizing 3. segmentation 4. unsegmentation
  • 55. 22. Sometimes, businesses find it necessary to reconceive their core business. Which of the following would be the least effective strategy for doing so? 1. Core relocation 2. Business customization 3. Business recombination 4. Business redefinition 23. ________ are persons who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing refinement activities. 1. Change agents 2. Free riders 3. Whistle-blowers 4. Laggards 24. ________ is a collection of change methods that seek to improve organizational effectiveness and employee well-being. 1. Organizational restructuring 2. Operant conditioning 3. Organizational polarization 4. Organizational development 25. Which of the following is an example of an individual source of resistance to change? 1. Structural inertia 2. Fear of the unknown 3. Product orientation 4. Employee orientation
  • 56. LDR 531 - Week5 - MentorshipMeeting Worksheet: Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 5 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment LDR 531 - Week5 - MotivationPlan: Individual Assignment - Motivation Plan Use the DISC assessment results from your Learning Team members. Interview your mentor to gather information about your mentor’s organization, the department your mentor works in, and his or her job description. Write a plan that may be applied to your mentor's department and that would increase your Learning Team members' motivation, satisfaction, and performance based on their personal profiles, as if they were employees of that department. Required Elements: • No more than 1400 words
  • 57. • Analyze specific differences in attitudes, emotions, personalities, and values among your Learning Team members, and address how each difference might be used to positively influence behavior. • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Learning Team Assignment - Team Weekly Reflection Complete the 360 assessment. Discuss the benefits of using this assessment as a tool. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of the 360 assessment. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment LDR 531 - Week5 - Team WeeklyReflection: Complete the 360 assessment. Discuss the benefits of using this assessment as a tool. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of the 360 assessment.
  • 58. Clickthe Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment LDR 531 - Week 5 – Complete: Q1.How could you create a culture in your department that would foster a positive working experience, even though there would be different personalities, viewpoints, work ethics, and so forth? DQ2.In which type of organizational structure do you think your leadership style would be most effective? In what kind of structure would it be least effective? Compare and contrast the structures. Individual Assignment - Quiz Complete the Week 5 Quiz. Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 5 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
  • 59. Individual Assignment - Motivation Plan Use the DISC assessment results from your Learning Team members. Interview your mentor to gather information about your mentor’s organization, the department your mentor works in, and his or her job description. Write a plan that may be applied to your mentor's department and that would increase your Learning Team members' motivation, satisfaction, and performance based on their personal profiles, as if they were employees of that department. Required Elements: • No more than 1400 words • Analyze specific differences in attitudes, emotions, personalities, and values among your Learning Team members, and address how each difference might be used to positively influence behavior. • Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Learning Team Assignment - Team Weekly Reflection Complete the 360 assessment. Discuss the benefits of using this assessment as a tool. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of the 360 assessment.
  • 60. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment Learning Team Assignment - Week 5 Team Weekly Reflection Complete the 360 assessment. Discuss the benefits of using this assessment as a tool. Prepare a 350- to 1,050-word paper detailing the findings of the 360 assessment. Clickthe Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
  • 61. WEEK-6 LDR 531 - Week 6 - DQ 1: How does organizational culture influence organizational change? Provide specific examples. LDR 531 - Week 6 - DQ 2: How will you prepare yourself and your team to welcome change? LDR 531 - Week 6 – Quiz: 1. The validity of a strategy for organizational change lies in its 1. speed of implementation 2. adaptability 3. clarity of vision 4. simplicity
  • 62. 2. Hard power tactics best influence those with which following characteristic? 1. Action oriented 2. High self-esteem 3. Reflective orientation 4. Intrinsically motivated 3. Surveys of seasoned managers reveal they believe politics in the workplace is 1. a major part of organizational life 2. part of some job requirements 3. always unethical 4. ineffective 4. During organizational change, employee–management interfaces such as workshops and retreats 1. distract the participants from the real issues 2. initiate 3. help employees overcome downsizing issues 4. solve communication problems relatively short-term periods of high-energy action 5. With downward influence, power tactics preferred by U.S. managers include 1. inspirational appeals 2. influence 3. personal appeals 4. coalitions 6. Periods of convergence are those in which an organization 1. is in turmoil
  • 63. 2. must downsize to conserve resources 3. seeks to improve its situation with relatively minor changes 4. employs new strategies to advance the organization 7. Transformational change in an organization 1. has no defined formula 2. is best delivered by a bottom-up plan 3. is always necessary to some degree 4. is best delivered by a top-down plan 8. Political behavior in the workplace 1. works only in an upward or lateral influence direction 2. attempts to influence decision making 3. is unlikely in a well-run organization 4. works only in a lateral influence direction 9. Organizational change relies on a balance of change and 1. continuity 2. vision 3. planning 4. strategy 10. Buck passing and scapegoating when politics is seen as a threat are forms of 1. defensive behaviors 2. offensive behaviors 3. suppression 4. aggression 11. To keep a strategy in focus, effective managers employ 1. rigid implementation
  • 64. 2. central themes 3. simple goals 4. piecemeal implementation 12. The formulation and implementation of a strategy 1. must be completely defined before action is taken 2. are ongoing events within an organization 3. follow strict, unalterable guidelines 4. are separate and sequential processes 13. A person likely to participate in political behavior 1. is insensitive to social cues 2. believes he or she has little influence 3. has a desire for power 4. is a social nonconformist 14. Politicking is less likely in organizations that have 1. adeclining resources 2. high role ambiguity 3. clear performance appraisal systems 4. democratic decision making 15. Central to managing a successful organizational strategy implementation are/is 1. coalition management 2. formal models of implementation 3. competitive teams 4. tracking progress 16. In convergent periods, the role of executive management is to
  • 65. 1. develop new strategies for the problems at hand 2. challenge middle managers to reinvent their departments 3. shift middle managers to promote new views 4. reemphasize the mission and core values 17. An influence tactic that relies on rank and enforcement of group goals is 1. coalitions 2. legitimacy 3. pressure 4. personal appeals 18. A primary goal of politics in the workplace is to 1. form alliances 2. exclude undesirable peers 3. secure limited resources 4. promote organizational goals 19. Impression management sends _____ messages that may be _____ under other circumstances. 1. true, false 2. convincing, unconvincing 3. false, true 4. ethical, unethical 20. Organizational momentum relates to 1. patterns of behavior, norms, and values 2. growth in sales, profits, and so forth 3. willingness to move beyond incremental change 4. the rate of change to make improvements
  • 66. LDR 531 - Week 6 - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet: Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 6 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. LDR 531 - Week 6 - FailureAnalysis Change Strategy: Learning Team Assignment - FailureAnalysis/Change Strategy While there is no blueprint or checklist that one can follow to guarantee the success of a business, much can be learned from analyzing those that have failed and those that have flourished during the same time period and under similar circumstances. Write a paper of no more than 2,000 words. Part 1: Business Failure Analysis Select a business that failed and one that succeeded within the last 5 years. Identify each organization’s objectives, vision, and mission. Determine the indicators of the business failure and success from research. These may include aspects of the leadership style, communication, structure, and so forth.
  • 67. Describe how specific organizational behavior theories could have predicted or explained the company’s failure or success. Describe the role of leadership, management, organizational structure, and the culture of the organization and its departments in the failure and success of the businesses. Part 2: Leading Organizational Change Imagine that you are the CEO of the failed organization before the business failure took place. You now have the opportunity to lead the organization in a change process to prevent the impending failure. Identify the most vital areas for change. Identify the potential barriers you will face during the change process. Evaluate the power and political issues within the organization and describe how you will address these issues. Describe the steps you will follow to implement the organizational change based on John Kotter’s 8-step plan for implementing change. Include at least two peer-reviewed articles from the University of Phoenix Library. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. LDR 531 - Week 6 – Complete:
  • 68. DQ1.How does organizational culture influence organizational change? Provide specific examples. DQ2.How will you prepare yourself and your team to welcome change? Individual Assignment - Quiz Complete the Week 6 Quiz. Individual Assignment - Mentorship Meeting Worksheet Complete the University of Phoenix Material: Week 6 Mentorship Meeting Worksheet. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Learning Team Assignment - FailureAnalysis/Change Strategy While there is no blueprint or checklist that one can follow to guarantee the success of a business, much can be learned from analyzing those that have failed and those that have flourished during the same time period and under similar circumstances. Write a paper of no more than 2,000 words. Part 1: Business Failure Analysis
  • 69. Select a business that failed and one that succeeded within the last 5 years. Identify each organization’s objectives, vision, and mission. Determine the indicators of the business failure and success from research. These may include aspects of the leadership style, communication, structure, and so forth. Describe how specific organizational behavior theories could have predicted or explained the company’s failure or success. Describe the role of leadership, management, organizational structure, and the culture of the organization and its departments in the failure and success of the businesses. Part 2: Leading Organizational Change Imagine that you are the CEO of the failed organization before the business failure took place. You now have the opportunity to lead the organization in a change process to prevent the impending failure. Identify the most vital areas for change. Identify the potential barriers you will face during the change process. Evaluate the power and political issues within the organization and describe how you will address these issues. Describe the steps you will follow to implement the organizational change based on John Kotter’s 8-step plan for implementing change. Include at least two peer-reviewed articles from the University of Phoenix Library.
  • 70. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Individual Assignment - Final Examination Complete the Final Examination. You are allowed one attempt to complete the examination, which is timed and must be completed in 3 hours. Results are auto-graded and sent to your instructor. FOR MORE INFORMATION CLICK:- ECO 372 Final Exam FIN 571 Final Exam LAW 575 Final Exam LDR 300 Final Exam MKT 571 Final Exam MKT 578 Final Exam OPS 571 Final Exam MORE QUERIES: -