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Health Benefits of School 
and Community Gardens 
Angela O’’Callaghan, Ph.D. 
Assoc. Professor 
Area Extension Specialist 
Social Horticulture 
Goals of this presentation 
1. Identify the health impact of chronic 
disease in Southern Nevada 
2. Describe how good nutrition and 
physical activity can prevent chronic 
3. Describe how a school or community 
gardening project can improve nutrition 
and physical activity 
4. How to plan, implement and evaluate a 
gardening project 
5. Local resources for school and 
community gardens
Why are you here? 
•Desperate for another meeting? 
•Dying to know more about gardening 
in the desert southwest? 
•Need ceus? 
•Hoping for a free lunch?
% of Total Deaths (Nevada) 
•Heart disease 26.6 
• Chronic lower respiratory disease 5.6 
•Diabetes mellitus 1.6 
•Atherosclerosis 0.7 
Chronic Disease in So. Nevada 
Chronic diseases are leading causes of 
diminished quality of life in Clark 
In particular: 
– Cardiovascular disease 
– Cancer 
– Diabetes 
Diabetes in Clark County 
• 8.8% of adults (>20 years old) 
•Highest rate in Nevada 
Increasing Diabetes in NV 
Obesity among Clark County 
almost one out of every 4 
adults in Clark County is 
obese (BMI > 30 kg/m) 
Obesity in Youth (Nevada) 
in 2007 
• 11% of high school students were 
categorized as OBESE. 
• 54% of high school students did not meet 
recommended levels of physical activity 
Changes in 2008 
• Fewer exemptions from Phys. Ed. Classes 
• More nutritious selections of food, snacks and 
• Less advertising of unhealthy snacks 1
Health effects of plants 
•Ulrich, 1984 
•Horticulture Therapy 
•Healing Gardens
Physical activity 
Reduces risks involved with 
• Diabetes 
• Obesity 
• Hypertension 
By lowering weight and blood sugar 
levels (among other things) 
American Heart Association 
news release 
• “Diet and exercise can prevent or slow the 
development of type 2 diabetes and produce 
clinically significant improvements in blood 
sugar control and cardiovascular risk factors 
in people with the condition, according to 
the statement. This benefit can reduce or 
eliminate some patients’ needs for 
medications to control risk factors. “ 
LATIONAHA.109.192521 (full text of 
Horticulture - art and science of growing 
flowers, fruits, vegetables, trees & shrubs 
development of minds and emotions 
of individuals, enrichment & health of 
communities and integration of `garden' in the 
breadth of modern civilization. 
•PLANTS and products (food, medicine, O2) 
essential for human survival; & 
•PEOPLE, whose involvement with `the 
garden' brings about benefits to them as 
individuals and to communities and cultures 
they comprise. 
Gardening is listed as one of five 
ways older adults can be more 
physically active 
National Diabetes Education 
February 1, 2002 Table of Contents 
Promoting and Prescribing Exercise for 
the Elderly 
Lists gardening as one element of an 
active lifestyle. 
Good reference 
“Community Gardens Help to Tackle 
– Parliament of Australia 
–House of Representaties 
– Standing Committee on Health and Ageing 
– Inquiry into Obesity in Australia
Direct benefits 
•Many commonly grown garden 
vegetables are high in phytochemicals. 
• Research indicates these plant 
chemicals have beneficial effects 
against inflammation, oxidative stress, 
cancer and cardiovascular disease. 
•Vegetables include: 
Onions, garlic, berries, soy, celery, and 
“Incorporation of herbs into everyday 
meals may be beneficial, as a diet in 
which culinary herbs are used 
generously provides a variety of active 
phytochemicals that could promote 
good health…” 
An edible garden… 
Nutrients in Plant Foods
Serving Size 
Calories Sodium Potassium Carbo-hydrate 
Fiber Sugar 
Protein Vit. A Vit. C Calcium 
(mg) (mg) (g) (g) (g) (g) (%DV) (%DV) (%DV) 
Bell Pepper 
1 medium 
25 40 220 6 2 4 1 4 190 2 
1 medium stalk 
45 80 460 8 3 2 4 6 220 6 
1 carrot, 7"l, 1 
30 60 250 7 2 5 1 110 10 2 
2 medium stalks 
15 115 260 4 2 2 0 10 15 4 
1/3 medium 
10 0 140 2 1 1 1 4 10 2 
Green Beans 
3/4 cup cut 
20 0 200 5 3 2 1 4 10 4 
Green Cabbage 
1/12 med. head 
25 20 190 5 2 3 1 0 70 4 
Leaf Lettuce 
1 1/2 cups 
15 35 170 2 1 1 1 130 6 2 
1 medium 
45 5 190 11 3 9 1 0 20 4 
1 medium 
110 0 620 26 2 1 3 0 45 2 
7 radishes 
10 55 190 3 1 2 0 0 30 2 
Summer Squash 
1/2 medium 
20 0 260 4 2 2 1 6 30 2 
Sweet Corn 
kernels from 1 
medium ear 
90 0 250 18 2 5 4 2 10 0 
Sweet Potato 
1 medium, 5" 
long, 2" 
100 70 440 23 4 7 2 120 30 4 
1 medium 
25 20 340 5 1 3 1 20 40 2
Community gardens 
•Growing foods 
• Improving neighborhoods 
• Provide satisfying labor 
• Cultural traditions 
Hanna and Oh, 2000
What foods from where? 
University of Texas Online Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
1989 survey of NJ gardeners 
Socioeconomic benefits of gardening 
Benefit Percent 
Life quality 
Fresh food/vegetables 44.4% 
Improved diet 35.2 
Personal satisfaction and enjoyment 26.0 
Economic well-being 
Saved money 33.5 
Social well-being 
Socializing 31.3 
Helping others 29.0 
Sharing the produce with others 14.5 
Feeling of self-sufficiency 13.8 
Improved neighborhood 13.0 
Patel, 1991
Community Gardening 
•Group of people comes together to 
create a garden 
•Usually a vegetable garden with a few 
ornamental plants 
•May have policies and procedures for 
– Selection of gardeners 
– $$$ 
– Standards of behavior 
– Replacing gardeners 
Participants May Include 
• Elderly, either able 
bodied or infirm 
•Low income 
•Middle class 
Increased vegetable intake 
•A survey of 776 adults in a US city 
found that when a household member 
participated in a community garden, 
other adults in the house were more 
likely to consume fresh fruits and 
vegetables – 3.5 times as likely to 
consume the recommended 5 a day. 
• Alaimo et al 2008
Gardening as Physical Activity 
•Once people become gardeners, they 
spend time and energy doing it! 
• Park et al (HortTechnology October- 
December 2008): Can older gardeners 
meet the physical activity 
recommendation through gardening? 
• Average gardening time = 60 min 
• Average heart rate = 98 
•Oxygen uptake = 13.5 ml/kg/min 
Benefiting well-being 
•A sense of control over one’s 
environment is often predictive of 
good health and higher quality of life 
among the elderly. 
Horticulture training for elderly adults 
in assisted living 
(Las Vegas research) 
•18 students 
•Age range from 75 – 102 
•16 women; 2 men 
•Mean – 85 years 
•All required either walker or wheelchair 
•Had demonstrated little/no interest in 
other programs 
Experimental design 
•Four week course 
•After lunch 
•Each student received plants, pots, 
•Students were interviewed concerning 
their sense of mastery of their 
environment pre and post class (n = 18), 
and five months after end of class (n = 8) 
Course Outline 
–Week 1 – staff describes class, interview 
students concerning personal history, mastery 
heath and happiness; students describe their 
apartments, their plant wishes, and gardening 
–Week 2 – students receive plants and pots & 
instruction on maintenance 
–Week 3 – students receive seeds or seedlings 
and instruction; offer assistance to others 
–Week 4 – students evaluate their plants; staff 
Mastery of environment 
Students responded to statements: 
1. What happens to me in the future mostly depends on me.... 
2. Sometimes I feel that I am being pushed around in life..... 
3. I have little control over the things that happen to me...... 
4. There is really no way I can solve some of the problems I have.... 
5. There is little I can do to change many of the important things in 
my life.... 
6. I often feel helpless in dealing with the problems of life........ 
7. I can do just about anything I really set my mind to do..... 
Self reports 
•Students were asked how they viewed 
their overall health on a 1 (very poor ) – 
5 (perfect) scale 
•Students were asked to report on their 
happiness from 1 (very unhappy) to 5 
(very happy) 
Results elements of Mastery (t1——t2) 
Significant improvement between pre-course 
survey and post (last day) for 
1 (future depends on me) p = 0.042 
2 (feel pushed around) p = 0.023 
5 (little to change life) p = 0.042 
6 (feel helpless) p = 0.028 
7 (can do anything set mind to) p = 0.001 
Results elements of Mastery (t1——t3) 
Significant improvement between pre-course 
survey and five months after for 
2 (feel pushed around) p=0.007 
3 (have little control) p=0.038 
5 (little to change life) p=0.068 
6 (feel helpless) p=0.026 
7 (can do anything set mind to) p=0.011 
Results Self reported Health 
Significant improvements: 
•Pre (t1) to post (t2) p = 0.001 
•Pre (t1) to 5 mos after (t3) p = 0.005 
•Post (t2) to 5 mos after (t3) p = 0.02 
Results - Self reported happiness 
Significant improvement 
•Pre (t1) - post (t2) p = 0.042 
•Pre (t1) - 5 mos after (t3) p = 0.033 
•Post (t2) - 5 mos after (t3) p = 0.08 
Alzheimer’’s and gardens 
• “Treatment gardens for people with 
Alzheimer’s disease…an accessible positive 
outdoor environment that supports 
individual treatment goals with measurable 
positive outcomes on resident behavior, 
mood, depression, social interaction, sleeping 
patterns, awareness, orientation, spatial 
negoriation and active engagement in 
activities.” (Tyson, Alzheimer’s care quarterly, 
2002; 3(1): 55-60.) 
Public Safety 
Although a study of community gardens 
in Houston TX showed no decrease in 
crime with community gardens - 
““representatives showed that community 
gardensappeared to have a positive 
influence on neighborhoods, with 
residents reporting neighborhood 
revitalization, perceived immunityfrom 
crime, and neighbors emulating 
gardening practices theysaw at the 
community gardens”” str
““Food for Thoughts”” 
School Gardens
School gardens 
• Can be used to teach a range of 
subjects, from health and nutrition, to 
genetics and other physical sciences, to 
math and social sciences. 
• Can improve children’s attitudes toward 
vegetables and unfamiliar foods. 
• Can provide a site for children to get 
• Challenge children to be stewards of 
their environment.
School Gardens 
Before you start…… 
Creating a school garden 
requires a fair amount of 
• Make sure that a significant 
proportion of the school – parents, 
students, teachers, administration – 
agrees that a school garden is 
something they want. 
••The Principal must be invested in 
having a garden.
What do you want? 
•Will this be a 
–Vegetable garden? 
–A flower garden? 
–A Native American garden? 
–A desert plant garden? 
Each of these can be used to teach, 
but each has very different 
A garden building plan 
•Who will build the garden? 
– Volunteers? 
– Teachers? 
– Parents? 
– Students? 
• Raised beds and planters are often the 
easiest to set up and use. 
•Use little or no grass in a school garden
A maintenance plan 
Who will do the work of making sure the 
garden survives (watering, weeding, etc.)? 
– Volunteers? 
– Teachers? 
– Parents? 
– Students? 
–How about during school breaks?
A funding plan 
• School gardens are self-funded. 
•Where will the money come from 
for plants, fertilizers, equipment? 
– Grants? 
– Fundraisers? 
– Donations?
A curriculum plan 
•How will this garden be integrated into 
the rest of the curriculum? 
• Staff at CCSD will help to review garden 
based curricula, but the responsibility 
for development falls to the school 
(teachers and administrators).
What is most important role of 
a school garden? 
% parents % teachers 
Growing fruit and 
vegetables for food 
74.7 54.1 
Socializing with 
gardening friends 
4.5 16.4 
Feeling relaxed and safe 
in plant environment 
10.6 4.9 
Learning about plants 9.7 24.6 
Other 0.5 0.0 
Waliczek et al. 2000
Essentials for success 
Item % respondents 
Responsible person 63 
Garden site 61.4 
Funding 60.6 
Support of principal 48 
Gardening equipment 47.7 
DeMarco, et al. 1999
Garden-based health & nutrition 
•Grades 2 – 5 
• Knowledge increase re: nutritional 
value of vegetables 
•No greater stated acceptance 
• Increase in eating vegetables as snacks! 
Koch et al. 2006
Youth farm market project 
Inner city project in Minneapolis/St. Paul 
Youth (preteens and teens) who grew 
vegetables ate them. 
“…exposure to a garden-based nutrition 
education programs (sic) improves 
youth’s preference for vegetables 
compared to those not exposed to a 
garden program. “
Contact Karyn Johnson 257-5523 
Creating a garden (school, 
community, other)
Interested in creating a community 
• UNCE works with communities that are 
establishing gardens 
• Provide classroom training 
•Guidelines for actual building 
•Ongoing support for physical plant
Contact Elaine Fagin 257-5573
ancient floating gardens 
of Mexico City
1. A small committed group. 
2. A shared vision. 
3. PATIENCE to get through rocky times. 
4. The physical space. 
5. Access to physical labor. 
Before starting, answer the 
•Easy access to water? 
•How many hours of sunlight does 
the area receive? 
•From what direction is the light? 
•What is the level of time, strength & 
If landscaping is in place…… 
• Know what you will encounter when 
you begin to dig (wires, pipes, etc.). 
• Identify the potential workload – 
chemical, physical, botanical – that will 
be required to remove existing 
materials (e.g. lawn, concrete). 
• Identify what of the existing materials 
will be replaced. 
• Identify which of the existing materials 
will be retained.
What do you want to achieve? 
A garden is more than the plants; it 
requires irrigation, time and more. For 
•Are you gardening for food or view? 
•How big will the mature plants get? 
•Do you really want a 50 foot ash tree in 
the courtyard? 
•Native desert plants tend to be smaller 
and slower-growing.
Gardening in the Mojave 
•Not quite like other parts of the 
•Driest desert in North America 
• Average annual rainfall 4.25” 
• Salty soil; this area was once an 
–Water left 
– Salt didn’t 
• Strong dry winds 
• Intense sunlight
Gardens in ““Raised Beds””
Container gardening 
• Effective for very small places 
•Maximum control of planting 
•More manageability 
•Wide variety of possible planters
Unusual edibles 
There is a surprising variety of 
desert plants, some more appropriate for 
certain gardens than others.
Income can be a factor 
Low income gardeners often cite 
access to fresh foods 
enjoy nature, but also 
Organizational efforts for garden “spill 
over” into other neighborhood efforts
Community gardens in the 
Las Vegas area 
•Archie C. Grant senior housing 
development. A garden area had been 
abandoned for ~ 5 years. Residents and 
city staff decided to resurrect this 
Work days
Now a community focus
With produce!
Rose Garden 
•A housing development for low income 
seniors/disabled in North Las Vegas. 
• UNCE had given a brief course on 
gardening at this site in 2007 
• In 2009 residents and staff wanted 
another course with a hands-on 
• City staff arranged for a community 
garden to be built.
• Residents grew 
their own 
seedlings indoors 
•Originally 12 
•Dropped to 8 
during the winter
Started small
• At first, 
were afraid 
that non-gardeners 
would steal 
their hard 
• By January, 
they saw that 
they needed 
to give some 
Now, that is a 
Las Vegas Community Garden 
• Began in the mid-1990s in West LV 
• 32 raised beds 
• Joint project of UNCE master gardeners 
and the Doolittle Senior Center (LV 
parks and rec.) 
• Elderly gardeners raise enough produce 
to contribute hundreds of pounds of 
produce to hungry people each year.
Current situation 
•More effort was going into developing 
gardens in low income areas 
•New projects: 
– Floyd Lamb park 
– Acacia park
Evaluating effectiveness 
Several means 
• Self reported effects (surveys) 
• Physical differences (BP, weight, bmi) 
• Increase in amount of vegetables eaten 
(journals, etc. )
• Information – knowledge gain 
• Behavior changes 
•Attitudinal changes
No guarantees…… 
Meta-analysis of 11 studies found little 
consistency among results, but did note 
A general increase in willingness to try 
eating vegetables, even as snacks. 
A general lack of improvement in food 
Robinson-O’Brien, et al 2009
Gardening Class 
•Gardening in Small Places Feb. 27 
• Beginning class: 8am – noon 
•Advanced class: 1pm - 5
Resources – fact sheets 
•Lautenschlager, Lauren and Chery Smith. Beliefs, knowledge, 
and values held by inner-city youth about gardening, 
nutrition, and cooking. Agriculture and Human Values. 24(2): 
HortTechnology April/June 1992 2(2) 
•Collins, Claudia and Angela O’Callaghan. The Impact of 
Horticultural Responsibility on Health Indicators and Quality 
of Life in Assisted Living. HortTechnology. Oct-Dec 2008. 
•Waliczek, T.M., J.C. Bradley, R.D. Lineberger, & J.M. Zajicek. 
2000. Using a Web-based Survey to Research the Benefits of 
Children Gardening. HortTechnology Jan-Mar. 10(1) 
•DeMarco, L.W. Diane Relf, Alan McDaniel. 1999. Integrating 
Gardening into the Elementary School Curriculum. 
HortTechnology: April-June 9(2)
References cont. 
•Patel, I.C. 1991. Gardening's Socioeconomic Impacts. 
Journal of Extension. 29(4) 
•Koch, S., T.M. Waliczek, J.M. Zajicek. 2006. The effect of a 
summer garden program on the nutritional knowledge, 
attitudes and behaviors of children. HortTechnology Oct- 
Dec. 2006. 
•Robinson-O’Brien, R., Mary Story, Stephanie Heim. 2009. 
Impact of Garden-Based Youth Nutrition Intervention 
Programs: a review. J. Am. Dietetic Assn. 
•Hanna, Autumn K. and Pikai Oh. 2000. Rethinking Urban 
Poverty: A Look at Community Gardens. Bulletin of Science, 
Technology & Society, 2000 20; 207. 
•Alaimo, K., E. Packnett, R.A. Miles, D.J.Kruger 2008. Fruit 
and vegetable intake among Urban Community 
Gardeners.J Nutrit. Ed. And Behav. 40 (2): 94-101

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Health Benefits of School and Community Gardens

  • 1. Health Benefits of School and Community Gardens Angela O’’Callaghan, Ph.D. Assoc. Professor Area Extension Specialist Social Horticulture 702-257-5581
  • 2. Goals of this presentation 1. Identify the health impact of chronic disease in Southern Nevada 2. Describe how good nutrition and physical activity can prevent chronic disease 3. Describe how a school or community gardening project can improve nutrition and physical activity 4. How to plan, implement and evaluate a gardening project 5. Local resources for school and community gardens
  • 3. Why are you here? •Desperate for another meeting? •Dying to know more about gardening in the desert southwest? •Need ceus? •Hoping for a free lunch?
  • 4. % of Total Deaths (Nevada) •Heart disease 26.6 • Chronic lower respiratory disease 5.6 •Diabetes mellitus 1.6 •Atherosclerosis 0.7 1
  • 5. Chronic Disease in So. Nevada Chronic diseases are leading causes of diminished quality of life in Clark County In particular: – Cardiovascular disease – Cancer – Diabetes 1
  • 6. Diabetes in Clark County • 8.8% of adults (>20 years old) •Highest rate in Nevada 1
  • 8. Obesity among Clark County adults 24.5% almost one out of every 4 adults in Clark County is obese (BMI > 30 kg/m) 1
  • 9. Obesity in Youth (Nevada) in 2007 • 11% of high school students were categorized as OBESE. • 54% of high school students did not meet recommended levels of physical activity Changes in 2008 • Fewer exemptions from Phys. Ed. Classes • More nutritious selections of food, snacks and beverages • Less advertising of unhealthy snacks 1
  • 10. Health effects of plants •Ulrich, 1984 •Horticulture Therapy •Healing Gardens
  • 11.
  • 12. Physical activity Reduces risks involved with • Diabetes • Obesity • Hypertension By lowering weight and blood sugar levels (among other things) 2
  • 13. American Heart Association news release • “Diet and exercise can prevent or slow the development of type 2 diabetes and produce clinically significant improvements in blood sugar control and cardiovascular risk factors in people with the condition, according to the statement. This benefit can reduce or eliminate some patients’ needs for medications to control risk factors. “ • LATIONAHA.109.192521 (full text of statement) 2
  • 14. Horticulture - art and science of growing flowers, fruits, vegetables, trees & shrubs development of minds and emotions of individuals, enrichment & health of communities and integration of `garden' in the breadth of modern civilization. •PLANTS and products (food, medicine, O2) essential for human survival; & •PEOPLE, whose involvement with `the garden' brings about benefits to them as individuals and to communities and cultures they comprise. 2
  • 15. 2
  • 16. Gardening is listed as one of five ways older adults can be more physically active National Diabetes Education Program pdf?redirect=true 2
  • 17. February 1, 2002 Table of Contents Promoting and Prescribing Exercise for the Elderly Lists gardening as one element of an active lifestyle. 2
  • 18. Good reference “Community Gardens Help to Tackle Obesity” – Parliament of Australia –House of Representaties – Standing Committee on Health and Ageing – Inquiry into Obesity in Australia
  • 19. 2
  • 20. Direct benefits •Many commonly grown garden vegetables are high in phytochemicals. • Research indicates these plant chemicals have beneficial effects against inflammation, oxidative stress, cancer and cardiovascular disease. •Vegetables include: Onions, garlic, berries, soy, celery, and carrots. 3
  • 21. “Incorporation of herbs into everyday meals may be beneficial, as a diet in which culinary herbs are used generously provides a variety of active phytochemicals that could promote good health…” 2
  • 22. An edible garden… Nutrients in Plant Foods
  • 23. Vegetables Serving Size Calories Sodium Potassium Carbo-hydrate Fiber Sugar s Protein Vit. A Vit. C Calcium (mg) (mg) (g) (g) (g) (g) (%DV) (%DV) (%DV) Bell Pepper 1 medium 25 40 220 6 2 4 1 4 190 2 Broccoli 1 medium stalk 45 80 460 8 3 2 4 6 220 6 Carrot 1 carrot, 7"l, 1 1/4"d 30 60 250 7 2 5 1 110 10 2 Celery 2 medium stalks 15 115 260 4 2 2 0 10 15 4 Cucumber 1/3 medium 10 0 140 2 1 1 1 4 10 2 Green Beans 3/4 cup cut 20 0 200 5 3 2 1 4 10 4 Green Cabbage 1/12 med. head 25 20 190 5 2 3 1 0 70 4 Leaf Lettuce 1 1/2 cups 15 35 170 2 1 1 1 130 6 2 Onion 1 medium 45 5 190 11 3 9 1 0 20 4 Potato 1 medium 110 0 620 26 2 1 3 0 45 2 Radishes 7 radishes 10 55 190 3 1 2 0 0 30 2 Summer Squash 1/2 medium 20 0 260 4 2 2 1 6 30 2 Sweet Corn kernels from 1 medium ear 90 0 250 18 2 5 4 2 10 0 Sweet Potato 1 medium, 5" long, 2" diameter 100 70 440 23 4 7 2 120 30 4 Tomato 1 medium 25 20 340 5 1 3 1 20 40 2
  • 24. Community gardens •Growing foods • Improving neighborhoods • Provide satisfying labor • Cultural traditions 3 Hanna and Oh, 2000
  • 25. What foods from where? University of Texas Online Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection
  • 26. 1989 survey of NJ gardeners Socioeconomic benefits of gardening Benefit Percent Life quality Fresh food/vegetables 44.4% Improved diet 35.2 Personal satisfaction and enjoyment 26.0 Economic well-being Saved money 33.5 Social well-being Socializing 31.3 Helping others 29.0 Sharing the produce with others 14.5 Feeling of self-sufficiency 13.8 Improved neighborhood 13.0 Patel, 1991
  • 27. Community Gardening •Group of people comes together to create a garden •Usually a vegetable garden with a few ornamental plants •May have policies and procedures for – Selection of gardeners – $$$ – Standards of behavior – Replacing gardeners 3
  • 28. Participants May Include • Elderly, either able bodied or infirm •Youth •Low income •Middle class 3
  • 29. Increased vegetable intake •A survey of 776 adults in a US city found that when a household member participated in a community garden, other adults in the house were more likely to consume fresh fruits and vegetables – 3.5 times as likely to consume the recommended 5 a day. • Alaimo et al 2008
  • 30. Gardening as Physical Activity •Once people become gardeners, they spend time and energy doing it! • Park et al (HortTechnology October- December 2008): Can older gardeners meet the physical activity recommendation through gardening? • Average gardening time = 60 min • Average heart rate = 98 •Oxygen uptake = 13.5 ml/kg/min 3
  • 31. Benefiting well-being •A sense of control over one’s environment is often predictive of good health and higher quality of life among the elderly. 3
  • 32. Horticulture training for elderly adults in assisted living (Las Vegas research) •18 students •Age range from 75 – 102 •16 women; 2 men •Mean – 85 years •All required either walker or wheelchair •Had demonstrated little/no interest in other programs 3
  • 33. Experimental design •Four week course •After lunch •Each student received plants, pots, seedlings/seeds •Students were interviewed concerning their sense of mastery of their environment pre and post class (n = 18), and five months after end of class (n = 8) 3
  • 34. Course Outline –Week 1 – staff describes class, interview students concerning personal history, mastery heath and happiness; students describe their apartments, their plant wishes, and gardening history –Week 2 – students receive plants and pots & instruction on maintenance –Week 3 – students receive seeds or seedlings and instruction; offer assistance to others –Week 4 – students evaluate their plants; staff re-interviews 3
  • 35. 3
  • 36. Mastery of environment Students responded to statements: 1. What happens to me in the future mostly depends on me.... 2. Sometimes I feel that I am being pushed around in life..... 3. I have little control over the things that happen to me...... 4. There is really no way I can solve some of the problems I have.... 5. There is little I can do to change many of the important things in my life.... 6. I often feel helpless in dealing with the problems of life........ 7. I can do just about anything I really set my mind to do..... 3
  • 37. Self reports •Students were asked how they viewed their overall health on a 1 (very poor ) – 5 (perfect) scale •Students were asked to report on their happiness from 1 (very unhappy) to 5 (very happy) 3
  • 38. Results elements of Mastery (t1——t2) Significant improvement between pre-course survey and post (last day) for Questions 1 (future depends on me) p = 0.042 2 (feel pushed around) p = 0.023 5 (little to change life) p = 0.042 6 (feel helpless) p = 0.028 7 (can do anything set mind to) p = 0.001 3
  • 39. Results elements of Mastery (t1——t3) Significant improvement between pre-course survey and five months after for Questions 2 (feel pushed around) p=0.007 3 (have little control) p=0.038 5 (little to change life) p=0.068 6 (feel helpless) p=0.026 7 (can do anything set mind to) p=0.011 3
  • 40. Results Self reported Health Significant improvements: •Pre (t1) to post (t2) p = 0.001 •Pre (t1) to 5 mos after (t3) p = 0.005 •Post (t2) to 5 mos after (t3) p = 0.02 3
  • 41. Results - Self reported happiness Significant improvement •Pre (t1) - post (t2) p = 0.042 •Pre (t1) - 5 mos after (t3) p = 0.033 •Post (t2) - 5 mos after (t3) p = 0.08 3
  • 42. Alzheimer’’s and gardens • “Treatment gardens for people with Alzheimer’s disease…an accessible positive outdoor environment that supports individual treatment goals with measurable positive outcomes on resident behavior, mood, depression, social interaction, sleeping patterns, awareness, orientation, spatial negoriation and active engagement in activities.” (Tyson, Alzheimer’s care quarterly, 2002; 3(1): 55-60.) • gardens.asp 3
  • 43. Public Safety Although a study of community gardens in Houston TX showed no decrease in crime with community gardens - ““representatives showed that community gardensappeared to have a positive influence on neighborhoods, with residents reporting neighborhood revitalization, perceived immunityfrom crime, and neighbors emulating gardening practices theysaw at the community gardens”” str
  • 45. School gardens • Can be used to teach a range of subjects, from health and nutrition, to genetics and other physical sciences, to math and social sciences. • Can improve children’s attitudes toward vegetables and unfamiliar foods. • Can provide a site for children to get active • Challenge children to be stewards of their environment.
  • 46. School Gardens Before you start…… Creating a school garden requires a fair amount of planning
  • 47. Planning • Make sure that a significant proportion of the school – parents, students, teachers, administration – agrees that a school garden is something they want. ••The Principal must be invested in having a garden.
  • 48. What do you want? •Will this be a –Vegetable garden? –A flower garden? –A Native American garden? –A desert plant garden? Each of these can be used to teach, but each has very different requirements.
  • 49. A garden building plan •Who will build the garden? – Volunteers? – Teachers? – Parents? – Students? • Raised beds and planters are often the easiest to set up and use. •Use little or no grass in a school garden
  • 50. A maintenance plan Who will do the work of making sure the garden survives (watering, weeding, etc.)? – Volunteers? – Teachers? – Parents? – Students? –How about during school breaks?
  • 51. A funding plan • School gardens are self-funded. •Where will the money come from for plants, fertilizers, equipment? – Grants? – Fundraisers? – Donations?
  • 52. A curriculum plan •How will this garden be integrated into the rest of the curriculum? • Staff at CCSD will help to review garden based curricula, but the responsibility for development falls to the school (teachers and administrators).
  • 53. What is most important role of a school garden? % parents % teachers Growing fruit and vegetables for food 74.7 54.1 Socializing with gardening friends 4.5 16.4 Feeling relaxed and safe in plant environment 10.6 4.9 Learning about plants 9.7 24.6 Other 0.5 0.0 Waliczek et al. 2000
  • 54. Essentials for success Item % respondents Responsible person 63 Garden site 61.4 Funding 60.6 Support of principal 48 Gardening equipment 47.7 DeMarco, et al. 1999
  • 55. Garden-based health & nutrition •Grades 2 – 5 • Knowledge increase re: nutritional value of vegetables •No greater stated acceptance • Increase in eating vegetables as snacks! Koch et al. 2006
  • 56. Youth farm market project Inner city project in Minneapolis/St. Paul Youth (preteens and teens) who grew vegetables ate them. “…exposure to a garden-based nutrition education programs (sic) improves youth’s preference for vegetables compared to those not exposed to a garden program. “
  • 57. Contact Karyn Johnson 257-5523 • es/foodforthoughts/
  • 58. Creating a garden (school, community, other)
  • 59. Interested in creating a community garden? • UNCE works with communities that are establishing gardens • Provide classroom training •Guidelines for actual building •Ongoing support for physical plant
  • 62. COMMUNITY GARDENS ARE NOT A NEW IDEA Xochimilco ancient floating gardens of Mexico City
  • 63. WHAT IS NEEDED TO GET STARTED 1. A small committed group. 2. A shared vision. 3. PATIENCE to get through rocky times. 4. The physical space. 5. Access to physical labor. 6. A LITTLE CASH DOESN’T HURT.
  • 64. Before starting, answer the following •Easy access to water? •How many hours of sunlight does the area receive? •From what direction is the light? •What is the level of time, strength & interest?
  • 65. If landscaping is in place…… • Know what you will encounter when you begin to dig (wires, pipes, etc.). • Identify the potential workload – chemical, physical, botanical – that will be required to remove existing materials (e.g. lawn, concrete). • Identify what of the existing materials will be replaced. • Identify which of the existing materials will be retained.
  • 66. What do you want to achieve? A garden is more than the plants; it requires irrigation, time and more. For instance… •Are you gardening for food or view? •How big will the mature plants get? •Do you really want a 50 foot ash tree in the courtyard? •Native desert plants tend to be smaller and slower-growing.
  • 67. Gardening in the Mojave •Not quite like other parts of the world •Driest desert in North America • Average annual rainfall 4.25” • Salty soil; this area was once an ocean –Water left – Salt didn’t • Strong dry winds • Intense sunlight
  • 69. Container gardening • Effective for very small places •Maximum control of planting •More manageability •Wide variety of possible planters
  • 70.
  • 71.
  • 72. Unusual edibles There is a surprising variety of desert plants, some more appropriate for certain gardens than others.
  • 73.
  • 74. Income can be a factor Low income gardeners often cite access to fresh foods enjoy nature, but also Organizational efforts for garden “spill over” into other neighborhood efforts
  • 75. Community gardens in the Las Vegas area •Archie C. Grant senior housing development. A garden area had been abandoned for ~ 5 years. Residents and city staff decided to resurrect this garden.
  • 76.
  • 77.
  • 81. Rose Garden •A housing development for low income seniors/disabled in North Las Vegas. • UNCE had given a brief course on gardening at this site in 2007 • In 2009 residents and staff wanted another course with a hands-on component • City staff arranged for a community garden to be built.
  • 82. Preparation • Residents grew their own seedlings indoors •Originally 12 participants •Dropped to 8 during the winter
  • 83.
  • 85. • At first, gardeners were afraid that non-gardeners would steal their hard work. • By January, they saw that they needed to give some away!
  • 86. Now, that is a radish!
  • 87. Las Vegas Community Garden • Began in the mid-1990s in West LV • 32 raised beds • Joint project of UNCE master gardeners and the Doolittle Senior Center (LV parks and rec.) • Elderly gardeners raise enough produce to contribute hundreds of pounds of produce to hungry people each year.
  • 88.
  • 89.
  • 90. Current situation •More effort was going into developing gardens in low income areas •New projects: – Floyd Lamb park – Acacia park
  • 91. Evaluating effectiveness Several means • Self reported effects (surveys) • Physical differences (BP, weight, bmi) • Increase in amount of vegetables eaten (journals, etc. )
  • 92. Measurements • Information – knowledge gain • Behavior changes •Attitudinal changes
  • 93. No guarantees…… Meta-analysis of 11 studies found little consistency among results, but did note A general increase in willingness to try eating vegetables, even as snacks. A general lack of improvement in food preferences. Robinson-O’Brien, et al 2009
  • 94. Gardening Class •Gardening in Small Places Feb. 27 • Beginning class: 8am – noon •Advanced class: 1pm - 5
  • 95. Resources – fact sheets • files/ho/2001/sp0115.pdf • files/ho/2004/fs0472.pdf • files/ho/2002/fs0261.pdf • files/ho/2000/sp0026.pdf
  • 96. References •Lautenschlager, Lauren and Chery Smith. Beliefs, knowledge, and values held by inner-city youth about gardening, nutrition, and cooking. Agriculture and Human Values. 24(2): 245-258 •Relf, Diane . HUMAN ISSUES IN HORTICULTURE. HortTechnology April/June 1992 2(2) •Collins, Claudia and Angela O’Callaghan. The Impact of Horticultural Responsibility on Health Indicators and Quality of Life in Assisted Living. HortTechnology. Oct-Dec 2008. •Waliczek, T.M., J.C. Bradley, R.D. Lineberger, & J.M. Zajicek. 2000. Using a Web-based Survey to Research the Benefits of Children Gardening. HortTechnology Jan-Mar. 10(1) •DeMarco, L.W. Diane Relf, Alan McDaniel. 1999. Integrating Gardening into the Elementary School Curriculum. HortTechnology: April-June 9(2)
  • 97. References cont. •Patel, I.C. 1991. Gardening's Socioeconomic Impacts. Journal of Extension. 29(4) •Koch, S., T.M. Waliczek, J.M. Zajicek. 2006. The effect of a summer garden program on the nutritional knowledge, attitudes and behaviors of children. HortTechnology Oct- Dec. 2006. •Robinson-O’Brien, R., Mary Story, Stephanie Heim. 2009. Impact of Garden-Based Youth Nutrition Intervention Programs: a review. J. Am. Dietetic Assn. •Hanna, Autumn K. and Pikai Oh. 2000. Rethinking Urban Poverty: A Look at Community Gardens. Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society, 2000 20; 207. •Alaimo, K., E. Packnett, R.A. Miles, D.J.Kruger 2008. Fruit and vegetable intake among Urban Community Gardeners.J Nutrit. Ed. And Behav. 40 (2): 94-101