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Znanstvena misel journal
The journal is registered and published in Slovenia.
ISSN 3124-1123
The frequency of publication – 12 times per year.
Journal is published in Slovenian, English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian.
The format of the journal is A4, coated paper, matte laminated cover.
All articles are reviewed
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Chief Editor – Christoph Machek
The executive secretary - Damian Gerbec
Dragan Tsallaev — PhD, senior researcher, professor
Dorothea Sabash — PhD, senior researcher
Vatsdav Blažek — candidate of philological sciences
Philip Matoušek — doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor
Alicja Antczak — Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor
Katarzyna Brzozowski — PhD, associate professor
Roman Guryev — MD, Professor
Stepan Filippov — Doctor of Social Sciences, Associate Professor
Dmytro Teliga — Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanitarian and Economic Sciences
Anastasia Plahtiy — Doctor of Economics, professor
Znanstvena misel journal
Slovenska cesta 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Barbaryan A., Ghazaryan R., Alikhanyan N.,
Nersisyan H., Khachatryan N.
ARARAT VALLEY...........................................................3
Harutyunyan M.
CULTURAL EVENT ORNAMENTS..................................8
Mammadova M., Ibrahimzada S.
ZIRCONIUM DIOXIDE.................................................14
Aliyev S., Mammadzada A.
OIL FUEL ....................................................................19
Mamedova N., Nabiyeva N.
PETROLEUM ACIDS....................................................22
Danylyan A.
Steblii N., Dovhan P.,
GORODYSHCHE» IN BUSK .........................................31
Grygoryan R.
Yakovets K., Yakovets R., Chornenka Zh.
REMOTE COMPLICATIONS OF OTITIS........................44
Jafarova S., Rakhimova L., Takhirova G.
Koval R., Yemelianenko S.
Asgarzada S., Namazova M.
Suvorov D., Afanasieva I., Onyshchenko K.
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 3
Барбарян А.А.
кандидат с/х наук, ведущий науч. сотрудник
Казарян Р.Г.
кандидат с/х наук, ведущий науч. сотрудник
Алиханян Н.А.
младший научный сотрудник
Нерсисян Э.А.
младший научный сотрудник
Хачатрян Н.Г.
младший научный сотрудник
Научный центр земледелия РА
Barbaryan A.,
PhD in Agriculture. Lead Researcher
Ghazaryan R.,
PhD in Agriculture. Lead Researcher
Alikhanyan N.,
junior researcher
Nersisyan H.,
junior researcher
Khachatryan N.
junior researcher
Scientific center of agriculture RA
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049221
В Армении для обеспечения стабильной кормовой базы животноводства важное значение имеет воз-
делывание и расширение посевных площадей люцерны, как одной из ведущих кормовых многолетних
Повышение урожайности семян люцерны будет способствовать увеличению посевных площадей в
республике. Были исследованы способы посева и внесение минеральных удобрений под семена люцерны.
В наших исследованиях лучшим из испытуемых способов посева являлось боронование стерни на
фоне P210K180N30, при котором урожай сена составил 151,4 ц/га, а семян 3,6 ц/га.
In Armenia, to ensure a stable feed supply for livestock farming, the cultivation and expansion of the sown
area of alfalfa, as one of the leading forage perennial grasses, is important.
Increasing the yield of alfalfa seeds will contribute to an increase in sown areas in the republic. Methods of
sowing and applying mineral fertilizers to alfalfa seeds were investigated.
In our studies, the best sowing method tested was stubble harrowing against the background of P210K180N30,
in which the hay yield was 151.4 c/ha, and the seed yield was 3.6 c/ha.
Ключевые слова: люцерна, способ посева, урожай, удобрения.
Keywords: alfalfa, sowing method, harvest, fertilizers.
В Армении среди кормовых многолетних бо-
бовых трав ведущей является люцерна, занимаю-
щая 22109 тыс. га площади, которая уменьшилась
по сравнению с 2023г. на 5150 га., что за последние
годы произошло после приватизации земель, фраг-
ментации сельхозугодий, беспорядочного ведения
земледелия, сокращения посевных площадей мно-
голетних трав. В настоящее время поставлена за-
дача за счет увеличения структуры посевных пло-
щадей и рационального использования земельных
ресурсов увеличить площади под кормовые, в част-
ности люцерны.
В республике для обеспечения высококаче-
ственной белковой базы животноводства важное
значение имеет возделывание и увеличение посев-
ных площадей люцерны, для осуществления кото-
рого нужно уделить особое внимание получению
высококачественного семенного материала, так как
в республике урожайность семян люцерны низкая,
несмотря на ее потенциальную возможность. Это
4 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
объясняется не только его биологическими особен-
ностями, но и технологией возделывания. Поэтому
для сохранения типичных свойств и признаков дан-
ного сорта важное значение имеет производство се-
мян люцерны.
Из возделываемых многолетних трав по каче-
ству кормов и по благотворному влиянию на пахот-
ный слой почвы люцерна считается наилучший.
Люцерна является лучшим предшественником
для сельскохозяйственных культур, особенностью
которой является улучшение физических свойств
Благодаря глубоко проникающей корневой си-
стеме, люцерна из глубины пахотного слоя подни-
мает большое количество питательных веществ, ко-
торые усваиваются последующими культурами.
Многочисленные исследования показали, что
в течение трёхлетнего использования травяного
поля люцерны на гектар накапливается 120-150кг
кормовой массы, а за счет жизнедеятельности клу-
беньковых бактерий в почве накапливается 200-300
кг биологического азота. Накопленный этим спосо-
бом биологический азот, как известно, по сравне-
нию с азотом, внесенным в почву минеральным
способом имеет ряд преимуществ. Биологический
азот является для растений экологически чистым,
часть которого входит в белковый состав урожая, а
остальная часть остаётся в почве, создавая благо-
приятное воздействие на повышение урожайности
последующих культур.
Выяснено, что, из минеральных удобрений
растения усваивают 40-50 % азота, из которой мик-
рофлорой почвы усваивается 20% азота, а осталь-
ная часть остается в почве составе органических ве-
ществ 30-40% денитрифицируется, или промыва-
ется проникая в глубокие слои почвы или часто с
водой сливается. Биологический азот таким поте-
рям не подвергается, следовательно имеет большое
преимущество [7, 9].
Для возделывания люцерны требуются воз-
душно - проницаемые почвы. Успешно люцерну
можно возделывать также в не сверхвлажных поч-
вах. Она выносит не только слабосоленые почвы,
но и борется с засоленностью. Имея пышный рас-
тительный покров и длинную вегетацию, растения
люцерны защищают поверхность почвы от чрез-
мерного испарения воды, которое не допускает
поднятие солей в поверхностный слой почвы. За
счёт этих положительных свойств люцерна явля-
ется важнейшим компонентом в севообороте.
Исследованиями показано, что основной целю
семеноводства люцерны является обеспечение важ-
ных биологических, хозяйственных свойств и при-
знаков, обеспечивающих высококачественный уро-
жай сена и семян [1,3].
Цель исследований
Причины неудовлетворительного и неустой-
чивого урожая семян люцерны объясняется не
только биологическими особенностями цветения и
оплодотворения люцерны, но и технологией выра-
щивания. Поэтому выращивание кормовых культур
требует интенсификации производства с примене-
нием научно обоснованной технологии возделыва-
ния, который обеспечит наибольший и качествен-
ный урожай сена и семян с единицы площади.
Научные исследования по влиянию минераль-
ной обработки почвы на семенную продуктивность
люцерны редко встречается. Есть работы показыва-
ющие, что дружные всходы и высокий урожай се-
мян люцерны получаются при посеве по жнивью
Показано, что люцерна положительно реаги-
рует на внесение удобрении, особенно фосфорно -
калийных, которые улучшают рост, развитие расте-
ний и их устойчивость к болезням и вредителям
увеличивают урожаи семян [6,10].
Способ посева при разных фонах удобрений
как важное технологическое мероприятие будет
способствовать повышению урожайности сена и
семян люцерны, при котором будет обеспечен нор-
мальный травостой на гектар.
Учитывая, что абсолютный вес семян лю-
церны (2-2,5гр) и оптимальная глубина заделки (1-
1,5см), целью наших исследований являлось выяв-
ление наилучшего способа обработки почвы и ми-
нерального питания на урожайность сена и семян
люцерны [9].
Материал и методы
Араратская долина является основной земле-
дельческой зоной Армении, занимает 8,4% всей
территории республики, почвенно- климатические
условия которой благоприятны для возделывания
сельскохозяйственных культур. Климат резко кон-
тинентальный, лето продолжительное жаркое,
начинается с конца мая и продолжается до второй
декады октября. Минимальная температура летом
24-26 0
С, а максимальная 41-430
С. Среднее количе-
ство атмосферных осадков 250-260мм,относитель-
ная влажность воздуха 60-62 % [8].
Научный центр земледелия, где велись иссле-
дования находится в центральной части Арарат-
ской долины.
Известно, что в течение вегетации люцерна с
урожаем сена выводит большое количество пита-
тельных веществ из почвы, в частности фосфор и
калий. Следовательно, для повышения урожайно-
сти сена и семян люцерны в числе технологий воз-
делывания важное значение имеют удобряемость
травяного поля, с применением минимальной обра-
ботки почвы.
Многолетние исследования сроков посева лю-
церны в Араратской далине показали, что в осен-
ний срок посеянной люцерны после зимовки спосо-
бен формировать также урожай семян, а при весен-
нем сроке - не успевает формировать.
Следовательно наилучшим сроком посева является
осень, начиная с начала последней декады августа
до первой декады сентября [3].
Опыт заложен осенью 2019-2022гг. на Эчмиад-
зинской экспериментальной базе научного центра
Земледелия. Изучались четыре способа минималь-
ной обработки почвы (боронование, чизелование,
дискование, безотвальная вспашка стерни) на четы-
рех фонах (P150K60,P150 K60N30, P180K90N60,
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 5
Повторность опыта трёхкратная, величина
учетной делянки 144м2
. Исследовались элитные се-
мена люцерны сорта Армянская 1. Всю норму фос-
фора и калия вносили под основную обработку
почвы, а азот весной следующего года под первый
укос, перед первым вегетационным поливом. До
первого укоса травостоя проводились фенологиче-
ские и биометрические измерения, учитывался уро-
жай сена.
На растениях второго укоса, оставленного на
семена тоже проводились фенологические наблю-
дения и биометрические измерения. Структурные
элементы урожая определялись в сноповых образ-
цах (на постоянных площадках) взятых перед убор-
кой [4].
Результаты и обсуждение
Сноповой анализ структурных элементов уро-
жая показал, что во втором году пользования спо-
собы посева и минимальные удобрения по разному
влияли на структурные элементы урожая семян.
Из данных таблицы 1, видно что во всех фонах
удобрений показатель количества стеблей при бо-
роновании стерни был выше, но наилучшим счита-
ется фон P210K120N90, при котором количество стеб-
лей составило 158шт, а при чизалований, дискова-
нии и безотвальной вспашки стерни 139,7-147,5шт.
Это доказывает, что поскольку семена люцерны
очень мелкие и чем глубоко заделываются, тем ко-
личество всходов уменьшается, а в варианте при
бороновании стерни, семя не попадает глубоко в
почву и на 1м2
естественно увеличивается количе-
ство всходов и стеблей. Поэтому в варианте боро-
нование стерни с увеличением количества стеблей
увеличивается на 1м2
также количество кистей, ко-
личество бобов в кисти и тем самым количество се-
мян в кисти. Эти показатели по вариантам колеб-
лются 7,0-8,1 шт, 5,1-8,0 шт и 5,9 - 7,2 шт.
Таблица 1
Структурные элементы урожая семян люцерны во втором году пользования (среднее)
на 1 м2
одного стебля, шт
в одном
кисте, шт
семян в
одном бобе,
Боронование стерни 142,0 7,0 7,5 5,9
Чизелование стерни 129,6 5,7 6,4 4,9
Дискование стерни 127,0 5,4 6,0 4,5
Безотвалная вспашка стерна 120,7 4,0 5,1 4,1
Боронование стерни 141,0 7,5 7,8 6,1
Чизелование стерни 138,0 6,3 6,9 5,6
Дискование стерни 135,3 5,8 6,3 5,6
Безотвалная вспашка стерна 131,1 4,5 5,8 5,0
Боронование стерни 150,0 7,8 7,9 6,8
Чизелование стерни 142,6 6,9 6,8 6,0
Дискование стерни 141,1 6,2 6,5 5,5
Безотвалная вспашка стерна 133,2 5,7 6,0 5,7
Боронование стерни 158,0 8,1 8,0 7,2
Чизелование стерни 147,5 7,0 7,1 6,6
Дискование стерни 149,8 6,8 6,4 5,7
Безотвалная вспашка стерна 139,7 5,9 6,5 5,5
Наилучшие результаты получены в варианте при бороновании стерни на фоне P210K120N90, где эти
показатели составили 8,1, 8,0 и 7,2 шт.
В Араратской долине для получения высокого урожая семян люцерны наилучшим считается второй
укос второго года пользования, так как первый укос заражается фитономусом, борьба с этим вредителем
не дает реальных результатов и растения теряют потенциальную возможность формирования семян.
6 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
Таблица 2
Влияние минимальной обработки почвы и минерального питания на урожайность и качество семян лю-
Боронование стерни 144,1 3,0 2,2 95,0 97,7
Чизелование стерни 137,7 2,9 2,0 94,0 96,5
Дискование стерни 135,6 2,8 1,8 93,0 95,5
Безотвалная вспашка стерни 121,1 2,6 1,6 94,5 96,0
Боронование стерни 149,3 3,2 2,4 95,7 97,9
Чизелование стерни 138,0 3,0 2,0 95,4 96,8
Дискование стерни 137,6 3,0 1,9 93,5 95,6
Безотвалная вспашка стерни 122,2 2,8 1,6 94,0 96,2
Боронование стерни 150,1 3,4 2,5 95,5 98,0
Чизелование стерни 139,5 3,1 1,9 94,8 96,9
Дискование стерни 138,6 2,9 1,7 94,0 95,8
Безотвалная вспашка стерни 125,3 2,6 1,8 94,6 96,4
Боронование стерни 151,4 3,6 2,5 96,5 98,5
Чизелование стерни 140,7 3,2 2,1 94,7 97,1
Дискование стерни 139,5 3,0 1,7 94,3 96,0
Безотвалная вспашка стерни 126,0 2,8 1,8 95,1 96,7
НСР05 = 0,43 ц/га
Полученные нами результаты показали, что по
сравнению с чизелованием, дискованним и безот-
вальной вспашкой стерни боронование способство-
вало большому завязыванию бобов, что в свою оче-
редь привело к повышению урожайности семян.
Надо также отметить, что из испытуемых все спо-
собы обработки почвы в фоне P150K60 уступают
остальные варианты по урожайности (таблица 2).
Результаты исследования показали также, что
наилучшим является вариант с боронованием
стерни на фоне P210K120N90 , где урожай сена из трех
укосов составляет 151,4 ц/га, а семян 3,6 ц/га. Вы-
сокий урожай семян в этом варианте обеспечива-
ется за счет образования большого числа плодовых
на одном стебле, количество бобов на одном
кисте и числом семян в бобе. Семена обладали вы-
сокой энергией прорастания (96,5%) и лаборатор-
ной всхожести (98,5%). Вес 1000 семян составил
В результате исследований были сделаны сле-
дующие выводы.
1. В условиях Араратской долины Армении
повышение урожайности семян люцерны будет
способствовать расширению полевых площадей.
2. Лучшим сроком посева люцерны на семена
в условиях Араратской долины является осенний
(последняя декада августа – первая декада сен-
3. Доспехов Б.А.- Методика полевого опыта -
Москва «Колос», 1973г.
4. Для получения семян люцерны надо остав-
лять второй укос второго года пользования.
5. В Араратской долине для повышения уро-
жайности семян люцерны лучшим способом явля-
ется боронование стерни на фоне P210K90N90, так как
семена люцерны нуждаются во всех трех основных
элементах питания и необеспеченность одним из
них недостаточно для формирования высококаче-
ственного урожая семян.
Список литературы
1. Абасов Ш.М., Гаплаев М.Ш., Мулигова
Р.Х. – Приемы повышения семенной продуктивно-
сти люцерны //Сорт и семена, 2021г., с. 40-43
2. Абасов Ш.М., Хусайнов Х.А., Абасов
М.Ш. и др.- Семенная продуктивность люцерны в
зависимости от применения элементов технологии.
Аграрная наука N11-12, 2018, с. 59-61.
3. Епифанов В.С.- Опыт получения высоких
урожаев семян люцерны. Селекция и семеновод-
ство 1977г, 4, с. 49-51.
4. Лапина М.Ш.- Получать семена люцерны
выгодно со второго укоса. Практические советы.
Россельхозцентр, Пензенский НИИСХ и Поволж-
ский НИИСС, Татарстан, 2000г., с. 49-51.
5. Можаев Н.И., Исаков М.А.- О некоторых
приемах повышения семенной продуктивности лю-
церны в условиях сухой степи Целиноградской об-
ласти. Труды Целиноградского с-х института. Це-
линоград, 1979, 4, с. 21-23.
6. Ригер А.Н.- Оценка продуктивности сор-
тов, совершенствование основной обработки почвы
и условий минерального питания при возделыва-
нии люцерны. Юбилейный сборник научных тру-
дов СКНИЖ, Краснодар, 1999г, с. 480-485.
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 7
7. Спиридонов А.М.- Многолетние бобовые
травы, как источник биологического азота в земле-
делии. ж. Земледелия, 2007г, с.14-15.
8. Садоян Р.Р.-Климатический сборник 2001-
2009гг. Гидро климатическая государственная
служба мониторинга. Научно-прикладной центр
гидро климатически и экологии.
9. Трепачев Е.П.- Значение биологического и
минерального азота в проблеме белка. Минераль-
ный и биологический азот в земледелии. Москва,
наука, 1985г.
10. Тамсаганбетов С.И., Садвакасов С.С. - Ми-
неральные удобрения и урожайность семян лю-
церны, Казахский нац. Аграрный университет, г.
Алматы, 2000г., с. 85-87.
8 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
Harutyunyan M.
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049239
This article explores the potential utilization of the Garni Royal Bath mosaic, a significant cultural artifact in
Armenia, as a key ornament for cultural events. The Garni Temple and Royal Bath are iconic landmarks with
historical and cultural significance. The mosaic within the Royal Bath, showcasing intricate designs and mytho-
logical motifs, serves as a focal point for artistic and scientific exploration. By analyzing the mosaic's composition
and artistic value, this study suggests adapting its elements for graphic design applications such as stationery co-
vers, book covers, and bags. The article discusses techniques for revamping the color scheme and shape of the
mosaic elements to align with contemporary design standards. Furthermore, it emphasizes the versatility of these
designs for use in various cultural events, both domestically and internationally. Incorporating elements of Arme-
nia's cultural heritage into graphic design not only enhances the visual identity of events but also promotes cross-
cultural appreciation and awareness of Armenian heritage on a global scale.
Keywords: Garni Royal Bath, mosaic, graphic design, cultural events, Armenia, cultural heritage.
The Garni Temple and Garni Royal Bath are both
significant historical and cultural landmarks located in
Garni, Armenia.
Garni Temple: The Garni Temple is a classical
Hellenistic temple situated in the village of Garni (Ar-
menia), about 28 kilometers southeast of the capital
city, Yerevan. Believed to have been built in the 1st
century AD, the temple is dedicated to the Armenian
sun god, Mihr, and is one of the best-preserved exam-
ples of ancient architecture in Armenia. It was likely
commissioned by King Tiridates I and stands as a tes-
tament to Armenia's pagan past. The temple's design re-
flects Greco-Roman architectural influences, featuring
Ionic columns and a pediment. Despite suffering dam-
age over the centuries, including destruction by an
earthquake in 1679, the Garni Temple has been par-
tially reconstructed and restored, attracting numerous
visitors and scholars interested in Armenian history and
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 9
Garni Royal Bath: The Garni Royal Bath, also
known as the Roman Bathhouse of Garni, is another
historical site located near the Garni Temple. This bath-
house dates back to the 3rd century AD and is believed
to have been used by Armenian royalty during the Ar-
sacid Dynasty. It consists of several rooms with intri-
cate mosaics, heating systems, and bathing chambers.
The bathhouse provides insights into the bathing rituals
and architectural advancements of the time. Like the
Garni Temple, the Royal Bath suffered damage over the
centuries but has undergone restoration efforts to pre-
serve its historical significance.
Both the Garni Temple and Garni Royal Bath are
popular tourist destinations and are recognized as
UNESCO World Heritage Sites, contributing to the rich
cultural heritage of Armenia. Visitors to Garni can ex-
plore these remarkable structures while immersing
themselves in the ancient history and architecture of the
Amidst the myriad examples of Armenia's rich
historical and cultural heritage, the pagan temple of
Garni and its encompassing landscape consistently in-
spire diverse perspectives and interpretations.
It has drawn, and continues to captivate, the inter-
est not only of Armenians but also of esteemed histori-
ans, art scholars, architects, and designers from around
the globe.
A plethora of materials, articles, books, and stud-
ies delve into the captivating realm of the Garni Tem-
ple, exploring its architectural splendor and rich histor-
ical significance.
It can be regarded as one of Armenia's foremost
symbols, an integral part of its cultural heritage that
never fails to captivate and astonish tourists.
Adjacent to this revered temple, symbolizing ar-
chitectural and cultural significance, lies the royal bath,
of which scant remnants have endured until present
It also represents a great scientific and artistic
value, especially the mosaic on the floor of the first
room, which has become the subject of many scientific
and local studies.
10 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
It is an unique monument of contemporary paint-
ing of pre-Christian Armenia known to us so far. The
floor of the semi-circular niche of the second room was
also covered with mosaics. It was completely de-
stroyed. From the preserved part of the painting, its
unique mythological plot is evident.
The meticulously crafted Kuna transfers, show-
cased within the pink frame, evoke the illusion of water
waves in various sections of the image, reflecting di-
verse states of the seawater.
Mythical deities and beings, alongside large and
small fish, are depicted within the waters in various po-
At the center of the mosaic, framed intricately, are
busts portraying a man and a woman.
Individual mosaic images, particularly those de-
picting fish, exhibit exceptional craftsmanship.
The smooth rendering, convincing anatomical
structure, and subtle shades of colors attest to the ele-
vated caliber of mosaic artistry. This mosaic is crafted
from cubes, each with a square area ranging from 5 to
10 mm, meticulously cut from naturally colored stones.
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 11
Fifteen distinct shades are utilized in the mosaic.
Various geometrically shaped cubes are employed to
aid in the precise execution of intricate image transfers.
Due to the mosaic's exceptional artistic value
stemming from both its color schemes and composi-
tional intricacies, we deem its images worthy subjects
of study. This analysis aims to adapt the colors and
compositional techniques for application in other
graphic designs.
Let's explore the potential utilization of specific el-
ements from the mosaic or its imagery in designing sta-
tionery covers, book covers, and bags. These elements
could serve as integral components of an overarching
graphic style or branding strategy for any cultural
From sections exhibiting particularly captivating
compositional arrangements, it is advisable to consider
incorporating the upper right portion of the mosaic.
This segment features human figures alongside two fish
and written elements, offering a dynamic and engaging
visual narrative.
Given that the predominant elements of the mosaic
comprise anthropomorphic figures, fish motifs, orna-
mental details, and inscriptions, the upper right section
stands out as it encompasses a comprehensive listing of
all the years involved.
To enhance the appeal of the final decorative or
graphic outcome and align it with contemporary mar-
keting standards, it is recommended to revamp the
color scheme of the mosaic with more vibrant hues.
Bright tones such as vivid red, lemon yellow, deep blue,
or sky white could be employed. Additionally, incorpo-
rating a moderate amount of black or utilizing outlines
can further accentuate the visual impact.
We propose transforming the small square parti-
cles or details of this renowned and thoroughly studied
mosaic example into round elements of equivalent size.
This adjustment will impart a fresh aesthetic to the mo-
saic, rendering it suitable for stationery design applica-
Patterns were created from numerous individual
preferences, with the most favorable ones being care-
fully chosen. These selected patterns were then metic-
ulously rendered using watercolor gouache, specifi-
cally for application onto the bag, employing threads
and cloth.
All the graphic design elements of applied art
showcased here are versatile for use not only in Arme-
nia but also during seminars and international confer-
ences. It's a common practice during significant events
to distribute stationery, folders, bags, and similar acces-
sories featuring conference logos or themed color
schemes. These adaptable designs can seamlessly inte-
grate into various contexts, enhancing the branding and
visual identity of diverse gatherings and conferences on
a global scale.
It is customary to provide participants of such
events with this type of stationery, and meticulously de-
signed stationery, along with the graphic letters repre-
senting a vital part of Armenia's cultural heritage, will
enhance and underscore the significance of any occa-
sion. The harmonious and uniform design will add
beauty and sophistication, contributing to the overall at-
mosphere and prestige of the event.
The work holds a contemporary and positive ap-
peal, particularly given the involvement of specialists
from various countries in major cultural events. By uti-
lizing this historical mosaic depicting the lamb and the
royal bath, we afford it the chance to garner global
recognition, captivating the interest of numerous ex-
perts worldwide. This endeavor serves to promote cul-
tural exchange and appreciation on an international
Indeed, similar endeavors can be undertaken
across various events by incorporating particles from
diverse historical and cultural structures into graphic
design. Drawing inspiration from this example, analo-
gous graphic styles can be crafted based on the works
of renowned artists like Martiros Saryan or Yervand
Kochar, or by extracting details from architectural mar-
vels in Armenia. This approach not only celebrates the
rich heritage of Armenia but also fosters creativity and
innovation in graphic design, allowing for the reinter-
pretation and dissemination of cultural motifs on a
broader scale.
The research foundation highlights the potential of
utilizing structural buildings or their components, inte-
gral to cultural heritage, as inspiration for the graphic
design of printed materials, stationery, book covers,
and bags tailored for cultural events. This approach
serves to infuse cultural significance into design ele-
ments, enriching the visual identity of such events
while paying homage to the heritage of the structures
Armenia remains relatively undiscovered by nu-
merous nations and their citizens. Therefore, employ-
ing similar measures to showcase Armenia's historical
and cultural values and its rich history can effectively
promote awareness and appreciation of Armenian her-
itage in various countries. By incorporating elements of
Armenian culture into graphic design for international
events, we can contribute to the global dissemination of
Armenia's unique heritage and history.
Indeed, this type of research and observation,
drawing from cultural heritage templates, serves as an
exemplary model for utilizing graphic elements in the
conceptualization of modern cultural event designs, not
only for Armenia but also for every country worldwide.
By embracing and reinterpreting elements from cultural
heritage, graphic designers can create visually compel-
ling and culturally resonant designs that transcend bor-
ders, celebrating diversity and fostering cross-cultural
appreciation on a global scale.
12 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
Graphic Design Materials
Canvas Bag
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 13
1. Saak Tarontsi, GARNI - THE LONELY
ARURAT Scientific Academy of Near Eastern, Anato-
lian and Caucasian Studies, 41 pages
2. Alexandr Sahinyan, Գառնու անտիկ
կառույցների ճարտարապետությունը [Architecture
of ancient structures of Garni]. 1983, Yerevan:
Armenian SSR Academy of Sciences Publishing.
3. Bonita M. Kolb, Marketing for Cultural Or-
ganizations, 2013, Publisher: Routledge, pages: 200
14 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
Mammadova M.,
Ph.D in Chemistry,
Y.H. Mamedaliyev's Institute of Petrochemical Processes of the Ministry of Science and Education
Ibrahimzada S.
Master’s degree student, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049252
In the presented article, catalytic systems consisting of metal-modified HMOR, HZSM-5 zeolites and sulfated
zirconium dioxide, capable of isomerizing n-Butane with high isoselectivity at normal atmospheric pressure and
low temperature, were synthesized. The role of each component of the catalytic systems in the process was clari-
fied, it was shown that the ZrO2 component of the system lowers the process temperature, cobalt ensures the
stability of the catalytic system, and sulfate anions cause high isomerizability. The optimal temperature of the
process is determined to be 180-1900
C. N-butane conversion is 48% on the 0.4%Co/HMOR/10%ZrO2 - SO4
(2%) catalytic system at 1900
C, MHS=2 hour-1
, H2:CH = 3:1, QHSH2 = 350 hour-1
, isoselectivity was 70%. It was
known that the conversion of n-butane on the synthesized catalytic system takes place by a bimolecular mecha-
Keywords: isomerization, n-butane, sulfated zirconium dioxide, zeolite, isoselectivity, low temperature, con-
Isomerization of alkanes is carried out in industry
to obtain isoalkanes of low molecular weight (isobu-
tane, isopentane, isomeric hexanes), as well as weakly
branched higher alkanes with low freezing points. Low
molecular weight isoalkanes are added to motor gaso-
lines to increase the octane number of the head fractions
boiling up to 70 °C. Isobutane and isopentane are also
used as starting products for the production of unsatu-
rated hydrocarbons - isobutylene and isoprene; in addi-
tion, isobutane is also a raw material for alkylation pro-
Thermodynamically, low temperature enables
deeper isomerization with the formation of highly
branched isoalkanes, therefore, low-temperature isom-
erization processes in the presence of highly active cat-
alysts are of great importance.
One of the wood-temperature solid superacid cat-
alysts of n-alkanes is sulfated zirconium dioxide cata-
lysts. SO4
/ZrO2 based catalysts are characterized by
high activity, resistance to poisons and favorable tem-
perature range (140-2200
С). Butane isomerization in
the presence of such catalysts is widely studied. [1] re-
ports on persulfate-modified ZrO2 solid superacids and
their activity in n-butane isomerization. Factors affect-
ing their properties, including the annealing tempera-
ture, persulfate absorption density, and ZrO2 source
preparation conditions, are studied. It is shown that the
sample prepared with 0.25-0.50 mol/l persulfate im-
pregnation and then annealing at 600-650℃ has the
highest degree of acidity. Compared to sulfated zirco-
nium dioxide prepared under the same conditions, per-
sulfated zirconium dioxide at 250℃ shows a twice as
high activity in the isomerization of n-butane, which is
explained by the fact that it has more medium-strength
acid centers.
The strength of the acid centers of the catalyst is
also affected by its promotion with other metal oxides.
It was shown in [2] that the promotion of sulfated zir-
conium dioxide with alumina (ASZ) improves its cata-
lytic activity in the isomerization of n-butane. The ac-
tivity and stability of sulfated zirconium dioxide cata-
lysts are investigated in three different nanostructures:
ASZ supported on MCM-41, ASZ nanoparticles, and
Al2O3-promoted mesoporous sulfated zirconium diox-
ide. The increase in activity was primarily determined
by the amount of Al2O3 addition and the annealing tem-
perature. The high activity and stability of Al2O3-pro-
moted catalysts is due to the improved distribution of
the strength of acid centers. The amount of Al2O3 in all
three catalysts can be adjusted to obtain optimal cata-
lytic activity in butane isomerization. Butane conver-
sion is 6 times higher than in unpromoted SZ catalysts.
This is due to the abundance of weak Brensted acid cen-
ters of moderate strength on optimal catalysts. The ac-
tivity is most stable for the nanoparticulate form of sul-
fated zirconium dioxide, which is due to the optimal
distribution of weak Brensted acid centers. On the other
hand, very strong Brensted acid centers cause a rapid
decrease in activity due to coking and cracking. It was
concluded that, firstly, mesoporous carriers can pro-
mote better dispersion of sulfated tetragonal ZrO2; sec-
ond, the addition of Al2O3 can prevent the conversion
of tetragonal sulfated zirconium dioxide to monoclinic
sulfated zirconium dioxide; thirdly, the high activity
and stability of Al2O3-promoted catalysts is due to the
optimized distribution of the strength of acid centers.
The maximum catalytic activity for the three studied
catalysts - ASZ-MCM-41, ASZ-NP and AS/MPZrO2 -
is associated with the corresponding optimal distribu-
tion of acid centers. The addition of Al2O3 results in an
increase in weak Brensted acid centers with intermedi-
ate force that is important for maintaining a stable cat-
alytic cycle in butane isomerization. A general reaction
mechanism of isomerization of n-butane over sulfated
zirconium dioxide is proposed and two conclusions are
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 15
reached: firstly, the bimolecular mechanism is the main
direction in the initial period on strong Brensted acid
centers. The initial decrease in activity occurs as a re-
sult of coking at strong Brensted acid sites and clogging
of mesoporous channels. Second, the weak Brensted
acid centers play an important role in maintaining the
stable transformation in the later period. In addition, the
high activity of the nanoparticle catalyst (ASZ-NP)
with slight fragmentation suggests that its more open
pore system can better prevent mesopore clogging. As
can be seen from here, the porosity of the selected car-
rier has an important effect on the activity of the cata-
lyst. It is shown in [3] that the effect of hydrogen on the
isomerization of n-butane on Pt/SO4
- ZrO2 and hybrid
Pt/SiO2+ SO4
-ZrO2 (a physical mixture of Pt/SiO2 and
-ZrO2) catalysts depends on the reaction condi-
tions (temperature, partial pressure of hydrogen) de-
pends. At high reaction temperature under low hydro-
gen pressure, the reaction composition due to hydrogen
is close to zero, and at low reaction temperature under
higher hydrogen pressure, it is negative (−0.5−1.0). The
negative effect of hydrogen on activity is believed to be
due to the hydride formed by the phenomenon of hy-
drogen diffusion. It was determined that C4 olefins and
C8 hydrocarbons are not reaction intermediates, and the
reaction mechanism of n-butane isomerization is a
monomolecular mechanism. The reaction parameters
are similar in Pt/ SO4
-ZrO2 and Pt/SiO2+ SO4
catalysts. This indicates that the hydrogen effect is uni-
versal on the catalyst surface, and the proximity of Pt
and acid centers is not so important. In [4], a palladium-
containing catalyst based on unbound granular sulfated
zirconium dioxide was studied for the isomerization of
n-butane. It was determined that the isomerization of
the n-butane fraction under optimal conditions at 140–
150°C allows obtaining a high yield of isobutane (up to
52% by mass). [5] investigated the effect of hydrogen
on the catalytic activity of Fe- and Mn-promoted sul-
fated zirconium dioxide catalysts. It was determined
that the effect of hydrogen on the activity of Fe-pro-
moted SZ in the isomerization of n-butane depends sig-
nificantly on the amount of Fe in the catalyst. It was
also found that the negative effect of hydrogen is
greater at lower temperatures. It is assumed that the rea-
son for the decrease in activity in the presence of hy-
drogen is its interaction with reaction intermediates.
Purpose of the research
The aim of the present work is to study the isom-
erization of butane at low temperature and normal at-
mospheric pressure over a catalyst based on sulfated
zirconium dioxide (SZ) and metal-modified zeolites.
Experimental part
The object of the study is catalytic systems con-
sisting of cobalt-modified HMOR17, HZSM-5 zeolites
and sulfated zirconium dioxide. These catalysts were
prepared by sol-gel method [6]. Cobalt-modified zeo-
lite components of the synthesized catalytic systems
were obtained by keeping decationized zeolite
(HMOR17 and HZSM-5) in cobalt nitrate solution of a
certain concentration for 24 hours, then evaporation of
the aqueous phase, drying at 1200
C and 3500
C (3 hours)
and 5500
С (5 hours) and at 3800
С prepared by pro-
cessing in hydrogen flow (40 ml/min; 3 h).
When synthesizing the SZ component of catalytic
systems, zirconium dioxide gel was first obtained. For
this, a certain amount of ZrОCl2 taken was hydrolyzed
with 25% ammonia solution at pH = 8-9 [6]. For this
purpose, ammonia solution was added dropwise with
stirring to the solution obtained by dissolving 10 g of
ZrОCl2·8Н2О in 300 ml of H2O heated to 800
C. The
obtained gel was kept in the solution at 800
C for 2
hours, then it was filtered, washed with distilled water
and dried at 1000
C (24 hours). Then, the resulting Zr
(OH)4 gel was sulfated with (NH4)2SO4 solution (with
stirring for 2 hours) and the aqueous fraction was evap-
orated to wet state. According to EACP (ICP - MS)
data, the amount of sulfur in the synthesized SZ was
1.97 wt.%.
To complete the synthesis of the catalytic systems,
the obtained SZ was thoroughly mixed with the cobalt-
modified zeolite component powder until visually ho-
mogeneous. The obtained mass was dried at 1200
C (3
hours), annealed at 6000
C and 5500
C (5 hours), then
powdered and mixed with a binder - Al2O3 hydrogel,
made into 1.5 × 3 ÷ 4 mm grains, and the thermal treat-
ment described above was carried out again. The com-
position of the synthesized catalytic systems is shown
in table 1.
Table 1.
Composition of synthesized catalysts
М-1 0.4%Co/HMOR
М-2 0.4%Co/HMOR/10%ZrO2
М-3 HMOR/10%ZrO2 - SO4
M-4 0.4%Co/HMOR/10%ZrO2 - SO4
K-2 0.4%Co/HZSM-5/10%ZrO2 - SO4
As a raw material, liquefied n-butane, TU51-946-
80, n-butane-96.5% by mass, produced by VNIPIGas
Experimental Plant (Orenburg, RF) was used.
The isomerization of n-butane was studied in a
flow-type catalytic laboratory setup equipped with a
quartz reactor. The volume of the catalyst loaded into
the reactor was changed between 1-5 cm3
. Before the
experiment, the catalysts were reduced with hydrogen
at 3800
C (2 hours).
The reaction products were analyzed using an Au-
toSystemXL chromatograph.
Results and Discussion
In order to study the isomerizing activity of the
synthesized catalysts in n-butane conversion, the role
of the components included in the catalysts (zeolite,
16 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
metal added to zeolite, ZrO2 and finally SO4
anions) in
this process was studied sequentially.
Preliminary studies of decationized forms of
ZSM-5 (modulus 23) zeolite and synthetic mordenite
(modulus 17) have shown that ZSM-5 zeolites are al-
most inactive in the conversion of n-butane, while
HMOR is active at 250-3500
C. During the conversion,
isobutane, propane, n- and isopentane are formed. By
the 20th minute of the reaction, the yield of isobutane
increases and reaches the maximum value (13.8% at
C), and then decreases to 3.9% at the 60th minute
(Figure 1). The maximum yield of propane, a byproduct
of the reaction, reaches 27% at the beginning of the re-
action and then decreases to 12% within 60 minutes.
Figure 1. Time dependence of i-butane yield over HMOR catalyst
C, QHS = 150 hour-1
Isopentane and pentane yields remain at 2.5-2.8
and 1.0-1.5%, respectively, over 60 minutes. When the
temperature is reduced to 2500
C, the yield of propane
decreases more than the yield of isobutane, which leads
to an increase in the selectivity in the direction of the
isomerization reaction.
The inclusion of cobalt in the composition of mor-
denite (catalyst M-1) increases its activity and stability
in the conversion of n-butane. The effect of cobalt on
the activity of HMOR depends on the process tempera-
ture. When the temperature is increased to 3000
C, the
yield of isobutane in cobalt mordenite is 16.3%. The
obtained results are presented in table 2.
Table 2.
Conversion of n-Butane over H-mordenite and its Co-modified form (M-1).
QHS = 150 hour-1
, H2 : n-C4H10 = 2 : 1.
Katalizator Т, 0
Composition of catalysts, wt. % *
C1 – C2 C3H8 i-C4H10 n-C4H10 i-C5H12 n-C5H12
HMOR17 300 – 27.2 15.5 53.1 2.8 1.4
220 0.4 10.8 12.9 71.1 3.3 1.5
300 0.5 34.8 16.3 44.8 2.6 1.0
*- 20th minute
The release of isobutane in HMOR reaches a
maximum value at 20 minutes and then decreases. In
M-1, the output of isobutane is more stable and
decreases after the 40th minute of the reaction. This
indicates that cobalt has a significant stabilizing effect
on the activity of mordenite. As can be seen from Table
2, the main products of conversion of n-butane over
HMOR and M-1 catalysts are propane, isobutane,
isopentane, n-pentane and a small amount of C1-C2
Modification of M-1 with zirconium dioxide
(catalyst M-2) allows to increase the yield of isobutane
and lower the reaction temperature. For example, in
primary dealuminated mordenite at 2200
C, the
conversion of n-butane is 24.5%, and the yield of
isobutane is 12.0%. The inclusion of 10% ZrO2 in the
composition of the catalyst sample allows to increase
the conversion of butane by 2.2 times and the yield of
isobutane by 2.4 times compared to HMOR (table 3).
Table 3.
Conversion of n-Butane over HM and cobalt-mordenite-zirconium catalyst (M-2).
Catalyst Т, 0
Conversion of n-
butane, %
yield, wt.%
i-butane Изобу-
HMOR17 220 24.5 12.0 0.6
190 12.7 9.1 1.6
220 54.5 28.5 5.3
Time, minute
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 17
The inclusion of sulfate anions in the composition of the catalyst significantly changes its activity. The effect
of sulfation on the activity of mordenite catalysts is shown in table 4.
Table 4.
Conversion of n-butane over mordenite-zirconium-sulfate (M-3)
and sulfated cobalt-mordenite-zirconium (M-4) catalysts.
Catalyst Т, 0
Conversion of n-
C4H10, %
Yield, wt. %
C3H8 i- C4H10 i-C5H12
190 36.4 7.5 25.7 2.6
200 46.1 11.7 27.7 4.6
220 50.3 14.5 30.0 4.9
M-4 190 47.6 16.4 33.5 4.7
According to the table, the conversion of n-butane
is 36.4-50.3% and the yield of i-butane is between 25.7-
30.0% in the temperature interval of 190-2200
C on the
given type of catalysts. A noticeable increase in the
activity of catalysts after sulfation is observed at 1900
The conversion of n-butane increases from 12.7% to
36.4%, and the yield of i-butane increases from 9.1% to
25.7% (tables 3 and 4). However, the yield of the main
byproduct of the reaction - propane increases faster
than the yield of isobutane as the temperature increases,
which is accompanied by a decrease in the
isoselectivity of the reaction.
Thus, the obtained results show that during the
conversion of butane at a temperature of 1900
C on a
dealuminated mordenite-based M-4 catalyst with a
silicate module of 17, the yield of i-butane is 33.5 mass
%, and the conversion of n-butane is 47.6%, in this
case, the selectivity for the target product is 70.4%
Table 3 also shows the results of the study of the
activity of the cobalt-free HMOR/SZ (M-3) catalyst in
the conversion of n-butane. A comparison of the
activities of M-3 and M-4 catalysts, which differ in
cobalt composition, shows that the inclusion of Co in
the catalyst composition increases the conversion of n-
butane by 11.2%, and the yield of i-butane by 7.8% (at
C). The difference between the activities of these
catalysts can be explained by the occurrence of
hydrogen spillover on the surface of the catalyst in the
presence of Co. During this event the Co metal on the
surface of the catalyst homolytically dissociates the H2
molecules supplied to the system into H atoms [7].
Processed H atoms "flow" to the surface of the ZS
component, turning into hydride ions (H-) and protons
in Lewis acid centers, increasing the amount of such
centers by forming acid centers that do not differ from
the acid centers present on the surface of the catalyst.
The activity of the catalyst is related to these centers.
The comparative analysis of reaction products on
different mordenite catalysts is important from the
point of view of the mechanism of n-butane conversion
process. With the modification of zeolite, not only the
conversion of n-butane, but also the distribution of
conversion products changes. At this time, the presence
of C5 hydrocarbons in the products is of particular
importance. The formation of pentane and propane is
the result of the bimolecular interaction of n-butane
molecules, in other words, the process proceeds with
the formation of an active bimolecular C8+
intermediate [8, 9]. The decomposition of this
component into i-butane, i-pentane and propane
depends on the conditions of the reaction, the catalyst,
taking into account the acidic nature of the activation of
such reactions, and the acidity of the catalyst. Indeed,
promotion of the M-2 catalyst with sulfuric acid, i.e.
conversion of the catalyst into a superacid [9, 10] leads
to the selective formation of i-C4H10 and a significant
increase in the activity of the catalyst.
The observed regularities of the effect of the mod-
ification of HMOR zeolite on the conversion of n-bu-
tane are also manifested during the modification of
HZSM-5 zeolite. Here, too, modification with Co, ZrO2
and sulfate anion leads to an increase in the isomerizing
activity and a decrease in the isomerization tempera-
ture. The activity of catalysts M-4 and K-6 in the con-
version of n-butane can be compared based on the data
of table 5.
Table 5.
Conversion of n-Butane over K-6 and M-4 catalysts.
QHS = 150 hour-1
, H2 : n-C4H10 = 2 : 1.
Т, 0
K-6 M-4
Conversion, %
Selectivity, % Conversion, % Selectivity%
i – С4 С3+С5 i-C4 С3+С5
160 34.0 68.1 31.9 39 67.5 32.5
180 38 72 28 47.6 70 30
200 46.0 51.5 48.5 54 52.8 47.2
As can be seen from the table, the isomerizing ac-
tivity of both catalysts first increases and then decreases
as the temperature increases, and the isomerizing activ-
ity of these catalysts is close to each other. 1800
C can
be chosen as the optimal isomerization temperature.
Based on the results given in the table, it can be con-
cluded that the formation of the bimolecular intermedi-
ate takes place with the participation of the SZ (SO4
ZrO2) component of the compositional catalytic sys-
18 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
Thus, the catalytic system developed on the basis
of sulfated zirconium dioxide and metal-modified zeo-
lites is capable of isomerizing butane with high
isoselectivity (70%) and conversion at low temperature
C) and normal atmospheric pressure. Isomeriza-
tion of n-butane on the synthesized catalytic system
proceeds with the formation of bimolecular intermedi-
1. Xia Y., Hua W., Gao Z. n-Butane isomeriza-
tion on solid superacids of ZrO2 modified by persulfate
//Acta Chimica Sinica, -1999. Vol.57, №12, –p. 1325-
2. Jung H.W., Chung Y.M. Catalytic behavior of
nanostructured sulfated zirconia promoted by alumina:
Butane isomerization // Catalysis Today, -2018.
Vol.131, –p. 162–172.
3. Keiichi T., Akihiro O., Kaoru F. Effect of hy-
drogen on n-butane isomerization over Pt/SO42−-ZrO2
and Pt/SiO2 +SO42−-ZrO2 //Applied Catalysis A:
General, -2000. Vol.194 –195, –p.383–393.
4. Echevskii G. V., Aksenov D. G. Activity of a
sulfated zirconia catalyst in isomerization of n-butane
fractions // Petroleum Chemistry, -2019. Vol.59, –
5. Steven X.S., Debra J. M., Ronald A. K. Influ-
ence of hydrogen on n-butane isomerization over sul-
fated zirconia catalysts // Catalysis Letters, -2000.
Vol.65, -p.5–7.
6. Abasov S.I., Agaeva S.B., Taghiev D.B.,
Mamedova M.T., Zarbaliev R.R., Iskenderova A.A.,
Imanova A.A., Isaeva E.S., Nasirova F.M. The influ-
ence of gaseous alkanes on the conversion of straight
gasoline in the presence of composite catalysts
Со(Ni)ZSM-5, MOR, Al2O3/SO42-/ZrO2. Journal of
applied chemistry, -2021. T.94. № 7, с.909-917.
7. Смоликов, М. Д. Катализаторы изомериза-
ции и риформинга углеводородов для интегриро-
ванных процессов производства экологически чи-
стых моторных топлив: / диссертация на соискание
ученой степени доктора химических наук/ - Омск,
2021. -381 с.
8. Бруно Д., Ватрипон Л., Жан Ф. Ж. Даль-
нейшее развитие технологии изомеризации пара-
финов //Нефтепереработка и нефтехимия, - Москва:
-2001. № 4, –c.15-27.
9. Хаимова Т.Г., Мхитарова Д.А. Информа-
ционно-аналитический обзор. Москва:
ЦНИИТЭнефтехим, -2005. -80 с.
10. Липкин Н.Г. Новый катализатор изомери-
зации позволяет получать высокооктановый изоме-
ризат // Мир нефтепродуктов, – Москва: - 2014. №
5, - с. 27-35.
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 19
Aliyev S.,
Docent, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
Mammadzada A.
Master’s degree student, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049266
This study investigates the optimization of low-temperature diesel fuel properties through the utilization of
depressant additives. Two depressant additives, K-ES and D-315, are assessed for their efficacy in improving Cold
Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) and Pour Point (PP) of diesel fuels sourced from different manufacturers. Methodo-
logically, optimal additive dosages and introduction temperatures are determined through comprehensive testing
of fuel samples. Results reveal distinct behaviors of the additives, with both K-ES and D-315 exhibiting concen-
tration-dependent effects on low-temperature properties. Notably, D-315 demonstrates superior performance at
higher concentrations, significantly reducing freezing and filtration temperatures. Molecular composition and sol-
vent characteristics are identified as critical factors influencing additive effectiveness. Overall, this study provides
valuable insights into the selection and application of depressant additives, essential for ensuring efficient engine
operation in challenging environmental conditions.
Keywords: diesel fuel, depressant additives, low-temperature properties, CFPP, PP.
Climate conditions necessitate a high demand for
high-quality low-temperature diesel fuels. One solution
to this problem is the production of low-temperature
diesel fuels. [1]
Considering the presence of technologically iso-
lated regions and decentralized energy supply, obtain-
ing diesel fuel with improved low-temperature proper-
ties based on summer grades by introducing depressant
additives is one of the current tasks in addressing the
issues of diesel equipment operation.
Diesel fuel from different manufacturers has dif-
ferent characteristics and requires an individual ap-
proach in selecting additives.
The main indicator of diesel fuel performance in
an engine is the Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP). The
Pour Point (PP), simulating warehouse storage condi-
tions of diesel fuel, is not regulated in current diesel fuel
standards, and modern depressant additives do not af-
fect the cloud point temperature. [2]
The effectiveness of depressant additives largely
depends on the composition of diesel fuel and its char-
acteristics. Fuels with different characteristics have dif-
ferent abilities to "receive" (accept) depressants, and
this is a very important aspect of additive application.
The main parameter we consider is the principle of the
depressant's action on paraffin crystals. Based on this,
we evaluate the interaction of the additive with the frac-
tional and group hydrocarbon composition of diesel
fuels and the influence on the physicochemical charac-
teristics of the paraffins themselves contained in the
fuel. [3] [4]
It has been noted on numerous occasions that die-
sel fuels with wide boiling ranges are more susceptible
to depressants than fuels with narrow fractional com-
positions. For this reason, depressant additives differ in
their sensitivity to the fractional composition of fuels.
Purpose of the research
The purpose of this study is to optimize the low-
temperature properties of diesel fuels by evaluating the
efficacy of depressant additives, addressing the chal-
lenges posed by diverse climate conditions and decen-
tralized energy infrastructures. This research aims to
assess the impact of depressant additives on Cold Filter
Plugging Point (CFPP) and Pour Point (PP) of diesel
fuels from various manufacturers. Methodologically,
the study determines optimal dosages and introduction
temperatures of two depressant additives, K-ES and D-
315, through comprehensive testing of fuel samples.
The main objective is to provide valuable insights into
the selection and application of depressant additives,
essential for ensuring efficient engine operation in chal-
lenging environmental conditions.
Experimental part
Two additives were tested as depressants: K-ES
and D-315.
The physicochemical characteristics of these addi-
tives were discussed in Chapter 2 (please add the table
from Chapter 2).
Considering the natural-climatic conditions of
equipment operation in the North, the main indicators
for low-temperature diesel fuel from crude oil were se-
lected: [6]
Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP)
Pour Point.
The optimal dosage introduction temperature of
the additive is approximately 10°C higher than the
cloud point temperature.
Initially, the optimal concentration of the depres-
sant added to the diesel fuel was selected, based on sub-
sequent determination of its low-temperature proper-
In the study, 12 samples of diesel fuel containing
additive K-ES at concentrations ranging from 0.10% to
0.50% by mass, and additive D-315 at concentrations
ranging from 0.10% to 0.7% by mass, were prepared
and tested. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the influence of
these additives on the low-temperature properties of the
diesel fuels.
20 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
Figure 1. Dependence of freezing temperature and freezing point depression on the concentration of depressant
additive K-ES.
Figure 1. Dependence of freezing temperature and freezing point depression on the concentration of depressant
additive D-315
Results and Discussion
From the provided data, it can be seen that the be-
havior characteristics of depressor additives are not
similar. At concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5% by mass
in the fuel containing the mentioned additives, an im-
provement in low-temperature indicators is observed,
but with an increase in the concentration of the K-ES
additive, low-temperature indicators deteriorate. De-
pressor additive D-315 significantly improves low-
temperature indicators sufficiently well at the concen-
trations mentioned above, but at concentrations exceed-
ing 0.55% by mass, the freezing and filtration tempera-
tures increase. It is worth noting that both additives ef-
fectively reduce the freezing and filtration
temperatures. For the K-ES additive, the maximum re-
duction in the freezing temperature (from -28°C to -
39°C) and the pour point temperature (from -17°C to -
25°C) is achieved at a concentration of 0.2% by mass.
The maximum reduction in the freezing temperature for
the diesel fraction (from -28°C to -53°C) and the pour
point temperature (from -17°C to -39°C) of the investi-
gated diesel fraction samples is achieved with the intro-
duction of 0.55% by mass of the D-315 additive into
the fraction.
The active substance in both used additives is a
copolymer of vinyl acetate with alkyl methacrylate, but
its content and solvents for commercial diesel fuels are
different. Perhaps these differences in the behavior of
0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5
Назва осі
Concentration of additive, % mass
Cold Filter Plugging Point(CFPP) Pour Point
0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,55 0,6 0,7
Concentration of additive, % mass
Freezing temperature Maximum filterability temperature
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 21
the two additives in the fuel obtained from the Talakan
oil field can be explained by the concentration in the
commercial form (the content of the active substance in
the K-ES additive is 60-75%, in the D-315 additive -
70-85%). Also, the behavior of additives depends on
the mutual molecular weight distribution of monomeric
units in the polymer molecule (the ratio of ethylene and
vinyl acetate units). The solvent also plays an important
role, affecting the structural and volumetric state of the
polymer molecule: "ball" or "thread".
From the presented data, it is evident that both ad-
ditives exhibit a higher depressor effect in fuel derived
from the gasoline fraction of crude oil. At a minimum
concentration of 0.1% by mass of the aforementioned
additives, as shown in Figure 3, the fuel freezing tem-
perature, depending on the additive introduced into it,
ranges from -36°C to -45°C, and the maximum filtra-
tion temperature ranges from -20°C to -33°C. In terms
of effectiveness, all investigated additives can be
ranked in the following order: D-315 and K-ES.
Figure 2. Influence of the investigated additives introduced into the diesel fraction at a 0.1% concentration on
its low-temperature properties.
The maximum reduction in the freezing
temperature for the diesel fraction (from -28°C to -
53°C) and the pour point temperature (from -17°C to -
39°C) of the investigated diesel fraction samples is
achieved with the introduction of 0.55% by mass of the
Difron 315 additive into the fraction. Thus, the obtained
results allowed identifying the most optimal
concentrations of the additives under consideration in
the fuel. For the K-ES additive, this concentration was
0.2% by mass, and for the D-315 additive, it was 0.55%
by mass. [7]
1. V. P. Ahmad Fayyazbakhsh, "Comprehensive
overview on diesel additives to reduce emissions, en-
hance fuel properties and improve engine perfor-
mance," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,
pp. 891-901, 2017.
2. M. M. R.D. Misra, "Blending of additives with
biodiesels to improve the cold flow properties, combus-
tion and emission performance in a compression igni-
tion engine—A review," Renewable and Sustainable
Energy Reviews, pp. 2413-2422, 2011.
3. V. P. Ahmad Fayyazbakhsh, "Determining the
optimum conditions for modified diesel fuel combus-
tion considering its emission, properties and engine
performance," Energy Conversion and Management,
pp. 209-219, 2015.
4. S. B. S. K. G. P. J. S. a. L. K. Farah Ansari,
"Chemical Additives as Flow Improvers for Waxy
Crude Oil and Model Oil: A Critical Review Analyzing
Structure–Efficacy Relationships," Energy & Fuels, pp.
130, 126-132., 2022.
5. G. L. Z. Z. D. H. J. C. K. W. J. G. Z. Y. Jia-
qiang E, "Effect analysis on cold starting performance
enhancement of a diesel engine fueled with biodiesel
fuel based on an improved thermodynamic model," Ap-
plied Energy, pp. 321-335, 2019.
6. S. S. A. T. Basir Maleki, "Cold flow properties
and CI engine parameters synchronic improvement of
biodiesel/diesel/ C3 and C4 alcohol blends: Mixture de-
sign approach," Process Safety and Environmental Pro-
tection, pp. 310-326, 2022.
7. Y. N. Q. D. N. B. K. O. Paul C. Smith, "Im-
proving the low-temperature properties of biodiesel:
Methods and consequences," Renewable Energy, pp.
1145-1151, 2010.
Diesel fraction Keroflux 6100 Difron 315
Temperature -28 -36 -45
Pour Point -15 -25 -32,5
Temperature Pour Point
22 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
Mamedova N.,
PhD in Chemistry, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry
Nabiyeva N.
Master’s degree student, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049281
Among the derivatives of natural and synthetic petroleum acids, esters are one of those that have the greatest
practical importance. In this article, ketoesters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids were obtained and their
properties were studied. The structure of the obtained ketoesters was confirmed with the help of IR – spectral
analysis. Due to the low freezing point of ketoesters obtained on the basis of vinyl ketones of natural and synthetic
petroleum acids, they were used as a depressant additive in diesel fuels. It was found that when adding 0.2% esters
of methoxyethyl ketone and isopropoxyethyl ketone to diesel fuel, the freezing temperature of diesel fuel drops by
30 units. In accordance with OZ DST – 989 2001 standards, the physical and chemical properties of diesel fuel
added with depressor additives (ketoesters) were studied and it was determined that the requirements of the stand-
ard were fully met.
Keywords: natural and synthetic petroleum acids, depressor additive, diesel fuel, freezing temperature, ke-
toesters, methoxyethyl ketone, isopropoxyethyl ketone.
Organic acids and their derivatives are increas-
ingly used in the national economy. Petroleum is one of
the sources of organic acids. The amount of petroleum
acids in oils ranges from 0.07-2.4%, and in Azerbaijani
oils from 0.1-1.6%. Petroleum acids are a product of
alkaline processing of petroleum distillates and serve as
a cheap source of raw materials for obtaining a number
of industrial products - solvents, aniline dyes and vul-
canized rubber, varnish and paint components, plasti-
cizers for synthetic resins, lubricants, surfactants. Prac-
tically, petroleum acids are quite valuable. Products
made from these acids are considered useful and their
formulation is extremely complex. As plasticizers, sur-
factants, fuel and oil additives, and inhibitors of steel
corrosion, natural petroleum acids are significant raw
materials in the petrochemical industry. Despite the fact
that natural petroleum acids and their derivatives have
various uses, they are among the limited products of the
petrochemical industry due to the small amount of these
acids in oil. The solution to this limitation is the con-
version of naphthenic hydrocarbons into acids, i.e. the
synthetic production of petroleum acids [1, 2, 3, 4].
Petroleum acids have a potential amount in the ox-
ygenated compounds of oil, and are of actual im-
portance because they allow obtaining various valuable
industrial products by separating from petroleum. Sub-
stances obtained as a result of synthesis reactions based
on petroleum acids are of wide interest and are consid-
ered relevant as they have wide and multi-field appli-
cations. The presence of halogen atoms, epoxide group,
double and triple bonds in the esters molecule makes it
possible to use them successfully, especially in oxida-
tion, hydroxide, dimerization, aminomethylation, and
in hydration with the formation of new derivatives of
petroleum acids. In all cases, the properties of the final
products mostly depend on the structure and nature of
the petroleum acids. Adding petroleum acids and their
derivatives to diesel fuel is a trend that shows promise
for the usage of these materials. Diesel fuel may be up-
graded to high-quality fuel that satisfies contemporary
environmental standards by adding esters derived from
petroleum acids and diatomic alcohols [5, 6, 7].
The presented article discusses the synthesis of ke-
toester derivatives of natural and synthetic petroleum
acids and their use as a depressant additive in diesel
Experimental part
Esterification reaction between propargyl, propar-
gyloxyethyl alcohols and natural and synthetic petro-
leum acids in the presence of an ionic liquid catalyst –
piperidine hydrosulfate [C5H10HN+
is carried
out successfully in benzene at a temperature of 80-
C, and esters are obtained with a yield of 80-90%.
The reaction mechanism can be shown as follows:
RCOOH + HO − CH2 − C ≡ CH → RCOOCH2 − C ≡ CH + H2O
The acylation reactions of natural and synthetic
petroleum acids with the above-mentioned unsaturated
alcohols were carried out by the following methodol-
Taking the reaction components – mol ratio of nat-
ural and synthetic petroleum acids to acetylene alcohols
as 1: (1,2 - 1,4), 40 ml of benzene solvent was added to
the three-throat flask with dropping funnel, thermome-
ter, reverse cooler and mixer. When the temperature
reaches 900
C, chloral anhydride of petroleum acids is
started to be supplied from the dropping.
The start of the reaction is determined by the sep-
aration of hydrogen chloride. In order to capture hydro-
gen chloride, hydrogen chloride is combined with an
Erlenmeyer flask through a glass tube where an aque-
ous solution of 150 ml of 0.01N sodium hydroxide is
added. It is determined by periodically titrating the
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 23
amount of hydrogen chloride released. After the sepa-
ration of HCl stopped, the mixing of the reaction mix-
ture at a temperature of 85-1000
C was continued again
for 20 minutes. After the end of the reaction, they wash
off the reaction mass first with weak sodium carbonate,
and then with distilled water. Then they dry on calcium
chloride. After expelling the solvent (benzene) under
atmospheric pressure and expelling the remaining ester
mass under vacuum, their physico-chemical properties
were studied and presented in Table 1.
Table 1.
Physico-chemical properties of acetylene esters
Acetylene esters of natural
and synthetic petroleum acids
Boiling tem-
perature, o
20 𝜌4
Acid num-
- 63
- 64
Continuing the study of the properties of acetylene
esters, we subjected them to a hydration reaction in or-
der to obtain their ketoesters.
Here, n = 0, 1. The reaction takes place with the
presence of a catalyst (HgSO4/H2SO4) at a temperature
of 750
C, and the yield of esters is 80-90%. The structure
of received ketoesters was confirmed with the help of
IR spectra. The absorption band at 1710 cm-1
the carbonyl group (CH3–C=O) and there are no signals
for the characteristic (–C≡CH) proton groups.
The physicochemical properties of ketoesters ob-
tained on the basis of acetylene esters of natural and
synthetic petroleum acids were studied and presented
in Table 2. Their properties show that they can be used
as modifiers for polymeric materials and as building
monomers in unsaturated polyesters.
Table 2.
Physico-chemical properties of ketoesters obtained from the hydrolysis of acetylene esters of natural and syn-
thetic petroleum acids
Structural formula of ketoesters
0,4-0,5 kPa
% (wt.)
100 C
Hydration of vinyl ketones of natural and synthetic
petroleum acids in an acidic medium at a temperature
of 800
C produces β-oxyethyl keto alcohol with a yield
of 66-69% (wt.). Mercury sulfate acidified with sulfuric
acid was used as a reaction catalyst.
R − CO − CH = CH2 + H2O
→ R − CO
− CH2 − CH2OH
Obtaining keto alcohols is done as follows:
1 g of HgSO4 and 20 ml of H2O acidified with
H2SO4 are placed in a reaction flask equipped with a
thermometer and a mechanical stirrer. Then 0.1 ml of
vinyl ketone is added to the mixture with stirring. The
resulting mixture is heated at 800
C for 2 hours. The next
day, the obtained mixture is washed with water, the
aqueous layer is extracted with ester, dried with CaCl2,
and after expelling the ester, the residue is expelled un-
der vacuum.
The physico-chemical properties of the obtained
product are as follows:
Boiling temperature – 138-147 0
C/0.4 kPa; 𝑛20
1.4688; 𝜌4
– 897.8 kg/m3
; yield – 66.8 % (wt.).
When compared with the original vinyl ketone, the
IR spectra of the products do not include the character-
istic absorption bands (985-990 and 1625-1645 cm-1
characteristic of vinyl groups, but the absorption bands
of 3445-3455 cm-1
characteristic of the hydroxyl group
are present.
Synthesized ketoalcohols to get ketoglycidyl es-
ters, suitable glycidyl esters were obtained by dehydro-
chlorination of chlorohydrin formed by the interaction
of epichlorohydrin in the presence of boron trifluoride
with the addition of KOH. The yield of glycidyl esters
was between 68-71%.
The reaction proceeds as follows:
24 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
The synthesis of glycidyl esters of ketoalcohols
was carried out as follows:
After adding 0.3 mol keto alcohol and 0.1 ml
BF3O(C2H5)2, it is cooled to 0-50
C and mixed with
15.5g of epichlorohydrin. The reaction mass is stirred
at a temperature of 20-250
C for 4 hours. After expelling
the unreacted components, the residue is dissolved in
0.1 liter of ester, 10 g of KOH tablets are added with
stirring and cooling (10-150
C). The reaction mixture is
again stirred at 200
C for 3 hours. After removing the
solvent, we obtained the glycidyl esters by evaporating
under vacuum. Physico-chemical properties of ob-
tained esters were as follows:
Boiling temperature – 168-179 0
C/0,4 kPa; 𝑛20
1.4716; 𝜌4
– 912,5 kg/m3
; yield – 69,3 % (wt.).
IR-spectra of glycidyl esters do not have 3435-
3440 cm-1
characteristic of the hydroxyl group of the
first taken ketoalcohols, a band is observed at 3070-
3080 cm-1
characteristic of epoxide groups.
It is known that groups with electron acceptors ac-
tivated by the action of alkaline agents enter into a con-
densation reaction with vinyl ketones with double bond
and an engine hydrogen atom. Therefore, when naph-
thyl β - alkoxides are obtained under the influence of
sodium salts of suitable alcohols, both naphthyl β-chlo-
roethyl ketones and naphthyl vinyl ketones react ac-
cording to the following scheme.
R − CO − CH2 − CH2Cl + R1
ONa → R − CO − CH2 − CH2OR1
R − CO − CH = CH2 + R1
OH → R − CO − CH2 − CH2OR1
where R is a naphthenic radical and R1
= – CH3, –
C2H5, – C3H7, – C4H9.
So, the following ketoesters of natural and syn-
thetic petroleum acids were synthesized.
1. R1
= – CH3 (RCOCH2CH2OCH3 – Methoxy-
ethylketone ester of natural and synthetic petroleum ac-
2. R1
= – C2H5 (RCOCH2CH2OC2H5 – Ethoxy-
ethylketone ester of natural and synthetic petroleum ac-
3. R1
= – C3H7 (RCOCH2CH2OC3H7 – Iso-
propoxyethylketone ester of natural and synthetic pe-
troleum acids);
4. R1
= – C4H9 (RCOCH2CH2OC4H9 – Butoxy-
ethylketone ester of natural and synthetic petroleum ac-
Physicochemical properties of synthesized ketoes-
ters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids are given
in Table 3.
Table 3.
Physicochemical properties of ketoesters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids
Ketoesters of natural and syn-
thetic petroleum acids
Reaction condi-
tions Boiling
limit, 0
Physical and chemical prop-
n Tf,0
Methoxyethylketone NPA
Ethoxyethylketone NPA
Isopropoxyethylketone NPA
Butoxyethylketone NPA
The structure of the obtained esters was studied
with the help of infrared rays and nuclear magnetic res-
The low freezing temperature properties of these
ketoesters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids
have been suggested how they affect the freezing tem-
perature by applying them as depressor additives in die-
sel fuels. We evaluated the activity of depressor addi-
tives according to GOST 20287-74 standard.
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 25
Table 4.
Effect of ketoesters (additives) added to diesel fuel on the freezing temperature of diesel fuel
Ketoesters of natural petroleum
Mass of depressor additive,
Freezing temperature of diesel fuel,
The effect of synthesized esters on the freezing
temperature of diesel fuel was tested at H. Aliyev Oil
Refinery. The freezing temperature of diesel fuel itself
was -100
C. The data in Table 3 show that not all syn-
thesized esters have the same effect on the freezing
point of diesel fuel. For example, when adding 0.2%
methoxyethyl ketone and isopropoxyethyl ketone, the
freezing temperature of diesel fuel drops by 30 units.
The physico-chemical parameters of diesel fuel
with the optimal amount of depressor additive – ketoes-
ters of petroleum acids added according to the OZ DST
989-2001 standard are given in Table 5 and it was
found that the physico-chemical indicators of the stud-
ied diesel fuel fully meet the requirements of the stand-
ard, including low temperature properties.
Table 5.
Properties of diesel fuel with depressor additive according to OZ DST 989-2001 standard
Diesel fuel
With ad-
Density at 200
C, at most 860 835 837
Cetane number, at least 45 50 50
Fractional composition, 0
50%, at most
96% at most
Kinematic viscosity 200
C, mm2
/s 3,0 - 6,0 3,0 3,01
Freezing temperature o
C, the highest
Boiling point, the highest
Ignition temperature, lowest:
For locomotives, marine diesels and gas turbines
For general purpose diesels
Sulfur content, %(wt.) when it burns, the most
Mercaptan sulfur, the most 0,01 0,0003 0,0003
Water-soluble acids and alkalis -
Acidity mg KOH/100 cm3
, highest in fuel 6 -
Ash content, % most 0,01 0,003 0,003
Filtering coefficient 3 2 2
Ketoesters were obtained on the basis of acetylene
esters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids in the
presence of the HgSO4/H2SO4 catalyst and their phys-
ico-chemical properties were studied. It was deter-
mined that they can be applied as modifiers for poly-
meric materials, as well as a building monomer in the
composition of unsaturated polyesters. Then ketoesters
were synthesized on the basis of vinyl ketones of natu-
ral and synthetic petroleum acids, and due to the prop-
erty of low freezing temperatures of these ketoesters,
they were used as a depressant additive in diesel fuels.
It was determined that when adding 0.2% methoxyethyl
ketone and isopropoxyethyl ketone, the freezing tem-
perature of diesel fuel drops by 30 units. Properties of
diesel fuel with depressor additive (ketoesters) accord-
ing to OZ DST 989-2001 standard it was found that die-
sel fuel fully meet the requirements of the standard, in-
cluding low temperature properties. So, the conducted
research - the synthesis of petroleum acid esters and
their testing in diesel fuel as depressor additives shows
that the low temperature properties of diesel fuels can
be adjusted. It is possible to use diesel fuels with a
freezing temperature of -400
C in the northern regions
of Azerbaijan.
1.Afandiyeva, L.M., Abbasov, V.M., Aliyeva,
L.I., Ahmadbayova, S., Azizbeyli, E.I., & Ahmed,
H.M. (2018). Investigation of Organic Complexes of
Imidazolines Based on Synthetic Oxy and Petroleum
Acids as Corrosion Inhibitors. Iranian Journal of Chem-
istry & Chemical Engineering-international English
Edition 37, 73-79.
2.Z. Xia, L. Xu, and Z. Feng. Characterization and
analysis of naphthenic acids in petroleum // Interna-
tional Journal of Environmental Research and Public
Health, Volume 14, Issue 7, July 2017, Article 802. pp.
3.Mamedova, N.A., Mamedkhanova, S.A. &
Shakhmamedova, A.G. The Synthesis and Application
of Salts and Complexes on the Basis of Petroleum Acid
26 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024
Allyl Ester as CO2 Corrosion Inhibitors. Pet. Chem. 59,
213–219, 2019.
4.V. M. Abbasov, E. B. Zeinalov, M. G. Veliev,
et al., Natural Petroleum Acids and Their Derivatives:
Origin, Structure, and Properties: Synthetic and Ap-
plied Aspects (Elm, Baku, 2014).
5.Abbasov V.M., Mustafaev S.A. Rzaeva N.Sh.,
Mamedova N.A. Synthesis of unsaturated esters of nat-
ural petroleum acids // Oil refining and petrochemistry
- Moscow, 2014, No.7, pp. 12-16.
6.Efendieva, L.M., Abbasov, V.M., Alieva, L.I. et
al. Synthesis and Study of Ethylene Glycol Esters of
Synthetic Petroleum Acids as Diesel Fuel Additives.
Chem Technol Fuels Oils 54, 51–56 (2018).
7.Mamedova N.A., Mammadova A.M. Develop-
ment of technology for the separation of petroleum ac-
ids from distillates//International Journal of advanced
research and development, v.8, issue 3, 2023, p.34-36
Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 27
Danylyan A.
Danube Institute of the National University Odessa Maritime Academy
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049297
Global warming on the planet, has dramatically affected the melting of the polar caps, giving an increase in
the water level of the world's oceans. In this regard, NT in the scientific environment, there have been quite a lot
of scientific disputes and polemics, which do not always give a full scientific understanding of the state of affairs
with climate change on the planet. At times, instead of deep analysis of the occurring climatic phenomena, we see
substitution of the basis of the phenomena with predictions and scientific beliefs.
Rising sea levels are a serious consequence of climate change. Haiti, the Maldives and other island nations
are threatened with extinction. In the past few decades, the ocean has begun to warm almost 40% faster than it did
back in the middle of the last century, and water levels are rising at an accelerated rate. Here the opinions of
scientists are bifurcated, some believe that the heating of the planet to a greater extent depends on cosmic radiation,
which has increased dramatically over the last century, others prove the concept of saturation of the earth's atmos-
phere with carbon dioxide CO2, pollution of the world's oceans with plastic, which is a multilayered ball, covers
the bottom and does not allow to cool magma enveloping the core of the earth, which in turn in the process of
overheating increases in volume and rises to the upper layers of the earth. Third groups of scientists tend to consider
the first two concepts as equally existing and actively influencing global warming.
Any scientific debate must determine with sufficient precision the timing of the impending catastrophe. Here
there are very large discrepancies, they are measured from ten to a hundred years, everyone uses their own dy-
namics of events, which does not allow the heads of state and their government to specify their actions in the
Program documents on environmental protection of their states.
It is time to abandon the boundaries of ecological disasters, it is impossible to protect oneself in full measure
with state borders, the world ocean and airspace unites all countries and states.
Keywords: Polar caps, magma, flooding, global warming, environmental protection.
Problem Statement. To date, the average level of
the world's oceans has risen by about 21 cm since 1900,
with an immediate increase of 7.5 cm over the last 25
years. Each year the water level rises by 3.2 mm. These
seem like minuscule values, but the rate at which sea
levels are changing today is 2.5 times faster than it was
just a decade ago.
Analyzing recent studies and publications.
Klige R.K., Zakharov V.G. Changesin the snow-ice re-
gime of Antarctica //. Modern Global Changes in the
Natural Environment. - Moscow: Scientific World,
2006. С. 577-606. In this paper a group of scientists
gives a detailed analysis of the inevitable melting of the
Antarctic ice cover, which gives a significant rise in the
level of the World Ocean, disturbing the natural equi-
librium of the entire continent. In the works of Ukrain-
ian scientists:Вера Balabukh:
Ukraine will be resettled "climate refugees" from Af-
rica and Asia 2024, Р. 8. The work gives an overview
of floods in many countries and continents, which will
lead to a population explosion with the resettlement of
large numbers of people in Ukraine. Ego Chelokian
Professor at the University of Massachusetts T6KAbM
Address to the three presidents: Russian Federation,
USA, China. He makes strong arguments about the im-
pending catastrophe of planetary scale in a very short
period of time - two decades.
The last researches of the European and scientists
and the USA, have defined earlier unknown regularity
of overheating of magma and a core of a planet at the
expense of an additional source of energy from space
that leads to overheating of waters of the World Ocean
and awakening of sleeping volcanoes of a planet.
Highlighting previously unresolved parts of the
general problem.
The general unsolved problem included the issues
of curbing emissions of the greenhouse gas CO2, which
China and the USA had previously completely rejected.
These countries refused to fulfil the decisions of the In-
ternational Paris Conference, but subsequently ac-
cepted the decisions and signed an agreement. Later,
the International Conference in Glasgow summarised
the results of seven years of work of all states and as-
sessed many countries in solving the impending global
ecological catastrophe.
Purpose of the article. (The purpose of your re-
search ...). Our group of scientists from the Danube In-
stitute of the NU Odessa Maritime Academy has been
working on the issues of ecology and climate change
for ten years. The Institute's team has been awarded a
number of International Environmental Grants. The lat-
est Ukraine-Turkey-Romania International Grant is
dedicated to the protection of the Black Sea coast from
flooding. It is a large joint analytical and research work
for two years.
Outline of the main material. Global flooding
will affect up to 250 million people and even the most
civilised countries will be under water. The rate of sea
level rise has more than doubled, from 1.4 millimetres
per year for most of the 20th century to 3.6 millimetres
per year between 2006 and 2015. This is caused, among
other things, by the melting of Greenland's glaciers.
The NASA mission carefully studied the Greenland
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Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
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Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
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Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
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Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
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Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
Znanstvena misel journal  №89 (89)  2024
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Znanstvena misel journal №89 (89) 2024

  • 1. №89/2024 Znanstvena misel journal The journal is registered and published in Slovenia. ISSN 3124-1123 VOL.1 The frequency of publication – 12 times per year. Journal is published in Slovenian, English, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian. The format of the journal is A4, coated paper, matte laminated cover. All articles are reviewed Edition of journal does not carry responsibility for the materials published in a journal. Sending the article to the editorial the author confirms it’s uniqueness and takes full responsibility for possible consequences for breaking copyright laws Free access to the electronic version of journal Chief Editor – Christoph Machek The executive secretary - Damian Gerbec Dragan Tsallaev — PhD, senior researcher, professor Dorothea Sabash — PhD, senior researcher Vatsdav Blažek — candidate of philological sciences Philip Matoušek — doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Alicja Antczak — Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor Katarzyna Brzozowski — PhD, associate professor Roman Guryev — MD, Professor Stepan Filippov — Doctor of Social Sciences, Associate Professor Dmytro Teliga — Senior Lecturer, Department of Humanitarian and Economic Sciences Anastasia Plahtiy — Doctor of Economics, professor Znanstvena misel journal Slovenska cesta 8, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Email: Website:
  • 2. CONTENT AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES Barbaryan A., Ghazaryan R., Alikhanyan N., Nersisyan H., Khachatryan N. YIELD AND SOWING QUALITIES OF ALFALFA SEEDS UNDER DIFFERENT METHODS OF SOWING AND FERTILIZATION UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE ARARAT VALLEY...........................................................3 ARTS Harutyunyan M. LEVERAGING GARNI ROYAL BATH MOSAIC AS KEY CULTURAL EVENT ORNAMENTS..................................8 CHEMISTRY Mammadova M., Ibrahimzada S. ISOMERIZATION OF N-BUTANE WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF CATALYSTS OF SULFATED ZIRCONIUM DIOXIDE.................................................14 Aliyev S., Mammadzada A. INFLUENCE OF DEPRESSANT ADDITIVES ON CRUDE OIL FUEL ....................................................................19 Mamedova N., Nabiyeva N. SYNTHESIS AND STUDY OF PROPERTIES OF DERIVATIVES OF NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC PETROLEUM ACIDS....................................................22 EARTH SCIENCES Danylyan A. COUTERACTIN THE SHARP RISE OF THE WORLD OCEAN.......................................................................27 HISTORICAL SCIENCES Steblii N., Dovhan P., CROSSBODY WEAPONS FROM «MALE GORODYSHCHE» IN BUSK .........................................31 MEDICAL SCIENCES Grygoryan R. EXTENDING THE UNDERSTANDING OF HEALTH MECHANISMS: INVERSE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN WORSENING OF CELLS' METABOLISM AND ARTERIAL PRESSURE..................................................................35 Yakovets K., Yakovets R., Chornenka Zh. REMOTE COMPLICATIONS OF OTITIS........................44 PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES Jafarova S., Rakhimova L., Takhirova G. ICT: TRANSFORMİNG EDUCATİON İN THE DİGİTAL AGE............................................................................49 TECHNICAL SCIENCES Koval R., Yemelianenko S. FIRE RISK RESEARCH AND MANAGEMENT OF HOTELS ..................................................................................53 Asgarzada S., Namazova M. DETERMINING THE OPTIMAL PROCESSING VOLUME OF OIL THAT SATISFIES THE DEMAND FOR RAW MATERIALS OF THE PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY .....57 Suvorov D., Afanasieva I., Onyshchenko K. RESEARCH OF AUDIO RECORDING PROCESSING METHODS USING AI TO DETECT EMOTIONAL STATE 60
  • 3. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 3 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES УРОЖАЙНОСТЬ И ПОСЕВНЫЕ КАЧЕСТВА СЕМЯН ЛЮЦЕРНЫ ПРИ РАЗЛИЧНЫХ СПОСОБАХ ПОСЕВА И УДОБРЕНИЯ В УСЛОВИЯХ АРАРАТСКОЙ ДОЛИНЫ Барбарян А.А. кандидат с/х наук, ведущий науч. сотрудник Казарян Р.Г. кандидат с/х наук, ведущий науч. сотрудник Алиханян Н.А. младший научный сотрудник Нерсисян Э.А. младший научный сотрудник Хачатрян Н.Г. младший научный сотрудник Научный центр земледелия РА YIELD AND SOWING QUALITIES OF ALFALFA SEEDS UNDER DIFFERENT METHODS OF SOWING AND FERTILIZATION UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF THE ARARAT VALLEY Barbaryan A., PhD in Agriculture. Lead Researcher Ghazaryan R., PhD in Agriculture. Lead Researcher Alikhanyan N., junior researcher Nersisyan H., junior researcher Khachatryan N. junior researcher Scientific center of agriculture RA DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049221 Аннотация В Армении для обеспечения стабильной кормовой базы животноводства важное значение имеет воз- делывание и расширение посевных площадей люцерны, как одной из ведущих кормовых многолетних трав. Повышение урожайности семян люцерны будет способствовать увеличению посевных площадей в республике. Были исследованы способы посева и внесение минеральных удобрений под семена люцерны. В наших исследованиях лучшим из испытуемых способов посева являлось боронование стерни на фоне P210K180N30, при котором урожай сена составил 151,4 ц/га, а семян 3,6 ц/га. Abstract In Armenia, to ensure a stable feed supply for livestock farming, the cultivation and expansion of the sown area of alfalfa, as one of the leading forage perennial grasses, is important. Increasing the yield of alfalfa seeds will contribute to an increase in sown areas in the republic. Methods of sowing and applying mineral fertilizers to alfalfa seeds were investigated. In our studies, the best sowing method tested was stubble harrowing against the background of P210K180N30, in which the hay yield was 151.4 c/ha, and the seed yield was 3.6 c/ha. Ключевые слова: люцерна, способ посева, урожай, удобрения. Keywords: alfalfa, sowing method, harvest, fertilizers. В Армении среди кормовых многолетних бо- бовых трав ведущей является люцерна, занимаю- щая 22109 тыс. га площади, которая уменьшилась по сравнению с 2023г. на 5150 га., что за последние годы произошло после приватизации земель, фраг- ментации сельхозугодий, беспорядочного ведения земледелия, сокращения посевных площадей мно- голетних трав. В настоящее время поставлена за- дача за счет увеличения структуры посевных пло- щадей и рационального использования земельных ресурсов увеличить площади под кормовые, в част- ности люцерны. В республике для обеспечения высококаче- ственной белковой базы животноводства важное значение имеет возделывание и увеличение посев- ных площадей люцерны, для осуществления кото- рого нужно уделить особое внимание получению высококачественного семенного материала, так как в республике урожайность семян люцерны низкая, несмотря на ее потенциальную возможность. Это
  • 4. 4 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 объясняется не только его биологическими особен- ностями, но и технологией возделывания. Поэтому для сохранения типичных свойств и признаков дан- ного сорта важное значение имеет производство се- мян люцерны. Из возделываемых многолетних трав по каче- ству кормов и по благотворному влиянию на пахот- ный слой почвы люцерна считается наилучший. Люцерна является лучшим предшественником для сельскохозяйственных культур, особенностью которой является улучшение физических свойств почвы. Благодаря глубоко проникающей корневой си- стеме, люцерна из глубины пахотного слоя подни- мает большое количество питательных веществ, ко- торые усваиваются последующими культурами. Многочисленные исследования показали, что в течение трёхлетнего использования травяного поля люцерны на гектар накапливается 120-150кг кормовой массы, а за счет жизнедеятельности клу- беньковых бактерий в почве накапливается 200-300 кг биологического азота. Накопленный этим спосо- бом биологический азот, как известно, по сравне- нию с азотом, внесенным в почву минеральным способом имеет ряд преимуществ. Биологический азот является для растений экологически чистым, часть которого входит в белковый состав урожая, а остальная часть остаётся в почве, создавая благо- приятное воздействие на повышение урожайности последующих культур. Выяснено, что, из минеральных удобрений растения усваивают 40-50 % азота, из которой мик- рофлорой почвы усваивается 20% азота, а осталь- ная часть остается в почве составе органических ве- ществ 30-40% денитрифицируется, или промыва- ется проникая в глубокие слои почвы или часто с водой сливается. Биологический азот таким поте- рям не подвергается, следовательно имеет большое преимущество [7, 9]. Для возделывания люцерны требуются воз- душно - проницаемые почвы. Успешно люцерну можно возделывать также в не сверхвлажных поч- вах. Она выносит не только слабосоленые почвы, но и борется с засоленностью. Имея пышный рас- тительный покров и длинную вегетацию, растения люцерны защищают поверхность почвы от чрез- мерного испарения воды, которое не допускает поднятие солей в поверхностный слой почвы. За счёт этих положительных свойств люцерна явля- ется важнейшим компонентом в севообороте. Исследованиями показано, что основной целю семеноводства люцерны является обеспечение важ- ных биологических, хозяйственных свойств и при- знаков, обеспечивающих высококачественный уро- жай сена и семян [1,3]. Цель исследований Причины неудовлетворительного и неустой- чивого урожая семян люцерны объясняется не только биологическими особенностями цветения и оплодотворения люцерны, но и технологией выра- щивания. Поэтому выращивание кормовых культур требует интенсификации производства с примене- нием научно обоснованной технологии возделыва- ния, который обеспечит наибольший и качествен- ный урожай сена и семян с единицы площади. Научные исследования по влиянию минераль- ной обработки почвы на семенную продуктивность люцерны редко встречается. Есть работы показыва- ющие, что дружные всходы и высокий урожай се- мян люцерны получаются при посеве по жнивью [5]. Показано, что люцерна положительно реаги- рует на внесение удобрении, особенно фосфорно - калийных, которые улучшают рост, развитие расте- ний и их устойчивость к болезням и вредителям увеличивают урожаи семян [6,10]. Способ посева при разных фонах удобрений как важное технологическое мероприятие будет способствовать повышению урожайности сена и семян люцерны, при котором будет обеспечен нор- мальный травостой на гектар. Учитывая, что абсолютный вес семян лю- церны (2-2,5гр) и оптимальная глубина заделки (1- 1,5см), целью наших исследований являлось выяв- ление наилучшего способа обработки почвы и ми- нерального питания на урожайность сена и семян люцерны [9]. Материал и методы Араратская долина является основной земле- дельческой зоной Армении, занимает 8,4% всей территории республики, почвенно- климатические условия которой благоприятны для возделывания сельскохозяйственных культур. Климат резко кон- тинентальный, лето продолжительное жаркое, начинается с конца мая и продолжается до второй декады октября. Минимальная температура летом 24-26 0 С, а максимальная 41-430 С. Среднее количе- ство атмосферных осадков 250-260мм,относитель- ная влажность воздуха 60-62 % [8]. Научный центр земледелия, где велись иссле- дования находится в центральной части Арарат- ской долины. Известно, что в течение вегетации люцерна с урожаем сена выводит большое количество пита- тельных веществ из почвы, в частности фосфор и калий. Следовательно, для повышения урожайно- сти сена и семян люцерны в числе технологий воз- делывания важное значение имеют удобряемость травяного поля, с применением минимальной обра- ботки почвы. Многолетние исследования сроков посева лю- церны в Араратской далине показали, что в осен- ний срок посеянной люцерны после зимовки спосо- бен формировать также урожай семян, а при весен- нем сроке - не успевает формировать. Следовательно наилучшим сроком посева является осень, начиная с начала последней декады августа до первой декады сентября [3]. Опыт заложен осенью 2019-2022гг. на Эчмиад- зинской экспериментальной базе научного центра Земледелия. Изучались четыре способа минималь- ной обработки почвы (боронование, чизелование, дискование, безотвальная вспашка стерни) на четы- рех фонах (P150K60,P150 K60N30, P180K90N60, P210K120N90).
  • 5. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 5 Повторность опыта трёхкратная, величина учетной делянки 144м2 . Исследовались элитные се- мена люцерны сорта Армянская 1. Всю норму фос- фора и калия вносили под основную обработку почвы, а азот весной следующего года под первый укос, перед первым вегетационным поливом. До первого укоса травостоя проводились фенологиче- ские и биометрические измерения, учитывался уро- жай сена. На растениях второго укоса, оставленного на семена тоже проводились фенологические наблю- дения и биометрические измерения. Структурные элементы урожая определялись в сноповых образ- цах (на постоянных площадках) взятых перед убор- кой [4]. Результаты и обсуждение Сноповой анализ структурных элементов уро- жая показал, что во втором году пользования спо- собы посева и минимальные удобрения по разному влияли на структурные элементы урожая семян. Из данных таблицы 1, видно что во всех фонах удобрений показатель количества стеблей при бо- роновании стерни был выше, но наилучшим счита- ется фон P210K120N90, при котором количество стеб- лей составило 158шт, а при чизалований, дискова- нии и безотвальной вспашки стерни 139,7-147,5шт. Это доказывает, что поскольку семена люцерны очень мелкие и чем глубоко заделываются, тем ко- личество всходов уменьшается, а в варианте при бороновании стерни, семя не попадает глубоко в почву и на 1м2 естественно увеличивается количе- ство всходов и стеблей. Поэтому в варианте боро- нование стерни с увеличением количества стеблей увеличивается на 1м2 также количество кистей, ко- личество бобов в кисти и тем самым количество се- мян в кисти. Эти показатели по вариантам колеб- лются 7,0-8,1 шт, 5,1-8,0 шт и 5,9 - 7,2 шт. Таблица 1 Структурные элементы урожая семян люцерны во втором году пользования (среднее) Варианты Количество стеблей, на 1 м2 в среднем Количество кистей одного стебля, шт Количество бобов в одном кисте, шт Количество семян в одном бобе, шт P 150 K 60 Боронование стерни 142,0 7,0 7,5 5,9 Чизелование стерни 129,6 5,7 6,4 4,9 Дискование стерни 127,0 5,4 6,0 4,5 Безотвалная вспашка стерна 120,7 4,0 5,1 4,1 P 150 K 60 N 30 Боронование стерни 141,0 7,5 7,8 6,1 Чизелование стерни 138,0 6,3 6,9 5,6 Дискование стерни 135,3 5,8 6,3 5,6 Безотвалная вспашка стерна 131,1 4,5 5,8 5,0 P 180 K 90 N 60 Боронование стерни 150,0 7,8 7,9 6,8 Чизелование стерни 142,6 6,9 6,8 6,0 Дискование стерни 141,1 6,2 6,5 5,5 Безотвалная вспашка стерна 133,2 5,7 6,0 5,7 P 210 K 120 N 90 Боронование стерни 158,0 8,1 8,0 7,2 Чизелование стерни 147,5 7,0 7,1 6,6 Дискование стерни 149,8 6,8 6,4 5,7 Безотвалная вспашка стерна 139,7 5,9 6,5 5,5 Наилучшие результаты получены в варианте при бороновании стерни на фоне P210K120N90, где эти показатели составили 8,1, 8,0 и 7,2 шт. В Араратской долине для получения высокого урожая семян люцерны наилучшим считается второй укос второго года пользования, так как первый укос заражается фитономусом, борьба с этим вредителем не дает реальных результатов и растения теряют потенциальную возможность формирования семян.
  • 6. 6 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 Таблица 2 Влияние минимальной обработки почвы и минерального питания на урожайность и качество семян лю- церны Варианты Средний урожай сена из трех уко- сов ц/га Средний урожай семян, ц/га Вес 1000 семян, гр Энергия прорастания се- мян, % Лабораторная всхожесть, % P 150 K 60 Боронование стерни 144,1 3,0 2,2 95,0 97,7 Чизелование стерни 137,7 2,9 2,0 94,0 96,5 Дискование стерни 135,6 2,8 1,8 93,0 95,5 Безотвалная вспашка стерни 121,1 2,6 1,6 94,5 96,0 P 150 K 60 N 30 Боронование стерни 149,3 3,2 2,4 95,7 97,9 Чизелование стерни 138,0 3,0 2,0 95,4 96,8 Дискование стерни 137,6 3,0 1,9 93,5 95,6 Безотвалная вспашка стерни 122,2 2,8 1,6 94,0 96,2 P 180 K 90 N 60 Боронование стерни 150,1 3,4 2,5 95,5 98,0 Чизелование стерни 139,5 3,1 1,9 94,8 96,9 Дискование стерни 138,6 2,9 1,7 94,0 95,8 Безотвалная вспашка стерни 125,3 2,6 1,8 94,6 96,4 P 210 K 120 N 90 Боронование стерни 151,4 3,6 2,5 96,5 98,5 Чизелование стерни 140,7 3,2 2,1 94,7 97,1 Дискование стерни 139,5 3,0 1,7 94,3 96,0 Безотвалная вспашка стерни 126,0 2,8 1,8 95,1 96,7 НСР05 = 0,43 ц/га Полученные нами результаты показали, что по сравнению с чизелованием, дискованним и безот- вальной вспашкой стерни боронование способство- вало большому завязыванию бобов, что в свою оче- редь привело к повышению урожайности семян. Надо также отметить, что из испытуемых все спо- собы обработки почвы в фоне P150K60 уступают остальные варианты по урожайности (таблица 2). Результаты исследования показали также, что наилучшим является вариант с боронованием стерни на фоне P210K120N90 , где урожай сена из трех укосов составляет 151,4 ц/га, а семян 3,6 ц/га. Вы- сокий урожай семян в этом варианте обеспечива- ется за счет образования большого числа плодовых кистей на одном стебле, количество бобов на одном кисте и числом семян в бобе. Семена обладали вы- сокой энергией прорастания (96,5%) и лаборатор- ной всхожести (98,5%). Вес 1000 семян составил 2,5г. Выводы В результате исследований были сделаны сле- дующие выводы. 1. В условиях Араратской долины Армении повышение урожайности семян люцерны будет способствовать расширению полевых площадей. 2. Лучшим сроком посева люцерны на семена в условиях Араратской долины является осенний (последняя декада августа – первая декада сен- тября). 3. Доспехов Б.А.- Методика полевого опыта - Москва «Колос», 1973г. 4. Для получения семян люцерны надо остав- лять второй укос второго года пользования. 5. В Араратской долине для повышения уро- жайности семян люцерны лучшим способом явля- ется боронование стерни на фоне P210K90N90, так как семена люцерны нуждаются во всех трех основных элементах питания и необеспеченность одним из них недостаточно для формирования высококаче- ственного урожая семян. Список литературы 1. Абасов Ш.М., Гаплаев М.Ш., Мулигова Р.Х. – Приемы повышения семенной продуктивно- сти люцерны //Сорт и семена, 2021г., с. 40-43 2. Абасов Ш.М., Хусайнов Х.А., Абасов М.Ш. и др.- Семенная продуктивность люцерны в зависимости от применения элементов технологии. Аграрная наука N11-12, 2018, с. 59-61. 3. Епифанов В.С.- Опыт получения высоких урожаев семян люцерны. Селекция и семеновод- ство 1977г, 4, с. 49-51. 4. Лапина М.Ш.- Получать семена люцерны выгодно со второго укоса. Практические советы. Россельхозцентр, Пензенский НИИСХ и Поволж- ский НИИСС, Татарстан, 2000г., с. 49-51. 5. Можаев Н.И., Исаков М.А.- О некоторых приемах повышения семенной продуктивности лю- церны в условиях сухой степи Целиноградской об- ласти. Труды Целиноградского с-х института. Це- линоград, 1979, 4, с. 21-23. 6. Ригер А.Н.- Оценка продуктивности сор- тов, совершенствование основной обработки почвы и условий минерального питания при возделыва- нии люцерны. Юбилейный сборник научных тру- дов СКНИЖ, Краснодар, 1999г, с. 480-485.
  • 7. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 7 7. Спиридонов А.М.- Многолетние бобовые травы, как источник биологического азота в земле- делии. ж. Земледелия, 2007г, с.14-15. 8. Садоян Р.Р.-Климатический сборник 2001- 2009гг. Гидро климатическая государственная служба мониторинга. Научно-прикладной центр гидро климатически и экологии. 9. Трепачев Е.П.- Значение биологического и минерального азота в проблеме белка. Минераль- ный и биологический азот в земледелии. Москва, наука, 1985г. 10. Тамсаганбетов С.И., Садвакасов С.С. - Ми- неральные удобрения и урожайность семян лю- церны, Казахский нац. Аграрный университет, г. Алматы, 2000г., с. 85-87.
  • 8. 8 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 ARTS LEVERAGING GARNI ROYAL BATH MOSAIC AS KEY CULTURAL EVENT ORNAMENTS Harutyunyan M. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049239 Abstract This article explores the potential utilization of the Garni Royal Bath mosaic, a significant cultural artifact in Armenia, as a key ornament for cultural events. The Garni Temple and Royal Bath are iconic landmarks with historical and cultural significance. The mosaic within the Royal Bath, showcasing intricate designs and mytho- logical motifs, serves as a focal point for artistic and scientific exploration. By analyzing the mosaic's composition and artistic value, this study suggests adapting its elements for graphic design applications such as stationery co- vers, book covers, and bags. The article discusses techniques for revamping the color scheme and shape of the mosaic elements to align with contemporary design standards. Furthermore, it emphasizes the versatility of these designs for use in various cultural events, both domestically and internationally. Incorporating elements of Arme- nia's cultural heritage into graphic design not only enhances the visual identity of events but also promotes cross- cultural appreciation and awareness of Armenian heritage on a global scale. Keywords: Garni Royal Bath, mosaic, graphic design, cultural events, Armenia, cultural heritage. The Garni Temple and Garni Royal Bath are both significant historical and cultural landmarks located in Garni, Armenia. Garni Temple: The Garni Temple is a classical Hellenistic temple situated in the village of Garni (Ar- menia), about 28 kilometers southeast of the capital city, Yerevan. Believed to have been built in the 1st century AD, the temple is dedicated to the Armenian sun god, Mihr, and is one of the best-preserved exam- ples of ancient architecture in Armenia. It was likely commissioned by King Tiridates I and stands as a tes- tament to Armenia's pagan past. The temple's design re- flects Greco-Roman architectural influences, featuring Ionic columns and a pediment. Despite suffering dam- age over the centuries, including destruction by an earthquake in 1679, the Garni Temple has been par- tially reconstructed and restored, attracting numerous visitors and scholars interested in Armenian history and architecture.
  • 9. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 9 Garni Royal Bath: The Garni Royal Bath, also known as the Roman Bathhouse of Garni, is another historical site located near the Garni Temple. This bath- house dates back to the 3rd century AD and is believed to have been used by Armenian royalty during the Ar- sacid Dynasty. It consists of several rooms with intri- cate mosaics, heating systems, and bathing chambers. The bathhouse provides insights into the bathing rituals and architectural advancements of the time. Like the Garni Temple, the Royal Bath suffered damage over the centuries but has undergone restoration efforts to pre- serve its historical significance. Both the Garni Temple and Garni Royal Bath are popular tourist destinations and are recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites, contributing to the rich cultural heritage of Armenia. Visitors to Garni can ex- plore these remarkable structures while immersing themselves in the ancient history and architecture of the region. Amidst the myriad examples of Armenia's rich historical and cultural heritage, the pagan temple of Garni and its encompassing landscape consistently in- spire diverse perspectives and interpretations. It has drawn, and continues to captivate, the inter- est not only of Armenians but also of esteemed histori- ans, art scholars, architects, and designers from around the globe. A plethora of materials, articles, books, and stud- ies delve into the captivating realm of the Garni Tem- ple, exploring its architectural splendor and rich histor- ical significance. It can be regarded as one of Armenia's foremost symbols, an integral part of its cultural heritage that never fails to captivate and astonish tourists. Adjacent to this revered temple, symbolizing ar- chitectural and cultural significance, lies the royal bath, of which scant remnants have endured until present times. It also represents a great scientific and artistic value, especially the mosaic on the floor of the first room, which has become the subject of many scientific and local studies.
  • 10. 10 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 It is an unique monument of contemporary paint- ing of pre-Christian Armenia known to us so far. The floor of the semi-circular niche of the second room was also covered with mosaics. It was completely de- stroyed. From the preserved part of the painting, its unique mythological plot is evident. The meticulously crafted Kuna transfers, show- cased within the pink frame, evoke the illusion of water waves in various sections of the image, reflecting di- verse states of the seawater. Mythical deities and beings, alongside large and small fish, are depicted within the waters in various po- sitions. At the center of the mosaic, framed intricately, are busts portraying a man and a woman. Individual mosaic images, particularly those de- picting fish, exhibit exceptional craftsmanship. The smooth rendering, convincing anatomical structure, and subtle shades of colors attest to the ele- vated caliber of mosaic artistry. This mosaic is crafted from cubes, each with a square area ranging from 5 to 10 mm, meticulously cut from naturally colored stones.
  • 11. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 11 Fifteen distinct shades are utilized in the mosaic. Various geometrically shaped cubes are employed to aid in the precise execution of intricate image transfers. Due to the mosaic's exceptional artistic value stemming from both its color schemes and composi- tional intricacies, we deem its images worthy subjects of study. This analysis aims to adapt the colors and compositional techniques for application in other graphic designs. Let's explore the potential utilization of specific el- ements from the mosaic or its imagery in designing sta- tionery covers, book covers, and bags. These elements could serve as integral components of an overarching graphic style or branding strategy for any cultural event. From sections exhibiting particularly captivating compositional arrangements, it is advisable to consider incorporating the upper right portion of the mosaic. This segment features human figures alongside two fish and written elements, offering a dynamic and engaging visual narrative. Given that the predominant elements of the mosaic comprise anthropomorphic figures, fish motifs, orna- mental details, and inscriptions, the upper right section stands out as it encompasses a comprehensive listing of all the years involved. To enhance the appeal of the final decorative or graphic outcome and align it with contemporary mar- keting standards, it is recommended to revamp the color scheme of the mosaic with more vibrant hues. Bright tones such as vivid red, lemon yellow, deep blue, or sky white could be employed. Additionally, incorpo- rating a moderate amount of black or utilizing outlines can further accentuate the visual impact. We propose transforming the small square parti- cles or details of this renowned and thoroughly studied mosaic example into round elements of equivalent size. This adjustment will impart a fresh aesthetic to the mo- saic, rendering it suitable for stationery design applica- tions. Patterns were created from numerous individual preferences, with the most favorable ones being care- fully chosen. These selected patterns were then metic- ulously rendered using watercolor gouache, specifi- cally for application onto the bag, employing threads and cloth. All the graphic design elements of applied art showcased here are versatile for use not only in Arme- nia but also during seminars and international confer- ences. It's a common practice during significant events to distribute stationery, folders, bags, and similar acces- sories featuring conference logos or themed color schemes. These adaptable designs can seamlessly inte- grate into various contexts, enhancing the branding and visual identity of diverse gatherings and conferences on a global scale. It is customary to provide participants of such events with this type of stationery, and meticulously de- signed stationery, along with the graphic letters repre- senting a vital part of Armenia's cultural heritage, will enhance and underscore the significance of any occa- sion. The harmonious and uniform design will add beauty and sophistication, contributing to the overall at- mosphere and prestige of the event. The work holds a contemporary and positive ap- peal, particularly given the involvement of specialists from various countries in major cultural events. By uti- lizing this historical mosaic depicting the lamb and the royal bath, we afford it the chance to garner global recognition, captivating the interest of numerous ex- perts worldwide. This endeavor serves to promote cul- tural exchange and appreciation on an international scale. Indeed, similar endeavors can be undertaken across various events by incorporating particles from diverse historical and cultural structures into graphic design. Drawing inspiration from this example, analo- gous graphic styles can be crafted based on the works of renowned artists like Martiros Saryan or Yervand Kochar, or by extracting details from architectural mar- vels in Armenia. This approach not only celebrates the rich heritage of Armenia but also fosters creativity and innovation in graphic design, allowing for the reinter- pretation and dissemination of cultural motifs on a broader scale. The research foundation highlights the potential of utilizing structural buildings or their components, inte- gral to cultural heritage, as inspiration for the graphic design of printed materials, stationery, book covers, and bags tailored for cultural events. This approach serves to infuse cultural significance into design ele- ments, enriching the visual identity of such events while paying homage to the heritage of the structures involved. Armenia remains relatively undiscovered by nu- merous nations and their citizens. Therefore, employ- ing similar measures to showcase Armenia's historical and cultural values and its rich history can effectively promote awareness and appreciation of Armenian her- itage in various countries. By incorporating elements of Armenian culture into graphic design for international events, we can contribute to the global dissemination of Armenia's unique heritage and history. Indeed, this type of research and observation, drawing from cultural heritage templates, serves as an exemplary model for utilizing graphic elements in the conceptualization of modern cultural event designs, not only for Armenia but also for every country worldwide. By embracing and reinterpreting elements from cultural heritage, graphic designers can create visually compel- ling and culturally resonant designs that transcend bor- ders, celebrating diversity and fostering cross-cultural appreciation on a global scale.
  • 12. 12 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 Graphic Design Materials Poster Canvas Bag
  • 13. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 13 References 1. Saak Tarontsi, GARNI - THE LONELY WITNESS OF FORGOTTEN GLORIES, 2019, ARURAT Scientific Academy of Near Eastern, Anato- lian and Caucasian Studies, 41 pages 2. Alexandr Sahinyan, Գառնու անտիկ կառույցների ճարտարապետությունը [Architecture of ancient structures of Garni]. 1983, Yerevan: Armenian SSR Academy of Sciences Publishing. 3. Bonita M. Kolb, Marketing for Cultural Or- ganizations, 2013, Publisher: Routledge, pages: 200
  • 14. 14 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 CHEMISTRY ISOMERIZATION OF N-BUTANE WITH THE PARTICIPATION OF CATALYSTS OF SULFATED ZIRCONIUM DIOXIDE Mammadova M., Ph.D in Chemistry, Y.H. Mamedaliyev's Institute of Petrochemical Processes of the Ministry of Science and Education Ibrahimzada S. Master’s degree student, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049252 Abstract In the presented article, catalytic systems consisting of metal-modified HMOR, HZSM-5 zeolites and sulfated zirconium dioxide, capable of isomerizing n-Butane with high isoselectivity at normal atmospheric pressure and low temperature, were synthesized. The role of each component of the catalytic systems in the process was clari- fied, it was shown that the ZrO2 component of the system lowers the process temperature, cobalt ensures the stability of the catalytic system, and sulfate anions cause high isomerizability. The optimal temperature of the process is determined to be 180-1900 C. N-butane conversion is 48% on the 0.4%Co/HMOR/10%ZrO2 - SO4 2- (2%) catalytic system at 1900 C, MHS=2 hour-1 , H2:CH = 3:1, QHSH2 = 350 hour-1 , isoselectivity was 70%. It was known that the conversion of n-butane on the synthesized catalytic system takes place by a bimolecular mecha- nism. Keywords: isomerization, n-butane, sulfated zirconium dioxide, zeolite, isoselectivity, low temperature, con- version. Introduction Isomerization of alkanes is carried out in industry to obtain isoalkanes of low molecular weight (isobu- tane, isopentane, isomeric hexanes), as well as weakly branched higher alkanes with low freezing points. Low molecular weight isoalkanes are added to motor gaso- lines to increase the octane number of the head fractions boiling up to 70 °C. Isobutane and isopentane are also used as starting products for the production of unsatu- rated hydrocarbons - isobutylene and isoprene; in addi- tion, isobutane is also a raw material for alkylation pro- cesses. Thermodynamically, low temperature enables deeper isomerization with the formation of highly branched isoalkanes, therefore, low-temperature isom- erization processes in the presence of highly active cat- alysts are of great importance. One of the wood-temperature solid superacid cat- alysts of n-alkanes is sulfated zirconium dioxide cata- lysts. SO4 2- /ZrO2 based catalysts are characterized by high activity, resistance to poisons and favorable tem- perature range (140-2200 С). Butane isomerization in the presence of such catalysts is widely studied. [1] re- ports on persulfate-modified ZrO2 solid superacids and their activity in n-butane isomerization. Factors affect- ing their properties, including the annealing tempera- ture, persulfate absorption density, and ZrO2 source preparation conditions, are studied. It is shown that the sample prepared with 0.25-0.50 mol/l persulfate im- pregnation and then annealing at 600-650℃ has the highest degree of acidity. Compared to sulfated zirco- nium dioxide prepared under the same conditions, per- sulfated zirconium dioxide at 250℃ shows a twice as high activity in the isomerization of n-butane, which is explained by the fact that it has more medium-strength acid centers. The strength of the acid centers of the catalyst is also affected by its promotion with other metal oxides. It was shown in [2] that the promotion of sulfated zir- conium dioxide with alumina (ASZ) improves its cata- lytic activity in the isomerization of n-butane. The ac- tivity and stability of sulfated zirconium dioxide cata- lysts are investigated in three different nanostructures: ASZ supported on MCM-41, ASZ nanoparticles, and Al2O3-promoted mesoporous sulfated zirconium diox- ide. The increase in activity was primarily determined by the amount of Al2O3 addition and the annealing tem- perature. The high activity and stability of Al2O3-pro- moted catalysts is due to the improved distribution of the strength of acid centers. The amount of Al2O3 in all three catalysts can be adjusted to obtain optimal cata- lytic activity in butane isomerization. Butane conver- sion is 6 times higher than in unpromoted SZ catalysts. This is due to the abundance of weak Brensted acid cen- ters of moderate strength on optimal catalysts. The ac- tivity is most stable for the nanoparticulate form of sul- fated zirconium dioxide, which is due to the optimal distribution of weak Brensted acid centers. On the other hand, very strong Brensted acid centers cause a rapid decrease in activity due to coking and cracking. It was concluded that, firstly, mesoporous carriers can pro- mote better dispersion of sulfated tetragonal ZrO2; sec- ond, the addition of Al2O3 can prevent the conversion of tetragonal sulfated zirconium dioxide to monoclinic sulfated zirconium dioxide; thirdly, the high activity and stability of Al2O3-promoted catalysts is due to the optimized distribution of the strength of acid centers. The maximum catalytic activity for the three studied catalysts - ASZ-MCM-41, ASZ-NP and AS/MPZrO2 - is associated with the corresponding optimal distribu- tion of acid centers. The addition of Al2O3 results in an increase in weak Brensted acid centers with intermedi- ate force that is important for maintaining a stable cat- alytic cycle in butane isomerization. A general reaction mechanism of isomerization of n-butane over sulfated zirconium dioxide is proposed and two conclusions are
  • 15. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 15 reached: firstly, the bimolecular mechanism is the main direction in the initial period on strong Brensted acid centers. The initial decrease in activity occurs as a re- sult of coking at strong Brensted acid sites and clogging of mesoporous channels. Second, the weak Brensted acid centers play an important role in maintaining the stable transformation in the later period. In addition, the high activity of the nanoparticle catalyst (ASZ-NP) with slight fragmentation suggests that its more open pore system can better prevent mesopore clogging. As can be seen from here, the porosity of the selected car- rier has an important effect on the activity of the cata- lyst. It is shown in [3] that the effect of hydrogen on the isomerization of n-butane on Pt/SO4 2- - ZrO2 and hybrid Pt/SiO2+ SO4 2- -ZrO2 (a physical mixture of Pt/SiO2 and SO4 2- -ZrO2) catalysts depends on the reaction condi- tions (temperature, partial pressure of hydrogen) de- pends. At high reaction temperature under low hydro- gen pressure, the reaction composition due to hydrogen is close to zero, and at low reaction temperature under higher hydrogen pressure, it is negative (−0.5−1.0). The negative effect of hydrogen on activity is believed to be due to the hydride formed by the phenomenon of hy- drogen diffusion. It was determined that C4 olefins and C8 hydrocarbons are not reaction intermediates, and the reaction mechanism of n-butane isomerization is a monomolecular mechanism. The reaction parameters are similar in Pt/ SO4 2- -ZrO2 and Pt/SiO2+ SO4 2- -ZrO2 catalysts. This indicates that the hydrogen effect is uni- versal on the catalyst surface, and the proximity of Pt and acid centers is not so important. In [4], a palladium- containing catalyst based on unbound granular sulfated zirconium dioxide was studied for the isomerization of n-butane. It was determined that the isomerization of the n-butane fraction under optimal conditions at 140– 150°C allows obtaining a high yield of isobutane (up to 52% by mass). [5] investigated the effect of hydrogen on the catalytic activity of Fe- and Mn-promoted sul- fated zirconium dioxide catalysts. It was determined that the effect of hydrogen on the activity of Fe-pro- moted SZ in the isomerization of n-butane depends sig- nificantly on the amount of Fe in the catalyst. It was also found that the negative effect of hydrogen is greater at lower temperatures. It is assumed that the rea- son for the decrease in activity in the presence of hy- drogen is its interaction with reaction intermediates. Purpose of the research The aim of the present work is to study the isom- erization of butane at low temperature and normal at- mospheric pressure over a catalyst based on sulfated zirconium dioxide (SZ) and metal-modified zeolites. Experimental part The object of the study is catalytic systems con- sisting of cobalt-modified HMOR17, HZSM-5 zeolites and sulfated zirconium dioxide. These catalysts were prepared by sol-gel method [6]. Cobalt-modified zeo- lite components of the synthesized catalytic systems were obtained by keeping decationized zeolite (HMOR17 and HZSM-5) in cobalt nitrate solution of a certain concentration for 24 hours, then evaporation of the aqueous phase, drying at 1200 C and 3500 C (3 hours) and 5500 С (5 hours) and at 3800 С prepared by pro- cessing in hydrogen flow (40 ml/min; 3 h). When synthesizing the SZ component of catalytic systems, zirconium dioxide gel was first obtained. For this, a certain amount of ZrОCl2 taken was hydrolyzed with 25% ammonia solution at pH = 8-9 [6]. For this purpose, ammonia solution was added dropwise with stirring to the solution obtained by dissolving 10 g of ZrОCl2·8Н2О in 300 ml of H2O heated to 800 C. The obtained gel was kept in the solution at 800 C for 2 hours, then it was filtered, washed with distilled water and dried at 1000 C (24 hours). Then, the resulting Zr (OH)4 gel was sulfated with (NH4)2SO4 solution (with stirring for 2 hours) and the aqueous fraction was evap- orated to wet state. According to EACP (ICP - MS) data, the amount of sulfur in the synthesized SZ was 1.97 wt.%. To complete the synthesis of the catalytic systems, the obtained SZ was thoroughly mixed with the cobalt- modified zeolite component powder until visually ho- mogeneous. The obtained mass was dried at 1200 C (3 hours), annealed at 6000 C and 5500 C (5 hours), then powdered and mixed with a binder - Al2O3 hydrogel, made into 1.5 × 3 ÷ 4 mm grains, and the thermal treat- ment described above was carried out again. The com- position of the synthesized catalytic systems is shown in table 1. Table 1. Composition of synthesized catalysts Catalyst Composition Sign М-1 0.4%Co/HMOR М-2 0.4%Co/HMOR/10%ZrO2 М-3 HMOR/10%ZrO2 - SO4 2- (2%) M-4 0.4%Co/HMOR/10%ZrO2 - SO4 2- (2%) K-2 0.4%Co/HZSM-5/10%ZrO2 - SO4 2- (2%) As a raw material, liquefied n-butane, TU51-946- 80, n-butane-96.5% by mass, produced by VNIPIGas Experimental Plant (Orenburg, RF) was used. The isomerization of n-butane was studied in a flow-type catalytic laboratory setup equipped with a quartz reactor. The volume of the catalyst loaded into the reactor was changed between 1-5 cm3 . Before the experiment, the catalysts were reduced with hydrogen at 3800 C (2 hours). The reaction products were analyzed using an Au- toSystemXL chromatograph. Results and Discussion In order to study the isomerizing activity of the synthesized catalysts in n-butane conversion, the role of the components included in the catalysts (zeolite,
  • 16. 16 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 metal added to zeolite, ZrO2 and finally SO4 2- anions) in this process was studied sequentially. Preliminary studies of decationized forms of ZSM-5 (modulus 23) zeolite and synthetic mordenite (modulus 17) have shown that ZSM-5 zeolites are al- most inactive in the conversion of n-butane, while HMOR is active at 250-3500 C. During the conversion, isobutane, propane, n- and isopentane are formed. By the 20th minute of the reaction, the yield of isobutane increases and reaches the maximum value (13.8% at 3000 C), and then decreases to 3.9% at the 60th minute (Figure 1). The maximum yield of propane, a byproduct of the reaction, reaches 27% at the beginning of the re- action and then decreases to 12% within 60 minutes. Figure 1. Time dependence of i-butane yield over HMOR catalyst T=3000 C, QHS = 150 hour-1 . Isopentane and pentane yields remain at 2.5-2.8 and 1.0-1.5%, respectively, over 60 minutes. When the temperature is reduced to 2500 C, the yield of propane decreases more than the yield of isobutane, which leads to an increase in the selectivity in the direction of the isomerization reaction. The inclusion of cobalt in the composition of mor- denite (catalyst M-1) increases its activity and stability in the conversion of n-butane. The effect of cobalt on the activity of HMOR depends on the process tempera- ture. When the temperature is increased to 3000 C, the yield of isobutane in cobalt mordenite is 16.3%. The obtained results are presented in table 2. Table 2. Conversion of n-Butane over H-mordenite and its Co-modified form (M-1). QHS = 150 hour-1 , H2 : n-C4H10 = 2 : 1. Katalizator Т, 0 C Composition of catalysts, wt. % * C1 – C2 C3H8 i-C4H10 n-C4H10 i-C5H12 n-C5H12 HMOR17 300 – 27.2 15.5 53.1 2.8 1.4 M-1 220 0.4 10.8 12.9 71.1 3.3 1.5 300 0.5 34.8 16.3 44.8 2.6 1.0 *- 20th minute The release of isobutane in HMOR reaches a maximum value at 20 minutes and then decreases. In M-1, the output of isobutane is more stable and decreases after the 40th minute of the reaction. This indicates that cobalt has a significant stabilizing effect on the activity of mordenite. As can be seen from Table 2, the main products of conversion of n-butane over HMOR and M-1 catalysts are propane, isobutane, isopentane, n-pentane and a small amount of C1-C2 hydrocarbons. Modification of M-1 with zirconium dioxide (catalyst M-2) allows to increase the yield of isobutane and lower the reaction temperature. For example, in primary dealuminated mordenite at 2200 C, the conversion of n-butane is 24.5%, and the yield of isobutane is 12.0%. The inclusion of 10% ZrO2 in the composition of the catalyst sample allows to increase the conversion of butane by 2.2 times and the yield of isobutane by 2.4 times compared to HMOR (table 3). Table 3. Conversion of n-Butane over HM and cobalt-mordenite-zirconium catalyst (M-2). Catalyst Т, 0 C Conversion of n- butane, % % yield, wt.% i-butane Изобу- тан i-pentane HMOR17 220 24.5 12.0 0.6 M-2 190 12.7 9.1 1.6 220 54.5 28.5 5.3 Yield of isobutane, wt.% Time, minute
  • 17. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 17 The inclusion of sulfate anions in the composition of the catalyst significantly changes its activity. The effect of sulfation on the activity of mordenite catalysts is shown in table 4. Table 4. Conversion of n-butane over mordenite-zirconium-sulfate (M-3) and sulfated cobalt-mordenite-zirconium (M-4) catalysts. Catalyst Т, 0 C Conversion of n- C4H10, % Yield, wt. % C3H8 i- C4H10 i-C5H12 M-3 190 36.4 7.5 25.7 2.6 200 46.1 11.7 27.7 4.6 220 50.3 14.5 30.0 4.9 M-4 190 47.6 16.4 33.5 4.7 According to the table, the conversion of n-butane is 36.4-50.3% and the yield of i-butane is between 25.7- 30.0% in the temperature interval of 190-2200 C on the given type of catalysts. A noticeable increase in the activity of catalysts after sulfation is observed at 1900 C. The conversion of n-butane increases from 12.7% to 36.4%, and the yield of i-butane increases from 9.1% to 25.7% (tables 3 and 4). However, the yield of the main byproduct of the reaction - propane increases faster than the yield of isobutane as the temperature increases, which is accompanied by a decrease in the isoselectivity of the reaction. Thus, the obtained results show that during the conversion of butane at a temperature of 1900 C on a dealuminated mordenite-based M-4 catalyst with a silicate module of 17, the yield of i-butane is 33.5 mass %, and the conversion of n-butane is 47.6%, in this case, the selectivity for the target product is 70.4% does. Table 3 also shows the results of the study of the activity of the cobalt-free HMOR/SZ (M-3) catalyst in the conversion of n-butane. A comparison of the activities of M-3 and M-4 catalysts, which differ in cobalt composition, shows that the inclusion of Co in the catalyst composition increases the conversion of n- butane by 11.2%, and the yield of i-butane by 7.8% (at 1900 C). The difference between the activities of these catalysts can be explained by the occurrence of hydrogen spillover on the surface of the catalyst in the presence of Co. During this event the Co metal on the surface of the catalyst homolytically dissociates the H2 molecules supplied to the system into H atoms [7]. Processed H atoms "flow" to the surface of the ZS component, turning into hydride ions (H-) and protons in Lewis acid centers, increasing the amount of such centers by forming acid centers that do not differ from the acid centers present on the surface of the catalyst. The activity of the catalyst is related to these centers. The comparative analysis of reaction products on different mordenite catalysts is important from the point of view of the mechanism of n-butane conversion process. With the modification of zeolite, not only the conversion of n-butane, but also the distribution of conversion products changes. At this time, the presence of C5 hydrocarbons in the products is of particular importance. The formation of pentane and propane is the result of the bimolecular interaction of n-butane molecules, in other words, the process proceeds with the formation of an active bimolecular C8+ intermediate [8, 9]. The decomposition of this component into i-butane, i-pentane and propane depends on the conditions of the reaction, the catalyst, taking into account the acidic nature of the activation of such reactions, and the acidity of the catalyst. Indeed, promotion of the M-2 catalyst with sulfuric acid, i.e. conversion of the catalyst into a superacid [9, 10] leads to the selective formation of i-C4H10 and a significant increase in the activity of the catalyst. The observed regularities of the effect of the mod- ification of HMOR zeolite on the conversion of n-bu- tane are also manifested during the modification of HZSM-5 zeolite. Here, too, modification with Co, ZrO2 and sulfate anion leads to an increase in the isomerizing activity and a decrease in the isomerization tempera- ture. The activity of catalysts M-4 and K-6 in the con- version of n-butane can be compared based on the data of table 5. Table 5. Conversion of n-Butane over K-6 and M-4 catalysts. QHS = 150 hour-1 , H2 : n-C4H10 = 2 : 1. Т, 0 C K-6 M-4 Conversion, % Selectivity, % Conversion, % Selectivity% i – С4 С3+С5 i-C4 С3+С5 160 34.0 68.1 31.9 39 67.5 32.5 180 38 72 28 47.6 70 30 200 46.0 51.5 48.5 54 52.8 47.2 As can be seen from the table, the isomerizing ac- tivity of both catalysts first increases and then decreases as the temperature increases, and the isomerizing activ- ity of these catalysts is close to each other. 1800 C can be chosen as the optimal isomerization temperature. Based on the results given in the table, it can be con- cluded that the formation of the bimolecular intermedi- ate takes place with the participation of the SZ (SO4 2- - ZrO2) component of the compositional catalytic sys- tem.
  • 18. 18 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 Thus, the catalytic system developed on the basis of sulfated zirconium dioxide and metal-modified zeo- lites is capable of isomerizing butane with high isoselectivity (70%) and conversion at low temperature (1800 C) and normal atmospheric pressure. Isomeriza- tion of n-butane on the synthesized catalytic system proceeds with the formation of bimolecular intermedi- ates. References 1. Xia Y., Hua W., Gao Z. n-Butane isomeriza- tion on solid superacids of ZrO2 modified by persulfate //Acta Chimica Sinica, -1999. Vol.57, №12, –p. 1325- 133. 2. Jung H.W., Chung Y.M. Catalytic behavior of nanostructured sulfated zirconia promoted by alumina: Butane isomerization // Catalysis Today, -2018. Vol.131, –p. 162–172. 3. Keiichi T., Akihiro O., Kaoru F. Effect of hy- drogen on n-butane isomerization over Pt/SO42−-ZrO2 and Pt/SiO2 +SO42−-ZrO2 //Applied Catalysis A: General, -2000. Vol.194 –195, –p.383–393. 4. Echevskii G. V., Aksenov D. G. Activity of a sulfated zirconia catalyst in isomerization of n-butane fractions // Petroleum Chemistry, -2019. Vol.59, – p.101-107. 5. Steven X.S., Debra J. M., Ronald A. K. Influ- ence of hydrogen on n-butane isomerization over sul- fated zirconia catalysts // Catalysis Letters, -2000. Vol.65, -p.5–7. 6. Abasov S.I., Agaeva S.B., Taghiev D.B., Mamedova M.T., Zarbaliev R.R., Iskenderova A.A., Imanova A.A., Isaeva E.S., Nasirova F.M. The influ- ence of gaseous alkanes on the conversion of straight gasoline in the presence of composite catalysts Со(Ni)ZSM-5, MOR, Al2O3/SO42-/ZrO2. Journal of applied chemistry, -2021. T.94. № 7, с.909-917. 7. Смоликов, М. Д. Катализаторы изомериза- ции и риформинга углеводородов для интегриро- ванных процессов производства экологически чи- стых моторных топлив: / диссертация на соискание ученой степени доктора химических наук/ - Омск, 2021. -381 с. 8. Бруно Д., Ватрипон Л., Жан Ф. Ж. Даль- нейшее развитие технологии изомеризации пара- финов //Нефтепереработка и нефтехимия, - Москва: -2001. № 4, –c.15-27. 9. Хаимова Т.Г., Мхитарова Д.А. Информа- ционно-аналитический обзор. Москва: ЦНИИТЭнефтехим, -2005. -80 с. 10. Липкин Н.Г. Новый катализатор изомери- зации позволяет получать высокооктановый изоме- ризат // Мир нефтепродуктов, – Москва: - 2014. № 5, - с. 27-35.
  • 19. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 19 INFLUENCE OF DEPRESSANT ADDITIVES ON CRUDE OIL FUEL Aliyev S., Docent, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University Mammadzada A. Master’s degree student, Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049266 Abstract This study investigates the optimization of low-temperature diesel fuel properties through the utilization of depressant additives. Two depressant additives, K-ES and D-315, are assessed for their efficacy in improving Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) and Pour Point (PP) of diesel fuels sourced from different manufacturers. Methodo- logically, optimal additive dosages and introduction temperatures are determined through comprehensive testing of fuel samples. Results reveal distinct behaviors of the additives, with both K-ES and D-315 exhibiting concen- tration-dependent effects on low-temperature properties. Notably, D-315 demonstrates superior performance at higher concentrations, significantly reducing freezing and filtration temperatures. Molecular composition and sol- vent characteristics are identified as critical factors influencing additive effectiveness. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the selection and application of depressant additives, essential for ensuring efficient engine operation in challenging environmental conditions. Keywords: diesel fuel, depressant additives, low-temperature properties, CFPP, PP. Introduction Climate conditions necessitate a high demand for high-quality low-temperature diesel fuels. One solution to this problem is the production of low-temperature diesel fuels. [1] Considering the presence of technologically iso- lated regions and decentralized energy supply, obtain- ing diesel fuel with improved low-temperature proper- ties based on summer grades by introducing depressant additives is one of the current tasks in addressing the issues of diesel equipment operation. Diesel fuel from different manufacturers has dif- ferent characteristics and requires an individual ap- proach in selecting additives. The main indicator of diesel fuel performance in an engine is the Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP). The Pour Point (PP), simulating warehouse storage condi- tions of diesel fuel, is not regulated in current diesel fuel standards, and modern depressant additives do not af- fect the cloud point temperature. [2] The effectiveness of depressant additives largely depends on the composition of diesel fuel and its char- acteristics. Fuels with different characteristics have dif- ferent abilities to "receive" (accept) depressants, and this is a very important aspect of additive application. The main parameter we consider is the principle of the depressant's action on paraffin crystals. Based on this, we evaluate the interaction of the additive with the frac- tional and group hydrocarbon composition of diesel fuels and the influence on the physicochemical charac- teristics of the paraffins themselves contained in the fuel. [3] [4] It has been noted on numerous occasions that die- sel fuels with wide boiling ranges are more susceptible to depressants than fuels with narrow fractional com- positions. For this reason, depressant additives differ in their sensitivity to the fractional composition of fuels. [5] Purpose of the research The purpose of this study is to optimize the low- temperature properties of diesel fuels by evaluating the efficacy of depressant additives, addressing the chal- lenges posed by diverse climate conditions and decen- tralized energy infrastructures. This research aims to assess the impact of depressant additives on Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) and Pour Point (PP) of diesel fuels from various manufacturers. Methodologically, the study determines optimal dosages and introduction temperatures of two depressant additives, K-ES and D- 315, through comprehensive testing of fuel samples. The main objective is to provide valuable insights into the selection and application of depressant additives, essential for ensuring efficient engine operation in chal- lenging environmental conditions. Experimental part Two additives were tested as depressants: K-ES and D-315. The physicochemical characteristics of these addi- tives were discussed in Chapter 2 (please add the table from Chapter 2). Considering the natural-climatic conditions of equipment operation in the North, the main indicators for low-temperature diesel fuel from crude oil were se- lected: [6] Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP) Pour Point. The optimal dosage introduction temperature of the additive is approximately 10°C higher than the cloud point temperature. Initially, the optimal concentration of the depres- sant added to the diesel fuel was selected, based on sub- sequent determination of its low-temperature proper- ties. In the study, 12 samples of diesel fuel containing additive K-ES at concentrations ranging from 0.10% to 0.50% by mass, and additive D-315 at concentrations ranging from 0.10% to 0.7% by mass, were prepared and tested. Figures 1 and 2 illustrate the influence of these additives on the low-temperature properties of the diesel fuels.
  • 20. 20 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 Figure 1. Dependence of freezing temperature and freezing point depression on the concentration of depressant additive K-ES. Figure 1. Dependence of freezing temperature and freezing point depression on the concentration of depressant additive D-315 Results and Discussion From the provided data, it can be seen that the be- havior characteristics of depressor additives are not similar. At concentrations of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5% by mass in the fuel containing the mentioned additives, an im- provement in low-temperature indicators is observed, but with an increase in the concentration of the K-ES additive, low-temperature indicators deteriorate. De- pressor additive D-315 significantly improves low- temperature indicators sufficiently well at the concen- trations mentioned above, but at concentrations exceed- ing 0.55% by mass, the freezing and filtration tempera- tures increase. It is worth noting that both additives ef- fectively reduce the freezing and filtration temperatures. For the K-ES additive, the maximum re- duction in the freezing temperature (from -28°C to - 39°C) and the pour point temperature (from -17°C to - 25°C) is achieved at a concentration of 0.2% by mass. The maximum reduction in the freezing temperature for the diesel fraction (from -28°C to -53°C) and the pour point temperature (from -17°C to -39°C) of the investi- gated diesel fraction samples is achieved with the intro- duction of 0.55% by mass of the D-315 additive into the fraction. The active substance in both used additives is a copolymer of vinyl acetate with alkyl methacrylate, but its content and solvents for commercial diesel fuels are different. Perhaps these differences in the behavior of -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 Temperature, С O Назва осі Concentration of additive, % mass Cold Filter Plugging Point(CFPP) Pour Point -55 -50 -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,55 0,6 0,7 Temperature, C O Concentration of additive, % mass Freezing temperature Maximum filterability temperature
  • 21. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 21 the two additives in the fuel obtained from the Talakan oil field can be explained by the concentration in the commercial form (the content of the active substance in the K-ES additive is 60-75%, in the D-315 additive - 70-85%). Also, the behavior of additives depends on the mutual molecular weight distribution of monomeric units in the polymer molecule (the ratio of ethylene and vinyl acetate units). The solvent also plays an important role, affecting the structural and volumetric state of the polymer molecule: "ball" or "thread". From the presented data, it is evident that both ad- ditives exhibit a higher depressor effect in fuel derived from the gasoline fraction of crude oil. At a minimum concentration of 0.1% by mass of the aforementioned additives, as shown in Figure 3, the fuel freezing tem- perature, depending on the additive introduced into it, ranges from -36°C to -45°C, and the maximum filtra- tion temperature ranges from -20°C to -33°C. In terms of effectiveness, all investigated additives can be ranked in the following order: D-315 and K-ES. Figure 2. Influence of the investigated additives introduced into the diesel fraction at a 0.1% concentration on its low-temperature properties. The maximum reduction in the freezing temperature for the diesel fraction (from -28°C to - 53°C) and the pour point temperature (from -17°C to - 39°C) of the investigated diesel fraction samples is achieved with the introduction of 0.55% by mass of the Difron 315 additive into the fraction. Thus, the obtained results allowed identifying the most optimal concentrations of the additives under consideration in the fuel. For the K-ES additive, this concentration was 0.2% by mass, and for the D-315 additive, it was 0.55% by mass. [7] References 1. V. P. Ahmad Fayyazbakhsh, "Comprehensive overview on diesel additives to reduce emissions, en- hance fuel properties and improve engine perfor- mance," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, pp. 891-901, 2017. 2. M. M. R.D. Misra, "Blending of additives with biodiesels to improve the cold flow properties, combus- tion and emission performance in a compression igni- tion engine—A review," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, pp. 2413-2422, 2011. 3. V. P. Ahmad Fayyazbakhsh, "Determining the optimum conditions for modified diesel fuel combus- tion considering its emission, properties and engine performance," Energy Conversion and Management, pp. 209-219, 2015. 4. S. B. S. K. G. P. J. S. a. L. K. Farah Ansari, "Chemical Additives as Flow Improvers for Waxy Crude Oil and Model Oil: A Critical Review Analyzing Structure–Efficacy Relationships," Energy & Fuels, pp. 130, 126-132., 2022. 5. G. L. Z. Z. D. H. J. C. K. W. J. G. Z. Y. Jia- qiang E, "Effect analysis on cold starting performance enhancement of a diesel engine fueled with biodiesel fuel based on an improved thermodynamic model," Ap- plied Energy, pp. 321-335, 2019. 6. S. S. A. T. Basir Maleki, "Cold flow properties and CI engine parameters synchronic improvement of biodiesel/diesel/ C3 and C4 alcohol blends: Mixture de- sign approach," Process Safety and Environmental Pro- tection, pp. 310-326, 2022. 7. Y. N. Q. D. N. B. K. O. Paul C. Smith, "Im- proving the low-temperature properties of biodiesel: Methods and consequences," Renewable Energy, pp. 1145-1151, 2010. -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 Diesel fraction Keroflux 6100 Difron 315 Temperature -28 -36 -45 Pour Point -15 -25 -32,5 Temperature Pour Point
  • 22. 22 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 SYNTHESIS AND STUDY OF PROPERTIES OF DERIVATIVES OF NATURAL AND SYNTHETIC PETROLEUM ACIDS Mamedova N., PhD in Chemistry, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry Nabiyeva N. Master’s degree student, Azerbaijan State University of Oil and Industry DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049281 Abstract Among the derivatives of natural and synthetic petroleum acids, esters are one of those that have the greatest practical importance. In this article, ketoesters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids were obtained and their properties were studied. The structure of the obtained ketoesters was confirmed with the help of IR – spectral analysis. Due to the low freezing point of ketoesters obtained on the basis of vinyl ketones of natural and synthetic petroleum acids, they were used as a depressant additive in diesel fuels. It was found that when adding 0.2% esters of methoxyethyl ketone and isopropoxyethyl ketone to diesel fuel, the freezing temperature of diesel fuel drops by 30 units. In accordance with OZ DST – 989 2001 standards, the physical and chemical properties of diesel fuel added with depressor additives (ketoesters) were studied and it was determined that the requirements of the stand- ard were fully met. Keywords: natural and synthetic petroleum acids, depressor additive, diesel fuel, freezing temperature, ke- toesters, methoxyethyl ketone, isopropoxyethyl ketone. Introduction Organic acids and their derivatives are increas- ingly used in the national economy. Petroleum is one of the sources of organic acids. The amount of petroleum acids in oils ranges from 0.07-2.4%, and in Azerbaijani oils from 0.1-1.6%. Petroleum acids are a product of alkaline processing of petroleum distillates and serve as a cheap source of raw materials for obtaining a number of industrial products - solvents, aniline dyes and vul- canized rubber, varnish and paint components, plasti- cizers for synthetic resins, lubricants, surfactants. Prac- tically, petroleum acids are quite valuable. Products made from these acids are considered useful and their formulation is extremely complex. As plasticizers, sur- factants, fuel and oil additives, and inhibitors of steel corrosion, natural petroleum acids are significant raw materials in the petrochemical industry. Despite the fact that natural petroleum acids and their derivatives have various uses, they are among the limited products of the petrochemical industry due to the small amount of these acids in oil. The solution to this limitation is the con- version of naphthenic hydrocarbons into acids, i.e. the synthetic production of petroleum acids [1, 2, 3, 4]. Petroleum acids have a potential amount in the ox- ygenated compounds of oil, and are of actual im- portance because they allow obtaining various valuable industrial products by separating from petroleum. Sub- stances obtained as a result of synthesis reactions based on petroleum acids are of wide interest and are consid- ered relevant as they have wide and multi-field appli- cations. The presence of halogen atoms, epoxide group, double and triple bonds in the esters molecule makes it possible to use them successfully, especially in oxida- tion, hydroxide, dimerization, aminomethylation, and in hydration with the formation of new derivatives of petroleum acids. In all cases, the properties of the final products mostly depend on the structure and nature of the petroleum acids. Adding petroleum acids and their derivatives to diesel fuel is a trend that shows promise for the usage of these materials. Diesel fuel may be up- graded to high-quality fuel that satisfies contemporary environmental standards by adding esters derived from petroleum acids and diatomic alcohols [5, 6, 7]. The presented article discusses the synthesis of ke- toester derivatives of natural and synthetic petroleum acids and their use as a depressant additive in diesel fuels. Experimental part Esterification reaction between propargyl, propar- gyloxyethyl alcohols and natural and synthetic petro- leum acids in the presence of an ionic liquid catalyst – piperidine hydrosulfate [C5H10HN+ H]HSO4 − is carried out successfully in benzene at a temperature of 80- 850 C, and esters are obtained with a yield of 80-90%. The reaction mechanism can be shown as follows: RCOOH + HO − CH2 − C ≡ CH → RCOOCH2 − C ≡ CH + H2O RCOOH + HO − CH2CH2OCH2C ≡ CH → RCOOCH2 − CH2OCH2C ≡ CH + H2O The acylation reactions of natural and synthetic petroleum acids with the above-mentioned unsaturated alcohols were carried out by the following methodol- ogy: Taking the reaction components – mol ratio of nat- ural and synthetic petroleum acids to acetylene alcohols as 1: (1,2 - 1,4), 40 ml of benzene solvent was added to the three-throat flask with dropping funnel, thermome- ter, reverse cooler and mixer. When the temperature reaches 900 C, chloral anhydride of petroleum acids is started to be supplied from the dropping. The start of the reaction is determined by the sep- aration of hydrogen chloride. In order to capture hydro- gen chloride, hydrogen chloride is combined with an Erlenmeyer flask through a glass tube where an aque- ous solution of 150 ml of 0.01N sodium hydroxide is added. It is determined by periodically titrating the
  • 23. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 23 amount of hydrogen chloride released. After the sepa- ration of HCl stopped, the mixing of the reaction mix- ture at a temperature of 85-1000 C was continued again for 20 minutes. After the end of the reaction, they wash off the reaction mass first with weak sodium carbonate, and then with distilled water. Then they dry on calcium chloride. After expelling the solvent (benzene) under atmospheric pressure and expelling the remaining ester mass under vacuum, their physico-chemical properties were studied and presented in Table 1. Table 1. Physico-chemical properties of acetylene esters Acetylene esters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids Boiling tem- perature, o C 𝑛𝐷 20 𝜌4 20 , kg/m3 Acid num- ber, KOH/g Freezing temperature, o C Yield, %(wt.) RCOOCH2C≡CH NPA SPA 116-179 113-172 1,4589 1,4490 972,7 968,9 0,16 0,19 - 63 - 64 84,4 83,6 RCOOCH2CH2OCH2C≡CH NPA SPA 159-244 157-241 1,4711 1,4715 981,6 983,5 0,3 0,6 -58 -60 82,4 86,3 Continuing the study of the properties of acetylene esters, we subjected them to a hydration reaction in or- der to obtain their ketoesters. RCOO(CH2CH2O)nCH2C ≡ CH + H2O HgSO4 H2SO4 ⁄ → RCOO(CH2CH2O)nCH2 − CO − CH3 Here, n = 0, 1. The reaction takes place with the presence of a catalyst (HgSO4/H2SO4) at a temperature of 750 C, and the yield of esters is 80-90%. The structure of received ketoesters was confirmed with the help of IR spectra. The absorption band at 1710 cm-1 indicates the carbonyl group (CH3–C=O) and there are no signals for the characteristic (–C≡CH) proton groups. The physicochemical properties of ketoesters ob- tained on the basis of acetylene esters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids were studied and presented in Table 2. Their properties show that they can be used as modifiers for polymeric materials and as building monomers in unsaturated polyesters. Table 2. Physico-chemical properties of ketoesters obtained from the hydrolysis of acetylene esters of natural and syn- thetic petroleum acids Structural formula of ketoesters Tb, 0 C 0,4-0,5 kPa Yield, % (wt.) 20 D n 20 4  kg/m3 Tf, 0 C 0 100 C  mm2 /sec RCOOCH2COCH3 NPA SPA 121-144 122-146 85,9 83,8 1,4893 1,4889 851,9 852,7 -41 -43 2,3 2,4 RCOOCH2CH2OCH2COCH3 NPA SPA 140-160 130-150 80,3 81,4 1,4904 1,4906 886,5 888,3 -34 -33 3,24 3,45 Hydration of vinyl ketones of natural and synthetic petroleum acids in an acidic medium at a temperature of 800 C produces β-oxyethyl keto alcohol with a yield of 66-69% (wt.). Mercury sulfate acidified with sulfuric acid was used as a reaction catalyst. R − CO − CH = CH2 + H2O H2SO4 HgSO4 ⁄ → R − CO − CH2 − CH2OH Obtaining keto alcohols is done as follows: 1 g of HgSO4 and 20 ml of H2O acidified with H2SO4 are placed in a reaction flask equipped with a thermometer and a mechanical stirrer. Then 0.1 ml of vinyl ketone is added to the mixture with stirring. The resulting mixture is heated at 800 C for 2 hours. The next day, the obtained mixture is washed with water, the aqueous layer is extracted with ester, dried with CaCl2, and after expelling the ester, the residue is expelled un- der vacuum. The physico-chemical properties of the obtained product are as follows: Boiling temperature – 138-147 0 C/0.4 kPa; 𝑛20 𝐷 – 1.4688; 𝜌4 20 – 897.8 kg/m3 ; yield – 66.8 % (wt.). When compared with the original vinyl ketone, the IR spectra of the products do not include the character- istic absorption bands (985-990 and 1625-1645 cm-1 ) characteristic of vinyl groups, but the absorption bands of 3445-3455 cm-1 characteristic of the hydroxyl group are present. Synthesized ketoalcohols to get ketoglycidyl es- ters, suitable glycidyl esters were obtained by dehydro- chlorination of chlorohydrin formed by the interaction of epichlorohydrin in the presence of boron trifluoride with the addition of KOH. The yield of glycidyl esters was between 68-71%. The reaction proceeds as follows:
  • 24. 24 Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 The synthesis of glycidyl esters of ketoalcohols was carried out as follows: After adding 0.3 mol keto alcohol and 0.1 ml BF3O(C2H5)2, it is cooled to 0-50 C and mixed with 15.5g of epichlorohydrin. The reaction mass is stirred at a temperature of 20-250 C for 4 hours. After expelling the unreacted components, the residue is dissolved in 0.1 liter of ester, 10 g of KOH tablets are added with stirring and cooling (10-150 C). The reaction mixture is again stirred at 200 C for 3 hours. After removing the solvent, we obtained the glycidyl esters by evaporating under vacuum. Physico-chemical properties of ob- tained esters were as follows: Boiling temperature – 168-179 0 C/0,4 kPa; 𝑛20 𝐷 – 1.4716; 𝜌4 20 – 912,5 kg/m3 ; yield – 69,3 % (wt.). IR-spectra of glycidyl esters do not have 3435- 3440 cm-1 characteristic of the hydroxyl group of the first taken ketoalcohols, a band is observed at 3070- 3080 cm-1 characteristic of epoxide groups. It is known that groups with electron acceptors ac- tivated by the action of alkaline agents enter into a con- densation reaction with vinyl ketones with double bond and an engine hydrogen atom. Therefore, when naph- thyl β - alkoxides are obtained under the influence of sodium salts of suitable alcohols, both naphthyl β-chlo- roethyl ketones and naphthyl vinyl ketones react ac- cording to the following scheme. R − CO − CH2 − CH2Cl + R1 ONa → R − CO − CH2 − CH2OR1 R − CO − CH = CH2 + R1 OH → R − CO − CH2 − CH2OR1 where R is a naphthenic radical and R1 = – CH3, – C2H5, – C3H7, – C4H9. So, the following ketoesters of natural and syn- thetic petroleum acids were synthesized. 1. R1 = – CH3 (RCOCH2CH2OCH3 – Methoxy- ethylketone ester of natural and synthetic petroleum ac- ids); 2. R1 = – C2H5 (RCOCH2CH2OC2H5 – Ethoxy- ethylketone ester of natural and synthetic petroleum ac- ids); 3. R1 = – C3H7 (RCOCH2CH2OC3H7 – Iso- propoxyethylketone ester of natural and synthetic pe- troleum acids); 4. R1 = – C4H9 (RCOCH2CH2OC4H9 – Butoxy- ethylketone ester of natural and synthetic petroleum ac- ids). Physicochemical properties of synthesized ketoes- ters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids are given in Table 3. Table 3. Physicochemical properties of ketoesters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids Ketoesters of natural and syn- thetic petroleum acids Reaction condi- tions Boiling limit, 0 C (1,3kPa) Yield, % (wt.) Physical and chemical prop- erties RCOCl: :Rı OH T,0 C 20 4  g/cm3 20 D n Tf,0 C Methoxyethylketone NPA SPA 1:1,2 1:1,2 30 30 119-143 114-138 82,7 83,6 0,9202 0,9204 1,4737 1,4758 -54 -57 Ethoxyethylketone NPA SPA 1:1,2 1:1,2 30 30 127-145 121-139 81,3 82,4 0,9421 0,9423 1,4778 1,4781 -52 -55 Isopropoxyethylketone NPA SPA 1:1,3 1:1,3 35 35 134-157 129-152 79,1 80,2 0,9533 0,9536 1,4787 1,4789 -56 -54 Butoxyethylketone NPA SPA 1:1,3 1:1,3 40 40 139-164 132-157 72,8 73,1 0,9684 0,9687 1,4811 1,4818 -57 -58 The structure of the obtained esters was studied with the help of infrared rays and nuclear magnetic res- onance. The low freezing temperature properties of these ketoesters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids have been suggested how they affect the freezing tem- perature by applying them as depressor additives in die- sel fuels. We evaluated the activity of depressor addi- tives according to GOST 20287-74 standard.
  • 25. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 25 Table 4. Effect of ketoesters (additives) added to diesel fuel on the freezing temperature of diesel fuel Ketoesters of natural petroleum acid Mass of depressor additive, % Freezing temperature of diesel fuel, 0 C Methoxyethylketone 0,1 0,2 -36 -40 Isopropoxyethylketone 0,1 0,2 -40 -40 The effect of synthesized esters on the freezing temperature of diesel fuel was tested at H. Aliyev Oil Refinery. The freezing temperature of diesel fuel itself was -100 C. The data in Table 3 show that not all syn- thesized esters have the same effect on the freezing point of diesel fuel. For example, when adding 0.2% methoxyethyl ketone and isopropoxyethyl ketone, the freezing temperature of diesel fuel drops by 30 units. The physico-chemical parameters of diesel fuel with the optimal amount of depressor additive – ketoes- ters of petroleum acids added according to the OZ DST 989-2001 standard are given in Table 5 and it was found that the physico-chemical indicators of the stud- ied diesel fuel fully meet the requirements of the stand- ard, including low temperature properties. Table 5. Properties of diesel fuel with depressor additive according to OZ DST 989-2001 standard Indicators OZ DST 989-2001 standard Diesel fuel Without additive With ad- ditive Density at 200 C, at most 860 835 837 Cetane number, at least 45 50 50 Fractional composition, 0 C: 50%, at most 96% at most 280 350 264 342 266 343 Kinematic viscosity 200 C, mm2 /s 3,0 - 6,0 3,0 3,01 Freezing temperature o C, the highest Boiling point, the highest Ignition temperature, lowest: For locomotives, marine diesels and gas turbines For general purpose diesels -10 -6 62 40 -14 -8 - 55 -40 -16 57 57 Sulfur content, %(wt.) when it burns, the most Mercaptan sulfur, the most 0,01 0,0003 0,0003 Water-soluble acids and alkalis - Acidity mg KOH/100 cm3 , highest in fuel 6 - Ash content, % most 0,01 0,003 0,003 Filtering coefficient 3 2 2 Conclusions Ketoesters were obtained on the basis of acetylene esters of natural and synthetic petroleum acids in the presence of the HgSO4/H2SO4 catalyst and their phys- ico-chemical properties were studied. It was deter- mined that they can be applied as modifiers for poly- meric materials, as well as a building monomer in the composition of unsaturated polyesters. Then ketoesters were synthesized on the basis of vinyl ketones of natu- ral and synthetic petroleum acids, and due to the prop- erty of low freezing temperatures of these ketoesters, they were used as a depressant additive in diesel fuels. It was determined that when adding 0.2% methoxyethyl ketone and isopropoxyethyl ketone, the freezing tem- perature of diesel fuel drops by 30 units. Properties of diesel fuel with depressor additive (ketoesters) accord- ing to OZ DST 989-2001 standard it was found that die- sel fuel fully meet the requirements of the standard, in- cluding low temperature properties. So, the conducted research - the synthesis of petroleum acid esters and their testing in diesel fuel as depressor additives shows that the low temperature properties of diesel fuels can be adjusted. It is possible to use diesel fuels with a freezing temperature of -400 C in the northern regions of Azerbaijan. References 1.Afandiyeva, L.M., Abbasov, V.M., Aliyeva, L.I., Ahmadbayova, S., Azizbeyli, E.I., & Ahmed, H.M. (2018). Investigation of Organic Complexes of Imidazolines Based on Synthetic Oxy and Petroleum Acids as Corrosion Inhibitors. Iranian Journal of Chem- istry & Chemical Engineering-international English Edition 37, 73-79. 2.Z. Xia, L. Xu, and Z. Feng. Characterization and analysis of naphthenic acids in petroleum // Interna- tional Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 14, Issue 7, July 2017, Article 802. pp. 550-695. 3.Mamedova, N.A., Mamedkhanova, S.A. & Shakhmamedova, A.G. The Synthesis and Application of Salts and Complexes on the Basis of Petroleum Acid
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  • 27. Znanstvena misel journal №89/2024 27 EARTH SCIENCES COUTERACTIN THE SHARP RISE OF THE WORLD OCEAN Danylyan A. Danube Institute of the National University Odessa Maritime Academy DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.11049297 Abstract Global warming on the planet, has dramatically affected the melting of the polar caps, giving an increase in the water level of the world's oceans. In this regard, NT in the scientific environment, there have been quite a lot of scientific disputes and polemics, which do not always give a full scientific understanding of the state of affairs with climate change on the planet. At times, instead of deep analysis of the occurring climatic phenomena, we see substitution of the basis of the phenomena with predictions and scientific beliefs. Rising sea levels are a serious consequence of climate change. Haiti, the Maldives and other island nations are threatened with extinction. In the past few decades, the ocean has begun to warm almost 40% faster than it did back in the middle of the last century, and water levels are rising at an accelerated rate. Here the opinions of scientists are bifurcated, some believe that the heating of the planet to a greater extent depends on cosmic radiation, which has increased dramatically over the last century, others prove the concept of saturation of the earth's atmos- phere with carbon dioxide CO2, pollution of the world's oceans with plastic, which is a multilayered ball, covers the bottom and does not allow to cool magma enveloping the core of the earth, which in turn in the process of overheating increases in volume and rises to the upper layers of the earth. Third groups of scientists tend to consider the first two concepts as equally existing and actively influencing global warming. Any scientific debate must determine with sufficient precision the timing of the impending catastrophe. Here there are very large discrepancies, they are measured from ten to a hundred years, everyone uses their own dy- namics of events, which does not allow the heads of state and their government to specify their actions in the Program documents on environmental protection of their states. It is time to abandon the boundaries of ecological disasters, it is impossible to protect oneself in full measure with state borders, the world ocean and airspace unites all countries and states. Keywords: Polar caps, magma, flooding, global warming, environmental protection. Problem Statement. To date, the average level of the world's oceans has risen by about 21 cm since 1900, with an immediate increase of 7.5 cm over the last 25 years. Each year the water level rises by 3.2 mm. These seem like minuscule values, but the rate at which sea levels are changing today is 2.5 times faster than it was just a decade ago. Analyzing recent studies and publications. Klige R.K., Zakharov V.G. Changesin the snow-ice re- gime of Antarctica //. Modern Global Changes in the Natural Environment. - Moscow: Scientific World, 2006. С. 577-606. In this paper a group of scientists gives a detailed analysis of the inevitable melting of the Antarctic ice cover, which gives a significant rise in the level of the World Ocean, disturbing the natural equi- librium of the entire continent. In the works of Ukrain- ian scientists:Вера Balabukh: Ukraine will be resettled "climate refugees" from Af- rica and Asia 2024, Р. 8. The work gives an overview of floods in many countries and continents, which will lead to a population explosion with the resettlement of large numbers of people in Ukraine. Ego Chelokian Professor at the University of Massachusetts T6KAbM Address to the three presidents: Russian Federation, USA, China. He makes strong arguments about the im- pending catastrophe of planetary scale in a very short period of time - two decades. The last researches of the European and scientists and the USA, have defined earlier unknown regularity of overheating of magma and a core of a planet at the expense of an additional source of energy from space that leads to overheating of waters of the World Ocean and awakening of sleeping volcanoes of a planet. Highlighting previously unresolved parts of the general problem. The general unsolved problem included the issues of curbing emissions of the greenhouse gas CO2, which China and the USA had previously completely rejected. These countries refused to fulfil the decisions of the In- ternational Paris Conference, but subsequently ac- cepted the decisions and signed an agreement. Later, the International Conference in Glasgow summarised the results of seven years of work of all states and as- sessed many countries in solving the impending global ecological catastrophe. Purpose of the article. (The purpose of your re- search ...). Our group of scientists from the Danube In- stitute of the NU Odessa Maritime Academy has been working on the issues of ecology and climate change for ten years. The Institute's team has been awarded a number of International Environmental Grants. The lat- est Ukraine-Turkey-Romania International Grant is dedicated to the protection of the Black Sea coast from flooding. It is a large joint analytical and research work for two years. Outline of the main material. Global flooding will affect up to 250 million people and even the most civilised countries will be under water. The rate of sea level rise has more than doubled, from 1.4 millimetres per year for most of the 20th century to 3.6 millimetres per year between 2006 and 2015. This is caused, among other things, by the melting of Greenland's glaciers. The NASA mission carefully studied the Greenland