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Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

Teaching Organization Defined
"Teaching Organization is one in which
everyone is a teacher, everyone is a
learner, and reciprocal teaching and
learning are built into the fabric of
everyday activities."
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Time - we only have so much of it. The effective teacher cannot
create a single extra second of the day - any more than anyone can.
The effective teacher controls the way time is used. Effective
teachers systematically and carefully plan for productive use of
instructional time.
One of the primary roles that you will perform as a teacher is that of
designer and implementor of instruction. Teachers at every level
prepare plans that aid in the organization and delivery of their daily
lessons. These plans vary widely in the style and degree of
Some instructors prefer to construct elaborate detailed and
impeccably typed outlines; others rely on the briefest of notes
handwritten on scratch pads or on the backs of discarded
envelopes. Regardless of the format, all teachers need to make
wise decisions about the strategies and methods they will employ to
help students move systematically toward learner goals.
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Teachers need more that a vague, or even a precise,
notion of educational goals and objectives to be able to
sequence these objectives or to be proficient in the skills
and knowledge of a particular discipline.
The effective teacher also needs to develop a plan to
provide direction toward the attainment of the selected
The more organized a teacher is, the more effective the
teaching, and thus the learning, is.
Writing daily lesson plans is a large part of being
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Several lesson plan outlines could be presented. You as
a teacher will probably begin by choosing a desirable
outline and sticking fairly close to it.
Planning and classroom delivery innovations usually
come once you are in the classroom with your own set of
learners, have developed your own instructional
resources, and have experimented with various
Although fundamental lesson planning elements tend to
remain unchanged, their basic formula is always
modified to suit the individual teacher's lesson
preparation or style of presentation.
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Adults’ Learning Teachniques
Questions & Answers
Work groups
Case studies
Role playing
Problem solving
Self-controlled learning
Expert interview
Educational trip - visit
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
The lesson plan is a dreaded part of instruction that most
teachers detest. It nevertheless provides a guide for
managing the learning environment and is essential if a
substitute teacher is to be effective and efficient.
Three stages of lesson planning follow:
Stage 1: Pre-Lesson Preparation
Student entry level
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Stage 2: Lesson Planning and Implementation
Unit title
Instructional goals
Instructional procedures
Evaluation procedures
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Stage 3: Post-Lesson Activities
Lesson evaluation and revision.
Lesson planning involves much more than making
arbitrary decisions about “what I'm going to teach today”.
Many activities precede the process of designing and
implementing a lesson plan.
Similarly, the job of systematic lesson planning is not
complete until after the instructor has assessed both the
learner's attainment of the anticipated outcomes and
effectiveness of the lesson in leading learners to these
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
One final word. Even teachers who develop highly
structured and detailed plans rarely adhere to them in
lock-step fashion. Such rigidity would probable hinder,
rather than help, the teaching-learning process.
The elements of your lesson plan should be thought of
as guiding principles to be applied as aids, but not
blueprints, to systematic instruction.
Precise preparation must allow for flexible delivery.
During actual classroom interaction, the instructor needs
to make adaptations and to add artistry to each lesson
plan and classroom delivery.
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Recommendations on preparing postgraduates for
Postgraduates with treaching responsibilities should be
appropriately prepared for teaching.
Every department should appoint a mentor to offer guidance and
A member of staff should also be involved with the outcome if
graduate teaching assistants (GTA) are engaged in any form of
assessment that contributes to the award of a degree.
Appropriate bodies should develop a Code of Practice for GTA
contracts of employment.
Preparation of teaching should be integrated into the study
programmes of research students.
(UK Council for Graduate Education, 1999)
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Questions to guide course design decisions
Determine and understand the student audience
Who is likely to enroll in the course?
What are their academic backgrounds?
What are their initial interests likely to be?
If you are in a position to determine who can enroll, what audience
are you designing the course for?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Identify course goals and learning objectives
What do you expect your students to be able to do as a result of the
What prerequisite knowledge do students need to begin the course?
Are there skills or attitudes which students should develop to
achieve these goals?
How will students be able to demonstrate that they have achieved
the course objectives?
What are your areas of interest and expertise related to the course?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Defining and limiting the course content
What do all students in the course need to master?
What should students seeking a good knowledge learn?
What optional material will be provided for students with special
skills or interests?
What resources are available to assist your teaching?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Organizing the course content
What order of course content will aid students' understanding of the
What pace will both address the course objectives and
accommodate variations in students' learning?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Planning learning activities to enable students to
achieve the objectives
What learning activities will students do in class?
What learning activities will students need to do outside of class,
e.g., to get sufficient practice using new concepts or skills?
How will out-of-class learning activities be related to or integrated
with in-class activities?
How will the learning objectives fit with students' individual interests
and objectives?
What kind of feedback will students receive about the learning
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Planning methods of evaluating student learning and
providing feedback
What type of evaluation methods are consistent with the course
For what type of evaluation methods can you provide sufficient
feedback to students?
How many assignments constitute a reasonable workload for an N
unit course?
Which learning activities will be graded?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

Deontological ethics
Certain actions are right or wrong in themselves
and there are absolute standards which need to
be upheld.
How we know which acts are wrong and how we
distinguish between a wrong and an omission?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

Teleological ethics
It distinguishes between “the right” and “the
good”, with “the right” encompassing those
actions which maximise “the good”.
The outcomes determine what is right, rather
than the inputs (our actions), in terms of ethical
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

The outcomes are all that matter in determining
what is good and that the way in which the
society achieves its ultimate good is through
each person pursuing his/her own self interest.
The aggregation of all self interests will
automatically lead to the maximum good for
society at large.
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

Ethical Relativism
There is no universally vaild moral principles.
A given set of ethics or moral principles are only
valid within a given culture at a particular time
Individual choice is the key determinant of the
validity of moral principles (subjectivism).
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

Ethical Objectivism
Although moral principles may differ between
cultures, some moral principles have universal
validity whether or not they are universally
There is one true moral system (absolutism).
There is a ‘core morality’ of universally valid
moral principles, with an inderterminate area
where relativism is accepted (weak ethical
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Ethics is a complex subject, but in professional
contexts some of its central concerns are:
to respect the autonomy of individuals
to avoid causing harm
to treat people fairly
to act with integrity
to use resources as beneficially as possible
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Respecting autonomy
We respect autonomy when we:
equip individuals to make informed decisions about what they do
provide individuals with opportunities for making informed choices
do not prevent individuals from acting in accord with their informed
Respecting autonomy, however, does not mean allowing
everyone to do whatever they wish, for two main reasons:
sometimes individuals do not have sufficient understanding to make
informed choices
sometimes if an individual were to carry out his/her wishes it would
infringe the autonomy of others. It might also raise other ethical
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

Useful questions when considering the
extent to which autonomy is respected
In teaching
Do information systems make clear what a study
scheme or module entails?
Do schemes/modules allow choice whenever
educationally appropriate and operationally viable?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
In research
Do the objectives or methodology of a research project respect the
autonomy of human subjects or respondents?
Do the objectives or methodology of a research project fail to respect the
autonomy of others because they involve deceit, dishonesty, invasion of
privacy or breaking confidentiality?
Are all likely participants - subjects and researchers - fully informed of the
nature of the research before deciding whether to participate or allow
information about themselves to be used?
Is the situation in which people are invited to take part in research such that
they will not feel pressured or coerced to do so?
Will the consent of participants be gained before research proceeds?
Is written consent to take part in research ethically appropriate?
Can participants withdraw from the project at any time without feeling they
might be penalised?
Are research data to be used in ways not clearly stated to researchers and
subjects? (“Subjects” may include people who are not actively involved in
the research but about whom data is used)
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Useful questions when considering the importance of
avoiding harm
Has sufficient care been given to anticipating any physical or
psychological harm or unreasonable stress which teaching or
research activities might cause to students, human or animal
subjects and staff?
Have all steps been taken to eliminate possible harm or to reduce it
as far as possible?
If adverse effects are possible on students, subjects, researchers,
institutions or communities from the conduct of research or
publication of its findings, are these ethically justified?
Should a module or research project be rejected or discontinued if
its objectives cannot be achieved without the risk of harm? What is
the justification for continuing it?
If risk of harm is foreseeable, is this clearly stated to students or
other participants as soon as possible?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
We treat people fairly if we:
provide everyone with the service to which they are
do not allow any personal views we may have to affect
the quality of service we give to each individual
treat individuals differently from each other only when
there are differences between them which are relevant to
the situation
when there are relevant differences between individuals,
treat them in ways which are appropriate to those
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Useful questions when considering whether people are
treated fairly
In teaching
Do students have equal access to the resources that are provided by the
university in connection with their studies?
Are issues covered by assessment accessible to all students?
Does assessment concentrate on issues which are as far as possible
accessible to students, whatever their cultural backgrounds?
Are procedures in place that allow reasoned and reasonable decisions as to
whether students should be treated differently according to recognisable
educational needs?
Do procedures guarantee impartial assessment as far as possible? For
example, when sample double-marking takes place, does the second
marker choose what to look at?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

In research
Do all researchers have equal access to
resources to carry out the research?
Do research subjects have equal access to
whatever support is provided to help them deal
with any effects of the research? If it takes place,
does the second marker choose what to look at?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Useful questions when considering acting with
In teaching
Do schemes/modules achieve the objectives described
in scheme/module descriptors?
Do students and staff receive the service which the
University has undertaken to provide:
adequate learning resources and experience?
sufficient guidance, feedback and access to tutors?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
In research
Will the research methodology achieve its stated
Is the impartiality of research at risk of being
compromised by dependence on a sponsor or an
institution with particular interests?
Do participants get promised facilities and support to
carry out the research and cope with its impact, not
merely during its execution, but after its completion?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

Useful questions when considering how
resources may be used as beneficially
as possible
In teaching
Are study schemes/modules designed to meet students' appropriate
educational needs?
As far as is feasible, do schemes/modules produce the greatest
benefits from the resources they absorb - such as students' time
and opportunity to study, and the University's facilities?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

In research
Is the project the most beneficial use of
resources - the potential research data, budgets,
facilities and participant's input and sponsor's
If not, should an alternative project be put
forward, or fewer resources used?
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

Personal Development Plans
Personal Development Plans (PDPs) have
evolved as a particular approach to planning
career and skill development activities for
individuals within institutions.
The concept of a PDP is the creation of a clear
development action plan for an individual for
which the individual takes primary responsibility.
Academic staff often have a supporting role.
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Personal Development Planning has been described as “a
structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to
reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement
and to plan for their personal, educational and career development”.
The primary purpose of a PDP (Personal Development Plan) is to
help you learn and develop more effectively and to be able to:
learn in a wider variety of ways and a wider range of contexts;
recognise and be able to list evidence for your own learning and
therefore the progress you are making;
draw upon and use your expanded personal knowledge to achieve
particular goals;
 review, plan and take responsibility for your own learning;
 recognise and define your training/learning needs
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
What is a Personal Development Record?
There are many different kinds of PDR (Personal Development Records)
built around a variety of frameworks. However, all are intended in different
ways to maintain a clear record of learning and personal development.
By reflecting on your skill needs over time and recording the training that is
successfully completed a comprehensive set of information can be built up
that can help you, inter alia to:
initially be a more effective researcher
be a more independent, autonomous and effective learner
plan and manage your career
decide on future career paths
create appropriate CVs
have evidence with which to apply for (or retain) membership of a
Professional or Statutory Body related to your profession
apply for promotion
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
The research degree programme
Administrative Stages The most obvious formal administrative
fixed points in an MPhil/PhD research programme are:
The initial administrative stage application, interview, acceptance
and enrolment, which may involve most, if not all, of the following:
preliminary project ideas, scoping, considering possible sources of
funding, firming up on topic/consideration of supervisory team
leading to completion of proposal, submission of application to
register project and project approval.
Transfer MPhil to PhD unless you have been registered directly for
a PhD
Submission of the thesis viva examination and award of degree.
The Annual Monitoring operating alongside the other stages.
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
The Academic Stages
The research degree programme itself can be broadly considered in three
main sections which may overlap to a lesser or greater extent.

First Stage
Identifying the topic
Confirming originality of topic
Considering ethical issues: starting approval process if necessary
Undertaking appropriate preliminary training programme
Surveying and analysing the relevant literature and other sources
Defining the objectives in clear and specific terms
Formulating testable hypothesis
Defining basic concepts and variables
Stating underlying assumptions
Constructing a plan to maximise internal and external validity
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

Second stage
Specifying data collection procedures,
development of artifacts and/or data analysis
systems (where appropriate)
Executing the research plan and gathering data
following appropriate ethical guidelines
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans

Third stage
Evaluating results and drawing conclusions
Writing up thesis
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
Skills training requirements for research students
(A) Research Skills and Techniques - to be able to demonstrate:
the ability to recognise and validate problems
original, independent and critical thinking, and the ability to develop
theoretical concepts
a knowledge of recent advances within one’s field and in related
an understanding of relevant research methodologies and
techniques and their appropriate application within one’s research
the ability to critically analyse and evaluate one’s findings and those
of others
an ability to summarise, document, report and reflect on progress
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
(B) Research Environment - to be able to:
show a broad understanding of the context in which research takes
demonstrate awareness of issues relating to the rights of other
researchers, of research subjects, and of others who may be
affected by the research, e.g. confidentiality, ethical issues,
attribution, copyright, malpractice, ownership of data and the
requirements of the Data Protection Act
demonstrate appreciation of standards of good research practice in
their institution and/or discipline
understand relevant health and safety issues and demonstrate
responsible working practices
justify one’s own research and contribute to promoting the public
understanding of one’s research field
understand the process of academic or commercial exploitation of
research results
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
(C) Research Management - to be able to:
apply effective project management through the setting
of research goals, intermediate milestones and
prioritisation of activities
design and execute systems for the acquisition and
collation of information through the effective use of
appropriate resources and equipment
identify and access appropriate bibliographica resources,
archives, and other sources of relevant information
use information technology appropriately for database
management, recording and presenting information
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
(D) Personal Effectiveness - to be able to:
demonstrate a willingness and ability to learn and
acquire knowledge
be creative, innovative and original in one’s approach to
demonstrate flexibility and open-mindedness
demonstrate self-awareness and the ability to identify
own training needs
demonstrate self-discipline, motivation, and
recognise boundaries and draw upon/use sources of
support as appropriate
show initiative, work independently and be self-reliant
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
(E) Communication Skills - to be able to:
write clearly and in a style appropriate to
purpose, e.g. progress reports, published
documents, thesis
construct coherent arguments and articulate
ideas clearly to a range of audiences, formally
and informally through a variety of techniques
constructively defend research outcomes at
seminars and viva examination
effectively support the learning of others when
involved in teaching, mentoring or demonstrating
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
(F) Networking and Teamworking - to be able
develop and maintain co-operative networks and
working relationships with supervisors,
colleagues and peers, within the institution and
the wider research community
understand one’s behaviours and impact on
others when working in and contributing to the
success of formal and informal teams
listen, give and receive feedback and respond
perceptively to others
Teaching organization, motivating
postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal
development plans
(G) Career Management - to be able to:
appreciate the need for and show commitment to
continued professional PDP
take ownership for and manage one’s career
progression, set realistic and achievable career goals,
and identify and develop ways to improve employability
demonstrate an insight into the transferable nature of
research skills to other work environments and the range
of career opportunities within and outside academia
present one’s skills, personal attributes and experiences
through effective CVs, applications and interviews

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Yannis Markovits το πολιτισμικό πρόσωπο της φοροδιαφυγής το πολιτισμικό πρόσωπο της φοροδιαφυγής το πολιτισμικό πρόσωπο της φοροδιαφυγής το πολιτισμικό πρόσωπο της φοροδιαφυγής
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Yannis Markovits
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 8-1-φοβίστε όσους μας φοβίζουν
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 8-1-φοβίστε όσους μας φοβίζουνελευθεροτυπια 2014 8-1-φοβίστε όσους μας φοβίζουν
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 8-1-φοβίστε όσους μας φοβίζουν
Yannis Markovits the dark triad of economic criminals the dark triad of economic the dark triad of economic criminals the dark triad of economic criminalsYannis Markovits οι αποξενωμένοι ξένοι οι αποξενωμένοι ξένοι οι αποξενωμένοι ξένοι οι αποξενωμένοι ξένοιYannis Markovits η τύχη της μαρούλας η τύχη της μαρούλας η τύχη της μαρούλας η τύχη της μαρούλαςYannis Markovits
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 5-5-η παραβολή του μικρομέγαλου παιδιού
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 5-5-η παραβολή του μικρομέγαλου παιδιούελευθεροτυπια 2014 5-5-η παραβολή του μικρομέγαλου παιδιού
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 5-5-η παραβολή του μικρομέγαλου παιδιούYannis Markovits
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 4-8-παγωμένη η κοινωνία και την άνοιξη
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3rd daily conference on organizational psychology, Athens, 14th May 2014
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Yannis Markovits
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 2-3-η σκοτεινή τριάδα
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 2-3-η σκοτεινή τριάδαελευθεροτυπια 2014 2-3-η σκοτεινή τριάδα
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 2-3-η σκοτεινή τριάδαYannis Markovits
μαρκοβιτσ προσκληση βιβλιοπαρουσιασησ
μαρκοβιτσ προσκληση βιβλιοπαρουσιασησμαρκοβιτσ προσκληση βιβλιοπαρουσιασησ
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ελευθεροτυπια 2014 1-9-απάτη, νόμος και ηθική
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Yannis Markovits
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κοινωνιολογικες προσεγγισεις στις εργασιακες σχεσεις και στις νεες τεχνολογιες
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κοινωνιολογικες προσεγγισεις στις εργασιακες σχεσεις και στις νεες τεχνολογιες
Yannis Markovits

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ελευθεροτυπια 2014 8-1-φοβίστε όσους μας φοβίζουν
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 8-1-φοβίστε όσους μας φοβίζουνελευθεροτυπια 2014 8-1-φοβίστε όσους μας φοβίζουν
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 8-1-φοβίστε όσους μας φοβίζουν the dark triad of economic criminals the dark triad of economic the dark triad of economic criminals the dark triad of economic criminals οι αποξενωμένοι ξένοι οι αποξενωμένοι ξένοι οι αποξενωμένοι ξένοι οι αποξενωμένοι ξένοι η τύχη της μαρούλας η τύχη της μαρούλας η τύχη της μαρούλας η τύχη της μαρούλας
ελευθεροτυπια 2014 5-5-η παραβολή του μικρομέγαλου παιδιού
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ελευθεροτυπια 2014 4-8-παγωμένη η κοινωνία και την άνοιξη
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3rd daily conference on organizational psychology, Athens, 14th May 2014
3rd daily conference on organizational psychology, Athens, 14th May 20143rd daily conference on organizational psychology, Athens, 14th May 2014
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ελευθεροτυπια 2014 2-3-η σκοτεινή τριάδα
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μαρκοβιτσ προσκληση βιβλιοπαρουσιασησ
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ελευθεροτυπια 2014 1-9-απάτη, νόμος και ηθική
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Regulatory focus, moderates job satisfaction and organizational commitment 28...
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Commitment profiles in Greece, 12th congreess of eawop, 2005
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Yannis Markovits_Seminar_The pedagogy of supervision, planning for effective ...
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κοινωνιολογικες προσεγγισεις στις εργασιακες σχεσεις και στις νεες τεχνολογιες
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κοινωνιολογικες προσεγγισεις στις εργασιακες σχεσεις και στις νεες τεχνολογιες

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Yannis Markovits_Seminar_Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans

  • 1. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Teaching Organization Defined "Teaching Organization is one in which everyone is a teacher, everyone is a learner, and reciprocal teaching and learning are built into the fabric of everyday activities."
  • 2. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Time - we only have so much of it. The effective teacher cannot create a single extra second of the day - any more than anyone can. The effective teacher controls the way time is used. Effective teachers systematically and carefully plan for productive use of instructional time. One of the primary roles that you will perform as a teacher is that of designer and implementor of instruction. Teachers at every level prepare plans that aid in the organization and delivery of their daily lessons. These plans vary widely in the style and degree of specificity. Some instructors prefer to construct elaborate detailed and impeccably typed outlines; others rely on the briefest of notes handwritten on scratch pads or on the backs of discarded envelopes. Regardless of the format, all teachers need to make wise decisions about the strategies and methods they will employ to help students move systematically toward learner goals.
  • 3. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Teachers need more that a vague, or even a precise, notion of educational goals and objectives to be able to sequence these objectives or to be proficient in the skills and knowledge of a particular discipline. The effective teacher also needs to develop a plan to provide direction toward the attainment of the selected objectives. The more organized a teacher is, the more effective the teaching, and thus the learning, is. Writing daily lesson plans is a large part of being organized.
  • 4. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Several lesson plan outlines could be presented. You as a teacher will probably begin by choosing a desirable outline and sticking fairly close to it. Planning and classroom delivery innovations usually come once you are in the classroom with your own set of learners, have developed your own instructional resources, and have experimented with various strategies. Although fundamental lesson planning elements tend to remain unchanged, their basic formula is always modified to suit the individual teacher's lesson preparation or style of presentation.
  • 5. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Adults’ Learning Teachniques Lecture Questions & Answers Discussion Brainstorming Exercises Presentation Work groups Case studies Role playing Simulation Problem solving Self-controlled learning Expert interview Educational trip - visit
  • 6. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans The lesson plan is a dreaded part of instruction that most teachers detest. It nevertheless provides a guide for managing the learning environment and is essential if a substitute teacher is to be effective and efficient. Three stages of lesson planning follow: Stage 1: Pre-Lesson Preparation Goals Content Student entry level
  • 7. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Stage 2: Lesson Planning and Implementation Unit title Instructional goals Objectives Rationale Content Instructional procedures Evaluation procedures Materials
  • 8. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Stage 3: Post-Lesson Activities Lesson evaluation and revision. Lesson planning involves much more than making arbitrary decisions about “what I'm going to teach today”. Many activities precede the process of designing and implementing a lesson plan. Similarly, the job of systematic lesson planning is not complete until after the instructor has assessed both the learner's attainment of the anticipated outcomes and effectiveness of the lesson in leading learners to these outcomes.
  • 9. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans One final word. Even teachers who develop highly structured and detailed plans rarely adhere to them in lock-step fashion. Such rigidity would probable hinder, rather than help, the teaching-learning process. The elements of your lesson plan should be thought of as guiding principles to be applied as aids, but not blueprints, to systematic instruction. Precise preparation must allow for flexible delivery. During actual classroom interaction, the instructor needs to make adaptations and to add artistry to each lesson plan and classroom delivery.
  • 10. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Recommendations on preparing postgraduates for teaching Postgraduates with treaching responsibilities should be appropriately prepared for teaching. Every department should appoint a mentor to offer guidance and support. A member of staff should also be involved with the outcome if graduate teaching assistants (GTA) are engaged in any form of assessment that contributes to the award of a degree. Appropriate bodies should develop a Code of Practice for GTA contracts of employment. Preparation of teaching should be integrated into the study programmes of research students. (UK Council for Graduate Education, 1999)
  • 11. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Questions to guide course design decisions Determine and understand the student audience Who is likely to enroll in the course? What are their academic backgrounds? What are their initial interests likely to be? If you are in a position to determine who can enroll, what audience are you designing the course for?
  • 12. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Identify course goals and learning objectives What do you expect your students to be able to do as a result of the course? What prerequisite knowledge do students need to begin the course? Are there skills or attitudes which students should develop to achieve these goals? How will students be able to demonstrate that they have achieved the course objectives? What are your areas of interest and expertise related to the course?
  • 13. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Defining and limiting the course content What do all students in the course need to master? What should students seeking a good knowledge learn? What optional material will be provided for students with special skills or interests? What resources are available to assist your teaching?
  • 14. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Organizing the course content What order of course content will aid students' understanding of the course? What pace will both address the course objectives and accommodate variations in students' learning?
  • 15. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Planning learning activities to enable students to achieve the objectives What learning activities will students do in class? What learning activities will students need to do outside of class, e.g., to get sufficient practice using new concepts or skills? How will out-of-class learning activities be related to or integrated with in-class activities? How will the learning objectives fit with students' individual interests and objectives? What kind of feedback will students receive about the learning activities?
  • 16. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Planning methods of evaluating student learning and providing feedback What type of evaluation methods are consistent with the course objectives? For what type of evaluation methods can you provide sufficient feedback to students? How many assignments constitute a reasonable workload for an N unit course? Which learning activities will be graded?
  • 17. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Deontological ethics Certain actions are right or wrong in themselves and there are absolute standards which need to be upheld. How we know which acts are wrong and how we distinguish between a wrong and an omission?
  • 18. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Teleological ethics It distinguishes between “the right” and “the good”, with “the right” encompassing those actions which maximise “the good”. The outcomes determine what is right, rather than the inputs (our actions), in terms of ethical standards.
  • 19. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Utilitarianism The outcomes are all that matter in determining what is good and that the way in which the society achieves its ultimate good is through each person pursuing his/her own self interest. The aggregation of all self interests will automatically lead to the maximum good for society at large.
  • 20. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Ethical Relativism There is no universally vaild moral principles. A given set of ethics or moral principles are only valid within a given culture at a particular time (conventionalism). Individual choice is the key determinant of the validity of moral principles (subjectivism).
  • 21. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Ethical Objectivism Although moral principles may differ between cultures, some moral principles have universal validity whether or not they are universally recognised. There is one true moral system (absolutism). There is a ‘core morality’ of universally valid moral principles, with an inderterminate area where relativism is accepted (weak ethical objectivism).
  • 22. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Ethics is a complex subject, but in professional contexts some of its central concerns are: to respect the autonomy of individuals to avoid causing harm to treat people fairly to act with integrity to use resources as beneficially as possible
  • 23. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Respecting autonomy We respect autonomy when we: equip individuals to make informed decisions about what they do provide individuals with opportunities for making informed choices do not prevent individuals from acting in accord with their informed decisions Respecting autonomy, however, does not mean allowing everyone to do whatever they wish, for two main reasons: sometimes individuals do not have sufficient understanding to make informed choices sometimes if an individual were to carry out his/her wishes it would infringe the autonomy of others. It might also raise other ethical issues
  • 24. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Useful questions when considering the extent to which autonomy is respected In teaching Do information systems make clear what a study scheme or module entails? Do schemes/modules allow choice whenever educationally appropriate and operationally viable?
  • 25. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans In research Do the objectives or methodology of a research project respect the autonomy of human subjects or respondents? Do the objectives or methodology of a research project fail to respect the autonomy of others because they involve deceit, dishonesty, invasion of privacy or breaking confidentiality? Are all likely participants - subjects and researchers - fully informed of the nature of the research before deciding whether to participate or allow information about themselves to be used? Is the situation in which people are invited to take part in research such that they will not feel pressured or coerced to do so? Will the consent of participants be gained before research proceeds? Is written consent to take part in research ethically appropriate? Can participants withdraw from the project at any time without feeling they might be penalised? Are research data to be used in ways not clearly stated to researchers and subjects? (“Subjects” may include people who are not actively involved in the research but about whom data is used)
  • 26. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Useful questions when considering the importance of avoiding harm Has sufficient care been given to anticipating any physical or psychological harm or unreasonable stress which teaching or research activities might cause to students, human or animal subjects and staff? Have all steps been taken to eliminate possible harm or to reduce it as far as possible? If adverse effects are possible on students, subjects, researchers, institutions or communities from the conduct of research or publication of its findings, are these ethically justified? Should a module or research project be rejected or discontinued if its objectives cannot be achieved without the risk of harm? What is the justification for continuing it? If risk of harm is foreseeable, is this clearly stated to students or other participants as soon as possible?
  • 27. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans We treat people fairly if we: provide everyone with the service to which they are entitled do not allow any personal views we may have to affect the quality of service we give to each individual treat individuals differently from each other only when there are differences between them which are relevant to the situation when there are relevant differences between individuals, treat them in ways which are appropriate to those differences
  • 28. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Useful questions when considering whether people are treated fairly In teaching Do students have equal access to the resources that are provided by the university in connection with their studies? Are issues covered by assessment accessible to all students? Does assessment concentrate on issues which are as far as possible accessible to students, whatever their cultural backgrounds? Are procedures in place that allow reasoned and reasonable decisions as to whether students should be treated differently according to recognisable educational needs? Do procedures guarantee impartial assessment as far as possible? For example, when sample double-marking takes place, does the second marker choose what to look at?
  • 29. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans In research Do all researchers have equal access to resources to carry out the research? Do research subjects have equal access to whatever support is provided to help them deal with any effects of the research? If it takes place, does the second marker choose what to look at?
  • 30. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Useful questions when considering acting with integrity In teaching Do schemes/modules achieve the objectives described in scheme/module descriptors? Do students and staff receive the service which the University has undertaken to provide: adequate learning resources and experience? sufficient guidance, feedback and access to tutors?
  • 31. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans In research Will the research methodology achieve its stated objectives? Is the impartiality of research at risk of being compromised by dependence on a sponsor or an institution with particular interests? Do participants get promised facilities and support to carry out the research and cope with its impact, not merely during its execution, but after its completion?
  • 32. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Useful questions when considering how resources may be used as beneficially as possible In teaching Are study schemes/modules designed to meet students' appropriate educational needs? As far as is feasible, do schemes/modules produce the greatest benefits from the resources they absorb - such as students' time and opportunity to study, and the University's facilities?
  • 33. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans In research Is the project the most beneficial use of resources - the potential research data, budgets, facilities and participant's input and sponsor's resources? If not, should an alternative project be put forward, or fewer resources used?
  • 34. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Personal Development Plans Personal Development Plans (PDPs) have evolved as a particular approach to planning career and skill development activities for individuals within institutions. The concept of a PDP is the creation of a clear development action plan for an individual for which the individual takes primary responsibility. Academic staff often have a supporting role.
  • 35. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Personal Development Planning has been described as “a structured and supported process undertaken by an individual to reflect upon their own learning, performance and/or achievement and to plan for their personal, educational and career development”. The primary purpose of a PDP (Personal Development Plan) is to help you learn and develop more effectively and to be able to: learn in a wider variety of ways and a wider range of contexts; recognise and be able to list evidence for your own learning and therefore the progress you are making; draw upon and use your expanded personal knowledge to achieve particular goals;  review, plan and take responsibility for your own learning;  recognise and define your training/learning needs
  • 36. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans What is a Personal Development Record? There are many different kinds of PDR (Personal Development Records) built around a variety of frameworks. However, all are intended in different ways to maintain a clear record of learning and personal development. By reflecting on your skill needs over time and recording the training that is successfully completed a comprehensive set of information can be built up that can help you, inter alia to: initially be a more effective researcher be a more independent, autonomous and effective learner plan and manage your career decide on future career paths create appropriate CVs have evidence with which to apply for (or retain) membership of a Professional or Statutory Body related to your profession apply for promotion
  • 37. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans The research degree programme Administrative Stages The most obvious formal administrative fixed points in an MPhil/PhD research programme are: The initial administrative stage application, interview, acceptance and enrolment, which may involve most, if not all, of the following: preliminary project ideas, scoping, considering possible sources of funding, firming up on topic/consideration of supervisory team leading to completion of proposal, submission of application to register project and project approval. Transfer MPhil to PhD unless you have been registered directly for a PhD Submission of the thesis viva examination and award of degree. The Annual Monitoring operating alongside the other stages.
  • 38. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans The Academic Stages The research degree programme itself can be broadly considered in three main sections which may overlap to a lesser or greater extent. First Stage Identifying the topic Confirming originality of topic Considering ethical issues: starting approval process if necessary Undertaking appropriate preliminary training programme Surveying and analysing the relevant literature and other sources Defining the objectives in clear and specific terms Formulating testable hypothesis Defining basic concepts and variables Stating underlying assumptions Constructing a plan to maximise internal and external validity
  • 39. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Second stage Specifying data collection procedures, development of artifacts and/or data analysis systems (where appropriate) Executing the research plan and gathering data following appropriate ethical guidelines
  • 40. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Third stage Evaluating results and drawing conclusions Writing up thesis
  • 41. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans Skills training requirements for research students (A) Research Skills and Techniques - to be able to demonstrate: the ability to recognise and validate problems original, independent and critical thinking, and the ability to develop theoretical concepts a knowledge of recent advances within one’s field and in related areas an understanding of relevant research methodologies and techniques and their appropriate application within one’s research field the ability to critically analyse and evaluate one’s findings and those of others an ability to summarise, document, report and reflect on progress
  • 42. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans (B) Research Environment - to be able to: show a broad understanding of the context in which research takes place demonstrate awareness of issues relating to the rights of other researchers, of research subjects, and of others who may be affected by the research, e.g. confidentiality, ethical issues, attribution, copyright, malpractice, ownership of data and the requirements of the Data Protection Act demonstrate appreciation of standards of good research practice in their institution and/or discipline understand relevant health and safety issues and demonstrate responsible working practices justify one’s own research and contribute to promoting the public understanding of one’s research field understand the process of academic or commercial exploitation of research results
  • 43. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans (C) Research Management - to be able to: apply effective project management through the setting of research goals, intermediate milestones and prioritisation of activities design and execute systems for the acquisition and collation of information through the effective use of appropriate resources and equipment identify and access appropriate bibliographica resources, archives, and other sources of relevant information use information technology appropriately for database management, recording and presenting information
  • 44. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans (D) Personal Effectiveness - to be able to: demonstrate a willingness and ability to learn and acquire knowledge be creative, innovative and original in one’s approach to research demonstrate flexibility and open-mindedness demonstrate self-awareness and the ability to identify own training needs demonstrate self-discipline, motivation, and thoroughness recognise boundaries and draw upon/use sources of support as appropriate show initiative, work independently and be self-reliant
  • 45. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans (E) Communication Skills - to be able to: write clearly and in a style appropriate to purpose, e.g. progress reports, published documents, thesis construct coherent arguments and articulate ideas clearly to a range of audiences, formally and informally through a variety of techniques constructively defend research outcomes at seminars and viva examination effectively support the learning of others when involved in teaching, mentoring or demonstrating activities
  • 46. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans (F) Networking and Teamworking - to be able to: develop and maintain co-operative networks and working relationships with supervisors, colleagues and peers, within the institution and the wider research community understand one’s behaviours and impact on others when working in and contributing to the success of formal and informal teams listen, give and receive feedback and respond perceptively to others
  • 47. Teaching organization, motivating postgraduate students, ethical issues, personal development plans (G) Career Management - to be able to: appreciate the need for and show commitment to continued professional PDP take ownership for and manage one’s career progression, set realistic and achievable career goals, and identify and develop ways to improve employability demonstrate an insight into the transferable nature of research skills to other work environments and the range of career opportunities within and outside academia present one’s skills, personal attributes and experiences through effective CVs, applications and interviews