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An XR Ethics Manifesto
A brief chronology &
evolution of my thinking
about ethics in XR
What is the Ultimate
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A Manifesto for Ethical XR
Expression of Identity
Consciousness Hacking
Sensory Substitution
Sensory Addition
Self-Sovereign Identity
● Biometric data privacy implications
● XR modulates human perception
● Diversity of avatar representation
● Which biometric streams are personally
identifiable information?
● Cybersickness
● Correlation of behavior with genetics
● We should NOT have companies harvesting our
I. Self / Biometric Data / Identity Dilemmas
Biometric data is ephemeral &
context dependent.
Do real-time processing on it when
Don’t hoard it.
Imagine 10 years of biometric data
in the wrong hands.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
Offer a diversity of avatar
representations to increase the
fidelity of identity expression.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
Modulating perception & consciousness
is a super power.
Do no harm.
Ensure it’s consensual.
Use this ability wisely & responsibly.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
Conduct studies to assess the
long-term impacts of immersion.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
Nudging user behavior could have
unintended & negative long-term
An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
Enhance the control & power of people
in an experience while respecting how
we’re interdependent.
We should be sovereign individuals
within the context of a collective.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
Yang Yin
Walled Garden
Curated Content
App Store
Open Ecosystem
No Gatekeepers
Horizontal Platform
Shared Source Code
Open Access
Virtual Gift Economies
● Ethics of surveillance capitalism
● Corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to
shareholder profit, which can conflict with user
autonomy & privacy
● Do we have to pay for privacy?
● Can we own & sell our own data?
● Asymmetry of power in attention economy
● Can we share/loan virtual objects?
● Rights to ownership in virtual space
● Can differential privacy or homomorphic
encryption help privacy architectures?
II. Resources / Money / Values Dilemmas
Security & privacy are essential.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
You should own your data.
You should have a right to export,
sell, or permanently delete your data.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
Don’t aggregate financial transactions
across multiple contexts.
We should have the right to exchange
value without being tracked.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
Surveillance capitalism is
fundamentally unethical because it
changes the cultural & legal
definition of a “reasonable
expectation of privacy.”
This is due to the Third Party
Doctrine, which established that data
given to third parties is not private.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
Assume any de-identified data may have
a biometric fingerprint that could
unlock someone’s identity if
correlated with other Personally
Identifiable Information (PII),
observed behavior, or through machine
An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
Assume any data that’s tracked can be
leaked onto the Dark Web & into the
hands of tyrannical governments,
authoritarian adversaries, or
malicious hackers.
The best practice is not to record it
in the first place.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
We need new business models that don’t
create power asymmetries. Fiduciary
responsibility to profit can’t be
prioritized above the privacy &
autonomy of users.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
There is a digital divide preventing
equal access to these technologies. We
have a moral imperative to design
business models & political systems
that serve underrepresented minorities
across all classes.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
What we see as valuable changes over
time & algorithmic inference will
always be incomplete.
Be careful how these models create
assumptions about us that may be
completely wrong.
Offer ways to provide feedback or
mitigate the recording of information
when possible.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
Early Education
Memory Palaces
Data Visualization
Spatial Language
Metaphoric Communication
● Brain control interfaces will be able to read our
thoughts. Where’s that data go?
● Risks of negative transfer in education
● Design systems to mitigate hate speech
● Enable users to mute interactions
● Surveillance of private communication
● There’s also metadata surveillance tracking who
we’re talking to and when
● Implications of sharing biometric data?
● Consent for accessibility autotranscripts?
III. Early Education / Communication Dilemmas
Technology should enable freedom of
An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
We have a right to keep who we’re
communicating with & what we say
We also need our privacy to be
balanced with security.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
Offer end-to-end encryption when
Don’t track who we’re talking to and
when we talk to them.
We need to balance freedom with
security, & continue to question which
takes priority based upon context.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
There is loss in all acts of
We must design systems that minimize
that loss & account for a spectrum of
abilities of communicative expression
& reception. It’s important that
everyone has a voice regardless of
An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
We’re moving from explicit data entry
to implicit data entry based on
embodied movements & biometric data.
We need standardized ways to port
individual profiles of trained input
gestures, movements, & voices to work
across different virtual worlds &
An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
Design systems that effectively handle
harassment and trolling.
Educate users of your prevention tools
as a part of your onboarding process.
Offer code of conduct orientations or
interactive training experiences to
help cultivate an inclusive culture.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
Volumetric Memories
● Who owns an AR space? Is it a new public
commons? Or determined by private property
● Be aware of spatial doxxing threats
● What’s the ecological impact of tech?
● Threats of memory holing official history
● Tracking movements can reveal where you or loved
ones live
● Try to have a balance of private & public spaces in
your spaces.
IV. Home & Family / Private Property Dilemmas
It is everyone’s responsibility to
ensure technology is being produced &
materials sourced in an
ecologically-sustainable manner.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - IV
Virtual worlds can have public and
private spaces. Design private virtual
spaces to enable social experiences
that allow users more control,
autonomy, & identity than in public
An XR Ethics Manifesto - IV
A home address is very sensitive to
doxxing. Educate users about the risks
of spatial doxxing in AR & how to
mitigate exposure of environmental
information that could used to
geo-locate them.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - IV
Immersive media can alter and enrich
our sense of the history and culture
of a place.
Never secretly alter historical
records in an attempt to misinform or
memory hole events.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - IV
Users must be educated on the risks of
allowing private spaces to be
volumetrically captured as it reveals
intimate personal & mental health
information. Otherwise they will
almost certainly be violating the
privacy of non-consenting friends &
family inadvertently.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - IV
Immersive Storytelling
The Holodeck
Flow States
Creativity & Art
● Addiction & dopamine economy
● Conscious vs unconscious behaviors
● Consenting to violent content
● Unintended consequences of XR porn?
● Systems that limit creative expression
● Accidentally revealing sexual preferences through
eye tracking data
● Tracking of our entertainment options
● Mitigating sharing of explicit sexual content
V. Entertainment / Hobbies / Sex Dilemmas
Don’t hijack our attention.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
Don’t use addictive gameplay mechanics
to create dependencies that disempower
users or degrade their quality of
An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
Use content warnings, but be aware
some people may not know what they’re
consenting to. There is no way to take
an immersive experience back & there
may be unintended consequences to
experiencing violence in XR.*
*See Section VIII for more details.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
Emulate the view source principle of
the open web, which makes it
transparent & remixable.
Support WebXR & OpenXR to enable
freedom of creative expression &
innovation with open ecosystems rather
than walled gardens.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
Real-time biofeedback & implicit input
should not undermine users’ conscious
agency. Passive informed consent must
not be used to hijack autonomy against
the better interests of the user.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
Ensure XR porn is ethically produced
according to porn industry standards,
consent policies, & performer codes of
Reduce shame around this topic by
engaging in open dialogue, & look for
ways to mitigate harm sustained from
porn addiction.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
Eye tracking & other biometric data
can be used to determine sexual
preferences, which can be
life-threatening for people in the
wrong country.
Design for the most marginalized
people in the most authoritarian
An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
Implement content moderation tools to
prevent the sharing of
sexually-explicit content on systems
frequented by minors.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
Ownership of Health
Healing Trauma
Greenleaf’s Medical Sectors
● Do no harm
● Should you disclose medical conditions that you
discover in users?
● Flashing lights can trigger seizures
● Are people with specific mental health diagnoses
more susceptible to harm?
● Privacy for telemedicine
● Content trigger warnings & map cartography of
PTSD & trauma
● A rehabilitation path for banned users?
● Should HIPAA regulate biometric data?
VI. Medicine / Healing Dilemmas
All biometric data contains health &
medical information, & needs to be
protected as such.
The users’ data must be guarded
against malicious actors seeking to
capitalize by profiling through
behavioral inferences.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VI
The storage of biometric data should
be regulated through something like
HIPAA or new regulatory frameworks
will need to be implemented.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VI
Design technology to empower people to
monitor & assess health conditions
safely & effectively, thereby
providing more autonomy & control over
their own healing processes.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VI
Design experiences for people on a
wide spectrum of physical conditions
and/or mental diversity.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VI
Virtual Dates
Empathy + Truth &
● New boundaries for intimate
● Designing for safety from harassment
● Mitigating deep fakes & forged identity
● Retributive vs Restorative Justice
● The downsides of empathy machine or
trauma tourism as tokenized spectacle.
● Dangers of anthropomophic AI influence
VII. Other / Partnerships Dilemmas
Provide tools for users to block and
mute people who harass them.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VII
Implement methods for users to protect
the autonomy & safety of their
personal spaces (i.e. through personal
space bubbles or other innovations).
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VII
Improve upon self-sovereign identity
standards and invent new methods to
validate people’s identity and
mitigate harm caused by identity
theft, deep fakes, and bots.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VII
Promote systems of restorative justice
within immersive technological
Cultivate practices of owning harm
done, authentic apologies, & paths
towards redemption.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VII
WebXR content should work
across all of the major platforms
& devices.
Grief Rituals
● Rights to identity after you die
● Implications of killing people in VR
● The right for you to be forgotten
● Using VR for torture
● Experiential warfare
● Long-term implications of exiling & permanently
banning people
● Sexual assault in XR
● Human rights violations
● Filtering violent or terrorist content
VIII. Death Dilemmas
We have the right to be forgotten.
Architect systems that allow people to
export their data or permanently
delete all traces of their digital
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VIII
We must design trauma-aware interfaces
& annotate experiences with content
ratings to mitigate harm.
We have a right to produce content
exploring traumatic events, & also a
responsibility to do our best not to
cause harm.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VIII
Consider the unknown ethical
implications of content you design.
Immersive violence may have unintended
consequences we cannot predict by
comparing it to 2D technologies.
Treat this new medium with the respect
unknowable & unpredictable technology
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VIII
Living & dying is a process we all go
Honor how immersive experiences may
help with the grieving process, & be
encouraged to create new rituals
around death & loss.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - VIII
Breaking Down Academic Silos
Embodied Cognition
Comprehend Complexity
Sci-Fi World Building
Wonder & Awe
● Many philosophical implications of XR
● What is truth? What is reality?
● Mitigating filter bubbles of reality
● Ethics of biohacking
● Need a comprehensive ethics framework
● Informed consent & progressive permissions
● What content is illegal?
● Implications of Third Party Doctrine
● Need new economic business models
● Future dream both protopias & cautionary tales
● Embrace paradox, plurality, process thinking
IX. Dilemmas: Philosophy / Higher Education / Law
Participate & initiate discussions
about ethical frameworks for XR.
Consider this XR Ethics Manifesto a
template & catalyst for the creation
of your own ethical frameworks.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - IX
Be aware of how the stories we tell &
worlds we build shape the future.
Dystopic narrative tropes can either
be cautionary tales or self-fulfilling
prophecies. XR is a powerful medium to
prototype worlds designed to cultivate
protopian cultures.
Create new worlds with deliberate
An XR Ethics Manifesto - IX
Spatial Design
Virtual Screens for Productivity
● Mitigating governmental overreach, surveillance, &
tyrannical control
● XR used as governmental loyalty tests
● Conflicts of interest with industry & academia
● Using biometric data from XR for hiring
● Augmenting public spaces for good
● Implications of remote work
● Algorithmic transparency for AI
● Collective right to augment public space
X. Career / Government / Institutions Dilemmas
Don’t rely solely on biometric data
assessment for hiring.
Modelling is incomplete & can’t handle
the full complexity of a human
Don’t relegate human judgment to a
computer when judging humans.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - X
Enable algorithmic transparency so the
public can see how the architecture of
code is influencing their lives.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - X
Create public virtual spaces that are
open, vibrant, & encourage the freedom
of expression.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - X
Think critically about the
implications of technology across
different geopolitical contexts.
Authoritarian governments misuse &
abuse data for mass surveillance &
human rights violations.
Don’t enable turnkey tyranny within
your software architectures.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - X
WebXR content should be deliverable to
the web around the world independent
of country boundaries.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - X
Hanging Out with Friends
● Danger of explicit & implicit social scores
● How to support the cultivation of communities
● Code of conducts & enforcement
● Violating normative standards (playing Pokémon
Go at The Holocaust Museum)
● Freedom of assembly & association implications
● Principles of diversity & inclusion
● Preventing algorithmic bias
● Biometrics data radiated to community
XI. Friends / Community / Cultural Dilemmas
Don’t cause harm to society.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
Cultivate cultures, don’t engineer
Driving collective behaviors requires
many ethical considerations, don’t
take shortcuts.
When it doubt, choose to benefit the
many over the few.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
Diversity & inclusion is a
foundational principle, & should be
encouraged at all levels because it
benefits the collective.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
Promote diversity of input & feedback
as a way to mitigate algorithmic bias.
Raise the accuracy of your algorithms
by including data sets & stakeholders
from diverse backgrounds.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
Have a code of conduct for your
community, experience, or product.
Behavior is modelled both from the top
down as well as the bottom up.
Encourage users to cultivate the
cultures they want.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
WebXR content should work across all
of the major XR platforms & devices.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
Combating Isolation
● Inclusive design & accessibility
● Is it possible to be truly anonymous?
● Dark Spatial Web
● Biometric polygraph
● Re-identifying de-identified PII data
● Bad inferences from incomplete context
● Utility vs Downsides of exile or banning
XII. Hidden / Exiled / Accessibility Dilemmas
Make XR content available to all
people regardless of physical ability
or fidelity of input.
Making content accessible improves the
experience for everyone.
Solicit feedback from people with
disabilities for how to make your
experience more inclusive.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - XII
Enable consumers of WebXR content to
modify how content is rendered in
similar way to how they can with the
2D web.
An XR Ethics Manifesto - XII
Domains of
Human Experience
�� 🏠
Biometric Data
Values Early Education
Home & Family
Private Property
Collective Resources
Higher Education
Collective Culture
This is the start of the
We need everyone’s
insights & input.
Slides from My “Ethical
& Moral Dilemmas of
Mixed Reality Talk at
Augmented World Expo
Photo by
Domains of
Human Experience
�� 🏠
Biometric Data
Values Early Education
Home & Family
Private Property
Collective Resources
Higher Education
Collective Culture
Domains of
Human Experience
�� 🏠
Biometric Data
Values Early Education
Home & Family
Private Property
Collective Resources
Higher Education
Collective Culture
Photo by
Biometric Data
�� 🏠
Biometric fingerprint?
Modulate perception
Diversity of avatar options
Self-sovereign identity
Movements as PII?
Who owns your data?
Sell access to your data?
Privacy as a luxury good
BCI reading thoughts Correlate genetics to
Biofeedback entertainment
Unconscious vs Conscious
Ethics of detecting & reporting
medical conditions
Informed Consent
Progressive Permissions
Deep Fakes of Your Identity
Autonomy of data sovereignty
vs Utilitarian public good
Ethics of biohacking
Biometrics used in interviews
Government loyalty tests
Sharing biometrics with friends
Implicit bias
Biometrics as polygraph
Anonymity vs biometric security
False positives from missing context
Can biometrics be de-identified?
�� ��
Mortgaging your privacy
Others profiting on your data
Harvesting your emotions
Photo by
Early Education��
�� 🏠
Eye tracking & emotions
Physiological development of
What age is safe? How long?
Free Educational Resources
End-to-end encryption
Peer-to-peer connections
Being able to work from
People sharing inappropriate
sexual content
Privacy of Telemedicine consults
1st Amendment
Free Speech
Hate Speech
Education for EveryoneRemote Telepresence
Code of Conduct
Banning people
Anonymous communication
�� ��
Negative Transference
Photo by
Private Property��
�� 🏠
Scan your home & the objects
in it
Burglers scoping out your
Protecting home
Giving consent for others
to use your property for
4th Amendment and the
“Reasonable expectation
of privacy”
Ecological sustainability of XRCollective right to augment
Public spaces
Pokemon Go at Holocaust
Spatial doxxing
�� ��
Rehabilitation & exercise at home
Photo by
�� 🏠
Sexually explicit avatars
Virtual violence in your
Causing PTSD in XR
Content Trigger Warnings
Hijacking your attention
IP ownership & use
Remix culture
Content Ratings
Addiction to virtual worlds
�� ��🏽
Physical danger from AR games
Filtering terrorist & violent
Filtering Virtual & Augmented
Photo by
�� 🏠
Individualized medicine
Become your own healer
Secure communications Own your own medical
Ethics of detecting & reporting
medical conditions
Should HIPAA govern biometric
New models of science from
big data to do individual
assessments and
personalized medicine
Public research benefit from
sharing biometric data
Community healing rituals
Privacy in telemedicine
Homomorphic encryption
Differential Privacy
�� ��
Photo by
�� 🏠
Violation of personal space
Avatar discrimination
Sharing virtual resources
with your friends Mute others
Hate speech
Having private spaces
to gather in
Augmenting other people
New boundaries for intimacy
Anthropomorphizing AI agents
Comprehensive frameworks
For privacy
XR Ethical Frameworks
Restorative justice
Moderators enforce the
Rules & code of conduct
Implicit trust & reputation scores
Cultural norms
Block harassment & trolls
Possible to be an anonymous user?
��♀ ��
Illegal content
Sexual assault in XR
Blocking others
Photo by
Collective Resources��
�� 🏠
Right to have your data deleted
Ephemerality of biometric data
Rights to your likeness after
you die
Don’t record metadata
of communications
Killing people in virtual worlds
Rehabilitation of blocked users
Implications of permanent
Taxes for public services?
Taboos around death
⚰ ��
Virtual funeral rituals
Photo by
Higher Education��
�� 🏠
Siloed academic disciplines
Conflicts of interest of
academic collaboration
with industry & IP
Disclose what’s “real”
and what’s “not real”
Filter bubbles of reality
Is direct experience basis of
“reality” for harassment
What is Reality?
Definition of consciousness
Ethical frameworks
World build “Protopias”
More interdisciplinary
collaborations between
academia and industry
Diversity of data for training AI
�� ��
Technical debt of machine
Visualizing dystopian futures
Photo by
�� 🏠
Using biometric data as a
Polygraph test
profit-driven maximization
of shareholder value
Memory holing history
Augment historical
Third party doctrine
Experiential Warfare
TransparencyGovernment surveillance
Open source algorithms
Social credit scores impact
Access to physical services
Undermining democracy via
leaked psychographic profiles
�� ��
VR Torture
Government getting secret
access to our behavioral &
biometric data streams
getting access to
what we say online
Photo by
�� 🏠
We can identify how friends
P2P communications
Broadcast biometrics
to friends?
Private hangouts for
Social network analysis via
Social scores
Metadata of our connections
�� ��
Photo by
�� 🏠
Design for non-abled bodies
Reading thoughts
Eye tracking accessibility apps
What we value = what we
look at Autotranscripts for deaf Living permanently in
Virtual worlds
Rehabilitation of trolls
Restorative justice for banned
Illegal content in XR (child porn?)
Map the unconscious psyche
Unknown long-term effects
Dark spatial web
�� ��
Harvesting your emotions
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XR Ethics Manifesto (UPDATED Nov 2, 2019)

  • 1. An XR Ethics Manifesto @KentBye
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. A brief chronology & evolution of my thinking about ethics in XR
  • 5. What is the Ultimate Potential of VR?
  • 6.
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19. A Manifesto for Ethical XR
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 27. ● Biometric data privacy implications ● XR modulates human perception ● Diversity of avatar representation ● Which biometric streams are personally identifiable information? ● Cybersickness ● Correlation of behavior with genetics ● We should NOT have companies harvesting our emotions I. Self / Biometric Data / Identity Dilemmas
  • 28. Biometric data is ephemeral & context dependent. Do real-time processing on it when possible. Don’t hoard it. Imagine 10 years of biometric data in the wrong hands. An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
  • 29. Offer a diversity of avatar representations to increase the fidelity of identity expression. An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
  • 30. Modulating perception & consciousness is a super power. Do no harm. Ensure it’s consensual. Use this ability wisely & responsibly. An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
  • 31. Conduct studies to assess the long-term impacts of immersion. An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
  • 32. Nudging user behavior could have unintended & negative long-term impacts. An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
  • 33. Enhance the control & power of people in an experience while respecting how we’re interdependent. We should be sovereign individuals within the context of a collective. An XR Ethics Manifesto - I
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. Yang Yin Competition Walled Garden Curated Content Vertical-Integration Proprietary App Store Cooperation Open Ecosystem No Gatekeepers Horizontal Platform Shared Source Code Open Access
  • 38. ● Ethics of surveillance capitalism ● Corporations have a fiduciary responsibility to shareholder profit, which can conflict with user autonomy & privacy ● Do we have to pay for privacy? ● Can we own & sell our own data? ● Asymmetry of power in attention economy ● Can we share/loan virtual objects? ● Rights to ownership in virtual space ● Can differential privacy or homomorphic encryption help privacy architectures? II. Resources / Money / Values Dilemmas
  • 39. Security & privacy are essential. An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
  • 40. You should own your data. You should have a right to export, sell, or permanently delete your data. An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
  • 41. Don’t aggregate financial transactions across multiple contexts. We should have the right to exchange value without being tracked. An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
  • 42. Surveillance capitalism is fundamentally unethical because it changes the cultural & legal definition of a “reasonable expectation of privacy.” This is due to the Third Party Doctrine, which established that data given to third parties is not private. An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
  • 43. Assume any de-identified data may have a biometric fingerprint that could unlock someone’s identity if correlated with other Personally Identifiable Information (PII), observed behavior, or through machine learning. An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
  • 44. Assume any data that’s tracked can be leaked onto the Dark Web & into the hands of tyrannical governments, authoritarian adversaries, or malicious hackers. The best practice is not to record it in the first place. An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
  • 45. We need new business models that don’t create power asymmetries. Fiduciary responsibility to profit can’t be prioritized above the privacy & autonomy of users. An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
  • 46. There is a digital divide preventing equal access to these technologies. We have a moral imperative to design business models & political systems that serve underrepresented minorities across all classes. An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
  • 47. What we see as valuable changes over time & algorithmic inference will always be incomplete. Be careful how these models create assumptions about us that may be completely wrong. Offer ways to provide feedback or mitigate the recording of information when possible. An XR Ethics Manifesto - II
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 56. ● Brain control interfaces will be able to read our thoughts. Where’s that data go? ● Risks of negative transfer in education ● Design systems to mitigate hate speech ● Enable users to mute interactions ● Surveillance of private communication ● There’s also metadata surveillance tracking who we’re talking to and when ● Implications of sharing biometric data? ● Consent for accessibility autotranscripts? III. Early Education / Communication Dilemmas
  • 57. Technology should enable freedom of expression. An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
  • 58. We have a right to keep who we’re communicating with & what we say private. We also need our privacy to be balanced with security. An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
  • 59. Offer end-to-end encryption when possible. Don’t track who we’re talking to and when we talk to them. We need to balance freedom with security, & continue to question which takes priority based upon context. An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
  • 60. There is loss in all acts of communication. We must design systems that minimize that loss & account for a spectrum of abilities of communicative expression & reception. It’s important that everyone has a voice regardless of ability. An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
  • 61. We’re moving from explicit data entry to implicit data entry based on embodied movements & biometric data. We need standardized ways to port individual profiles of trained input gestures, movements, & voices to work across different virtual worlds & systems. An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
  • 62. Design systems that effectively handle harassment and trolling. Educate users of your prevention tools as a part of your onboarding process. Offer code of conduct orientations or interactive training experiences to help cultivate an inclusive culture. An XR Ethics Manifesto - III
  • 63.
  • 64.
  • 66. ● Who owns an AR space? Is it a new public commons? Or determined by private property ownership? ● Be aware of spatial doxxing threats ● What’s the ecological impact of tech? ● Threats of memory holing official history ● Tracking movements can reveal where you or loved ones live ● Try to have a balance of private & public spaces in your spaces. IV. Home & Family / Private Property Dilemmas
  • 67. It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure technology is being produced & materials sourced in an ecologically-sustainable manner. An XR Ethics Manifesto - IV
  • 68. Virtual worlds can have public and private spaces. Design private virtual spaces to enable social experiences that allow users more control, autonomy, & identity than in public spaces. An XR Ethics Manifesto - IV
  • 69. A home address is very sensitive to doxxing. Educate users about the risks of spatial doxxing in AR & how to mitigate exposure of environmental information that could used to geo-locate them. An XR Ethics Manifesto - IV
  • 70. Immersive media can alter and enrich our sense of the history and culture of a place. Never secretly alter historical records in an attempt to misinform or memory hole events. An XR Ethics Manifesto - IV
  • 71. Users must be educated on the risks of allowing private spaces to be volumetrically captured as it reveals intimate personal & mental health information. Otherwise they will almost certainly be violating the privacy of non-consenting friends & family inadvertently. An XR Ethics Manifesto - IV
  • 72.
  • 73.
  • 78. ● Addiction & dopamine economy ● Conscious vs unconscious behaviors ● Consenting to violent content ● Unintended consequences of XR porn? ● Systems that limit creative expression ● Accidentally revealing sexual preferences through eye tracking data ● Tracking of our entertainment options ● Mitigating sharing of explicit sexual content V. Entertainment / Hobbies / Sex Dilemmas
  • 79. Don’t hijack our attention. An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
  • 80. Don’t use addictive gameplay mechanics to create dependencies that disempower users or degrade their quality of life. An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
  • 81. Use content warnings, but be aware some people may not know what they’re consenting to. There is no way to take an immersive experience back & there may be unintended consequences to experiencing violence in XR.* *See Section VIII for more details. An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
  • 82. Emulate the view source principle of the open web, which makes it transparent & remixable. Support WebXR & OpenXR to enable freedom of creative expression & innovation with open ecosystems rather than walled gardens. An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
  • 83. Real-time biofeedback & implicit input should not undermine users’ conscious agency. Passive informed consent must not be used to hijack autonomy against the better interests of the user. An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
  • 84. Ensure XR porn is ethically produced according to porn industry standards, consent policies, & performer codes of conduct. Reduce shame around this topic by engaging in open dialogue, & look for ways to mitigate harm sustained from porn addiction. An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
  • 85. Eye tracking & other biometric data can be used to determine sexual preferences, which can be life-threatening for people in the wrong country. Design for the most marginalized people in the most authoritarian scenarios. An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
  • 86. Implement content moderation tools to prevent the sharing of sexually-explicit content on systems frequented by minors. An XR Ethics Manifesto - V
  • 87.
  • 88.
  • 93. ● Do no harm ● Should you disclose medical conditions that you discover in users? ● Flashing lights can trigger seizures ● Are people with specific mental health diagnoses more susceptible to harm? ● Privacy for telemedicine ● Content trigger warnings & map cartography of PTSD & trauma ● A rehabilitation path for banned users? ● Should HIPAA regulate biometric data? VI. Medicine / Healing Dilemmas
  • 94. All biometric data contains health & medical information, & needs to be protected as such. The users’ data must be guarded against malicious actors seeking to capitalize by profiling through behavioral inferences. An XR Ethics Manifesto - VI
  • 95. The storage of biometric data should be regulated through something like HIPAA or new regulatory frameworks will need to be implemented. An XR Ethics Manifesto - VI
  • 96. Design technology to empower people to monitor & assess health conditions safely & effectively, thereby providing more autonomy & control over their own healing processes. An XR Ethics Manifesto - VI
  • 97. Design experiences for people on a wide spectrum of physical conditions and/or mental diversity. An XR Ethics Manifesto - VI
  • 98.
  • 99.
  • 101. Empathy + Truth & Reconciliation
  • 102. ● New boundaries for intimate relationships ● Designing for safety from harassment ● Mitigating deep fakes & forged identity ● Retributive vs Restorative Justice ● The downsides of empathy machine or trauma tourism as tokenized spectacle. ● Dangers of anthropomophic AI influence VII. Other / Partnerships Dilemmas
  • 103. Provide tools for users to block and mute people who harass them. An XR Ethics Manifesto - VII
  • 104. Implement methods for users to protect the autonomy & safety of their personal spaces (i.e. through personal space bubbles or other innovations). An XR Ethics Manifesto - VII
  • 105. Improve upon self-sovereign identity standards and invent new methods to validate people’s identity and mitigate harm caused by identity theft, deep fakes, and bots. An XR Ethics Manifesto - VII
  • 106. Promote systems of restorative justice within immersive technological communities. Cultivate practices of owning harm done, authentic apologies, & paths towards redemption. An XR Ethics Manifesto - VII
  • 107. WebXR content should work across all of the major platforms & devices.
  • 108.
  • 109.
  • 111. ● Rights to identity after you die ● Implications of killing people in VR ● The right for you to be forgotten ● Using VR for torture ● Experiential warfare ● Long-term implications of exiling & permanently banning people ● Sexual assault in XR ● Human rights violations ● Filtering violent or terrorist content VIII. Death Dilemmas
  • 112. We have the right to be forgotten. Architect systems that allow people to export their data or permanently delete all traces of their digital footprint. An XR Ethics Manifesto - VIII
  • 113. We must design trauma-aware interfaces & annotate experiences with content ratings to mitigate harm. We have a right to produce content exploring traumatic events, & also a responsibility to do our best not to cause harm. An XR Ethics Manifesto - VIII
  • 114. Consider the unknown ethical implications of content you design. Immersive violence may have unintended consequences we cannot predict by comparing it to 2D technologies. Treat this new medium with the respect unknowable & unpredictable technology requires. An XR Ethics Manifesto - VIII
  • 115. Living & dying is a process we all go through. Honor how immersive experiences may help with the grieving process, & be encouraged to create new rituals around death & loss. An XR Ethics Manifesto - VIII
  • 116.
  • 117.
  • 123. ● Many philosophical implications of XR ● What is truth? What is reality? ● Mitigating filter bubbles of reality ● Ethics of biohacking ● Need a comprehensive ethics framework ● Informed consent & progressive permissions ● What content is illegal? ● Implications of Third Party Doctrine ● Need new economic business models ● Future dream both protopias & cautionary tales ● Embrace paradox, plurality, process thinking IX. Dilemmas: Philosophy / Higher Education / Law
  • 124. Participate & initiate discussions about ethical frameworks for XR. Consider this XR Ethics Manifesto a template & catalyst for the creation of your own ethical frameworks. An XR Ethics Manifesto - IX
  • 125. Be aware of how the stories we tell & worlds we build shape the future. Dystopic narrative tropes can either be cautionary tales or self-fulfilling prophecies. XR is a powerful medium to prototype worlds designed to cultivate protopian cultures. Create new worlds with deliberate intention. An XR Ethics Manifesto - IX
  • 126.
  • 127.
  • 129. Virtual Screens for Productivity
  • 130. ● Mitigating governmental overreach, surveillance, & tyrannical control ● XR used as governmental loyalty tests ● Conflicts of interest with industry & academia ● Using biometric data from XR for hiring ● Augmenting public spaces for good ● Implications of remote work ● Algorithmic transparency for AI ● Collective right to augment public space X. Career / Government / Institutions Dilemmas
  • 131. Don’t rely solely on biometric data assessment for hiring. Modelling is incomplete & can’t handle the full complexity of a human individual. Don’t relegate human judgment to a computer when judging humans. An XR Ethics Manifesto - X
  • 132. Enable algorithmic transparency so the public can see how the architecture of code is influencing their lives. An XR Ethics Manifesto - X
  • 133. Create public virtual spaces that are open, vibrant, & encourage the freedom of expression. An XR Ethics Manifesto - X
  • 134. Think critically about the implications of technology across different geopolitical contexts. Authoritarian governments misuse & abuse data for mass surveillance & human rights violations. Don’t enable turnkey tyranny within your software architectures. An XR Ethics Manifesto - X
  • 135. WebXR content should be deliverable to the web around the world independent of country boundaries. An XR Ethics Manifesto - X
  • 136.
  • 137.
  • 138. Hanging Out with Friends
  • 139. ● Danger of explicit & implicit social scores ● How to support the cultivation of communities ● Code of conducts & enforcement ● Violating normative standards (playing Pokémon Go at The Holocaust Museum) ● Freedom of assembly & association implications ● Principles of diversity & inclusion ● Preventing algorithmic bias ● Biometrics data radiated to community XI. Friends / Community / Cultural Dilemmas
  • 140. Don’t cause harm to society. An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
  • 141. Cultivate cultures, don’t engineer them. Driving collective behaviors requires many ethical considerations, don’t take shortcuts. When it doubt, choose to benefit the many over the few. An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
  • 142. Diversity & inclusion is a foundational principle, & should be encouraged at all levels because it benefits the collective. An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
  • 143. Promote diversity of input & feedback as a way to mitigate algorithmic bias. Raise the accuracy of your algorithms by including data sets & stakeholders from diverse backgrounds. An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
  • 144. Have a code of conduct for your community, experience, or product. Behavior is modelled both from the top down as well as the bottom up. Encourage users to cultivate the cultures they want. An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
  • 145. WebXR content should work across all of the major XR platforms & devices. An XR Ethics Manifesto - XI
  • 146.
  • 150. ● Inclusive design & accessibility ● Is it possible to be truly anonymous? ● Dark Spatial Web ● Biometric polygraph ● Re-identifying de-identified PII data ● Bad inferences from incomplete context ● Utility vs Downsides of exile or banning XII. Hidden / Exiled / Accessibility Dilemmas
  • 151. Make XR content available to all people regardless of physical ability or fidelity of input. Making content accessible improves the experience for everyone. Solicit feedback from people with disabilities for how to make your experience more inclusive. An XR Ethics Manifesto - XII
  • 152. Enable consumers of WebXR content to modify how content is rendered in similar way to how they can with the 2D web. An XR Ethics Manifesto - XII
  • 154. ������ �� Domains of Human Experience (Contexts)�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Self Biometric Data Identity Resources Money Values Early Education Communication Home & Family Private Property Entertainment Hobbies Sex Medical Heath Other Partnerships Law Death Collective Resources Philosophy Higher Education Career Government Institutions Friends Community Collective Culture Hidden Exiled Accessibility
  • 155.
  • 156. This is the start of the conversation. We need everyone’s insights & input.
  • 158. Slides from My “Ethical & Moral Dilemmas of Mixed Reality Talk at Augmented World Expo
  • 159. ������ �� Photo by Domains of Human Experience (Contexts)�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Self Biometric Data Identity Resources Money Values Early Education Communication Home & Family Private Property Entertainment Hobbies Sex Medical Heath Other Partnerships Law Death Collective Resources Philosophy Higher Education Career Government Institutions Friends Community Collective Culture Hidden Exiled Accessibility
  • 160. ������ �� Domains of Human Experience (Contexts)�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Self Biometric Data Identity Resources Money Values Early Education Communication Home & Family Private Property Entertainment Hobbies Sex Medical Heath Other Partnerships Law Death Collective Resources Philosophy Higher Education Career Government Institutions Friends Community Collective Culture Hidden Exiled Accessibility
  • 161. ������ �� Photo by Self Biometric Data Identity�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Biometric fingerprint? Modulate perception Diversity of avatar options Self-sovereign identity Movements as PII? Who owns your data? Sell access to your data? Privacy as a luxury good BCI reading thoughts Correlate genetics to behavior Biofeedback entertainment Unconscious vs Conscious Agency Ethics of detecting & reporting medical conditions Informed Consent Progressive Permissions Deep Fakes of Your Identity Autonomy of data sovereignty vs Utilitarian public good Ethics of biohacking Biometrics used in interviews Government loyalty tests Sharing biometrics with friends Implicit bias Biometrics as polygraph Anonymity vs biometric security False positives from missing context Can biometrics be de-identified? �� �� Mortgaging your privacy Others profiting on your data Harvesting your emotions
  • 162. ������ �� Photo by Communication Early Education�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Eye tracking & emotions Physiological development of children What age is safe? How long? Free Educational Resources End-to-end encryption Peer-to-peer connections Being able to work from home` People sharing inappropriate sexual content Privacy of Telemedicine consults 1st Amendment Free Speech Hate Speech Education for EveryoneRemote Telepresence Code of Conduct Banning people Anonymous communication �� �� Negative Transference
  • 163. ������ �� Photo by Home Family Private Property�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Scan your home & the objects in it Burglers scoping out your valuables Protecting home address Giving consent for others to use your property for augmentation 4th Amendment and the “Reasonable expectation of privacy” Ecological sustainability of XRCollective right to augment Public spaces Pokemon Go at Holocaust Museum Spatial doxxing �� �� Rehabilitation & exercise at home
  • 164. ������ �� Photo by Entertainment Sex Hobbies�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Biometric-responsive entertainment Sexually explicit avatars Virtual violence in your home Causing PTSD in XR Content Trigger Warnings Hijacking your attention IP ownership & use Remix culture Content Ratings Addiction to virtual worlds �� ��🏽 Physical danger from AR games Filtering terrorist & violent content Filtering Virtual & Augmented Pornography
  • 165. ������ �� Photo by Medical Health�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Cybersickness Individualized medicine Become your own healer Secure communications Own your own medical data Ethics of detecting & reporting medical conditions Should HIPAA govern biometric data? New models of science from big data to do individual assessments and personalized medicine Public research benefit from sharing biometric data Community healing rituals Privacy in telemedicine Homomorphic encryption Differential Privacy �� ��
  • 166. ������ �� Photo by Other Partnerships Law�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Violation of personal space Avatar discrimination Sharing virtual resources with your friends Mute others Hate speech Having private spaces to gather in Augmenting other people New boundaries for intimacy Anthropomorphizing AI agents Empathy Accountability Comprehensive frameworks For privacy XR Ethical Frameworks Restorative justice Moderators enforce the Rules & code of conduct Implicit trust & reputation scores Cultural norms Block harassment & trolls Possible to be an anonymous user? ��♀ �� Illegal content Sexual assault in XR Blocking others
  • 167. ������ �� Photo by Death Collective Resources�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Right to have your data deleted Ephemerality of biometric data Rights to your likeness after you die Don’t record metadata of communications Killing people in virtual worlds Rehabilitation of blocked users Implications of permanent blocking? Taxes for public services? Taboos around death ⚰ �� Virtual funeral rituals
  • 168. ������ �� Photo by Philosophy Higher Education�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Siloed academic disciplines Conflicts of interest of academic collaboration with industry & IP Disclose what’s “real” and what’s “not real” Filter bubbles of reality Is direct experience basis of “reality” for harassment What is Reality? Definition of consciousness Ethical frameworks World build “Protopias” More interdisciplinary collaborations between academia and industry Diversity of data for training AI �� �� Technical debt of machine learning Visualizing dystopian futures
  • 169. ������ �� Photo by Career Government Institutions�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Using biometric data as a Polygraph test Legally-mandated, profit-driven maximization of shareholder value Memory holing history Augment historical monuments Third party doctrine NDAs Experiential Warfare GDPR for USA? TransparencyGovernment surveillance Open source algorithms Social credit scores impact Access to physical services Undermining democracy via leaked psychographic profiles �� �� VR Torture Government getting secret access to our behavioral & biometric data streams Government getting access to what we say online
  • 170. ������ �� Photo by Friends Community�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� We can identify how friends move P2P communications Broadcast biometrics to friends? Private hangouts for friends Social network analysis via metadata Social scores Metadata of our connections �� ��
  • 171. ������ �� Photo by Hidden Exiled Accessibility�� �� 🏠 👪 ����🏽 �� �� �� ��♀ ⚰�������������� �� �� Design for non-abled bodies Reading thoughts Eye tracking accessibility apps Paralyzed Blind Deaf What we value = what we look at Autotranscripts for deaf Living permanently in Virtual worlds Rehabilitation of trolls Restorative justice for banned Illegal content in XR (child porn?) Map the unconscious psyche Unknown long-term effects Dark spatial web �� �� Harvesting your emotions
  • 172. Support this work at