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No Remorse 
Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC 
Chapter Six
Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC! Now with baby demi-simselves! 
Last time, much of the chapter was taken up by two things: waiting for then-eldest Cid to grow up and move out so 
Wynn could get pregnant again, and trying [and miserably failing] to get pickpocketed by the Unsavory Charlatan. In 
the end, Hex of Sam’s Wrongway Legacy was brought in to be the next father, and Wynn has just become pregnant by 
him. We had a couple of teenagerifications, one childification, and the birth and toddlerification of Ivan, the son of Thai 
of Boolprop. 
If that doesn’t make sense, you’re in the wrong place! Off we go! 
Wynn! You’re cleaning autonomously!? 
Wynn: “…no pictures.” 
Hazel: “Ewww, Eric! You stink!” 
Eric: “I’m testing a new theory: raising the fun meter by reducing the hygiene meter. So far, it’s working. Hehehe.”
ERIC KINSEY. Oh, come on. 
Eric: “zzzzsleepingnotgoingtoschoolzzzz” 
Why is it always you!? Seriously!
Congratulations, Eric. You did it. You are the first sim I have ever had to actually lose your scholar’s grant. You know, 
the one that’s dependent on good grades? Yeah. 
Wynn: “He what?” 
Eric: “Chill, Mom. It’s not like I was going to use it, anyway.” 
Wynn: “But still! It’s the point of the matter!!” 
First pop, by the way.
Looks like somebody’s up for childification!! 
Fiona: “Yaaay!” *toot toot* 
Garrett: “Meh.”
It’s definitely true, Thai. Your simself makes some very cute chill’uns. 
Now, I’m pretty sure Hazel has two assignments that still need done… 
Eric: “Not it.”
Hazel’s birthday was on a Saturday, and I hadn’t actually gotten around to teaching her to study until now… what a 
great opportunity to get two kids’ “learn to study” skills out of the way! 
Eric: “Lame.” 
Fiona: “Okay, Ivan. What is one plus two plus six times three divided by zero?” 
Ivan: “Imaginary. It doesn’t exist. Kind of like all of us.” 
Fiona: “Very good. But don’t mix math and philosophy; your teachers won’t like it.”
Eric: “Yeeees Author?” 
Congratulations, you missed the school bus. Now you get to walk. 
Eric: “That’s not fair, Author.” 
Life’s not fair. You better get moving.
What lovely date gifts, Hex. Thank you. *sells*
Hey, you must be the third headmaster. We’ve seen all three now. 
Headmaster Eyre: “Headmaster Eyre, at your service.” 
Cool name. And hair. 
Headmaster Eyre: “Thank you.”
Headmaster Eyre: “This is a lovely neighborhood, young mister Kinsey.” 
(Seriously though, he is always in fun desperation. Ever since he was a child. No good sims.)
Second pop. You know the headmaster’s here, right Wynn? 
Wynn: “Oh, is he? I’d better go find him, huh? Before the kids put worms in his spaghetti again, I mean.” 
Probably a good idea.
Headmaster Eyre: “The salmon was exquisite, Miss Kinsey. I’d be pleased to admit Hazel and Ivan to my school.” 
Fiona: “You’re welcome, Mom.”
Okay! You know what time it is, Don? 
Don: “Time to get the most boring kid of the bunch out of the house?” 
That’s right! Happy birthday!
You know, for being the son of the flipping genie, he really wasn’t all that interesting. 
Don: “Hey, couldn’t you have waited to say that until after I was gone?” 
Hm… nope, no remorse. Get out of here.
You know what I just discovered? There’s not a lot of options for sim men who want to wear purple. 
Abby: “Hey there, Don! You’re an adult already!? Wow, time flies! Nice shirt—we match!” 
Don: “It’s a nod to my dad, Abby.” 
Abby: “Oh, right. The genie’s purple too, huh?” 
Don: “Right.”
Thai of Boolprop: “Don! Well, I don’t think I’ve seen you since Wynn and I—” 
Don: “Er, bye, Thai.” 
Thai: “How’s my son doing? Think there’s a chance I could get over to your house to see him?” 
Don: “Bye, Thai.”
Well, that’s that. Say goodbye and good riddance to Donovan Kinsey. He’s off to townieland. 
Don: “And I am never coming back.” 
Love you too, Don.
You know what this means, Wynn? 
Wynn: “Don’t distract me, I’m catching a football.” 
There’s now two slots open in the house. Which means that you might just have twins. Maybe. 
Wynn: “Seriously, Author. Can we talk about this lat—”
Eric: “HA!! I win!!” 
Wynn: “Not fair, Eric! The Author distracted me!!” 
Eric: “No excuses, Mom!!”
Fiona: “Okay Mom, keep calm. I’ve read all about this. All you have to do is—” 
Dang. There’s only one of him. And he’s a he, so I can’t even use the name I was hoping to use.
Wynn: “But that’s okay, isn’t it Jace? Because we don’t need any stupid twins, do we?” 
Fiona: “Told you I’d get you through it, Mom. Nothing to worry about.”
Wynn: “Hey there, Hex. No, nothing’s wrong. Just thought you might want to meet your son. Mm-hmm. Jace. Also, I 
need to ask you a question. See you in a bit.”
Hex: *sneaks onto lot*
Hex: “I’m a Cancer.” 
Wynn isn’t terribly likely to meet another guy with pointed ears, so we’re logging him in as that. Still… better safe than 
sorry. I might need a Cancer later.
Ivan: “…I don’t like you.” 
Ivan’s one of those kids who instantly gets negative relationship with his younger siblings. Sibling rivalry, much? 
Ivan: “I am not. Jace is a reflection of the futility of this world. I was unlucky and was born to the pixel version of my 
dad. If I—” 
Hold that thought.
Any luck with the aliens yet, Fiona? 
Fiona: “No. Are you sure they’re up there?” 
Pretty darn sure. You’re descended from them yourself, you know. 
Fiona: “Pull the other one.”
Wynn: “Is Eric getting ready for school, Garet?” 
Garrett: “It’s Garrett. And you call yourself my mother.” 
Wynn: “Is he?” 
Garrett: “No.” 
Wynn: “Author, if you would? I’m calling over my next beau.” 
Sure thing.
Up and at ‘em, Eric! Rise and shine! Early bird gets the worm, and all that! 
Eric: “I get it, I get it. Time for school.” *yawn* “Just don’t make me walk again.” 
Deal. Get to the bus on time, and you won’t have to walk. Shake it, boy.
Wynn: “Helloooo there, Bruges. I hear you make some very pretty children.” 
Bruges: *scared* 
He’s on loan from Jessie’s Night Legacy, by the way. I’ve seen his kids. They are gorgeous.
Also they’re already best friends, so this is easy as pie. 
Bruges: “Suffocating… not breathing…”
Bruges: “I’m a Libra.” 
Jacket: “And I’m vying to be Father L.” 
Go away. You bother me.
…would you believe this is the first time I’ve ever seen an autonomous sea chantey? 
…I’m kind of scared…
Wynn: “Come on. I’ve got some great cereal to show you.” 
Bruges: “Um… uh… there’s an Author around here, right? Hey, Miss All-Powerful Simself Lady?” 
Mmm, I like you. What’s up, Bruges? 
Bruges: “Is this really… wise? I mean, last time this kind of thing happened, there was kind of a whole mess of 
It’s okay. There’s no plot around here.
Bruges: “Okay.”
Wynn: “Would you believe it took three bowls of cereal before we finally heard a lullaby?” 
Wynn? Where’s Bruges? 
Wynn: “I dunno.”
Bruges: “So. You… one of Wynn’s kids?” 
Townie Kid: “Nope. I’m a townie.” 
Bruges: “Ah.” 
Townie Kid: “Mm-hmm.”
Bruges: “So, you two must be townies too, right?” 
Garrett: “I don’t like him, Fee. Let’s get him.” 
Fiona: “I’m a pacifist.”
Garrett: “Yeah, yeah, I hear you. Stop with the crying already, I’m coming.” 
Jace: *scream*
Garrett: “Hurry up and blow out the candles. We don’t got all night.” 
Hazel: “But where’s Eric? I wanted Eric to be here…” 
Garrett: “Oh, come on. It’s just a birthday. I’ve got better things to do. Hurry it up.” 
Hazel: *sniff*
Hazel: *jump* “What!?” 
I was going to take you out to the store to dress you in pink, and you’ve gone and done it for me! Now, what’s your aspiration? 
Hazel: “Popularity?” 
You mean, not Family or Pleasure? PERFECT!! 
Hazel: “…Author, you scare me.”
You know Hazel, I really wonder sometimes if you got anything from your mother. Facial feature wise, I mean. 
Hazel: “I think I might have her eyes. Maybe.” 
Hazel: “OW! Ivan, what was that for!?” 
Ivan: “I did you a favor. Pain is proof of existence. If you can feel pain, you obviously exist to feel it. I just proved that 
you exist. Don’t thank me. I didn’t do it for the praise of the world.” 
Hazel: “…okay?”
Wynn: “So… you would be my…?” 
Ella: “Great-great-grandmother. Legacies and time warps are fun, aren’t they?” 
ELLA! Perfect timing. I have someone I want you to meet.
Fiona! Remember how I said you were descended from an alien? And you didn’t believe me? Ta-da! I win! 
Fiona: “…uh-huh. If she’s my ancestor, how is she still an adult?” 
Your mother’s still an adult, and she has four adult children herself. What does age prove? 
Fiona: “Touché.” 
Ella: *slouch*
Wynn: “Whoa!” 
Fiona: “Great-great-great-grandma Ella is trying to read my diary!” 
Ella: “Kid, I can’t see through the back of a book. It’s not like I have x-ray vision or anything. …ooh, but that would be 
Hooray. We’ve got another toddler coming in. More importantly, we get to see if Jace inherited his father’s ears!
Polls say YES! 
Fiona: “Fascinating!”
Yeow, but this kid’s gonna be a looker! 
Fiona: “Hex and Mom are a good mix, I think.” 
Are you interested in genetic experimentation, Fiona? 
Fiona: “A little. Mostly just because there’s so much of it going on around here. Any Knowledge Sim like me would be 
Probably truth.
Of course having ten kids in a row (and being pregnant with the eleventh) hasn’t caused Wynn to go a little insane! I am 
INSULTED that you would suggest such a thing!
Garrett: “Hi. Yeah. I guess I need to apply for some scholarships.”
Hazel: “Me too!” 
Garrett: “Fiona, I thought you were a pacifist.” 
Fiona: “I am. This is just a game.” 
Eric: “Don’t mind us. Just the son of the pirate captain ghost and the daughter of bigfoot playing ‘punch you, punch 
me.’ Nothing to see here.”
Eric: “I guess you’re gonna be the last one of my siblings I get to teach toddler skills to, huh?” 
Jace: “Goo?” 
Eric: “Eh, I guess that’s okay. I can always have my own kids later.” 
Jace: “Ewik?” 
Eric: “Careful, bud. You’re gonna convince me to try getting my own kids sooner rather than later. I’ll miss all you 
toddlers, you know.”
Wynn: “Oof! Hey look! I’m like Saturn! I have rings!” 
Because none of us have heard that joke before.
Hazel: *smile* 
Fiona: “Hazel. You can cut that out now. You’re kind of scaring me. Stop it, Hazel.” 
Hazel: *smiiiiiile*
Ivan: “What’s the point of having birthday celebrations anymore? We all know exactly what they look like, and they 
only serve to prove the vast disconnection between our world and reality.” 
Shut up, Ivan.
Eric: “Guess what? NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL!” 
Garrett: “Do… do you guys see what he grew into?” 
Wynn: “We do.” 
Fiona: “A button-up shirt and slacks.” 
Hazel: *smiiiiiiiiiiile*
Guess who fits in the pirate suit now? 
Eric: “Finally. This is what the son of a pirate captain should look like. Stink cloud included.” 
Great. Go home and take a shower, and then we’ll talk real estate. 
Eric: “Real estate? Aren’t I going to be a townie?” 
We’ll talk later.
Hey Don? Um, don’t turn around. 
Don: “Why? Is there something behind me?” 
Barcelona: *loom* 
Barcelona is Bruges’s twin sister, by the way, and they both come from Jessie’s Night Legacy.
Well well, look who it is. Pffbt. 
Unsavory Charlatan: “Where is that Wynn woman? I might be ready to steal from her now…” 
Yeah, well, I’ve done some research online, and I’m scared of you now. I’m not going to use you as a father after all. 
Unsavory Charlatan: “…allow me to put that another way…”
Eric: “Alright, where’s my townie shrub?” 
You’re not getting one. 
Eric: “…eh?” 
I like you too much to surrender you to Townieland, Eric. I believe if you walk a little down the street, I think you’ll 
find something that interests you. It’s a beached miniature yacht. 
Eric: “Reeaaally? Sweet!”
Wynn: “So this means Jace is trained up, right?” 
Right. Now you’ll get to focus on Baby K when he or she is born. 
Wynn: “…joy.” 
What, are you getting tired of this, Wynn? 
Wynn: “Of course not! I want twenty-six kids, remember? I’ll NEVER get tired of potty training! I am INSULTED you 
would insinuate such a thing! INSULTED!!”
…oh yeah. Bills. And I was doing so well at remembering them, too. 
Repoman: “BWAHAHAHA!! I—” 
Yeah, yeah. Hurry up and steal our stuff so I can buy it back. We don’t got all day here.
You are a cruel man, Repoman. 
Repoman: “BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Like taking toys from a baby!”
Here comes Baby K! I’m excited! Are you excited? 
…alright, so you’re not. This is only the eleventh time you’ve seen it in this challenge alone. Let’s just cut to the naming 
Congratulations, Jessie; your sim Bruges has a son. This is Kale Kinsey. 
Wynn: “Aww, hello there! Hello! I can’t wait to see if you have your daddy’s big, beautiful eyes!” 
Fiona: “Meh.”
Now, the letter “K” is kind of significant around here. For one thing, my sim name starts with a “K.” And then there’s that Wynn’s new last name 
is Kinsey. Which means Kale has some beautiful alliteration in his name, which deeply pleases me. 
Wynn: “Wait, your ‘sim name’? Your name isn’t ‘Author’?” 
Don’t worry about it. 
Wynn: “Are you actually somewhere in the neighborhood? Physically? I bet I could find you. If I knew your name, that is. Um… is it…Karen?” 
Seriously Wynn, it’s no big deal. Don’t bother. 
Wynn: “Kate? Katie? Katelyn?”
And by the way, “Kale” is also a video game name, which comes from one of my favorite RPGs ever. Unfortunately, 
it’s also a bit of a little-known game, so if you can guess it, I’ll be your best friend forever. 
Wynn: “Kayla? Kelly? …Koko?” 
No. Give it up, Wynn. 
Wynn: “Never. I’ll bet it’s Kim. Or Kimberly?”
Wynn: “Hi there. I hear you’re a famous Romance Sim…? Known for being everywhere…?” 
No. I see where this is going. Wynn, no. Trust me. You don’t want to—
—and I’m too late, aren’t I? 
Rhys: “Yep.” 
This is Rhys Fitzhugh of Marina’s Fitzhugh Legacy, of course. You know Wynn, I was thinking we should probably 
stick to more recent legacy characters. Like Jessie’s Night Legacy, for instance, or Sam’s Wrongway Legacy. 
Wynn: “And pass up the chance to introduce Rhys Fitzhugh into the family tree!?” 
I could go find Gage Uglacy, too. I could do it, you know.
You’re lucky. I can’t seem to find Gage. 
Wynn: “He wouldn’t be interested in me, anyway. He likes simselves.” 
Rhys: “She’s messy?” 
Sorry, Rhys. 
Rhys: “I wish I’d known this before…”
Rhys: “Me? I’m a Scorpio, of course.” 
This surprises me… not. 
Garrett: “Uh, hello? Stinky baby here? You guys wanna move?”
One more toddler down! Huzzah! 
Ivan is also teening today, but since he’s the youngest, Jace gets the cake. 
Ivan: “My life is one unfairness after another.” 
Sorry, Ivan.
Jace: “Well, hello there.” *eyebrow waggle* 
…oh dear.
Jace: “This is Ivan’s assignment. Why do I have to do it?” 
Fiona: “Because we want to make sure you can do your own homework, and get this step out of the way as fast as 
possible. Come on, let’s go.” 
Jace: “Pfft.”
Ivan: “I am full of emptiness.” 
Garrett: “Hurry this up, there’s a game on in the living room.” 
Garrett, please be nice to your siblings once in a while. Especially the sensitive ones? 
Garrett: “Sensitive shmensitive. I’m going to go watch TV.”
Ivan: “…this shirt doesn’t suit me.” 
PffffHAHAHAHA!! That’s too bad, because that shirt is AWESOME! You get to keep it! 
Ivan: “I despair.” 
Poor, sensitive Knowledge Sim. *pats*
You know, I put up a fight about it, but… I’m really actually kind of excited to see the Rhys spawn. 
Wynn: “Is your name… Kylie?” 
Give it up, Wynn.
This kid sure is whiny.
Eyes? Eyes? I would love to see some big, pretty eyes. …eyes?
Fiona: “Is it my turn now, then?” 
I guess. Hold on, let me buy you a cake, since it’s your adult birthday and all.
Fiona: “Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!” 
…maybe I should move those cabinets. 
Wynn: “Ow…”
Don’t get me wrong, she pulls that off really well, all things considered. But… 
Hazel: “Fiona, do you want me to go buy you a sweater? You look awfully cold.” 
Fiona: “Um, yes. That would be nice.”
You know, I’ve always admired Fiona’s fashion sense. She picks some really great styles. 
Pepper: “I wonder why the Author would say that?” 
Never mind. What do you feel about gray and maroon, Fiona? 
Fiona: “I’ll stick with this, thanks.” 
Fiona: “So… do I get Townieland or a house?” 
A house. *sigh* I like you too much, too. But I really need to be sparing with how many of you kids I give space in the 
neighborhood to, because I just don’t want twenty-six houses I never play springing up everywhere… 
Fiona: “Don’t worry, Author. I’ll be sure to stay entertaining.” 
I’ll take your word for it, Fiona.
Kale: “No wan’ talk! Wan’ eats!” 
Wynn: “This is not as easy as I remember it being…” 
What’s the matter? He’s talking, isn’t he? 
Wynn: “Oh… oh, yeah! Job done! Now can I sleep?” 
Kale: “Wan’ EATS!!”
Wynn: “I popped again. Happy?” 
Happy. Go back to sleep. 
Wynn: “Good.”
What, already? What horrible timing. You almost had that last point you need for your next promotion. 
Ivan: “What’s this? Life!? In this world!? This is a direct contradiction of the laws of the universe! Yet another non-existent 
person is about to come into the neighborhood!” 
I’ll translate Ivanese. He says a baby’s being born, and he’s very excited, because he is a good son who loves to help his 
Ivan: “That is not what I said.”
And so we have our fourth boy in a row, and our eighth boy of the challenge (that’s a 67% chance of boys, for those of 
you keeping score). 
Wynn: “None of that matters, though, does it, Levi? No it doesn’t! We love boys!” 
Especially after having so many girls in the legacy before this WYDC. It’s nice to have men around for a change. 
Levi is a blond, by the way—no redheaded son for Rhys. Too bad. At least it is a son—I understand Rhys tends to have 
Ahaha… guess who the neighborhood telescope slapper is? 
SimMe: “I do not appreciate being spied on, Wynter White Kinsey! You should know better than that!” 
Wynn: “Yawn, don’t care. I’ve almost got that last logic point now, so do you mind? Oh hey, by the way, nice shirt. My 
daughter Fiona wears something a lot like that.” 
SimMe: “What a strange coincidence.”
Ta-da! She’s finally primed for promotion! Now… about Baby M…
Wynn: “Hi there, Alan! Is your offer to see your spellbook still open?” 
Saffron: “I wonder if my brother knows what his daughter is doing…” 
Time’s up! That’s all for this chapter—let’s see the scores!
New Points 
Each child with a different father +3 
Pregnancies concluded before founder marries +1.5 
NPCs used as fathers +3 
Children in private school +2 
Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a 
New Fathers: 
10: Hex Wrightway (logged as Pointed Ears) 
11: Bruges Wallace (logged as Libra) 
12: Rhys Fitzhugh (logged as Red Hair) 
Total Points: 82

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Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 6

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  • 2. Wynn Don Eric Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC! Now with baby demi-simselves! Last time, much of the chapter was taken up by two things: waiting for then-eldest Cid to grow up and move out so Wynn could get pregnant again, and trying [and miserably failing] to get pickpocketed by the Unsavory Charlatan. In the end, Hex of Sam’s Wrongway Legacy was brought in to be the next father, and Wynn has just become pregnant by him. We had a couple of teenagerifications, one childification, and the birth and toddlerification of Ivan, the son of Thai of Boolprop. If that doesn’t make sense, you’re in the wrong place! Off we go! Fiona Hazel Garrett Ivan
  • 3. Wynn! You’re cleaning autonomously!? Wynn: “…no pictures.” Hazel: “Ewww, Eric! You stink!” Eric: “I’m testing a new theory: raising the fun meter by reducing the hygiene meter. So far, it’s working. Hehehe.”
  • 4. ERIC KINSEY. Oh, come on. Eric: “zzzzsleepingnotgoingtoschoolzzzz” Why is it always you!? Seriously!
  • 5. Congratulations, Eric. You did it. You are the first sim I have ever had to actually lose your scholar’s grant. You know, the one that’s dependent on good grades? Yeah. Wynn: “He what?” Eric: “Chill, Mom. It’s not like I was going to use it, anyway.” Wynn: “But still! It’s the point of the matter!!” First pop, by the way.
  • 6. Looks like somebody’s up for childification!! Fiona: “Yaaay!” *toot toot* Garrett: “Meh.”
  • 7. It’s definitely true, Thai. Your simself makes some very cute chill’uns. Now, I’m pretty sure Hazel has two assignments that still need done… Eric: “Not it.”
  • 8. Hazel’s birthday was on a Saturday, and I hadn’t actually gotten around to teaching her to study until now… what a great opportunity to get two kids’ “learn to study” skills out of the way! Eric: “Lame.” Fiona: “Okay, Ivan. What is one plus two plus six times three divided by zero?” Ivan: “Imaginary. It doesn’t exist. Kind of like all of us.” Fiona: “Very good. But don’t mix math and philosophy; your teachers won’t like it.”
  • 9. Eric. Eric: “Yeeees Author?” Congratulations, you missed the school bus. Now you get to walk. Eric: “That’s not fair, Author.” Life’s not fair. You better get moving.
  • 10. What lovely date gifts, Hex. Thank you. *sells*
  • 11. Hey, you must be the third headmaster. We’ve seen all three now. Headmaster Eyre: “Headmaster Eyre, at your service.” Cool name. And hair. Headmaster Eyre: “Thank you.”
  • 12. Headmaster Eyre: “This is a lovely neighborhood, young mister Kinsey.” Garrett: “PLEASURE SIM NEEDS FUN!! WHY AM I ALWAYS IN FUN DESPERATION!?” (Seriously though, he is always in fun desperation. Ever since he was a child. No good sims.)
  • 13. Second pop. You know the headmaster’s here, right Wynn? Wynn: “Oh, is he? I’d better go find him, huh? Before the kids put worms in his spaghetti again, I mean.” Probably a good idea.
  • 14. Headmaster Eyre: “The salmon was exquisite, Miss Kinsey. I’d be pleased to admit Hazel and Ivan to my school.” Fiona: “You’re welcome, Mom.”
  • 15. Okay! You know what time it is, Don? Don: “Time to get the most boring kid of the bunch out of the house?” That’s right! Happy birthday!
  • 16. You know, for being the son of the flipping genie, he really wasn’t all that interesting. Don: “Hey, couldn’t you have waited to say that until after I was gone?” Hm… nope, no remorse. Get out of here.
  • 17. You know what I just discovered? There’s not a lot of options for sim men who want to wear purple. Abby: “Hey there, Don! You’re an adult already!? Wow, time flies! Nice shirt—we match!” Don: “It’s a nod to my dad, Abby.” Abby: “Oh, right. The genie’s purple too, huh?” Don: “Right.”
  • 18. Thai of Boolprop: “Don! Well, I don’t think I’ve seen you since Wynn and I—” Don: “Er, bye, Thai.” Thai: “How’s my son doing? Think there’s a chance I could get over to your house to see him?” Don: “Bye, Thai.”
  • 19. Well, that’s that. Say goodbye and good riddance to Donovan Kinsey. He’s off to townieland. Don: “And I am never coming back.” Love you too, Don.
  • 20. You know what this means, Wynn? Wynn: “Don’t distract me, I’m catching a football.” There’s now two slots open in the house. Which means that you might just have twins. Maybe. Wynn: “Seriously, Author. Can we talk about this lat—”
  • 21. Eric: “HA!! I win!!” Wynn: “Not fair, Eric! The Author distracted me!!” Eric: “No excuses, Mom!!”
  • 22. Fiona: “Okay Mom, keep calm. I’ve read all about this. All you have to do is—” Wynn: “SHUT UP AND LET ME PUSH!! I KNOW WHAT I’M DOING!!”
  • 23. Dang. There’s only one of him. And he’s a he, so I can’t even use the name I was hoping to use.
  • 24. Wynn: “But that’s okay, isn’t it Jace? Because we don’t need any stupid twins, do we?” Fiona: “Told you I’d get you through it, Mom. Nothing to worry about.”
  • 25. Wynn: “Hey there, Hex. No, nothing’s wrong. Just thought you might want to meet your son. Mm-hmm. Jace. Also, I need to ask you a question. See you in a bit.”
  • 27. Hex: “I’m a Cancer.” Wynn isn’t terribly likely to meet another guy with pointed ears, so we’re logging him in as that. Still… better safe than sorry. I might need a Cancer later.
  • 28. Ivan: “…I don’t like you.” Ivan’s one of those kids who instantly gets negative relationship with his younger siblings. Sibling rivalry, much? Ivan: “I am not. Jace is a reflection of the futility of this world. I was unlucky and was born to the pixel version of my dad. If I—” Hold that thought.
  • 29. Any luck with the aliens yet, Fiona? Fiona: “No. Are you sure they’re up there?” Pretty darn sure. You’re descended from them yourself, you know. Fiona: “Pull the other one.”
  • 30. Wynn: “Is Eric getting ready for school, Garet?” Garrett: “It’s Garrett. And you call yourself my mother.” Wynn: “Is he?” Garrett: “No.” Wynn: “Author, if you would? I’m calling over my next beau.” Sure thing.
  • 31. Up and at ‘em, Eric! Rise and shine! Early bird gets the worm, and all that! Eric: “I get it, I get it. Time for school.” *yawn* “Just don’t make me walk again.” Deal. Get to the bus on time, and you won’t have to walk. Shake it, boy.
  • 32. Wynn: “Helloooo there, Bruges. I hear you make some very pretty children.” Bruges: *scared* He’s on loan from Jessie’s Night Legacy, by the way. I’ve seen his kids. They are gorgeous.
  • 33. Also they’re already best friends, so this is easy as pie. Bruges: “Suffocating… not breathing…”
  • 34. Bruges: “I’m a Libra.” Jacket: “And I’m vying to be Father L.” Go away. You bother me.
  • 35. …would you believe this is the first time I’ve ever seen an autonomous sea chantey? …I’m kind of scared…
  • 36. Wynn: “Come on. I’ve got some great cereal to show you.” Bruges: “Um… uh… there’s an Author around here, right? Hey, Miss All-Powerful Simself Lady?” Mmm, I like you. What’s up, Bruges? Bruges: “Is this really… wise? I mean, last time this kind of thing happened, there was kind of a whole mess of problems…” It’s okay. There’s no plot around here.
  • 38. Wynn: “Would you believe it took three bowls of cereal before we finally heard a lullaby?” Wynn? Where’s Bruges? Wynn: “I dunno.”
  • 39. Bruges: “So. You… one of Wynn’s kids?” Townie Kid: “Nope. I’m a townie.” Bruges: “Ah.” Townie Kid: “Mm-hmm.”
  • 40. Bruges: “So, you two must be townies too, right?” Garrett: “I don’t like him, Fee. Let’s get him.” Fiona: “I’m a pacifist.”
  • 41. Garrett: “Yeah, yeah, I hear you. Stop with the crying already, I’m coming.” Jace: *scream*
  • 42. Garrett: “Hurry up and blow out the candles. We don’t got all night.” Hazel: “But where’s Eric? I wanted Eric to be here…” Garrett: “Oh, come on. It’s just a birthday. I’ve got better things to do. Hurry it up.” Hazel: *sniff*
  • 43. PERFECT!! Hazel: *jump* “What!?” I was going to take you out to the store to dress you in pink, and you’ve gone and done it for me! Now, what’s your aspiration? Hazel: “Popularity?” You mean, not Family or Pleasure? PERFECT!! Hazel: “…Author, you scare me.”
  • 44. You know Hazel, I really wonder sometimes if you got anything from your mother. Facial feature wise, I mean. Hazel: “I think I might have her eyes. Maybe.” Possibly.
  • 45. Hazel: “OW! Ivan, what was that for!?” Ivan: “I did you a favor. Pain is proof of existence. If you can feel pain, you obviously exist to feel it. I just proved that you exist. Don’t thank me. I didn’t do it for the praise of the world.” Hazel: “…okay?”
  • 46. Wynn: “So… you would be my…?” Ella: “Great-great-grandmother. Legacies and time warps are fun, aren’t they?” ELLA! Perfect timing. I have someone I want you to meet.
  • 47. Fiona! Remember how I said you were descended from an alien? And you didn’t believe me? Ta-da! I win! Fiona: “…uh-huh. If she’s my ancestor, how is she still an adult?” Your mother’s still an adult, and she has four adult children herself. What does age prove? Fiona: “Touché.” Ella: *slouch*
  • 48. Wynn: “Whoa!” Fiona: “Great-great-great-grandma Ella is trying to read my diary!” Ella: “Kid, I can’t see through the back of a book. It’s not like I have x-ray vision or anything. …ooh, but that would be cool!”
  • 49. Hooray. We’ve got another toddler coming in. More importantly, we get to see if Jace inherited his father’s ears!
  • 50. Polls say YES! Fiona: “Fascinating!”
  • 51. Yeow, but this kid’s gonna be a looker! Fiona: “Hex and Mom are a good mix, I think.” Are you interested in genetic experimentation, Fiona? Fiona: “A little. Mostly just because there’s so much of it going on around here. Any Knowledge Sim like me would be interested.” Probably truth.
  • 52. Of course having ten kids in a row (and being pregnant with the eleventh) hasn’t caused Wynn to go a little insane! I am INSULTED that you would suggest such a thing!
  • 53. Garrett: “Hi. Yeah. I guess I need to apply for some scholarships.”
  • 54. Hazel: “Me too!” Garrett: “Fiona, I thought you were a pacifist.” Fiona: “I am. This is just a game.” Eric: “Don’t mind us. Just the son of the pirate captain ghost and the daughter of bigfoot playing ‘punch you, punch me.’ Nothing to see here.”
  • 55. Eric: “I guess you’re gonna be the last one of my siblings I get to teach toddler skills to, huh?” Jace: “Goo?” Eric: “Eh, I guess that’s okay. I can always have my own kids later.” Jace: “Ewik?” Eric: “Careful, bud. You’re gonna convince me to try getting my own kids sooner rather than later. I’ll miss all you toddlers, you know.”
  • 56. Wynn: “Oof! Hey look! I’m like Saturn! I have rings!” Because none of us have heard that joke before.
  • 57. *sniff* Hazel: *smile* Fiona: “Hazel. You can cut that out now. You’re kind of scaring me. Stop it, Hazel.” Hazel: *smiiiiiile*
  • 58. Ivan: “What’s the point of having birthday celebrations anymore? We all know exactly what they look like, and they only serve to prove the vast disconnection between our world and reality.” Shut up, Ivan.
  • 59. Eric: “Guess what? NO MORE HIGH SCHOOL!” Garrett: “Do… do you guys see what he grew into?” Wynn: “We do.” Fiona: “A button-up shirt and slacks.” Hazel: *smiiiiiiiiiiile*
  • 60. Guess who fits in the pirate suit now? Eric: “Finally. This is what the son of a pirate captain should look like. Stink cloud included.” Great. Go home and take a shower, and then we’ll talk real estate. Eric: “Real estate? Aren’t I going to be a townie?” We’ll talk later.
  • 61. Hey Don? Um, don’t turn around. Don: “Why? Is there something behind me?” Barcelona: *loom* Barcelona is Bruges’s twin sister, by the way, and they both come from Jessie’s Night Legacy.
  • 62. Well well, look who it is. Pffbt. Unsavory Charlatan: “Where is that Wynn woman? I might be ready to steal from her now…” Yeah, well, I’ve done some research online, and I’m scared of you now. I’m not going to use you as a father after all. Unsavory Charlatan: “…allow me to put that another way…”
  • 63. Eric: “Alright, where’s my townie shrub?” You’re not getting one. Eric: “…eh?” I like you too much to surrender you to Townieland, Eric. I believe if you walk a little down the street, I think you’ll find something that interests you. It’s a beached miniature yacht. Eric: “Reeaaally? Sweet!”
  • 64. Wynn: “So this means Jace is trained up, right?” Right. Now you’ll get to focus on Baby K when he or she is born. Wynn: “…joy.” What, are you getting tired of this, Wynn? Wynn: “Of course not! I want twenty-six kids, remember? I’ll NEVER get tired of potty training! I am INSULTED you would insinuate such a thing! INSULTED!!”
  • 65. …oh yeah. Bills. And I was doing so well at remembering them, too. Repoman: “BWAHAHAHA!! I—” Yeah, yeah. Hurry up and steal our stuff so I can buy it back. We don’t got all day here.
  • 66. You are a cruel man, Repoman. Repoman: “BWAHAHAHAHAHA!! Like taking toys from a baby!”
  • 67. Here comes Baby K! I’m excited! Are you excited? …alright, so you’re not. This is only the eleventh time you’ve seen it in this challenge alone. Let’s just cut to the naming slide.
  • 68. Congratulations, Jessie; your sim Bruges has a son. This is Kale Kinsey. Wynn: “Aww, hello there! Hello! I can’t wait to see if you have your daddy’s big, beautiful eyes!” Garrett: “AAAAARGH! I WILL NEVER UNSEE WHAT I HAVE SEEN!” Fiona: “Meh.”
  • 69. Now, the letter “K” is kind of significant around here. For one thing, my sim name starts with a “K.” And then there’s that Wynn’s new last name is Kinsey. Which means Kale has some beautiful alliteration in his name, which deeply pleases me. Wynn: “Wait, your ‘sim name’? Your name isn’t ‘Author’?” Don’t worry about it. Wynn: “Are you actually somewhere in the neighborhood? Physically? I bet I could find you. If I knew your name, that is. Um… is it…Karen?” Seriously Wynn, it’s no big deal. Don’t bother. Wynn: “Kate? Katie? Katelyn?”
  • 70. And by the way, “Kale” is also a video game name, which comes from one of my favorite RPGs ever. Unfortunately, it’s also a bit of a little-known game, so if you can guess it, I’ll be your best friend forever. Wynn: “Kayla? Kelly? …Koko?” No. Give it up, Wynn. Wynn: “Never. I’ll bet it’s Kim. Or Kimberly?”
  • 71. Wynn: “Hi there. I hear you’re a famous Romance Sim…? Known for being everywhere…?” No. I see where this is going. Wynn, no. Trust me. You don’t want to—
  • 72. —and I’m too late, aren’t I? Rhys: “Yep.” This is Rhys Fitzhugh of Marina’s Fitzhugh Legacy, of course. You know Wynn, I was thinking we should probably stick to more recent legacy characters. Like Jessie’s Night Legacy, for instance, or Sam’s Wrongway Legacy. Wynn: “And pass up the chance to introduce Rhys Fitzhugh into the family tree!?” I could go find Gage Uglacy, too. I could do it, you know.
  • 73. You’re lucky. I can’t seem to find Gage. Wynn: “He wouldn’t be interested in me, anyway. He likes simselves.” Rhys: “She’s messy?” Sorry, Rhys. Rhys: “I wish I’d known this before…”
  • 74. Rhys: “Me? I’m a Scorpio, of course.” This surprises me… not. Garrett: “Uh, hello? Stinky baby here? You guys wanna move?”
  • 75. One more toddler down! Huzzah! Ivan is also teening today, but since he’s the youngest, Jace gets the cake. Ivan: “My life is one unfairness after another.” Sorry, Ivan.
  • 76. Jace: “Well, hello there.” *eyebrow waggle* …oh dear.
  • 77. Jace: “This is Ivan’s assignment. Why do I have to do it?” Fiona: “Because we want to make sure you can do your own homework, and get this step out of the way as fast as possible. Come on, let’s go.” Jace: “Pfft.”
  • 78. Ivan: “I am full of emptiness.” Garrett: “Hurry this up, there’s a game on in the living room.” Garrett, please be nice to your siblings once in a while. Especially the sensitive ones? Garrett: “Sensitive shmensitive. I’m going to go watch TV.”
  • 79. Ivan: “…this shirt doesn’t suit me.” PffffHAHAHAHA!! That’s too bad, because that shirt is AWESOME! You get to keep it! Ivan: “I despair.” Poor, sensitive Knowledge Sim. *pats*
  • 80. You know, I put up a fight about it, but… I’m really actually kind of excited to see the Rhys spawn. Wynn: “Is your name… Kylie?” Give it up, Wynn.
  • 81. This kid sure is whiny.
  • 82. Eyes? Eyes? I would love to see some big, pretty eyes. …eyes?
  • 83. Yaaaaaaay!! Fiona: “Is it my turn now, then?” I guess. Hold on, let me buy you a cake, since it’s your adult birthday and all.
  • 84. Fiona: “Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me!” …maybe I should move those cabinets. Wynn: “Ow…”
  • 85. Don’t get me wrong, she pulls that off really well, all things considered. But… Hazel: “Fiona, do you want me to go buy you a sweater? You look awfully cold.” Fiona: “Um, yes. That would be nice.”
  • 86. You know, I’ve always admired Fiona’s fashion sense. She picks some really great styles. Pepper: “I wonder why the Author would say that?” Never mind. What do you feel about gray and maroon, Fiona? Fiona: “I’ll stick with this, thanks.” Al-right…
  • 87. Fiona: “So… do I get Townieland or a house?” A house. *sigh* I like you too much, too. But I really need to be sparing with how many of you kids I give space in the neighborhood to, because I just don’t want twenty-six houses I never play springing up everywhere… Fiona: “Don’t worry, Author. I’ll be sure to stay entertaining.” I’ll take your word for it, Fiona.
  • 88. Kale: “No wan’ talk! Wan’ eats!” Wynn: “This is not as easy as I remember it being…” What’s the matter? He’s talking, isn’t he? Wynn: “Oh… oh, yeah! Job done! Now can I sleep?” Kale: “Wan’ EATS!!”
  • 89. Wynn: “I popped again. Happy?” Happy. Go back to sleep. Wynn: “Good.”
  • 90. What, already? What horrible timing. You almost had that last point you need for your next promotion. Ivan: “What’s this? Life!? In this world!? This is a direct contradiction of the laws of the universe! Yet another non-existent person is about to come into the neighborhood!” I’ll translate Ivanese. He says a baby’s being born, and he’s very excited, because he is a good son who loves to help his mother. Ivan: “That is not what I said.”
  • 91. And so we have our fourth boy in a row, and our eighth boy of the challenge (that’s a 67% chance of boys, for those of you keeping score). Wynn: “None of that matters, though, does it, Levi? No it doesn’t! We love boys!” Especially after having so many girls in the legacy before this WYDC. It’s nice to have men around for a change. Levi is a blond, by the way—no redheaded son for Rhys. Too bad. At least it is a son—I understand Rhys tends to have daughters.
  • 92. Ahaha… guess who the neighborhood telescope slapper is? SimMe: “I do not appreciate being spied on, Wynter White Kinsey! You should know better than that!” Wynn: “Yawn, don’t care. I’ve almost got that last logic point now, so do you mind? Oh hey, by the way, nice shirt. My daughter Fiona wears something a lot like that.” SimMe: “What a strange coincidence.”
  • 93. Ta-da! She’s finally primed for promotion! Now… about Baby M…
  • 94. Wynn: “Hi there, Alan! Is your offer to see your spellbook still open?” Saffron: “I wonder if my brother knows what his daughter is doing…” Time’s up! That’s all for this chapter—let’s see the scores!
  • 95. New Points Each child with a different father +3 Pregnancies concluded before founder marries +1.5 NPCs used as fathers +3 Children in private school +2 Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a scholarship New Fathers: 10: Hex Wrightway (logged as Pointed Ears) 11: Bruges Wallace (logged as Libra) 12: Rhys Fitzhugh (logged as Red Hair) +2 Total Points: 82