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Chapter 8 – Ghosts & Gage-Spawn

Hello faithful readers and welcome to another chapter of A Piratical Legacy, which follows the trials and tribulations of the Buccaneer family. I
have too many pictures to do a proper recap so I suggest reading chapters 1 thru 7, which are also posted on my Sim Page!

Also, feel free to download and abuse my Simself - just let me know if you do because I enjoy reading about the escapades I get into when
controlled by someone else or on free will.

Anyway, when we'd last left the Buccaneers...
Eddie Buccaneer had just moved away to college. He spent about 2 seconds in dorm, just long enough for a makeover in other words. His Aunt
Celeste, goth poet extraordinaire, pledged him in and he set about pledging in Tosha Ajjaldsjoiwfej, his girlfriend, and Antoinette (Toni)
Buccaneer, his cousin.

"The souls of our ancestors
Rejoice because
Another of our blood
Reigns here."

"Uhh.... Auntie Celeste, we only have one dead ancestor. And he's definitely not buried here."

"My father rejoices
From his grave on the island."
A few sim-hours after Tosh moved in, Eddie popped the big question.

"Tosh, will you promise to marry me and help me with my genetic manipulation experiments?"

"Oh Eddie, of course! Maybe we can realize our dream of breeding true human-tiger hybrids!"

"Cool! By the way, I have this new technique I want to try... my prof said it might let us graft on tails and ears..."
"Are you sure woohoo is part of the grafting procedure, Eddie?"
A few days later and Toni finally agreed to move in.

"But Eddie, can I buy a bubble blower?"

"Didn't you hear? The campus has instituted a no-bubble policy."

"Nuts. Well, at least I can jump on the couch..."

"That's where we keep the rum."

"Um, guys? I'm here you know."

Shenene looks pretty disturbed... well, maybe not. She is still eating her pizza very calmly, after all. She's one of the placeholders for the dorm, and
very shortly heareafter she moved out, as did the other placeholder. I may post about their hijinks in a supplementary chapter or the Spares chapter
at some point.
"Thome people have no thenthe of dignity."

You're the one in a cow suit.

"But you don't thee me making out on the couch in front of thtranagerth, do you?"


What are you doing, Celeste?

"My teachers have said
The books must be read."

What book is that?

"Lots of short stories
That bore me."

I ... see.
"And when I move in I can finally set up the Parisian side of my new frog-leg smuggling operation!"

"Kid, have I ever told you that you're very, very weird?"

"Watch the mouth, toots. I'd hate for anything bad to happen to youse just 'cos you were being disrespectful. Besides, you're the one with the
catsuit, the ears, and the tail."
And back on the Island, who should stroll past the Uglacy house but Marina, aka smoothiequeen87.

"Little baby, I hope you look like me and not like your father."

And just how much of a chance do you think the poor dear has, Marina?

"Hey! It could happen! I've heard Gage throws pretty girls..."

We'll see if you even have a girl...
When Gage saw Marina he quickly walked over and got all affectionate.

"Hiya little spawn! You're going to grow up to be just like your daddy, aren't you?"

"Good grief I hope not!"
Ephemeral Toast called Gage on the phone so Don the Grilled-Cheese (and Chilli) loving zombie wandered outside to keep Marina company.

"Aren't you excited about getting a step-grandbaby, Don?"
"I don't want to hear another word about possible Gage-spawn! I had to change all the diapers of the last one!"
As usual, Marina was busy hosting parties at her place. Here we see Candi (creator of the Uglacies, including Gage and Don), PikaKyle (Say
Goodbye Sims!), and Ben (aka Blite, Ten Caesars Legacy) hanging out with my Simself.

"So what possessed Marina to even make out with Gage in the first place, Sarah?"

Well, Kyle, you should have seen her want panel. I pretty much had no choice.
Candi got out of the hot tub and cornered Gage.

"Congratulations, Gage! I hear you're going to make me an auntie!"

"Now don't be talking crazy like that, Candi. And the fact that you can put your arms through the wall is kinda creeping me out, too."
"Uh, the baby's coming! Can all you Simselves get off your collective butts and help out?!? NOW!!!"

Don't worry, Marina. You know how it works. Spin and it's over!
And it's a girl!

Elphaba Uglacy, welcome to the world. You're lucky I didn't use SimPE to make you green like your namesake.

It's way too early to see who Elphaba most looks like, Gage or Marina. Hopefully (for her sake) she takes after her mother!
And Gage actually shows some paternal instinct!

"No, I'm just rescuing the poor baby from the Pepto-Bismol spill in this room."

Fine. Criticise my decorating skills.
Back at the Legacy household, we can see Anne and Jack are doing what their aspirations direct them to do. Anne, who is a Romance Sim, is
arranging for another blind date from the matchmaker, while Jack is attempting to befriend the Leader of the Pack.
A few hours later, Anne and Meadow (Jack's girlfriend) decided to
start up their rivalry again while in the midst of a double date. Anne   "So? I'm just happy that you didn't win."
was dating sweater-dude and Meadow, of course, was dating Jack.
                                                                         "I got more votes than Jack did, tramp."
"Well, my plan obviously succeeded better than yours, Anne. You
certainly didn't win the heir poll!"                                     "Ooohh!"

"Neither did Jack, tramp! So you won't be taking over THIS Legacy        So who did win?
any time soon!"
Why, none other than Ivy! And now it's time for her to twirl with the sparklies into teen-hood and find out what her aspiration is and if the voters at were right in thinking she was the most interesting of the Buccaneer kids.

"I wish for my very own personal maid!"
"Wow, I'm hot!"                                                            "Oh, I am so halfway there already, goddess. And I can see my way
                                                                           to the top... I think I can woohoo my way on up."
That she is. I think that Ivy is the prettiest female A Piratical Legacy
has produced yet. They've been getting sequentially better-looking.        Oh my... let me guess. Romance?
Unfortunately, what she doesn't have is any of Jack Sr.'s genetics.
                                                                           "Why whatever gave you that impression?" *giggle*
Anyway... do you still want to be the Galactic Overlord Queen of the
Cosmos, Ivy?                                                               Yes, Ivy rolled romance, with a completely doable LTW of
                                                                           Professional Party Guest. It even kinda fits her whole life goal thing.
Now that all of their children were more than capable of taking care o themselves, Alan and Mary decided it was the perfect time for a second
honeymoon period. They spent most of their free time making out in various corners of the house, much to everyone else's disgust.

"Is it too much
To ask
That you get a room?
My eyes burn."
"I so hope they grow out of that by the time I get back from college."
This is a recreation of Anne's first kiss with sweater-guy because I forgot to take a picture.
"So, is it like safe to go into the living room yet, Ivy?"

"Eww... that is totally gross. Old people aren't allowed to make out on the couch. Especially not our parents!"

Awww... I think it's kinda cute.
Roux-kitty elderified with little fanfare. The only one she's friends with is Elise, who is so old she's practically a mummy.

Yes, Elise is still alive. You just haven't seen any pictures of her because she's boring.
"Ivy, what's the answer to question seven? Tell me before I have to come over there and break yer kneecaps."

"Brother dearest, you know it's unwise to threaten your dictator. Besides, I'm three years younger than you. I'm not exactly in the same grade."

"You have a point there, toots. But who am I supposed to ask, Anne? She's in remedial home ec!"

"I feel for you, Jack, I really do. Maybe if you actually paid attention in class instead of oh, I dunno, selling counterfeit erasers, you might actually
learn something?"

"I am learning about supply and demand, toots."
Whatcha doin', Alan?

"I got a promotion today, goddess. And now I have super powers!"

Oh? Do tell.

"Well, I can fly and I have super strength! Oh, and I'm perma-plat."


"Yeah, it's really cool. Except I'm a little worried about the long-term health effects of the radioactive ooze I had to bathe myself in. I think I
swallowed a little. But it's all worth it! Maybe now I'll be able to bust that counterfeit eraser ring that's had me so stumped!"
"I 'ave zee funny feeling een my toes."

Elise, you're 81. What do you think that means?

"I get to see my Jacques again!"

"I would rather share eet wit' my Jacques."


"Oh, well een zat case.... mmm... eet ees quite good. Jacques will like eet too!"


"Now, can we get going? I have not seen my Jacques for a very long time!"

I hope you and Jacqu- ... erm, Jack, spend a happy eternity together, Elise. Please try to haunt nicely. I'll miss writing out your accent.
Mary was the most devastated of all the family over Elise's death, although all the females were pretty upset. Jack kinda sighed a few times and
Alan didn't really pay attention. He and Elise only ever got to about a 10 on their relationship panel.
"All this sadness and crying is totally depressing, bro. What say we head to college now?"

"Fine with me, toots."
That's a sexy man-purse you have there, Jack.

"Not as sexy as the rest of me, goddess."

Fine, you can keep the tight shirt.
"I'm totally co-captain of the cheerleading squad! Doesn't that totally rock?!?"
"I'm the other co-captain, Anne. Remember?"

"Yeah. How could I forget, tramp? And you totally copied my style!"

"Um, you're the one who copied me, Anne."

"And another thing, I get veto power over all applicants at the tryout next week."

"Of course you do, Anne. I do too."

"Only because you're the co-captain, harlot."

"Who's the romance sim again, Anne?"

"Grrr.... hiss..."

"Meadow, babe, the way you put my sister in her place is priceless."   Anne, too, although I like Anne too. But Meadow has 6 nice points...
                                                                       Anne only has three.
"And you're making good profit on our 'Sims Gone Wild' line of
videos?"                                                               Just FYI even though Meadow won't 'officially' be joining the
"Oh yeah... we're gonna be rolling in the dough when we graduate,
babe."                                                                 Personality: 4/4/4/7/6
                                                                       Aspiration: Family
Can you tell that I <3 Meadow? She's so awesome. Much nicer than       LTW: Marry off 6 Children
"Vamsi, it's totally awesome that you want to try out for the cheerleading squad. But, um, you're like wearing the highschool colors..."

"Oh, sorry Anne. I'd change but these are the only clothes I have. So can I still try out?"

"I guess. Tryouts are next week."
"My man purse and I are the sexiest thing to get our groove on ever!"
"So Anne, this is my cheer routine that I'm going to use at tryouts next week! What do you think?"
"Honestly, Vamsi, that stinks. You can do better."
"Like this. See how I'm shaking my booty?"

"Is the whole constipated expression part of the routine, Anne?"

"Two words, Meadow. Shut. Up."
"Professor, have I ever told you how well the bright whiteness of your shirt matches the shiny baldness of your head?"

"Why, thank you Miss Buccaneer!"

"Do I get an A+ now?"

"*Ahem* I think that can be arranged, Miss Buccaneer."
Meadow, meanwhile, has decided that for her mandatory community service as required by the cheerleading squad she should make over Marla
Biggs, the Maxis-created placeholder for the dorm.

"See, the reason you don't have any friends is because your clothes are boring and your hair is dorky, Marla."

"Really, Meadow? But my clothes are made with 100% post-consumer fibers!"

"Just let me make you over, Marla. You'll be making friends left and right when I'm done with you."

"Nice to know the sim world is so shallow..."
"Just pick any outfit you like. All those clothes are the ones I stole from Anne's room anyway."

"Won't she notice they're missing?"

"Nah, all she wears is her cheerleading uniform."
"The outfit looks great, Marla, but now we need to do something about your hair... and those glasses."

"I need my glasses to see, Meadow."

"Well yeah, but we can at least find a less dorky version."

"I guess..."
"I have to say that I'm impressed, Marla. You're gorgeous!"

"Thanks Meadow, but do you really think appearance means all that much in the Sim world? I mean, look at Marina and Gage..."

"You do have a point."
"Hoping your little 'project' will get good enough to try out for the cheerleading squad, Meadow?"

"Marla has no interest in joining the squad, Anne."

"Good thing, Meadow, 'cause she's hopeless. You know that, right?"

"You're a jerk, Anne."
"I may be a jerk, but I'm also hot and getting straight A+'s. Really,
what have you accomplished, Meadow?"                                    "Hmm... should I pass on that little gem of wisdom to all your
                                                                        professors, Anne? I'm sure they'd be interested to know that the
"I'm going to marry your brother."                                      reason you haven't proposed is 'cause you don't really love them..."

"I don't see a ring on your finger."                                    "Oh, mind your own business. Harlot."

"So?"                                                                   "Tramp."

"So obviously he doesn't really love you if he hasn't proposed yet."    Ladies, ladies... play nice.
"Aaaaah! My imported cheap knockoff ramen noodles are on fire!"

Good thing for you and your man-purse that there's a sprinkler overhead then, Jack.

"Damn straight."
"Professor, have I ever told you how well your starched white shirt matches your hair and your eyes?"

*swoon* "Why Miss Buccaneer, are you flirting with me?"

"Do you want me to, Professor?"

"Don't see why I have to do Toni's homework while Meadow and Anne eat macaroni. I could be eating macaroni right now." *grumble*

"Slave-boy, your sister and your girlfriend had to make the macaroni for us first... and after we're done they get to do the dishes, mop out the
bathroom, and trim the hedges. Unless you'd like to do it for them?"


"Oh, and we're all related here. There's no reason to parade around without your shirt."
"A sense of impending doom
Pervades the room.
Eddie said
To turn my head
Because the forces of darkness were
Opening a portal
Into the living room
And bringing doom
But I see nothing."
"My mascara runs
At Eddie's idea of fun."

Are you two quite done yet? At least try to act your age?
"Gee, Toni, you sure remind me of grandpa!"

"Why's that, Eddie? Remember that despite the fact I lived across the street from you, I never met you or anyone in your house until I came to

"Well, Grandpa always used to bounce on the couch when he forget we kept the rum in the cushions too!"

"... crap."
"Smustling makes my teeth feel like burning."

"Not to worry, Tosh. That's just the next stage of the DNA mutation process."

"And you're sure we have to smustle for the gene manipulation to hold?"

"Smustling powers the world, Tosh."
"Eddie says smustle
So here I am.
I smile.
But I cry on the inside.
I have an internet boyfriend.
We want to meet, but alas
He doesn't fit thru the network cables."
"Aaaaaah! Miss Toni, it's not very proper to parade around naked in front of the help!"

"Well, Remy, if you'd actually wait until I finished in here before you started mopping..."
At long last, Celeste and her internet boyfriend were able to meet. I guess he managed to shoot himself through the network cables. That, or he
walked over from his dorm. Anyway, it turned out to be none other than.... Other-Alan!

Doesn't it kinda squick you out that he's your older sister's ex?

"Our hearts beat as one
Overcoming the darkness of the world.
Plus he's smarter than Mary's Alan."
"Love of my life,
Please be my wife!"

Yes, Celeste had her first kiss after she got engaged because I'm a crappy Sims 2 player.
"Even though we're sisters in this Greek house, I still don't like you, Anne."

"I totally don't like you too, Meadow."

"Just so we understand each other."

This page and the previous were purely for the enjoyment of those of my readers who enjoy looking at well-sculpted male bodies.

We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's ... Alan flying to work!

Seriously, the Captain Hero thing is so cool. Although it'd be cooler of Alan was an Eco-guru. *drool*

Have I mentioned that I adore Enayla's skins? I use her Pixie skins as default replacements
"Me father and I would like to talk to ye, goddess."
                                                                        "Daddy says he guesses that Ivy wanting to be a dictator is kind of
Oh? What's up?                                                          piratical, but that you'd better swing back to the pirate theme with the
                                                                        next generation or he's going to start haunting."
"Daddy says that Jack should have been heir because he's the most
piratical o' me children."                                              Ghosts aren't nearly as creepy as that bear, Mary.

Well, I agree with you Mary, but I let the boolpropians vote and they   "Arr!"
chose Ivy.
"Roux-kitty, you shall be my first subject."

-Yes, mistress. I have been so lonely since Elise died.-

"I know you miss grandma and I do too, Roux, so we must depend on each other now. Mom's too busy writing her novel and daddy's trying to
break up Jack's criminal enterprise. We can only rely on each other."
Hordes of Legacy children, last generation's spares, and a Simself or two... it can only mean a birthday! It's actually a double party this time.
First up: Mary

"Arr! Now it's like this then, mate. Why does me sister still look young and gorgeous while I'm about to crustify? Where's the logic there, mate?"
And the consensus is: not too bad! You'll need a makeover and some new clothes, though.

"Arr... this suit ain't me, goddess."

Exactly. And while I kind of like the dark hair, it clashes with the white eyebrows. But first, you can enjoy the party.
"Eddie, I hope I look as good as mom when I'm old."

"Ivy, you're going to be a dictator. Even if you don't look good, everyone will tell you that you do. See, that's why I want to be a tiger. I'll be all
prowly and furry and stuff, and nobody will be able to tell the difference when I crustify."

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt, Eddie?"

"... I was in the middle of a toga party."
Next up: Alan

"I hope my super suit still fits properly!"
Ooh... not bad, Alan. Not bad at all!

"The purple makes my eyes itch, goddess. And Shannon keeps laughing."

Fine, fine. You can have a makeover. At least your face looks okay, though!
"So I should be heading to the university pretty soon, sis. What's college like? Are there lots of minions to bend to my whims?"

"Like, totally! Ivy, you're going to like love it. The professors are soooo easy to manipulate. All you have to do is wink and show a little skin."

"Jack, it's good to see you back from school me boy. I could use your
expertise."                                                             "Well dad, there is a guy who runs around in a cow suit all day. I
                                                                        think he's pretty suspicious. Him and the llama."
"Anything, dad."
                                                                        "Thanks, son. I knew I could count on your help. Maybe now I can
"Well, you know I've been fighting a devious criminal enterprise here   get to the bottom of this."
on the island since just after you were born and without much luck at
that. Recently I felt like I was finally closing in when my sources     *mutter* "Goddess, my dad's an idiot."
informed me the entire operation picked up and moved to France.
You're living there now. Have you seen anything suspicious?"            But he's a cute idiot, Jack.
"Hey Celeste."

I greet you."

"Sometimes I don't make it to the potty."

"My ears bleed
Because my oldest sister
Married a moron.
In fact
Both sisters
Married idiots."
And here's the made-over Mary, back wearing her pirate hat.

"I likes how it looks with me Marilyn Monroe hair, goddess, savvy?"

"Hahaha! I look like a grandfather!"

Oh hush. It's very cute, Alan. Your grandkids will love it.

"I have grandkids?"

Well, not yet... but soon, I'd imagine!
*mutter* "Goddess, put 'hiring a chef' on my to-do list, okay?"
"Greetings, subject. My mother tells me that you helped out grandfather immensely in his quest for a bride. I need a boy I can easily manipulate
into doing my homework. Here's three rubies and an emerald."

"My, Miss Ivy, you are much more generous zhan your grandfather vas."
"Oooh, a geeky goth-boy! I bet he doesn't have any friends. He should be easy to manipulate."

"My name is Cory."

"That's nice, Cory. I'm glad you have a name. I don't really need to know it, though. I just want to flirt with you until you're willing to do anything I
"Fine, but I'm saving my purity until I'm married. Hands off the goods, Ivy."

"Cory, I have deemed you worthy of being my first kiss."

"Boy howdy!"

"Please leave me lots of presents and never actually call again. I'll call you if I need your services."

"Whatever you say, Ivy! Wait til I tell the kids at school!"
"Shannon, I think we're a great team. What do you think?"

"I think so too, Alan."

"Now that the mafia has moved off the island and is being handled by the French police, our job is pretty easy."

"Yep. It's kinda weird that the crime all left when your kids did."

"Very weird, Shannon. I hope my children aren't being stalked by the criminals, Shannon."

"Me too, Alan. Me too."
"Anyway, Ivy, I was wondering if you found anything in that book relating to chronic incontinence?"

"Sorry, Uncle Shannon. Umm... can you stop talking to me? I have to study."

"Sure think, kid."

"The title is 'Queen', or 'Highness', Uncle Shannon."

"Right-o, kid."
Ivy continued with her conquest of the island's males. After all, she had plenty of homework for the poor lovestruck boys to do for her.
"Hi Mary."

"Hi yerself Shannon. ... D'ye think you could stop staring at me, mate? It's kind o' creepy."
"I mean it, Shannon."
And here we see Mary being boosted to perma-plat as she invites everyone over for her Golden Anniversary party.

"I've been waiting a long time for this, mate."

The evening started off innocuously enough.
And then I saw it.

Commodore Bear.

Jack had left Commodore Bear's fuzzy form, presumably to wreak havoc at the party. But why?
"You moved! And you put my bed upstairs! And I can't get to it! And I don't recognize it anyway! Me children are going to pay for this, mate!"

Thus begins what I like to call, "The Haunting of the Anniversary Party."
Victim #1: Alan

"Why are ye screaming, love? I just asked if ye wanted some turkey, aye?"
Mary then demonstrated that she was, in fact, possessed. She did this by rotating her head 360 degrees.

Alan screamed again.

"What be the matter, love?"
Victim #2: Ivy

"Aaaaah! I'm sorry, grandfather! My queendom will be a pirate queendom! I promise! Erm... 'arr'?"
Victim #3: Mary

"Oy! Daddy! We had a meeting with the goddess about this, aye? She's trying to get more piratical already!"

Victim #4: Professor Butters

"Aaugh! I'm sorry! I'll have the salad instead!"

Victim #5: Mary (again)

"Look, daddy, the party's over, see?"
"Daddy, this party was awesome even though grandpa scared the pee out of everyone. Our whole family was there! The goddess just isn't showing
pictures of them because pictures of people getting spooked are much funnier."

"Was it something I said, Ivy?"

"That's it, I'm out of here! Skeevy professors and crazy mascots, here I come!"

Ivy moved to college with all of the seven skill-based scholarships plus the one for good grades. You can do the math to figure out how much she
"Arr! We've finally gotten rid o' all the children, love!"

"It'll be just like being newlyweds all over again, Mary."


"Just remember not to go downstairs when me dad is on the prowl, aye?"


"Gage, that bottle is as big as Elphaba."

"At least I'm paying attention to our child, Marina. Chicks dig a gal who likes children."

You're impossible.

"Impossibly handsome, that's what you meant, right goddess?"
"Anyway, Toast, I suggest you watch out for Gage. Don't EVER invite him over unless there are other people present."


"What are you staring at, Toast?"

"Ben just walked right through you. *hic* I could be wrong, though. By the way, you're out of rum."
Professor Butters writes the Squeaky Clean Legacy, in which she is following the no-woohoo-before-marriage handicap, just like Meadow (much
to Jack's dismay). Perhaps this is why Gage is scowling at her.
Candi, meanwhile, spent the entire house party upstairs cuddling little Elphaba.

"Not to worry, Elphie. You'll probably be cute. Gage makes pretty girls with Simselves."
And it's time to find out! It's Elphaba's birthday!
The party was so rockin', Alan sent officer Dorian down to investigate.

*Hic* "Nothin' to see here, Ossifer Dorian."

"Toast, I'm going to have to take you in."
The party broke up pretty quickly after that, so nobody was around to see the result of Elphaba's toddlerification except Marina. Aside from the
glitched hair (pets patch, anyone?), what's the verdict?
"I can't look, Sarah."
                                                                          To my husband, Chris, thank you for reading this chapter and
And I guess nobody else can either, because that's the end of this        catching all my little grammar/spelling mistakes. Oh, and for
chapter! You'll have to wait until chapter nine to find out, folks!       injecting a bit of extra humor. Sorry for cutting all of your scenes.
===                                                                       To all who read, thank you and please comment/note. It means a lot
                                                                          to me.
Now for the credits:
                                                                          And finally, to Marina, aka smoothiequeen87 - thanks for being a
CC - None of it was made by me. I mostly download from MTS2,
                                                                          good sport! Hopefully you won't torture me too badly in your
XM Sims, Parsimonious, and Lliella sims.
                                                                          Fitzhugh Legacy...
Simselves - I highly recommend all of their Legacies. Seriously, any
Legacy writer I've featured in this chapter and others has a story I've   Until next time, Happy Simming!
read and recommend.

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A Piratical Legacy Chapter 8 - Ghosts & Gage-Spawn

  • 1. Chapter 8 – Ghosts & Gage-Spawn Hello faithful readers and welcome to another chapter of A Piratical Legacy, which follows the trials and tribulations of the Buccaneer family. I have too many pictures to do a proper recap so I suggest reading chapters 1 thru 7, which are also posted on my Sim Page! Also, feel free to download and abuse my Simself - just let me know if you do because I enjoy reading about the escapades I get into when controlled by someone else or on free will. Anyway, when we'd last left the Buccaneers...
  • 2. Eddie Buccaneer had just moved away to college. He spent about 2 seconds in dorm, just long enough for a makeover in other words. His Aunt Celeste, goth poet extraordinaire, pledged him in and he set about pledging in Tosha Ajjaldsjoiwfej, his girlfriend, and Antoinette (Toni) Buccaneer, his cousin. "The souls of our ancestors Rejoice because Another of our blood Reigns here." "Uhh.... Auntie Celeste, we only have one dead ancestor. And he's definitely not buried here." "My father rejoices From his grave on the island."
  • 3. A few sim-hours after Tosh moved in, Eddie popped the big question. "Tosh, will you promise to marry me and help me with my genetic manipulation experiments?" "Oh Eddie, of course! Maybe we can realize our dream of breeding true human-tiger hybrids!" "Cool! By the way, I have this new technique I want to try... my prof said it might let us graft on tails and ears..."
  • 4. "Are you sure woohoo is part of the grafting procedure, Eddie?"
  • 5. A few days later and Toni finally agreed to move in. "But Eddie, can I buy a bubble blower?" "Didn't you hear? The campus has instituted a no-bubble policy." "Nuts. Well, at least I can jump on the couch..." "That's where we keep the rum."
  • 6. "TIGER POUNCE!" "Um, guys? I'm here you know." Shenene looks pretty disturbed... well, maybe not. She is still eating her pizza very calmly, after all. She's one of the placeholders for the dorm, and very shortly heareafter she moved out, as did the other placeholder. I may post about their hijinks in a supplementary chapter or the Spares chapter at some point.
  • 7. "Thome people have no thenthe of dignity." You're the one in a cow suit. "But you don't thee me making out on the couch in front of thtranagerth, do you?" Point. "Moo."
  • 8. What are you doing, Celeste? "My teachers have said The books must be read." What book is that? "Lots of short stories That bore me." I ... see.
  • 9. "And when I move in I can finally set up the Parisian side of my new frog-leg smuggling operation!" "Kid, have I ever told you that you're very, very weird?" "Watch the mouth, toots. I'd hate for anything bad to happen to youse just 'cos you were being disrespectful. Besides, you're the one with the catsuit, the ears, and the tail."
  • 10. And back on the Island, who should stroll past the Uglacy house but Marina, aka smoothiequeen87. "Little baby, I hope you look like me and not like your father." And just how much of a chance do you think the poor dear has, Marina? "Hey! It could happen! I've heard Gage throws pretty girls..." We'll see if you even have a girl...
  • 11. When Gage saw Marina he quickly walked over and got all affectionate. "Hiya little spawn! You're going to grow up to be just like your daddy, aren't you?" "Good grief I hope not!"
  • 12. Ephemeral Toast called Gage on the phone so Don the Grilled-Cheese (and Chilli) loving zombie wandered outside to keep Marina company. "Aren't you excited about getting a step-grandbaby, Don?"
  • 13. "I don't want to hear another word about possible Gage-spawn! I had to change all the diapers of the last one!"
  • 14. As usual, Marina was busy hosting parties at her place. Here we see Candi (creator of the Uglacies, including Gage and Don), PikaKyle (Say Goodbye Sims!), and Ben (aka Blite, Ten Caesars Legacy) hanging out with my Simself. "So what possessed Marina to even make out with Gage in the first place, Sarah?" Well, Kyle, you should have seen her want panel. I pretty much had no choice.
  • 15. Candi got out of the hot tub and cornered Gage. "Congratulations, Gage! I hear you're going to make me an auntie!" "Now don't be talking crazy like that, Candi. And the fact that you can put your arms through the wall is kinda creeping me out, too."
  • 16. "Uh, the baby's coming! Can all you Simselves get off your collective butts and help out?!? NOW!!!" Don't worry, Marina. You know how it works. Spin and it's over!
  • 17. And it's a girl! Elphaba Uglacy, welcome to the world. You're lucky I didn't use SimPE to make you green like your namesake. It's way too early to see who Elphaba most looks like, Gage or Marina. Hopefully (for her sake) she takes after her mother!
  • 18. And Gage actually shows some paternal instinct! "No, I'm just rescuing the poor baby from the Pepto-Bismol spill in this room." Fine. Criticise my decorating skills.
  • 19. Back at the Legacy household, we can see Anne and Jack are doing what their aspirations direct them to do. Anne, who is a Romance Sim, is arranging for another blind date from the matchmaker, while Jack is attempting to befriend the Leader of the Pack.
  • 20. A few hours later, Anne and Meadow (Jack's girlfriend) decided to start up their rivalry again while in the midst of a double date. Anne "So? I'm just happy that you didn't win." was dating sweater-dude and Meadow, of course, was dating Jack. "I got more votes than Jack did, tramp." "Well, my plan obviously succeeded better than yours, Anne. You certainly didn't win the heir poll!" "Ooohh!" "Neither did Jack, tramp! So you won't be taking over THIS Legacy So who did win? any time soon!"
  • 21. Why, none other than Ivy! And now it's time for her to twirl with the sparklies into teen-hood and find out what her aspiration is and if the voters at were right in thinking she was the most interesting of the Buccaneer kids. "I wish for my very own personal maid!"
  • 22. "Wow, I'm hot!" "Oh, I am so halfway there already, goddess. And I can see my way to the top... I think I can woohoo my way on up." That she is. I think that Ivy is the prettiest female A Piratical Legacy has produced yet. They've been getting sequentially better-looking. Oh my... let me guess. Romance? Unfortunately, what she doesn't have is any of Jack Sr.'s genetics. "Why whatever gave you that impression?" *giggle* Anyway... do you still want to be the Galactic Overlord Queen of the Cosmos, Ivy? Yes, Ivy rolled romance, with a completely doable LTW of Professional Party Guest. It even kinda fits her whole life goal thing.
  • 23. Now that all of their children were more than capable of taking care o themselves, Alan and Mary decided it was the perfect time for a second honeymoon period. They spent most of their free time making out in various corners of the house, much to everyone else's disgust. "Is it too much To ask That you get a room? My eyes burn."
  • 24. "I so hope they grow out of that by the time I get back from college."
  • 25. This is a recreation of Anne's first kiss with sweater-guy because I forgot to take a picture.
  • 26. "So, is it like safe to go into the living room yet, Ivy?"
  • 27. "No." "Eww... that is totally gross. Old people aren't allowed to make out on the couch. Especially not our parents!" Awww... I think it's kinda cute.
  • 28. Roux-kitty elderified with little fanfare. The only one she's friends with is Elise, who is so old she's practically a mummy. Yes, Elise is still alive. You just haven't seen any pictures of her because she's boring.
  • 29. "Ivy, what's the answer to question seven? Tell me before I have to come over there and break yer kneecaps." "Brother dearest, you know it's unwise to threaten your dictator. Besides, I'm three years younger than you. I'm not exactly in the same grade." "You have a point there, toots. But who am I supposed to ask, Anne? She's in remedial home ec!" "I feel for you, Jack, I really do. Maybe if you actually paid attention in class instead of oh, I dunno, selling counterfeit erasers, you might actually learn something?" "I am learning about supply and demand, toots."
  • 30. Whatcha doin', Alan? "I got a promotion today, goddess. And now I have super powers!" Oh? Do tell. "Well, I can fly and I have super strength! Oh, and I'm perma-plat." Congratulations! "Yeah, it's really cool. Except I'm a little worried about the long-term health effects of the radioactive ooze I had to bathe myself in. I think I swallowed a little. But it's all worth it! Maybe now I'll be able to bust that counterfeit eraser ring that's had me so stumped!"
  • 31. "I 'ave zee funny feeling een my toes." Elise, you're 81. What do you think that means? "I get to see my Jacques again!"
  • 32. "BEFORE YOU GO, TRY THE PINA COLADA." "I would rather share eet wit' my Jacques." "IT IS A NEW RECIPE. I INSIST." "Oh, well een zat case.... mmm... eet ees quite good. Jacques will like eet too!" "THANK YOU. I HAVE ADDED MORE COCONUT FLAVORING." "Now, can we get going? I have not seen my Jacques for a very long time!" "RIGHT THIS WAY, MADAME."
  • 33. I hope you and Jacqu- ... erm, Jack, spend a happy eternity together, Elise. Please try to haunt nicely. I'll miss writing out your accent.
  • 34. Mary was the most devastated of all the family over Elise's death, although all the females were pretty upset. Jack kinda sighed a few times and Alan didn't really pay attention. He and Elise only ever got to about a 10 on their relationship panel.
  • 35. "All this sadness and crying is totally depressing, bro. What say we head to college now?" "Fine with me, toots."
  • 36. That's a sexy man-purse you have there, Jack. "Not as sexy as the rest of me, goddess." Fine, you can keep the tight shirt.
  • 37. "I'm totally co-captain of the cheerleading squad! Doesn't that totally rock?!?"
  • 38. "I'm the other co-captain, Anne. Remember?" "Yeah. How could I forget, tramp? And you totally copied my style!" "Um, you're the one who copied me, Anne." "Whatever."
  • 39. "And another thing, I get veto power over all applicants at the tryout next week." "Of course you do, Anne. I do too." "Only because you're the co-captain, harlot." "Who's the romance sim again, Anne?" "Grrr.... hiss..." "Hairball?"
  • 40. "Meadow, babe, the way you put my sister in her place is priceless." Anne, too, although I like Anne too. But Meadow has 6 nice points... Anne only has three. "And you're making good profit on our 'Sims Gone Wild' line of videos?" Just FYI even though Meadow won't 'officially' be joining the legacy... "Oh yeah... we're gonna be rolling in the dough when we graduate, babe." Personality: 4/4/4/7/6 Aspiration: Family Can you tell that I <3 Meadow? She's so awesome. Much nicer than LTW: Marry off 6 Children
  • 41. "Vamsi, it's totally awesome that you want to try out for the cheerleading squad. But, um, you're like wearing the highschool colors..." "Oh, sorry Anne. I'd change but these are the only clothes I have. So can I still try out?" "I guess. Tryouts are next week."
  • 42. "My man purse and I are the sexiest thing to get our groove on ever!"
  • 43. "So Anne, this is my cheer routine that I'm going to use at tryouts next week! What do you think?"
  • 44. "Honestly, Vamsi, that stinks. You can do better."
  • 45. "Like this. See how I'm shaking my booty?" "Is the whole constipated expression part of the routine, Anne?" "Two words, Meadow. Shut. Up."
  • 46. "Professor, have I ever told you how well the bright whiteness of your shirt matches the shiny baldness of your head?" "Why, thank you Miss Buccaneer!" "Do I get an A+ now?" "*Ahem* I think that can be arranged, Miss Buccaneer."
  • 47. Meadow, meanwhile, has decided that for her mandatory community service as required by the cheerleading squad she should make over Marla Biggs, the Maxis-created placeholder for the dorm. "See, the reason you don't have any friends is because your clothes are boring and your hair is dorky, Marla." "Really, Meadow? But my clothes are made with 100% post-consumer fibers!" "Just let me make you over, Marla. You'll be making friends left and right when I'm done with you." "Nice to know the sim world is so shallow..."
  • 48. "Just pick any outfit you like. All those clothes are the ones I stole from Anne's room anyway." "Won't she notice they're missing?" "Nah, all she wears is her cheerleading uniform."
  • 49. "The outfit looks great, Marla, but now we need to do something about your hair... and those glasses." "I need my glasses to see, Meadow." "Well yeah, but we can at least find a less dorky version." "I guess..."
  • 50. "I have to say that I'm impressed, Marla. You're gorgeous!" "Thanks Meadow, but do you really think appearance means all that much in the Sim world? I mean, look at Marina and Gage..." "You do have a point."
  • 51. "Hoping your little 'project' will get good enough to try out for the cheerleading squad, Meadow?" "Marla has no interest in joining the squad, Anne." "Good thing, Meadow, 'cause she's hopeless. You know that, right?" "You're a jerk, Anne."
  • 52. "I may be a jerk, but I'm also hot and getting straight A+'s. Really, what have you accomplished, Meadow?" "Hmm... should I pass on that little gem of wisdom to all your professors, Anne? I'm sure they'd be interested to know that the "I'm going to marry your brother." reason you haven't proposed is 'cause you don't really love them..." "I don't see a ring on your finger." "Oh, mind your own business. Harlot." "So?" "Tramp." "So obviously he doesn't really love you if he hasn't proposed yet." Ladies, ladies... play nice.
  • 53. "Aaaaah! My imported cheap knockoff ramen noodles are on fire!" Good thing for you and your man-purse that there's a sprinkler overhead then, Jack. "Damn straight."
  • 54. "Professor, have I ever told you how well your starched white shirt matches your hair and your eyes?" *swoon* "Why Miss Buccaneer, are you flirting with me?" "Do you want me to, Professor?" "A+!"
  • 55. "Don't see why I have to do Toni's homework while Meadow and Anne eat macaroni. I could be eating macaroni right now." *grumble* "Slave-boy, your sister and your girlfriend had to make the macaroni for us first... and after we're done they get to do the dishes, mop out the bathroom, and trim the hedges. Unless you'd like to do it for them?" *grumble* "Oh, and we're all related here. There's no reason to parade around without your shirt."
  • 56. "A sense of impending doom Pervades the room. Eddie said To turn my head Because the forces of darkness were Opening a portal Into the living room And bringing doom But I see nothing."
  • 57. "My mascara runs At Eddie's idea of fun."
  • 58. *snicker**snort**giggle* Are you two quite done yet? At least try to act your age?
  • 59. "Gee, Toni, you sure remind me of grandpa!" "Why's that, Eddie? Remember that despite the fact I lived across the street from you, I never met you or anyone in your house until I came to college." "Well, Grandpa always used to bounce on the couch when he forget we kept the rum in the cushions too!" "... crap."
  • 60. "Smustling makes my teeth feel like burning." "Not to worry, Tosh. That's just the next stage of the DNA mutation process." "And you're sure we have to smustle for the gene manipulation to hold?" "Smustling powers the world, Tosh."
  • 61. "Eddie says smustle So here I am. I smile. But I cry on the inside. I have an internet boyfriend. We want to meet, but alas He doesn't fit thru the network cables."
  • 62. "Aaaaaah! Miss Toni, it's not very proper to parade around naked in front of the help!" "Well, Remy, if you'd actually wait until I finished in here before you started mopping..."
  • 63. At long last, Celeste and her internet boyfriend were able to meet. I guess he managed to shoot himself through the network cables. That, or he walked over from his dorm. Anyway, it turned out to be none other than.... Other-Alan! Doesn't it kinda squick you out that he's your older sister's ex? "Our hearts beat as one Overcoming the darkness of the world. Plus he's smarter than Mary's Alan."
  • 64. "Love of my life, Please be my wife!"
  • 65. Awww.... Yes, Celeste had her first kiss after she got engaged because I'm a crappy Sims 2 player.
  • 66. "Even though we're sisters in this Greek house, I still don't like you, Anne." "I totally don't like you too, Meadow." "Just so we understand each other."
  • 68. *drool* This page and the previous were purely for the enjoyment of those of my readers who enjoy looking at well-sculpted male bodies. We now return to our regularly scheduled programming.
  • 69. It's a bird! It's a plane! It's ... Alan flying to work! Seriously, the Captain Hero thing is so cool. Although it'd be cooler of Alan was an Eco-guru. *drool* Have I mentioned that I adore Enayla's skins? I use her Pixie skins as default replacements
  • 70. "Me father and I would like to talk to ye, goddess." "Daddy says he guesses that Ivy wanting to be a dictator is kind of Oh? What's up? piratical, but that you'd better swing back to the pirate theme with the next generation or he's going to start haunting." "Daddy says that Jack should have been heir because he's the most piratical o' me children." Ghosts aren't nearly as creepy as that bear, Mary. Well, I agree with you Mary, but I let the boolpropians vote and they "Arr!" chose Ivy.
  • 71. "Roux-kitty, you shall be my first subject." -Yes, mistress. I have been so lonely since Elise died.- "I know you miss grandma and I do too, Roux, so we must depend on each other now. Mom's too busy writing her novel and daddy's trying to break up Jack's criminal enterprise. We can only rely on each other."
  • 72. Hordes of Legacy children, last generation's spares, and a Simself or two... it can only mean a birthday! It's actually a double party this time.
  • 73. First up: Mary "Arr! Now it's like this then, mate. Why does me sister still look young and gorgeous while I'm about to crustify? Where's the logic there, mate?"
  • 74. And the consensus is: not too bad! You'll need a makeover and some new clothes, though. "Arr... this suit ain't me, goddess." Exactly. And while I kind of like the dark hair, it clashes with the white eyebrows. But first, you can enjoy the party.
  • 75. "Eddie, I hope I look as good as mom when I'm old." "Ivy, you're going to be a dictator. Even if you don't look good, everyone will tell you that you do. See, that's why I want to be a tiger. I'll be all prowly and furry and stuff, and nobody will be able to tell the difference when I crustify." "Why aren't you wearing a shirt, Eddie?" "... I was in the middle of a toga party."
  • 76. Next up: Alan "I hope my super suit still fits properly!"
  • 77. Ooh... not bad, Alan. Not bad at all! "The purple makes my eyes itch, goddess. And Shannon keeps laughing." Fine, fine. You can have a makeover. At least your face looks okay, though!
  • 78. "So I should be heading to the university pretty soon, sis. What's college like? Are there lots of minions to bend to my whims?" "Like, totally! Ivy, you're going to like love it. The professors are soooo easy to manipulate. All you have to do is wink and show a little skin." "Sweet."
  • 79. "Jack, it's good to see you back from school me boy. I could use your expertise." "Well dad, there is a guy who runs around in a cow suit all day. I think he's pretty suspicious. Him and the llama." "Anything, dad." "Thanks, son. I knew I could count on your help. Maybe now I can "Well, you know I've been fighting a devious criminal enterprise here get to the bottom of this." on the island since just after you were born and without much luck at that. Recently I felt like I was finally closing in when my sources *mutter* "Goddess, my dad's an idiot." informed me the entire operation picked up and moved to France. You're living there now. Have you seen anything suspicious?" But he's a cute idiot, Jack.
  • 80. "Hey Celeste." "Brother-in-law, I greet you." "Sometimes I don't make it to the potty." "My ears bleed Because my oldest sister Married a moron. In fact Both sisters Married idiots."
  • 81. And here's the made-over Mary, back wearing her pirate hat. "I likes how it looks with me Marilyn Monroe hair, goddess, savvy?" Savvy.
  • 82. "Hahaha! I look like a grandfather!" Oh hush. It's very cute, Alan. Your grandkids will love it. "I have grandkids?" Well, not yet... but soon, I'd imagine!
  • 83. *mutter* "Goddess, put 'hiring a chef' on my to-do list, okay?"
  • 84. "Greetings, subject. My mother tells me that you helped out grandfather immensely in his quest for a bride. I need a boy I can easily manipulate into doing my homework. Here's three rubies and an emerald." "My, Miss Ivy, you are much more generous zhan your grandfather vas."
  • 85. "Oooh, a geeky goth-boy! I bet he doesn't have any friends. He should be easy to manipulate." "My name is Cory." "That's nice, Cory. I'm glad you have a name. I don't really need to know it, though. I just want to flirt with you until you're willing to do anything I ask."
  • 86. "Fine, but I'm saving my purity until I'm married. Hands off the goods, Ivy." "Humph."
  • 87. "Cory, I have deemed you worthy of being my first kiss." "Boy howdy!" "Please leave me lots of presents and never actually call again. I'll call you if I need your services." "Whatever you say, Ivy! Wait til I tell the kids at school!"
  • 88. "Shannon, I think we're a great team. What do you think?" "I think so too, Alan." "Now that the mafia has moved off the island and is being handled by the French police, our job is pretty easy." "Yep. It's kinda weird that the crime all left when your kids did." "Very weird, Shannon. I hope my children aren't being stalked by the criminals, Shannon." "Me too, Alan. Me too."
  • 89. "Anyway, Ivy, I was wondering if you found anything in that book relating to chronic incontinence?" "Sorry, Uncle Shannon. Umm... can you stop talking to me? I have to study." "Sure think, kid." "The title is 'Queen', or 'Highness', Uncle Shannon." "Right-o, kid."
  • 90. Ivy continued with her conquest of the island's males. After all, she had plenty of homework for the poor lovestruck boys to do for her.
  • 91. "Hi Mary." "Hi yerself Shannon. ... D'ye think you could stop staring at me, mate? It's kind o' creepy."
  • 92. "I mean it, Shannon."
  • 93. And here we see Mary being boosted to perma-plat as she invites everyone over for her Golden Anniversary party. "I've been waiting a long time for this, mate." The evening started off innocuously enough.
  • 94. And then I saw it. Commodore Bear. Jack had left Commodore Bear's fuzzy form, presumably to wreak havoc at the party. But why?
  • 95. "You moved! And you put my bed upstairs! And I can't get to it! And I don't recognize it anyway! Me children are going to pay for this, mate!" Thus begins what I like to call, "The Haunting of the Anniversary Party."
  • 96. Victim #1: Alan "Why are ye screaming, love? I just asked if ye wanted some turkey, aye?"
  • 97. Mary then demonstrated that she was, in fact, possessed. She did this by rotating her head 360 degrees. Alan screamed again. "What be the matter, love?"
  • 98. Victim #2: Ivy "Aaaaah! I'm sorry, grandfather! My queendom will be a pirate queendom! I promise! Erm... 'arr'?"
  • 99. Victim #3: Mary "Oy! Daddy! We had a meeting with the goddess about this, aye? She's trying to get more piratical already!" "OOGA BOOGA, LOVE!"
  • 100. Victim #4: Professor Butters "Aaugh! I'm sorry! I'll have the salad instead!" Twice.
  • 101. Victim #5: Mary (again) "Look, daddy, the party's over, see?"
  • 102. "Daddy, this party was awesome even though grandpa scared the pee out of everyone. Our whole family was there! The goddess just isn't showing pictures of them because pictures of people getting spooked are much funnier."
  • 103. "OOGA BOOGA!" "Was it something I said, Ivy?" "G-g-g-grandpa!"
  • 104. "That's it, I'm out of here! Skeevy professors and crazy mascots, here I come!" Ivy moved to college with all of the seven skill-based scholarships plus the one for good grades. You can do the math to figure out how much she got.
  • 105. "Arr! We've finally gotten rid o' all the children, love!" "It'll be just like being newlyweds all over again, Mary." Awww... "Just remember not to go downstairs when me dad is on the prowl, aye?" "Aye."
  • 106. Meanwhile... "Gage, that bottle is as big as Elphaba." "At least I'm paying attention to our child, Marina. Chicks dig a gal who likes children." You're impossible. "Impossibly handsome, that's what you meant, right goddess?"
  • 107. "Anyway, Toast, I suggest you watch out for Gage. Don't EVER invite him over unless there are other people present." *hic* "What are you staring at, Toast?" "Ben just walked right through you. *hic* I could be wrong, though. By the way, you're out of rum."
  • 108. Professor Butters writes the Squeaky Clean Legacy, in which she is following the no-woohoo-before-marriage handicap, just like Meadow (much to Jack's dismay). Perhaps this is why Gage is scowling at her.
  • 109. Candi, meanwhile, spent the entire house party upstairs cuddling little Elphaba. "Not to worry, Elphie. You'll probably be cute. Gage makes pretty girls with Simselves."
  • 110. And it's time to find out! It's Elphaba's birthday!
  • 111. The party was so rockin', Alan sent officer Dorian down to investigate. *Hic* "Nothin' to see here, Ossifer Dorian." "Toast, I'm going to have to take you in."
  • 112. The party broke up pretty quickly after that, so nobody was around to see the result of Elphaba's toddlerification except Marina. Aside from the glitched hair (pets patch, anyone?), what's the verdict?
  • 113. "I can't look, Sarah." To my husband, Chris, thank you for reading this chapter and And I guess nobody else can either, because that's the end of this catching all my little grammar/spelling mistakes. Oh, and for chapter! You'll have to wait until chapter nine to find out, folks! injecting a bit of extra humor. Sorry for cutting all of your scenes. === To all who read, thank you and please comment/note. It means a lot to me. Now for the credits: And finally, to Marina, aka smoothiequeen87 - thanks for being a CC - None of it was made by me. I mostly download from MTS2, good sport! Hopefully you won't torture me too badly in your XM Sims, Parsimonious, and Lliella sims. Fitzhugh Legacy... Simselves - I highly recommend all of their Legacies. Seriously, any Legacy writer I've featured in this chapter and others has a story I've Until next time, Happy Simming! read and recommend.