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She’d Rather Be Eating
Your Soul
Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC
Chapter Twelve
Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC! There’s now nine sims in the house! NINE!
Last time, Owen and Phillip became adults and moved out. Wynn had TRIPLETS by Zane Devereaux, the traitor. Quinn
and Phillip spent most of their slides together fighting in a dust cloud, and we marathonned the triplet triple threat
toddler training (using as much alliteration as possible) within a day and a half of their toddlerification. I feel pretty
accomplished, actually.
(holding Uriel)
(holding Ubert)
(holding Undine)
Wynn & Landon
So, Sofia… oh sorry, did I catch you two mid-smustle?
Sofia: “Slap dance, actually. Did you need something?”
I owe you an apology.
Sofia: “Oh?”
Yeah… turns out I did my math wrong. It’s Ruth who needs to grow up and move out before I can bring Baby V in, not
you. Sorry. There was no need to yell at you to hurry up and move out.
You, though, can hit the road.
Ruth: “Gimme nine days, and then I can blow out my candles and I’ll be plenty free of this place. Don’t you worry.”
Nine days… sigh. Still, better than Sofia’s twelve. Marginally.
Quinn, though, is ready to go right now. Well, Q, I can honestly say that I’m going to miss you. Really. I’ve liked
playing you a lot.
Quinn: “Miss me enough to buy me a house instead of sending me to Townieland?”
Naw, I don’t bother with that anymore. I will send you out for new clothes, though.
Quinn: “Deal.”
Thanks for all your help with the toddlers, by the way.
Quinn: “Don’t mention it. At least I stuck around and helped, unlike some brothers I could name.”
Oh, now don’t start that again.
Well, I liked her teenage outfit a lot better on her, but this will do. Goodbye, Quinn. It’s been a blast.
Quinn: “You know, I think I’m actually gonna miss this place. Townieland is going to be awfully quiet after this…”
Say hello to Phillip for me, wouldja?
Quinn: “…oh yeah. He’s there.” *cracks knuckles*
So now we’re down to eight sims in the household. Not bad, considering we were at ten not four sim days ago.
Okay kids, group shot! Smile for the camera! Say “cheese”!
Uriel: *gnaws block*
Undine: *frowns at Ubert*
Well, at least Ubert looks like he’s having fun.
This has all come down in one night. I’m betting snow day tomorrow, what do you think?
Therese: “Woo, snow day! Yay!!”
Yep. Called it.
Dangit. That’s one extra day that all the kids are home.
Okay, line ‘er up! We’ve got some birthdays around here!
Therese: “What, no cake?”
Nope. There’s three downstairs for the triplets, though.
Therese: “I call unfair.”
Tough. Life isn’t fair.
Heh, of course the daughter of the grim reaper would grow up in that.
Therese: “Of course. We have an archetype to keep up, after all.”
Nice Fortune roll by the way. What’s the matter, Landon? You look awfully stoic.
Landon: *affronted sniff* “My daughter needs some sleeves.”
What’s the matter? She didn’t have sleeves as a kid, either.
Landon: “Yeah, but this is… different.”
Alright, ready for the triplets to not be toddlers anymore? I sure am!
Bam! Children! I like the outfits well enough, but I think all three of them need new hairstyles, stat.
Undine down there seems to be a little off.
Undine: “Am not!”
Are too!
Undine: “Am not!”
Are too!
Wynn: “Yay, promotion.”
Don’t be too excited there, lady wet blanket.
Wynn: “Well, you can only have so many of these before they lose their novelty…”
Alright, and here’s the triplets with their new custom hairstyles! We’ve got Ubert, the only boy of the three, in the front.
Uriel is in the middle, with the straight hair and the red dress, and that’s Undine in the back, in pink with the curls. And
man, but they all look alike. I checked, and the two girls are actually identical in all but personality. Ubert isn’t. Oh,
Okay kids, thanks for the picture. As you were.
Uriel: “Wha… but, but…”
Ubert: “Noooooo…”
Undine: *sob*
*sigh* What brought this on?
Ah, I see. Wynn is daring to snuggle up with her husband. How could she.
Uriel: “That man is not our daddy~y~y!!” *SOB*
There goes Wynn’s relationship with the U kids. Frustrating.
Wynn: “There. Dinner’s ready.”
Dinner? It’s only three in the afternoon…
Wynn: “The headmaster’s coming tonight, and I’m going to be at work.”
And neither Landon nor any of the teenagers have any cooking points. I see.
Wynn: “Precisely. I love this dress, by the way.”
And that’s studying for the triplets all neatly out of the way. I am the master simmer.
Ruth: “Correction. We’re the master teenagers.”
Yeah, you could say that. You guys have been pretty marvelous big sisters.
Sofia: “We try.”
Landon: “Hellooooo, mister headmaster sir!!”
Headmaster: “What, is it that time of the year already?”
What time is that?
Headmaster: “Time for the Kinseys to bully us into admitting another couple of their children, of course. What is this, number
Numbers twenty-one, -two, and –three, actually. Triplets, you know.
Headmaster: “Joy.”
Headmaster: “Alright, fine, they’re in.”
Thank you much. You can go home until the next batch is ready, then.
Headmaster: “Ah… just how many more are there going to be?”
At least five. Maybe more, if Wynn curses me with more multiples.
Headmaster: “Five. Okay. We can get through this. Just five more rowdy, messy Kinsey children to go.”
That’s the spirit. Keep your chin up.
Ah, yes. The Dining Room Pajama Dance Party. The pinnacle of Kinsey family tradition. The stereo is in here (to wake
up a certain starving, exhausted pregnant sim when she’s falling asleep in her food), so everyone wakes up and
congregates in the morning. It’s pretty cute, actually.
Ruth: “So then they snuck into the enormous mansion with a plan. They sent one person to distract the evil vampires, while
the others went to rescue the damsel in distress, while the warlock stayed to teleport them all out… and to use his secret
Ubert: “Ooh! What was his secret weapon!?”
Oh Uuuuuubeeeeeert…. Daaaaaarling… I need a faaaaavooooooor….
Ubert: “Uh oh.”
Ruth: “Ubert. Run. Now. I’ll cover you.”
Study up on cooking for the next several hours so you can cook headmaster dinners when you’re older, okay? Okay
thanks, bye.
Ubert: “Au-thor… now I’ll never know what the warlock’s secret weapon was…”
I’ll send you a history book later. Cooking, now.
BOOM! World class ballet dancer!
Wynn: “Is that good?”
Of course it’s good! It means I get a fat ten points! Now go get another job. Let’s see if we can get you to the top of a
third career before this whole thing is over. I bet we can!
Wynn: “You get awfully excited over this imaginary ‘points’thing…”
Wynn: *stink face* “Why do I have to repair this heap of junk every single time I want to use it?”
One word. Children.
Wynn: “And they’re going to get their electronics privileges revoked at this rate…”
Hoo, look who’s sounding like a mother now!
Wynn: “Hm… I bet I could pull off science.”
From super spy to prima ballerina to mad scientist. Seems legit.
You know, Landon, it’s really cute that you do the “I’M HOME, FAMILY! COME GIVE ME A HUG!” animation every
day when you come home.
Not so cute that delivery lady follows you home every day. Annoyance… mounting…
Wynn: “Nice to meet you. Bye, now.”
Okay, Wynn. I have a plan.
Wynn: “Uh oh.”
Oh, don’t worry. You’ll like this plan.
First, I need you to arrange for one of the headmasters to meet you in town.
Wynn: “Ooooh, I see where this is going. We’re cutting down on the gap between Babies U and V by timing the next
baby to be born the same day Ruth leaves, aren’t we? In short, I’m getting pregnant now instead of waiting till later?”
Ah, you’re catching on. Nicely done.
Uriel: “Mother, you disgust me.”
Wynn: “So… Headmaster Young… you like kids, right?”
Headmaster Young: “Not that much.”
Wynn: “Oh, come on… please?”
Wynn: “Author…”
Wynn: “He left.”
Ah. That complicates things a bit.
Wynn: “Okay, Jeffrey—can I call you Jeffrey?—how about a date instead?”
Wynn: “Now I’ve got `im!”
Headmaster Young: *audible sigh*
Barcelona: “What a disgusting display! She has a son with my brother!”
Seriously, Barcelona. If you don’t like it, go away. You’ve watched them this entire date and fumed. Go home.
Wynn: “I know a great place that sells cereal at this time of night.”
Headmaster Young: “Excellent. Let’s go.”
Wynn: “Oh, yeah! Before we do…”
Headmaster Young: “I’m a virgo.”
Right. Honestly, Wynn, I’m impressed that you managed to hold a full-blown date on a public lot with only offending
Barcelona, and not one of your previous lovers.
Wynn: “Thanks? …um, can I get a shower now? I stink something fierce.”
Headmaster Young: “Finally… she notices…”
Well, it must be spring. Literally everyone in the house of romanceable age has some kind of romantic want in their
panel. Landon here has the spring bug particularly bad.
The exception to this? Ruth, of course.
Ruth: “I don’t have time for a boyfriend! I have to get as many scholarships for college as I can! Oh, yeah, and a
gameboy would be nice, too.”
The Knowledge Sim has entered the building.
Ubert: “I’m SIIIIINGING in the rain!! Just SIIIINGING in the rain!!”
Therese: “I want you to know this is under duress, Landon. I didn’t want to do this. He forced me.”
Ubert: “OH what a glorious FEEEEEELING!!”
Landon: “Looks like fun! If it were actually raining, it would be even better!”
Hey Landon, guess what? It’s raining.
Landon: “WAAAAAUGH!”
What impresses me is that you knew the instant the tree was struck by lightning when you were in the kitchen.
Ahem. I’m singing in the rain, just singing in the rain…
Well, it’s still raining, but now Wynn’s snagged another promotion.
Wynn: *stares at ground*
And, like always, she is extremely excited for the pay raise.
Wynn: *shrugs*
Uriel: “Mom! Look! I got an A+! See?”
Ubert: “Mom Mom Mom Mom MOM!! I got an A+! Lookit, lookit!!”
Wynn: *torn* “Uh…”
It’s like they’re playing monkey in the middle, except with report cards. Cute.
And of course Landon gets a promotion too, because what is a chapter without sidewalk pic spam? At least this one has
a random townie child smustling in the background.
Landon: “Author? She followed me home again.”
Delivery Lady: “Oh Laaaaandooooon…”
Don’t worry, Landon. Today we will resort to Desperate Measures.
Landon: “Ooh, what’s that!?”
Landon: “You might want to go home, random townie kid. The Author is going to do something Authorrific.”
Random Townie Kid: “Okay, sure, Mr. Kinsey! Can I come smustle on your lawn later?”
Landon: “Anytime you want, kidd-o.”
Random Townie Kid: “Suh-WEET!”
Delivery Lady: “Aw, Landon, you’re so good with kids. It’s just so cute! YOU’RE so cute!”
Landon: “Ooh, this is pretty! It has a logo and everything!”
Sorry, lady. It’s not that we’re running a double standard around here or anything, it’s just that Landon is very not
interested in you. Also you’re annoying.
Landon, hit the big button.
Landon: “The one that says ‘smite’?”
Landon: “Wow, where did that lightning come from? It’s not even raining anymore!”
Delivery Lady: “I think I’ll just… go. Right now.”
Yep. That’s what I thought. *quickly sells bat box*
Landon: “Okay! Byyye!”
And we never saw Delivery Lady again. Thank goodness.
Truthfully, I used the bat box to “nuke forced visitors,” and the smite was unnecessary. But oh, was it satisfying.
Undine: *gasp!* “NO!!”
Undine: “Oh okay, just a nightmare. I’m going back to sleep.” *falls back onto pillow* “This time, no spiders.” *yawn*
“…or roller skates…”
Sofia: “Hey Mom, you wanna slap dance after dinner?”
Wynn: “Huhwhaaaa?”
Therese: “Not now, Sofia. She’s busy being pregnant. Again.”
And so the stereo proves its worth yet again, allowing Wynn to finish her meal and not die of starvation. I love that
thing. *nod nod*
Speaking of pregnant, I was wondering when the bump was going to show up.
Uriel: “Someday I’m gonna be an astronaut so I can ride a rocket into space and find the alien planet and ask them why
they like to put green babies in guys on our planet!”
Therese: “First ask them why there’s a disembodied arm hanging in the air over there.”
You do not see the disembodied arm. This is not the disembodied arm you are looking for. Move along.
Sofia: “My arm is not disembodied!!”
Well hello there, roaches. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you. Now go away.
Curse you, Wynn! You popped again and I missed it! If I may ask, what’s the thinking cap for?
Wynn: “What do you think it’s for?”
Okay, then. What skill were you working on? Good-for-nothing, snarky sims.
Wynn: “Body. I only need one more point in it before I’ve mastered it, and I had the time. Maternity leave, you know.”
Because Wynn is Hardcore.
Wynn: “And don’t you forget it.”
A heartwarming family breakfast, with all of the children at the table to partake of the toaster pastry goodness before
they ship off to school. It brings a tear to the eye.
Meanwhile, Therese sits down at the end of the table and eats toaster pastries like she’d rather be eating your soul. Yep,
Kinsey family breakfast.
Ruth. Ruth? Ruth. Come on. It’s your birthday. Ruth. Get up.
Ruth: “Go…” *snort* “…away.”
Landon: “Yaaaay! Happy birthday, Ruth! Hooray!”
Ubert: “Yay! We won’t be breaking household limit laws when Baby V is born! Hooray!”
What Ubert said. Get out of here, Ruth.
Ruth: *yawn* “The baby’s not even due until, like, two in the morning…”
Still. Better safe than sorry. Shake it.
Ruth, I’m sorry honey, but you really shouldn’t wear white.
Ruth: “I think I look good in it…”
You look good in any color but white. Trust me. Let’s take you down to the clothing store.
Say Ruth, while you’re at it, why don’t you buy clothes for the triplets, too?
Ruth: “Aren’t the ones they’re wearing good enough?”
For children, yes. They might be a little tight on teenagers.
Well Ruth, it’s been nice to have you. I’ve never played a mannequin sim before.
Ruth: “Um… ‘played’?”
Now skedaddle. Off to Townieland with you!
Okay you three, let’s see the damage. Gee, I’m feeling positive today.
Sofia. Get out of the way.
Sofia: “My arm isn’t so disembodied now, now is it? I didn’t think so.”
Uriel: “Sofia. You’re blocking my view of the camera.”
Sofia: “Alright, I’ll just go block your view of Ubert, then.”
Ubert: “Hey!”
All the kids in the house right now are teenagers. … *sob*
Undine: “Aw, what’s the matter, Author?”
Nothing… such a huge gap between U and V, that’s all… *weep*
Alright, makeovers and aspirations. For this handsome lad, Popularity.
Ubert: “And a faux hawk. Rhys Fitzhugh, eat your heart out.”
I never liked the hairstyle he had as a kid on him. Teenage birthday seems like a good opportunity to change it.
Now, I still get Undine and Uriel mixed up, so just remember: Undine, curls, blue lips.
Undine: “About that…”
Aw, don’t you like it? I think it’s unique and stuff. It’s not just aliens who can pull off the blue lipstick! Plus I couldn’t
resist decking you out in blue and green, considering your namesake’s mythological connotations.
Undine: “I guess it is pretty original…”
See? Not so bad, is it?
And then Uriel has the straight hair (also a changed hairstyle) and the eye makeup. Also something I don’t use often, but
I always want to.
Uriel: “Why did I get a closeup?”
Because we wanted to see the makeup more than your outfit.
Uriel: “Well, okay. I guess I don’t mind.”
Cue baby! Perfect timing, Wynn! Ruth is gone, and I just finished the U triplets’ makeovers!
Wynn: “Ooh… no multiples this time… no multiples this time…”
I can get behind that. *crosses fingers*
Wynn: “Well good morning, Valene! It’s very nice to meet you! Especially since there’s only one of you!”
Phew. I’m kind of frustrated at the lack of boys around here, though. Used to be we were rolling in them. Now we’re
rolling in girls. Oh, well. Hooray, it’s Baby V! Now we’re really starting to feel like we’re coming to the end!
Therese: “Hello, scholarships please. Yes, Kinsey family. No, I wouldn’t hang up the phone just yet. There’s more
Ubert: “Hey, are there any scholarships for video gaming, by any chance?”
Uriel: “Hey, I need a scholarship, too. Don’t worry, there’s only one of us left for the night.”
Undine: “You do still have scholarship money left to give out, right?”
Four! That’s four new points for my score. I finally get to cash in on all that work the family did when the triplets were
toddlers, getting all their skills in order. Not bad. I will admit, having multiples is convenient for that.
Wynn. You’re not seriously trying to apply for scholarships.
Wynn: “Don’t be ridiculous. No, I’m hiring a man maid.”
Wynn: “Specifically. Sofia’s getting close to her birthday, you know.”
Time to work on Baby W!
Wynn: “Might as well go get promoted while I’m waiting for him to show up, though.”
Wynn is permaplat, has nearly maxed her skills, and has over twenty friends due to her hijinks. That “founder gets to
top of any career” bonus is getting so easy, it feels like cheating.
And now Wynn is back, and she’s been promoted again. No surprises at all.
Wynn: “Author? I know I’ve had a lot of kids by now, so maybe I just don’t remember, but I don’t think I’m related to
these teenagers on my lawn… am I?”
Don’t worry, you’re not. Your maid is inside, though, and I have to say, he’s a looker.
Wynn: “Really? Sweet! Where is he!?”
He’s in the hardest room to photograph, of course.
Maid Max Atwood: “Wow, a hundred dollars! Thank you so much!”
Wynn: “My pleasure, Max. Can I call you Max?”
Wynn: *jump* *choke* *cough* “What!?”
We just lost a point bonus by hiring a maid! *weep*
Wynn: “…oh darn. Points.”
That was five points we could have had! We only hired the maid so we could get the service NPC point! He only
worked for one day while Wynn schmoozed him! Nooooo… *cries*
Hey, Fiona! Long time no see! So you’re a lawyer now?
Fiona: “Oh, you know. Thought I’d put the skills I got from growing up here to use at work. You know, settling
people’s fights for them.”
By the way, nice promotion, Landon.
Landon: “Thanks! I love getting promoted! It’s awesome!”
Birthday time for Valene! Happy birthday, sweetheart!
Landon: “Awww, lookit you! So cute! I bet you’re going to look JUST like me!”
Landon: “Wow, another one with black hair! That’s amazing! I wonder where they’re getting that from? I would’ve
thought all of Wynn and my’s children would be blonde, but no! Genetics are so cool!”
*cough* Yeah. Genetics are really, totally unpredictable.
You know, I think this might be the first time I’ve ever actually used that highchair. I really just bought it because it
matched the room.
Valene: *unimpressed*
Hey Uriel, you look like you’re in a pretty good mood.
Uriel: “I am! The moon is shining, the birds are singing, and I’m slap dancing! It’s such a beautiful evening!”
I’m glad. Since you’re in such a good mood…
Much obliged, Uriel. All the rest of your family is dropping dead from exhaustion.
Uriel: “Well… I guess this is okay, too. I mean, it’s not slap dancing, but she is pretty cute.”
Oh good. Remember that attitude while your mom has the next few babies, okay? You got out of dealing with younger
siblings until you were a teenager, but sorry, that isn’t going to stick.
Uriel: “That’s alright. I suppose.”
That looks comfortable.
Undine: “Layer cake, Mom? It isn’t Sofia’s birthday until this evening.”
Sofia: “I don’t mind!”
Wynn: “Oh, I don’t know. I’m just craving a little bit of sweet, that’s all.”
Undine: “Uh-huh.”
Pop! What is it with the shower stalls this chapter? Seriously.
He looks very serious about that noise maker.
Wynn: “Hey, Author? I’m not as far along in this pregnancy as I wanted to be at this point. I kind of wanted to be
having Baby W tonight, not waiting another two days for it…”
Max the Maid was a little more difficult to woo than I gave him credit for in the pictures. Sorry.
Wynn: “Bah.”
Hm… let’s see what other shirts we have in the old closet, huh Sofia?
Sofia: “THANK YOU.”
Welp, goodbye, Sofia Kinsey, daughter of Santa Claus. It’s been fun.
Sofia: “You say that, but you yelled at me as a child to hurry up and grow up so I could leave.”
Yeah, well, the past is the past. See ya, Sofia. Don’t let the door hit you on the tail on your way out.
Bam! Landon Kinsey IS The Law. Unfortunately, he only gets one point for that.
Landon: “Oh, but whyyyy? Wynn gets TEN every time she gets to the top of her career!”
It’s harder for Wynn (or supposed to be) because she spends a lot of time pregnant. You got five points for your first
career top, but you only get one for each one after. It’s the rules, you know.
Landon: “What are ‘points’, anyway?”
The age-old question.
Pop! No multiples this time, right Wynn?
Wynn: “Right! Sheesh, that would be a nightmare!”
Wynn: “Therese.”
Therese: *innocent* “Yes, Mom?”
Wynn: “That… is glorious.”
Therese: “Thanks, Mom.”
Oddly, putting on the thinking cap changes Wynn into her regular pajamas. You know, the ones that don’t show the
pregnancy bump.
Why is the thinking cap doing that…? It’s kinda weirding me out…
Oh, look. Wynn’s getting out of bed with only half her energy filled. It must be baby time. It just barely passed 6PM.
Blah. Oh, well. I don’t get to skip a day of baby, after all. Not a big deal, I guess.
Okay, Wynn, could you give me a boy, please? I have a great name for a boy. C’mon, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy…
Girl. Pshaw.
I wanted a boy so I could name him Wendell. Prince Wendell Winston Walter White (and his grandmother, Snow White)
from The Tenth Kingdom had a significant hand in influencing my legacy founder’s name. Oh, well. I guess I’ll live
without a Wendell. It would’ve been Wendell Kinsey, anyway. Not quite the same.
Wynn: “Don’t listen to her, Westlyn. You’re just perfect as you are. Aren’t you, precious? Aren’t you!?”
Before we go, Valene has a birthday to attend to, and all of her big siblings are here to watch her grow up!
Therese, I believe we’ve spoken about staring into people’s souls like that.
Therese: “…”
Very cute.
Valene: “Yay! Can I go to private school now!? I want to see my daddy!!”
Alright, let’s check out the scores!
New Fathers:
22: Jeffrey Young (Headmaster)
23: Max Atwood (Service NPC)
New Points
Each child with a different father +2
NPCs used as fathers +2
Children in private school +3
Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a
Founder reaches the top of any career +10
The husband reaches the top of any career after the first +1
Total Points: 160.5

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Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 12

  • 1. She’d Rather Be Eating Your Soul Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC Chapter Twelve
  • 2. Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC! There’s now nine sims in the house! NINE! Last time, Owen and Phillip became adults and moved out. Wynn had TRIPLETS by Zane Devereaux, the traitor. Quinn and Phillip spent most of their slides together fighting in a dust cloud, and we marathonned the triplet triple threat toddler training (using as much alliteration as possible) within a day and a half of their toddlerification. I feel pretty accomplished, actually. Onwards! Sofia (holding Uriel) Quinn (holding Ubert) Ruth (holding Undine) Therese Wynn & Landon
  • 3. So, Sofia… oh sorry, did I catch you two mid-smustle? Sofia: “Slap dance, actually. Did you need something?” I owe you an apology. Sofia: “Oh?” Yeah… turns out I did my math wrong. It’s Ruth who needs to grow up and move out before I can bring Baby V in, not you. Sorry. There was no need to yell at you to hurry up and move out.
  • 4. You, though, can hit the road. Ruth: “Gimme nine days, and then I can blow out my candles and I’ll be plenty free of this place. Don’t you worry.” Nine days… sigh. Still, better than Sofia’s twelve. Marginally.
  • 5. Quinn, though, is ready to go right now. Well, Q, I can honestly say that I’m going to miss you. Really. I’ve liked playing you a lot. Quinn: “Miss me enough to buy me a house instead of sending me to Townieland?”
  • 6. Naw, I don’t bother with that anymore. I will send you out for new clothes, though. Quinn: “Deal.” Thanks for all your help with the toddlers, by the way. Quinn: “Don’t mention it. At least I stuck around and helped, unlike some brothers I could name.” Oh, now don’t start that again.
  • 7. Well, I liked her teenage outfit a lot better on her, but this will do. Goodbye, Quinn. It’s been a blast. Quinn: “You know, I think I’m actually gonna miss this place. Townieland is going to be awfully quiet after this…” Say hello to Phillip for me, wouldja? Quinn: “…oh yeah. He’s there.” *cracks knuckles*
  • 8. So now we’re down to eight sims in the household. Not bad, considering we were at ten not four sim days ago.
  • 9. Okay kids, group shot! Smile for the camera! Say “cheese”! Uriel: *gnaws block* Undine: *frowns at Ubert* Well, at least Ubert looks like he’s having fun.
  • 10. This has all come down in one night. I’m betting snow day tomorrow, what do you think?
  • 11. Therese: “Woo, snow day! Yay!!” Yep. Called it. Dangit. That’s one extra day that all the kids are home.
  • 12. Okay, line ‘er up! We’ve got some birthdays around here! Therese: “What, no cake?” Nope. There’s three downstairs for the triplets, though. Therese: “I call unfair.” Tough. Life isn’t fair.
  • 13. Heh, of course the daughter of the grim reaper would grow up in that. Therese: “Of course. We have an archetype to keep up, after all.” Nice Fortune roll by the way. What’s the matter, Landon? You look awfully stoic. Landon: *affronted sniff* “My daughter needs some sleeves.” What’s the matter? She didn’t have sleeves as a kid, either. Landon: “Yeah, but this is… different.”
  • 14. Alright, ready for the triplets to not be toddlers anymore? I sure am!
  • 15. Bam! Children! I like the outfits well enough, but I think all three of them need new hairstyles, stat. Undine down there seems to be a little off. Undine: “Am not!” Are too! Undine: “Am not!” Are too!
  • 16. Promotion! Wynn: “Yay, promotion.” Don’t be too excited there, lady wet blanket. Wynn: “Well, you can only have so many of these before they lose their novelty…”
  • 17. Alright, and here’s the triplets with their new custom hairstyles! We’ve got Ubert, the only boy of the three, in the front. Uriel is in the middle, with the straight hair and the red dress, and that’s Undine in the back, in pink with the curls. And man, but they all look alike. I checked, and the two girls are actually identical in all but personality. Ubert isn’t. Oh, well. Okay kids, thanks for the picture. As you were.
  • 18. Uriel: “Wha… but, but…” Ubert: “Noooooo…” Undine: *sob* *sigh* What brought this on?
  • 19. Ah, I see. Wynn is daring to snuggle up with her husband. How could she. Uriel: “That man is not our daddy~y~y!!” *SOB* There goes Wynn’s relationship with the U kids. Frustrating.
  • 20. Wynn: “There. Dinner’s ready.” Dinner? It’s only three in the afternoon… Wynn: “The headmaster’s coming tonight, and I’m going to be at work.” And neither Landon nor any of the teenagers have any cooking points. I see. Wynn: “Precisely. I love this dress, by the way.”
  • 21. And that’s studying for the triplets all neatly out of the way. I am the master simmer. Ruth: “Correction. We’re the master teenagers.” Yeah, you could say that. You guys have been pretty marvelous big sisters. Sofia: “We try.”
  • 22. Landon: “Hellooooo, mister headmaster sir!!” Headmaster: “What, is it that time of the year already?” What time is that? Headmaster: “Time for the Kinseys to bully us into admitting another couple of their children, of course. What is this, number twenty?” Numbers twenty-one, -two, and –three, actually. Triplets, you know. Headmaster: “Joy.”
  • 23. Headmaster: “Alright, fine, they’re in.” Thank you much. You can go home until the next batch is ready, then. Headmaster: “Ah… just how many more are there going to be?” At least five. Maybe more, if Wynn curses me with more multiples. Headmaster: “Five. Okay. We can get through this. Just five more rowdy, messy Kinsey children to go.” That’s the spirit. Keep your chin up.
  • 24. Ah, yes. The Dining Room Pajama Dance Party. The pinnacle of Kinsey family tradition. The stereo is in here (to wake up a certain starving, exhausted pregnant sim when she’s falling asleep in her food), so everyone wakes up and congregates in the morning. It’s pretty cute, actually.
  • 25. Ruth: “So then they snuck into the enormous mansion with a plan. They sent one person to distract the evil vampires, while the others went to rescue the damsel in distress, while the warlock stayed to teleport them all out… and to use his secret weapon…” Ubert: “Ooh! What was his secret weapon!?” Oh Uuuuuubeeeeeert…. Daaaaaarling… I need a faaaaavooooooor…. Ubert: “Uh oh.” Ruth: “Ubert. Run. Now. I’ll cover you.”
  • 26. Study up on cooking for the next several hours so you can cook headmaster dinners when you’re older, okay? Okay thanks, bye. Ubert: “Au-thor… now I’ll never know what the warlock’s secret weapon was…” I’ll send you a history book later. Cooking, now.
  • 27. BOOM! World class ballet dancer! Wynn: “Is that good?” Of course it’s good! It means I get a fat ten points! Now go get another job. Let’s see if we can get you to the top of a third career before this whole thing is over. I bet we can! Wynn: “You get awfully excited over this imaginary ‘points’thing…”
  • 28. Wynn: *stink face* “Why do I have to repair this heap of junk every single time I want to use it?” One word. Children. Wynn: “And they’re going to get their electronics privileges revoked at this rate…” Hoo, look who’s sounding like a mother now!
  • 29. Wynn: “Hm… I bet I could pull off science.” From super spy to prima ballerina to mad scientist. Seems legit.
  • 30. You know, Landon, it’s really cute that you do the “I’M HOME, FAMILY! COME GIVE ME A HUG!” animation every day when you come home. Not so cute that delivery lady follows you home every day. Annoyance… mounting…
  • 31. Wynn: “Nice to meet you. Bye, now.” Okay, Wynn. I have a plan. Wynn: “Uh oh.” Oh, don’t worry. You’ll like this plan.
  • 32. First, I need you to arrange for one of the headmasters to meet you in town. Wynn: “Ooooh, I see where this is going. We’re cutting down on the gap between Babies U and V by timing the next baby to be born the same day Ruth leaves, aren’t we? In short, I’m getting pregnant now instead of waiting till later?” Ah, you’re catching on. Nicely done. Uriel: “Mother, you disgust me.”
  • 33. Wynn: “So… Headmaster Young… you like kids, right?” Headmaster Young: “Not that much.” Wynn: “Oh, come on… please?”
  • 34. Wynn: “Author…” Yes? Wynn: “He left.” Ah. That complicates things a bit.
  • 35. Wynn: “Okay, Jeffrey—can I call you Jeffrey?—how about a date instead?”
  • 36. Wynn: “Now I’ve got `im!” Headmaster Young: *audible sigh*
  • 37. Barcelona: “What a disgusting display! She has a son with my brother!” Seriously, Barcelona. If you don’t like it, go away. You’ve watched them this entire date and fumed. Go home.
  • 38. Wynn: “I know a great place that sells cereal at this time of night.” Headmaster Young: “Excellent. Let’s go.” Wynn: “Oh, yeah! Before we do…”
  • 39. Headmaster Young: “I’m a virgo.” Right. Honestly, Wynn, I’m impressed that you managed to hold a full-blown date on a public lot with only offending Barcelona, and not one of your previous lovers. Wynn: “Thanks? …um, can I get a shower now? I stink something fierce.” Headmaster Young: “Finally… she notices…”
  • 40. Well, it must be spring. Literally everyone in the house of romanceable age has some kind of romantic want in their panel. Landon here has the spring bug particularly bad.
  • 41. The exception to this? Ruth, of course. Ruth: “I don’t have time for a boyfriend! I have to get as many scholarships for college as I can! Oh, yeah, and a gameboy would be nice, too.” The Knowledge Sim has entered the building.
  • 42. Ubert: “I’m SIIIIINGING in the rain!! Just SIIIINGING in the rain!!” Therese: “I want you to know this is under duress, Landon. I didn’t want to do this. He forced me.” Ubert: “OH what a glorious FEEEEEELING!!” Landon: “Looks like fun! If it were actually raining, it would be even better!”
  • 43. Hey Landon, guess what? It’s raining. Landon: “WAAAAAUGH!” What impresses me is that you knew the instant the tree was struck by lightning when you were in the kitchen. Ahem. I’m singing in the rain, just singing in the rain…
  • 44. Well, it’s still raining, but now Wynn’s snagged another promotion. Wynn: *stares at ground* And, like always, she is extremely excited for the pay raise. Wynn: *shrugs*
  • 45. Uriel: “Mom! Look! I got an A+! See?” Ubert: “Mom Mom Mom Mom MOM!! I got an A+! Lookit, lookit!!” Wynn: *torn* “Uh…” It’s like they’re playing monkey in the middle, except with report cards. Cute.
  • 46. And of course Landon gets a promotion too, because what is a chapter without sidewalk pic spam? At least this one has a random townie child smustling in the background. Landon: “Author? She followed me home again.” Delivery Lady: “Oh Laaaaandooooon…” Don’t worry, Landon. Today we will resort to Desperate Measures. Landon: “Ooh, what’s that!?”
  • 47. Landon: “You might want to go home, random townie kid. The Author is going to do something Authorrific.” Random Townie Kid: “Okay, sure, Mr. Kinsey! Can I come smustle on your lawn later?” Landon: “Anytime you want, kidd-o.” Random Townie Kid: “Suh-WEET!” Delivery Lady: “Aw, Landon, you’re so good with kids. It’s just so cute! YOU’RE so cute!”
  • 48. Landon: “Ooh, this is pretty! It has a logo and everything!” Sorry, lady. It’s not that we’re running a double standard around here or anything, it’s just that Landon is very not interested in you. Also you’re annoying. Landon, hit the big button. Landon: “The one that says ‘smite’?”
  • 49. Zap! Landon: “Wow, where did that lightning come from? It’s not even raining anymore!”
  • 50. Delivery Lady: “I think I’ll just… go. Right now.” Yep. That’s what I thought. *quickly sells bat box* Landon: “Okay! Byyye!” And we never saw Delivery Lady again. Thank goodness. Truthfully, I used the bat box to “nuke forced visitors,” and the smite was unnecessary. But oh, was it satisfying.
  • 52. Undine: “Oh okay, just a nightmare. I’m going back to sleep.” *falls back onto pillow* “This time, no spiders.” *yawn* “…or roller skates…”
  • 53. Sofia: “Hey Mom, you wanna slap dance after dinner?” Wynn: “Huhwhaaaa?” Therese: “Not now, Sofia. She’s busy being pregnant. Again.” And so the stereo proves its worth yet again, allowing Wynn to finish her meal and not die of starvation. I love that thing. *nod nod*
  • 54. Speaking of pregnant, I was wondering when the bump was going to show up. Uriel: “Someday I’m gonna be an astronaut so I can ride a rocket into space and find the alien planet and ask them why they like to put green babies in guys on our planet!” Therese: “First ask them why there’s a disembodied arm hanging in the air over there.” You do not see the disembodied arm. This is not the disembodied arm you are looking for. Move along. Sofia: “My arm is not disembodied!!”
  • 55. Well hello there, roaches. It’s been a while since we’ve seen you. Now go away.
  • 56. Curse you, Wynn! You popped again and I missed it! If I may ask, what’s the thinking cap for? Wynn: “What do you think it’s for?” Okay, then. What skill were you working on? Good-for-nothing, snarky sims. Wynn: “Body. I only need one more point in it before I’ve mastered it, and I had the time. Maternity leave, you know.” Because Wynn is Hardcore. Wynn: “And don’t you forget it.”
  • 57. A heartwarming family breakfast, with all of the children at the table to partake of the toaster pastry goodness before they ship off to school. It brings a tear to the eye.
  • 58. Meanwhile, Therese sits down at the end of the table and eats toaster pastries like she’d rather be eating your soul. Yep, Kinsey family breakfast.
  • 59. Ruth. Ruth? Ruth. Come on. It’s your birthday. Ruth. Get up. Ruth: “Go…” *snort* “…away.”
  • 60. Landon: “Yaaaay! Happy birthday, Ruth! Hooray!” Ubert: “Yay! We won’t be breaking household limit laws when Baby V is born! Hooray!” What Ubert said. Get out of here, Ruth. Ruth: *yawn* “The baby’s not even due until, like, two in the morning…” Still. Better safe than sorry. Shake it.
  • 61. Ruth, I’m sorry honey, but you really shouldn’t wear white. Ruth: “I think I look good in it…” You look good in any color but white. Trust me. Let’s take you down to the clothing store.
  • 62. Say Ruth, while you’re at it, why don’t you buy clothes for the triplets, too? Ruth: “Aren’t the ones they’re wearing good enough?” For children, yes. They might be a little tight on teenagers.
  • 63. Well Ruth, it’s been nice to have you. I’ve never played a mannequin sim before. Ruth: “Um… ‘played’?” Now skedaddle. Off to Townieland with you!
  • 64. Okay you three, let’s see the damage. Gee, I’m feeling positive today. Sofia. Get out of the way. Sofia: “My arm isn’t so disembodied now, now is it? I didn’t think so.” Uriel: “Sofia. You’re blocking my view of the camera.”
  • 65. Sofia: “Alright, I’ll just go block your view of Ubert, then.” Ubert: “Hey!” All the kids in the house right now are teenagers. … *sob* Undine: “Aw, what’s the matter, Author?” Nothing… such a huge gap between U and V, that’s all… *weep*
  • 66. Alright, makeovers and aspirations. For this handsome lad, Popularity. Ubert: “And a faux hawk. Rhys Fitzhugh, eat your heart out.” I never liked the hairstyle he had as a kid on him. Teenage birthday seems like a good opportunity to change it.
  • 67. Now, I still get Undine and Uriel mixed up, so just remember: Undine, curls, blue lips. Undine: “About that…” Aw, don’t you like it? I think it’s unique and stuff. It’s not just aliens who can pull off the blue lipstick! Plus I couldn’t resist decking you out in blue and green, considering your namesake’s mythological connotations. Undine: “I guess it is pretty original…” See? Not so bad, is it?
  • 68. And then Uriel has the straight hair (also a changed hairstyle) and the eye makeup. Also something I don’t use often, but I always want to. Uriel: “Why did I get a closeup?” Because we wanted to see the makeup more than your outfit. Uriel: “Well, okay. I guess I don’t mind.”
  • 69. Cue baby! Perfect timing, Wynn! Ruth is gone, and I just finished the U triplets’ makeovers! Wynn: “Ooh… no multiples this time… no multiples this time…” I can get behind that. *crosses fingers*
  • 70. Wynn: “Well good morning, Valene! It’s very nice to meet you! Especially since there’s only one of you!” Phew. I’m kind of frustrated at the lack of boys around here, though. Used to be we were rolling in them. Now we’re rolling in girls. Oh, well. Hooray, it’s Baby V! Now we’re really starting to feel like we’re coming to the end!
  • 71. Therese: “Hello, scholarships please. Yes, Kinsey family. No, I wouldn’t hang up the phone just yet. There’s more coming.” One…
  • 72. Ubert: “Hey, are there any scholarships for video gaming, by any chance?” Two…
  • 73. Uriel: “Hey, I need a scholarship, too. Don’t worry, there’s only one of us left for the night.” Three…
  • 74. Undine: “You do still have scholarship money left to give out, right?” Four! That’s four new points for my score. I finally get to cash in on all that work the family did when the triplets were toddlers, getting all their skills in order. Not bad. I will admit, having multiples is convenient for that.
  • 75. Wynn. You’re not seriously trying to apply for scholarships. Wynn: “Don’t be ridiculous. No, I’m hiring a man maid.” Specifically? Wynn: “Specifically. Sofia’s getting close to her birthday, you know.” Time to work on Baby W!
  • 76. Wynn: “Might as well go get promoted while I’m waiting for him to show up, though.” Wynn is permaplat, has nearly maxed her skills, and has over twenty friends due to her hijinks. That “founder gets to top of any career” bonus is getting so easy, it feels like cheating.
  • 77. And now Wynn is back, and she’s been promoted again. No surprises at all. Wynn: “Author? I know I’ve had a lot of kids by now, so maybe I just don’t remember, but I don’t think I’m related to these teenagers on my lawn… am I?” Don’t worry, you’re not. Your maid is inside, though, and I have to say, he’s a looker. Wynn: “Really? Sweet! Where is he!?”
  • 78. He’s in the hardest room to photograph, of course. Maid Max Atwood: “Wow, a hundred dollars! Thank you so much!” Wynn: “My pleasure, Max. Can I call you Max?”
  • 79. DANG IIIIIIIIIT!! Wynn: *jump* *choke* *cough* “What!?” We just lost a point bonus by hiring a maid! *weep* Wynn: “…oh darn. Points.” That was five points we could have had! We only hired the maid so we could get the service NPC point! He only worked for one day while Wynn schmoozed him! Nooooo… *cries*
  • 80. Hey, Fiona! Long time no see! So you’re a lawyer now? Fiona: “Oh, you know. Thought I’d put the skills I got from growing up here to use at work. You know, settling people’s fights for them.” By the way, nice promotion, Landon. Landon: “Thanks! I love getting promoted! It’s awesome!”
  • 81. Birthday time for Valene! Happy birthday, sweetheart! Landon: “Awww, lookit you! So cute! I bet you’re going to look JUST like me!”
  • 82. Landon: “Wow, another one with black hair! That’s amazing! I wonder where they’re getting that from? I would’ve thought all of Wynn and my’s children would be blonde, but no! Genetics are so cool!” *cough* Yeah. Genetics are really, totally unpredictable.
  • 83. You know, I think this might be the first time I’ve ever actually used that highchair. I really just bought it because it matched the room. Valene: *unimpressed*
  • 84. Hey Uriel, you look like you’re in a pretty good mood. Uriel: “I am! The moon is shining, the birds are singing, and I’m slap dancing! It’s such a beautiful evening!” I’m glad. Since you’re in such a good mood…
  • 85. Much obliged, Uriel. All the rest of your family is dropping dead from exhaustion. Uriel: “Well… I guess this is okay, too. I mean, it’s not slap dancing, but she is pretty cute.” Oh good. Remember that attitude while your mom has the next few babies, okay? You got out of dealing with younger siblings until you were a teenager, but sorry, that isn’t going to stick. Uriel: “That’s alright. I suppose.”
  • 86. That looks comfortable. Therese: “EVERY MOMENT I LIVE IS AGONY.”
  • 87. Undine: “Layer cake, Mom? It isn’t Sofia’s birthday until this evening.” Sofia: “I don’t mind!” Wynn: “Oh, I don’t know. I’m just craving a little bit of sweet, that’s all.” Undine: “Uh-huh.”
  • 88. Pop! What is it with the shower stalls this chapter? Seriously.
  • 89. Ubert: *TOOOOOOOOOT!!* He looks very serious about that noise maker. Wynn: “Hey, Author? I’m not as far along in this pregnancy as I wanted to be at this point. I kind of wanted to be having Baby W tonight, not waiting another two days for it…” Max the Maid was a little more difficult to woo than I gave him credit for in the pictures. Sorry. Wynn: “Bah.”
  • 90. Hm… let’s see what other shirts we have in the old closet, huh Sofia? Sofia: “THANK YOU.”
  • 91. Welp, goodbye, Sofia Kinsey, daughter of Santa Claus. It’s been fun. Sofia: “You say that, but you yelled at me as a child to hurry up and grow up so I could leave.” Yeah, well, the past is the past. See ya, Sofia. Don’t let the door hit you on the tail on your way out.
  • 92. Bam! Landon Kinsey IS The Law. Unfortunately, he only gets one point for that. Landon: “Oh, but whyyyy? Wynn gets TEN every time she gets to the top of her career!” It’s harder for Wynn (or supposed to be) because she spends a lot of time pregnant. You got five points for your first career top, but you only get one for each one after. It’s the rules, you know. Landon: “What are ‘points’, anyway?” The age-old question.
  • 93. Pop! No multiples this time, right Wynn? Wynn: “Right! Sheesh, that would be a nightmare!”
  • 94. Wynn: “Therese.” Therese: *innocent* “Yes, Mom?” Wynn: “That… is glorious.” Therese: “Thanks, Mom.”
  • 95. Oddly, putting on the thinking cap changes Wynn into her regular pajamas. You know, the ones that don’t show the pregnancy bump. Why is the thinking cap doing that…? It’s kinda weirding me out…
  • 96. Oh, look. Wynn’s getting out of bed with only half her energy filled. It must be baby time. It just barely passed 6PM. Blah. Oh, well. I don’t get to skip a day of baby, after all. Not a big deal, I guess.
  • 97. Okay, Wynn, could you give me a boy, please? I have a great name for a boy. C’mon, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy…
  • 98. Girl. Pshaw. I wanted a boy so I could name him Wendell. Prince Wendell Winston Walter White (and his grandmother, Snow White) from The Tenth Kingdom had a significant hand in influencing my legacy founder’s name. Oh, well. I guess I’ll live without a Wendell. It would’ve been Wendell Kinsey, anyway. Not quite the same. Wynn: “Don’t listen to her, Westlyn. You’re just perfect as you are. Aren’t you, precious? Aren’t you!?”
  • 99. Before we go, Valene has a birthday to attend to, and all of her big siblings are here to watch her grow up! Therese, I believe we’ve spoken about staring into people’s souls like that. Therese: “…”
  • 100. Very cute. Valene: “Yay! Can I go to private school now!? I want to see my daddy!!” Alright, let’s check out the scores!
  • 101. New Fathers: 22: Jeffrey Young (Headmaster) 23: Max Atwood (Service NPC) New Points Each child with a different father +2 NPCs used as fathers +2 Children in private school +3 Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a scholarship +4 Founder reaches the top of any career +10 The husband reaches the top of any career after the first +1 Total Points: 160.5