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Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC 
Chapter Four
Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC, where it’s getting harder to coherently label the pictures! 
Last time, we earned our second and third teenagers (Bryan and Cid). Eric and Fiona were born, and neither are babies 
anymore. Eric is dressed that way because his father is the pirate ghost; Fiona isn’t dressed in any way special, but her 
father is Bigfoot. At the end of the chapter, Wynn left for Takemizu Village and instantly found a three-bolt match, who 
she, ahem, shared cereal with, so we are now expecting Baby G to make his or her appearance once we get home. 
Feeling caught up? Good! Off we go! 
Wynn: “Ooh, a ninja. That means teleportation. That sounds useful.” 
How? I mean, it’s not like you live in a big, sprawling mansion. It takes two minutes to walk from one side of your 
house to the other. 
Wynn: “I’m going to have twenty-six children, Author! It’ll be useful! IT’LL BE USEFUL!”
Wynn: “Teach me how to teleport?” 
Ninja: “No.”
Wynn: “How ‘bout now?” 
Ninja: “No.”
Wynn: “Now?” 
Ninja: “No.”
Having some trouble, Wynn? 
Wynn: *slurp gobble snerk* “NO!!” *munch slurp gobble*
Wynn: “Teach me please?” 
Ninja: “Look lady, you’re not worthy. Get over it.” 
Wynn: *sniff*
Wynn: “Okay, how exactly does this game work?” 
Cowboy Shirt: “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll catch on.” 
Wynn: “Shouldn’t I have, I don’t know, tiles in front of me or something?” 
Polo Shirt: “You clearly don’t understand this game.” 
Wynn: “O… kay…”
Okay Wynn, time to go home. 
Wynn: “Whaddayou mean, ‘time to go’!? I haven’t learned to teleport yet!!” 
Look, it’s not going to happen, and your time is up, and you have six kids at home that need you. Go. 
Wynn: “But—” 
That was probably the most expensive vacation yet. 
Wynn: “Oh, but SO worth it! I love Takemizu!” 
Good. I’m glad. Your children need dinner on the table. Hop to it.
Wynn: “Um… hm.” 
What? What is it? 
Wynn: “Call that shuttle back for me, will ya? I think it dropped me off at the wrong house.”
Hold on, let me flip the day/night toggle here… 
Wynn: “Whoa!” 
Nope, this is definitely your house. I updated it for you with the leftovers from the genie money. 
Wynn: “You… you… what?” 
But I need you to spend some time digging. You still don’t have a fridge. I had to sell it to afford to make your house pretty. Get going; 
your teenagers know how to cook dinner, they can take care of it for the younger kids. Once you buy the fridge again, that is.
Wynn: “…mumble… would rather cook… grumble… make the teenagers dig… mumble…”
Cid: “Alright Eric, this is how homework works. You sit down and pretend to do it for an hour or so to convince Mom, 
and then you take the uncompleted work and tear it up and give it to your teacher.” 
Eric: “Why do I be tearing it up, yar?” 
Cid: “Because then you can tell your teacher the dog ate it. Slobbering on it a little bit helps the illusion, too, if you’re 
Cid: “Hey Mom, lookit what I can do!” 
Wynn: “That’s great, honey. Very impressive. Can you go change Fiona’s diaper, please? I’m busy can having this 
Cid: “SIGH. If I have to.”
THAT IS SO ADORABLE SHE’S CHASING FIREFLIES. I didn’t know fireflies could spawn on the porch! 
Cid: “Fiona. Drink this smart milk so I can go to bed.” 
Don’t bother her, Cid. She’s busy. 
Cid: “Doing what!?” 
Being cute! She’s CHASING FIREFLIES, for Pete’s sake! What is more adorable than that!?
You’re not very good at this, are you boy? 
Bryan: “I GIVE UP!!”
Bryan: “I want to sleep, not eat. Why can’t I go to bed?” 
Not enough beds. If you hadn’t failed so miserably at digging for treasure, this wouldn’t be an issue. 
Bryan: “Not fair.” 
Not my problem.
Wynn: “Parenting: I’m doing it right.” 
Fiona: *smile* 
Somebody’s been looking up cat memes, haven’t they? 
Wynn: “How would I do that? I don’t even have a couch, much less a computer.”
Bryan, out of bed. You have a school bus to catch. 
Bryan: *groan* 
Maybe next time you’ll avoid the water lines.
Wynn: “Whoa!” 
Go catch your daughter. She’s escaping. 
Wynn: “FIONA! Get back here, you rascal!” 
Fiona: “Ehehe!”
Ooh! Hey! Go greet him! He makes cute babies! 
Wynn: “Who, the mailman?” 
No, you dummy! The simself! THE SIMSELF!
Wynn: “Hi. I’m Wynn.” 
Thai: “And I’m The Thai. I finally caughtcha, huh?” 
Wynn: “What, you’ve been here before?” 
Thai: “…no?” 
Thaitanic of Boolprop, everyone.
Abby: “Cid. This is inappropriate. Please take a step back.” 
Cid: “Uh, sorry sis.” 
Abby: “Apology not accepted. Step away.”
…anyway. It’s time for Abby’s birthday! Our very first baby is about to leave us. Ooh… I think I need a minute. *sniff*
Hey look, she chose a pink outfit. Anyone surprised? No? Okay. Moving on.
We put her in the same dress she wore as a teenager. Any complaints? 
Abby: “No.” 
Good. What’s in the plans, Abby? What are you going to do now that you’re an adult and being evicted from the house? 
Abby: “Could I become a townie?” 
Good idea. I don’t really want to fill up the neighborhood with all of Wynn’s kids. I don’t really want to build houses for 
them, either. So, they all get to be towniefied. Hooray.
Abigail Kinsey, everyone. Baby A has officially flown the nest.
I’m running out of captions for these pictures.
Cid: “I saw those evil hands, mister.” 
Spider: “You saw nothing. I did not come here to steal your newspaper. Besides, you have no proof.”
Ooh, nice ride. Promotion to Double Agent, huh? 
Wynn: “What!? Who told—uh, I mean, I don’t know what you mean, Author.” *sweat* 
She makes such a great spy.
Birthday time! 
Cid: “Yay.”
What a cute kid! Who knew Bigfoot would have such adorable children? 
Also, nice transition outfit. I have no problems with that. 
Bryan: “Aw, but I wanted to go shopping…” 
Don’t worry, you’ve still got a chance.
After all, it’s also Don’s birthday! 
Cid: *creepy grin* 
Cid, I’ve never liked you.
Evidently, aspirations come in pairs. We had Abby and Bryan as Family sims, and now we have Cid and Don as— 
Cid: “YES!! My Pleasure brother! Welcome to the club, Donny!” 
Don: “Hm, yes. This outfit works perfectly.” 
Hooray for not needing new outfits! Since we spent Wynn’s promotion money on a homework room and all…
Uh… yeah. I’m thinking this is a family of teenage heartthrobs. 
Don: *smolder* 
Don’s father is the genie, if you don’t remember.
Don: “Fiona got my purple.” 
Do you want to wear a little girl’s nightgown, Donovan? 
Don: “No…” 
Then it doesn’t really matter, does it? 
Don: “…yeah, it kinda does.”
Wynn: “Owowowowow…” 
You gonna finish that omelette? 
Wynn: “OW!!”
Wynn: “Awww, what a sweet little boy!! Yes you are! Look at that adorable little nose! Oh, he’s just PERFECT!” 
Baby G! What’s his name? 
Wynn: “Garrett! Garrett Kinsey!” 
You know, I played a game once where one of the leads was named Garet. Ever since, spelling it “Garrett” just looks 
Wynn: “I don’t care!! Hello there, Garrett! Hello!!”
Wynn: “Hi there, Larch. I hear you like kids.” 
That’s your pitch?
Larch: “Do I!”
Larch: “More childrinions. Eeeexcellent.” 
Wynn: “What was that, Larch?” 
Larch: “Nooothing…”
Wynn: “Ooh, I almost forgot, Larch! What’s your sign?” 
Larch: “My sign? Aries. Why?” 
Doo be doo… *writes that down*
Wynn: “There there, Garrett, it’s okay. Baby H is on the way, you know. Here, have a bottle.” 
It’s hardly a new thought, but I’m struck by this every time. Those bottles are enormous in proportion to the babies 
Wynn: “And suspiciously green.” 
That too.
A typical family breakfast at the Kinsey house.
Cid: “Alright, kid. We’ve got exactly four minutes before the bus gets here, so let’s make this count.” 
Fiona: “You’re my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Cid!” 
Cid: “That’s nice. Now, what’s two times six?”
Bryan: “Can’t… move…” 
*sigh* Somebody unglitch Bryan, please.
Okay, the force error worked. Although now he’s late to school, and we lost that omelette he was holding (OH, THE 
HUMANITY), and his motives had long enough to decay that he’s going to pick up a new nickname at school. 
Bryan: “I resent that!” 
Hurry up, Stinky.
Happy birthday, Garet! 
Fiona: “Author, it’s Garrett!” 
I knew that. Of course I knew that! 
Bryan: “Somebody needs to take that trash out.” 
Not it.
You know what? I just noticed Fiona has some pretty big ears for a sim. 
Fiona: “Author, you just missed Garrett’s toddler twirl!” 
I what!?
Aw, he’s a cutie. Even if I did miss his birthday. I’m sure that won’t scar him for life. 
And guess what? He has eight neat points! Only three nice points, but still!
Alright, who here has high enough aspiration to get Garrett his smart milk bottle? 
Cid: “Nope!” 
Don: “No.” 
Bryan: “Not me.” 
Oh come on, guys. Both Eric and Fiona are platinum, and none of you who can actually use aspiration rewards are even 
gold!? Puh-lease!
There. Success. 
Cid: “How come it’s always me doing this training and studying thing, Author? I’m Pleasure. Bryan is Family. He’d be 
tons better at this.” 
You consistently have the best mood out of your siblings. 
Cid: “That’s not my fault!”
Fiona: “Author, there are roaches EVERYWHERE! And EVERYONE’S got the flu!!” 
Yeah, and whose fault is that? 
Fiona: “Yours!” 
Um… actually, I think it’s all Garrett’s fault. Yeah. It’s totally not my doing. 
Garrett: *plus 250*
Wynn: “Now hold still, Fiona.” 
Fiona: “Ewww! It stinks!” 
Wynn: “I’m sure this won’t poison you or stunt your growth or anything like that. Trust me.”
Really bad timing, that.
Wynn: “Grandma Snow’s comfort soup for everyone. Come and get it. I’m the only one allowed to have morning 
sickness around here.” 
Teenage Boys: “Fooooood.” 
Funny, really, how these two just happened to be in the kitchen when Wynn was serving food. Especially since I happen 
to know Bryan was outside thirty seconds before, taking care of some roaches. Hm. What an interesting coincidence.
We’re going to put more stools in. Eventually. Promise.
Aha, I see Baby H is finally starting to show! 
Wynn: “Yeah, I got nothing. Can we skip the popping pictures yet?” 
Wynn: “Shame.”
Heh, you know what I almost forgot to do? 
Don: “Remind me why I need a scholarship if I’m not actually going to college?” 
Don’t question. Just do it.
Cid: “Hi there. Yeah, me too.” 
Alright, that’s two more points for me, for children who learned all three toddler skills, learned to study as a child, and 
earned a scholarship as a teen. I can’t believe I hadn’t done this yet!
Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me. Now who did that!? 
Bonus points if you can find the toddler in this picture.
Cid: “Alright, squirt. This is the last skill you need. Come on. Work with me here.” 
Garrett: *totally uninterested*
Usually when there’s a double birthday in this house, the youngest gets the cake. But… I think we’ll make an exception 
in this case. Happy birthday, Bryan! 
Bryan: “Finally. Do you realize how long I’ve been in red aspiration? Do you?” 
Yes yes, you’ve been very helpful. Blow out those candles.
*stunned silence*
Sorry, Eric. You’re never going to top that. Look, we’ll all do like Bryan and not even bother watching. Good luck, boy. 
You shall forever live in the shadow of your big brother. 
Eric: *sniff*
Kinda funny that he now looks exactly the opposite as he did as a child, but Bryan. Oh my word. 
Eric rolled Family/Popularity. What is it with this family and Family Sims? Honestly.
Oh hey look, it’s Baltic. The firstborn of my legacy, and probably the sim I put through the most crap. Hi, Baltic! 
Baltic: “Hi there, Author!” 
I always liked him. Never yells at me.
Hey look, Baby H! 
…wait. When did the second pop happen? I swear there was only one pop. Hold on.
This was Saturday… I remember because everyone was home for the whole day and I had to micromanage their 
…and then she popped on Saturday night…
…I’m not going crazy, am I?
Wynn finishes her labor animation, and then… Bryan reminds us who deserves the attention around here.
Alright, so Bryan gets his new outfit, and then baby! Hey look, it’s a she, and she’s a redhead! Larch must have a 
recessive gene I forgot I set for him! 
Wynn: “Well hello there, Hazel! Don’t worry about your silly big brother, he’s moving out anyway! Yes he is! Yes he 
Well, off to Townieland, are we, Bryan? 
Bryan: “Yeah, I think I’ve left enough of an impression around here.”
So Wynn, I’ve been meaning to ask. How do you feel about having two adult children now? 
Wynn: “Adult children? Psh. I’m too young to have adult children. And I’ve got a toddler and a baby right now to take 
care of.” 
Elixir of Life is great, isn’t it? 
Eric: “Would you believe Landers & Flynn doesn’t have any pirate suits on sale for teenagers? Unbelievable.” 
Holy. Cow. Eric, has your mother seen you yet? 
Eric: “No. Why?”
Eric: “Aw, don’t worry, Hazel. Don’t cry. I’m a Family Sim. No need to worry.” 
Hazel: *stops crying instantly*
You know, it’s really kind of fun to let a household of sim kids run wild and do what they want. For instance, I followed 
Eric into the kitchen, and I find Don reading his impressionable little sister a dirty bedtime story. 
Don: “Dirty nothing. This is a classic fairy tale.” 
Fiona: “Yeah! ‘Goldilocks and the Three Toilets’!”
Wynn: “So, Thai, I was—” 
Thai: “Yes.” 
Wynn: “But I haven’t even—” 
Thai: “Yes. Take me, I’m yours.” 
I’m drawing this from Thai’s description of his simself’s preferred behavior, by the way. Not trying to paint a fellow 
simmer in a negative light.
By the way, you’re right about your simself, Thai. He and Wynn only have the one bolt, but he was very eager. And a bit 
of a kiss-up. 
Wait, hold on, I just got a notification in. Let’s see… what do you mean, Eric missed a grade by skipping school!?
Eric: “Yes, Author?” 
What are you doing up here!? 
Eric: “I was sleeping. Now I’m painting. And it has nothing to do with conveniently missing school… ehehe.” 
Boy, you’re going to be the death of me.
Wynn: “By the way, Thai. What’s your sign?” 
Thai: “I’m a Leo. But why? I’m a simself, after all.” 
We all know we’re going to use you as the simself point, Thai. But, you know, just in case. Better safe than sorry.
Wynn, don’t you have a birthday to attend? 
Wynn: “Oh zheah! Karretch!” 
Thai: “What was that? Carrots?” 
Wynn: “GARRETCH!” 
Thai: “Oh, Garrett. I see.”
Hey look, only one birthday this time! 
Don: “Mom, who is this guy? And why is he in his underwear?” 
Thai: *tooot!*
Excellent. That’s a nice transition outfit. You can keep the short hair, too. 
Garrett: “Yay!”
Eric: “How come I’m the one to have to teach the newest squirt to study? With Fiona’s homework, no less!” 
Because you skipped school today. Pffbt.
Fiona: “Cid? Don? Why are you pillow fighting in the snow?” 
Cid: “Shh. Don’t tell the Author. She might make a bad joke about icy pillows, or worse, tell us to go inside before we 
die of a cold or the school bus runs us over, either one.” 
Wait, hold on! Where are you going!? The headmaster is coming! I need you to stay home from work and entertain him! 
Wynn: “No way. I’ve got a promotion scheduled for today. Thai promised he would ‘pull some strings,’ whatever that 
…Thai. Quit interfering in my game.
Well, I guess that means the kids are handling the headmaster visit. 
…I’d better get them down here.
Don: “Hi, Headmaster Robertson. I hope you like spaghetti, because Mom’s at work and the rest of us have a grand 
total of one cooking skill point between us.” 
Headmaster Robertson: “Your methods for impressing me are… unique.”
Headmaster Robertson: “I would be happy to accept Eric, Fiona, and Garrett into my prestigious institution, since I 
know you already, Miss Kinsey. Though I must stress that when you call me for young Hazel’s admittance, you should 
really be here.” 
Wynn: “Oh no. What did those kids do?” 
Headmaster Robertson: “The tour was appreciated, but seeing the dirty toilets was unnecessary. The spaghetti was 
marvelous, when I made sure to pick around the worms.” 
Wynn: “I’ll talk to them. Don’t worry, they won’t get away with this.”
Wynn: *snore*
Oh yay, Baby I. Now head into the kitchen, Wynn; Hazel needs help with her toddler twirl. 
…and by the way. I fully expect to see two pops this time. No exceptions.
Alright, let’s see what a cross between Larch Vetinari and Wynter White Kinsey looks like! I’m excited!
But before we get to that, may I point out Hazel’s love for her big brother Eric? He’s a pretty constant thought bubble of 
hers. It’s pretty cute, actually. Even when she covers her mother’s face to express her admiration for him. 
Wynn: *sniff* “No love for Mommy…”
How sweet! …or at least she will be, once we get her out of the pink tuxedo and the evil toddler bob. Please see to that, 
There is quite clearly a lot of Vetinari in here. Isn’t she the most adorable thing? 
Now that we’re sitting at 101 slides, I think it’s time to call it good and open up the score sheet, huh? Let’s see what 
we’ve got here.
New Points 
Each child with a different father +2 
Pregnancies concluded before founder marries +1 
NPCs used as fathers +2 
Children in private school +3 
Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a 
Story is uploaded so the challenge creator (CSquared) can read it* +20 
New Fathers: 
7: Corbin Gray (logged as Vacation Native) 
8: Larch Vetinari (logged as Dark Blue Eyes) 
Total Points: 65 
*Holy cow, that’s quite the bonus. Anyway, I hadn’t counted it until now because I hadn’t 
posted any chapters until I finished Chapter 3. Now I have, and it’s posted, and I get an extra 

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esme iolanthe
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Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 4

  • 1. Congratulations. You Did It. Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC Chapter Four
  • 2. Fiona Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC, where it’s getting harder to coherently label the pictures! Last time, we earned our second and third teenagers (Bryan and Cid). Eric and Fiona were born, and neither are babies anymore. Eric is dressed that way because his father is the pirate ghost; Fiona isn’t dressed in any way special, but her father is Bigfoot. At the end of the chapter, Wynn left for Takemizu Village and instantly found a three-bolt match, who she, ahem, shared cereal with, so we are now expecting Baby G to make his or her appearance once we get home. Feeling caught up? Good! Off we go! Wynn Bryan Don Abby Cid Eric
  • 3. Wynn: “Ooh, a ninja. That means teleportation. That sounds useful.” How? I mean, it’s not like you live in a big, sprawling mansion. It takes two minutes to walk from one side of your house to the other. Wynn: “I’m going to have twenty-six children, Author! It’ll be useful! IT’LL BE USEFUL!”
  • 4. Wynn: “Teach me how to teleport?” Ninja: “No.”
  • 5. Wynn: “How ‘bout now?” Ninja: “No.”
  • 7. Having some trouble, Wynn? Wynn: *slurp gobble snerk* “NO!!” *munch slurp gobble*
  • 8. Wynn: “Teach me please?” Ninja: “Look lady, you’re not worthy. Get over it.” Wynn: *sniff*
  • 9. Wynn: “Okay, how exactly does this game work?” Cowboy Shirt: “Oh, don’t worry, you’ll catch on.” Wynn: “Shouldn’t I have, I don’t know, tiles in front of me or something?” Polo Shirt: “You clearly don’t understand this game.” Wynn: “O… kay…”
  • 10. Okay Wynn, time to go home. Wynn: “Whaddayou mean, ‘time to go’!? I haven’t learned to teleport yet!!” Look, it’s not going to happen, and your time is up, and you have six kids at home that need you. Go. Wynn: “But—” GO!!
  • 11. That was probably the most expensive vacation yet. Wynn: “Oh, but SO worth it! I love Takemizu!” Good. I’m glad. Your children need dinner on the table. Hop to it.
  • 12. Wynn: “Um… hm.” What? What is it? Wynn: “Call that shuttle back for me, will ya? I think it dropped me off at the wrong house.”
  • 13. Hold on, let me flip the day/night toggle here… Wynn: “Whoa!” Nope, this is definitely your house. I updated it for you with the leftovers from the genie money. Wynn: “You… you… what?” But I need you to spend some time digging. You still don’t have a fridge. I had to sell it to afford to make your house pretty. Get going; your teenagers know how to cook dinner, they can take care of it for the younger kids. Once you buy the fridge again, that is.
  • 14. Wynn: “…mumble… would rather cook… grumble… make the teenagers dig… mumble…”
  • 15. Cid: “Alright Eric, this is how homework works. You sit down and pretend to do it for an hour or so to convince Mom, and then you take the uncompleted work and tear it up and give it to your teacher.” Eric: “Why do I be tearing it up, yar?” Cid: “Because then you can tell your teacher the dog ate it. Slobbering on it a little bit helps the illusion, too, if you’re willing.”
  • 16. Cid: “Hey Mom, lookit what I can do!” Wynn: “That’s great, honey. Very impressive. Can you go change Fiona’s diaper, please? I’m busy can having this cheeseburger.” Cid: “SIGH. If I have to.”
  • 17. THAT IS SO ADORABLE SHE’S CHASING FIREFLIES. I didn’t know fireflies could spawn on the porch! Cid: “Fiona. Drink this smart milk so I can go to bed.” Don’t bother her, Cid. She’s busy. Cid: “Doing what!?” Being cute! She’s CHASING FIREFLIES, for Pete’s sake! What is more adorable than that!?
  • 18. You’re not very good at this, are you boy? Bryan: “I GIVE UP!!”
  • 19. Bryan: “I want to sleep, not eat. Why can’t I go to bed?” Not enough beds. If you hadn’t failed so miserably at digging for treasure, this wouldn’t be an issue. Bryan: “Not fair.” Not my problem.
  • 20. Wynn: “Parenting: I’m doing it right.” Fiona: *smile* Somebody’s been looking up cat memes, haven’t they? Wynn: “How would I do that? I don’t even have a couch, much less a computer.”
  • 21. Bryan, out of bed. You have a school bus to catch. Bryan: *groan* Maybe next time you’ll avoid the water lines.
  • 22. Wynn: “Whoa!” Go catch your daughter. She’s escaping. Wynn: “FIONA! Get back here, you rascal!” Fiona: “Ehehe!”
  • 23. Ooh! Hey! Go greet him! He makes cute babies! Wynn: “Who, the mailman?” No, you dummy! The simself! THE SIMSELF!
  • 24. Wynn: “Hi. I’m Wynn.” Thai: “And I’m The Thai. I finally caughtcha, huh?” Wynn: “What, you’ve been here before?” Thai: “…no?” Thaitanic of Boolprop, everyone.
  • 25. Abby: “Cid. This is inappropriate. Please take a step back.” Cid: “Uh, sorry sis.” Abby: “Apology not accepted. Step away.”
  • 26. …anyway. It’s time for Abby’s birthday! Our very first baby is about to leave us. Ooh… I think I need a minute. *sniff*
  • 27. Hey look, she chose a pink outfit. Anyone surprised? No? Okay. Moving on.
  • 28. We put her in the same dress she wore as a teenager. Any complaints? Abby: “No.” Good. What’s in the plans, Abby? What are you going to do now that you’re an adult and being evicted from the house? Abby: “Could I become a townie?” Good idea. I don’t really want to fill up the neighborhood with all of Wynn’s kids. I don’t really want to build houses for them, either. So, they all get to be towniefied. Hooray.
  • 29. Abigail Kinsey, everyone. Baby A has officially flown the nest.
  • 30. Boing! I’m running out of captions for these pictures.
  • 31. Cid: “I saw those evil hands, mister.” Spider: “You saw nothing. I did not come here to steal your newspaper. Besides, you have no proof.”
  • 32. Ooh, nice ride. Promotion to Double Agent, huh? Wynn: “What!? Who told—uh, I mean, I don’t know what you mean, Author.” *sweat* She makes such a great spy.
  • 33. Birthday time! Cid: “Yay.”
  • 34. What a cute kid! Who knew Bigfoot would have such adorable children? Also, nice transition outfit. I have no problems with that. Bryan: “Aw, but I wanted to go shopping…” Don’t worry, you’ve still got a chance.
  • 35. After all, it’s also Don’s birthday! Cid: *creepy grin* Cid, I’ve never liked you.
  • 36. Evidently, aspirations come in pairs. We had Abby and Bryan as Family sims, and now we have Cid and Don as— Cid: “YES!! My Pleasure brother! Welcome to the club, Donny!” Don: “Hm, yes. This outfit works perfectly.” Hooray for not needing new outfits! Since we spent Wynn’s promotion money on a homework room and all…
  • 37. Uh… yeah. I’m thinking this is a family of teenage heartthrobs. Don: *smolder* Don’s father is the genie, if you don’t remember.
  • 38. Don: “Fiona got my purple.” Do you want to wear a little girl’s nightgown, Donovan? Don: “No…” Then it doesn’t really matter, does it? Don: “…yeah, it kinda does.”
  • 39. Wynn: “Owowowowow…” You gonna finish that omelette? Wynn: “OW!!”
  • 40. Wynn: “Awww, what a sweet little boy!! Yes you are! Look at that adorable little nose! Oh, he’s just PERFECT!” Baby G! What’s his name? Wynn: “Garrett! Garrett Kinsey!” You know, I played a game once where one of the leads was named Garet. Ever since, spelling it “Garrett” just looks wrong. Wynn: “I don’t care!! Hello there, Garrett! Hello!!”
  • 41. Wynn: “Hi there, Larch. I hear you like kids.” That’s your pitch?
  • 43. Larch: “More childrinions. Eeeexcellent.” Wynn: “What was that, Larch?” Larch: “Nooothing…”
  • 44. Wynn: “Ooh, I almost forgot, Larch! What’s your sign?” Larch: “My sign? Aries. Why?” Doo be doo… *writes that down*
  • 45. Wynn: “There there, Garrett, it’s okay. Baby H is on the way, you know. Here, have a bottle.” It’s hardly a new thought, but I’m struck by this every time. Those bottles are enormous in proportion to the babies themselves. Wynn: “And suspiciously green.” That too.
  • 46. A typical family breakfast at the Kinsey house.
  • 47. Cid: “Alright, kid. We’ve got exactly four minutes before the bus gets here, so let’s make this count.” Fiona: “You’re my bestest friend in the whole wide world, Cid!” Cid: “That’s nice. Now, what’s two times six?”
  • 48. Bryan: “Can’t… move…” *sigh* Somebody unglitch Bryan, please.
  • 49. Okay, the force error worked. Although now he’s late to school, and we lost that omelette he was holding (OH, THE HUMANITY), and his motives had long enough to decay that he’s going to pick up a new nickname at school. Bryan: “I resent that!” Hurry up, Stinky.
  • 50. Happy birthday, Garet! Fiona: “Author, it’s Garrett!” I knew that. Of course I knew that! Bryan: “Somebody needs to take that trash out.” Not it.
  • 51. You know what? I just noticed Fiona has some pretty big ears for a sim. Fiona: “Author, you just missed Garrett’s toddler twirl!” I what!?
  • 52. Aw, he’s a cutie. Even if I did miss his birthday. I’m sure that won’t scar him for life. And guess what? He has eight neat points! Only three nice points, but still!
  • 53. Alright, who here has high enough aspiration to get Garrett his smart milk bottle? Cid: “Nope!” Don: “No.” Bryan: “Not me.” Oh come on, guys. Both Eric and Fiona are platinum, and none of you who can actually use aspiration rewards are even gold!? Puh-lease!
  • 54. There. Success. Cid: “How come it’s always me doing this training and studying thing, Author? I’m Pleasure. Bryan is Family. He’d be tons better at this.” You consistently have the best mood out of your siblings. Cid: “That’s not my fault!”
  • 55. Fiona: “Author, there are roaches EVERYWHERE! And EVERYONE’S got the flu!!” Yeah, and whose fault is that? Fiona: “Yours!” Um… actually, I think it’s all Garrett’s fault. Yeah. It’s totally not my doing. Garrett: *plus 250*
  • 56. Wynn: “Now hold still, Fiona.” Fiona: “Ewww! It stinks!” Wynn: “I’m sure this won’t poison you or stunt your growth or anything like that. Trust me.”
  • 58. Wynn: “Grandma Snow’s comfort soup for everyone. Come and get it. I’m the only one allowed to have morning sickness around here.” Teenage Boys: “Fooooood.” Funny, really, how these two just happened to be in the kitchen when Wynn was serving food. Especially since I happen to know Bryan was outside thirty seconds before, taking care of some roaches. Hm. What an interesting coincidence.
  • 59. We’re going to put more stools in. Eventually. Promise.
  • 60. Aha, I see Baby H is finally starting to show! Wynn: “Yeah, I got nothing. Can we skip the popping pictures yet?” Nope! Wynn: “Shame.”
  • 61. Heh, you know what I almost forgot to do? Don: “Remind me why I need a scholarship if I’m not actually going to college?” Don’t question. Just do it.
  • 62. Cid: “Hi there. Yeah, me too.” Alright, that’s two more points for me, for children who learned all three toddler skills, learned to study as a child, and earned a scholarship as a teen. I can’t believe I hadn’t done this yet!
  • 63. Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me. Now who did that!? Bonus points if you can find the toddler in this picture.
  • 64. Cid: “Alright, squirt. This is the last skill you need. Come on. Work with me here.” Garrett: *totally uninterested*
  • 65. Usually when there’s a double birthday in this house, the youngest gets the cake. But… I think we’ll make an exception in this case. Happy birthday, Bryan! Bryan: “Finally. Do you realize how long I’ve been in red aspiration? Do you?” Yes yes, you’ve been very helpful. Blow out those candles.
  • 67.
  • 68. Sorry, Eric. You’re never going to top that. Look, we’ll all do like Bryan and not even bother watching. Good luck, boy. You shall forever live in the shadow of your big brother. Eric: *sniff*
  • 69. Kinda funny that he now looks exactly the opposite as he did as a child, but Bryan. Oh my word. Eric rolled Family/Popularity. What is it with this family and Family Sims? Honestly.
  • 70. Oh hey look, it’s Baltic. The firstborn of my legacy, and probably the sim I put through the most crap. Hi, Baltic! *waves* Baltic: “Hi there, Author!” I always liked him. Never yells at me.
  • 71. Hey look, Baby H! …wait. When did the second pop happen? I swear there was only one pop. Hold on.
  • 72. This was Saturday… I remember because everyone was home for the whole day and I had to micromanage their needs…
  • 73. …and then she popped on Saturday night…
  • 74. …I’m not going crazy, am I?
  • 75. Wynn finishes her labor animation, and then… Bryan reminds us who deserves the attention around here.
  • 76. Alright, so Bryan gets his new outfit, and then baby! Hey look, it’s a she, and she’s a redhead! Larch must have a recessive gene I forgot I set for him! Wynn: “Well hello there, Hazel! Don’t worry about your silly big brother, he’s moving out anyway! Yes he is! Yes he is!”
  • 77. Well, off to Townieland, are we, Bryan? Bryan: “Yeah, I think I’ve left enough of an impression around here.”
  • 78. So Wynn, I’ve been meaning to ask. How do you feel about having two adult children now? Wynn: “Adult children? Psh. I’m too young to have adult children. And I’ve got a toddler and a baby right now to take care of.” Elixir of Life is great, isn’t it? Wynn: “I’M NOT CHUGGING ILLEGAL ELIXIR OF LIFE!!” *shifty eyes*
  • 79. Wynn: “YOU HAVE NO PROOF!!”
  • 80. Eric: “Would you believe Landers & Flynn doesn’t have any pirate suits on sale for teenagers? Unbelievable.” Holy. Cow. Eric, has your mother seen you yet? Eric: “No. Why?”
  • 81. Eric: “Aw, don’t worry, Hazel. Don’t cry. I’m a Family Sim. No need to worry.” Hazel: *stops crying instantly*
  • 82. You know, it’s really kind of fun to let a household of sim kids run wild and do what they want. For instance, I followed Eric into the kitchen, and I find Don reading his impressionable little sister a dirty bedtime story. Don: “Dirty nothing. This is a classic fairy tale.” Fiona: “Yeah! ‘Goldilocks and the Three Toilets’!”
  • 83. Wynn: “So, Thai, I was—” Thai: “Yes.” Wynn: “But I haven’t even—” Thai: “Yes. Take me, I’m yours.” I’m drawing this from Thai’s description of his simself’s preferred behavior, by the way. Not trying to paint a fellow simmer in a negative light.
  • 84. By the way, you’re right about your simself, Thai. He and Wynn only have the one bolt, but he was very eager. And a bit of a kiss-up. Wait, hold on, I just got a notification in. Let’s see… what do you mean, Eric missed a grade by skipping school!?
  • 85. ERIC KINSEY! Eric: “Yes, Author?” What are you doing up here!? Eric: “I was sleeping. Now I’m painting. And it has nothing to do with conveniently missing school… ehehe.” Boy, you’re going to be the death of me.
  • 86. Wynn: “By the way, Thai. What’s your sign?” Thai: “I’m a Leo. But why? I’m a simself, after all.” We all know we’re going to use you as the simself point, Thai. But, you know, just in case. Better safe than sorry.
  • 87. Wynn, don’t you have a birthday to attend? Wynn: “Oh zheah! Karretch!” Thai: “What was that? Carrots?” Wynn: “GARRETCH!” Thai: “Oh, Garrett. I see.”
  • 88. Hey look, only one birthday this time! Don: “Mom, who is this guy? And why is he in his underwear?” Thai: *tooot!*
  • 89. Excellent. That’s a nice transition outfit. You can keep the short hair, too. Garrett: “Yay!”
  • 90. Eric: “How come I’m the one to have to teach the newest squirt to study? With Fiona’s homework, no less!” Because you skipped school today. Pffbt.
  • 91. Fiona: “Cid? Don? Why are you pillow fighting in the snow?” Cid: “Shh. Don’t tell the Author. She might make a bad joke about icy pillows, or worse, tell us to go inside before we die of a cold or the school bus runs us over, either one.” Ahem.
  • 92. Wait, hold on! Where are you going!? The headmaster is coming! I need you to stay home from work and entertain him! Wynn: “No way. I’ve got a promotion scheduled for today. Thai promised he would ‘pull some strings,’ whatever that means.” …Thai. Quit interfering in my game.
  • 93. Well, I guess that means the kids are handling the headmaster visit. …I’d better get them down here.
  • 94. Don: “Hi, Headmaster Robertson. I hope you like spaghetti, because Mom’s at work and the rest of us have a grand total of one cooking skill point between us.” Headmaster Robertson: “Your methods for impressing me are… unique.”
  • 95. Headmaster Robertson: “I would be happy to accept Eric, Fiona, and Garrett into my prestigious institution, since I know you already, Miss Kinsey. Though I must stress that when you call me for young Hazel’s admittance, you should really be here.” Wynn: “Oh no. What did those kids do?” Headmaster Robertson: “The tour was appreciated, but seeing the dirty toilets was unnecessary. The spaghetti was marvelous, when I made sure to pick around the worms.” Wynn: “I’ll talk to them. Don’t worry, they won’t get away with this.”
  • 97. Oh yay, Baby I. Now head into the kitchen, Wynn; Hazel needs help with her toddler twirl. …and by the way. I fully expect to see two pops this time. No exceptions.
  • 98. Alright, let’s see what a cross between Larch Vetinari and Wynter White Kinsey looks like! I’m excited!
  • 99. But before we get to that, may I point out Hazel’s love for her big brother Eric? He’s a pretty constant thought bubble of hers. It’s pretty cute, actually. Even when she covers her mother’s face to express her admiration for him. Wynn: *sniff* “No love for Mommy…”
  • 100. How sweet! …or at least she will be, once we get her out of the pink tuxedo and the evil toddler bob. Please see to that, Wynn.
  • 101. There is quite clearly a lot of Vetinari in here. Isn’t she the most adorable thing? Now that we’re sitting at 101 slides, I think it’s time to call it good and open up the score sheet, huh? Let’s see what we’ve got here.
  • 102. New Points Each child with a different father +2 Pregnancies concluded before founder marries +1 NPCs used as fathers +2 Children in private school +3 Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a scholarship Story is uploaded so the challenge creator (CSquared) can read it* +20 New Fathers: 7: Corbin Gray (logged as Vacation Native) 8: Larch Vetinari (logged as Dark Blue Eyes) +2 Total Points: 65 *Holy cow, that’s quite the bonus. Anyway, I hadn’t counted it until now because I hadn’t posted any chapters until I finished Chapter 3. Now I have, and it’s posted, and I get an extra TWENTY POINTS. Yow.