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Drooping Daisies
The White Legacy:
Generation Six, Chapter Four
Hey, I just noticed the family broke $1,000,000 net worth. Huh. Cool.
Anyway, this is the White Legacy! From left to right in this picture, we have Rose being held by Pepper, Peter the
plantsim, Laurel the little girl with the pink and white dress, Ella the alien heiress, Ollie the little boy sitting down,
and Pennyworth the servo. Last time, we saw Peter be approached by a plantsim tribe who seems to desperately
want him to join them. Many births and birthdays were had, as well as the passing of our beloved patriarch Hyde.
Vis was also abducted by aliens, so I happily went from a nine person house to a seven person house.
Yes, I hear you, Bring Back Vis Movement.
SimMe: “How could I not, with all of you camped out on my lawn?”
BBVM Members: “We want Vis! We want Vis! We want Vis!”
SimMe: “It ain’t happening! Go home!!”
(For those of you not on Boolprop, a number of the forum members have joined a movement they’ve called the
“BBVM” (Bring Back Vis Movement) to try and force me to bring Vis back. Pshaw.)
Pepper: “Ollie, what are you doing?”
Ollie: “Getting my bed all dirty and messed up so I can make it again.”
Pepper: “Oh. I thought you were using your bed as a trampoline so you could jump into space and bring Uncle Vis
back. Never mind.”
You looking for Uncle Vis too, Laurel?
Laurel: “No, Author, I am not engaged in so unproductive an activity. There are not enough hours in the day to allow myself the luxury of such fruitless
doings, such as attempting to rewrite an already-established destiny or playing silly video games. No, I am stargazing for inspiration for my next poem.”
Watch it with those sarcastic remarks, or you’re going to get retributed one of these days. I’ll let it pass today. You write poetry?
Laurel: “Of course. It is a highly ladylike thing to do.”
Uh-huh. Where did this Victorian ideals thing of yours come from, anyway?
Laurel: *sniff* “I’m sure I have no idea what you mean, Author.”
Charisma Bunny: “Okay kid, listen up. Sims these days are too loose. Now the Victorian Era, those were the
days. So you’ve gotta act like it’s the 1800s, capiche?”
Rose: “Bunny tawk?”
ELLA! PETER! Come get this stupid toy away from your daughter!!
Peter: “Aw, c-come on, P-Pennyworth. I n-n-need to l-look for a job…”
Don’t mind him, Peter. He’s making friends with the computer.
Peter: “You m-mean he’s on a forum?”
No. He’s making friends with the computer, not on it. He’s a robot.
Peter: “Oh. I s-s-see.”
Rose: “Wan’!”
Huh? What are you trying to ask?
Rose: “Wan’!”
Obi Wan?
Rose: “WAN’!!”
Rflong: “Peter! Fancy meeting you here, in front of your house! Hey, I just happened to be walking by, you know,
on the outskirts of the neighborhood miles away from anything else of any importance, and I was wondering—”
Peter: “The tribe didn’t send you, did they?”
Rflong: “…noooo…”
Plantsim: “How’d it go?”
Rflong: “He’s on to me. Sorry.”
Plantsim: “Drooping daisies. That’s no good.”
Azolla: “Please, Quercus, remember to Enunciate Properly, and do not use such Vulgar Language.”
Plantsim: “Sorry, Elder Azolla. Er, my Apologies.”
Oh… oh dear. The rain seems to have stopped.
I hate it when this happens.
Pink Townie: “Hm, that room looks expensive. Think anyone would notice if I…?”
I am SO GLAD Ella was inside and had a cell phone!!
Oh good, the firefighter’s here n—ELLA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?
Oh thank GOODNESS, everyone’s safe. I think these two firefighters can probably get the rest of the blaze under
control, right? And then I can get Pennyworth out here to clean up the mess and then I can replace the lost plants
and… boy, this is a disaster.
Laurel: “Author, where is my cake!?”
Look, I’m SORRY, Laurel! I was just a LITTLE distracted by the BLAZING INFERNO!!
Laurel: “Ladies do not raise their voices above the sound of a whispering wind, Author.”
Rose: “…I thought we’re supposed to get cake on our birthdays…?”
Oh… um, it was your birthday too? Sorry… Rose… *guilt*
Rose: “It’s alright, Author. I know you tried. There were more important things than my birthday going on out here,
*guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt*
So, it’s been ages since I accidentally missed a birthday and the kids had to grow up on their own. Figures this
time it would be a double birthday. I’m really, really sorry, girls.
Rose: “It’s okay, Author. You didn’t mean it.”
Laurel: “Indeed. Some people cannot help but be absentminded. I forgive you.”
Be nice to me, Laurel. After all, I have blackmail pictures. Remember that lovely outfit you transitioned into?
Laurel: “You would not dare…”
Ripped shorts. Midriff-baring shirt. Fishnets.
Laurel: “I should like to strike a truce with you, Author.”
If you insist. She rolled Family, by the way. No big surprises there.
This is a curious glitch… *shrug* *force error*
Fixed. My life has been SO much easier since discovering that function of boolprop.
Laurel: “Like this, Peppermint?”
Pepper: “Yepper depper! You’re super good at this, Laurel! You’re the awesomesauce!”
There’s something I’ve noticed watching Pepper—she just takes so much enjoyment out of everything she does. I
mean, come on. Look at that face.
Rosie: “I’m more interested in looking at her hair.”
SimMe: “Oh come on. You’re not still on about that, are you?”
Rosie: “You STOLE MY HAIR.”
SimMe: “It looks good on her, okay? Pepper has a unique face. There’s not a lot of hairstyles that really compliment her.”
Rosie: “It’s MY HAIR.”
Patrick: “BOO!”
Ollie: “AAH! A GHOST!!”
Patrick: “I am doing you a favor, small one. You seem to be acting the part of the quiet, uninteresting child of this
current generation. If you wish for a chance at claiming the title of heir, you need to begin acting in a more
interesting way. You must be able to compete with your sisters.”
Ollie: “Huh? Compete??”
Ollie: “Hi, everybody. Great-Great-Great-Great Grandpa Patrick says I’m going to be heir. Anybody got anymore
dishes I could wash?”
Oh, no you don’t. Great-whatever Grandpa Patrick did not say you were going to be heir.
Ollie: “But he said—”
That he wanted you to be able to compete for it. He did not prophecy that you would be taking over around here.
We do not need another Merry throwing fits when they don’t get the heirship, got it?
Rose: “I think you would make an awesome heir, Ollie.”
Ollie: *sniff* “Thanks, Rose.”
Why does this kid always make me feel guilty?
Peter: “N-nope. You’re too g-g-good at this g-game for m-me.”
Ella: “Aw, come on, whiny butt. Best 43 out of 45?”
*sigh* Laurel, why are you picking on your sister? Seems like every time I look at you, you’ve got “poke” or “slap”
or “shove” queued up against Pepper.
Laurel: “I have three nice points, and she annoys me.”
Pepper: *sniffle* “I just want to be friends…”
Yep. Should’ve seen this coming.
Winnar and still champeen, the infuriatingly proper one in the awkward dress!
Laurel: “Act like it is the 1800s for no particular reason or I will push you into the swimming pool! …wait.”
At least they’re not technically enemies yet. That makes this just sibling squabbling, right?
Pennyworth: “Beep. My most important wisdom is eat cake for breakfast. Boop. This is very important. Beep
Peter: “Are you s-sure you’re n-not just trying to fill your social b-b-b-bar?”
Pennyworth: “Beep. This is very important!”
Peter: “Okay, okay…”
Pennyworth: “Beep. Scram, chum.”
Headmaster: “Excuse me?”
Oh crap, crap, double crap. I forgot I’d invited the headmaster over. Er, don’t mind the servo, Headmaster Summers, we
programmed him to parrot back what he’s heard since his initialization.
Pennyworth: “Boop. That’s so evil!”
Headmaster: “I… see.”
Pennyworth: “Beep boop. Here we are.”
Headmaster: “Yee-haa! That is some kitchen!”
Ella, you are a lifesaver. Thank you SO much for coming home from work early to make the headmaster dinner.
Ella: “My pleasure. No, seriously. I don’t get to use my ninja teleport all that much. Any excuse is fine by me!”
Thanks to Pennyworth’s smooth talking skills and Ella’s bass with squash, all four kids are now into private school! Huzzah!
Hail the conquering heroes!
Ella: “Like getting into private school is all that hard.”
Shuddup. Let me celebrate.
Ella: “What do you think? Post-headmaster pre-birthday night on the town? Just you and me?”
Peter: “Sounds g-g-great! What do we do with the k-kids, though?”
Ella: “I’ll call Aunt Arie. She’s always up for hanging out with her nieces and nephews and inviting herself to the house.”
Peter: “B-besides, she’d p-probably get upset if we c-c-called anyone besides her.”
You guys know her well.
Ella: “Thanks for doing this, Aunt Arie.”
Arie: “Anytime, O Niece of Mine. Thanks for letting me bring Kevin. He wouldn’t stay behind, you see.”
Kevin: “Oh, that’s only because she’s my one true love, my heart’s missing piece, my—”
Arie: “Yes, Kevin. You don’t have to perform for my family.”
Kevin: “Oh. Yes. Right.”
Kevin: “Hey, this is a pretty cool place.”
Arie: “Sure is. I grew up in this house. Well, sort of. I grew up mostly in a shack, and by the time I moved out, this place had
been built, but was still a skeleton. Even the game room. A travesty, I tell you.”
Ollie: “Ooh, the game room. Rose and I are going to go play in there, okay?”
Arie: “Sure, sweetie. Don’t kill each other. Call if you need me.”
Kevin: “Hey, was that the doorbell?”
Plantsim: “Hello! You must be Miss Arie White! What a Pleasure! We represent the Greenman Tribe, and we had
Hoped that you would Talk to your—”
Arie: “Save it. I’ve heard all about you guys. He’s not interested.”
Plantsim: “Oh, wilting wisteria… Let me put that another way…”
Ollie: “Hey, Rose! Wanna go play catch?”
Rose: “Sure thing! It’s always fun playing with you!”
Ollie: “Let’s just make sure we get a brand new ball out of the package, yeah? We don’t want to be touching
anyone else’s sweat and dirt. Catch can get nasty, you know.”
Laurel: “Peppermint, dear sister, there is something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.”
Pepper: “Yeah? What’s up, Laurel?”
Laurel: “Well… it’s about your wardrobe.”
Pepper: “Oh, no worries, sis. My drobe isn’t in a war. Everything’s cool.”
Sun: “Yup yup, everything looks totally cool over here. Those great-grandkids of mine are totally bodacious.
Though I wish they wouldn’t, like, play outside at night, you know what I mean, man?”
Sun: “Hm…?”
Sun: “Squeak!”
Rose: “Throw it high, Ollie!”
Ollie: “Just make sure to catch it so it doesn’t get all dusty!”
Rose: “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do that to you!”
Pepper: “Hey, did you just hear something?”
Laurel: *sigh* “Peppermint, I know you cannot concentrate on more than one thing for more than a few moments,
but please pay attention when I am talking to you. This is very important.”
Pepper: “It sounded like someone was shouting…”
Laurel: “Primrose and Oleander are outside playing. They are children. It is only natural that they would shout and
yell. Now, listen—”
Laurel: *bigger sigh* “I am so put upon.”
Ollie: “Help! HELP!! SOMEBODY!!”
Rose: “Pepper!!”
Perseus: “Hehehe… witches and vampires and aliens, oh my! Delicious, delicious, delicious blood! Hahaha…
Pepper: “HEY! MEANIE-HEAD!! Leave my baby sister alone!!”
Perseus: “Hehehe…” *snort* “So… thirsty…”
Rose: *shriek*
Plantsim: “All we ask, Miss White, is that you please Speak with your Nephew. I’m sure you can understand Our Side…”
Arie: “Shh.”
Plantsim: “Please, Miss White, we are becoming Very Despera—”
Arie: “Shut up and let me listen! Was that a yell!?”
Laurel: *sigh* “You, too?”
Laurel: “Really, Aunt Aral, it is just two children playing, something we have all heard on multiple occasions. I do
not see any reason for us to go… running…”
Laurel: “Oh my plumbbob!”
Perseus: “Hee hee… hehehehe… yum… smells so good… I WANT SOME!! SHE GOT AWAY FROM ME!! I
Ollie: “Pepper!”
Rose: “Nooo…!”
Arie: “Kevin, the kids! Get them inside!”
Kevin: “Roger!”
Plantsim: “Whatever you do, don’t get too close!”
Kevin: “Come on sweetheart, we need to get inside, come on…”
Plantsim: “YOU! Vampire! We do not allow Your Kind within our Borders! This is Land claimed for the Greenman
Plantsim Tribe! You will Evacuate Immediately or Suffer the Consequences!”
Arie: “What he said! Let her go!”
Perseus: “Hehehe… it smells yummy… I’m thirsty… she sparkles with it… the magic…”
Pepper: *shriek*
Perseus: “EW!! VEGETABLES!! Get away from me!!”
Perseus: “I waited GENERATIONS for a witchling, and NOW her MAGICAL SPARKLY WITCH VAMPIRE ALIEN
Perseus: “OW!!”
Arie: “Take THAT!”
Sun: “Hey guys, I thought I would, like, come and let everybody know I chased a couple of vampire bats off the
property… holy plumbbob, Perseus!?”
Plantsim: “What, another one?”
Arie: “Put ‘em up! I don’t care if you ARE a vampire, I’m gonna take you down for hurting my niece!!”
Perseus: “Hahaha…”
Sun: “Let me handle this, Arie.”
Arie: “No way! I’m not going anywhere!”
Sun: “Perseus Reed. Sit down.”
Perseus: “Okay.”
Arie: “Creepy. How come you didn’t do that to those other vampires?”
Sun: “It wouldn’t work. Perseus here is rogue—he’s lost all inkling of himself, so he’s easy to influence. Plus, he
apparently still thinks of me as his Count. If he didn’t, things might have been a bit messier. How is she?”
Plantsim: “I’m guessing you’re supposed to be on Our Side?”
Arie: “He’s her great-grandfather.”
Plantsim: “She should be Fine. He Quieted and Bit her, but she should Recover Nicely from both by Morning.”
Arie: “Lucky Peter became a plantsim, really. Who knew the arch nemesis of the vampire is the plantsim?”
Plantsim: “Nothing happens by Luck. I will take her Inside.”
Arie: “So what do we do about Giggly over here?”
Sun: “It’s illegal for a loathe to shelter a rogue like this. The two I suppose were his caretakers have deserted him,
so I will take care of him.”
Arie: “And by ‘take care’, you mean that in the mafia movie sense?”
Sun: “Yup.”
Arie: “…oh dear.”
Sun: “What, dudette?”
Arie: “I’m going to have to call their parents…”
Arie: “I, uh, guess I’d better go do that, then. I think I’ll check up on Pepper and the rest of the kids to make sure
the plantsims are treating them okay, too.”
Sun: “Sure. I’ll catch up.”
Sun: “What happened, Percy? You promised me when you joined us that you were going to clean up, remember?
You were supposed to get over this addiction of yours before this happened. I warned you, man.”
Perseus: “Hehehe…” *hiccup* “HAHAHA!!”
Perseus: “Hi, Count.”
Sun: “Hi, Perseus.”
Perseus: “I did my best, Count. Hehehe… it smelled so good…”
Sun: “I know, I know. That’s why I’m going to make this as gentle as I can. I can’t forgive you for hurting and
terrorizing my family… but it’s my fault you’re here, and you were a pretty good nestling. I’m going to make sure
your passage to the Luau is as easy as possible.”
Arie: “How’s she doing?”
Plantsim: “She’ll be Fine. She’s just sleeping. Syriaca and Rubus are with the other little ones—you might want to
Check in with them. They seem to be taking things Much Harder than Pepper here.”
Arie: “I’ll do that. Thanks.”
Laurel: “It is my fault. I could not even tell the difference between ultimate danger and a game of catch. If I had,
we could have done something sooner…”
Kevin: “It’s not your fault…”
Laurel: “Yes it is. Do not try to persuade me otherwise.”
Rose: “No, it was my fault. If I hadn’t screamed, Pepper wouldn’t’ve come and she wouldn’t’ve gotten hurt!”
Laurel: “You did nothing wrong, Primrose. We would not have wanted you hurt, either. The blame rests entirely on
me this time.”
Rose: “But… but…”
Ollie: “You’re both wrong. It was my fault. I didn’t do anything but cringe when Rose got attacked. I’m the big
brother. I should’ve done something. I could’ve at least run back in to find Aunt Arie or somebody so Pepper didn’t
have to come save us.”
Plantsim: “You are a still a Child, young one. There was nothing you could have done.”
Ollie: “Don’t try to make me feel better, Syriaca. It is my fault.”
Arie: “Oh, stop it already, all of you. Could-a, should-a, would-a. You can blame yourselves all you want, but all
you’re going to do is poison yourselves. Punishing yourself over this isn’t going to do a lick of good. It won’t
change the past, all it will do is hurt your future and make you feel guilty forever. Is that what you want?”
Rose: “…no.”
Arie: “I’m sorry if that sounded harsh… listen. I honestly and truly don’t think any of you are to blame. These
vampires have been targeting the family for generations—this would have happened eventually, and it is not your
Arie: “…oh no.”
Ella: “ARAL WHITE!! You are never babysitting my children EVER AGAIN!!”
Fricorith: “We… are in trouble.”
Romi: “Oh yeah? What tipped you off?”
Romi: “We might still get through this. The Contessa said to use Perseus to scare them, right?”
Fricorith: “I believe her exact words were ‘unleash Perseus on them. Let him kill one or several of the children.
Maybe then they’ll figure out who’s in control around here.’”
Romi: “She had to know the Count would neutralize Perseus when he attacked them. We knew that. She’s smart
enough to figure that out. Besides, we had to get rid of him somehow. He obviously wasn’t snapping back to
Fricorith: “So when she calls, we present Perseus’s death as planned and expected. We certainly scared them.
So… mission success?”
Romi: “Right.”
Pepper: “Ooh… I have such a headache… hm, I wonder what causes headaches?”
Pepper: “Morning, guys!”
Rose: “Pepper, I’m sorry!!”
Pepper: “Huh? For what?”
Ollie: “Me too! I’m sorry, too!”
Laurel: “…”
Pepper: “So… could somebody tell me what happened last night? Last I remember, I was tackling that mean pale guy…”
Water wiggler: Plantsim’s best friend.
So, tonight is a very special night for four reasons. This is reason number one.
Brie: “Nobody invited me to the party! BOO!”
Peter: “WAAAGH!!”
Ehehe… the ghost rider hoodie. That totally fits Ollie, don’t you think?
So what’d you roll, Ollie?
Ollie: “Family.”
No, really.
Ollie: “What? I did.”
Reason number two.
*sniffle* I can’t believe baby Ella is going to be an elder already…
Sol: “I’ll say. We’re twins and I’m not even close to my birthday.”
Stop pointing out my lazy spare practices.
Sorry, Ella. I understand you like purple, but that outfit has to go. You look like an Easter egg.
Ella: “WHAT?”
Ella: “I took a beaver egg? I did not! Beavers don’t even lay eggs! I think YOU’RE the one getting old, Author!”
This is going to be a long elder stage.
Reason number three.
Please don’t go deaf please don’t go deaf…
Just like witches, methinks plantsims get automatically good transition outfits. Plus a really cool transition
Sol: “Heh heh… heh heh heh heh…”
Sol, be nice.
Last but not least, reason number four. Have fun at college, Pepper!
Pepper: “What is college for?”
Partying. Making friends. Learning things.
Pepper: “Ooh, cool. I like learning things. I like making friends, too. College is gonna be awesome!”
Makeover shot! Peter, were the spores of happiness really necessary?
Peter: “Y-yes.”
Ollie: “Come on, well. I’m a lonely Family Sim. Give me somebody with a lot of neat points.”
You know, this didn’t work so well for your mother.
Ollie: “Only because Arc was involved. Come on, well…”
Ooh, bad luck. A vacation townie.
Ollie: *in heaven*
Oh, that is so cute.
This is an object lesson, Ollie. Always knock before entering a bathroom.
Ella, please go inside. I don’t care if you are an unofficial ninja who can take care of yourself, we just spend about
forty slides explaining why you guys are not supposed to be spending time outside at night.
Ella: “WHAT?”
Ella: “I can hear you, there’s no need to shout…”
Ella: “Rose, would you like some help with that?”
Rose: “Thanks Mom, but I think I’ve just about got it. I really appreciate the offer, though.”
Ella: “WHAT?”
Rose: “Thanks, Mom!”
Ella: “Aw, you’re welcome, sweetie.”
I don’t know if that exactly warranted a hug…
Rose: “It sure did! Besides, I needed to get close to her ear…”
Rose: “Hehehe. Gotcha, Ollie.”
Ollie: “You sure did, squirt.”
Laurel: “You are both so immature. Playing video games when you could be studying for college. Tsk, tsk.”
Did you really just say “tsk tsk?”
Laurel: “What of it?”
Ella: “Hi, Author. No need to shout. What’s the occasion?”
Ella: “You never have before…”
Ella: “So, what’s on your mind, Author?”
Speaking of which…
Rose: “I wish for world peace!”
Don’t tell us, Rose!
Rose: “Oops! Sorry!”
Not too bad of an outfit, Rose. Not what I would pick for you, but it matches and it’s kind of cute, if you like cowboy
Rose: “Thanks, Author! I rolled Popularity, is that OK?”
That’s great! Good for you! …Okay! Rose, go get changed! Everyone else, we have a family meeting to run in the
parlor! See you there!
Rose: “How’s this outfit, Author? Do you like it?”
That looks great. Now go join your family, they’re waiting on you.
Rose: “Oh! I hope I haven’t held them up too long!”
No, no, they’re fine.
Ella: “So. As you all know, this is a legacy, and now that you’re all teenagers, it’s high time I picked one of you to
be my heir. And I am choosing—”
Ella: “As I was saying, my heir is—”
Ella: “FINE! Do what you want, Author! I’m sitting down; my knees are killing me!”
Ahem. Thank you for so graciously giving me the floor, Ella. For you see, we’re going to do something a little
different this generation.
Ollie: “Uh-oh.”
Oh come on, it won’t be that bad. You see, we’re doing an heir poll!
Arie: “…what? You mean, like, have other people choose? Who would be choosing?”
It’s a secret!
I’m going to be posting two heir polls—one on my Livejournal and one on Boolprop. ( Links to
both are on this chapter’s page. This is your chance to vote for who YOU think should be heir! I’m leaving it entirely up
to you this generation, so pick well! I’ll have information and pictures of the four choices on those pages!
Kevin: {I am so lost… I think I’ll just keep smiling. Yeah.}
Laurel: “Okay, well, I am going to college. I will see you all later.”
Thanks Laurel, that seems like a pretty good place to stop for now. Although, I think there is one more sim who
has something to say…
Vis: “So… you’re my space dad?”
10: “Yes. Well… no. Sort of. You’ve got my genes, which we administered to your sim host in a tasty drink.”
Vis: “That is so evil.”
10: “I can’t tell ya how glad we are you decided to stay, 98. We were getting really worried and all, after 92 and 93
decided to stay on your home planet. It takes a lot of time for you guys to grow up, you see, and then there’s
finding you after you’re mature and keeping track of you, and then it all hinges on whether or not you want to
Vis: “Hey, I think you guys are evil! It’s so wicked how you abduct people, and then they get to stick around and
party with you guys to make up for it! It’s, like, the pinnacle of pure evil!”
10: “Uh, that’s a good thing, right?”
Vis: “Plus, you guys are my family, too. I’ve always wondered what you’re like, and you’re just as evil as I always
thought you would be! And now that I’ve heard all about my other home planet, I’ve just gotta do something, you
know? It’s not fair that it should have to stay all barren and unpopulated, not when I’m just kicking around the
10: “My thoughts exactly! Man, we are on precisely the same page!”
10: “So… about your hair…”

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The White Legacy--Generation 6, Chapter 4

  • 1. Drooping Daisies The White Legacy: Generation Six, Chapter Four
  • 2. Hey, I just noticed the family broke $1,000,000 net worth. Huh. Cool. Anyway, this is the White Legacy! From left to right in this picture, we have Rose being held by Pepper, Peter the plantsim, Laurel the little girl with the pink and white dress, Ella the alien heiress, Ollie the little boy sitting down, and Pennyworth the servo. Last time, we saw Peter be approached by a plantsim tribe who seems to desperately want him to join them. Many births and birthdays were had, as well as the passing of our beloved patriarch Hyde. Vis was also abducted by aliens, so I happily went from a nine person house to a seven person house. Yes, I hear you, Bring Back Vis Movement.
  • 3. SimMe: “How could I not, with all of you camped out on my lawn?” BBVM Members: “We want Vis! We want Vis! We want Vis!” SimMe: “It ain’t happening! Go home!!” (For those of you not on Boolprop, a number of the forum members have joined a movement they’ve called the “BBVM” (Bring Back Vis Movement) to try and force me to bring Vis back. Pshaw.)
  • 4. Pepper: “Ollie, what are you doing?” Ollie: “Getting my bed all dirty and messed up so I can make it again.” Pepper: “Oh. I thought you were using your bed as a trampoline so you could jump into space and bring Uncle Vis back. Never mind.”
  • 5. You looking for Uncle Vis too, Laurel? Laurel: “No, Author, I am not engaged in so unproductive an activity. There are not enough hours in the day to allow myself the luxury of such fruitless doings, such as attempting to rewrite an already-established destiny or playing silly video games. No, I am stargazing for inspiration for my next poem.” Watch it with those sarcastic remarks, or you’re going to get retributed one of these days. I’ll let it pass today. You write poetry? Laurel: “Of course. It is a highly ladylike thing to do.” Uh-huh. Where did this Victorian ideals thing of yours come from, anyway? Laurel: *sniff* “I’m sure I have no idea what you mean, Author.”
  • 6. Charisma Bunny: “Okay kid, listen up. Sims these days are too loose. Now the Victorian Era, those were the days. So you’ve gotta act like it’s the 1800s, capiche?” Rose: “Bunny tawk?” ELLA! PETER! Come get this stupid toy away from your daughter!!
  • 7. Peter: “Aw, c-come on, P-Pennyworth. I n-n-need to l-look for a job…” Don’t mind him, Peter. He’s making friends with the computer. Peter: “You m-mean he’s on a forum?” No. He’s making friends with the computer, not on it. He’s a robot. Peter: “Oh. I s-s-see.”
  • 8. Rose: “Wan’!” Huh? What are you trying to ask? Rose: “Wan’!” Obi Wan? Rose: “WAN’!!”
  • 9. Rflong: “Peter! Fancy meeting you here, in front of your house! Hey, I just happened to be walking by, you know, on the outskirts of the neighborhood miles away from anything else of any importance, and I was wondering—” Peter: “The tribe didn’t send you, did they?” Rflong: “…noooo…”
  • 10. Plantsim: “How’d it go?” Rflong: “He’s on to me. Sorry.” Plantsim: “Drooping daisies. That’s no good.” Azolla: “Please, Quercus, remember to Enunciate Properly, and do not use such Vulgar Language.” Plantsim: “Sorry, Elder Azolla. Er, my Apologies.”
  • 11. Oh… oh dear. The rain seems to have stopped. I hate it when this happens.
  • 12. NONONONONONO NOT PEPPER!! I NEED HER!! Pink Townie: “Hm, that room looks expensive. Think anyone would notice if I…?”
  • 13. Ella: “HELP US!! MY DAUGHTER IS ON FIRE!!” I am SO GLAD Ella was inside and had a cell phone!!
  • 14. Oh good, the firefighter’s here n—ELLA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? Peter: “AUTHOR H-HELP US!!” I’M TRYING!!
  • 15. Oh thank GOODNESS, everyone’s safe. I think these two firefighters can probably get the rest of the blaze under control, right? And then I can get Pennyworth out here to clean up the mess and then I can replace the lost plants and… boy, this is a disaster.
  • 16. Laurel: “Author, where is my cake!?” Look, I’m SORRY, Laurel! I was just a LITTLE distracted by the BLAZING INFERNO!! Laurel: “Ladies do not raise their voices above the sound of a whispering wind, Author.” RAZZIN FRAZZIN FLIPPIN FETCHIN—
  • 17. Rose: “…I thought we’re supposed to get cake on our birthdays…?” Oh… um, it was your birthday too? Sorry… Rose… *guilt* Rose: “It’s alright, Author. I know you tried. There were more important things than my birthday going on out here, anyway.” *guilt guilt guilt guilt guilt*
  • 18. So, it’s been ages since I accidentally missed a birthday and the kids had to grow up on their own. Figures this time it would be a double birthday. I’m really, really sorry, girls. Rose: “It’s okay, Author. You didn’t mean it.” Laurel: “Indeed. Some people cannot help but be absentminded. I forgive you.”
  • 19. Be nice to me, Laurel. After all, I have blackmail pictures. Remember that lovely outfit you transitioned into? Laurel: “You would not dare…” Ripped shorts. Midriff-baring shirt. Fishnets. Laurel: “I should like to strike a truce with you, Author.” If you insist. She rolled Family, by the way. No big surprises there.
  • 20. This is a curious glitch… *shrug* *force error*
  • 21. Fixed. My life has been SO much easier since discovering that function of boolprop.
  • 22. Laurel: “Like this, Peppermint?” Pepper: “Yepper depper! You’re super good at this, Laurel! You’re the awesomesauce!” There’s something I’ve noticed watching Pepper—she just takes so much enjoyment out of everything she does. I mean, come on. Look at that face.
  • 23. Rosie: “I’m more interested in looking at her hair.” SimMe: “Oh come on. You’re not still on about that, are you?” Rosie: “You STOLE MY HAIR.” SimMe: “It looks good on her, okay? Pepper has a unique face. There’s not a lot of hairstyles that really compliment her.” Rosie: “It’s MY HAIR.”
  • 24. Patrick: “BOO!” Ollie: “AAH! A GHOST!!” Patrick: “I am doing you a favor, small one. You seem to be acting the part of the quiet, uninteresting child of this current generation. If you wish for a chance at claiming the title of heir, you need to begin acting in a more interesting way. You must be able to compete with your sisters.” Ollie: “Huh? Compete??”
  • 25. Ollie: “Hi, everybody. Great-Great-Great-Great Grandpa Patrick says I’m going to be heir. Anybody got anymore dishes I could wash?” Oh, no you don’t. Great-whatever Grandpa Patrick did not say you were going to be heir. Ollie: “But he said—” That he wanted you to be able to compete for it. He did not prophecy that you would be taking over around here. We do not need another Merry throwing fits when they don’t get the heirship, got it?
  • 26. Rose: “I think you would make an awesome heir, Ollie.” Ollie: *sniff* “Thanks, Rose.” Why does this kid always make me feel guilty?
  • 27. Peter: “N-nope. You’re too g-g-good at this g-game for m-me.” Ella: “Aw, come on, whiny butt. Best 43 out of 45?”
  • 28. *sigh* Laurel, why are you picking on your sister? Seems like every time I look at you, you’ve got “poke” or “slap” or “shove” queued up against Pepper. Laurel: “I have three nice points, and she annoys me.” Pepper: *sniffle* “I just want to be friends…”
  • 29. Yep. Should’ve seen this coming.
  • 30. Winnar and still champeen, the infuriatingly proper one in the awkward dress! Laurel: “Act like it is the 1800s for no particular reason or I will push you into the swimming pool! …wait.” At least they’re not technically enemies yet. That makes this just sibling squabbling, right? …right?
  • 31. Pennyworth: “Beep. My most important wisdom is eat cake for breakfast. Boop. This is very important. Beep boop.” Peter: “Are you s-sure you’re n-not just trying to fill your social b-b-b-bar?” Pennyworth: “Beep. This is very important!” Peter: “Okay, okay…”
  • 32. Pennyworth: “Beep. Scram, chum.” Headmaster: “Excuse me?” Oh crap, crap, double crap. I forgot I’d invited the headmaster over. Er, don’t mind the servo, Headmaster Summers, we programmed him to parrot back what he’s heard since his initialization. Pennyworth: “Boop. That’s so evil!” Headmaster: “I… see.”
  • 33. Pennyworth: “Beep boop. Here we are.” Headmaster: “Yee-haa! That is some kitchen!”
  • 34. Ella, you are a lifesaver. Thank you SO much for coming home from work early to make the headmaster dinner. Ella: “My pleasure. No, seriously. I don’t get to use my ninja teleport all that much. Any excuse is fine by me!” Thanks to Pennyworth’s smooth talking skills and Ella’s bass with squash, all four kids are now into private school! Huzzah! Hail the conquering heroes! Ella: “Like getting into private school is all that hard.” Shuddup. Let me celebrate.
  • 35. Ella: “What do you think? Post-headmaster pre-birthday night on the town? Just you and me?” Peter: “Sounds g-g-great! What do we do with the k-kids, though?” Ella: “I’ll call Aunt Arie. She’s always up for hanging out with her nieces and nephews and inviting herself to the house.” Peter: “B-besides, she’d p-probably get upset if we c-c-called anyone besides her.” You guys know her well.
  • 36. Ella: “Thanks for doing this, Aunt Arie.” Arie: “Anytime, O Niece of Mine. Thanks for letting me bring Kevin. He wouldn’t stay behind, you see.” Kevin: “Oh, that’s only because she’s my one true love, my heart’s missing piece, my—” Arie: “Yes, Kevin. You don’t have to perform for my family.” Kevin: “Oh. Yes. Right.”
  • 37. Kevin: “Hey, this is a pretty cool place.” Arie: “Sure is. I grew up in this house. Well, sort of. I grew up mostly in a shack, and by the time I moved out, this place had been built, but was still a skeleton. Even the game room. A travesty, I tell you.” Ollie: “Ooh, the game room. Rose and I are going to go play in there, okay?” Arie: “Sure, sweetie. Don’t kill each other. Call if you need me.” Kevin: “Hey, was that the doorbell?”
  • 38. Plantsim: “Hello! You must be Miss Arie White! What a Pleasure! We represent the Greenman Tribe, and we had Hoped that you would Talk to your—” Arie: “Save it. I’ve heard all about you guys. He’s not interested.” Plantsim: “Oh, wilting wisteria… Let me put that another way…”
  • 39. Ollie: “Hey, Rose! Wanna go play catch?” Rose: “Sure thing! It’s always fun playing with you!” Ollie: “Let’s just make sure we get a brand new ball out of the package, yeah? We don’t want to be touching anyone else’s sweat and dirt. Catch can get nasty, you know.”
  • 40. Laurel: “Peppermint, dear sister, there is something I’ve been meaning to talk to you about.” Pepper: “Yeah? What’s up, Laurel?” Laurel: “Well… it’s about your wardrobe.” Pepper: “Oh, no worries, sis. My drobe isn’t in a war. Everything’s cool.”
  • 41. Sun: “Yup yup, everything looks totally cool over here. Those great-grandkids of mine are totally bodacious. Though I wish they wouldn’t, like, play outside at night, you know what I mean, man?”
  • 44. Rose: “Throw it high, Ollie!” Ollie: “Just make sure to catch it so it doesn’t get all dusty!” Rose: “Don’t worry, I wouldn’t do that to you!”
  • 45. Pepper: “Hey, did you just hear something?” Laurel: *sigh* “Peppermint, I know you cannot concentrate on more than one thing for more than a few moments, but please pay attention when I am talking to you. This is very important.” Pepper: “It sounded like someone was shouting…” Laurel: “Primrose and Oleander are outside playing. They are children. It is only natural that they would shout and yell. Now, listen—”
  • 46. Laurel: *bigger sigh* “I am so put upon.”
  • 47. Ollie: “Help! HELP!! SOMEBODY!!”
  • 48. Rose: “Pepper!!” Perseus: “Hehehe… witches and vampires and aliens, oh my! Delicious, delicious, delicious blood! Hahaha… BWAHAHAHA!!” Pepper: “HEY! MEANIE-HEAD!! Leave my baby sister alone!!”
  • 49. Perseus: “Hehehe…” *snort* “So… thirsty…”
  • 51. Plantsim: “All we ask, Miss White, is that you please Speak with your Nephew. I’m sure you can understand Our Side…” Arie: “Shh.” Plantsim: “Please, Miss White, we are becoming Very Despera—” Arie: “Shut up and let me listen! Was that a yell!?” Laurel: *sigh* “You, too?”
  • 52. Laurel: “Really, Aunt Aral, it is just two children playing, something we have all heard on multiple occasions. I do not see any reason for us to go… running…”
  • 53. Laurel: “Oh my plumbbob!”
  • 54. Perseus: “Hee hee… hehehehe… yum… smells so good… I WANT SOME!! SHE GOT AWAY FROM ME!! I WANTED IT!! I WANT IT!!”
  • 55. Ollie: “Pepper!” Rose: “Nooo…!” Arie: “Kevin, the kids! Get them inside!” Kevin: “Roger!” Plantsim: “Whatever you do, don’t get too close!”
  • 56. Kevin: “Come on sweetheart, we need to get inside, come on…” Plantsim: “YOU! Vampire! We do not allow Your Kind within our Borders! This is Land claimed for the Greenman Plantsim Tribe! You will Evacuate Immediately or Suffer the Consequences!” Arie: “What he said! Let her go!”
  • 57. Perseus: “Hehehe… it smells yummy… I’m thirsty… she sparkles with it… the magic…”
  • 59.
  • 60. Perseus: “EW!! VEGETABLES!! Get away from me!!”
  • 63. Sun: “Hey guys, I thought I would, like, come and let everybody know I chased a couple of vampire bats off the property… holy plumbbob, Perseus!?” Plantsim: “What, another one?” Arie: “Put ‘em up! I don’t care if you ARE a vampire, I’m gonna take you down for hurting my niece!!” Perseus: “Hahaha…”
  • 64. Sun: “Let me handle this, Arie.” Arie: “No way! I’m not going anywhere!”
  • 65. Sun: “Perseus Reed. Sit down.”
  • 67. Arie: “Creepy. How come you didn’t do that to those other vampires?” Sun: “It wouldn’t work. Perseus here is rogue—he’s lost all inkling of himself, so he’s easy to influence. Plus, he apparently still thinks of me as his Count. If he didn’t, things might have been a bit messier. How is she?” Plantsim: “I’m guessing you’re supposed to be on Our Side?” Arie: “He’s her great-grandfather.”
  • 68. Plantsim: “She should be Fine. He Quieted and Bit her, but she should Recover Nicely from both by Morning.” Arie: “Lucky Peter became a plantsim, really. Who knew the arch nemesis of the vampire is the plantsim?” Plantsim: “Nothing happens by Luck. I will take her Inside.”
  • 69. Arie: “So what do we do about Giggly over here?” Sun: “It’s illegal for a loathe to shelter a rogue like this. The two I suppose were his caretakers have deserted him, so I will take care of him.” Arie: “And by ‘take care’, you mean that in the mafia movie sense?” Sun: “Yup.”
  • 70. Arie: “…oh dear.” Sun: “What, dudette?” Arie: “I’m going to have to call their parents…”
  • 71. Arie: “I, uh, guess I’d better go do that, then. I think I’ll check up on Pepper and the rest of the kids to make sure the plantsims are treating them okay, too.” Sun: “Sure. I’ll catch up.”
  • 72. Sun: “What happened, Percy? You promised me when you joined us that you were going to clean up, remember? You were supposed to get over this addiction of yours before this happened. I warned you, man.” Perseus: “Hehehe…” *hiccup* “HAHAHA!!”
  • 73. Perseus: “Hi, Count.” Sun: “Hi, Perseus.” Perseus: “I did my best, Count. Hehehe… it smelled so good…” Sun: “I know, I know. That’s why I’m going to make this as gentle as I can. I can’t forgive you for hurting and terrorizing my family… but it’s my fault you’re here, and you were a pretty good nestling. I’m going to make sure your passage to the Luau is as easy as possible.”
  • 74. Arie: “How’s she doing?” Plantsim: “She’ll be Fine. She’s just sleeping. Syriaca and Rubus are with the other little ones—you might want to Check in with them. They seem to be taking things Much Harder than Pepper here.” Arie: “I’ll do that. Thanks.”
  • 75. Laurel: “It is my fault. I could not even tell the difference between ultimate danger and a game of catch. If I had, we could have done something sooner…” Kevin: “It’s not your fault…” Laurel: “Yes it is. Do not try to persuade me otherwise.”
  • 76. Rose: “No, it was my fault. If I hadn’t screamed, Pepper wouldn’t’ve come and she wouldn’t’ve gotten hurt!” Laurel: “You did nothing wrong, Primrose. We would not have wanted you hurt, either. The blame rests entirely on me this time.” Rose: “But… but…”
  • 77. Ollie: “You’re both wrong. It was my fault. I didn’t do anything but cringe when Rose got attacked. I’m the big brother. I should’ve done something. I could’ve at least run back in to find Aunt Arie or somebody so Pepper didn’t have to come save us.” Plantsim: “You are a still a Child, young one. There was nothing you could have done.” Ollie: “Don’t try to make me feel better, Syriaca. It is my fault.”
  • 78. Arie: “Oh, stop it already, all of you. Could-a, should-a, would-a. You can blame yourselves all you want, but all you’re going to do is poison yourselves. Punishing yourself over this isn’t going to do a lick of good. It won’t change the past, all it will do is hurt your future and make you feel guilty forever. Is that what you want?”
  • 79. Rose: “…no.” Arie: “I’m sorry if that sounded harsh… listen. I honestly and truly don’t think any of you are to blame. These vampires have been targeting the family for generations—this would have happened eventually, and it is not your fault.” *CRASH*
  • 81. Ella: “ARAL WHITE!! You are never babysitting my children EVER AGAIN!!”
  • 82. Fricorith: “We… are in trouble.” Romi: “Oh yeah? What tipped you off?”
  • 83. Romi: “We might still get through this. The Contessa said to use Perseus to scare them, right?” Fricorith: “I believe her exact words were ‘unleash Perseus on them. Let him kill one or several of the children. Maybe then they’ll figure out who’s in control around here.’” Romi: “She had to know the Count would neutralize Perseus when he attacked them. We knew that. She’s smart enough to figure that out. Besides, we had to get rid of him somehow. He obviously wasn’t snapping back to normal.”
  • 84. Fricorith: “So when she calls, we present Perseus’s death as planned and expected. We certainly scared them. So… mission success?” Romi: “Right.”
  • 85.
  • 86. Pepper: “Ooh… I have such a headache… hm, I wonder what causes headaches?”
  • 88. Rose: “Pepper, I’m sorry!!” Pepper: “Huh? For what?” Ollie: “Me too! I’m sorry, too!” Laurel: “…” Pepper: “So… could somebody tell me what happened last night? Last I remember, I was tackling that mean pale guy…”
  • 90. So, tonight is a very special night for four reasons. This is reason number one. Brie: “Nobody invited me to the party! BOO!” Peter: “WAAAGH!!”
  • 91. Ehehe… the ghost rider hoodie. That totally fits Ollie, don’t you think?
  • 92. So what’d you roll, Ollie? Ollie: “Family.” No, really. Ollie: “What? I did.” *sigh*
  • 93. Reason number two. *sniffle* I can’t believe baby Ella is going to be an elder already… Sol: “I’ll say. We’re twins and I’m not even close to my birthday.” Stop pointing out my lazy spare practices.
  • 94. Sorry, Ella. I understand you like purple, but that outfit has to go. You look like an Easter egg. Ella: “WHAT?” YOU LOOK LIKE AN EASTER EGG. Ella: “I took a beaver egg? I did not! Beavers don’t even lay eggs! I think YOU’RE the one getting old, Author!” This is going to be a long elder stage.
  • 95. Reason number three. Please don’t go deaf please don’t go deaf…
  • 96. Just like witches, methinks plantsims get automatically good transition outfits. Plus a really cool transition animation. Sol: “Heh heh… heh heh heh heh…” Sol, be nice.
  • 97. Last but not least, reason number four. Have fun at college, Pepper! Pepper: “What is college for?” Partying. Making friends. Learning things. Pepper: “Ooh, cool. I like learning things. I like making friends, too. College is gonna be awesome!”
  • 98. Makeover shot! Peter, were the spores of happiness really necessary? Peter: “Y-yes.” Okay.
  • 99. Ollie: “Come on, well. I’m a lonely Family Sim. Give me somebody with a lot of neat points.” You know, this didn’t work so well for your mother. Ollie: “Only because Arc was involved. Come on, well…”
  • 100. Ooh, bad luck. A vacation townie. Ollie: *in heaven*
  • 101. Oh, that is so cute.
  • 102. This is an object lesson, Ollie. Always knock before entering a bathroom. Ollie: *SCARRED FOR LIFE*
  • 103. Ella, please go inside. I don’t care if you are an unofficial ninja who can take care of yourself, we just spend about forty slides explaining why you guys are not supposed to be spending time outside at night. Ella: “WHAT?” GO INSIDE!! Ella: “I can hear you, there’s no need to shout…”
  • 104. Ella: “Rose, would you like some help with that?” Rose: “Thanks Mom, but I think I’ve just about got it. I really appreciate the offer, though.” Ella: “WHAT?”
  • 105. Rose: “Thanks, Mom!” Ella: “Aw, you’re welcome, sweetie.” I don’t know if that exactly warranted a hug… Rose: “It sure did! Besides, I needed to get close to her ear…”
  • 106. Rose: “Hehehe. Gotcha, Ollie.” Ollie: “You sure did, squirt.” Laurel: “You are both so immature. Playing video games when you could be studying for college. Tsk, tsk.” Did you really just say “tsk tsk?” Laurel: “What of it?”
  • 108. Ella: “So, what’s on your mind, Author?” WELL, IT’S ABOUT ROSE’S BIRTHDAY TOMORROW…
  • 109. Speaking of which… Rose: “I wish for world peace!” Don’t tell us, Rose! Rose: “Oops! Sorry!”
  • 110. Not too bad of an outfit, Rose. Not what I would pick for you, but it matches and it’s kind of cute, if you like cowboy shirts. Rose: “Thanks, Author! I rolled Popularity, is that OK?” That’s great! Good for you! …Okay! Rose, go get changed! Everyone else, we have a family meeting to run in the parlor! See you there!
  • 111. Rose: “How’s this outfit, Author? Do you like it?” That looks great. Now go join your family, they’re waiting on you. Rose: “Oh! I hope I haven’t held them up too long!” No, no, they’re fine.
  • 112. Ella: “So. As you all know, this is a legacy, and now that you’re all teenagers, it’s high time I picked one of you to be my heir. And I am choosing—” Nope.
  • 113.
  • 114. Ella: “As I was saying, my heir is—” *ahem*
  • 115. Ella: “FINE! Do what you want, Author! I’m sitting down; my knees are killing me!”
  • 116. Ahem. Thank you for so graciously giving me the floor, Ella. For you see, we’re going to do something a little different this generation. Ollie: “Uh-oh.” Oh come on, it won’t be that bad. You see, we’re doing an heir poll!
  • 117. Arie: “…what? You mean, like, have other people choose? Who would be choosing?” It’s a secret! I’m going to be posting two heir polls—one on my Livejournal and one on Boolprop. ( Links to both are on this chapter’s page. This is your chance to vote for who YOU think should be heir! I’m leaving it entirely up to you this generation, so pick well! I’ll have information and pictures of the four choices on those pages! Kevin: {I am so lost… I think I’ll just keep smiling. Yeah.}
  • 118. Laurel: “Okay, well, I am going to college. I will see you all later.” Thanks Laurel, that seems like a pretty good place to stop for now. Although, I think there is one more sim who has something to say…
  • 119. Vis: “So… you’re my space dad?” 10: “Yes. Well… no. Sort of. You’ve got my genes, which we administered to your sim host in a tasty drink.” Vis: “That is so evil.”
  • 120. 10: “I can’t tell ya how glad we are you decided to stay, 98. We were getting really worried and all, after 92 and 93 decided to stay on your home planet. It takes a lot of time for you guys to grow up, you see, and then there’s finding you after you’re mature and keeping track of you, and then it all hinges on whether or not you want to stay!” Vis: “Hey, I think you guys are evil! It’s so wicked how you abduct people, and then they get to stick around and party with you guys to make up for it! It’s, like, the pinnacle of pure evil!” 10: “Uh, that’s a good thing, right?”
  • 121. Vis: “Plus, you guys are my family, too. I’ve always wondered what you’re like, and you’re just as evil as I always thought you would be! And now that I’ve heard all about my other home planet, I’ve just gotta do something, you know? It’s not fair that it should have to stay all barren and unpopulated, not when I’m just kicking around the legacy.” 10: “My thoughts exactly! Man, we are on precisely the same page!”
  • 122. 10: “So… about your hair…”