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Precious Little Penguin
The White Legacy:
Generation Six, Chapter Five
Welcome back to the White Legacy! Last time around, Pepper was bitten by Perseus and Perseus was then killed
by Sun. Ella and Peter became elders and all their youngest kids hit the teenage phase, introducing a new
concept in this particular legacy: an heir poll! *dun dun dun!* Pepper and Laurel have already gone off to college,
so we‟re just going to be following around Ollie and Rose right now.
But before we get to that...
SimMe: “Greetings. It is my understanding that a growing number of you support a radical movement known as
the BBVM (Bring Back Vis Movement). Malicious activities of this group have included camping out on my lawn,
chanting „bring back Vis,‟ posting propaganda in legacy chapters, and wearing matching T-shirts.”
SimMe: “Further, I understand that many of you even find this funny! I assure you, I most certainly do not!”
SimMe: “For this reason, I have come before you to say…”
SimMe: “I GIVE UP!! I surrender! I‟m raising the white flag! Look, my hands are above my head! Uncle! Uncle!!”
SimMe: “I would like to negotiate with you, BBVM. Strike a compromise, if you will. I cannot bring Vis back to the
main neighborhood. It wouldn‟t be easy to explain through the plot, and besides, there is a very good reason why
you guys want him to be in an alien spaceship at the end of this legacy. That‟s all I‟m going to say about that, but
Vis is staying on the ship.
“In the spirit of fair play, however, I have spoken with some very good friends of mine, and together we have come
up with a solution to give Vis more face time that I am quite certain everyone will be thoroughly pleased with.”
10: “Yeah! Hey, no worries, BBVM! We‟re going to have a great time!!”
SimMe: “Mehehe—”
Non-BBVM Simselves: “…”
Mystery: “Think we should warn them? They are still camped out on her lawn, you know. Without a TV.”
Sam: “Eh, they have phones. They‟ll figure it out.”
Plantsim: “You don‟t think that was seriously it, do you?”
Plantsim: “Good job, Dulcamara! That was just the right peg for that hole! What was „it,‟ Syriaca?”
Syriaca: “Our Matters of Great Importance. What else, Ilex? I mean, all we did was stand around and threaten a
vampire. It was the other vampire who actually subdued him, and we couldn‟t stop him from biting that girl.”
Ilex: “Well, I dunno. Elder Azolla is consulting the Portents to find out.”
Sativa: “We were so sure the Portents meant Peter was going to join us. Where did we go wrong?”
Syriaca: “I‟ll tell you when. It was when someone decided that just because we happened to find a plantsim living
right where the Portents said were going to be Matters of Great Importance, we decided he needed training, and that
meant joining the tribe. Who knew he already had a family, and that he wouldn‟t even be around for the Matters?”
Sativa: “If those even were the Matters.”
Ilex: “No, silly! Don‟t eat the green block! Eat the blue one, or the red one! Green is our friend!”
Azolla: *ahem*
Syriaca: “Oh! Elder!”
Dulcamara: “Hmph.”
Azolla: “It is Decided. I shall Read the Portents again, and I shall Discover whether These were the Matters for
which it was So Important that we be Present.”
Ilex: “Do these Events not feel Right to you, Elder?”
Azolla: “I am Unsure… I believe it was Important for us to be Present for the Release of Perseus on this
Family, but I have the Distinct Impression that there are Much More Important Matters yet on the Horizon… how
soon those Events shall Occur, however, I do not know. This is why I shall Read the Portents, you see.”
…anyway. This is what I see when I boot up the main family today: Ollie on the pinball machine, being coached by
Ella; Kevin trying to bond with the sims he hopes will become his in-laws; and Arie smiling at Pennyworth for some
reason. Also a random thinking cap that‟s been in that spot for a generation or more. So yeah, all in all, a fairly
typical evening at legacy estate.
Then Ella and Arie started exchanging dirty jokes.
Ollie: “ARGH!! My ears, my young, impressionable ears!!”
Yeah, pretty typical evening.
You know what I‟ve discovered? It is a major pain in the rear end to play a plantsim in a house which was not
specifically built with plantsims in mind. Just to make sure Peter gets his sunlight, I‟ve taken to posing him in the
greenhouse. That way he won‟t wander off.
Also it makes for funny pictures.
Ollie: “Dad, are you sure this is sanitary?”
Peter: “Yes. Punch m-m-me.”
Ollie: “But what if I punch too hard and get blood on my hands?”
Peter: “There‟s n-nothing to worry about. I d-don‟t have blood; I‟m a p-p-plantsim. Punch me.”
Gemini: “…you‟re wearing my hairstyle.”
Rose: “Really!? I was just thinking how nice you looked in it!”
Gemini: “Yeah, well, go cut your hair or something. There can only be one.”
Ollie: “No! No zits! If I have acne, no one will want to marry me!! Out, out, dang spot!!”
Ella: “Should I be worried?”
I‟m not even going to comment on Peter‟s super-stealth, inappropriate photobombing, or on the fact that the mirror
thinks Ollie‟s head is empty.
Ella: “WHAT?? Ollie‟s bed is empty? I should hope so!”
I don‟t know if it‟s the Education Bookshelf or Rose herself, but she skills really super fast. I‟m thinking it‟s Rose.
Pepper and Laurel are not fast skillers, even with the bookshelf from heaven.
Thank you for being smart, Rose.
Rose: “Oh, I‟m not that smart. It‟s the bookshelf. It makes everybody smart.”
On that note… get up, Ollie. Out of bed!
Ollie: “Wha…? What time is it…?”
A little before midnight.
Ollie: “Ugh… do I still have zits…?”
Yes. You won‟t in a few minutes, though. Up and at „em!
Young adults don‟t have acne, you see.
Ollie: “Yay college!!”
You know, you are going to be living with your sisters.
Ollie: “Um… well, they have neat points. It should be alright.”
We‟re down to just Rose now!
Who, by the way, just maxed all her skills! Huzzah! Told you she was smart!
Pennyworth: “Beep boop. Huzzah!” *thumbs up*
Rose: “It‟s really not that big of a deal, you don‟t have to go to the trouble of cheering for me…”
Humor us, Rose.
Rose: “Okay…”
Patrick: “BOO! Have more respect for the artists before you!”
Thank you, Patrick.
Patrick: “My pleasure, Author.”
First haunting! Hi, Hyde!! …wow, it‟s weird to see him as a ghost…
Hyde: “Hi, Author! Did you know they have SSX4 at the Luau!?”
There‟s no such thing, Hyde. At least not in your dimension. The farthest your developers ever got was SSX3.
Hyde: “Yes there is, Author! And it‟s at the Luau!! It‟s awesome!!”
Ella: “See? You have to bow from your waist, or else you look silly.”
Hey, guys.
Rose: “Ooh, I see now. From the waist, not the lower back.”
Ella: “WHAT??”
There‟s a penguin in the house.
Yeah. That is in fact exactly what I said.
Rose: “Oh, he‟s so sweet! Do we have any fish we can feed him?? Please?”
Go check the fridge.
Rose: “Yay!”
Pebbles: {Grace!}
Pebbles: {Mmm… a perfect specimen of piscine meat. Now, how shall I eat it…? Baked? Broiled?
Shishkebabed? Maybe I should just sit on it and squash it into jelly…?}
Or just toss it in the air and gulp it down in one swallow. That works, too.
Pebbles: “Yum…”
Rose: “Aww, who‟s a precious little penguin? You are! Yes you are!”
He almost looks like he‟s purring, doesn‟t he? Except he‟s a penguin.
Enjoying your cereal, Rose?
Rose: “Yes I am, Author. We always have the greatest cereal.”
That‟s good. When you‟re finished with that bowl, go apply for your scholarships. It‟s time for you to go.
Rose: “Already?”
Yepper depper. Time to hit the road.
Rose: “LOVE YOU, MOM.”
Ella: “Love you too, baby. But let‟s work on that mumbling habit of yours, alright?”
Rose: “I love you, Daddy. I‟m going to miss you and Mom so much.” *sniffle* “Do I really have to go?”
Yes, you do. Beat it.
Peter: “Don‟t l-listen to the Author, honey. You‟re going to have a g-g-great t-time in college. Have f-f-fun, okay?”
Rose: *sniff* “Okay…”
And of course, what Popularity Sim would get into a taxi without a finger gun?
Rose: “Have a finger gun, Author! You‟re awesome! Kachow!”
Never mind all the sniffling. She‟s going to fit right in at college. I can tell.
Ani-Mei: “VALE! CHRYSE! Stop fussing with your hair and get down here, please!!”
There‟s that blasted BBVM T-shirt again…
Ani-Mei: “Bring back Vis!”
Yes, I get it. What‟s going on here?
Ani-Mei: “We‟re taking a group picture with Vale and Chryse‟s cousins. You know, the ones you ignore.”
Boom! There they all are! Every single one of the teenagers in this room were children or toddlers a few minutes
ago, and now they are all grown up and ready to join society! We have Andi‟s kids (Kilauea, Iraya, Surtsey),
Gizmo‟s triplets (Vulpecula, Sagitta, Aranea), Spar‟s quads (Ara, Carina, Cassiopeia, Phoenix), Zircon‟s son Leo,
and Ani-Mei‟s kids Vale and Chryse (the green boy and the girl with crossed arms in black and blue).
Just thought I‟d mention that I‟d gone through and aged up all of the little ignored spare kids.
Please note also that there are ONLY TWO BOYS IN THIS PICTURE. I know I‟ve complained about it before, but
still! Grrr.
Townie: “Hey, pretty lady. Got any—”
Bartender: “If you use one more bad joke to flirt with me, Thomas Bard, I‟m going to cancel our date tonight.”
Tom: “Admit it, Neffy. You think my jokes are clever. Every time I use one, I become more handsome. Debonair.
Neffy: “You become more something, alright, though I think it rhymes with „dumb.‟”
Tom: “Are you sure that‟s not it?”
Neffy: “You decide.”
The Crumplebottom: “I strongly disapprove of this frivolous flirting over the counter. Bartenders should be
professional and attend to their work.”
Neffy: “Thank you for your business, Mrs. Crumplebottom.”
Tom: “So, where to, beautiful? A fine restaurant? Bowling? Oh, you‟ve been on your feet all night, you won‟t want
to do that. Art museum? No, that‟s not any better… um…”
Neffy: “How about Red‟s? I could do with a hamburger.”
Neffy: “What, are you trying to be a gentleman or something?”
Tom: “Am I succeeding?”
Neffy: “Maybe a little bit.”
Tom: “I had a really great time tonight, Neffy.”
Neffy: “Oh yeah? Even when the waiter spilled ketchup on your shirt?”
Tom: “My shirt‟s red, you can‟t really tell. Besides, it was my fault. It wouldn‟t have happened if I hadn‟t tripped him
because I was too busy being distracted by you.”
Neffy: “Flirt.”
Tom: “Well, see you tomorrow, then.”
Neffy: “It‟s really hard to stay professional when you show up to my work, you know. …not that I want you to stop
coming or anything... Goodnight.”
Tom: *chuckle* “Goodnight.”
Neffy: “Hey, hon? Your house is in the other direction…!”
Tom: “I knew that!”
Neffy: *chuckle*
Neffy: “…”
Neffy: “…leave it alone, Neffy. You’re done with revenge.”
Hattie: “Merry White! You were not at the order meeting!”
Merry: “Gasp! There was a meeting?”
Hattie: “Don‟t you act sarcastic with me, young lady. I‟ve had my eye on you for ages! You skip essential
meetings, you antagonize the other members of the order, not to mention there was the business with Pearl!”
Merry: “I had nothing to do with Pearl‟s death! I don‟t like what you‟re insinuating!”
Hattie: “Regardless, I am calling you to arms! Chantelle’s order of light is moving, and I intend for us to move first!
Unless of course you want Chantelle to gain control of the neighborhood?”
Merry: “Hmm… I wonder how that would affect me at all…”
Hattie: “You are so infuriating! Why in the name of all the foul creatures under the moon did you of all people
inherit natural magic!?”
Merry: “Because I’m the best there is, that’s why!”
Hattie: “GRAGH!”
Arc: “Do you find witch politics and wars interesting, Seraphine?”
Seraphine: “Nope. Didn‟t hear a thing. Just on my way to the kitchen.”
Arc: “Oh? Good timing. I was getting a little peckish myself.”
Arc: *munch munch*
Seraphine: “…”
Arc: *munch crunch munch*
Seraphine: “…” *nervous* “…”
Arc: “…Seraphine.”
Seraphine: *wince*
Arc: “How would you like a chance to revenge yourself against your mother?”
Seraphine: “And you expect me to trust you?”
Arc: “A fair question, but one you won‟t be getting an answer to. Keep in mind that this will likely be your last
chance to move against her. Poor, trapped Baltic‟s last chance too, I should think. Will you help me?”
Seraphine: “…”
Seraphine: “When you say „revenge,‟ you mean…?”
Rosie: “…we mean BUSINESS!! We are not going home until our Vis is safely back with his family, where he
belongs! Am I right!?”
SimMe: “Yeah, anytime would be nice. We‟re ready for you.”
SimMe: “3… 2... 1…”
SimMe: “Right on time.”
Ani-Mei: “Ooh, a tree.”
6: “Wow, what a haul!”
21: “Eh, they‟re mostly women. Besides, they‟re here for that one thing.”
6: “Oh yeah. Dang.”
SimMe: “Oh, please. Don‟t be so dramatic, everyone.”
13: “Hey, Keika. Ready?”
SimMe: “Hey, 13. We sure are. The suite‟s all set up. Are they ready?”
21: “Probably.”
BBVM: *collective groan*
SimMe: “Welcome to the Vis White Bachelor Challenge!! Aren‟t you so excited to be a willing participant in all of
BBVM: “Ugh…”
SimMe: “Come on, I‟ve worked hard to put this together. At least pretend to be excited, huh?”
BBVM: “Ow…”
SimMe: “And also, Ani-Mei and Thai are disqualified… Ani-Mei is already married, and Thai is a guy. Vis is into girls. Sorry. You
two will just have to hang out in the party room until it‟s over. But that‟ll be fun, right!?”
BBVM: “Argh…”
SimMe: “This is the end of the chapter, then. I need some time to finish setting up, you know. Until next time!”

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The White Legacy--Generation 6, Chapter 4

  • 1. Precious Little Penguin The White Legacy: Generation Six, Chapter Five
  • 2. Welcome back to the White Legacy! Last time around, Pepper was bitten by Perseus and Perseus was then killed by Sun. Ella and Peter became elders and all their youngest kids hit the teenage phase, introducing a new concept in this particular legacy: an heir poll! *dun dun dun!* Pepper and Laurel have already gone off to college, so we‟re just going to be following around Ollie and Rose right now. But before we get to that...
  • 3.
  • 5. SimMe: “Greetings. It is my understanding that a growing number of you support a radical movement known as the BBVM (Bring Back Vis Movement). Malicious activities of this group have included camping out on my lawn, chanting „bring back Vis,‟ posting propaganda in legacy chapters, and wearing matching T-shirts.”
  • 6. SimMe: “Further, I understand that many of you even find this funny! I assure you, I most certainly do not!”
  • 7. SimMe: “For this reason, I have come before you to say…”
  • 8. SimMe: “I GIVE UP!! I surrender! I‟m raising the white flag! Look, my hands are above my head! Uncle! Uncle!!”
  • 9. SimMe: “I would like to negotiate with you, BBVM. Strike a compromise, if you will. I cannot bring Vis back to the main neighborhood. It wouldn‟t be easy to explain through the plot, and besides, there is a very good reason why you guys want him to be in an alien spaceship at the end of this legacy. That‟s all I‟m going to say about that, but Vis is staying on the ship. “In the spirit of fair play, however, I have spoken with some very good friends of mine, and together we have come up with a solution to give Vis more face time that I am quite certain everyone will be thoroughly pleased with.”
  • 10. 10: “Yeah! Hey, no worries, BBVM! We‟re going to have a great time!!”
  • 14. Mystery: “Think we should warn them? They are still camped out on her lawn, you know. Without a TV.” Sam: “Eh, they have phones. They‟ll figure it out.”
  • 15. Plantsim: “You don‟t think that was seriously it, do you?” Plantsim: “Good job, Dulcamara! That was just the right peg for that hole! What was „it,‟ Syriaca?” Syriaca: “Our Matters of Great Importance. What else, Ilex? I mean, all we did was stand around and threaten a vampire. It was the other vampire who actually subdued him, and we couldn‟t stop him from biting that girl.” Ilex: “Well, I dunno. Elder Azolla is consulting the Portents to find out.”
  • 16. Sativa: “We were so sure the Portents meant Peter was going to join us. Where did we go wrong?” Syriaca: “I‟ll tell you when. It was when someone decided that just because we happened to find a plantsim living right where the Portents said were going to be Matters of Great Importance, we decided he needed training, and that meant joining the tribe. Who knew he already had a family, and that he wouldn‟t even be around for the Matters?” Sativa: “If those even were the Matters.” Ilex: “No, silly! Don‟t eat the green block! Eat the blue one, or the red one! Green is our friend!”
  • 17. Azolla: *ahem* Syriaca: “Oh! Elder!” Dulcamara: “Hmph.”
  • 18. Azolla: “It is Decided. I shall Read the Portents again, and I shall Discover whether These were the Matters for which it was So Important that we be Present.” Ilex: “Do these Events not feel Right to you, Elder?” Azolla: “I am Unsure… I believe it was Important for us to be Present for the Release of Perseus on this Family, but I have the Distinct Impression that there are Much More Important Matters yet on the Horizon… how soon those Events shall Occur, however, I do not know. This is why I shall Read the Portents, you see.”
  • 19. …anyway. This is what I see when I boot up the main family today: Ollie on the pinball machine, being coached by Ella; Kevin trying to bond with the sims he hopes will become his in-laws; and Arie smiling at Pennyworth for some reason. Also a random thinking cap that‟s been in that spot for a generation or more. So yeah, all in all, a fairly typical evening at legacy estate.
  • 20. Then Ella and Arie started exchanging dirty jokes. Ollie: “ARGH!! My ears, my young, impressionable ears!!” Yeah, pretty typical evening.
  • 21. You know what I‟ve discovered? It is a major pain in the rear end to play a plantsim in a house which was not specifically built with plantsims in mind. Just to make sure Peter gets his sunlight, I‟ve taken to posing him in the greenhouse. That way he won‟t wander off. Also it makes for funny pictures.
  • 22. Ollie: “Dad, are you sure this is sanitary?” Peter: “Yes. Punch m-m-me.” Ollie: “But what if I punch too hard and get blood on my hands?” Peter: “There‟s n-nothing to worry about. I d-don‟t have blood; I‟m a p-p-plantsim. Punch me.”
  • 23. Gemini: “…you‟re wearing my hairstyle.” Rose: “Really!? I was just thinking how nice you looked in it!” Gemini: “Yeah, well, go cut your hair or something. There can only be one.”
  • 24. Ollie: “No! No zits! If I have acne, no one will want to marry me!! Out, out, dang spot!!” Ella: “Should I be worried?” I‟m not even going to comment on Peter‟s super-stealth, inappropriate photobombing, or on the fact that the mirror thinks Ollie‟s head is empty. Ella: “WHAT?? Ollie‟s bed is empty? I should hope so!”
  • 25. I don‟t know if it‟s the Education Bookshelf or Rose herself, but she skills really super fast. I‟m thinking it‟s Rose. Pepper and Laurel are not fast skillers, even with the bookshelf from heaven. Thank you for being smart, Rose. Rose: “Oh, I‟m not that smart. It‟s the bookshelf. It makes everybody smart.”
  • 26. On that note… get up, Ollie. Out of bed! Ollie: “Wha…? What time is it…?” A little before midnight. Ollie: “Ugh… do I still have zits…?” Yes. You won‟t in a few minutes, though. Up and at „em!
  • 27. Young adults don‟t have acne, you see. Ollie: “Yay college!!” You know, you are going to be living with your sisters. Ollie: “Um… well, they have neat points. It should be alright.” We‟re down to just Rose now!
  • 28. Who, by the way, just maxed all her skills! Huzzah! Told you she was smart! Pennyworth: “Beep boop. Huzzah!” *thumbs up* Rose: “It‟s really not that big of a deal, you don‟t have to go to the trouble of cheering for me…” Humor us, Rose. Rose: “Okay…”
  • 29. Ella: “BOO! YUCK! I HATE THIS PICTURE! EW!” *sniffle*
  • 30. Patrick: “BOO! Have more respect for the artists before you!” Thank you, Patrick. Patrick: “My pleasure, Author.”
  • 31. First haunting! Hi, Hyde!! …wow, it‟s weird to see him as a ghost… Hyde: “Hi, Author! Did you know they have SSX4 at the Luau!?” There‟s no such thing, Hyde. At least not in your dimension. The farthest your developers ever got was SSX3. Hyde: “Yes there is, Author! And it‟s at the Luau!! It‟s awesome!!”
  • 32. Hey. Ella: “See? You have to bow from your waist, or else you look silly.” Hey, guys. Rose: “Ooh, I see now. From the waist, not the lower back.” GUYS. Ella: “WHAT??”
  • 33. There‟s a penguin in the house. Ella: “THERE‟S A PENGUIN IN THE HOUSE??” Yeah. That is in fact exactly what I said. Rose: “Oh, he‟s so sweet! Do we have any fish we can feed him?? Please?” Go check the fridge. Rose: “Yay!”
  • 35. Pebbles: {Mmm… a perfect specimen of piscine meat. Now, how shall I eat it…? Baked? Broiled? Shishkebabed? Maybe I should just sit on it and squash it into jelly…?}
  • 36. Or just toss it in the air and gulp it down in one swallow. That works, too.
  • 38. Rose: “Aww, who‟s a precious little penguin? You are! Yes you are!” He almost looks like he‟s purring, doesn‟t he? Except he‟s a penguin.
  • 39. Enjoying your cereal, Rose? Rose: “Yes I am, Author. We always have the greatest cereal.” That‟s good. When you‟re finished with that bowl, go apply for your scholarships. It‟s time for you to go. Rose: “Already?” Yepper depper. Time to hit the road.
  • 40. Rose: “LOVE YOU, MOM.” Ella: “Love you too, baby. But let‟s work on that mumbling habit of yours, alright?”
  • 41. Rose: “I love you, Daddy. I‟m going to miss you and Mom so much.” *sniffle* “Do I really have to go?” Yes, you do. Beat it. Peter: “Don‟t l-listen to the Author, honey. You‟re going to have a g-g-great t-time in college. Have f-f-fun, okay?” Rose: *sniff* “Okay…”
  • 42. And of course, what Popularity Sim would get into a taxi without a finger gun? Rose: “Have a finger gun, Author! You‟re awesome! Kachow!” Never mind all the sniffling. She‟s going to fit right in at college. I can tell.
  • 43. Ani-Mei: “VALE! CHRYSE! Stop fussing with your hair and get down here, please!!” There‟s that blasted BBVM T-shirt again… Ani-Mei: “Bring back Vis!” Yes, I get it. What‟s going on here? Ani-Mei: “We‟re taking a group picture with Vale and Chryse‟s cousins. You know, the ones you ignore.”
  • 44. Boom! There they all are! Every single one of the teenagers in this room were children or toddlers a few minutes ago, and now they are all grown up and ready to join society! We have Andi‟s kids (Kilauea, Iraya, Surtsey), Gizmo‟s triplets (Vulpecula, Sagitta, Aranea), Spar‟s quads (Ara, Carina, Cassiopeia, Phoenix), Zircon‟s son Leo, and Ani-Mei‟s kids Vale and Chryse (the green boy and the girl with crossed arms in black and blue). Just thought I‟d mention that I‟d gone through and aged up all of the little ignored spare kids. Please note also that there are ONLY TWO BOYS IN THIS PICTURE. I know I‟ve complained about it before, but still! Grrr.
  • 45. Townie: “Hey, pretty lady. Got any—” Bartender: “If you use one more bad joke to flirt with me, Thomas Bard, I‟m going to cancel our date tonight.”
  • 46. Tom: “Admit it, Neffy. You think my jokes are clever. Every time I use one, I become more handsome. Debonair. Charming.” Neffy: “You become more something, alright, though I think it rhymes with „dumb.‟” Tom: “Are you sure that‟s not it?” Neffy: “You decide.”
  • 47. The Crumplebottom: “I strongly disapprove of this frivolous flirting over the counter. Bartenders should be professional and attend to their work.” Neffy: “Thank you for your business, Mrs. Crumplebottom.”
  • 48. Tom: “So, where to, beautiful? A fine restaurant? Bowling? Oh, you‟ve been on your feet all night, you won‟t want to do that. Art museum? No, that‟s not any better… um…”
  • 49. Neffy: “How about Red‟s? I could do with a hamburger.”
  • 50. Neffy: “What, are you trying to be a gentleman or something?” Tom: “Am I succeeding?” Neffy: “Maybe a little bit.”
  • 51. Tom: “I had a really great time tonight, Neffy.” Neffy: “Oh yeah? Even when the waiter spilled ketchup on your shirt?” Tom: “My shirt‟s red, you can‟t really tell. Besides, it was my fault. It wouldn‟t have happened if I hadn‟t tripped him because I was too busy being distracted by you.” Neffy: “Flirt.”
  • 52. Tom: “Well, see you tomorrow, then.” Neffy: “It‟s really hard to stay professional when you show up to my work, you know. …not that I want you to stop coming or anything... Goodnight.” Tom: *chuckle* “Goodnight.”
  • 53. Neffy: “Hey, hon? Your house is in the other direction…!” Tom: “I knew that!” Neffy: *chuckle*
  • 55. Neffy: “…leave it alone, Neffy. You’re done with revenge.”
  • 56. Hattie: “Merry White! You were not at the order meeting!”
  • 57. Merry: “Gasp! There was a meeting?” Hattie: “Don‟t you act sarcastic with me, young lady. I‟ve had my eye on you for ages! You skip essential meetings, you antagonize the other members of the order, not to mention there was the business with Pearl!” Merry: “I had nothing to do with Pearl‟s death! I don‟t like what you‟re insinuating!”
  • 58. Hattie: “Regardless, I am calling you to arms! Chantelle’s order of light is moving, and I intend for us to move first! Unless of course you want Chantelle to gain control of the neighborhood?” Merry: “Hmm… I wonder how that would affect me at all…” Hattie: “You are so infuriating! Why in the name of all the foul creatures under the moon did you of all people inherit natural magic!?” Merry: “Because I’m the best there is, that’s why!”
  • 59. Hattie: “GRAGH!” Arc: “Do you find witch politics and wars interesting, Seraphine?” Seraphine: “Nope. Didn‟t hear a thing. Just on my way to the kitchen.” Arc: “Oh? Good timing. I was getting a little peckish myself.”
  • 60. Arc: *munch munch* Seraphine: “…” Arc: *munch crunch munch* Seraphine: “…” *nervous* “…”
  • 61. Arc: “…Seraphine.” Seraphine: *wince* Arc: “How would you like a chance to revenge yourself against your mother?”
  • 62. Seraphine: “And you expect me to trust you?” Arc: “A fair question, but one you won‟t be getting an answer to. Keep in mind that this will likely be your last chance to move against her. Poor, trapped Baltic‟s last chance too, I should think. Will you help me?” Seraphine: “…”
  • 63. Seraphine: “When you say „revenge,‟ you mean…?”
  • 64. Rosie: “…we mean BUSINESS!! We are not going home until our Vis is safely back with his family, where he belongs! Am I right!?” BBVM: “WE WANT VIS! WE WANT VIS! WE WANT VIS! WE WANT VIS!”
  • 65. BBVM: *muted* “WE WANT VIS! WE WANT VIS! WE WANT VIS!” SimMe: “Yeah, anytime would be nice. We‟re ready for you.” BBVM: *muted* “WE WANT VIS! WE WANT VIS! WE WANT VIS!”
  • 66. BBVM: *muted* “WE WANT VIS! WE WANT VIS! WE WANT VIS!” SimMe: “3… 2... 1…” BBVM: *muted* “WE WANT VIS! WE WANT VIS! WE WANT—AAAAAAARGH!!” SimMe: “Right on time.”
  • 67. Thai: “AAAAAAARGH!!” Gabie: “OOOOOW!! THAI, LET GO OF MY HAIR!!” Anne: “WHAT‟S GOING ON!?” Ani-Mei: “Ooh, a tree.”
  • 68. 6: “Wow, what a haul!” 21: “Eh, they‟re mostly women. Besides, they‟re here for that one thing.” 6: “Oh yeah. Dang.”
  • 69. SimMe: “Oh, please. Don‟t be so dramatic, everyone.” 13: “Hey, Keika. Ready?” SimMe: “Hey, 13. We sure are. The suite‟s all set up. Are they ready?” 21: “Probably.” BBVM: *collective groan*
  • 70. SimMe: “Welcome to the Vis White Bachelor Challenge!! Aren‟t you so excited to be a willing participant in all of this??” BBVM: “Ugh…”
  • 71. SimMe: “Come on, I‟ve worked hard to put this together. At least pretend to be excited, huh?” BBVM: “Ow…” SimMe: “And also, Ani-Mei and Thai are disqualified… Ani-Mei is already married, and Thai is a guy. Vis is into girls. Sorry. You two will just have to hang out in the party room until it‟s over. But that‟ll be fun, right!?” BBVM: “Argh…” SimMe: “This is the end of the chapter, then. I need some time to finish setting up, you know. Until next time!”