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Nature’s Perfume 
Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC 
Chapter Five
Cid Eric 
Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC! It has something to do with kids! 
Last we met, Wynn returned from her visit to Takemizu Village, having failed spectacularly in trying to learn to teleport. 
The house was rebuilt (though it’s still embarrassingly empty). Abby and Bryan had their adult birthdays and moved out 
to townieland… Bryan doing so with a glorious transition outfit and hairstyle. Babies G (Garrett) and H (Hazel) were 
born, and Wynn is now pregnant with Baby I, courtesy of Thai of Boolrop. 
If none of that sounds familiar, you’re probably on the wrong chapter. Onwards!
Wynn: “You know, I’m thinking Larch is going to be disappointed with this childrinion.” 
Oh, but why? Hazel looks just like him! 
Wynn: “She has seven nice points.” 
Eric. You’re ignoring your homework again. You do realize you’re the only one who hasn’t done it yet? 
Eric: “I’m ignoring school, too. I think there might be a connection.” 
Get out of bed and do your homework. NOW. 
Eric: “SIGH.” 
I swear, I parent this kid more than Wynn does.
YAY, another teenager. We looooove teenagers around here. …seriously, I will never get over how cute this kid is. Isn’t 
she darling? 
Wynn, Eric: *jealous* 
Cold, you two. Very cold.
Fiona: “Green is nice. I like green.” 
I can tell. So what’d you roll? 
Fiona: “Knowledge.” 
No, really. Pull the other one. 
Fiona: “No, really. I rolled Knowledge. It’s a nice change after all the Family and Pleasure sims, isn’t it?” 
You have no idea.
Fiona: “Hi there, Miss Pony Ma’am.” 
Pony: “Just ‘Pony’ will do. You must be Fiona, right?” 
Fiona: “That’s right! I just came to pick up some new clothes.” 
Pony: “Not me. My style is perfect. I came for face time.” 
This has been a message from Pony of the Boolprop forums.
Meanwhile, Callie White (from my legacy) picks out a new outfit behind them. Put that one back, Callie, it doesn’t suit 
Callie: “Oh, I’m not interested in the dress. I just want some face time. That’s why all the townies come to Landers & 
Flynn, really.”
And of course, Fiona runs into Sam of Boolprop on the way home. 
Fiona: “You here for face time, too?” 
Sam: “You know it.” 
I love this neighborhood.
Eric: “OI! Garrett! What’s the big deal!? You almost broke my nose!!”
Garrett: “Whaaaat? Come on Eric, I couldn’t’ve done that. I’m just a kid. And you’re the son of the pirate ghost, I 
couldn’t top you. Nope nope nope. Neeeeever.” 
Eric: “Don’t tempt me, kid. I’ll go find me a cutlass.”
Fiona: “Hi, guys. Just on my way back from the clothes store.” 
Eric: “Fee! Perfect timing! Come teach Garrett what the daughter of Bigfoot can do! I bet you got a great arm!” 
Garrett: “Hey, now wait a minute! No fair, Eric!” 
Fiona: “Sorry. I’m a pacifist.”
Hey, nice shirt. You’ve got style. 
Fiona: “Thanks, Author. Can I go skill now?” 
So long as it doesn’t get in the way of teaching Hazel her toddler skills. No one’s had time yet, you see. 
Fiona: “Ooh, teaching? I’m there!”
Fiona: “Okay Hazel, say ‘bottle’!” 
Hazel: “Ba-ba?” 
Fiona: “Bo-ttle.” 
Hazel: “Bobble?” 
Fiona: “Close enough! Good job!”
She popped again. I had the game on triple speed. I missed it. I’m finding I don’t really care. 
Wynn: “Ooh, it’s snowing!” 
Garrett: “Mo-oooom… sleeping here…”
Hazel is cute, and she is instantly recognizable as a Vetinari. I’m reminded of this every time I look at her. However, I 
am going to keep the toddler pic spam to a minimum here. This will be the last picture of Hazel looking cute. I promise.
Alright, so this is the last one.
There. Problem fixed. All rooms are now properly roofed. 
I hate it when that happens.
Bathroom births for the win. Bonus points for Wynn giving birth in a bathroom with only her toddler daughter as 
Wynn: “Must not scream… must not scar Hazel for life… must not…!”
Wynn: “AAAAAARGH!!” 
Hazel: “WAAAAAAH!!”
Congratulations, Thai. You have a son.
Wynn: “Aw, aren’t you cute!? I bet you’re going to grow up to have special simself powers, aren’t you Ivan? Aren’t 
You don’t even know what being a simself means. What’s this about “powers”? 
Wynn: “I do too know what simselves are. They’re minor gods. That makes Ivan a demigod. Hehehe.” 
…fair enough. Though I’m not so sure about this “minor” part. Hmph. 
Wynn: “What are you getting offended for?”
I know how interesting family tree shots are (not), but look! We need a scrollbar now to see all of Wynn’s children! I 
feel accomplished.
Aw, thank you, Fiona. That’s so nice of you to do autonomously. Now, if only we could convince your brothers to stop 
knocking it over. 
Fiona: “Please don’t drag me into the middle of an argument with them, Author. I’m a pacifist.”
Fiona: “Wow. Furniture. This is a first.” 
Don’t give me lip. Just call the college and net me that point, okay?
Eric: “Hey, Eric Kinsey here. Yeah, Author spaced having me call for a scholarship earlier on. You got one for me?” 
Wynn: “Cheesecake does what?”
Eric: “Hey now, no crying. Look, Eric’s here.” 
Ivan: *quiets down* 
Hey, you seem to have a knack with the little ones, Eric. 
Eric: “It’s a gift. They’re a heck of a lot easier to understand than math.”
Hooray, one fewer toddler! 
Hazel: *cuddles into Eric’s shoulder* 
Cid: “You woke me up for this?”
Yay, look at that transition outfit! That’s $200 that gets to stay in the Kinsey bank account! (At least until it’s spent on 
furniture, that is.) 
Hey, what are all of you looking at? Hazel’s right here…
Garrett: “Happy biiiirthday to yoooou! You liiiiive in a zoooo! You smell like a monkeeeey, and you look like one 
Wynn: “Garet, that’s not very nice.” 
Garrett: “I heard those lonely consonants. It’s Garrett, Mom. Double them up, remember?” 
Wynn: “I knew that.”
Wynn: “You mean I have to wash the dishes?” 
At least the kitchen’s looking nicer now. You’ll be able to enjoy a higher environment score while you’re standing for 
hours doing them up, right? 
Wynn: “…hours…” 
Welcome to a household of seven children, Wynn.
Wynn: “Speaking of seven kids, a whole day has passed since I had Ivan, and I’m still not pregnant again. What gives?” 
There’s eight people in your house. 
Wynn: “So? We can fit more than eight in here, easily.” 
Sure, I’ve even got a hack to do it with. Thing is, I’m playing fairly; no advantages over other players. That means we need 
to wait until Cid moves out, and respect the eight person limit. 
Wynn: “What’s a ‘hack’?”
You’re a little late to the party there, Don. 
Don: *toot!*
Eric: “Come on, Cid! Punch me! Punch me hard as you can!”
Eric: “Ow, not so hard! What’s your problem!?”
That was fast. We just did a birthday party, didn’t we? 
Fiona: “Frequent birthdays tend to happen in large families.” 
Eric: “Kachow! Finger gun!”
What a cute smile Wynn is making at her son! 
Wynn: “Grow up nice and strong, Ivan. We need someone around here with some kind of Authoriffic powers.” 
Not if I have anything to say about it.
Hold on. He needs a new look.
Here we go. Congratulations, Thai; that is one cute little boy. Max outgoing, near-max active, and mean as a rattlesnake. 
Wynn: “I’m so proud…” *sniff*
Of course the Knowledge Sim has the best aspiration out of everybody. 
Fiona: “Are you seriously surprised?”
Fiona: “Alright buddy, drink up. We’ve got a lot to teach you.” 
Ivan: “Ba-ba!” 
Fiona: “That’s right. Down the hatch.”
Garrett: “I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to play with that, Ivan.” 
Ivan: “BAD BUNNY! Smack smack smack!”
…children. My telling Cid to go spray the roaches is not an invitation to queue up behind him.
Thank you for making the comfort soup, Eric. I really appreciate it. It’s Cid’s birthday, after all, and I don’t need him 
going into townieland infected with the plague. 
Eric: “No problem” *cough* “Author.”
Speaking of which… 
Cid: “Ew, Mom.” 
Wynn: “It’s nature’s perfume, son.”
Cid: “Hey, you guys really do like me.” 
Cid: “How is it? Tell the truth. Do I get Bryan’s ‘best transition’ award?” 
Everyone: “D’awww!” 
Cid: “Oh, good. It can’t be that bad, then.”
Cid: “Okay, Don. I’m going to change clothes and move out, and then you’ll be the ranking teenager in the house. If 
you want face time, this is what you’ve got to do…” 
Don: “Why should I listen to your advice? I should really go talk to Eric or Fiona about that…”
Wynn: “Hold on there, Cid. I want to go to the clothes store with you.” 
Cid: “Huh? Why?” 
Wynn: “No reason…” *whistles*
Wynn: “Hi there. You must be Larch’s evil twin.” 
Cypress: “He was the prototype. I’m the perfected model.” 
Vis: “Careful, niece of mine. That one really is evil.” 
Cypress: “Nonsense. Pay no attention to him. Let’s talk childrinions…” 
I’m putting my foot down on this one. No kids with Cypress Vetinari (DocNerd’s Vetinari Dualegacy), and that’s that.
Cid: “Hey Mom. Are we done here or what?” 
Wynn: “Just a little longer… have patience…”
Cid: “Now it’s town square? What are we doing here? Weren’t we headed home?” 
Wynn: “Patience is a virtue, Cid. Please. Why don’t you go say hi to Abby—I think that’s her onstage.”
Let’s hear it for Thai Simself and the Ladies in Pink! 
Thai: “Thank you, thank you. We’ll be here till Thursday. Thank you.”
Cid: “Nice work, Abby. When did you learn to play piano?” 
Abby: “I haven’t.”
*drools* The evil head witch is male. 
WYNTER WHITE KINSEY!! Get your butt over here!! Catch him before he flies away!!
Wynn: “Ooh, hi! Are you really a warlock?” 
Alan Whitley: “Sure am. I’m Alan Whitley—the head witch in town. Want to see my spellbook?” 
None of that now. 
Wynn: *whispering* “Hey, Author? I thought we were looking for the Unsavory Charlatan?” 
*also whispering* This is too good of an opportunity. Reel him in.
Wynn: “Two bolts…” *swoon* 
Remember, Thai is right there. Let’s keep things platonic for now.
WYNN. Forget about the warlock. Come greet this one.
Wynn: “…I am suddenly filled with a sense of foreboding…”
Wynn: “Wynn Kinsey.” 
Rhys: “Rhys Fitzhugh.” 
Of course you already know this, but credit is due here. Rhys is from Marina’s Fitzhugh Legacy.
HI, DEZ!! Sorry, you’re ineligible. BUT HI, DEZ!! 
Dez: “…”
And who else should pop by but CC-less Hex from Sam’s Wrongway Legacy? *worry hands* So many potential 
fathers, so little time…
Bruges Wallace, currently starring in Jessie’s Night Legacy. The game is just throwing fathers at me now. Who to pick, 
who to pick…
And also, here’s his twin sister Barcelona, who showed up at almost exactly the same time. She’s ineligible on account 
of gender, but still. 
Alright, enough man hunting. Back home we go.
Hazel: *scoot*
Hazel: *scoot scoot scoot*
Hazel: *scoo—* 
Garrett: “Scoot any closer and I’ll bite your ear off.” 
Hazel: *sniff*
The Story: Wynn needs two more friends for work. I decided to invite all the men she has lined up for being the next 
father who she is not yet friends with to an outing, hoping to make friends with them all and pick one for being the 
father of Baby J. But, well, only one of them showed up to this outing.
Hex of Sam’s Wrongway Legacy, that is. Guess who the next father is going to be?
Hex: “So… where are we?” 
Wynn: “This great little gaming store that just opened up. It’s called ‘Pixel Magic.’”
Hex: “Does that bookshelf over there look slightly suspicious to you?” 
Wynn: “Bookshelf? Which one? They all look the same to me. Hey, how’s it going Aunt Arie?” 
Arie: “Oh, you know. It’s going.”
Oh, hey there Anne of Boolprop. How are you— 
Huh? Why would you even— 
OH. MY GOSH. Forget about Hex being the father of Baby J. This is too good an opportunity. 
Don’t worry, Sam. We’ll schedule your legacy guardian for Baby K.
Come on, Mr. Charlatan. I don’t have any pie menu options for you, so you’ll have to autonomously interact with Wynn 
so I can cheat you in as a father. Come on. Do iiiiiit.
Wynn: “Come at me. I dare you.”
Grr… come on. You’ve been on the lot for hours and you haven’t stolen from anyone, much less Wynn. What is this? 
Are you reforming yourself? Bad timing, sir.
Rhea of my White Legacy: “a-ROOOOOOOOOO!!!” 
Eden of peasant007’s Devereaux Legacy: “Eep!”
WHAT!?!? You’re interacting with HEX!? Oh, come ON!!
No, no, no, no! Don’t leave, don’t leave!!
Razzin’ frazzin’ flippin’ fetchin’—
Jessie of Boolprop: “Don’t overreact now, Keika. You’ve still got Hex, after all.” 
SIGH. Fine. I was really hoping to check the Unsavory Charlatan off the list, though.
Well, then. Let the flirting commence. 
Jessie: “That’s the ticket.”
Cashier: “Gross. PDA.”
Rosie of Boolprop: “Hey, what happened? I was told this place was full of legacy sims and simselves…” 
They left with the Unsavory Charlatan. Boo.
Hey look, Abby came to visit! …and she’s none too pleased her mother is flirting with another man. Sorry, Abby. 
Abby: “Hmph!”
Romi: “Hey there, random townie. I hear this miniverse’s Author has a camera around here somewhere?” 
Romi is in Jessie’s Night Legacy, by the way.
What are you getting angry for? She’s never flirted with you… 
Spider of DocNerd’s Vetinari Dualegacy: “But she does have a kid with my uncle! What’s she doing with him?” 
Oh yeah, Larch. Ha… ha ha…
Well, you’re making a lot of enemies here, so let’s send you two back home, huh Wynn? Hex? 
Wynn: “Hehe… good idea. I’ve got some great cereal back at my place, Hex…” 
Let’s leave it at that, shall we?
Gabie of Boolprop: *calling* “Hiii there!! How was your trip!?” 
Hi, Gabie. What are you doing here, and not at school? 
Gabie: “I came to see if Eric was home!” 
He’s at school. Or at least he better be. *cracks knuckles*
Wynn: “Have some, Hex. You’ll like it.” 
Hex: “Mm-hmm…”
Ivan: “You awe akting out of chawactew!” 
Hex: “Oh, aren’t you cute.” *pat pat* 
Wynn: “Don’t mind him. He sometimes says off-the-wall things.” 
Eric: “Hey man, I don’t think I invited you in for dinner…”
You’re totally innocent, right? 
Don: “Right.”
Garrett: “Yaaaay, I finally get to be a teenager!!” 
Eric: *impales head*
Pleasure it is. There seems to be two popular reactions to life in this household among my teenagers: either Family (I 
love kids and it’s great and I want to help them all!!) or Pleasure (I hate kids and it’s awful and I just want to have fun 
for once!!). 
Hex: “Excellent choice of PJs, son.” 
Garrett: “I’m not your son. Go away.” 
Hex: “Ouch…”
*snicker* To the clothing store we go, then. You’re lucky. If you’d rolled almost anything other than Pleasure, we might 
have left you in that. 
Garrett: *shudder*
Hazel: “Garrett, Garrett, Garrett!! You’re a teenager now!! Swing me around in circles, or dance with me, or, or, or, 
play with me??”
Garrett: “Hahaha, no.”
Hazel: *sniff* “Eriiiic, Garrett’s too cool to play with me…”
Eric: “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll talk to ‘im. C’mere.” 
Alright, time’s up! This wasn’t exactly a high-scoring chapter (only one kid born, after all), but let’s see them scores 
New Points 
Each child with a different father +1 
Pregnancies concluded before founder marries +0.5 
NPCs used as fathers +1 
Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a 
New Fathers: 
9: Thai Simself 
Total Points: 70.5

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Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 5

  • 1. Nature’s Perfume Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC Chapter Five
  • 2. Wynn Cid Eric Garrett Fiona Don Hazel Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC! It has something to do with kids! Last we met, Wynn returned from her visit to Takemizu Village, having failed spectacularly in trying to learn to teleport. The house was rebuilt (though it’s still embarrassingly empty). Abby and Bryan had their adult birthdays and moved out to townieland… Bryan doing so with a glorious transition outfit and hairstyle. Babies G (Garrett) and H (Hazel) were born, and Wynn is now pregnant with Baby I, courtesy of Thai of Boolrop. If none of that sounds familiar, you’re probably on the wrong chapter. Onwards!
  • 3. Wynn: “You know, I’m thinking Larch is going to be disappointed with this childrinion.” Oh, but why? Hazel looks just like him! Wynn: “She has seven nice points.” …oh.
  • 4. Eric. You’re ignoring your homework again. You do realize you’re the only one who hasn’t done it yet? Eric: “I’m ignoring school, too. I think there might be a connection.” Get out of bed and do your homework. NOW. Eric: “SIGH.” I swear, I parent this kid more than Wynn does.
  • 5. YAY, another teenager. We looooove teenagers around here. …seriously, I will never get over how cute this kid is. Isn’t she darling? Wynn, Eric: *jealous* Cold, you two. Very cold.
  • 6. Fiona: “Green is nice. I like green.” I can tell. So what’d you roll? Fiona: “Knowledge.” No, really. Pull the other one. Fiona: “No, really. I rolled Knowledge. It’s a nice change after all the Family and Pleasure sims, isn’t it?” You have no idea.
  • 7. Fiona: “Hi there, Miss Pony Ma’am.” Pony: “Just ‘Pony’ will do. You must be Fiona, right?” Fiona: “That’s right! I just came to pick up some new clothes.” Pony: “Not me. My style is perfect. I came for face time.” This has been a message from Pony of the Boolprop forums.
  • 8. Meanwhile, Callie White (from my legacy) picks out a new outfit behind them. Put that one back, Callie, it doesn’t suit you. Callie: “Oh, I’m not interested in the dress. I just want some face time. That’s why all the townies come to Landers & Flynn, really.”
  • 9. And of course, Fiona runs into Sam of Boolprop on the way home. Fiona: “You here for face time, too?” Sam: “You know it.” I love this neighborhood.
  • 10. Eric: “OI! Garrett! What’s the big deal!? You almost broke my nose!!”
  • 11. Garrett: “Whaaaat? Come on Eric, I couldn’t’ve done that. I’m just a kid. And you’re the son of the pirate ghost, I couldn’t top you. Nope nope nope. Neeeeever.” Eric: “Don’t tempt me, kid. I’ll go find me a cutlass.”
  • 12. Fiona: “Hi, guys. Just on my way back from the clothes store.” Eric: “Fee! Perfect timing! Come teach Garrett what the daughter of Bigfoot can do! I bet you got a great arm!” Garrett: “Hey, now wait a minute! No fair, Eric!” Fiona: “Sorry. I’m a pacifist.”
  • 13. Hey, nice shirt. You’ve got style. Fiona: “Thanks, Author. Can I go skill now?” So long as it doesn’t get in the way of teaching Hazel her toddler skills. No one’s had time yet, you see. Fiona: “Ooh, teaching? I’m there!”
  • 14. Fiona: “Okay Hazel, say ‘bottle’!” Hazel: “Ba-ba?” Fiona: “Bo-ttle.” Hazel: “Bobble?” Fiona: “Close enough! Good job!”
  • 15. She popped again. I had the game on triple speed. I missed it. I’m finding I don’t really care. Wynn: “Ooh, it’s snowing!” Garrett: “Mo-oooom… sleeping here…”
  • 16. Hazel is cute, and she is instantly recognizable as a Vetinari. I’m reminded of this every time I look at her. However, I am going to keep the toddler pic spam to a minimum here. This will be the last picture of Hazel looking cute. I promise.
  • 17. Alright, so this is the last one.
  • 19. There. Problem fixed. All rooms are now properly roofed. I hate it when that happens.
  • 20. Bathroom births for the win. Bonus points for Wynn giving birth in a bathroom with only her toddler daughter as witness. Wynn: “Must not scream… must not scar Hazel for life… must not…!”
  • 21. Wynn: “AAAAAARGH!!” Hazel: “WAAAAAAH!!”
  • 23. Wynn: “Aw, aren’t you cute!? I bet you’re going to grow up to have special simself powers, aren’t you Ivan? Aren’t you!?” You don’t even know what being a simself means. What’s this about “powers”? Wynn: “I do too know what simselves are. They’re minor gods. That makes Ivan a demigod. Hehehe.” …fair enough. Though I’m not so sure about this “minor” part. Hmph. Wynn: “What are you getting offended for?”
  • 24. I know how interesting family tree shots are (not), but look! We need a scrollbar now to see all of Wynn’s children! I feel accomplished.
  • 25. Aw, thank you, Fiona. That’s so nice of you to do autonomously. Now, if only we could convince your brothers to stop knocking it over. Fiona: “Please don’t drag me into the middle of an argument with them, Author. I’m a pacifist.”
  • 26. Fiona: “Wow. Furniture. This is a first.” Don’t give me lip. Just call the college and net me that point, okay?
  • 27. Eric: “Hey, Eric Kinsey here. Yeah, Author spaced having me call for a scholarship earlier on. You got one for me?” Wynn: “Cheesecake does what?”
  • 28. Eric: “Hey now, no crying. Look, Eric’s here.” Ivan: *quiets down* Hey, you seem to have a knack with the little ones, Eric. Eric: “It’s a gift. They’re a heck of a lot easier to understand than math.”
  • 29. Hooray, one fewer toddler! Hazel: *cuddles into Eric’s shoulder* Cid: “You woke me up for this?”
  • 30. Yay, look at that transition outfit! That’s $200 that gets to stay in the Kinsey bank account! (At least until it’s spent on furniture, that is.) Hey, what are all of you looking at? Hazel’s right here…
  • 31. Oh. Garrett: “Happy biiiirthday to yoooou! You liiiiive in a zoooo! You smell like a monkeeeey, and you look like one toooo!” Wynn: “Garet, that’s not very nice.” Garrett: “I heard those lonely consonants. It’s Garrett, Mom. Double them up, remember?” Wynn: “I knew that.”
  • 32. Wynn: “You mean I have to wash the dishes?” At least the kitchen’s looking nicer now. You’ll be able to enjoy a higher environment score while you’re standing for hours doing them up, right? Wynn: “…hours…” Welcome to a household of seven children, Wynn.
  • 33. Wynn: “Speaking of seven kids, a whole day has passed since I had Ivan, and I’m still not pregnant again. What gives?” There’s eight people in your house. Wynn: “So? We can fit more than eight in here, easily.” Sure, I’ve even got a hack to do it with. Thing is, I’m playing fairly; no advantages over other players. That means we need to wait until Cid moves out, and respect the eight person limit. Wynn: “What’s a ‘hack’?”
  • 34. You’re a little late to the party there, Don. Don: *toot!*
  • 35. Eric: “Come on, Cid! Punch me! Punch me hard as you can!”
  • 36. Eric: “Ow, not so hard! What’s your problem!?”
  • 37. That was fast. We just did a birthday party, didn’t we? Fiona: “Frequent birthdays tend to happen in large families.” Eric: “Kachow! Finger gun!”
  • 38. What a cute smile Wynn is making at her son! Wynn: “Grow up nice and strong, Ivan. We need someone around here with some kind of Authoriffic powers.” Not if I have anything to say about it.
  • 39. Hold on. He needs a new look.
  • 40. Here we go. Congratulations, Thai; that is one cute little boy. Max outgoing, near-max active, and mean as a rattlesnake. Wynn: “I’m so proud…” *sniff*
  • 41. Of course the Knowledge Sim has the best aspiration out of everybody. Fiona: “Are you seriously surprised?”
  • 42. Fiona: “Alright buddy, drink up. We’ve got a lot to teach you.” Ivan: “Ba-ba!” Fiona: “That’s right. Down the hatch.”
  • 43. Garrett: “I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to play with that, Ivan.” Ivan: “BAD BUNNY! Smack smack smack!”
  • 44. …children. My telling Cid to go spray the roaches is not an invitation to queue up behind him.
  • 45. Thank you for making the comfort soup, Eric. I really appreciate it. It’s Cid’s birthday, after all, and I don’t need him going into townieland infected with the plague. Eric: “No problem” *cough* “Author.”
  • 46. Speaking of which… Cid: “Ew, Mom.” Wynn: “It’s nature’s perfume, son.”
  • 47. Cid: “Hey, you guys really do like me.” Wynn: “MORE ROOM IN THE HOUSE FOR MOAR BABIEZ!! YAAAAY!!”
  • 48. Cid: “How is it? Tell the truth. Do I get Bryan’s ‘best transition’ award?” Everyone: “D’awww!” Cid: “Oh, good. It can’t be that bad, then.”
  • 49. Cid: “Okay, Don. I’m going to change clothes and move out, and then you’ll be the ranking teenager in the house. If you want face time, this is what you’ve got to do…” Don: “Why should I listen to your advice? I should really go talk to Eric or Fiona about that…”
  • 50. Wynn: “Hold on there, Cid. I want to go to the clothes store with you.” Cid: “Huh? Why?” Wynn: “No reason…” *whistles*
  • 51. Wynn: “Hi there. You must be Larch’s evil twin.” Cypress: “He was the prototype. I’m the perfected model.” Vis: “Careful, niece of mine. That one really is evil.” Cypress: “Nonsense. Pay no attention to him. Let’s talk childrinions…” I’m putting my foot down on this one. No kids with Cypress Vetinari (DocNerd’s Vetinari Dualegacy), and that’s that.
  • 52. Cid: “Hey Mom. Are we done here or what?” Wynn: “Just a little longer… have patience…”
  • 53. Cid: “Now it’s town square? What are we doing here? Weren’t we headed home?” Wynn: “Patience is a virtue, Cid. Please. Why don’t you go say hi to Abby—I think that’s her onstage.”
  • 54. Let’s hear it for Thai Simself and the Ladies in Pink! Thai: “Thank you, thank you. We’ll be here till Thursday. Thank you.”
  • 55. Cid: “Nice work, Abby. When did you learn to play piano?” Abby: “I haven’t.”
  • 56. *drools* The evil head witch is male. WYNTER WHITE KINSEY!! Get your butt over here!! Catch him before he flies away!!
  • 57. Wynn: “Ooh, hi! Are you really a warlock?” Alan Whitley: “Sure am. I’m Alan Whitley—the head witch in town. Want to see my spellbook?” None of that now. Wynn: *whispering* “Hey, Author? I thought we were looking for the Unsavory Charlatan?” *also whispering* This is too good of an opportunity. Reel him in.
  • 58. Wynn: “Two bolts…” *swoon* Remember, Thai is right there. Let’s keep things platonic for now.
  • 59. WYNN. Forget about the warlock. Come greet this one.
  • 60. Wynn: “…I am suddenly filled with a sense of foreboding…”
  • 61. Wynn: “Wynn Kinsey.” Rhys: “Rhys Fitzhugh.” Of course you already know this, but credit is due here. Rhys is from Marina’s Fitzhugh Legacy.
  • 62. HI, DEZ!! Sorry, you’re ineligible. BUT HI, DEZ!! Dez: “…”
  • 63. And who else should pop by but CC-less Hex from Sam’s Wrongway Legacy? *worry hands* So many potential fathers, so little time…
  • 64. Bruges Wallace, currently starring in Jessie’s Night Legacy. The game is just throwing fathers at me now. Who to pick, who to pick…
  • 65. And also, here’s his twin sister Barcelona, who showed up at almost exactly the same time. She’s ineligible on account of gender, but still. Alright, enough man hunting. Back home we go.
  • 68. Hazel: *scoo—* Garrett: “Scoot any closer and I’ll bite your ear off.” Hazel: *sniff*
  • 69. The Story: Wynn needs two more friends for work. I decided to invite all the men she has lined up for being the next father who she is not yet friends with to an outing, hoping to make friends with them all and pick one for being the father of Baby J. But, well, only one of them showed up to this outing.
  • 70. Hex of Sam’s Wrongway Legacy, that is. Guess who the next father is going to be?
  • 71. Hex: “So… where are we?” Wynn: “This great little gaming store that just opened up. It’s called ‘Pixel Magic.’”
  • 72. Hex: “Does that bookshelf over there look slightly suspicious to you?” Wynn: “Bookshelf? Which one? They all look the same to me. Hey, how’s it going Aunt Arie?” Arie: “Oh, you know. It’s going.”
  • 73. Oh, hey there Anne of Boolprop. How are you— Anne: “I AM NOT HERE TO SPY.” Huh? Why would you even— Anne: “CARRY ON ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS AS IF I WEREN’T HERE, BECAUSE I AM NOT HERE TO SPY.”
  • 74. OH. MY GOSH. Forget about Hex being the father of Baby J. This is too good an opportunity. Don’t worry, Sam. We’ll schedule your legacy guardian for Baby K.
  • 75. Come on, Mr. Charlatan. I don’t have any pie menu options for you, so you’ll have to autonomously interact with Wynn so I can cheat you in as a father. Come on. Do iiiiiit.
  • 76. Wynn: “Come at me. I dare you.”
  • 77. Grr… come on. You’ve been on the lot for hours and you haven’t stolen from anyone, much less Wynn. What is this? Are you reforming yourself? Bad timing, sir.
  • 78. Rhea of my White Legacy: “a-ROOOOOOOOOO!!!” Eden of peasant007’s Devereaux Legacy: “Eep!”
  • 79. WHAT!?!? You’re interacting with HEX!? Oh, come ON!!
  • 81. No, no, no, no! Don’t leave, don’t leave!!
  • 83. Jessie of Boolprop: “Don’t overreact now, Keika. You’ve still got Hex, after all.” SIGH. Fine. I was really hoping to check the Unsavory Charlatan off the list, though.
  • 84. Well, then. Let the flirting commence. Jessie: “That’s the ticket.”
  • 86. Rosie of Boolprop: “Hey, what happened? I was told this place was full of legacy sims and simselves…” They left with the Unsavory Charlatan. Boo.
  • 87. Hey look, Abby came to visit! …and she’s none too pleased her mother is flirting with another man. Sorry, Abby. Abby: “Hmph!”
  • 88. Romi: “Hey there, random townie. I hear this miniverse’s Author has a camera around here somewhere?” Romi is in Jessie’s Night Legacy, by the way.
  • 89. What are you getting angry for? She’s never flirted with you… Spider of DocNerd’s Vetinari Dualegacy: “But she does have a kid with my uncle! What’s she doing with him?” Oh yeah, Larch. Ha… ha ha…
  • 90. Well, you’re making a lot of enemies here, so let’s send you two back home, huh Wynn? Hex? Wynn: “Hehe… good idea. I’ve got some great cereal back at my place, Hex…” Let’s leave it at that, shall we?
  • 91. Gabie of Boolprop: *calling* “Hiii there!! How was your trip!?” Hi, Gabie. What are you doing here, and not at school? Gabie: “I came to see if Eric was home!” He’s at school. Or at least he better be. *cracks knuckles*
  • 92. Wynn: “Have some, Hex. You’ll like it.” Hex: “Mm-hmm…”
  • 93. Ivan: “You awe akting out of chawactew!” Hex: “Oh, aren’t you cute.” *pat pat* Wynn: “Don’t mind him. He sometimes says off-the-wall things.” Eric: “Hey man, I don’t think I invited you in for dinner…”
  • 94. You’re totally innocent, right? Don: “Right.”
  • 95. Garrett: “Yaaaay, I finally get to be a teenager!!” Eric: *impales head*
  • 96. Pleasure it is. There seems to be two popular reactions to life in this household among my teenagers: either Family (I love kids and it’s great and I want to help them all!!) or Pleasure (I hate kids and it’s awful and I just want to have fun for once!!). Hex: “Excellent choice of PJs, son.” Garrett: “I’m not your son. Go away.” Hex: “Ouch…”
  • 97. *snicker* To the clothing store we go, then. You’re lucky. If you’d rolled almost anything other than Pleasure, we might have left you in that. Garrett: *shudder*
  • 98. Hazel: “Garrett, Garrett, Garrett!! You’re a teenager now!! Swing me around in circles, or dance with me, or, or, or, play with me??”
  • 100. Hazel: *sniff* “Eriiiic, Garrett’s too cool to play with me…”
  • 101. Eric: “Oh, don’t worry, I’ll talk to ‘im. C’mere.” Alright, time’s up! This wasn’t exactly a high-scoring chapter (only one kid born, after all), but let’s see them scores anyway!
  • 102. New Points Each child with a different father +1 Pregnancies concluded before founder marries +0.5 NPCs used as fathers +1 Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a scholarship New Fathers: 9: Thai Simself +2 Total Points: 70.5