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The White Legacy Extras:
Vis’s Bachelor Challenge, Day Six
Last time on Vis’s Bachelor Challenge…
Vis: “If you win this, would you be willing to move out of your neighborhood and join me on this spaceship?”
Pony: “That was great. You are a great kisser.”
Gabie: “I loved the kissing dates. But they were too short. I think we should do more of them.”
Vis: “My family. That’s the only thing I regret about jumping on this spaceship… not seeing them anymore, and not
having a chance to say goodbye.”
Vis: “It took me a long time to decide, but I finally know who’s going home.”
Vis: “Sorry, Pony. We had some great chemistry and I like you a lot.”
Pony: “Oh, Vis… I’m sorry too. We could have had something great. Goodbye.”
This is it. The last episode. The final showdown. The big apple. Wait, that’s something else entirely.
Gabie and Keika have made it to the final two. One of these two will be the one to win Vis! It’s completely up in the
air, with a single point meaning the difference between staying with Vis and going to the party floor!
Here we go!
Day Six
Let’s not beat around the bush here. We all know that the day starts with a hot tub date. Let’s just get to it, shall
Keika: “I love how even though we’re competing with one another, we’re all best friends here. It’s nice that we’re
not fighting and squabbling like schoolchildren.”
Vis: “I think that’s the greatest thing about this, really: we’ve all got a bunch of brand new best friends. Who can
then be called on as reliable minions in the future.”
I see best friend smiley faces flying! You can’t see them on Vis, but they’re hiding behind the speech bubble…
which, funnily enough, is about best friends.
This is all so sugar sweet, it makes me wonder if there’s any sarcasm or ulterior motives going on behind this
Gabie: “Kissing is great, isn’t it?”
Shut her up, somebody. I want there to be substance to this conversation. Every time those lips show up, that
tends to be all that gets discussed.
Gabie: “But what about stage kissing? Do you think they’re actually kissing when they’re on stage? I think they
Keika: “I did some theatre when I was in high school, and I can say quantitatively that the kissing on stage is real,
or at least it was in my high school programs. In fact, in one of the plays I did, a sister and brother were playing
the protagonist and antagonist, and they had to kiss once during the show.”
Vis: “Gross. That is so evil.”
Keika: “Tell me about it.”
True story, by the way.
Keika: “But enough about that! Let’s talk about the statues in your secret lair again! That was fun!”
SHUT HER UP. I said I wanted substance, not old, rehashed conversations!
Gabie: “I like books!”
I’ll take it.
Gabie: “I especially like books with pictures. It’s even better when the book is a long epic fantasy with a highly
detailed world, and the author has chosen to insert maps and illustrations of certain animals and cities or whatever
periodically throughout the book. It makes the world come to life even more, I think.”
Keika: “But doesn’t that prohibit you from using your imagination?”
Gabie: “No! Not everything is illustrated, and it gives you a good reference point!”
Vis: “I like pictures. I enjoy a good book, but I’m not much of an avid reader, really. Pictures are helpful.”
Vis: “Speaking of pictures, did you know that some people use makeup to draw highly detailed pictures on their
eyes and stuff? I saw an article about it once. It’s really cool. Just think of the possibilities for pictorial makeup and
tattoos in an evil empire!”
Okay, that’s it. I give up on this conversation. Have fun relaxing in the hot tub, you guys.
Vis: “Well ladies, ready for one-on-one dates?”
Gabie: “I think there should be skiing in this game. TS3 has snowboarding, kind of, but not skiing.”
Vis: “…I have completely lost this conversation. What is ‘TS3’?”
Keika: “Don’t worry about it, Vis.”
Vis: “Hey, Keika… would you be willing to come with me for a minute?”
Keika: “Sure thing.”
Keika: “So what are we doing in the hallway, Vis? It’s kind of cramped in here…”
Keika: “Ooh, that’s right. Today’s date is the make out, isn’t it?”
Vis: “Yep! I’ve been excited for this one!”
Um… yeah. Making out was successful. Moving on.
Gabie: “Oh, hey Vis. I was just coming to check out what was going on. And also to see if you were up to more
Vis: “As a matter of fact…”
Aww… I like this picture.
Keika: “Isn’t it a little, you know, early for dinner?”
Vis: “We didn’t have quite as much to do today. I guess we could get back in the hot tub…”
Gabie: “Aw, man. I’m not at Vis’s table.”
The dorm is looking awfully empty nowadays.
Gabie: “How dare you! This is our last morning here, and now you’re insulting our hosts by breaking the shower!?”
Keika: “I’M SORRY!!” *quiver*
Gabie: “YOU SHOULD BE!!”
After fixing the shower, Gabie heads downstairs for breakfast…
…while Vis and Keika have their final one-on-one date.
We’ve got three flirts to get through again today. We’re shooting for one caress, one goose, and one serenade.
Keika: “You know, Vis…”
Vis: “Shh… let’s just enjoy the moment for now.”
The caress went well, but really, no surprises there. SimMe accepted her caress yesterday, too.
The goose was accepted, too.
Keika: “NAUGHTY!!”
Vis: “HAHAHA!!”
Keika: “Vis, I have a confession to make!”
Keika: “I think I love you!”
Vis: “Too bad the floating love hearts were eaten by the evil ceiling, huh? I think it’s in cahoots with the podium in
here that we’re standing on. That’s so evil.”
Keika: “Yeah… wait, how did you know about the floating love hearts?”
Vis: *to the tune of the opening chords of The Phantom of the Opera* “I LOVE YOU SO, SO MUCH!! SO I’M
Keika: “Hahaha, we need to work on your improvisation.”
Keika: *happy sigh*
Gabie: “What are you grinning about?”
Keika: *sigh* “Tag, you’re it.”
Vis: “Sorry. This would be more romantic on the podium, but I learned it’s better to have our date on the ground.”
Gabie: “That’s alright. It’s always romantic with you, Vis, no matter where we are. We could be sitting in a trash
dump and I wouldn’t notice. As it is, we’re on a sparkling clean alien spaceship looking out at the beauty of outer
space. Podium or not, this is pretty great.”
Floating love hearts. This is what you call a close match.
Vis: “Hehehe… I like this one.”
Gabie: “Ooh, floating love hearts! That makes it official! Vis, I—”
Gabie: “GASP!!”
Vis: “Did you just say ‘gasp’?”
Gabie: “Hahaha, I totally did! Vis, I love you!”
Vis: “You know what? I love you too! In fact…”
Vis: “I love you so much, I think it needs a random musical number!”
Gabie: “Uh… that’s okay, you don’t have to—”
Vis: “I love you, you love me, we’re as happy as—”
Gabie: “Vis, I love you, you don’t have to sing.”
Gabie: “Although I have to admit, the notion is very sweet.”
Okay, time’s up! Vis, to your room!
Gabie: “Not the elimination room?”
Nope! Just to his room! You can do whatever you want, Gabie.
Vis: “How come? What about free will time?”
Sorry, but we’re not going to have the decision to this be who gets jealous first. You’re going to your room, and you’re going to
think about who you’re going to pick so we don’t have to drag you out of another toilet stall come noon.
Vis: {Aw man, who am I going to pick? Gabie or Keika? This is so tough…}
Gabie: “Hey Keika.”
Keika: “Hey Gabie. How was your date?”
Gabie: *happy sigh* “Fabulous.”
Keika: “No hard feelings, whichever way this goes?”
Gabie: “Of course not. May the best woman win.”
Gabie: “Although if you pull this out from under me, I’m going to publicly declare you as a cheater and a thief. I
mean, who puts their simself in contention for their own sim?”
Gabie: “But, yeah. No hard feelings, either way.”
Keika: *gulp*
Well, here we are again in the elimination room for the last time. Who will it be? Keika? Gabie? Vis, you decide.
Vis: *smile*
What, you’re not going to complain about having to make such a tough decision?
Vis: “No. I think I know who I want this time. I’m in love, Author!”
Vis: “Boing!”
Gabie: “I give that vault an 8.5.”
Keika: “Are you kidding? That was definitely a straight 10.”
Keika: *phew*
Vis: “Gabie, I love you with all my heart. You’re the most evil woman I’ve ever met. Marry me?”
Gabie: “YES!! I love you, Vis!”
Keika: “Hey, wait a sec! Don’t tell me I still have to—”
Keika: “That was not fair! I know where the party room is, I could have walked!”
Ani-Mei: “Quit whining and come join us, Keika. You get an exit interview.”
Keika: “What if I don’t want an exit interview?”
Thai: “You’re getting one anyway. Sit down and start talking.”
Thai: “So, from front runner to loser, huh? How does that feel?”
Ani-Mei: {Hehehe. The BBVM triumphs.}
Keika: “I’m okay with it. I’m kind of glad Gabie won, really. I started liking Vis a little bit—”
Ani-Mei: “Ahem.”
Keika: “Okay, a lot. The red floaty love hearts don’t lie. But I’d much rather not win my own challenge. It would
have smacked of cheatery. Besides, it would squick me out a little bit to get married to and have kids with my own
Keika: “I’m perfectly fine with just being friends.”
We’ve finally got a full losers’ party! But this challenge isn’t over yet, right guys!?
Aliens: “Right!!”
6: “We brought the champagne! I… think it’s champagne, anyway. All of your earth beverages taste the same.”
Now this is a party! We’ve even got Ani-Mei synchronized dancing with one of the PTs!
Vis: “Hi, everybody! We’re here!”
Everybody: “HI VIS!!”
Gabie: “Oh, so this is where everyone was going when they got eliminated. Very evil of you, Vis.”
Vis: “Why thank you!!”
And now for the main event!
Gabie: “You would think that after a week of partying, people would be better dancers. Wow.”
Come on, you two. Be serious for a second. You’re getting married.
Don’t everybody cheer them on at once.
Mia: “Hey, no wedding arch, no rose petals, no cheers. LET’S SMUSTLE!!”
Gabie: “I love you, Vis. Even though we’re on an alien spaceship and don’t have access to any good formal wear.
…hey, how come the aliens can get champagne, but not a wedding dress?”
Vis: “They simulated the champagne with the food creator machines in the kitchen. It’s not actually champagne.
Evil, huh?”
Gabie: “Yeah, pretty much. Can the food creator machine thingies make a wedding gown? It can be edible if it
really needs to be. White chocolate maybe?”
Formal wear or no formal wear, Gabie and Vis are married, and are given the Mighty Finger Gun of Approval from
And then promptly laugh at the revelers again.
Rosie: “Hey Keika, I’ve been thinking…”
SimMe: “Yeah? What’s up?”
Rosie: “Do you think that maybe the reason why Vis kept you around for so long is because he sensed the
connection you two share as author and character? So maybe that ‘connection’ he felt wasn’t really love, but was
recognizing you as his author?”
SimMe: “Eh, maybe. Don’t really care.”
Rosie: “Are you ever going to tell him he was kissing his author?”
SimMe: “Probably not. Knowing what I look like is on a need-to-know basis for my legacy characters. I don’t need
anyone swarming me, asking for blessings or curses, you know what I mean?”
Alien: “Wow, these chicks are nuts.”
Rosie: “By the way…”
Rosie: “That’s for eliminating me so early!!”
SimMe: “OW!!”
Vis: “I would like to propose a toast! Here’s to Gabie, my one true love! The lady with whom I could conquer the
universe and more!”
Rosie: “Cheers!”
Everyone: “Cheers!”
Alien: “Yeah, yeah! Cheers!” {What am I supposed to do with this again?}
Alien: {Drink it? Ugh, this is gross… human traditions are so weird.}
Gabie: “Are we sure this is really champagne? It tastes sort of off…”
Gabie: “Morning, Vis.”
Vis: “Is it really?”
Gabie: “Who knows? We’re in space.”
Vis: “Oh, you’re right. There’s no sun, so we can’t tell the time. That’s so evil, you know?”
Gabie: “I know.”
Gabie: “So… what now?”
Vis: “Well…”
Gabie: “Yeah?”
Vis: “I was, uh, kind of hoping you’d stay with me. You know. Here. On the spaceship. With me.”
Gabie: “Of course I will.”
Vis: “Really!?”
Gabie: “What have I got to leave behind? A jail-like simself compound and the company of other simselves, with
the occasional cameo in Keika’s legacy? I’d much rather be here with you.”
Vis: “You’re willing to leave behind your roommates to be with me!? That’s so EVIL! I LOVE you!!”
Gabie: “I’m really going to miss you guys.”
Everyone: “Ooo, what’s that over there?”
Alien at the controls: “How does this thing work again?”
The end!
Let’s see the final scores!
There really weren’t any surprises today. Gabie was ahead by four points in Day Five, and she’s still ahead by four
points now at the end of Day Six. No one rejected any flirts or got any extra time with him, so the status quo didn’t
really change. But still, who would have guessed these results when all this started, huh?
Good game, everyone! That was really close, and it was really fun to see it all play out! Congratulations Gabie!
Until next time, happy simming!
Gabie: 100/76 (176) (doublelove)
Keika: 100/72 (172) (doublelove)
Outtake #1: Pony. Stop that, Pony. You’re scaring me, Pony. Stop, Pony.
Outtake #2: Looks like Sam’s computer has bluescreened. Uh oh.
Funny the things you see when you open a simself house for a few seconds.

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The White Legacy: Vis's Bachelor Challenge, Day 6

  • 1. Here With You The White Legacy Extras: Vis’s Bachelor Challenge, Day Six
  • 2. Last time on Vis’s Bachelor Challenge… Vis: “If you win this, would you be willing to move out of your neighborhood and join me on this spaceship?”
  • 3. Pony: “That was great. You are a great kisser.”
  • 4. Gabie: “I loved the kissing dates. But they were too short. I think we should do more of them.”
  • 5. Vis: “My family. That’s the only thing I regret about jumping on this spaceship… not seeing them anymore, and not having a chance to say goodbye.”
  • 6. Vis: “It took me a long time to decide, but I finally know who’s going home.”
  • 7. Vis: “Sorry, Pony. We had some great chemistry and I like you a lot.” Pony: “Oh, Vis… I’m sorry too. We could have had something great. Goodbye.”
  • 8. This is it. The last episode. The final showdown. The big apple. Wait, that’s something else entirely. Gabie and Keika have made it to the final two. One of these two will be the one to win Vis! It’s completely up in the air, with a single point meaning the difference between staying with Vis and going to the party floor! Here we go!
  • 10. Let’s not beat around the bush here. We all know that the day starts with a hot tub date. Let’s just get to it, shall we? Keika: “I love how even though we’re competing with one another, we’re all best friends here. It’s nice that we’re not fighting and squabbling like schoolchildren.”
  • 11. Vis: “I think that’s the greatest thing about this, really: we’ve all got a bunch of brand new best friends. Who can then be called on as reliable minions in the future.” I see best friend smiley faces flying! You can’t see them on Vis, but they’re hiding behind the speech bubble… which, funnily enough, is about best friends. This is all so sugar sweet, it makes me wonder if there’s any sarcasm or ulterior motives going on behind this conversation.
  • 12. Gabie: “Kissing is great, isn’t it?” Shut her up, somebody. I want there to be substance to this conversation. Every time those lips show up, that tends to be all that gets discussed.
  • 13. Gabie: “But what about stage kissing? Do you think they’re actually kissing when they’re on stage? I think they are!”
  • 14. Keika: “I did some theatre when I was in high school, and I can say quantitatively that the kissing on stage is real, or at least it was in my high school programs. In fact, in one of the plays I did, a sister and brother were playing the protagonist and antagonist, and they had to kiss once during the show.” Vis: “Gross. That is so evil.” Keika: “Tell me about it.” True story, by the way.
  • 15. Keika: “But enough about that! Let’s talk about the statues in your secret lair again! That was fun!” SHUT HER UP. I said I wanted substance, not old, rehashed conversations!
  • 16. Gabie: “I like books!” I’ll take it.
  • 17. Gabie: “I especially like books with pictures. It’s even better when the book is a long epic fantasy with a highly detailed world, and the author has chosen to insert maps and illustrations of certain animals and cities or whatever periodically throughout the book. It makes the world come to life even more, I think.” Keika: “But doesn’t that prohibit you from using your imagination?” Gabie: “No! Not everything is illustrated, and it gives you a good reference point!”
  • 18. Vis: “I like pictures. I enjoy a good book, but I’m not much of an avid reader, really. Pictures are helpful.”
  • 19. Vis: “Speaking of pictures, did you know that some people use makeup to draw highly detailed pictures on their eyes and stuff? I saw an article about it once. It’s really cool. Just think of the possibilities for pictorial makeup and tattoos in an evil empire!” Okay, that’s it. I give up on this conversation. Have fun relaxing in the hot tub, you guys.
  • 20. Vis: “Well ladies, ready for one-on-one dates?” Gabie: “I think there should be skiing in this game. TS3 has snowboarding, kind of, but not skiing.” Vis: “…I have completely lost this conversation. What is ‘TS3’?” Keika: “Don’t worry about it, Vis.” Vis: “Hey, Keika… would you be willing to come with me for a minute?” Keika: “Sure thing.”
  • 21. Keika: “So what are we doing in the hallway, Vis? It’s kind of cramped in here…”
  • 22. Keika: “Ooh, that’s right. Today’s date is the make out, isn’t it?” Vis: “Yep! I’ve been excited for this one!”
  • 23. Um… yeah. Making out was successful. Moving on.
  • 24. Gabie: “Oh, hey Vis. I was just coming to check out what was going on. And also to see if you were up to more kissing.” Vis: “As a matter of fact…”
  • 25. Aww… I like this picture.
  • 26. Dinnertime! Keika: “Isn’t it a little, you know, early for dinner?” Vis: “We didn’t have quite as much to do today. I guess we could get back in the hot tub…” Gabie: “Aw, man. I’m not at Vis’s table.”
  • 27. The dorm is looking awfully empty nowadays.
  • 28. Gabie: “How dare you! This is our last morning here, and now you’re insulting our hosts by breaking the shower!?” Keika: “I’M SORRY!!” *quiver* Gabie: “YOU SHOULD BE!!”
  • 29. After fixing the shower, Gabie heads downstairs for breakfast…
  • 30. …while Vis and Keika have their final one-on-one date. We’ve got three flirts to get through again today. We’re shooting for one caress, one goose, and one serenade.
  • 31. Keika: “You know, Vis…” Vis: “Shh… let’s just enjoy the moment for now.” The caress went well, but really, no surprises there. SimMe accepted her caress yesterday, too.
  • 32. The goose was accepted, too. Keika: “NAUGHTY!!” Vis: “HAHAHA!!” Keika: “Vis, I have a confession to make!”
  • 33. Keika: “I think I love you!” Vis: “Too bad the floating love hearts were eaten by the evil ceiling, huh? I think it’s in cahoots with the podium in here that we’re standing on. That’s so evil.” Keika: “Yeah… wait, how did you know about the floating love hearts?”
  • 34. Vis: *to the tune of the opening chords of The Phantom of the Opera* “I LOVE YOU SO, SO MUCH!! SO I’M SINGING JUST FOR YOU, KEIKA! DUH DUH DUH DUH DUUUUUUH!!” Keika: “Hahaha, we need to work on your improvisation.”
  • 35. Keika: *happy sigh* Gabie: “What are you grinning about?” Keika: *sigh* “Tag, you’re it.”
  • 36. Vis: “Sorry. This would be more romantic on the podium, but I learned it’s better to have our date on the ground.” Gabie: “That’s alright. It’s always romantic with you, Vis, no matter where we are. We could be sitting in a trash dump and I wouldn’t notice. As it is, we’re on a sparkling clean alien spaceship looking out at the beauty of outer space. Podium or not, this is pretty great.”
  • 37. Floating love hearts. This is what you call a close match.
  • 38. Vis: “Hehehe… I like this one.” Gabie: “Ooh, floating love hearts! That makes it official! Vis, I—”
  • 40. Vis: “Did you just say ‘gasp’?” Gabie: “Hahaha, I totally did! Vis, I love you!” Vis: “You know what? I love you too! In fact…”
  • 41. Vis: “I love you so much, I think it needs a random musical number!” Gabie: “Uh… that’s okay, you don’t have to—” Vis: “I love you, you love me, we’re as happy as—” Gabie: “Vis, I love you, you don’t have to sing.”
  • 42. Gabie: “Although I have to admit, the notion is very sweet.”
  • 43. Okay, time’s up! Vis, to your room! Gabie: “Not the elimination room?” Nope! Just to his room! You can do whatever you want, Gabie. Vis: “How come? What about free will time?” Sorry, but we’re not going to have the decision to this be who gets jealous first. You’re going to your room, and you’re going to think about who you’re going to pick so we don’t have to drag you out of another toilet stall come noon.
  • 44. Vis: {Aw man, who am I going to pick? Gabie or Keika? This is so tough…}
  • 45. Gabie: “Hey Keika.” Keika: “Hey Gabie. How was your date?” Gabie: *happy sigh* “Fabulous.”
  • 46. Keika: “No hard feelings, whichever way this goes?” Gabie: “Of course not. May the best woman win.”
  • 47. Gabie: “Although if you pull this out from under me, I’m going to publicly declare you as a cheater and a thief. I mean, who puts their simself in contention for their own sim?”
  • 48. Gabie: “But, yeah. No hard feelings, either way.” Keika: *gulp*
  • 49. Well, here we are again in the elimination room for the last time. Who will it be? Keika? Gabie? Vis, you decide.
  • 50. Vis: *smile* What, you’re not going to complain about having to make such a tough decision? Vis: “No. I think I know who I want this time. I’m in love, Author!”
  • 51. Vis: “Boing!” Gabie: “I give that vault an 8.5.” Keika: “Are you kidding? That was definitely a straight 10.”
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54. Keika: *phew* Vis: “Gabie, I love you with all my heart. You’re the most evil woman I’ve ever met. Marry me?”
  • 55. Gabie: “YES!! I love you, Vis!” *clink* Keika: “Hey, wait a sec! Don’t tell me I still have to—”
  • 57. Keika: “That was not fair! I know where the party room is, I could have walked!” Ani-Mei: “Quit whining and come join us, Keika. You get an exit interview.” Keika: “What if I don’t want an exit interview?” Thai: “You’re getting one anyway. Sit down and start talking.”
  • 58. Thai: “So, from front runner to loser, huh? How does that feel?” Ani-Mei: {Hehehe. The BBVM triumphs.}
  • 59. Keika: “I’m okay with it. I’m kind of glad Gabie won, really. I started liking Vis a little bit—” Ani-Mei: “Ahem.” Keika: “Okay, a lot. The red floaty love hearts don’t lie. But I’d much rather not win my own challenge. It would have smacked of cheatery. Besides, it would squick me out a little bit to get married to and have kids with my own character.”
  • 60. Keika: “I’m perfectly fine with just being friends.”
  • 61. We’ve finally got a full losers’ party! But this challenge isn’t over yet, right guys!?
  • 62. Aliens: “Right!!” 6: “We brought the champagne! I… think it’s champagne, anyway. All of your earth beverages taste the same.”
  • 63. Now this is a party! We’ve even got Ani-Mei synchronized dancing with one of the PTs!
  • 64. Vis: “Hi, everybody! We’re here!” Everybody: “HI VIS!!” Gabie: “Oh, so this is where everyone was going when they got eliminated. Very evil of you, Vis.” Vis: “Why thank you!!”
  • 65. And now for the main event! Vis: “BWAHAHAHA!!” Gabie: “You would think that after a week of partying, people would be better dancers. Wow.” Come on, you two. Be serious for a second. You’re getting married.
  • 66. Don’t everybody cheer them on at once. Mia: “Hey, no wedding arch, no rose petals, no cheers. LET’S SMUSTLE!!”
  • 67. Gabie: “I love you, Vis. Even though we’re on an alien spaceship and don’t have access to any good formal wear. …hey, how come the aliens can get champagne, but not a wedding dress?” Vis: “They simulated the champagne with the food creator machines in the kitchen. It’s not actually champagne. Evil, huh?” Gabie: “Yeah, pretty much. Can the food creator machine thingies make a wedding gown? It can be edible if it really needs to be. White chocolate maybe?”
  • 68. Formal wear or no formal wear, Gabie and Vis are married, and are given the Mighty Finger Gun of Approval from Thai.
  • 69. And then promptly laugh at the revelers again.
  • 70. Rosie: “Hey Keika, I’ve been thinking…” SimMe: “Yeah? What’s up?” Rosie: “Do you think that maybe the reason why Vis kept you around for so long is because he sensed the connection you two share as author and character? So maybe that ‘connection’ he felt wasn’t really love, but was recognizing you as his author?” SimMe: “Eh, maybe. Don’t really care.”
  • 71. Rosie: “Are you ever going to tell him he was kissing his author?” SimMe: “Probably not. Knowing what I look like is on a need-to-know basis for my legacy characters. I don’t need anyone swarming me, asking for blessings or curses, you know what I mean?” Alien: “Wow, these chicks are nuts.” Rosie: “By the way…”
  • 72. Rosie: “That’s for eliminating me so early!!” SimMe: “OW!!”
  • 73. Vis: “I would like to propose a toast! Here’s to Gabie, my one true love! The lady with whom I could conquer the universe and more!” Rosie: “Cheers!”
  • 74. Everyone: “Cheers!” Alien: “Yeah, yeah! Cheers!” {What am I supposed to do with this again?}
  • 75. Alien: {Drink it? Ugh, this is gross… human traditions are so weird.} Gabie: “Are we sure this is really champagne? It tastes sort of off…”
  • 76.
  • 77. Gabie: “Morning, Vis.” Vis: “Is it really?” Gabie: “Who knows? We’re in space.” Vis: “Oh, you’re right. There’s no sun, so we can’t tell the time. That’s so evil, you know?” Gabie: “I know.”
  • 78. Gabie: “So… what now?” Vis: “Well…” Gabie: “Yeah?” Vis: “I was, uh, kind of hoping you’d stay with me. You know. Here. On the spaceship. With me.”
  • 79. Gabie: “Of course I will.” Vis: “Really!?” Gabie: “What have I got to leave behind? A jail-like simself compound and the company of other simselves, with the occasional cameo in Keika’s legacy? I’d much rather be here with you.” Vis: “You’re willing to leave behind your roommates to be with me!? That’s so EVIL! I LOVE you!!”
  • 80. Gabie: “I’m really going to miss you guys.” Everyone: “Ooo, what’s that over there?” Alien at the controls: “How does this thing work again?”
  • 81. The end! Let’s see the final scores!
  • 82. There really weren’t any surprises today. Gabie was ahead by four points in Day Five, and she’s still ahead by four points now at the end of Day Six. No one rejected any flirts or got any extra time with him, so the status quo didn’t really change. But still, who would have guessed these results when all this started, huh? Good game, everyone! That was really close, and it was really fun to see it all play out! Congratulations Gabie! Until next time, happy simming! Gabie: 100/76 (176) (doublelove) Keika: 100/72 (172) (doublelove)
  • 83. Outtake #1: Pony. Stop that, Pony. You’re scaring me, Pony. Stop, Pony.
  • 84. Outtake #2: Looks like Sam’s computer has bluescreened. Uh oh. Funny the things you see when you open a simself house for a few seconds.