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Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC 
Chapter Two
Hello there! Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland! Last we met, Wynn got started on founding this WYDC of ours. She 
started working her way through the garden club, and now has two adorable children: Abigail, who we’ve been calling 
Abby, and Bryan, still a toddler. Many simselves and borrowed sims made appearances, and we left off with Wynn potty 
training Bryan. If that doesn’t sound familiar, you’ll want to find Chapter One. This is Chapter Two. 
I see potty training went well. 
Wynn: “YES!! No more diapers!!” 
At least until you have the next one. 
Wynn: “Why do you always have to ruin my fun? Why?”
Have I ever mentioned how much I love the toddler blanket? No? Well, then. 
I love the toddler blanket. 
Love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
Wynn: “Sid, my garden has had plenty of time to grow. Really. Why don’t you call the garden club over here… the 
entire garden club… especially the men of the garden club… and I’ll prove it?” 
Sidney: “I’m sorry Wynn, it’s just that you only have a few flowers and a couple of a shrubs. We have a minimum 
amount of time between inspections.” 
He’s just completely oblivious, isn’t he? This is Abby’s father, if you remember.
Come to think of it… since he’s here and all… 
Abby: “Daddy, I think we should be best friends.” 
Sidney: “So you’re my daughter, huh? Nice of Wynn to introduce us…”
Wynn: “Look at these gorgeous crepes suzette! Don’t they look amazing? Aren’t I amazing?”
Sidney: “Mmm, smells great. Hand ‘em over.” 
What are you even still doing here, Sidney? We’re done with you. You can go home. 
Sidney: “Wynn? Crepes?” 
Wynn: “You’re being awfully rude.” 
Sidney: “Please?”
Wynn: “Alright, Bryan. Come on, sweetie. Come to Mommy. This is our last skill, all you have to do is walk to 
Mommy and we’ll be all done. Come on.” 
Bryan: *wobble*
Bryan: *topple* 
Wynn: “Ugh…”
Wynn, it is 6:22 AM. Do you know where your son is? 
Wynn: “Sure I do. He’s sleeping on his blanket. What kind of mother do you think I am?”
An absolutely fabulous one, who remembers to lock the doors before they go to bed each and every night. 
Wynn: “Was that sarcasm?”
Wynn: “Hey Author! I finally got him to call the garden club over!” 
Awesome! You better hope it’s not the same three people again this time. You’re running out of vacation days; you 
really need to get pregnant again, or you’re going to lose your job.
…crap. Hold on. Let me check out the game files here. 
Yep. I just peeked into my neighborhood’s townie base, and those three ugly garden club members from before, the 
ones I was looking for, don’t exist anymore. Apparently, the garden club was spawned before the game crash, and had to 
be redone when I brought it back up. It’s just Sidney, Victor, and two ladies in the club. Which means Wynn has 
successfully worked her way through the garden club already, which means… point bonus!! And we can move on to 
other fathers!! Yay!!
Speaking of other fathers… hello there, Larch. Wynn, catch him before he runs off with the paper! Honestly, these 
Larch Vetinari of the Vetinari Dualegacy by DocNerd, everyone.
Nope, too late. He’s off. 
Larch: {Invisible paper… eeeevil.} 
Don’t worry, we’ll get him next time.
Well, if we don’t have any more garden clubbers and we don’t have Larch Vetinari, this guy will do. This is Spencer. 
Wynn’s going to have to have kids with two different elders anyway, and Spencer keeps calling her up. Let’s get the 
next pregnancy in fast, okay?
Spencer: “Oh, you want to know my zodiac sign? Shoo, I’m a Pisces!” 
*writes that down*
Spencer: “Wynn? Explain?” 
Wynn: “Ahaha…”
Wynn: “Hey, Spence. Come have some cereal.”
Abby: “Mommy, if you wake up and cheer for my A+, I’ll forgive you for being on a date with that weird old man.” 
Wynn: *snore*
Abby: *toot toot toooooot* 
We’re going to be toddler-less for, like, five days. Huzzah!
Abby: “If I don’t look straight at it, it doesn’t exist, right Mommy?” 
Wynn: “Why is that even enabled for everyday wear?” 
Bryan: “Yay! A ducky floaty!” 
Wynn: “Alright, kids. Grab a slice of cake, and then we’re taking a family trip across the street to that new clothing 
Cashier 1: “That’s a ducky floaty, isn’t it.” 
Cashier 2: “Yep. It is.” 
Cashier 1: “Poor kid.” 
Cashier 2: “Poor mom. She has to drag the family out to buy clothes instead of that telescope she’s saving up for.” 
Cashier 1: “What a sad situation.” 
Cashier 2: “The poor family.”
Wynn: “Hm. Cute little place. It’s called… Landers & Flynn, huh?” 
Romi: {College.} 
That’s Jessie’s Romi Fuchs-Wallace, currently starring in the Night Legacy. I didn’t do her character very much justice 
in my White Legacy, so she’s back here, away from loathes, where she can actually be herself for once.
I’m loving the H&M stuff, by the way. Just thought I’d mention that. 
Nice photobomb, Romi.
Bryan: “Hm. Nice. Good thing Mom didn’t actually chase me with the scissors, like she threatened to do. I like my hair 
Alright, Bryan’s got his new outfit and hairstyle, and we also picked up a teenage outfit for Abby, since she’ll be having 
her birthday in a couple days. Now let’s go home; these sims are tired.
Wynn: “Ooh, I love this…” 
Hey now, I said to go… home… HARK! 
Wynn: “Hark? Hark what?”
Wynn: “Hellooo there, Mr. Vetinari! I understand you’re holding onto my paper for me?” 
Larch: “I’m in the bathroom, lady.”
And we also have… 
Zane: “Zane Devereaux. Nice to meet you.” 
Holy cow, jackpot!
You’re not eligible, though. 
Toro: “Aw, why not?” 
She’s descended from you. Go home. 
Toro: “Okay…”
Wynn: *gasp!* “Finally!” 
No kidding!
Wynn: “Hello, headmaster? Yes, I just heard we get these ‘point’ things from getting kids into private school? No, I 
don’t know exactly what they are… I think the Author might be cracking up…” 
Just get him over here tonight, okay? Plus, there’s this great incentive, in that he’s on our scavenger hunt list for 
Bryan: “Okay, Mom. I think I understand this ‘homework’ thing now. Can I paint on the easel now?” 
Wynn: “Well, you can paint on a canvas…” 
Bryan: “Oh, brother, Mom. You know what I meant.”
Headmaster’s here! And look at that, he’s face one, too. Go impress him, Wynn.
We might be serving the headmaster hamburgers, but I am convinced this is going to be a piece of cake. I mean, we got 
eight schmooze points just for greeting him.
Headmaster Young: “Congratulations, Miss Kinsey. I would be more than happy to admit Abby and Bryan into our 
school. Will you be coming to the school often?” 
Told you it would be easy. I hope we get Headmaster Young every time.
Pop! Baby C is almost here!!
Bryan: “Hooray!” 
WOOT!! So? What’s the aspiration, Abby? (Even though it’s not in the rules that I have to, I’m rolling for them anyway. 
It’s habit by now.) 
Abby: “Family, with a secondary of Knowledge. It will be most useful to my family, I think.” 
That it will.
Alright then, here’s Abigail Kinsey, post-makeover. Lovely, isn’t she?
Since Abby is now a teenager and there aren’t any babies or toddlers on the lot that would have to be babysat, Abby 
took her mother out to introduce her to the hobby masters she collected as a child. Of course, that meant we had to take 
Bryan along, but… this’ll be quick.
Andrew Owens, arts and crafts hobby master, gets a high five, and then we move on to the games lot.
Turns out the gaming hobby master is a woman… and a bit of a scary one at that, the way she’s wielding that pool 
stick… or whatever that thing is called. No need to bring Wynn in to meet her, so the group troops back home.
…and the kids instantly fall into bed. No, I am not a slave driver, thank you very much.
Wynn: “Just to warn you, I think I’ve got this game wired, baby girl.” 
Abby: “This game doesn’t have wires, Mom.” 
Wynn: “Oh, you’re very funny.” 
Abby: *stare*
Wynn: “ARGH!!” 
Meanwhile… at exactly the same moment…
Bryan: “Hey Abby? Do you know why there’s a funny-looking lamp on our lawn?”
Guess what? Baby C is finally here!! 
Wynn: “Oh. My gosh.”
Wynn: “His eyes are GORGEOUS!! Have you ever seen such amazing eyes!?” 
Yes, they’re red. Thank you for noticing. 
Wynn: “I’m going to name him Cid!” 
In respect to Sidney? Who is not his father? 
Wynn: “No, silly! In respect to all the Cids from Final Fantasy! They’re my favorite characters!”
Well, it just so happens that the genie is on our list of fathers, so…
Genie: “Oh… uh… you’re over there, are you? This is, ah, slightly awkward…”
Wynn: “Hey, would you like to share some cereal with me?” 
Genie: “You’re going to need a cheat for that, missy.”
Wynn: “A cheat like… this Tombstone of Life and Death over here?” 
Genie: *sigh* “Yes, that would do it.”
Wynn: “Say, while you’re here, would you mind making me rich?” 
Genie: “Eh, why not?”
Wynn: “Sweet! Hey, why don’t you stay a few days? You know, just to make sure everything goes off right?” 
Genie: “If you insist…”
The moment Abby got off the bus, Wynn ran off to work—two hours late, but at least she’s got her next promotion all 
lined up. That means Abby gets to take care of Cid. 
Abby: “His eyes are a little creepy, I’m not going to lie, but he is awfully cute.” 
I’m glad you think so. Because I have a feeling you just assumed a whole mess of childcare duties. 
Abby: “…do you think the court would let me move out on my own yet?”
And finally, after about two weeks of never going in to work, we’ve got a crime scene investigator on our hands! 
Wynn: “And it’s about time, too!”
Now you be careful, Abby. Dishwashers are a bit notorious for trying to kill sims with low mechanical skill like you. 
Abby: “Don’t worry, Author. I’ll be fine.”
Abby: “See? Nothing to worry about.” 
Huzzah, another promotion! And also she brings home the garden club lady. Send her home, we don’t need her. 
Garden Club Lady: *sniff*
Ooh, yay! Here comes Baby D! 
Garden Club Lady: “Boy, am I glad I’m not doing this challenge.”
Birthday time for Cid! Let’s see the magic!
Awww, he’s a tuxedo baby! How precious!
And since Wynn is pregnant and asleep, and Abby is a convenient teenager… 
Abby: “It’s really a very good thing I rolled Family, because otherwise I would really be hating my life right now.”
Abby: “What a good boy! Walking and talking and potty trained already!” 
Check, check, check! You know, he’s a baby, not a dog, Abby. 
Abby: “I know what I’m doing, Author. Please let me do it.” 
Sorry, sorry.
I love Bryan to death, but he is just such a slow learner! Ever since he was a toddler! 
Bryan: “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean!?” 
I’m just saying, bud, Abby already had two scholarships by the time she was your age. 
Bryan: “So!? I’m just as good as she is! Better, even!! Watch!!”
Which reminds me. Abby needs to actually apply for those scholarships now so we can get the point for a child who 
learned all toddler skills, learned to study, and has received at least one scholarship. 
I mean, I don’t know if I’ll actually send Abby to college or wait and run college through with one of her siblings, but I 
want that point.
You know, you’d think she’d be used to pops by now. I guess not.
Oh, come on. A burglar is on our scavenger hunt list, but it kind of has to be a guy. Go away, lady, you bother me.
Luckily, I did have the foresight to buy an alarm.
The police officer is a man, though! Cops aren’t on our list, but he does count as a service NPC… which is really too 
bad, because we forgot to tip him before he left. Oops.
The police department in Haven-in-the-Valley is quite clearly much more competent than in Riverblossom Hills. Garet 
here is not a “useless cop.”
Wynn: “Congratulations on getting a membership card to a hobby lot so that I can meet men, Abby!” 
Abby: “Of course, Mom. Anytime.”
Congratulations. You have just seen the patented Wynter Kinsey “eat and fart.” You’re welcome.
That’s not suspicious at all. 
Vis: “I’m going to steal her paper, because I’m evil like that. Except I think I’ll take one of the old rotten ones, so her 
kids can still use the good one for college. Bwahahaha!”
Ha, and you thought I was joking!
Wynn: “Hey! What are you doing!? What is up with this neighborhood and paper thieves!?” 
Genie: “Poor form, son!” 
The genie lectured Vis for stealing the newspaper. Hilarious! I didn’t know they did that!
By the way, that was our last wish, so the genie is now gone. 
Wynn: “But that’s okay, because we’ve got lots of money to rebuild the house with when we next have the chance, 
don’t we Cid? Don’t we?”
Wynn: “YEE-OWWW!!” 
Townie Kid: “No! I don’t want to see this! I DON’T WANT TO SEE THIS!!” 
Abby: “Oh, please. You act like you’ve never seen a woman give birth before.”
Aw, man. He’s not purple. 
Wynn: “Oh, but I love him anyway, don’t I? Don’t I!?” 
What’s his name? Remember, it’s gotta start with a “D.” 
Wynn: “I think… Donovan. Yeah! Donovan! He’s so cute!”
Here’s my proof that he really is the genie’s son, by the way.
Is that a suitcase? Where do you think you’re going? 
Wynn: “Twikkii Island! Genie money is the greatest!” 
By yourself? You just gave birth, and now you’re going on vacation!? What about Don? Cid? Or any of your other 
children for that matter!? 
Wynn: “Oh, Abby’s a teenager, she can handle babysitting for a few days.” *waves hands*
So… the story behind this [and future] vacations… 
On our scavenger list are the pirate ghost, a vacation native, and bigfoot. There is also a point bonus for conceiving a 
child in each destination. So, we’re going to pursue those bonuses, and we’re going to do it before Wynn gets married, 
because otherwise we would have to take her husband on vacation with her. Maybe. I think that’s what the rules say. 
Anyway. And since we just got this convenient bundle of money from the genie… 
The goal for this destination: the pirate ghost!
Wynn: “Hi there. I need to rent your cheapest room.” 
Clerk: *sigh*
Wynn: “What kind of room is this!? There isn’t even a double bed!” 
You don’t need one, remember? You’re going for the pirate ghost. 
Wynn: “What kind of hotel doesn’t equip every room with a double bed!?” 
At this point, I think she’s just ignoring me. Probably on purpose. …well, definitely on purpose. 
Wynn: “And there’s only one pillow! And it’s too flat! How am I going to sleep on a flat pillow!?”
…that’s not the pirate ship. 
Wynn: “This is a vacation, isn’t it? Who wants to spend the whole time pregnant?” 
Wynn: “What? I am going to enjoy this vacation, thank you very much!”
Wynn: “Oh, yes. This is great.”
Buying jewelry? 
Wynn: “Of course! You can’t get this stuff back home!” 
You do know that everything you spend here is a little less on your bigger-and-better-house fund? 
Wynn: “For jewelry, it’s worth it.”
Wynn: “Hey Author. Can we move to the beach?” 
Sorry, no. 
Wynn: “Oh, but why not!?” 
I tried making working beach lots in your neighborhood. It didn’t work. Sorry. There’s some lovely seaside property, 
Wynn: “Aw…”
You do know that you’re down to one day left in your vacation, right? 
Wynn: “Oh, fine. Let’s go meet the pirate ghost.” 
Wynn: “He’s not there.” 
Try again. Trust me. 
Wynn: *sigh* “Fine…” 
Enthusiastic, much?
Found him! 
Cap’n Dregg: “Ar, I get the feeling this be no pleasure cruise… yar.” 
Oh, it might’ve been, except your programming doesn’t actually let you get intimate. So, we’ve got a cheat to do the 
work for you. 
Cap’n Dregg: “That… be the most depressing thing I ever heard.”
Cap’n Dregg: “Did me ears just hear a lullaby, lass?” 
Wynn: “Aye, cap’n! See ya!” 
Cap’n Dregg: “…I hate bein’ dead, yar.”
Since she was here, we went ahead and picked up the sea chantey. 
Now watch it spread like the hula.
We can’t leave Twikkii Island without visiting (and angering) the monkey gods, now can we?
But no worries, Wynn appeased them again and got to sit on the fountain for this nice little picture. And with that, it’s 
time to head back home!
Pregnancy successful, then? 
Wynn: “Eurgh… shut up. Where’s that shuttle?”
Wynn: “I’m home!”
Wynn: “Well hi there, buddy. What are you doing all the way out here?” 
Abby: “Mom! Thank goodness. Please take him. He’s crying and I don’t know what’s wrong!” 
That’s all for this chapter! I think an updated score is in order! 
Please note that I’m not going to bother listing points and fathers I listed in the last chapter, since I’ve only got limited 
room on each slide. So if [when] the numbers don’t seem to add up, that’s why.
New Points 
Each child with a different father +2 
Pregnancies concluded before founder marries +1 
NPCs used as fathers +2 
Children in private school +2 
Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a 
New Fathers: 
3: Spencer Cooper (logged as Elder) 
4: Genie Midlock (logged as Genie) 
Have a child with every male member of the garden club +5 
Total Points: 21.5

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Wynter Wonderland: Chapter 2

  • 1. Free Babysitting Wynter Wonderland: A WYDC Chapter Two
  • 2. Hello there! Welcome back to Wynter Wonderland! Last we met, Wynn got started on founding this WYDC of ours. She started working her way through the garden club, and now has two adorable children: Abigail, who we’ve been calling Abby, and Bryan, still a toddler. Many simselves and borrowed sims made appearances, and we left off with Wynn potty training Bryan. If that doesn’t sound familiar, you’ll want to find Chapter One. This is Chapter Two. Onwards! Wynn Abby Bryan
  • 3. I see potty training went well. Wynn: “YES!! No more diapers!!” At least until you have the next one. Wynn: “Why do you always have to ruin my fun? Why?”
  • 4. Have I ever mentioned how much I love the toddler blanket? No? Well, then. I love the toddler blanket. Love, love, love, love, love, love, love.
  • 5. Wynn: “Sid, my garden has had plenty of time to grow. Really. Why don’t you call the garden club over here… the entire garden club… especially the men of the garden club… and I’ll prove it?” Sidney: “I’m sorry Wynn, it’s just that you only have a few flowers and a couple of a shrubs. We have a minimum amount of time between inspections.” He’s just completely oblivious, isn’t he? This is Abby’s father, if you remember.
  • 6. Come to think of it… since he’s here and all… Abby: “Daddy, I think we should be best friends.” Sidney: “So you’re my daughter, huh? Nice of Wynn to introduce us…”
  • 7. Wynn: “Look at these gorgeous crepes suzette! Don’t they look amazing? Aren’t I amazing?”
  • 8. Sidney: “Mmm, smells great. Hand ‘em over.” What are you even still doing here, Sidney? We’re done with you. You can go home. Sidney: “Wynn? Crepes?” Wynn: “You’re being awfully rude.” Sidney: “Please?”
  • 9. Wynn: “Alright, Bryan. Come on, sweetie. Come to Mommy. This is our last skill, all you have to do is walk to Mommy and we’ll be all done. Come on.” Bryan: *wobble*
  • 10. Bryan: *topple* Wynn: “Ugh…”
  • 11. Wynn, it is 6:22 AM. Do you know where your son is? Wynn: “Sure I do. He’s sleeping on his blanket. What kind of mother do you think I am?”
  • 12. An absolutely fabulous one, who remembers to lock the doors before they go to bed each and every night. Wynn: “Was that sarcasm?”
  • 13. Wynn: “Hey Author! I finally got him to call the garden club over!” Awesome! You better hope it’s not the same three people again this time. You’re running out of vacation days; you really need to get pregnant again, or you’re going to lose your job.
  • 14. …crap. Hold on. Let me check out the game files here. Yep. I just peeked into my neighborhood’s townie base, and those three ugly garden club members from before, the ones I was looking for, don’t exist anymore. Apparently, the garden club was spawned before the game crash, and had to be redone when I brought it back up. It’s just Sidney, Victor, and two ladies in the club. Which means Wynn has successfully worked her way through the garden club already, which means… point bonus!! And we can move on to other fathers!! Yay!!
  • 15. Speaking of other fathers… hello there, Larch. Wynn, catch him before he runs off with the paper! Honestly, these Vetinaris!! Larch Vetinari of the Vetinari Dualegacy by DocNerd, everyone.
  • 16. Nope, too late. He’s off. Larch: {Invisible paper… eeeevil.} Don’t worry, we’ll get him next time.
  • 17. Well, if we don’t have any more garden clubbers and we don’t have Larch Vetinari, this guy will do. This is Spencer. Wynn’s going to have to have kids with two different elders anyway, and Spencer keeps calling her up. Let’s get the next pregnancy in fast, okay?
  • 18. Spencer: “Oh, you want to know my zodiac sign? Shoo, I’m a Pisces!” *writes that down*
  • 19. Abby: “MOMMY’S ON A DATE WITH A GUY WHO’S NOT MY DADDY~Y~Y!!” Spencer: “Wynn? Explain?” Wynn: “Ahaha…”
  • 20. Wynn: “Hey, Spence. Come have some cereal.”
  • 21. Abby: “Mommy, if you wake up and cheer for my A+, I’ll forgive you for being on a date with that weird old man.” Wynn: *snore*
  • 22. Abby: *toot toot toooooot* We’re going to be toddler-less for, like, five days. Huzzah!
  • 23. Abby: “If I don’t look straight at it, it doesn’t exist, right Mommy?” Wynn: “Why is that even enabled for everyday wear?” Bryan: “Yay! A ducky floaty!” Wynn: “Alright, kids. Grab a slice of cake, and then we’re taking a family trip across the street to that new clothing store.”
  • 24. Cashier 1: “That’s a ducky floaty, isn’t it.” Cashier 2: “Yep. It is.” Cashier 1: “Poor kid.” Cashier 2: “Poor mom. She has to drag the family out to buy clothes instead of that telescope she’s saving up for.” Cashier 1: “What a sad situation.” Cashier 2: “The poor family.”
  • 25. Wynn: “Hm. Cute little place. It’s called… Landers & Flynn, huh?” Romi: {College.} That’s Jessie’s Romi Fuchs-Wallace, currently starring in the Night Legacy. I didn’t do her character very much justice in my White Legacy, so she’s back here, away from loathes, where she can actually be herself for once.
  • 26. I’m loving the H&M stuff, by the way. Just thought I’d mention that. Nice photobomb, Romi.
  • 27. Bryan: “Hm. Nice. Good thing Mom didn’t actually chase me with the scissors, like she threatened to do. I like my hair long.” Alright, Bryan’s got his new outfit and hairstyle, and we also picked up a teenage outfit for Abby, since she’ll be having her birthday in a couple days. Now let’s go home; these sims are tired.
  • 28. Wynn: “Ooh, I love this…” Hey now, I said to go… home… HARK! Wynn: “Hark? Hark what?”
  • 29. Wynn: “Hellooo there, Mr. Vetinari! I understand you’re holding onto my paper for me?” Larch: “I’m in the bathroom, lady.”
  • 30. And we also have… Zane: “Zane Devereaux. Nice to meet you.” Holy cow, jackpot!
  • 31. You’re not eligible, though. Toro: “Aw, why not?” She’s descended from you. Go home. Toro: “Okay…”
  • 33. Wynn: “Hello, headmaster? Yes, I just heard we get these ‘point’ things from getting kids into private school? No, I don’t know exactly what they are… I think the Author might be cracking up…” Just get him over here tonight, okay? Plus, there’s this great incentive, in that he’s on our scavenger hunt list for fathers…
  • 34. Bryan: “Okay, Mom. I think I understand this ‘homework’ thing now. Can I paint on the easel now?” Wynn: “Well, you can paint on a canvas…” Bryan: “Oh, brother, Mom. You know what I meant.”
  • 35. Headmaster’s here! And look at that, he’s face one, too. Go impress him, Wynn.
  • 36. We might be serving the headmaster hamburgers, but I am convinced this is going to be a piece of cake. I mean, we got eight schmooze points just for greeting him.
  • 37. Headmaster Young: “Congratulations, Miss Kinsey. I would be more than happy to admit Abby and Bryan into our school. Will you be coming to the school often?” Told you it would be easy. I hope we get Headmaster Young every time.
  • 38. Pop! Baby C is almost here!!
  • 40. WOOT!! So? What’s the aspiration, Abby? (Even though it’s not in the rules that I have to, I’m rolling for them anyway. It’s habit by now.) Abby: “Family, with a secondary of Knowledge. It will be most useful to my family, I think.” That it will.
  • 41. Alright then, here’s Abigail Kinsey, post-makeover. Lovely, isn’t she?
  • 42. Since Abby is now a teenager and there aren’t any babies or toddlers on the lot that would have to be babysat, Abby took her mother out to introduce her to the hobby masters she collected as a child. Of course, that meant we had to take Bryan along, but… this’ll be quick.
  • 43. Andrew Owens, arts and crafts hobby master, gets a high five, and then we move on to the games lot.
  • 44. Turns out the gaming hobby master is a woman… and a bit of a scary one at that, the way she’s wielding that pool stick… or whatever that thing is called. No need to bring Wynn in to meet her, so the group troops back home.
  • 45. …and the kids instantly fall into bed. No, I am not a slave driver, thank you very much.
  • 46. Wynn: “Just to warn you, I think I’ve got this game wired, baby girl.” Abby: “This game doesn’t have wires, Mom.” Wynn: “Oh, you’re very funny.” Abby: *stare*
  • 47. Wynn: “ARGH!!” Meanwhile… at exactly the same moment…
  • 48. Bryan: “Hey Abby? Do you know why there’s a funny-looking lamp on our lawn?”
  • 49. Guess what? Baby C is finally here!! Wynn: “Oh. My gosh.”
  • 50. Wynn: “His eyes are GORGEOUS!! Have you ever seen such amazing eyes!?” Yes, they’re red. Thank you for noticing. Wynn: “I’m going to name him Cid!” In respect to Sidney? Who is not his father? Wynn: “No, silly! In respect to all the Cids from Final Fantasy! They’re my favorite characters!”
  • 51. Well, it just so happens that the genie is on our list of fathers, so…
  • 52. Genie: “Oh… uh… you’re over there, are you? This is, ah, slightly awkward…”
  • 53. Wynn: “Hey, would you like to share some cereal with me?” Genie: “You’re going to need a cheat for that, missy.”
  • 54. Wynn: “A cheat like… this Tombstone of Life and Death over here?” Genie: *sigh* “Yes, that would do it.”
  • 55. Wynn: “Say, while you’re here, would you mind making me rich?” Genie: “Eh, why not?”
  • 56. Wynn: “Sweet! Hey, why don’t you stay a few days? You know, just to make sure everything goes off right?” Genie: “If you insist…”
  • 57. The moment Abby got off the bus, Wynn ran off to work—two hours late, but at least she’s got her next promotion all lined up. That means Abby gets to take care of Cid. Abby: “His eyes are a little creepy, I’m not going to lie, but he is awfully cute.” I’m glad you think so. Because I have a feeling you just assumed a whole mess of childcare duties. Abby: “…do you think the court would let me move out on my own yet?”
  • 58. And finally, after about two weeks of never going in to work, we’ve got a crime scene investigator on our hands! Wynn: “And it’s about time, too!”
  • 59. Now you be careful, Abby. Dishwashers are a bit notorious for trying to kill sims with low mechanical skill like you. Abby: “Don’t worry, Author. I’ll be fine.”
  • 60. Abby: “See? Nothing to worry about.” *phew*
  • 61. Huzzah, another promotion! And also she brings home the garden club lady. Send her home, we don’t need her. Garden Club Lady: *sniff*
  • 62. Ooh, yay! Here comes Baby D! Garden Club Lady: “Boy, am I glad I’m not doing this challenge.”
  • 63. Birthday time for Cid! Let’s see the magic!
  • 64. Awww, he’s a tuxedo baby! How precious!
  • 65. And since Wynn is pregnant and asleep, and Abby is a convenient teenager… Abby: “It’s really a very good thing I rolled Family, because otherwise I would really be hating my life right now.”
  • 66. Abby: “What a good boy! Walking and talking and potty trained already!” Check, check, check! You know, he’s a baby, not a dog, Abby. Abby: “I know what I’m doing, Author. Please let me do it.” Sorry, sorry.
  • 67. I love Bryan to death, but he is just such a slow learner! Ever since he was a toddler! Bryan: “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean!?” I’m just saying, bud, Abby already had two scholarships by the time she was your age. Bryan: “So!? I’m just as good as she is! Better, even!! Watch!!”
  • 68. Which reminds me. Abby needs to actually apply for those scholarships now so we can get the point for a child who learned all toddler skills, learned to study, and has received at least one scholarship. I mean, I don’t know if I’ll actually send Abby to college or wait and run college through with one of her siblings, but I want that point.
  • 69. You know, you’d think she’d be used to pops by now. I guess not.
  • 70. Oh, come on. A burglar is on our scavenger hunt list, but it kind of has to be a guy. Go away, lady, you bother me.
  • 71. Luckily, I did have the foresight to buy an alarm.
  • 72. The police officer is a man, though! Cops aren’t on our list, but he does count as a service NPC… which is really too bad, because we forgot to tip him before he left. Oops.
  • 73. The police department in Haven-in-the-Valley is quite clearly much more competent than in Riverblossom Hills. Garet here is not a “useless cop.”
  • 74. Wynn: “Congratulations on getting a membership card to a hobby lot so that I can meet men, Abby!” Abby: “Of course, Mom. Anytime.”
  • 75. Congratulations. You have just seen the patented Wynter Kinsey “eat and fart.” You’re welcome.
  • 76. That’s not suspicious at all. Vis: “I’m going to steal her paper, because I’m evil like that. Except I think I’ll take one of the old rotten ones, so her kids can still use the good one for college. Bwahahaha!”
  • 77. Ha, and you thought I was joking!
  • 78. Wynn: “Hey! What are you doing!? What is up with this neighborhood and paper thieves!?” Genie: “Poor form, son!” The genie lectured Vis for stealing the newspaper. Hilarious! I didn’t know they did that!
  • 79. By the way, that was our last wish, so the genie is now gone. Wynn: “But that’s okay, because we’ve got lots of money to rebuild the house with when we next have the chance, don’t we Cid? Don’t we?”
  • 80. Wynn: “YEE-OWWW!!” Townie Kid: “No! I don’t want to see this! I DON’T WANT TO SEE THIS!!” Abby: “Oh, please. You act like you’ve never seen a woman give birth before.”
  • 81. Aw, man. He’s not purple. Wynn: “Oh, but I love him anyway, don’t I? Don’t I!?” What’s his name? Remember, it’s gotta start with a “D.” Wynn: “I think… Donovan. Yeah! Donovan! He’s so cute!”
  • 82. Here’s my proof that he really is the genie’s son, by the way.
  • 83. Is that a suitcase? Where do you think you’re going? Wynn: “Twikkii Island! Genie money is the greatest!” By yourself? You just gave birth, and now you’re going on vacation!? What about Don? Cid? Or any of your other children for that matter!? Wynn: “Oh, Abby’s a teenager, she can handle babysitting for a few days.” *waves hands*
  • 84. So… the story behind this [and future] vacations… On our scavenger list are the pirate ghost, a vacation native, and bigfoot. There is also a point bonus for conceiving a child in each destination. So, we’re going to pursue those bonuses, and we’re going to do it before Wynn gets married, because otherwise we would have to take her husband on vacation with her. Maybe. I think that’s what the rules say. Anyway. And since we just got this convenient bundle of money from the genie… The goal for this destination: the pirate ghost!
  • 85. Wynn: “Hi there. I need to rent your cheapest room.” Clerk: *sigh*
  • 86. Wynn: “What kind of room is this!? There isn’t even a double bed!” You don’t need one, remember? You’re going for the pirate ghost. Wynn: “What kind of hotel doesn’t equip every room with a double bed!?” At this point, I think she’s just ignoring me. Probably on purpose. …well, definitely on purpose. Wynn: “And there’s only one pillow! And it’s too flat! How am I going to sleep on a flat pillow!?”
  • 87. …that’s not the pirate ship. Wynn: “This is a vacation, isn’t it? Who wants to spend the whole time pregnant?” Wynn… Wynn: “What? I am going to enjoy this vacation, thank you very much!”
  • 88. Wynn: “Oh, yes. This is great.”
  • 89. Buying jewelry? Wynn: “Of course! You can’t get this stuff back home!” You do know that everything you spend here is a little less on your bigger-and-better-house fund? Wynn: “For jewelry, it’s worth it.”
  • 90. Wynn: “Hey Author. Can we move to the beach?” Sorry, no. Wynn: “Oh, but why not!?” I tried making working beach lots in your neighborhood. It didn’t work. Sorry. There’s some lovely seaside property, though. Wynn: “Aw…”
  • 91. You do know that you’re down to one day left in your vacation, right? Wynn: “Oh, fine. Let’s go meet the pirate ghost.” Yay!
  • 92. Wynn: “He’s not there.” Try again. Trust me. Wynn: *sigh* “Fine…” Enthusiastic, much?
  • 93. Found him! Cap’n Dregg: “Ar, I get the feeling this be no pleasure cruise… yar.” Oh, it might’ve been, except your programming doesn’t actually let you get intimate. So, we’ve got a cheat to do the work for you. Cap’n Dregg: “That… be the most depressing thing I ever heard.”
  • 94. Cap’n Dregg: “Did me ears just hear a lullaby, lass?” Wynn: “Aye, cap’n! See ya!” Cap’n Dregg: “…I hate bein’ dead, yar.”
  • 95. Since she was here, we went ahead and picked up the sea chantey. Now watch it spread like the hula.
  • 96. We can’t leave Twikkii Island without visiting (and angering) the monkey gods, now can we?
  • 97. But no worries, Wynn appeased them again and got to sit on the fountain for this nice little picture. And with that, it’s time to head back home!
  • 98. Pregnancy successful, then? Wynn: “Eurgh… shut up. Where’s that shuttle?”
  • 100. Wynn: “Well hi there, buddy. What are you doing all the way out here?” Abby: “Mom! Thank goodness. Please take him. He’s crying and I don’t know what’s wrong!” That’s all for this chapter! I think an updated score is in order! Please note that I’m not going to bother listing points and fathers I listed in the last chapter, since I’ve only got limited room on each slide. So if [when] the numbers don’t seem to add up, that’s why.
  • 101. New Points Each child with a different father +2 Pregnancies concluded before founder marries +1 NPCs used as fathers +2 Children in private school +2 Children who learned toddler skills, learned to study, and earned a scholarship New Fathers: 3: Spencer Cooper (logged as Elder) 4: Genie Midlock (logged as Genie) +1 Have a child with every male member of the garden club +5 Total Points: 21.5