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I Do Not Do Rainbows
The White Legacy:
Generation Two, Chapter Four
Welcome back to the White Legacy! Last time, Toro and Brie polished off the fifty dream dates Toro wanted in a
spectacular island vacation. Witches then descended on the estate, with the Good High Witch promising that the
baby, Merry, had been born with a talent for magic. If none of this sounds familiar, may I politely suggest you go
back a chapter?
There‟s a fair number of family members this generation, so I‟m going to go through them really quick, since I‟ve
got this convenient picture here. In the back row from left to right, we‟ve got Par holding toddler Merry; Toro and
Brie; and the waving teenager is Par‟s twin Cygnus. In the front are Arc (moose ears) and Dez (sitting). Arc and
Dez are not twins.
Not that you‟d know that by looking at them.
SimMe: “Dancing bears… painted wings… things I almost remember… and a song… someone si—”
SimMe: “Well… um… this is kind of embarrassing…”
SimMe: “LOOK! Over there! Arc‟s having a birthday!”
No, really. He is.
He just… wasn‟t having it by my glitched-open front door. I should really see to getting that replaced.
Look out, ladies; Arc is a teenager now.
Like his grandfather, mother, and older brother, Arc has rolled Knowledge. Nice, simple, easy to keep happy.
…Merry? What are you doing in here? Weren‟t you JUST put down for a nap?
Merry: “No! NO!”
Toro: “Boy, when she learns something…”
Cygnus: “Come on, Merry. If you really don‟t want to sleep, we can at least get you dressed in your everyday outfit. You look like you
probably need a bottle, too.”
Merry: “No!”
Toro: “Thanks, son.”
Cygnus: “No prob, Dad.”
You know, Cygnus doesn‟t look much like a Family Sim, but I think he makes a great big brother.
That‟s good cake, huh Dez?
Dez: “…”
Your father made it, you know. He‟s a very good baker.
The great thing about peek-a-boo? You don‟t have to talk to get the point across, and both toddler and older
sibling are entertained. Right, Dez?
Dez: “…”
I‟ll keep trying. Between me and Toro, someday he‟s bound to talk.
Cygnus: “So, Dad. Can I go out tonight? Late?”
Toro: “With who?”
Cygnus: “I dunno. Horace?”
Toro: “Bring your older brothers along, and you‟ve got a deal.”
Cygnus: “Come on, Dad, Cygnus is cool enough, but I don‟t want to be seen out in public with Par…”
Toro: “And just what‟s wrong with Par? He‟s older than you. That makes him cool, right?”
Arc: “Age is not the problem.”
Par: “Hey Dad! Hey Arc! Did you guys make these sandwiches? Can I have one?”
Toro: “‟Course, Par. Help yourself.”
Par: “Cool!”
Par: “So I was reading this awesome book the other day, and it was all about fish. At first I thought it wouldn‟t
really be related to any classes I take at college, but then I thought, „What if I take marine biology? Then what will I
do? I won‟t have read the book about fishes!‟ And so I read it! It was so cool! Did you know that seahorses—”
Arc: “I don‟t think there is a class on marine biology at Sim State, Par.”
Par: “What?”
Anyone mind explaining why you‟re having what seems to be a lovely brotherly chat in the nursery?
Arc: “Merry, of course. She‟s always in here, and we‟re her big brothers. We‟re in charge of making sure she doesn‟t get herself into
any trouble.”
Cygnus: “Kind of difficult sometimes. Remember the time she stuck like a gecko to the ceiling and wouldn‟t come down?”
Par: “And then Mom and Dad had to get a chair out of the kitchen to pull her off the ceiling! I was afraid they‟d drop her!”
Arc: “Not a chance. They love Merry too much to let her hit the ground. Besides, it was pretty funny.”
Sadly, though, it‟s time for Merry to enter childhood. No more magical escapades or cute toddler pictures for her.
Brie: “YES! No more magical escapades!!”
Merry: “Oh, no. No. I do not do rainbows. This has got to change—hair, clothes, all of it.”
Not rainbows, huh? Well, what do you do?
Merry: “Better. Not ideal, but better.”
Enlighten me, what would have been ideal?
Merry: “Black lace. A black skirt that sweeps the ground. Maybe some small skull patterns thrown in around the hem and sleeve lines.”
Yeah, I think I agree with your Mom and Dad‟s shopping choices. They did a good job on reigning you in. I think you might be a little too
young for black lace and skulls.
Merry: “Says you!”
Toro: “Guess what, Merry?”
Merry: “What? What?”
Toro: “It‟s your first day of school tomorrow!”
Merry: “Whaaaaaat? That sounds boring. School is stupid!”
Toro: “You‟ve never even been there before, Merry! Don‟t knock it till you try it!”
Arc: “So, guys, I was thinking. What if we all went as a family to see a play? We could go see that new
one, what‟s it called, the one with the hot girl on the poster.”
Cygnus: “Don‟t let your girlfriend hear you talking about hot girls. And don‟t think we don‟t see through this blatant
excuse to go out with her without telling Mom and Dad.”
Par: “What? Arc has a girlfriend!?”
Cygnus: “Oh, sure, Par. Arc called the matchmaker over a couple days ago.”
Cygnus: “He and Amber have been going out ever since. You probably haven’t noticed ‘cause you’ve spent every
night reading instead of watching what’s going on outside the windows.”
Par: “Yeah, that’s probably it.”
Arc: “Guys! Shhh! Stop talking about it! Dad’s right there!”
Par: “You mean you haven’t told Mom and Dad yet?”
Arc: “PAR! Shush!!”
Toro: “Arc? Do you have something you want to admit?”
Arc: “Um, only that this pie is amazing, Dad! It’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted!”
Toro: “Hmmm.”
Brie: “Tory, I‟m so… so bored. All the kids are in school, we‟re done with your lifetime want. All I have to do to get
mine is go in to work one more time, but I‟ve got three days of mandatory vacation until then. The house is so
quiet. What do we do?”
Toro: “Hoo, that was fun.”
Brie: “Jumping on the couches isn‟t that great.”
Toro: “Pleasure Sim.”
Toro: “Well, this won‟t be entertaining at this very minute, but I was eavesdropping on our sons yesterday—”
Brie: “Eavesdropping? Why, Tory! I never!”
Toro: “Hold the teasing until I‟m done with the story. It sounds like Arc has a girlfriend.”
Brie: “Really? Well, we need to grill him about it the moment he gets from school, don‟t we?”
Toro: “Exactly my thoughts. It‟s for his own safety, of course. It‟s our duty as parents to meet our childrens‟ romantic partners and
make sure they won‟t get into any trouble…”
Toro: “…and also to give dating advice. We‟re old pros at it, after all.”
Arc: “Da-ad…”
Toro: “Arc, your mom and I don‟t have five kids for nothing. We know something about love and dating. Let me
help you.”
Arc: “Come on, Dad…”
Toro: “Also I would be a bad parent if I didn‟t insist on meeting my childrens‟ boyfriends and girlfriends. So either
you tell me about her or we‟re not moving off this couch.”
Arc: “Fine. She’s great, Dad. You don’t have anything to worry about. Her name’s Amber Dawn. Her family travels
a lot, and she’s got all these great stories to tell about all the popular vacation spots. She’s pretty and smart—
she’s a Knowledge Sim, even—and she has this gorgeous hair…”
Toro: „”Alright, alright, son. Haha, it sounds like you’ve made a great choice. Next time she comes through
town, why don’t you introduce us? Your mother and I would love to meet her.”
Arc: “Uh, alright, sure. I guess.”
Merry: “And here‟s Mr. Bear. Mr. Bear just got a new girlfriend, and so now that he‟s told his parents, Mommy and
Daddy Bear, he spends all of his time out with her. And when he is at home, all he ever talks about is her. No one
cares about Mr. Bear‟s little sister, Princess Bear, anymore. And do you know what I think about that? Do you, Mr.
Merry: “This is what I think about it!!”
Merry: “Hey, Dez. This stupid bear‟s head won‟t come off.”
Merry: “STUPID BEAR!!”
Merry: *pant* “Let‟s go watch a movie, Dez.”
Dez: “…”
Merry: “I really like this movie.”
Dez: “…”
Cygnus: “Hey, guys. What movie are you watching?”
Merry: “Werewolf.”
Cygnus: “This late at night? Aren‟t you worried about having bad dreams?”
Merry: “No! I’m not a kid, Cygnus!”
Cygnus: “…well, Par and I are leaving for college in a couple hours. You wanna come say goodbye?”
Merry: “Bye.”
Cygnus: “…well, okay. Bye Merry, Dez.”
Dez: “…”
Dez: “…”
Cygnus: “…love you too, Dez.”
Brie: “Cygnus! Par! Please join us in the living room! Snap to it!”
Par: “What‟s going on, Mom? Is someone sick?”
Brie: “No, Par, no one‟s sick. Really, this is your dad‟s party. I‟m just here for moral support.”
Toro: “And I appreciate it. Thanks, honey. Love you.”
Brie: “Love you too, babe.”
Cygnus: “Wait, I think I know where this is going. Is one of us the heir, Dad?”
Par: “Oh, it‟s definitely you, Iggy. I can‟t be heir. I‟m not cut out for it.”
Cygnus: “Sure you are, Par. You‟re the best guy I‟ve ever known.”
Par: *sniff* “Thanks, Iggy.”
Toro: “Now hold on, boys. Don‟t go jumping to conclusions now.”
Cygnus: “So, what? We’re not the heirs, and you’re just letting us know before we head off to college?”
Toro: “I said, don‟t jump to conclusions! I honestly don‟t know who the heir is yet.”
Cygnus: “So what did you call us in to tell us?”
Toro: “…that I don‟t know who the heir is yet.”
Cygnus: “Wow. That‟s really underwhelming.”
Brie: “What your father‟s trying to say is, Dez and Merry are still children, and though we think you would both
make great heirs, we want to give everyone the same chance.”
Toro: “Right! That’s exactly what I meant!”
Toro: “So, here‟s the deal. You two are going to college, but Dez and Merry are still children. When they become
teenagers, I will call you back and make the announcement then. That way, I‟ll have plenty of time to think about
it, everyone will have the same chance like your mother said, and it‟s fair for everyone. Don‟t worry, you‟ll know in
plenty of time before your graduation.”
Par: “That sounds nice to me. I don’t really want to be heir, though, Dad.”
Toro: “I understand, Par. I‟ll take that into account.”
Cygnus: “Hey, as long as I can find a lovely lady and have my own kidlet or two, I‟m cool. Whether that means I‟m
here or in Peachtree Valley as a spare, I don‟t really care.”
Toro: “You do know that if you do end up as a spare, the minute your wife gets pregnant, the Author will turn aging
back on, right? If you want to live forever like Arie, it might be better to just get married and not have kids. That
way you won‟t mark yourself for death by old age.”
Cygnus: “Hey, Dad, I want kids. Even if that means I have to die.”
Par: “Wow, Iggy. That‟s really amazing.”
Brie: “Well then, good luck in college, boys. And no stuffed cow mascot heads on the walls, you understand me?”
Cygnus, Par: “Yes, Mom.”
Toro: “Found that old joy buzzer, didja honey?”
Brie: “HAHA! Never gets old!”
Bye, Cygnus!! I missed Par, but give him my regards!! I‟ll see you two in college!!
Cygnus: “My dad told me all about how you‟re going to be there, so don‟t worry about explaining that. I‟ll be
getting a girlfriend in college, right Author? I‟m feeling kind of lonely, what with Arc having a girlfriend already and
him not even being halfway through his week as a teen yet. And he‟s not even a Family Sim.”
Oh, don‟t worry, I completely understand. Feeling a little jipped? I get it. We‟ll find you someone nice.
Cygnus: “Cool.”
Merry: “Hey, Dez.”
Dez: “…”
Merry: “It‟s your birthday, right?”
Dez: “…”
Merry: “Hey, Author…”
Oh, no.
Merry: “Hey, go away, Author.”
I don‟t take orders from kids, kid.
Merry: “No cameras allowed! Shoo!!”
Merry: “Happy birthday, Dez!”
Dez: “…”
(I have the cleverest hiding spot ever. Heh heh.)
Toro: “Arie! Hey! Long time, no see! Where‟d you go?”
Arie: “I didn‟t actually go anywhere, Toro. One minute I was getting ready to tell you and Brie that there was a
witch outside your house, and the next I was standing outside and had the impulse to walk home. Haven‟t been
out of the house since.
…I hate witches.”
Toro: “Oh. Sorry. …hey, Dez‟s birthday is tonight, do you want to come?”
Arie: “Of course! See you in a few minutes!” *click*
Merry: “What are we waiting for?”
Toro: “Arc‟s still on the phone saying goodbye to Amber, and Aunt Arie isn‟t here yet.”
Merry: “That‟s stupid. What‟s taking her so long? Is she coming on a train or something?”
Ready for this, Dez?
Dez: “…”
What are you gonna wish for?
Dez: “…”
Shoot. I thought for sure that would do it. Every other kid in the world wants to tell everyone their birthday wish…
I give you this picture to prove that Arie made it, not because of Dez‟s transition outfit. Which, by the way, we‟re
going to keep a safe distance from.
Merry: “I wonder why Aunt Arie just had to come to your birthday party?”
Alright, here‟s Dez all teenified. Nothing really exciting here, since we‟ve seen his face on Arc already, but it‟s still
worth it to do a close-up so I have an excuse to tell you that he rolled Family. And, joy of all joys, he wants to Have
Six Grandchildren.
Thanks, Dez.
Dez: “…”
Brie: “Let me tell you, Arc, you were the hardest one to potty train. You just wouldn‟t sit still! And then you would
try to escape and go wandering all over the house without—”
Arc: “Mom, please stop talking… I‟m begging you…”
Merry, come on! Go sleep in your own room for once, why doncha!
Merry: “This is my room, Author!”
…you want to run that by me again? Because as I remember, your desk locator is in the slightly-gothy single
bedroom down the hall.
Merry: “Well, maybe this isn‟t my room right now, but when I come back from college with my future husband, this
is where we‟re going to be sleeping until Mom and Dad kick the bucket. I‟m just getting comfortable now.”
Hey, Toro.
Toro: *huff* “You need… something… Author?” *puff*
Yeah, I do. What did you go telling Merry she was the heir for, huh?
Toro: “I never… did!” *gasp* “Don‟t know… what… you‟re talking… about!”
Toro, your birthday is today. *whine* I‟m not happy. I don‟t like this at all. You‟re supposed to stay young forever.
You said it.
Toro‟s going gray. *sniffle*
Toro: “Oh, no… not the plaid shorts…”
Dez: “…” *smile*
Brie, Arie, Arc: “Happy birthday, old man!!”
Merry: “YES! Daddy‟s old! That‟s one stop closer to my turn as heiress!”
Arc: “Now hold on right there. What makes you think you‟re the heir, kiddo?”
Merry: “Simple! I‟ll give you four whole reasons!”
Merry: “One! Mom and Dad had five kids—five—and I‟m the youngest. That must mean they were looking for an
heir and none of you were up to snuff. Two! I‟m the only girl! Three! I have magic powers, unlike any of you.”
Merry: “And four? I‟m the prettiest. For all those reasons, I‟m obviously the best, and that makes me the heiress.”
Arc: “Now you wait just a minute! Dad has not chosen an heir yet! What makes you think that just because you‟re
the youngest—”
Merry: “And prettiest! And most magical!”
Arc: “Merry, if it were that simple, would Dad be waiting until we were all teenagers to choose? No! He hasn‟t
chosen yet because all of us are in the running! So you quit with this recent high-and-mighty attitude of yours!”
Merry: “I am too the heiress!”
Arc: “You are not!”
Merry: “Am too!!”
Brie: “Latimeria White! To your room! Now!”
Merry: “But—but—but—I didn‟t mean to!!”
Brie: “ROOM!! Arc, you too!”
Arc: {Dumb kid.}
Toro: “So? What‟s the damage?”
Arie: “Well, you might have to replace the cushions, but I think your dining room couch will be just fine.”
Toro: “Ha ha. How do I look? Crusty? Gray? Old?”
Arie: “Toro, if all men aged as gracefully as you, there would be no shortage of hot males today.”
Toro: “Well, that‟s a little awkward coming from my sister, but I get what you mean. Thanks, Arie.”
Arie: “No problem. Now let go of me, you smell like old people.”
I‟m just shocked that Toro decided on a new outfit.
Toro: “No comments from the peanut gallery.”
Arc: “Oh great. Dez, shield me from the little pyro.”
Merry: “I didn‟t do it on purpose, Arc. Next time I will. You would look so ugly with a bald, blistered scalp.”
Dez: “…”
Arc: “And would you believe she just left her plate here for us to clean up? Really, she acts like a little brat, a
spoiled, selfish, princess brat…”
Dez: “…I like her.”
Arc: “Wait. Did you just say something?”
Dez: *cough* “…she only has a temper. She‟s good.”
Arc: “Good?”
Dez: “…”
Arc: “Whatever. I‟m going to go call Amber. She understands me.”
Well well well well well…
Brie: “Great. What are you „well well-ing‟ about this time, Author?”
Have I ever done it before?
Brie: “No. So much the better.”
We‟re getting to the bottom of this slide, so let‟s not mince anymore words. Brie has just hit her LTW, Criminal Mastermind, at last.
Brie: “What‟s a „slide‟?”
Toro: “Hello, White residence. …yes, he is. DEZ!! TELEPHONE!!”
Voice On Telephone: [Hello, is this Desmodus White of the White Legacy, Generation Three?]
Dez: “…”
Voice On Telephone: [Oh, good. Hold on just a sparkling moment.]
Chantelle: “Hello, Desmodus. Would you happen to have a charming nickname, like your little sister?”
Dez: “…Dez.”
Chantelle: “Dez it is. It‟s a pleasure to meet you.”
Dez: “…”
Chantelle: “Well Dez, I am here because we felt an explosive spell of the fire variety go off around here sometime
last night. It triggered our wards, you see.”
Dez: “…”
Chantelle: “We know it wasn‟t young Merry‟s fault—tis the plight of being born with magic, I‟m afraid—but it got us
to thinking. Dez, we would like to offer you an invitation to join our order.”
Dez: “…”
Chantelle: “But don‟t think that we‟re only doing this because of your sister! You see, you in particular out of all
your brothers displays the highest, shall we say, potential for becoming a great warlock. I am quite sure one of the
other orders would have approached you at any time as well. Now you‟re of an age to enjoy the privileges of being
a warlock, and if you do decide to join us, we would ask that you watch over Merry. She has some rather potent
natural talents, and we feel it would be advantageous for someone to be around with a wand to help extinguish
fires and that sort of thing. Are you interested?”
Dez: “…”
Chantelle: “…well, take your time, there‟s no rush. You‟ve got my phone number locked in your caller ID now;
give me a call when you‟re ready. And, I think your school bus is leaving.”
Dez: “… …? …! …”
Arc: “I am enthralled by this speech.”
What speech? He‟s not saying anything!
Arc: “Shush! I can‟t hear!”
Merry: “Dez, can you take a break from your very important hand gesturing to come play with me?”
Dez: “…okay.”
Brie: *jump* “Dangit Author! What is it this time!?”
You‟re wearing a thinking cap!
Brie: “Yeah, and I rolled a Want for maxing all my skills.”
That‟s very Knowledge Sim of you. I‟m so proud.
Brie: “Stick it.”
Oh, that‟s so cute! Arc and Dez having matching pajamas, too!
Arc: “Author, I‟m warning you. We are not „cute.‟ You can call us „hot,‟ „studly,‟ „manly,‟ or „handsome,‟ but not
„cute.‟ Being called „cute‟ results in the loss of man points.”
Ah, but did you know your grandfather used to call your grandmother “handsome?”
Arc: “Scratch that one off the list. It‟s either „hot,‟ „studly,‟ or „manly.‟”
Feeling a little melancholic, Toro?
Toro: “Wouldn‟t you be in my situation?”
Yeah, probably. I‟m really glad I don‟t age like a sim. Suddenly hitting the next life stage like that would kill me.
Toro: “Whoa, wait. You‟re not a sim? What are you?”
Umm… go… do something else.
Ready, Brie?
Brie: “No.”
Brie: “I‟m going to have arthritis, aren‟t I? Ooh, I can already feel it!”
Toro: “Just relax, honey. It‟s all part of joining a legacy.”
Brie: “…I have quite the family, don‟t I?”
Yes, you really do.
Arie: “Hahaha, happy birthday, Brie!”
Toro, Arc: *stunned*
Dez: ”…”
Brie: “Everyone, hold that thought.”
Brie: “Alright everyone, I‟m back, the party can now resume.”
Great, now I‟ve spewed water all over my computer.
Brie, what have you done to yourself?
Brie: “Is the cowprint undershirt too much? No, it‟s the jacket. I‟m wearing so much more now, I feel practically naked.”
No, it‟s not the jacket, or the undershirt, it‟s the hair. What did you do?
Brie: “Well, you know, most of my kids are redheads, and I figured it was about time I was one, too.”
You call that red?
Brie: “Light red.”
Toro: “Brie, honey, your hair is pink.”
Brie: “Light red.”
Toro: “There‟s no shame in going gray, honey. It‟s part of life.”
Brie: “I don‟t know what you‟re talking about. I didn‟t „go gray.‟ I just decided to randomly die my hair red to match
my sons. I never „went gray.‟”
Arc: “I am so humiliated right now.”
Arc: “Alright, this is it. I‟m off to college. Good luck dealing with The Merry, Dez.”
Dez: “…”
Going already, Arc? Don‟t you want a good, long mushy goodbye from your parents and siblings?
Arc: “Dez wouldn‟t say anything. Merry would be happy to see me gone.”
What about your parents? Your girlfriend?
Arc: “Oh, Amber and I broke up ages ago.”
What!? When!?
Arc: “She‟s never in town. It was fun to talk with her on the phone every night at two AM so she wouldn‟t have to
be up late in her time zone, but after a while I was falling asleep in my breakfast and we never got to see each
other in person anyway.”
Aw, I‟m sorry, Arc.
Arc: “It‟s cool. We‟re still friends.”
And there he goes. But don‟t worry, we‟ll see him in the college update right quick.
The very day after Arc leaves for school happens to be Merry‟s big birthday. I don‟t know if we‟ve talked to her
about why this particular birthday will be particularly important to her in particular, but—
Merry: “Oh, you think I don‟t know? You‟re funny, Author. I‟m about to get full control of my magic and be declared
Okay, scratch that. She knows perfectly well why this particular birthday will be particularly important to her in
Merry: “Wow… I feel… strange…”
Dez: “…”
Well, I wish I could just call it good right there and be all mysterious and dramatic, but there really are two things I
need to point out.
First, credits. Right at the beginning, I used lyrics from Anastasia‟s “Once Upon A December”.
Second, you probably want Merry‟s birthday close-up and aspiration.
So, here she is. Merry rolled Fortune—I‟m loving the appropriate aspirations for their personalities that my sims
are rolling this time around, it always makes me nervous when the teen birthdays come up. Her LTW is to become
The Law.
Join us next time for the last bit of wrap-up for this generation, and to find out who Toro‟s decided on as heir!

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The White Legacy--Generation 2, Chapter 4

  • 1. I Do Not Do Rainbows The White Legacy: Generation Two, Chapter Four
  • 2. Welcome back to the White Legacy! Last time, Toro and Brie polished off the fifty dream dates Toro wanted in a spectacular island vacation. Witches then descended on the estate, with the Good High Witch promising that the baby, Merry, had been born with a talent for magic. If none of this sounds familiar, may I politely suggest you go back a chapter? There‟s a fair number of family members this generation, so I‟m going to go through them really quick, since I‟ve got this convenient picture here. In the back row from left to right, we‟ve got Par holding toddler Merry; Toro and Brie; and the waving teenager is Par‟s twin Cygnus. In the front are Arc (moose ears) and Dez (sitting). Arc and Dez are not twins.
  • 3. Not that you‟d know that by looking at them.
  • 4. SimMe: “Dancing bears… painted wings… things I almost remember… and a song… someone si—”
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. SimMe: “Well… um… this is kind of embarrassing…”
  • 8. SimMe: “LOOK! Over there! Arc‟s having a birthday!”
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. No, really. He is. He just… wasn‟t having it by my glitched-open front door. I should really see to getting that replaced.
  • 12. Look out, ladies; Arc is a teenager now. Like his grandfather, mother, and older brother, Arc has rolled Knowledge. Nice, simple, easy to keep happy.
  • 13. …Merry? What are you doing in here? Weren‟t you JUST put down for a nap? Merry: “No! NO!” Toro: “Boy, when she learns something…”
  • 14. Cygnus: “Come on, Merry. If you really don‟t want to sleep, we can at least get you dressed in your everyday outfit. You look like you probably need a bottle, too.” Merry: “No!” Toro: “Thanks, son.” Cygnus: “No prob, Dad.” You know, Cygnus doesn‟t look much like a Family Sim, but I think he makes a great big brother.
  • 15. That‟s good cake, huh Dez? Dez: “…” Your father made it, you know. He‟s a very good baker.
  • 17. The great thing about peek-a-boo? You don‟t have to talk to get the point across, and both toddler and older sibling are entertained. Right, Dez? Dez: “…” I‟ll keep trying. Between me and Toro, someday he‟s bound to talk.
  • 18. Cygnus: “So, Dad. Can I go out tonight? Late?” Toro: “With who?” Cygnus: “I dunno. Horace?” Toro: “Bring your older brothers along, and you‟ve got a deal.” Cygnus: “Come on, Dad, Cygnus is cool enough, but I don‟t want to be seen out in public with Par…”
  • 19. Toro: “And just what‟s wrong with Par? He‟s older than you. That makes him cool, right?” Arc: “Age is not the problem.”
  • 20. Par: “Hey Dad! Hey Arc! Did you guys make these sandwiches? Can I have one?” Toro: “‟Course, Par. Help yourself.” Par: “Cool!”
  • 21. Par: “So I was reading this awesome book the other day, and it was all about fish. At first I thought it wouldn‟t really be related to any classes I take at college, but then I thought, „What if I take marine biology? Then what will I do? I won‟t have read the book about fishes!‟ And so I read it! It was so cool! Did you know that seahorses—” Arc: “I don‟t think there is a class on marine biology at Sim State, Par.”
  • 23. Anyone mind explaining why you‟re having what seems to be a lovely brotherly chat in the nursery? Arc: “Merry, of course. She‟s always in here, and we‟re her big brothers. We‟re in charge of making sure she doesn‟t get herself into any trouble.” Cygnus: “Kind of difficult sometimes. Remember the time she stuck like a gecko to the ceiling and wouldn‟t come down?” Par: “And then Mom and Dad had to get a chair out of the kitchen to pull her off the ceiling! I was afraid they‟d drop her!” Arc: “Not a chance. They love Merry too much to let her hit the ground. Besides, it was pretty funny.”
  • 24. Sadly, though, it‟s time for Merry to enter childhood. No more magical escapades or cute toddler pictures for her. Brie: “YES! No more magical escapades!!”
  • 25. Merry: “Oh, no. No. I do not do rainbows. This has got to change—hair, clothes, all of it.” Not rainbows, huh? Well, what do you do?
  • 26. Merry: “Better. Not ideal, but better.” Enlighten me, what would have been ideal? Merry: “Black lace. A black skirt that sweeps the ground. Maybe some small skull patterns thrown in around the hem and sleeve lines.” Yeah, I think I agree with your Mom and Dad‟s shopping choices. They did a good job on reigning you in. I think you might be a little too young for black lace and skulls. Merry: “Says you!”
  • 27. Toro: “Guess what, Merry?” Merry: “What? What?” Toro: “It‟s your first day of school tomorrow!”
  • 28. Merry: “Whaaaaaat? That sounds boring. School is stupid!” Toro: “You‟ve never even been there before, Merry! Don‟t knock it till you try it!”
  • 29. Arc: “So, guys, I was thinking. What if we all went as a family to see a play? We could go see that new one, what‟s it called, the one with the hot girl on the poster.” Cygnus: “Don‟t let your girlfriend hear you talking about hot girls. And don‟t think we don‟t see through this blatant excuse to go out with her without telling Mom and Dad.” Par: “What? Arc has a girlfriend!?”
  • 30. Cygnus: “Oh, sure, Par. Arc called the matchmaker over a couple days ago.”
  • 31. Cygnus: “He and Amber have been going out ever since. You probably haven’t noticed ‘cause you’ve spent every night reading instead of watching what’s going on outside the windows.” Par: “Yeah, that’s probably it.” Arc: “Guys! Shhh! Stop talking about it! Dad’s right there!”
  • 32. Par: “You mean you haven’t told Mom and Dad yet?” Arc: “PAR! Shush!!” Toro: “Arc? Do you have something you want to admit?” Arc: “Um, only that this pie is amazing, Dad! It’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted!” Toro: “Hmmm.”
  • 33. Brie: “Tory, I‟m so… so bored. All the kids are in school, we‟re done with your lifetime want. All I have to do to get mine is go in to work one more time, but I‟ve got three days of mandatory vacation until then. The house is so quiet. What do we do?”
  • 34. Toro: “Hoo, that was fun.” Brie: “Jumping on the couches isn‟t that great.” Toro: “Pleasure Sim.”
  • 35. Toro: “Well, this won‟t be entertaining at this very minute, but I was eavesdropping on our sons yesterday—” Brie: “Eavesdropping? Why, Tory! I never!” Toro: “Hold the teasing until I‟m done with the story. It sounds like Arc has a girlfriend.” Brie: “Really? Well, we need to grill him about it the moment he gets from school, don‟t we?” Toro: “Exactly my thoughts. It‟s for his own safety, of course. It‟s our duty as parents to meet our childrens‟ romantic partners and make sure they won‟t get into any trouble…”
  • 36. Toro: “…and also to give dating advice. We‟re old pros at it, after all.”
  • 37. Arc: “Da-ad…” Toro: “Arc, your mom and I don‟t have five kids for nothing. We know something about love and dating. Let me help you.” Arc: “Come on, Dad…” Toro: “Also I would be a bad parent if I didn‟t insist on meeting my childrens‟ boyfriends and girlfriends. So either you tell me about her or we‟re not moving off this couch.”
  • 38. Arc: “Fine. She’s great, Dad. You don’t have anything to worry about. Her name’s Amber Dawn. Her family travels a lot, and she’s got all these great stories to tell about all the popular vacation spots. She’s pretty and smart— she’s a Knowledge Sim, even—and she has this gorgeous hair…” Toro: „”Alright, alright, son. Haha, it sounds like you’ve made a great choice. Next time she comes through town, why don’t you introduce us? Your mother and I would love to meet her.” Arc: “Uh, alright, sure. I guess.”
  • 39. Merry: “And here‟s Mr. Bear. Mr. Bear just got a new girlfriend, and so now that he‟s told his parents, Mommy and Daddy Bear, he spends all of his time out with her. And when he is at home, all he ever talks about is her. No one cares about Mr. Bear‟s little sister, Princess Bear, anymore. And do you know what I think about that? Do you, Mr. Bear?”
  • 40. Merry: “This is what I think about it!!”
  • 41. Merry: “Hey, Dez. This stupid bear‟s head won‟t come off.”
  • 43. Merry: *pant* “Let‟s go watch a movie, Dez.” Dez: “…”
  • 44. Merry: “I really like this movie.” Dez: “…”
  • 45. Cygnus: “Hey, guys. What movie are you watching?” Merry: “Werewolf.” Cygnus: “This late at night? Aren‟t you worried about having bad dreams?” Merry: “No! I’m not a kid, Cygnus!”
  • 46. Cygnus: “…well, Par and I are leaving for college in a couple hours. You wanna come say goodbye?” Merry: “Bye.” Cygnus: “…well, okay. Bye Merry, Dez.” Dez: “…”
  • 47. Dez: “…” Cygnus: “…love you too, Dez.” Brie: “Cygnus! Par! Please join us in the living room! Snap to it!”
  • 48. Par: “What‟s going on, Mom? Is someone sick?”
  • 49. Brie: “No, Par, no one‟s sick. Really, this is your dad‟s party. I‟m just here for moral support.”
  • 50. Toro: “And I appreciate it. Thanks, honey. Love you.” Brie: “Love you too, babe.”
  • 51. Cygnus: “Wait, I think I know where this is going. Is one of us the heir, Dad?” Par: “Oh, it‟s definitely you, Iggy. I can‟t be heir. I‟m not cut out for it.” Cygnus: “Sure you are, Par. You‟re the best guy I‟ve ever known.” Par: *sniff* “Thanks, Iggy.”
  • 52. Toro: “Now hold on, boys. Don‟t go jumping to conclusions now.” Cygnus: “So, what? We’re not the heirs, and you’re just letting us know before we head off to college?”
  • 53. Toro: “I said, don‟t jump to conclusions! I honestly don‟t know who the heir is yet.” Cygnus: “So what did you call us in to tell us?” Toro: “…that I don‟t know who the heir is yet.” Cygnus: “Wow. That‟s really underwhelming.”
  • 54. Brie: “What your father‟s trying to say is, Dez and Merry are still children, and though we think you would both make great heirs, we want to give everyone the same chance.” Toro: “Right! That’s exactly what I meant!”
  • 55. Toro: “So, here‟s the deal. You two are going to college, but Dez and Merry are still children. When they become teenagers, I will call you back and make the announcement then. That way, I‟ll have plenty of time to think about it, everyone will have the same chance like your mother said, and it‟s fair for everyone. Don‟t worry, you‟ll know in plenty of time before your graduation.” Par: “That sounds nice to me. I don’t really want to be heir, though, Dad.” Toro: “I understand, Par. I‟ll take that into account.”
  • 56. Cygnus: “Hey, as long as I can find a lovely lady and have my own kidlet or two, I‟m cool. Whether that means I‟m here or in Peachtree Valley as a spare, I don‟t really care.”
  • 57. Toro: “You do know that if you do end up as a spare, the minute your wife gets pregnant, the Author will turn aging back on, right? If you want to live forever like Arie, it might be better to just get married and not have kids. That way you won‟t mark yourself for death by old age.” Cygnus: “Hey, Dad, I want kids. Even if that means I have to die.” Par: “Wow, Iggy. That‟s really amazing.”
  • 58. Brie: “Well then, good luck in college, boys. And no stuffed cow mascot heads on the walls, you understand me?” Cygnus, Par: “Yes, Mom.”
  • 59. Bzzt! Toro: “Found that old joy buzzer, didja honey?” Brie: “HAHA! Never gets old!”
  • 60. Bye, Cygnus!! I missed Par, but give him my regards!! I‟ll see you two in college!! Cygnus: “My dad told me all about how you‟re going to be there, so don‟t worry about explaining that. I‟ll be getting a girlfriend in college, right Author? I‟m feeling kind of lonely, what with Arc having a girlfriend already and him not even being halfway through his week as a teen yet. And he‟s not even a Family Sim.” Oh, don‟t worry, I completely understand. Feeling a little jipped? I get it. We‟ll find you someone nice. Cygnus: “Cool.”
  • 61. Merry: “Hey, Dez.” Dez: “…” Merry: “It‟s your birthday, right?” Dez: “…”
  • 62. Merry: “Hey, Author…” Oh, no. Merry: “Hey, go away, Author.” I don‟t take orders from kids, kid. Merry: “No cameras allowed! Shoo!!”
  • 63. Merry: “Happy birthday, Dez!” Dez: “…” (I have the cleverest hiding spot ever. Heh heh.)
  • 64. Toro: “Arie! Hey! Long time, no see! Where‟d you go?”
  • 65. Arie: “I didn‟t actually go anywhere, Toro. One minute I was getting ready to tell you and Brie that there was a witch outside your house, and the next I was standing outside and had the impulse to walk home. Haven‟t been out of the house since. …I hate witches.”
  • 66. Toro: “Oh. Sorry. …hey, Dez‟s birthday is tonight, do you want to come?” Arie: “Of course! See you in a few minutes!” *click*
  • 67. Merry: “What are we waiting for?” Toro: “Arc‟s still on the phone saying goodbye to Amber, and Aunt Arie isn‟t here yet.” Merry: “That‟s stupid. What‟s taking her so long? Is she coming on a train or something?”
  • 68. Ready for this, Dez? Dez: “…” What are you gonna wish for? Dez: “…” Shoot. I thought for sure that would do it. Every other kid in the world wants to tell everyone their birthday wish…
  • 69. I give you this picture to prove that Arie made it, not because of Dez‟s transition outfit. Which, by the way, we‟re going to keep a safe distance from.
  • 70. Merry: “I wonder why Aunt Arie just had to come to your birthday party?”
  • 71.
  • 72. Alright, here‟s Dez all teenified. Nothing really exciting here, since we‟ve seen his face on Arc already, but it‟s still worth it to do a close-up so I have an excuse to tell you that he rolled Family. And, joy of all joys, he wants to Have Six Grandchildren. -_- Thanks, Dez. Dez: “…”
  • 73. Brie: “Let me tell you, Arc, you were the hardest one to potty train. You just wouldn‟t sit still! And then you would try to escape and go wandering all over the house without—” Arc: “Mom, please stop talking… I‟m begging you…”
  • 74. Merry, come on! Go sleep in your own room for once, why doncha! Merry: “This is my room, Author!” …you want to run that by me again? Because as I remember, your desk locator is in the slightly-gothy single bedroom down the hall. Merry: “Well, maybe this isn‟t my room right now, but when I come back from college with my future husband, this is where we‟re going to be sleeping until Mom and Dad kick the bucket. I‟m just getting comfortable now.”
  • 75. Hey, Toro. Toro: *huff* “You need… something… Author?” *puff* Yeah, I do. What did you go telling Merry she was the heir for, huh? Toro: “I never… did!” *gasp* “Don‟t know… what… you‟re talking… about!” Hmm…
  • 76. Toro, your birthday is today. *whine* I‟m not happy. I don‟t like this at all. You‟re supposed to stay young forever. Toro: “STUPID GAME!!” You said it.
  • 77. Toro‟s going gray. *sniffle*
  • 78. Toro: “Oh, no… not the plaid shorts…” Dez: “…” *smile* Brie, Arie, Arc: “Happy birthday, old man!!” Merry: “YES! Daddy‟s old! That‟s one stop closer to my turn as heiress!”
  • 79. Arc: “Now hold on right there. What makes you think you‟re the heir, kiddo?” Merry: “Simple! I‟ll give you four whole reasons!”
  • 80. Merry: “One! Mom and Dad had five kids—five—and I‟m the youngest. That must mean they were looking for an heir and none of you were up to snuff. Two! I‟m the only girl! Three! I have magic powers, unlike any of you.”
  • 81. Merry: “And four? I‟m the prettiest. For all those reasons, I‟m obviously the best, and that makes me the heiress.”
  • 82. Arc: “Now you wait just a minute! Dad has not chosen an heir yet! What makes you think that just because you‟re the youngest—” Merry: “And prettiest! And most magical!” Arc: “Merry, if it were that simple, would Dad be waiting until we were all teenagers to choose? No! He hasn‟t chosen yet because all of us are in the running! So you quit with this recent high-and-mighty attitude of yours!”
  • 83. Merry: “I am too the heiress!” Arc: “You are not!”
  • 85. Brie: “Latimeria White! To your room! Now!” Merry: “But—but—but—I didn‟t mean to!!” Brie: “ROOM!! Arc, you too!”
  • 86. Arc: {Dumb kid.} Brie: “ARCTOS WHITE!! I SAID ROOM, NOT PIANO!!”
  • 87. Toro: “So? What‟s the damage?” Arie: “Well, you might have to replace the cushions, but I think your dining room couch will be just fine.” Toro: “Ha ha. How do I look? Crusty? Gray? Old?”
  • 88. Arie: “Toro, if all men aged as gracefully as you, there would be no shortage of hot males today.” Toro: “Well, that‟s a little awkward coming from my sister, but I get what you mean. Thanks, Arie.” Arie: “No problem. Now let go of me, you smell like old people.” I‟m just shocked that Toro decided on a new outfit. Toro: “No comments from the peanut gallery.”
  • 89. Arc: “Oh great. Dez, shield me from the little pyro.” Merry: “I didn‟t do it on purpose, Arc. Next time I will. You would look so ugly with a bald, blistered scalp.” Dez: “…”
  • 90. Arc: “And would you believe she just left her plate here for us to clean up? Really, she acts like a little brat, a spoiled, selfish, princess brat…” Dez: “…I like her.”
  • 91. Arc: “Wait. Did you just say something?” Dez: *cough* “…she only has a temper. She‟s good.” Arc: “Good?” Dez: “…” Arc: “Whatever. I‟m going to go call Amber. She understands me.”
  • 92. Well well well well well… Brie: “Great. What are you „well well-ing‟ about this time, Author?” Have I ever done it before? Brie: “No. So much the better.” We‟re getting to the bottom of this slide, so let‟s not mince anymore words. Brie has just hit her LTW, Criminal Mastermind, at last. Brie: “What‟s a „slide‟?”
  • 93. Toro: “Hello, White residence. …yes, he is. DEZ!! TELEPHONE!!”
  • 94. Voice On Telephone: [Hello, is this Desmodus White of the White Legacy, Generation Three?] Dez: “…” Voice On Telephone: [Oh, good. Hold on just a sparkling moment.]
  • 95.
  • 96. Chantelle: “Hello, Desmodus. Would you happen to have a charming nickname, like your little sister?” Dez: “…Dez.” Chantelle: “Dez it is. It‟s a pleasure to meet you.” Dez: “…”
  • 97. Chantelle: “Well Dez, I am here because we felt an explosive spell of the fire variety go off around here sometime last night. It triggered our wards, you see.” Dez: “…” Chantelle: “We know it wasn‟t young Merry‟s fault—tis the plight of being born with magic, I‟m afraid—but it got us to thinking. Dez, we would like to offer you an invitation to join our order.” Dez: “…”
  • 98. Chantelle: “But don‟t think that we‟re only doing this because of your sister! You see, you in particular out of all your brothers displays the highest, shall we say, potential for becoming a great warlock. I am quite sure one of the other orders would have approached you at any time as well. Now you‟re of an age to enjoy the privileges of being a warlock, and if you do decide to join us, we would ask that you watch over Merry. She has some rather potent natural talents, and we feel it would be advantageous for someone to be around with a wand to help extinguish fires and that sort of thing. Are you interested?” Dez: “…”
  • 99. Chantelle: “…well, take your time, there‟s no rush. You‟ve got my phone number locked in your caller ID now; give me a call when you‟re ready. And, I think your school bus is leaving.”
  • 100.
  • 101. Dez: “… …? …! …” Arc: “I am enthralled by this speech.” What speech? He‟s not saying anything! Arc: “Shush! I can‟t hear!”
  • 102. Merry: “Dez, can you take a break from your very important hand gesturing to come play with me?” Dez: “…okay.”
  • 103. BRIE!! Brie: *jump* “Dangit Author! What is it this time!?” You‟re wearing a thinking cap! Brie: “Yeah, and I rolled a Want for maxing all my skills.” That‟s very Knowledge Sim of you. I‟m so proud. Brie: “Stick it.”
  • 104. Oh, that‟s so cute! Arc and Dez having matching pajamas, too! Arc: “Author, I‟m warning you. We are not „cute.‟ You can call us „hot,‟ „studly,‟ „manly,‟ or „handsome,‟ but not „cute.‟ Being called „cute‟ results in the loss of man points.” Ah, but did you know your grandfather used to call your grandmother “handsome?” Arc: “Scratch that one off the list. It‟s either „hot,‟ „studly,‟ or „manly.‟”
  • 105. Feeling a little melancholic, Toro? Toro: “Wouldn‟t you be in my situation?” Yeah, probably. I‟m really glad I don‟t age like a sim. Suddenly hitting the next life stage like that would kill me. Toro: “Whoa, wait. You‟re not a sim? What are you?” Umm… go… do something else.
  • 107. Brie: “I‟m going to have arthritis, aren‟t I? Ooh, I can already feel it!” Toro: “Just relax, honey. It‟s all part of joining a legacy.”
  • 108. Brie: “…I have quite the family, don‟t I?” Yes, you really do.
  • 109. Arie: “Hahaha, happy birthday, Brie!” Merry: “HAHA! PURPLE TRACK SUIT FOR GRANNY!” Toro, Arc: *stunned* Dez: ”…” Brie: “Everyone, hold that thought.”
  • 110. Brie: “Alright everyone, I‟m back, the party can now resume.” *snort* Great, now I‟ve spewed water all over my computer.
  • 111. Brie, what have you done to yourself? Brie: “Is the cowprint undershirt too much? No, it‟s the jacket. I‟m wearing so much more now, I feel practically naked.” No, it‟s not the jacket, or the undershirt, it‟s the hair. What did you do? Brie: “Well, you know, most of my kids are redheads, and I figured it was about time I was one, too.” You call that red? Brie: “Light red.”
  • 112. Toro: “Brie, honey, your hair is pink.” Brie: “Light red.” Toro: “There‟s no shame in going gray, honey. It‟s part of life.” Brie: “I don‟t know what you‟re talking about. I didn‟t „go gray.‟ I just decided to randomly die my hair red to match my sons. I never „went gray.‟”
  • 113. Arc: “I am so humiliated right now.”
  • 114. Arc: “Alright, this is it. I‟m off to college. Good luck dealing with The Merry, Dez.” Dez: “…”
  • 115. Going already, Arc? Don‟t you want a good, long mushy goodbye from your parents and siblings? Arc: “Dez wouldn‟t say anything. Merry would be happy to see me gone.” What about your parents? Your girlfriend? Arc: “Oh, Amber and I broke up ages ago.” What!? When!?
  • 116. Arc: “She‟s never in town. It was fun to talk with her on the phone every night at two AM so she wouldn‟t have to be up late in her time zone, but after a while I was falling asleep in my breakfast and we never got to see each other in person anyway.” Aw, I‟m sorry, Arc. Arc: “It‟s cool. We‟re still friends.”
  • 117. And there he goes. But don‟t worry, we‟ll see him in the college update right quick.
  • 118. The very day after Arc leaves for school happens to be Merry‟s big birthday. I don‟t know if we‟ve talked to her about why this particular birthday will be particularly important to her in particular, but— Merry: “Oh, you think I don‟t know? You‟re funny, Author. I‟m about to get full control of my magic and be declared heiress.” Okay, scratch that. She knows perfectly well why this particular birthday will be particularly important to her in particular.
  • 119. Merry: “Wow… I feel… strange…”
  • 120.
  • 121.
  • 123.
  • 124.
  • 125.
  • 126.
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  • 128. Well, I wish I could just call it good right there and be all mysterious and dramatic, but there really are two things I need to point out. First, credits. Right at the beginning, I used lyrics from Anastasia‟s “Once Upon A December”. Second, you probably want Merry‟s birthday close-up and aspiration.
  • 129. So, here she is. Merry rolled Fortune—I‟m loving the appropriate aspirations for their personalities that my sims are rolling this time around, it always makes me nervous when the teen birthdays come up. Her LTW is to become The Law. Join us next time for the last bit of wrap-up for this generation, and to find out who Toro‟s decided on as heir!